b5e2c83f42- Updae to 1.25.6: * Fix issue where tilde (~) characters were incorrectly percent-encoded in the path. (Pull #1692)
Tomáš Chvátal
2019-10-02 13:19:11 +00:00
5e976f8380- Update to 1.25.5: * Add mitigation for BPO-37428 affecting Python <3.7.4 and OpenSSL 1.1.1+ which caused certificate verification to be enabled when using cert_reqs=CERT_NONE. (Issue #1682) * Propagate Retry-After header settings to subsequent retries. (Pull #1607) * Fix edge case where Retry-After header was still respected even when explicitly opted out of. (Pull #1607) * Remove dependency on rfc3986 for URL parsing. * Fix issue where URLs containing invalid characters within Url.auth would raise an exception instead of percent-encoding those characters. * Add support for HTTPResponse.auto_close = False which makes HTTP responses work well with BufferedReaders and other io module features. (Pull #1652) * Percent-encode invalid characters in URL for HTTPConnectionPool.request() (Pull #1673) - Drop patch urllib3-ssl-default-context.patch - Drop patch python-urllib3-recent-date.patch the date is recent enough on its own
Tomáš Chvátal
2019-09-20 12:34:26 +00:00
f69bac1c2b- Use old pytest 3.x as newer do not work with this release * this will be fixed with next release, just spread among numerous fixes in the git for quick backporting
Tomáš Chvátal
2019-07-22 07:55:40 +00:00
d9ccae276f- Skip test_source_address_error as we raise different error with fixes that we provide in new python2/3
Tomáš Chvátal
2019-06-07 11:40:42 +00:00
f67d02d924- Add more test to skip as with new openssl some behaviour changed and we can't rely on them anymore
Tomáš Chvátal
2019-05-29 08:59:51 +00:00
b5dc6c76c3- Unbundle the six, rfc3986, and backports.ssl_match_hostname
Tomáš Chvátal
2019-05-29 08:26:07 +00:00
b0e8647f51- Update to 1.25.3: * Change HTTPSConnection to load system CA certificates when ca_certs, ca_cert_dir, and ssl_context are unspecified. (Pull #1608, Issue #1603) * Upgrade bundled rfc3986 to v1.3.2. (Pull #1609, Issue #1605)
Tomáš Chvátal
2019-05-29 07:57:50 +00:00
e397a5c391- Update to 1.25.2: * Change is_ipaddress to not detect IPvFuture addresses. (Pull #1583) * Change parse_url to percent-encode invalid characters within the path, query, and target components. (Pull #1586) * Add support for Google's Brotli package. (Pull #1572, Pull #1579) * Upgrade bundled rfc3986 to v1.3.1 (Pull #1578) - Require all the deps from the secure list rather than Recommend. This makes the check to be run always and ensure the urls are "secure". - Remove ndg-httpsclient as it is not needed since 2015
Tomáš Chvátal
2019-05-06 11:21:12 +00:00
ccbae0c7b5Accepting request 700045 from devel:languages:pythonMatej Cepl2019-05-02 08:38:20 +00:00
74e303d45bAccepting request 699612 from home:mcepl:branches:devel:languages:pythonMatej Cepl2019-04-30 10:46:53 +00:00
895bd350a6- Add missing dependency on brotlipy - Fix the tests to pass again
Tomáš Chvátal
2019-04-23 10:39:55 +00:00
3c7026ea2d- update to 1.25 (bsc#1132663, CVE-2019-11236): * Require and validate certificates by default when using HTTPS * Upgraded `urllib3.utils.parse_url() to be RFC 3986 compliant. * Added support for key_password for HTTPSConnectionPool to use encrypted key_file without creating your own SSLContext object. * Add TLSv1.3 support to CPython, pyOpenSSL, and SecureTransport SSLContext implementations. (Pull #1496) * Switched the default multipart header encoder from RFC 2231 to HTML 5 working draft. * Fixed issue where OpenSSL would block if an encrypted client private key was given and no password was given. Instead an SSLError is raised. * Added support for Brotli content encoding. It is enabled automatically if brotlipy package is installed which can be requested with urllib3[brotli] extra. * Drop ciphers using DSS key exchange from default TLS cipher suites. Improve default ciphers when using SecureTransport. * Implemented a more efficient HTTPResponse.__iter__()` method. - Drop urllib3-test-ssl-drop-sslv3.patch . No longer needed
Thomas Bechtold
2019-04-23 04:14:26 +00:00
627a9e53e9- Update to 1.24: * Allow key_server_hostname to be specified when initializing a PoolManager to allow custom SNI to be overridden. (Pull #1449) * Test against Python 3.7 on AppVeyor. (Pull #1453) * Early-out ipv6 checks when running on App Engine. (Pull #1450) * Change ambiguous description of backoff_factor (Pull #1436) * Add ability to handle multiple Content-Encodings (Issue #1441 and Pull #1442) * Skip DNS names that can't be idna-decoded when using pyOpenSSL (Issue #1405). * Add a server_hostname parameter to HTTPSConnection which allows for overriding the SNI hostname sent in the handshake. (Pull #1397) * Drop support for EOL Python 2.6 (Pull #1429 and Pull #1430) * Fixed bug where responses with header Content-Type: message/* erroneously raised HeaderParsingError, resulting in a warning being logged. (Pull #1439) * Move urllib3 to src/urllib3 (Pull #1409) - Drop patch 1414.patch merged upstream - Refresh patches: * python-urllib3-recent-date.patch * urllib3-ssl-default-context.patch
Tomáš Chvátal
2018-11-01 14:22:21 +00:00
d013f9dcebAccepting request 634983 from devel:languages:pythonYuchen Lin2018-09-18 09:36:50 +00:00
af538da8dbAccepting request 634935 from home:mcepl:workOndřej Súkup2018-09-11 13:45:03 +00:00
b53e7d4f88- update to 1.21.1: * Fixed SecureTransport issue that would cause long delays in response body delivery. (Pull #1154) * Fixed regression in 1.21 that threw exceptions when users passed the `socket_options flag to the PoolManager. (Issue #1165) * Fixed regression in 1.21 that threw exceptions when users passed the assert_hostname or assert_fingerprint flag to the PoolManager. * Improved performance of certain selector system calls on Python 3.5 and later. (Pull #1095) * Resolved issue where the PyOpenSSL backend would not wrap SysCallError exceptions appropriately when sending data. (Pull #1125) * Selectors now detects a monkey-patched select module after import for modules that patch the select module like eventlet, greenlet. (Pull #1128) * Reduced memory consumption when streaming zlib-compressed responses (as opposed to raw deflate streams). (Pull #1129) * Connection pools now use the entire request context when constructing the pool key. (Pull #1016) * PoolManager.connection_from_* methods now accept a new keyword argument, pool_kwargs, which are merged with the existing connection_pool_kw. * Add retry counter for status_forcelist. (Issue #1147) * Added contrib module for using SecureTransport on macOS: urllib3.contrib.securetransport. (Pull #1122) * urllib3 now only normalizes the case of http:// and https://` schemes: for schemes it does not recognise, it assumes they are case-sensitive and leaves them unchanged. -------------------------------------------------------------------Dirk Mueller2017-06-10 08:14:18 +00:00
81f985711d- update to 1.15.1: * Fix packaging to include backports module. (Issue #841) * Added Retry(raise_on_status=False). (Issue #720) * Always use setuptools, no more distutils fallback. (Issue #785) * Dropped support for Python 3.2. (Issue #786) * Chunked transfer encoding when requesting with `chunked=True`. * Fixed regression with IPv6 port parsing. (Issue #801) * Append SNIMissingWarning messages to allow users to specify it in the PYTHONWARNINGS environment variable. (Issue #816) * Handle unicode headers in Py2. (Issue #818) * Log certificate when there is a hostname mismatch. (Issue #820) * Preserve order of request/response headers. (Issue #821)Dirk Mueller2016-05-20 07:20:41 +00:00
76e421f7d0Accepting request 338795 from home:TheBlackCat:branches:devel:languages:python
Todd R
2015-10-14 09:37:35 +00:00
ad9cfbca7eAccepting request 336812 from devel:languages:python
Stephan Kulow
2015-10-08 06:25:24 +00:00
baf2d7fb0bAccepting request 336766 from home:frispete:python
Todd R
2015-10-06 17:00:40 +00:00
fcee04a79cAccepting request 333732 from home:posophe:branches:devel:languages:python
Denisart Benjamin
2015-09-25 11:47:24 +00:00
d130b9b182Accepting request 248644 from devel:languages:python
Stephan Kulow
2014-09-12 08:03:42 +00:00
56fd2bc218Accepting request 248643 from home:TheBlackCat:branches:devel:languages:python
Todd R
2014-09-11 16:17:34 +00:00
f13ca61bf3Accepting request 226881 from devel:languages:python
Stephan Kulow
2014-03-21 12:34:28 +00:00
8279a51757- Update to version 1.8: * Improved url parsing in urllib3.util.parse_url (properly parse '@' in username, and blank ports like 'hostname:'). * New urllib3.connection module which contains all the HTTPConnection objects. * Several urllib3.util.Timeout-related fixes. Also changed constructor signature to a more sensible order. [Backwards incompatible] (Issues #252, #262, #263) * Use backports.ssl_match_hostname if it's installed. (Issue #274) * Added .tell() method to urllib3.response.HTTPResponse which returns the number of bytes read so far. (Issue #277) * Support for platforms without threading. (Issue #289) * Expand default-port comparison in HTTPConnectionPool.is_same_host to allow a pool with no specified port to be considered equal to to an HTTP/HTTPS url with port 80/443 explicitly provided. (Issue #305) * Improved default SSL/TLS settings to avoid vulnerabilities. (Issue #309) * Fixed urllib3.poolmanager.ProxyManager not retrying on connect errors. (Issue #310) * Disable Nagle's Algorithm on the socket for non-proxies. A subset of requests will send the entire HTTP request ~200 milliseconds faster; however, some of the resulting TCP packets will be smaller. (Issue #254) * Increased maximum number of SubjectAltNames in urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl from the default 64 to 1024 in a single certificate. (Issue #318) * Headers are now passed and stored as a custom urllib3.collections_.HTTPHeaderDict object rather than a plain dict. (Issue #329, #333) * Headers no longer lose their case on Python 3. (Issue #236) * urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl now uses the operating system's default CA certificates on inject. (Issue #332)
Sascha Peilicke
2014-03-20 15:22:29 +00:00
35da4f23c8Accepting request 207085 from home:posophe:branches:devel:languages:python
Denisart Benjamin
2013-11-15 21:35:09 +00:00