------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 15 21:32:46 UTC 2013 - p.drouand@gmail.com - Update to version 1.7.1 + Added granular timeout support with new `urllib3.util.Timeout` class. (Issue #231) + Fixed Python 3.4 support. (Issue #238) - Changes from 1.7 + More exceptions are now pickle-able, with tests. (Issue #174) + Fixed redirecting with relative URLs in Location header. (Issue #178) + Support for relative urls in ``Location: ...`` header. (Issue #179) + ``urllib3.response.HTTPResponse`` now inherits from ``io.IOBase`` for bonus file-like functionality. (Issue #187) + Passing ``assert_hostname=False`` when creating a HTTPSConnectionPool will skip hostname verification for SSL connections. (Issue #194) + New method ``urllib3.response.HTTPResponse.stream(...)`` which acts as a generator wrapped around ``.read(...)``. (Issue #198) + IPv6 url parsing enforces brackets around the hostname. (Issue #199) + Fixed thread race condition in ``urllib3.poolmanager.PoolManager.connection_from_host(...)`` (Issue #204) + ``ProxyManager`` requests now include non-default port in ``Host: ...`` header. (Issue #217) + Added HTTPS proxy support in ``ProxyManager``. (Issue #170 #139) + New ``RequestField`` object can be passed to the ``fields=...`` param which can specify headers. (Issue #220) + Raise ``urllib3.exceptions.ProxyError`` when connecting to proxy fails. (Issue #221) + Use international headers when posting file names. (Issue #119) + Improved IPv6 support. (Issue #203) - Add documentation from tarball ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jul 14 04:51:43 UTC 2013 - alexandre@exatati.com.br - Initial package (1.6) for openSUSE.