Todd R 76e421f7d0 Accepting request 338795 from home:TheBlackCat:branches:devel:languages:python
Delete the system egg-info during pre phase: older versions of the package installed it as a directory, the latest update creates a file, and rpm has known issues with replacing this.

2015-10-14 09:37:35 +00:00

171 lines
8.1 KiB

Wed Oct 14 09:35:30 UTC 2015 -
- Delete the system egg-info during pre phase: older versions of
the package installed it as a directory, the latest update
creates a file, and rpm has known issues with replacing this.
Tue Oct 6 15:03:05 UTC 2015 -
- add python-pyOpenSSL, python-certifi and python-pyasn1 requirements
Tue Oct 6 12:46:25 UTC 2015 -
- Comment out test requirements, as tests are disabled anyway, and
one of these packages depend on python-requests, which depends on
this package resulting in a circular dependency for openSUSE <= 13.1
Fri Sep 25 11:24:49 UTC 2015 -
- Update to version 1.12
* Rely on six for importing httplib to work around conflicts with
other Python 3 shims. (Issue #688)
* Add support for directories of certificate authorities, as
supported by OpenSSL. (Issue #701)
* New exception: NewConnectionError, raised when we fail to
establish a new connection, usually ECONNREFUSED socket error.
- Fix version dependencies
- Add new build requirements following upstream changes
* python-nose-exclude
* python-tox
* python-twine
* python-wheel
- Update 0001-Don-t-pin-dependency-to-exact-version.patch
- Disable tests for now, as there require network
Thu Sep 11 12:38:13 UTC 2014 -
- Remove upstreamed 0001-Don-t-install-dummyserver-into-site-packages.patch
- Rebase 0001-Don-t-pin-dependency-to-exact-version.patch and
- Update to version 1.9 (2014-07-04)
* Shuffled around development-related files.
If you're maintaining a distro package of urllib3, you may need
to tweak things. (Issue #415)
* Unverified HTTPS requests will trigger a warning on the first
request. See our new security documentation for details.
(Issue #426)
* New retry logic and urllib3.util.retry.Retry configuration
object. (Issue #326)
* All raised exceptions should now wrapped in a
urllib3.exceptions.HTTPException-extending exception.
(Issue #326)
* All errors during a retry-enabled request should be wrapped in
urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError, including timeout-related
exceptions which were previously exempt. Underlying error is
accessible from the .reason propery. (Issue #326)
* urllib3.exceptions.ConnectionError renamed to
urllib3.exceptions.ProtocolError. (Issue #326)
* Errors during response read (such as IncompleteRead) are now
wrapped in urllib3.exceptions.ProtocolError. (Issue #418)
* Requesting an empty host will raise
urllib3.exceptions.LocationValueError. (Issue #417)
* Catch read timeouts over SSL connections as
urllib3.exceptions.ReadTimeoutError. (Issue #419)
* Apply socket arguments before connecting. (Issue #427)
- Update to version 1.8.3 (2014-06-23)
* Fix TLS verification when using a proxy in Python 3.4.1.
(Issue #385)
* Add disable_cache option to urllib3.util.make_headers.
(Issue #393)
* Wrap socket.timeout exception with
urllib3.exceptions.ReadTimeoutError. (Issue #399)
* Fixed proxy-related bug where connections were being reused
incorrectly. (Issues #366, #369)
* Added socket_options keyword parameter which allows to define
setsockopt configuration of new sockets. (Issue #397)
* Removed HTTPConnection.tcp_nodelay in favor of
HTTPConnection.default_socket_options. (Issue #397)
* Fixed TypeError bug in Python 2.6.4. (Issue #411)
- Update to version 1.8.2 (2014-04-17)
* Fix urllib3.util not being included in the package.
- Update to version 1.8.1 (2014-04-17)
* Fix AppEngine bug of HTTPS requests going out as HTTP.
(Issue #356)
* Don't install dummyserver into site-packages as it's only
needed for the test suite. (Issue #362)
* Added support for specifying source_address. (Issue #352)
Thu Mar 20 15:18:55 UTC 2014 -
- Update to version 1.8:
* Improved url parsing in urllib3.util.parse_url (properly parse '@' in
username, and blank ports like 'hostname:').
* New urllib3.connection module which contains all the HTTPConnection
* Several urllib3.util.Timeout-related fixes. Also changed constructor
signature to a more sensible order. [Backwards incompatible]
(Issues #252, #262, #263)
* Use backports.ssl_match_hostname if it's installed. (Issue #274)
* Added .tell() method to urllib3.response.HTTPResponse which
returns the number of bytes read so far. (Issue #277)
* Support for platforms without threading. (Issue #289)
* Expand default-port comparison in HTTPConnectionPool.is_same_host
to allow a pool with no specified port to be considered equal to to an
HTTP/HTTPS url with port 80/443 explicitly provided. (Issue #305)
* Improved default SSL/TLS settings to avoid vulnerabilities.
(Issue #309)
* Fixed urllib3.poolmanager.ProxyManager not retrying on connect errors.
(Issue #310)
* Disable Nagle's Algorithm on the socket for non-proxies. A subset of requests
will send the entire HTTP request ~200 milliseconds faster; however, some of
the resulting TCP packets will be smaller. (Issue #254)
* Increased maximum number of SubjectAltNames in urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl
from the default 64 to 1024 in a single certificate. (Issue #318)
* Headers are now passed and stored as a custom
urllib3.collections_.HTTPHeaderDict object rather than a plain dict.
(Issue #329, #333)
* Headers no longer lose their case on Python 3. (Issue #236)
* urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl now uses the operating system's default CA
certificates on inject. (Issue #332)
* Requests with retries=False will immediately raise any exceptions without
wrapping them in MaxRetryError. (Issue #348)
* Fixed open socket leak with SSL-related failures. (Issue #344, #348)
- Run testsuite (without coverage)
+ urllib3-test-no-coverage.patch
- Fix superfluous dependencies and allow later version
+ 0001-Don-t-pin-dependency-to-exact-version.patch
- Drop dummyserver module, this really is documentation
+ 0001-Don-t-install-dummyserver-into-site-packages.patch
Fri Nov 15 21:32:46 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 1.7.1
+ Added granular timeout support with new urllib3.util.Timeout class.
(Issue #231)
+ Fixed Python 3.4 support. (Issue #238)
- Changes from 1.7
+ More exceptions are now pickle-able, with tests. (Issue #174)
+ Fixed redirecting with relative URLs in Location header. (Issue #178)
+ Support for relative urls in Location: ... header. (Issue #179)
+ urllib3.response.HTTPResponse now inherits from io.IOBase for bonus
file-like functionality. (Issue #187)
+ Passing assert_hostname=False when creating a HTTPSConnectionPool will
skip hostname verification for SSL connections. (Issue #194)
+ New method which acts as a
generator wrapped around .read(...). (Issue #198)
+ IPv6 url parsing enforces brackets around the hostname. (Issue #199)
+ Fixed thread race condition in
urllib3.poolmanager.PoolManager.connection_from_host(...) (Issue #204)
+ ProxyManager requests now include non-default port in Host: ...
header. (Issue #217)
+ Added HTTPS proxy support in ProxyManager. (Issue #170 #139)
+ New RequestField object can be passed to the fields=... param which
can specify headers. (Issue #220)
+ Raise urllib3.exceptions.ProxyError when connecting to proxy fails.
(Issue #221)
+ Use international headers when posting file names. (Issue #119)
+ Improved IPv6 support. (Issue #203)
- Add documentation from tarball
Sun Jul 14 04:51:43 UTC 2013 -
- Initial package (1.6) for openSUSE.