- update to version 0.20.0:
- This release brings improved support for pint arrays, methods for weighted standard deviation, variance,: - and sum of squares, the option to disable the use of the bottleneck library, significantly improved performance of: - unstack, as well as many bugfixes and internal changes.: - Many thanks to the 38 contributors to this release!: - Aaron Spring, Akio Taniguchi, Alan D. Snow, arfy slowy, Benoit Bovy, Christian Jauvin, crusaderky, Deepak Cherian,: - Giacomo Caria, Illviljan, James Bourbeau, Joe Hamman, Joseph K Aicher, Julien Herzen, Kai Mühlbauer,: - keewis, lusewell, Martin K. Scherer, Mathias Hauser, Max Grover, Maxime Liquet, Maximilian Roos, Mike Taves, pmav99,: - Pushkar Kopparla, Ray Bell, Rio McMahon, Scott Staniewicz, Spencer Clark, Stefan Bender, Taher Chegini, Thomas Nicholas,: - Tomas Chor, Tom Augspurger, Victor Negîrneac, Zachary Moon, and Zeb Nicholls.: - New Features: - Add ``std``, ``var``, ``sum_of_squares`` to :py:class:`~core.weighted.DatasetWeighted` and :py:class:`~core.weighted.DataArrayWeighted`. By `Christian Jauvin <https://github.com/cjauvin>`_. - Added a :py:func:`get_options` method to xarray's root namespace (:issue:`5698`, :pull:`5716`) By `Pushkar Kopparla <https://github.com/pkopparla>`_. - Xarray now does a better job rendering variable names that are long LaTeX sequences when plotting (:issue:`5681`, :pull:`5682`). By `Tomas Chor <https://github.com/tomchor>`_. - Add an option (``"use_bottleneck"``) to disable the use of ``bottleneck`` using :py:func:`set_options` (:pull:`5560`) By `Justus Magin <https://github.com/keewis>`_. - Added ``**kwargs`` argument to :py:meth:`open_rasterio` to access overviews (:issue:`3269`). By `Pushkar Kopparla <https://github.com/pkopparla>`_. - Added ``storage_options`` argument to :py:meth:`to_zarr` (:issue:`5601`). By `Ray Bell <https://github.com/raybellwaves>`_, `Zachary Blackwood <https://github.com/blackary>`_ and `Nathan Lis <https://github.com/wxman22>`_. - Histogram plots are set with a title displaying the scalar coords if any, similarly to the other plots (:issue:`5791`, :pull:`5792`). By `Maxime Liquet <https://github.com/maximlt>`_. - Slice plots display the coords units in the same way as x/y/colorbar labels (:pull:`5847`). By `Victor Negîrneac <https://github.com/caenrigen>`_. - Added a new :py:attr:`Dataset.chunksizes`, :py:attr:`DataArray.chunksizes`, and :py:attr:`Variable.chunksizes` property, which will always return a mapping from dimension names to chunking pattern along that dimension, OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python:numeric/python-xarray?expand=0&rev=59
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,128 @@
Tue Nov 2 19:44:34 UTC 2021 - Sebastian Wagner <sebix+novell.com@sebix.at>
- update to version 0.20.0:
- This release brings improved support for pint arrays, methods for weighted standard deviation, variance,:
- and sum of squares, the option to disable the use of the bottleneck library, significantly improved performance of:
- unstack, as well as many bugfixes and internal changes.:
- Many thanks to the 38 contributors to this release!:
- Aaron Spring, Akio Taniguchi, Alan D. Snow, arfy slowy, Benoit Bovy, Christian Jauvin, crusaderky, Deepak Cherian,:
- Giacomo Caria, Illviljan, James Bourbeau, Joe Hamman, Joseph K Aicher, Julien Herzen, Kai Mühlbauer,:
- keewis, lusewell, Martin K. Scherer, Mathias Hauser, Max Grover, Maxime Liquet, Maximilian Roos, Mike Taves, pmav99,:
- Pushkar Kopparla, Ray Bell, Rio McMahon, Scott Staniewicz, Spencer Clark, Stefan Bender, Taher Chegini, Thomas Nicholas,:
- Tomas Chor, Tom Augspurger, Victor Negîrneac, Zachary Moon, and Zeb Nicholls.:
- New Features:
- Add ``std``, ``var``, ``sum_of_squares`` to :py:class:`~core.weighted.DatasetWeighted` and :py:class:`~core.weighted.DataArrayWeighted`.
By `Christian Jauvin <https://github.com/cjauvin>`_.
- Added a :py:func:`get_options` method to xarray's root namespace (:issue:`5698`, :pull:`5716`)
By `Pushkar Kopparla <https://github.com/pkopparla>`_.
- Xarray now does a better job rendering variable names that are long LaTeX sequences when plotting (:issue:`5681`, :pull:`5682`).
By `Tomas Chor <https://github.com/tomchor>`_.
- Add an option (``"use_bottleneck"``) to disable the use of ``bottleneck`` using :py:func:`set_options` (:pull:`5560`)
By `Justus Magin <https://github.com/keewis>`_.
- Added ``**kwargs`` argument to :py:meth:`open_rasterio` to access overviews (:issue:`3269`).
By `Pushkar Kopparla <https://github.com/pkopparla>`_.
- Added ``storage_options`` argument to :py:meth:`to_zarr` (:issue:`5601`).
By `Ray Bell <https://github.com/raybellwaves>`_, `Zachary Blackwood <https://github.com/blackary>`_ and
`Nathan Lis <https://github.com/wxman22>`_.
- Histogram plots are set with a title displaying the scalar coords if any, similarly to the other plots (:issue:`5791`, :pull:`5792`).
By `Maxime Liquet <https://github.com/maximlt>`_.
- Slice plots display the coords units in the same way as x/y/colorbar labels (:pull:`5847`).
By `Victor Negîrneac <https://github.com/caenrigen>`_.
- Added a new :py:attr:`Dataset.chunksizes`, :py:attr:`DataArray.chunksizes`, and :py:attr:`Variable.chunksizes`
property, which will always return a mapping from dimension names to chunking pattern along that dimension,
regardless of whether the object is a Dataset, DataArray, or Variable. (:issue:`5846`, :pull:`5900`)
By `Tom Nicholas <https://github.com/TomNicholas>`_.
- Breaking changes:
- The minimum versions of some dependencies were changed:
=============== ====== ====
Package Old New
=============== ====== ====
cftime 1.1 1.2
dask 2.15 2.30
distributed 2.15 2.30
lxml 4.5 4.6
matplotlib-base 3.2 3.3
numba 0.49 0.51
numpy 1.17 1.18
pandas 1.0 1.1
pint 0.15 0.16
scipy 1.4 1.5
seaborn 0.10 0.11
sparse 0.8 0.11
toolz 0.10 0.11
zarr 2.4 2.5
=============== ====== ====
- The ``__repr__`` of a :py:class:`xarray.Dataset`'s ``coords`` and ``data_vars``
ignore ``xarray.set_option(display_max_rows=...)`` and show the full output
when called directly as, e.g., ``ds.data_vars`` or ``print(ds.data_vars)``
(:issue:`5545`, :pull:`5580`).
By `Stefan Bender <https://github.com/st-bender>`_.
- Deprecations:
- Deprecate :py:func:`open_rasterio` (:issue:`4697`, :pull:`5808`).
By `Alan Snow <https://github.com/snowman2>`_.
- Set the default argument for `roll_coords` to `False` for :py:meth:`DataArray.roll`
and :py:meth:`Dataset.roll`. (:pull:`5653`)
By `Tom Nicholas <https://github.com/TomNicholas>`_.
- :py:meth:`xarray.open_mfdataset` will now error instead of warn when a value for ``concat_dim`` is
passed alongside ``combine='by_coords'``.
By `Tom Nicholas <https://github.com/TomNicholas>`_.
- Bug fixes:
- Fix ZeroDivisionError from saving dask array with empty dimension (:issue: `5741`).
By `Joseph K Aicher <https://github.com/jaicher>`_.
- Fixed performance bug where ``cftime`` import attempted within various core operations if ``cftime`` not
installed (:pull:`5640`).
By `Luke Sewell <https://github.com/lusewell>`_
- Fixed bug when combining named DataArrays using :py:func:`combine_by_coords`. (:pull:`5834`).
By `Tom Nicholas <https://github.com/TomNicholas>`_.
- When a custom engine was used in :py:func:`~xarray.open_dataset` the engine
wasn't initialized properly, causing missing argument errors or inconsistent
method signatures. (:pull:`5684`)
By `Jimmy Westling <https://github.com/illviljan>`_.
- Numbers are properly formatted in a plot's title (:issue:`5788`, :pull:`5789`).
By `Maxime Liquet <https://github.com/maximlt>`_.
- Faceted plots will no longer raise a `pint.UnitStrippedWarning` when a `pint.Quantity` array is plotted,
and will correctly display the units of the data in the colorbar (if there is one) (:pull:`5886`).
By `Tom Nicholas <https://github.com/TomNicholas>`_.
- With backends, check for path-like objects rather than ``pathlib.Path``
type, use ``os.fspath`` (:pull:`5879`).
By `Mike Taves <https://github.com/mwtoews>`_.
- ``open_mfdataset()`` now accepts a single ``pathlib.Path`` object (:issue: `5881`).
By `Panos Mavrogiorgos <https://github.com/pmav99>`_.
- Improved performance of :py:meth:`Dataset.unstack` (:pull:`5906`). By `Tom Augspurger <https://github.com/TomAugspurger>`_.
- Documentation:
- Users are instructed to try ``use_cftime=True`` if a ``TypeError`` occurs when combining datasets and one of the types involved is a subclass of ``cftime.datetime`` (:pull:`5776`).
By `Zeb Nicholls <https://github.com/znicholls>`_.
- A clearer error is now raised if a user attempts to assign a Dataset to a single key of
another Dataset. (:pull:`5839`)
By `Tom Nicholas <https://github.com/TomNicholas>`_.
- Internal Changes:
- Explicit indexes refactor: avoid ``len(index)`` in ``map_blocks`` (:pull:`5670`).
By `Deepak Cherian <https://github.com/dcherian>`_.
- Explicit indexes refactor: decouple ``xarray.Index``` from ``xarray.Variable`` (:pull:`5636`).
By `Benoit Bovy <https://github.com/benbovy>`_.
- Fix ``Mapping`` argument typing to allow mypy to pass on ``str`` keys (:pull:`5690`).
By `Maximilian Roos <https://github.com/max-sixty>`_.
- Annotate many of our tests, and fix some of the resulting typing errors. This will
also mean our typing annotations are tested as part of CI. (:pull:`5728`).
By `Maximilian Roos <https://github.com/max-sixty>`_.
- Improve the performance of reprs for large datasets or dataarrays. (:pull:`5661`)
By `Jimmy Westling <https://github.com/illviljan>`_.
- Use isort's `float_to_top` config. (:pull:`5695`).
By `Maximilian Roos <https://github.com/max-sixty>`_.
- Remove use of the deprecated ``kind`` argument in
:py:meth:`pandas.Index.get_slice_bound` inside :py:class:`xarray.CFTimeIndex`
tests (:pull:`5723`). By `Spencer Clark <https://github.com/spencerkclark>`_.
- Refactor `xarray.core.duck_array_ops` to no longer special-case dispatching to
dask versions of functions when acting on dask arrays, instead relying numpy
and dask's adherence to NEP-18 to dispatch automatically. (:pull:`5571`)
By `Tom Nicholas <https://github.com/TomNicholas>`_.
- Add an ASV benchmark CI and improve performance of the benchmarks (:pull:`5796`)
By `Jimmy Westling <https://github.com/illviljan>`_.
- Use ``importlib`` to replace functionality of ``pkg_resources`` such
as version setting and loading of resources. (:pull:`5845`).
By `Martin K. Scherer <https://github.com/marscher>`_.
Tue Sep 21 10:38:39 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <code@bnavigator.de>
Tue Sep 21 10:38:39 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <code@bnavigator.de>
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
# NEP 29: Numpy 1.20 dropped support for Python 3.6, python36-numpy is removed from Tumbleweed. xarray will follow on next release
# NEP 29: Numpy 1.20 dropped support for Python 3.6, python36-numpy is removed from Tumbleweed. xarray will follow on next release
%define skip_python36 1
%define skip_python36 1
Name: python-xarray
Name: python-xarray
Version: 0.19.0
Version: 0.20.0
Release: 0
Release: 0
Summary: N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python
Summary: N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python
License: Apache-2.0
License: Apache-2.0
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ Patch0: local_dataset.patch
# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM scipy-interpolate.patch gh#pydata/xarray#5375 mcepl@suse.com
# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM scipy-interpolate.patch gh#pydata/xarray#5375 mcepl@suse.com
# Add missing import scipy.interpolate
# Add missing import scipy.interpolate
Patch1: scipy-interpolate.patch
Patch1: scipy-interpolate.patch
BuildRequires: %{python_module numpy >= 1.15}
BuildRequires: %{python_module numpy >= 1.18}
BuildRequires: %{python_module numpy-devel >= 1.14}
BuildRequires: %{python_module numpy-devel >= 1.14}
BuildRequires: %{python_module pandas >= 0.25}
BuildRequires: %{python_module pandas >= 1.1}
BuildRequires: %{python_module setuptools_scm}
BuildRequires: %{python_module setuptools_scm}
BuildRequires: %{python_module setuptools}
BuildRequires: %{python_module setuptools}
BuildRequires: fdupes
BuildRequires: fdupes
@ -45,27 +45,30 @@ Requires: python-pandas >= 0.25
Provides: python-xray = %{version}
Provides: python-xray = %{version}
Obsoletes: python-xray < %{version}
Obsoletes: python-xray < %{version}
BuildArch: noarch
BuildArch: noarch
Suggests: python-dask-all
Suggests: python-dask-all >= 2.30
# SECTION extras accel
# SECTION extras accel
Recommends: python-scipy >= 1.3
Recommends: python-scipy >= 1.5
Recommends: python-bottleneck
Recommends: python-bottleneck
Recommends: python-numbagg
Recommends: python-numbagg >= 0.51
# SECTION extras viz
# SECTION extras viz
Suggests: python-matplotlib
Suggests: python-matplotlib >= 3.3
Suggests: python-seaborn
Suggests: python-seaborn >= 0.11
Suggests: python-nc-time-axis
Suggests: python-nc-time-axis
# SECTION extras io
# SECTION extras io
Suggests: python-netCDF4
Suggests: python-netCDF4
Suggests: python-h5netcdf
Suggests: python-h5netcdf
Suggests: python-scipy
Suggests: python-pydap
Suggests: python-pydap
Suggests: python-zarr
Suggests: python-zarr >= 2.5
Suggests: python-fsspec
Suggests: python-fsspec
Suggests: python-cftime
Suggests: python-cftime >= 1.2
Suggests: python-rasterio
Suggests: python-rasterio
Suggests: python-cfgrib
Suggests: python-cfgrib
Suggests: python-distributed >= 2.30
Suggests: python-pint >= 0.16
Suggests: python-sparse >= 0.11
Suggests: python-toolz >= 0.11
# SECTION tests
# SECTION tests
BuildRequires: %{python_module dask-dataframe}
BuildRequires: %{python_module dask-dataframe}
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
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oid sha256:3a365ce09127fc841ba88baa63f37ca61376ffe389a6c5e66d52f2c88c23a62b
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Reference in New Issue
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