Dominique Leuenberger af81b358d9 Accepting request 877405 from devel:languages:python:numeric
- update to version 0.17.0:
 - This release brings a few important performance improvements, a wide range of:
 - usability upgrades, lots of bug fixes, and some new features. These include:
 - better ``cftime`` support, a new quiver plot, better ``unstack`` performance,:
 - more efficient memory use in rolling operations, and some python packaging:
 - improvements. We also have a few documentation improvements (and more planned!).:
 - Many thanks to the 36 contributors to this release: Alessandro Amici, Anderson:
 - Banihirwe, Aureliana Barghini, Ayrton Bourn, Benjamin Bean, Blair Bonnett, Chun:
 - Ho Chow, DWesl, Daniel Mesejo-León, Deepak Cherian, Eric Keenan, Illviljan, Jens:
 - Hedegaard Nielsen, Jody Klymak, Julien Seguinot, Julius Busecke, Kai Mühlbauer,:
 - Leif Denby, Martin Durant, Mathias Hauser, Maximilian Roos, Michael Mann, Ray:
 - Bell, RichardScottOZ, Spencer Clark, Tim Gates, Tom Nicholas, Yunus Sevinchan,:
 - alexamici, aurghs, crusaderky, dcherian, ghislainp, keewis, rhkleijn:
 - Breaking changes:
  - xarray no longer supports python 3.6
    The minimum version policy was changed to also apply to projects with irregular
    releases. As a result, the minimum versions of some dependencies have changed:
    ============ ====== ====
    Package      Old    New
    ============ ====== ====
    Python       3.6    3.7
    setuptools   38.4   40.4
    numpy        1.15   1.17
    pandas       0.25   1.0
    dask         2.9    2.11
    distributed  2.9    2.11
    bottleneck   1.2    1.3
    h5netcdf     0.7    0.8
    iris         2.2    2.4
    netcdf4      1.4    1.5
    pseudonetcdf 3.0    3.1
    rasterio     1.0    1.1
    scipy        1.3    1.4
    seaborn      0.9    0.10
    zarr         2.3    2.4
    ============ ====== ====
    (:issue:`4688`, :pull:`4720`, :pull:`4907`, :pull:`4942`)
  - As a result of :pull:`4684` the default units encoding for
    datetime-like values (``np.datetime64[ns]`` or ``cftime.datetime``) will now
    always be set such that ``int64`` values can be used.  In the past, no units
    finer than "seconds" were chosen, which would sometimes mean that ``float64``
    values were required, which would lead to inaccurate I/O round-trips.
  - Variables referred to in attributes like ``bounds`` and ``grid_mapping``
    can be set as coordinate variables. These attributes are moved to
    :py:attr:`DataArray.encoding` from :py:attr:`DataArray.attrs`. This behaviour
    is controlled by the ``decode_coords`` kwarg to :py:func:`open_dataset` and
    :py:func:`open_mfdataset`.  The full list of decoded attributes is in
    :ref:`weather-climate` (:pull:`2844`, :issue:`3689`)
  - As a result of :pull:`4911` the output from calling :py:meth:`DataArray.sum`
    or :py:meth:`` on an integer array with ``skipna=True`` and a
    non-None value for ``min_count`` will now be a float array rather than an
    integer array.
 - Deprecations:
  - ``dim`` argument to :py:meth:`DataArray.integrate` is being deprecated in
    favour of a ``coord`` argument, for consistency with :py:meth:`Dataset.integrate`.
    For now using ``dim`` issues a ``FutureWarning``. It will be removed in
    version 0.19.0 (:pull:`3993`).
    By `Tom Nicholas <>`_.
  - Deprecated ``autoclose`` kwargs from :py:func:`open_dataset` are removed (:pull:`4725`).
    By `Aureliana Barghini <>`_.
  - the return value of :py:meth:`Dataset.update` is being deprecated to make it work more
    like :py:meth:`dict.update`. It will be removed in version 0.19.0 (:pull:`4932`).
    By `Justus Magin <>`_.
 - New Features:
  - :py:meth:`~xarray.cftime_range` and :py:meth:`DataArray.resample` now support
    millisecond (``"L"`` or ``"ms"``) and microsecond (``"U"`` or ``"us"``) frequencies
    for ``cftime.datetime`` coordinates (:issue:`4097`, :pull:`4758`).
    By `Spencer Clark <>`_.
  - Significantly higher ``unstack`` performance on numpy-backed arrays which
    contain missing values; 8x faster than previous versions in our benchmark, and
    now 2x faster than pandas (:pull:`4746`).
    By `Maximilian Roos <>`_.
  - Add :py:meth:`Dataset.plot.quiver` for quiver plots with :py:class:`Dataset` variables.
    By `Deepak Cherian <>`_.
  - Add ``"drop_conflicts"`` to the strategies supported by the ``combine_attrs`` kwarg
    (:issue:`4749`, :pull:`4827`).
    By `Justus Magin <>`_.
  - Allow installing from git archives (:pull:`4897`).
    By `Justus Magin <>`_.
  - :py:class:`DataArrayCoarsen` and :py:class:`DatasetCoarsen` now implement a
    ``reduce`` method, enabling coarsening operations with custom reduction
    functions (:issue:`3741`, :pull:`4939`).  By `Spencer Clark
  - Most rolling operations use significantly less memory. (:issue:`4325`).
    By `Deepak Cherian <>`_.
  - Add :py:meth:`Dataset.drop_isel` and :py:meth:`DataArray.drop_isel`
    (:issue:`4658`, :pull:`4819`).
    By `Daniel Mesejo <>`_.
  - Xarray now leverages updates as of cftime version 1.4.1, which enable exact I/O
    roundtripping of ``cftime.datetime`` objects (:pull:`4758`).
    By `Spencer Clark <>`_.
  - :py:func:`open_dataset` and :py:func:`open_mfdataset` now accept ``fsspec`` URLs
    (including globs for the latter) for ``engine="zarr"``, and so allow reading from
    many remote and other file systems (:pull:`4461`)
    By `Martin Durant <>`_
  - :py:meth:`DataArray.swap_dims` & :py:meth:`Dataset.swap_dims` now accept dims
    in the form of kwargs as well as a dict, like most similar methods.
    By `Maximilian Roos <>`_.
 - Bug fixes:
  - Use specific type checks in
    :py:func:`~xarray.core.variable.as_compatible_data` instead of blanket
    access to ``values`` attribute (:issue:`2097`)
    By `Yunus Sevinchan <>`_.
  - :py:meth:`DataArray.resample` and :py:meth:`Dataset.resample` do not trigger
    computations anymore if :py:meth:`Dataset.weighted` or
    :py:meth:`DataArray.weighted` are applied (:issue:`4625`, :pull:`4668`). By
    `Julius Busecke <>`_.
  - :py:func:`merge` with ``combine_attrs='override'`` makes a copy of the attrs
  - By default, when possible, xarray will now always use values of
    type ``int64`` when encoding and decoding ``numpy.datetime64[ns]`` datetimes.  This
    ensures that maximum precision and accuracy are maintained in the round-tripping
    process (:issue:`4045`, :pull:`4684`). It also enables encoding and decoding standard
    calendar dates with time units of nanoseconds (:pull:`4400`).
    By `Spencer Clark <>`_ and `Mark Harfouche
  - :py:meth:`DataArray.astype`, :py:meth:`Dataset.astype` and :py:meth:`Variable.astype` support
    the ``order`` and ``subok`` parameters again. This fixes a regression introduced in version 0.16.1
    (:issue:`4644`, :pull:`4683`).
    By `Richard Kleijn <>`_ .
  - Remove dictionary unpacking when using ``.loc`` to avoid collision with ``.sel`` parameters (:pull:`4695`).
    By `Anderson Banihirwe <>`_.
  - Fix the legend created by :py:meth:`Dataset.plot.scatter` (:issue:`4641`, :pull:`4723`).
    By `Justus Magin <>`_.
  - Fix a crash in orthogonal indexing on geographic coordinates with ``engine='cfgrib'``
    (:issue:`4733` :pull:`4737`).
    By `Alessandro Amici <>`_.
  - Coordinates with dtype ``str`` or ``bytes`` now retain their dtype on many operations,
    e.g. ``reindex``, ``align``, ``concat``, ``assign``, previously they were cast to an object dtype
    (:issue:`2658` and :issue:`4543`).
    By `Mathias Hauser <>`_.
  - Limit number of data rows when printing large datasets. (:issue:`4736`, :pull:`4750`).
    By `Jimmy Westling <>`_.
  - Add ``missing_dims`` parameter to transpose (:issue:`4647`, :pull:`4767`).
    By `Daniel Mesejo <>`_.
  - Resolve intervals before appending other metadata to labels when plotting (:issue:`4322`, :pull:`4794`).
    By `Justus Magin <>`_.
  - Fix regression when decoding a variable with a ``scale_factor`` and ``add_offset`` given
    as a list of length one (:issue:`4631`) by `Mathias Hauser <>`_.
  - Expand user directory paths (e.g. ``~/``) in :py:func:`open_mfdataset` and
    :py:meth:`Dataset.to_zarr` (:issue:`4783`, :pull:`4795`).
    By `Julien Seguinot <>`_.
  - Raise DeprecationWarning when trying to typecast a tuple containing a :py:class:`DataArray`.
    User now prompted to first call `.data` on it (:issue:`4483`).
    By `Chun Ho Chow <>`_.
  - Ensure that :py:meth:`Dataset.interp` raises ``ValueError`` when interpolating
    outside coordinate range and ``bounds_error=True`` (:issue:`4854`,
    By `Leif Denby <>`_.
  - Fix time encoding bug associated with using cftime versions greater than
    1.4.0 with xarray (:issue:`4870`, :pull:`4871`). By `Spencer Clark <>`_.
  - Stop :py:meth:`DataArray.sum` and :py:meth:`` computing lazy
    arrays when called with a ``min_count`` parameter (:issue:`4898`, :pull:`4911`).
    By `Blair Bonnett <>`_.
  - Fix bug preventing the ``min_count`` parameter to :py:meth:`DataArray.sum` and
    :py:meth:`` working correctly when calculating over all axes of
    a float64 array (:issue:`4898`, :pull:`4911`). By `Blair Bonnett <>`_.
  - Fix decoding of vlen strings using h5py versions greater than 3.0.0 with h5netcdf backend (:issue:`4570`, :pull:`4893`).
    By `Kai Mühlbauer <>`_.
  - Allow converting :py:class:`Dataset` or :py:class:`DataArray` objects with a ``MultiIndex``
    and at least one other dimension to a ``pandas`` object (:issue:`3008`, :pull:`4442`).
    By `ghislainp <>`_.
 - Documentation:
  - Add information about requirements for accessor classes (:issue:`2788`, :pull:`4657`).
    By `Justus Magin <>`_.
  - Start a list of external I/O integrating with ``xarray`` (:issue:`683`, :pull:`4566`).
    By `Justus Magin <>`_.
  - Add concat examples and improve combining documentation (:issue:`4620`, :pull:`4645`).
    By `Ray Bell <>`_ and
    `Justus Magin <>`_.
  - explicitly mention that :py:meth:`Dataset.update` updates inplace (:issue:`2951`, :pull:`4932`).
    By `Justus Magin <>`_.
  - Added docs on vectorized indexing (:pull:`4711`).
    By `Eric Keenan <>`_.
 - Internal Changes:
  - Speed up of the continuous integration tests on azure.
    - Switched to mamba and use matplotlib-base for a faster installation of all dependencies (:pull:`4672`).
    - Use ``pytest.mark.skip`` instead of ``pytest.mark.xfail`` for some tests that can currently not
      succeed (:pull:`4685`).
    - Run the tests in parallel using pytest-xdist (:pull:`4694`).
    By `Justus Magin <>`_ and `Mathias Hauser <>`_.
  - Use ``pyproject.toml`` instead of the ``setup_requires`` option for
    ``setuptools`` (:pull:`4897`).
    By `Justus Magin <>`_.
  - Replace all usages of ``assert x.identical(y)`` with ``assert_identical(x,  y)``
    for clearer error messages (:pull:`4752`).
    By `Maximilian Roos <>`_.
  - Speed up attribute style access (e.g. ``ds.somevar`` instead of ``ds["somevar"]``) and
    tab completion in IPython (:issue:`4741`, :pull:`4742`).
    By `Richard Kleijn <>`_.
  - Added the ``set_close`` method to ``Dataset`` and ``DataArray`` for backends
    to specify how to voluntary release all resources. (:pull:`#4809`)
    By `Alessandro Amici <>`_.
  - Update type hints to work with numpy v1.20 (:pull:`4878`).
    By `Mathias Hauser <>`_.
  - Ensure warnings cannot be turned into exceptions in :py:func:`testing.assert_equal` and
    the other ``assert_*`` functions (:pull:`4864`).
    By `Mathias Hauser <>`_.
  - Performance improvement when constructing DataArrays. Significantly speeds up
    repr for Datasets with large number of variables.
    By `Deepak Cherian <>`_.
- remove xarray-pr4884-dask2021.patch, was never applied and is included upstream.

2021-03-06 20:19:40 +00:00
2021-02-27 14:45:12 +00:00
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