 Doc/library/urlparse.rst                                           |   14 ++
 Doc/whatsnew/2.7.rst                                               |    7 +
 Lib/test/test_urlparse.py                                          |   49 ++++++++++
 Lib/urlparse.py                                                    |   12 ++
 Misc/NEWS.d/next/Security/2021-04-25-07-46-37.bpo-43882.Jpwx85.rst |    6 +
 5 files changed, 88 insertions(+)

--- a/Doc/library/urlparse.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/urlparse.rst
@@ -248,6 +248,10 @@ The :mod:`urlparse` module defines the f
    decomposed before parsing, or is not a Unicode string, no error will be
+   Following the `WHATWG spec`_ that updates RFC 3986, ASCII
+   newline ``\n``, ``\r`` and tab ``\t`` characters are stripped
+   from the URL.
    .. versionadded:: 2.2
    .. versionchanged:: 2.5
@@ -257,6 +261,10 @@ The :mod:`urlparse` module defines the f
       Characters that affect netloc parsing under NFKC normalization will
       now raise :exc:`ValueError`.
+   .. versionchanged:: 3.6.14
+      ASCII newline and tab characters are stripped from the URL.
+.. _WHATWG spec: https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-basic-url-parser
 .. function:: urlunsplit(parts)
@@ -308,6 +316,11 @@ The :mod:`urlparse` module defines the f
 .. seealso::
+   `WHATWG`_ -  URL Living standard
+      Working Group for the URL Standard that defines URLs,
+      domains, IP addresses, the application/x-www-form-urlencoded format,
+      and their API.
    :rfc:`3986` - Uniform Resource Identifiers
       This is the current standard (STD66). Any changes to urlparse module
       should conform to this. Certain deviations could be observed, which are
@@ -332,6 +345,7 @@ The :mod:`urlparse` module defines the f
    :rfc:`1738` - Uniform Resource Locators (URL)
       This specifies the formal syntax and semantics of absolute URLs.
+.. _WHATWG: https://url.spec.whatwg.org/
 .. _urlparse-result-object:
--- a/Doc/whatsnew/2.7.rst
+++ b/Doc/whatsnew/2.7.rst
@@ -175,6 +175,13 @@ channel.  We reuse the ftp server IP add
 requiring the old behavior, set a ``trust_server_pasv_ipv4_address``
 attribute on your FTP instance to ``True``.  (See :issue:`43285`)
+The presence of newline or tab characters in parts of a URL allows for some
+forms of attacks. Following the WHATWG specification that updates RFC 3986,
+ASCII newline ``\n``, ``\r`` and tab ``\t`` characters are stripped from the
+URL by the parser :func:`urlparse` preventing such attacks. The removal
+characters are controlled by a new module level variable
+``urlparse._UNSAFE_URL_BYTES_TO_REMOVE``. (See :issue:`43882`)
 Python 3.1 Features
--- a/Lib/test/test_urlparse.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_urlparse.py
@@ -492,6 +492,55 @@ class UrlParseTestCase(unittest.TestCase
         p = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
         self.assertEqual(p.port, None)
+    def test_urlsplit_remove_unsafe_bytes(self):
+        # Remove ASCII tabs and newlines from input, for http common case scenario.
+        url = "h\nttp://www.python\n.org\t/java\nscript:\talert('msg\r\n')/?query\n=\tsomething#frag\nment"
+        p = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
+        self.assertEqual(p.scheme, "http")
+        self.assertEqual(p.netloc, "www.python.org")
+        self.assertEqual(p.path, "/javascript:alert('msg')/")
+        self.assertEqual(p.query, "query=something")
+        self.assertEqual(p.fragment, "fragment")
+        self.assertEqual(p.username, None)
+        self.assertEqual(p.password, None)
+        self.assertEqual(p.hostname, "www.python.org")
+        self.assertEqual(p.port, None)
+        self.assertEqual(p.geturl(), "http://www.python.org/javascript:alert('msg')/?query=something#fragment")
+        # Remove ASCII tabs and newlines from input as bytes, for http common case scenario.
+        url = b"h\nttp://www.python\n.org\t/java\nscript:\talert('msg\r\n')/?query\n=\tsomething#frag\nment"
+        p = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
+        self.assertEqual(p.scheme, b"http")
+        self.assertEqual(p.netloc, b"www.python.org")
+        self.assertEqual(p.path, b"/javascript:alert('msg')/")
+        self.assertEqual(p.query, b"query=something")
+        self.assertEqual(p.fragment, b"fragment")
+        self.assertEqual(p.username, None)
+        self.assertEqual(p.password, None)
+        self.assertEqual(p.hostname, b"www.python.org")
+        self.assertEqual(p.port, None)
+        self.assertEqual(p.geturl(), b"http://www.python.org/javascript:alert('msg')/?query=something#fragment")
+        # any scheme
+        url = "x-new-scheme\t://www.python\n.org\t/java\nscript:\talert('msg\r\n')/?query\n=\tsomething#frag\nment"
+        p = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
+        self.assertEqual(p.geturl(), "x-new-scheme://www.python.org/javascript:alert('msg')/?query=something#fragment")
+        # Remove ASCII tabs and newlines from input as bytes, any scheme.
+        url = b"x-new-scheme\t://www.python\n.org\t/java\nscript:\talert('msg\r\n')/?query\n=\tsomething#frag\nment"
+        p = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
+        self.assertEqual(p.geturl(), b"x-new-scheme://www.python.org/javascript:alert('msg')/?query=something#fragment")
+        # Unsafe bytes is not returned from urlparse cache.
+        # scheme is stored after parsing, sending an scheme with unsafe bytes *will not* return an unsafe scheme
+        url = "https://www.python\n.org\t/java\nscript:\talert('msg\r\n')/?query\n=\tsomething#frag\nment"
+        scheme = "htt\nps"
+        for _ in range(2):
+            p = urlparse.urlsplit(url, scheme=scheme)
+            self.assertEqual(p.scheme, "https")
+            self.assertEqual(p.geturl(), "https://www.python.org/javascript:alert('msg')/?query=something#fragment")
     def test_issue14072(self):
         p1 = urlparse.urlsplit('tel:+31-641044153')
         self.assertEqual(p1.scheme, 'tel')
--- a/Lib/urlparse.py
+++ b/Lib/urlparse.py
@@ -62,6 +62,9 @@ scheme_chars = ('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw
+# Unsafe bytes to be removed per WHATWG spec
+_UNSAFE_URL_BYTES_TO_REMOVE = ['\t', '\r', '\n']
 _parse_cache = {}
@@ -184,12 +187,21 @@ def _checknetloc(netloc):
                              "under NFKC normalization"
                              % netloc)
+def _remove_unsafe_bytes_from_url(url):
+        url = url.replace(b, "")
+    return url
 def urlsplit(url, scheme='', allow_fragments=True):
     """Parse a URL into 5 components:
     Return a 5-tuple: (scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment).
     Note that we don't break the components up in smaller bits
     (e.g. netloc is a single string) and we don't expand % escapes."""
+    url = _remove_unsafe_bytes_from_url(url)
+    scheme = _remove_unsafe_bytes_from_url(scheme)
     allow_fragments = bool(allow_fragments)
     key = url, scheme, allow_fragments, type(url), type(scheme)
     cached = _parse_cache.get(key, None)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Security/2021-04-25-07-46-37.bpo-43882.Jpwx85.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+The presence of newline or tab characters in parts of a URL could allow
+some forms of attacks.
+Following the controlling specification for URLs defined by WHATWG
+:func:`urlparse` now removes ASCII newlines and tabs from URLs,
+preventing such attacks.