#!/bin/bash # update_git.sh: script to manage package maintenance using a git-based # workflow. Commands are as follows: # git2pkg (update package spec file and patches from git) # pkg2git (update git (frombundle branch) from the package "bundleofbundles") # refresh (refresh spec file from spec file template and "bundlofbundles") # # (default is git2pkg) #============================================================================== check_requirements() { RC=0 if [[ ! $(rpm -q git-core) ]]; then echo "ERROR: Missing dependency: git-core" RC=1 fi if [[ ! $(rpm -q osc) ]]; then echo "ERROR: Missing dependency: osc package" RC=1 fi if [[ ! $(rpm -q obs-service-format_spec_file) ]]; then echo "ERROR: Missing dependency: obs-service-format_spec_file package" RC=1 fi ONE_GIG_IN_1K_BLOCKS=1048576 AVAIL=$(df --output=avail /dev/shm | tail -1) if [[ $AVAIL -lt $ONE_GIG_IN_1K_BLOCKS ]]; then echo "ERROR: Please provide at least 1GB available space in /dev/shm" RC=1 fi if [[ "$RC" = "1" ]]; then echo "Script requires the above resources. Please resolve to use this workflow" exit fi } #============================================================================== usage() { echo "Usage:" echo "bash ./git_update.sh " echo "description: package maintenance using a git-based workflow. Commands:" echo " git2pkg (update package spec file and patches from git. Is default)" echo " pkg2git (update git (frombundle branch) from the package "bundleofbundles")" echo " refresh (refresh spec file from spec file template and "bundlofbundles")" echo "(See script for details on doing 'LATEST' workflow)" check_requirements } #============================================================================== set -e source ./config.sh # If you're using LATEST, we assume you are an expert! if [ "$GIT_UPSTREAM_COMMIT_ISH" != "LATEST" ]; then if [ "$1" = "" ]; then set -- git2pkg else case $1 in help | -H | -h ) usage exit ;; initbundle | git2pkg | pkg2git | refresh ) ;; * ) echo "Unknown command" usage exit ;; esac fi fi check_requirements # TODO: Here we should validate the variables that should be set in config.sh REPO_COUNT=${#PATCH_PATH_MAP[@]} if [[ "$REPO_COUNT" != "${#LOCAL_REPO_MAP[@]}" ]]; then echo "PATCH_PATH_MAP and LOCAL_REPO_MAP array sizes do not agree - please fix" exit fi check_requirements # Zero based numbering, so we subtract 1 here: if (( (REPO_COUNT * PATCH_RANGE) - 1 > 9999 )); then FIVE_DIGIT_POTENTIAL=1 else FIVE_DIGIT_POTENTIAL=0 fi declare -A COMMIT_IDS_BY_SUBMODULE_PATH # Get version info from the packages' tarball - decode and do some checks BASE_RE="qemu-[[:digit:]]+(\.[[:digit:]]+){2}(-rc[[:digit:]])?" EXTRA_RE="\+git\.[[:digit:]]+\.([[:xdigit:]]+)" SUFFIX_RE="\.tar\.xz" SIG_SUFFIX_RE="\.tar\.xz\.sig" QEMU_TARBALL=($(find -maxdepth 1 -type f -regextype posix-extended -regex \ "\./$BASE_RE($EXTRA_RE)?$SUFFIX_RE" -printf "%f ")) QEMU_TARBALL_SIG=($(find -maxdepth 1 -type f -regextype posix-extended -regex \ "\./$BASE_RE($EXTRA_RE)?$SIG_SUFFIX_RE" -printf "%f ")) if [ ${#QEMU_TARBALL[@]} -gt 1 ]; then echo "Multiple qemu tarballs detected. Please clean up" exit fi if [ ${#QEMU_TARBALL_SIG[@]} -gt 1 ]; then echo "Multiple qemu tarballs signature files detected. Please clean up" exit fi OLD_SOURCE_VERSION_AND_EXTRA=$(echo $QEMU_TARBALL 2>/dev/null | head --bytes=-8\ | cut --bytes=6-) VERSION_EXTRA=$(echo $OLD_SOURCE_VERSION_AND_EXTRA|awk -F+ '{if ($2) print \ "+"$2}') if [ "$OLD_SOURCE_VERSION_AND_EXTRA" = "" ]; then echo "ERROR: No tarball found!" exit fi #============================================================================== initbundle() { # The bundle tarball has git bundles stored in a directory structure which mimics the # submodule locations in the containing git repo. Also at that same dir level # is a file named repo which contains the one line git repo url (with git:// or # http(s) prefix). The bundles are named as follows: # "{path/}{git_sha}.{bundle}", where {path/} isn't present for # the top (qemu) bundle (ie it's for submodules). rm -rf $GIT_DIR rm -rf $BUNDLE_DIR mkdir -p $BUNDLE_DIR if [[ -e ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$i]}/.git/shallow ]]; then if [[ -e bundles.tar.xz ]]; then tar --extract --xz -f bundles.tar.xz -C $BUNDLE_DIR . else echo "ERROR: Superproject at ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$i]} is shallow (so we assume submodules aren't" echo "recursively checked out), and there is not an existing bundle-of-bundles file, so we cannot" echo "correctly initialize the packages bundle-of-bundles. Please fully initilize git superproject" echo "before doing initbundle" exit fi else if [[ -e bundles.tar.xz ]]; then tar --extract --xz -f bundles.tar.xz -C $BUNDLE_DIR . else SUBMODULE_COMMIT_IDS=($(git -C ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[0]} submodule status --recursive| cut -c 2- | awk '{print $1}')) SUBMODULE_DIRS=($(git -C ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[0]} submodule status --recursive| cut -c 2- |awk '{print $2}')) SUBMODULE_COUNT=${#SUBMODULE_COMMIT_IDS[@]} # TODO: do this with simply math - ie: use (( ... )) if [[ "$REPO_COUNT" != "$(expr $SUBMODULE_COUNT + 1)" ]]; then echo "ERROR: submodule count doesn't match what's in config.sh" exit fi for (( i=0; i <$SUBMODULE_COUNT; i++ )); do mkdir -p $BUNDLE_DIR/${SUBMODULE_DIRS[$i]} touch $BUNDLE_DIR/${SUBMODULE_DIRS[$i]}/${SUBMODULE_COMMIT_IDS[$i]}.id done if [ "$GIT_UPSTREAM_COMMIT_ISH" = "LATEST" ]; then GIT_UPSTREAM_COMMIT=$NEW_COMMIT_ISH_FULL else # TODO: make this smarter, or change something - works for tag, but not normal commit? GIT_UPSTREAM_COMMIT=$(git -C ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[0]} show-ref -d $GIT_UPSTREAM_COMMIT_ISH|grep -F "^{}"|awk '{print $1}') fi touch $BUNDLE_DIR/$GIT_UPSTREAM_COMMIT.id fi fi # Now go through all the submodule local repos that are present with a $GIT_BRANCH and create a bundle file for the patches found for (( i=0; i <$REPO_COUNT; i++ )); do if [[ -e $(readlink -f ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$i]}) ]]; then SUBDIR=${PATCH_PATH_MAP[$i]} GITREPO_COMMIT_ISH=($BUNDLE_DIR/$SUBDIR*.id) if [[ $GITREPO_COMMIT_ISH =~ .*(.{40})[.]id ]]; then GITREPO_COMMIT_ISH=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} echo "Using $GITREPO_COMMIT_ISH" PATCH_RANGE_INDEX=$i mkdir -p $GIT_DIR/$SUBDIR git -C $GIT_DIR/$SUBDIR -c init.defaultBranch=$GIT_BRANCH init git -C $GIT_DIR/$SUBDIR remote add origin file://$(readlink -f \ ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$PATCH_RANGE_INDEX]}) if [[ $(git -C $GIT_DIR/$SUBDIR ls-remote --heads origin $GIT_BRANCH) ]]; then git -C $GIT_DIR/$SUBDIR fetch --update-shallow origin $GIT_BRANCH if [[ $(git -C $GIT_DIR/$SUBDIR rev-list $GITREPO_COMMIT_ISH..FETCH_HEAD) ]]; then git -C $GIT_DIR/$SUBDIR bundle create $BUNDLE_DIR/$SUBDIR$GITREPO_COMMIT_ISH.bundle $GITREPO_COMMIT_ISH..FETCH_HEAD #TODO: post-process repo info to avoid un-needed diffs (eg git vs https) git -C $(readlink -f ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$PATCH_RANGE_INDEX]}) remote get-url origin >$BUNDLE_DIR/$SUBDIR/repo fi fi fi fi done # parameters chosen to allow bundle tarball exact reproducibility tar --format gnu --xz \ --sort=name \ --numeric-owner \ --owner=0 \ --group=0 \ --mtime="@$(date -r qemu-$SOURCE_VERSION$VERSION_EXTRA.tar.xz +%s)" \ --create \ -f bundles.tar.xz -C $BUNDLE_DIR . rm -rf $BUNDLE_DIR rm -rf $GIT_DIR } #============================================================================== bundle2local() { rm -rf $BUNDLE_DIR mkdir -p $BUNDLE_DIR tar xJf bundles.tar.xz -C $BUNDLE_DIR ID_FILES=$(find $BUNDLE_DIR -printf "%P\n"|grep "id$") for entry in ${ID_FILES[@]}; do if [[ $entry =~ ^(.*)[/]*([a-f0-9]{40})[.]id$ ]]; then SUBDIR=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} GITREPO_COMMIT_ISH=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} else echo "ERROR! BAD BUNDLE CONTENT!" exit fi for (( i=0; i <$REPO_COUNT; i++ )); do if [[ "$SUBDIR" = "${PATCH_PATH_MAP[$i]}" ]]; then PATCH_RANGE_INDEX=$i break fi done if [[ "$i" = "REPO_COUNT" ]]; then echo "ERROR! BUNDLE SUBPROJECT NOT MENTIONED IN config.sh! Fix!" exit fi LOCAL_REPO=$(readlink -f ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$PATCH_RANGE_INDEX]}) if [ -e $LOCAL_REPO ]; then git -C $LOCAL_REPO remote remove bundlerepo || true if [ -e $BUNDLE_DIR/$SUBDIR/$GITREPO_COMMIT_ISH.bundle ]; then git -C $LOCAL_REPO remote add bundlerepo $BUNDLE_DIR/$SUBDIR/$GITREPO_COMMIT_ISH.bundle git -C $LOCAL_REPO fetch bundlerepo FETCH_HEAD git -C $LOCAL_REPO branch -f frombundle FETCH_HEAD git -C $LOCAL_REPO remote remove bundlerepo else # It's problematic to leave "stale" frombundle branches around git -C $LOCAL_REPO branch -D frombundle || true fi else if [ -e $BUNDLE_DIR/$SUBDIR/$GITREPO_COMMIT_ISH.bundle ]; then # TODO: We should be able to handle this case with some more coding, but for now... echo "No local repo $LOCAL_REPO available to process git bundle!" if [ "$GIT_UPSTREAM_COMMIT_ISH" = "LATEST" ]; then echo "The above is FATAL when doing LATEST processing - please fix" exit else echo "Moving on..." fi fi fi done rm -rf $BUNDLE_DIR } #============================================================================== redo_tarball_and_rebase_patches() { rm -rf $GIT_DIR #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # CREATE TARBALL, USING FRESH REPO - WE COULD RELY MORE ON LOCAL IF WE WERE MORE CAREFUL #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # TODO: WHAT IS THIS NEXT LINE EVEN DOING FOR US?? (OK, it's initing a repo, what do we rely on there?) # Here, the branch doesn't really matter, and we're not relying on a master branch - we're just making sure we are grabbing latest from upstream # (while using a clone of "something close" as a way to quickly get most objects available as quickly as possible) git clone -ls ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[0]} $GIT_DIR -b $GIT_BRANCH --single-branch &>/dev/null echo "Please wait..." (cd $GIT_DIR && git remote add upstream \ $UPSTREAM_GIT_REPO &>/dev/null) (cd $GIT_DIR && git remote update upstream &>/dev/null) (cd $GIT_DIR && git reset --hard $NEW_COMMIT_ISH &>/dev/null) # As an alternative, we could add a --recurse-submodules to the checkout instead here as well, right? #UPSTREAM DOESNT DO THIS (time takes 17 minutes!): # (cd $GIT_DIR && git submodule update --init --recursive &>/dev/null) #INSTEAD THESE NEXT TWO LINES ARE WHAT IS DONE (these take 9 minutes and 3 minutes respectively): (cd $GIT_DIR && git submodule update --init &>/dev/null) (cd $GIT_DIR/roms/edk2 && git submodule update --init &>/dev/null) VERSION_EXTRA=+git.$NOW_SECONDS.$NEW_COMMIT_ISH if (cd ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[0]} && git describe --exact-match $NEW_COMMIT_ISH \ &>/dev/null); then if [ "$X" = "50" ]; then echo "Ignoring non-standard tag" else # there is no VERSION_EXTRA VERSION_EXTRA= fi fi (cd $GIT_DIR/roms/seabios && git describe --tags --long --dirty > \ .version) (cd $GIT_DIR/roms/skiboot && ./make_version.sh > .version) echo "Almost there..." tar --exclude=.git --transform "s,$GIT_DIR,qemu-$SOURCE_VERSION," \ -Pcf qemu-$SOURCE_VERSION$VERSION_EXTRA.tar $GIT_DIR osc rm --force qemu-$OLD_SOURCE_VERSION_AND_EXTRA.tar.xz &>/dev/null ||\ true osc rm --force qemu-$OLD_SOURCE_VERSION_AND_EXTRA.tar.xz.sig \ &>/dev/null || true unset QEMU_TARBALL_SIG xz -T 0 qemu-$SOURCE_VERSION$VERSION_EXTRA.tar osc add qemu-$SOURCE_VERSION$VERSION_EXTRA.tar.xz #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # GET THE SUBMODULE COMMIT ID'S FROM THIS NEWLY MINTED QEMU CHECKOUT. WE'LL USE THAT WHEN WE REBASE OUR PATCHES #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # !! We (perhaps temporarily) do MORE recursive submodules, since we are tracking ALL in these scripts, while upstream doesn't include all in tarball currently # !!! THIS IS AT LEAST PARTLY REDUNDANT WITH THE update --init DONE ABOUT 30 LINES AGO (cd $GIT_DIR && git submodule update --init --recursive &>/dev/null) SUBMODULE_COMMIT_IDS=($(git -C $GIT_DIR submodule status --recursive|awk '{print $1}')) SUBMODULE_DIRS=($(git -C $GIT_DIR submodule status --recursive|awk '{print $2}')) SUBMODULE_COUNT=${#SUBMODULE_COMMIT_IDS[@]} # TODO: do this with simply math - ie: use (( ... )) if [[ "$REPO_COUNT" != "$(expr $SUBMODULE_COUNT + 1)" ]]; then echo "ERROR: submodule count doesn't match the REPO_COUNT variable in config.sh file!" exit fi # We have the submodule commits, but not in the PATCH ORDER which our config.sh has (see $PATCH_PATH_MAP) for (( i=0; i <$REPO_COUNT-1; i++ )); do COMMIT_IDS_BY_SUBMODULE_PATH[${SUBMODULE_DIRS[$i]}/]=${SUBMODULE_COMMIT_IDS[$i]} done COMMIT_IDS_BY_SUBMODULE_PATH[SUPERPROJECT]=$NEW_COMMIT_ISH_FULL #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # MOVE BUNDLE COMMITS OVER TO LOCAL frombundle BRANCH #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bundle2local #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # REBASE frombundle patches USING COMMIT_IDS_BY_SUBMODULE, ALSO USING OLD ID'S STORED IN OLD BUNDLE #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mkdir -p $BUNDLE_DIR tar xJf bundles.tar.xz -C $BUNDLE_DIR # Now go through all the submodule local repos that are present and create a bundle file for the patches found there for (( i=0; i <$REPO_COUNT; i++ )); do if [[ -e $(readlink -f ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$i]}) ]]; then if $(git -C ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$i]} branch | grep -F "frombundle" >/dev/null); then SUBDIR=${PATCH_PATH_MAP[$i]} GITREPO_COMMIT_ISH=($BUNDLE_DIR/$SUBDIR*.id) if [[ $GITREPO_COMMIT_ISH =~ .*(.{40})[.]id ]]; then GITREPO_COMMIT_ISH=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} fi git -C ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$i]} checkout -B $GIT_BRANCH frombundle if [[ "$SUBDIR" = "" ]]; then SUBDIR=SUPERPROJECT fi if ! $(git -C ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$i]} rebase $GITREPO_COMMIT_ISH >/dev/null); then echo "Rebase of ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$i]}, branch $GIT_BRANCH needs manual help" REBASE_FAILS="${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$i]} $REBASE_FAILS" fi fi fi done } #============================================================================== bundle2spec() { rm -f checkpatch.log rm -f checkthese rm -rf checkdir rm -rf savedir rm -rf $GIT_DIR rm -rf $CMP_DIR rm -rf $BUNDLE_DIR mkdir -p $BUNDLE_DIR mkdir savedir #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # Handle case of casual user missing local repos. # To support this, we must grok the spec file's # list of patches for "reuse" in case we don't # have local repo to use for extracting bundle # contents. (here we assume the existing bundle # would then still correspond to the patches # listed in spec file for that repo) # WARNING: # The following groking expects the patch section # to be as this script lays it out, not modified! #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! declare -a PATCHES_BY_SUBMODULE_PATH IN_PATCH_SECTION=0 INDEX=$REPO_COUNT # "invalid" since zero based index of objects < one based count of objects while IFS= read -r line; do if [[ "$line" = "# Patches applied in base project:" ]]; then IN_PATCH_SECTION=1 INDEX=0 # base project is 0 by definition continue fi if [[ "$line" =~ ^..Patches.applied.in.(.*)/:$ ]]; then REPO="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}/" IN_PATCH_SECTION=1 for (( i=0; i <$REPO_COUNT; i++ )); do if [[ "$REPO" = "${PATCH_PATH_MAP[$i]}" ]]; then if [[ "$INDEX" != "$REPO_COUNT" ]]; then PATCHES_BY_SUBMODULE_PATH[$INDEX]=$ACCUMULATED_PATCHES unset ACCUMULATED_PATCHES fi INDEX=$i break fi done if [[ "$INDEX" = "$REPO_COUNT" ]]; then echo "ERROR: Failure groking spec file for patches!" exit fi continue fi if [[ "$IN_PATCH_SECTION" = "0" ]]; then continue fi if [[ "$line" =~ ^$ ]]; then PATCHES_BY_SUBMODULE_PATH[$INDEX]=$ACCUMULATED_PATCHES break; fi if [[ "$line" =~ ^Patch[0-9]*:[\ ]*(.*)$ ]]; then PATCH="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" #echo "Patch is $PATCH" ACCUMULATED_PATCHES="$ACCUMULATED_PATCHES $PATCH" continue fi echo "ERROR: Failure groking spec file for patches!" exit done < qemu.spec #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # CONVERT BUNDLES INTO COMMITS AND FILL SPEC FILE #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tar xJf bundles.tar.xz -C $BUNDLE_DIR BUNDLE_FILES=$(find $BUNDLE_DIR -printf "%P\n"|grep "bundle$") for entry in ${BUNDLE_FILES[@]}; do if [[ $entry =~ ^(.*)[/]*([a-f0-9]{40})[.]bundle$ ]]; then SUBDIR=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} GITREPO_COMMIT_ISH=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} else echo "ERROR! BAD BUNDLE CONTENT!" exit fi for (( i=0; i <$REPO_COUNT; i++ )); do if [[ "$SUBDIR" = "${PATCH_PATH_MAP[$i]}" ]]; then PATCH_RANGE_INDEX=$i break fi done if [[ -e $(readlink -f ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$PATCH_RANGE_INDEX]}) ]]; then mkdir -p $GIT_DIR/$SUBDIR git -C $GIT_DIR/$SUBDIR -c init.defaultBranch=$GIT_BRANCH init git -C $GIT_DIR/$SUBDIR remote add origin file://$(readlink -f \ ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$PATCH_RANGE_INDEX]}) # This tag reference, was added to resolve $GITREPO_COMMIT_ISH, which is tag as commit-id # Since origin may be shallow, we need to use the --update-shallow option git -C $GIT_DIR/$SUBDIR fetch --update-shallow origin $GIT_BRANCH git -C $GIT_DIR/$SUBDIR remote add bundle $BUNDLE_DIR/$entry git -C $GIT_DIR/$SUBDIR fetch bundle FETCH_HEAD git -C $GIT_DIR/$SUBDIR format-patch -N --suffix= --no-renames -o $CMP_DIR -k --stat=72 \ --indent-heuristic --zero-commit --no-signature --full-index \ --src-prefix=a/$SUBDIR --dst-prefix=b/$SUBDIR \ --start-number=$(expr $PATCH_RANGE_INDEX \* $PATCH_RANGE) \ $GITREPO_COMMIT_ISH..FETCH_HEAD > /dev/null PATCHES_BY_SUBMODULE_PATH[$PATCH_RANGE_INDEX]="" else # TODO: This doesn't handle numbered patches yet COUNTER=$(expr $PATCH_RANGE_INDEX \* $PATCH_RANGE) for patchname in ${PATCHES_BY_SUBMODULE_PATH[$PATCH_RANGE_INDEX]}; do VALUE="0000"$COUNTER if [ "$FIVE_DIGIT_POTENTIAL" = "1" ]; then PREFIX=$(echo $VALUE|tail -c 6) else PREFIX=$(echo $VALUE|tail -c 5) fi cp $patchname savedir/$PREFIX-$patchname let COUNTER+=1 done fi done rm -rf $GIT_DIR rm -rf $BUNDLE_DIR ( CHANGED_COUNT=0 UNCHANGED_COUNT=0 DELETED_COUNT=0 ADDED_COUNT=0 TOTAL_COUNT=0 shopt -s nullglob for i in $CMP_DIR/*; do # index line isn't consistent, so cut full index to normal line length sed -E -i 's/(^index [a-f0-9]{28})[a-f0-9]{12}([.][.][a-f0-9]{28})[a-f0-9]{12}( [0-9]{6}$)/\1\2\3/' $i BASENAME=$(basename $i) if [ "$FIVE_DIGIT_POTENTIAL" = "1" ]; then if [[ "$BASENAME" =~ ^[[:digit:]]{5}.* ]]; then : else BASENAME=0"$BASENAME" fi fi if [[ "$NUMBERED_PATCHES" = "0" ]]; then KEEP_COUNT=40+4+$FIVE_DIGIT_POTENTIAL+1 else KEEP_COUNT=40 fi tail -n +2 $i > $CMP_DIR/"${BASENAME:0:$KEEP_COUNT}".patch rm $i done cp savedir/* $CMP_DIR/ || true rm -rf savedir # 4 digit xxxx-name used in the dest (remember that if 5 digit potential, then if not now 5 digit, add a 0 in front) if [[ "$NUMBERED_PATCHES" = "0" ]]; then for i in [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]*-*.patch; do osc rm --force "$i" done # make sure that w/out the numbered prefixes, the patchnames are all unique mkdir checkdir for i in $CMP_DIR/*; do BASENAME=$(basename $i) FINALNAME="${BASENAME:4+$FIVE_DIGIT_POTENTIAL+1:40+1+5}" if [[ -e checkdir/"$FINALNAME" ]]; then echo "ERROR! Patch name $FINALNAME is not unique! Please modify patch subject to achieve uniqueness" exit 1 fi cp $i checkdir/"$FINALNAME" done CHECK_DIR=checkdir cp $CMP_DIR/*.patch . else CHECK_DIR=$CMP_DIR fi if [ "$FIVE_DIGIT_POTENTIAL" = "0" ]; then CHECK_PREFIX="0" NUMBERED_PATCH_RE="^[[:digit:]]{4}-.*[.]patch$" else CHECK_PREFIX="00" NUMBERED_PATCH_RE="^[[:digit:]]{5}-.*[.]patch$" fi for i in $CHECK_DIR/*; do BASENAME=$(basename $i) if [ -e "$BASENAME" ]; then if cmp -s "$i" "$BASENAME"; then touch --reference="$BASENAME" "$i" rm "$BASENAME" let UNCHANGED_COUNT+=1 else if [ "${BASENAME:0:1+$FIVE_DIGIT_POTENTIAL}" = "$CHECK_PREFIX" ]; then echo "$BASENAME" >> checkthese fi rm $BASENAME let CHANGED_COUNT+=1 let TOTAL_COUNT+=1 fi else echo " $BASENAME" >> qemu.changes.added if [ "${BASENAME:0:1+$FIVE_DIGIT_POTENTIAL}" = "$CHECK_PREFIX" ]; then echo "$BASENAME" >> checkthese fi let ADDED_COUNT+=1 let TOTAL_COUNT+=1 fi done for i in *.patch; do if [[ "$i" =~ $NUMBERED_PATCH_RE ]]; then if [[ "$NUMBERED_PATCHES" = "1" ]]; then osc rm --force $i echo " $i" >> qemu.changes.deleted let DELETED_COUNT+=1 let TOTAL_COUNT+=1 fi else osc rm --force $i echo " $i" >> qemu.changes.deleted let DELETED_COUNT+=1 let TOTAL_COUNT+=1 fi done mv $CHECK_DIR/* . if [ -e qemu.changes.added ]; then xargs osc add < qemu.changes.added fi if [[ -e checkthese ]]; then tar Jxf qemu-$SOURCE_VERSION$VERSION_EXTRA.tar.xz \ qemu-$SOURCE_VERSION/scripts/checkpatch.pl --strip-components=2 for i in $(cat checkthese); do ./checkpatch.pl --no-tree --terse --no-summary --summary-file \ --patch $i >> checkpatch.log || true done fi rm -f checkthese rm -f checkpatch.pl if [ -s checkpatch.log ]; then echo "WARNING: Issues reported by qemu patch checker. Please handle" \ "ERROR items now:" cat checkpatch.log fi rm -f checkpatch.log if [ "$TOTAL_COUNT" != "0" -a "$VERSION_EXTRA" != "" -a "$OLD_COMMIT_ISH" =\ "$NEW_COMMIT_ISH" ]; then # Only patches changed: update the version using current timestamp VERSION_EXTRA=+git.$NOW_SECONDS.$OLD_COMMIT_ISH osc mv qemu-$OLD_SOURCE_VERSION_AND_EXTRA.tar.xz \ qemu-$SOURCE_VERSION$VERSION_EXTRA.tar.xz osc add qemu-$SOURCE_VERSION$VERSION_EXTRA.tar.xz fi echo "QEMU version file: $QEMU_VERSION" echo "QEMU source version: $SOURCE_VERSION" echo "QEMU version extra: $VERSION_EXTRA" # get rid of "rel-" prefix to the seabios version - keep any trailing git info, such as: "-44-g88ab0c1" SEABIOS_VERSION=${SEABIOS_VERSION:-$(tar JxfO qemu-$SOURCE_VERSION$VERSION_EXTRA.tar.xz \ qemu-$SOURCE_VERSION/roms/seabios/.version | cut -c5- | tr '-' '_')} for package in qemu; do while IFS= read -r line; do if [ "$line" = "PATCH_FILES" ]; then # Here (and other places below) we try to get ONLY the numbered patches, but it's possible some ACTUAL patch name actually starts with multiple digits, but EXTREMELY unlikely # TODO: do this better! for i in [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]*-*.patch; do NUM=${i%%-*} DIV=$((10#$NUM/$PATCH_RANGE)) REM=$((10#$NUM%$PATCH_RANGE)) if [[ "$REM" = "0" ]]; then if [[ "$DIV" = "0" ]]; then echo "# Patches applied in base project:" else echo "# Patches applied in ${PATCH_PATH_MAP[$DIV]}:" fi fi if [[ "$FIVE_DIGIT_POTENTIAL" != "0" ]]; then if [[ "$NUMBERED_PATCHES" = "0" ]]; then PATCH_NUMBER=${i%%-*} echo -e "Patch$NUM: ${i:${#PATCH_NUMBER}+1:40+1+5}" else echo -e "Patch$NUM: $i" fi else if [[ "$NUMBERED_PATCHES" = "0" ]]; then PATCH_NUMBER=${i%%-*} echo -e "Patch$NUM: ${i:${#PATCH_NUMBER}+1:40+1+5}" else echo -e "Patch$NUM: $i" fi fi done elif [ "$line" = "PATCH_EXEC" ]; then for i in [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]*-*.patch; do S=$(grep "^Include-If: " $i) || true NUM=${i%%-*} if [ "$S" != "" ]; then echo "${S:12}" echo "%patch$NUM -p1" echo "%endif" else echo "%patch$NUM -p1" fi done elif [ "$line" = "INSERT_VERSIONING" ]; then echo "%define qemuver $QEMU_VERSION$VERSION_EXTRA" echo "%define srcver $SOURCE_VERSION$VERSION_EXTRA" echo "%define sbver $SEABIOS_VERSION" elif [[ "$line" =~ ^Source: ]]; then echo "$line" if [ ${#QEMU_TARBALL_SIG[@]} -eq 1 ]; then # We assume the signature file corresponds - just add .sig echo "$line.sig"|sed 's/^Source: /Source99:/' fi else echo "$line" fi done < $package.spec.in > $CMP_DIR/$package.spec if cmp -s $package.spec $CMP_DIR/$package.spec; then echo "$package.spec unchanged" else mv $CMP_DIR/$package.spec $package.spec echo "$package.spec regenerated" let PACKAGE_CHANGED_COUNT+=1 fi if [ "$WRITE_LOG" = "1" ]; then # Factory requires all deleted and added patches to be mentioned if [ -e qemu.changes.deleted ]; then echo "* Patches dropped:" >> $package.changes.proposed cat qemu.changes.deleted >> $package.changes.proposed fi if [ -e qemu.changes.added ]; then echo "* Patches added:" >> $package.changes.proposed cat qemu.changes.added >> $package.changes.proposed fi if [ -e $package.changes.proposed ]; then osc vc --file=$package.changes.proposed $package rm -f $package.changes.proposed fi fi done if [[ "$NUMBERED_PATCHES" = "0" ]]; then rm -f [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]*-*.patch fi if [ -e qemu.changes.deleted ]; then rm -f qemu.changes.deleted fi if [ -e qemu.changes.added ]; then rm -f qemu.changes.added fi echo "git patch summary" echo " unchanged: $UNCHANGED_COUNT" echo " changed: $CHANGED_COUNT" echo " deleted: $DELETED_COUNT" echo " added: $ADDED_COUNT" ) rm -rf $CMP_DIR rm -rf checkdir osc service localrun format_spec_file # First, make the results of the older format_spec_file look like what I believe is the intended output # And then change THE POSSIBLY BROKEN OUTPUT from the new format_spec_file look like what I # believe is the intended output sed -i 's/^# spec file for package qemu$/# spec file for package qemu%{name_suffix}/g' qemu.spec sed -i 's/^# spec file for package qemu-linux-user$/# spec file for package qemu%{name_suffix}/g' qemu.spec } #============================================================================== setup_common_vars() { if [ "$GIT_UPSTREAM_COMMIT_ISH" = "LATEST" ]; then QEMU_VERSION=$(git -C ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[0]} show upstream/master:VERSION) MAJOR_VERSION=$(echo $QEMU_VERSION|awk -F. '{print $1}') MINOR_VERSION=$(echo $QEMU_VERSION|awk -F. '{print $2}') X=$(echo $QEMU_VERSION|awk -F. '{print $3}') # 0 = release, 50 = development cycle, 90..99 equate to release candidates if [ "$X" != "0" -a "$X" != "50" ]; then if [ "$NEXT_RELEASE_IS_MAJOR" = "0" ]; then SOURCE_VERSION=$MAJOR_VERSION.$[$MINOR_VERSION+1].0-rc$[X-90] GIT_BRANCH=opensuse-$MAJOR_VERSION.$[$MINOR_VERSION+1] else SOURCE_VERSION=$[$MAJOR_VERSION+1].0.0-rc$[X-90] GIT_BRANCH=opensuse-$[$MAJOR_VERSION+1].0 fi else SOURCE_VERSION=$MAJOR_VERSION.$MINOR_VERSION.$X if [ "$X" = "0" ]; then GIT_BRANCH=opensuse-$MAJOR_VERSION.$[$MINOR_VERSION] else if [ "$NEXT_RELEASE_IS_MAJOR" = "0" ]; then GIT_BRANCH=opensuse-$MAJOR_VERSION.$[$MINOR_VERSION+1] else GIT_BRANCH=opensuse-$[MAJOR_VERSION+1].0 fi fi fi else SOURCE_VERSION=$OLD_SOURCE_VERSION_AND_EXTRA QEMU_VERSION=$(tar JxfO qemu-$SOURCE_VERSION$VERSION_EXTRA.tar.xz qemu-$SOURCE_VERSION/VERSION) if [ ! "$QEMU_VERSION" = "$OLD_SOURCE_VERSION_AND_EXTRA" ]; then echo "Tarball name (which we decode) doesn't correspond to the VERSION file contained therein" exit fi MAJOR_VERSION=$(echo $QEMU_VERSION|awk -F. '{print $1}') MINOR_VERSION=$(echo $QEMU_VERSION|awk -F. '{print $2}') GIT_BRANCH=opensuse-$MAJOR_VERSION.$MINOR_VERSION fi } #============================================================================== if [[ ! -e $(readlink -f ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[0]}) ]]; then echo "No local repo found at ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[0]}" if [ "$GIT_UPSTREAM_COMMIT_ISH" = "LATEST" ]; then echo "Using LATEST config.sh setting is an expert mode. Set up local repos accordingly" exit fi read -p "Would you like me to set that up for you? (Y/N)" -n 1 -r echo if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then echo "Got an affirmative answer, proceeding..." setup_common_vars # TODO: The following doesn't really do what we need (we adjust later) FIX!!! # git clone --depth 1 -b $GIT_BRANCH --single-branch $PACKAGE_MAIN_GIT_REPO ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[0]} git -c init.defaultBranch=$GIT_BRANCH init ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[0]} git -C ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[0]} remote add origin $PACKAGE_MAIN_GIT_REPO &>/dev/null git -C ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[0]} fetch origin +refs/tags/initial:refs/tags/initial --no-tags git -C ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[0]} reset --hard initial GIT_UPSTREAM_COMMIT=$(git -C ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[0]} ls-remote origin |grep -F "$GIT_UPSTREAM_COMMIT_ISH^{}"|awk '{print $1}') # Here we use *COMMIT_ISH, not *_COMMIT - is that an issue? git -C ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[0]} fetch --depth=1 origin +refs/tags/$GIT_UPSTREAM_COMMIT_ISH:refs/tags/$GIT_UPSTREAM_COMMIT_ISH --no-tags git -C ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[0]} remote add upstream $UPSTREAM_GIT_REPO &>/dev/null bundle2local git -C ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[0]} checkout -B $GIT_BRANCH frombundle echo "We set up a shallow local repo of the package's git superproject at" echo "${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[0]}, and initialized it from the bundle." echo "(no options processed)" echo "If you wish to make the repo complete for all qemu packaging work," echo "unshallow it first with git fetch --unshallow origin --all, then get" echo "the submodules updated with git submodule update --init --recursive" echo "Be aware that this downloads a LOT of data (that's why we didn't just" echo "do that automatically. Then you may also fetch other branches from the" echo "origin remote, and get the latest upstream patches from the upstream" echo "remote. Refer to config.sh for submodule repos locations you can set" echo "up to also work on patches for the superproject's submodules." exit else echo "Script requires qemu superproject local git repo. Please provide in" echo "order to use this script." fi exit fi # There are some req's on needing a recent git, and a recent osc (double chk the osc part - I guess it's related to the osc service ) # get the current state of the git superproject # TODO: This sends output to stdout which we don't want to see #git -C ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[0]} status --untracked-files=no --branch --porcelain=2 \ # | awk '{print "var"NR"="$3}' # $var1 is the current commit # $var2 is the current branch or 'detached', if not on a branch # $var3 is the current upstream branch (if set), as in eg 'origin/opensuse-5.0' # $var4 is not of use to us # TODO: What checks should be different between LATEST and non-LATEST? # If we don't actually patch from the submodule repo, we shouldn't care about what's in the local one # Does non-LATEST really require master? (indeed - get rid of use or need of master as much as possible) echo "WARNING: Script using local git repos. Some operations may be time consuming..." # TODO: Most of these checks are not necessary for (( i=0; i <$REPO_COUNT; i++ )); do if [[ -e $(readlink -f ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$i]}) ]]; then if [[ -e ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$i]}/.git/shallow ]]; then echo "${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$i]} is shallow, skipping checks" continue fi if [[ -d ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$i]}/.git/rebase-merge || \ -d ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$i]}/.git/rebase-apply ]]; then echo "ERROR! Rebase appears to be in progress in ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$i]}. Please resolve" exit fi # !! Does this presume the branch as indicated in config is the current branch? (I believe that's been my modus operandi to date, so perhaps THAT should be enforced at this point?) if ! git -C ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$i]} submodule update --init --recursive &> /dev/null; then echo "Please clean up state of local repo ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$i]} before using script" echo "(ensure git submodule update --init --recursive is successful)" exit fi if [ "$(git -C ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$i]} status --porcelain)" ]; then echo "Please clean up state of local repo ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$i]} before using script" echo "(ensure git status --porcelain produces no output)" exit fi if ! git -C ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$i]} checkout $GIT_BRANCH --recurse-submodules -f &> /dev/null; then echo "Please clean up state of local repo ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$i]} before using script" echo "(cannot check out $GIT_BRANCH, incl. it's submodules)" exit fi # This does additional setup now that we've possibly grabbed additional submodules if ! git -C ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$i]} submodule update --init --recursive &> /dev/null; then echo "Please clean up state of local repo ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$i]} before using script" echo "(cannot init and update $GIT_BRANCH branch submodules)" exit fi if [ "$(git -C ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$i]} status --porcelain)" ]; then echo "Please clean up state of local repo ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$i]} before using script" echo "(ensure git status --porcelain produces no output)" exit fi fi done if [ "$GIT_UPSTREAM_COMMIT_ISH" = "LATEST" ]; then if [ "$1" = "continue" ]; then CONTINUE_AFTER_REBASE=1 else if [ "$1" = "pause" ]; then PAUSE_BEFORE_BUNDLE_CREATION=1 else if [ "$1" ]; then echo "ERROR: unrecognized option '$1'. Script in LATEST mode only recognizes 'pause' and 'continue' options" exit fi fi fi for (( i=0; i <$REPO_COUNT; i++ )); do if [[ -e $(readlink -f ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$i]}) ]]; then git -C ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[$i]} remote update upstream &> /dev/null fi done NEW_COMMIT_ISH_FULL=$(cd ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[0]} && git rev-parse upstream/master) NEW_COMMIT_ISH=${NEW_COMMIT_ISH_FULL:0:8} setup_common_vars WRITE_LOG=0 echo "Processing LATEST upstream changes" echo "(If SUCCESS is not printed upon completion, see /tmp/latest.log for issues)" if [[ $QEMU_TARBALL =~ $BASE_RE$EXTRA_RE$SUFFIX_RE ]]; then OLD_COMMIT_ISH=${BASH_REMATCH[3]} else #Assume release (or release candidate) tarball with equivalent tag: OLD_COMMIT_ISH=$(cd ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[0]} && git rev-list --abbrev-commit \ --abbrev=8 -1 v$OLD_SOURCE_VERSION_AND_EXTRA) fi if [ ${#QEMU_TARBALL_SIG[@]} -ne 0 ]; then echo "INFO: Ignoring signature file: $QEMU_TARBALL_SIG" QEMU_TARBALL_SIG= fi NOW_SECONDS=$(date +%s) if [ "$OLD_COMMIT_ISH" != "$NEW_COMMIT_ISH" ]; then if [ "$CONTINUE_AFTER_REBASE" = "1" ]; then echo "continue after rebase selected but tarball is out of date. Continuing not possible." echo "If desired, save your rebase work (eg, branch $GIT_BRANCH), because otherwise it will" echo "be lost. Then run script again without the continue option" exit fi redo_tarball_and_rebase_patches &> /tmp/latest.log # This includes a bundle2local if [[ "$REBASE_FAILS" ]]; then echo "ERROR! Rebase of the $GIT_BRANCH branch failed in the following local git repos:" echo $REBASE_FAILS echo "Manually resolve all these rebases, then finish the workflow by passing 'continue' to script" if [[ "$PAUSE_BEFORE_BUNDLE_CREATION" = "1" ]]; then echo "Feel free to also do the work now occasioned by the selected 'pause' option" fi exit fi CONTINUE_AFTER_REBASE=1 fi if [[ "$PAUSE_BEFORE_BUNDLE_CREATION" = "1" ]]; then echo "As requested, pausing before re-creating bundle of bundles for additional patch or specfile work" echo "(using current 'ready to go' $GIT_BRANCH branch of local repos to produce patches.)" echo "When changes are complete, finish the workflow by passing 'continue' to script" exit fi if [ "$CONTINUE_AFTER_REBASE" = "1" ]; then initbundle &>> /tmp/latest.log fi bundle2spec &>> /tmp/latest.log echo "SUCCESS" tail -9 /tmp/latest.log else # not LATEST if [ ! "$GIT_UPSTREAM_COMMIT_ISH" = "v$OLD_SOURCE_VERSION_AND_EXTRA" ]; then echo "Tarball name (which we decode) doesn't correspond to the \$GIT_UPSTREAM_COMMIT_ISH in config.sh" exit fi git -C ${LOCAL_REPO_MAP[0]} checkout $GIT_UPSTREAM_COMMIT_ISH --recurse-submodules -f &> /dev/null setup_common_vars NEW_COMMIT_ISH= WRITE_LOG=1 case $1 in initbundle ) echo "Updating the bundle using the $GIT_BRANCH branch of the local repos." echo "(If SUCCESS is not printed upon completion, see /tmp/initbundle.log for issues)" initbundle &> /tmp/initbundle.log echo "SUCCESS" ;; git2pkg ) echo "Updating the package using the $GIT_BRANCH branch of the local repos." echo "(If SUCCESS is not printed upon completion, see /tmp/git2pkg.log for issues)" initbundle &> /tmp/git2pkg.log bundle2spec &>> /tmp/git2pkg.log echo "SUCCESS" tail -9 /tmp/git2pkg.log ;; pkg2git ) echo "Exporting the package's git bundles to the local repo's frombundle branches..." echo "(If SUCCESS is not printed upon completion, see /tmp/pkg2git.log for issues)" bundle2local &> /tmp/pkg2git.log echo "SUCCESS" echo "To modify package patches, use the frombundle branch as the basis for updating" echo "the $GIT_BRANCH branch with the new patch queue." echo "Then export the changes back to the package using update_git.sh git2pkg" ;; refresh ) echo "Updating the spec file and patches from the spec file template and the bundle" echo "of bundles (bundles.tar.xz)" echo "(If SUCCESS is not printed upon completion, see /tmp/refresh.log for issues)" bundle2spec &> /tmp/refresh.log echo "SUCCESS" tail -9 /tmp/refresh.log ;; esac fi exit