22b5c78d46Accepting request 1247250 from network:messaging:amqp
Ana Guerrero
2025-02-20 15:40:26 +00:00
ea62fe0c09- Add rabbitmq-server-allow-elixir-1.18.patch: Allow building CLI with elixir 1.18.x. Based on upstream commit 5086e283.
Simon Lees2025-02-20 01:21:43 +00:00
03a9bbb96fAccepting request 1200873 from network:messaging:amqp
Ana Guerrero
2024-09-15 10:36:20 +00:00
4d222a2174- update to 3.12.11: * Quorum queue declared when one of cluster nodes was down could trigger connection exceptions. * Avoids a rare exception that could stop TCP socket writes on a client connection. * queue_deleted and queue_created internal events now include queue type as a module name, and not an inconsistent (with the other queue and stream types) value classic. * Definition files that are virtual host-specific cannot be imported on boot. Such files will now be detected early and the import process will terminate after logging a more informative message. * Several AMQP 1.0 application properties are now more correctly converted to AMQP 0-9-1 headers by cross-protocol Shovels. * The priority property now populates an AMQP 1.0 header with the same name, per AMQP 1.0 spec. * Metric label values now escape certain non-ASCII characters. * Avoids an exception when an MQTT client that used a QoS 0 subscription reconnects and its original connection node is down. * Avoids an exception when an MQTT client connection was force- closed via the HTTP API. * Certain CLI commands could not be run in a shell script loop, unless the script explicitly redirected standard input. * rabbitmq-diagnostics cluster_status now responds much quicker when a cluster node has gone down, were shut down, or otherwise has become unreachable by the rest of the cluster. * Reverted a change to DELETE /api/queues/{vhost}/{name} that allowed removal of exclusive queues and introducedDirk Mueller2024-01-06 13:22:16 +00:00
ed3634dd1dAccepting request 1133729 from network:messaging:amqp
Ana Guerrero
2023-12-17 20:34:11 +00:00
b9e380e8d8- update to 3.12.10: * Avoids two Shovels being started after an upgrade from 3.12.6 or older versions. * When a topic permission was deleted, an internal event of type permission.deleted was emitted in some cases, instead of topic.permission.deleted. * Shovels on 3.12.8 nodes failed during a rolling cluster upgrade due to internal identifier format changes. * Avoids an unnecessary warning in the logs. * avoids a potential exception in the autoheal partition handler. * raft.segment_max_entries is now validated to prevent the value from overflowing its 16-bit segment file field. Maximum supported value is now 65535.Dirk Mueller2023-12-17 10:01:58 +00:00
2754d36f62Accepting request 1121010 from network:messaging:amqp
Ana Guerrero
2023-10-29 18:42:06 +00:00
877a559315- update to 3.12.7: * Stream replication connections configured to use exclusively TLSv1.3 failed. * On startup, stream replicas will handle one more potential case of segment file corruption after an unclean shutdown. * default_policies.*.queue_pattern definition in rabbitmq.conf was incorrectly parsed. * Avoid log noise when inter-node connections frequently fail and recover. * Optimized stream index scans. Longer scans could result in some replicas stopping with a timeout. * Classic queue storage version is now a supported key for operator policies. * Queue length limit overflow behavior now can be configured via operator policies. * Several list_stream_* commands (available via both rabbitmq-diagnostics and rabbitmq-streams) commands now can display replica node in addition to other fields. * rabbitmqctl add_user now can accept a pre-generated salted password instead of a plain text password, both as a positional argument and via standard input: * Message consumption with the "Nack message, requeue: true" option did not actually requeue deliveries. * HTTP API request body size is now limited to 10 MiB by default. * Two endpoints, one that accepts messages for publishing (note: publishing over the HTTP API is greatly discouraged) * and another for definition import, * will now reject larger transfers with a 400 Bad Request response.Dirk Mueller2023-10-29 15:44:11 +00:00
88c1b022d0Accepting request 1099488 from network:messaging:amqp
Ana Guerrero
2023-07-19 17:11:44 +00:00
653cf908b1Accepting request 1099317 from home:matwey:branches:network:messaging:amqpDirk Mueller2023-07-19 11:12:25 +00:00