* The compiler/demod language integrates demodularization into the
program rather than an external tool. Using the language approach
cooperates with other Racket tools and allows demodularization to be
used on libraries. Additionally, demodularization handles submodules
and can prune definitions, significantly shrinking the size of some
* The contract-in form enables contracts to be specified in an
importing module.
* The #%declare form supports the #:flatten-requires and
#:unlimited-compile keywords
* Identifiers such as case-λ, match-λ and λ are equivalent to
their Latin-alphabet equivalents (case-lambda, match-lambda, and
lambda) in more contexts, including uses of match.
* The hash-filter function allows the use of a predicate to select a
sub-table of a hash table.
* The module browser can perform filtering on submodules.
* The raco test command-line form respects the
current-test-invocation-directory parameter, and shows well-formed
module paths in its output.
* Racket CS allows the use of in-memory boot files.
* The raco/testing collection brings together a variety of testing-
related functions and forms.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:misc/racket?expand=0&rev=89