# # spec file for package rp-pppoe (Version 3.10) # # Copyright (c) 2008 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany. # This file and all modifications and additions to the pristine # package are under the same license as the package itself. # # Please submit bugfixes or comments via http://bugs.opensuse.org/ # # norootforbuild Name: rp-pppoe BuildRequires: ppp Summary: A PPP Over Ethernet Redirector for PPPD Version: 3.10 Release: 1 License: GPL v2 or later Group: Productivity/Networking/PPP Source: http://www.roaringpenguin.com/pppoe/rp-pppoe-%{version}.tar.bz2 Url: http://www.roaringpenguin.com/pppoe Patch0: init-suse.diff Patch1: docdir.diff Patch2: nonrfc-modems.diff Patch3: logger-path.diff Patch5: release-buildsystem.diff Patch6: resolve-conf.diff Patch8: strip.diff Requires: ppp >= 2.3.7 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build PreReq: %insserv_prereq %fillup_prereq %description rp-pppoe is a user-space redirector which permits the use of PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol Over Ethernet) with Linux. PPPoE is used by many ADSL service providers. Authors: -------- David F. Skoll %prep %setup -q %patch0 %patch1 %patch2 %patch3 %patch5 %patch6 %patch8 %build cd src CFLAGS=$RPM_OPT_FLAGS \ %configure make cd ../gui make %install cd src make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT ln -sf ../../etc/init.d/pppoe $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/sbin/rcpppoe cd ../gui make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_defaultdocdir/rp-pppoe mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/ppp/plugins/README $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_defaultdocdir/rp-pppoe/README.plugins rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/ppp/plugins %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %preun %stop_on_removal pppoe %post %{fillup_and_insserv pppoe} %postun %restart_on_update pppoe %{insserv_cleanup} %files %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %_defaultdocdir/rp-pppoe %doc %_defaultdocdir/rp-pppoe/* %config(noreplace) /etc/ppp/pppoe.conf %config(noreplace) /etc/ppp/pppoe-server-options %config(noreplace) /etc/ppp/firewall-masq %config(noreplace) /etc/ppp/firewall-standalone /usr/sbin/pppoe /usr/sbin/pppoe-server /usr/sbin/pppoe-sniff /usr/sbin/pppoe-relay /usr/sbin/pppoe-connect /usr/sbin/pppoe-start /usr/sbin/pppoe-stop /usr/sbin/pppoe-setup /usr/sbin/pppoe-status %{_mandir}/man5/pppoe.conf.5* %{_mandir}/man8/pppoe.8* %{_mandir}/man8/pppoe-server.8* %{_mandir}/man8/pppoe-relay.8* %{_mandir}/man8/pppoe-sniff.8* %{_mandir}/man8/pppoe-connect.8* %{_mandir}/man8/pppoe-start.8* %{_mandir}/man8/pppoe-stop.8* %{_mandir}/man8/pppoe-status.8* %{_mandir}/man8/pppoe-setup.8* /etc/init.d/pppoe /usr/sbin/rcpppoe %dir /etc/ppp/rp-pppoe-gui %attr (4750,root,dialout) /usr/sbin/pppoe-wrapper /usr/bin/tkpppoe %{_mandir}/man1/tkpppoe.1* %{_mandir}/man1/pppoe-wrapper.1* %dir /usr/share/tkpppoe /usr/share/tkpppoe/tkpppoe.html /usr/share/tkpppoe/mainwin-busy.png /usr/share/tkpppoe/mainwin-nonroot.png /usr/share/tkpppoe/mainwin.png /usr/share/tkpppoe/props-advanced.png /usr/share/tkpppoe/props-basic.png /usr/share/tkpppoe/props-nic.png /usr/share/tkpppoe/props-options.png /usr/share/tkpppoe/en.msg /usr/share/tkpppoe/ja.msg %changelog * Fri Jul 04 2008 hvogel@suse.de - update to version 3.10 * some compilation fixes * pppoe-server has new "-x" option to limit the number of sessions per MAC address. * Added proper timeout handling while waiting for PADO/PADS. * Fix race condition with some access concentrators * Fri Feb 22 2008 crrodriguez@suse.de - add missing remote_fs dependency in the init script - fix/add missing calls to restart_on_update and stop_on_removal macros * Thu Jul 13 2006 mskibbe@suse.de - update to version 3.8 which o Adjusted code and made it possible to disable debugging code to shrink size of pppoe executable. o Fixed bug in MD5 code that caused pppoe-server to segfault on 64-bit machines. o Made various functions and variables static that didn't need to be visible outside their source files. * Fri May 26 2006 schwab@suse.de - Use RPM_OPT_FLAGS. - Don't strip binaries. * Wed Jan 25 2006 mls@suse.de - converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires * Thu Nov 17 2005 arvin@suse.de - updated to version 3.7 - pppoe-server prepends "nic-" to interface name if used with kernel-mode plugin - added -O option to pppoe-server that specify a different default options file for pppd * Wed Sep 21 2005 arvin@suse.de - updated to version 3.6: - Changed the names of commands from adsl-* to pppoe-* to more logically name the scripts (incompatibility) - Changed sample firewall scripts to use iptables instead of the old ipchains command * Wed Jan 19 2005 arvin@suse.de - fixed build on s390 by compiling without -ansi * Sat Jan 10 2004 adrian@suse.de - build as user * Fri Sep 05 2003 ro@suse.de - fix typo in specfile * Fri Sep 05 2003 kukuk@suse.de - Add %%attr to get filelist in sync with /etc/permissions* * Fri Jun 13 2003 nashif@suse.de - Added %%dir to created directories * Fri May 16 2003 nashif@suse.de - Fixed init script syntax (bug #26248) - Fixed file list * Mon Mar 10 2003 nashif@suse.de - dont link /etc/resolv.conf, done by ip-up ( #15707) * Wed Oct 02 2002 nashif@suse.de - Don't check for release file * Mon Sep 30 2002 nashif@suse.de - fixed bug #20327: wrong path to logger in scripts * Mon Aug 19 2002 kukuk@suse.de - fixed compilation on UL * Mon Aug 19 2002 nashif@suse.de - Fixed bug #17866: Added PreReq * Sat Aug 10 2002 nashif@suse.de - Fix bug #17465: detect non-rfc modems - Fix bug #17466: use netfilter instead of ipchains * Mon Jul 29 2002 nashif@suse.de - update to 3.5 * Mon Jan 14 2002 ro@suse.de - removed START_ADSL * Sat Oct 20 2001 nashif@suse.de - Update to 3.3 * Client works on Solaris again. It was broken in 3.2. * Added DEFAULTROUTE=yes|no option to configuration file. * Server parses address pool file better. * Server address pool allows ranges of addresses on a line: a.b.c.d-e * Added "-d" (=debug) and "-P" (=check pool file syntax) options to pppoe-server. * Fri Aug 03 2001 nashif@suse.de - Update to version 3.2 * Thu Jun 28 2001 nashif@suse.de - Fixed bug #8966 - bzipped sources * Sat Apr 21 2001 nashif@suse.de - Fixed documentation path in GUI - Added GUI documentation * Thu Apr 05 2001 nashif@suse.de - Fixed init script (Use rc_status) * Tue Apr 03 2001 nashif@suse.de - Update to version 3.0 * Thu Mar 01 2001 nashif@suse.de - Update to version 2.8 - Fixed headers * Fri Dec 22 2000 nashif@suse.de - Added obosletes and provides tags * Wed Dec 13 2000 nashif@suse.de - Update to 2.5 (Fixes security problem) * Sat Dec 09 2000 nashif@suse.de - Update to 2.4 - Fix rcadsl link - Changed name tp rp-pppoe * Wed Nov 29 2000 nashif@suse.de - Use insserv * Fri Sep 22 2000 nashif@suse.de - Updated to 2.3 * Thu May 25 2000 nashif@suse.de - Updated to 1.9 - Added init script * Sun May 07 2000 nashif@suse.de - Update to version 1.8 * Wed Mar 29 2000 nashif@suse.de - Update to version 1.7 - Fixed Group & Buildroot tag * Wed Feb 23 2000 nashif@suse.de - Initial Release (Version 1.3)