- disable extensions doc dir on rubinius - workaround https://github.com/rubinius/rubinius/issues/2732 for UTF8 locale in gem_packages.sh - we actually need the splitted version in any case. uncomment it again - pass the ruby abi as hash containing :interpreter, :version, :abi as keys. that way we have the full new string but also the version for the 1.8 support - rubygemsdeps.rb: - make the provides/requires also include the ruby interpreter - no longer emit the old package name style provides - rubygems.attr: - make the path a bit more relaxed so we can match other ruby interpreter too - added ruby-common.macros: Holds the common macros for the rpm macro based buildrequires. - merged ruby.macros into ruby.rpm-macros: the later file now carries the rb_* and gem_* macros - ruby.macros: drop the duplicate gem macros - fix small typo in opensuse.spec.erb which broke the formatting. - no longer require ruby(-devel). ruby-common is required by rubyX.Y so we should always be installed and this breaks a small OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/248313 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:ruby/ruby-common?expand=0&rev=69
234 lines
9.0 KiB
234 lines
9.0 KiB
def self.patch_mod_full_name(path, mod_full_name)
path.gsub(/\/-/, "/#{mod_full_name}")
def self.patch_libdir(path)
# path ? path.gsub(/\/usr\/lib(64)?/, '%{_libdir}') : path
def self.get_extension_doc_dir(gem_spec)
if gem_spec.respond_to?(:extensions_dir) && RUBY_ENGINE != 'rbx'
rp = gem_spec.extensions_dir.rpartition(gem_spec.base_dir)
return File.join(rp[1], 'doc', rp[2])
return nil
def self.get_mod_weight(spec)
begin v1=Integer(versions[0]) rescue v1=1 end
begin v2=Integer(versions[1]) rescue v2=0 end
begin v3=Integer(versions[2]) rescue v3=0 end
def self.filecontent_or_value(path)
(path and File.exists?(path)) ? File.read(path) : path
def self.parse_custom_pkgs(env_value)
custom_pkgs = {}
if env_value
list = env_value.split(/\s+/)
list.each do |element|
pkg_name,filelist_path, preamble, description = element.split(/\|/, 4)
filelist = filecontent_or_value(filelist_path)
preamble = filecontent_or_value(preamble)
description = filecontent_or_value(description)
custom_pkgs[pkg_name] = {
"filelist" => filelist,
"preamble" => preamble,
"description" => description,
rb_suffix = RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_install_name'].gsub(/^ruby/, '')
rb_pkgname = RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_install_name'].gsub(/^ruby\./, '')
pkg_basename = rb_pkgname + '-rubygem-' + spec.name
mod_full_name = "#{spec.name}-#{spec.version}"
mod_weight = get_mod_weight(spec)
gem_platform = Gem::Platform.new(RbConfig::CONFIG["arch"]).to_s
rb_bindir = RbConfig::CONFIG['bindir']
rb_sysconfdir = RbConfig::CONFIG['sysconfdir']
docdir = '/usr/share/doc/packages'
gem_spec = Gem::Specification.new
gem_base_dir = patch_libdir(gem_spec.base_dir)
gem_cache_dir = patch_libdir(gem_spec.cache_dir)
gem_gems_dir = patch_libdir(gem_spec.gems_dir)
gem_spec_dir = patch_libdir(gem_spec.spec_dir)
gem_bin_dir = patch_libdir(patch_mod_full_name(gem_spec.bin_dir , mod_full_name ))
gem_doc_dir = patch_libdir(patch_mod_full_name(gem_spec.doc_dir, mod_full_name ))
gem_gem_dir = patch_libdir(patch_mod_full_name(gem_spec.gem_dir, mod_full_name ))
gem_ri_dir = patch_libdir(patch_mod_full_name(gem_spec.ri_dir, mod_full_name ))
gem_extensions_dir = gem_spec.respond_to?(:extensions_dir) ? patch_libdir(gem_spec.extensions_dir) : nil
gem_extension_dir = gem_spec.respond_to?(:extension_dir) ? patch_libdir(patch_mod_full_name(gem_spec.extension_dir, mod_full_name)) : nil
gem_extension_doc = patch_libdir(get_extension_doc_dir(gem_spec))
%package -n <%= pkg_basename %><%= config[:version_suffix] %>
<% for req in spec.required_ruby_version -%>
<% unless req.empty? -%>
Requires: <%= rb_pkgname %> <%= req %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% if config[:main] && config[:main][:preamble] -%>
<%= config[:main][:preamble] %>
<% end -%>
Summary: <%= config[:summary] or spec.summary %>
Group: Development/Languages/Ruby
<% unless spec.executables.empty? -%>
PreReq: update-alternatives
<% end -%>
%description -n <%= pkg_basename %><%= config[:version_suffix] %>
<%= config[:description] or spec.description -%>
<% if spec.has_rdoc && not(config[:disable_docs]) -%>
%package -n <%= pkg_basename %>-doc<%= config[:version_suffix] %>
Summary: RDoc documentation for <%= spec.name %>
Group: Development/Languages/Ruby
Requires: <%= pkg_basename %><%= config[:version_suffix] %> = <%= spec.version %>
%description -n <%= pkg_basename %>-doc<%= config[:version_suffix] %>
Documentation generated at gem installation time.
Usually in RDoc and RI formats.
<% end -%>
<% test_frameworks = Hash.new
docdirfiles = []
format.file_entries.each do |entry|
# new rubygems version has it different
if entry.kind_of?(Array)
path.gsub!(%r{^\./}, '')
%w(test spec).each { |framework|
test_frameworks[framework] = 1 if path.index(framework + "/") == 0
%w(changes copying history legal license mit-license changelog readme).each { |file|
bpath = path.downcase.gsub(%r{\.rdoc$}, '').gsub(%r{\.txt$}, '').gsub(%r{\.md$}, '')
#$stderr.puts "PATH #{path} #{bpath} #{file}"
docdirfiles << path if bpath == file
test_frameworks = test_frameworks.keys.sort
<% unless test_frameworks.empty? -%>
%package -n <%= pkg_basename %>-testsuite<%= config[:version_suffix] %>
Summary: Test suite for <%= spec.name %>
Group: Development/Languages/Ruby
Requires: <%= pkg_basename %><%= config[:version_suffix] %> = <%= spec.version %>
%description -n <%= pkg_basename %>-testsuite<%= config[:version_suffix] %>
Test::Unit or RSpec files, useful for developers.
<% end -%>
<% unless spec.executables.empty? -%>
%post -n <%= pkg_basename %><%= config[:version_suffix] %>
<% spec.executables.each do |executable| -%>
/usr/sbin/update-alternatives --install \
<%= rb_bindir %>/<%= executable %> <%= executable %> <%= rb_bindir %>/<%= "#{executable}#{rb_suffix}-#{spec.version}" %> <%= mod_weight %>
/usr/sbin/update-alternatives --install \
<%= rb_bindir %>/<%= "#{executable}-#{spec.version}" %> <%= "#{executable}-#{spec.version}" %> <%= rb_bindir %>/<%= "#{executable}#{rb_suffix}-#{spec.version}" %> <%= mod_weight %>
/usr/sbin/update-alternatives --install \
<%= rb_bindir %>/<%= "#{executable}#{rb_suffix}" %> <%= "#{executable}#{rb_suffix}" %> <%= rb_bindir %>/<%= "#{executable}#{rb_suffix}-#{spec.version}" %> <%= mod_weight %>
<% end -%>
%preun -n <%= pkg_basename %><%= config[:version_suffix] %>
if [ "$1" = 0 ] ; then
<% spec.executables.each do |executable| -%>
/usr/sbin/update-alternatives --remove <%= executable %> <%= rb_bindir %>/<%= "#{executable}#{rb_suffix}-#{spec.version}" %>
/usr/sbin/update-alternatives --remove <%= "#{executable}-#{spec.version}" %> <%= rb_bindir %>/<%= "#{executable}#{rb_suffix}-#{spec.version}" %>
/usr/sbin/update-alternatives --remove <%= "#{executable}#{rb_suffix}" %> <%= rb_bindir %>/<%= "#{executable}#{rb_suffix}-#{spec.version}" %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
%files -n <%= pkg_basename %><%= config[:version_suffix] %>
<% if config[:main] && config[:main][:filelist] -%>
<%= config[:main][:filelist] -%>
<% end -%>
<% unless docdirfiles.empty? -%>
<%= docdir %>/<%= pkg_basename %><%= config[:version_suffix] %>
<% end -%>
<% spec.executables.each do |executable| -%>
<%= rb_bindir %>/<%= "#{executable}#{rb_suffix}-#{spec.version}" %>
%ghost <%= rb_bindir %>/<%= "#{executable}#{rb_suffix}" %>
%ghost <%= rb_bindir %>/<%= "#{executable}-#{spec.version}" %>
%ghost <%= rb_bindir %>/<%= executable %>
%ghost <%= rb_sysconfdir %>/alternatives/<%= executable %>
%ghost <%= rb_sysconfdir %>/alternatives/<%= "#{executable}#{rb_suffix}" %>
%ghost <%= rb_sysconfdir %>/alternatives/<%= "#{executable}-#{spec.version}" %>
<% end -%>
# cache file
<%= gem_cache_dir %>/<%= mod_full_name %>.gem
<%= gem_gem_dir %>
<% unless spec.extensions.empty? or gem_extension_dir.nil? -%>
<%= gem_extension_dir %>
<% end -%>
<% test_frameworks.each do |framework| -%>
%exclude <%= File.join gem_gem_dir, framework %>
<% end -%>
<%= gem_spec_dir %>/<%= mod_full_name -%>.gemspec
<% if spec.has_rdoc && not(config[:disable_docs]) -%>
%files -n <%= pkg_basename %>-doc<%= config[:version_suffix] %>
%doc <%= gem_doc_dir %>
<% unless spec.extensions.empty? or gem_extension_doc.nil? -%>
%doc <%= gem_extension_doc %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% unless test_frameworks.empty? -%>
%files -n <%= pkg_basename %>-testsuite<%= config[:version_suffix] %>
<% test_frameworks.each do |framework| -%>
<%= File.join gem_gem_dir, framework %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
if config[:custom_pkgs_ruby_versioned]
config[:custom_pkgs_ruby_versioned].each do |custom_pkg_name, data|
%package -n <%= pkg_basename %>-<%= custom_pkg_name %><%= config[:version_suffix] %>
<% if data[:preamble] and data[:preamble] != '' -%>
<%= data[:preamble] %>
<% else %>
Summary: <%= custom_pkg_name %> sub package for <%= spec.name %>
Group: Development/Languages/Ruby
<% end %>
Requires: <%= pkg_basename %><%= config[:version_suffix] %> = <%= spec.version %>
%description -n <%= pkg_basename %>-<%= custom_pkg_name %><%= config[:version_suffix] %>
<% if data[:description] and data[:description] != '' -%>
<%= data[:description] %>
<% else %>
<%= spec.description -%>
This package holds the <%= custom_pkg_name %> sub package for <%= spec.name -%>
<% end %>
%files -n <%= pkg_basename %>-<%= custom_pkg_name %><%= config[:version_suffix] %>
<%= data['filelist'] -%>