------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 27 08:19:00 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - updated to version 1.2.0 - Add `with(options)` and `checkout(options)`. [mattcamuto] Allows the caller to override the pool timeout. ```ruby @pool.with(:timeout => 2) do |conn| end ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 31 05:45:54 UTC 2013 - coolo@suse.com - updated to version 1.1.0 - New `#shutdown` method (simao) This method accepts a block and calls the block for each connection in the pool. After calling this method, trying to get a connection from the pool raises `PoolShuttingDownError`. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 25 17:00:44 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com - initial package (version 1.0.0)