NOTE: The reason I made an update to 1.44.x instead od 1.45.x is that it's impossible to build 1.45.x with 1.43.x. We will be able to update to 1.45.x after we have 1.44.x compilers reeady.
- Update to version 1.44.1
* rustfmt accepts rustfmt_skip in cfg_attr again.
* Don't hash executable filenames on apple platforms, fixing backtraces.
* Fix crashes when finding backtrace on macOS.
* Clippy applies lint levels into different files.
- Update to version 1.44.0
+ Language
- You can now use `async/.await` with `#[no_std]` enabled.
- Added the `unused_braces` lint.
- Expansion-driven outline module parsing
+ Compiler
- Rustc now respects the `-C codegen-units` flag in incremental mode.
Additionally when in incremental mode rustc defaults to 256 codegen units.
- Refactored `catch_unwind` to have zero-cost, unless unwinding is enabled and
a panic is thrown.
- Added tier 3\* support for the `aarch64-unknown-none` and
`aarch64-unknown-none-softfloat` targets.
- Added tier 3 support for `arm64-apple-tvos` and
`x86_64-apple-tvos` targets.
+ Libraries
- Special cased `vec![]` to map directly to `Vec::new()`. This allows
`vec![]` to be able to be used in `const` contexts.
- `convert::Infallible` now implements `Hash`.
- `OsString` now implements `DerefMut` and `IndexMut` returning
a `&mut OsStr`.
- Unicode 13 is now supported.
- `String` now implements `From<&mut str>`.
- `IoSlice` now implements `Copy`.
- `Vec<T>` now implements `From<[T; N]>`. Where `N` is at most 32.
- `proc_macro::LexError` now implements `fmt::Display` and `Error`.
- Add hopefully-fix-rustdoc-build.patch to fix rustdoc compilation
- Update to version 1.39.0
+ Language
- You can now create async functions and blocks with async fn,
async move {}, and async {} respectively, and you can now call
.await on async expressions.
- You can now use certain attributes on function, closure, and
function pointer parameters.
- You can now take shared references to bind-by-move patterns in
the if guards of match arms.
+ Compiler
- Added tier 3 support for the i686-unknown-uefi target.
- Added tier 3 support for the sparc64-unknown-openbsd target.
- rustc will now trim code snippets in diagnostics to fit in your
- You can now pass --show-output argument to test binaries to
print the output of successful tests.
+ For more details:
- Drop patches already merged in upstream:
+ rust-61206-assume-tarball-llvm-is-fresh.patch
+ add-option-to-allow-warnings.patch
- Patch: require patching of src/librustc_llvm/ to ignore
a flag that llvm-config --cxxflags outputs which GCC doesn't
- Default to building using the distro LLVM where the version is
>= 5.0, instead of the Rust bundled LLVM which requires
compilation. This should decrease build times. SLE LLVM is too old.
- Fixing various rpmlint warnings and errors:
+ ExclusiveArch instead of BuildArch for i686
+ Remove conflicts with same package name
+ Remove a few hidden files during prep, does not touch '.clang-format'
+ Remove old patch macro in comment
+ Fix lint warning about bash and zsh completition files
+ Fix various script shebang warnings (incorrect or missing)
+ Adjust rpmlintrc to mask some 'invalid' warnings
- Move Rust and its tools in to their own category under:
+ Development/Languages/Rust
- Jump from version 1.26.2 to 1.30.0 due to a build issue with using 1.26.x to
compile 1.27.x. This package release requires %{rust_bootstrap} to be set.
- Enable extra rust tools to be built (cargo, rls, rustfmt, analysis)
+ cargo is now packaged with the same version number as the rust release, this
may break any packages that relied on a cargo version number.
- Remove ccache and ninja from BuildRequires.
- Switch build configuration to use configure script, remove config.toml.
- Include all bootstraps in source rpm to make bootstrapping easier to manage
within OBS.
- Remove unused patch: update-config-guess.patch
Update to version 1.30.0 (2018-10-25)
+ Language
- Procedural macros are now available.- These kinds of macros allow for
more powerful code generation. There is a new chapter available
in the Rust Programming Language book that goes further in depth.
- You can now use keywords as identifiers using the raw identifiers
syntax (`r#`),- e.g. `let r#for = true;`
- Using anonymous parameters in traits is now deprecated with a warning and
will be a hard error in the 2018 edition.-
- You can now use `crate` in paths.- This allows you to refer to the
crate root in the path, e.g. `use crate::foo;` refers to `foo` in `src/`.
- Using a external crate no longer requires being prefixed with `::`.-
Previously, using a external crate in a module without a use statement
required `let json = ::serde_json::from_str(foo);` but can now be written
as `let json = serde_json::from_str(foo);`.
- You can now apply the `#[used]` attribute to static items to prevent the
compiler from optimising them away, even if they appear to be unused,-
e.g. `#[used] static FOO: u32 = 1;`
- You can now import and reexport macros from other crates with the `use`
syntax.- Macros exported with `#[macro_export]` are now placed into
the root module of the crate. If your macro relies on calling other local
macros, it is recommended to export with the
`#[macro_export(local_inner_macros)]` attribute so users won't have to import
those macros.
- You can now catch visibility keywords (e.g. `pub`, `pub(crate)`) in macros
using the `vis` specifier.-
- Non-macro attributes now allow all forms of literals, not just
strings.- Previously, you would write `#[attr("true")]`, and you can now
write `#[attr(true)]`.
- You can now specify a function to handle a panic in the Rust runtime with the
`#[panic_handler]` attribute.-
+ Compiler
- Added the `riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf` target.-
- Added the `aarch64-unknown-netbsd` target-
+ Libraries
- `ManuallyDrop` now allows the inner type to be unsized.-
+ Stabilized APIs
- `Ipv4Addr::BROADCAST`
- `Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST`
- `Ipv6Addr::LOCALHOST`
- `Iterator::find_map`
- The following methods are replacement methods for `trim_left`, `trim_right`,
`trim_left_matches`, and `trim_right_matches`, which will be deprecated
in 1.33.0:
+ `str::trim_end_matches`
+ `str::trim_end`
+ `str::trim_start_matches`
+ `str::trim_start`
+ Cargo
- `cargo run` doesn't require specifying a package in workspaces.][cargo/5877]
- `cargo doc` now supports `--message-format=json`.][cargo/5878] This is
equivalent to calling `rustdoc --error-format=json`.
- Cargo will now provide a progress bar for builds.][cargo/5995]
+ Misc
- `rustdoc` allows you to specify what edition to treat your code as with the
`--edition` option.-
- `rustdoc` now has the `--color` (specify whether to output color) and
`--error-format` (specify error format, e.g. `json`) options.-
- We now distribute a `rust-gdbgui` script that invokes `gdbgui` with Rust
debug symbols.-
- Attributes from Rust tools such as `rustfmt` or `clippy` are now
available,- e.g. `#[rustfmt::skip]` will skip formatting the next item.
- Update to version 1.29.2 (2018-10-11)
+ Workaround for an aliasing-related LLVM bug, which caused miscompilation.
+ The `rls-preview` component on the windows-gnu targets has been restored.
- Update to version 1.29.1 (2018-09-25)
+ Security Notes
- The standard library's `str::repeat` function contained an out of bounds write
caused by an integer overflow. This has been fixed by deterministically
panicking when an overflow happens.
- Update to version 1.29.0 (2018-09-13)
+ Compiler
- Bumped minimum LLVM version to 5.0.
- Added `powerpc64le-unknown-linux-musl` target.
- Added `aarch64-unknown-hermit` and `x86_64-unknown-hermit` targets.
+ Libraries
- `Once::call_once` no longer requires `Once` to be `'static`.
- `BuildHasherDefault` now implements `PartialEq` and `Eq`.
- `Box<CStr>`, `Box<OsStr>`, and `Box<Path>` now implement `Clone`.
- Implemented `PartialEq<&str>` for `OsString` and `PartialEq<OsString>`
for `&str`.
- `Cell<T>` now allows `T` to be unsized.
- `SocketAddr` is now stable on Redox.
+ Stabilized APIs
- `Arc::downcast`
- `Iterator::flatten`
- `Rc::downcast`
+ Cargo
- Cargo can silently fix some bad lockfiles.][cargo/5831] You can use
`--locked` to disable this behavior.
- `cargo-install` will now allow you to cross compile an install
using `--target`.][cargo/5614]
- Added the `cargo-fix` subcommand to automatically move project code from
2015 edition to 2018.][cargo/5723]
- `cargo doc` can now optionally document private types using the
`--document-private-items` flag.][cargo/5543]
+ Misc
- `rustdoc` now has the `--cap-lints` option which demotes all lints above
the specified level to that level. For example `--cap-lints warn`
will demote `deny` and `forbid` lints to `warn`.
- `rustc` and `rustdoc` will now have the exit code of `1` if compilation
fails and `101` if there is a panic.
- A preview of clippy has been made available through rustup.
You can install the preview with `rustup component add clippy-preview`.
+ Compatibility Notes
- `str::{slice_unchecked, slice_unchecked_mut}` are now deprecated.
Use `str::get_unchecked(begin..end)` instead.
- `std::env::home_dir` is now deprecated for its unintuitive behavior.
Consider using the `home_dir` function from instead.
- `rustc` will no longer silently ignore invalid data in target spec.
- `cfg` attributes and `--cfg` command line flags are now more
strictly validated.
- Update to version 1.28.0
+ Language
- The `#[repr(transparent)]` attribute is now stable.- This attribute
allows a Rust newtype wrapper (`struct NewType<T>(T);`) to be represented as
the inner type across Foreign Function Interface (FFI) boundaries.
- The keywords `pure`, `sizeof`, `alignof`, and `offsetof` have been unreserved
and can now be used as identifiers.-
- The `GlobalAlloc` trait and `#[global_allocator]` attribute are now
stable.- This will allow users to specify a global allocator for
their program.
- Unit test functions marked with the `#[test]` attribute can now return
`Result<(), E: Debug>` in addition to `()`.-
- The `lifetime` specifier for `macro_rules!` is now stable.- This
allows macros to easily target lifetimes.
+ Compiler
- The `s` and `z` optimisation levels are now stable.- These optimisations
prioritise making smaller binary sizes. `z` is the same as `s` with the
exception that it does not vectorise loops, which typically results in an even
smaller binary.
- The short error format is now stable.- Specified with
`--error-format=short` this option will provide a more compressed output of
rust error messages.
- Added a lint warning when you have duplicated `macro_export`s.-
- Reduced the number of allocations in the macro parser.- This can
improve compile times of macro heavy crates on average by 5%.
+ Libraries
- Implemented `Default` for `&mut str`.-
- Implemented `From<bool>` for all integer and unsigned number types.-
- Implemented `Extend` for `()`.-
- The `Debug` implementation of `time::Duration` should now be more easily
human readable.- Previously a `Duration` of one second would printed as
`Duration { secs: 1, nanos: 0 }` and will now be printed as `1s`.
- Implemented `From<&String>` for `Cow<str>`, `From<&Vec<T>>` for `Cow<[T]>`,
`From<Cow<CStr>>` for `CString`, `From<CString>, From<CStr>, From<&CString>`
for `Cow<CStr>`, `From<OsString>, From<OsStr>, From<&OsString>` for
`Cow<OsStr>`, `From<&PathBuf>` for `Cow<Path>`, and `From<Cow<Path>>`
for `PathBuf`.-
- Implemented `Shl` and `Shr` for `Wrapping<u128>`
and `Wrapping<i128>`.-
- `DirEntry::metadata` now uses `fstatat` instead of `lstat` when
possible.- This can provide up to a 40% speed increase.
- Improved error messages when using `format!`.-
+ Stabilized APIs
- `Iterator::step_by`
- `Path::ancestors`
- `SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH`
- `alloc::GlobalAlloc`
- `alloc::Layout`
- `alloc::LayoutErr`
- `alloc::System`
- `alloc::alloc`
- `alloc::alloc_zeroed`
- `alloc::dealloc`
- `alloc::realloc`
- `alloc::handle_alloc_error`
- `btree_map::Entry::or_default`
- `fmt::Alignment`
- `hash_map::Entry::or_default`
- `iter::repeat_with`
- `num::NonZeroUsize`
- `num::NonZeroU128`
- `num::NonZeroU16`
- `num::NonZeroU32`
- `num::NonZeroU64`
- `num::NonZeroU8`
- `ops::RangeBounds`
- `slice::SliceIndex`
- `slice::from_mut`
- `slice::from_ref`
- `{Any + Send + Sync}::downcast_mut`
- `{Any + Send + Sync}::downcast_ref`
- `{Any + Send + Sync}::is`
+ Cargo
- Cargo will now no longer allow you to publish crates with build scripts that
modify the `src` directory.][cargo/5584] The `src` directory in a crate should be
considered to be immutable.
+ Misc
- The `suggestion_applicability` field in `rustc`'s json output is now
stable.- This will allow dev tools to check whether a code suggestion
would apply to them.
+ Compatibility Notes
- Rust will consider trait objects with duplicated constraints to be the same
type as without the duplicated constraint.- For example the below code will
now fail to compile.
trait Trait {}
impl Trait + Send {
fn test(&self) { println!("one"); } //~ ERROR duplicate definitions with name `test`
impl Trait + Send + Send {
fn test(&self) { println!("two"); }
- Update to version 1.27.2:
+ Compatibility Notes
- The borrow checker was fixed to avoid an additional potential unsoundness when using
match ergonomics
- Update to version 1.27.1:
+ Security Notes
- rustdoc would execute plugins in the /tmp/rustdoc/plugins directory
when running, which enabled executing code as some other user on a
given machine. This release fixes that vulnerability; you can read
more about this on the blog. The associated CVE is [CVE-2018-1000622].
Thank you to Red Hat for responsibily disclosing this vulnerability to us.
+ Compatibility Notes
- The borrow checker was fixed to avoid an additional potential unsoundness when using
match ergonomics
- Update to version 1.27.0:
+ Language
- Removed 'proc' from the reserved keywords list. This allows `proc` to
be used as an identifier.
- The dyn syntax is now available. This syntax is equivalent to the
bare `Trait` syntax, and should make it clearer when being used in tandem with
`impl Trait` because it is equivalent to the following syntax:
`&Trait == &dyn Trait`, `&mut Trait == &mut dyn Trait`, and
`Box<Trait> == Box<dyn Trait>`.
- Attributes on generic parameters such as types and lifetimes are
now stable. e.g.
`fn foo<#[lifetime_attr] 'a, #[type_attr] T: 'a>() {}`
- The `#[must_use]` attribute can now also be used on functions as well as
types. It provides a lint that by default warns users when the
value returned by a function has not been used.
+ Compiler
- Added the `armvte-unknown-linux-musleabi` target.
+ Libraries
- SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) on x/x_ is now stable.
This includes arch::x & arch::x_ modules which contain
SIMD intrinsics, a new macro called `is_x_feature_detected!`, the
`#[target_feature(enable="")]` attribute, and adding `target_feature = ""` to
the `cfg` attribute.
- A lot of methods for `[u]`, `f`, and `f` previously only available in
std are now available in core.
- The generic `Rhs` type parameter on `ops::{Shl, ShlAssign, Shr}` now defaults
to `Self`.
- std::str::replace` now has the `#[must_use]` attribute to clarify
that the operation isn't done in place.
- Clone::clone`, `Iterator::collect`, and `ToOwned::to_owned` now have
the `#[must_use]` attribute] to warn about unused potentially
expensive allocations.
+ Stabilized APIs
- DoubleEndedIterator::rfind
- DoubleEndedIterator::rfold
- DoubleEndedIterator::try_rfold
- Duration::from_micros
- Duration::from_nanos
- Duration::subsec_micros
- Duration::subsec_millis
- HashMap::remove_entry
- Iterator::try_fold
- Iterator::try_for_each
- NonNull::cast
- Option::filter
- String::replace_range
- Take::set_limit
- hint::unreachable_unchecked
- os::unix::process::parent_id
- ptr::swap_nonoverlapping
- slice::rsplit_mut
- slice::rsplit
- slice::swap_with_slice
+ Cargo
- `cargo-metadata` now includes `authors`, `categories`, `keywords`,
`readme`, and `repository` fields.
- `cargo-metadata` now includes a package's `metadata` table.
- Added the `--target-dir` optional argument. This allows you to specify
a different directory than `target` for placing compilation artifacts.
- Cargo will be adding automatic target inference for binaries, benchmarks,
examples, and tests in the Rust 2018 edition. If your project specifies
specific targets, e.g. using `[[bin]]`, and have other binaries in locations
where cargo would infer a binary, Cargo will produce a warning. You can
disable this feature ahead of time by setting any of the following to false:
`autobins`, `autobenches`, `autoexamples`, `autotests`.
- Cargo will now cache compiler information. This can be disabled by
setting `CARGO_CACHE_RUSTC_INFO=0` in your environment.
+ Compatibility Notes
- Calling a `CharExt` or `StrExt` method directly on core will no longer
work. e.g. `::core::prelude::v1::StrExt::is_empty("")` will not
compile, `"".is_empty()` will still compile.
- `Debug` output on `atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicIsize, AtomicPtr, AtomicUsize}`
will only print the inner type. E.g.
`print!("{:?}", AtomicBool::new(true))` will print `true`,
not `AtomicBool(true)`.
- The maximum number for `repr(align(N))` is now 2²⁹. Previously you
could enter higher numbers but they were not supported by LLVM. Up to 512MB
alignment should cover all use cases.
- The `.description()` method on the `std::error::Error` trait
has been soft-deprecated. It is no longer required to implement it.
+ Misc
- Added “The Rustc book” into the official documentation.