- Update to version 1.32.0 - Language + 2018 edition - You can now use the `?` operator in macro definitions. The `?` operator allows you to specify zero or one repetitions similar to the `*` and `+` operators. - Module paths with no leading keyword like `super`, `self`, or `crate`, will now always resolve to the item (`enum`, `struct`, etc.) available in the module if present, before resolving to a external crate or an item the prelude. E.g. enum Color { Red, Green, Blue } use Color::*; + All editions - You can now match against `PhantomData<T>` types. - You can now match against literals in macros with the `literal` specifier. This will match against a literal of any type. E.g. `1`, `'A'`, `"Hello World"` - Self can now be used as a constructor and pattern for unit and tuple structs. E.g. struct Point(i32, i32); impl Point { pub fn new(x: i32, y: i32) -> Self { Self(x, y) } pub fn is_origin(&self) -> bool { match self { Self(0, 0) => true, _ => false, } } } - Self can also now be used in type definitions. E.g. enum List<T> where Self: PartialOrd<Self> // can write `Self` instead of `List<T>` { Nil, Cons(T, Box<Self>) // likewise here } - You can now mark traits with `#[must_use]`. This provides a warning if a `impl Trait` or `dyn Trait` is returned and unused in the program. - Compiler + The default allocator has changed from jemalloc to the default allocator on your system. The compiler itself on Linux & macOS will still use jemalloc, but programs compiled with it will use the system allocator. + Added the `aarch64-pc-windows-msvc` target. - Libraries + `PathBuf` now implements `FromStr`. - `Box<[T]>` now implements `FromIterator<T>`. - The `dbg!` macro has been stabilized. This macro enables you to easily debug expressions in your rust program. E.g. let a = 2; let b = dbg!(a * 2) + 1; // ^-- prints: [src/main.rs:4] a * 2 = 4 assert_eq!(b, 5); + The following APIs are now `const` functions and can be used in a `const` context. - `Cell::as_ptr` - `UnsafeCell::get` - `char::is_ascii` - `iter::empty` - `ManuallyDrop::new` - `ManuallyDrop::into_inner` - `RangeInclusive::start` - `RangeInclusive::end` - `NonNull::as_ptr` - `slice::as_ptr` - `str::as_ptr` - `Duration::as_secs` - `Duration::subsec_millis` - `Duration::subsec_micros` - `Duration::subsec_nanos` - `CStr::as_ptr` - `Ipv4Addr::is_unspecified` - `Ipv6Addr::new` - `Ipv6Addr::octets` - Stabilized APIs + `i8::to_be_bytes` + `i8::to_le_bytes` + `i8::to_ne_bytes` + `i8::from_be_bytes` + `i8::from_le_bytes` + `i8::from_ne_bytes` + `i16::to_be_bytes` + `i16::to_le_bytes` + `i16::to_ne_bytes` + `i16::from_be_bytes` + `i16::from_le_bytes` + `i16::from_ne_bytes` + `i32::to_be_bytes` + `i32::to_le_bytes` + `i32::to_ne_bytes` + `i32::from_be_bytes` + `i32::from_le_bytes` + `i32::from_ne_bytes` + `i64::to_be_bytes` + `i64::to_le_bytes` + `i64::to_ne_bytes` + `i64::from_be_bytes` + `i64::from_le_bytes` + `i64::from_ne_bytes` + `i128::to_be_bytes` + `i128::to_le_bytes` + `i128::to_ne_bytes` + `i128::from_be_bytes` + `i128::from_le_bytes` + `i128::from_ne_bytes` + `isize::to_be_bytes` + `isize::to_le_bytes` + `isize::to_ne_bytes` + `isize::from_be_bytes` + `isize::from_le_bytes` + `isize::from_ne_bytes` + `u8::to_be_bytes` + `u8::to_le_bytes` + `u8::to_ne_bytes` + `u8::from_be_bytes` + `u8::from_le_bytes` + `u8::from_ne_bytes` + `u16::to_be_bytes` + `u16::to_le_bytes` + `u16::to_ne_bytes` + `u16::from_be_bytes` + `u16::from_le_bytes` + `u16::from_ne_bytes` + `u32::to_be_bytes` + `u32::to_le_bytes` + `u32::to_ne_bytes` + `u32::from_be_bytes` + `u32::from_le_bytes` + `u32::from_ne_bytes` + `u64::to_be_bytes` + `u64::to_le_bytes` + `u64::to_ne_bytes` + `u64::from_be_bytes` + `u64::from_le_bytes` + `u64::from_ne_bytes` + `u128::to_be_bytes` + `u128::to_le_bytes` + `u128::to_ne_bytes` + `u128::from_be_bytes` + `u128::from_le_bytes` + `u128::from_ne_bytes` + `usize::to_be_bytes` + `usize::to_le_bytes` + `usize::to_ne_bytes` + `usize::from_be_bytes` + `usize::from_le_bytes` + `usize::from_ne_bytes` - Cargo + You can now run `cargo c` as an alias for `cargo check`.][cargo/6218] + Usernames are now allowed in alt registry URLs.][cargo/6242] - Misc + `libproc_macro` has been added to the `rust-src` distribution. - Compatibility Notes + The argument types for AVX's `_mm256_stream_si256`, `_mm256_stream_pd`, `_mm256_stream_ps` have been changed from `*const` to `*mut` as the previous implementation was unsound. OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/667330 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:rust/rust?expand=0&rev=179
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