- Update to version 1.47.0 + Language - [Closures will now warn when not used.][74869] + Compiler - [Stabilized the `-C control-flow-guard` codegen option][73893], which enables [Control Flow Guard][1.47.0-cfg] for Windows platforms, and is ignored on other platforms. - [Upgraded to LLVM 11.][73526] - [Added tier 3\* support for the `thumbv4t-none-eabi` target.][74419] - [Upgrade the FreeBSD toolchain to version 11.4][75204] - [`RUST_BACKTRACE`'s output is now more compact.][75048] \* Refer to Rust's [platform support page][forge-platform-support] for more information on Rust's tiered platform support. + Libraries - [`CStr` now implements `Index<RangeFrom<usize>>`.][74021] - [Traits in `std`/`core` are now implemented for arrays of any length, not just those of length less than 33.][74060] - [`ops::RangeFull` and `ops::Range` now implement Default.][73197] - [`panic::Location` now implements `Copy`, `Clone`, `Eq`, `Hash`, `Ord`, `PartialEq`, and `PartialOrd`.][73583] + Stabilized APIs - [`Ident::new_raw`] - [`Range::is_empty`] - [`RangeInclusive::is_empty`] - [`Result::as_deref`] - [`Result::as_deref_mut`] - [`Vec::leak`] - [`pointer::offset_from`] - [`f32::TAU`] - [`f64::TAU`] OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/841108 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:rust/rust?expand=0&rev=267
# Automatic updating via _service Edit the spec file, and update the variables related with the version (in format X.YY.Z): - *version_current*: for the new version of Rust - *version_previous*: for the previous version of Rust - *version_bootstrap*: for the version used to compile Rust, it recommended to use the same version that *version_previous* - *rustfmt_version*: for the version of rustfmt cli, check the tarball to find the correct version - *clippy_version*: for the version of clippy, check the tarball to find the correct version After that, we can execute the service file: osc service disabledrun If `osc` complains about a missing service component, double check that the components are installed. For example, for Tumbleweed: zypper in obs-service-download_files obs-service-refresh_patches Finally, update the changelog based on the releases notes: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/master/RELEASES.md # Updating to a new version from upstream (Original link: https://en.opensuse.org/Rust) Branch the rust package in the devel:languages:rust project. You'll need to download precompiled binaries for the compiler used for bootstrapping, and the actual source code for the compiler. In the "Other Installation Methods" page listed below, note that it shows links to .tar.gz packages and their .tar.gz.asc GPG signatures, but .tar.xz versions are also available. *Binaries for bootstrapping* - Go to the "Other Installation Methods" page from rust-lang.org and scroll down to the "Standalone installers" section. Download the following: - rust-<version>-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz - rust-<version>-armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz - rust-<version>-i686-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz - rust-<version>-powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz - rust-<version>-powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz - rust-<version>-s390x-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz - rust-<version>-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz *Compiler source code* - From the same page, but now in the "Source code" section, download this: rustc-<version>-src.tar.xz Update those files in the source RPM. Check that all the patches still apply. Update the version number in rust.spec. Add the release notes to rust.changes.
RPM Spec