From 65582ff0be42895ed6d820f5e758cd78eb9c06d2cc241cb3ffa84cc0d21798c7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Victor Zhestkov Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2025 10:42:54 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] (bsc#1230944) (bsc#1234881) (bsc#1220905) OBS-URL: --- .gitattributes | 23 + .gitignore | 1 + 3005.1-implement-zypper-removeptf-573.patch | 505 ++ ...pygit2.giterror-error-loading-known_.patch | 71 + README.SUSE | 31 + _lastrevision | 1 + _multibuild | 3 + _service | 20 + ...beacons-sources-config-pillar-grains.patch | 28 + add-custom-suse-capabilities-as-grains.patch | 30 + ...variable-to-know-if-yum-is-invoked-f.patch | 83 + ...te-and-gpg-key-management-functions-.patch | 1216 +++ ...ntextvars-dependency-in-salt.version.patch | 38 + ..._batch-to-clearfuncs-exposed-methods.patch | 26 + ...pport-with-venv-salt-minion-3004-493.patch | 795 ++ ...eption-handling-on-minion-connection.patch | 41 + ...onfiguration-file-for-enabling-packa.patch | 26 + add-support-for-gpgautoimport-539.patch | 369 + ...ive-grain-types-for-autosign_grains-.patch | 97 + ...-fileserver-roots-update-bsc-1218482.patch | 164 + ...rcontexts-to-be-returned-from-loader.patch | 73 + allow-vendor-change-option-with-zypper.patch | 841 ++ async-batch-implementation.patch | 1149 +++ ...with-dependencies-versions-bsc-12116.patch | 47 + ...rong-output-of-systemctl-version-bsc.patch | 153 + | 26 + ...eading-of-etc-salt-minion-bsc-122035.patch | 27 + ...file-directory-user-and-group-owners.patch | 112 + ...eters-to-prevent-possible-tracebacks.patch | 30 + ...-collection-of-lvm-grains-via-config.patch | 37 + ...n-info_installed-compatibility-50453.patch | 351 + ...ap-byte-stream-to-string-bsc-1219001.patch | 80 + ...name__-for-transactional_update-modu.patch | 39 + ...inks-to-set-proper-__cli-opt-bsc-121.patch | 101 + ....yml-and-.yaml-playbooks-bsc-1211888.patch | 188 + ...set-plugin-implementation-3002.2-450.patch | 130 + ...async-wrapper-calls-with-the-separat.patch | 254 + | 155 + ...state-if-there-is-no-3rd-party-depen.patch | 46 + ...use-shell-sbin-nologin-in-requisites.patch | 39 + ...from-event.unpack-in-cli.batch_async.patch | 34 + early-feature-support-config.patch | 3784 +++++++++ ...-probes-for-salt-ssh-executions-bsc-.patch | 346 + ...-unix_socket-for-mysql-returners-bsc.patch | 68 + ...mechanism-after-salt-bundle-upgrade-.patch | 26 + ...on-garbage-filtering-bsc-1231605-688.patch | 79 + ...nscap-module-add-xccdf_eval-call-386.patch | 425 + ...ize-new-rich-rules-before-comparing-.patch | 180 + fix-bsc-1065792.patch | 25 + ...of-sls-context-vars-when-trailing-do.patch | 69 + fix-cve-2023-34049-bsc-1215157.patch | 1163 +++ ...31-and-cve-2024-22232-bsc-1219430-bs.patch | 544 ++ fix-deprecated-code-677.patch | 166 + | 73 + fix-for-suse-expanded-support-detection.patch | 39 + ..._-and-improve-cache-cleaning-bsc-119.patch | 2024 +++++ fix-issue-2068-test.patch | 52 + ...break-salt-in-python-3.12-and-3.13-6.patch | 71 + | 30 + ...tion_order-opt-to-prevent-test-fails.patch | 62 + ...-salt-thin-directory-when-using-the-.patch | 50 + ...tests-and-allow-smooth-tests-executi.patch | 2695 +++++++ ...ultiple-values-for-keyword-argument-.patch | 253 + ...ith-depending-client.ssh-on-psutil-b.patch | 53 + ...-opts-poisoning-bsc-1197637-3004-501.patch | 128 + ...ngs-and-testuite-for-python-3.11-635.patch | 3860 +++++++++ ...tringutils.to_str-calls-to-make-it-w.patch | 141 + ...detected-in-salt-support-cli-module-.patch | 118 + ...sage-and-exclude-some-tests-to-run-w.patch | 243 + | 25 + fix-test_system-flaky-setup_teardown-fn.patch | 44 + | 772 ++ ...ake-them-running-with-salt-testsuite.patch | 841 ++ | 25 + ...-regression-for-yumnotify-plugin-456.patch | 23 + ...on-of-user.present-state-when-group-.patch | 154 + ...context-for-salt-minion-service-bsc-.patch | 83 + ...int_exc-calls-for-test_pip_state-432.patch | 26 + ...user.list_groups-omits-remote-groups.patch | 265 + ...g-in-pass-renderer-and-make-it-more-.patch | 181 + ...ction-and-avoid-building-and-testing.patch | 58 + ...ns-for-vms-running-on-nutanix-ahv-bs.patch | 282 + ...-key-tests-and-test_suse-on-sle12-68.patch | 87 + ...est-fails-on-old-openssl-systems-682.patch | 261 + ...edir_basename-to-avoid-hash-collisio.patch | 833 ++ ...n-logs-when-running-a-state-that-fai.patch | 121 + fixes-for-python-3.10-502.patch | 44 + ...ger-flushing-already-closed-file-686.patch | 58 + html.tar.bz2 | 3 + ...lling-for-batch-async-from-the-salt-.patch | 145 + ...broken-events-catching-and-reporting.patch | 202 + ...ndling-with-different-openssl-versio.patch | 98 + | 113 + ...alt.utils.json.find_json-bsc-1213293.patch | 204 + include-aliases-in-the-fqdns-grains.patch | 138 + ...talled-works-without-status-attr-now.patch | 66 + join-masters-if-it-is-a-list-671.patch | 105 + ...-platform-python-binary-in-rhel8-191.patch | 32 + ..._repos-compatible-on-enabled-disable.patch | 28 + ...g-seco.range-thread-safe-bsc-1211649.patch | 63 + make-logging-calls-lighter.patch | 233 + ...-compatible-with-salt-3000-and-older.patch | 37 + ...nnecting-on-changing-master-ip-bsc-1.patch | 770 ++ ...ine-less-blocking-the-eventpublisher.patch | 104 + ...-self-recoverable-on-killing-eventpu.patch | 243 + ...script-to-not-require-setuptools-9.1.patch | 33 + ...ured-user-is-properly-set-by-salt-bs.patch | 204 + ...e-file-client-is-destroyed-upon-used.patch | 850 ++ make-tests-compatible-with-venv-bundle.patch | 883 ++ mark-salt-3006-as-released-586.patch | 480 ++ ..._str-on-curl_debug-message-in-tornad.patch | 31 + pass-the-context-to-pillar-ext-modules.patch | 276 + ...mock-for-python-versions-that-are-su.patch | 135 + ...n-of-ssh.opts-with-lazyloader-bsc-11.patch | 240 + ...-high-amount-of-batch-async-calls-bs.patch | 1272 +++ ...ins-errors-on-missing-cookie-path-bs.patch | 102 + ...-exception-in-tornado.concurrent.fut.patch | 37 + ...-exceptions-on-salt.utils.user.get_g.patch | 68 + ...jection-via-pre_flight_script_args-4.patch | 33 + ...ent-using-syncwrapper-with-no-reason.patch | 25 + provide-systemd-timer-unit.patch | 43 + ...ithout-using-interpolation-bsc-11356.patch | 29 + ...undant-_file_find-call-to-the-master.patch | 40 + ...-run_func-from-salt.master.mworker._.patch | 224 + ...port-causing-delays-on-starting-salt.patch | 25 + ...ygit2-deprecated-and-removed-1.15.0-.patch | 122 + ...default-behaviour-of-pkg-list-return.patch | 137 + ...expected-powerpc-os-arch-bsc-1117995.patch | 31 + ...use-case-when-multiple-inotify-beaco.patch | 216 + ...-configured-user-is-properly-set-by-.patch | 194 + ...elinux-context-for-minion-service-bs.patch | 65 + ...e-making-reactor-less-blocking-bsc-1.patch | 106 + ...long-running-req-channel-bsc-1213960.patch | 418 + run-salt-api-as-user-salt-bsc-1064520.patch | 25 + run-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch | 47 + salt-tmpfiles.d | 5 + salt.changes | 7067 +++++++++++++++++ salt.spec | 1710 ++++ | 56 + ...r-tests-to-avoid-errors-and-failures.patch | 557 ++ ...ts-if-necessary-and-mark-some-flaky-.patch | 392 + ...ts-related-to-old-openssl-algorithms.patch | 97 + ...-names-without-colon-bsc-1208691-578.patch | 27 + ...nsupported-algorithm-on-old-openssl-.patch | 117 + ...e-small-tests-fixes-enhancements-661.patch | 152 + ...tcher.confirm_top-by-using-__context.patch | 64 + ...ewalld-state-to-use-change_interface.patch | 72 + switch-oscap-encoding-to-utf-8-639.patch | 80 + ...tend-the-whitelist-of-allowed-comman.patch | 34 + ...ust-test-expectation-to-prevent-fail.patch | 28 + ...pen-redirect-in-staticfilehandler-cv.patch | 35 + transactional_update.conf | 4 + travis.yml | 35 + update-__pillar__-during-pillar_refresh.patch | 169 + | 100 + ...cation-of-hex-in-pygit2-1.15.0-and-a.patch | 62 + ...x-for-salt-ssh-to-process-targets-li.patch | 98 + ...lgorithm-to-compute-string-checksums.patch | 124 + ...-extension_modules-in-salt-call-bsc-.patch | 110 + ...rlock-to-avoid-deadlocks-in-salt-ssh.patch | 27 + use-salt-bundle-in-dockermod.patch | 375 + | 103 + v3006.0.tar.gz | 3 + ...on-before-building-when-using-with-s.patch | 30 + x509-fixes-111.patch | 431 + zypper-pkgrepo-alreadyconfigured-585.patch | 366 + ...-retcode-104-for-search-bsc-1176697-.patch | 275 + 167 files changed, 50210 insertions(+) create mode 100644 .gitattributes create mode 100644 .gitignore create mode 100644 3005.1-implement-zypper-removeptf-573.patch create mode 100644 3006.0-prevent-_pygit2.giterror-error-loading-known_.patch create mode 100644 README.SUSE create mode 100644 _lastrevision create mode 100644 _multibuild create mode 100644 _service create mode 100644 activate-all-beacons-sources-config-pillar-grains.patch create mode 100644 add-custom-suse-capabilities-as-grains.patch create mode 100644 add-environment-variable-to-know-if-yum-is-invoked-f.patch create mode 100644 add-migrated-state-and-gpg-key-management-functions-.patch create mode 100644 add-missing-contextvars-dependency-in-salt.version.patch create mode 100644 add-publish_batch-to-clearfuncs-exposed-methods.patch create mode 100644 add-salt-ssh-support-with-venv-salt-minion-3004-493.patch create mode 100644 add-sleep-on-exception-handling-on-minion-connection.patch create mode 100644 add-standalone-configuration-file-for-enabling-packa.patch create mode 100644 add-support-for-gpgautoimport-539.patch create mode 100644 allow-all-primitive-grain-types-for-autosign_grains-.patch create mode 100644 allow-kwargs-for-fileserver-roots-update-bsc-1218482.patch create mode 100644 allow-namedloadercontexts-to-be-returned-from-loader.patch create mode 100644 allow-vendor-change-option-with-zypper.patch create mode 100644 async-batch-implementation.patch create mode 100644 avoid-conflicts-with-dependencies-versions-bsc-12116.patch create mode 100644 avoid-crash-on-wrong-output-of-systemctl-version-bsc.patch create mode 100644 avoid-excessive-syslogging-by-watchdog-cronjob-58.patch create mode 100644 avoid-explicit-reading-of-etc-salt-minion-bsc-122035.patch create mode 100644 bsc-1176024-fix-file-directory-user-and-group-owners.patch create mode 100644 change-the-delimeters-to-prevent-possible-tracebacks.patch create mode 100644 control-the-collection-of-lvm-grains-via-config.patch create mode 100644 debian-info_installed-compatibility-50453.patch create mode 100644 decode-oscap-byte-stream-to-string-bsc-1219001.patch create mode 100644 define-__virtualname__-for-transactional_update-modu.patch create mode 100644 dereference-symlinks-to-set-proper-__cli-opt-bsc-121.patch create mode 100644 discover-both-.yml-and-.yaml-playbooks-bsc-1211888.patch create mode 100644 dnfnotify-pkgset-plugin-implementation-3002.2-450.patch create mode 100644 do-not-call-the-async-wrapper-calls-with-the-separat.patch create mode 100644 do-not-fail-on-bad-message-pack-message-bsc-1213441-.patch create mode 100644 do-not-load-pip-state-if-there-is-no-3rd-party-depen.patch create mode 100644 don-t-use-shell-sbin-nologin-in-requisites.patch create mode 100644 drop-serial-from-event.unpack-in-cli.batch_async.patch create mode 100644 early-feature-support-config.patch create mode 100644 enable-keepalive-probes-for-salt-ssh-executions-bsc-.patch create mode 100644 enable-passing-a-unix_socket-for-mysql-returners-bsc.patch create mode 100644 enhance-cleanup-mechanism-after-salt-bundle-upgrade-.patch create mode 100644 enhance-find_json-garbage-filtering-bsc-1231605-688.patch create mode 100644 enhance-openscap-module-add-xccdf_eval-call-386.patch create mode 100644 firewalld-normalize-new-rich-rules-before-comparing-.patch create mode 100644 fix-bsc-1065792.patch create mode 100644 fix-calculation-of-sls-context-vars-when-trailing-do.patch create mode 100644 fix-cve-2023-34049-bsc-1215157.patch create mode 100644 fix-cve-2024-22231-and-cve-2024-22232-bsc-1219430-bs.patch create mode 100644 fix-deprecated-code-677.patch create mode 100644 fix-failed-to-stat-root-.gitconfig-issue-on-gitfs-bs.patch create mode 100644 fix-for-suse-expanded-support-detection.patch create mode 100644 fix-gitfs-__env__-and-improve-cache-cleaning-bsc-119.patch create mode 100644 fix-issue-2068-test.patch create mode 100644 fix-issues-that-break-salt-in-python-3.12-and-3.13-6.patch create mode 100644 fix-missing-minion-returns-in-batch-mode-360.patch create mode 100644 fix-optimization_order-opt-to-prevent-test-fails.patch create mode 100644 fix-ownership-of-salt-thin-directory-when-using-the-.patch create mode 100644 fix-problematic-tests-and-allow-smooth-tests-executi.patch create mode 100644 fix-regression-multiple-values-for-keyword-argument-.patch create mode 100644 fix-regression-with-depending-client.ssh-on-psutil-b.patch create mode 100644 fix-salt-ssh-opts-poisoning-bsc-1197637-3004-501.patch create mode 100644 fix-salt-warnings-and-testuite-for-python-3.11-635.patch create mode 100644 fix-salt.utils.stringutils.to_str-calls-to-make-it-w.patch create mode 100644 fix-some-issues-detected-in-salt-support-cli-module-.patch create mode 100644 fix-status.diskusage-and-exclude-some-tests-to-run-w.patch create mode 100644 fix-test_debian-to-work-in-our-infrastructure-676.patch create mode 100644 fix-test_system-flaky-setup_teardown-fn.patch create mode 100644 fix-tests-failures-and-errors-when-detected-on-vm-ex.patch create mode 100644 fix-tests-to-make-them-running-with-salt-testsuite.patch create mode 100644 create mode 100644 fix-the-regression-for-yumnotify-plugin-456.patch create mode 100644 fix-the-regression-of-user.present-state-when-group-.patch create mode 100644 fix-the-selinux-context-for-salt-minion-service-bsc-.patch create mode 100644 fix-traceback.print_exc-calls-for-test_pip_state-432.patch create mode 100644 fix-user.list_groups-omits-remote-groups.patch create mode 100644 fix-utf8-handling-in-pass-renderer-and-make-it-more-.patch create mode 100644 fix-version-detection-and-avoid-building-and-testing.patch create mode 100644 fix-virtual-grains-for-vms-running-on-nutanix-ahv-bs.patch create mode 100644 fix-x509-private-key-tests-and-test_suse-on-sle12-68.patch create mode 100644 fix-x509-test-fails-on-old-openssl-systems-682.patch create mode 100644 fixed-gitfs-cachedir_basename-to-avoid-hash-collisio.patch create mode 100644 fixed-keyerror-in-logs-when-running-a-state-that-fai.patch create mode 100644 fixes-for-python-3.10-502.patch create mode 100644 handle-logger-flushing-already-closed-file-686.patch create mode 100644 html.tar.bz2 create mode 100644 implement-the-calling-for-batch-async-from-the-salt-.patch create mode 100644 improve-broken-events-catching-and-reporting.patch create mode 100644 improve-error-handling-with-different-openssl-versio.patch create mode 100644 improve-pip-target-override-condition-with-venv_pip_.patch create mode 100644 improve-salt.utils.json.find_json-bsc-1213293.patch create mode 100644 include-aliases-in-the-fqdns-grains.patch create mode 100644 info_installed-works-without-status-attr-now.patch create mode 100644 join-masters-if-it-is-a-list-671.patch create mode 100644 let-salt-ssh-use-platform-python-binary-in-rhel8-191.patch create mode 100644 make-aptpkg.list_repos-compatible-on-enabled-disable.patch create mode 100644 make-importing-seco.range-thread-safe-bsc-1211649.patch create mode 100644 make-logging-calls-lighter.patch create mode 100644 make-master_tops-compatible-with-salt-3000-and-older.patch create mode 100644 make-minion-reconnecting-on-changing-master-ip-bsc-1.patch create mode 100644 make-reactor-engine-less-blocking-the-eventpublisher.patch create mode 100644 make-salt-master-self-recoverable-on-killing-eventpu.patch create mode 100644 create mode 100644 make-sure-configured-user-is-properly-set-by-salt-bs.patch create mode 100644 make-sure-the-file-client-is-destroyed-upon-used.patch create mode 100644 make-tests-compatible-with-venv-bundle.patch create mode 100644 mark-salt-3006-as-released-586.patch create mode 100644 only-call-native_str-on-curl_debug-message-in-tornad.patch create mode 100644 pass-the-context-to-pillar-ext-modules.patch create mode 100644 prefer-unittest.mock-for-python-versions-that-are-su.patch create mode 100644 prevent-affection-of-ssh.opts-with-lazyloader-bsc-11.patch create mode 100644 prevent-oom-with-high-amount-of-batch-async-calls-bs.patch create mode 100644 prevent-pkg-plugins-errors-on-missing-cookie-path-bs.patch create mode 100644 prevent-possible-exception-in-tornado.concurrent.fut.patch create mode 100644 prevent-possible-exceptions-on-salt.utils.user.get_g.patch create mode 100644 prevent-shell-injection-via-pre_flight_script_args-4.patch create mode 100644 prevent-using-syncwrapper-with-no-reason.patch create mode 100644 provide-systemd-timer-unit.patch create mode 100644 read-repo-info-without-using-interpolation-bsc-11356.patch create mode 100644 remove-redundant-_file_find-call-to-the-master.patch create mode 100644 remove-redundant-run_func-from-salt.master.mworker._.patch create mode 100644 remove-unused-import-causing-delays-on-starting-salt.patch create mode 100644 replace-use-of-pygit2-deprecated-and-removed-1.15.0-.patch create mode 100644 restore-default-behaviour-of-pkg-list-return.patch create mode 100644 return-the-expected-powerpc-os-arch-bsc-1117995.patch create mode 100644 revert-fixing-a-use-case-when-multiple-inotify-beaco.patch create mode 100644 revert-make-sure-configured-user-is-properly-set-by-.patch create mode 100644 revert-setting-selinux-context-for-minion-service-bs.patch create mode 100644 revert-the-change-making-reactor-less-blocking-bsc-1.patch create mode 100644 revert-usage-of-long-running-req-channel-bsc-1213960.patch create mode 100644 run-salt-api-as-user-salt-bsc-1064520.patch create mode 100644 run-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch create mode 100644 salt-tmpfiles.d create mode 100644 salt.changes create mode 100644 salt.spec create mode 100644 create mode 100644 several-fixes-for-tests-to-avoid-errors-and-failures.patch create mode 100644 skip-certain-tests-if-necessary-and-mark-some-flaky-.patch create mode 100644 skip-more-tests-related-to-old-openssl-algorithms.patch create mode 100644 skip-package-names-without-colon-bsc-1208691-578.patch create mode 100644 skip-tests-for-unsupported-algorithm-on-old-openssl-.patch create mode 100644 some-more-small-tests-fixes-enhancements-661.patch create mode 100644 speed-up-salt.matcher.confirm_top-by-using-__context.patch create mode 100644 switch-firewalld-state-to-use-change_interface.patch create mode 100644 switch-oscap-encoding-to-utf-8-639.patch create mode 100644 temporary-fix-extend-the-whitelist-of-allowed-comman.patch create mode 100644 test_vultrpy-adjust-test-expectation-to-prevent-fail.patch create mode 100644 tornado-fix-an-open-redirect-in-staticfilehandler-cv.patch create mode 100644 transactional_update.conf create mode 100644 travis.yml create mode 100644 update-__pillar__-during-pillar_refresh.patch create mode 100644 create mode 100644 update-for-deprecation-of-hex-in-pygit2-1.15.0-and-a.patch create mode 100644 update-target-fix-for-salt-ssh-to-process-targets-li.patch create mode 100644 use-adler32-algorithm-to-compute-string-checksums.patch create mode 100644 use-cachedir-for-extension_modules-in-salt-call-bsc-.patch create mode 100644 use-rlock-to-avoid-deadlocks-in-salt-ssh.patch create mode 100644 use-salt-bundle-in-dockermod.patch create mode 100644 use-salt-call-from-salt-bundle-with-transactional_up.patch create mode 100644 v3006.0.tar.gz create mode 100644 write-salt-version-before-building-when-using-with-s.patch create mode 100644 x509-fixes-111.patch create mode 100644 zypper-pkgrepo-alreadyconfigured-585.patch create mode 100644 zypperpkg-ignore-retcode-104-for-search-bsc-1176697-.patch diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9b03811 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitattributes @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +## Default LFS +*.7z filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +*.bsp filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +*.bz2 filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +*.gem filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +*.gz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +*.jar filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +*.lz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +*.lzma filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +*.obscpio filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +*.oxt filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +*.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +*.png filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +*.rpm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +*.tbz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +*.tbz2 filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +*.tgz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +*.ttf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +*.txz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +*.whl filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +*.xz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +*.zip filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +*.zst filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57affb6 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +.osc diff --git a/3005.1-implement-zypper-removeptf-573.patch b/3005.1-implement-zypper-removeptf-573.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..82e4c9f --- /dev/null +++ b/3005.1-implement-zypper-removeptf-573.patch @@ -0,0 +1,505 @@ +From 327a5e5b24c4fa047df44b245abd672e02999cca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Michael Calmer +Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2023 14:33:26 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] 3005.1 implement zypper removeptf (#573) + +* handle ptf packages inside of normal pkg.remove function + +* add testcase for remove and removeptf + +* add changelog + +* adapt old tests to changed function + +* Update Docs + +Co-authored-by: Megan Wilhite +--- + changelog/63442.added | 1 + + salt/modules/ | 38 +- + tests/pytests/unit/modules/ | 356 ++++++++++++++++++- + tests/unit/modules/ | 1 + + 4 files changed, 394 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) + create mode 100644 changelog/63442.added + +diff --git a/changelog/63442.added b/changelog/63442.added +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..ad81b2f9d5 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/changelog/63442.added +@@ -0,0 +1 @@ ++implement removal of ptf packages in zypper pkg module +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 051f8f72c7..44f2cdbd3a 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -2073,17 +2073,21 @@ def _uninstall(inclusion_detection, name=None, pkgs=None, root=None): + except MinionError as exc: + raise CommandExecutionError(exc) + ++ ptfpackages = _find_ptf_packages(pkg_params.keys(), root=root) + includes = _detect_includes(pkg_params.keys(), inclusion_detection) + old = list_pkgs(root=root, includes=includes) + targets = [] + for target in pkg_params: ++ if target in ptfpackages: ++ # ptfpackages needs special handling ++ continue + # Check if package version set to be removed is actually installed: + # old[target] contains a comma-separated list of installed versions + if target in old and pkg_params[target] in old[target].split(","): + targets.append(target + "-" + pkg_params[target]) + elif target in old and not pkg_params[target]: + targets.append(target) +- if not targets: ++ if not targets and not ptfpackages: + return {} + + systemd_scope = _systemd_scope() +@@ -2095,6 +2099,13 @@ def _uninstall(inclusion_detection, name=None, pkgs=None, root=None): + ) + targets = targets[500:] + ++ # handle ptf packages ++ while ptfpackages: ++ __zypper__(systemd_scope=systemd_scope, root=root).call( ++ "removeptf", "--allow-downgrade", *ptfpackages[:500] ++ ) ++ ptfpackages = ptfpackages[500:] ++ + _clean_cache() + new = list_pkgs(root=root, includes=includes) + ret =, new) +@@ -2183,6 +2194,11 @@ def remove( + salt '*' pkg.remove + salt '*' pkg.remove ,, + salt '*' pkg.remove pkgs='["foo", "bar"]' ++ ++ .. versionchanged:: 3007 ++ Can now remove also PTF packages which require a different handling in the backend. ++ ++ Can now remove also PTF packages which require a different handling in the backend. + """ + return _uninstall(inclusion_detection, name=name, pkgs=pkgs, root=root) + +@@ -2658,6 +2674,26 @@ def _get_visible_patterns(root=None): + return patterns + + ++def _find_ptf_packages(pkgs, root=None): ++ """ ++ Find ptf packages in "pkgs" and return them as list ++ """ ++ ptfs = [] ++ cmd = ["rpm"] ++ if root: ++ cmd.extend(["--root", root]) ++ cmd.extend(["-q", "--qf", "%{NAME}: [%{PROVIDES} ]\n"]) ++ cmd.extend(pkgs) ++ output = __salt__[""](cmd) ++ for line in output.splitlines(): ++ if not line.strip(): ++ continue ++ pkg, provides = line.split(":", 1) ++ if "ptf()" in provides: ++ ptfs.append(pkg) ++ return ptfs ++ ++ + def _get_installed_patterns(root=None): + """ + List all installed patterns. +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +index 91132b7277..c996662e1c 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import pytest + import salt.modules.pkg_resource as pkg_resource + import salt.modules.zypperpkg as zypper + from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError, SaltInvocationError +-from import MagicMock, mock_open, patch ++from import MagicMock, mock_open, call, patch + + + @pytest.fixture +@@ -27,6 +27,11 @@ def configure_loader_modules(): + } + + ++@pytest.fixture(autouse=True) ++def fresh_zypper_instance(): ++ zypper.__zypper__ = zypper._Zypper() ++ ++ + def test_list_pkgs_no_context(): + """ + Test packages listing. +@@ -395,3 +400,352 @@ def test_del_repo_key(): + with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, salt_mock): + assert zypper.del_repo_key(keyid="keyid", root="/mnt") + salt_mock["lowpkg.remove_gpg_key"].assert_called_once_with("keyid", "/mnt") ++ ++@pytest.mark.parametrize( ++ "zypper_version,lowpkg_version_cmp,expected_inst_avc,expected_dup_avc", ++ [ ++ ("0.5", [-1, -1], False, False), ++ ("1.11.34", [0, -1], False, True), ++ ("1.14.8", [0, 0], True, True), ++ ], ++) ++def test_refresh_zypper_flags( ++ zypper_version, lowpkg_version_cmp, expected_inst_avc, expected_dup_avc ++): ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.version", MagicMock(return_value=zypper_version) ++ ), patch.dict( ++ zypper.__salt__, ++ {"lowpkg.version_cmp": MagicMock(side_effect=lowpkg_version_cmp)}, ++ ): ++ _zypper = zypper._Zypper() ++ _zypper.refresh_zypper_flags() ++ assert _zypper.inst_avc == expected_inst_avc ++ assert _zypper.dup_avc == expected_dup_avc ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.parametrize( ++ "inst_avc,dup_avc,avc,allowvendorchange_param,novendorchange_param,expected", ++ [ ++ # inst_avc = True, dup_avc = True ++ (True, True, False, False, False, True), ++ (True, True, False, True, False, True), ++ (True, True, False, False, True, False), ++ (True, True, False, True, True, True), ++ # inst_avc = False, dup_avc = True ++ (False, True, False, False, False, True), ++ (False, True, False, True, False, True), ++ (False, True, False, False, True, False), ++ (False, True, False, True, True, True), ++ # inst_avc = False, dup_avc = False ++ (False, False, False, False, False, False), ++ (False, False, False, True, False, False), ++ (False, False, False, False, True, False), ++ (False, False, False, True, True, False), ++ ], ++) ++@patch("salt.modules.zypperpkg._Zypper.refresh_zypper_flags", MagicMock()) ++def test_allow_vendor_change( ++ inst_avc, ++ dup_avc, ++ avc, ++ allowvendorchange_param, ++ novendorchange_param, ++ expected, ++): ++ _zypper = zypper._Zypper() ++ _zypper.inst_avc = inst_avc ++ _zypper.dup_avc = dup_avc ++ _zypper.avc = avc ++ _zypper.allow_vendor_change(allowvendorchange_param, novendorchange_param) ++ assert _zypper.avc == expected ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.parametrize( ++ "package,pre_version,post_version,fromrepo_param,name_param,pkgs_param,diff_attr_param", ++ [ ++ ("vim", "1.1", "1.2", [], "", [], "all"), ++ ("kernel-default", "1.1", "1.1,1.2", ["dummy", "dummy2"], "", [], None), ++ ("vim", "1.1", "1.2", [], "vim", [], None), ++ ], ++) ++@patch.object(zypper, "refresh_db", MagicMock(return_value=True)) ++def test_upgrade( ++ package, ++ pre_version, ++ post_version, ++ fromrepo_param, ++ name_param, ++ pkgs_param, ++ diff_attr_param, ++): ++ with patch( ++ "" ++ ) as zypper_mock, patch.object( ++ zypper, ++ "list_pkgs", ++ MagicMock(side_effect=[{package: pre_version}, {package: post_version}]), ++ ) as list_pkgs_mock: ++ expected_call = ["update", "--auto-agree-with-licenses"] ++ for repo in fromrepo_param: ++ expected_call.extend(["--repo", repo]) ++ ++ if pkgs_param: ++ expected_call.extend(pkgs_param) ++ elif name_param: ++ expected_call.append(name_param) ++ ++ result = zypper.upgrade( ++ name=name_param, ++ pkgs=pkgs_param, ++ fromrepo=fromrepo_param, ++ diff_attr=diff_attr_param, ++ ) ++ zypper_mock.assert_any_call(*expected_call) ++ assert result == {package: {"old": pre_version, "new": post_version}} ++ list_pkgs_mock.assert_any_call(root=None, attr=diff_attr_param) ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.parametrize( ++ "package,pre_version,post_version,fromrepo_param", ++ [ ++ ("vim", "1.1", "1.2", []), ++ ("emacs", "1.1", "1.2", ["Dummy", "Dummy2"]), ++ ], ++) ++@patch.object(zypper, "refresh_db", MagicMock(return_value=True)) ++def test_dist_upgrade(package, pre_version, post_version, fromrepo_param): ++ with patch( ++ "" ++ ) as zypper_mock, patch.object( ++ zypper, ++ "list_pkgs", ++ MagicMock(side_effect=[{package: pre_version}, {package: post_version}]), ++ ): ++ expected_call = ["dist-upgrade", "--auto-agree-with-licenses"] ++ ++ for repo in fromrepo_param: ++ expected_call.extend(["--from", repo]) ++ ++ result = zypper.upgrade(dist_upgrade=True, fromrepo=fromrepo_param) ++ zypper_mock.assert_any_call(*expected_call) ++ assert result == {package: {"old": pre_version, "new": post_version}} ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.parametrize( ++ "package,pre_version,post_version,dup_avc,novendorchange_param,allowvendorchange_param,vendor_change", ++ [ ++ # dup_avc = True, both params = default -> no vendor change ++ ("vim", "1.1", "1.2", True, True, False, False), ++ # dup_avc = True, allowvendorchange = True -> vendor change ++ ( ++ "emacs", ++ "1.1", ++ "1.2", ++ True, ++ True, ++ True, ++ True, ++ ), ++ # dup_avc = True, novendorchange = False -> vendor change ++ ("joe", "1.1", "1.2", True, False, False, True), ++ # dup_avc = True, both params = toggled -> vendor change ++ ("kate", "1.1", "1.2", True, False, True, True), ++ # dup_avc = False -> no vendor change ++ ( ++ "gedit", ++ "1.1", ++ "1.2", ++ False, ++ False, ++ True, ++ False ++ ), ++ ], ++) ++@patch.object(zypper, "refresh_db", MagicMock(return_value=True)) ++def test_dist_upgrade_vendorchange( ++ package, ++ pre_version, ++ post_version, ++ dup_avc, ++ novendorchange_param, ++ allowvendorchange_param, ++ vendor_change ++): ++ cmd_run_mock = MagicMock(return_value={"retcode": 0, "stdout": None}) ++ with patch.object( ++ zypper, ++ "list_pkgs", ++ MagicMock(side_effect=[{package: pre_version}, {package: post_version}]), ++ ), patch("salt.modules.zypperpkg.__zypper__.refresh_zypper_flags",), patch.dict( ++ zypper.__salt__, {"cmd.run_all": cmd_run_mock} ++ ): ++ expected_cmd = ["zypper", "--non-interactive", "--no-refresh", "dist-upgrade"] ++ # --allow-vendor-change is injected right after "dist-upgrade" ++ if vendor_change: ++ expected_cmd.append("--allow-vendor-change") ++ expected_cmd.append("--auto-agree-with-licenses") ++ ++ zypper.__zypper__.dup_avc = dup_avc ++ zypper.upgrade( ++ dist_upgrade=True, ++ allowvendorchange=allowvendorchange_param, ++ novendorchange=novendorchange_param, ++ ) ++ cmd_run_mock.assert_any_call( ++ expected_cmd, output_loglevel="trace", python_shell=False, env={} ++ ) ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.parametrize( ++ "package,pre_version,post_version,fromrepo_param", ++ [ ++ ("vim", "1.1", "1.1", []), ++ ("emacs", "1.1", "1.1", ["Dummy", "Dummy2"]), ++ ], ++) ++@patch.object(zypper, "refresh_db", MagicMock(return_value=True)) ++def test_dist_upgrade_dry_run(package, pre_version, post_version, fromrepo_param): ++ with patch( ++ "" ++ ) as zypper_mock, patch.object( ++ zypper, ++ "list_pkgs", ++ MagicMock(side_effect=[{package: pre_version}, {package: post_version}]), ++ ): ++ expected_call = ["dist-upgrade", "--auto-agree-with-licenses", "--dry-run"] ++ ++ for repo in fromrepo_param: ++ expected_call.extend(["--from", repo]) ++ ++ zypper.upgrade(dist_upgrade=True, dryrun=True, fromrepo=fromrepo_param) ++ zypper_mock.assert_any_call(*expected_call) ++ # dryrun=True causes two calls, one with a trailing --debug-solver flag ++ expected_call.append("--debug-solver") ++ zypper_mock.assert_any_call(*expected_call) ++ ++ ++@patch.object(zypper, "refresh_db", MagicMock(return_value=True)) ++def test_dist_upgrade_failure(): ++ zypper_output = textwrap.dedent( ++ """\ ++ Loading repository data... ++ Reading installed packages... ++ Computing distribution upgrade... ++ Use 'zypper repos' to get the list of defined repositories. ++ Repository 'DUMMY' not found by its alias, number, or URI. ++ """ ++ ) ++ call_spy = MagicMock() ++ zypper_mock = MagicMock() ++ zypper_mock.stdout = zypper_output ++ zypper_mock.stderr = "" ++ zypper_mock.exit_code = 3 ++ = call_spy ++ with patch("salt.modules.zypperpkg.__zypper__", zypper_mock), patch.object( ++ zypper, "list_pkgs", MagicMock(side_effect=[{"vim": 1.1}, {"vim": 1.1}]) ++ ): ++ expected_call = [ ++ "dist-upgrade", ++ "--auto-agree-with-licenses", ++ "--from", ++ "Dummy", ++ ] ++ ++ with pytest.raises(CommandExecutionError) as exc: ++ zypper.upgrade(dist_upgrade=True, fromrepo=["Dummy"]) ++ call_spy.assert_called_with(*expected_call) ++ ++ assert["changes"] == {} ++ assert["result"]["stdout"] == zypper_output ++ ++ ++def test_remove_multiple_pkgs_with_ptf(): ++ call_spy = MagicMock() ++ zypper_mock = MagicMock() ++ zypper_mock.stdout = "" ++ zypper_mock.stderr = "" ++ zypper_mock.exit_code = 0 ++ = call_spy ++ ++ rpm_output = textwrap.dedent( ++ """ ++ vim: vi vim vim(x86-64) vim-base vim-enhanced vim-python vim_client ++ ptf-12345: ptf() ptf-12345 ++ """ ++ ) ++ rpm_mock = MagicMock(side_effect=[rpm_output]) ++ ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.__zypper__", MagicMock(return_value=zypper_mock) ++ ), patch.object( ++ zypper, ++ "list_pkgs", ++ MagicMock(side_effect=[{"vim": "0.18.0", "ptf-12345": "1"}, {}]), ++ ), patch.dict( ++ zypper.__salt__, {"": rpm_mock} ++ ): ++ expected_calls = [ ++ call( ++ "remove", ++ "vim", ++ ), ++ call( ++ "removeptf", ++ "--allow-downgrade", ++ "ptf-12345", ++ ), ++ ] ++ ++ result = zypper.remove(name="vim,ptf-12345") ++ call_spy.assert_has_calls(expected_calls, any_order=False) ++ assert result["vim"]["new"] == "", result ++ assert result["vim"]["old"] == "0.18.0", result ++ assert result["ptf-12345"]["new"] == "", result ++ assert result["ptf-12345"]["old"] == "1", result ++ ++ ++def test_remove_ptf(): ++ call_spy = MagicMock() ++ zypper_mock = MagicMock() ++ zypper_mock.stdout = "" ++ zypper_mock.stderr = "" ++ zypper_mock.exit_code = 0 ++ = call_spy ++ ++ rpm_mock = MagicMock( ++ side_effect=[ ++ "vim: vi vim vim(x86-64) vim-base vim-enhanced vim-python vim_client", ++ "ptf-12345: ptf() ptf-12345", ++ ] ++ ) ++ ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.__zypper__", MagicMock(return_value=zypper_mock) ++ ), patch.object( ++ zypper, ++ "list_pkgs", ++ MagicMock(side_effect=[{"vim": "0.18.0"}, {}, {"ptf-12345": "1"}, {}]), ++ ), patch.dict( ++ zypper.__salt__, {"": rpm_mock} ++ ): ++ expected_call_vim = [ ++ "remove", ++ "vim", ++ ] ++ expected_call_ptf = [ ++ "removeptf", ++ "--allow-downgrade", ++ "ptf-12345", ++ ] ++ ++ result = zypper.remove(name="vim") ++ call_spy.assert_called_with(*expected_call_vim) ++ assert result["vim"]["new"] == "", result ++ assert result["vim"]["old"] == "0.18.0", result ++ ++ result = zypper.remove(name="ptf-12345") ++ call_spy.assert_called_with(*expected_call_ptf) ++ assert result["ptf-12345"]["new"] == "", result ++ assert result["ptf-12345"]["old"] == "1", result +diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/ +index f5b6d74b6f..6e5ca88895 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/unit/modules/ +@@ -1953,6 +1953,7 @@ Repository 'DUMMY' not found by its alias, number, or URI. + # If config.get starts being used elsewhere, we'll need to write a + # side_effect function. + patches = { ++ "": MagicMock(return_value="vim: vi vim\npico: pico"), + "cmd.run_all": MagicMock(return_value=cmd_out), + "pkg_resource.parse_targets": MagicMock(return_value=parsed_targets), + "pkg_resource.stringify": MagicMock(), +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/3006.0-prevent-_pygit2.giterror-error-loading-known_.patch b/3006.0-prevent-_pygit2.giterror-error-loading-known_.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e498f5c --- /dev/null +++ b/3006.0-prevent-_pygit2.giterror-error-loading-known_.patch @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +From 40a57afc65e71835127a437248ed655404cff0e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2023 11:24:39 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] 3006.0: Prevent _pygit2.GitError: error loading + known_hosts when $HOME is not set (bsc#1210994) (#588) + +* Prevent _pygit2.GitError: error loading known_hosts when $HOME is not set + +* Add unit test to cover case of unset home +--- + salt/utils/ | 5 +++++ + tests/unit/utils/ | 14 ++++++++++++++ + 2 files changed, 19 insertions(+) + +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index cc9895d8ab..38e84f38aa 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import salt.utils.stringutils + import salt.utils.url + import salt.utils.user + import salt.utils.versions ++import salt.syspaths + from salt.config import DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS as _DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS + from salt.exceptions import FileserverConfigError, GitLockError, get_error_message + from salt.utils.event import tagify +@@ -1867,6 +1868,10 @@ class Pygit2(GitProvider): + # pruning only available in pygit2 >= 0.26.2 + pass + try: ++ # Make sure $HOME env variable is set to prevent ++ # _pygit2.GitError: error loading known_hosts in some libgit2 versions. ++ if "HOME" not in os.environ: ++ os.environ["HOME"] = salt.syspaths.HOME_DIR + fetch_results = origin.fetch(**fetch_kwargs) + except GitError as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except + exc_str = get_error_message(exc).lower() +diff --git a/tests/unit/utils/ b/tests/unit/utils/ +index b99da3ef91..7c400b69af 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/utils/ ++++ b/tests/unit/utils/ +@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import salt.utils.gitfs + import salt.utils.platform + import + from salt.exceptions import FileserverConfigError ++from import patched_environ + from import AdaptedConfigurationTestCaseMixin + from import MagicMock, patch + from import TestCase +@@ -335,3 +336,16 @@ class TestPygit2(TestCase): + self.assertIn(provider.cachedir, provider.checkout()) + provider.branch = "does_not_exist" + self.assertIsNone(provider.checkout()) ++ ++ def test_checkout_with_home_env_unset(self): ++ remote = os.path.join(, "pygit2-repo") ++ cache = os.path.join(, "pygit2-repo-cache") ++ self._prepare_remote_repository(remote) ++ provider = self._prepare_cache_repository(remote, cache) ++ provider.remotecallbacks = None ++ provider.credentials = None ++ with patched_environ(__cleanup__=["HOME"]): ++ self.assertTrue("HOME" not in os.environ) ++ provider.init_remote() ++ provider.fetch() ++ self.assertTrue("HOME" in os.environ) +-- +2.41.0 + + diff --git a/README.SUSE b/README.SUSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b70e7f --- /dev/null +++ b/README.SUSE @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +Salt-master as non-root user +============================ + +With this version of salt the salt-master will run as salt user. + +Why an extra user +================= + +While the current setup runs the master as root user, this is considered a security issue +and not in line with the other configuration management tools (eg. puppet) which runs as a +dedicated user. + +How can I undo the change +========================= + +If you would like to make the change before you can do the following steps manually: +1. change the user parameter in the master configuration + user: root +2. update the file permissions: + as root: chown -R root /etc/salt /var/cache/salt /var/log/salt /var/run/salt +3. restart the salt-master daemon: + as root: rcsalt-master restart or systemctl restart salt-master + +NOTE +==== + +Running the salt-master daemon as a root user is considers by some a security risk, but +running as root, enables the pam external auth system, as this system needs root access to check authentication. + +For more information: + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_lastrevision b/_lastrevision new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a78ea85 --- /dev/null +++ b/_lastrevision @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +a9b3f5bf8fd572965c589d95a7f99d36f7f37b62 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_multibuild b/_multibuild new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a0cd1a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/_multibuild @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + + testsuite + diff --git a/_service b/_service new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b7dd83 --- /dev/null +++ b/_service @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ + + + + salt + package + release/3006.0 + git + + + *package*.tar + */* + + + + openSUSE/salt/tar.gz/v3006.0-suse + v3006.0.tar.gz + + + + diff --git a/activate-all-beacons-sources-config-pillar-grains.patch b/activate-all-beacons-sources-config-pillar-grains.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a02d85 --- /dev/null +++ b/activate-all-beacons-sources-config-pillar-grains.patch @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +From f2938966bd1fcb46df0f202f5a86729ab190565a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Bo Maryniuk +Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2017 16:52:33 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Activate all beacons sources: config/pillar/grains + +--- + salt/ | 4 +--- + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 3 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ +index 6237fcc4b7..2f905e4a4f 100644 +--- a/salt/ ++++ b/salt/ +@@ -503,9 +503,7 @@ class MinionBase: + the pillar or grains changed + """ + if "config.merge" in functions: +- b_conf = functions["config.merge"]( +- "beacons", self.opts["beacons"], omit_opts=True +- ) ++ b_conf = functions["config.merge"]("beacons", self.opts["beacons"]) + if b_conf: + return self.beacons.process( + b_conf, self.opts["grains"] +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/add-custom-suse-capabilities-as-grains.patch b/add-custom-suse-capabilities-as-grains.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..690c44e --- /dev/null +++ b/add-custom-suse-capabilities-as-grains.patch @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +From 311d4e320527158b6ff88604b45e15f0dc2bfa62 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Alexander Graul +Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2022 12:59:43 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Add custom SUSE capabilities as Grains + +Add new custom SUSE capability for saltutil state module +--- + salt/grains/ | 8 ++++++++ + 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+) + +diff --git a/salt/grains/ b/salt/grains/ +index 300052f1ee..f2504dbf19 100644 +--- a/salt/grains/ ++++ b/salt/grains/ +@@ -96,3 +96,11 @@ def uefi(): + def transactional(): + """Determine if the system is transactional.""" + return {"transactional": bool(salt.utils.path.which("transactional-update"))} ++ ++ ++def suse_backported_capabilities(): ++ return { ++ '__suse_reserved_pkg_all_versions_support': True, ++ '__suse_reserved_pkg_patches_support': True, ++ '__suse_reserved_saltutil_states_support': True ++ } +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/add-environment-variable-to-know-if-yum-is-invoked-f.patch b/add-environment-variable-to-know-if-yum-is-invoked-f.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1235df4 --- /dev/null +++ b/add-environment-variable-to-know-if-yum-is-invoked-f.patch @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +From d7682d1bc67ccdd63022c63b2d3229f8ab40d52b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Alexander Graul +Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2022 12:57:21 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Add environment variable to know if yum is invoked from + Salt(bsc#1057635) + +--- + salt/modules/ | 23 +++++++++++++++++------ + 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 4d0070f21a..b362d30bf4 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -964,7 +964,9 @@ def list_repo_pkgs(*args, **kwargs): + None + if _yum() != "yum" + else LooseVersion( +- __salt__[""](["yum", "--version"], python_shell=False) ++ __salt__[""]( ++ ["yum", "--version"], python_shell=False, env={"SALT_RUNNING": "1"} ++ ) + .splitlines()[0] + .strip() + ) +@@ -2474,7 +2476,9 @@ def list_holds(pattern=__HOLD_PATTERN, full=True): + """ + _check_versionlock() + +- out = __salt__[""]([_yum(), "versionlock", "list"], python_shell=False) ++ out = __salt__[""]( ++ [_yum(), "versionlock", "list"], python_shell=False, env={"SALT_RUNNING": "1"} ++ ) + ret = [] + for line in salt.utils.itertools.split(out, "\n"): + match = _get_hold(line, pattern=pattern, full=full) +@@ -2542,7 +2546,10 @@ def group_list(): + } + + out = __salt__["cmd.run_stdout"]( +- [_yum(), "grouplist", "hidden"], output_loglevel="trace", python_shell=False ++ [_yum(), "grouplist", "hidden"], ++ output_loglevel="trace", ++ python_shell=False, ++ env={"SALT_RUNNING": "1"}, + ) + key = None + for line in salt.utils.itertools.split(out, "\n"): +@@ -2613,7 +2620,9 @@ def group_info(name, expand=False, ignore_groups=None): + ret[pkgtype] = set() + + cmd = [_yum(), "--quiet", "groupinfo", name] +- out = __salt__["cmd.run_stdout"](cmd, output_loglevel="trace", python_shell=False) ++ out = __salt__["cmd.run_stdout"]( ++ cmd, output_loglevel="trace", python_shell=False, env={"SALT_RUNNING": "1"} ++ ) + + g_info = {} + for line in salt.utils.itertools.split(out, "\n"): +@@ -3342,7 +3351,9 @@ def download(*packages, **kwargs): + + cmd = ["yumdownloader", "-q", "--destdir={}".format(CACHE_DIR)] + cmd.extend(packages) +- __salt__[""](cmd, output_loglevel="trace", python_shell=False) ++ __salt__[""]( ++ cmd, output_loglevel="trace", python_shell=False, env={"SALT_RUNNING": "1"} ++ ) + ret = {} + for dld_result in os.listdir(CACHE_DIR): + if not dld_result.endswith(".rpm"): +@@ -3418,7 +3429,7 @@ def _get_patches(installed_only=False): + patches = {} + + cmd = [_yum(), "--quiet", "updateinfo", "list", "all"] +- ret = __salt__["cmd.run_stdout"](cmd, python_shell=False) ++ ret = __salt__["cmd.run_stdout"](cmd, python_shell=False, env={"SALT_RUNNING": "1"}) + parsing_errors = False + + for line in salt.utils.itertools.split(ret, os.linesep): +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/add-migrated-state-and-gpg-key-management-functions-.patch b/add-migrated-state-and-gpg-key-management-functions-.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..beffeaa --- /dev/null +++ b/add-migrated-state-and-gpg-key-management-functions-.patch @@ -0,0 +1,1216 @@ +From c5236dadcffc24c00181c10ac4cf56020371c538 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Alexander Graul +Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2022 18:40:40 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Add "migrated" state and GPG key management functions + (#290) + +* rpm_lowpkg: add API for GPG keys + +* zypperpkg: do not quote the repo name + +* pkgrepo: add migrated function + +* pkg: unify apt and rpm API for key repo + +aptpkg is the virtual package "pkg" for Debian, and contains some API +for key management. + +This patch add a similar API for zypperpkg and yumpkg, also part of the +same virtual package, based on the counterpart from rpm_lowpkg API. + +Convert test to pytests +--- + salt/modules/ | 4 +- + salt/modules/ | 151 +++++++ + salt/modules/ | 88 ++++ + salt/modules/ | 88 ++++ + salt/states/ | 207 +++++++++ + tests/pytests/unit/modules/ | 44 +- + tests/pytests/unit/modules/ | 45 +- + tests/pytests/unit/states/ | 448 +++++++++++++++++++ + 8 files changed, 1070 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 3289f6604d..9885e9fb60 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@ def _parse_repo_keys_output(cmd_ret): + return ret + + +-def get_repo_keys(aptkey=True, keydir=None): ++def get_repo_keys(aptkey=True, keydir=None, **kwargs): + """ + .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 + +@@ -2305,6 +2305,7 @@ def add_repo_key( + aptkey=True, + keydir=None, + keyfile=None, ++ **kwargs + ): + """ + .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 +@@ -2358,7 +2359,6 @@ def add_repo_key( + if not salt.utils.path.which("apt-key"): + aptkey = False + cmd = ["apt-key"] +- kwargs = {} + + # If the keyid is provided or determined, check it against the existing + # repo key ids to determine whether it needs to be imported. +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 4cd137c258..b360ec8df3 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -865,3 +865,154 @@ def checksum(*paths, **kwargs): + ) + + return ret ++ ++ ++def list_gpg_keys(info=False, root=None): ++ """Return the list of all the GPG keys stored in the RPM database ++ ++ .. versionadded:: TBD ++ ++ info ++ get the key information, returing a dictionary instead of a ++ list ++ ++ root ++ use root as top level directory (default: "/") ++ ++ CLI Example: ++ ++ .. code-block:: bash ++ ++ salt '*' lowpkg.list_gpg_keys ++ salt '*' lowpkg.list_gpg_keys info=True ++ ++ """ ++ cmd = ["rpm"] ++ if root: ++ cmd.extend(["--root", root]) ++ cmd.extend(["-qa", "gpg-pubkey*"]) ++ keys = __salt__["cmd.run_stdout"](cmd, python_shell=False).splitlines() ++ if info: ++ return {key: info_gpg_key(key, root=root) for key in keys} ++ else: ++ return keys ++ ++ ++def info_gpg_key(key, root=None): ++ """Return a dictionary with the information of a GPG key parsed ++ ++ .. versionadded:: TBD ++ ++ key ++ key identificatior ++ ++ root ++ use root as top level directory (default: "/") ++ ++ CLI Example: ++ ++ .. code-block:: bash ++ ++ salt '*' lowpkg.info_gpg_key gpg-pubkey-3dbdc284-53674dd4 ++ ++ """ ++ cmd = ["rpm"] ++ if root: ++ cmd.extend(["--root", root]) ++ cmd.extend(["-qi", key]) ++ info = __salt__["cmd.run_stdout"](cmd, python_shell=False) ++ ++ res = {} ++ # The parser algorithm is very ad-hoc. Works under the ++ # expectation that all the fields are of the type "key: value" in ++ # a single line, except "Description", that will be composed of ++ # multiple lines. Note that even if the official `rpm` makes this ++ # field the last one, other (like openSUSE) exted it with more ++ # fields. ++ in_description = False ++ description = [] ++ for line in info.splitlines(): ++ if line.startswith("Description"): ++ in_description = True ++ elif in_description: ++ description.append(line) ++ if line.startswith("-----END"): ++ res["Description"] = "\n".join(description) ++ in_description = False ++ elif line: ++ key, _, value = line.partition(":") ++ value = value.strip() ++ if "Date" in key: ++ try: ++ value = datetime.datetime.strptime( ++ value, "%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %p %Z" ++ ) ++ except ValueError: ++ pass ++ elif "Size" in key: ++ try: ++ value = int(value) ++ except TypeError: ++ pass ++ elif "(none)" in value: ++ value = None ++ res[key.strip()] = value ++ return res ++ ++ ++def import_gpg_key(key, root=None): ++ """Import a new key into the key storage ++ ++ .. versionadded:: TBD ++ ++ key ++ public key block content ++ ++ root ++ use root as top level directory (default: "/") ++ ++ CLI Example: ++ ++ .. code-block:: bash ++ ++ salt '*' lowpkg.import_gpg_key "-----BEGIN ..." ++ ++ """ ++ key_file = salt.utils.files.mkstemp() ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(key_file, "w") as f: ++ f.write(key) ++ ++ cmd = ["rpm"] ++ if root: ++ cmd.extend(["--root", root]) ++ cmd.extend(["--import", key_file]) ++ ret = __salt__["cmd.retcode"](cmd) ++ ++ os.remove(key_file) ++ ++ return ret == 0 ++ ++ ++def remove_gpg_key(key, root=None): ++ """Remove a key from the key storage ++ ++ .. versionadded:: TBD ++ ++ key ++ key identificatior ++ ++ root ++ use root as top level directory (default: "/") ++ ++ CLI Example: ++ ++ .. code-block:: bash ++ ++ salt '*' lowpkg.remove_gpg_key gpg-pubkey-3dbdc284-53674dd4 ++ ++ """ ++ cmd = ["rpm"] ++ if root: ++ cmd.extend(["--root", root]) ++ cmd.extend(["-e", key]) ++ return __salt__["cmd.retcode"](cmd) == 0 +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index b362d30bf4..b2be251a40 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -3535,3 +3535,91 @@ def services_need_restart(**kwargs): + services.add(service) + + return list(services) ++ ++ ++def get_repo_keys(info=False, root=None, **kwargs): ++ """Return the list of all the GPG keys stored in the RPM database ++ ++ .. versionadded:: TBD ++ ++ info ++ get the key information, returing a dictionary instead of a ++ list ++ ++ root ++ use root as top level directory (default: "/") ++ ++ CLI Example: ++ ++ .. code-block:: bash ++ ++ salt '*' pkg.get_repo_keys ++ salt '*' pkg.get_repo_keys info=True ++ ++ """ ++ return __salt__["lowpkg.list_gpg_keys"](info, root) ++ ++ ++def add_repo_key(path=None, text=None, root=None, saltenv="base", **kwargs): ++ """Import a new key into the key storage ++ ++ .. versionadded:: TBD ++ ++ path ++ the path of the key file to import ++ ++ text ++ the key data to import, in string form ++ ++ root ++ use root as top level directory (default: "/") ++ ++ saltenv ++ the environment the key file resides in ++ ++ CLI Examples: ++ ++ .. code-block:: bash ++ ++ salt '*' pkg.add_repo_key 'salt://apt/sources/test.key' ++ salt '*' pkg.add_repo_key text="'$KEY1'" ++ ++ """ ++ if not path and not text: ++ raise SaltInvocationError("Provide a key to add") ++ ++ if path and text: ++ raise SaltInvocationError("Add a key via path or key") ++ ++ if path: ++ cache_path = __salt__["cp.cache_file"](path, saltenv) ++ ++ if not cache_path: ++ log.error("Unable to get cached copy of file: %s", path) ++ return False ++ ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(cache_path, "r") as f: ++ text = ++ ++ return __salt__["lowpkg.import_gpg_key"](text, root) ++ ++ ++def del_repo_key(keyid, root=None, **kwargs): ++ """Remove a key from the key storage ++ ++ .. versionadded:: TBD ++ ++ keyid ++ key identificatior ++ ++ root ++ use root as top level directory (default: "/") ++ ++ CLI Examples: ++ ++ .. code-block:: bash ++ ++ salt '*' pkg.del_repo_key keyid=gpg-pubkey-3dbdc284-53674dd4 ++ ++ """ ++ return __salt__["lowpkg.remove_gpg_key"](keyid, root) +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 2da470bea3..318c871b37 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -3261,3 +3261,91 @@ def services_need_restart(root=None, **kwargs): + services = zypper_output.split() + + return services ++ ++ ++def get_repo_keys(info=False, root=None, **kwargs): ++ """Return the list of all the GPG keys stored in the RPM database ++ ++ .. versionadded:: TBD ++ ++ info ++ get the key information, returing a dictionary instead of a ++ list ++ ++ root ++ use root as top level directory (default: "/") ++ ++ CLI Example: ++ ++ .. code-block:: bash ++ ++ salt '*' pkg.get_repo_keys ++ salt '*' pkg.get_repo_keys info=True ++ ++ """ ++ return __salt__["lowpkg.list_gpg_keys"](info, root) ++ ++ ++def add_repo_key(path=None, text=None, root=None, saltenv="base", **kwargs): ++ """Import a new key into the key storage ++ ++ .. versionadded:: TBD ++ ++ path ++ the path of the key file to import ++ ++ text ++ the key data to import, in string form ++ ++ root ++ use root as top level directory (default: "/") ++ ++ saltenv ++ the environment the key file resides in ++ ++ CLI Examples: ++ ++ .. code-block:: bash ++ ++ salt '*' pkg.add_repo_key 'salt://apt/sources/test.key' ++ salt '*' pkg.add_repo_key text="'$KEY1'" ++ ++ """ ++ if not path and not text: ++ raise SaltInvocationError("Provide a key to add") ++ ++ if path and text: ++ raise SaltInvocationError("Add a key via path or key") ++ ++ if path: ++ cache_path = __salt__["cp.cache_file"](path, saltenv) ++ ++ if not cache_path: ++ log.error("Unable to get cached copy of file: %s", path) ++ return False ++ ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(cache_path, "r") as f: ++ text = ++ ++ return __salt__["lowpkg.import_gpg_key"](text, root) ++ ++ ++def del_repo_key(keyid, root=None, **kwargs): ++ """Remove a key from the key storage ++ ++ .. versionadded:: TBD ++ ++ keyid ++ key identificatior ++ ++ root ++ use root as top level directory (default: "/") ++ ++ CLI Examples: ++ ++ .. code-block:: bash ++ ++ salt '*' pkg.del_repo_key keyid=gpg-pubkey-3dbdc284-53674dd4 ++ ++ """ ++ return __salt__["lowpkg.remove_gpg_key"](keyid, root) +diff --git a/salt/states/ b/salt/states/ +index 67a50c3ca0..c2d23f95bb 100644 +--- a/salt/states/ ++++ b/salt/states/ +@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ Using ``aptkey: False`` with ``keyserver`` and ``keyid``: + """ + + ++import os + import sys + + import +@@ -745,3 +746,209 @@ def absent(name, **kwargs): + ret["comment"] = "Failed to remove repo {}".format(name) + + return ret ++ ++ ++def _normalize_repo(repo): ++ """Normalize the get_repo information""" ++ # `pkg.get_repo()` specific virtual module implementation is ++ # parsing the information directly from the repository ++ # configuration file, and can be different from the ones that ++ # `pkg.mod_repo()` accepts ++ ++ # If the field is not present will be dropped ++ suse = { ++ # "alias": "repo", ++ "name": "humanname", ++ "priority": "priority", ++ "enabled": "enabled", ++ "autorefresh": "refresh", ++ "gpgcheck": "gpgcheck", ++ "keepackages": "cache", ++ "baseurl": "url", ++ } ++ translator = { ++ "Suse": suse, ++ } ++ table = translator.get(__grains__["os_family"], {}) ++ return {table[k]: v for k, v in repo.items() if k in table} ++ ++ ++def _normalize_key(key): ++ """Normalize the info_gpg_key information""" ++ ++ # If the field is not present will be dropped ++ rpm = { ++ "Description": "key", ++ } ++ translator = { ++ "Suse": rpm, ++ "RedHat": rpm, ++ } ++ table = translator.get(__grains__["os_family"], {}) ++ return {table[k]: v for k, v in key.items() if k in table} ++ ++ ++def _repos_keys_migrate_drop(root, keys, drop): ++ """Helper function to calculate repost and key migrations""" ++ ++ def _d2s(d): ++ """Serialize a dict and store in a set""" ++ return { ++ (k, tuple((_k, _v) for _k, _v in sorted(v.items()))) ++ for k, v in sorted(d.items()) ++ } ++ ++ src_repos = _d2s( ++ {k: _normalize_repo(v) for k, v in __salt__["pkg.list_repos"]().items()} ++ ) ++ # There is no guarantee that the target repository is even initialized ++ try: ++ tgt_repos = _d2s( ++ { ++ k: _normalize_repo(v) ++ for k, v in __salt__["pkg.list_repos"](root=root).items() ++ } ++ ) ++ except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except ++ tgt_repos = set() ++ ++ src_keys = set() ++ tgt_keys = set() ++ if keys: ++ src_keys = _d2s( ++ { ++ k: _normalize_key(v) ++ for k, v in __salt__["lowpkg.list_gpg_keys"](info=True).items() ++ } ++ ) ++ try: ++ tgt_keys = _d2s( ++ { ++ k: _normalize_key(v) ++ for k, v in __salt__["lowpkg.list_gpg_keys"]( ++ info=True, root=root ++ ).items() ++ } ++ ) ++ except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except ++ pass ++ ++ repos_to_migrate = src_repos - tgt_repos ++ repos_to_drop = tgt_repos - src_repos if drop else set() ++ ++ keys_to_migrate = src_keys - tgt_keys ++ keys_to_drop = tgt_keys - src_keys if drop else set() ++ ++ return (repos_to_migrate, repos_to_drop, keys_to_migrate, keys_to_drop) ++ ++ ++def _copy_repository_to(root): ++ repo = { ++ "Suse": ["/etc/zypp/repos.d"], ++ "RedHat": ["/etc/yum.conf", "/etc/yum.repos.d"], ++ } ++ for src in repo.get(__grains__["os_family"], []): ++ dst = os.path.join(root, os.path.relpath(src, os.path.sep)) ++ __salt__["file.copy"](src=src, dst=dst, recurse=True) ++ ++ ++def migrated(name, keys=True, drop=False, method=None, **kwargs): ++ """Migrate a repository from one directory to another, including the ++ GPG keys if requested ++ ++ .. versionadded:: TBD ++ ++ name ++ Directory were to migrate the repositories. For example, if we ++ are booting from a USB key and we mounted the rootfs in ++ "/mnt", the repositories will live in "/mnt/etc/yum.repos.d" ++ or in "/etc/zypp/repos.d", depending on the system. For both ++ cases the expected value for "name" would be "/mnt" ++ ++ keys ++ If is is True, will migrate all the keys ++ ++ drop ++ If True, the target repositories that do not exist in the ++ source will be dropped ++ ++ method ++ If None or "salt", it will use the Salt API to migrate the ++ repositories, if "copy", it will copy the repository files ++ directly ++ ++ """ ++ ret = {"name": name, "result": False, "changes": {}, "comment": ""} ++ ++ if __grains__["os_family"] not in ("Suse",): ++ ret["comment"] = "Migration not supported for this platform" ++ return ret ++ ++ if keys and "lowpkg.import_gpg_key" not in __salt__: ++ ret["comment"] = "Keys cannot be migrated for this platform" ++ return ret ++ ++ if method not in (None, "salt", "copy"): ++ ret["comment"] = "Migration method not supported" ++ return ret ++ ++ ( ++ repos_to_migrate, ++ repos_to_drop, ++ keys_to_migrate, ++ keys_to_drop, ++ ) = _repos_keys_migrate_drop(name, keys, drop) ++ ++ if not any((repos_to_migrate, repos_to_drop, keys_to_migrate, keys_to_drop)): ++ ret["result"] = True ++ ret["comment"] = "Repositories are already migrated" ++ return ret ++ ++ if __opts__["test"]: ++ ret["result"] = None ++ ret["comment"] = "There are keys or repositories to migrate or drop" ++ ret["changes"] = { ++ "repos to migrate": [repo for repo, _ in repos_to_migrate], ++ "repos to drop": [repo for repo, _ in repos_to_drop], ++ "keys to migrate": [key for key, _ in keys_to_migrate], ++ "keys to drop": [key for key, _ in keys_to_drop], ++ } ++ return ret ++ ++ for repo, repo_info in repos_to_migrate: ++ if method == "copy": ++ _copy_repository_to(name) ++ else: ++ __salt__["pkg.mod_repo"](repo, **dict(repo_info), root=name) ++ for repo, _ in repos_to_drop: ++ __salt__["pkg.del_repo"](repo, root=name) ++ ++ for _, key_info in keys_to_migrate: ++ __salt__["lowpkg.import_gpg_key"](dict(key_info)["key"], root=name) ++ for key, _ in keys_to_drop: ++ __salt__["lowpkg.remove_gpg_key"](key, root=name) ++ ++ ( ++ rem_repos_to_migrate, ++ rem_repos_to_drop, ++ rem_keys_to_migrate, ++ rem_keys_to_drop, ++ ) = _repos_keys_migrate_drop(name, keys, drop) ++ ++ if any( ++ (rem_repos_to_migrate, rem_repos_to_drop, rem_keys_to_migrate, rem_keys_to_drop) ++ ): ++ ret["result"] = False ++ ret["comment"] = "Migration of repositories failed" ++ return ret ++ ++ ret["result"] = True ++ ret["comment"] = "Repositories synchronized" ++ ret["changes"] = { ++ "repos migrated": [repo for repo, _ in repos_to_migrate], ++ "repos dropped": [repo for repo, _ in repos_to_drop], ++ "keys migrated": [key for key, _ in keys_to_migrate], ++ "keys dropped": [key for key, _ in keys_to_drop], ++ } ++ ++ return ret +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +index 1354ee5d2d..45c62d793d 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import salt.modules.rpm_lowpkg as rpm + import salt.modules.yumpkg as yumpkg + import salt.utils.platform + from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError, SaltInvocationError +-from import MagicMock, Mock, call, patch ++from import MagicMock, Mock, call, mock_open, patch + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + +@@ -1908,6 +1908,48 @@ def test_get_repo_with_non_existent_repo(list_repos_var): + assert ret == expected, ret + + ++def test_get_repo_keys(): ++ salt_mock = {"lowpkg.list_gpg_keys": MagicMock(return_value=True)} ++ with patch.dict(yumpkg.__salt__, salt_mock): ++ assert yumpkg.get_repo_keys(info=True, root="/mnt") ++ salt_mock["lowpkg.list_gpg_keys"].assert_called_once_with(True, "/mnt") ++ ++ ++def test_add_repo_key_fail(): ++ with pytest.raises(SaltInvocationError): ++ yumpkg.add_repo_key() ++ ++ with pytest.raises(SaltInvocationError): ++ yumpkg.add_repo_key(path="path", text="text") ++ ++ ++def test_add_repo_key_path(): ++ salt_mock = { ++ "cp.cache_file": MagicMock(return_value="path"), ++ "lowpkg.import_gpg_key": MagicMock(return_value=True), ++ } ++ with patch("salt.utils.files.fopen", mock_open(read_data="text")), patch.dict( ++ yumpkg.__salt__, salt_mock ++ ): ++ assert yumpkg.add_repo_key(path="path", root="/mnt") ++ salt_mock["cp.cache_file"].assert_called_once_with("path", "base") ++ salt_mock["lowpkg.import_gpg_key"].assert_called_once_with("text", "/mnt") ++ ++ ++def test_add_repo_key_text(): ++ salt_mock = {"lowpkg.import_gpg_key": MagicMock(return_value=True)} ++ with patch.dict(yumpkg.__salt__, salt_mock): ++ assert yumpkg.add_repo_key(text="text", root="/mnt") ++ salt_mock["lowpkg.import_gpg_key"].assert_called_once_with("text", "/mnt") ++ ++ ++def test_del_repo_key(): ++ salt_mock = {"lowpkg.remove_gpg_key": MagicMock(return_value=True)} ++ with patch.dict(yumpkg.__salt__, salt_mock): ++ assert yumpkg.del_repo_key(keyid="keyid", root="/mnt") ++ salt_mock["lowpkg.remove_gpg_key"].assert_called_once_with("keyid", "/mnt") ++ ++ + def test_pkg_update_dnf(): + """ + Tests that the proper CLI options are added when obsoletes=False +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +index 1e2d6ea443..91132b7277 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ import pytest + + import salt.modules.pkg_resource as pkg_resource + import salt.modules.zypperpkg as zypper +-from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError +-from import MagicMock, patch ++from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError, SaltInvocationError ++from import MagicMock, mock_open, patch + + + @pytest.fixture +@@ -354,3 +354,44 @@ def test_dist_upgrade_failure(): + + assert["changes"] == {} + assert["result"]["stdout"] == zypper_output ++ ++def test_get_repo_keys(): ++ salt_mock = {"lowpkg.list_gpg_keys": MagicMock(return_value=True)} ++ with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, salt_mock): ++ assert zypper.get_repo_keys(info=True, root="/mnt") ++ salt_mock["lowpkg.list_gpg_keys"].assert_called_once_with(True, "/mnt") ++ ++ ++def test_add_repo_key_fail(): ++ with pytest.raises(SaltInvocationError): ++ zypper.add_repo_key() ++ ++ with pytest.raises(SaltInvocationError): ++ zypper.add_repo_key(path="path", text="text") ++ ++ ++def test_add_repo_key_path(): ++ salt_mock = { ++ "cp.cache_file": MagicMock(return_value="path"), ++ "lowpkg.import_gpg_key": MagicMock(return_value=True), ++ } ++ with patch("salt.utils.files.fopen", mock_open(read_data="text")), patch.dict( ++ zypper.__salt__, salt_mock ++ ): ++ assert zypper.add_repo_key(path="path", root="/mnt") ++ salt_mock["cp.cache_file"].assert_called_once_with("path", "base") ++ salt_mock["lowpkg.import_gpg_key"].assert_called_once_with("text", "/mnt") ++ ++ ++def test_add_repo_key_text(): ++ salt_mock = {"lowpkg.import_gpg_key": MagicMock(return_value=True)} ++ with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, salt_mock): ++ assert zypper.add_repo_key(text="text", root="/mnt") ++ salt_mock["lowpkg.import_gpg_key"].assert_called_once_with("text", "/mnt") ++ ++ ++def test_del_repo_key(): ++ salt_mock = {"lowpkg.remove_gpg_key": MagicMock(return_value=True)} ++ with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, salt_mock): ++ assert zypper.del_repo_key(keyid="keyid", root="/mnt") ++ salt_mock["lowpkg.remove_gpg_key"].assert_called_once_with("keyid", "/mnt") +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/states/ b/tests/pytests/unit/states/ +index c572583d19..5f540bd245 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/states/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/states/ +@@ -72,3 +72,451 @@ def test_managed_insecure_key(): + ret["comment"] + == "Cannot have 'key_url' using http with 'allow_insecure_key' set to True" + ) ++ ++ ++def test__normalize_repo_suse(): ++ repo = { ++ "name": "repo name", ++ "autorefresh": True, ++ "priority": 0, ++ "pkg_gpgcheck": True, ++ } ++ grains = {"os_family": "Suse"} ++ with patch.dict(pkgrepo.__grains__, grains): ++ assert pkgrepo._normalize_repo(repo) == { ++ "humanname": "repo name", ++ "refresh": True, ++ "priority": 0, ++ } ++ ++ ++def test__normalize_key_rpm(): ++ key = {"Description": "key", "Date": "Date", "Other": "Other"} ++ for os_family in ("Suse", "RedHat"): ++ grains = {"os_family": os_family} ++ with patch.dict(pkgrepo.__grains__, grains): ++ assert pkgrepo._normalize_key(key) == {"key": "key"} ++ ++ ++def test__repos_keys_migrate_drop_migrate_to_empty(): ++ src_repos = { ++ "repo-1": { ++ "name": "repo name 1", ++ "autorefresh": True, ++ "priority": 0, ++ "pkg_gpgcheck": True, ++ }, ++ "repo-2": { ++ "name": "repo name 2", ++ "autorefresh": True, ++ "priority": 0, ++ "pkg_gpgcheck": False, ++ }, ++ } ++ tgt_repos = {} ++ ++ src_keys = { ++ "key1": {"Description": "key1", "Other": "Other1"}, ++ "key2": {"Description": "key2", "Other": "Other2"}, ++ } ++ tgt_keys = {} ++ ++ grains = {"os_family": "Suse"} ++ salt_mock = { ++ "pkg.list_repos": MagicMock(side_effect=[src_repos, tgt_repos]), ++ "lowpkg.list_gpg_keys": MagicMock(side_effect=[src_keys, tgt_keys]), ++ } ++ with patch.dict(pkgrepo.__grains__, grains), patch.dict( ++ pkgrepo.__salt__, salt_mock ++ ): ++ assert pkgrepo._repos_keys_migrate_drop("/mnt", False, False) == ( ++ { ++ ( ++ "repo-1", ++ ( ++ ("humanname", "repo name 1"), ++ ("priority", 0), ++ ("refresh", True), ++ ), ++ ), ++ ( ++ "repo-2", ++ ( ++ ("humanname", "repo name 2"), ++ ("priority", 0), ++ ("refresh", True), ++ ), ++ ), ++ }, ++ set(), ++ set(), ++ set(), ++ ) ++ ++ ++def test__repos_keys_migrate_drop_migrate_to_empty_keys(): ++ src_repos = { ++ "repo-1": { ++ "name": "repo name 1", ++ "autorefresh": True, ++ "priority": 0, ++ "pkg_gpgcheck": True, ++ }, ++ "repo-2": { ++ "name": "repo name 2", ++ "autorefresh": True, ++ "priority": 0, ++ "pkg_gpgcheck": False, ++ }, ++ } ++ tgt_repos = {} ++ ++ src_keys = { ++ "key1": {"Description": "key1", "Other": "Other1"}, ++ "key2": {"Description": "key2", "Other": "Other2"}, ++ } ++ tgt_keys = {} ++ ++ grains = {"os_family": "Suse"} ++ salt_mock = { ++ "pkg.list_repos": MagicMock(side_effect=[src_repos, tgt_repos]), ++ "lowpkg.list_gpg_keys": MagicMock(side_effect=[src_keys, tgt_keys]), ++ } ++ with patch.dict(pkgrepo.__grains__, grains), patch.dict( ++ pkgrepo.__salt__, salt_mock ++ ): ++ assert pkgrepo._repos_keys_migrate_drop("/mnt", True, False) == ( ++ { ++ ( ++ "repo-1", ++ ( ++ ("humanname", "repo name 1"), ++ ("priority", 0), ++ ("refresh", True), ++ ), ++ ), ++ ( ++ "repo-2", ++ ( ++ ("humanname", "repo name 2"), ++ ("priority", 0), ++ ("refresh", True), ++ ), ++ ), ++ }, ++ set(), ++ {("key1", (("key", "key1"),)), ("key2", (("key", "key2"),))}, ++ set(), ++ ) ++ ++ ++def test__repos_keys_migrate_drop_migrate_to_populated_no_drop(): ++ src_repos = { ++ "repo-1": { ++ "name": "repo name 1", ++ "autorefresh": True, ++ "priority": 0, ++ "pkg_gpgcheck": True, ++ }, ++ "repo-2": { ++ "name": "repo name 2", ++ "autorefresh": True, ++ "priority": 0, ++ "pkg_gpgcheck": False, ++ }, ++ } ++ tgt_repos = { ++ "repo-1": { ++ "name": "repo name 1", ++ "autorefresh": True, ++ "priority": 0, ++ "pkg_gpgcheck": True, ++ }, ++ "repo-3": { ++ "name": "repo name 3", ++ "autorefresh": True, ++ "priority": 0, ++ "pkg_gpgcheck": False, ++ }, ++ } ++ ++ src_keys = { ++ "key1": {"Description": "key1", "Other": "Other1"}, ++ "key2": {"Description": "key2", "Other": "Other2"}, ++ } ++ tgt_keys = { ++ "key1": {"Description": "key1", "Other": "Other1"}, ++ "key3": {"Description": "key3", "Other": "Other2"}, ++ } ++ ++ grains = {"os_family": "Suse"} ++ salt_mock = { ++ "pkg.list_repos": MagicMock(side_effect=[src_repos, tgt_repos]), ++ "lowpkg.list_gpg_keys": MagicMock(side_effect=[src_keys, tgt_keys]), ++ } ++ with patch.dict(pkgrepo.__grains__, grains), patch.dict( ++ pkgrepo.__salt__, salt_mock ++ ): ++ assert pkgrepo._repos_keys_migrate_drop("/mnt", True, False) == ( ++ { ++ ( ++ "repo-2", ++ ( ++ ("humanname", "repo name 2"), ++ ("priority", 0), ++ ("refresh", True), ++ ), ++ ), ++ }, ++ set(), ++ {("key2", (("key", "key2"),))}, ++ set(), ++ ) ++ ++ ++def test__repos_keys_migrate_drop_migrate_to_populated_drop(): ++ src_repos = { ++ "repo-1": { ++ "name": "repo name 1", ++ "autorefresh": True, ++ "priority": 0, ++ "pkg_gpgcheck": True, ++ }, ++ "repo-2": { ++ "name": "repo name 2", ++ "autorefresh": True, ++ "priority": 0, ++ "pkg_gpgcheck": False, ++ }, ++ } ++ tgt_repos = { ++ "repo-1": { ++ "name": "repo name 1", ++ "autorefresh": True, ++ "priority": 0, ++ "pkg_gpgcheck": True, ++ }, ++ "repo-3": { ++ "name": "repo name 3", ++ "autorefresh": True, ++ "priority": 0, ++ "pkg_gpgcheck": False, ++ }, ++ } ++ ++ src_keys = { ++ "key1": {"Description": "key1", "Other": "Other1"}, ++ "key2": {"Description": "key2", "Other": "Other2"}, ++ } ++ tgt_keys = { ++ "key1": {"Description": "key1", "Other": "Other1"}, ++ "key3": {"Description": "key3", "Other": "Other2"}, ++ } ++ ++ grains = {"os_family": "Suse"} ++ salt_mock = { ++ "pkg.list_repos": MagicMock(side_effect=[src_repos, tgt_repos]), ++ "lowpkg.list_gpg_keys": MagicMock(side_effect=[src_keys, tgt_keys]), ++ } ++ with patch.dict(pkgrepo.__grains__, grains), patch.dict( ++ pkgrepo.__salt__, salt_mock ++ ): ++ assert pkgrepo._repos_keys_migrate_drop("/mnt", True, True) == ( ++ { ++ ( ++ "repo-2", ++ ( ++ ("humanname", "repo name 2"), ++ ("priority", 0), ++ ("refresh", True), ++ ), ++ ), ++ }, ++ { ++ ( ++ "repo-3", ++ ( ++ ("humanname", "repo name 3"), ++ ("priority", 0), ++ ("refresh", True), ++ ), ++ ), ++ }, ++ {("key2", (("key", "key2"),))}, ++ {("key3", (("key", "key3"),))}, ++ ) ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.skip_on_windows(reason="Not a Windows test") ++def test__copy_repository_to_suse(): ++ grains = {"os_family": "Suse"} ++ salt_mock = {"file.copy": MagicMock()} ++ with patch.dict(pkgrepo.__grains__, grains), patch.dict( ++ pkgrepo.__salt__, salt_mock ++ ): ++ pkgrepo._copy_repository_to("/mnt") ++ salt_mock["file.copy"].assert_called_with( ++ src="/etc/zypp/repos.d", dst="/mnt/etc/zypp/repos.d", recurse=True ++ ) ++ ++ ++def test_migrated_non_supported_platform(): ++ grains = {"os_family": "Debian"} ++ with patch.dict(pkgrepo.__grains__, grains): ++ assert pkgrepo.migrated("/mnt") == { ++ "name": "/mnt", ++ "result": False, ++ "changes": {}, ++ "comment": "Migration not supported for this platform", ++ } ++ ++ ++def test_migrated_missing_keys_api(): ++ grains = {"os_family": "Suse"} ++ with patch.dict(pkgrepo.__grains__, grains): ++ assert pkgrepo.migrated("/mnt") == { ++ "name": "/mnt", ++ "result": False, ++ "changes": {}, ++ "comment": "Keys cannot be migrated for this platform", ++ } ++ ++ ++def test_migrated_wrong_method(): ++ grains = {"os_family": "Suse"} ++ salt_mock = { ++ "lowpkg.import_gpg_key": True, ++ } ++ with patch.dict(pkgrepo.__grains__, grains), patch.dict( ++ pkgrepo.__salt__, salt_mock ++ ): ++ assert pkgrepo.migrated("/mnt", method_="magic") == { ++ "name": "/mnt", ++ "result": False, ++ "changes": {}, ++ "comment": "Migration method not supported", ++ } ++ ++ ++@patch( ++ "salt.states.pkgrepo._repos_keys_migrate_drop", ++ MagicMock(return_value=(set(), set(), set(), set())), ++) ++def test_migrated_empty(): ++ grains = {"os_family": "Suse"} ++ salt_mock = { ++ "lowpkg.import_gpg_key": True, ++ } ++ with patch.dict(pkgrepo.__grains__, grains), patch.dict( ++ pkgrepo.__salt__, salt_mock ++ ): ++ assert pkgrepo.migrated("/mnt") == { ++ "name": "/mnt", ++ "result": True, ++ "changes": {}, ++ "comment": "Repositories are already migrated", ++ } ++ ++ ++def test_migrated(): ++ _repos_keys_migrate_drop = MagicMock() ++ _repos_keys_migrate_drop.side_effect = [ ++ ( ++ { ++ ( ++ "repo-1", ++ ( ++ ("humanname", "repo name 1"), ++ ("priority", 0), ++ ("refresh", True), ++ ), ++ ), ++ }, ++ { ++ ( ++ "repo-2", ++ ( ++ ("humanname", "repo name 2"), ++ ("priority", 0), ++ ("refresh", True), ++ ), ++ ), ++ }, ++ {("key1", (("key", "key1"),))}, ++ {("key2", (("key", "key2"),))}, ++ ), ++ (set(), set(), set(), set()), ++ ] ++ ++ grains = {"os_family": "Suse"} ++ opts = {"test": False} ++ salt_mock = { ++ "pkg.mod_repo": MagicMock(), ++ "pkg.del_repo": MagicMock(), ++ "lowpkg.import_gpg_key": MagicMock(), ++ "lowpkg.remove_gpg_key": MagicMock(), ++ } ++ with patch.dict(pkgrepo.__grains__, grains), patch.dict( ++ pkgrepo.__opts__, opts ++ ), patch.dict(pkgrepo.__salt__, salt_mock), patch( ++ "salt.states.pkgrepo._repos_keys_migrate_drop", _repos_keys_migrate_drop ++ ): ++ assert pkgrepo.migrated("/mnt", True, True) == { ++ "name": "/mnt", ++ "result": True, ++ "changes": { ++ "repos migrated": ["repo-1"], ++ "repos dropped": ["repo-2"], ++ "keys migrated": ["key1"], ++ "keys dropped": ["key2"], ++ }, ++ "comment": "Repositories synchronized", ++ } ++ salt_mock["pkg.mod_repo"].assert_called_with( ++ "repo-1", humanname="repo name 1", priority=0, refresh=True, root="/mnt" ++ ) ++ salt_mock["pkg.del_repo"].assert_called_with("repo-2", root="/mnt") ++ salt_mock["lowpkg.import_gpg_key"].assert_called_with("key1", root="/mnt") ++ salt_mock["lowpkg.remove_gpg_key"].assert_called_with("key2", root="/mnt") ++ ++ ++def test_migrated_test(): ++ _repos_keys_migrate_drop = MagicMock() ++ _repos_keys_migrate_drop.return_value = ( ++ { ++ ( ++ "repo-1", ++ (("humanname", "repo name 1"), ("priority", 0), ("refresh", True)), ++ ), ++ }, ++ { ++ ( ++ "repo-2", ++ (("humanname", "repo name 2"), ("priority", 0), ("refresh", True)), ++ ), ++ }, ++ {("key1", (("key", "key1"),))}, ++ {("key2", (("key", "key2"),))}, ++ ) ++ ++ grains = {"os_family": "Suse"} ++ opts = {"test": True} ++ salt_mock = { ++ "lowpkg.import_gpg_key": True, ++ } ++ with patch.dict(pkgrepo.__grains__, grains), patch.dict( ++ pkgrepo.__opts__, opts ++ ), patch.dict(pkgrepo.__salt__, salt_mock), patch( ++ "salt.states.pkgrepo._repos_keys_migrate_drop", _repos_keys_migrate_drop ++ ): ++ assert pkgrepo.migrated("/mnt", True, True) == { ++ "name": "/mnt", ++ "result": None, ++ "changes": { ++ "repos to migrate": ["repo-1"], ++ "repos to drop": ["repo-2"], ++ "keys to migrate": ["key1"], ++ "keys to drop": ["key2"], ++ }, ++ "comment": "There are keys or repositories to migrate or drop", ++ } +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/add-missing-contextvars-dependency-in-salt.version.patch b/add-missing-contextvars-dependency-in-salt.version.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c8a26a --- /dev/null +++ b/add-missing-contextvars-dependency-in-salt.version.patch @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +From 1a5716365e0c3b8d290759847f4046f28ee4b79f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Wed, 15 May 2024 09:53:20 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Add missing contextvars dependency in salt.version + +--- + salt/ | 1 + + tests/unit/states/ | 2 +- + 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ +index 44372830b2..b2643550e9 100644 +--- a/salt/ ++++ b/salt/ +@@ -717,6 +717,7 @@ def dependency_information(include_salt_cloud=False): + ("docker-py", "docker", "__version__"), + ("packaging", "packaging", "__version__"), + ("looseversion", "looseversion", None), ++ ("contextvars", "contextvars", None), + ("relenv", "relenv", "__version__"), + ] + +diff --git a/tests/unit/states/ b/tests/unit/states/ +index d70b115000..fe5d171a15 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/states/ ++++ b/tests/unit/states/ +@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ class PipStateInstallationErrorTest(TestCase): + def test_importable_installation_error(self): + extra_requirements = [] + for name, version in salt.version.dependency_information(): +- if name in ["PyYAML", "packaging", "looseversion"]: ++ if name in ["PyYAML", "packaging", "looseversion", "contextvars"]: + extra_requirements.append("{}=={}".format(name, version)) + failures = {} + pip_version_requirements = [ +-- +2.45.0 + diff --git a/add-publish_batch-to-clearfuncs-exposed-methods.patch b/add-publish_batch-to-clearfuncs-exposed-methods.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9effdce --- /dev/null +++ b/add-publish_batch-to-clearfuncs-exposed-methods.patch @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +From 3ef2071daf7a415f2c43e1339affe2b7cad93b3e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Thu, 28 May 2020 09:37:08 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Add publish_batch to ClearFuncs exposed methods + +--- + salt/ | 1 + + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) + +diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ +index 2a526b4f21..a0552fa232 100644 +--- a/salt/ ++++ b/salt/ +@@ -1960,6 +1960,7 @@ class ClearFuncs(TransportMethods): + expose_methods = ( + "ping", + "publish", ++ "publish_batch", + "get_token", + "mk_token", + "wheel", +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/add-salt-ssh-support-with-venv-salt-minion-3004-493.patch b/add-salt-ssh-support-with-venv-salt-minion-3004-493.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dc38bd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/add-salt-ssh-support-with-venv-salt-minion-3004-493.patch @@ -0,0 +1,795 @@ +From 3fd6c0c6793632c819fb5f8fb3b3538463eaaccc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2022 16:52:24 +0300 +Subject: [PATCH] Add salt-ssh support with venv-salt-minion - 3004 + (#493) + +* Add salt-ssh support with venv-salt-minion + +* Add some comments and drop the commented line + +* Fix return in check_venv_hash_file + +* Convert all script parameters to strings + +* Reduce the size of minion response + +Minion response contains SSH_PY_CODE wrapped to base64. +This fix reduces the size of the response in DEBUG logging + +* Make VENV_HASH_FILE global + +* Pass the context to roster modules + +* Avoid race condition on loading roster modules + +* Prevent simultaneous to salt-ssh minion + +* Make ssh session grace time configurable + +* Prevent possible segfault by GC + +* Revert "Avoid race condition on loading roster modules" + +This reverts commit 8ff822a162cc494d3528184aef983ad20e09f4e2. + +* Prevent deadlocks with importlib on using LazyLoader + +* Make logging on salt-ssh errors more informative + +* Add comments about using salt.loader.LOAD_LOCK + +* Fix test_loader test + +* Prevent deadlocks on using logging + +* Use collections.deque instead of list for salt-ssh + +Suggested by @agraul + +* Get proper exitstatus from salt.utils.vt.Terminal + +to prevent empty event returns due to improperly detecting +the child process as failed + +* Do not run pre flight script for raw_shell +--- + salt/_logging/ | 55 +++++++----- + salt/client/ssh/ | 157 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----- + salt/client/ssh/ | 7 +- + salt/client/ssh/ | 8 ++ + salt/client/ssh/ | 108 +++++++++++++---------- + salt/loader/ | 31 ++++++- + salt/netapi/ | 3 +- + salt/roster/ | 6 +- + tests/unit/ | 2 +- + 9 files changed, 278 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/_logging/ b/salt/_logging/ +index cc18f49a9e..e050f43caf 100644 +--- a/salt/_logging/ ++++ b/salt/_logging/ +@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import re + import socket + import sys + import traceback ++import threading + import types + import urllib.parse + +@@ -104,6 +105,10 @@ DFLT_LOG_DATEFMT_LOGFILE = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" + DFLT_LOG_FMT_CONSOLE = "[%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s" + DFLT_LOG_FMT_LOGFILE = "%(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d [%(name)-17s:%(lineno)-4d][%(levelname)-8s][%(process)d] %(message)s" + ++# LOG_LOCK is used to prevent deadlocks on using logging ++# in combination with multiprocessing with salt-api ++LOG_LOCK = threading.Lock() ++ + + class SaltLogRecord(logging.LogRecord): + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): +@@ -270,27 +275,35 @@ class SaltLoggingClass(LOGGING_LOGGER_CLASS, metaclass=LoggingMixinMeta): + else: + extra["exc_info_on_loglevel"] = exc_info_on_loglevel + +- if sys.version_info < (3, 8): +- LOGGING_LOGGER_CLASS._log( +- self, +- level, +- msg, +- args, +- exc_info=exc_info, +- extra=extra, +- stack_info=stack_info, +- ) +- else: +- LOGGING_LOGGER_CLASS._log( +- self, +- level, +- msg, +- args, +- exc_info=exc_info, +- extra=extra, +- stack_info=stack_info, +- stacklevel=stacklevel, +- ) ++ try: ++ LOG_LOCK.acquire() ++ if sys.version_info < (3,): ++ LOGGING_LOGGER_CLASS._log( ++ self, level, msg, args, exc_info=exc_info, extra=extra ++ ) ++ elif sys.version_info < (3, 8): ++ LOGGING_LOGGER_CLASS._log( ++ self, ++ level, ++ msg, ++ args, ++ exc_info=exc_info, ++ extra=extra, ++ stack_info=stack_info, ++ ) ++ else: ++ LOGGING_LOGGER_CLASS._log( ++ self, ++ level, ++ msg, ++ args, ++ exc_info=exc_info, ++ extra=extra, ++ stack_info=stack_info, ++ stacklevel=stacklevel, ++ ) ++ finally: ++ LOG_LOCK.release() + + def makeRecord( + self, +diff --git a/salt/client/ssh/ b/salt/client/ssh/ +index 19089ce8ad..e6837df4e5 100644 +--- a/salt/client/ssh/ ++++ b/salt/client/ssh/ +@@ -6,11 +6,13 @@ import base64 + import binascii + import copy + import datetime ++import gc + import getpass + import hashlib + import logging + import multiprocessing + import os ++import psutil + import queue + import re + import shlex +@@ -20,6 +22,7 @@ import tarfile + import tempfile + import time + import uuid ++from collections import deque + + import + import salt.client.ssh.wrapper +@@ -47,6 +50,7 @@ import salt.utils.url + import salt.utils.verify + from salt._logging import LOG_LEVELS + from salt._logging.mixins import MultiprocessingStateMixin ++from salt._logging.impl import LOG_LOCK + from salt.template import compile_template + from salt.utils.process import Process + from salt.utils.zeromq import zmq +@@ -146,15 +150,26 @@ if [ "$SUDO" ] && [ "$SUDO_USER" ] + then SUDO="$SUDO -u $SUDO_USER" + fi + EX_PYTHON_INVALID={EX_THIN_PYTHON_INVALID} +-PYTHON_CMDS="python3 /usr/libexec/platform-python python27 python2.7 python26 python2.6 python2 python" ++set +x ++SSH_PY_CODE='import base64; ++ exec(base64.b64decode("""{{SSH_PY_CODE}}""").decode("utf-8"))' ++if [ -n "$DEBUG" ] ++ then set -x ++fi ++PYTHON_CMDS="/var/tmp/venv-salt-minion/bin/python python3 /usr/libexec/platform-python python27 python2.7 python26 python2.6 python2 python" + for py_cmd in $PYTHON_CMDS + do + if command -v "$py_cmd" >/dev/null 2>&1 && "$py_cmd" -c "import sys; sys.exit(not (sys.version_info >= (2, 6)));" + then + py_cmd_path=`"$py_cmd" -c 'from __future__ import print_function;import sys; print(sys.executable);'` + cmdpath=`command -v $py_cmd 2>/dev/null || which $py_cmd 2>/dev/null` ++ cmdpath=`readlink -f $cmdpath` + if file $cmdpath | grep "shell script" > /dev/null + then ++ if echo $cmdpath | grep venv-salt-minion > /dev/null ++ then ++ exec $SUDO "$cmdpath" -c "$SSH_PY_CODE" ++ fi + ex_vars="'PATH', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH', 'MANPATH', \ + 'XDG_DATA_DIRS', 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH'" + export `$py_cmd -c \ +@@ -166,13 +181,9 @@ do + exec $SUDO PATH=$PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH \ + MANPATH=$MANPATH XDG_DATA_DIRS=$XDG_DATA_DIRS \ + PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH \ +- "$py_cmd_path" -c \ +- 'import base64; +- exec(base64.b64decode("""{{SSH_PY_CODE}}""").decode("utf-8"))' ++ "$py_cmd_path" -c "$SSH_PY_CODE" + else +- exec $SUDO "$py_cmd_path" -c \ +- 'import base64; +- exec(base64.b64decode("""{{SSH_PY_CODE}}""").decode("utf-8"))' ++ exec $SUDO "$py_cmd_path" -c "$SSH_PY_CODE" + fi + exit 0 + else +@@ -189,6 +200,9 @@ EOF'''.format( + ] + ) + ++# The file on a salt-ssh minion used to identify if Salt Bundle was deployed ++VENV_HASH_FILE = "/var/tmp/venv-salt-minion/venv-hash.txt" ++ + if not salt.utils.platform.is_windows() and not salt.utils.platform.is_junos(): + shim_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "") + if not os.path.exists(shim_file): +@@ -209,7 +223,7 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + + ROSTER_UPDATE_FLAG = "#__needs_update" + +- def __init__(self, opts): ++ def __init__(self, opts, context=None): + self.__parsed_rosters = {SSH.ROSTER_UPDATE_FLAG: True} + pull_sock = os.path.join(opts["sock_dir"], "master_event_pull.ipc") + if os.path.exists(pull_sock) and zmq: +@@ -236,7 +250,9 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + else "glob" + ) + self._expand_target() +- self.roster = salt.roster.Roster(self.opts, self.opts.get("roster", "flat")) ++ self.roster = salt.roster.Roster( ++ self.opts, self.opts.get("roster", "flat"), context=context ++ ) + self.targets = self.roster.targets(self.opts["tgt"], self.tgt_type) + if not self.targets: + self._update_targets() +@@ -316,6 +332,13 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + extended_cfg=self.opts.get("ssh_ext_alternatives"), + ) + self.mods = mod_data(self.fsclient) ++ self.cache = salt.cache.Cache(self.opts) ++ self.master_id = self.opts["id"] ++ self.max_pid_wait = int(self.opts.get("ssh_max_pid_wait", 600)) ++ self.session_flock_file = os.path.join( ++ self.opts["cachedir"], "salt-ssh.session.lock" ++ ) ++ self.ssh_session_grace_time = int(self.opts.get("ssh_session_grace_time", 3)) + + # __setstate__ and __getstate__ are only used on spawning platforms. + def __setstate__(self, state): +@@ -546,6 +569,8 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + """ + Run the routine in a "Thread", put a dict on the queue + """ ++ LOG_LOCK.release() ++ salt.loader.LOAD_LOCK.release() + opts = copy.deepcopy(opts) + single = Single( + opts, +@@ -585,7 +610,7 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + """ + que = multiprocessing.Queue() + running = {} +- target_iter = self.targets.__iter__() ++ targets_queue = deque(self.targets.keys()) + returned = set() + rets = set() + init = False +@@ -594,11 +619,43 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + log.error("No matching targets found in roster.") + break + if len(running) < self.opts.get("ssh_max_procs", 25) and not init: +- try: +- host = next(target_iter) +- except StopIteration: ++ if targets_queue: ++ host = targets_queue.popleft() ++ else: + init = True + continue ++ with salt.utils.files.flopen(self.session_flock_file, "w"): ++ cached_session = self.cache.fetch("salt-ssh/session", host) ++ if cached_session is not None and "ts" in cached_session: ++ prev_session_running = time.time() - cached_session["ts"] ++ if ( ++ "pid" in cached_session ++ and cached_session.get("master_id", self.master_id) ++ == self.master_id ++ ): ++ pid_running = ( ++ False ++ if cached_session["pid"] == 0 ++ else psutil.pid_exists(cached_session["pid"]) ++ ) ++ if ( ++ pid_running and prev_session_running < self.max_pid_wait ++ ) or ( ++ not pid_running ++ and prev_session_running < self.ssh_session_grace_time ++ ): ++ targets_queue.append(host) ++ time.sleep(0.3) ++ continue ++ ++ "salt-ssh/session", ++ host, ++ { ++ "pid": 0, ++ "master_id": self.master_id, ++ "ts": time.time(), ++ }, ++ ) + for default in self.defaults: + if default not in self.targets[host]: + self.targets[host][default] = self.defaults[default] +@@ -630,8 +687,38 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + mine, + ) + routine = Process(target=self.handle_routine, args=args) +- routine.start() ++ # Explicitly call garbage collector to prevent possible segfault ++ # in salt-api child process. (bsc#1188607) ++ gc.collect() ++ try: ++ # salt.loader.LOAD_LOCK is used to prevent deadlock ++ # with importlib in combination with using multiprocessing (bsc#1182851) ++ # If the salt-api child process is creating while LazyLoader instance ++ # is loading module, new child process gets the lock for this module acquired. ++ # Touching this module with importlib inside child process leads to deadlock. ++ # ++ # salt.loader.LOAD_LOCK is used to prevent salt-api child process creation ++ # while creating new instance of LazyLoader ++ # salt.loader.LOAD_LOCK must be released explicitly in self.handle_routine ++ salt.loader.LOAD_LOCK.acquire() ++ # The same solution applied to fix logging deadlock ++ # LOG_LOCK must be released explicitly in self.handle_routine ++ LOG_LOCK.acquire() ++ routine.start() ++ finally: ++ LOG_LOCK.release() ++ salt.loader.LOAD_LOCK.release() + running[host] = {"thread": routine} ++ with salt.utils.files.flopen(self.session_flock_file, "w"): ++ ++ "salt-ssh/session", ++ host, ++ { ++ "pid":, ++ "master_id": self.master_id, ++ "ts": time.time(), ++ }, ++ ) + continue + ret = {} + try: +@@ -662,12 +749,27 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + ) + ret = {"id": host, "ret": error} + log.error(error) ++ log.error( ++ "PID %s did not return any data for host '%s'", ++ running[host]["thread"].pid, ++ host, ++ ) + yield {ret["id"]: ret["ret"]} + running[host]["thread"].join() + rets.add(host) + for host in rets: + if host in running: + running.pop(host) ++ with salt.utils.files.flopen(self.session_flock_file, "w"): ++ ++ "salt-ssh/session", ++ host, ++ { ++ "pid": 0, ++ "master_id": self.master_id, ++ "ts": time.time(), ++ }, ++ ) + if len(rets) >= len(self.targets): + break + # Sleep when limit or all threads started +@@ -1036,14 +1138,24 @@ class Single: + return False + return True + ++ def check_venv_hash_file(self): ++ """ ++ check if the venv exists on the remote machine ++ """ ++ stdout, stderr, retcode = ++ "test -f {}".format(VENV_HASH_FILE) ++ ) ++ return retcode == 0 ++ + def deploy(self): + """ + Deploy salt-thin + """ +- +- self.thin, +- os.path.join(self.thin_dir, "salt-thin.tgz"), +- ) ++ if not self.check_venv_hash_file(): ++ ++ self.thin, ++ os.path.join(self.thin_dir, "salt-thin.tgz"), ++ ) + self.deploy_ext() + return True + +@@ -1071,8 +1183,9 @@ class Single: + Returns tuple of (stdout, stderr, retcode) + """ + stdout = stderr = retcode = None ++ raw_shell = self.opts.get("raw_shell", False) + +- if self.ssh_pre_flight: ++ if self.ssh_pre_flight and not raw_shell: + if not self.opts.get("ssh_run_pre_flight", False) and self.check_thin_dir(): + + "%s thin dir already exists. Not running ssh_pre_flight script", +@@ -1086,14 +1199,16 @@ class Single: + stdout, stderr, retcode = self.run_ssh_pre_flight() + if retcode != 0: + log.error( +- "Error running ssh_pre_flight script %s", self.ssh_pre_file ++ "Error running ssh_pre_flight script %s for host '%s'", ++ self.ssh_pre_file, ++["host"], + ) + return stdout, stderr, retcode + + "Successfully ran the ssh_pre_flight script: %s", self.ssh_pre_file + ) + +- if self.opts.get("raw_shell", False): ++ if raw_shell: + cmd_str = " ".join([self._escape_arg(arg) for arg in self.argv]) + stdout, stderr, retcode = + +diff --git a/salt/client/ssh/ b/salt/client/ssh/ +index be9247cb15..0b67598fc6 100644 +--- a/salt/client/ssh/ ++++ b/salt/client/ssh/ +@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ class SSHClient: + return sane_kwargs + + def _prep_ssh( +- self, tgt, fun, arg=(), timeout=None, tgt_type="glob", kwarg=None, **kwargs ++ self, tgt, fun, arg=(), timeout=None, tgt_type="glob", kwarg=None, context=None, **kwargs + ): + """ + Prepare the arguments +@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ class SSHClient: + opts["selected_target_option"] = tgt_type + opts["tgt"] = tgt + opts["arg"] = arg +- return salt.client.ssh.SSH(opts) ++ return salt.client.ssh.SSH(opts, context=context) + + def cmd_iter( + self, +@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ class SSHClient: + final.update(ret) + return final + +- def cmd_sync(self, low): ++ def cmd_sync(self, low, context=None): + """ + Execute a salt-ssh call synchronously. + +@@ -193,6 +193,7 @@ class SSHClient: + low.get("timeout"), + low.get("tgt_type"), + low.get("kwarg"), ++ context=context, + **kwargs + ) + +diff --git a/salt/client/ssh/ b/salt/client/ssh/ +index cfa82d13c2..bc1ad034df 100644 +--- a/salt/client/ssh/ ++++ b/salt/client/ssh/ +@@ -464,6 +464,14 @@ class Shell: + if stdout: + old_stdout = stdout + time.sleep(0.01) ++ if term.exitstatus is None: ++ try: ++ term.wait() ++ except: # pylint: disable=broad-except ++ # It's safe to put the broad exception handling here ++ # as we just need to ensure the child process in term finished ++ # to get proper term.exitstatus instead of None ++ pass + return ret_stdout, ret_stderr, term.exitstatus + finally: + term.close(terminate=True, kill=True) +diff --git a/salt/client/ssh/ b/salt/client/ssh/ +index b77749f495..293ea1b7fa 100644 +--- a/salt/client/ssh/ ++++ b/salt/client/ssh/ +@@ -279,56 +279,72 @@ def main(argv): # pylint: disable=W0613 + """ + Main program body + """ +- thin_path = os.path.join(OPTIONS.saltdir, THIN_ARCHIVE) +- if os.path.isfile(thin_path): +- if OPTIONS.checksum != get_hash(thin_path, OPTIONS.hashfunc): +- need_deployment() +- unpack_thin(thin_path) +- # Salt thin now is available to use +- else: +- if not sys.platform.startswith("win"): +- scpstat = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/sh", "-c", "command -v scp"]).wait() +- if scpstat != 0: +- sys.exit(EX_SCP_NOT_FOUND) +- +- if os.path.exists(OPTIONS.saltdir) and not os.path.isdir(OPTIONS.saltdir): +- sys.stderr.write( +- 'ERROR: salt path "{0}" exists but is not a directory\n'.format( +- OPTIONS.saltdir ++ ++ virt_env = os.getenv("VIRTUAL_ENV", None) ++ # VIRTUAL_ENV environment variable is defined by venv-salt-minion wrapper ++ # it's used to check if the shim is running under this wrapper ++ venv_salt_call = None ++ if virt_env and "venv-salt-minion" in virt_env: ++ venv_salt_call = os.path.join(virt_env, "bin", "salt-call") ++ if not os.path.exists(venv_salt_call): ++ venv_salt_call = None ++ elif not os.path.exists(OPTIONS.saltdir): ++ os.makedirs(OPTIONS.saltdir) ++ cache_dir = os.path.join(OPTIONS.saltdir, "running_data", "var", "cache") ++ os.makedirs(os.path.join(cache_dir, "salt")) ++ os.symlink("salt", os.path.relpath(os.path.join(cache_dir, "venv-salt-minion"))) ++ ++ if venv_salt_call is None: ++ # Use Salt thin only if Salt Bundle (venv-salt-minion) is not available ++ thin_path = os.path.join(OPTIONS.saltdir, THIN_ARCHIVE) ++ if os.path.isfile(thin_path): ++ if OPTIONS.checksum != get_hash(thin_path, OPTIONS.hashfunc): ++ need_deployment() ++ unpack_thin(thin_path) ++ # Salt thin now is available to use ++ else: ++ if not sys.platform.startswith("win"): ++ scpstat = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/sh", "-c", "command -v scp"]).wait() ++ if scpstat != 0: ++ sys.exit(EX_SCP_NOT_FOUND) ++ ++ if os.path.exists(OPTIONS.saltdir) and not os.path.isdir(OPTIONS.saltdir): ++ sys.stderr.write( ++ 'ERROR: salt path "{0}" exists but is' ++ " not a directory\n".format(OPTIONS.saltdir) + ) +- ) +- sys.exit(EX_CANTCREAT) ++ sys.exit(EX_CANTCREAT) + +- if not os.path.exists(OPTIONS.saltdir): +- need_deployment() ++ if not os.path.exists(OPTIONS.saltdir): ++ need_deployment() + +- code_checksum_path = os.path.normpath( +- os.path.join(OPTIONS.saltdir, "code-checksum") +- ) +- if not os.path.exists(code_checksum_path) or not os.path.isfile( +- code_checksum_path +- ): +- sys.stderr.write( +- "WARNING: Unable to locate current code checksum: {0}.\n".format( +- code_checksum_path +- ) ++ code_checksum_path = os.path.normpath( ++ os.path.join(OPTIONS.saltdir, "code-checksum") + ) +- need_deployment() +- with open(code_checksum_path, "r") as vpo: +- cur_code_cs = vpo.readline().strip() +- if cur_code_cs != OPTIONS.code_checksum: +- sys.stderr.write( +- "WARNING: current code checksum {0} is different to {1}.\n".format( +- cur_code_cs, OPTIONS.code_checksum ++ if not os.path.exists(code_checksum_path) or not os.path.isfile( ++ code_checksum_path ++ ): ++ sys.stderr.write( ++ "WARNING: Unable to locate current code checksum: {0}.\n".format( ++ code_checksum_path ++ ) + ) +- ) +- need_deployment() +- # Salt thin exists and is up-to-date - fall through and use it ++ need_deployment() ++ with open(code_checksum_path, "r") as vpo: ++ cur_code_cs = vpo.readline().strip() ++ if cur_code_cs != OPTIONS.code_checksum: ++ sys.stderr.write( ++ "WARNING: current code checksum {0} is different to {1}.\n".format( ++ cur_code_cs, OPTIONS.code_checksum ++ ) ++ ) ++ need_deployment() ++ # Salt thin exists and is up-to-date - fall through and use it + +- salt_call_path = os.path.join(OPTIONS.saltdir, "salt-call") +- if not os.path.isfile(salt_call_path): +- sys.stderr.write('ERROR: thin is missing "{0}"\n'.format(salt_call_path)) +- need_deployment() ++ salt_call_path = os.path.join(OPTIONS.saltdir, "salt-call") ++ if not os.path.isfile(salt_call_path): ++ sys.stderr.write('ERROR: thin is missing "{0}"\n'.format(salt_call_path)) ++ need_deployment() + + with open(os.path.join(OPTIONS.saltdir, "minion"), "w") as config: + config.write(OPTIONS.config + "\n") +@@ -351,8 +367,8 @@ def main(argv): # pylint: disable=W0613 + argv_prepared = ARGS + + salt_argv = [ +- get_executable(), +- salt_call_path, ++ sys.executable if venv_salt_call is not None else get_executable(), ++ venv_salt_call if venv_salt_call is not None else salt_call_path, + "--retcode-passthrough", + "--local", + "--metadata", +diff --git a/salt/loader/ b/salt/loader/ +index 72a5e54401..32f8a7702c 100644 +--- a/salt/loader/ ++++ b/salt/loader/ +@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import inspect + import logging + import os + import re ++import threading + import time + import types + +@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ from salt.exceptions import LoaderError + from salt.template import check_render_pipe_str + from salt.utils import entrypoints + +-from .lazy import SALT_BASE_PATH, FilterDictWrapper, LazyLoader ++from .lazy import SALT_BASE_PATH, FilterDictWrapper, LazyLoader as _LazyLoader + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + +@@ -81,6 +82,18 @@ SALT_INTERNAL_LOADERS_PATHS = ( + str(SALT_BASE_PATH / "wheel"), + ) + ++LOAD_LOCK = threading.Lock() ++ ++ ++def LazyLoader(*args, **kwargs): ++ # This wrapper is used to prevent deadlocks with importlib (bsc#1182851) ++ # LOAD_LOCK is also used directly in salt.client.ssh.SSH ++ try: ++ LOAD_LOCK.acquire() ++ return _LazyLoader(*args, **kwargs) ++ finally: ++ LOAD_LOCK.release() ++ + + def static_loader( + opts, +@@ -725,7 +738,7 @@ def fileserver(opts, backends, loaded_base_name=None): + ) + + +-def roster(opts, runner=None, utils=None, whitelist=None, loaded_base_name=None): ++def roster(opts, runner=None, utils=None, whitelist=None, loaded_base_name=None, context=None): + """ + Returns the roster modules + +@@ -736,12 +749,15 @@ def roster(opts, runner=None, utils=None, whitelist=None, loaded_base_name=None) + :param str loaded_base_name: The imported modules namespace when imported + by the salt loader. + """ ++ if context is None: ++ context = {} ++ + return LazyLoader( + _module_dirs(opts, "roster"), + opts, + tag="roster", + whitelist=whitelist, +- pack={"__runner__": runner, "__utils__": utils}, ++ pack={"__runner__": runner, "__utils__": utils, "__context__": context}, + extra_module_dirs=utils.module_dirs if utils else None, + loaded_base_name=loaded_base_name, + ) +@@ -933,7 +949,14 @@ def render( + ) + rend = FilterDictWrapper(ret, ".render") + +- if not check_render_pipe_str( ++ def _check_render_pipe_str(pipestr, renderers, blacklist, whitelist): ++ try: ++ LOAD_LOCK.acquire() ++ return check_render_pipe_str(pipestr, renderers, blacklist, whitelist) ++ finally: ++ LOAD_LOCK.release() ++ ++ if not _check_render_pipe_str( + opts["renderer"], rend, opts["renderer_blacklist"], opts["renderer_whitelist"] + ): + err = ( +diff --git a/salt/netapi/ b/salt/netapi/ +index a89c1a19af..8a28c48460 100644 +--- a/salt/netapi/ ++++ b/salt/netapi/ +@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ class NetapiClient: + self.loadauth = salt.auth.LoadAuth(apiopts) + self.key = salt.daemons.masterapi.access_keys(apiopts) + self.ckminions = salt.utils.minions.CkMinions(apiopts) ++ self.context = {} + + def _is_master_running(self): + """ +@@ -245,7 +246,7 @@ class NetapiClient: + with salt.client.ssh.client.SSHClient( + mopts=self.opts, disable_custom_roster=True + ) as client: +- return client.cmd_sync(kwargs) ++ return client.cmd_sync(kwargs, context=self.context) + + def runner(self, fun, timeout=None, full_return=False, **kwargs): + """ +diff --git a/salt/roster/ b/salt/roster/ +index fc7339d785..ea23d550d7 100644 +--- a/salt/roster/ ++++ b/salt/roster/ +@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class Roster: + minion aware + """ + +- def __init__(self, opts, backends="flat"): ++ def __init__(self, opts, backends="flat", context=None): + self.opts = opts + if isinstance(backends, list): + self.backends = backends +@@ -71,7 +71,9 @@ class Roster: + self.backends = ["flat"] + utils = salt.loader.utils(self.opts) + runner = salt.loader.runner(self.opts, utils=utils) +- self.rosters = salt.loader.roster(self.opts, runner=runner, utils=utils) ++ self.rosters = salt.loader.roster( ++ self.opts, runner=runner, utils=utils, context=context ++ ) + + def _gen_back(self): + """ +diff --git a/tests/unit/ b/tests/unit/ +index cf33903320..1b616375b3 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/ ++++ b/tests/unit/ +@@ -1697,7 +1697,7 @@ class LazyLoaderRefreshFileMappingTest(TestCase): + cls.funcs = salt.loader.minion_mods(cls.opts, utils=cls.utils, proxy=cls.proxy) + + def setUp(self): +- class LazyLoaderMock(salt.loader.LazyLoader): ++ class LazyLoaderMock(salt.loader._LazyLoader): + pass + + self.LOADER_CLASS = LazyLoaderMock +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/add-sleep-on-exception-handling-on-minion-connection.patch b/add-sleep-on-exception-handling-on-minion-connection.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..edda8d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/add-sleep-on-exception-handling-on-minion-connection.patch @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +From bad9e783e1a6923d85bdb1477a2e9766887a511e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov <> +Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2021 14:49:38 +0300 +Subject: [PATCH] Add sleep on exception handling on minion connection + attempt to the master (bsc#1174855) (#321) + +* Async batch implementation fix + +* Add sleep on exception handling on minion connection attempt to the master (bsc#1174855) +--- + salt/ | 6 ++++++ + 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+) + +diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ +index 2f905e4a4f..c3b65f16c3 100644 +--- a/salt/ ++++ b/salt/ +@@ -1123,6 +1123,9 @@ class MinionManager(MinionBase): + last = 0 # never have we signed in + auth_wait = minion.opts["acceptance_wait_time"] + failed = False ++ retry_wait = 1 ++ retry_wait_inc = 1 ++ max_retry_wait = 20 + while True: + try: + if minion.opts.get("beacons_before_connect", False): +@@ -1161,6 +1164,9 @@ class MinionManager(MinionBase): + minion.opts["master"], + exc_info=True, + ) ++ yield salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep(retry_wait) ++ if retry_wait < max_retry_wait: ++ retry_wait += retry_wait_inc + + # Multi Master Tune In + def tune_in(self): +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/add-standalone-configuration-file-for-enabling-packa.patch b/add-standalone-configuration-file-for-enabling-packa.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7000574 --- /dev/null +++ b/add-standalone-configuration-file-for-enabling-packa.patch @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +From 94e702e83c05814296ea8987a722b71e99117360 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Wed, 22 May 2019 13:00:46 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Add standalone configuration file for enabling package + formulas + +--- + conf/suse/standalone-formulas-configuration.conf | 4 ++++ + 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+) + create mode 100644 conf/suse/standalone-formulas-configuration.conf + +diff --git a/conf/suse/standalone-formulas-configuration.conf b/conf/suse/standalone-formulas-configuration.conf +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..94d05fb2ee +--- /dev/null ++++ b/conf/suse/standalone-formulas-configuration.conf +@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ ++file_roots: ++ base: ++ - /usr/share/salt-formulas/states ++ - /srv/salt +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/add-support-for-gpgautoimport-539.patch b/add-support-for-gpgautoimport-539.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d1176dc --- /dev/null +++ b/add-support-for-gpgautoimport-539.patch @@ -0,0 +1,369 @@ +From 2e103365c50fe42a72de3e9d57c3fdbee47454aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Michael Calmer +Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2022 10:15:37 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] add support for gpgautoimport (#539) + +* add support for gpgautoimport to refresh_db in the zypperpkg module + +* call refresh_db function from mod_repo + +* call refresh_db with kwargs where possible + +* ignore no repos defined exit code + +* fix zypperpkg test after adding more success return codes +--- + salt/modules/ | 47 +++++++--- + tests/unit/modules/ | 124 +++++++++++++++++++++++---- + 2 files changed, 140 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 318c871b37..051f8f72c7 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ def list_upgrades(refresh=True, root=None, **kwargs): + salt '*' pkg.list_upgrades + """ + if refresh: +- refresh_db(root) ++ refresh_db(root, **kwargs) + + ret = dict() + cmd = ["list-updates"] +@@ -737,7 +737,7 @@ def info_available(*names, **kwargs): + + # Refresh db before extracting the latest package + if kwargs.get("refresh", True): +- refresh_db(root) ++ refresh_db(root, **kwargs) + + pkg_info = [] + batch = names[:] +@@ -1439,7 +1439,6 @@ def mod_repo(repo, **kwargs): + cmd_opt.append(kwargs.get("name")) + + if kwargs.get("gpgautoimport") is True: +- global_cmd_opt.append("--gpg-auto-import-keys") + call_refresh = True + + if cmd_opt: +@@ -1451,8 +1450,8 @@ def mod_repo(repo, **kwargs): + # when used with "zypper ar --refresh" or "zypper mr --refresh" + # --gpg-auto-import-keys is not doing anything + # so we need to specifically refresh here with --gpg-auto-import-keys +- refresh_opts = global_cmd_opt + ["refresh"] + [repo] +- __zypper__(root=root)*refresh_opts) ++ kwargs.update({"repos": repo}) ++ refresh_db(root=root, **kwargs) + elif not added and not cmd_opt: + comment = "Specified arguments did not result in modification of repo" + +@@ -1463,7 +1462,7 @@ def mod_repo(repo, **kwargs): + return repo + + +-def refresh_db(force=None, root=None): ++def refresh_db(force=None, root=None, **kwargs): + """ + Trigger a repository refresh by calling ``zypper refresh``. Refresh will run + with ``--force`` if the "force=True" flag is passed on the CLI or +@@ -1474,6 +1473,17 @@ def refresh_db(force=None, root=None): + + {'': Bool} + ++ gpgautoimport : False ++ If set to True, automatically trust and import public GPG key for ++ the repository. ++ ++ .. versionadded:: 3005 ++ ++ repos ++ Refresh just the specified repos ++ ++ .. versionadded:: 3005 ++ + root + operate on a different root directory. + +@@ -1494,11 +1504,22 @@ def refresh_db(force=None, root=None): + salt.utils.pkg.clear_rtag(__opts__) + ret = {} + refresh_opts = ["refresh"] ++ global_opts = [] + if force is None: + force = __pillar__.get("zypper", {}).get("refreshdb_force", True) + if force: + refresh_opts.append("--force") +- out = __zypper__(root=root)*refresh_opts) ++ repos = kwargs.get("repos", []) ++ refresh_opts.extend([repos] if not isinstance(repos, list) else repos) ++ ++ if kwargs.get("gpgautoimport", False): ++ global_opts.append("--gpg-auto-import-keys") ++ ++ # We do the actual call to zypper refresh. ++ # We ignore retcode 6 which is returned when there are no repositories defined. ++ out = __zypper__(root=root) ++ *global_opts, *refresh_opts, success_retcodes=[0, 6] ++ ) + + for line in out.splitlines(): + if not line: +@@ -1683,7 +1704,7 @@ def install( + 'arch': ''}}} + """ + if refresh: +- refresh_db(root) ++ refresh_db(root, **kwargs) + + try: + pkg_params, pkg_type = __salt__["pkg_resource.parse_targets"]( +@@ -1980,7 +2001,7 @@ def upgrade( + cmd_update.insert(0, "--no-gpg-checks") + + if refresh: +- refresh_db(root) ++ refresh_db(root, **kwargs) + + if dryrun: + cmd_update.append("--dry-run") +@@ -2808,7 +2829,7 @@ def search(criteria, refresh=False, **kwargs): + root = kwargs.get("root", None) + + if refresh: +- refresh_db(root) ++ refresh_db(root, **kwargs) + + cmd = ["search"] + if kwargs.get("match") == "exact": +@@ -2959,7 +2980,7 @@ def download(*packages, **kwargs): + + refresh = kwargs.get("refresh", False) + if refresh: +- refresh_db(root) ++ refresh_db(root, **kwargs) + + pkg_ret = {} + for dld_result in ( +@@ -3111,7 +3132,7 @@ def list_patches(refresh=False, root=None, **kwargs): + salt '*' pkg.list_patches + """ + if refresh: +- refresh_db(root) ++ refresh_db(root, **kwargs) + + return _get_patches(root=root) + +@@ -3205,7 +3226,7 @@ def resolve_capabilities(pkgs, refresh=False, root=None, **kwargs): + salt '*' pkg.resolve_capabilities resolve_capabilities=True w3m_ssl + """ + if refresh: +- refresh_db(root) ++ refresh_db(root, **kwargs) + + ret = list() + for pkg in pkgs: +diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/ +index e85c93da3b..f5b6d74b6f 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/unit/modules/ +@@ -377,7 +377,12 @@ class ZypperTestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + run_out = {"stderr": "", "stdout": "\n".join(ref_out), "retcode": 0} + + zypper_mock = MagicMock(return_value=run_out) +- call_kwargs = {"output_loglevel": "trace", "python_shell": False, "env": {}} ++ call_kwargs = { ++ "output_loglevel": "trace", ++ "python_shell": False, ++ "env": {}, ++ "success_retcodes": [0, 6], ++ } + with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {"cmd.run_all": zypper_mock}): + with patch.object(salt.utils.pkg, "clear_rtag", Mock()): + result = zypper.refresh_db() +@@ -395,6 +400,73 @@ class ZypperTestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + zypper_mock.assert_called_with( + ["zypper", "--non-interactive", "refresh", "--force"], **call_kwargs + ) ++ zypper.refresh_db(gpgautoimport=True) ++ zypper_mock.assert_called_with( ++ [ ++ "zypper", ++ "--non-interactive", ++ "--gpg-auto-import-keys", ++ "refresh", ++ "--force", ++ ], ++ **call_kwargs ++ ) ++ zypper.refresh_db(gpgautoimport=True, force=True) ++ zypper_mock.assert_called_with( ++ [ ++ "zypper", ++ "--non-interactive", ++ "--gpg-auto-import-keys", ++ "refresh", ++ "--force", ++ ], ++ **call_kwargs ++ ) ++ zypper.refresh_db(gpgautoimport=True, force=False) ++ zypper_mock.assert_called_with( ++ [ ++ "zypper", ++ "--non-interactive", ++ "--gpg-auto-import-keys", ++ "refresh", ++ ], ++ **call_kwargs ++ ) ++ zypper.refresh_db( ++ gpgautoimport=True, ++ refresh=True, ++ repos="mock-repo-name", ++ root=None, ++ url="http://repo.url/some/path", ++ ) ++ zypper_mock.assert_called_with( ++ [ ++ "zypper", ++ "--non-interactive", ++ "--gpg-auto-import-keys", ++ "refresh", ++ "--force", ++ "mock-repo-name", ++ ], ++ **call_kwargs ++ ) ++ zypper.refresh_db( ++ gpgautoimport=True, ++ repos="mock-repo-name", ++ root=None, ++ url="http://repo.url/some/path", ++ ) ++ zypper_mock.assert_called_with( ++ [ ++ "zypper", ++ "--non-interactive", ++ "--gpg-auto-import-keys", ++ "refresh", ++ "--force", ++ "mock-repo-name", ++ ], ++ **call_kwargs ++ ) + + def test_info_installed(self): + """ +@@ -2082,18 +2154,23 @@ Repository 'DUMMY' not found by its alias, number, or URI. + + url = self.new_repo_config["url"] + name = self.new_repo_config["name"] +- with zypper_patcher: ++ with zypper_patcher, patch.object(zypper, "refresh_db", Mock()) as refreshmock: + zypper.mod_repo(name, **{"url": url, "gpgautoimport": True}) + self.assertEqual( + zypper.__zypper__(root=None), + [ + call("ar", url, name), +- call("--gpg-auto-import-keys", "refresh", name), + ], + ) + self.assertTrue( + zypper.__zypper__(root=None) == 0 + ) ++ refreshmock.assert_called_once_with( ++ gpgautoimport=True, ++ repos=name, ++ root=None, ++ url="http://repo.url/some/path", ++ ) + + def test_repo_noadd_nomod_ref(self): + """ +@@ -2112,15 +2189,17 @@ Repository 'DUMMY' not found by its alias, number, or URI. + "salt.modules.zypperpkg", **self.zypper_patcher_config + ) + +- with zypper_patcher: ++ with zypper_patcher, patch.object(zypper, "refresh_db", Mock()) as refreshmock: + zypper.mod_repo(name, **{"url": url, "gpgautoimport": True}) +- self.assertEqual( +- zypper.__zypper__(root=None), +- [call("--gpg-auto-import-keys", "refresh", name)], +- ) + self.assertTrue( + zypper.__zypper__(root=None) == 0 + ) ++ refreshmock.assert_called_once_with( ++ gpgautoimport=True, ++ repos=name, ++ root=None, ++ url="http://repo.url/some/path", ++ ) + + def test_repo_add_mod_ref(self): + """ +@@ -2133,10 +2212,10 @@ Repository 'DUMMY' not found by its alias, number, or URI. + zypper_patcher = patch.multiple( + "salt.modules.zypperpkg", **self.zypper_patcher_config + ) +- + url = self.new_repo_config["url"] + name = self.new_repo_config["name"] +- with zypper_patcher: ++ ++ with zypper_patcher, patch.object(zypper, "refresh_db", Mock()) as refreshmock: + zypper.mod_repo( + name, **{"url": url, "refresh": True, "gpgautoimport": True} + ) +@@ -2144,11 +2223,17 @@ Repository 'DUMMY' not found by its alias, number, or URI. + zypper.__zypper__(root=None), + [ + call("ar", url, name), +- call("--gpg-auto-import-keys", "refresh", name), + ], + ) + zypper.__zypper__(root=None) +- "--gpg-auto-import-keys", "mr", "--refresh", name ++ "mr", "--refresh", name ++ ) ++ refreshmock.assert_called_once_with( ++ gpgautoimport=True, ++ refresh=True, ++ repos=name, ++ root=None, ++ url="http://repo.url/some/path", + ) + + def test_repo_noadd_mod_ref(self): +@@ -2168,16 +2253,19 @@ Repository 'DUMMY' not found by its alias, number, or URI. + "salt.modules.zypperpkg", **self.zypper_patcher_config + ) + +- with zypper_patcher: ++ with zypper_patcher, patch.object(zypper, "refresh_db", Mock()) as refreshmock: + zypper.mod_repo( + name, **{"url": url, "refresh": True, "gpgautoimport": True} + ) +- self.assertEqual( +- zypper.__zypper__(root=None), +- [call("--gpg-auto-import-keys", "refresh", name)], +- ) + zypper.__zypper__(root=None) +- "--gpg-auto-import-keys", "mr", "--refresh", name ++ "mr", "--refresh", name ++ ) ++ refreshmock.assert_called_once_with( ++ gpgautoimport=True, ++ refresh=True, ++ repos=name, ++ root=None, ++ url="http://repo.url/some/path", + ) + + def test_wildcard_to_query_match_all(self): +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/allow-all-primitive-grain-types-for-autosign_grains-.patch b/allow-all-primitive-grain-types-for-autosign_grains-.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee1b7e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/allow-all-primitive-grain-types-for-autosign_grains-.patch @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +From ae4e1d1cc15b3c510bdd774a1dfeff67c522324a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Marek Czernek +Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2023 13:05:00 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Allow all primitive grain types for autosign_grains + (#607) + +* Allow all primitive grain types for autosign_grains + +Signed-off-by: Marek Czernek + +* blacken daemons/ and its test_auto_key + +Signed-off-by: Marek Czernek + +--------- + +Signed-off-by: Marek Czernek +Co-authored-by: Alexander Graul +--- + changelog/ | 1 + + changelog/ | 1 + + salt/daemons/ | 2 +- + .../pytests/unit/daemons/masterapi/ | 13 +++++++------ + 4 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) + create mode 100644 changelog/ + create mode 100644 changelog/ + +diff --git a/changelog/ b/changelog/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..3203a0a1c6 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/changelog/ +@@ -0,0 +1 @@ ++Allow all primitive grain types for autosign_grains +diff --git a/changelog/ b/changelog/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..3203a0a1c6 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/changelog/ +@@ -0,0 +1 @@ ++Allow all primitive grain types for autosign_grains +diff --git a/salt/daemons/ b/salt/daemons/ +index 3716c63d99..54aca64a76 100644 +--- a/salt/daemons/ ++++ b/salt/daemons/ +@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ class AutoKey: + line = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(line).strip() + if line.startswith("#"): + continue +- if autosign_grains[grain] == line: ++ if str(autosign_grains[grain]) == line: + return True + return False + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/daemons/masterapi/ b/tests/pytests/unit/daemons/masterapi/ +index b3657b7f1b..54c3f22d2a 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/daemons/masterapi/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/daemons/masterapi/ +@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ def gen_permissions(owner="", group="", others=""): + """ + ret = 0 + for c in owner: +- ret |= getattr(stat, "S_I{}USR".format(c.upper()), 0) ++ ret |= getattr(stat, f"S_I{c.upper()}USR", 0) + for c in group: +- ret |= getattr(stat, "S_I{}GRP".format(c.upper()), 0) ++ ret |= getattr(stat, f"S_I{c.upper()}GRP", 0) + for c in others: +- ret |= getattr(stat, "S_I{}OTH".format(c.upper()), 0) ++ ret |= getattr(stat, f"S_I{c.upper()}OTH", 0) + return ret + + +@@ -256,16 +256,17 @@ def test_check_autosign_grains_no_autosign_grains_dir(auto_key): + _test_check_autosign_grains(test_func, auto_key, autosign_grains_dir=None) + + +-def test_check_autosign_grains_accept(auto_key): ++@pytest.mark.parametrize("grain_value", ["test_value", 123, True]) ++def test_check_autosign_grains_accept(grain_value, auto_key): + """ + Asserts that autosigning from grains passes when a matching grain value is in an + autosign_grain file. + """ + + def test_func(*args): +- assert auto_key.check_autosign_grains({"test_grain": "test_value"}) is True ++ assert auto_key.check_autosign_grains({"test_grain": grain_value}) is True + +- file_content = "#test_ignore\ntest_value" ++ file_content = f"#test_ignore\n{grain_value}" + _test_check_autosign_grains(test_func, auto_key, file_content=file_content) + + +-- +2.42.0 + diff --git a/allow-kwargs-for-fileserver-roots-update-bsc-1218482.patch b/allow-kwargs-for-fileserver-roots-update-bsc-1218482.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5b9af1c --- /dev/null +++ b/allow-kwargs-for-fileserver-roots-update-bsc-1218482.patch @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +From 8ae54e8a0e12193507f1936f363c3438b4a006ee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Yeray=20Guti=C3=A9rrez=20Cedr=C3=A9s?= + +Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2024 15:33:28 +0000 +Subject: [PATCH] Allow kwargs for fileserver roots update + (bsc#1218482) (#618) +MIME-Version: 1.0 +Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 +Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit + +* Allow kwargs for fileserver roots update (bsc#1218482) + +* Prevent exceptions with fileserver.update when called via state + +* Fix wrong logic and enhance tests around fileserver.update + +* Remove test which is not longer valid + +--------- + +Co-authored-by: Pablo Suárez Hernández +--- + changelog/ | 1 + + salt/fileserver/ | 8 ++-- + salt/runners/ | 6 +++ + tests/integration/runners/ | 40 ++++++++++++++++++-- + tests/pytests/unit/fileserver/ | 2 +- + 5 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) + create mode 100644 changelog/ + +diff --git a/changelog/ b/changelog/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..432f5c791c +--- /dev/null ++++ b/changelog/ +@@ -0,0 +1 @@ ++Prevent exceptions with fileserver.update when called via state +diff --git a/salt/fileserver/ b/salt/fileserver/ +index 4880cbab9b..a02b597c6f 100644 +--- a/salt/fileserver/ ++++ b/salt/fileserver/ +@@ -193,9 +193,7 @@ def update(): + os.makedirs(mtime_map_path_dir) + with salt.utils.files.fopen(mtime_map_path, "wb") as fp_: + for file_path, mtime in new_mtime_map.items(): +- fp_.write( +- salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes("{}:{}\n".format(file_path, mtime)) +- ) ++ fp_.write(salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(f"{file_path}:{mtime}\n")) + + if __opts__.get("fileserver_events", False): + # if there is a change, fire an event +@@ -326,11 +324,11 @@ def _file_lists(load, form): + return [] + list_cache = os.path.join( + list_cachedir, +- "{}.p".format(salt.utils.files.safe_filename_leaf(actual_saltenv)), ++ f"{salt.utils.files.safe_filename_leaf(actual_saltenv)}.p", + ) + w_lock = os.path.join( + list_cachedir, +- ".{}.w".format(salt.utils.files.safe_filename_leaf(actual_saltenv)), ++ f".{salt.utils.files.safe_filename_leaf(actual_saltenv)}.w", + ) + cache_match, refresh_cache, save_cache = salt.fileserver.check_file_list_cache( + __opts__, form, list_cache, w_lock +diff --git a/salt/runners/ b/salt/runners/ +index d75d7de0cf..1ed05b68ca 100644 +--- a/salt/runners/ ++++ b/salt/runners/ +@@ -350,6 +350,12 @@ def update(backend=None, **kwargs): + salt-run fileserver.update backend=git remotes=myrepo,yourrepo + """ + fileserver = salt.fileserver.Fileserver(__opts__) ++ ++ # Remove possible '__pub_user' in kwargs as it is not expected ++ # on "update" function for the different fileserver backends. ++ if "__pub_user" in kwargs: ++ del kwargs["__pub_user"] ++ + fileserver.update(back=backend, **kwargs) + return True + +diff --git a/tests/integration/runners/ b/tests/integration/runners/ +index ae8ab766aa..62f0da0c4a 100644 +--- a/tests/integration/runners/ ++++ b/tests/integration/runners/ +@@ -202,15 +202,31 @@ class FileserverTest(ShellCase): + fileserver.update + """ + ret = self.run_run_plus(fun="fileserver.update") +- self.assertTrue(ret["return"]) ++ self.assertTrue(ret["return"] is True) + + # Backend submitted as a string + ret = self.run_run_plus(fun="fileserver.update", backend="roots") +- self.assertTrue(ret["return"]) ++ self.assertTrue(ret["return"] is True) + + # Backend submitted as a list + ret = self.run_run_plus(fun="fileserver.update", backend=["roots"]) +- self.assertTrue(ret["return"]) ++ self.assertTrue(ret["return"] is True) ++ ++ # Possible '__pub_user' is removed from kwargs ++ ret = self.run_run_plus( ++ fun="fileserver.update", backend=["roots"], __pub_user="foo" ++ ) ++ self.assertTrue(ret["return"] is True) ++ ++ # Unknown arguments ++ ret = self.run_run_plus( ++ fun="fileserver.update", backend=["roots"], unknown_arg="foo" ++ ) ++ self.assertIn( ++ "Passed invalid arguments: update() got an unexpected keyword argument" ++ " 'unknown_arg'", ++ ret["return"], ++ ) + + # Other arguments are passed to backend + def mock_gitfs_update(remotes=None): +@@ -225,7 +241,23 @@ class FileserverTest(ShellCase): + ret = self.run_run_plus( + fun="fileserver.update", backend="gitfs", remotes="myrepo,yourrepo" + ) +- self.assertTrue(ret["return"]) ++ self.assertTrue(ret["return"] is True) ++ mock_backend_func.assert_called_once_with(remotes="myrepo,yourrepo") ++ ++ # Possible '__pub_user' arguments are removed from kwargs ++ mock_backend_func = create_autospec(mock_gitfs_update) ++ mock_return_value = { ++ "gitfs.envs": None, # This is needed to activate the backend ++ "gitfs.update": mock_backend_func, ++ } ++ with patch("salt.loader.fileserver", MagicMock(return_value=mock_return_value)): ++ ret = self.run_run_plus( ++ fun="fileserver.update", ++ backend="gitfs", ++ remotes="myrepo,yourrepo", ++ __pub_user="foo", ++ ) ++ self.assertTrue(ret["return"] is True) + mock_backend_func.assert_called_once_with(remotes="myrepo,yourrepo") + + # Unknown arguments are passed to backend +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/fileserver/ b/tests/pytests/unit/fileserver/ +index a8a80eea17..96bceb0fd3 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/fileserver/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/fileserver/ +@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ def test_update_mtime_map(): + # between Python releases. + lines_written = sorted(mtime_map_mock.write_calls()) + expected = sorted( +- salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes("{key}:{val}\n".format(key=key, val=val)) ++ salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(f"{key}:{val}\n") + for key, val in new_mtime_map.items() + ) + assert lines_written == expected, lines_written +-- +2.43.0 + + diff --git a/allow-namedloadercontexts-to-be-returned-from-loader.patch b/allow-namedloadercontexts-to-be-returned-from-loader.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca9720c --- /dev/null +++ b/allow-namedloadercontexts-to-be-returned-from-loader.patch @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +From 1be3f92ef3bf14e47340e2e075291204b3e75e98 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 14:07:42 +0300 +Subject: [PATCH] Allow NamedLoaderContexts to be returned from loader + +It is useful in some cases to return NamedLoaderContexts from loaded +functions. Instead of choking or requireing implimenters to call the +context's value() method before being de-scoped, detect when a +NamedLoaderContext has been returned and return the value from the +current context. + +Co-authored-by: Daniel A. Wozniak +--- + salt/loader/ | 5 ++++- + tests/pytests/integration/modules/ | 8 ++++++++ + tests/pytests/unit/loader/ | 13 +++++++++++++ + 3 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/integration/modules/ + +diff --git a/salt/loader/ b/salt/loader/ +index 5de995d446..b7fd97f0e1 100644 +--- a/salt/loader/ ++++ b/salt/loader/ +@@ -1246,7 +1246,10 @@ class LazyLoader(salt.utils.lazy.LazyDict): + self.parent_loader = current_loader + token = salt.loader.context.loader_ctxvar.set(self) + try: +- return _func_or_method(*args, **kwargs) ++ ret = _func_or_method(*args, **kwargs) ++ if isinstance(ret, salt.loader.context.NamedLoaderContext): ++ ret = ret.value() ++ return ret + finally: + self.parent_loader = None + salt.loader.context.loader_ctxvar.reset(token) +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ b/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..afdf470605 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ +@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ ++import pytest ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_config_items(salt_cli, salt_minion): ++ ret ="config.items", ++ assert ret.returncode == 0 ++ assert isinstance(, dict) +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/loader/ b/tests/pytests/unit/loader/ +index 86348749db..aba605f42a 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/loader/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/loader/ +@@ -62,3 +62,16 @@ def test_raw_mod_functions(): + ret = salt.loader.raw_mod(opts, "grains", "get") + for k, v in ret.items(): + assert isinstance(v, salt.loader.lazy.LoadedFunc) ++ ++ ++def test_return_named_context_from_loaded_func(tmp_path): ++ opts = { ++ "optimization_order": [0], ++ } ++ contents = """ ++ def foobar(): ++ return __test__ ++ """ ++ with pytest.helpers.temp_file("", contents, directory=tmp_path): ++ loader = salt.loader.LazyLoader([tmp_path], opts, pack={"__test__": "meh"}) ++ assert loader["mymod.foobar"]() == "meh" +-- +2.46.1 + diff --git a/allow-vendor-change-option-with-zypper.patch b/allow-vendor-change-option-with-zypper.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d33a98 --- /dev/null +++ b/allow-vendor-change-option-with-zypper.patch @@ -0,0 +1,841 @@ +From a36d6524e530eca32966f46597c88dbfd4b90e78 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Martin Seidl +Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2020 16:12:29 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Allow vendor change option with zypper +MIME-Version: 1.0 +Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 +Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit + +Fix novendorchange option (#284) + +* Fixed novendorchange handling in zypperpkg + +* refactor handling of novendorchange and fix tests + +add patch support for allow vendor change option with zypper + +Revert "add patch support for allow vendor change option with zypper" + +This reverts commit cee4cc182b4740c912861c712dea7bc44eb70ffb. + +Allow vendor change option with zypper (#313) + +* add patch support for allow vendor change option with zypper + +* adjust unit tests vendor change refactor, dropping cli arg + +* Fix pr issues + +Co-authored-by: Pablo Suárez Hernández + +* Fix unit test for allow vendor change on upgrade + +* Add unit test with unsupported zypper version + +Co-authored-by: Pablo Suárez Hernández + +Move vendor change logic to zypper class (#355) + +* move vendor change logic to zypper class + +* fix thing in zypperkg + +* refactor unit tests + +* Fix for syntax error + +* Fix mocking issue in unit test + +* fix issues with pr + +* Fix for zypperpkg unit test after refactor of vendorchangeflags + +Co-authored-by: Pablo Suárez Hernández + +* fix docs for vendor change options + +* Fix doc strings, and clean up tests + +Co-authored-by: Jochen Breuer +Co-authored-by: Pablo Suárez Hernández +--- + salt/modules/ | 105 ++++-- + tests/unit/modules/ | 532 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++- + 2 files changed, 612 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 4bb10f445a..2da470bea3 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ import salt.utils.stringutils + import salt.utils.systemd + import salt.utils.versions + from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError, MinionError, SaltInvocationError ++ ++# pylint: disable=import-error,redefined-builtin,no-name-in-module + from salt.utils.versions import LooseVersion + + if salt.utils.files.is_fcntl_available(): +@@ -140,6 +142,13 @@ class _Zypper: + self.__systemd_scope = False + self.__root = None + ++ # Dist upgrade vendor change support (SLE12+) ++ self.dup_avc = False ++ # Install/Patch/Upgrade vendor change support (SLE15+) ++ self.inst_avc = False ++ # Flag if allow vendor change should be allowed ++ self.avc = False ++ + # Call status + self.__called = False + +@@ -184,6 +193,8 @@ class _Zypper: + self.__no_raise = True + elif item == "refreshable": + self.__refresh = True ++ elif item == "allow_vendor_change": ++ return self.__allow_vendor_change + elif item == "call": + return self.__call + else: +@@ -224,6 +235,33 @@ class _Zypper: + def pid(self): + return self.__call_result.get("pid", "") + ++ def __allow_vendor_change(self, allowvendorchange, novendorchange): ++ if allowvendorchange or not novendorchange: ++ self.refresh_zypper_flags() ++ if self.dup_avc or self.inst_avc: ++"Enabling vendor change") ++ self.avc = True ++ else: ++ log.warning( ++ "Enabling/Disabling vendor changes is not supported on this Zypper version" ++ ) ++ return self ++ ++ def refresh_zypper_flags(self): ++ try: ++ zypp_version = version("zypper") ++ # zypper version 1.11.34 in SLE12 update supports vendor change for only dist upgrade ++ if version_cmp(zypp_version, "1.11.34") >= 0: ++ # zypper version supports vendor change for dist upgrade ++ self.dup_avc = True ++ # zypper version 1.14.8 in SLE15 update supports vendor change in install/patch/upgrading ++ if version_cmp(zypp_version, "1.14.8") >= 0: ++ self.inst_avc = True ++ else: ++ log.error("Failed to compare Zypper version") ++ except Exception as ex: ++ log.error("Unable to get Zypper version: {}".format(ex)) ++ + def _is_error(self): + """ + Is this is an error code? +@@ -362,6 +400,15 @@ class _Zypper: + if self.__systemd_scope: + cmd.extend(["systemd-run", "--scope"]) + cmd.extend(self.__cmd) ++ ++ if self.avc: ++ for i in ["install", "upgrade", "dist-upgrade"]: ++ if i in cmd: ++ if i == "install" and self.inst_avc: ++ cmd.insert(cmd.index(i) + 1, "--allow-vendor-change") ++ elif i in ["upgrade", "dist-upgrade"] and self.dup_avc: ++ cmd.insert(cmd.index(i) + 1, "--allow-vendor-change") ++ + log.debug("Calling Zypper: %s", " ".join(cmd)) + self.__call_result = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](cmd, **kwargs) + if self._check_result(): +@@ -1490,6 +1537,8 @@ def install( + no_recommends=False, + root=None, + inclusion_detection=False, ++ novendorchange=True, ++ allowvendorchange=False, + **kwargs + ): + """ +@@ -1537,6 +1586,13 @@ def install( + skip_verify + Skip the GPG verification check (e.g., ``--no-gpg-checks``) + ++ novendorchange ++ DEPRECATED(use allowvendorchange): If set to True, do not allow vendor changes. Default: True ++ ++ allowvendorchange ++ If set to True, vendor change is allowed. Default: False ++ If both allowvendorchange and novendorchange are passed, only allowvendorchange is used. ++ + version + Can be either a version number, or the combination of a comparison + operator (<, >, <=, >=, =) and a version number (ex. '>1.2.3-4'). +@@ -1702,6 +1758,7 @@ def install( + cmd_install.append( + kwargs.get("resolve_capabilities") and "--capability" or "--name" + ) ++ # Install / patching / upgrade with vendor change support is only in SLE 15+ opensuse Leap 15+ + + if not refresh: + cmd_install.insert(0, "--no-refresh") +@@ -1738,6 +1795,7 @@ def install( + systemd_scope=systemd_scope, + root=root, + ) ++ .allow_vendor_change(allowvendorchange, novendorchange) + .call(*cmd) + .splitlines() + ): +@@ -1750,7 +1808,9 @@ def install( + while downgrades: + cmd = cmd_install + ["--force"] + downgrades[:500] + downgrades = downgrades[500:] +- __zypper__(no_repo_failure=ignore_repo_failure, root=root).call(*cmd) ++ __zypper__(no_repo_failure=ignore_repo_failure, root=root).allow_vendor_change( ++ allowvendorchange, novendorchange ++ ).call(*cmd) + + _clean_cache() + new = ( +@@ -1783,7 +1843,8 @@ def upgrade( + dryrun=False, + dist_upgrade=False, + fromrepo=None, +- novendorchange=False, ++ novendorchange=True, ++ allowvendorchange=False, + skip_verify=False, + no_recommends=False, + root=None, +@@ -1844,7 +1905,11 @@ def upgrade( + Specify a list of package repositories to upgrade from. Default: None + + novendorchange +- If set to True, no allow vendor changes. Default: False ++ DEPRECATED(use allowvendorchange): If set to True, do not allow vendor changes. Default: True ++ ++ allowvendorchange ++ If set to True, vendor change is allowed. Default: False ++ If both allowvendorchange and novendorchange are passed, only allowvendorchange is used. + + skip_verify + Skip the GPG verification check (e.g., ``--no-gpg-checks``) +@@ -1927,28 +1992,18 @@ def upgrade( + cmd_update.extend(["--from" if dist_upgrade else "--repo", repo]) +"Targeting repos: %s", fromrepo) + +- if dist_upgrade: +- if novendorchange: +- # TODO: Grains validation should be moved to Zypper class +- if __grains__["osrelease_info"][0] > 11: +- cmd_update.append("--no-allow-vendor-change") +-"Disabling vendor changes") +- else: +- log.warning( +- "Disabling vendor changes is not supported on this Zypper version" +- ) ++ if no_recommends: ++ cmd_update.append("--no-recommends") ++"Disabling recommendations") + +- if no_recommends: +- cmd_update.append("--no-recommends") +-"Disabling recommendations") ++ if dryrun: ++ # Creates a solver test case for debugging. ++"Executing debugsolver and performing a dry-run dist-upgrade") ++ __zypper__(systemd_scope=_systemd_scope(), root=root).allow_vendor_change( ++ allowvendorchange, novendorchange ++ )*cmd_update + ["--debug-solver"]) + +- if dryrun: +- # Creates a solver test case for debugging. +-"Executing debugsolver and performing a dry-run dist-upgrade") +- __zypper__(systemd_scope=_systemd_scope(), root=root) +- *cmd_update + ["--debug-solver"] +- ) +- else: ++ if not dist_upgrade: + if name or pkgs: + try: + (pkg_params, _) = __salt__["pkg_resource.parse_targets"]( +@@ -1962,7 +2017,9 @@ def upgrade( + + old = list_pkgs(root=root, attr=diff_attr) + +- __zypper__(systemd_scope=_systemd_scope(), root=root)*cmd_update) ++ __zypper__(systemd_scope=_systemd_scope(), root=root).allow_vendor_change( ++ allowvendorchange, novendorchange ++ )*cmd_update) + _clean_cache() + new = list_pkgs(root=root, attr=diff_attr) + ret =, new) +diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/ +index 5e4c967520..e85c93da3b 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/unit/modules/ +@@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ class ZypperTestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + + stdout_xml_snippet = '' + sniffer = RunSniffer(stdout=stdout_xml_snippet) ++ zypper.__zypper__._reset() + with patch.dict("salt.modules.zypperpkg.__salt__", {"cmd.run_all": sniffer}): + self.assertEqual("foo"), stdout_xml_snippet) + self.assertEqual(len(sniffer.calls), 1) +@@ -628,13 +629,495 @@ class ZypperTestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + {"vim": "7.4.326-2.62", "fakepkg": ""}, + ) + ++ def test_upgrade_without_vendor_change(self): ++ """ ++ Dist-upgrade without vendor change option. ++ """ ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.refresh_db", MagicMock(return_value=True) ++ ), patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg._systemd_scope", MagicMock(return_value=False) ++ ): ++ with patch( ++ "", MagicMock() ++ ) as zypper_mock: ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.list_pkgs", ++ MagicMock(side_effect=[{"vim": "1.1"}, {"vim": "1.2"}]), ++ ): ++ ret = zypper.upgrade(dist_upgrade=True) ++ self.assertDictEqual(ret, {"vim": {"old": "1.1", "new": "1.2"}}) ++ zypper_mock.assert_any_call( ++ "dist-upgrade", "--auto-agree-with-licenses", ++ ) ++ ++ def test_refresh_zypper_flags(self): ++ zypper.__zypper__._reset() ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.version", MagicMock(return_value="0.5") ++ ), patch.dict( ++ zypper.__salt__, {"lowpkg.version_cmp": MagicMock(side_effect=[-1, -1])} ++ ): ++ zypper.__zypper__.refresh_zypper_flags() ++ assert zypper.__zypper__.inst_avc == False ++ assert zypper.__zypper__.dup_avc == False ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.version", MagicMock(return_value="1.11.34") ++ ), patch.dict( ++ zypper.__salt__, {"lowpkg.version_cmp": MagicMock(side_effect=[0, -1])} ++ ): ++ zypper.__zypper__.refresh_zypper_flags() ++ assert zypper.__zypper__.inst_avc == False ++ assert zypper.__zypper__.dup_avc == True ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.version", MagicMock(return_value="1.14.8") ++ ), patch.dict( ++ zypper.__salt__, {"lowpkg.version_cmp": MagicMock(side_effect=[0, 0])} ++ ): ++ zypper.__zypper__.refresh_zypper_flags() ++ assert zypper.__zypper__.inst_avc == True ++ assert zypper.__zypper__.dup_avc == True ++ ++ @patch("salt.modules.zypperpkg.__zypper__.refresh_zypper_flags", MagicMock()) ++ def test_allow_vendor_change_function(self): ++ zypper.__zypper__._reset() ++ zypper.__zypper__.inst_avc = True ++ zypper.__zypper__.dup_avc = True ++ zypper.__zypper__.avc = False ++ zypper.__zypper__.allow_vendor_change(False, False) ++ assert zypper.__zypper__.avc == True ++ zypper.__zypper__.avc = False ++ zypper.__zypper__.allow_vendor_change(True, False) ++ assert zypper.__zypper__.avc == True ++ zypper.__zypper__.avc = False ++ zypper.__zypper__.allow_vendor_change(False, True) ++ assert zypper.__zypper__.avc == False ++ zypper.__zypper__.avc = False ++ zypper.__zypper__.allow_vendor_change(True, True) ++ assert zypper.__zypper__.avc == True ++ ++ zypper.__zypper__._reset() ++ zypper.__zypper__.inst_avc = False ++ zypper.__zypper__.dup_avc = True ++ zypper.__zypper__.avc = False ++ zypper.__zypper__.allow_vendor_change(False, False) ++ assert zypper.__zypper__.avc == True ++ zypper.__zypper__.avc = False ++ zypper.__zypper__.allow_vendor_change(True, False) ++ assert zypper.__zypper__.avc == True ++ zypper.__zypper__.avc = False ++ zypper.__zypper__.allow_vendor_change(False, True) ++ assert zypper.__zypper__.avc == False ++ zypper.__zypper__.avc = False ++ zypper.__zypper__.allow_vendor_change(True, True) ++ assert zypper.__zypper__.avc == True ++ ++ zypper.__zypper__._reset() ++ zypper.__zypper__.inst_avc = False ++ zypper.__zypper__.dup_avc = False ++ zypper.__zypper__.avc = False ++ zypper.__zypper__.allow_vendor_change(False, False) ++ assert zypper.__zypper__.avc == False ++ zypper.__zypper__.avc = False ++ zypper.__zypper__.allow_vendor_change(True, False) ++ assert zypper.__zypper__.avc == False ++ zypper.__zypper__.avc = False ++ zypper.__zypper__.allow_vendor_change(False, True) ++ assert zypper.__zypper__.avc == False ++ zypper.__zypper__.avc = False ++ zypper.__zypper__.allow_vendor_change(True, True) ++ assert zypper.__zypper__.avc == False ++ ++ @patch( ++ "salt.utils.environment.get_module_environment", ++ MagicMock(return_value={"SALT_RUNNING": "1"}), ++ ) ++ def test_zypper_call_dist_upgrade_with_avc_true(self): ++ cmd_run_mock = MagicMock(return_value={"retcode": 0, "stdout": None}) ++ zypper.__zypper__._reset() ++ with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {"cmd.run_all": cmd_run_mock}), patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.__zypper__.refresh_zypper_flags", MagicMock() ++ ), patch("salt.modules.zypperpkg.__zypper__._reset", MagicMock()): ++ zypper.__zypper__.dup_avc = True ++ zypper.__zypper__.avc = True ++"dist-upgrade") ++ cmd_run_mock.assert_any_call( ++ [ ++ "zypper", ++ "--non-interactive", ++ "--no-refresh", ++ "dist-upgrade", ++ "--allow-vendor-change", ++ ], ++ output_loglevel="trace", ++ python_shell=False, ++ env={"SALT_RUNNING": "1"}, ++ ) ++ ++ @patch( ++ "salt.utils.environment.get_module_environment", ++ MagicMock(return_value={"SALT_RUNNING": "1"}), ++ ) ++ def test_zypper_call_dist_upgrade_with_avc_false(self): ++ cmd_run_mock = MagicMock(return_value={"retcode": 0, "stdout": None}) ++ zypper.__zypper__._reset() ++ with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {"cmd.run_all": cmd_run_mock}), patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.__zypper__.refresh_zypper_flags", MagicMock() ++ ), patch("salt.modules.zypperpkg.__zypper__._reset", MagicMock()): ++ zypper.__zypper__.dup_avc = False ++ zypper.__zypper__.avc = False ++"dist-upgrade") ++ cmd_run_mock.assert_any_call( ++ ["zypper", "--non-interactive", "--no-refresh", "dist-upgrade",], ++ output_loglevel="trace", ++ python_shell=False, ++ env={"SALT_RUNNING": "1"}, ++ ) ++ ++ @patch( ++ "salt.utils.environment.get_module_environment", ++ MagicMock(return_value={"SALT_RUNNING": "1"}), ++ ) ++ def test_zypper_call_install_with_avc_true(self): ++ cmd_run_mock = MagicMock(return_value={"retcode": 0, "stdout": None}) ++ zypper.__zypper__._reset() ++ with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {"cmd.run_all": cmd_run_mock}), patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.__zypper__.refresh_zypper_flags", MagicMock() ++ ), patch("salt.modules.zypperpkg.__zypper__._reset", MagicMock()): ++ zypper.__zypper__.inst_avc = True ++ zypper.__zypper__.avc = True ++"install") ++ cmd_run_mock.assert_any_call( ++ [ ++ "zypper", ++ "--non-interactive", ++ "--no-refresh", ++ "install", ++ "--allow-vendor-change", ++ ], ++ output_loglevel="trace", ++ python_shell=False, ++ env={"SALT_RUNNING": "1"}, ++ ) ++ ++ @patch( ++ "salt.utils.environment.get_module_environment", ++ MagicMock(return_value={"SALT_RUNNING": "1"}), ++ ) ++ def test_zypper_call_install_with_avc_false(self): ++ cmd_run_mock = MagicMock(return_value={"retcode": 0, "stdout": None}) ++ zypper.__zypper__._reset() ++ with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {"cmd.run_all": cmd_run_mock}), patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.__zypper__.refresh_zypper_flags", MagicMock() ++ ), patch("salt.modules.zypperpkg.__zypper__._reset", MagicMock()): ++ zypper.__zypper__.inst_avc = False ++ zypper.__zypper__.dup_avc = True ++ zypper.__zypper__.avc = True ++"install") ++ cmd_run_mock.assert_any_call( ++ ["zypper", "--non-interactive", "--no-refresh", "install",], ++ output_loglevel="trace", ++ python_shell=False, ++ env={"SALT_RUNNING": "1"}, ++ ) ++ ++ def test_upgrade_with_novendorchange_true(self): ++ """ ++ Dist-upgrade without vendor change option. ++ """ ++ zypper.__zypper__._reset() ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.refresh_db", MagicMock(return_value=True) ++ ), patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.__zypper__.refresh_zypper_flags", MagicMock() ++ ) as refresh_flags_mock, patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg._systemd_scope", MagicMock(return_value=False) ++ ): ++ with patch( ++ "", MagicMock() ++ ) as zypper_mock: ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.list_pkgs", ++ MagicMock(side_effect=[{"vim": "1.1"}, {"vim": "1.2"}]), ++ ): ++ ret = zypper.upgrade(dist_upgrade=True, novendorchange=True) ++ refresh_flags_mock.assert_not_called() ++ zypper_mock.assert_any_call( ++ "dist-upgrade", "--auto-agree-with-licenses", ++ ) ++ ++ def test_upgrade_with_novendorchange_false(self): ++ """ ++ Perform dist-upgrade with novendorchange set to False. ++ """ ++ zypper.__zypper__._reset() ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.refresh_db", MagicMock(return_value=True) ++ ), patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.__zypper__.refresh_zypper_flags", MagicMock() ++ ), patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg._systemd_scope", MagicMock(return_value=False) ++ ): ++ with patch( ++ "", MagicMock() ++ ) as zypper_mock: ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.list_pkgs", ++ MagicMock(side_effect=[{"vim": "1.1"}, {"vim": "1.1"}]), ++ ): ++ zypper.__zypper__.inst_avc = True ++ zypper.__zypper__.dup_avc = True ++ with patch.dict( ++ zypper.__salt__, ++ { ++ "pkg_resource.version": MagicMock(return_value="1.15"), ++ "lowpkg.version_cmp": MagicMock(return_value=1), ++ }, ++ ): ++ ret = zypper.upgrade( ++ dist_upgrade=True, ++ dryrun=True, ++ fromrepo=["Dummy", "Dummy2"], ++ novendorchange=False, ++ ) ++ assert zypper.__zypper__.avc == True ++ ++ def test_upgrade_with_allowvendorchange_true(self): ++ """ ++ Perform dist-upgrade with allowvendorchange set to True. ++ """ ++ zypper.__zypper__._reset() ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.refresh_db", MagicMock(return_value=True) ++ ), patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.__zypper__.refresh_zypper_flags", MagicMock() ++ ), patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg._systemd_scope", MagicMock(return_value=False) ++ ): ++ with patch( ++ "", MagicMock() ++ ) as zypper_mock: ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.list_pkgs", ++ MagicMock(side_effect=[{"vim": "1.1"}, {"vim": "1.1"}]), ++ ): ++ with patch.dict( ++ zypper.__salt__, ++ { ++ "pkg_resource.version": MagicMock(return_value="1.15"), ++ "lowpkg.version_cmp": MagicMock(return_value=1), ++ }, ++ ): ++ ++ zypper.__zypper__.inst_avc = True ++ zypper.__zypper__.dup_avc = True ++ ret = zypper.upgrade( ++ dist_upgrade=True, ++ dryrun=True, ++ fromrepo=["Dummy", "Dummy2"], ++ allowvendorchange=True, ++ ) ++ assert zypper.__zypper__.avc == True ++ ++ def test_upgrade_with_allowvendorchange_false(self): ++ """ ++ Perform dist-upgrade with allowvendorchange set to False. ++ """ ++ zypper.__zypper__._reset() ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.refresh_db", MagicMock(return_value=True) ++ ), patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.__zypper__.refresh_zypper_flags", MagicMock() ++ ), patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg._systemd_scope", MagicMock(return_value=False) ++ ): ++ with patch( ++ "", MagicMock() ++ ) as zypper_mock: ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.list_pkgs", ++ MagicMock(side_effect=[{"vim": "1.1"}, {"vim": "1.1"}]), ++ ): ++ with patch.dict( ++ zypper.__salt__, ++ { ++ "pkg_resource.version": MagicMock(return_value="1.15"), ++ "lowpkg.version_cmp": MagicMock(return_value=1), ++ }, ++ ): ++ ++ zypper.__zypper__.inst_avc = True ++ zypper.__zypper__.dup_avc = True ++ ret = zypper.upgrade( ++ dist_upgrade=True, ++ dryrun=True, ++ fromrepo=["Dummy", "Dummy2"], ++ allowvendorchange=False, ++ ) ++ assert zypper.__zypper__.avc == False ++ ++ def test_upgrade_old_zypper(self): ++ zypper.__zypper__._reset() ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.refresh_db", MagicMock(return_value=True) ++ ), patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.__zypper__.refresh_zypper_flags", MagicMock() ++ ) as refresh_flags_mock, patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg._systemd_scope", MagicMock(return_value=False) ++ ): ++ with patch( ++ "", MagicMock() ++ ) as zypper_mock: ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.list_pkgs", ++ MagicMock(side_effect=[{"vim": "1.1"}, {"vim": "1.1"}]), ++ ): ++ with patch.dict( ++ zypper.__salt__, ++ { ++ "pkg_resource.version": MagicMock(return_value="1.11"), ++ "lowpkg.version_cmp": MagicMock(return_value=-1), ++ }, ++ ): ++ zypper.__zypper__.inst_avc = False ++ zypper.__zypper__.dup_avc = False ++ ret = zypper.upgrade( ++ dist_upgrade=True, ++ dryrun=True, ++ fromrepo=["Dummy", "Dummy2"], ++ novendorchange=False, ++ ) ++ zypper.__zypper__.avc = False ++ ++ def test_upgrade_success(self): ++ """ ++ Test system upgrade and dist-upgrade success. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.refresh_db", MagicMock(return_value=True) ++ ), patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg._systemd_scope", MagicMock(return_value=False) ++ ): ++ with patch( ++ "", MagicMock() ++ ) as zypper_mock: ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.list_pkgs", ++ MagicMock(side_effect=[{"vim": "1.1"}, {"vim": "1.2"}]), ++ ): ++ ret = zypper.upgrade() ++ self.assertDictEqual(ret, {"vim": {"old": "1.1", "new": "1.2"}}) ++ zypper_mock.assert_any_call("update", "--auto-agree-with-licenses") ++ ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.list_pkgs", ++ MagicMock( ++ side_effect=[ ++ {"kernel-default": "1.1"}, ++ {"kernel-default": "1.1,1.2"}, ++ ] ++ ), ++ ): ++ ret = zypper.upgrade() ++ self.assertDictEqual( ++ ret, {"kernel-default": {"old": "1.1", "new": "1.1,1.2"}} ++ ) ++ zypper_mock.assert_any_call("update", "--auto-agree-with-licenses") ++ ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.list_pkgs", ++ MagicMock(side_effect=[{"vim": "1.1"}, {"vim": "1.1,1.2"}]), ++ ): ++ ret = zypper.upgrade() ++ self.assertDictEqual(ret, {"vim": {"old": "1.1", "new": "1.1,1.2"}}) ++ zypper_mock.assert_any_call("update", "--auto-agree-with-licenses") ++ ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.list_pkgs", ++ MagicMock(side_effect=[{"vim": "1.1"}, {"vim": "1.1"}]), ++ ): ++ ret = zypper.upgrade(dist_upgrade=True, dryrun=True) ++ zypper_mock.assert_any_call( ++ "dist-upgrade", "--auto-agree-with-licenses", "--dry-run" ++ ) ++ zypper_mock.assert_any_call( ++ "dist-upgrade", ++ "--auto-agree-with-licenses", ++ "--dry-run", ++ "--debug-solver", ++ ) ++ ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.list_pkgs", ++ MagicMock(side_effect=[{"vim": "1.1"}, {"vim": "1.1"}]), ++ ): ++ ret = zypper.upgrade( ++ dist_upgrade=False, fromrepo=["Dummy", "Dummy2"], dryrun=False ++ ) ++ zypper_mock.assert_any_call( ++ "update", ++ "--auto-agree-with-licenses", ++ "--repo", ++ "Dummy", ++ "--repo", ++ "Dummy2", ++ ) ++ ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.list_pkgs", ++ MagicMock(side_effect=[{"vim": "1.1"}, {"vim": "1.1"}]), ++ ): ++ ret = zypper.upgrade( ++ dist_upgrade=True, ++ dryrun=True, ++ fromrepo=["Dummy", "Dummy2"], ++ novendorchange=True, ++ ) ++ zypper_mock.assert_any_call( ++ "dist-upgrade", ++ "--auto-agree-with-licenses", ++ "--dry-run", ++ "--from", ++ "Dummy", ++ "--from", ++ "Dummy2", ++ ) ++ zypper_mock.assert_any_call( ++ "dist-upgrade", ++ "--auto-agree-with-licenses", ++ "--dry-run", ++ "--from", ++ "Dummy", ++ "--from", ++ "Dummy2", ++ "--debug-solver", ++ ) ++ ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.list_pkgs", ++ MagicMock(side_effect=[{"vim": "1.1"}, {"vim": "1.1"}]), ++ ): ++ ret = zypper.upgrade( ++ dist_upgrade=False, fromrepo=["Dummy", "Dummy2"], dryrun=False ++ ) ++ zypper_mock.assert_any_call( ++ "update", ++ "--auto-agree-with-licenses", ++ "--repo", ++ "Dummy", ++ "--repo", ++ "Dummy2", ++ ) ++ + def test_upgrade_kernel(self): + """ + Test kernel package upgrade success. + + :return: + """ +- with patch.dict(zypper.__grains__, {"osrelease_info": [12, 1]}), patch( ++ with patch( + "salt.modules.zypperpkg.refresh_db", MagicMock(return_value=True) + ), patch( + "salt.modules.zypperpkg._systemd_scope", MagicMock(return_value=False) +@@ -672,6 +1155,53 @@ class ZypperTestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + }, + ) + ++ def test_upgrade_failure(self): ++ """ ++ Test system upgrade failure. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ zypper_out = """ ++Loading repository data... ++Reading installed packages... ++Computing distribution upgrade... ++Use 'zypper repos' to get the list of defined repositories. ++Repository 'DUMMY' not found by its alias, number, or URI. ++""" ++ ++ class FailingZypperDummy: ++ def __init__(self): ++ self.stdout = zypper_out ++ self.stderr = "" ++ = 1234 ++ self.exit_code = 555 ++ self.noraise = MagicMock() ++ self.allow_vendor_change = self ++ self.SUCCESS_EXIT_CODES = [0] ++ ++ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): ++ return self ++ ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.__zypper__", FailingZypperDummy() ++ ) as zypper_mock, patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.refresh_db", MagicMock(return_value=True) ++ ), patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg._systemd_scope", MagicMock(return_value=False) ++ ): ++ = MagicMock() ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.zypperpkg.list_pkgs", ++ MagicMock(side_effect=[{"vim": "1.1"}, {"vim": "1.1"}]), ++ ): ++ with self.assertRaises(CommandExecutionError) as cmd_exc: ++ ret = zypper.upgrade(dist_upgrade=True, fromrepo=["DUMMY"]) ++ self.assertEqual(["changes"], {}) ++ self.assertEqual(["result"]["stdout"], zypper_out) ++ ++ "dist-upgrade", "--auto-agree-with-licenses", "--from", "DUMMY", ++ ) ++ + def test_upgrade_available(self): + """ + Test whether or not an upgrade is available for a given package. +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/async-batch-implementation.patch b/async-batch-implementation.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..303127a --- /dev/null +++ b/async-batch-implementation.patch @@ -0,0 +1,1149 @@ +From 76e69d9ef729365db1b0f1798f5f8a038d2065fc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Mihai Dinca +Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2018 17:05:29 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Async batch implementation +MIME-Version: 1.0 +Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 +Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit + +Add find_job checks + +Check if should close on all events + +Make batch_delay a request parameter + +Allow multiple event handlers + +Use config value for gather_job_timeout when not in payload + +Add async batch unittests + +Allow metadata to pass + +Pass metadata only to batch jobs + +Add the metadata to the start/done events + +Pass only metadata not all **kwargs + +Add separate batch presence_ping timeout + +Fix async batch race conditions + +Close batching when there is no next batch + +Add 'batch_presence_ping_timeout' and 'batch_presence_ping_gather_job_timeout' parameters for synchronous batching + +Fix async-batch multiple done events + +Fix memory leak produced by batch async find_jobs mechanism (bsc#1140912) + +Multiple fixes: + +- use different JIDs per find_job +- fix bug in detection of find_job returns +- fix timeout passed from request payload +- better cleanup at the end of batching + +Co-authored-by: Pablo Suárez Hernández + +Improve batch_async to release consumed memory (bsc#1140912) + +Use current IOLoop for the LocalClient instance of BatchAsync (bsc#1137642) + +Fix failing unit tests for batch async + +Remove unnecessary yield causing BadYieldError (bsc#1154620) + +Fixing StreamClosed issue + +Fix batch_async obsolete test + +batch_async: avoid using fnmatch to match event (#217) + +Batch Async: Catch exceptions and safety unregister and close instances + +Fix unit tests for batch async after refactor + +Changed imports to vendored Tornado + +Async batch implementation fix (#320) + +Remove deprecated usage of NO_MOCK and NO_MOCK_REASON +--- + salt/auth/ | 2 + + salt/cli/ | 109 ++++-- + salt/cli/ | 315 +++++++++++++++++ + salt/cli/support/profiles/ | 5 +- + salt/client/ | 45 +-- + salt/ | 20 ++ + salt/transport/ | 9 +- + salt/utils/ | 8 +- + tests/pytests/unit/cli/ | 386 +++++++++++++++++++++ + 9 files changed, 841 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-) + create mode 100644 salt/cli/ + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/unit/cli/ + +diff --git a/salt/auth/ b/salt/auth/ +index 331baab211..b0f0c0ac6c 100644 +--- a/salt/auth/ ++++ b/salt/auth/ +@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ AUTH_INTERNAL_KEYWORDS = frozenset( + "print_event", + "raw", + "yield_pub_data", ++ "batch", ++ "batch_delay", + ] + ) + +diff --git a/salt/cli/ b/salt/cli/ +index 8e1547c61d..fcd3f571d5 100644 +--- a/salt/cli/ ++++ b/salt/cli/ +@@ -13,9 +13,88 @@ import salt.exceptions + import salt.output + import salt.utils.stringutils + ++# pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module,redefined-builtin ++ + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + ++def get_bnum(opts, minions, quiet): ++ """ ++ Return the active number of minions to maintain ++ """ ++ partition = lambda x: float(x) / 100.0 * len(minions) ++ try: ++ if isinstance(opts["batch"], str) and "%" in opts["batch"]: ++ res = partition(float(opts["batch"].strip("%"))) ++ if res < 1: ++ return int(math.ceil(res)) ++ else: ++ return int(res) ++ else: ++ return int(opts["batch"]) ++ except ValueError: ++ if not quiet: ++ salt.utils.stringutils.print_cli( ++ "Invalid batch data sent: {}\nData must be in the " ++ "form of %10, 10% or 3".format(opts["batch"]) ++ ) ++ ++ ++def batch_get_opts( ++ tgt, fun, batch, parent_opts, arg=(), tgt_type="glob", ret="", kwarg=None, **kwargs ++): ++ # We need to re-import salt.utils.args here ++ # even though it has already been imported. ++ # when cmd_batch is called via the NetAPI ++ # the module is unavailable. ++ import salt.utils.args ++ ++ arg = salt.utils.args.condition_input(arg, kwarg) ++ opts = { ++ "tgt": tgt, ++ "fun": fun, ++ "arg": arg, ++ "tgt_type": tgt_type, ++ "ret": ret, ++ "batch": batch, ++ "failhard": kwargs.get("failhard", parent_opts.get("failhard", False)), ++ "raw": kwargs.get("raw", False), ++ } ++ ++ if "timeout" in kwargs: ++ opts["timeout"] = kwargs["timeout"] ++ if "gather_job_timeout" in kwargs: ++ opts["gather_job_timeout"] = kwargs["gather_job_timeout"] ++ if "batch_wait" in kwargs: ++ opts["batch_wait"] = int(kwargs["batch_wait"]) ++ ++ for key, val in parent_opts.items(): ++ if key not in opts: ++ opts[key] = val ++ ++ opts["batch_presence_ping_timeout"] = kwargs.get( ++ "batch_presence_ping_timeout", opts["timeout"] ++ ) ++ opts["batch_presence_ping_gather_job_timeout"] = kwargs.get( ++ "batch_presence_ping_gather_job_timeout", opts["gather_job_timeout"] ++ ) ++ ++ return opts ++ ++ ++def batch_get_eauth(kwargs): ++ eauth = {} ++ if "eauth" in kwargs: ++ eauth["eauth"] = kwargs.pop("eauth") ++ if "username" in kwargs: ++ eauth["username"] = kwargs.pop("username") ++ if "password" in kwargs: ++ eauth["password"] = kwargs.pop("password") ++ if "token" in kwargs: ++ eauth["token"] = kwargs.pop("token") ++ return eauth ++ ++ + class Batch: + """ + Manage the execution of batch runs +@@ -39,6 +118,7 @@ class Batch: + self.pub_kwargs = eauth if eauth else {} + self.quiet = quiet + self.options = _parser ++ self.minions = set() + # Passing listen True to local client will prevent it from purging + # cahced events while iterating over the batches. + self.local = salt.client.get_local_client(opts["conf_file"], listen=True) +@@ -51,7 +131,7 @@ class Batch: + self.opts["tgt"], + "", + [], +- self.opts["timeout"], ++ self.opts.get("batch_presence_ping_timeout", self.opts["timeout"]), + ] + + selected_target_option = self.opts.get("selected_target_option", None) +@@ -62,7 +142,12 @@ class Batch: + + self.pub_kwargs["yield_pub_data"] = True + ping_gen = self.local.cmd_iter( +- *args, gather_job_timeout=self.opts["gather_job_timeout"], **self.pub_kwargs ++ *args, ++ gather_job_timeout=self.opts.get( ++ "batch_presence_ping_gather_job_timeout", ++ self.opts["gather_job_timeout"], ++ ), ++ **self.pub_kwargs + ) + + # Broadcast to targets +@@ -87,25 +172,7 @@ class Batch: + return (list(fret), ping_gen, nret.difference(fret)) + + def get_bnum(self): +- """ +- Return the active number of minions to maintain +- """ +- partition = lambda x: float(x) / 100.0 * len(self.minions) +- try: +- if isinstance(self.opts["batch"], str) and "%" in self.opts["batch"]: +- res = partition(float(self.opts["batch"].strip("%"))) +- if res < 1: +- return int(math.ceil(res)) +- else: +- return int(res) +- else: +- return int(self.opts["batch"]) +- except ValueError: +- if not self.quiet: +- salt.utils.stringutils.print_cli( +- "Invalid batch data sent: {}\nData must be in the " +- "form of %10, 10% or 3".format(self.opts["batch"]) +- ) ++ return get_bnum(self.opts, self.minions, self.quiet) + + def __update_wait(self, wait): + now = +diff --git a/salt/cli/ b/salt/cli/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..09aa85258b +--- /dev/null ++++ b/salt/cli/ +@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@ ++""" ++Execute a job on the targeted minions by using a moving window of fixed size `batch`. ++""" ++ ++import gc ++ ++# pylint: enable=import-error,no-name-in-module,redefined-builtin ++import logging ++ ++import salt.client ++import salt.ext.tornado ++import tornado ++from salt.cli.batch import batch_get_eauth, batch_get_opts, get_bnum ++ ++log = logging.getLogger(__name__) ++ ++ ++class BatchAsync: ++ """ ++ Run a job on the targeted minions by using a moving window of fixed size `batch`. ++ ++ ``BatchAsync`` is used to execute a job on the targeted minions by keeping ++ the number of concurrent running minions to the size of `batch` parameter. ++ ++ The control parameters are: ++ - batch: number/percentage of concurrent running minions ++ - batch_delay: minimum wait time between batches ++ - batch_presence_ping_timeout: time to wait for presence pings before starting the batch ++ - gather_job_timeout: `find_job` timeout ++ - timeout: time to wait before firing a `find_job` ++ ++ When the batch stars, a `start` event is fired: ++ - tag: salt/batch//start ++ - data: { ++ "available_minions": self.minions, ++ "down_minions": targeted_minions - presence_ping_minions ++ } ++ ++ When the batch ends, an `done` event is fired: ++ - tag: salt/batch//done ++ - data: { ++ "available_minions": self.minions, ++ "down_minions": targeted_minions - presence_ping_minions ++ "done_minions": self.done_minions, ++ "timedout_minions": self.timedout_minions ++ } ++ """ ++ ++ def __init__(self, parent_opts, jid_gen, clear_load): ++ ioloop = salt.ext.tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current() ++ self.local = salt.client.get_local_client( ++ parent_opts["conf_file"], io_loop=ioloop ++ ) ++ if "gather_job_timeout" in clear_load["kwargs"]: ++ clear_load["gather_job_timeout"] = clear_load["kwargs"].pop( ++ "gather_job_timeout" ++ ) ++ else: ++ clear_load["gather_job_timeout"] = self.local.opts["gather_job_timeout"] ++ self.batch_presence_ping_timeout = clear_load["kwargs"].get( ++ "batch_presence_ping_timeout", None ++ ) ++ self.batch_delay = clear_load["kwargs"].get("batch_delay", 1) ++ self.opts = batch_get_opts( ++ clear_load.pop("tgt"), ++ clear_load.pop("fun"), ++ clear_load["kwargs"].pop("batch"), ++ self.local.opts, ++ **clear_load ++ ) ++ self.eauth = batch_get_eauth(clear_load["kwargs"]) ++ self.metadata = clear_load["kwargs"].get("metadata", {}) ++ self.minions = set() ++ self.targeted_minions = set() ++ self.timedout_minions = set() ++ self.done_minions = set() ++ = set() ++ self.initialized = False ++ self.jid_gen = jid_gen ++ self.ping_jid = jid_gen() ++ self.batch_jid = jid_gen() ++ self.find_job_jid = jid_gen() ++ self.find_job_returned = set() ++ self.ended = False ++ self.event = salt.utils.event.get_event( ++ "master", ++ self.opts["sock_dir"], ++ self.opts["transport"], ++ opts=self.opts, ++ listen=True, ++ io_loop=ioloop, ++ keep_loop=True, ++ ) ++ self.scheduled = False ++ self.patterns = set() ++ ++ def __set_event_handler(self): ++ ping_return_pattern = "salt/job/{}/ret/*".format(self.ping_jid) ++ batch_return_pattern = "salt/job/{}/ret/*".format(self.batch_jid) ++ self.event.subscribe(ping_return_pattern, match_type="glob") ++ self.event.subscribe(batch_return_pattern, match_type="glob") ++ self.patterns = { ++ (ping_return_pattern, "ping_return"), ++ (batch_return_pattern, "batch_run"), ++ } ++ self.event.set_event_handler(self.__event_handler) ++ ++ def __event_handler(self, raw): ++ if not self.event: ++ return ++ try: ++ mtag, data = self.event.unpack(raw, self.event.serial) ++ for (pattern, op) in self.patterns: ++ if mtag.startswith(pattern[:-1]): ++ minion = data["id"] ++ if op == "ping_return": ++ self.minions.add(minion) ++ if self.targeted_minions == self.minions: ++ self.event.io_loop.spawn_callback(self.start_batch) ++ elif op == "find_job_return": ++ if data.get("return", None): ++ self.find_job_returned.add(minion) ++ elif op == "batch_run": ++ if minion in ++ ++ self.done_minions.add(minion) ++ self.event.io_loop.spawn_callback(self.schedule_next) ++ except Exception as ex: ++ log.error("Exception occured while processing event: {}".format(ex)) ++ ++ def _get_next(self): ++ to_run = ( ++ self.minions.difference(self.done_minions) ++ .difference( ++ .difference(self.timedout_minions) ++ ) ++ next_batch_size = min( ++ len(to_run), # partial batch (all left) ++ self.batch_size - len(, # full batch or available slots ++ ) ++ return set(list(to_run)[:next_batch_size]) ++ ++ def check_find_job(self, batch_minions, jid): ++ if self.event: ++ find_job_return_pattern = "salt/job/{}/ret/*".format(jid) ++ self.event.unsubscribe(find_job_return_pattern, match_type="glob") ++ self.patterns.remove((find_job_return_pattern, "find_job_return")) ++ ++ timedout_minions = batch_minions.difference( ++ self.find_job_returned ++ ).difference(self.done_minions) ++ self.timedout_minions = self.timedout_minions.union(timedout_minions) ++ = ++ running = batch_minions.difference(self.done_minions).difference( ++ self.timedout_minions ++ ) ++ ++ if timedout_minions: ++ self.schedule_next() ++ ++ if self.event and running: ++ self.find_job_returned = self.find_job_returned.difference(running) ++ self.event.io_loop.spawn_callback(self.find_job, running) ++ ++ @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine ++ def find_job(self, minions): ++ if self.event: ++ not_done = minions.difference(self.done_minions).difference( ++ self.timedout_minions ++ ) ++ try: ++ if not_done: ++ jid = self.jid_gen() ++ find_job_return_pattern = "salt/job/{}/ret/*".format(jid) ++ self.patterns.add((find_job_return_pattern, "find_job_return")) ++ self.event.subscribe(find_job_return_pattern, match_type="glob") ++ ret = yield self.local.run_job_async( ++ not_done, ++ "saltutil.find_job", ++ [self.batch_jid], ++ "list", ++ gather_job_timeout=self.opts["gather_job_timeout"], ++ jid=jid, ++ **self.eauth ++ ) ++ yield salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep(self.opts["gather_job_timeout"]) ++ if self.event: ++ self.event.io_loop.spawn_callback( ++ self.check_find_job, not_done, jid ++ ) ++ except Exception as ex: ++ log.error( ++ "Exception occured handling batch async: {}. Aborting execution.".format( ++ ex ++ ) ++ ) ++ self.close_safe() ++ ++ @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine ++ def start(self): ++ if self.event: ++ self.__set_event_handler() ++ ping_return = yield self.local.run_job_async( ++ self.opts["tgt"], ++ "", ++ [], ++ self.opts.get( ++ "selected_target_option", self.opts.get("tgt_type", "glob") ++ ), ++ gather_job_timeout=self.opts["gather_job_timeout"], ++ jid=self.ping_jid, ++ metadata=self.metadata, ++ **self.eauth ++ ) ++ self.targeted_minions = set(ping_return["minions"]) ++ # start batching even if not all minions respond to ping ++ yield salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep( ++ self.batch_presence_ping_timeout or self.opts["gather_job_timeout"] ++ ) ++ if self.event: ++ self.event.io_loop.spawn_callback(self.start_batch) ++ ++ @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine ++ def start_batch(self): ++ if not self.initialized: ++ self.batch_size = get_bnum(self.opts, self.minions, True) ++ self.initialized = True ++ data = { ++ "available_minions": self.minions, ++ "down_minions": self.targeted_minions.difference(self.minions), ++ "metadata": self.metadata, ++ } ++ ret = self.event.fire_event( ++ data, "salt/batch/{}/start".format(self.batch_jid) ++ ) ++ if self.event: ++ self.event.io_loop.spawn_callback(self.run_next) ++ ++ @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine ++ def end_batch(self): ++ left = self.minions.symmetric_difference( ++ self.done_minions.union(self.timedout_minions) ++ ) ++ if not left and not self.ended: ++ self.ended = True ++ data = { ++ "available_minions": self.minions, ++ "down_minions": self.targeted_minions.difference(self.minions), ++ "done_minions": self.done_minions, ++ "timedout_minions": self.timedout_minions, ++ "metadata": self.metadata, ++ } ++ self.event.fire_event(data, "salt/batch/{}/done".format(self.batch_jid)) ++ ++ # release to the IOLoop to allow the event to be published ++ # before closing batch async execution ++ yield salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep(1) ++ self.close_safe() ++ ++ def close_safe(self): ++ for (pattern, label) in self.patterns: ++ self.event.unsubscribe(pattern, match_type="glob") ++ self.event.remove_event_handler(self.__event_handler) ++ self.event = None ++ self.local = None ++ self.ioloop = None ++ del self ++ gc.collect() ++ ++ @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine ++ def schedule_next(self): ++ if not self.scheduled: ++ self.scheduled = True ++ # call later so that we maybe gather more returns ++ yield salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep(self.batch_delay) ++ if self.event: ++ self.event.io_loop.spawn_callback(self.run_next) ++ ++ @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine ++ def run_next(self): ++ self.scheduled = False ++ next_batch = self._get_next() ++ if next_batch: ++ = ++ try: ++ ret = yield self.local.run_job_async( ++ next_batch, ++ self.opts["fun"], ++ self.opts["arg"], ++ "list", ++ raw=self.opts.get("raw", False), ++ ret=self.opts.get("return", ""), ++ gather_job_timeout=self.opts["gather_job_timeout"], ++ jid=self.batch_jid, ++ metadata=self.metadata, ++ ) ++ ++ yield salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep(self.opts["timeout"]) ++ ++ # The batch can be done already at this point, which means no self.event ++ if self.event: ++ self.event.io_loop.spawn_callback(self.find_job, set(next_batch)) ++ except Exception as ex: ++ log.error("Error in scheduling next batch: %s. Aborting execution", ex) ++ = ++ self.close_safe() ++ else: ++ yield self.end_batch() ++ gc.collect() ++ ++ def __del__(self): ++ self.local = None ++ self.event = None ++ self.ioloop = None ++ gc.collect() +diff --git a/salt/cli/support/profiles/ b/salt/cli/support/profiles/ +index b86aef30b8..4ae6d07b13 100644 +--- a/salt/cli/support/profiles/ ++++ b/salt/cli/support/profiles/ +@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ +-# coding=utf-8 +-''' ++""" + Profiles for salt-support. +-''' ++""" +diff --git a/salt/client/ b/salt/client/ +index 7ce8963b8f..bcda56c9b4 100644 +--- a/salt/client/ ++++ b/salt/client/ +@@ -594,38 +594,20 @@ class LocalClient: + import salt.cli.batch + import salt.utils.args + +- arg = salt.utils.args.condition_input(arg, kwarg) +- opts = { +- "tgt": tgt, +- "fun": fun, +- "arg": arg, +- "tgt_type": tgt_type, +- "ret": ret, +- "batch": batch, +- "failhard": kwargs.get("failhard", self.opts.get("failhard", False)), +- "raw": kwargs.get("raw", False), +- } ++ opts = salt.cli.batch.batch_get_opts( ++ tgt, ++ fun, ++ batch, ++ self.opts, ++ arg=arg, ++ tgt_type=tgt_type, ++ ret=ret, ++ kwarg=kwarg, ++ **kwargs ++ ) ++ ++ eauth = salt.cli.batch.batch_get_eauth(kwargs) + +- if "timeout" in kwargs: +- opts["timeout"] = kwargs["timeout"] +- if "gather_job_timeout" in kwargs: +- opts["gather_job_timeout"] = kwargs["gather_job_timeout"] +- if "batch_wait" in kwargs: +- opts["batch_wait"] = int(kwargs["batch_wait"]) +- +- eauth = {} +- if "eauth" in kwargs: +- eauth["eauth"] = kwargs.pop("eauth") +- if "username" in kwargs: +- eauth["username"] = kwargs.pop("username") +- if "password" in kwargs: +- eauth["password"] = kwargs.pop("password") +- if "token" in kwargs: +- eauth["token"] = kwargs.pop("token") +- +- for key, val in self.opts.items(): +- if key not in opts: +- opts[key] = val + batch = salt.cli.batch.Batch(opts, eauth=eauth, quiet=True) + for ret, _ in + yield ret +@@ -1826,6 +1808,7 @@ class LocalClient: + "key": self.key, + "tgt_type": tgt_type, + "ret": ret, ++ "timeout": timeout, + "jid": jid, + } + +diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ +index 9d2239bffb..2a526b4f21 100644 +--- a/salt/ ++++ b/salt/ +@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import time + import salt.acl + import salt.auth + import ++import salt.cli.batch_async + import salt.client + import salt.client.ssh.client + import salt.crypt +@@ -2153,6 +2154,22 @@ class ClearFuncs(TransportMethods): + return False + return self.loadauth.get_tok(clear_load["token"]) + ++ def publish_batch(self, clear_load, minions, missing): ++ batch_load = {} ++ batch_load.update(clear_load) ++ batch = salt.cli.batch_async.BatchAsync( ++ self.local.opts, ++ functools.partial(self._prep_jid, clear_load, {}), ++ batch_load, ++ ) ++ ioloop = salt.ext.tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current() ++ ioloop.add_callback(batch.start) ++ ++ return { ++ "enc": "clear", ++ "load": {"jid": batch.batch_jid, "minions": minions, "missing": missing}, ++ } ++ + def publish(self, clear_load): + """ + This method sends out publications to the minions, it can only be used +@@ -2297,6 +2314,9 @@ class ClearFuncs(TransportMethods): + ), + }, + } ++ if extra.get("batch", None): ++ return self.publish_batch(clear_load, minions, missing) ++ + jid = self._prep_jid(clear_load, extra) + if jid is None: + return {"enc": "clear", "load": {"error": "Master failed to assign jid"}} +diff --git a/salt/transport/ b/salt/transport/ +index ca13a498e3..3a3f0c7a5f 100644 +--- a/salt/transport/ ++++ b/salt/transport/ +@@ -659,6 +659,7 @@ class IPCMessageSubscriber(IPCClient): + self._read_stream_future = None + self._saved_data = [] + self._read_in_progress = Lock() ++ self.callbacks = set() + + @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine + def _read(self, timeout, callback=None): +@@ -764,8 +765,12 @@ class IPCMessageSubscriber(IPCClient): + return self._saved_data.pop(0) + return self.io_loop.run_sync(lambda: self._read(timeout)) + ++ def __run_callbacks(self, raw): ++ for callback in self.callbacks: ++ self.io_loop.spawn_callback(callback, raw) ++ + @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine +- def read_async(self, callback): ++ def read_async(self): + """ + Asynchronously read messages and invoke a callback when they are ready. + +@@ -783,7 +788,7 @@ class IPCMessageSubscriber(IPCClient): + except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except + log.error("Exception occurred while Subscriber connecting: %s", exc) + yield salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep(1) +- yield self._read(None, callback) ++ yield self._read(None, self.__run_callbacks) + + def close(self): + """ +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index a07ad513b1..869e12a140 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -946,6 +946,10 @@ class SaltEvent: + # Minion fired a bad retcode, fire an event + self._fire_ret_load_specific_fun(load) + ++ def remove_event_handler(self, event_handler): ++ if event_handler in self.subscriber.callbacks: ++ self.subscriber.callbacks.remove(event_handler) ++ + def set_event_handler(self, event_handler): + """ + Invoke the event_handler callback each time an event arrives. +@@ -954,8 +958,10 @@ class SaltEvent: + + if not self.cpub: + self.connect_pub() ++ ++ self.subscriber.callbacks.add(event_handler) + # This will handle reconnects +- return self.subscriber.read_async(event_handler) ++ return self.subscriber.read_async() + + # pylint: disable=W1701 + def __del__(self): +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/cli/ b/tests/pytests/unit/cli/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..c0b708de76 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/cli/ +@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@ ++import salt.ext.tornado ++from salt.cli.batch_async import BatchAsync ++from salt.ext.tornado.testing import AsyncTestCase ++from import MagicMock, patch ++from import TestCase, skipIf ++ ++ ++class AsyncBatchTestCase(AsyncTestCase, TestCase): ++ def setUp(self): ++ self.io_loop = self.get_new_ioloop() ++ opts = { ++ "batch": "1", ++ "conf_file": {}, ++ "tgt": "*", ++ "timeout": 5, ++ "gather_job_timeout": 5, ++ "batch_presence_ping_timeout": 1, ++ "transport": None, ++ "sock_dir": "", ++ } ++ ++ with patch("salt.client.get_local_client", MagicMock(return_value=MagicMock())): ++ with patch( ++ "salt.cli.batch_async.batch_get_opts", MagicMock(return_value=opts) ++ ): ++ self.batch = BatchAsync( ++ opts, ++ MagicMock(side_effect=["1234", "1235", "1236"]), ++ { ++ "tgt": "", ++ "fun": "", ++ "kwargs": {"batch": "", "batch_presence_ping_timeout": 1}, ++ }, ++ ) ++ ++ def test_ping_jid(self): ++ self.assertEqual(self.batch.ping_jid, "1234") ++ ++ def test_batch_jid(self): ++ self.assertEqual(self.batch.batch_jid, "1235") ++ ++ def test_find_job_jid(self): ++ self.assertEqual(self.batch.find_job_jid, "1236") ++ ++ def test_batch_size(self): ++ """ ++ Tests passing batch value as a number ++ """ ++ self.batch.opts = {"batch": "2", "timeout": 5} ++ self.batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} ++ self.batch.start_batch() ++ self.assertEqual(self.batch.batch_size, 2) ++ ++ @salt.ext.tornado.testing.gen_test ++ def test_batch_start_on_batch_presence_ping_timeout(self): ++ self.batch.event = MagicMock() ++ future = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() ++ future.set_result({"minions": ["foo", "bar"]}) ++ self.batch.local.run_job_async.return_value = future ++ ret = self.batch.start() ++ # assert start_batch is called later with batch_presence_ping_timeout as param ++ self.assertEqual( ++ self.batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0], ++ (self.batch.start_batch,), ++ ) ++ # assert called ++ self.assertEqual( ++ self.batch.local.run_job_async.call_args[0], ("*", "", [], "glob") ++ ) ++ # assert targeted_minions == all minions matched by tgt ++ self.assertEqual(self.batch.targeted_minions, {"foo", "bar"}) ++ ++ @salt.ext.tornado.testing.gen_test ++ def test_batch_start_on_gather_job_timeout(self): ++ self.batch.event = MagicMock() ++ future = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() ++ future.set_result({"minions": ["foo", "bar"]}) ++ self.batch.local.run_job_async.return_value = future ++ self.batch.batch_presence_ping_timeout = None ++ ret = self.batch.start() ++ # assert start_batch is called later with gather_job_timeout as param ++ self.assertEqual( ++ self.batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0], ++ (self.batch.start_batch,), ++ ) ++ ++ def test_batch_fire_start_event(self): ++ self.batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} ++ self.batch.opts = {"batch": "2", "timeout": 5} ++ self.batch.event = MagicMock() ++ self.batch.metadata = {"mykey": "myvalue"} ++ self.batch.start_batch() ++ self.assertEqual( ++ self.batch.event.fire_event.call_args[0], ++ ( ++ { ++ "available_minions": {"foo", "bar"}, ++ "down_minions": set(), ++ "metadata": self.batch.metadata, ++ }, ++ "salt/batch/1235/start", ++ ), ++ ) ++ ++ @salt.ext.tornado.testing.gen_test ++ def test_start_batch_calls_next(self): ++ self.batch.run_next = MagicMock(return_value=MagicMock()) ++ self.batch.event = MagicMock() ++ self.batch.start_batch() ++ self.assertEqual(self.batch.initialized, True) ++ self.assertEqual( ++ self.batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0], (self.batch.run_next,) ++ ) ++ ++ def test_batch_fire_done_event(self): ++ self.batch.targeted_minions = {"foo", "baz", "bar"} ++ self.batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} ++ self.batch.done_minions = {"foo"} ++ self.batch.timedout_minions = {"bar"} ++ self.batch.event = MagicMock() ++ self.batch.metadata = {"mykey": "myvalue"} ++ old_event = self.batch.event ++ self.batch.end_batch() ++ self.assertEqual( ++ old_event.fire_event.call_args[0], ++ ( ++ { ++ "available_minions": {"foo", "bar"}, ++ "done_minions": self.batch.done_minions, ++ "down_minions": {"baz"}, ++ "timedout_minions": self.batch.timedout_minions, ++ "metadata": self.batch.metadata, ++ }, ++ "salt/batch/1235/done", ++ ), ++ ) ++ ++ def test_batch__del__(self): ++ batch = BatchAsync(MagicMock(), MagicMock(), MagicMock()) ++ event = MagicMock() ++ batch.event = event ++ batch.__del__() ++ self.assertEqual(batch.local, None) ++ self.assertEqual(batch.event, None) ++ self.assertEqual(batch.ioloop, None) ++ ++ def test_batch_close_safe(self): ++ batch = BatchAsync(MagicMock(), MagicMock(), MagicMock()) ++ event = MagicMock() ++ batch.event = event ++ batch.patterns = { ++ ("salt/job/1234/ret/*", "find_job_return"), ++ ("salt/job/4321/ret/*", "find_job_return"), ++ } ++ batch.close_safe() ++ self.assertEqual(batch.local, None) ++ self.assertEqual(batch.event, None) ++ self.assertEqual(batch.ioloop, None) ++ self.assertEqual(len(event.unsubscribe.mock_calls), 2) ++ self.assertEqual(len(event.remove_event_handler.mock_calls), 1) ++ ++ @salt.ext.tornado.testing.gen_test ++ def test_batch_next(self): ++ self.batch.event = MagicMock() ++ self.batch.opts["fun"] = "" ++ self.batch.opts["arg"] = [] ++ self.batch._get_next = MagicMock(return_value={"foo", "bar"}) ++ self.batch.batch_size = 2 ++ future = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() ++ future.set_result({"minions": ["foo", "bar"]}) ++ self.batch.local.run_job_async.return_value = future ++ self.batch.run_next() ++ self.assertEqual( ++ self.batch.local.run_job_async.call_args[0], ++ ({"foo", "bar"}, "", [], "list"), ++ ) ++ self.assertEqual( ++ self.batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0], ++ (self.batch.find_job, {"foo", "bar"}), ++ ) ++ self.assertEqual(, {"bar", "foo"}) ++ ++ def test_next_batch(self): ++ self.batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} ++ self.batch.batch_size = 2 ++ self.assertEqual(self.batch._get_next(), {"foo", "bar"}) ++ ++ def test_next_batch_one_done(self): ++ self.batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} ++ self.batch.done_minions = {"bar"} ++ self.batch.batch_size = 2 ++ self.assertEqual(self.batch._get_next(), {"foo"}) ++ ++ def test_next_batch_one_done_one_active(self): ++ self.batch.minions = {"foo", "bar", "baz"} ++ self.batch.done_minions = {"bar"} ++ = {"baz"} ++ self.batch.batch_size = 2 ++ self.assertEqual(self.batch._get_next(), {"foo"}) ++ ++ def test_next_batch_one_done_one_active_one_timedout(self): ++ self.batch.minions = {"foo", "bar", "baz", "faz"} ++ self.batch.done_minions = {"bar"} ++ = {"baz"} ++ self.batch.timedout_minions = {"faz"} ++ self.batch.batch_size = 2 ++ self.assertEqual(self.batch._get_next(), {"foo"}) ++ ++ def test_next_batch_bigger_size(self): ++ self.batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} ++ self.batch.batch_size = 3 ++ self.assertEqual(self.batch._get_next(), {"foo", "bar"}) ++ ++ def test_next_batch_all_done(self): ++ self.batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} ++ self.batch.done_minions = {"foo", "bar"} ++ self.batch.batch_size = 2 ++ self.assertEqual(self.batch._get_next(), set()) ++ ++ def test_next_batch_all_active(self): ++ self.batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} ++ = {"foo", "bar"} ++ self.batch.batch_size = 2 ++ self.assertEqual(self.batch._get_next(), set()) ++ ++ def test_next_batch_all_timedout(self): ++ self.batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} ++ self.batch.timedout_minions = {"foo", "bar"} ++ self.batch.batch_size = 2 ++ self.assertEqual(self.batch._get_next(), set()) ++ ++ def test_batch__event_handler_ping_return(self): ++ self.batch.targeted_minions = {"foo"} ++ self.batch.event = MagicMock( ++ unpack=MagicMock(return_value=("salt/job/1234/ret/foo", {"id": "foo"})) ++ ) ++ self.batch.start() ++ self.assertEqual(self.batch.minions, set()) ++ self.batch._BatchAsync__event_handler(MagicMock()) ++ self.assertEqual(self.batch.minions, {"foo"}) ++ self.assertEqual(self.batch.done_minions, set()) ++ ++ def test_batch__event_handler_call_start_batch_when_all_pings_return(self): ++ self.batch.targeted_minions = {"foo"} ++ self.batch.event = MagicMock( ++ unpack=MagicMock(return_value=("salt/job/1234/ret/foo", {"id": "foo"})) ++ ) ++ self.batch.start() ++ self.batch._BatchAsync__event_handler(MagicMock()) ++ self.assertEqual( ++ self.batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0], ++ (self.batch.start_batch,), ++ ) ++ ++ def test_batch__event_handler_not_call_start_batch_when_not_all_pings_return(self): ++ self.batch.targeted_minions = {"foo", "bar"} ++ self.batch.event = MagicMock( ++ unpack=MagicMock(return_value=("salt/job/1234/ret/foo", {"id": "foo"})) ++ ) ++ self.batch.start() ++ self.batch._BatchAsync__event_handler(MagicMock()) ++ self.assertEqual(len(self.batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.mock_calls), 0) ++ ++ def test_batch__event_handler_batch_run_return(self): ++ self.batch.event = MagicMock( ++ unpack=MagicMock(return_value=("salt/job/1235/ret/foo", {"id": "foo"})) ++ ) ++ self.batch.start() ++ = {"foo"} ++ self.batch._BatchAsync__event_handler(MagicMock()) ++ self.assertEqual(, set()) ++ self.assertEqual(self.batch.done_minions, {"foo"}) ++ self.assertEqual( ++ self.batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0], ++ (self.batch.schedule_next,), ++ ) ++ ++ def test_batch__event_handler_find_job_return(self): ++ self.batch.event = MagicMock( ++ unpack=MagicMock( ++ return_value=( ++ "salt/job/1236/ret/foo", ++ {"id": "foo", "return": "deadbeaf"}, ++ ) ++ ) ++ ) ++ self.batch.start() ++ self.batch.patterns.add(("salt/job/1236/ret/*", "find_job_return")) ++ self.batch._BatchAsync__event_handler(MagicMock()) ++ self.assertEqual(self.batch.find_job_returned, {"foo"}) ++ ++ @salt.ext.tornado.testing.gen_test ++ def test_batch_run_next_end_batch_when_no_next(self): ++ self.batch.end_batch = MagicMock() ++ self.batch._get_next = MagicMock(return_value={}) ++ self.batch.run_next() ++ self.assertEqual(len(self.batch.end_batch.mock_calls), 1) ++ ++ @salt.ext.tornado.testing.gen_test ++ def test_batch_find_job(self): ++ self.batch.event = MagicMock() ++ future = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() ++ future.set_result({}) ++ self.batch.local.run_job_async.return_value = future ++ self.batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} ++ self.batch.jid_gen = MagicMock(return_value="1234") ++ salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep = MagicMock(return_value=future) ++ self.batch.find_job({"foo", "bar"}) ++ self.assertEqual( ++ self.batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0], ++ (self.batch.check_find_job, {"foo", "bar"}, "1234"), ++ ) ++ ++ @salt.ext.tornado.testing.gen_test ++ def test_batch_find_job_with_done_minions(self): ++ self.batch.done_minions = {"bar"} ++ self.batch.event = MagicMock() ++ future = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() ++ future.set_result({}) ++ self.batch.local.run_job_async.return_value = future ++ self.batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} ++ self.batch.jid_gen = MagicMock(return_value="1234") ++ salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep = MagicMock(return_value=future) ++ self.batch.find_job({"foo", "bar"}) ++ self.assertEqual( ++ self.batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0], ++ (self.batch.check_find_job, {"foo"}, "1234"), ++ ) ++ ++ def test_batch_check_find_job_did_not_return(self): ++ self.batch.event = MagicMock() ++ = {"foo"} ++ self.batch.find_job_returned = set() ++ self.batch.patterns = {("salt/job/1234/ret/*", "find_job_return")} ++ self.batch.check_find_job({"foo"}, jid="1234") ++ self.assertEqual(self.batch.find_job_returned, set()) ++ self.assertEqual(, set()) ++ self.assertEqual(len(self.batch.event.io_loop.add_callback.mock_calls), 0) ++ ++ def test_batch_check_find_job_did_return(self): ++ self.batch.event = MagicMock() ++ self.batch.find_job_returned = {"foo"} ++ self.batch.patterns = {("salt/job/1234/ret/*", "find_job_return")} ++ self.batch.check_find_job({"foo"}, jid="1234") ++ self.assertEqual( ++ self.batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0], ++ (self.batch.find_job, {"foo"}), ++ ) ++ ++ def test_batch_check_find_job_multiple_states(self): ++ self.batch.event = MagicMock() ++ # currently running minions ++ = {"foo", "bar"} ++ ++ # minion is running and find_job returns ++ self.batch.find_job_returned = {"foo"} ++ ++ # minion started running but find_job did not return ++ self.batch.timedout_minions = {"faz"} ++ ++ # minion finished ++ self.batch.done_minions = {"baz"} ++ ++ # both not yet done but only 'foo' responded to find_job ++ not_done = {"foo", "bar"} ++ ++ self.batch.patterns = {("salt/job/1234/ret/*", "find_job_return")} ++ self.batch.check_find_job(not_done, jid="1234") ++ ++ # assert 'bar' removed from active ++ self.assertEqual(, {"foo"}) ++ ++ # assert 'bar' added to timedout_minions ++ self.assertEqual(self.batch.timedout_minions, {"bar", "faz"}) ++ ++ # assert 'find_job' schedueled again only for 'foo' ++ self.assertEqual( ++ self.batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0], ++ (self.batch.find_job, {"foo"}), ++ ) ++ ++ def test_only_on_run_next_is_scheduled(self): ++ self.batch.event = MagicMock() ++ self.batch.scheduled = True ++ self.batch.schedule_next() ++ self.assertEqual(len(self.batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.mock_calls), 0) +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/avoid-conflicts-with-dependencies-versions-bsc-12116.patch b/avoid-conflicts-with-dependencies-versions-bsc-12116.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fd31505 --- /dev/null +++ b/avoid-conflicts-with-dependencies-versions-bsc-12116.patch @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +From 8e9f2587aea52c1d0a5c07d5f9bb77a23ae4d4a6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Tue, 23 May 2023 10:40:02 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Avoid conflicts with dependencies versions + (bsc#1211612) (#581) + +This commit fixes the Salt requirements file that are used to +generate the "requires.txt" file that is included in Salt egginfo +in order to be consistent with the installed packages +of Salt dependencies. + +This prevents issues when resolving and validating Salt dependencies +with "pkg_resources" Python module. +--- + requirements/base.txt | 2 +- + requirements/zeromq.txt | 2 +- + 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/requirements/base.txt b/requirements/base.txt +index c19d8804a2..437aa01d31 100644 +--- a/requirements/base.txt ++++ b/requirements/base.txt +@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ MarkupSafe + requests>=1.0.0 + distro>=1.0.1 + psutil>=5.0.0 +-packaging>=21.3 ++packaging>=17.1 + looseversion + # We need contextvars for salt-ssh + contextvars +diff --git a/requirements/zeromq.txt b/requirements/zeromq.txt +index 1e9a815c1b..23d1ef25dc 100644 +--- a/requirements/zeromq.txt ++++ b/requirements/zeromq.txt +@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ + -r base.txt + -r crypto.txt + +-pyzmq>=20.0.0 ++pyzmq>=17.1.2 + pyzmq==25.0.2 ; sys_platform == "win32" +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/avoid-crash-on-wrong-output-of-systemctl-version-bsc.patch b/avoid-crash-on-wrong-output-of-systemctl-version-bsc.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f726aba --- /dev/null +++ b/avoid-crash-on-wrong-output-of-systemctl-version-bsc.patch @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +From b2faa019f0f5aa03b03e6c54c9aa60b7f6aa4f91 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2024 14:35:33 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Avoid crash on wrong output of systemctl version + (bsc#1229539) + +* Better handling output of systemctl --version + +* Add more cases to test grains.core._systemd +--- + salt/grains/ | 27 +++++++- + tests/pytests/unit/grains/ | 89 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + 2 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/grains/ b/salt/grains/ +index 4454c303fe..98bbd3868e 100644 +--- a/salt/grains/ ++++ b/salt/grains/ +@@ -2432,10 +2432,31 @@ def _systemd(): + """ + Return the systemd grain + """ +- systemd_info = __salt__[""]("systemctl --version").splitlines() ++ systemd_version = "UNDEFINED" ++ systemd_features = "" ++ try: ++ systemd_output = __salt__["cmd.run_all"]("systemctl --version") ++ except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except ++ log.error("Exception while executing `systemctl --version`", exc_info=True) ++ return { ++ "version": systemd_version, ++ "features": systemd_features, ++ } ++ if systemd_output.get("retcode") == 0: ++ systemd_info = systemd_output.get("stdout", "").splitlines() ++ try: ++ if systemd_info[0].startswith("systemd "): ++ systemd_version = systemd_info[0].split()[1] ++ systemd_features = systemd_info[1] ++ except IndexError: ++ pass ++ if systemd_version == "UNDEFINED" or systemd_features == "": ++ log.error( ++ "Unexpected output returned by `systemctl --version`: %s", systemd_output ++ ) + return { +- "version": systemd_info[0].split()[1], +- "features": systemd_info[1], ++ "version": systemd_version, ++ "features": systemd_features, + } + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/grains/ b/tests/pytests/unit/grains/ +index 36545287b9..b64b8c4bf8 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/grains/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/grains/ +@@ -3593,3 +3593,92 @@ def test_virtual_set_virtual_ec2(): + + assert virtual_grains["virtual"] == "Nitro" + assert virtual_grains["virtual_subtype"] == "Amazon EC2" ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.parametrize( ++ "systemd_data,expected", ++ ( ++ ( ++ { ++ "pid": 1234, ++ "retcode": 0, ++ "stdout": "systemd 254 (254.3-1)\n+PAM +AUDIT -SELINUX -APPARMOR -IMA +SMACK " ++ "+SECCOMP +GCRYPT +GNUTLS +OPENSSL +ACL +BLKID +CURL +ELFUTILS " ++ "+FIDO2 +IDN2 -IDN +IPTC +KMOD +LIBCRYPTSETUP +LIBFDISK +PCRE2 " ++ "-PWQUALITY +P11KIT -QRENCODE +TPM2 +BZIP2 +LZ4 +XZ +ZLIB +ZSTD " ++ "+BPF_FRAMEWORK +XKBCOMMON +UTMP -SYSVINIT default-hierarchy=unified", ++ "stderr": "", ++ }, ++ { ++ "version": "254", ++ "features": "+PAM +AUDIT -SELINUX -APPARMOR -IMA +SMACK +SECCOMP +GCRYPT +GNUTLS +OPENSSL " ++ "+ACL +BLKID +CURL +ELFUTILS +FIDO2 +IDN2 -IDN +IPTC +KMOD +LIBCRYPTSETUP " ++ "+LIBFDISK +PCRE2 -PWQUALITY +P11KIT -QRENCODE +TPM2 +BZIP2 +LZ4 +XZ " ++ "+ZLIB +ZSTD +BPF_FRAMEWORK +XKBCOMMON +UTMP -SYSVINIT default-hierarchy=unified", ++ }, ++ ), ++ ( ++ { ++ "pid": 2345, ++ "retcode": 1, ++ "stdout": "", ++ "stderr": "some garbage in the output", ++ }, ++ { ++ "version": "UNDEFINED", ++ "features": "", ++ }, ++ ), ++ ( ++ { ++ "pid": 3456, ++ "retcode": 0, ++ "stdout": "unexpected stdout\none more line", ++ "stderr": "", ++ }, ++ { ++ "version": "UNDEFINED", ++ "features": "", ++ }, ++ ), ++ ( ++ { ++ "pid": 4567, ++ "retcode": 0, ++ "stdout": "", ++ "stderr": "", ++ }, ++ { ++ "version": "UNDEFINED", ++ "features": "", ++ }, ++ ), ++ ( ++ Exception("Some exception on calling `systemctl --version`"), ++ { ++ "version": "UNDEFINED", ++ "features": "", ++ }, ++ ), ++ ), ++) ++def test__systemd(systemd_data, expected): ++ """ ++ test _systemd ++ """ ++ ++ def mock_run_all_systemd(_): ++ if isinstance(systemd_data, Exception): ++ raise systemd_data ++ return systemd_data ++ ++ with patch.dict( ++ core.__salt__, ++ { ++ "cmd.run_all": mock_run_all_systemd, ++ }, ++ ): ++ ret = core._systemd() ++ assert "version" in ret ++ assert "features" in ret ++ assert ret == expected +-- +2.46.0 + diff --git a/avoid-excessive-syslogging-by-watchdog-cronjob-58.patch b/avoid-excessive-syslogging-by-watchdog-cronjob-58.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7536fad --- /dev/null +++ b/avoid-excessive-syslogging-by-watchdog-cronjob-58.patch @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +From 4d8c88d6e467c22ea74738743de5be6577f81085 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Hubert Mantel +Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2017 13:55:13 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] avoid excessive syslogging by watchdog cronjob (#58) + +--- + pkg/old/suse/salt-minion | 2 +- + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/pkg/old/suse/salt-minion b/pkg/old/suse/salt-minion +index 2e418094ed..73a91ebd62 100755 +--- a/pkg/old/suse/salt-minion ++++ b/pkg/old/suse/salt-minion +@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ WATCHDOG_CRON="/etc/cron.d/salt-minion" + + set_watchdog() { + if [ ! -f $WATCHDOG_CRON ]; then +- echo -e '* * * * * root /usr/bin/salt-daemon-watcher --with-init\n' > $WATCHDOG_CRON ++ echo -e '-* * * * * root /usr/bin/salt-daemon-watcher --with-init\n' > $WATCHDOG_CRON + # Kick the watcher for 1 minute immediately, because cron will wake up only afterwards + /usr/bin/salt-daemon-watcher --with-init & disown + fi +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/avoid-explicit-reading-of-etc-salt-minion-bsc-122035.patch b/avoid-explicit-reading-of-etc-salt-minion-bsc-122035.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fba9803 --- /dev/null +++ b/avoid-explicit-reading-of-etc-salt-minion-bsc-122035.patch @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +From bbdb56932845dceb47332a4c967c13a9a78b88bc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 14:08:20 +0300 +Subject: [PATCH] Avoid explicit reading of /etc/salt/minion + (bsc#1220357) + +Co-authored-by: Daniel A. Wozniak +--- + salt/utils/ | 2 -- + 1 file changed, 2 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index 276cbb66b3..9ae128273c 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ try: + except ImportError: + HAS_AZURE = False + +-__opts__ = salt.config.minion_config("/etc/salt/minion") +-__salt__ = salt.loader.minion_mods(__opts__) + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + +-- +2.46.1 + diff --git a/bsc-1176024-fix-file-directory-user-and-group-owners.patch b/bsc-1176024-fix-file-directory-user-and-group-owners.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..edd8e9e --- /dev/null +++ b/bsc-1176024-fix-file-directory-user-and-group-owners.patch @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +From 2ca37fe7d2a03ad86ed738f2636fe240b9f4467e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov <> +Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2020 12:36:41 +0300 +Subject: [PATCH] bsc#1176024: Fix file/directory user and group + ownership containing UTF-8 characters (#275) + +* Fix check_perm typos of file module + +* Fix UTF8 support for user/group ownership operations with file module and state + +* Fix UTF8 support for user/group ownership operations with file module and state + +Co-authored-by: Victor Zhestkov +--- + salt/modules/ | 20 ++++++++++---------- + salt/states/ | 12 ++++++++++-- + 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 69d7992f5a..4612d65511 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ def group_to_gid(group): + try: + if isinstance(group, int): + return group +- return grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid ++ return grp.getgrnam(salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(group)).gr_gid + except KeyError: + return "" + +@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ def user_to_uid(user): + try: + if isinstance(user, int): + return user +- return pwd.getpwnam(user).pw_uid ++ return pwd.getpwnam(salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(user)).pw_uid + except KeyError: + return "" + +@@ -5133,8 +5133,8 @@ def check_perms( + salt.utils.platform.is_windows() and not user_to_uid(user) == cur["uid"] + ) or ( + not salt.utils.platform.is_windows() +- and not user == cur["user"] +- and not user == cur["uid"] ++ and not salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(user) == cur["user"] ++ and not salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(user) == cur["uid"] + ): + perms["cuser"] = user + +@@ -5143,8 +5143,8 @@ def check_perms( + salt.utils.platform.is_windows() and not group_to_gid(group) == cur["gid"] + ) or ( + not salt.utils.platform.is_windows() +- and not group == cur["group"] +- and not group == cur["gid"] ++ and not salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(group) == cur["group"] ++ and not salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(group) == cur["gid"] + ): + perms["cgroup"] = group + +@@ -5188,8 +5188,8 @@ def check_perms( + salt.utils.platform.is_windows() and not user_to_uid(user) == post["uid"] + ) or ( + not salt.utils.platform.is_windows() +- and not user == post["user"] +- and not user == post["uid"] ++ and not salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(user) == post["user"] ++ and not salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(user) == post["uid"] + ): + if __opts__["test"] is True: + ret["changes"]["user"] = user +@@ -5204,8 +5204,8 @@ def check_perms( + salt.utils.platform.is_windows() and not group_to_gid(group) == post["gid"] + ) or ( + not salt.utils.platform.is_windows() +- and not group == post["group"] +- and not group == post["gid"] ++ and not salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(group) == post["group"] ++ and not salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(group) == post["gid"] + ): + if __opts__["test"] is True: + ret["changes"]["group"] = group +diff --git a/salt/states/ b/salt/states/ +index 9f32151b8b..024e5e34ce 100644 +--- a/salt/states/ ++++ b/salt/states/ +@@ -864,9 +864,17 @@ def _check_dir_meta(name, user, group, mode, follow_symlinks=False): + if not stats: + changes["directory"] = "new" + return changes +- if user is not None and user != stats["user"] and user != stats.get("uid"): ++ if ( ++ user is not None ++ and salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(user) != stats["user"] ++ and user != stats.get("uid") ++ ): + changes["user"] = user +- if group is not None and group != stats["group"] and group != stats.get("gid"): ++ if ( ++ group is not None ++ and salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(group) != stats["group"] ++ and group != stats.get("gid") ++ ): + changes["group"] = group + # Normalize the dir mode + smode = salt.utils.files.normalize_mode(stats["mode"]) +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/change-the-delimeters-to-prevent-possible-tracebacks.patch b/change-the-delimeters-to-prevent-possible-tracebacks.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4e50b2b --- /dev/null +++ b/change-the-delimeters-to-prevent-possible-tracebacks.patch @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +From b7a554e2dec3351c91c237497fe37cbc30d664bd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2022 14:42:24 +0300 +Subject: [PATCH] Change the delimeters to prevent possible tracebacks on + some packages with dpkg_lowpkg + +* Use another separator on query to dpkg-query + +* Fix the test test_dpkg_lowpkg::test_info +--- + salt/modules/ | 2 +- + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 4d716c8772..78990492cf 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ def _get_pkg_info(*packages, **kwargs): + if build_date: + pkg_data["build_date"] = build_date + pkg_data["build_date_time_t"] = build_date_t +- pkg_data["description"] = pkg_descr.split(":", 1)[-1] ++ pkg_data["description"] = pkg_descr + ret.append(pkg_data) + + return ret +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/control-the-collection-of-lvm-grains-via-config.patch b/control-the-collection-of-lvm-grains-via-config.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b767488 --- /dev/null +++ b/control-the-collection-of-lvm-grains-via-config.patch @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +From fcb43735942ca1b796f656d5647e49a93f770bb2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Alexander Graul +Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2023 15:04:01 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Control the collection of lvm grains via config + +lvm grain collection can take a long time on systems with a lot of +volumes and volume groups. On one server we measured ~3 minutes, which +is way too long for grains. + +This change is backwards-compatible, leaving the lvm grain collection +enabled by default. Users with a lot of lvm volumes/volume groups can +disable these grains in the minion config by setting + + enable_lvm_grains: False +--- + salt/grains/ | 4 ++++ + 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+) + +diff --git a/salt/grains/ b/salt/grains/ +index 586b187ddb..f5c406cb44 100644 +--- a/salt/grains/ ++++ b/salt/grains/ +@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@ __salt__ = { + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + ++def __virtual__(): ++ return __opts__.get("enable_lvm_grains", True) ++ ++ + def lvm(): + """ + Return list of LVM devices +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/debian-info_installed-compatibility-50453.patch b/debian-info_installed-compatibility-50453.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0703083 --- /dev/null +++ b/debian-info_installed-compatibility-50453.patch @@ -0,0 +1,351 @@ +From 2fbc5b580661b094cf79cc5da0860745b72088e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Alexander Graul +Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2022 17:08:57 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Debian info_installed compatibility (#50453) + +Remove unused variable + +Get unit ticks installation time + +Pass on unix ticks installation date time + +Implement function to figure out package build time + +Unify arch attribute + +Add 'attr' support. + +Use attr parameter in aptpkg + +Add 'all_versions' output structure backward compatibility + +Fix docstring + +Add UT for generic test of function 'info' + +Add UT for 'info' function with the parameter 'attr' + +Add UT for info_installed's 'attr' param + +Fix docstring + +Add returned type check + +Add UT for info_installed with 'all_versions=True' output structure + +Refactor UT for 'owner' function + +Refactor UT: move to decorators, add more checks + +Schedule TODO for next refactoring of UT 'show' function + +Refactor UT: get rid of old assertion way, flatten tests + +Refactor UT: move to native assertions, cleanup noise, flatten complexity for better visibility what is tested + +Lintfix: too many empty lines + +Adjust architecture getter according to the lowpkg info + +Fix wrong Git merge: missing function signature + +Reintroducing reverted changes + +Reintroducing changes from commit e20362f6f053eaa4144583604e6aac3d62838419 +that got partially reverted by this commit: + +--- + salt/modules/ | 24 ++++- + salt/modules/ | 110 ++++++++++++++++++---- + tests/pytests/unit/modules/ | 52 ++++++++++ + 3 files changed, 167 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 8e89744b5e..938e37cc9e 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -3440,6 +3440,15 @@ def info_installed(*names, **kwargs): + + .. versionadded:: 2016.11.3 + ++ attr ++ Comma-separated package attributes. If no 'attr' is specified, all available attributes returned. ++ ++ Valid attributes are: ++ version, vendor, release, build_date, build_date_time_t, install_date, install_date_time_t, ++ build_host, group, source_rpm, arch, epoch, size, license, signature, packager, url, summary, description. ++ ++ .. versionadded:: Neon ++ + CLI Example: + + .. code-block:: bash +@@ -3450,11 +3459,19 @@ def info_installed(*names, **kwargs): + """ + kwargs = salt.utils.args.clean_kwargs(**kwargs) + failhard = kwargs.pop("failhard", True) ++ kwargs.pop("errors", None) # Only for compatibility with RPM ++ attr = kwargs.pop("attr", None) # Package attributes to return ++ all_versions = kwargs.pop( ++ "all_versions", False ++ ) # This is for backward compatible structure only ++ + if kwargs: + salt.utils.args.invalid_kwargs(kwargs) + + ret = dict() +- for pkg_name, pkg_nfo in __salt__[""](*names, failhard=failhard).items(): ++ for pkg_name, pkg_nfo in __salt__[""]( ++ *names, failhard=failhard, attr=attr ++ ).items(): + t_nfo = dict() + if pkg_nfo.get("status", "ii")[1] != "i": + continue # return only packages that are really installed +@@ -3475,7 +3492,10 @@ def info_installed(*names, **kwargs): + else: + t_nfo[key] = value + +- ret[pkg_name] = t_nfo ++ if all_versions: ++ ret.setdefault(pkg_name, []).append(t_nfo) ++ else: ++ ret[pkg_name] = t_nfo + + return ret + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index eefd852c51..4d716c8772 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -234,6 +234,44 @@ def file_dict(*packages, **kwargs): + return {"errors": errors, "packages": ret} + + ++def _get_pkg_build_time(name): ++ """ ++ Get package build time, if possible. ++ ++ :param name: ++ :return: ++ """ ++ iso_time = iso_time_t = None ++ changelog_dir = os.path.join("/usr/share/doc", name) ++ if os.path.exists(changelog_dir): ++ for fname in os.listdir(changelog_dir): ++ try: ++ iso_time_t = int(os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(changelog_dir, fname))) ++ iso_time = ( ++ datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(iso_time_t).isoformat() + "Z" ++ ) ++ break ++ except OSError: ++ pass ++ ++ # Packager doesn't care about Debian standards, therefore Plan B: brute-force it. ++ if not iso_time: ++ for pkg_f_path in __salt__[""]( ++ "dpkg-query -L {}".format(name) ++ ).splitlines(): ++ if "changelog" in pkg_f_path.lower() and os.path.exists(pkg_f_path): ++ try: ++ iso_time_t = int(os.path.getmtime(pkg_f_path)) ++ iso_time = ( ++ datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(iso_time_t).isoformat() + "Z" ++ ) ++ break ++ except OSError: ++ pass ++ ++ return iso_time, iso_time_t ++ ++ + def _get_pkg_info(*packages, **kwargs): + """ + Return list of package information. If 'packages' parameter is empty, +@@ -257,7 +295,7 @@ def _get_pkg_info(*packages, **kwargs): + cmd = ( + "dpkg-query -W -f='package:" + bin_var + "\\n" + "revision:${binary:Revision}\\n" +- "architecture:${Architecture}\\n" ++ "arch:${Architecture}\\n" + "maintainer:${Maintainer}\\n" + "summary:${Summary}\\n" + "source:${source:Package}\\n" +@@ -299,10 +337,17 @@ def _get_pkg_info(*packages, **kwargs): + key, value = pkg_info_line.split(":", 1) + if value: + pkg_data[key] = value +- install_date = _get_pkg_install_time(pkg_data.get("package")) +- if install_date: +- pkg_data["install_date"] = install_date +- pkg_data["description"] = pkg_descr ++ install_date, install_date_t = _get_pkg_install_time( ++ pkg_data.get("package"), pkg_data.get("arch") ++ ) ++ if install_date: ++ pkg_data["install_date"] = install_date ++ pkg_data["install_date_time_t"] = install_date_t # Unix ticks ++ build_date, build_date_t = _get_pkg_build_time(pkg_data.get("package")) ++ if build_date: ++ pkg_data["build_date"] = build_date ++ pkg_data["build_date_time_t"] = build_date_t ++ pkg_data["description"] = pkg_descr.split(":", 1)[-1] + ret.append(pkg_data) + + return ret +@@ -327,24 +372,34 @@ def _get_pkg_license(pkg): + return ", ".join(sorted(licenses)) + + +-def _get_pkg_install_time(pkg): ++def _get_pkg_install_time(pkg, arch): + """ + Return package install time, based on the /var/lib/dpkg/info/.list + + :return: + """ +- iso_time = None ++ iso_time = iso_time_t = None ++ loc_root = "/var/lib/dpkg/info" + if pkg is not None: +- location = "/var/lib/dpkg/info/{}.list".format(pkg) +- if os.path.exists(location): +- iso_time = ( +- datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( +- int(os.path.getmtime(location)) +- ).isoformat() +- + "Z" +- ) ++ locations = [] ++ if arch is not None and arch != "all": ++ locations.append(os.path.join(loc_root, "{}:{}.list".format(pkg, arch))) + +- return iso_time ++ locations.append(os.path.join(loc_root, "{}.list".format(pkg))) ++ for location in locations: ++ try: ++ iso_time_t = int(os.path.getmtime(location)) ++ iso_time = ( ++ datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(iso_time_t).isoformat() + "Z" ++ ) ++ break ++ except OSError: ++ pass ++ ++ if iso_time is None: ++ log.debug('Unable to get package installation time for package "%s".', pkg) ++ ++ return iso_time, iso_time_t + + + def _get_pkg_ds_avail(): +@@ -394,6 +449,15 @@ def info(*packages, **kwargs): + + .. versionadded:: 2016.11.3 + ++ attr ++ Comma-separated package attributes. If no 'attr' is specified, all available attributes returned. ++ ++ Valid attributes are: ++ version, vendor, release, build_date, build_date_time_t, install_date, install_date_time_t, ++ build_host, group, source_rpm, arch, epoch, size, license, signature, packager, url, summary, description. ++ ++ .. versionadded:: Neon ++ + CLI Example: + + .. code-block:: bash +@@ -408,6 +472,10 @@ def info(*packages, **kwargs): + + kwargs = salt.utils.args.clean_kwargs(**kwargs) + failhard = kwargs.pop("failhard", True) ++ attr = kwargs.pop("attr", None) or None ++ if attr: ++ attr = attr.split(",") ++ + if kwargs: + salt.utils.args.invalid_kwargs(kwargs) + +@@ -435,6 +503,14 @@ def info(*packages, **kwargs): + lic = _get_pkg_license(pkg["package"]) + if lic: + pkg["license"] = lic +- ret[pkg["package"]] = pkg ++ ++ # Remove keys that aren't in attrs ++ pkg_name = pkg["package"] ++ if attr: ++ for k in list(pkg.keys())[:]: ++ if k not in attr: ++ del pkg[k] ++ ++ ret[pkg_name] = pkg + + return ret +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +index b69402578a..4226957eeb 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +@@ -360,6 +360,58 @@ def test_info_installed(lowpkg_info_var): + assert len(aptpkg.info_installed()) == 1 + + ++def test_info_installed_attr(lowpkg_info_var): ++ """ ++ Test info_installed 'attr'. ++ This doesn't test 'attr' behaviour per se, since the underlying function is in dpkg. ++ The test should simply not raise exceptions for invalid parameter. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ expected_pkg = { ++ "url": "", ++ "packager": "Ubuntu Developers ", ++ "name": "wget", ++ "install_date": "2016-08-30T22:20:15Z", ++ "description": "retrieves files from the web", ++ "version": "1.15-1ubuntu1.14.04.2", ++ "architecture": "amd64", ++ "group": "web", ++ "source": "wget", ++ } ++ mock = MagicMock(return_value=lowpkg_info_var) ++ with patch.dict(aptpkg.__salt__, {"": mock}): ++ ret = aptpkg.info_installed("wget", attr="foo,bar") ++ assert ret["wget"] == expected_pkg ++ ++ ++def test_info_installed_all_versions(lowpkg_info_var): ++ """ ++ Test info_installed 'all_versions'. ++ Since Debian won't return same name packages with the different names, ++ this should just return different structure, backward compatible with ++ the RPM equivalents. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ expected_pkg = { ++ "url": "", ++ "packager": "Ubuntu Developers ", ++ "name": "wget", ++ "install_date": "2016-08-30T22:20:15Z", ++ "description": "retrieves files from the web", ++ "version": "1.15-1ubuntu1.14.04.2", ++ "architecture": "amd64", ++ "group": "web", ++ "source": "wget", ++ } ++ mock = MagicMock(return_value=lowpkg_info_var) ++ with patch.dict(aptpkg.__salt__, {"": mock}): ++ ret = aptpkg.info_installed("wget", all_versions=True) ++ assert isinstance(ret, dict) ++ assert ret["wget"] == [expected_pkg] ++ ++ + def test_owner(): + """ + Test - Return the name of the package that owns the file. +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/decode-oscap-byte-stream-to-string-bsc-1219001.patch b/decode-oscap-byte-stream-to-string-bsc-1219001.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3cca99d --- /dev/null +++ b/decode-oscap-byte-stream-to-string-bsc-1219001.patch @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +From 45b97042766e15a4336b141b40a03d68156771bc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Marek Czernek +Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2024 16:16:02 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Decode oscap byte stream to string (bsc#1219001) + +--- + salt/modules/ | 5 +++-- + tests/unit/modules/ | 10 +++++----- + 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 216fd89eef..89712ae722 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -152,10 +152,11 @@ def xccdf_eval(xccdffile, ovalfiles=None, **kwargs): + if success: + tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() + proc = Popen(cmd_opts, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=tempdir) +- (stdoutdata, error) = proc.communicate() ++ (_, error) = proc.communicate() ++ error = error.decode('ascii', errors='ignore') + success = _OSCAP_EXIT_CODES_MAP.get(proc.returncode, False) + if proc.returncode < 0: +- error += "\nKilled by signal {}\n".format(proc.returncode).encode('ascii') ++ error += "\nKilled by signal {}\n".format(proc.returncode) + returncode = proc.returncode + if success: + __salt__["cp.push_dir"](tempdir) +diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/ +index 301c1869ec..6fbdfed7cf 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/unit/modules/ +@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ class OpenscapTestCase(TestCase): + "salt.modules.openscap.Popen", + MagicMock( + return_value=Mock( +- **{"returncode": 0, "communicate.return_value": ("", "")} ++ **{"returncode": 0, "communicate.return_value": (bytes(0), bytes(0))} + ) + ), + ): +@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ class OpenscapTestCase(TestCase): + "salt.modules.openscap.Popen", + MagicMock( + return_value=Mock( +- **{"returncode": 0, "communicate.return_value": ("", "")} ++ **{"returncode": 0, "communicate.return_value": (bytes(0), bytes(0))} + ) + ), + ): +@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ class OpenscapTestCase(TestCase): + "salt.modules.openscap.Popen", + MagicMock( + return_value=Mock( +- **{"returncode": 2, "communicate.return_value": ("", "some error")} ++ **{"returncode": 2, "communicate.return_value": (bytes(0), bytes("some error", "UTF-8"))} + ) + ), + ): +@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ class OpenscapTestCase(TestCase): + "salt.modules.openscap.Popen", + MagicMock( + return_value=Mock( +- **{"returncode": 2, "communicate.return_value": ("", "some error")} ++ **{"returncode": 2, "communicate.return_value": (bytes(0), bytes("some error", "UTF-8"))} + ) + ), + ): +@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ class OpenscapTestCase(TestCase): + return_value=Mock( + **{ + "returncode": 1, +- "communicate.return_value": ("", "evaluation error"), ++ "communicate.return_value": (bytes(0), bytes("evaluation error", "UTF-8")), + } + ) + ), +-- +2.43.0 + diff --git a/define-__virtualname__-for-transactional_update-modu.patch b/define-__virtualname__-for-transactional_update-modu.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b6509b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/define-__virtualname__-for-transactional_update-modu.patch @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +From f02e97df14e4927efbb5ddd3a2bbc5a650330b9e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Fri, 26 May 2023 16:50:51 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Define __virtualname__ for transactional_update module + (#582) + +This prevent problems with LazyLoader when importing this module, +which was wrongly exposing functions for this module under "state.*" +--- + salt/modules/ | 4 +++- + 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 6493966782..658ebccc6b 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -285,6 +285,8 @@ from salt.modules.state import _check_queue, _prior_running_states, _wait, runni + + __func_alias__ = {"apply_": "apply"} + ++__virtualname__ = "transactional_update" ++ + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + +@@ -300,7 +302,7 @@ def __virtual__(): + _prior_running_states, globals() + ) + running = salt.utils.functools.namespaced_function(running, globals()) +- return True ++ return __virtualname__ + else: + return (False, "Module transactional_update requires a transactional system") + +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/dereference-symlinks-to-set-proper-__cli-opt-bsc-121.patch b/dereference-symlinks-to-set-proper-__cli-opt-bsc-121.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..55058a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/dereference-symlinks-to-set-proper-__cli-opt-bsc-121.patch @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +From 9942c488b1e74f2c6f187fcef3556fe53382bb4c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2023 15:04:14 +0000 +Subject: [PATCH] Dereference symlinks to set proper __cli opt + (bsc#1215963) (#611) + +* Dereference symlinks to set proper __cli + +* Add changelog entry + +* Add unit tests to check path is expanded + +--------- + +Co-authored-by: vzhestkov +--- + changelog/ | 1 + + salt/config/ | 8 ++++++-- + tests/pytests/unit/config/ | 13 +++++++++++++ + tests/pytests/unit/config/ | 13 +++++++++++++ + 4 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) + create mode 100644 changelog/ + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/unit/config/ + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/unit/config/ + +diff --git a/changelog/ b/changelog/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..5fa532891d +--- /dev/null ++++ b/changelog/ +@@ -0,0 +1 @@ ++Dereference symlinks to set proper __cli opt +diff --git a/salt/config/ b/salt/config/ +index 43182f3f92..d8258a4dbc 100644 +--- a/salt/config/ ++++ b/salt/config/ +@@ -3747,7 +3747,9 @@ def apply_minion_config( + ) + opts["fileserver_backend"][idx] = new_val + +- opts["__cli"] = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) ++ opts["__cli"] = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode( ++ os.path.basename(salt.utils.path.expand(sys.argv[0])) ++ ) + + # No ID provided. Will getfqdn save us? + using_ip_for_id = False +@@ -3949,7 +3951,9 @@ def apply_master_config(overrides=None, defaults=None): + ) + opts["keep_acl_in_token"] = True + +- opts["__cli"] = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) ++ opts["__cli"] = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode( ++ os.path.basename(salt.utils.path.expand(sys.argv[0])) ++ ) + + if "environment" in opts: + if opts["saltenv"] is not None: +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/config/ b/tests/pytests/unit/config/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..c9de8a7892 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/config/ +@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ ++import salt.config ++from import MagicMock, patch ++ ++ ++def test___cli_path_is_expanded(): ++ defaults = salt.config.DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS.copy() ++ overrides = {} ++ with patch( ++ "salt.utils.path.expand", MagicMock(return_value="/path/to/testcli") ++ ) as expand_mock: ++ opts = salt.config.apply_master_config(overrides, defaults) ++ assert expand_mock.called ++ assert opts["__cli"] == "testcli" +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/config/ b/tests/pytests/unit/config/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..34aa84daa7 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/config/ +@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ ++import salt.config ++from import MagicMock, patch ++ ++ ++def test___cli_path_is_expanded(): ++ defaults = salt.config.DEFAULT_MINION_OPTS.copy() ++ overrides = {} ++ with patch( ++ "salt.utils.path.expand", MagicMock(return_value="/path/to/testcli") ++ ) as expand_mock: ++ opts = salt.config.apply_minion_config(overrides, defaults) ++ assert expand_mock.called ++ assert opts["__cli"] == "testcli" +-- +2.42.0 + + diff --git a/discover-both-.yml-and-.yaml-playbooks-bsc-1211888.patch b/discover-both-.yml-and-.yaml-playbooks-bsc-1211888.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5aefe29 --- /dev/null +++ b/discover-both-.yml-and-.yaml-playbooks-bsc-1211888.patch @@ -0,0 +1,188 @@ +From 05fbd376090c5d7f997c510db0abb62be54d6d40 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Johannes Hahn +Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2024 15:38:08 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Discover both *.yml and *.yaml playbooks (bsc#1211888) + +Allow for 'playbook_extension' to be either a string or a tuple and +change the default behavior to discover both. +--- + changelog/ | 1 + + salt/modules/ | 46 +++++++++---------- + .../pytests/unit/modules/ | 3 ++ + .../example_playbooks/playbook1.yaml | 5 ++ + 4 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-) + create mode 100644 changelog/ + create mode 100644 tests/unit/files/playbooks/example_playbooks/playbook1.yaml + +diff --git a/changelog/ b/changelog/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..b042e0d313 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/changelog/ +@@ -0,0 +1 @@ ++Ansiblegate discover_playbooks was changed to find playbooks as either *.yml or *.yaml files +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 2f60a7444f..920c374e5a 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ def __virtual__(): + if proc.returncode != 0: + return ( + False, +- "Failed to get the listing of ansible modules:\n{}".format(proc.stderr), ++ f"Failed to get the listing of ansible modules:\n{proc.stderr}", + ) + + module_funcs = dir(sys.modules[__name__]) +@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ def call(module, *args, **kwargs): + _kwargs = {k: v for (k, v) in kwargs.items() if not k.startswith("__pub")} + + for key, value in _kwargs.items(): +- module_args.append("{}={}".format(key, salt.utils.json.dumps(value))) ++ module_args.append(f"{key}={salt.utils.json.dumps(value)}") + + with NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w") as inventory: + +@@ -367,15 +367,15 @@ def playbooks( + if diff: + command.append("--diff") + if isinstance(extra_vars, dict): +- command.append("--extra-vars='{}'".format(json.dumps(extra_vars))) ++ command.append(f"--extra-vars='{json.dumps(extra_vars)}'") + elif isinstance(extra_vars, str) and extra_vars.startswith("@"): +- command.append("--extra-vars={}".format(extra_vars)) ++ command.append(f"--extra-vars={extra_vars}") + if flush_cache: + command.append("--flush-cache") + if inventory: +- command.append("--inventory={}".format(inventory)) ++ command.append(f"--inventory={inventory}") + if limit: +- command.append("--limit={}".format(limit)) ++ command.append(f"--limit={limit}") + if list_hosts: + command.append("--list-hosts") + if list_tags: +@@ -383,25 +383,25 @@ def playbooks( + if list_tasks: + command.append("--list-tasks") + if module_path: +- command.append("--module-path={}".format(module_path)) ++ command.append(f"--module-path={module_path}") + if skip_tags: +- command.append("--skip-tags={}".format(skip_tags)) ++ command.append(f"--skip-tags={skip_tags}") + if start_at_task: +- command.append("--start-at-task={}".format(start_at_task)) ++ command.append(f"--start-at-task={start_at_task}") + if syntax_check: + command.append("--syntax-check") + if tags: +- command.append("--tags={}".format(tags)) ++ command.append(f"--tags={tags}") + if playbook_kwargs: + for key, value in playbook_kwargs.items(): + key = key.replace("_", "-") + if value is True: +- command.append("--{}".format(key)) ++ command.append(f"--{key}") + elif isinstance(value, str): +- command.append("--{}={}".format(key, value)) ++ command.append(f"--{key}={value}") + elif isinstance(value, dict): +- command.append("--{}={}".format(key, json.dumps(value))) +- command.append("--forks={}".format(forks)) ++ command.append(f"--{key}={json.dumps(value)}") ++ command.append(f"--forks={forks}") + cmd_kwargs = { + "env": { + "ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK": "json", +@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ def discover_playbooks( + List of paths to discover playbooks from. + + :param playbook_extension: +- File extension of playbooks file to search for. Default: "yml" ++ File extension(s) of playbook files to search for, can be a string or tuple of strings. Default: (".yml", ".yaml") + + :param hosts_filename: + Filename of custom playbook inventory to search for. Default: "hosts" +@@ -533,19 +533,17 @@ def discover_playbooks( + ) + + if not playbook_extension: +- playbook_extension = "yml" ++ playbook_extension = (".yml", ".yaml") + if not hosts_filename: + hosts_filename = "hosts" + + if path: + if not os.path.isabs(path): + raise CommandExecutionError( +- "The given path is not an absolute path: {}".format(path) ++ f"The given path is not an absolute path: {path}" + ) + if not os.path.isdir(path): +- raise CommandExecutionError( +- "The given path is not a directory: {}".format(path) +- ) ++ raise CommandExecutionError(f"The given path is not a directory: {path}") + return { + path: _explore_path(path, playbook_extension, hosts_filename, syntax_check) + } +@@ -573,7 +571,7 @@ def _explore_path(path, playbook_extension, hosts_filename, syntax_check): + # Check files in the given path + for _f in os.listdir(path): + _path = os.path.join(path, _f) +- if os.path.isfile(_path) and _path.endswith("." + playbook_extension): ++ if os.path.isfile(_path) and _path.endswith(playbook_extension): + ret[_f] = {"fullpath": _path} + # Check for custom inventory file + if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, hosts_filename)): +@@ -584,9 +582,7 @@ def _explore_path(path, playbook_extension, hosts_filename, syntax_check): + # Check files in the 1st level of subdirectories + for _f2 in os.listdir(_path): + _path2 = os.path.join(_path, _f2) +- if os.path.isfile(_path2) and _path2.endswith( +- "." + playbook_extension +- ): ++ if os.path.isfile(_path2) and _path2.endswith(playbook_extension): + ret[os.path.join(_f, _f2)] = {"fullpath": _path2} + # Check for custom inventory file + if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(_path, hosts_filename)): +@@ -599,7 +595,7 @@ def _explore_path(path, playbook_extension, hosts_filename, syntax_check): + ) + except Exception as exc: + raise CommandExecutionError( +- "There was an exception while discovering playbooks: {}".format(exc) ++ f"There was an exception while discovering playbooks: {exc}" + ) + + # Run syntax check validation +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +index 6201809c22..272da721bf 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +@@ -198,6 +198,9 @@ def test_ansible_discover_playbooks_single_path(): + assert ret[playbooks_dir]["playbook1.yml"] == { + "fullpath": os.path.join(playbooks_dir, "playbook1.yml") + } ++ assert ret[playbooks_dir]["playbook1.yaml"] == { ++ "fullpath": os.path.join(playbooks_dir, "playbook1.yaml") ++ } + assert ret[playbooks_dir]["example-playbook2/site.yml"] == { + "fullpath": os.path.join(playbooks_dir, "example-playbook2/site.yml"), + "custom_inventory": os.path.join(playbooks_dir, "example-playbook2/hosts"), +diff --git a/tests/unit/files/playbooks/example_playbooks/playbook1.yaml b/tests/unit/files/playbooks/example_playbooks/playbook1.yaml +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..e258a101e1 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/unit/files/playbooks/example_playbooks/playbook1.yaml +@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ ++--- ++- hosts: all ++ gather_facts: false ++ tasks: ++ - ping: +-- +2.43.1 + diff --git a/dnfnotify-pkgset-plugin-implementation-3002.2-450.patch b/dnfnotify-pkgset-plugin-implementation-3002.2-450.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..388222d --- /dev/null +++ b/dnfnotify-pkgset-plugin-implementation-3002.2-450.patch @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +From c2a35c0c0aac093d0cc35181c1fda0162e22ac4c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov <> +Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2021 18:09:53 +0300 +Subject: [PATCH] dnfnotify pkgset plugin implementation - 3002.2 (#450) + +* dnfnotify pkgset plugin implementation + +* Fix failing check + +* Add error reporting if not possible to save cookie + +* Try to create dir if not exists + +* Show the exception message instead of file name + +* Fix isort +--- + scripts/suse/dnf/plugins/ | 21 +++++++++ + scripts/suse/dnf/plugins/dnfnotify.conf | 2 + + scripts/suse/dnf/plugins/ | 60 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ + 3 files changed, 83 insertions(+) + create mode 100644 scripts/suse/dnf/plugins/ + create mode 100644 scripts/suse/dnf/plugins/dnfnotify.conf + create mode 100644 scripts/suse/dnf/plugins/ + +diff --git a/scripts/suse/dnf/plugins/ b/scripts/suse/dnf/plugins/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..b19428608e +--- /dev/null ++++ b/scripts/suse/dnf/plugins/ +@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ ++## What it is ++ ++Plugin which provides a notification mechanism to Salt, if DNF is ++used outside of it. ++ ++## Installation ++ ++Configuration files are going to: ++ ++ `/etc/dnf/plugins/[name].conf` ++ ++Plugin itself goes to: ++ ++ `%{python_sitelib}/dnf-plugins/[name].py` ++ The path to dnf-plugins directory is Python version dependant. ++ ++## Permissions ++ ++User: root ++Group: root ++Mode: 644 +diff --git a/scripts/suse/dnf/plugins/dnfnotify.conf b/scripts/suse/dnf/plugins/dnfnotify.conf +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..e7002aa3e9 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/scripts/suse/dnf/plugins/dnfnotify.conf +@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ ++[main] ++enabled = 1 +diff --git a/scripts/suse/dnf/plugins/ b/scripts/suse/dnf/plugins/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..6e9df85f71 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/scripts/suse/dnf/plugins/ +@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ ++import hashlib ++import os ++ ++import dnf ++from dnfpluginscore import _, logger ++ ++ ++class DnfNotifyPlugin(dnf.Plugin): ++ def __init__(self, base, cli): ++ super().__init__(base, cli) ++ self.base = base ++ self.cookie_file = "/var/cache/salt/minion/rpmdb.cookie" ++ if os.path.exists("/var/lib/rpm/rpmdb.sqlite"): ++ self.rpmdb_file = "/var/lib/rpm/rpmdb.sqlite" ++ else: ++ self.rpmdb_file = "/var/lib/rpm/Packages" ++ ++ def transaction(self): ++ if "SALT_RUNNING" not in os.environ: ++ try: ++ ck_dir = os.path.dirname(self.cookie_file) ++ if not os.path.exists(ck_dir): ++ os.makedirs(ck_dir) ++ with open(self.cookie_file, "w") as ck_fh: ++ ck_fh.write( ++ "{chksum} {mtime}\n".format( ++ chksum=self._get_checksum(), mtime=self._get_mtime() ++ ) ++ ) ++ except OSError as e: ++ logger.error(_("Unable to save cookie file: %s"), e) ++ ++ def _get_mtime(self): ++ """ ++ Get the modified time of the RPM Database. ++ ++ Returns: ++ Unix ticks ++ """ ++ return ( ++ os.path.exists(self.rpmdb_file) ++ and int(os.path.getmtime(self.rpmdb_file)) ++ or 0 ++ ) ++ ++ def _get_checksum(self): ++ """ ++ Get the checksum of the RPM Database. ++ ++ Returns: ++ hexdigest ++ """ ++ digest = hashlib.sha256() ++ with open(self.rpmdb_file, "rb") as rpm_db_fh: ++ while True: ++ buff = ++ if not buff: ++ break ++ digest.update(buff) ++ return digest.hexdigest() +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/do-not-call-the-async-wrapper-calls-with-the-separat.patch b/do-not-call-the-async-wrapper-calls-with-the-separat.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f4368b --- /dev/null +++ b/do-not-call-the-async-wrapper-calls-with-the-separat.patch @@ -0,0 +1,254 @@ +From 4021f938ed1b64acd47ccaefc111197a1118ee4f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Wed, 15 May 2024 11:48:46 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Do not call the async wrapper calls with the separate + thread + +* Do not run method with the distinct thread + +* Move to pytests +--- + salt/utils/ | 25 +---- + tests/pytests/unit/utils/ | 92 +++++++++++++++++++ + tests/unit/utils/ | 81 ---------------- + 3 files changed, 94 insertions(+), 104 deletions(-) + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/unit/utils/ + delete mode 100644 tests/unit/utils/ + +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index 88596a4a20..55a50cbcbf 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -2,11 +2,8 @@ + Helpers/utils for working with tornado asynchronous stuff + """ + +- + import contextlib + import logging +-import sys +-import threading + + import salt.ext.tornado.concurrent + import salt.ext.tornado.ioloop +@@ -111,30 +108,12 @@ class SyncWrapper: + + def _wrap(self, key): + def wrap(*args, **kwargs): +- results = [] +- thread = threading.Thread( +- target=self._target, +- args=(key, args, kwargs, results, self.io_loop), ++ return self.io_loop.run_sync( ++ lambda: getattr(self.obj, key)(*args, **kwargs) + ) +- thread.start() +- thread.join() +- if results[0]: +- return results[1] +- else: +- exc_info = results[1] +- raise exc_info[1].with_traceback(exc_info[2]) + + return wrap + +- def _target(self, key, args, kwargs, results, io_loop): +- try: +- result = io_loop.run_sync(lambda: getattr(self.obj, key)(*args, **kwargs)) +- results.append(True) +- results.append(result) +- except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except +- results.append(False) +- results.append(sys.exc_info()) +- + def __enter__(self): + return self + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..2b5613e2bf +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ +@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ ++import tornado.gen ++import tornado.ioloop ++ ++import salt.utils.asynchronous as asynchronous ++ ++ ++class HelperA: ++ ++ async_methods = [ ++ "sleep", ++ ] ++ ++ def __init__(self, io_loop=None): ++ pass ++ ++ @tornado.gen.coroutine ++ def sleep(self): ++ yield tornado.gen.sleep(0.1) ++ raise tornado.gen.Return(True) ++ ++ ++class HelperB: ++ ++ async_methods = [ ++ "sleep", ++ ] ++ ++ def __init__(self, a=None, io_loop=None): ++ if a is None: ++ a = asynchronous.SyncWrapper(HelperA) ++ self.a = a ++ ++ @tornado.gen.coroutine ++ def sleep(self): ++ yield tornado.gen.sleep(0.1) ++ self.a.sleep() ++ raise tornado.gen.Return(False) ++ ++ ++def test_helpers(): ++ """ ++ Test that the helper classes do what we expect within a regular asynchronous env ++ """ ++ io_loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop(make_current=False) ++ ret = io_loop.run_sync(lambda: HelperA().sleep()) ++ assert ret is True ++ ++ ret = io_loop.run_sync(lambda: HelperB().sleep()) ++ assert ret is False ++ ++ ++def test_basic_wrap(): ++ """ ++ Test that we can wrap an asynchronous caller. ++ """ ++ sync = asynchronous.SyncWrapper(HelperA) ++ ret = sync.sleep() ++ assert ret is True ++ ++ ++def test_basic_wrap_series(): ++ """ ++ Test that we can wrap an asynchronous caller and call the method in series. ++ """ ++ sync = asynchronous.SyncWrapper(HelperA) ++ ret = sync.sleep() ++ assert ret is True ++ ret = sync.sleep() ++ assert ret is True ++ ++ ++def test_double(): ++ """ ++ Test when the asynchronous wrapper object itself creates a wrap of another thing ++ ++ This works fine since the second wrap is based on the first's IOLoop so we ++ don't have to worry about complex start/stop mechanics ++ """ ++ sync = asynchronous.SyncWrapper(HelperB) ++ ret = sync.sleep() ++ assert ret is False ++ ++ ++def test_double_sameloop(): ++ """ ++ Test asynchronous wrappers initiated from the same IOLoop, to ensure that ++ we don't wire up both to the same IOLoop (since it causes MANY problems). ++ """ ++ a = asynchronous.SyncWrapper(HelperA) ++ sync = asynchronous.SyncWrapper(HelperB, (a,)) ++ ret = sync.sleep() ++ assert ret is False +diff --git a/tests/unit/utils/ b/tests/unit/utils/ +deleted file mode 100644 +index e5bd974cb6..0000000000 +--- a/tests/unit/utils/ ++++ /dev/null +@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ +-import salt.ext.tornado.gen +-import salt.ext.tornado.testing +-import salt.utils.asynchronous as asynchronous +-from salt.ext.tornado.testing import AsyncTestCase +- +- +-class HelperA: +- +- async_methods = [ +- "sleep", +- ] +- +- def __init__(self, io_loop=None): +- pass +- +- @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine +- def sleep(self): +- yield salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep(0.1) +- raise salt.ext.tornado.gen.Return(True) +- +- +-class HelperB: +- +- async_methods = [ +- "sleep", +- ] +- +- def __init__(self, a=None, io_loop=None): +- if a is None: +- a = asynchronous.SyncWrapper(HelperA) +- self.a = a +- +- @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine +- def sleep(self): +- yield salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep(0.1) +- self.a.sleep() +- raise salt.ext.tornado.gen.Return(False) +- +- +-class TestSyncWrapper(AsyncTestCase): +- @salt.ext.tornado.testing.gen_test +- def test_helpers(self): +- """ +- Test that the helper classes do what we expect within a regular asynchronous env +- """ +- ha = HelperA() +- ret = yield ha.sleep() +- self.assertTrue(ret) +- +- hb = HelperB() +- ret = yield hb.sleep() +- self.assertFalse(ret) +- +- def test_basic_wrap(self): +- """ +- Test that we can wrap an asynchronous caller. +- """ +- sync = asynchronous.SyncWrapper(HelperA) +- ret = sync.sleep() +- self.assertTrue(ret) +- +- def test_double(self): +- """ +- Test when the asynchronous wrapper object itself creates a wrap of another thing +- +- This works fine since the second wrap is based on the first's IOLoop so we +- don't have to worry about complex start/stop mechanics +- """ +- sync = asynchronous.SyncWrapper(HelperB) +- ret = sync.sleep() +- self.assertFalse(ret) +- +- def test_double_sameloop(self): +- """ +- Test asynchronous wrappers initiated from the same IOLoop, to ensure that +- we don't wire up both to the same IOLoop (since it causes MANY problems). +- """ +- a = asynchronous.SyncWrapper(HelperA) +- sync = asynchronous.SyncWrapper(HelperB, (a,)) +- ret = sync.sleep() +- self.assertFalse(ret) +-- +2.45.0 + diff --git a/do-not-fail-on-bad-message-pack-message-bsc-1213441-.patch b/do-not-fail-on-bad-message-pack-message-bsc-1213441-.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8a02fff --- /dev/null +++ b/do-not-fail-on-bad-message-pack-message-bsc-1213441-.patch @@ -0,0 +1,155 @@ +From da544d7ab09899717e57a02321928ceaf3c6465c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2023 11:43:46 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Do not fail on bad message pack message (bsc#1213441, + CVE-2023-20897) (#595) + +* Do not fail on bad message pack message + +Fix unit test after backporting to openSUSE/release/3006.0 + +* Better error message when inconsistent decoded payload + +--------- + +Co-authored-by: Daniel A. Wozniak +--- + salt/channel/ | 10 +++ + salt/transport/ | 6 +- + tests/pytests/unit/transport/ | 69 +++++++++++++++++++++ + 3 files changed, 84 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/salt/channel/ b/salt/channel/ +index a2117f2934..b6d51fef08 100644 +--- a/salt/channel/ ++++ b/salt/channel/ +@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import salt.utils.minions + import salt.utils.platform + import salt.utils.stringutils + import salt.utils.verify ++from salt.exceptions import SaltDeserializationError + from salt.utils.cache import CacheCli + + try: +@@ -252,6 +253,15 @@ class ReqServerChannel: + return False + + def _decode_payload(self, payload): ++ # Sometimes msgpack deserialization of random bytes could be successful, ++ # so we need to ensure payload in good shape to process this function. ++ if ( ++ not isinstance(payload, dict) ++ or "enc" not in payload ++ or "load" not in payload ++ ): ++ raise SaltDeserializationError("bad load received on socket!") ++ + # we need to decrypt it + if payload["enc"] == "aes": + try: +diff --git a/salt/transport/ b/salt/transport/ +index 3ec7f7726c..7cc6b9987f 100644 +--- a/salt/transport/ ++++ b/salt/transport/ +@@ -428,7 +428,11 @@ class RequestServer(salt.transport.base.DaemonizedRequestServer): + + @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine + def handle_message(self, stream, payload): +- payload = self.decode_payload(payload) ++ try: ++ payload = self.decode_payload(payload) ++ except salt.exceptions.SaltDeserializationError: ++{"msg": "bad load"})) ++ return + # XXX: Is header really needed? + reply = yield self.message_handler(payload) + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/transport/ b/tests/pytests/unit/transport/ +index 10bb4917b8..c7cbc53864 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/transport/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/transport/ +@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import threading + import time + import uuid + ++import msgpack + import pytest + + import +@@ -1404,3 +1405,71 @@ async def test_req_chan_auth_v2_new_minion_without_master_pub(pki_dir, io_loop): + assert "sig" in ret + ret = client.auth.handle_signin_response(signin_payload, ret) + assert ret == "retry" ++ ++ ++async def test_req_server_garbage_request(io_loop): ++ """ ++ Validate invalid msgpack messages will not raise exceptions in the ++ RequestServers's message handler. ++ """ ++ opts = salt.config.master_config("") ++ request_server = salt.transport.zeromq.RequestServer(opts) ++ ++ def message_handler(payload): ++ return payload ++ ++ request_server.post_fork(message_handler, io_loop) ++ ++ byts = msgpack.dumps({"foo": "bar"}) ++ badbyts = byts[:3] + b"^M" + byts[3:] ++ ++ valid_response = msgpack.dumps({"msg": "bad load"}) ++ ++ with MagicMock() as stream: ++ = stream ++ ++ try: ++ await request_server.handle_message(stream, badbyts) ++ except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except ++"Exception was raised {}".format(exc)) ++ ++ ++ ++ ++async def test_req_chan_bad_payload_to_decode(pki_dir, io_loop): ++ opts = { ++ "master_uri": "tcp://", ++ "interface": "", ++ "ret_port": 4506, ++ "ipv6": False, ++ "sock_dir": ".", ++ "pki_dir": str(pki_dir.joinpath("minion")), ++ "id": "minion", ++ "__role": "minion", ++ "keysize": 4096, ++ "max_minions": 0, ++ "auto_accept": False, ++ "open_mode": False, ++ "key_pass": None, ++ "publish_port": 4505, ++ "auth_mode": 1, ++ "acceptance_wait_time": 3, ++ "acceptance_wait_time_max": 3, ++ } ++ SMaster.secrets["aes"] = { ++ "secret": multiprocessing.Array( ++ ctypes.c_char, ++ salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(salt.crypt.Crypticle.generate_key_string()), ++ ), ++ "reload": salt.crypt.Crypticle.generate_key_string, ++ } ++ master_opts = dict(opts, pki_dir=str(pki_dir.joinpath("master"))) ++ master_opts["master_sign_pubkey"] = False ++ server = ++ ++ with pytest.raises(salt.exceptions.SaltDeserializationError): ++ server._decode_payload(None) ++ with pytest.raises(salt.exceptions.SaltDeserializationError): ++ server._decode_payload({}) ++ with pytest.raises(salt.exceptions.SaltDeserializationError): ++ server._decode_payload(12345) +-- +2.41.0 + + diff --git a/do-not-load-pip-state-if-there-is-no-3rd-party-depen.patch b/do-not-load-pip-state-if-there-is-no-3rd-party-depen.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..74ff65f --- /dev/null +++ b/do-not-load-pip-state-if-there-is-no-3rd-party-depen.patch @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +From 4060d4cd24ac0fbcf83c1521553921d76c070a57 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Bo Maryniuk +Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2018 17:31:39 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Do not load pip state if there is no 3rd party + dependencies + +Safe import 3rd party dependency +--- + salt/modules/ | 13 ++++++++++++- + 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index c4de0c2984..a60bdca0bb 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -96,6 +96,12 @@ import salt.utils.url + import salt.utils.versions + from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError, CommandNotFoundError + ++try: ++ import pkg_resources ++except ImportError: ++ pkg_resources = None ++ ++ + # This needs to be named logger so we don't shadow it in pip.install + logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # pylint: disable=invalid-name + +@@ -114,7 +120,12 @@ def __virtual__(): + entire filesystem. If it's not installed in a conventional location, the + user is required to provide the location of pip each time it is used. + """ +- return "pip" ++ if pkg_resources is None: ++ ret = False, 'Package dependency "pkg_resource" is missing' ++ else: ++ ret = "pip" ++ ++ return ret + + + def _pip_bin_env(cwd, bin_env): +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/don-t-use-shell-sbin-nologin-in-requisites.patch b/don-t-use-shell-sbin-nologin-in-requisites.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..481d356 --- /dev/null +++ b/don-t-use-shell-sbin-nologin-in-requisites.patch @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +From da6adc6984f21c0d93afff0b0ff55d0eb0ee3e9f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Alexander Graul +Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2021 11:52:00 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Don't use shell="/sbin/nologin" in requisites + +Using shell="/sbin/nologin" in an onlyif/unless requisite does not +really make sense since the condition can't be run. shell=/sbin/nologin +is also a common argument, e.g. for user.present. + +Fixes: bsc#1188259 +--- + salt/ | 9 +++++++-- + 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ +index cb434a91e7..cda84a0fcb 100644 +--- a/salt/ ++++ b/salt/ +@@ -986,9 +986,14 @@ class State: + cmd_opts[run_cmd_arg] = low_data.get(run_cmd_arg) + + if "shell" in low_data and "shell" not in cmd_opts_exclude: +- cmd_opts["shell"] = low_data["shell"] ++ shell = low_data["shell"] + elif "shell" in self.opts["grains"]: +- cmd_opts["shell"] = self.opts["grains"].get("shell") ++ shell = self.opts["grains"].get("shell") ++ else: ++ shell = None ++ # /sbin/nologin always causes the onlyif / unless cmd to fail ++ if shell is not None and shell != "/sbin/nologin": ++ cmd_opts["shell"] = shell + + if "onlyif" in low_data: + _ret = self._run_check_onlyif(low_data, cmd_opts) +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/drop-serial-from-event.unpack-in-cli.batch_async.patch b/drop-serial-from-event.unpack-in-cli.batch_async.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a550031 --- /dev/null +++ b/drop-serial-from-event.unpack-in-cli.batch_async.patch @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +From e7ef0b5a46cc69a9237033d8dc4dbc60c0802a20 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Alexander Graul +Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2022 10:24:26 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Drop serial from event.unpack in cli.batch_async + +--- + salt/cli/ | 3 +-- + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/cli/ b/salt/cli/ +index 09aa85258b..1012ce37cc 100644 +--- a/salt/cli/ ++++ b/salt/cli/ +@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import logging + + import salt.client + import salt.ext.tornado +-import tornado + from salt.cli.batch import batch_get_eauth, batch_get_opts, get_bnum + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) +@@ -109,7 +108,7 @@ class BatchAsync: + if not self.event: + return + try: +- mtag, data = self.event.unpack(raw, self.event.serial) ++ mtag, data = self.event.unpack(raw) + for (pattern, op) in self.patterns: + if mtag.startswith(pattern[:-1]): + minion = data["id"] +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/early-feature-support-config.patch b/early-feature-support-config.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8e66230 --- /dev/null +++ b/early-feature-support-config.patch @@ -0,0 +1,3784 @@ +From 7b47e6f19b38d773a6ec744209753f3d29b094ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Alexander Graul +Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2022 16:40:45 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] early feature: support-config + +Add support script function + +Add salt-support starter + +Initial support wrapper + +Add data collector skeleton + +Add default scenario of the support configuration + +Add main flow for the collector. + +Move support library to its own package + +Add default support collection scenario + +Add logging + +Handle CLI error. + +Update format of the default support scenario + +Default archive name + +Finalise local data collection + +Write archive from memory objects. + +Add colored console outputter for salt-support. + +Use colored outputter + +Add message output class + +Remove try/except capture from the scripts and move to the runner directly + +Implement output highlighter methods for CLI output + +Move scenarios to profiles + +Get return section from the output. Tolerate raw data. + +Implement internal data collector + +Add network stack examination to the default profile + +Add an internal filetree function + +Add a method to discard current session + +Add a method to link a static file to the resulting archive + +Implement internal function caller + +Add internal functions + +Add default root for the one-file support data + +Set output device + +Separate dynamic data and static files on the fs + +Update color theme + +Add ident to the error message + +Report rejected files with the ident + +Reuse system error exceptions and reduce stat on the file check + +Use socket name of the host machine + +Add options for profile and archive settings + +Use archive name from options. + +Get profile by config/options + +Cleanup broken archive on crash/exception + +Use profile from the options/configuration + +Add more colored messages :-) + +Initial implementation of get static profiles + +Update docstring + +Move PostgreSQL profile to its own + +Handle profile listing, do not yield sys.exit on specific module + +Add network profile + +Add Salt's profile + +Uncomment package profile + +Allow several profiles to be specified + +Remove comments, add parameter to get more profiles + +Implement existing configuration finder + +Add options to handle unit configurations + +Pre-parse options prior run() to choose proper configuration target + +Handle arg parse generic errors, unit mis-choose + +Let cleanup be aware of pre-config state + +Fix imports + +Handle exit codes properly + +Allow to overwrite existing archive + +Use py2/3 exceptions equally + +Include exit exception on debugging + +Render profiles as Jinja2, add basic recursive caller to the template of the profile + +Add "users" profile + +Implement basic caller for the profile template + +Add table output renderer + +Fix typo + +Remove table outputter + +Allow default outputters and specify outputters inside the profile + +Remove group.getent from the loop per each user + +Add table outputter to network profile + +Add text outputter to hostname/fqdn data + +Remove network part from the default profile. Add text/table outputters. + +Fix Py3 compat + +Collect status (initial) + +Avoid irrelevant to profile files + +Add job profiles + +Add profile template trace + +Add inspection through the runners + +Allow parameters in callers and runners + +Handle non-dict iterables + +Highlight template content in the trace log + +Add return extractor from the local call returns + +Move local runner to its own namespace + +Lintfix: PEP8 + +Remove duplicate code + +Fix caller return + +Add description tag to the scenario + +Add generic colored message + +Add wrapping function. NOTE: it should be refactored with the other similar functions + +Print description while processing the scenario + +Turn off default profile and print help instead + +Move command-line check before collector + +Do not verify archive if help needs to be printed + +Add console output unit test for indent output + +Fix docstring + +Rename test class + +Refactor test to add setup/teardown + +Add unit test to verify indent + +Use direct constants instead of encoded strings + +Add unit test for color indent rotation check + +Add a test case for Collector class + +Add unit test for closing the archive + +Add unit test for add/write sections on the collector object + +Add test for linking an external file + +Cleanup tests on tear-down method + +Add call count check + +Add unit test for support collection section discard + +Add unittest for SaltSupport's function config preparation + +Fix docstring + +Add unit test for local caller + +Add unit test for local runner + +Add unit test for internal function call + +Add unit test for getting an action description from the action meta + +Add unit test for internal function call + +Add unit test for return extration + +Add unit test for determine action type from the action meta + +Add unit test for cleanup routine + +Fix typo of method name + +Add unit test for check existing archive + +Add test suite for profile testing + +Add unit test for default profile is YAML-parseable + +Add unit test for user template profile rendering + +Update unit test for all non-template profiles parse check + +Add function to render a Jinja2 template by name + +Use template rendering function + +Add unit test on jobs-trace template for runner + +Move function above the tests + +Add current logfile, if defined in configuration + +Bugfix: ignore logfile, if path was not found or not defined or is None + +Lintfix: iteration over .keys() + +Remove template "salt" from non-template checks + +Lintfix: use salt.utils.files.fopen for resource leak prevention + +Lintfix: PEP8 E302: expected 2 blank lines, found 0 + +Lintfix: use salt.utils.files.fopen instead of open + +Lintfix: PEP8 E303: too many blank lines (3) + +Lintfix: Uses of an external blacklisted import 'six': Please use 'import salt.ext.six as six' + +Lintfix: use salt.utils.files.fopen instead of open + +Fix unit tests + +Fix six import + +Mute pylint: file handler explicitly needed + +Lintfix: explicitly close filehandle + +Lintfix: mute fopen warning + +Remove development stub. Ughh... + +Removed blacklist of pkg_resources + +Make profiles a package. + +Add UTF-8 encoding + +Add a docstring + +Support-config non-root permission issues fixes (U#50095) + +Do not crash if there is no configuration available at all + +Handle CLI and log errors + +Catch overwriting exiting archive error by other users + +Suppress excessive tracebacks on error log level + +Add multi-file support and globbing to the filetree (U#50018) + +Add more possible logs + +Support multiple files grabbing + +Collect system logs and boot logs + +Support globbing in filetree + +Add supportconfig module for remote calls and SaltSSH + +Add log collector for remote purposes + +Implement default archive name + +Fix imports + +Implement runner function + +Remove targets data collector function as it is now called by a module instead + +Add external method decorator marker + +Add utility class for detecting exportable methods + +Mark run method as an external function + +Implement function setter + +Fix imports + +Setup config from __opts__ + +Use utility class + +Remove utils class + +Allow specify profile from the API parameter directly + +Rename module by virtual name + +Bypass parent subclass + +Implement profiles listing (local only for now) + +Specify profile from the state/call + +Set default or personalised archive name + +Add archives lister + +Add personalised name element to the archive name + +Use proper args/kwargs to the exported function + +Add archives deletion function + +Change log level when debugging rendered profiles + +Add ability to directly pass profile source when taking local data + +Add pillar profile support + +Remove extra-line + +Fix header + +Change output format for deleting archives + +Refactor logger output format + +Add time/milliseconds to each log notification + +Fix imports + +Switch output destination by context + +Add last archive function + +Lintfix + +Return consistent type + +Change output format for deleted archives report + +Implement report archive syncing to the reporting node + +Send multiple files at once via rsync, instead of send one after another + +Add sync stats formatter + +Change signature: cleanup -> move. Update docstring. + +Flush empty data from the output format + +Report archfiles activity + +Refactor imports + +Do not remove retcode if it is EX_OK + +Do not raise rsync error for undefined archives. + +Update header + +Add salt-support state module + +Move all functions into a callable class object + +Support __call__ function in state and command modules as default entrance that does not need to be specified in SLS state syntax + +Access from the outside only allowed class methods + +Pre-create destination of the archive, preventing single archive copied as a group name + +Handle functions exceptions + +Add unit test scaffold + +Add LogCollector UT for testing regular message + +Add LogCollector UT for testing INFO message + +Add LogCollector UT for testing WARNING message + +Replace hardcoded variables with defined constants + +Add LogCollector UT for testing ERROR message + +Test title attribute in msg method of LogCollector + +Add UT for LogCollector on highlighter method + +Add UT for LogCollector on put method + +Fix docstrings + +Add UT for archive name generator + +Add UT for custom archive name + +Fix docstring for the UT + +Add UT for checking profiles list format + +Add Unit Test for existing archives listing + +Add UT for the last archive function + +Create instance of the support class + +Add UT for successfully deleting all archives + +Add UT for deleting archives with failures + +Add UI for formatting sync stats and order preservation + +Add UT for testing sync failure when no archives has been specified + +Add UT for last picked archive has not found + +Add UT for last specified archive was not found + +Bugfix: do not create an array with None element in it + +Fix UT for found bugfix + +Add UT for syncing no archives failure + +Add UT for sync function + +Add UT for run support function + +Fix docstring for function "run" + +lintfix: use '' and 'patch()' + +Rewrite subdirectory creation and do not rely on Python3-only code + +Lintfix: remove unused imports + +Lintfix: regexp strings + +Break-down oneliner if/else clause + +Use ordered dictionary to preserve order of the state. + +This has transparent effect to the current process: OrderedDict is the +same as just Python dict, except it is preserving order of the state +chunks. + +Refactor state processing class. + +Add __call__ function to process single-id syntax + +Add backward-compatibility with default SLS syntax (id-per-call) + +Lintfix: E1120 no value in argument 'name' for class constructor + +Remove unused import + +Check last function by full name +--- + doc/ref/modules/all/index.rst | 1 + + doc/ref/states/all/index.rst | 1 + + salt/cli/support/ | 76 +++ + salt/cli/support/ | 563 ++++++++++++++++++++++ + salt/cli/support/ | 184 +++++++ + salt/cli/support/ | 51 ++ + salt/cli/support/ | 33 ++ + salt/cli/support/profiles/ | 4 + + salt/cli/support/profiles/default.yml | 78 +++ + salt/cli/support/profiles/jobs-active.yml | 3 + + salt/cli/support/profiles/jobs-last.yml | 3 + + salt/cli/support/profiles/jobs-trace.yml | 7 + + salt/cli/support/profiles/network.yml | 27 ++ + salt/cli/support/profiles/postgres.yml | 11 + + salt/cli/support/profiles/salt.yml | 9 + + salt/cli/support/profiles/users.yml | 22 + + salt/loader/ | 6 +- + salt/modules/ | 405 ++++++++++++++++ + salt/ | 15 + + salt/ | 38 +- + salt/states/ | 225 +++++++++ + salt/utils/ | 3 +- + salt/utils/decorators/ | 24 + + salt/utils/ | 114 +++++ + scripts/salt-support | 11 + + | 2 + + tests/pytests/unit/cli/ | 553 +++++++++++++++++++++ + tests/unit/modules/ | 496 +++++++++++++++++++ + 28 files changed, 2958 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) + create mode 100644 salt/cli/support/ + create mode 100644 salt/cli/support/ + create mode 100644 salt/cli/support/ + create mode 100644 salt/cli/support/ + create mode 100644 salt/cli/support/ + create mode 100644 salt/cli/support/profiles/ + create mode 100644 salt/cli/support/profiles/default.yml + create mode 100644 salt/cli/support/profiles/jobs-active.yml + create mode 100644 salt/cli/support/profiles/jobs-last.yml + create mode 100644 salt/cli/support/profiles/jobs-trace.yml + create mode 100644 salt/cli/support/profiles/network.yml + create mode 100644 salt/cli/support/profiles/postgres.yml + create mode 100644 salt/cli/support/profiles/salt.yml + create mode 100644 salt/cli/support/profiles/users.yml + create mode 100644 salt/modules/ + create mode 100644 salt/states/ + create mode 100755 scripts/salt-support + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/unit/cli/ + create mode 100644 tests/unit/modules/ + +diff --git a/doc/ref/modules/all/index.rst b/doc/ref/modules/all/index.rst +index cbd8b0cdc5..abd40e0bc7 100644 +--- a/doc/ref/modules/all/index.rst ++++ b/doc/ref/modules/all/index.rst +@@ -416,6 +416,7 @@ execution modules + salt_version + saltcheck + saltcloudmod ++ saltsupport + saltutil + schedule + scp_mod +diff --git a/doc/ref/states/all/index.rst b/doc/ref/states/all/index.rst +index 13ff645b59..7a062c227b 100644 +--- a/doc/ref/states/all/index.rst ++++ b/doc/ref/states/all/index.rst +@@ -283,6 +283,7 @@ state modules + rvm + salt_proxy + saltmod ++ saltsupport + saltutil + schedule + selinux +diff --git a/salt/cli/support/ b/salt/cli/support/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..59c2609e07 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/salt/cli/support/ +@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ ++""" ++Get default scenario of the support. ++""" ++import logging ++import os ++ ++import jinja2 ++import salt.exceptions ++import yaml ++ ++log = logging.getLogger(__name__) ++ ++ ++def _render_profile(path, caller, runner): ++ """ ++ Render profile as Jinja2. ++ :param path: ++ :return: ++ """ ++ env = jinja2.Environment( ++ loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(os.path.dirname(path)), trim_blocks=False ++ ) ++ return ( ++ env.get_template(os.path.basename(path)) ++ .render(salt=caller, runners=runner) ++ .strip() ++ ) ++ ++ ++def get_profile(profile, caller, runner): ++ """ ++ Get profile. ++ ++ :param profile: ++ :return: ++ """ ++ profiles = profile.split(",") ++ data = {} ++ for profile in profiles: ++ if os.path.basename(profile) == profile: ++ profile = profile.split(".")[0] # Trim extension if someone added it ++ profile_path = os.path.join( ++ os.path.dirname(__file__), "profiles", profile + ".yml" ++ ) ++ else: ++ profile_path = profile ++ if os.path.exists(profile_path): ++ try: ++ rendered_template = _render_profile(profile_path, caller, runner) ++ log.debug("\n{d}\n{t}\n{d}\n".format(d="-" * 80, t=rendered_template)) ++ data.update(yaml.load(rendered_template)) ++ except Exception as ex: ++ log.debug(ex, exc_info=True) ++ raise salt.exceptions.SaltException( ++ "Rendering profile failed: {}".format(ex) ++ ) ++ else: ++ raise salt.exceptions.SaltException( ++ 'Profile "{}" is not found.'.format(profile) ++ ) ++ ++ return data ++ ++ ++def get_profiles(config): ++ """ ++ Get available profiles. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ profiles = [] ++ for profile_name in os.listdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "profiles")): ++ if profile_name.endswith(".yml"): ++ profiles.append(profile_name.split(".")[0]) ++ ++ return sorted(profiles) +diff --git a/salt/cli/support/ b/salt/cli/support/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..1879cc5220 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/salt/cli/support/ +@@ -0,0 +1,563 @@ ++import builtins as exceptions ++import copy ++import json ++import logging ++import os ++import sys ++import tarfile ++import time ++from io import BytesIO ++from io import IOBase as file ++ ++import salt.cli.caller ++import ++import ++import ++import ++import salt.defaults.exitcodes ++import salt.exceptions ++import salt.ext.six as six ++import salt.output.table_out ++import salt.runner ++import salt.utils.files ++import salt.utils.parsers ++import salt.utils.platform ++import salt.utils.process ++import salt.utils.stringutils ++import salt.utils.verify ++import yaml ++ ++salt.output.table_out.__opts__ = {} ++log = logging.getLogger(__name__) ++ ++ ++class SupportDataCollector: ++ """ ++ Data collector. It behaves just like another outputter, ++ except it grabs the data to the archive files. ++ """ ++ ++ def __init__(self, name, output): ++ """ ++ constructor of the data collector ++ :param name: ++ :param path: ++ :param format: ++ """ ++ self.archive_path = name ++ self.__default_outputter = output ++ self.__format = format ++ self.__arch = None ++ self.__current_section = None ++ self.__current_section_name = None ++ self.__default_root = time.strftime("%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S-snapshot") ++ self.out = ++ ++ def open(self): ++ """ ++ Opens archive. ++ :return: ++ """ ++ if self.__arch is not None: ++ raise salt.exceptions.SaltException("Archive already opened.") ++ self.__arch = tarfile.TarFile.bz2open(self.archive_path, "w") ++ ++ def close(self): ++ """ ++ Closes the archive. ++ :return: ++ """ ++ if self.__arch is None: ++ raise salt.exceptions.SaltException("Archive already closed") ++ self._flush_content() ++ self.__arch.close() ++ self.__arch = None ++ ++ def _flush_content(self): ++ """ ++ Flush content to the archive ++ :return: ++ """ ++ if self.__current_section is not None: ++ buff = BytesIO() ++ buff._dirty = False ++ for action_return in self.__current_section: ++ for title, ret_data in action_return.items(): ++ if isinstance(ret_data, file): ++ self.out.put(, indent=4) ++ self.__arch.add(, ++ else: ++ buff.write(salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(title + "\n")) ++ buff.write( ++ salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(("-" * len(title)) + "\n\n") ++ ) ++ buff.write(salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(ret_data)) ++ buff.write(salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes("\n\n\n")) ++ buff._dirty = True ++ if buff._dirty: ++ ++ tar_info = tarfile.TarInfo( ++ name="{}/{}".format( ++ self.__default_root, self.__current_section_name ++ ) ++ ) ++ if not hasattr(buff, "getbuffer"): # Py2's BytesIO is older ++ buff.getbuffer = buff.getvalue ++ tar_info.size = len(buff.getbuffer()) ++ self.__arch.addfile(tarinfo=tar_info, fileobj=buff) ++ ++ def add(self, name): ++ """ ++ Start a new section. ++ :param name: ++ :return: ++ """ ++ if self.__current_section: ++ self._flush_content() ++ self.discard_current(name) ++ ++ def discard_current(self, name=None): ++ """ ++ Discard current section ++ :return: ++ """ ++ self.__current_section = [] ++ self.__current_section_name = name ++ ++ def _printout(self, data, output): ++ """ ++ Use salt outputter to printout content. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ opts = {"extension_modules": "", "color": False} ++ try: ++ printout = salt.output.get_printout(output, opts)(data) ++ if printout is not None: ++ return printout.rstrip() ++ except (KeyError, AttributeError, TypeError) as err: ++ log.debug(err, exc_info=True) ++ try: ++ printout = salt.output.get_printout("nested", opts)(data) ++ if printout is not None: ++ return printout.rstrip() ++ except (KeyError, AttributeError, TypeError) as err: ++ log.debug(err, exc_info=True) ++ printout = salt.output.get_printout("raw", opts)(data) ++ if printout is not None: ++ return printout.rstrip() ++ ++ return salt.output.try_printout(data, output, opts) ++ ++ def write(self, title, data, output=None): ++ """ ++ Add a data to the current opened section. ++ :return: ++ """ ++ if not isinstance(data, (dict, list, tuple)): ++ data = {"raw-content": str(data)} ++ output = output or self.__default_outputter ++ ++ if output != "null": ++ try: ++ if isinstance(data, dict) and "return" in data: ++ data = data["return"] ++ content = self._printout(data, output) ++ except Exception: # Fall-back to just raw YAML ++ content = None ++ else: ++ content = None ++ ++ if content is None: ++ data = json.loads(json.dumps(data)) ++ if isinstance(data, dict) and data.get("return"): ++ data = data.get("return") ++ content = yaml.safe_dump(data, default_flow_style=False, indent=4) ++ ++ self.__current_section.append({title: content}) ++ ++ def link(self, title, path): ++ """ ++ Add a static file on the file system. ++ ++ :param title: ++ :param path: ++ :return: ++ """ ++ # The filehandler needs to be explicitly passed here, so PyLint needs to accept that. ++ # pylint: disable=W8470 ++ if not isinstance(path, file): ++ path = salt.utils.files.fopen(path) ++ self.__current_section.append({title: path}) ++ # pylint: enable=W8470 ++ ++ ++class SaltSupport(salt.utils.parsers.SaltSupportOptionParser): ++ """ ++ Class to run Salt Support subsystem. ++ """ ++ ++ RUNNER_TYPE = "run" ++ CALL_TYPE = "call" ++ ++ def _setup_fun_config(self, fun_conf): ++ """ ++ Setup function configuration. ++ ++ :param conf: ++ :return: ++ """ ++ conf = copy.deepcopy(self.config) ++ conf["file_client"] = "local" ++ conf["fun"] = "" ++ conf["arg"] = [] ++ conf["kwarg"] = {} ++ conf["cache_jobs"] = False ++ conf["print_metadata"] = False ++ conf.update(fun_conf) ++ conf["fun"] = conf["fun"].split(":")[-1] # Discard typing prefix ++ ++ return conf ++ ++ def _get_runner(self, conf): ++ """ ++ Get & setup runner. ++ ++ :param conf: ++ :return: ++ """ ++ conf = self._setup_fun_config(copy.deepcopy(conf)) ++ if not getattr(self, "_runner", None): ++ self._runner = ++ else: ++ self._runner.opts = conf ++ return self._runner ++ ++ def _get_caller(self, conf): ++ """ ++ Get & setup caller from the factory. ++ ++ :param conf: ++ :return: ++ """ ++ conf = self._setup_fun_config(copy.deepcopy(conf)) ++ if not getattr(self, "_caller", None): ++ self._caller = salt.cli.caller.Caller.factory(conf) ++ else: ++ self._caller.opts = conf ++ return self._caller ++ ++ def _local_call(self, call_conf): ++ """ ++ Execute local call ++ """ ++ try: ++ ret = self._get_caller(call_conf).call() ++ except SystemExit: ++ ret = "Data is not available at this moment" ++ self.out.error(ret) ++ except Exception as ex: ++ ret = "Unhandled exception occurred: {}".format(ex) ++ log.debug(ex, exc_info=True) ++ self.out.error(ret) ++ ++ return ret ++ ++ def _local_run(self, run_conf): ++ """ ++ Execute local runner ++ ++ :param run_conf: ++ :return: ++ """ ++ try: ++ ret = self._get_runner(run_conf).run() ++ except SystemExit: ++ ret = "Runner is not available at this moment" ++ self.out.error(ret) ++ except Exception as ex: ++ ret = "Unhandled exception occurred: {}".format(ex) ++ log.debug(ex, exc_info=True) ++ ++ return ret ++ ++ def _internal_function_call(self, call_conf): ++ """ ++ Call internal function. ++ ++ :param call_conf: ++ :return: ++ """ ++ ++ def stub(*args, **kwargs): ++ message = "Function {} is not available".format(call_conf["fun"]) ++ self.out.error(message) ++ log.debug( ++ 'Attempt to run "{fun}" with {arg} arguments and {kwargs} parameters.'.format( ++ **call_conf ++ ) ++ ) ++ return message ++ ++ return getattr(, call_conf["fun"], stub)( ++ self.collector, *call_conf["arg"], **call_conf["kwargs"] ++ ) ++ ++ def _get_action(self, action_meta): ++ """ ++ Parse action and turn into a calling point. ++ :param action_meta: ++ :return: ++ """ ++ conf = { ++ "fun": list(action_meta.keys())[0], ++ "arg": [], ++ "kwargs": {}, ++ } ++ if not len(conf["fun"].split(".")) - 1: ++ conf[""] = True ++ ++ action_meta = action_meta[conf["fun"]] ++ info = action_meta.get("info", "Action for {}".format(conf["fun"])) ++ for arg in action_meta.get("args") or []: ++ if not isinstance(arg, dict): ++ conf["arg"].append(arg) ++ else: ++ conf["kwargs"].update(arg) ++ ++ return info, action_meta.get("output"), conf ++ ++ def collect_internal_data(self): ++ """ ++ Dumps current running pillars, configuration etc. ++ :return: ++ """ ++ section = "configuration" ++ self.out.put(section) ++ self.collector.add(section) ++ self.out.put("Saving config", indent=2) ++ self.collector.write("General Configuration", self.config) ++ self.out.put("Saving pillars", indent=2) ++ self.collector.write( ++ "Active Pillars", self._local_call({"fun": "pillar.items"}) ++ ) ++ ++ section = "highstate" ++ self.out.put(section) ++ self.collector.add(section) ++ self.out.put("Saving highstate", indent=2) ++ self.collector.write( ++ "Rendered highstate", self._local_call({"fun": "state.show_highstate"}) ++ ) ++ ++ def _extract_return(self, data): ++ """ ++ Extracts return data from the results. ++ ++ :param data: ++ :return: ++ """ ++ if isinstance(data, dict): ++ data = data.get("return", data) ++ ++ return data ++ ++ def collect_local_data(self, profile=None, profile_source=None): ++ """ ++ Collects master system data. ++ :return: ++ """ ++ ++ def call(func, *args, **kwargs): ++ """ ++ Call wrapper for templates ++ :param func: ++ :return: ++ """ ++ return self._extract_return( ++ self._local_call({"fun": func, "arg": args, "kwarg": kwargs}) ++ ) ++ ++ def run(func, *args, **kwargs): ++ """ ++ Runner wrapper for templates ++ :param func: ++ :return: ++ """ ++ return self._extract_return( ++ self._local_run({"fun": func, "arg": args, "kwarg": kwargs}) ++ ) ++ ++ scenario = profile_source or ++ profile or self.config["support_profile"], call, run ++ ) ++ for category_name in scenario: ++ self.out.put(category_name) ++ self.collector.add(category_name) ++ for action in scenario[category_name]: ++ if not action: ++ continue ++ action_name = next(iter(action)) ++ if not isinstance(action[action_name], str): ++ info, output, conf = self._get_action(action) ++ action_type = self._get_action_type( ++ action ++ ) # run: for runners ++ if action_type == self.RUNNER_TYPE: ++ self.out.put("Running {}".format(info.lower()), indent=2) ++ self.collector.write(info, self._local_run(conf), output=output) ++ elif action_type == self.CALL_TYPE: ++ if not conf.get(""): ++ self.out.put("Collecting {}".format(info.lower()), indent=2) ++ self.collector.write( ++ info, self._local_call(conf), output=output ++ ) ++ else: ++ self.collector.discard_current() ++ self._internal_function_call(conf) ++ else: ++ self.out.error( ++ 'Unknown action type "{}" for action: {}'.format( ++ action_type, action ++ ) ++ ) ++ else: ++ # TODO: This needs to be moved then to the utils. ++ # But the code is not yet there (other PRs) ++ self.out.msg( ++ "\n".join([action_name])), ++ ident=2, ++ ) ++ ++ def _get_action_type(self, action): ++ """ ++ Get action type. ++ :param action: ++ :return: ++ """ ++ action_name = next(iter(action or {"": None})) ++ if ":" not in action_name: ++ action_name = "{}:{}".format(self.CALL_TYPE, action_name) ++ ++ return action_name.split(":")[0] or None ++ ++ def _cleanup(self): ++ """ ++ Cleanup if crash/exception ++ :return: ++ """ ++ if ( ++ hasattr(self, "config") ++ and self.config.get("support_archive") ++ and os.path.exists(self.config["support_archive"]) ++ ): ++ self.out.warning("Terminated earlier, cleaning up") ++ try: ++ os.unlink(self.config["support_archive"]) ++ except Exception as err: ++ log.debug(err) ++ self.out.error("{} while cleaning up.".format(err)) ++ ++ def _check_existing_archive(self): ++ """ ++ Check if archive exists or not. If exists and --force was not specified, ++ bail out. Otherwise remove it and move on. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ if os.path.exists(self.config["support_archive"]): ++ if self.config["support_archive_force_overwrite"]: ++ self.out.warning( ++ "Overwriting existing archive: {}".format( ++ self.config["support_archive"] ++ ) ++ ) ++ try: ++ os.unlink(self.config["support_archive"]) ++ except Exception as err: ++ log.debug(err) ++ self.out.error( ++ "{} while trying to overwrite existing archive.".format(err) ++ ) ++ ret = True ++ else: ++ self.out.warning( ++ "File {} already exists.".format(self.config["support_archive"]) ++ ) ++ ret = False ++ else: ++ ret = True ++ ++ return ret ++ ++ def run(self): ++ exit_code = salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_OK ++ self.out = ++ try: ++ self.parse_args() ++ except (Exception, SystemExit) as ex: ++ if not isinstance(ex, exceptions.SystemExit): ++ exit_code = salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_GENERIC ++ self.out.error(ex) ++ elif isinstance(ex, exceptions.SystemExit): ++ exit_code = ex.code ++ else: ++ exit_code = salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_GENERIC ++ self.out.error(ex) ++ else: ++ if self.config["log_level"] not in ("quiet",): ++ self.setup_logfile_logger() ++ salt.utils.verify.verify_log(self.config) ++ = log # Pass update logger so trace is available ++ ++ if self.config["support_profile_list"]: ++ self.out.put("List of available profiles:") ++ for idx, profile in enumerate( ++ ++ ): ++ msg_template = " {}. ".format(idx + 1) + "{}" ++ self.out.highlight(msg_template, profile) ++ exit_code = salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_OK ++ elif self.config["support_show_units"]: ++ self.out.put("List of available units:") ++ for idx, unit in enumerate(self.find_existing_configs(None)): ++ msg_template = " {}. ".format(idx + 1) + "{}" ++ self.out.highlight(msg_template, unit) ++ exit_code = salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_OK ++ else: ++ if not self.config["support_profile"]: ++ self.print_help() ++ raise SystemExit() ++ ++ if self._check_existing_archive(): ++ try: ++ self.collector = SupportDataCollector( ++ self.config["support_archive"], ++ output=self.config["support_output_format"], ++ ) ++ except Exception as ex: ++ self.out.error(ex) ++ exit_code = salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_GENERIC ++ log.debug(ex, exc_info=True) ++ else: ++ try: ++ ++ self.collect_local_data() ++ self.collect_internal_data() ++ self.collector.close() ++ ++ archive_path = self.collector.archive_path ++ self.out.highlight( ++ '\nSupport data has been written to "{}" file.\n', ++ archive_path, ++ _main="YELLOW", ++ ) ++ except Exception as ex: ++ self.out.error(ex) ++ log.debug(ex, exc_info=True) ++ exit_code = salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_SOFTWARE ++ ++ if exit_code: ++ self._cleanup() ++ ++ sys.exit(exit_code) +diff --git a/salt/cli/support/ b/salt/cli/support/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..266b645479 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/salt/cli/support/ +@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ ++""" ++Collection of tools to report messages to console. ++ ++NOTE: This is subject to incorporate other formatting bits ++ from all around everywhere and then to be moved to utils. ++""" ++ ++ ++import os ++import sys ++import textwrap ++ ++import salt.utils.color ++ ++ ++class IndentOutput: ++ """ ++ Paint different indends in different output. ++ """ ++ ++ def __init__(self, conf=None, device=sys.stdout): ++ if conf is None: ++ conf = {0: "CYAN", 2: "GREEN", 4: "LIGHT_BLUE", 6: "BLUE"} ++ self._colors_conf = conf ++ self._device = device ++ self._colors = salt.utils.color.get_colors() ++ self._default_color = "GREEN" ++ self._default_hl_color = "LIGHT_GREEN" ++ ++ def put(self, message, indent=0): ++ """ ++ Print message with an indent. ++ ++ :param message: ++ :param indent: ++ :return: ++ """ ++ color = self._colors_conf.get( ++ indent + indent % 2, self._colors_conf.get(0, self._default_color) ++ ) ++ ++ for chunk in [" " * indent, self._colors[color], message, self._colors["ENDC"]]: ++ self._device.write(str(chunk)) ++ self._device.write(os.linesep) ++ self._device.flush() ++ ++ ++class MessagesOutput(IndentOutput): ++ """ ++ Messages output to the CLI. ++ """ ++ ++ def msg(self, message, title=None, title_color=None, color="BLUE", ident=0): ++ """ ++ Hint message. ++ ++ :param message: ++ :param title: ++ :param title_color: ++ :param color: ++ :param ident: ++ :return: ++ """ ++ if title and not title_color: ++ title_color = color ++ if title_color and not title: ++ title_color = None ++ ++ self.__colored_output(title, message, title_color, color, ident=ident) ++ ++ def info(self, message, ident=0): ++ """ ++ Write an info message to the CLI. ++ ++ :param message: ++ :param ident: ++ :return: ++ """ ++ self.__colored_output("Info", message, "GREEN", "LIGHT_GREEN", ident=ident) ++ ++ def warning(self, message, ident=0): ++ """ ++ Write a warning message to the CLI. ++ ++ :param message: ++ :param ident: ++ :return: ++ """ ++ self.__colored_output("Warning", message, "YELLOW", "LIGHT_YELLOW", ident=ident) ++ ++ def error(self, message, ident=0): ++ """ ++ Write an error message to the CLI. ++ ++ :param message: ++ :param ident ++ :return: ++ """ ++ self.__colored_output("Error", message, "RED", "LIGHT_RED", ident=ident) ++ ++ def __colored_output(self, title, message, title_color, message_color, ident=0): ++ if title and not title.endswith(":"): ++ _linesep = title.endswith(os.linesep) ++ title = "{}:{}".format(title.strip(), _linesep and os.linesep or " ") ++ ++ for chunk in [ ++ title_color and self._colors[title_color] or None, ++ " " * ident, ++ title, ++ self._colors[message_color], ++ message, ++ self._colors["ENDC"], ++ ]: ++ if chunk: ++ self._device.write(str(chunk)) ++ self._device.write(os.linesep) ++ self._device.flush() ++ ++ def highlight(self, message, *values, **colors): ++ """ ++ Highlighter works the way that message parameter is a template, ++ the "values" is a list of arguments going one after another as values there. ++ And so the "colors" should designate either highlight color or alternate for each. ++ ++ Example: ++ ++ highlight('Hello {}, there! It is {}.', 'user', 'daytime', _main='GREEN', _highlight='RED') ++ highlight('Hello {}, there! It is {}.', 'user', 'daytime', _main='GREEN', _highlight='RED', 'daytime'='YELLOW') ++ ++ First example will highlight all the values in the template with the red color. ++ Second example will highlight the second value with the yellow color. ++ ++ Usage: ++ ++ colors: ++ _main: Sets the main color (or default is used) ++ _highlight: Sets the alternative color for everything ++ 'any phrase' that is the same in the "values" can override color. ++ ++ :param message: ++ :param formatted: ++ :param colors: ++ :return: ++ """ ++ ++ m_color = colors.get("_main", self._default_color) ++ h_color = colors.get("_highlight", self._default_hl_color) ++ ++ _values = [] ++ for value in values: ++ _values.append( ++ "{p}{c}{r}".format( ++ p=self._colors[colors.get(value, h_color)], ++ c=value, ++ r=self._colors[m_color], ++ ) ++ ) ++ self._device.write( ++ "{s}{m}{e}".format( ++ s=self._colors[m_color], ++ m=message.format(*_values), ++ e=self._colors["ENDC"], ++ ) ++ ) ++ self._device.write(os.linesep) ++ self._device.flush() ++ ++ ++def wrap(txt, width=80, ident=0): ++ """ ++ Wrap text to the required dimensions and clean it up, prepare for display. ++ ++ :param txt: ++ :param width: ++ :return: ++ """ ++ ident = " " * ident ++ txt = (txt or "").replace(os.linesep, " ").strip() ++ ++ wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper() ++ wrapper.fix_sentence_endings = False ++ wrapper.initial_indent = wrapper.subsequent_indent = ident ++ ++ return wrapper.wrap(txt) +diff --git a/salt/cli/support/ b/salt/cli/support/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..a9f76a6003 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/salt/cli/support/ +@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ ++""" ++Internal functions. ++""" ++# Maybe this needs to be a modules in a future? ++ ++import glob ++import os ++ ++import salt.utils.files ++from import MessagesOutput ++ ++out = MessagesOutput() ++ ++ ++def filetree(collector, *paths): ++ """ ++ Add all files in the tree. If the "path" is a file, ++ only that file will be added. ++ ++ :param path: File or directory ++ :return: ++ """ ++ _paths = [] ++ # Unglob ++ for path in paths: ++ _paths += glob.glob(path) ++ for path in set(_paths): ++ if not path: ++ out.error("Path not defined", ident=2) ++ elif not os.path.exists(path): ++ out.warning("Path {} does not exists".format(path)) ++ else: ++ # The filehandler needs to be explicitly passed here, so PyLint needs to accept that. ++ # pylint: disable=W8470 ++ if os.path.isfile(path): ++ filename = os.path.basename(path) ++ try: ++ file_ref = salt.utils.files.fopen(path) # pylint: disable=W ++ out.put("Add {}".format(filename), indent=2) ++ collector.add(filename) ++, path=file_ref) ++ except Exception as err: ++ out.error(err, ident=4) ++ # pylint: enable=W8470 ++ else: ++ try: ++ for fname in os.listdir(path): ++ fname = os.path.join(path, fname) ++ filetree(collector, [fname]) ++ except Exception as err: ++ out.error(err, ident=4) +diff --git a/salt/cli/support/ b/salt/cli/support/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..ad10eda0b0 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/salt/cli/support/ +@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ ++""" ++Local Runner ++""" ++ ++import logging ++ ++import salt.runner ++import salt.utils.platform ++import salt.utils.process ++ ++log = logging.getLogger(__name__) ++ ++ ++class LocalRunner(salt.runner.Runner): ++ """ ++ Runner class that changes its default behaviour. ++ """ ++ ++ def _proc_function(self, fun, low, user, tag, jid, daemonize=True): ++ """ ++ Same as original _proc_function in AsyncClientMixin, ++ except it calls "low" without firing a print event. ++ """ ++ if daemonize and not salt.utils.platform.is_windows(): ++ salt.log.setup.shutdown_multiprocessing_logging() ++ salt.utils.process.daemonize() ++ salt.log.setup.setup_multiprocessing_logging() ++ ++ low["__jid__"] = jid ++ low["__user__"] = user ++ low["__tag__"] = tag ++ ++ return self.low(fun, low, print_event=False, full_return=False) +diff --git a/salt/cli/support/profiles/ b/salt/cli/support/profiles/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..b86aef30b8 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/salt/cli/support/profiles/ +@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ ++# coding=utf-8 ++''' ++Profiles for salt-support. ++''' +diff --git a/salt/cli/support/profiles/default.yml b/salt/cli/support/profiles/default.yml +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..3defb5eef3 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/salt/cli/support/profiles/default.yml +@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ ++sysinfo: ++ - description: | ++ Get the Salt grains of the current system. ++ - grains.items: ++ info: System grains ++ ++packages: ++ - description: | ++ Fetch list of all the installed packages. ++ - pkg.list_pkgs: ++ info: Installed packages ++ ++repositories: ++ - pkg.list_repos: ++ info: Available repositories ++ ++upgrades: ++ - pkg.list_upgrades: ++ info: Possible upgrades ++ ++## TODO: Some data here belongs elsewhere and also is duplicated ++status: ++ - status.version: ++ info: Status version ++ - status.cpuinfo: ++ info: CPU information ++ - status.cpustats: ++ info: CPU stats ++ - status.diskstats: ++ info: Disk stats ++ - status.loadavg: ++ info: Average load of the current system ++ - status.uptime: ++ info: Uptime of the machine ++ - status.meminfo: ++ info: Information about memory ++ - status.vmstats: ++ info: Virtual memory stats ++ - status.netdev: ++ info: Network device stats ++ - status.nproc: ++ info: Number of processing units available on this system ++ - status.procs: ++ info: Process data ++ ++general-health: ++ - ps.boot_time: ++ info: System Boot Time ++ - ps.swap_memory: ++ info: Swap Memory ++ output: txt ++ - ps.cpu_times: ++ info: CPU times ++ - ps.disk_io_counters: ++ info: Disk IO counters ++ - ps.disk_partition_usage: ++ info: Disk partition usage ++ output: table ++ - ps.disk_partitions: ++ info: Disk partitions ++ output: table ++ - ++ info: Top CPU consuming processes ++ ++boot_log: ++ - filetree: ++ info: Collect boot logs ++ args: ++ - /var/log/boot.* ++ ++system.log: ++ # This works on any file system object. ++ - filetree: ++ info: Add system log ++ args: ++ - /var/log/syslog ++ - /var/log/messages ++ +diff --git a/salt/cli/support/profiles/jobs-active.yml b/salt/cli/support/profiles/jobs-active.yml +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..508c54ece7 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/salt/cli/support/profiles/jobs-active.yml +@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ ++jobs-active: ++ - ++ info: List of all actively running jobs +diff --git a/salt/cli/support/profiles/jobs-last.yml b/salt/cli/support/profiles/jobs-last.yml +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..e3b719f552 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/salt/cli/support/profiles/jobs-last.yml +@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ ++jobs-last: ++ - run:jobs.last_run: ++ info: List all detectable jobs and associated functions +diff --git a/salt/cli/support/profiles/jobs-trace.yml b/salt/cli/support/profiles/jobs-trace.yml +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..00b28e0502 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/salt/cli/support/profiles/jobs-trace.yml +@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ ++jobs-details: ++ {% for job in runners('jobs.list_jobs') %} ++ - run:jobs.list_job: ++ info: Details on JID {{job}} ++ args: ++ - {{job}} ++ {% endfor %} +diff --git a/salt/cli/support/profiles/network.yml b/salt/cli/support/profiles/network.yml +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..268f02e61f +--- /dev/null ++++ b/salt/cli/support/profiles/network.yml +@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ ++network: ++ - network.get_hostname: ++ info: Hostname ++ output: txt ++ - network.get_fqdn: ++ info: FQDN ++ output: txt ++ - network.default_route: ++ info: Default route ++ output: table ++ - network.interfaces: ++ info: All the available interfaces ++ output: table ++ - network.subnets: ++ info: List of IPv4 subnets ++ - network.subnets6: ++ info: List of IPv6 subnets ++ - network.routes: ++ info: Network configured routes from routing tables ++ output: table ++ - network.netstat: ++ info: Information on open ports and states ++ output: table ++ - network.active_tcp: ++ info: All running TCP connections ++ - network.arp: ++ info: ARP table +diff --git a/salt/cli/support/profiles/postgres.yml b/salt/cli/support/profiles/postgres.yml +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..2238752c7a +--- /dev/null ++++ b/salt/cli/support/profiles/postgres.yml +@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ ++system.log: ++ - filetree: ++ info: Add system log ++ args: ++ - /var/log/syslog ++ ++etc/postgres: ++ - filetree: ++ info: Pick entire /etc/postgresql ++ args: ++ - /etc/postgresql +diff --git a/salt/cli/support/profiles/salt.yml b/salt/cli/support/profiles/salt.yml +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..4b18d98870 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/salt/cli/support/profiles/salt.yml +@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ ++sysinfo: ++ - grains.items: ++ info: System grains ++ ++logfile: ++ - filetree: ++ info: Add current logfile ++ args: ++ - {{salt('config.get', 'log_file')}} +diff --git a/salt/cli/support/profiles/users.yml b/salt/cli/support/profiles/users.yml +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..391acdb606 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/salt/cli/support/profiles/users.yml +@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ ++all-users: ++ {%for uname in salt('user.list_users') %} ++ - ++ info: Information about "{{uname}}" ++ args: ++ - {{uname}} ++ - user.list_groups: ++ info: List groups for user "{{uname}}" ++ args: ++ - {{uname}} ++ - ++ info: Shadow information about user "{{uname}}" ++ args: ++ - {{uname}} ++ - cron.raw_cron: ++ info: Cron for user "{{uname}}" ++ args: ++ - {{uname}} ++ {%endfor%} ++ - group.getent: ++ info: List of all available groups ++ output: table +diff --git a/salt/loader/ b/salt/loader/ +index d319fe54b4..5de995d446 100644 +--- a/salt/loader/ ++++ b/salt/loader/ +@@ -972,8 +972,10 @@ class LazyLoader(salt.utils.lazy.LazyDict): + mod_names = [module_name] + list(virtual_aliases) + + for attr in funcs_to_load: +- if attr.startswith("_"): +- # private functions are skipped ++ if attr.startswith("_") and attr != "__call__": ++ # private functions are skipped, ++ # except __call__ which is default entrance ++ # for multi-function batch-like state syntax + continue + func = getattr(mod, attr) + if not inspect.isfunction(func) and not isinstance(func, functools.partial): +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..e800e3bf1f +--- /dev/null ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@ ++# ++# Author: Bo Maryniuk ++# ++# Copyright 2018 SUSE LLC ++# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ++# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ++# You may obtain a copy of the License at ++# ++# ++# ++# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ++# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ++# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ++# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ++# limitations under the License. ++""" ++:codeauthor: :email:`Bo Maryniuk ` ++ ++Module to run salt-support within Salt. ++""" ++# pylint: disable=W0231,W0221 ++ ++ ++import datetime ++import logging ++import os ++import re ++import sys ++import tempfile ++import time ++ ++import ++import ++import salt.defaults.exitcodes ++import salt.exceptions ++import salt.utils.decorators ++import salt.utils.dictupdate ++import salt.utils.odict ++import salt.utils.path ++import salt.utils.stringutils ++from import SaltSupport, SupportDataCollector ++ ++__virtualname__ = "support" ++log = logging.getLogger(__name__) ++ ++ ++class LogCollector: ++ """ ++ Output collector. ++ """ ++ ++ INFO = "info" ++ WARNING = "warning" ++ ERROR = "error" ++ ++ class MessagesList(list): ++ def append(self, obj): ++ list.append( ++ self, ++ "{} - {}".format( ++ datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%T.%f")[:-3], obj ++ ), ++ ) ++ ++ __call__ = append ++ ++ def __init__(self): ++ self.messages = { ++ self.INFO: self.MessagesList(), ++ self.WARNING: self.MessagesList(), ++ self.ERROR: self.MessagesList(), ++ } ++ ++ def msg(self, message, *args, **kwargs): ++ title = kwargs.get("title") ++ if title: ++ message = "{}: {}".format(title, message) ++ self.messages[self.INFO](message) ++ ++ def info(self, message, *args, **kwargs): ++ self.msg(message) ++ ++ def warning(self, message, *args, **kwargs): ++ self.messages[self.WARNING](message) ++ ++ def error(self, message, *args, **kwargs): ++ self.messages[self.ERROR](message) ++ ++ def put(self, message, *args, **kwargs): ++ self.messages[self.INFO](message) ++ ++ def highlight(self, message, *values, **kwargs): ++ self.msg(message.format(*values)) ++ ++ ++class SaltSupportModule(SaltSupport): ++ """ ++ Salt Support module class. ++ """ ++ ++ def __init__(self): ++ """ ++ Constructor ++ """ ++ self.config = self.setup_config() ++ ++ def setup_config(self): ++ """ ++ Return current configuration ++ :return: ++ """ ++ return __opts__ ++ ++ def _get_archive_name(self, archname=None): ++ """ ++ Create default archive name. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ archname = re.sub("[^a-z0-9]", "", (archname or "").lower()) or "support" ++ for grain in ["fqdn", "host", "localhost", "nodename"]: ++ host = __grains__.get(grain) ++ if host: ++ break ++ if not host: ++ host = "localhost" ++ ++ return os.path.join( ++ tempfile.gettempdir(), ++ "{hostname}-{archname}-{date}-{time}.bz2".format( ++ archname=archname, ++ hostname=host, ++ date=time.strftime("%Y%m%d"), ++ time=time.strftime("%H%M%S"), ++ ), ++ ) ++ ++ @salt.utils.decorators.external ++ def profiles(self): ++ """ ++ Get list of profiles. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ return { ++ "standard":, ++ "custom": [], ++ } ++ ++ @salt.utils.decorators.external ++ def archives(self): ++ """ ++ Get list of existing archives. ++ :return: ++ """ ++ arc_files = [] ++ tmpdir = tempfile.gettempdir() ++ for filename in os.listdir(tmpdir): ++ mtc = re.match(r"\w+-\w+-\d+-\d+\.bz2", filename) ++ if mtc and len(filename) == mtc.span()[-1]: ++ arc_files.append(os.path.join(tmpdir, filename)) ++ ++ return arc_files ++ ++ @salt.utils.decorators.external ++ def last_archive(self): ++ """ ++ Get the last available archive ++ :return: ++ """ ++ archives = {} ++ for archive in self.archives(): ++ archives[int(archive.split(".")[0].split("-")[-1])] = archive ++ ++ return archives and archives[max(archives)] or None ++ ++ @salt.utils.decorators.external ++ def delete_archives(self, *archives): ++ """ ++ Delete archives ++ :return: ++ """ ++ # Remove paths ++ _archives = [] ++ for archive in archives: ++ _archives.append(os.path.basename(archive)) ++ archives = _archives[:] ++ ++ ret = {"files": {}, "errors": {}} ++ for archive in self.archives(): ++ arc_dir = os.path.dirname(archive) ++ archive = os.path.basename(archive) ++ if archives and archive in archives or not archives: ++ archive = os.path.join(arc_dir, archive) ++ try: ++ os.unlink(archive) ++ ret["files"][archive] = "removed" ++ except Exception as err: ++ ret["errors"][archive] = str(err) ++ ret["files"][archive] = "left" ++ ++ return ret ++ ++ def format_sync_stats(self, cnt): ++ """ ++ Format stats of the sync output. ++ ++ :param cnt: ++ :return: ++ """ ++ stats = salt.utils.odict.OrderedDict() ++ if cnt.get("retcode") == salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_OK: ++ for line in cnt.get("stdout", "").split(os.linesep): ++ line = line.split(": ") ++ if len(line) == 2: ++ stats[line[0].lower().replace(" ", "_")] = line[1] ++ cnt["transfer"] = stats ++ del cnt["stdout"] ++ ++ # Remove empty ++ empty_sections = [] ++ for section in cnt: ++ if not cnt[section] and section != "retcode": ++ empty_sections.append(section) ++ for section in empty_sections: ++ del cnt[section] ++ ++ return cnt ++ ++ @salt.utils.decorators.depends("rsync") ++ @salt.utils.decorators.external ++ def sync(self, group, name=None, host=None, location=None, move=False, all=False): ++ """ ++ Sync the latest archive to the host on given location. ++ ++ CLI Example: ++ ++ .. code-block:: bash ++ ++ salt '*' support.sync group=test ++ salt '*' support.sync group=test name=/tmp/myspecial-12345-67890.bz2 ++ salt '*' support.sync group=test name=/tmp/myspecial-12345-67890.bz2 host=allmystuff.lan ++ salt '*' support.sync group=test name=/tmp/myspecial-12345-67890.bz2 host=allmystuff.lan location=/opt/ ++ ++ :param group: name of the local directory to which sync is going to put the result files ++ :param name: name of the archive. Latest, if not specified. ++ :param host: name of the destination host for rsync. Default is master, if not specified. ++ :param location: local destination directory, default temporary if not specified ++ :param move: move archive file[s]. Default is False. ++ :param all: work with all available archives. Default is False (i.e. latest available) ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ tfh, tfn = tempfile.mkstemp() ++ processed_archives = [] ++ src_uri = uri = None ++ ++ last_arc = self.last_archive() ++ if name: ++ archives = [name] ++ elif all: ++ archives = self.archives() ++ elif last_arc: ++ archives = [last_arc] ++ else: ++ archives = [] ++ ++ for name in archives: ++ err = None ++ if not name: ++ err = "No support archive has been defined." ++ elif not os.path.exists(name): ++ err = 'Support archive "{}" was not found'.format(name) ++ if err is not None: ++ log.error(err) ++ raise salt.exceptions.SaltInvocationError(err) ++ ++ if not uri: ++ src_uri = os.path.dirname(name) ++ uri = "{host}:{loc}".format( ++ host=host or __opts__["master"], ++ loc=os.path.join(location or tempfile.gettempdir(), group), ++ ) ++ ++ os.write(tfh, salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(os.path.basename(name))) ++ os.write(tfh, salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(os.linesep)) ++ processed_archives.append(name) ++ log.debug("Syncing {filename} to {uri}".format(filename=name, uri=uri)) ++ os.close(tfh) ++ ++ if not processed_archives: ++ raise salt.exceptions.SaltInvocationError("No archives found to transfer.") ++ ++ ret = __salt__["rsync.rsync"]( ++ src=src_uri, ++ dst=uri, ++ additional_opts=["--stats", "--files-from={}".format(tfn)], ++ ) ++ ret["files"] = {} ++ for name in processed_archives: ++ if move: ++ salt.utils.dictupdate.update(ret, self.delete_archives(name)) ++ log.debug("Deleting {filename}".format(filename=name)) ++ ret["files"][name] = "moved" ++ else: ++ ret["files"][name] = "copied" ++ ++ try: ++ os.unlink(tfn) ++ except OSError as err: ++ log.error( ++ "Cannot remove temporary rsync file {fn}: {err}".format(fn=tfn, err=err) ++ ) ++ ++ return self.format_sync_stats(ret) ++ ++ @salt.utils.decorators.external ++ def run(self, profile="default", pillar=None, archive=None, output="nested"): ++ """ ++ Run Salt Support on the minion. ++ ++ profile ++ Set available profile name. Default is "default". ++ ++ pillar ++ Set available profile from the pillars. ++ ++ archive ++ Override archive name. Default is "support". This results to "hostname-support-YYYYMMDD-hhmmss.bz2". ++ ++ output ++ Change the default outputter. Default is "nested". ++ ++ CLI Example: ++ ++ .. code-block:: bash ++ ++ salt '*' ++ salt '*' profile=network ++ salt '*' pillar=something_special ++ """ ++ ++ class outputswitch: ++ """ ++ Output switcher on context ++ """ ++ ++ def __init__(self, output_device): ++ self._tmp_out = output_device ++ self._orig_out = None ++ ++ def __enter__(self): ++ self._orig_out = ++ = self._tmp_out ++ ++ def __exit__(self, *args): ++ = self._orig_out ++ ++ self.out = LogCollector() ++ with outputswitch(self.out): ++ self.collector = SupportDataCollector( ++ archive or self._get_archive_name(archname=archive), output ++ ) ++ self.collector.out = self.out ++ ++ self.collect_local_data( ++ profile=profile, profile_source=__pillar__.get(pillar) ++ ) ++ self.collect_internal_data() ++ self.collector.close() ++ ++ return {"archive": self.collector.archive_path, "messages": self.out.messages} ++ ++ ++def __virtual__(): ++ """ ++ Set method references as module functions aliases ++ :return: ++ """ ++ support = SaltSupportModule() ++ ++ def _set_function(obj): ++ """ ++ Create a Salt function for the SaltSupport class. ++ """ ++ ++ def _cmd(*args, **kwargs): ++ """ ++ Call support method as a function from the Salt. ++ """ ++ _kwargs = {} ++ for kw in kwargs: ++ if not kw.startswith("__"): ++ _kwargs[kw] = kwargs[kw] ++ return obj(*args, **_kwargs) ++ ++ _cmd.__doc__ = obj.__doc__ ++ return _cmd ++ ++ for m_name in dir(support): ++ obj = getattr(support, m_name) ++ if getattr(obj, "external", False): ++ setattr(sys.modules[__name__], m_name, _set_function(obj)) ++ ++ return __virtualname__ +diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ +index 07393373c9..16b032af2e 100644 +--- a/salt/ ++++ b/salt/ +@@ -622,3 +622,18 @@ def salt_pip(): + ] + _pip_args(sys.argv[1:], extras) + ret =, shell=False, check=False, env=env) + sys.exit(ret.returncode) ++ ++ ++def salt_support(): ++ """ ++ Run Salt Support that collects system data, logs etc for debug and support purposes. ++ :return: ++ """ ++ ++ import ++ ++ if "" in sys.path: ++ sys.path.remove("") ++ client = ++ _install_signal_handlers(client) ++ +diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ +index 868be2749e..8352a8defc 100644 +--- a/salt/ ++++ b/salt/ +@@ -1671,7 +1671,9 @@ class State: + names = [] + if state.startswith("__"): + continue +- chunk = {"state": state, "name": name} ++ chunk = OrderedDict() ++ chunk["state"] = state ++ chunk["name"] = name + if orchestration_jid is not None: + chunk["__orchestration_jid__"] = orchestration_jid + if "__sls__" in body: +@@ -2382,9 +2384,16 @@ class State: + else: + self.format_slots(cdata) + with salt.utils.files.set_umask(low.get("__umask__")): +- ret = self.states[cdata["full"]]( +- *cdata["args"], **cdata["kwargs"] +- ) ++ if cdata["full"].split(".")[-1] == "__call__": ++ # __call__ requires OrderedDict to preserve state order ++ # kwargs are also invalid overall ++ ret = self.states[cdata["full"]]( ++ cdata["args"], module=None, state=cdata["kwargs"] ++ ) ++ else: ++ ret = self.states[cdata["full"]]( ++ *cdata["args"], **cdata["kwargs"] ++ ) + self.states.inject_globals = {} + if "check_cmd" in low: + state_check_cmd = "{0[state]}.mod_run_check_cmd".format(low) +@@ -3489,10 +3498,31 @@ class State: + running.update(errors) + return running + ++ def inject_default_call(self, high): ++ """ ++ Sets .call function to a state, if not there. ++ ++ :param high: ++ :return: ++ """ ++ for chunk in high: ++ state = high[chunk] ++ for state_ref in state: ++ needs_default = True ++ for argset in state[state_ref]: ++ if isinstance(argset, str): ++ needs_default = False ++ break ++ if needs_default: ++ order = state[state_ref].pop(-1) ++ state[state_ref].append("__call__") ++ state[state_ref].append(order) ++ + def call_high(self, high, orchestration_jid=None): + """ + Process a high data call and ensure the defined states. + """ ++ self.inject_default_call(high) + errors = [] + # If there is extension data reconcile it + high, ext_errors = self.reconcile_extend(high) +diff --git a/salt/states/ b/salt/states/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..fb0c9e0372 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/salt/states/ +@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@ ++# ++# Author: Bo Maryniuk ++# ++# Copyright 2018 SUSE LLC ++# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ++# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ++# You may obtain a copy of the License at ++# ++# ++# ++# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ++# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ++# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ++# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ++# limitations under the License. ++ ++r""" ++:codeauthor: :email:`Bo Maryniuk ` ++ ++Execution of Salt Support from within states ++============================================ ++ ++State to collect support data from the systems: ++ ++.. code-block:: yaml ++ ++ examine_my_systems: ++ support.taken: ++ - profile: default ++ ++ support.collected: ++ - group: somewhere ++ - move: true ++ ++""" ++import logging ++import os ++import tempfile ++ ++import salt.exceptions ++ ++# Import salt modules ++import salt.fileclient ++import salt.utils.decorators.path ++import salt.utils.odict ++ ++log = logging.getLogger(__name__) ++__virtualname__ = "support" ++ ++ ++class SaltSupportState: ++ """ ++ Salt-support. ++ """ ++ ++ EXPORTED = ["collected", "taken"] ++ ++ def get_kwargs(self, data): ++ kwargs = {} ++ for keyset in data: ++ kwargs.update(keyset) ++ ++ return kwargs ++ ++ def __call__(self, state): ++ """ ++ Call support. ++ ++ :param args: ++ :param kwargs: ++ :return: ++ """ ++ ret = { ++ "name": state.pop("name"), ++ "changes": {}, ++ "result": True, ++ "comment": "", ++ } ++ ++ out = {} ++ functions = ["Functions:"] ++ try: ++ for ref_func, ref_kwargs in state.items(): ++ if ref_func not in self.EXPORTED: ++ raise salt.exceptions.SaltInvocationError( ++ "Function {} is not found".format(ref_func) ++ ) ++ out[ref_func] = getattr(self, ref_func)(**self.get_kwargs(ref_kwargs)) ++ functions.append(" - {}".format(ref_func)) ++ ret["comment"] = "\n".join(functions) ++ except Exception as ex: ++ ret["comment"] = str(ex) ++ ret["result"] = False ++ ret["changes"] = out ++ ++ return ret ++ ++ def check_destination(self, location, group): ++ """ ++ Check destination for the archives. ++ :return: ++ """ ++ # Pre-create destination, since rsync will ++ # put one file named as group ++ try: ++ destination = os.path.join(location, group) ++ if os.path.exists(destination) and not os.path.isdir(destination): ++ raise salt.exceptions.SaltException( ++ 'Destination "{}" should be directory!'.format(destination) ++ ) ++ if not os.path.exists(destination): ++ os.makedirs(destination) ++ log.debug("Created destination directory for archives: %s", destination) ++ else: ++ log.debug( ++ "Archives destination directory %s already exists", destination ++ ) ++ except OSError as err: ++ log.error(err) ++ ++ def collected( ++ self, group, filename=None, host=None, location=None, move=True, all=True ++ ): ++ """ ++ Sync archives to a central place. ++ ++ :param name: ++ :param group: ++ :param filename: ++ :param host: ++ :param location: ++ :param move: ++ :param all: ++ :return: ++ """ ++ ret = { ++ "name": "support.collected", ++ "changes": {}, ++ "result": True, ++ "comment": "", ++ } ++ location = location or tempfile.gettempdir() ++ self.check_destination(location, group) ++ ret["changes"] = __salt__["support.sync"]( ++ group, name=filename, host=host, location=location, move=move, all=all ++ ) ++ ++ return ret ++ ++ def taken(self, profile="default", pillar=None, archive=None, output="nested"): ++ """ ++ Takes minion support config data. ++ ++ :param profile: ++ :param pillar: ++ :param archive: ++ :param output: ++ :return: ++ """ ++ ret = { ++ "name": "support.taken", ++ "changes": {}, ++ "result": True, ++ } ++ ++ result = __salt__[""]( ++ profile=profile, pillar=pillar, archive=archive, output=output ++ ) ++ if result.get("archive"): ++ ret[ ++ "comment" ++ ] = "Information about this system has been saved to {} file.".format( ++ result["archive"] ++ ) ++ ret["changes"]["archive"] = result["archive"] ++ ret["changes"]["messages"] = {} ++ for key in ["info", "error", "warning"]: ++ if result.get("messages", {}).get(key): ++ ret["changes"]["messages"][key] = result["messages"][key] ++ else: ++ ret["comment"] = "" ++ ++ return ret ++ ++ ++_support_state = SaltSupportState() ++ ++ ++def __call__(*args, **kwargs): ++ """ ++ SLS single-ID syntax processing. ++ ++ module: ++ This module reference, equals to sys.modules[__name__] ++ ++ state: ++ Compiled state in preserved order. The function supposed to look ++ at first level array of functions. ++ ++ :param cdata: ++ :param kwargs: ++ :return: ++ """ ++ return _support_state(kwargs.get("state", {})) ++ ++ ++def taken(name, profile="default", pillar=None, archive=None, output="nested"): ++ return _support_state.taken( ++ profile=profile, pillar=pillar, archive=archive, output=output ++ ) ++ ++ ++def collected( ++ name, group, filename=None, host=None, location=None, move=True, all=True ++): ++ return _support_state.collected( ++ group=group, filename=filename, host=host, location=location, move=move, all=all ++ ) ++ ++ ++def __virtual__(): ++ """ ++ Salt Support state ++ """ ++ return __virtualname__ +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index 536aea3816..04a8a14054 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import salt.utils.jid + import salt.utils.versions + import salt.utils.yaml + from salt.exceptions import SaltInvocationError ++from salt.utils.odict import OrderedDict + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + +@@ -399,7 +400,7 @@ def format_call( + ret = initial_ret is not None and initial_ret or {} + + ret["args"] = [] +- ret["kwargs"] = {} ++ ret["kwargs"] = OrderedDict() + + aspec = get_function_argspec(fun, is_class_method=is_class_method) + +diff --git a/salt/utils/decorators/ b/salt/utils/decorators/ +index 1f62d5f3d6..1906cc2ecc 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/decorators/ ++++ b/salt/utils/decorators/ +@@ -866,3 +866,27 @@ def ensure_unicode_args(function): + return function(*args, **kwargs) + + return wrapped ++ ++ ++def external(func): ++ """ ++ Mark function as external. ++ ++ :param func: ++ :return: ++ """ ++ ++ def f(*args, **kwargs): ++ """ ++ Stub. ++ ++ :param args: ++ :param kwargs: ++ :return: ++ """ ++ return func(*args, **kwargs) ++ ++ f.external = True ++ f.__doc__ = func.__doc__ ++ ++ return f +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index 911b2cbb04..dc125de7d7 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import optparse + import os + import signal + import sys ++import tempfile + import traceback + import types + from functools import partial +@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ import salt.utils.args + import + import salt.utils.files + import salt.utils.jid ++import + import salt.utils.platform + import salt.utils.process + import salt.utils.stringutils +@@ -2026,6 +2028,118 @@ class SyndicOptionParser( + return opts + + ++class SaltSupportOptionParser( ++ OptionParser, ++ ConfigDirMixIn, ++ MergeConfigMixIn, ++ LogLevelMixIn, ++ TimeoutMixIn, ++ metaclass=OptionParserMeta, ++): ++ default_timeout = 5 ++ description = "Salt Support is a program to collect all support data: logs, system configuration etc." ++ usage = "%prog [options] '' [arguments]" ++ # ConfigDirMixIn config filename attribute ++ _config_filename_ = "master" ++ ++ # LogLevelMixIn attributes ++ _default_logging_level_ = config.DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS["log_level"] ++ _default_logging_logfile_ = config.DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS["log_file"] ++ ++ def _mixin_setup(self): ++ self.add_option( ++ "-P", ++ "--show-profiles", ++ default=False, ++ action="store_true", ++ dest="support_profile_list", ++ help="Show available profiles", ++ ) ++ self.add_option( ++ "-p", ++ "--profile", ++ default="", ++ dest="support_profile", ++ help='Specify support profile or comma-separated profiles, e.g.: "salt,network"', ++ ) ++ support_archive = "{t}/{h}-support.tar.bz2".format( ++ t=tempfile.gettempdir(), ++ ) ++ self.add_option( ++ "-a", ++ "--archive", ++ default=support_archive, ++ dest="support_archive", ++ help=( ++ "Specify name of the resulting support archive. " ++ 'Default is "{f}".'.format(f=support_archive) ++ ), ++ ) ++ self.add_option( ++ "-u", ++ "--unit", ++ default="", ++ dest="support_unit", ++ help='Specify examined unit (default "master").', ++ ) ++ self.add_option( ++ "-U", ++ "--show-units", ++ default=False, ++ action="store_true", ++ dest="support_show_units", ++ help="Show available units", ++ ) ++ self.add_option( ++ "-f", ++ "--force", ++ default=False, ++ action="store_true", ++ dest="support_archive_force_overwrite", ++ help="Force overwrite existing archive, if exists", ++ ) ++ self.add_option( ++ "-o", ++ "--out", ++ default="null", ++ dest="support_output_format", ++ help=( ++ "Set the default output using the specified outputter, " ++ 'unless profile does not overrides this. Default: "yaml".' ++ ), ++ ) ++ ++ def find_existing_configs(self, default): ++ """ ++ Find configuration files on the system. ++ :return: ++ """ ++ configs = [] ++ for cfg in [default, self._config_filename_, "minion", "proxy", "cloud", "spm"]: ++ if not cfg: ++ continue ++ config_path = self.get_config_file_path(cfg) ++ if os.path.exists(config_path): ++ configs.append(cfg) ++ ++ if default and default not in configs: ++ raise SystemExit("Unknown configuration unit: {}".format(default)) ++ ++ return configs ++ ++ def setup_config(self, cfg=None): ++ """ ++ Open suitable config file. ++ :return: ++ """ ++ _opts, _args = optparse.OptionParser.parse_args(self) ++ configs = self.find_existing_configs(_opts.support_unit) ++ if configs and cfg not in configs: ++ cfg = configs[0] ++ ++ return config.master_config(self.get_config_file_path(cfg)) ++ ++ + class SaltCMDOptionParser( + OptionParser, + ConfigDirMixIn, +diff --git a/scripts/salt-support b/scripts/salt-support +new file mode 100755 +index 0000000000..4e0e79f3ea +--- /dev/null ++++ b/scripts/salt-support +@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ ++#!/usr/bin/env python ++""" ++Salt support is to collect logs, ++debug data and system information ++for support purposes. ++""" ++ ++from salt.scripts import salt_support ++ ++if __name__ == "__main__": ++ salt_support() +diff --git a/ b/ +index 931ed40a51..e60f1b7085 100755 +--- a/ ++++ b/ +@@ -1061,6 +1061,7 @@ class SaltDistribution(distutils.dist.Distribution): + "scripts/salt-minion", + "scripts/salt-proxy", + "scripts/salt-run", ++ "scripts/salt-support", + "scripts/salt-ssh", + "scripts/salt-syndic", + "scripts/spm", +@@ -1109,6 +1110,7 @@ class SaltDistribution(distutils.dist.Distribution): + "salt-master = salt.scripts:salt_master", + "salt-minion = salt.scripts:salt_minion", + "salt-run = salt.scripts:salt_run", ++ "salt-support = salt.scripts:salt_support", + "salt-ssh = salt.scripts:salt_ssh", + "salt-syndic = salt.scripts:salt_syndic", + "spm = salt.scripts:salt_spm", +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/cli/ b/tests/pytests/unit/cli/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..dc0e99bb3d +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/cli/ +@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@ ++""" ++ :codeauthor: Bo Maryniuk ++""" ++ ++ ++import os ++ ++import jinja2 ++import ++import salt.exceptions ++import salt.utils.files ++import yaml ++from import SaltSupport, SupportDataCollector ++from import IndentOutput ++from salt.utils.color import get_colors ++from salt.utils.stringutils import to_bytes ++from import NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON, MagicMock, patch ++from import TestCase, skipIf ++ ++try: ++ import pytest ++except ImportError: ++ pytest = None ++ ++ ++@skipIf(not bool(pytest), "Pytest needs to be installed") ++@skipIf(NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON) ++class SaltSupportIndentOutputTestCase(TestCase): ++ """ ++ Unit Tests for the salt-support indent output. ++ """ ++ ++ def setUp(self): ++ """ ++ Setup test ++ :return: ++ """ ++ ++ self.message = "Stubborn processes on dumb terminal" ++ self.device = MagicMock() ++ self.iout = IndentOutput(device=self.device) ++ self.colors = get_colors() ++ ++ def tearDown(self): ++ """ ++ Remove instances after test run ++ :return: ++ """ ++ del self.message ++ del self.device ++ del self.iout ++ del self.colors ++ ++ def test_standard_output(self): ++ """ ++ Test console standard output. ++ """ ++ self.iout.put(self.message) ++ assert self.device.write.called ++ assert self.device.write.call_count == 5 ++ for idx, data in enumerate( ++ ["", str(self.colors["CYAN"]), self.message, str(self.colors["ENDC"]), "\n"] ++ ): ++ assert self.device.write.call_args_list[idx][0][0] == data ++ ++ def test_indent_output(self): ++ """ ++ Test indent distance. ++ :return: ++ """ ++ self.iout.put(self.message, indent=10) ++ for idx, data in enumerate( ++ [ ++ " " * 10, ++ str(self.colors["CYAN"]), ++ self.message, ++ str(self.colors["ENDC"]), ++ "\n", ++ ] ++ ): ++ assert self.device.write.call_args_list[idx][0][0] == data ++ ++ def test_color_config(self): ++ """ ++ Test color config changes on each ident. ++ :return: ++ """ ++ ++ conf = {0: "MAGENTA", 2: "RED", 4: "WHITE", 6: "YELLOW"} ++ self.iout = IndentOutput(conf=conf, device=self.device) ++ for indent in sorted(list(conf)): ++ self.iout.put(self.message, indent=indent) ++ ++ step = 1 ++ for ident_key in sorted(list(conf)): ++ assert str(self.device.write.call_args_list[step][0][0]) == str( ++ self.colors[conf[ident_key]] ++ ) ++ step += 5 ++ ++ ++@skipIf(not bool(pytest), "Pytest needs to be installed") ++@skipIf(NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON) ++class SaltSupportCollectorTestCase(TestCase): ++ """ ++ Collector tests. ++ """ ++ ++ def setUp(self): ++ """ ++ Setup the test case ++ :return: ++ """ ++ self.archive_path = "/highway/to/hell" ++ self.output_device = MagicMock() ++ self.collector = SupportDataCollector(self.archive_path, self.output_device) ++ ++ def tearDown(self): ++ """ ++ Tear down the test case elements ++ :return: ++ """ ++ del self.collector ++ del self.archive_path ++ del self.output_device ++ ++ @patch("", MagicMock()) ++ def test_archive_open(self): ++ """ ++ Test archive is opened. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ ++ assert self.collector.archive_path == self.archive_path ++ with pytest.raises(salt.exceptions.SaltException) as err: ++ ++ assert "Archive already opened" in str(err) ++ ++ @patch("", MagicMock()) ++ def test_archive_close(self): ++ """ ++ Test archive is opened. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ ++ self.collector._flush_content = lambda: None ++ self.collector.close() ++ assert self.collector.archive_path == self.archive_path ++ with pytest.raises(salt.exceptions.SaltException) as err: ++ self.collector.close() ++ assert "Archive already closed" in str(err) ++ ++ def test_archive_addwrite(self): ++ """ ++ Test add to the archive a section and write to it. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ archive = MagicMock() ++ with patch("", archive): ++ ++ self.collector.add("foo") ++ self.collector.write(title="title", data="data", output="null") ++ self.collector._flush_content() ++ ++ assert archive.bz2open().addfile.call_args[1]["fileobj"].read() == to_bytes( ++ "title\n-----\n\nraw-content: data\n\n\n\n" ++ ) ++ ++ @patch("salt.utils.files.fopen", MagicMock(return_value="path=/dev/null")) ++ def test_archive_addlink(self): ++ """ ++ Test add to the archive a section and link an external file or directory to it. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ archive = MagicMock() ++ with patch("", archive): ++ ++ self.collector.add("foo") ++"Backup Path", path="/path/to/backup.config") ++ self.collector._flush_content() ++ ++ assert archive.bz2open().addfile.call_count == 1 ++ assert archive.bz2open().addfile.call_args[1]["fileobj"].read() == to_bytes( ++ "Backup Path\n-----------\n\npath=/dev/null\n\n\n" ++ ) ++ ++ @patch("salt.utils.files.fopen", MagicMock(return_value="path=/dev/null")) ++ def test_archive_discard_section(self): ++ """ ++ Test discard a section from the archive. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ archive = MagicMock() ++ with patch("", archive): ++ ++ self.collector.add("solar-interference") ++ ++ title="Thermal anomaly", path="/path/to/another/great.config" ++ ) ++ self.collector.add("foo") ++"Backup Path", path="/path/to/backup.config") ++ self.collector._flush_content() ++ assert archive.bz2open().addfile.call_count == 2 ++ assert archive.bz2open().addfile.mock_calls[0][2][ ++ "fileobj" ++ ].read() == to_bytes( ++ "Thermal anomaly\n---------------\n\npath=/dev/null\n\n\n" ++ ) ++ self.collector.close() ++ ++ archive = MagicMock() ++ with patch("", archive): ++ ++ self.collector.add("solar-interference") ++ ++ title="Thermal anomaly", path="/path/to/another/great.config" ++ ) ++ self.collector.discard_current() ++ self.collector.add("foo") ++"Backup Path", path="/path/to/backup.config") ++ self.collector._flush_content() ++ assert archive.bz2open().addfile.call_count == 2 ++ assert archive.bz2open().addfile.mock_calls[0][2][ ++ "fileobj" ++ ].read() == to_bytes("Backup Path\n-----------\n\npath=/dev/null\n\n\n") ++ self.collector.close() ++ ++ ++@skipIf(not bool(pytest), "Pytest needs to be installed") ++@skipIf(NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON) ++class SaltSupportRunnerTestCase(TestCase): ++ """ ++ Test runner class. ++ """ ++ ++ def setUp(self): ++ """ ++ Set up test suite. ++ :return: ++ """ ++ self.archive_path = "/dev/null" ++ self.output_device = MagicMock() ++ self.runner = SaltSupport() ++ self.runner.collector = SupportDataCollector( ++ self.archive_path, self.output_device ++ ) ++ ++ def tearDown(self): ++ """ ++ Tear down. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ del self.archive_path ++ del self.output_device ++ del self.runner ++ ++ def test_function_config(self): ++ """ ++ Test function config formation. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ self.runner.config = {} ++ msg = "Electromagnetic energy loss" ++ assert self.runner._setup_fun_config({"description": msg}) == { ++ "print_metadata": False, ++ "file_client": "local", ++ "fun": "", ++ "kwarg": {}, ++ "description": msg, ++ "cache_jobs": False, ++ "arg": [], ++ } ++ ++ def test_local_caller(self): ++ """ ++ Test local caller. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ msg = "Because of network lag due to too many people playing deathmatch" ++ caller = MagicMock() ++ caller().call = MagicMock(return_value=msg) ++ ++ self.runner._get_caller = caller ++ self.runner.out = MagicMock() ++ assert self.runner._local_call({}) == msg ++ ++ caller().call = MagicMock(side_effect=SystemExit) ++ assert self.runner._local_call({}) == "Data is not available at this moment" ++ ++ err_msg = "The UPS doesn't have a battery backup." ++ caller().call = MagicMock(side_effect=Exception(err_msg)) ++ assert ( ++ self.runner._local_call({}) ++ == "Unhandled exception occurred: The UPS doesn't have a battery backup." ++ ) ++ ++ def test_local_runner(self): ++ """ ++ Test local runner. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ msg = "Big to little endian conversion error" ++ runner = MagicMock() ++ runner().run = MagicMock(return_value=msg) ++ ++ self.runner._get_runner = runner ++ self.runner.out = MagicMock() ++ assert self.runner._local_run({}) == msg ++ ++ runner().run = MagicMock(side_effect=SystemExit) ++ assert self.runner._local_run({}) == "Runner is not available at this moment" ++ ++ err_msg = "Trojan horse ran out of hay" ++ runner().run = MagicMock(side_effect=Exception(err_msg)) ++ assert ( ++ self.runner._local_run({}) ++ == "Unhandled exception occurred: Trojan horse ran out of hay" ++ ) ++ ++ @patch("", MagicMock(spec=[])) ++ def test_internal_function_call_stub(self): ++ """ ++ Test missing internal function call is handled accordingly. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ self.runner.out = MagicMock() ++ out = self.runner._internal_function_call( ++ {"fun": "everythingisawesome", "arg": [], "kwargs": {}} ++ ) ++ assert out == "Function everythingisawesome is not available" ++ ++ def test_internal_function_call(self): ++ """ ++ Test missing internal function call is handled accordingly. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ msg = "Internet outage" ++ intfunc = MagicMock() ++ intfunc.everythingisawesome = MagicMock(return_value=msg) ++ self.runner.out = MagicMock() ++ with patch("", intfunc): ++ out = self.runner._internal_function_call( ++ {"fun": "everythingisawesome", "arg": [], "kwargs": {}} ++ ) ++ assert out == msg ++ ++ def test_get_action(self): ++ """ ++ Test action meta gets parsed. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ action_meta = { ++ "run:jobs.list_jobs_filter": {"info": "List jobs filter", "args": [1]} ++ } ++ assert self.runner._get_action(action_meta) == ( ++ "List jobs filter", ++ None, ++ {"fun": "run:jobs.list_jobs_filter", "kwargs": {}, "arg": [1]}, ++ ) ++ action_meta = { ++ "": {"info": 'Information about "usbmux"', "args": ["usbmux"]} ++ } ++ assert self.runner._get_action(action_meta) == ( ++ 'Information about "usbmux"', ++ None, ++ {"fun": "", "kwargs": {}, "arg": ["usbmux"]}, ++ ) ++ ++ def test_extract_return(self): ++ """ ++ Test extract return from the output. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ out = {"key": "value"} ++ assert self.runner._extract_return(out) == out ++ assert self.runner._extract_return({"return": out}) == out ++ ++ def test_get_action_type(self): ++ """ ++ Test action meta determines action type. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ action_meta = { ++ "run:jobs.list_jobs_filter": {"info": "List jobs filter", "args": [1]} ++ } ++ assert self.runner._get_action_type(action_meta) == "run" ++ ++ action_meta = { ++ "": {"info": 'Information about "usbmux"', "args": ["usbmux"]} ++ } ++ assert self.runner._get_action_type(action_meta) == "call" ++ ++ @patch("os.path.exists", MagicMock(return_value=True)) ++ def test_cleanup(self): ++ """ ++ Test cleanup routine. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ arch = "/tmp/" ++ unlink = MagicMock() ++ with patch("os.unlink", unlink): ++ self.runner.config = {"support_archive": arch} ++ self.runner.out = MagicMock() ++ self.runner._cleanup() ++ ++ assert ( ++ self.runner.out.warning.call_args[0][0] ++ == "Terminated earlier, cleaning up" ++ ) ++ unlink.assert_called_once_with(arch) ++ ++ @patch("os.path.exists", MagicMock(return_value=True)) ++ def test_check_existing_archive(self): ++ """ ++ Test check existing archive. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ arch = "/tmp/" ++ unlink = MagicMock() ++ with patch("os.unlink", unlink), patch( ++ "os.path.exists", MagicMock(return_value=False) ++ ): ++ self.runner.config = { ++ "support_archive": "", ++ "support_archive_force_overwrite": True, ++ } ++ self.runner.out = MagicMock() ++ assert self.runner._check_existing_archive() ++ assert self.runner.out.warning.call_count == 0 ++ ++ with patch("os.unlink", unlink): ++ self.runner.config = { ++ "support_archive": arch, ++ "support_archive_force_overwrite": False, ++ } ++ self.runner.out = MagicMock() ++ assert not self.runner._check_existing_archive() ++ assert self.runner.out.warning.call_args[0][ ++ 0 ++ ] == "File {} already exists.".format(arch) ++ ++ with patch("os.unlink", unlink): ++ self.runner.config = { ++ "support_archive": arch, ++ "support_archive_force_overwrite": True, ++ } ++ self.runner.out = MagicMock() ++ assert self.runner._check_existing_archive() ++ assert self.runner.out.warning.call_args[0][ ++ 0 ++ ] == "Overwriting existing archive: {}".format(arch) ++ ++ ++@skipIf(not bool(pytest), "Pytest needs to be installed") ++@skipIf(NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON) ++class ProfileIntegrityTestCase(TestCase): ++ """ ++ Default profile integrity ++ """ ++ ++ def setUp(self): ++ """ ++ Set up test suite. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ self.profiles = {} ++ profiles = os.path.join( ++ os.path.dirname(, "profiles" ++ ) ++ for profile in os.listdir(profiles): ++ self.profiles[profile.split(".")[0]] = os.path.join(profiles, profile) ++ ++ def tearDown(self): ++ """ ++ Tear down test suite. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ del self.profiles ++ ++ def _render_template_to_yaml(self, name, *args, **kwargs): ++ """ ++ Get template referene for rendering. ++ :return: ++ """ ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(self.profiles[name]) as t_fh: ++ template = ++ return yaml.load( ++ jinja2.Environment().from_string(template).render(*args, **kwargs) ++ ) ++ ++ def test_non_template_profiles_parseable(self): ++ """ ++ Test shipped default profile is YAML parse-able. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ for t_name in ["default", "jobs-active", "jobs-last", "network", "postgres"]: ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(self.profiles[t_name]) as ref: ++ try: ++ yaml.load(ref) ++ parsed = True ++ except Exception: ++ parsed = False ++ assert parsed ++ ++ def test_users_template_profile(self): ++ """ ++ Test users template profile. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ users_data = self._render_template_to_yaml( ++ "users", salt=MagicMock(return_value=["pokemon"]) ++ ) ++ assert len(users_data["all-users"]) == 5 ++ for user_data in users_data["all-users"]: ++ for tgt in ["user.list_groups", "", "cron.raw_cron"]: ++ if tgt in user_data: ++ assert user_data[tgt]["args"] == ["pokemon"] ++ ++ def test_jobs_trace_template_profile(self): ++ """ ++ Test jobs-trace template profile. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ jobs_trace = self._render_template_to_yaml( ++ "jobs-trace", runners=MagicMock(return_value=["0000"]) ++ ) ++ assert len(jobs_trace["jobs-details"]) == 1 ++ assert ( ++ jobs_trace["jobs-details"][0]["run:jobs.list_job"]["info"] ++ == "Details on JID 0000" ++ ) ++ assert jobs_trace["jobs-details"][0]["run:jobs.list_job"]["args"] == [0] +diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..f9ce7be29a +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/unit/modules/ +@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@ ++""" ++ :codeauthor: Bo Maryniuk ++""" ++ ++ ++import datetime ++ ++import salt.exceptions ++from salt.modules import saltsupport ++from import LoaderModuleMockMixin ++from import NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON, MagicMock, patch ++from import TestCase, skipIf ++ ++try: ++ import pytest ++except ImportError: ++ pytest = None ++ ++ ++@skipIf(not bool(pytest), "Pytest required") ++@skipIf(NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON) ++class SaltSupportModuleTestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): ++ """ ++ Test cases for ++ """ ++ ++ def setup_loader_modules(self): ++ return {saltsupport: {}} ++ ++ @patch("tempfile.gettempdir", MagicMock(return_value="/mnt/storage")) ++ @patch("salt.modules.saltsupport.__grains__", {"fqdn": "c-3po"}) ++ @patch("time.strftime", MagicMock(return_value="000")) ++ def test_get_archive_name(self): ++ """ ++ Test archive name construction. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ support = saltsupport.SaltSupportModule() ++ assert support._get_archive_name() == "/mnt/storage/c-3po-support-000-000.bz2" ++ ++ @patch("tempfile.gettempdir", MagicMock(return_value="/mnt/storage")) ++ @patch("salt.modules.saltsupport.__grains__", {"fqdn": "c-3po"}) ++ @patch("time.strftime", MagicMock(return_value="000")) ++ def test_get_custom_archive_name(self): ++ """ ++ Test get custom archive name. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ support = saltsupport.SaltSupportModule() ++ temp_name = support._get_archive_name(archname="Darth Wader") ++ assert temp_name == "/mnt/storage/c-3po-darthwader-000-000.bz2" ++ temp_name = support._get_archive_name(archname="Яйця з сіллю") ++ assert temp_name == "/mnt/storage/c-3po-support-000-000.bz2" ++ temp_name = support._get_archive_name(archname="!@#$%^&*()Fillip J. Fry") ++ assert temp_name == "/mnt/storage/c-3po-fillipjfry-000-000.bz2" ++ ++ @patch( ++ "", ++ MagicMock(return_value={"message": "Feature was not beta tested"}), ++ ) ++ def test_profiles_format(self): ++ """ ++ Test profiles format. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ support = saltsupport.SaltSupportModule() ++ profiles = support.profiles() ++ assert "custom" in profiles ++ assert "standard" in profiles ++ assert "message" in profiles["standard"] ++ assert profiles["custom"] == [] ++ assert profiles["standard"]["message"] == "Feature was not beta tested" ++ ++ @patch("tempfile.gettempdir", MagicMock(return_value="/mnt/storage")) ++ @patch( ++ "os.listdir", ++ MagicMock( ++ return_value=[ ++ "one-support-000-000.bz2", ++ "two-support-111-111.bz2", ++ "trash.bz2", ++ "hostname-000-000.bz2", ++ "three-support-wrong222-222.bz2", ++ "000-support-000-000.bz2", ++ ] ++ ), ++ ) ++ def test_get_existing_archives(self): ++ """ ++ Get list of existing archives. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ support = saltsupport.SaltSupportModule() ++ out = support.archives() ++ assert len(out) == 3 ++ for name in [ ++ "/mnt/storage/one-support-000-000.bz2", ++ "/mnt/storage/two-support-111-111.bz2", ++ "/mnt/storage/000-support-000-000.bz2", ++ ]: ++ assert name in out ++ ++ def test_last_archive(self): ++ """ ++ Get last archive name ++ :return: ++ """ ++ support = saltsupport.SaltSupportModule() ++ support.archives = MagicMock( ++ return_value=[ ++ "/mnt/storage/one-support-000-000.bz2", ++ "/mnt/storage/two-support-111-111.bz2", ++ "/mnt/storage/three-support-222-222.bz2", ++ ] ++ ) ++ assert support.last_archive() == "/mnt/storage/three-support-222-222.bz2" ++ ++ @patch("os.unlink", MagicMock(return_value=True)) ++ def test_delete_all_archives_success(self): ++ """ ++ Test delete archives ++ :return: ++ """ ++ support = saltsupport.SaltSupportModule() ++ support.archives = MagicMock( ++ return_value=[ ++ "/mnt/storage/one-support-000-000.bz2", ++ "/mnt/storage/two-support-111-111.bz2", ++ "/mnt/storage/three-support-222-222.bz2", ++ ] ++ ) ++ ret = support.delete_archives() ++ assert "files" in ret ++ assert "errors" in ret ++ assert not bool(ret["errors"]) ++ assert bool(ret["files"]) ++ assert isinstance(ret["errors"], dict) ++ assert isinstance(ret["files"], dict) ++ ++ for arc in support.archives(): ++ assert ret["files"][arc] == "removed" ++ ++ @patch( ++ "os.unlink", ++ MagicMock( ++ return_value=False, ++ side_effect=[ ++ OSError("Decreasing electron flux"), ++ OSError("Solar flares interference"), ++ None, ++ ], ++ ), ++ ) ++ def test_delete_all_archives_failure(self): ++ """ ++ Test delete archives failure ++ :return: ++ """ ++ support = saltsupport.SaltSupportModule() ++ support.archives = MagicMock( ++ return_value=[ ++ "/mnt/storage/one-support-000-000.bz2", ++ "/mnt/storage/two-support-111-111.bz2", ++ "/mnt/storage/three-support-222-222.bz2", ++ ] ++ ) ++ ret = support.delete_archives() ++ assert "files" in ret ++ assert "errors" in ret ++ assert bool(ret["errors"]) ++ assert bool(ret["files"]) ++ assert isinstance(ret["errors"], dict) ++ assert isinstance(ret["files"], dict) ++ ++ assert ret["files"]["/mnt/storage/three-support-222-222.bz2"] == "removed" ++ assert ret["files"]["/mnt/storage/one-support-000-000.bz2"] == "left" ++ assert ret["files"]["/mnt/storage/two-support-111-111.bz2"] == "left" ++ ++ assert len(ret["errors"]) == 2 ++ assert ( ++ ret["errors"]["/mnt/storage/one-support-000-000.bz2"] ++ == "Decreasing electron flux" ++ ) ++ assert ( ++ ret["errors"]["/mnt/storage/two-support-111-111.bz2"] ++ == "Solar flares interference" ++ ) ++ ++ def test_format_sync_stats(self): ++ """ ++ Test format rsync stats for preserving ordering of the keys ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ support = saltsupport.SaltSupportModule() ++ stats = """ ++robot: Bender ++cute: Leela ++weird: Zoidberg ++professor: Farnsworth ++ """ ++ f_stats = support.format_sync_stats({"retcode": 0, "stdout": stats}) ++ assert list(f_stats["transfer"].keys()) == [ ++ "robot", ++ "cute", ++ "weird", ++ "professor", ++ ] ++ assert list(f_stats["transfer"].values()) == [ ++ "Bender", ++ "Leela", ++ "Zoidberg", ++ "Farnsworth", ++ ] ++ ++ @patch("tempfile.mkstemp", MagicMock(return_value=(0, "dummy"))) ++ @patch("os.close", MagicMock()) ++ def test_sync_no_archives_failure(self): ++ """ ++ Test sync failed when no archives specified. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ support = saltsupport.SaltSupportModule() ++ support.archives = MagicMock(return_value=[]) ++ ++ with pytest.raises(salt.exceptions.SaltInvocationError) as err: ++ support.sync("group-name") ++ assert "No archives found to transfer" in str(err) ++ ++ @patch("tempfile.mkstemp", MagicMock(return_value=(0, "dummy"))) ++ @patch("os.path.exists", MagicMock(return_value=False)) ++ def test_sync_last_picked_archive_not_found_failure(self): ++ """ ++ Test sync failed when archive was not found (last picked) ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ support = saltsupport.SaltSupportModule() ++ support.archives = MagicMock( ++ return_value=[ ++ "/mnt/storage/one-support-000-000.bz2", ++ "/mnt/storage/two-support-111-111.bz2", ++ "/mnt/storage/three-support-222-222.bz2", ++ ] ++ ) ++ ++ with pytest.raises(salt.exceptions.SaltInvocationError) as err: ++ support.sync("group-name") ++ assert ( ++ ' Support archive "/mnt/storage/three-support-222-222.bz2" was not found' ++ in str(err) ++ ) ++ ++ @patch("tempfile.mkstemp", MagicMock(return_value=(0, "dummy"))) ++ @patch("os.path.exists", MagicMock(return_value=False)) ++ def test_sync_specified_archive_not_found_failure(self): ++ """ ++ Test sync failed when archive was not found (last picked) ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ support = saltsupport.SaltSupportModule() ++ support.archives = MagicMock( ++ return_value=[ ++ "/mnt/storage/one-support-000-000.bz2", ++ "/mnt/storage/two-support-111-111.bz2", ++ "/mnt/storage/three-support-222-222.bz2", ++ ] ++ ) ++ ++ with pytest.raises(salt.exceptions.SaltInvocationError) as err: ++ support.sync("group-name", name="lost.bz2") ++ assert ' Support archive "lost.bz2" was not found' in str(err) ++ ++ @patch("tempfile.mkstemp", MagicMock(return_value=(0, "dummy"))) ++ @patch("os.path.exists", MagicMock(return_value=False)) ++ @patch("os.close", MagicMock()) ++ def test_sync_no_archive_to_transfer_failure(self): ++ """ ++ Test sync failed when no archive was found to transfer ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ support = saltsupport.SaltSupportModule() ++ support.archives = MagicMock(return_value=[]) ++ with pytest.raises(salt.exceptions.SaltInvocationError) as err: ++ support.sync("group-name", all=True) ++ assert "No archives found to transfer" in str(err) ++ ++ @patch("tempfile.mkstemp", MagicMock(return_value=(0, "dummy"))) ++ @patch("os.path.exists", MagicMock(return_value=True)) ++ @patch("os.close", MagicMock()) ++ @patch("os.write", MagicMock()) ++ @patch("os.unlink", MagicMock()) ++ @patch( ++ "salt.modules.saltsupport.__salt__", {"rsync.rsync": MagicMock(return_value={})} ++ ) ++ def test_sync_archives(self): ++ """ ++ Test sync archives ++ :return: ++ """ ++ support = saltsupport.SaltSupportModule() ++ support.archives = MagicMock( ++ return_value=[ ++ "/mnt/storage/one-support-000-000.bz2", ++ "/mnt/storage/two-support-111-111.bz2", ++ "/mnt/storage/three-support-222-222.bz2", ++ ] ++ ) ++ out = support.sync("group-name", host="buzz", all=True, move=False) ++ assert "files" in out ++ for arc_name in out["files"]: ++ assert out["files"][arc_name] == "copied" ++ assert saltsupport.os.unlink.call_count == 1 ++ assert saltsupport.os.unlink.call_args_list[0][0][0] == "dummy" ++ calls = [] ++ for call in saltsupport.os.write.call_args_list: ++ assert len(call) == 2 ++ calls.append(call[0]) ++ assert calls == [ ++ (0, b"one-support-000-000.bz2"), ++ (0, b"\n"), ++ (0, b"two-support-111-111.bz2"), ++ (0, b"\n"), ++ (0, b"three-support-222-222.bz2"), ++ (0, b"\n"), ++ ] ++ ++ @patch("salt.modules.saltsupport.__pillar__", {}) ++ @patch("salt.modules.saltsupport.SupportDataCollector", MagicMock()) ++ def test_run_support(self): ++ """ ++ Test run support ++ :return: ++ """ ++ saltsupport.SupportDataCollector(None, None).archive_path = "dummy" ++ support = saltsupport.SaltSupportModule() ++ support.collect_internal_data = MagicMock() ++ support.collect_local_data = MagicMock() ++ out = ++ ++ for section in ["messages", "archive"]: ++ assert section in out ++ assert out["archive"] == "dummy" ++ for section in ["warning", "error", "info"]: ++ assert section in out["messages"] ++ ld_call = support.collect_local_data.call_args_list[0][1] ++ assert "profile" in ld_call ++ assert ld_call["profile"] == "default" ++ assert "profile_source" in ld_call ++ assert ld_call["profile_source"] is None ++ assert == 1 ++ assert support.collector.close.call_count == 1 ++ assert support.collect_internal_data.call_count == 1 ++ ++ ++@skipIf(not bool(pytest), "Pytest required") ++@skipIf(NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON) ++class LogCollectorTestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): ++ """ ++ Test cases for ++ """ ++ ++ def setup_loader_modules(self): ++ return {saltsupport: {}} ++ ++ def test_msg(self): ++ """ ++ Test message to the log collector. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ utcmock = MagicMock() ++ utcmock.utcnow = MagicMock(return_value=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)) ++ with patch("datetime.datetime", utcmock): ++ msg = "Upgrading /dev/null device" ++ out = saltsupport.LogCollector() ++ out.msg(msg, title="Here") ++ assert saltsupport.LogCollector.INFO in out.messages ++ assert ( ++ type(out.messages[saltsupport.LogCollector.INFO]) ++ == saltsupport.LogCollector.MessagesList ++ ) ++ assert out.messages[saltsupport.LogCollector.INFO] == [ ++ "00:00:00.000 - {}: {}".format("Here", msg) ++ ] ++ ++ def test_info_message(self): ++ """ ++ Test info message to the log collector. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ utcmock = MagicMock() ++ utcmock.utcnow = MagicMock(return_value=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)) ++ with patch("datetime.datetime", utcmock): ++ msg = "SIMM crosstalk during tectonic stress" ++ out = saltsupport.LogCollector() ++ ++ assert saltsupport.LogCollector.INFO in out.messages ++ assert ( ++ type(out.messages[saltsupport.LogCollector.INFO]) ++ == saltsupport.LogCollector.MessagesList ++ ) ++ assert out.messages[saltsupport.LogCollector.INFO] == [ ++ "00:00:00.000 - {}".format(msg) ++ ] ++ ++ def test_put_message(self): ++ """ ++ Test put message to the log collector. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ utcmock = MagicMock() ++ utcmock.utcnow = MagicMock(return_value=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)) ++ with patch("datetime.datetime", utcmock): ++ msg = "Webmaster kidnapped by evil cult" ++ out = saltsupport.LogCollector() ++ out.put(msg) ++ assert saltsupport.LogCollector.INFO in out.messages ++ assert ( ++ type(out.messages[saltsupport.LogCollector.INFO]) ++ == saltsupport.LogCollector.MessagesList ++ ) ++ assert out.messages[saltsupport.LogCollector.INFO] == [ ++ "00:00:00.000 - {}".format(msg) ++ ] ++ ++ def test_warning_message(self): ++ """ ++ Test warning message to the log collector. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ utcmock = MagicMock() ++ utcmock.utcnow = MagicMock(return_value=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)) ++ with patch("datetime.datetime", utcmock): ++ msg = "Your e-mail is now being delivered by USPS" ++ out = saltsupport.LogCollector() ++ out.warning(msg) ++ assert saltsupport.LogCollector.WARNING in out.messages ++ assert ( ++ type(out.messages[saltsupport.LogCollector.WARNING]) ++ == saltsupport.LogCollector.MessagesList ++ ) ++ assert out.messages[saltsupport.LogCollector.WARNING] == [ ++ "00:00:00.000 - {}".format(msg) ++ ] ++ ++ def test_error_message(self): ++ """ ++ Test error message to the log collector. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ utcmock = MagicMock() ++ utcmock.utcnow = MagicMock(return_value=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)) ++ with patch("datetime.datetime", utcmock): ++ msg = "Learning curve appears to be fractal" ++ out = saltsupport.LogCollector() ++ out.error(msg) ++ assert saltsupport.LogCollector.ERROR in out.messages ++ assert ( ++ type(out.messages[saltsupport.LogCollector.ERROR]) ++ == saltsupport.LogCollector.MessagesList ++ ) ++ assert out.messages[saltsupport.LogCollector.ERROR] == [ ++ "00:00:00.000 - {}".format(msg) ++ ] ++ ++ def test_hl_message(self): ++ """ ++ Test highlighter message to the log collector. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ utcmock = MagicMock() ++ utcmock.utcnow = MagicMock(return_value=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)) ++ with patch("datetime.datetime", utcmock): ++ out = saltsupport.LogCollector() ++ out.highlight("The {} TTYs became {} TTYs and vice versa", "real", "pseudo") ++ assert saltsupport.LogCollector.INFO in out.messages ++ assert ( ++ type(out.messages[saltsupport.LogCollector.INFO]) ++ == saltsupport.LogCollector.MessagesList ++ ) ++ assert out.messages[saltsupport.LogCollector.INFO] == [ ++ "00:00:00.000 - The real TTYs became " "pseudo TTYs and vice versa" ++ ] +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/enable-keepalive-probes-for-salt-ssh-executions-bsc-.patch b/enable-keepalive-probes-for-salt-ssh-executions-bsc-.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8303a37 --- /dev/null +++ b/enable-keepalive-probes-for-salt-ssh-executions-bsc-.patch @@ -0,0 +1,346 @@ +From 5303cc612bcbdb1ec45ede397ca1e2ca12ba3bd3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2023 10:59:30 +0000 +Subject: [PATCH] Enable "KeepAlive" probes for Salt SSH executions + (bsc#1211649) (#610) + +* Enable KeepAlive probes for Salt SSH connections (bsc#1211649) + +* Add tests for Salt SSH keepalive options + +* Add changelog file + +* Make changes suggested by pre-commit +--- + changelog/ | 1 + + salt/client/ssh/ | 32 +++++++++--- + salt/client/ssh/ | 13 ++++- + salt/client/ssh/ | 12 +++++ + salt/config/ | 6 +++ + salt/utils/ | 19 +++++++ + tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ | 55 ++++++++++++++++++++ + tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ | 3 ++ + 8 files changed, 133 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) + create mode 100644 changelog/ + +diff --git a/changelog/ b/changelog/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..78476cec11 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/changelog/ +@@ -0,0 +1 @@ ++Enable "KeepAlive" probes for Salt SSH executions +diff --git a/salt/client/ssh/ b/salt/client/ssh/ +index 1e143f9e30..1d8426b7c2 100644 +--- a/salt/client/ssh/ ++++ b/salt/client/ssh/ +@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ import salt.utils.thin + import salt.utils.url + import salt.utils.verify + from salt._logging import LOG_LEVELS +-from salt._logging.mixins import MultiprocessingStateMixin + from salt._logging.impl import LOG_LOCK ++from salt._logging.mixins import MultiprocessingStateMixin + from salt.template import compile_template + from salt.utils.process import Process + from salt.utils.zeromq import zmq +@@ -307,6 +307,18 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + "ssh_timeout", salt.config.DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS["ssh_timeout"] + ) + + self.opts.get("timeout", salt.config.DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS["timeout"]), ++ "keepalive": self.opts.get( ++ "ssh_keepalive", ++ salt.config.DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS["ssh_keepalive"], ++ ), ++ "keepalive_interval": self.opts.get( ++ "ssh_keepalive_interval", ++ salt.config.DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS["ssh_keepalive_interval"], ++ ), ++ "keepalive_count_max": self.opts.get( ++ "ssh_keepalive_count_max", ++ salt.config.DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS["ssh_keepalive_count_max"], ++ ), + "sudo": self.opts.get( + "ssh_sudo", salt.config.DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS["ssh_sudo"] + ), +@@ -557,7 +569,7 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + mods=self.mods, + fsclient=self.fsclient, + thin=self.thin, +- **target ++ **target, + ) + if salt.utils.path.which("ssh-copy-id"): + # we have ssh-copy-id, use it! +@@ -573,7 +585,7 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + mods=self.mods, + fsclient=self.fsclient, + thin=self.thin, +- **target ++ **target, + ) + stdout, stderr, retcode = single.cmd_block() + try: +@@ -601,7 +613,7 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + fsclient=self.fsclient, + thin=self.thin, + mine=mine, +- **target ++ **target, + ) + ret = {"id":} + stdout, stderr, retcode = +@@ -1022,7 +1034,10 @@ class Single: + remote_port_forwards=None, + winrm=False, + ssh_options=None, +- **kwargs ++ keepalive=True, ++ keepalive_interval=60, ++ keepalive_count_max=3, ++ **kwargs, + ): + # Get mine setting and mine_functions if defined in kwargs (from roster) + self.mine = mine +@@ -1081,6 +1096,9 @@ class Single: + "priv": priv, + "priv_passwd": priv_passwd, + "timeout": timeout, ++ "keepalive": keepalive, ++ "keepalive_interval": keepalive_interval, ++ "keepalive_count_max": keepalive_count_max, + "sudo": sudo, + "tty": tty, + "mods": self.mods, +@@ -1302,7 +1320,7 @@ class Single: +, + fsclient=self.fsclient, + minion_opts=self.minion_opts, +- ** ++ **, + ) + + opts_pkg = pre_wrapper["test.opts_pkg"]() # pylint: disable=E1102 +@@ -1388,7 +1406,7 @@ class Single: +, + fsclient=self.fsclient, + minion_opts=self.minion_opts, +- ** ++ **, + ) + wrapper.fsclient.opts["cachedir"] = opts["cachedir"] + self.wfuncs = salt.loader.ssh_wrapper(opts, wrapper, self.context) +diff --git a/salt/client/ssh/ b/salt/client/ssh/ +index 0b67598fc6..a00f5de423 100644 +--- a/salt/client/ssh/ ++++ b/salt/client/ssh/ +@@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ class SSHClient: + ("ssh_priv_passwd", str), + ("ssh_identities_only", bool), + ("ssh_remote_port_forwards", str), ++ ("ssh_keepalive", bool), ++ ("ssh_keepalive_interval", int), ++ ("ssh_keepalive_count_max", int), + ("ssh_options", list), + ("ssh_max_procs", int), + ("ssh_askpass", bool), +@@ -108,7 +111,15 @@ class SSHClient: + return sane_kwargs + + def _prep_ssh( +- self, tgt, fun, arg=(), timeout=None, tgt_type="glob", kwarg=None, context=None, **kwargs ++ self, ++ tgt, ++ fun, ++ arg=(), ++ timeout=None, ++ tgt_type="glob", ++ kwarg=None, ++ context=None, ++ **kwargs + ): + """ + Prepare the arguments +diff --git a/salt/client/ssh/ b/salt/client/ssh/ +index bc1ad034df..182e2c19e3 100644 +--- a/salt/client/ssh/ ++++ b/salt/client/ssh/ +@@ -85,6 +85,9 @@ class Shell: + remote_port_forwards=None, + winrm=False, + ssh_options=None, ++ keepalive=True, ++ keepalive_interval=None, ++ keepalive_count_max=None, + ): + self.opts = opts + # ssh , but scp [ (4, 9): + options.append("GSSAPIAuthentication=no") + options.append("ConnectTimeout={}".format(self.timeout)) ++ if self.keepalive: ++ options.append(f"ServerAliveInterval={self.keepalive_interval}") ++ options.append(f"ServerAliveCountMax={self.keepalive_count_max}") + if self.opts.get("ignore_host_keys"): + options.append("StrictHostKeyChecking=no") + if self.opts.get("no_host_keys"): +@@ -165,6 +174,9 @@ class Shell: + if self.opts["_ssh_version"] > (4, 9): + options.append("GSSAPIAuthentication=no") + options.append("ConnectTimeout={}".format(self.timeout)) ++ if self.keepalive: ++ options.append(f"ServerAliveInterval={self.keepalive_interval}") ++ options.append(f"ServerAliveCountMax={self.keepalive_count_max}") + if self.opts.get("ignore_host_keys"): + options.append("StrictHostKeyChecking=no") + if self.opts.get("no_host_keys"): +diff --git a/salt/config/ b/salt/config/ +index d8258a4dbc..68f2b0f674 100644 +--- a/salt/config/ ++++ b/salt/config/ +@@ -822,6 +822,9 @@ VALID_OPTS = immutabletypes.freeze( + "ssh_scan_ports": str, + "ssh_scan_timeout": float, + "ssh_identities_only": bool, ++ "ssh_keepalive": bool, ++ "ssh_keepalive_interval": int, ++ "ssh_keepalive_count_max": int, + "ssh_log_file": str, + "ssh_config_file": str, + "ssh_merge_pillar": bool, +@@ -1592,6 +1595,9 @@ DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS = immutabletypes.freeze( + "ssh_scan_ports": "22", + "ssh_scan_timeout": 0.01, + "ssh_identities_only": False, ++ "ssh_keepalive": True, ++ "ssh_keepalive_interval": 60, ++ "ssh_keepalive_count_max": 3, + "ssh_log_file": os.path.join(salt.syspaths.LOGS_DIR, "ssh"), + "ssh_config_file": os.path.join(salt.syspaths.HOME_DIR, ".ssh", "config"), + "cluster_mode": False, +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index dc125de7d7..6c7f9f2f66 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -3383,6 +3383,25 @@ class SaltSSHOptionParser( + "-R parameters." + ), + ) ++ ssh_group.add_option( ++ "--disable-keepalive", ++ default=True, ++ action="store_false", ++ dest="ssh_keepalive", ++ help=( ++ "Disable KeepAlive probes (ServerAliveInterval) for the SSH connection." ++ ), ++ ) ++ ssh_group.add_option( ++ "--keepalive-interval", ++ dest="ssh_keepalive_interval", ++ help=("Define the value for ServerAliveInterval option."), ++ ) ++ ssh_group.add_option( ++ "--keepalive-count-max", ++ dest="ssh_keepalive_count_max", ++ help=("Define the value for ServerAliveCountMax option."), ++ ) + ssh_group.add_option( + "--ssh-option", + dest="ssh_options", +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ b/tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ +index c88a1c2127..8d87da8700 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ +@@ -63,6 +63,61 @@ def test_single_opts(opts, target): + **target, + ) + ++ assert == "" ++ expected_cmd = ( ++ "ssh login1 " ++ "-o KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -o " ++ "PasswordAuthentication=yes -o ConnectTimeout=65 -o ServerAliveInterval=60 " ++ "-o ServerAliveCountMax=3 -o Port=22 " ++ "-o IdentityFile=/etc/salt/pki/master/ssh/salt-ssh.rsa " ++ "-o User=root date +%s" ++ ) ++ assert"date +%s") == expected_cmd ++ ++ ++def test_single_opts_custom_keepalive_options(opts, target): ++ """Sanity check for ssh.Single options with custom keepalive""" ++ ++ single = ssh.Single( ++ opts, ++ opts["argv"], ++ "localhost", ++ mods={}, ++ fsclient=None, ++ thin=salt.utils.thin.thin_path(opts["cachedir"]), ++ mine=False, ++ keepalive_interval=15, ++ keepalive_count_max=5, ++ **target, ++ ) ++ ++ assert == "" ++ expected_cmd = ( ++ "ssh login1 " ++ "-o KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -o " ++ "PasswordAuthentication=yes -o ConnectTimeout=65 -o ServerAliveInterval=15 " ++ "-o ServerAliveCountMax=5 -o Port=22 " ++ "-o IdentityFile=/etc/salt/pki/master/ssh/salt-ssh.rsa " ++ "-o User=root date +%s" ++ ) ++ assert"date +%s") == expected_cmd ++ ++ ++def test_single_opts_disable_keepalive(opts, target): ++ """Sanity check for ssh.Single options with custom keepalive""" ++ ++ single = ssh.Single( ++ opts, ++ opts["argv"], ++ "localhost", ++ mods={}, ++ fsclient=None, ++ thin=salt.utils.thin.thin_path(opts["cachedir"]), ++ mine=False, ++ keepalive=False, ++ **target, ++ ) ++ + assert == "" + expected_cmd = ( + "ssh login1 " +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ b/tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ +index cece16026c..23223ba8ec 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ +@@ -78,6 +78,9 @@ def roster(): + ("ssh_scan_ports", "test", True), + ("ssh_scan_timeout", 1.0, True), + ("ssh_timeout", 1, False), ++ ("ssh_keepalive", True, True), ++ ("ssh_keepalive_interval", 30, True), ++ ("ssh_keepalive_count_max", 3, True), + ("ssh_log_file", "/tmp/test", True), + ("raw_shell", True, True), + ("refresh_cache", True, True), +-- +2.42.0 + + diff --git a/enable-passing-a-unix_socket-for-mysql-returners-bsc.patch b/enable-passing-a-unix_socket-for-mysql-returners-bsc.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c978774 --- /dev/null +++ b/enable-passing-a-unix_socket-for-mysql-returners-bsc.patch @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +From e9d52cb97d619a76355c5aa1d03b733c125c0f22 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Maximilian Meister +Date: Thu, 3 May 2018 15:52:23 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] enable passing a unix_socket for mysql returners + (bsc#1091371) + +quick fix for: + + +the upstream patch will go through some bigger refactoring of +the mysql drivers to be cleaner + +this patch should only be temporary and can be dropped again once +the refactor is done upstream + +Signed-off-by: Maximilian Meister +--- + salt/returners/ | 5 +++++ + 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+) + +diff --git a/salt/returners/ b/salt/returners/ +index 67b44004ac..a220f11465 100644 +--- a/salt/returners/ ++++ b/salt/returners/ +@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ config. These are the defaults: + mysql.pass: 'salt' + mysql.db: 'salt' + mysql.port: 3306 ++ mysql.unix_socket: '/tmp/mysql.sock' + + SSL is optional. The defaults are set to None. If you do not want to use SSL, + either exclude these options or set them to None. +@@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ optional. The following ssl options are simply for illustration purposes: + alternative.mysql.ssl_ca: '/etc/pki/mysql/certs/localhost.pem' + alternative.mysql.ssl_cert: '/etc/pki/mysql/certs/localhost.crt' + alternative.mysql.ssl_key: '/etc/pki/mysql/certs/localhost.key' ++ alternative.mysql.unix_socket: '/tmp/mysql.sock' + + Should you wish the returner data to be cleaned out every so often, set + `keep_jobs_seconds` to the number of hours for the jobs to live in the +@@ -197,6 +199,7 @@ def _get_options(ret=None): + "ssl_ca": None, + "ssl_cert": None, + "ssl_key": None, ++ "unix_socket": "/tmp/mysql.sock", + } + + attrs = { +@@ -208,6 +211,7 @@ def _get_options(ret=None): + "ssl_ca": "ssl_ca", + "ssl_cert": "ssl_cert", + "ssl_key": "ssl_key", ++ "unix_socket": "unix_socket", + } + + _options = salt.returners.get_returner_options( +@@ -266,6 +270,7 @@ def _get_serv(ret=None, commit=False): + db=_options.get("db"), + port=_options.get("port"), + ssl=ssl_options, ++ unix_socket=_options.get("unix_socket"), + ) + + try: +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/enhance-cleanup-mechanism-after-salt-bundle-upgrade-.patch b/enhance-cleanup-mechanism-after-salt-bundle-upgrade-.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c4e3a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/enhance-cleanup-mechanism-after-salt-bundle-upgrade-.patch @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +From 994ebca519945c86dc30f1510dff36b3261446c0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2024 11:51:02 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Enhance cleanup mechanism after Salt Bundle upgrade + (bsc#1228690) (#685) + +--- + pkg/common/venv-salt-minion-postinstall.service | 2 +- + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/pkg/common/venv-salt-minion-postinstall.service b/pkg/common/venv-salt-minion-postinstall.service +index b122d7d6ea..c9db270435 100644 +--- a/pkg/common/venv-salt-minion-postinstall.service ++++ b/pkg/common/venv-salt-minion-postinstall.service +@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ + Description=Clean old environment for venv-salt-minion + + [Service] +-ExecStart=/bin/sh -c '/usr/lib/venv-salt-minion/bin/ || :' ++ExecStart=/bin/sh -c 'WAIT_IF_SALT_JOBS=1 /usr/lib/venv-salt-minion/bin/ || :' + Type=oneshot + +-- +2.46.1 + diff --git a/enhance-find_json-garbage-filtering-bsc-1231605-688.patch b/enhance-find_json-garbage-filtering-bsc-1231605-688.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4dd65ef --- /dev/null +++ b/enhance-find_json-garbage-filtering-bsc-1231605-688.patch @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +From a9505da8f4bb2f9a9ef4ee6832197f0749a2c2e6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Marek Czernek +Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2025 17:34:48 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Enhance find_json garbage filtering (bsc#1231605) + (#688) + +* Enhance find_json garbage filtering + +* Enhance error handling in transactional_update module +--- + salt/modules/ | 2 +- + salt/utils/ | 12 ++++++++++-- + tests/unit/utils/ | 5 +++++ + 3 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index d6915475f5..32e1eb9cc4 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -984,7 +984,7 @@ def call(function, *args, **kwargs): + return local.get("return", local) + else: + return local +- except ValueError: ++ except (ValueError, AttributeError): + return {"result": False, "retcode": 1, "comment": ret_stdout} + finally: + # Check if reboot is needed +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index 0845b64694..26cb38cdbe 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ def find_json(raw): + # Search for possible starts end ends of the json fragments + for ind, _ in enumerate(lines): + line = lines[ind].lstrip() ++ line = line[0] if line else line + if line == "{" or line == "[": + starts.append((ind, line)) + if line == "}" or line == "]": +@@ -61,10 +62,17 @@ def find_json(raw): + working = "\n".join(lines[start : end + 1]) + try: + ret = json.loads(working) ++ return ret + except ValueError: +- continue +- if ret: ++ pass ++ # Try filtering non-JSON text right after the last closing curly brace ++ end_str = lines[end].lstrip()[0] ++ working = "\n".join(lines[start : end]) + end_str ++ try: ++ ret = json.loads(working) + return ret ++ except ValueError: ++ continue + + # Fall back to old implementation for backward compatibility + # excpecting json after the text +diff --git a/tests/unit/utils/ b/tests/unit/utils/ +index b123e7e884..5ea409a705 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/utils/ ++++ b/tests/unit/utils/ +@@ -109,6 +109,11 @@ class JSONTestCase(TestCase): + ret = salt.utils.json.find_json(garbage_prepend_json) + self.assertDictEqual(ret, expected_ret) + ++ # Pre-pend garbage right after closing bracket of the JSON ++ garbage_prepend_json = "{}{}".format(test_sample_json.rstrip(), LOREM_IPSUM) ++ ret = salt.utils.json.find_json(garbage_prepend_json) ++ self.assertDictEqual(ret, expected_ret) ++ + # Test to see if a ValueError is raised if no JSON is passed in + self.assertRaises(ValueError, salt.utils.json.find_json, LOREM_IPSUM) + +-- +2.47.0 + diff --git a/enhance-openscap-module-add-xccdf_eval-call-386.patch b/enhance-openscap-module-add-xccdf_eval-call-386.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..32e8cf2 --- /dev/null +++ b/enhance-openscap-module-add-xccdf_eval-call-386.patch @@ -0,0 +1,425 @@ +From 17452801e950b3f49a9ec7ef444e3d57862cd9bf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2021 15:41:48 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Enhance openscap module: add "xccdf_eval" call (#386) + +* Enhance openscap module: add xccdf_eval call + +* Allow 'tailoring_file' and 'tailoring_id' parameters + +* Fix wrong reference to subprocess.PIPE in openscap unit tests + +* Add changes suggested by pre-commit + +Co-authored-by: Michael Calmer + +Fix error handling in openscap module (bsc#1188647) (#409) +--- + changelog/59756.added | 1 + + salt/modules/ | 116 +++++++++++++- + tests/unit/modules/ | 234 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + 3 files changed, 350 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) + create mode 100644 changelog/59756.added + +diff --git a/changelog/59756.added b/changelog/59756.added +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..a59fb21eef +--- /dev/null ++++ b/changelog/59756.added +@@ -0,0 +1 @@ ++adding new call for openscap xccdf eval supporting new parameters +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 770c8e7c04..216fd89eef 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Module for OpenSCAP Management + """ + + ++import os.path + import shlex + import shutil + import tempfile +@@ -55,6 +56,117 @@ _OSCAP_EXIT_CODES_MAP = { + } + + ++def xccdf_eval(xccdffile, ovalfiles=None, **kwargs): ++ """ ++ Run ``oscap xccdf eval`` commands on minions. ++ It uses cp.push_dir to upload the generated files to the salt master ++ in the master's minion files cachedir ++ (defaults to ``/var/cache/salt/master/minions/minion-id/files``) ++ ++ It needs ``file_recv`` set to ``True`` in the master configuration file. ++ ++ xccdffile ++ the path to the xccdf file to evaluate ++ ++ ovalfiles ++ additional oval definition files ++ ++ profile ++ the name of Profile to be evaluated ++ ++ rule ++ the name of a single rule to be evaluated ++ ++ oval_results ++ save OVAL results as well (True or False) ++ ++ results ++ write XCCDF Results into given file ++ ++ report ++ write HTML report into given file ++ ++ fetch_remote_resources ++ download remote content referenced by XCCDF (True or False) ++ ++ tailoring_file ++ use given XCCDF Tailoring file ++ ++ tailoring_id ++ use given DS component as XCCDF Tailoring file ++ ++ remediate ++ automatically execute XCCDF fix elements for failed rules. ++ Use of this option is always at your own risk. (True or False) ++ ++ CLI Example: ++ ++ .. code-block:: bash ++ ++ salt '*' openscap.xccdf_eval /usr/share/openscap/scap-yast2sec-xccdf.xml profile=Default ++ ++ """ ++ success = True ++ error = None ++ upload_dir = None ++ returncode = None ++ if not ovalfiles: ++ ovalfiles = [] ++ ++ cmd_opts = ["oscap", "xccdf", "eval"] ++ if kwargs.get("oval_results"): ++ cmd_opts.append("--oval-results") ++ if "results" in kwargs: ++ cmd_opts.append("--results") ++ cmd_opts.append(kwargs["results"]) ++ if "report" in kwargs: ++ cmd_opts.append("--report") ++ cmd_opts.append(kwargs["report"]) ++ if "profile" in kwargs: ++ cmd_opts.append("--profile") ++ cmd_opts.append(kwargs["profile"]) ++ if "rule" in kwargs: ++ cmd_opts.append("--rule") ++ cmd_opts.append(kwargs["rule"]) ++ if "tailoring_file" in kwargs: ++ cmd_opts.append("--tailoring-file") ++ cmd_opts.append(kwargs["tailoring_file"]) ++ if "tailoring_id" in kwargs: ++ cmd_opts.append("--tailoring-id") ++ cmd_opts.append(kwargs["tailoring_id"]) ++ if kwargs.get("fetch_remote_resources"): ++ cmd_opts.append("--fetch-remote-resources") ++ if kwargs.get("remediate"): ++ cmd_opts.append("--remediate") ++ cmd_opts.append(xccdffile) ++ cmd_opts.extend(ovalfiles) ++ ++ if not os.path.exists(xccdffile): ++ success = False ++ error = "XCCDF File '{}' does not exist".format(xccdffile) ++ for ofile in ovalfiles: ++ if success and not os.path.exists(ofile): ++ success = False ++ error = "Oval File '{}' does not exist".format(ofile) ++ ++ if success: ++ tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() ++ proc = Popen(cmd_opts, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=tempdir) ++ (stdoutdata, error) = proc.communicate() ++ success = _OSCAP_EXIT_CODES_MAP.get(proc.returncode, False) ++ if proc.returncode < 0: ++ error += "\nKilled by signal {}\n".format(proc.returncode).encode('ascii') ++ returncode = proc.returncode ++ if success: ++ __salt__["cp.push_dir"](tempdir) ++ upload_dir = tempdir ++ shutil.rmtree(tempdir, ignore_errors=True) ++ ++ return dict( ++ success=success, upload_dir=upload_dir, error=error, returncode=returncode ++ ) ++ ++ + def xccdf(params): + """ + Run ``oscap xccdf`` commands on minions. +@@ -92,7 +204,9 @@ def xccdf(params): + tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() + proc = Popen(shlex.split(cmd), stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=tempdir) + (stdoutdata, error) = proc.communicate() +- success = _OSCAP_EXIT_CODES_MAP[proc.returncode] ++ success = _OSCAP_EXIT_CODES_MAP.get(proc.returncode, False) ++ if proc.returncode < 0: ++ error += "\nKilled by signal {}\n".format(proc.returncode).encode('ascii') + returncode = proc.returncode + if success: + __salt__["cp.push_dir"](tempdir) +diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/ +index 045c37f7c9..301c1869ec 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/unit/modules/ +@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ class OpenscapTestCase(TestCase): + "salt.modules.openscap.tempfile.mkdtemp", + Mock(return_value=self.random_temp_dir), + ), ++ patch("salt.modules.openscap.os.path.exists", Mock(return_value=True)), + ] + for patcher in patchers: + self.apply_patch(patcher) +@@ -211,3 +212,236 @@ class OpenscapTestCase(TestCase): + "returncode": None, + }, + ) ++ ++ def test_new_openscap_xccdf_eval_success(self): ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.openscap.Popen", ++ MagicMock( ++ return_value=Mock( ++ **{"returncode": 0, "communicate.return_value": ("", "")} ++ ) ++ ), ++ ): ++ response = openscap.xccdf_eval( ++ self.policy_file, ++ profile="Default", ++ oval_results=True, ++ results="results.xml", ++ report="report.html", ++ ) ++ ++ self.assertEqual(openscap.tempfile.mkdtemp.call_count, 1) ++ expected_cmd = [ ++ "oscap", ++ "xccdf", ++ "eval", ++ "--oval-results", ++ "--results", ++ "results.xml", ++ "--report", ++ "report.html", ++ "--profile", ++ "Default", ++ self.policy_file, ++ ] ++ openscap.Popen.assert_called_once_with( ++ expected_cmd, ++ cwd=openscap.tempfile.mkdtemp.return_value, ++ stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ++ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ++ ) ++ openscap.__salt__["cp.push_dir"].assert_called_once_with( ++ self.random_temp_dir ++ ) ++ self.assertEqual(openscap.shutil.rmtree.call_count, 1) ++ self.assertEqual( ++ response, ++ { ++ "upload_dir": self.random_temp_dir, ++ "error": "", ++ "success": True, ++ "returncode": 0, ++ }, ++ ) ++ ++ def test_new_openscap_xccdf_eval_success_with_extra_ovalfiles(self): ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.openscap.Popen", ++ MagicMock( ++ return_value=Mock( ++ **{"returncode": 0, "communicate.return_value": ("", "")} ++ ) ++ ), ++ ): ++ response = openscap.xccdf_eval( ++ self.policy_file, ++ ["/usr/share/xml/another-oval.xml", "/usr/share/xml/oval.xml"], ++ profile="Default", ++ oval_results=True, ++ results="results.xml", ++ report="report.html", ++ ) ++ ++ self.assertEqual(openscap.tempfile.mkdtemp.call_count, 1) ++ expected_cmd = [ ++ "oscap", ++ "xccdf", ++ "eval", ++ "--oval-results", ++ "--results", ++ "results.xml", ++ "--report", ++ "report.html", ++ "--profile", ++ "Default", ++ self.policy_file, ++ "/usr/share/xml/another-oval.xml", ++ "/usr/share/xml/oval.xml", ++ ] ++ openscap.Popen.assert_called_once_with( ++ expected_cmd, ++ cwd=openscap.tempfile.mkdtemp.return_value, ++ stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ++ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ++ ) ++ openscap.__salt__["cp.push_dir"].assert_called_once_with( ++ self.random_temp_dir ++ ) ++ self.assertEqual(openscap.shutil.rmtree.call_count, 1) ++ self.assertEqual( ++ response, ++ { ++ "upload_dir": self.random_temp_dir, ++ "error": "", ++ "success": True, ++ "returncode": 0, ++ }, ++ ) ++ ++ def test_new_openscap_xccdf_eval_success_with_failing_rules(self): ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.openscap.Popen", ++ MagicMock( ++ return_value=Mock( ++ **{"returncode": 2, "communicate.return_value": ("", "some error")} ++ ) ++ ), ++ ): ++ response = openscap.xccdf_eval( ++ self.policy_file, ++ profile="Default", ++ oval_results=True, ++ results="results.xml", ++ report="report.html", ++ ) ++ ++ self.assertEqual(openscap.tempfile.mkdtemp.call_count, 1) ++ expected_cmd = [ ++ "oscap", ++ "xccdf", ++ "eval", ++ "--oval-results", ++ "--results", ++ "results.xml", ++ "--report", ++ "report.html", ++ "--profile", ++ "Default", ++ self.policy_file, ++ ] ++ openscap.Popen.assert_called_once_with( ++ expected_cmd, ++ cwd=openscap.tempfile.mkdtemp.return_value, ++ stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ++ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ++ ) ++ openscap.__salt__["cp.push_dir"].assert_called_once_with( ++ self.random_temp_dir ++ ) ++ self.assertEqual(openscap.shutil.rmtree.call_count, 1) ++ self.assertEqual( ++ response, ++ { ++ "upload_dir": self.random_temp_dir, ++ "error": "some error", ++ "success": True, ++ "returncode": 2, ++ }, ++ ) ++ ++ def test_new_openscap_xccdf_eval_success_ignore_unknown_params(self): ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.openscap.Popen", ++ MagicMock( ++ return_value=Mock( ++ **{"returncode": 2, "communicate.return_value": ("", "some error")} ++ ) ++ ), ++ ): ++ response = openscap.xccdf_eval( ++ "/policy/file", ++ param="Default", ++ profile="Default", ++ oval_results=True, ++ results="results.xml", ++ report="report.html", ++ ) ++ ++ self.assertEqual( ++ response, ++ { ++ "upload_dir": self.random_temp_dir, ++ "error": "some error", ++ "success": True, ++ "returncode": 2, ++ }, ++ ) ++ expected_cmd = [ ++ "oscap", ++ "xccdf", ++ "eval", ++ "--oval-results", ++ "--results", ++ "results.xml", ++ "--report", ++ "report.html", ++ "--profile", ++ "Default", ++ "/policy/file", ++ ] ++ openscap.Popen.assert_called_once_with( ++ expected_cmd, ++ cwd=openscap.tempfile.mkdtemp.return_value, ++ stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ++ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ++ ) ++ ++ def test_new_openscap_xccdf_eval_evaluation_error(self): ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.openscap.Popen", ++ MagicMock( ++ return_value=Mock( ++ **{ ++ "returncode": 1, ++ "communicate.return_value": ("", "evaluation error"), ++ } ++ ) ++ ), ++ ): ++ response = openscap.xccdf_eval( ++ self.policy_file, ++ profile="Default", ++ oval_results=True, ++ results="results.xml", ++ report="report.html", ++ ) ++ ++ self.assertEqual( ++ response, ++ { ++ "upload_dir": None, ++ "error": "evaluation error", ++ "success": False, ++ "returncode": 1, ++ }, ++ ) +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/firewalld-normalize-new-rich-rules-before-comparing-.patch b/firewalld-normalize-new-rich-rules-before-comparing-.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..24f9281 --- /dev/null +++ b/firewalld-normalize-new-rich-rules-before-comparing-.patch @@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ +From 522b2331e6584758aeaefbf2d41f0c18cd1113d9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Marek Czernek +Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2024 13:01:27 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] firewalld: normalize new rich rules before comparing + to old (bsc#1222684) (#648) +MIME-Version: 1.0 +Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 +Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit + +* Normalize new rich rules before comparing to old + +Firewallcmd rich rule output quotes each +assigned part of the rich rule, for example: +rule family="ipv4" source port port="161" ... +The firewalld module must first normalize +the user defined rich rules to match the +firewallcmd output before comparison to +ensure idempotency. + +* Add changelog entry + +* Enhance documentation for normalization function + +* Add unit tests to cover rich rules normalization + +--------- + +Co-authored-by: Pablo Suárez Hernández +--- + changelog/ | 1 + + salt/states/ | 38 +++++++++++- + tests/pytests/unit/states/ | 64 +++++++++++++++++++++ + 3 files changed, 102 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) + create mode 100644 changelog/ + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/unit/states/ + +diff --git a/changelog/ b/changelog/ +new file mode 100644 +index 00000000000..7ae9bb40800 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/changelog/ +@@ -0,0 +1 @@ ++- firewalld: normalize new rich rules before comparing to old ones +diff --git a/salt/states/ b/salt/states/ +index 534b9dd62df..9ce0bfc61a8 100644 +--- a/salt/states/ ++++ b/salt/states/ +@@ -204,7 +204,6 @@ def present( + rich_rules=None, + prune_rich_rules=False, + ): +- + """ + Ensure a zone has specific attributes. + +@@ -378,6 +377,42 @@ def service(name, ports=None, protocols=None): + return ret + + ++def _normalize_rich_rules(rich_rules): ++ """ ++ Make sure rich rules are normalized and attributes ++ are quoted with double quotes so it matches the output ++ from firewall-cmd ++ ++ Example: ++ ++ rule family="ipv4" source address="" port port=22 protocol=tcp accept ++ rule family="ipv4" source address="" port port='22' protocol=tcp accept ++ rule family='ipv4' source address='' port port='22' protocol=tcp accept ++ ++ normalized to: ++ ++ rule family="ipv4" source address="" port port="22" protocol="tcp" accept ++ """ ++ normalized_rules = [] ++ for rich_rule in rich_rules: ++ normalized_rule = "" ++ for cmd in rich_rule.split(" "): ++ cmd_components = cmd.split("=", 1) ++ if len(cmd_components) == 2: ++ assigned_component = cmd_components[1] ++ if not assigned_component.startswith( ++ '"' ++ ) and not assigned_component.endswith('"'): ++ if assigned_component.startswith( ++ "'" ++ ) and assigned_component.endswith("'"): ++ assigned_component = assigned_component[1:-1] ++ cmd_components[1] = f'"{assigned_component}"' ++ normalized_rule = f"{normalized_rule} {'='.join(cmd_components)}" ++ normalized_rules.append(normalized_rule.lstrip()) ++ return normalized_rules ++ ++ + def _present( + name, + block_icmp=None, +@@ -761,6 +796,7 @@ def _present( + + if rich_rules or prune_rich_rules: + rich_rules = rich_rules or [] ++ rich_rules = _normalize_rich_rules(rich_rules) + try: + _current_rich_rules = __salt__["firewalld.get_rich_rules"]( + name, permanent=True +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/states/ b/tests/pytests/unit/states/ +new file mode 100644 +index 00000000000..0cbc59633bf +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/states/ +@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ ++""" ++ :codeauthor: Hristo Voyvodov ++""" ++ ++import pytest ++ ++import salt.states.firewalld as firewalld ++from import MagicMock, patch ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture ++def configure_loader_modules(): ++ return {firewalld: {"__opts__": {"test": False}}} ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.parametrize( ++ "rich_rule", ++ [ ++ ( ++ [ ++ 'rule family="ipv4" source address="" port port=22 protocol=tcp accept' ++ ] ++ ), ++ ( ++ [ ++ 'rule family="ipv4" source address="" port port=\'22\' protocol=tcp accept' ++ ] ++ ), ++ ( ++ [ ++ "rule family='ipv4' source address='' port port='22' protocol=tcp accept" ++ ] ++ ), ++ ], ++) ++def test_present_rich_rules_normalized(rich_rule): ++ firewalld_reload_rules = MagicMock(return_value={}) ++ firewalld_rich_rules = [ ++ 'rule family="ipv4" source address="" port port="22" protocol="tcp" accept', ++ ] ++ ++ firewalld_get_zones = MagicMock( ++ return_value=[ ++ "block", ++ "public", ++ ] ++ ) ++ firewalld_get_masquerade = MagicMock(return_value=False) ++ firewalld_get_rich_rules = MagicMock(return_value=firewalld_rich_rules) ++ ++ __salt__ = { ++ "firewalld.reload_rules": firewalld_reload_rules, ++ "firewalld.get_zones": firewalld_get_zones, ++ "firewalld.get_masquerade": firewalld_get_masquerade, ++ "firewalld.get_rich_rules": firewalld_get_rich_rules, ++ } ++ with patch.dict(firewalld.__dict__, {"__salt__": __salt__}): ++ ret = firewalld.present("public", rich_rules=rich_rule) ++ assert ret == { ++ "changes": {}, ++ "result": True, ++ "comment": "'public' is already in the desired state.", ++ "name": "public", ++ } +-- +2.45.2 + + diff --git a/fix-bsc-1065792.patch b/fix-bsc-1065792.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..283b400 --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-bsc-1065792.patch @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +From 42a5e5d1a898d7b8bdb56a94decf525204ebccb8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Bo Maryniuk +Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2017 16:21:40 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix bsc#1065792 + +--- + salt/states/ | 1 + + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) + +diff --git a/salt/states/ b/salt/states/ +index 93c7c4fb07..0d8a4efa03 100644 +--- a/salt/states/ ++++ b/salt/states/ +@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ def __virtual__(): + Only make these states available if a service provider has been detected or + assigned for this minion + """ ++ __salt__._load_all() + if "service.start" in __salt__: + return __virtualname__ + else: +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/fix-calculation-of-sls-context-vars-when-trailing-do.patch b/fix-calculation-of-sls-context-vars-when-trailing-do.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..690026a --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-calculation-of-sls-context-vars-when-trailing-do.patch @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +From 3403a7391df785be31b6fbe401a8229c2007ac19 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2023 10:44:05 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix calculation of SLS context vars when trailing dots + on targetted sls/state (bsc#1213518) (#598) + +* Fix calculation of SLS context vars when trailing dots on targetted state + +* Add changelog file +--- + changelog/ | 1 + + salt/utils/ | 5 +++-- + tests/unit/utils/ | 14 ++++++++++++++ + 3 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) + create mode 100644 changelog/ + +diff --git a/changelog/ b/changelog/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..65340e3652 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/changelog/ +@@ -0,0 +1 @@ ++Fix calculation of SLS context vars when trailing dots on targetted state +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index 4a8adf2a14..8639ea703e 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -113,8 +113,9 @@ def generate_sls_context(tmplpath, sls): + + sls_context = {} + +- # Normalize SLS as path. +- slspath = sls.replace(".", "/") ++ # Normalize SLS as path and remove possible trailing slashes ++ # to prevent matching issues and wrong vars calculation ++ slspath = sls.replace(".", "/").rstrip("/") + + if tmplpath: + # Normalize template path +diff --git a/tests/unit/utils/ b/tests/unit/utils/ +index 4ba2f52d7b..264b4ae801 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/utils/ ++++ b/tests/unit/utils/ +@@ -320,6 +320,20 @@ class WrapRenderTestCase(TestCase): + slspath="foo", + ) + ++ def test_generate_sls_context__one_level_init_implicit_with_trailing_dot(self): ++ """generate_sls_context - Basic one level with implicit init.sls with trailing dot""" ++ self._test_generated_sls_context( ++ "/tmp/foo/init.sls", ++ "foo.", ++ tplfile="foo/init.sls", ++ tpldir="foo", ++ tpldot="foo", ++ slsdotpath="foo", ++ slscolonpath="foo", ++ sls_path="foo", ++ slspath="foo", ++ ) ++ + def test_generate_sls_context__one_level_init_explicit(self): + """generate_sls_context - Basic one level with explicit init.sls""" + self._test_generated_sls_context( +-- +2.42.0 + + diff --git a/fix-cve-2023-34049-bsc-1215157.patch b/fix-cve-2023-34049-bsc-1215157.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..82d8736 --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-cve-2023-34049-bsc-1215157.patch @@ -0,0 +1,1163 @@ +From b2baafcc96a2807cf7d34374904e1710a4f58b9f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Alexander Graul +Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2023 11:26:15 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix CVE-2023-34049 (bsc#1215157) + +Backport of +--- + salt/client/ssh/ | 56 +++- + tests/integration/modules/ | 3 +- + tests/integration/ssh/ | 132 -------- + .../integration/ssh/ | 315 ++++++++++++++++++ + tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ | 296 +++++++++++++--- + tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ | 110 ++++++ + 6 files changed, 727 insertions(+), 185 deletions(-) + delete mode 100644 tests/integration/ssh/ + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ + +diff --git a/salt/client/ssh/ b/salt/client/ssh/ +index b120e0002e8..1e143f9e30c 100644 +--- a/salt/client/ssh/ ++++ b/salt/client/ssh/ +@@ -12,9 +12,11 @@ import hashlib + import logging + import multiprocessing + import os ++import pathlib + import queue + import re + import shlex ++import shutil + import subprocess + import sys + import tarfile +@@ -515,7 +517,14 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + if target.get("passwd", False) or self.opts["ssh_passwd"]: + self._key_deploy_run(host, target, False) + return ret +- if ret[host].get("stderr", "").count("Permission denied"): ++ stderr = ret[host].get("stderr", "") ++ # -failed to upload file- is detecting scp errors ++ # Errors to ignore when Permission denied is in the stderr. For example ++ # scp can get a permission denied on the target host, but they where ++ # able to accurate authenticate against the box ++ ignore_err = ["failed to upload file"] ++ check_err = [x for x in ignore_err if stderr.count(x)] ++ if "Permission denied" in stderr and not check_err: + target = self.targets[host] + # permission denied, attempt to auto deploy ssh key + print( +@@ -1137,11 +1146,30 @@ class Single: + """ + Run our pre_flight script before running any ssh commands + """ +- script = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), self.ssh_pre_file) +- +-, script) +- +- return self.execute_script(script, script_args=self.ssh_pre_flight_args) ++ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp: ++ # ensure we use copyfile to not copy the file attributes ++ # we want to ensure we use the perms set by the secure ++ # NamedTemporaryFile ++ try: ++ shutil.copyfile(self.ssh_pre_flight, ++ except OSError as err: ++ return ( ++ "", ++ "Could not copy pre flight script to temporary path", ++ 1, ++ ) ++ target_script = f".{pathlib.Path(}" ++ log.trace("Copying the pre flight script to target") ++ stdout, stderr, retcode =, target_script) ++ if retcode != 0: ++ # We could not copy the script to the target ++ log.error("Could not copy the pre flight script to target") ++ return stdout, stderr, retcode ++ ++ log.trace("Executing the pre flight script on target") ++ return self.execute_script( ++ target_script, script_args=self.ssh_pre_flight_args ++ ) + + def check_thin_dir(self): + """ +@@ -1531,18 +1559,20 @@ ARGS = {arguments}\n'''.format( + return + + # Write the shim to a temporary file in the default temp directory +- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( +- mode="w+b", prefix="shim_", delete=False +- ) as shim_tmp_file: ++ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+b", delete=False) as shim_tmp_file: + shim_tmp_file.write(salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(cmd_str)) + + # Copy shim to target system, under $HOME/. +- target_shim_file = ".{}.{}".format( +- binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(6)).decode("ascii"), extension +- ) ++ target_shim_file = f".{pathlib.Path(}" ++ + if self.winrm: + target_shim_file = saltwinshell.get_target_shim_file(self, target_shim_file) +-, target_shim_file, makedirs=True) ++ stdout, stderr, retcode = ++, target_shim_file, makedirs=True ++ ) ++ if retcode != 0: ++ log.error("Could not copy the shim script to target") ++ return stdout, stderr, retcode + + # Remove our shim file + try: +diff --git a/tests/integration/modules/ b/tests/integration/modules/ +index 0817877c86b..55586211622 100644 +--- a/tests/integration/modules/ ++++ b/tests/integration/modules/ +@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ def check_status(): + return False + + +-@pytest.mark.windows_whitelisted ++# @pytest.mark.windows_whitelisted ++# De-whitelist windows since it's hanging on the newer windows golden images + @pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("ssh", "ssh-keygen", check_all=True) + class SSHModuleTest(ModuleCase): + """ +diff --git a/tests/integration/ssh/ b/tests/integration/ssh/ +deleted file mode 100644 +index 1598b3d51b5..00000000000 +--- a/tests/integration/ssh/ ++++ /dev/null +@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@ +-""" +-Test for ssh_pre_flight roster option +-""" +- +-import os +- +-import pytest +- +-import salt.utils.files +-from import SSHCase +-from import RUNTIME_VARS +- +- +-class SSHPreFlightTest(SSHCase): +- """ +- Test ssh_pre_flight roster option +- """ +- +- def setUp(self): +- super().setUp() +- self.roster = os.path.join(RUNTIME_VARS.TMP, "pre_flight_roster") +- = { +- "ssh_pre_flight": os.path.join(RUNTIME_VARS.TMP, "") +- } +- self.test_script = os.path.join( +- RUNTIME_VARS.TMP, "test-pre-flight-script-worked.txt" +- ) +- +- def _create_roster(self, pre_flight_script_args=None): +- data = dict( +- if pre_flight_script_args: +- data["ssh_pre_flight_args"] = pre_flight_script_args +- +- self.custom_roster(self.roster, data) +- +- with salt.utils.files.fopen(data["ssh_pre_flight"], "w") as fp_: +- fp_.write("touch {}".format(self.test_script)) +- +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_ssh_pre_flight(self): +- """ +- test ssh when ssh_pre_flight is set +- ensure the script runs successfully +- """ +- self._create_roster() +- assert self.run_function("", roster_file=self.roster) +- +- assert os.path.exists(self.test_script) +- +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_ssh_run_pre_flight(self): +- """ +- test ssh when --pre-flight is passed to salt-ssh +- to ensure the script runs successfully +- """ +- self._create_roster() +- # make sure we previously ran a command so the thin dir exists +- self.run_function("", wipe=False) +- assert not os.path.exists(self.test_script) +- +- assert self.run_function( +- "", ssh_opts="--pre-flight", roster_file=self.roster, wipe=False +- ) +- assert os.path.exists(self.test_script) +- +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_ssh_run_pre_flight_args(self): +- """ +- test ssh when --pre-flight is passed to salt-ssh +- to ensure the script runs successfully passing some args +- """ +- self._create_roster(pre_flight_script_args="foobar test") +- # make sure we previously ran a command so the thin dir exists +- self.run_function("", wipe=False) +- assert not os.path.exists(self.test_script) +- +- assert self.run_function( +- "", ssh_opts="--pre-flight", roster_file=self.roster, wipe=False +- ) +- assert os.path.exists(self.test_script) +- +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_ssh_run_pre_flight_args_prevent_injection(self): +- """ +- test ssh when --pre-flight is passed to salt-ssh +- and evil arguments are used in order to produce shell injection +- """ +- injected_file = os.path.join(RUNTIME_VARS.TMP, "injection") +- self._create_roster( +- pre_flight_script_args="foobar; echo injected > {}".format(injected_file) +- ) +- # make sure we previously ran a command so the thin dir exists +- self.run_function("", wipe=False) +- assert not os.path.exists(self.test_script) +- assert not os.path.isfile(injected_file) +- +- assert self.run_function( +- "", ssh_opts="--pre-flight", roster_file=self.roster, wipe=False +- ) +- +- assert not os.path.isfile( +- injected_file +- ), "File injection suceeded. This shouldn't happend" +- +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_ssh_run_pre_flight_failure(self): +- """ +- test ssh_pre_flight when there is a failure +- in the script. +- """ +- self._create_roster() +- with salt.utils.files.fopen(["ssh_pre_flight"], "w") as fp_: +- fp_.write("exit 2") +- +- ret = self.run_function( +- "", ssh_opts="--pre-flight", roster_file=self.roster, wipe=False +- ) +- assert ret["retcode"] == 2 +- +- def tearDown(self): +- """ +- make sure to clean up any old ssh directories +- """ +- files = [ +- self.roster, +-["ssh_pre_flight"], +- self.test_script, +- os.path.join(RUNTIME_VARS.TMP, "injection"), +- ] +- for fp_ in files: +- if os.path.exists(fp_): +- os.remove(fp_) +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ b/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ +new file mode 100644 +index 00000000000..09c65d29430 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ +@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@ ++""" ++Test for ssh_pre_flight roster option ++""" ++ ++try: ++ import grp ++ import pwd ++except ImportError: ++ # windows stacktraces on import of these modules ++ pass ++import os ++import pathlib ++import shutil ++import subprocess ++ ++import pytest ++import yaml ++from saltfactories.utils import random_string ++ ++import salt.utils.files ++ ++pytestmark = pytest.mark.skip_on_windows(reason="Salt-ssh not available on Windows") ++ ++ ++def _custom_roster(roster_file, roster_data): ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(roster_file, "r") as fp: ++ data = salt.utils.yaml.safe_load(fp) ++ for key, item in roster_data.items(): ++ data["localhost"][key] = item ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(roster_file, "w") as fp: ++ yaml.safe_dump(data, fp) ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture ++def _create_roster(salt_ssh_roster_file, tmp_path): ++ ret = {} ++ ret["roster"] = salt_ssh_roster_file ++ ret["data"] = {"ssh_pre_flight": str(tmp_path / "")} ++ ret["test_script"] = str(tmp_path / "test-pre-flight-script-worked.txt") ++ ret["thin_dir"] = tmp_path / "thin_dir" ++ ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(salt_ssh_roster_file, "r") as fp: ++ data = salt.utils.yaml.safe_load(fp) ++ pre_flight_script = ret["data"]["ssh_pre_flight"] ++ data["localhost"]["ssh_pre_flight"] = pre_flight_script ++ data["localhost"]["thin_dir"] = str(ret["thin_dir"]) ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(salt_ssh_roster_file, "w") as fp: ++ yaml.safe_dump(data, fp) ++ ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(pre_flight_script, "w") as fp: ++ fp.write("touch {}".format(ret["test_script"])) ++ ++ yield ret ++ if ret["thin_dir"].exists(): ++ shutil.rmtree(ret["thin_dir"]) ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_ssh_pre_flight(salt_ssh_cli, caplog, _create_roster): ++ """ ++ test ssh when ssh_pre_flight is set ++ ensure the script runs successfully ++ """ ++ ret ="") ++ assert ret.returncode == 0 ++ ++ assert pathlib.Path(_create_roster["test_script"]).exists() ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_ssh_run_pre_flight(salt_ssh_cli, _create_roster): ++ """ ++ test ssh when --pre-flight is passed to salt-ssh ++ to ensure the script runs successfully ++ """ ++ # make sure we previously ran a command so the thin dir exists ++ ret ="") ++ assert pathlib.Path(_create_roster["test_script"]).exists() ++ ++ # Now remeove the script to ensure pre_flight doesn't run ++ # without --pre-flight ++ pathlib.Path(_create_roster["test_script"]).unlink() ++ ++ assert"").returncode == 0 ++ assert not pathlib.Path(_create_roster["test_script"]).exists() ++ ++ # Now ensure ++ ret = ++ "", ++ "--pre-flight", ++ ) ++ assert ret.returncode == 0 ++ assert pathlib.Path(_create_roster["test_script"]).exists() ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_ssh_run_pre_flight_args(salt_ssh_cli, _create_roster): ++ """ ++ test ssh when --pre-flight is passed to salt-ssh ++ to ensure the script runs successfully passing some args ++ """ ++ _custom_roster(salt_ssh_cli.roster_file, {"ssh_pre_flight_args": "foobar test"}) ++ # Create pre_flight script that accepts args ++ test_script = _create_roster["test_script"] ++ test_script_1 = pathlib.Path(test_script + "-foobar") ++ test_script_2 = pathlib.Path(test_script + "-test") ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(_create_roster["data"]["ssh_pre_flight"], "w") as fp: ++ fp.write( ++ f""" ++ touch {str(test_script)}-$1 ++ touch {str(test_script)}-$2 ++ """ ++ ) ++ ret ="") ++ assert ret.returncode == 0 ++ assert test_script_1.exists() ++ assert test_script_2.exists() ++ pathlib.Path(test_script_1).unlink() ++ pathlib.Path(test_script_2).unlink() ++ ++ ret ="") ++ assert ret.returncode == 0 ++ assert not test_script_1.exists() ++ assert not test_script_2.exists() ++ ++ ret = ++ "", ++ "--pre-flight", ++ ) ++ assert ret.returncode == 0 ++ assert test_script_1.exists() ++ assert test_script_2.exists() ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_ssh_run_pre_flight_args_prevent_injection( ++ salt_ssh_cli, _create_roster, tmp_path ++): ++ """ ++ test ssh when --pre-flight is passed to salt-ssh ++ and evil arguments are used in order to produce shell injection ++ """ ++ injected_file = tmp_path / "injection" ++ _custom_roster( ++ salt_ssh_cli.roster_file, ++ {"ssh_pre_flight_args": f"foobar; echo injected > {str(injected_file)}"}, ++ ) ++ # Create pre_flight script that accepts args ++ test_script = _create_roster["test_script"] ++ test_script_1 = pathlib.Path(test_script + "-echo") ++ test_script_2 = pathlib.Path(test_script + "-foobar;") ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(_create_roster["data"]["ssh_pre_flight"], "w") as fp: ++ fp.write( ++ f""" ++ touch {str(test_script)}-$1 ++ touch {str(test_script)}-$2 ++ """ ++ ) ++ ++ # make sure we previously ran a command so the thin dir exists ++ ret ="") ++ assert ret.returncode == 0 ++ assert test_script_1.exists() ++ assert test_script_2.exists() ++ test_script_1.unlink() ++ test_script_2.unlink() ++ assert not injected_file.is_file() ++ ++ ret = ++ "", ++ "--pre-flight", ++ ) ++ assert ret.returncode == 0 ++ ++ assert test_script_1.exists() ++ assert test_script_2.exists() ++ assert not pathlib.Path( ++ injected_file ++ ).is_file(), "File injection suceeded. This shouldn't happend" ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.flaky(max_runs=4) ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_ssh_run_pre_flight_failure(salt_ssh_cli, _create_roster): ++ """ ++ test ssh_pre_flight when there is a failure ++ in the script. ++ """ ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(_create_roster["data"]["ssh_pre_flight"], "w") as fp_: ++ fp_.write("exit 2") ++ ++ ret = ++ "", ++ "--pre-flight", ++ ) ++ assert["retcode"] == 2 ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture ++def account(): ++ username = random_string("test-account-", uppercase=False) ++ with pytest.helpers.create_account(username=username) as account: ++ yield account ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_ssh_pre_flight_script(salt_ssh_cli, caplog, _create_roster, tmp_path, account): ++ """ ++ Test to ensure user cannot create and run a script ++ with the expected pre_flight script path on target. ++ """ ++ try: ++ script = pathlib.Path.home() / "hacked" ++ tmp_preflight = pathlib.Path("/tmp", "") ++ tmp_preflight.write_text(f"touch {script}") ++ os.chown(tmp_preflight,, ++ ret ="") ++ assert not script.is_file() ++ assert ret.returncode == 0 ++ assert ret.stdout == '{\n"localhost": true\n}\n' ++ finally: ++ for _file in [script, tmp_preflight]: ++ if _file.is_file(): ++ _file.unlink() ++ ++ ++def demote(user_uid, user_gid): ++ def result(): ++ # os.setgid does not remove group membership, so we remove them here so they are REALLY non-root ++ os.setgroups([]) ++ os.setgid(user_gid) ++ os.setuid(user_uid) ++ ++ return result ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_ssh_pre_flight_perms(salt_ssh_cli, caplog, _create_roster, account): ++ """ ++ Test to ensure standard user cannot run pre flight script ++ on target when user sets wrong permissions (777) on ++ ssh_pre_flight script. ++ """ ++ try: ++ script = pathlib.Path("/tmp", "itworked") ++ preflight = pathlib.Path("/") ++ preflight.write_text(f"touch {str(script)}") ++ tmp_preflight = pathlib.Path("/tmp", ++ ++ _custom_roster(salt_ssh_cli.roster_file, {"ssh_pre_flight": str(preflight)}) ++ preflight.chmod(0o0777) ++ run_script = pathlib.Path("/run_script") ++ run_script.write_text( ++ f""" ++ x=1 ++ while [ $x -le 200000 ]; do ++ SCRIPT=`bash {str(tmp_preflight)} 2> /dev/null; echo $?` ++ if [ ${{SCRIPT}} == 0 ]; then ++ break ++ fi ++ x=$(( $x + 1 )) ++ done ++ """ ++ ) ++ run_script.chmod(0o0777) ++ # pylint: disable=W1509 ++ ret = subprocess.Popen( ++ ["sh", f"{run_script}"], ++ preexec_fn=demote(,, ++ stdout=None, ++ stderr=None, ++ stdin=None, ++ universal_newlines=True, ++ ) ++ # pylint: enable=W1509 ++ ret ="") ++ assert ret.returncode == 0 ++ ++ # Lets make sure a different user other than root ++ # Didn't run the script ++ assert os.stat(script).st_uid != ++ assert script.is_file() ++ finally: ++ for _file in [script, preflight, tmp_preflight, run_script]: ++ if _file.is_file(): ++ _file.unlink() ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_ssh_run_pre_flight_target_file_perms(salt_ssh_cli, _create_roster, tmp_path): ++ """ ++ test ssh_pre_flight to ensure the target pre flight script ++ has the correct perms ++ """ ++ perms_file = tmp_path / "perms" ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(_create_roster["data"]["ssh_pre_flight"], "w") as fp_: ++ fp_.write( ++ f""" ++ SCRIPT_NAME=$0 ++ stat -L -c "%a %G %U" $SCRIPT_NAME > {perms_file} ++ """ ++ ) ++ ++ ret = ++ "", ++ "--pre-flight", ++ ) ++ assert ret.returncode == 0 ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(perms_file) as fp: ++ data = ++ assert data.split()[0] == "600" ++ uid = os.getuid() ++ gid = os.getgid() ++ assert data.split()[1] == grp.getgrgid(gid).gr_name ++ assert data.split()[2] == pwd.getpwuid(uid).pw_name +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ b/tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ +index f97519d5cc2..c88a1c2127f 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ +@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ +-import os ++import logging + import re +-import tempfile + from textwrap import dedent + + import pytest +@@ -16,6 +15,8 @@ import salt.utils.yaml + from salt.client import ssh + from import MagicMock, call, patch + ++log = logging.getLogger(__name__) ++ + + @pytest.fixture + def opts(tmp_path): +@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ def test_single_opts(opts, target): + fsclient=None, + thin=salt.utils.thin.thin_path(opts["cachedir"]), + mine=False, +- **target ++ **target, + ) + + assert == "" +@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ def test_run_with_pre_flight(opts, target, tmp_path): + fsclient=None, + thin=salt.utils.thin.thin_path(opts["cachedir"]), + mine=False, +- **target ++ **target, + ) + + cmd_ret = ("Success", "", 0) +@@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ def test_run_with_pre_flight_with_args(opts, target, tmp_path): + fsclient=None, + thin=salt.utils.thin.thin_path(opts["cachedir"]), + mine=False, +- **target ++ **target, + ) + + cmd_ret = ("Success", "foobar", 0) +@@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ def test_run_with_pre_flight_stderr(opts, target, tmp_path): + fsclient=None, + thin=salt.utils.thin.thin_path(opts["cachedir"]), + mine=False, +- **target ++ **target, + ) + + cmd_ret = ("", "Error running script", 1) +@@ -190,7 +191,7 @@ def test_run_with_pre_flight_script_doesnot_exist(opts, target, tmp_path): + fsclient=None, + thin=salt.utils.thin.thin_path(opts["cachedir"]), + mine=False, +- **target ++ **target, + ) + + cmd_ret = ("Success", "", 0) +@@ -224,7 +225,7 @@ def test_run_with_pre_flight_thin_dir_exists(opts, target, tmp_path): + fsclient=None, + thin=salt.utils.thin.thin_path(opts["cachedir"]), + mine=False, +- **target ++ **target, + ) + + cmd_ret = ("", "", 0) +@@ -242,6 +243,39 @@ def test_run_with_pre_flight_thin_dir_exists(opts, target, tmp_path): + assert ret == cmd_ret + + ++def test_run_ssh_pre_flight(opts, target, tmp_path): ++ """ ++ test Single.run_ssh_pre_flight function ++ """ ++ target["ssh_pre_flight"] = str(tmp_path / "") ++ single = ssh.Single( ++ opts, ++ opts["argv"], ++ "localhost", ++ mods={}, ++ fsclient=None, ++ thin=salt.utils.thin.thin_path(opts["cachedir"]), ++ mine=False, ++ **target, ++ ) ++ ++ cmd_ret = ("Success", "", 0) ++ mock_flight = MagicMock(return_value=cmd_ret) ++ mock_cmd = MagicMock(return_value=cmd_ret) ++ patch_flight = patch("salt.client.ssh.Single.run_ssh_pre_flight", mock_flight) ++ patch_cmd = patch("salt.client.ssh.Single.cmd_block", mock_cmd) ++ patch_exec_cmd = patch( ++ "", return_value=("", "", 1) ++ ) ++ patch_os = patch("os.path.exists", side_effect=[True]) ++ ++ with patch_os, patch_flight, patch_cmd, patch_exec_cmd: ++ ret = ++ mock_cmd.assert_called() ++ mock_flight.assert_called() ++ assert ret == cmd_ret ++ ++ + def test_execute_script(opts, target, tmp_path): + """ + test Single.execute_script() +@@ -255,7 +289,7 @@ def test_execute_script(opts, target, tmp_path): + thin=salt.utils.thin.thin_path(opts["cachedir"]), + mine=False, + winrm=False, +- **target ++ **target, + ) + + exp_ret = ("Success", "", 0) +@@ -273,7 +307,7 @@ def test_execute_script(opts, target, tmp_path): + ] == mock_cmd.call_args_list + + +-def test_shim_cmd(opts, target): ++def test_shim_cmd(opts, target, tmp_path): + """ + test Single.shim_cmd() + """ +@@ -287,7 +321,7 @@ def test_shim_cmd(opts, target): + mine=False, + winrm=False, + tty=True, +- **target ++ **target, + ) + + exp_ret = ("Success", "", 0) +@@ -295,21 +329,24 @@ def test_shim_cmd(opts, target): + patch_cmd = patch("", mock_cmd) + patch_send = patch("", return_value=("", "", 0)) + patch_rand = patch("os.urandom", return_value=b"5\xd9l\xca\xc2\xff") ++ tmp_file = tmp_path / "tmp_file" ++ mock_tmp = MagicMock() ++ patch_tmp = patch("tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile", mock_tmp) ++ = tmp_file + +- with patch_cmd, patch_rand, patch_send: ++ with patch_cmd, patch_tmp, patch_send: + ret = single.shim_cmd(cmd_str="echo test") + assert ret == exp_ret + assert [ +- call("/bin/sh ''"), +- call("rm ''"), ++ call(f"/bin/sh '.{}'"), ++ call(f"rm '.{}'"), + ] == mock_cmd.call_args_list + + +-def test_run_ssh_pre_flight(opts, target, tmp_path): ++def test_shim_cmd_copy_fails(opts, target, caplog): + """ +- test Single.run_ssh_pre_flight ++ test Single.shim_cmd() when copying the file fails + """ +- target["ssh_pre_flight"] = str(tmp_path / "") + single = ssh.Single( + opts, + opts["argv"], +@@ -320,24 +357,202 @@ def test_run_ssh_pre_flight(opts, target, tmp_path): + mine=False, + winrm=False, + tty=True, +- **target ++ **target, + ) + +- exp_ret = ("Success", "", 0) +- mock_cmd = MagicMock(return_value=exp_ret) ++ ret_cmd = ("Success", "", 0) ++ mock_cmd = MagicMock(return_value=ret_cmd) + patch_cmd = patch("", mock_cmd) +- patch_send = patch("", return_value=exp_ret) +- exp_tmp = os.path.join( +- tempfile.gettempdir(), os.path.basename(target["ssh_pre_flight"]) ++ ret_send = ("", "General error in file copy", 1) ++ patch_send = patch("", return_value=ret_send) ++ patch_rand = patch("os.urandom", return_value=b"5\xd9l\xca\xc2\xff") ++ ++ with patch_cmd, patch_rand, patch_send: ++ ret = single.shim_cmd(cmd_str="echo test") ++ assert ret == ret_send ++ assert "Could not copy the shim script to target" in caplog.text ++ mock_cmd.assert_not_called() ++ ++ ++def test_run_ssh_pre_flight_no_connect(opts, target, tmp_path, caplog): ++ """ ++ test Single.run_ssh_pre_flight when you ++ cannot connect to the target ++ """ ++ pre_flight = tmp_path / "" ++ pre_flight.write_text("") ++ target["ssh_pre_flight"] = str(pre_flight) ++ single = ssh.Single( ++ opts, ++ opts["argv"], ++ "localhost", ++ mods={}, ++ fsclient=None, ++ thin=salt.utils.thin.thin_path(opts["cachedir"]), ++ mine=False, ++ winrm=False, ++ tty=True, ++ **target, + ) ++ mock_exec_cmd = MagicMock(return_value=("", "", 1)) ++ patch_exec_cmd = patch("", mock_exec_cmd) ++ tmp_file = tmp_path / "tmp_file" ++ mock_tmp = MagicMock() ++ patch_tmp = patch("tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile", mock_tmp) ++ = tmp_file ++ ret_send = ( ++ "", ++ "ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host\nscp: Connection closed\n", ++ 255, ++ ) ++ send_mock = MagicMock(return_value=ret_send) ++ patch_send = patch("", send_mock) ++ ++ with caplog.at_level(logging.TRACE): ++ with patch_send, patch_exec_cmd, patch_tmp: ++ ret = single.run_ssh_pre_flight() ++ assert "Copying the pre flight script" in caplog.text ++ assert "Could not copy the pre flight script to target" in caplog.text ++ assert ret == ret_send ++ assert send_mock.call_args_list[0][0][0] == tmp_file ++ target_script = send_mock.call_args_list[0][0][1] ++ assert".[a-z0-9]+", target_script) ++ mock_exec_cmd.assert_not_called() ++ ++ ++def test_run_ssh_pre_flight_permission_denied(opts, target, tmp_path): ++ """ ++ test Single.run_ssh_pre_flight when you ++ cannot copy script to the target due to ++ a permission denied error ++ """ ++ pre_flight = tmp_path / "" ++ pre_flight.write_text("") ++ target["ssh_pre_flight"] = str(pre_flight) ++ single = ssh.Single( ++ opts, ++ opts["argv"], ++ "localhost", ++ mods={}, ++ fsclient=None, ++ thin=salt.utils.thin.thin_path(opts["cachedir"]), ++ mine=False, ++ winrm=False, ++ tty=True, ++ **target, ++ ) ++ mock_exec_cmd = MagicMock(return_value=("", "", 1)) ++ patch_exec_cmd = patch("", mock_exec_cmd) ++ tmp_file = tmp_path / "tmp_file" ++ mock_tmp = MagicMock() ++ patch_tmp = patch("tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile", mock_tmp) ++ = tmp_file ++ ret_send = ( ++ "", ++ 'scp: dest open "/tmp/": Permission denied\nscp: failed to upload file /etc/salt/ to /tmp/\n', ++ 255, ++ ) ++ send_mock = MagicMock(return_value=ret_send) ++ patch_send = patch("", send_mock) + +- with patch_cmd, patch_send: ++ with patch_send, patch_exec_cmd, patch_tmp: + ret = single.run_ssh_pre_flight() +- assert ret == exp_ret +- assert [ +- call("/bin/sh '{}'".format(exp_tmp)), +- call("rm '{}'".format(exp_tmp)), +- ] == mock_cmd.call_args_list ++ assert ret == ret_send ++ assert send_mock.call_args_list[0][0][0] == tmp_file ++ target_script = send_mock.call_args_list[0][0][1] ++ assert".[a-z0-9]+", target_script) ++ mock_exec_cmd.assert_not_called() ++ ++ ++def test_run_ssh_pre_flight_connect(opts, target, tmp_path, caplog): ++ """ ++ test Single.run_ssh_pre_flight when you ++ can connect to the target ++ """ ++ pre_flight = tmp_path / "" ++ pre_flight.write_text("") ++ target["ssh_pre_flight"] = str(pre_flight) ++ single = ssh.Single( ++ opts, ++ opts["argv"], ++ "localhost", ++ mods={}, ++ fsclient=None, ++ thin=salt.utils.thin.thin_path(opts["cachedir"]), ++ mine=False, ++ winrm=False, ++ tty=True, ++ **target, ++ ) ++ ret_exec_cmd = ("", "", 1) ++ mock_exec_cmd = MagicMock(return_value=ret_exec_cmd) ++ patch_exec_cmd = patch("", mock_exec_cmd) ++ tmp_file = tmp_path / "tmp_file" ++ mock_tmp = MagicMock() ++ patch_tmp = patch("tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile", mock_tmp) ++ = tmp_file ++ ret_send = ( ++ "", ++ "\rroot@'s password: \n\ 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- ETA\ 100% 20 2.7KB/s 00:00 \n", ++ 0, ++ ) ++ send_mock = MagicMock(return_value=ret_send) ++ patch_send = patch("", send_mock) ++ ++ with caplog.at_level(logging.TRACE): ++ with patch_send, patch_exec_cmd, patch_tmp: ++ ret = single.run_ssh_pre_flight() ++ ++ assert "Executing the pre flight script on target" in caplog.text ++ assert ret == ret_exec_cmd ++ assert send_mock.call_args_list[0][0][0] == tmp_file ++ target_script = send_mock.call_args_list[0][0][1] ++ assert".[a-z0-9]+", target_script) ++ mock_exec_cmd.assert_called() ++ ++ ++def test_run_ssh_pre_flight_shutil_fails(opts, target, tmp_path): ++ """ ++ test Single.run_ssh_pre_flight when cannot ++ copyfile with shutil ++ """ ++ pre_flight = tmp_path / "" ++ pre_flight.write_text("") ++ target["ssh_pre_flight"] = str(pre_flight) ++ single = ssh.Single( ++ opts, ++ opts["argv"], ++ "localhost", ++ mods={}, ++ fsclient=None, ++ thin=salt.utils.thin.thin_path(opts["cachedir"]), ++ mine=False, ++ winrm=False, ++ tty=True, ++ **target, ++ ) ++ ret_exec_cmd = ("", "", 1) ++ mock_exec_cmd = MagicMock(return_value=ret_exec_cmd) ++ patch_exec_cmd = patch("", mock_exec_cmd) ++ tmp_file = tmp_path / "tmp_file" ++ mock_tmp = MagicMock() ++ patch_tmp = patch("tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile", mock_tmp) ++ = tmp_file ++ send_mock = MagicMock() ++ mock_shutil = MagicMock(side_effect=IOError("Permission Denied")) ++ patch_shutil = patch("shutil.copyfile", mock_shutil) ++ patch_send = patch("", send_mock) ++ ++ with patch_send, patch_exec_cmd, patch_tmp, patch_shutil: ++ ret = single.run_ssh_pre_flight() ++ ++ assert ret == ( ++ "", ++ "Could not copy pre flight script to temporary path", ++ 1, ++ ) ++ mock_exec_cmd.assert_not_called() ++ send_mock.assert_not_called() + + + @pytest.mark.skip_on_windows(reason="SSH_PY_SHIM not set on windows") +@@ -355,7 +570,7 @@ def test_cmd_run_set_path(opts, target): + fsclient=None, + thin=salt.utils.thin.thin_path(opts["cachedir"]), + mine=False, +- **target ++ **target, + ) + + ret = single._cmd_str() +@@ -376,7 +591,7 @@ def test_cmd_run_not_set_path(opts, target): + fsclient=None, + thin=salt.utils.thin.thin_path(opts["cachedir"]), + mine=False, +- **target ++ **target, + ) + + ret = single._cmd_str() +@@ -395,7 +610,7 @@ def test_cmd_block_python_version_error(opts, target): + thin=salt.utils.thin.thin_path(opts["cachedir"]), + mine=False, + winrm=False, +- **target ++ **target, + ) + mock_shim = MagicMock( + return_value=(("", "ERROR: Unable to locate appropriate python command\n", 10)) +@@ -434,7 +649,9 @@ def test_run_with_pre_flight_args(opts, target, test_opts, tmp_path): + and script successfully runs + """ + opts["ssh_run_pre_flight"] = True +- target["ssh_pre_flight"] = str(tmp_path / "") ++ pre_flight_script = tmp_path / "" ++ pre_flight_script.write_text("") ++ target["ssh_pre_flight"] = str(pre_flight_script) + + if test_opts[0] is not None: + target["ssh_pre_flight_args"] = test_opts[0] +@@ -448,7 +665,7 @@ def test_run_with_pre_flight_args(opts, target, test_opts, tmp_path): + fsclient=None, + thin=salt.utils.thin.thin_path(opts["cachedir"]), + mine=False, +- **target ++ **target, + ) + + cmd_ret = ("Success", "", 0) +@@ -456,14 +673,15 @@ def test_run_with_pre_flight_args(opts, target, test_opts, tmp_path): + mock_exec_cmd = MagicMock(return_value=("", "", 0)) + patch_cmd = patch("salt.client.ssh.Single.cmd_block", mock_cmd) + patch_exec_cmd = patch("", mock_exec_cmd) +- patch_shell_send = patch("", return_value=None) ++ patch_shell_send = patch( ++ "", return_value=("", "", 0) ++ ) + patch_os = patch("os.path.exists", side_effect=[True]) + + with patch_os, patch_cmd, patch_exec_cmd, patch_shell_send: +- ret = +- assert mock_exec_cmd.mock_calls[0].args[ +- 0 +- ] == "/bin/sh '/tmp/'{}".format(expected_args) ++ ++ script_args = mock_exec_cmd.mock_calls[0].args[0] ++ assert"\/bin\/sh '.[a-z0-9]+", script_args) + + + @pytest.mark.slow_test +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ b/tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ +index 377aad9998c..cece16026cf 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ +@@ -339,3 +339,113 @@ def test_extra_filerefs(tmp_path, opts): + with patch("salt.roster.get_roster_file", MagicMock(return_value=roster)): + ssh_obj = client._prep_ssh(**ssh_opts) + assert ssh_obj.opts.get("extra_filerefs", None) == "salt://foobar" ++ ++ ++def test_key_deploy_permission_denied_scp(tmp_path, opts): ++ """ ++ test "key_deploy" function when ++ permission denied authentication error ++ when attempting to use scp to copy file ++ to target ++ """ ++ host = "localhost" ++ passwd = "password" ++ usr = "ssh-usr" ++ opts["ssh_user"] = usr ++ opts["tgt"] = host ++ ++ ssh_ret = { ++ host: { ++ "stdout": "\rroot@'s password: \n\rroot@'s password: \n\rroot@'s password: \n", ++ "stderr": "Permission denied, please try again.\nPermission denied, please try again.\nroot@ Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-micimport pudb; pu.dbassword).\nscp: Connection closed\n", ++ "retcode": 255, ++ } ++ } ++ key_run_ret = { ++ "localhost": { ++ "jid": "20230922155652279959", ++ "return": "test", ++ "retcode": 0, ++ "id": "test", ++ "fun": "", ++ "fun_args": ["echo test"], ++ } ++ } ++ patch_roster_file = patch("salt.roster.get_roster_file", MagicMock(return_value="")) ++ with patch_roster_file: ++ client = ssh.SSH(opts) ++ patch_input = patch("builtins.input", side_effect=["y"]) ++ patch_getpass = patch("getpass.getpass", return_value=["password"]) ++ mock_key_run = MagicMock(return_value=key_run_ret) ++ patch_key_run = patch("salt.client.ssh.SSH._key_deploy_run", mock_key_run) ++ with patch_input, patch_getpass, patch_key_run: ++ ret = client.key_deploy(host, ssh_ret) ++ assert mock_key_run.call_args_list[0][0] == ( ++ host, ++ {"passwd": [passwd], "host": host, "user": usr}, ++ True, ++ ) ++ assert ret == key_run_ret ++ assert mock_key_run.call_count == 1 ++ ++ ++def test_key_deploy_permission_denied_file_scp(tmp_path, opts): ++ """ ++ test "key_deploy" function when permission denied ++ due to not having access to copy the file to the target ++ We do not want to deploy the key, because this is not ++ an authentication to the target error. ++ """ ++ host = "localhost" ++ passwd = "password" ++ usr = "ssh-usr" ++ opts["ssh_user"] = usr ++ opts["tgt"] = host ++ ++ mock_key_run = MagicMock(return_value=False) ++ patch_key_run = patch("salt.client.ssh.SSH._key_deploy_run", mock_key_run) ++ ++ ssh_ret = { ++ "localhost": { ++ "stdout": "", ++ "stderr": 'scp: dest open "/tmp/": Permission denied\nscp: failed to upload file /etc/salt/ to /tmp/\n', ++ "retcode": 1, ++ } ++ } ++ patch_roster_file = patch("salt.roster.get_roster_file", MagicMock(return_value="")) ++ with patch_roster_file: ++ client = ssh.SSH(opts) ++ ret = client.key_deploy(host, ssh_ret) ++ assert ret == ssh_ret ++ assert mock_key_run.call_count == 0 ++ ++ ++def test_key_deploy_no_permission_denied(tmp_path, opts): ++ """ ++ test "key_deploy" function when no permission denied ++ is returned ++ """ ++ host = "localhost" ++ passwd = "password" ++ usr = "ssh-usr" ++ opts["ssh_user"] = usr ++ opts["tgt"] = host ++ ++ mock_key_run = MagicMock(return_value=False) ++ patch_key_run = patch("salt.client.ssh.SSH._key_deploy_run", mock_key_run) ++ ssh_ret = { ++ "localhost": { ++ "jid": "20230922161937998385", ++ "return": "test", ++ "retcode": 0, ++ "id": "test", ++ "fun": "", ++ "fun_args": ["echo test"], ++ } ++ } ++ patch_roster_file = patch("salt.roster.get_roster_file", MagicMock(return_value="")) ++ with patch_roster_file: ++ client = ssh.SSH(opts) ++ ret = client.key_deploy(host, ssh_ret) ++ assert ret == ssh_ret ++ assert mock_key_run.call_count == 0 +-- +2.42.0 + diff --git a/fix-cve-2024-22231-and-cve-2024-22232-bsc-1219430-bs.patch b/fix-cve-2024-22231-and-cve-2024-22232-bsc-1219430-bs.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d08b5c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-cve-2024-22231-and-cve-2024-22232-bsc-1219430-bs.patch @@ -0,0 +1,544 @@ +From 5710bc3ff3887762182f8326bd74f40d3872a69f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2024 11:50:16 +0000 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix "CVE-2024-22231" and "CVE-2024-22232" + (bsc#1219430, bsc#1219431) (#621) + +* Fix CVE-2024-22231 and CVE-2024-22232 + +* Add changelogs for CVE-2024-22231 and CVE-2024-22232 + +* Fix linter issue + +* Add credit + +* Fix wart in patch + +* Clean up test fixtures + +* Fix test on windows + +* Update changelog file name + +* Fix fileroots tests + +--------- + +Co-authored-by: Daniel A. Wozniak +--- + changelog/ | 4 + + salt/fileserver/ | 9 +- + salt/fileserver/ | 26 +++++ + salt/ | 15 ++- + tests/pytests/unit/fileserver/ | 58 +++++++-- + tests/pytests/unit/ | 123 ++++++++++++++++++++ + tests/pytests/unit/ | 33 ++++++ + tests/unit/ | 79 ------------- + 8 files changed, 250 insertions(+), 97 deletions(-) + create mode 100644 changelog/ + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/unit/ + delete mode 100644 tests/unit/ + +diff --git a/changelog/ b/changelog/ +new file mode 100644 +index 00000000000..5d7ec8202ba +--- /dev/null ++++ b/changelog/ +@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ ++CVE-2024-22231 Prevent directory traversal when creating syndic cache directory on the master ++CVE-2024-22232 Prevent directory traversal attacks in the master's serve_file method. ++These vulerablities were discovered and reported by: ++Yudi Zhao(Huawei Nebula Security Lab),Chenwei Jiang(Huawei Nebula Security Lab) +diff --git a/salt/fileserver/ b/salt/fileserver/ +index 99f12387f91..4eca98d14a4 100644 +--- a/salt/fileserver/ ++++ b/salt/fileserver/ +@@ -568,11 +568,6 @@ class Fileserver: + saltenv = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(saltenv) + back = self.backends(back) + kwargs = {} +- fnd = {"path": "", "rel": ""} +- if os.path.isabs(path): +- return fnd +- if "../" in path: +- return fnd + if salt.utils.url.is_escaped(path): + # don't attempt to find URL query arguments in the path + path = salt.utils.url.unescape(path) +@@ -588,6 +583,10 @@ class Fileserver: + args = comp.split("=", 1) + kwargs[args[0]] = args[1] + ++ fnd = {"path": "", "rel": ""} ++ if os.path.isabs(path) or "../" in path: ++ return fnd ++ + if "env" in kwargs: + # "env" is not supported; Use "saltenv". + kwargs.pop("env") +diff --git a/salt/fileserver/ b/salt/fileserver/ +index a02b597c6f8..e2ea92029c3 100644 +--- a/salt/fileserver/ ++++ b/salt/fileserver/ +@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import salt.utils.hashutils + import salt.utils.path + import salt.utils.platform + import salt.utils.stringutils ++import salt.utils.verify + import salt.utils.versions + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) +@@ -98,6 +99,11 @@ def find_file(path, saltenv="base", **kwargs): + if saltenv == "__env__": + root = root.replace("__env__", actual_saltenv) + full = os.path.join(root, path) ++ ++ # Refuse to serve file that is not under the root. ++ if not salt.utils.verify.clean_path(root, full, subdir=True): ++ continue ++ + if os.path.isfile(full) and not salt.fileserver.is_file_ignored(__opts__, full): + fnd["path"] = full + fnd["rel"] = path +@@ -128,6 +134,26 @@ def serve_file(load, fnd): + ret["dest"] = fnd["rel"] + gzip = load.get("gzip", None) + fpath = os.path.normpath(fnd["path"]) ++ ++ actual_saltenv = saltenv = load["saltenv"] ++ if saltenv not in __opts__["file_roots"]: ++ if "__env__" in __opts__["file_roots"]: ++ log.debug( ++ "salt environment '%s' maps to __env__ file_roots directory", saltenv ++ ) ++ saltenv = "__env__" ++ else: ++ return fnd ++ file_in_root = False ++ for root in __opts__["file_roots"][saltenv]: ++ if saltenv == "__env__": ++ root = root.replace("__env__", actual_saltenv) ++ # Refuse to serve file that is not under the root. ++ if salt.utils.verify.clean_path(root, fpath, subdir=True): ++ file_in_root = True ++ if not file_in_root: ++ return ret ++ + with salt.utils.files.fopen(fpath, "rb") as fp_: +["loc"]) + data =["file_buffer_size"]) +diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ +index 3d2ba1e29de..425b4121481 100644 +--- a/salt/ ++++ b/salt/ +@@ -1038,7 +1038,10 @@ class MWorker(salt.utils.process.SignalHandlingProcess): + """ + key = payload["enc"] + load = payload["load"] +- ret = {"aes": self._handle_aes, "clear": self._handle_clear}[key](load) ++ if key == "aes": ++ ret = self._handle_aes(load) ++ else: ++ ret = self._handle_clear(load) + raise salt.ext.tornado.gen.Return(ret) + + def _post_stats(self, start, cmd): +@@ -1213,7 +1216,7 @@ class AESFuncs(TransportMethods): + "_dir_list", + "_symlink_list", + "_file_envs", +- "_ext_nodes", # To keep compatibility with old Salt minion versions ++ "_ext_nodes", # To keep compatibility with old Salt minion versions + ) + + def __init__(self, opts, context=None): +@@ -1746,10 +1749,16 @@ class AESFuncs(TransportMethods): + self.mminion.returners[fstr](load["jid"], load["load"]) + + # Register the syndic ++ ++ # We are creating a path using user suplied input. Use the ++ # clean_path to prevent a directory traversal. ++ root = os.path.join(self.opts["cachedir"], "syndics") + syndic_cache_path = os.path.join( + self.opts["cachedir"], "syndics", load["id"] + ) +- if not os.path.exists(syndic_cache_path): ++ if salt.utils.verify.clean_path( ++ root, syndic_cache_path ++ ) and not os.path.exists(syndic_cache_path): + path_name = os.path.split(syndic_cache_path)[0] + if not os.path.exists(path_name): + os.makedirs(path_name) +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/fileserver/ b/tests/pytests/unit/fileserver/ +index 96bceb0fd3d..c1660280bc5 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/fileserver/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/fileserver/ +@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ + import copy + import pathlib + import shutil ++import sys + import textwrap + + import pytest +@@ -28,14 +29,14 @@ def unicode_dirname(): + return "соль" + + +-@pytest.fixture(autouse=True) ++@pytest.fixture + def testfile(tmp_path): + fp = tmp_path / "testfile" + fp.write_text("This is a testfile") + return fp + + +-@pytest.fixture(autouse=True) ++@pytest.fixture + def tmp_state_tree(tmp_path, testfile, unicode_filename, unicode_dirname): + dirname = tmp_path / "roots_tmp_state_tree" + dirname.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) +@@ -54,11 +55,15 @@ def tmp_state_tree(tmp_path, testfile, unicode_filename, unicode_dirname): + + + @pytest.fixture +-def configure_loader_modules(tmp_state_tree, temp_salt_master): +- opts = temp_salt_master.config.copy() ++def testfilepath(tmp_state_tree, testfile): ++ return tmp_state_tree / ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture ++def configure_loader_modules(tmp_state_tree, master_opts): + overrides = {"file_roots": {"base": [str(tmp_state_tree)]}} +- opts.update(overrides) +- return {roots: {"__opts__": opts}} ++ master_opts.update(overrides) ++ return {roots: {"__opts__": master_opts}} + + + def test_file_list(unicode_filename): +@@ -75,17 +80,17 @@ def test_find_file(tmp_state_tree): + assert full_path_to_file == ret["path"] + + +-def test_serve_file(testfile): ++def test_serve_file(testfilepath): + with patch.dict(roots.__opts__, {"file_buffer_size": 262144}): + load = { + "saltenv": "base", +- "path": str(testfile), ++ "path": str(testfilepath), + "loc": 0, + } +- fnd = {"path": str(testfile), "rel": "testfile"} ++ fnd = {"path": str(testfilepath), "rel": "testfile"} + ret = roots.serve_file(load, fnd) + +- with salt.utils.files.fopen(str(testfile), "rb") as fp_: ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(str(testfilepath), "rb") as fp_: + data = + + assert ret == {"data": data, "dest": "testfile"} +@@ -277,3 +282,36 @@ def test_update_mtime_map_unicode_error(tmp_path): + }, + "backend": "roots", + } ++ ++ ++def test_find_file_not_in_root(tmp_state_tree): ++ """ ++ Fileroots should never 'find' a file that is outside of it's root. ++ """ ++ badfile = pathlib.Path(tmp_state_tree).parent / "bar" ++ badfile.write_text("Bad file") ++ badpath = f"../bar" ++ ret = roots.find_file(badpath) ++ assert ret == {"path": "", "rel": ""} ++ badpath = f"{tmp_state_tree / '..' / 'bar'}" ++ ret = roots.find_file(badpath) ++ assert ret == {"path": "", "rel": ""} ++ ++ ++def test_serve_file_not_in_root(tmp_state_tree): ++ """ ++ Fileroots should never 'serve' a file that is outside of it's root. ++ """ ++ badfile = pathlib.Path(tmp_state_tree).parent / "bar" ++ badfile.write_text("Bad file") ++ badpath = f"../bar" ++ load = {"path": "salt://|..\\bar", "saltenv": "base", "loc": 0} ++ fnd = { ++ "path": f"{tmp_state_tree / '..' / 'bar'}", ++ "rel": f"{pathlib.Path('..') / 'bar'}", ++ } ++ ret = roots.serve_file(load, fnd) ++ if "win" in sys.platform: ++ assert ret == {"data": "", "dest": "..\\bar"} ++ else: ++ assert ret == {"data": "", "dest": "../bar"} +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/ b/tests/pytests/unit/ +new file mode 100644 +index 00000000000..8dd3ea0a27d +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/ +@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ ++import datetime ++import os ++import time ++ ++import salt.fileserver ++import salt.utils.files ++ ++ ++def test_diff_with_diffent_keys(): ++ """ ++ Test that different maps are indeed reported different ++ """ ++ map1 = {"file1": 1234} ++ map2 = {"file2": 1234} ++ assert salt.fileserver.diff_mtime_map(map1, map2) is True ++ ++ ++def test_diff_with_diffent_values(): ++ """ ++ Test that different maps are indeed reported different ++ """ ++ map1 = {"file1": 12345} ++ map2 = {"file1": 1234} ++ assert salt.fileserver.diff_mtime_map(map1, map2) is True ++ ++ ++def test_whitelist(): ++ opts = { ++ "fileserver_backend": ["roots", "git", "s3fs", "hgfs", "svn"], ++ "extension_modules": "", ++ } ++ fs = salt.fileserver.Fileserver(opts) ++ assert sorted(fs.servers.whitelist) == sorted( ++ ["git", "gitfs", "hg", "hgfs", "svn", "svnfs", "roots", "s3fs"] ++ ), fs.servers.whitelist ++ ++ ++def test_future_file_list_cache_file_ignored(tmp_path): ++ opts = { ++ "fileserver_backend": ["roots"], ++ "cachedir": tmp_path, ++ "extension_modules": "", ++ } ++ ++ back_cachedir = os.path.join(tmp_path, "file_lists/roots") ++ os.makedirs(os.path.join(back_cachedir)) ++ ++ # Touch a couple files ++ for filename in ("base.p", "foo.txt"): ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(os.path.join(back_cachedir, filename), "wb") as _f: ++ if filename == "base.p": ++ _f.write(b"\x80") ++ ++ # Set modification time to file list cache file to 1 year in the future ++ now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() ++ future = now + datetime.timedelta(days=365) ++ mod_time = time.mktime(future.timetuple()) ++ os.utime(os.path.join(back_cachedir, "base.p"), (mod_time, mod_time)) ++ ++ list_cache = os.path.join(back_cachedir, "base.p") ++ w_lock = os.path.join(back_cachedir, ".base.w") ++ ret = salt.fileserver.check_file_list_cache(opts, "files", list_cache, w_lock) ++ assert ( ++ ret[1] is True ++ ), "Cache file list cache file is not refreshed when future modification time" ++ ++ ++def test_file_server_url_escape(tmp_path): ++ (tmp_path / "srv").mkdir() ++ (tmp_path / "srv" / "salt").mkdir() ++ (tmp_path / "foo").mkdir() ++ (tmp_path / "foo" / "bar").write_text("Bad file") ++ fileroot = str(tmp_path / "srv" / "salt") ++ badfile = str(tmp_path / "foo" / "bar") ++ opts = { ++ "fileserver_backend": ["roots"], ++ "extension_modules": "", ++ "optimization_order": [ ++ 0, ++ ], ++ "file_roots": { ++ "base": [fileroot], ++ }, ++ "file_ignore_regex": "", ++ "file_ignore_glob": "", ++ } ++ fs = salt.fileserver.Fileserver(opts) ++ ret = fs.find_file( ++ "salt://|..\\..\\..\\foo/bar", ++ "base", ++ ) ++ assert ret == {"path": "", "rel": ""} ++ ++ ++def test_file_server_serve_url_escape(tmp_path): ++ (tmp_path / "srv").mkdir() ++ (tmp_path / "srv" / "salt").mkdir() ++ (tmp_path / "foo").mkdir() ++ (tmp_path / "foo" / "bar").write_text("Bad file") ++ fileroot = str(tmp_path / "srv" / "salt") ++ badfile = str(tmp_path / "foo" / "bar") ++ opts = { ++ "fileserver_backend": ["roots"], ++ "extension_modules": "", ++ "optimization_order": [ ++ 0, ++ ], ++ "file_roots": { ++ "base": [fileroot], ++ }, ++ "file_ignore_regex": "", ++ "file_ignore_glob": "", ++ "file_buffer_size": 2048, ++ } ++ fs = salt.fileserver.Fileserver(opts) ++ ret = fs.serve_file( ++ { ++ "path": "salt://|..\\..\\..\\foo/bar", ++ "saltenv": "base", ++ "loc": 0, ++ } ++ ) ++ assert ret == {"data": "", "dest": ""} +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/ b/tests/pytests/unit/ +index 98c796912aa..d338307d1f8 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/ +@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ ++import pathlib + import time + + import pytest +@@ -249,3 +250,35 @@ def test_mworker_pass_context(): + loadler_pillars_mock.call_args_list[0][1].get("pack").get("__context__") + == test_context + ) ++ ++ ++def test_syndic_return_cache_dir_creation(encrypted_requests): ++ """master's cachedir for a syndic will be created by AESFuncs._syndic_return method""" ++ cachedir = pathlib.Path(encrypted_requests.opts["cachedir"]) ++ assert not (cachedir / "syndics").exists() ++ encrypted_requests._syndic_return( ++ { ++ "id": "mamajama", ++ "jid": "", ++ "return": {}, ++ } ++ ) ++ assert (cachedir / "syndics").exists() ++ assert (cachedir / "syndics" / "mamajama").exists() ++ ++ ++def test_syndic_return_cache_dir_creation_traversal(encrypted_requests): ++ """ ++ master's AESFuncs._syndic_return method cachdir creation is not vulnerable to a directory traversal ++ """ ++ cachedir = pathlib.Path(encrypted_requests.opts["cachedir"]) ++ assert not (cachedir / "syndics").exists() ++ encrypted_requests._syndic_return( ++ { ++ "id": "../mamajama", ++ "jid": "", ++ "return": {}, ++ } ++ ) ++ assert not (cachedir / "syndics").exists() ++ assert not (cachedir / "mamajama").exists() +diff --git a/tests/unit/ b/tests/unit/ +deleted file mode 100644 +index c290b16b7e4..00000000000 +--- a/tests/unit/ ++++ /dev/null +@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ +-""" +- :codeauthor: Joao Mesquita +-""" +- +- +-import datetime +-import os +-import time +- +-import salt.utils.files +-from salt import fileserver +-from import with_tempdir +-from import LoaderModuleMockMixin +-from import TestCase +- +- +-class MapDiffTestCase(TestCase): +- def test_diff_with_diffent_keys(self): +- """ +- Test that different maps are indeed reported different +- """ +- map1 = {"file1": 1234} +- map2 = {"file2": 1234} +- assert fileserver.diff_mtime_map(map1, map2) is True +- +- def test_diff_with_diffent_values(self): +- """ +- Test that different maps are indeed reported different +- """ +- map1 = {"file1": 12345} +- map2 = {"file1": 1234} +- assert fileserver.diff_mtime_map(map1, map2) is True +- +- +-class VCSBackendWhitelistCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): +- def setup_loader_modules(self): +- return {fileserver: {}} +- +- def test_whitelist(self): +- opts = { +- "fileserver_backend": ["roots", "git", "s3fs", "hgfs", "svn"], +- "extension_modules": "", +- } +- fs = fileserver.Fileserver(opts) +- assert sorted(fs.servers.whitelist) == sorted( +- ["git", "gitfs", "hg", "hgfs", "svn", "svnfs", "roots", "s3fs"] +- ), fs.servers.whitelist +- +- @with_tempdir() +- def test_future_file_list_cache_file_ignored(self, cachedir): +- opts = { +- "fileserver_backend": ["roots"], +- "cachedir": cachedir, +- "extension_modules": "", +- } +- +- back_cachedir = os.path.join(cachedir, "file_lists/roots") +- os.makedirs(os.path.join(back_cachedir)) +- +- # Touch a couple files +- for filename in ("base.p", "foo.txt"): +- with salt.utils.files.fopen( +- os.path.join(back_cachedir, filename), "wb" +- ) as _f: +- if filename == "base.p": +- _f.write(b"\x80") +- +- # Set modification time to file list cache file to 1 year in the future +- now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() +- future = now + datetime.timedelta(days=365) +- mod_time = time.mktime(future.timetuple()) +- os.utime(os.path.join(back_cachedir, "base.p"), (mod_time, mod_time)) +- +- list_cache = os.path.join(back_cachedir, "base.p") +- w_lock = os.path.join(back_cachedir, ".base.w") +- ret = fileserver.check_file_list_cache(opts, "files", list_cache, w_lock) +- assert ( +- ret[1] is True +- ), "Cache file list cache file is not refreshed when future modification time" +-- +2.43.0 + + diff --git a/fix-deprecated-code-677.patch b/fix-deprecated-code-677.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b64f339 --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-deprecated-code-677.patch @@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ +From d5f3df07783d8aaf3a897ca2f209e662973b930c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Marek Czernek +Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2024 13:11:33 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix deprecated code (#677) + +Due to SUSE's extended support policy, we won't remove +code from Salt until next major release. +--- + salt/_logging/ | 6 +++--- + salt/log/ | 2 +- + salt/log/handlers/ | 2 +- + salt/log/ | 2 +- + salt/log/ | 4 ++-- + salt/modules/ | 2 +- + salt/modules/ | 2 +- + salt/returners/ | 2 +- + salt/returners/ | 2 +- + 9 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/_logging/ b/salt/_logging/ +index f4b0b6fec3d..5a1a1613137 100644 +--- a/salt/_logging/ ++++ b/salt/_logging/ +@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class TemporaryLoggingHandler(logging.NullHandler): + + def __init__(self, level=logging.NOTSET, max_queue_size=10000): + warn_until_date( +- "20240101", ++ "20260101", + "Please stop using '{name}.TemporaryLoggingHandler'. " + "'{name}.TemporaryLoggingHandler' will go away after " + "{{date}}.".format(name=__name__), +@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ if sys.version_info < (3, 7): + def __init__(self, queue): # pylint: disable=useless-super-delegation + super().__init__(queue) + warn_until_date( +- "20240101", ++ "20260101", + "Please stop using '{name}.QueueHandler' and instead " + "use 'logging.handlers.QueueHandler'. " + "'{name}.QueueHandler' will go away after " +@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ else: + def __init__(self, queue): # pylint: disable=useless-super-delegation + super().__init__(queue) + warn_until_date( +- "20240101", ++ "20260101", + "Please stop using '{name}.QueueHandler' and instead " + "use 'logging.handlers.QueueHandler'. " + "'{name}.QueueHandler' will go away after " +diff --git a/salt/log/ b/salt/log/ +index 3458474f2ca..69bfa8ed15b 100644 +--- a/salt/log/ ++++ b/salt/log/ +@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ from salt.log.setup import ( + from salt.utils.versions import warn_until_date + + warn_until_date( +- "20240101", ++ "20260101", + "Please stop using '{name}' and instead use 'salt._logging'. " + "'{name}' will go away after {{date}}.".format(name=__name__), + stacklevel=3, +diff --git a/salt/log/handlers/ b/salt/log/handlers/ +index 8bc740e20f1..55cf10cdb78 100644 +--- a/salt/log/handlers/ ++++ b/salt/log/handlers/ +@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from salt._logging.handlers import ( + from salt.utils.versions import warn_until_date + + warn_until_date( +- "20240101", ++ "20260101", + "Please stop using '{name}' and instead use 'salt._logging.handlers'. " + "'{name}' will go away after {{date}}.".format(name=__name__), + ) +diff --git a/salt/log/ b/salt/log/ +index 6619b564198..65f5ed7f78a 100644 +--- a/salt/log/ ++++ b/salt/log/ +@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ from salt.utils.versions import warn_until_date + # pylint: enable=unused-import + + warn_until_date( +- "20240101", ++ "20260101", + "Please stop using '{name}' and instead use 'salt._logging.mixins'. " + "'{name}' will go away after {{date}}.".format(name=__name__), + ) +diff --git a/salt/log/ b/salt/log/ +index 74bd7bbd3e1..f4c80b0f280 100644 +--- a/salt/log/ ++++ b/salt/log/ +@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ from salt._logging.impl import set_log_record_factory as setLogRecordFactory + from salt.utils.versions import warn_until_date + + warn_until_date( +- "20240101", ++ "20260101", + "Please stop using '{name}' and instead use 'salt._logging'. " + "'{name}' will go away after {{date}}. Do note however that " + "'salt._logging' is now considered a non public implementation " +@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ def _deprecated_warning(func): + @wraps(func) + def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): + warn_until_date( +- "20240101", ++ "20260101", + "Please stop using 'salt.log.setup.{name}()' as it no longer does anything and " + "will go away after {{date}}.".format(name=func.__qualname__), + stacklevel=4, +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index ad5450c4151..cd40aea54f1 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -3128,7 +3128,7 @@ def expand_repo_def(**kwargs): + NOT USABLE IN THE CLI + """ + warn_until_date( +- "20250101", ++ "20260101", + "The pkg.expand_repo_def function is deprecated and set for removal " + "after {date}. This is only unsed internally by the apt pkg state " + "module. If that's not the case, please file an new issue requesting " +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 029fd08fb9b..db9c8821920 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ def __virtual__(): + ) + + warn_until_date( +- "20240101", ++ "20260101", + "The cassandra returner is broken and deprecated, and will be removed" + " after {date}. Use the cassandra_cql returner instead", + ) +diff --git a/salt/returners/ b/salt/returners/ +index ac01a4e46cb..5fcc00ee8ce 100644 +--- a/salt/returners/ ++++ b/salt/returners/ +@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ def __virtual__(): + if not HAS_PYCASSA: + return False, "Could not import cassandra returner; pycassa is not installed." + warn_until_date( +- "20240101", ++ "20260101", + "The cassandra returner is broken and deprecated, and will be removed" + " after {date}. Use the cassandra_cql returner instead", + ) +diff --git a/salt/returners/ b/salt/returners/ +index 36386875552..474653f3831 100644 +--- a/salt/returners/ ++++ b/salt/returners/ +@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ __virtualname__ = "django" + + def __virtual__(): + warn_until_date( +- "20240101", ++ "20260101", + "The django returner is broken and deprecated, and will be removed" + " after {date}.", + ) +-- +2.46.0 + diff --git a/fix-failed-to-stat-root-.gitconfig-issue-on-gitfs-bs.patch b/fix-failed-to-stat-root-.gitconfig-issue-on-gitfs-bs.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e271a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-failed-to-stat-root-.gitconfig-issue-on-gitfs-bs.patch @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +From 0ef67b3a7ce03335f1bfc6545f851897e11f5795 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2025 10:08:28 +0000 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix failed to stat '/root/.gitconfig' issue on gitfs + (bsc#1230944) (bsc#1234881) (#699) + +* Fix failed to stat '/root/.gitconfig' issue on gitfs (bsc#1230944) (bsc#1234881) + +This commit ensures the right HOME value is set during Pygit2 remote +initialization, otherwise there are chances that it gets a wrong value +depending on the execution stack. + +* Add changelog entry file + +* Add test_checkout_pygit2_with_home_env_unset unit test +--- + changelog/ | 1 + + salt/utils/ | 9 +++++---- + tests/pytests/unit/utils/ | 1 - + 3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) + create mode 100644 changelog/ + +diff --git a/changelog/ b/changelog/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..e78bbd5b7f +--- /dev/null ++++ b/changelog/ +@@ -0,0 +1 @@ ++Ensure the right HOME environment value is set during Pygit2 remote initialization. +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index 58fa611db8..6f691f3869 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -1889,7 +1889,12 @@ class Pygit2(GitProvider): + """ + # + # ++ # + home = os.path.expanduser("~") ++ if "HOME" not in os.environ: ++ # Make sure $HOME env variable is set to prevent ++ # _pygit2.GitError: error loading known_hosts in some libgit2 versions. ++ os.environ["HOME"] = home + pygit2.settings.search_path[pygit2.GIT_CONFIG_LEVEL_GLOBAL] = home + new = False + if not os.listdir(self._cachedir): +@@ -1994,10 +1999,6 @@ class Pygit2(GitProvider): + # pruning only available in pygit2 >= 0.26.2 + pass + try: +- # Make sure $HOME env variable is set to prevent +- # _pygit2.GitError: error loading known_hosts in some libgit2 versions. +- if "HOME" not in os.environ: +- os.environ["HOME"] = salt.syspaths.HOME_DIR + fetch_results = origin.fetch(**fetch_kwargs) + except GitError as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except + exc_str = get_error_message(exc).lower() +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ +index bd7d74cb2b..3c4a85a856 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ +@@ -251,7 +251,6 @@ def test_checkout_pygit2_with_home_env_unset(_prepare_provider): + with patched_environ(__cleanup__=["HOME"]): + assert "HOME" not in os.environ + provider.init_remote() +- provider.fetch() + assert "HOME" in os.environ + + +-- +2.48.1 + diff --git a/fix-for-suse-expanded-support-detection.patch b/fix-for-suse-expanded-support-detection.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..acbfc28 --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-for-suse-expanded-support-detection.patch @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +From 7be26299bc7b6ec2065ab13857f088dc500ee882 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Jochen Breuer +Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2018 17:15:18 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix for SUSE Expanded Support detection + +A SUSE ES installation has both, the centos-release and redhat-release +file. Since os_data only used the centos-release file to detect a +CentOS installation, this lead to SUSE ES being detected as CentOS. + +This change also adds a check for redhat-release and then marks the +'lsb_distrib_id' as RedHat. +--- + salt/grains/ | 9 +++++++++ + 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+) + +diff --git a/salt/grains/ b/salt/grains/ +index 710c57f28f..1199ad274f 100644 +--- a/salt/grains/ ++++ b/salt/grains/ +@@ -2279,6 +2279,15 @@ def _legacy_linux_distribution_data(grains, os_release, lsb_has_error): + log.trace("Parsing distrib info from /etc/centos-release") + # CentOS Linux + grains["lsb_distrib_id"] = "CentOS" ++ # Maybe CentOS Linux; could also be SUSE Expanded Support. ++ # SUSE ES has both, centos-release and redhat-release. ++ if os.path.isfile("/etc/redhat-release"): ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen("/etc/redhat-release") as ifile: ++ for line in ifile: ++ if "red hat enterprise linux server" in line.lower(): ++ # This is a SUSE Expanded Support Rhel installation ++ grains["lsb_distrib_id"] = "RedHat" ++ break + with salt.utils.files.fopen("/etc/centos-release") as ifile: + for line in ifile: + # Need to pull out the version and codename +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/fix-gitfs-__env__-and-improve-cache-cleaning-bsc-119.patch b/fix-gitfs-__env__-and-improve-cache-cleaning-bsc-119.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..188743d --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-gitfs-__env__-and-improve-cache-cleaning-bsc-119.patch @@ -0,0 +1,2024 @@ +From a7c98ce490833ff232946b9715909161b6ba5a46 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2023 11:24:09 +0000 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix gitfs "__env__" and improve cache cleaning + (bsc#1193948) (#608) + +* Fix __env__ and improve cache cleaning +* Move gitfs locks out of cachedir/.git + +--------- + +Co-authored-by: cmcmarrow +--- + changelog/ | 1 + + changelog/ | 1 + + salt/utils/ | 32 ++ + salt/utils/ | 307 +++++++++------ + .../functional/pillar/ | 262 +++++++++++++ + tests/pytests/functional/utils/ | 83 ++++ + tests/pytests/functional/utils/ | 275 +++++++++++++ + tests/pytests/functional/utils/ | 365 ++++++++++++++++++ + .../pytests/functional/utils/ | 164 ++++++++ + tests/pytests/unit/ | 31 +- + tests/pytests/unit/utils/ | 18 +- + tests/unit/utils/ | 21 +- + 12 files changed, 1393 insertions(+), 167 deletions(-) + create mode 100644 changelog/ + create mode 100644 changelog/ + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/functional/pillar/ + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/functional/utils/ + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/functional/utils/ + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/functional/utils/ + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/functional/utils/ + +diff --git a/changelog/ b/changelog/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..86ed2d4bcc +--- /dev/null ++++ b/changelog/ +@@ -0,0 +1 @@ ++Fix __env__ and improve cache cleaning see more info at pull #65017. +diff --git a/changelog/ b/changelog/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..292930f0fd +--- /dev/null ++++ b/changelog/ +@@ -0,0 +1 @@ ++Moved gitfs locks to salt working dir to avoid lock wipes +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index a78a1f70fc..88e7fa2400 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import functools + import logging + import os + import re ++import shutil + import time + + import salt.config +@@ -15,6 +16,8 @@ import + import salt.utils.dictupdate + import salt.utils.files + import salt.utils.msgpack ++import salt.utils.path ++import salt.version + from salt.utils.zeromq import zmq + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) +@@ -345,3 +348,32 @@ def context_cache(func): + return func(*args, **kwargs) + + return context_cache_wrap ++ ++ ++def verify_cache_version(cache_path): ++ """ ++ Check that the cached version matches the Salt version. ++ If the cached version does not match the Salt version, wipe the cache. ++ ++ :return: ``True`` if cache version matches, otherwise ``False`` ++ """ ++ if not os.path.isdir(cache_path): ++ os.makedirs(cache_path) ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen( ++ salt.utils.path.join(cache_path, "cache_version"), "a+" ++ ) as file: ++ ++ data = "\n".join(file.readlines()) ++ if data != salt.version.__version__: ++ log.warning(f"Cache version mismatch clearing: {repr(cache_path)}") ++ file.truncate(0) ++ file.write(salt.version.__version__) ++ for item in os.listdir(cache_path): ++ if item != "cache_version": ++ item_path = salt.utils.path.join(cache_path, item) ++ if os.path.isfile(item_path): ++ os.remove(item_path) ++ else: ++ shutil.rmtree(item_path) ++ return False ++ return True +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index af61aa0dda..061647edac 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import os + import shlex + import shutil + import stat +-import string + import subprocess + import time + import weakref +@@ -26,6 +25,7 @@ from datetime import datetime + import salt.ext.tornado.ioloop + import salt.fileserver + import salt.syspaths ++import salt.utils.cache + import salt.utils.configparser + import + import salt.utils.files +@@ -253,7 +253,6 @@ class GitProvider: + val_cb=lambda x, y: str(y), + ) + self.conf = copy.deepcopy(per_remote_defaults) +- + # Remove the 'salt://' from the beginning of any globally-defined + # per-saltenv mountpoints + for saltenv, saltenv_conf in self.global_saltenv.items(): +@@ -457,48 +456,38 @@ class GitProvider: +, + ) + failhard(self.role) +- +- hash_type = getattr(hashlib, self.opts.get("hash_type", "md5")) +- # Generate full id. +- # Full id helps decrease the chances of collections in the gitfs cache. +- try: +- target = str(self.get_checkout_target()) +- except AttributeError: +- target = "" +- self._full_id = "-".join( +- [ +- getattr(self, "name", ""), +-, +- getattr(self, "env", ""), +- getattr(self, "_root", ""), +- self.role, +- getattr(self, "base", ""), +- getattr(self, "branch", ""), +- target, +- ] ++ if hasattr(self, "name"): ++ self._cache_basehash = ++ else: ++ hash_type = getattr(hashlib, self.opts.get("hash_type", "md5")) ++ # We loaded this data from yaml configuration files, so, its safe ++ # to use UTF-8 ++ self._cache_basehash = str( ++ base64.b64encode(hash_type("utf-8")).digest()), ++ encoding="ascii", # base64 only outputs ascii ++ ).replace( ++ "/", "_" ++ ) # replace "/" with "_" to not cause trouble with file system ++ self._cache_hash = salt.utils.path.join(cache_root, self._cache_basehash) ++ self._cache_basename = "_" ++ if"__env__"): ++ try: ++ self._cache_basename = self.get_checkout_target() ++ except AttributeError: ++ log.critical(f"__env__ cant generate basename: {self.role} {}") ++ failhard(self.role) ++ self._cache_full_basename = salt.utils.path.join( ++ self._cache_basehash, self._cache_basename + ) +- # We loaded this data from yaml configuration files, so, its safe +- # to use UTF-8 +- base64_hash = str( +- base64.b64encode(hash_type(self._full_id.encode("utf-8")).digest()), +- encoding="ascii", # base64 only outputs ascii +- ).replace( +- "/", "_" +- ) # replace "/" with "_" to not cause trouble with file system +- +- # limit name length to 19, so we don't eat up all the path length for windows +- # this is due to pygit2 limitations +- # replace any unknown char with "_" to not cause trouble with file system +- name_chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "-" +- cache_name = "".join( +- c if c in name_chars else "_" for c in getattr(self, "name", "")[:19] ++ self._cachedir = salt.utils.path.join(self._cache_hash, self._cache_basename) ++ self._salt_working_dir = salt.utils.path.join( ++ cache_root, "work", self._cache_full_basename + ) +- +- self.cachedir_basename = f"{cache_name}-{base64_hash}" +- self.cachedir = salt.utils.path.join(cache_root, self.cachedir_basename) +- self.linkdir = salt.utils.path.join(cache_root, "links", self.cachedir_basename) +- if not os.path.isdir(self.cachedir): +- os.makedirs(self.cachedir) ++ self._linkdir = salt.utils.path.join( ++ cache_root, "links", self._cache_full_basename ++ ) ++ if not os.path.isdir(self._cachedir): ++ os.makedirs(self._cachedir) + + try: + = self.init_remote() +@@ -510,12 +499,32 @@ class GitProvider: + msg += " Perhaps git is not available." + log.critical(msg, exc_info=True) + failhard(self.role) ++ self.verify_auth() ++ self.setup_callbacks() ++ if not os.path.isdir(self._salt_working_dir): ++ os.makedirs(self._salt_working_dir) ++ self.fetch_request_check() ++ ++ def get_cache_basehash(self): ++ return self._cache_basehash ++ ++ def get_cache_hash(self): ++ return self._cache_hash + +- def full_id(self): +- return self._full_id ++ def get_cache_basename(self): ++ return self._cache_basename + +- def get_cachedir_basename(self): +- return self.cachedir_basename ++ def get_cache_full_basename(self): ++ return self._cache_full_basename ++ ++ def get_cachedir(self): ++ return self._cachedir ++ ++ def get_linkdir(self): ++ return self._linkdir ++ ++ def get_salt_working_dir(self): ++ return self._salt_working_dir + + def _get_envs_from_ref_paths(self, refs): + """ +@@ -557,7 +566,7 @@ class GitProvider: + return ret + + def _get_lock_file(self, lock_type="update"): +- return salt.utils.path.join(self.gitdir, lock_type + ".lk") ++ return salt.utils.path.join(self._salt_working_dir, lock_type + ".lk") + + @classmethod + def add_conf_overlay(cls, name): +@@ -644,7 +653,7 @@ class GitProvider: + # No need to pass an environment to self.root() here since per-saltenv + # configuration is a gitfs-only feature and check_root() is not used + # for gitfs. +- root_dir = salt.utils.path.join(self.cachedir, self.root()).rstrip(os.sep) ++ root_dir = salt.utils.path.join(self._cachedir, self.root()).rstrip(os.sep) + if os.path.isdir(root_dir): + return root_dir + log.error( +@@ -816,7 +825,7 @@ class GitProvider: + desired_refspecs, + ) + if refspecs != desired_refspecs: +- conf.set_multivar(remote_section, "fetch", self.refspecs) ++ conf.set_multivar(remote_section, "fetch", desired_refspecs) + log.debug( + "Refspecs for %s remote '%s' set to %s", + self.role, +@@ -1069,7 +1078,7 @@ class GitProvider: + """ + raise NotImplementedError() + +- def checkout(self): ++ def checkout(self, fetch_on_fail=True): + """ + This function must be overridden in a sub-class + """ +@@ -1192,6 +1201,21 @@ class GitProvider: + else: + self.url = + ++ def fetch_request_check(self): ++ fetch_request = salt.utils.path.join(self._salt_working_dir, "fetch_request") ++ if os.path.isfile(fetch_request): ++ log.debug(f"Fetch request: {self._salt_working_dir}") ++ try: ++ os.remove(fetch_request) ++ except OSError as exc: ++ log.error( ++ f"Failed to remove Fetch request: {self._salt_working_dir} {exc}", ++ exc_info=True, ++ ) ++ self.fetch() ++ return True ++ return False ++ + @property + def linkdir_walk(self): + """ +@@ -1218,14 +1242,14 @@ class GitProvider: + dirs = [] + self._linkdir_walk.append( + ( +- salt.utils.path.join(self.linkdir, *parts[: idx + 1]), ++ salt.utils.path.join(self._linkdir, *parts[: idx + 1]), + dirs, + [], + ) + ) + try: + # The linkdir itself goes at the beginning +- self._linkdir_walk.insert(0, (self.linkdir, [parts[0]], [])) ++ self._linkdir_walk.insert(0, (self._linkdir, [parts[0]], [])) + except IndexError: + pass + return self._linkdir_walk +@@ -1275,13 +1299,17 @@ class GitPython(GitProvider): + role, + ) + +- def checkout(self): ++ def checkout(self, fetch_on_fail=True): + """ + Checkout the configured branch/tag. We catch an "Exception" class here + instead of a specific exception class because the exceptions raised by + GitPython when running these functions vary in different versions of + GitPython. ++ ++ fetch_on_fail ++ If checkout fails perform a fetch then try to checkout again. + """ ++ self.fetch_request_check() + tgt_ref = self.get_checkout_target() + try: + head_sha = self.repo.rev_parse("HEAD").hexsha +@@ -1345,6 +1373,15 @@ class GitPython(GitProvider): + except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except + continue + return self.check_root() ++ if fetch_on_fail: ++ log.debug( ++ "Failed to checkout %s from %s remote '%s': fetch and try again", ++ tgt_ref, ++ self.role, ++, ++ ) ++ self.fetch() ++ return self.checkout(fetch_on_fail=False) + log.error( + "Failed to checkout %s from %s remote '%s': remote ref does not exist", + tgt_ref, +@@ -1360,16 +1397,16 @@ class GitPython(GitProvider): + initialized by this function. + """ + new = False +- if not os.listdir(self.cachedir): ++ if not os.listdir(self._cachedir): + # Repo cachedir is empty, initialize a new repo there +- self.repo = git.Repo.init(self.cachedir) ++ self.repo = git.Repo.init(self._cachedir) + new = True + else: + # Repo cachedir exists, try to attach + try: +- self.repo = git.Repo(self.cachedir) ++ self.repo = git.Repo(self._cachedir) + except git.exc.InvalidGitRepositoryError: +- log.error(_INVALID_REPO, self.cachedir, self.url, self.role) ++ log.error(_INVALID_REPO, self._cachedir, self.url, self.role) + return new + + self.gitdir = salt.utils.path.join(self.repo.working_dir, ".git") +@@ -1603,10 +1640,14 @@ class Pygit2(GitProvider): + except AttributeError: + return obj.get_object() + +- def checkout(self): ++ def checkout(self, fetch_on_fail=True): + """ + Checkout the configured branch/tag ++ ++ fetch_on_fail ++ If checkout fails perform a fetch then try to checkout again. + """ ++ self.fetch_request_check() + tgt_ref = self.get_checkout_target() + local_ref = "refs/heads/" + tgt_ref + remote_ref = "refs/remotes/origin/" + tgt_ref +@@ -1796,6 +1837,15 @@ class Pygit2(GitProvider): + exc_info=True, + ) + return None ++ if fetch_on_fail: ++ log.debug( ++ "Failed to checkout %s from %s remote '%s': fetch and try again", ++ tgt_ref, ++ self.role, ++, ++ ) ++ self.fetch() ++ return self.checkout(fetch_on_fail=False) + log.error( + "Failed to checkout %s from %s remote '%s': remote ref does not exist", + tgt_ref, +@@ -1837,16 +1887,16 @@ class Pygit2(GitProvider): + home = os.path.expanduser("~") + pygit2.settings.search_path[pygit2.GIT_CONFIG_LEVEL_GLOBAL] = home + new = False +- if not os.listdir(self.cachedir): ++ if not os.listdir(self._cachedir): + # Repo cachedir is empty, initialize a new repo there +- self.repo = pygit2.init_repository(self.cachedir) ++ self.repo = pygit2.init_repository(self._cachedir) + new = True + else: + # Repo cachedir exists, try to attach + try: +- self.repo = pygit2.Repository(self.cachedir) ++ self.repo = pygit2.Repository(self._cachedir) + except KeyError: +- log.error(_INVALID_REPO, self.cachedir, self.url, self.role) ++ log.error(_INVALID_REPO, self._cachedir, self.url, self.role) + return new + + self.gitdir = salt.utils.path.join(self.repo.workdir, ".git") +@@ -2370,6 +2420,7 @@ class GitBase: + self.file_list_cachedir = salt.utils.path.join( + self.opts["cachedir"], "file_lists", self.role + ) ++ salt.utils.cache.verify_cache_version(self.cache_root) + if init_remotes: + self.init_remotes( + remotes if remotes is not None else [], +@@ -2442,8 +2493,6 @@ class GitBase: + ) + if hasattr(repo_obj, "repo"): + # Sanity check and assign the credential parameter +- repo_obj.verify_auth() +- repo_obj.setup_callbacks() + if self.opts["__role"] == "minion" and + # Perform initial fetch on masterless minion + repo_obj.fetch() +@@ -2492,7 +2541,7 @@ class GitBase: + # Don't allow collisions in cachedir naming + cachedir_map = {} + for repo in self.remotes: +- cachedir_map.setdefault(repo.cachedir, []).append( ++ cachedir_map.setdefault(repo.get_cachedir(), []).append( + + collisions = [x for x in cachedir_map if len(cachedir_map[x]) > 1] + if collisions: +@@ -2509,48 +2558,42 @@ class GitBase: + if any( for x in self.remotes): + self.write_remote_map() + ++ def _remove_cache_dir(self, cache_dir): ++ try: ++ shutil.rmtree(cache_dir) ++ except OSError as exc: ++ log.error( ++ "Unable to remove old %s remote cachedir %s: %s", ++ self.role, ++ cache_dir, ++ exc, ++ ) ++ return False ++ log.debug("%s removed old cachedir %s", self.role, cache_dir) ++ return True ++ ++ def _iter_remote_hashes(self): ++ for item in os.listdir(self.cache_root): ++ if item in ("hash", "refs", "links", "work"): ++ continue ++ if os.path.isdir(salt.utils.path.join(self.cache_root, item)): ++ yield item ++ + def clear_old_remotes(self): + """ + Remove cache directories for remotes no longer configured + """ +- try: +- cachedir_ls = os.listdir(self.cache_root) +- except OSError: +- cachedir_ls = [] +- # Remove actively-used remotes from list +- for repo in self.remotes: +- try: +- cachedir_ls.remove(repo.cachedir_basename) +- except ValueError: +- pass +- to_remove = [] +- for item in cachedir_ls: +- if item in ("hash", "refs"): +- continue +- path = salt.utils.path.join(self.cache_root, item) +- if os.path.isdir(path): +- to_remove.append(path) +- failed = [] +- if to_remove: +- for rdir in to_remove: +- try: +- shutil.rmtree(rdir) +- except OSError as exc: +- log.error( +- "Unable to remove old %s remote cachedir %s: %s", +- self.role, +- rdir, +- exc, +- ) +- failed.append(rdir) +- else: +- log.debug("%s removed old cachedir %s", self.role, rdir) +- for fdir in failed: +- to_remove.remove(fdir) +- ret = bool(to_remove) +- if ret: ++ change = False ++ # Remove all hash dirs not part of this group ++ remote_set = {r.get_cache_basehash() for r in self.remotes} ++ for item in self._iter_remote_hashes(): ++ if item not in remote_set: ++ change = self._remove_cache_dir( ++ salt.utils.path.join(self.cache_root, item) or change ++ ) ++ if not change: + self.write_remote_map() +- return ret ++ return change + + def clear_cache(self): + """ +@@ -2609,6 +2652,27 @@ class GitBase: + name = getattr(repo, "name", None) + if not remotes or (, name) in remotes or name in remotes: + try: ++ # Find and place fetch_request file for all the other branches for this repo ++ repo_work_hash = os.path.split(repo.get_salt_working_dir())[0] ++ for branch in os.listdir(repo_work_hash): ++ # Don't place fetch request in current branch being updated ++ if branch == repo.get_cache_basename(): ++ continue ++ branch_salt_dir = salt.utils.path.join(repo_work_hash, branch) ++ fetch_path = salt.utils.path.join( ++ branch_salt_dir, "fetch_request" ++ ) ++ if os.path.isdir(branch_salt_dir): ++ try: ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(fetch_path, "w"): ++ pass ++ except OSError as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except ++ log.error( ++ f"Failed to make fetch request: {fetch_path} {exc}", ++ exc_info=True, ++ ) ++ else: ++ log.error(f"Failed to make fetch request: {fetch_path}") + if repo.fetch(): + # We can't just use the return value from repo.fetch() + # because the data could still have changed if old +@@ -2863,7 +2927,7 @@ class GitBase: + for repo in self.remotes: + fp_.write( + salt.utils.stringutils.to_str( +- "{} = {}\n".format(repo.cachedir_basename, ++ "{} = {}\n".format(repo.get_cache_basehash(), + ) + ) + except OSError: +@@ -2871,15 +2935,18 @@ class GitBase: + else: +"Wrote new %s remote map to %s", self.role, remote_map) + +- def do_checkout(self, repo): ++ def do_checkout(self, repo, fetch_on_fail=True): + """ + Common code for git_pillar/winrepo to handle locking and checking out + of a repo. ++ ++ fetch_on_fail ++ If checkout fails perform a fetch then try to checkout again. + """ + time_start = time.time() + while time.time() - time_start <= 5: + try: +- return repo.checkout() ++ return repo.checkout(fetch_on_fail=fetch_on_fail) + except GitLockError as exc: + if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST: + time.sleep(0.1) +@@ -3274,14 +3341,17 @@ class GitPillar(GitBase): + + role = "git_pillar" + +- def checkout(self): ++ def checkout(self, fetch_on_fail=True): + """ + Checkout the targeted branches/tags from the git_pillar remotes ++ ++ fetch_on_fail ++ If checkout fails perform a fetch then try to checkout again. + """ + self.pillar_dirs = OrderedDict() + self.pillar_linked_dirs = [] + for repo in self.remotes: +- cachedir = self.do_checkout(repo) ++ cachedir = self.do_checkout(repo, fetch_on_fail=fetch_on_fail) + if cachedir is not None: + # Figure out which environment this remote should be assigned + if repo.branch == "__env__" and hasattr(repo, "all_saltenvs"): +@@ -3298,8 +3368,8 @@ class GitPillar(GitBase): + env = "base" if tgt == repo.base else tgt + if repo._mountpoint: + if self.link_mountpoint(repo): +- self.pillar_dirs[repo.linkdir] = env +- self.pillar_linked_dirs.append(repo.linkdir) ++ self.pillar_dirs[repo.get_linkdir()] = env ++ self.pillar_linked_dirs.append(repo.get_linkdir()) + else: + self.pillar_dirs[cachedir] = env + +@@ -3308,17 +3378,19 @@ class GitPillar(GitBase): + Ensure that the mountpoint is present in the correct location and + points at the correct path + """ +- lcachelink = salt.utils.path.join(repo.linkdir, repo._mountpoint) +- lcachedest = salt.utils.path.join(repo.cachedir, repo.root()).rstrip(os.sep) ++ lcachelink = salt.utils.path.join(repo.get_linkdir(), repo._mountpoint) ++ lcachedest = salt.utils.path.join(repo.get_cachedir(), repo.root()).rstrip( ++ os.sep ++ ) + wipe_linkdir = False + create_link = False + try: + with repo.gen_lock(lock_type="mountpoint", timeout=10): +- walk_results = list(os.walk(repo.linkdir, followlinks=False)) ++ walk_results = list(os.walk(repo.get_linkdir(), followlinks=False)) + if walk_results != repo.linkdir_walk: + log.debug( + "Results of walking %s differ from expected results", +- repo.linkdir, ++ repo.get_linkdir(), + ) + log.debug("Walk results: %s", walk_results) + log.debug("Expected results: %s", repo.linkdir_walk) +@@ -3379,7 +3451,7 @@ class GitPillar(GitBase): + # Wiping implies that we need to create the link + create_link = True + try: +- shutil.rmtree(repo.linkdir) ++ shutil.rmtree(repo.get_linkdir()) + except OSError: + pass + try: +@@ -3431,6 +3503,9 @@ class GitPillar(GitBase): + class WinRepo(GitBase): + """ + Functionality specific to the winrepo runner ++ ++ fetch_on_fail ++ If checkout fails perform a fetch then try to checkout again. + """ + + role = "winrepo" +@@ -3438,12 +3513,12 @@ class WinRepo(GitBase): + # out the repos. + winrepo_dirs = {} + +- def checkout(self): ++ def checkout(self, fetch_on_fail=True): + """ + Checkout the targeted branches/tags from the winrepo remotes + """ + self.winrepo_dirs = {} + for repo in self.remotes: +- cachedir = self.do_checkout(repo) ++ cachedir = self.do_checkout(repo, fetch_on_fail=fetch_on_fail) + if cachedir is not None: + self.winrepo_dirs[] = cachedir +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/pillar/ b/tests/pytests/functional/pillar/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..6fd3dee431 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/pillar/ +@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@ ++import pytest ++ ++from salt.pillar.git_pillar import ext_pillar ++from salt.utils.immutabletypes import ImmutableDict, ImmutableList ++from import patch ++ ++pytestmark = [ ++ pytest.mark.slow_test, ++] ++ ++ ++try: ++ import git # pylint: disable=unused-import ++ ++ HAS_GITPYTHON = True ++except ImportError: ++ HAS_GITPYTHON = False ++ ++ ++try: ++ import pygit2 # pylint: disable=unused-import ++ ++ HAS_PYGIT2 = True ++except ImportError: ++ HAS_PYGIT2 = False ++ ++ ++skipif_no_gitpython = pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_GITPYTHON, reason="Missing gitpython") ++skipif_no_pygit2 = pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_PYGIT2, reason="Missing pygit2") ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture ++def git_pillar_opts(salt_master, tmp_path): ++ opts = dict(salt_master.config) ++ opts["cachedir"] = str(tmp_path) ++ for key, item in opts.items(): ++ if isinstance(item, ImmutableDict): ++ opts[key] = dict(item) ++ elif isinstance(item, ImmutableList): ++ opts[key] = list(item) ++ return opts ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture ++def gitpython_pillar_opts(git_pillar_opts): ++ git_pillar_opts["verified_git_pillar_provider"] = "gitpython" ++ return git_pillar_opts ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture ++def pygit2_pillar_opts(git_pillar_opts): ++ git_pillar_opts["verified_git_pillar_provider"] = "pygit2" ++ return git_pillar_opts ++ ++ ++def _get_ext_pillar(minion, pillar_opts, grains, *repos): ++ with patch("salt.pillar.git_pillar.__opts__", pillar_opts, create=True): ++ with patch("salt.pillar.git_pillar.__grains__", grains, create=True): ++ return ext_pillar(minion, None, *repos) ++ ++ ++def _test_simple(pillar_opts, grains): ++ data = _get_ext_pillar( ++ "minion", ++ pillar_opts, ++ grains, ++ "", ++ ) ++ assert data == {"key": "value"} ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_gitpython ++def test_gitpython_simple(gitpython_pillar_opts, grains): ++ _test_simple(gitpython_pillar_opts, grains) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_pygit2 ++def test_pygit2_simple(pygit2_pillar_opts, grains): ++ _test_simple(pygit2_pillar_opts, grains) ++ ++ ++def _test_missing_env(pillar_opts, grains): ++ data = _get_ext_pillar( ++ "minion", ++ pillar_opts, ++ grains, ++ { ++ "": [ ++ {"env": "misssing"} ++ ] ++ }, ++ ) ++ assert data == {} ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_gitpython ++def test_gitpython_missing_env(gitpython_pillar_opts, grains): ++ _test_missing_env(gitpython_pillar_opts, grains) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_pygit2 ++def test_pygit2_missing_env(pygit2_pillar_opts, grains): ++ _test_missing_env(pygit2_pillar_opts, grains) ++ ++ ++def _test_env(pillar_opts, grains): ++ data = _get_ext_pillar( ++ "minion", ++ pillar_opts, ++ grains, ++ { ++ "other": [ ++ {"env": "other_env"} ++ ] ++ }, ++ ) ++ assert data == {"other": "env"} ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_gitpython ++def test_gitpython_env(gitpython_pillar_opts, grains): ++ _test_env(gitpython_pillar_opts, grains) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_pygit2 ++def test_pygit2_env(pygit2_pillar_opts, grains): ++ _test_env(pygit2_pillar_opts, grains) ++ ++ ++def _test_branch(pillar_opts, grains): ++ data = _get_ext_pillar( ++ "minion", ++ pillar_opts, ++ grains, ++ "branch", ++ ) ++ assert data == {"key": "data"} ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_gitpython ++def test_gitpython_branch(gitpython_pillar_opts, grains): ++ _test_branch(gitpython_pillar_opts, grains) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_pygit2 ++def test_pygit2_branch(pygit2_pillar_opts, grains): ++ _test_branch(pygit2_pillar_opts, grains) ++ ++ ++def _test_simple_dynamic(pillar_opts, grains): ++ data = _get_ext_pillar( ++ "minion", ++ pillar_opts, ++ grains, ++ "__env__", ++ ) ++ assert data == {"key": "value"} ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_gitpython ++def test_gitpython_simple_dynamic(gitpython_pillar_opts, grains): ++ _test_simple_dynamic(gitpython_pillar_opts, grains) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_pygit2 ++def test_pygit2_simple_dynamic(pygit2_pillar_opts, grains): ++ _test_simple_dynamic(pygit2_pillar_opts, grains) ++ ++ ++def _test_missing_env_dynamic(pillar_opts, grains): ++ data = _get_ext_pillar( ++ "minion", ++ pillar_opts, ++ grains, ++ { ++ "__env__": [ ++ {"env": "misssing"} ++ ] ++ }, ++ ) ++ assert data == {} ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_gitpython ++def test_gitpython_missing_env_dynamic(gitpython_pillar_opts, grains): ++ _test_missing_env_dynamic(gitpython_pillar_opts, grains) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_pygit2 ++def test_pygit2_missing_env_dynamic(pygit2_pillar_opts, grains): ++ _test_missing_env_dynamic(pygit2_pillar_opts, grains) ++ ++ ++def _test_pillarenv_dynamic(pillar_opts, grains): ++ pillar_opts["pillarenv"] = "branch" ++ data = _get_ext_pillar( ++ "minion", ++ pillar_opts, ++ grains, ++ "__env__", ++ ) ++ assert data == {"key": "data"} ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_gitpython ++def test_gitpython_pillarenv_dynamic(gitpython_pillar_opts, grains): ++ _test_pillarenv_dynamic(gitpython_pillar_opts, grains) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_pygit2 ++def test_pygit2_pillarenv_dynamic(pygit2_pillar_opts, grains): ++ _test_pillarenv_dynamic(pygit2_pillar_opts, grains) ++ ++ ++def _test_multiple(pillar_opts, grains): ++ pillar_opts["pillarenv"] = "branch" ++ data = _get_ext_pillar( ++ "minion", ++ pillar_opts, ++ grains, ++ "__env__", ++ "other", ++ ) ++ assert data == {"key": "data"} ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_gitpython ++def test_gitpython_multiple(gitpython_pillar_opts, grains): ++ _test_multiple(gitpython_pillar_opts, grains) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_pygit2 ++def test_pygit2_multiple(pygit2_pillar_opts, grains): ++ _test_multiple(pygit2_pillar_opts, grains) ++ ++ ++def _test_multiple_2(pillar_opts, grains): ++ data = _get_ext_pillar( ++ "minion", ++ pillar_opts, ++ grains, ++ "", ++ "", ++ ) ++ assert data == { ++ "key": "value", ++ "key1": "value1", ++ "key2": "value2", ++ "key4": "value4", ++ "data1": "d", ++ "data2": "d2", ++ } ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_gitpython ++def test_gitpython_multiple_2(gitpython_pillar_opts, grains): ++ _test_multiple_2(gitpython_pillar_opts, grains) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_pygit2 ++def test_pygit2_multiple_2(pygit2_pillar_opts, grains): ++ _test_multiple_2(pygit2_pillar_opts, grains) +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/utils/ b/tests/pytests/functional/utils/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..d405b8246f +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/utils/ +@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ ++import os ++ ++import pytest ++ ++import salt.utils.cache ++import salt.utils.files ++import salt.utils.path ++import salt.version ++ ++_DUMMY_FILES = ( ++ "data.txt", ++ "foo.t2", ++ "bar.t3", ++ "nested/test", ++ "nested/cache.txt", ++ "n/n1/n2/n3/n4/n5", ++) ++ ++ ++def _make_dummy_files(tmp_path): ++ for full_path in _DUMMY_FILES: ++ full_path = salt.utils.path.join(tmp_path, full_path) ++ path, _ = os.path.split(full_path) ++ if not os.path.isdir(path): ++ os.makedirs(path) ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(full_path, "w") as file: ++ file.write("data") ++ ++ ++def _dummy_files_exists(tmp_path): ++ """ ++ True if all files exists ++ False if all files are missing ++ None if some files exists and others are missing ++ """ ++ ret = None ++ for full_path in _DUMMY_FILES: ++ full_path = salt.utils.path.join(tmp_path, full_path) ++ is_file = os.path.isfile(full_path) ++ if ret is None: ++ ret = is_file ++ elif ret is not is_file: ++ return None # Some files are found and others are missing ++ return ret ++ ++ ++def test_verify_cache_version_bad_path(): ++ with pytest.raises(ValueError): ++ # cache version should fail if given bad file python ++ salt.utils.cache.verify_cache_version("\0/bad/path") ++ ++ ++def test_verify_cache_version(tmp_path): ++ # cache version should make dir if it does not exist ++ tmp_path = str(salt.utils.path.join(str(tmp_path), "work", "salt")) ++ cache_version = salt.utils.path.join(tmp_path, "cache_version") ++ ++ # check that cache clears when no cache_version is present ++ _make_dummy_files(tmp_path) ++ assert salt.utils.cache.verify_cache_version(tmp_path) is False ++ assert _dummy_files_exists(tmp_path) is False ++ ++ # check that cache_version has correct salt version ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(cache_version, "r") as file: ++ assert "\n".join(file.readlines()) == salt.version.__version__ ++ ++ # check that cache does not get clear when check is called multiple times ++ _make_dummy_files(tmp_path) ++ for _ in range(3): ++ assert salt.utils.cache.verify_cache_version(tmp_path) is True ++ assert _dummy_files_exists(tmp_path) is True ++ ++ # check that cache clears when a different version is present ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(cache_version, "w") as file: ++ file.write("-1") ++ assert salt.utils.cache.verify_cache_version(tmp_path) is False ++ assert _dummy_files_exists(tmp_path) is False ++ ++ # check that cache does not get clear when check is called multiple times ++ _make_dummy_files(tmp_path) ++ for _ in range(3): ++ assert salt.utils.cache.verify_cache_version(tmp_path) is True ++ assert _dummy_files_exists(tmp_path) is True +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/utils/ b/tests/pytests/functional/utils/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..30a5f147fa +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/utils/ +@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@ ++import os.path ++ ++import pytest ++ ++from salt.fileserver.gitfs import PER_REMOTE_ONLY, PER_REMOTE_OVERRIDES ++from salt.utils.gitfs import GitFS, GitPython, Pygit2 ++from salt.utils.immutabletypes import ImmutableDict, ImmutableList ++ ++pytestmark = [ ++ pytest.mark.slow_test, ++] ++ ++ ++try: ++ import git # pylint: disable=unused-import ++ ++ HAS_GITPYTHON = True ++except ImportError: ++ HAS_GITPYTHON = False ++ ++ ++try: ++ import pygit2 # pylint: disable=unused-import ++ ++ HAS_PYGIT2 = True ++except ImportError: ++ HAS_PYGIT2 = False ++ ++ ++skipif_no_gitpython = pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_GITPYTHON, reason="Missing gitpython") ++skipif_no_pygit2 = pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_PYGIT2, reason="Missing pygit2") ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture ++def gitfs_opts(salt_factories, tmp_path): ++ config_defaults = {"cachedir": str(tmp_path)} ++ factory = salt_factories.salt_master_daemon( ++ "gitfs-functional-master", defaults=config_defaults ++ ) ++ config_defaults = dict(factory.config) ++ for key, item in config_defaults.items(): ++ if isinstance(item, ImmutableDict): ++ config_defaults[key] = dict(item) ++ elif isinstance(item, ImmutableList): ++ config_defaults[key] = list(item) ++ return config_defaults ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture ++def gitpython_gitfs_opts(gitfs_opts): ++ gitfs_opts["verified_gitfs_provider"] = "gitpython" ++ GitFS.instance_map.clear() # wipe instance_map object map for clean run ++ return gitfs_opts ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture ++def pygit2_gitfs_opts(gitfs_opts): ++ gitfs_opts["verified_gitfs_provider"] = "pygit2" ++ GitFS.instance_map.clear() # wipe instance_map object map for clean run ++ return gitfs_opts ++ ++ ++def _get_gitfs(opts, *remotes): ++ return GitFS( ++ opts, ++ remotes, ++ per_remote_overrides=PER_REMOTE_OVERRIDES, ++ per_remote_only=PER_REMOTE_ONLY, ++ ) ++ ++ ++def _test_gitfs_simple(gitfs_opts): ++ g = _get_gitfs( ++ gitfs_opts, ++ {"": [{"name": "bob"}]}, ++ ) ++ g.fetch_remotes() ++ assert len(g.remotes) == 1 ++ assert set(g.file_list({"saltenv": "main"})) == {".gitignore", ""} ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_gitpython ++def test_gitpython_gitfs_simple(gitpython_gitfs_opts): ++ _test_gitfs_simple(gitpython_gitfs_opts) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_pygit2 ++def test_pygit2_gitfs_simple(pygit2_gitfs_opts): ++ _test_gitfs_simple(pygit2_gitfs_opts) ++ ++ ++def _test_gitfs_simple_base(gitfs_opts): ++ g = _get_gitfs( ++ gitfs_opts, "" ++ ) ++ g.fetch_remotes() ++ assert len(g.remotes) == 1 ++ assert set(g.file_list({"saltenv": "base"})) == { ++ ".gitignore", ++ "", ++ "file.sls", ++ "top.sls", ++ } ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_gitpython ++def test_gitpython_gitfs_simple_base(gitpython_gitfs_opts): ++ _test_gitfs_simple_base(gitpython_gitfs_opts) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_pygit2 ++def test_pygit2_gitfs_simple_base(pygit2_gitfs_opts): ++ _test_gitfs_simple_base(pygit2_gitfs_opts) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_gitpython ++def test_gitpython_gitfs_provider(gitpython_gitfs_opts): ++ g = _get_gitfs( ++ gitpython_gitfs_opts, "" ++ ) ++ assert len(g.remotes) == 1 ++ assert g.provider == "gitpython" ++ assert isinstance(g.remotes[0], GitPython) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_pygit2 ++def test_pygit2_gitfs_provider(pygit2_gitfs_opts): ++ g = _get_gitfs( ++ pygit2_gitfs_opts, "" ++ ) ++ assert len(g.remotes) == 1 ++ assert g.provider == "pygit2" ++ assert isinstance(g.remotes[0], Pygit2) ++ ++ ++def _test_gitfs_minion(gitfs_opts): ++ gitfs_opts["__role"] = "minion" ++ g = _get_gitfs( ++ gitfs_opts, "" ++ ) ++ g.fetch_remotes() ++ assert len(g.remotes) == 1 ++ assert set(g.file_list({"saltenv": "base"})) == { ++ ".gitignore", ++ "", ++ "file.sls", ++ "top.sls", ++ } ++ assert set(g.file_list({"saltenv": "main"})) == {".gitignore", ""} ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_gitpython ++def test_gitpython_gitfs_minion(gitpython_gitfs_opts): ++ _test_gitfs_minion(gitpython_gitfs_opts) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_pygit2 ++def test_pygit2_gitfs_minion(pygit2_gitfs_opts): ++ _test_gitfs_minion(pygit2_gitfs_opts) ++ ++ ++def _test_fetch_request_with_mountpoint(opts): ++ mpoint = [{"mountpoint": "salt/m"}] ++ p = _get_gitfs( ++ opts, ++ {"": mpoint}, ++ ) ++ p.fetch_remotes() ++ assert len(p.remotes) == 1 ++ repo = p.remotes[0] ++ assert repo.mountpoint("testmount") == "salt/m" ++ assert set(p.file_list({"saltenv": "testmount"})) == { ++ "salt/m/test_dir1/testfile3", ++ "salt/m/test_dir1/test_dir2/testfile2", ++ "salt/m/.gitignore", ++ "salt/m/", ++ "salt/m/test_dir1/test_dir2/testfile1", ++ } ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_gitpython ++def test_gitpython_fetch_request_with_mountpoint(gitpython_gitfs_opts): ++ _test_fetch_request_with_mountpoint(gitpython_gitfs_opts) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_pygit2 ++def test_pygit2_fetch_request_with_mountpoint(pygit2_gitfs_opts): ++ _test_fetch_request_with_mountpoint(pygit2_gitfs_opts) ++ ++ ++def _test_name(opts): ++ p = _get_gitfs( ++ opts, ++ { ++ "": [ ++ {"name": "name1"} ++ ] ++ }, ++ { ++ "": [ ++ {"name": "name2"} ++ ] ++ }, ++ ) ++ p.fetch_remotes() ++ assert len(p.remotes) == 2 ++ repo = p.remotes[0] ++ repo2 = p.remotes[1] ++ assert repo.get_cache_basehash() == "name1" ++ assert repo2.get_cache_basehash() == "name2" ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_gitpython ++def test_gitpython_name(gitpython_gitfs_opts): ++ _test_name(gitpython_gitfs_opts) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_pygit2 ++def test_pygit2_name(pygit2_gitfs_opts): ++ _test_name(pygit2_gitfs_opts) ++ ++ ++def _test_remote_map(opts): ++ p = _get_gitfs( ++ opts, ++ "", ++ ) ++ p.fetch_remotes() ++ assert len(p.remotes) == 1 ++ assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(opts["cachedir"], "gitfs", "remote_map.txt")) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_gitpython ++def test_gitpython_remote_map(gitpython_gitfs_opts): ++ _test_remote_map(gitpython_gitfs_opts) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_pygit2 ++def test_pygit2_remote_map(pygit2_gitfs_opts): ++ _test_remote_map(pygit2_gitfs_opts) ++ ++ ++def _test_lock(opts): ++ g = _get_gitfs( ++ opts, ++ "", ++ ) ++ g.fetch_remotes() ++ assert len(g.remotes) == 1 ++ repo = g.remotes[0] ++ assert repo.get_salt_working_dir() in repo._get_lock_file() ++ assert repo.lock() == ( ++ [ ++ "Set update lock for gitfs remote ''" ++ ], ++ [], ++ ) ++ assert os.path.isfile(repo._get_lock_file()) ++ assert repo.clear_lock() == ( ++ [ ++ "Removed update lock for gitfs remote ''" ++ ], ++ [], ++ ) ++ assert not os.path.isfile(repo._get_lock_file()) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_gitpython ++def test_gitpython_lock(gitpython_gitfs_opts): ++ _test_lock(gitpython_gitfs_opts) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_pygit2 ++def test_pygit2_lock(pygit2_gitfs_opts): ++ _test_lock(pygit2_gitfs_opts) +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/utils/ b/tests/pytests/functional/utils/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..143edbf6ff +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/utils/ +@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@ ++import os ++ ++import pytest ++ ++from salt.pillar.git_pillar import GLOBAL_ONLY, PER_REMOTE_ONLY, PER_REMOTE_OVERRIDES ++from salt.utils.gitfs import GitPillar, GitPython, Pygit2 ++from salt.utils.immutabletypes import ImmutableDict, ImmutableList ++ ++pytestmark = [ ++ pytest.mark.slow_test, ++] ++ ++ ++try: ++ import git # pylint: disable=unused-import ++ ++ HAS_GITPYTHON = True ++except ImportError: ++ HAS_GITPYTHON = False ++ ++ ++try: ++ import pygit2 # pylint: disable=unused-import ++ ++ HAS_PYGIT2 = True ++except ImportError: ++ HAS_PYGIT2 = False ++ ++ ++skipif_no_gitpython = pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_GITPYTHON, reason="Missing gitpython") ++skipif_no_pygit2 = pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_PYGIT2, reason="Missing pygit2") ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture ++def pillar_opts(salt_factories, tmp_path): ++ config_defaults = {"cachedir": str(tmp_path)} ++ factory = salt_factories.salt_master_daemon( ++ "pillar-functional-master", defaults=config_defaults ++ ) ++ config_defaults = dict(factory.config) ++ for key, item in config_defaults.items(): ++ if isinstance(item, ImmutableDict): ++ config_defaults[key] = dict(item) ++ elif isinstance(item, ImmutableList): ++ config_defaults[key] = list(item) ++ return config_defaults ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture ++def gitpython_pillar_opts(pillar_opts): ++ pillar_opts["verified_git_pillar_provider"] = "gitpython" ++ return pillar_opts ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture ++def pygit2_pillar_opts(pillar_opts): ++ pillar_opts["verified_git_pillar_provider"] = "pygit2" ++ return pillar_opts ++ ++ ++def _get_pillar(opts, *remotes): ++ return GitPillar( ++ opts, ++ remotes, ++ per_remote_overrides=PER_REMOTE_OVERRIDES, ++ per_remote_only=PER_REMOTE_ONLY, ++ global_only=GLOBAL_ONLY, ++ ) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_gitpython ++def test_gitpython_pillar_provider(gitpython_pillar_opts): ++ p = _get_pillar( ++ gitpython_pillar_opts, "" ++ ) ++ assert len(p.remotes) == 1 ++ assert p.provider == "gitpython" ++ assert isinstance(p.remotes[0], GitPython) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_pygit2 ++def test_pygit2_pillar_provider(pygit2_pillar_opts): ++ p = _get_pillar( ++ pygit2_pillar_opts, "" ++ ) ++ assert len(p.remotes) == 1 ++ assert p.provider == "pygit2" ++ assert isinstance(p.remotes[0], Pygit2) ++ ++ ++def _test_env(opts): ++ p = _get_pillar( ++ opts, "__env__" ++ ) ++ assert len(p.remotes) == 1 ++ p.checkout() ++ repo = p.remotes[0] ++ # test that two different pillarenvs can exist at the same time ++ files = set(os.listdir(repo.get_cachedir())) ++ for f in (".gitignore", "", "file.sls", "top.sls"): ++ assert f in files ++ opts["pillarenv"] = "main" ++ p2 = _get_pillar( ++ opts, "__env__" ++ ) ++ assert len(p.remotes) == 1 ++ p2.checkout() ++ repo2 = p2.remotes[0] ++ files = set(os.listdir(repo2.get_cachedir())) ++ for f in (".gitignore", ""): ++ assert f in files ++ for f in ("file.sls", "top.sls", "back.sls", "rooms.sls"): ++ assert f not in files ++ assert repo.get_cachedir() != repo2.get_cachedir() ++ files = set(os.listdir(repo.get_cachedir())) ++ for f in (".gitignore", "", "file.sls", "top.sls"): ++ assert f in files ++ ++ # double check cache paths ++ assert ( ++ repo.get_cache_hash() == repo2.get_cache_hash() ++ ) # __env__ repos share same hash ++ assert repo.get_cache_basename() != repo2.get_cache_basename() ++ assert repo.get_linkdir() != repo2.get_linkdir() ++ assert repo.get_salt_working_dir() != repo2.get_salt_working_dir() ++ assert repo.get_cache_basename() == "master" ++ assert repo2.get_cache_basename() == "main" ++ ++ assert repo.get_cache_basename() in repo.get_cachedir() ++ assert ( ++ os.path.join(repo.get_cache_basehash(), repo.get_cache_basename()) ++ == repo.get_cache_full_basename() ++ ) ++ assert repo.get_linkdir() not in repo.get_cachedir() ++ assert repo.get_salt_working_dir() not in repo.get_cachedir() ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_gitpython ++def test_gitpython_env(gitpython_pillar_opts): ++ _test_env(gitpython_pillar_opts) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_pygit2 ++def test_pygit2_env(pygit2_pillar_opts): ++ _test_env(pygit2_pillar_opts) ++ ++ ++def _test_checkout_fetch_on_fail(opts): ++ p = _get_pillar(opts, "") ++ p.checkout(fetch_on_fail=False) # TODO write me ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_gitpython ++def test_gitpython_checkout_fetch_on_fail(gitpython_pillar_opts): ++ _test_checkout_fetch_on_fail(gitpython_pillar_opts) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_pygit2 ++def test_pygit2_checkout_fetch_on_fail(pygit2_pillar_opts): ++ _test_checkout_fetch_on_fail(pygit2_pillar_opts) ++ ++ ++def _test_multiple_repos(opts): ++ p = _get_pillar( ++ opts, ++ "__env__", ++ "main", ++ "branch", ++ "__env__", ++ "other", ++ ) ++ p.checkout() ++ assert len(p.remotes) == 5 ++ # make sure all repos dont share cache and working dir ++ assert len({r.get_cachedir() for r in p.remotes}) == 5 ++ assert len({r.get_salt_working_dir() for r in p.remotes}) == 5 ++ ++ p2 = _get_pillar( ++ opts, ++ "__env__", ++ "main", ++ "branch", ++ "__env__", ++ "other", ++ ) ++ p2.checkout() ++ assert len(p2.remotes) == 5 ++ # make sure that repos are given same cache dir ++ for repo, repo2 in zip(p.remotes, p2.remotes): ++ assert repo.get_cachedir() == repo2.get_cachedir() ++ assert repo.get_salt_working_dir() == repo2.get_salt_working_dir() ++ opts["pillarenv"] = "main" ++ p3 = _get_pillar( ++ opts, ++ "__env__", ++ "main", ++ "branch", ++ "__env__", ++ "other", ++ ) ++ p3.checkout() ++ # check that __env__ has different cache with different pillarenv ++ assert p.remotes[0].get_cachedir() != p3.remotes[0].get_cachedir() ++ assert p.remotes[1].get_cachedir() == p3.remotes[1].get_cachedir() ++ assert p.remotes[2].get_cachedir() == p3.remotes[2].get_cachedir() ++ assert p.remotes[3].get_cachedir() != p3.remotes[3].get_cachedir() ++ assert p.remotes[4].get_cachedir() == p3.remotes[4].get_cachedir() ++ ++ # check that other branch data is in cache ++ files = set(os.listdir(p.remotes[4].get_cachedir())) ++ for f in (".gitignore", "", "file.sls", "top.sls", "other_env.sls"): ++ assert f in files ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_gitpython ++def test_gitpython_multiple_repos(gitpython_pillar_opts): ++ _test_multiple_repos(gitpython_pillar_opts) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_pygit2 ++def test_pygit2_multiple_repos(pygit2_pillar_opts): ++ _test_multiple_repos(pygit2_pillar_opts) ++ ++ ++def _test_fetch_request(opts): ++ p = _get_pillar( ++ opts, ++ "__env__", ++ "other", ++ ) ++ frequest = os.path.join(p.remotes[0].get_salt_working_dir(), "fetch_request") ++ frequest_other = os.path.join(p.remotes[1].get_salt_working_dir(), "fetch_request") ++ opts["pillarenv"] = "main" ++ p2 = _get_pillar( ++ opts, "__env__" ++ ) ++ frequest2 = os.path.join(p2.remotes[0].get_salt_working_dir(), "fetch_request") ++ assert frequest != frequest2 ++ assert os.path.isfile(frequest) is False ++ assert os.path.isfile(frequest2) is False ++ assert os.path.isfile(frequest_other) is False ++ p.fetch_remotes() ++ assert os.path.isfile(frequest) is False ++ # fetch request was placed ++ assert os.path.isfile(frequest2) is True ++ p2.checkout() ++ # fetch request was found ++ assert os.path.isfile(frequest2) is False ++ p2.fetch_remotes() ++ assert os.path.isfile(frequest) is True ++ assert os.path.isfile(frequest2) is False ++ assert os.path.isfile(frequest_other) is False ++ for _ in range(3): ++ p2.fetch_remotes() ++ assert os.path.isfile(frequest) is True ++ assert os.path.isfile(frequest2) is False ++ assert os.path.isfile(frequest_other) is False ++ # fetch request should still be processed even on fetch_on_fail=False ++ p.checkout(fetch_on_fail=False) ++ assert os.path.isfile(frequest) is False ++ assert os.path.isfile(frequest2) is False ++ assert os.path.isfile(frequest_other) is False ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_gitpython ++def test_gitpython_fetch_request(gitpython_pillar_opts): ++ _test_fetch_request(gitpython_pillar_opts) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_pygit2 ++def test_pygit2_fetch_request(pygit2_pillar_opts): ++ _test_fetch_request(pygit2_pillar_opts) ++ ++ ++def _test_clear_old_remotes(opts): ++ p = _get_pillar( ++ opts, ++ "__env__", ++ "other", ++ ) ++ repo = p.remotes[0] ++ repo2 = p.remotes[1] ++ opts["pillarenv"] = "main" ++ p2 = _get_pillar( ++ opts, "__env__" ++ ) ++ repo3 = p2.remotes[0] ++ assert os.path.isdir(repo.get_cachedir()) is True ++ assert os.path.isdir(repo2.get_cachedir()) is True ++ assert os.path.isdir(repo3.get_cachedir()) is True ++ p.clear_old_remotes() ++ assert os.path.isdir(repo.get_cachedir()) is True ++ assert os.path.isdir(repo2.get_cachedir()) is True ++ assert os.path.isdir(repo3.get_cachedir()) is True ++ p2.clear_old_remotes() ++ assert os.path.isdir(repo.get_cachedir()) is True ++ assert os.path.isdir(repo2.get_cachedir()) is False ++ assert os.path.isdir(repo3.get_cachedir()) is True ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_gitpython ++def test_gitpython_clear_old_remotes(gitpython_pillar_opts): ++ _test_clear_old_remotes(gitpython_pillar_opts) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_pygit2 ++def test_pygit2_clear_old_remotes(pygit2_pillar_opts): ++ _test_clear_old_remotes(pygit2_pillar_opts) ++ ++ ++def _test_remote_map(opts): ++ p = _get_pillar( ++ opts, ++ "", ++ ) ++ p.fetch_remotes() ++ assert len(p.remotes) == 1 ++ assert os.path.isfile( ++ os.path.join(opts["cachedir"], "git_pillar", "remote_map.txt") ++ ) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_gitpython ++def test_gitpython_remote_map(gitpython_pillar_opts): ++ _test_remote_map(gitpython_pillar_opts) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_pygit2 ++def test_pygit2_remote_map(pygit2_pillar_opts): ++ _test_remote_map(pygit2_pillar_opts) ++ ++ ++def _test_lock(opts): ++ p = _get_pillar( ++ opts, ++ "", ++ ) ++ p.fetch_remotes() ++ assert len(p.remotes) == 1 ++ repo = p.remotes[0] ++ assert repo.get_salt_working_dir() in repo._get_lock_file() ++ assert repo.lock() == ( ++ [ ++ "Set update lock for git_pillar remote ''" ++ ], ++ [], ++ ) ++ assert os.path.isfile(repo._get_lock_file()) ++ assert repo.clear_lock() == ( ++ [ ++ "Removed update lock for git_pillar remote ''" ++ ], ++ [], ++ ) ++ assert not os.path.isfile(repo._get_lock_file()) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_gitpython ++def test_gitpython_lock(gitpython_pillar_opts): ++ _test_lock(gitpython_pillar_opts) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_pygit2 ++def test_pygit2_lock(pygit2_pillar_opts): ++ _test_lock(pygit2_pillar_opts) +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/utils/ b/tests/pytests/functional/utils/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..117d995bba +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/utils/ +@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ ++import os ++ ++import pytest ++ ++from salt.runners.winrepo import GLOBAL_ONLY, PER_REMOTE_ONLY, PER_REMOTE_OVERRIDES ++from salt.utils.gitfs import GitPython, Pygit2, WinRepo ++from salt.utils.immutabletypes import ImmutableDict, ImmutableList ++ ++pytestmark = [ ++ pytest.mark.slow_test, ++] ++ ++ ++try: ++ import git # pylint: disable=unused-import ++ ++ HAS_GITPYTHON = True ++except ImportError: ++ HAS_GITPYTHON = False ++ ++ ++try: ++ import pygit2 # pylint: disable=unused-import ++ ++ HAS_PYGIT2 = True ++except ImportError: ++ HAS_PYGIT2 = False ++ ++ ++skipif_no_gitpython = pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_GITPYTHON, reason="Missing gitpython") ++skipif_no_pygit2 = pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_PYGIT2, reason="Missing pygit2") ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture ++def winrepo_opts(salt_factories, tmp_path): ++ config_defaults = {"cachedir": str(tmp_path)} ++ factory = salt_factories.salt_master_daemon( ++ "winrepo-functional-master", defaults=config_defaults ++ ) ++ config_defaults = dict(factory.config) ++ for key, item in config_defaults.items(): ++ if isinstance(item, ImmutableDict): ++ config_defaults[key] = dict(item) ++ elif isinstance(item, ImmutableList): ++ config_defaults[key] = list(item) ++ return config_defaults ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture ++def gitpython_winrepo_opts(winrepo_opts): ++ winrepo_opts["verified_winrepo_provider"] = "gitpython" ++ return winrepo_opts ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture ++def pygit2_winrepo_opts(winrepo_opts): ++ winrepo_opts["verified_winrepo_provider"] = "pygit2" ++ return winrepo_opts ++ ++ ++def _get_winrepo(opts, *remotes): ++ return WinRepo( ++ opts, ++ remotes, ++ per_remote_overrides=PER_REMOTE_OVERRIDES, ++ per_remote_only=PER_REMOTE_ONLY, ++ global_only=GLOBAL_ONLY, ++ ) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_gitpython ++def test_gitpython_winrepo_provider(gitpython_winrepo_opts): ++ w = _get_winrepo( ++ gitpython_winrepo_opts, ++ "", ++ ) ++ assert len(w.remotes) == 1 ++ assert w.provider == "gitpython" ++ assert isinstance(w.remotes[0], GitPython) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_pygit2 ++def test_pygit2_winrepo_provider(pygit2_winrepo_opts): ++ w = _get_winrepo( ++ pygit2_winrepo_opts, "" ++ ) ++ assert len(w.remotes) == 1 ++ assert w.provider == "pygit2" ++ assert isinstance(w.remotes[0], Pygit2) ++ ++ ++def _test_winrepo_simple(opts): ++ w = _get_winrepo(opts, "") ++ assert len(w.remotes) == 1 ++ w.checkout() ++ repo = w.remotes[0] ++ files = set(os.listdir(repo.get_cachedir())) ++ for f in (".gitignore", "", "file.sls", "top.sls"): ++ assert f in files ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_gitpython ++def test_gitpython_winrepo_simple(gitpython_winrepo_opts): ++ _test_winrepo_simple(gitpython_winrepo_opts) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_pygit2 ++def test_pygit2_winrepo_simple(pygit2_winrepo_opts): ++ _test_winrepo_simple(pygit2_winrepo_opts) ++ ++ ++def _test_remote_map(opts): ++ p = _get_winrepo( ++ opts, ++ "", ++ ) ++ p.fetch_remotes() ++ assert len(p.remotes) == 1 ++ assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(opts["cachedir"], "winrepo", "remote_map.txt")) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_gitpython ++def test_gitpython_remote_map(gitpython_winrepo_opts): ++ _test_remote_map(gitpython_winrepo_opts) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_pygit2 ++def test_pygit2_remote_map(pygit2_winrepo_opts): ++ _test_remote_map(pygit2_winrepo_opts) ++ ++ ++def _test_lock(opts): ++ w = _get_winrepo( ++ opts, ++ "", ++ ) ++ w.fetch_remotes() ++ assert len(w.remotes) == 1 ++ repo = w.remotes[0] ++ assert repo.get_salt_working_dir() in repo._get_lock_file() ++ assert repo.lock() == ( ++ [ ++ "Set update lock for winrepo remote ''" ++ ], ++ [], ++ ) ++ assert os.path.isfile(repo._get_lock_file()) ++ assert repo.clear_lock() == ( ++ [ ++ "Removed update lock for winrepo remote ''" ++ ], ++ [], ++ ) ++ assert not os.path.isfile(repo._get_lock_file()) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_gitpython ++def test_gitpython_lock(gitpython_winrepo_opts): ++ _test_lock(gitpython_winrepo_opts) ++ ++ ++@skipif_no_pygit2 ++def test_pygit2_lock(pygit2_winrepo_opts): ++ _test_lock(pygit2_winrepo_opts) +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/ b/tests/pytests/unit/ +index 4508eaee95..740743194e 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/ +@@ -21,35 +21,33 @@ from import MagicMock, patch + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + +-def test_minion_load_grains_false(): ++def test_minion_load_grains_false(minion_opts): + """ + Minion does not generate grains when load_grains is False + """ +- opts = {"random_startup_delay": 0, "grains": {"foo": "bar"}} ++ minion_opts["grains"] = {"foo": "bar"} + with patch("salt.loader.grains") as grainsfunc: +- minion = salt.minion.Minion(opts, load_grains=False) +- assert minion.opts["grains"] == opts["grains"] ++ minion = salt.minion.Minion(minion_opts, load_grains=False) ++ assert minion.opts["grains"] == minion_opts["grains"] + grainsfunc.assert_not_called() + + +-def test_minion_load_grains_true(): ++def test_minion_load_grains_true(minion_opts): + """ + Minion generates grains when load_grains is True + """ +- opts = {"random_startup_delay": 0, "grains": {}} + with patch("salt.loader.grains") as grainsfunc: +- minion = salt.minion.Minion(opts, load_grains=True) ++ minion = salt.minion.Minion(minion_opts, load_grains=True) + assert minion.opts["grains"] != {} + grainsfunc.assert_called() + + +-def test_minion_load_grains_default(): ++def test_minion_load_grains_default(minion_opts): + """ + Minion load_grains defaults to True + """ +- opts = {"random_startup_delay": 0, "grains": {}} + with patch("salt.loader.grains") as grainsfunc: +- minion = salt.minion.Minion(opts) ++ minion = salt.minion.Minion(minion_opts) + assert minion.opts["grains"] != {} + grainsfunc.assert_called() + +@@ -91,24 +89,17 @@ def test_send_req_tries(req_channel, minion_opts): + + assert rtn == 30 + +- +-@patch("") +-def test_mine_send_tries(req_channel_factory): ++def test_mine_send_tries(minion_opts): + channel_enter = MagicMock() + channel_enter.send.side_effect = lambda load, timeout, tries: tries + channel = MagicMock() + channel.__enter__.return_value = channel_enter + +- opts = { +- "random_startup_delay": 0, +- "grains": {}, +- "return_retry_tries": 20, +- "minion_sign_messages": False, +- } ++ minion_opts["return_retry_tries"] = 20 + with patch("", return_value=channel), patch( + "salt.loader.grains" + ): +- minion = salt.minion.Minion(opts) ++ minion = salt.minion.Minion(minion_opts) + minion.tok = "token" + + data = {} +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ +index e9915de412..2bf627049f 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ +@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ + import os +-import string + import time + + import pytest +@@ -214,11 +213,11 @@ def test_checkout_pygit2(_prepare_provider): + provider.init_remote() + provider.fetch() + provider.branch = "master" +- assert provider.cachedir in provider.checkout() ++ assert provider.get_cachedir() in provider.checkout() + provider.branch = "simple_tag" +- assert provider.cachedir in provider.checkout() ++ assert provider.get_cachedir() in provider.checkout() + provider.branch = "annotated_tag" +- assert provider.cachedir in provider.checkout() ++ assert provider.get_cachedir() in provider.checkout() + provider.branch = "does_not_exist" + assert provider.checkout() is None + +@@ -238,18 +237,9 @@ def test_checkout_pygit2_with_home_env_unset(_prepare_provider): + assert "HOME" in os.environ + + +-def test_full_id_pygit2(_prepare_provider): +- assert _prepare_provider.full_id().startswith("-") +- assert _prepare_provider.full_id().endswith("/pygit2-repo---gitfs-master--") +- +- + @pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_PYGIT2, reason="This host lacks proper pygit2 support") + @pytest.mark.skip_on_windows( + reason="Skip Pygit2 on windows, due to pygit2 access error on windows" + ) + def test_get_cachedir_basename_pygit2(_prepare_provider): +- basename = _prepare_provider.get_cachedir_basename() +- assert len(basename) == 45 +- assert basename[0] == "-" +- # check that a valid base64 is given '/' -> '_' +- assert all(c in string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "+_=" for c in basename[1:]) ++ assert "_" == _prepare_provider.get_cache_basename() +diff --git a/tests/unit/utils/ b/tests/unit/utils/ +index 6d8e97a239..259ea056fc 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/utils/ ++++ b/tests/unit/utils/ +@@ -114,27 +114,14 @@ class TestGitBase(TestCase, AdaptedConfigurationTestCaseMixin): + self.assertTrue(self.main_class.remotes[0].fetched) + self.assertFalse(self.main_class.remotes[1].fetched) + +- def test_full_id(self): +- self.assertEqual( +- self.main_class.remotes[0].full_id(), "-file://repo1.git---gitfs-master--" +- ) +- +- def test_full_id_with_name(self): +- self.assertEqual( +- self.main_class.remotes[1].full_id(), +- "repo2-file://repo2.git---gitfs-master--", +- ) +- + def test_get_cachedir_basename(self): + self.assertEqual( +- self.main_class.remotes[0].get_cachedir_basename(), +- "-jXhnbGDemchtZwTwaD2s6VOaVvs98a7w+AtiYlmOVb0=", ++ self.main_class.remotes[0].get_cache_basename(), ++ "_", + ) +- +- def test_get_cachedir_base_with_name(self): + self.assertEqual( +- self.main_class.remotes[1].get_cachedir_basename(), +- "repo2-nuezpiDtjQRFC0ZJDByvi+F6Vb8ZhfoH41n_KFxTGsU=", ++ self.main_class.remotes[1].get_cache_basename(), ++ "_", + ) + + def test_git_provider_mp_lock(self): +-- +2.42.0 + + diff --git a/fix-issue-2068-test.patch b/fix-issue-2068-test.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..701457a --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-issue-2068-test.patch @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +From b0e713d6946526b894837406c0760c262e4312a1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Bo Maryniuk +Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2019 16:08:19 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix issue #2068 test + +Skip injecting `__call__` if chunk is not dict. + +This also fixes `integration/modules/` that tests `include` and `exclude` state directives containing the only list of strings. + +Minor update: more correct is-dict check. +--- + salt/ | 9 ++++++--- + 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ +index 8352a8defc..cb434a91e7 100644 +--- a/salt/ ++++ b/salt/ +@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ The data sent to the state calls is as follows: + """ + + ++import collections + import copy + import datetime + import fnmatch +@@ -3507,16 +3508,18 @@ class State: + """ + for chunk in high: + state = high[chunk] ++ if not isinstance(state, collections.Mapping): ++ continue + for state_ref in state: + needs_default = True ++ if not isinstance(state[state_ref], list): ++ continue + for argset in state[state_ref]: + if isinstance(argset, str): + needs_default = False + break + if needs_default: +- order = state[state_ref].pop(-1) +- state[state_ref].append("__call__") +- state[state_ref].append(order) ++ state[state_ref].insert(-1, "__call__") + + def call_high(self, high, orchestration_jid=None): + """ +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/fix-issues-that-break-salt-in-python-3.12-and-3.13-6.patch b/fix-issues-that-break-salt-in-python-3.12-and-3.13-6.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e20e9ee --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-issues-that-break-salt-in-python-3.12-and-3.13-6.patch @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +From d7a6f923ed86be59183161590b60698ea2fd1a21 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 13:01:09 +0000 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix issues that break Salt in Python 3.12 and 3.13 + (#698) + +--- + salt/ext/tornado/ | 22 +++++++++++++--------- + salt/utils/ | 5 ++--- + 2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/ext/tornado/ b/salt/ext/tornado/ +index f86b430674..3e7fa130b5 100644 +--- a/salt/ext/tornado/ ++++ b/salt/ext/tornado/ +@@ -48,15 +48,19 @@ except ImportError: + if PY3: + xrange = range + +-if hasattr(ssl, 'match_hostname') and hasattr(ssl, 'CertificateError'): # python 3.2+ +- ssl_match_hostname = ssl.match_hostname +- SSLCertificateError = ssl.CertificateError +-elif ssl is None: +- ssl_match_hostname = SSLCertificateError = None # type: ignore +-else: +- import backports.ssl_match_hostname +- ssl_match_hostname = backports.ssl_match_hostname.match_hostname +- SSLCertificateError = backports.ssl_match_hostname.CertificateError # type: ignore ++try: ++ from salt.ext.ssl_match_hostname import CertificateError as SSLCertificateError ++ from salt.ext.ssl_match_hostname import match_hostname as ssl_match_hostname ++except ImportError: ++ if hasattr(ssl, 'match_hostname') and hasattr(ssl, 'CertificateError'): # python 3.2+ ++ ssl_match_hostname = ssl.match_hostname ++ SSLCertificateError = ssl.CertificateError ++ elif ssl is None: ++ ssl_match_hostname = SSLCertificateError = None # type: ignore ++ else: ++ import backports.ssl_match_hostname ++ ssl_match_hostname = backports.ssl_match_hostname.match_hostname ++ SSLCertificateError = backports.ssl_match_hostname.CertificateError # type: ignore + + if hasattr(ssl, 'SSLContext'): + if hasattr(ssl, 'create_default_context'): +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index a30610394c..0a10e0e1b6 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ URL utils + + import re + import sys +-from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse ++from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse, urlunsplit + + import + import salt.utils.path +@@ -47,8 +47,7 @@ def create(path, saltenv=None): + path = + + query = "saltenv={}".format(saltenv) if saltenv else "" +- url ="file", "", path, "", query, ""))) +- return "salt://{}".format(url[len("file:///") :]) ++ return f'salt://{"", "", path, query, "")))}' + + + def is_escaped(url): +-- +2.47.0 + diff --git a/fix-missing-minion-returns-in-batch-mode-360.patch b/fix-missing-minion-returns-in-batch-mode-360.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1566eb6 --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-missing-minion-returns-in-batch-mode-360.patch @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +From 5158ebce305d961a2d2e3cb3f889b0cde593c4a0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Ond=C5=99ej=20Hole=C4=8Dek?= +Date: Mon, 10 May 2021 16:23:19 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix missing minion returns in batch mode (#360) + +Don't close pub if there are pending events, otherwise events will be lost +resulting in empty minion returns. + +Co-authored-by: Denis V. Meltsaykin +--- + salt/client/ | 2 +- + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/salt/client/ b/salt/client/ +index bcda56c9b4..b2617e4554 100644 +--- a/salt/client/ ++++ b/salt/client/ +@@ -976,7 +976,7 @@ class LocalClient: + + self._clean_up_subscriptions(pub_data["jid"]) + finally: +- if not was_listening: ++ if not was_listening and not self.event.pending_events: + self.event.close_pub() + + def cmd_full_return( +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/fix-optimization_order-opt-to-prevent-test-fails.patch b/fix-optimization_order-opt-to-prevent-test-fails.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b72186 --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-optimization_order-opt-to-prevent-test-fails.patch @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +From aaf593d17f51a517e0adb6e9ec1c0d768ab5f855 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2023 14:24:27 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix optimization_order opt to prevent test fails + +--- + tests/pytests/unit/grains/ | 4 ++-- + tests/pytests/unit/loader/ | 2 +- + tests/pytests/unit/ | 2 +- + 3 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/grains/ b/tests/pytests/unit/grains/ +index 993c723950..36545287b9 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/grains/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/grains/ +@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ def test_network_grains_secondary_ip(tmp_path): + opts = { + "cachedir": str(cache_dir), + "extension_modules": str(extmods), +- "optimization_order": [0], ++ "optimization_order": [0, 1, 2], + } + with patch("", side_effect=[data]): + grains = salt.loader.grain_funcs(opts) +@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ def test_network_grains_cache(tmp_path): + opts = { + "cachedir": str(cache_dir), + "extension_modules": str(extmods), +- "optimization_order": [0], ++ "optimization_order": [0, 1, 2], + } + with patch( + "", side_effect=[call_1, call_2] +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/loader/ b/tests/pytests/unit/loader/ +index f4a4b51a58..86348749db 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/loader/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/loader/ +@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ def test_raw_mod_functions(): + "Ensure functions loaded by raw_mod are LoaderFunc instances" + opts = { + "extension_modules": "", +- "optimization_order": [0], ++ "optimization_order": [0, 1, 2], + } + ret = salt.loader.raw_mod(opts, "grains", "get") + for k, v in ret.items(): +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/ b/tests/pytests/unit/ +index cb343cb75e..76d5605360 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/ +@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ def test_call_id_function(tmp_path): + "cachedir": str(cache_dir), + "extension_modules": str(extmods), + "grains": {"osfinger": "meh"}, +- "optimization_order": [0], ++ "optimization_order": [0, 1, 2], + } + ret = salt.config.call_id_function(opts) + assert ret == "meh" +-- +2.42.0 + diff --git a/fix-ownership-of-salt-thin-directory-when-using-the-.patch b/fix-ownership-of-salt-thin-directory-when-using-the-.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b9fdf5 --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-ownership-of-salt-thin-directory-when-using-the-.patch @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +From 5f6488ab9211927c421e3d87a4ee84fe659ceb8b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2022 18:03:49 +0300 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix ownership of salt thin directory when using the + Salt Bundle + +--- + salt/client/ssh/ | 25 ++++++++++++++++++++++++- + 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/salt/client/ssh/ b/salt/client/ssh/ +index 293ea1b7fa..95171f7aea 100644 +--- a/salt/client/ssh/ ++++ b/salt/client/ssh/ +@@ -292,7 +292,30 @@ def main(argv): # pylint: disable=W0613 + os.makedirs(OPTIONS.saltdir) + cache_dir = os.path.join(OPTIONS.saltdir, "running_data", "var", "cache") + os.makedirs(os.path.join(cache_dir, "salt")) +- os.symlink("salt", os.path.relpath(os.path.join(cache_dir, "venv-salt-minion"))) ++ os.symlink( ++ "salt", os.path.relpath(os.path.join(cache_dir, "venv-salt-minion")) ++ ) ++ if os.path.exists(OPTIONS.saltdir) and ( ++ "SUDO_UID" in os.environ or "SUDO_GID" in os.environ ++ ): ++ try: ++ sudo_uid = int(os.environ.get("SUDO_UID", -1)) ++ except ValueError: ++ sudo_uid = -1 ++ try: ++ sudo_gid = int(os.environ.get("SUDO_GID", -1)) ++ except ValueError: ++ sudo_gid = -1 ++ dstat = os.stat(OPTIONS.saltdir) ++ if (sudo_uid != -1 and dstat.st_uid != sudo_uid) or ( ++ sudo_gid != -1 and dstat.st_gid != sudo_gid ++ ): ++ os.chown(OPTIONS.saltdir, sudo_uid, sudo_gid) ++ for dir_path, dir_names, file_names in os.walk(OPTIONS.saltdir): ++ for dir_name in dir_names: ++ os.lchown(os.path.join(dir_path, dir_name), sudo_uid, sudo_gid) ++ for file_name in file_names: ++ os.lchown(os.path.join(dir_path, file_name), sudo_uid, sudo_gid) + + if venv_salt_call is None: + # Use Salt thin only if Salt Bundle (venv-salt-minion) is not available +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/fix-problematic-tests-and-allow-smooth-tests-executi.patch b/fix-problematic-tests-and-allow-smooth-tests-executi.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ecc3de8 --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-problematic-tests-and-allow-smooth-tests-executi.patch @@ -0,0 +1,2695 @@ +From 1b1bbc3e46ab2eed98f07a23368877fc068dbc06 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2024 11:25:22 +0000 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix problematic tests and allow smooth tests + executions on containers + +* Align boto imports in tests with Salt modules + +Some modules `import boto` to set log levels. The related tests don't +import `boto`. This can cause a problem when `boto` is not available. + +Tests are skipped when HAS_BOTO in the test_boto_*.py is False. Not +trying to `import boto` can leave HAS_BOTO=True in the test file even +though HAS_BOTO is False on the application side. In this case, tests +are not skipped and fail. + +* Fix mock order in test_dig ( + +`salt.utils.path.which` should not be mocked before `network.__utils__`. The +Salt loader calls ``, which needs the real +`salt.utils.path.which`. + +* Fix mock calls + +Signed-off-by: Pedro Algarvio +(cherry picked from commit 3506e7fd0e84320b2873370f1fe527025c244dca) + +* Skip venafiapi test if vcert module not available + +The same HAS_VCERT check is done in the runner module. + +* Moving tests/integration/modules/ to pytest, Gareth J Greenaway original author + +(cherry picked from commit 2c1040b4c2885efaa86576fd88eb36bb550b5996) + +* The `index.html` file changed it's contents. Fix tests. + +Signed-off-by: Pedro Algarvio +(cherry picked from commit 672f6586d7c3cdb0e8c5ee42524895035aafcc23) + +* Skip hwclock test when executed inside a container + +* Skip git pillar tests when executed inside a container + +These tests require a Git repository container, which is hard to correctly set +up when executing the tests in the container in GH Actions. + +Using --network host can help, but there was still an error (the git repos were +empty) when I tried to set this up. + +* Skip test requiring systemd inside container + +* Exclude tests for hgfs if missing hglib + +* Skip and fix tests when running on containers + +* Fix some failing test causing problem in SUSE environments + +* Skip more tests when running on containers + +* Use skipif instead of skip_if as it seems not behaving equally + +* Skip more tests that cannot run in a container + +* Remove SSH test which doesn't make sense after lock mechanism + +* Fix failing boto tests + +* Skip unmaintained tests upstream around zcbuildout + +* Skip some tests that does not run well in GH Actions + +--------- + +Co-authored-by: Pedro Algarvio +Co-authored-by: Gareth J. Greenaway +Co-authored-by: Alexander Graul +--- + .../integration/externalapi/ | 10 +- + tests/integration/modules/ | 634 ------------------ + tests/integration/modules/ | 24 +- + tests/integration/modules/ | 3 + + tests/integration/pillar/ | 3 + + tests/integration/ssh/ | 47 -- + tests/pytests/functional/cache/ | 4 + + tests/pytests/functional/cache/ | 4 + + .../functional/fileserver/hgfs/ | 2 + + .../pytests/functional/modules/ | 561 ++++++++++++++++ + .../functional/modules/ | 4 + + .../pytests/functional/modules/ | 5 + + .../pytests/functional/modules/ | 3 + + .../pillar/hg_pillar/ | 1 + + .../states/rabbitmq/ | 4 + + .../functional/states/rabbitmq/ | 4 + + .../functional/states/rabbitmq/ | 4 + + .../states/rabbitmq/ | 4 + + .../functional/states/rabbitmq/ | 4 + + .../functional/states/rabbitmq/ | 4 + + .../functional/states/ | 5 + + tests/pytests/functional/states/ | 6 +- + .../integration/cli/ | 3 + + .../integration/daemons/ | 4 + + .../integration/modules/ | 93 +++ + .../pytests/integration/modules/ | 4 + + tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ | 3 + + tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ | 5 + + .../integration/ssh/ | 3 + + .../pytests/integration/ssh/ | 2 + + .../scenarios/compat/ | 4 + + .../multimaster/ | 3 + + tests/pytests/scenarios/setup/ | 6 + + tests/pytests/unit/modules/ | 12 +- + .../pytests/unit/modules/ | 8 +- + tests/pytests/unit/modules/ | 4 +- + tests/pytests/unit/ | 2 +- + tests/pytests/unit/ | 4 +- + tests/pytests/unit/utils/event/ | 24 +- + tests/unit/modules/ | 1 + + .../unit/modules/ | 1 + + .../modules/ | 1 + + tests/unit/modules/ | 1 + + tests/unit/modules/ | 6 +- + tests/unit/modules/ | 4 +- + tests/unit/modules/ | 2 + + .../unit/netapi/rest_tornado/ | 22 +- + tests/unit/states/ | 1 + + .../unit/states/ | 1 + + tests/unit/states/ | 1 + + 50 files changed, 824 insertions(+), 741 deletions(-) + delete mode 100644 tests/integration/modules/ + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/functional/modules/ + +diff --git a/tests/integration/externalapi/ b/tests/integration/externalapi/ +index ad08605430f..3ae1e3392d8 100644 +--- a/tests/integration/externalapi/ ++++ b/tests/integration/externalapi/ +@@ -13,6 +13,14 @@ from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend + from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization + from cryptography.x509.oid import NameOID + ++try: ++ import vcert ++ from vcert.common import CertificateRequest ++ ++ HAS_VCERT = True ++except ImportError: ++ HAS_VCERT = False ++ + from import ShellCase + + +@@ -36,6 +44,7 @@ def with_random_name(func): + return wrapper + + ++@pytest.mark.skipif(HAS_VCERT is False, reason="The vcert module must be installed.") + class VenafiTest(ShellCase): + """ + Test the venafi runner +@@ -86,7 +95,6 @@ class VenafiTest(ShellCase): + @with_random_name + @pytest.mark.slow_test + def test_sign(self, name): +- + csr_pem = """-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- + MIIFbDCCA1QCAQAwgbQxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMQ0wCwYDVQQIDARVdGFoMRIwEAYD + VQQHDAlTYWx0IExha2UxFDASBgNVBAoMC1ZlbmFmaSBJbmMuMRQwEgYDVQQLDAtJ +diff --git a/tests/integration/modules/ b/tests/integration/modules/ +deleted file mode 100644 +index 800111174f0..00000000000 +--- a/tests/integration/modules/ ++++ /dev/null +@@ -1,634 +0,0 @@ +-import os +-import random +-import sys +-import tempfile +-from contextlib import contextmanager +- +-import pytest +- +-import salt.utils.path +-import salt.utils.platform +-import salt.utils.user +-from import ModuleCase +-from import SKIP_INITIAL_PHOTONOS_FAILURES, dedent +-from import RUNTIME_VARS +- +-AVAILABLE_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE = salt.utils.path.which_bin( +- ["python", "python2", "python2.6", "python2.7"] +-) +- +- +-@pytest.mark.windows_whitelisted +-class CMDModuleTest(ModuleCase): +- """ +- Validate the cmd module +- """ +- +- def setUp(self): +- self.runas_usr = "nobody" +- if salt.utils.platform.is_darwin(): +- self.runas_usr = "macsalttest" +- +- @contextmanager +- def _ensure_user_exists(self, name): +- if name in self.run_function("", [name]).values(): +- # User already exists; don't touch +- yield +- else: +- # Need to create user for test +- self.run_function("user.add", [name]) +- try: +- yield +- finally: +- self.run_function("user.delete", [name], remove=True) +- +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- @pytest.mark.skip_on_windows +- def test_run(self): +- """ +- +- """ +- shell = os.environ.get("SHELL") +- if shell is None: +- # Failed to get the SHELL var, don't run +- self.skipTest("Unable to get the SHELL environment variable") +- +- self.assertTrue(self.run_function("", ["echo $SHELL"])) +- self.assertEqual( +- self.run_function( +- "", ["echo $SHELL", "shell={}".format(shell)], python_shell=True +- ).rstrip(), +- shell, +- ) +- self.assertEqual( +- self.run_function("", ["ls / | grep etc"], python_shell=True), "etc" +- ) +- self.assertEqual( +- self.run_function( +- "", +- ['echo {{}} | awk "{print $1}"'], +- template="jinja", +- python_shell=True, +- ), +- "minion", +- ) +- self.assertEqual( +- self.run_function( +- "", ["grep f"], stdin="one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\n" +- ), +- "four\nfive", +- ) +- self.assertEqual( +- self.run_function( +- "", ['echo "a=b" | sed -e s/=/:/g'], python_shell=True +- ), +- "a:b", +- ) +- +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_stdout(self): +- """ +- cmd.run_stdout +- """ +- self.assertEqual( +- self.run_function("cmd.run_stdout", ['echo "cheese"']).rstrip(), +- "cheese" if not salt.utils.platform.is_windows() else '"cheese"', +- ) +- +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_stderr(self): +- """ +- cmd.run_stderr +- """ +- if sys.platform.startswith(("freebsd", "openbsd")): +- shell = "/bin/sh" +- else: +- shell = "/bin/bash" +- +- self.assertEqual( +- self.run_function( +- "cmd.run_stderr", +- ['echo "cheese" 1>&2', "shell={}".format(shell)], +- python_shell=True, +- ).rstrip(), +- "cheese" if not salt.utils.platform.is_windows() else '"cheese"', +- ) +- +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_run_all(self): +- """ +- cmd.run_all +- """ +- if sys.platform.startswith(("freebsd", "openbsd")): +- shell = "/bin/sh" +- else: +- shell = "/bin/bash" +- +- ret = self.run_function( +- "cmd.run_all", +- ['echo "cheese" 1>&2', "shell={}".format(shell)], +- python_shell=True, +- ) +- self.assertTrue("pid" in ret) +- self.assertTrue("retcode" in ret) +- self.assertTrue("stdout" in ret) +- self.assertTrue("stderr" in ret) +- self.assertTrue(isinstance(ret.get("pid"), int)) +- self.assertTrue(isinstance(ret.get("retcode"), int)) +- self.assertTrue(isinstance(ret.get("stdout"), str)) +- self.assertTrue(isinstance(ret.get("stderr"), str)) +- self.assertEqual( +- ret.get("stderr").rstrip(), +- "cheese" if not salt.utils.platform.is_windows() else '"cheese"', +- ) +- +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_retcode(self): +- """ +- cmd.retcode +- """ +- self.assertEqual( +- self.run_function("cmd.retcode", ["exit 0"], python_shell=True), 0 +- ) +- self.assertEqual( +- self.run_function("cmd.retcode", ["exit 1"], python_shell=True), 1 +- ) +- +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_run_all_with_success_retcodes(self): +- """ +- with success_retcodes +- """ +- ret = self.run_function( +- "cmd.run_all", ["exit 42"], success_retcodes=[42], python_shell=True +- ) +- +- self.assertTrue("retcode" in ret) +- self.assertEqual(ret.get("retcode"), 0) +- +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_retcode_with_success_retcodes(self): +- """ +- with success_retcodes +- """ +- ret = self.run_function( +- "cmd.retcode", ["exit 42"], success_retcodes=[42], python_shell=True +- ) +- +- self.assertEqual(ret, 0) +- +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_run_all_with_success_stderr(self): +- """ +- with success_retcodes +- """ +- random_file = "{}{}{}".format( +- RUNTIME_VARS.TMP_ROOT_DIR, os.path.sep, random.random() +- ) +- +- if salt.utils.platform.is_windows(): +- func = "type" +- expected_stderr = "cannot find the file specified" +- else: +- func = "cat" +- expected_stderr = "No such file or directory" +- ret = self.run_function( +- "cmd.run_all", +- ["{} {}".format(func, random_file)], +- success_stderr=[expected_stderr], +- python_shell=True, +- ) +- +- self.assertTrue("retcode" in ret) +- self.assertEqual(ret.get("retcode"), 0) +- +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_blacklist_glob(self): +- """ +- cmd_blacklist_glob +- """ +- self.assertEqual( +- self.run_function("", ["bad_command --foo"]).rstrip(), +- 'ERROR: The shell command "bad_command --foo" is not permitted', +- ) +- +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_script(self): +- """ +- cmd.script +- """ +- args = "saltines crackers biscuits=yes" +- script = "salt://" +- ret = self.run_function("cmd.script", [script, args], saltenv="base") +- self.assertEqual(ret["stdout"], args) +- +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_script_query_string(self): +- """ +- cmd.script +- """ +- args = "saltines crackers biscuits=yes" +- script = "salt://" +- ret = self.run_function("cmd.script", [script, args], saltenv="base") +- self.assertEqual(ret["stdout"], args) +- +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_script_retcode(self): +- """ +- cmd.script_retcode +- """ +- script = "salt://" +- ret = self.run_function("cmd.script_retcode", [script], saltenv="base") +- self.assertEqual(ret, 0) +- +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_script_cwd(self): +- """ +- cmd.script with cwd +- """ +- tmp_cwd = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=RUNTIME_VARS.TMP) +- args = "saltines crackers biscuits=yes" +- script = "salt://" +- ret = self.run_function( +- "cmd.script", [script, args], cwd=tmp_cwd, saltenv="base" +- ) +- self.assertEqual(ret["stdout"], args) +- +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_script_cwd_with_space(self): +- """ +- cmd.script with cwd +- """ +- tmp_cwd = "{}{}test 2".format( +- tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=RUNTIME_VARS.TMP), os.path.sep +- ) +- os.mkdir(tmp_cwd) +- +- args = "saltines crackers biscuits=yes" +- script = "salt://" +- ret = self.run_function( +- "cmd.script", [script, args], cwd=tmp_cwd, saltenv="base" +- ) +- self.assertEqual(ret["stdout"], args) +- +- @pytest.mark.destructive_test +- def test_tty(self): +- """ +- cmd.tty +- """ +- for tty in ("tty0", "pts3"): +- if os.path.exists(os.path.join("/dev", tty)): +- ret = self.run_function("cmd.tty", [tty, "apply salt liberally"]) +- self.assertTrue("Success" in ret) +- +- @pytest.mark.skip_on_windows +- @pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("which") +- def test_which(self): +- """ +- cmd.which +- """ +- cmd_which = self.run_function("cmd.which", ["cat"]) +- self.assertIsInstance(cmd_which, str) +- cmd_run = self.run_function("", ["which cat"]) +- self.assertIsInstance(cmd_run, str) +- self.assertEqual(cmd_which.rstrip(), cmd_run.rstrip()) +- +- @pytest.mark.skip_on_windows +- @pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("which") +- def test_which_bin(self): +- """ +- cmd.which_bin +- """ +- cmds = ["pip3", "pip2", "pip", "pip-python"] +- ret = self.run_function("cmd.which_bin", [cmds]) +- self.assertTrue(os.path.split(ret)[1] in cmds) +- +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_has_exec(self): +- """ +- cmd.has_exec +- """ +- self.assertTrue( +- self.run_function("cmd.has_exec", [AVAILABLE_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE]) +- ) +- self.assertFalse( +- self.run_function("cmd.has_exec", ["alllfsdfnwieulrrh9123857ygf"]) +- ) +- +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_exec_code(self): +- """ +- cmd.exec_code +- """ +- code = dedent( +- """ +- import sys +- sys.stdout.write('cheese') +- """ +- ) +- self.assertEqual( +- self.run_function( +- "cmd.exec_code", [AVAILABLE_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE, code] +- ).rstrip(), +- "cheese", +- ) +- +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_exec_code_with_single_arg(self): +- """ +- cmd.exec_code +- """ +- code = dedent( +- """ +- import sys +- sys.stdout.write(sys.argv[1]) +- """ +- ) +- arg = "cheese" +- self.assertEqual( +- self.run_function( +- "cmd.exec_code", [AVAILABLE_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE, code], args=arg +- ).rstrip(), +- arg, +- ) +- +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_exec_code_with_multiple_args(self): +- """ +- cmd.exec_code +- """ +- code = dedent( +- """ +- import sys +- sys.stdout.write(sys.argv[1]) +- """ +- ) +- arg = "cheese" +- self.assertEqual( +- self.run_function( +- "cmd.exec_code", [AVAILABLE_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE, code], args=[arg, "test"] +- ).rstrip(), +- arg, +- ) +- +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_quotes(self): +- """ +- with quoted command +- """ +- cmd = """echo 'SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar="baz"' """ +- expected_result = 'SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar="baz"' +- if salt.utils.platform.is_windows(): +- expected_result = "'SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar=\"baz\"'" +- result = self.run_function("cmd.run_stdout", [cmd]).strip() +- self.assertEqual(result, expected_result) +- +- @pytest.mark.skip_if_not_root +- @pytest.mark.skip_on_windows(reason="Skip on Windows, requires password") +- def test_quotes_runas(self): +- """ +- with quoted command +- """ +- cmd = """echo 'SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar="baz"' """ +- expected_result = 'SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar="baz"' +- result = self.run_function( +- "cmd.run_all", [cmd], runas=RUNTIME_VARS.RUNNING_TESTS_USER +- ) +- errmsg = "The command returned: {}".format(result) +- self.assertEqual(result["retcode"], 0, errmsg) +- self.assertEqual(result["stdout"], expected_result, errmsg) +- +- @pytest.mark.destructive_test +- @pytest.mark.skip_if_not_root +- @pytest.mark.skip_on_windows(reason="Skip on Windows, uses unix commands") +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_avoid_injecting_shell_code_as_root(self): +- """ +- should execute the whole command as the "runas" user, not +- running substitutions as root. +- """ +- cmd = "echo $(id -u)" +- +- root_id = self.run_function("cmd.run_stdout", [cmd]) +- runas_root_id = self.run_function( +- "cmd.run_stdout", [cmd], runas=RUNTIME_VARS.RUNNING_TESTS_USER +- ) +- with self._ensure_user_exists(self.runas_usr): +- user_id = self.run_function("cmd.run_stdout", [cmd], runas=self.runas_usr) +- +- self.assertNotEqual(user_id, root_id) +- self.assertNotEqual(user_id, runas_root_id) +- self.assertEqual(root_id, runas_root_id) +- +- @pytest.mark.destructive_test +- @pytest.mark.skip_if_not_root +- @pytest.mark.skip_on_windows(reason="Skip on Windows, uses unix commands") +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_cwd_runas(self): +- """ +- should be able to change working directory correctly, whether +- or not runas is in use. +- """ +- cmd = "pwd" +- tmp_cwd = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=RUNTIME_VARS.TMP) +- os.chmod(tmp_cwd, 0o711) +- +- cwd_normal = self.run_function("cmd.run_stdout", [cmd], cwd=tmp_cwd).rstrip( +- "\n" +- ) +- self.assertEqual(tmp_cwd, cwd_normal) +- +- with self._ensure_user_exists(self.runas_usr): +- cwd_runas = self.run_function( +- "cmd.run_stdout", [cmd], cwd=tmp_cwd, runas=self.runas_usr +- ).rstrip("\n") +- self.assertEqual(tmp_cwd, cwd_runas) +- +- @pytest.mark.destructive_test +- @pytest.mark.skip_if_not_root +- @pytest.mark.skip_unless_on_darwin(reason="Applicable to MacOS only") +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_runas_env(self): +- """ +- should be able to change working directory correctly, whether +- or not runas is in use. +- """ +- with self._ensure_user_exists(self.runas_usr): +- user_path = self.run_function( +- "cmd.run_stdout", ['printf %s "$PATH"'], runas=self.runas_usr +- ) +- # XXX: Not sure of a better way. Environment starts out with +- # /bin:/usr/bin and should be populated by path helper and the bash +- # profile. +- self.assertNotEqual("/bin:/usr/bin", user_path) +- +- @pytest.mark.destructive_test +- @pytest.mark.skip_if_not_root +- @pytest.mark.skip_unless_on_darwin(reason="Applicable to MacOS only") +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_runas_complex_command_bad_cwd(self): +- """ +- should not accidentally run parts of a complex command when +- given a cwd which cannot be used by the user the command is run as. +- +- Due to the need to use `su -l` to login to another user on MacOS, we +- cannot cd into directories that the target user themselves does not +- have execute permission for. To an extent, this test is testing that +- buggy behaviour, but its purpose is to ensure that the greater bug of +- running commands after failing to cd does not occur. +- """ +- tmp_cwd = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=RUNTIME_VARS.TMP) +- os.chmod(tmp_cwd, 0o700) +- +- with self._ensure_user_exists(self.runas_usr): +- cmd_result = self.run_function( +- "cmd.run_all", +- ['pwd; pwd; : $(echo "You have failed the test" >&2)'], +- cwd=tmp_cwd, +- runas=self.runas_usr, +- ) +- +- self.assertEqual("", cmd_result["stdout"]) +- self.assertNotIn("You have failed the test", cmd_result["stderr"]) +- self.assertNotEqual(0, cmd_result["retcode"]) +- +- @SKIP_INITIAL_PHOTONOS_FAILURES +- @pytest.mark.skip_on_windows +- @pytest.mark.skip_if_not_root +- @pytest.mark.destructive_test +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_runas(self): +- """ +- Ensure that the env is the runas user's +- """ +- with self._ensure_user_exists(self.runas_usr): +- out = self.run_function( +- "", ["env"], runas=self.runas_usr +- ).splitlines() +- self.assertIn("USER={}".format(self.runas_usr), out) +- +- @pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("sleep", reason="sleep cmd not installed") +- def test_timeout(self): +- """ +- trigger timeout +- """ +- out = self.run_function( +- "", ["sleep 2 && echo hello"], f_timeout=1, python_shell=True +- ) +- self.assertTrue("Timed out" in out) +- +- @pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("sleep", reason="sleep cmd not installed") +- def test_timeout_success(self): +- """ +- sufficient timeout to succeed +- """ +- out = self.run_function( +- "", ["sleep 1 && echo hello"], f_timeout=2, python_shell=True +- ) +- self.assertEqual(out, "hello") +- +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_hide_output(self): +- """ +- Test the hide_output argument +- """ +- ls_command = ( +- ["ls", "/"] if not salt.utils.platform.is_windows() else ["dir", "c:\\"] +- ) +- +- error_command = ["thiscommanddoesnotexist"] +- +- # +- out = self.run_function("", ls_command, hide_output=True) +- self.assertEqual(out, "") +- +- # +- out = self.run_function("", ls_command, hide_output=True) +- self.assertEqual(out, "") +- +- # cmd.run_stdout +- out = self.run_function("cmd.run_stdout", ls_command, hide_output=True) +- self.assertEqual(out, "") +- +- # cmd.run_stderr +- out = self.run_function("", error_command, hide_output=True) +- self.assertEqual(out, "") +- +- # cmd.run_all (command should have produced stdout) +- out = self.run_function("cmd.run_all", ls_command, hide_output=True) +- self.assertEqual(out["stdout"], "") +- self.assertEqual(out["stderr"], "") +- +- # cmd.run_all (command should have produced stderr) +- out = self.run_function("cmd.run_all", error_command, hide_output=True) +- self.assertEqual(out["stdout"], "") +- self.assertEqual(out["stderr"], "") +- +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_cmd_run_whoami(self): +- """ +- test return of whoami +- """ +- if not salt.utils.platform.is_windows(): +- user = RUNTIME_VARS.RUNTIME_CONFIGS["master"]["user"] +- else: +- user = salt.utils.user.get_specific_user() +- if user.startswith("sudo_"): +- user = user.replace("sudo_", "") +- cmd = self.run_function("", ["whoami"]) +- try: +- self.assertEqual(user.lower(), cmd.lower()) +- except AssertionError as exc: +- if not salt.utils.platform.is_windows(): +- raise exc from None +- if "\\" in user: +- user = user.split("\\")[-1] +- self.assertEqual(user.lower(), cmd.lower()) +- +- @pytest.mark.skip_unless_on_windows(reason="Minion is not Windows") +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_windows_env_handling(self): +- """ +- Ensure that nt.environ is used properly with* +- """ +- out = self.run_function( +- "", ["set"], env={"abc": "123", "ABC": "456"} +- ).splitlines() +- self.assertIn("abc=123", out) +- self.assertIn("ABC=456", out) +- +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- @pytest.mark.skip_unless_on_windows(reason="Minion is not Windows") +- def test_windows_powershell_script_args(self): +- """ +- Ensure that powershell processes inline script in args +- """ +- val = "i like cheese" +- args = ( +- '-SecureString (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "{}" -AsPlainText -Force)' +- " -ErrorAction Stop".format(val) +- ) +- script = "salt://issue-56195/test.ps1" +- ret = self.run_function( +- "cmd.script", [script], args=args, shell="powershell", saltenv="base" +- ) +- self.assertEqual(ret["stdout"], val) +- +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- @pytest.mark.skip_unless_on_windows(reason="Minion is not Windows") +- @pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("pwsh") +- def test_windows_powershell_script_args_pwsh(self): +- """ +- Ensure that powershell processes inline script in args with powershell +- core +- """ +- val = "i like cheese" +- args = ( +- '-SecureString (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "{}" -AsPlainText -Force)' +- " -ErrorAction Stop".format(val) +- ) +- script = "salt://issue-56195/test.ps1" +- ret = self.run_function( +- "cmd.script", [script], args=args, shell="pwsh", saltenv="base" +- ) +- self.assertEqual(ret["stdout"], val) +diff --git a/tests/integration/modules/ b/tests/integration/modules/ +index ad7538b4ba8..cd3e4c2f5ad 100644 +--- a/tests/integration/modules/ ++++ b/tests/integration/modules/ +@@ -234,9 +234,9 @@ class CPModuleTest(ModuleCase): + self.run_function("cp.get_url", ["", tgt]) + with salt.utils.files.fopen(tgt, "r") as instructions: + data = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode( +- self.assertIn("Bootstrap", data) +- self.assertIn("Debian", data) +- self.assertIn("Windows", data) ++ self.assertIn("Salt Project", data) ++ self.assertIn("Package", data) ++ self.assertIn("Repo", data) + self.assertNotIn("AYBABTU", data) + + @pytest.mark.slow_test +@@ -250,9 +250,9 @@ class CPModuleTest(ModuleCase): + + with salt.utils.files.fopen(ret, "r") as instructions: + data = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode( +- self.assertIn("Bootstrap", data) +- self.assertIn("Debian", data) +- self.assertIn("Windows", data) ++ self.assertIn("Salt Project", data) ++ self.assertIn("Package", data) ++ self.assertIn("Repo", data) + self.assertNotIn("AYBABTU", data) + + @pytest.mark.slow_test +@@ -273,9 +273,9 @@ class CPModuleTest(ModuleCase): + time.sleep(sleep) + if ret.find("HTTP 599") != -1: + raise Exception(" returned 599 error") +- self.assertIn("Bootstrap", ret) +- self.assertIn("Debian", ret) +- self.assertIn("Windows", ret) ++ self.assertIn("Salt Project", ret) ++ self.assertIn("Package", ret) ++ self.assertIn("Repo", ret) + self.assertNotIn("AYBABTU", ret) + + @pytest.mark.slow_test +@@ -346,9 +346,9 @@ class CPModuleTest(ModuleCase): + """ + src = "" + ret = self.run_function("cp.get_file_str", [src]) +- self.assertIn("Bootstrap", ret) +- self.assertIn("Debian", ret) +- self.assertIn("Windows", ret) ++ self.assertIn("Salt Project", ret) ++ self.assertIn("Package", ret) ++ self.assertIn("Repo", ret) + self.assertNotIn("AYBABTU", ret) + + @pytest.mark.slow_test +diff --git a/tests/integration/modules/ b/tests/integration/modules/ +index 8d7180cbd13..c1dc8a7b73d 100644 +--- a/tests/integration/modules/ ++++ b/tests/integration/modules/ +@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Integration tests for timezone module + Linux and Solaris are supported + """ + import pytest ++import os + + from import ModuleCase + +@@ -15,6 +16,8 @@ except ImportError: + HAS_TZLOCAL = False + + ++INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" ++@pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="No hwclock in a container") + class TimezoneLinuxModuleTest(ModuleCase): + def setUp(self): + """ +diff --git a/tests/integration/pillar/ b/tests/integration/pillar/ +index 68c14daaa15..5b4cbda95c9 100644 +--- a/tests/integration/pillar/ ++++ b/tests/integration/pillar/ +@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ + + """ + ++import os + import random + import string + import sys +@@ -100,9 +101,11 @@ try: + except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except + HAS_PYGIT2 = False + ++INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" + pytestmark = [ + SKIP_INITIAL_PHOTONOS_FAILURES, + pytest.mark.skip_on_platforms(windows=True, darwin=True), ++ pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Communication problems between containers."), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/integration/ssh/ b/tests/integration/ssh/ +index a9fd3e7f2d3..69245454e85 100644 +--- a/tests/integration/ssh/ ++++ b/tests/integration/ssh/ +@@ -283,53 +283,6 @@ class SSHStateTest(SSHCase): + check_file = self.run_function("file.file_exists", [SSH_SLS_FILE], wipe=False) + self.assertTrue(check_file) + +- @pytest.mark.slow_test +- def test_state_running(self): +- """ +- test state.running with salt-ssh +- """ +- +- retval = [] +- +- def _run_in_background(): +- retval.append(self.run_function("state.sls", ["running"], wipe=False)) +- +- bg_thread = threading.Thread(target=_run_in_background) +- bg_thread.start() +- +- expected = 'The function "state.pkg" is running as' +- state_ret = [] +- for _ in range(30): +- if not bg_thread.is_alive(): +- continue +- get_sls = self.run_function("state.running", wipe=False) +- state_ret.append(get_sls) +- if expected in " ".join(get_sls): +- # We found the expected return +- break +- time.sleep(1) +- else: +- if not bg_thread.is_alive(): +- bg_failed_msg = "Failed to return clean data" +- if retval and bg_failed_msg in retval.pop().get("_error", ""): +- pytest.skip("Background state run failed, skipping") +- +- "Did not find '{}' in state.running return: {}".format( +- expected, state_ret +- ) +- ) +- +- # make sure we wait until the earlier state is complete +- future = time.time() + 120 +- while True: +- if expected not in " ".join(self.run_function("state.running", wipe=False)): +- break +- if time.time() > future: +- +- "state.pkg is still running overtime. Test did not clean up" +- " correctly." +- ) +- + def tearDown(self): + """ + make sure to clean up any old ssh directories +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/cache/ b/tests/pytests/functional/cache/ +index 3a38e495a93..c6e16d2588e 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/cache/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/cache/ +@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ + import logging ++import os + import socket + import time + +@@ -13,9 +14,12 @@ docker = pytest.importorskip("docker") + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + ++INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" ++ + pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.slow_test, + pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("dockerd"), ++ pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run in a container"), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/cache/ b/tests/pytests/functional/cache/ +index c283872c08c..e15fc732a4a 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/cache/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/cache/ +@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ + import logging ++import os + + import pytest + +@@ -11,9 +12,12 @@ docker = pytest.importorskip("docker") + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + ++INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" ++ + pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.slow_test, + pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("dockerd"), ++ pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run in a container"), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/fileserver/hgfs/ b/tests/pytests/functional/fileserver/hgfs/ +index 571fe75e403..bfd927fd0fe 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/fileserver/hgfs/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/fileserver/hgfs/ +@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ try: + except ImportError: + HAS_HG = False + ++pytestmark = [pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_HG, reason="missing hglib library")] ++ + + @pytest.fixture(scope="module") + def configure_loader_modules(master_opts): +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +new file mode 100644 +index 00000000000..d30b474c6d2 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@ ++import os ++import random ++import sys ++from contextlib import contextmanager ++ ++import pytest ++ ++import salt.config ++import salt.utils.path ++import salt.utils.platform ++import salt.utils.user ++from import SKIP_INITIAL_PHOTONOS_FAILURES, dedent ++ ++pytestmark = [pytest.mark.windows_whitelisted] ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture(scope="module") ++def cmdmod(modules): ++ return modules.cmd ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture(scope="module") ++def usermod(modules): ++ return modules.user ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture(scope="module") ++def available_python_executable(): ++ yield salt.utils.path.which_bin(["python", "python3"]) ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture ++def runas_usr(): ++ runas_usr = "nobody" ++ if salt.utils.platform.is_darwin(): ++ runas_usr = "macsalttest" ++ yield runas_usr ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture ++def running_username(): ++ """ ++ Return the username that is running the code. ++ """ ++ return salt.utils.user.get_user() ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture ++def script_contents(state_tree): ++ _contents = """ ++ #!/usr/bin/env python3 ++ import sys ++ print(" ".join(sys.argv[1:])) ++ """ ++ ++ with pytest.helpers.temp_file("", _contents, state_tree): ++ yield ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture ++def issue_56195_test_ps1(state_tree): ++ _contents = """ ++ [CmdLetBinding()] ++ Param( ++ [SecureString] $SecureString ++ ) ++ $Credential = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential("DummyId", $SecureString) ++ $Credential.Password ++ """ ++ ++ with pytest.helpers.temp_file("issue_56195_test.ps1", _contents, state_tree): ++ yield ++ ++ ++@contextmanager ++def _ensure_user_exists(name, usermod): ++ if name in ++ # User already exists; don't touch ++ yield ++ else: ++ # Need to create user for test ++ usermod.add(name) ++ try: ++ yield ++ finally: ++ usermod.delete(name, remove=True) ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_run(cmdmod): ++ """ ++ ++ """ ++ shell = os.environ.get("SHELL") ++ if shell is None: ++ # Failed to get the SHELL var, don't run ++ pytest.skip("Unable to get the SHELL environment variable") ++ ++ assert"echo $SHELL") ++ assert"echo $SHELL", shell=shell, python_shell=True).rstrip() == shell ++ assert"ls / | grep etc", python_shell=True) == "etc" ++ assert ( ++ ++ 'echo {{}} | awk "{print $1}"', ++ template="jinja", ++ python_shell=True, ++ ) ++ == "func-tests-minion" ++ ) ++ assert"grep f", stdin="one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\n") == "four\nfive" ++ assert'echo "a=b" | sed -e s/=/:/g', python_shell=True) == "a:b" ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_stdout(cmdmod): ++ """ ++ cmd.run_stdout ++ """ ++ assert ( ++ cmdmod.run_stdout('echo "cheese"').rstrip() == "cheese" ++ if not salt.utils.platform.is_windows() ++ else '"cheese"' ++ ) ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_stderr(cmdmod): ++ """ ++ cmd.run_stderr ++ """ ++ if sys.platform.startswith(("freebsd", "openbsd")): ++ shell = "/bin/sh" ++ else: ++ shell = "/bin/bash" ++ ++ assert ( ++ cmdmod.run_stderr( ++ 'echo "cheese" 1>&2', ++ shell=shell, ++ python_shell=True, ++ ).rstrip() ++ == "cheese" ++ if not salt.utils.platform.is_windows() ++ else '"cheese"' ++ ) ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_run_all(cmdmod): ++ """ ++ cmd.run_all ++ """ ++ if sys.platform.startswith(("freebsd", "openbsd")): ++ shell = "/bin/sh" ++ else: ++ shell = "/bin/bash" ++ ++ ret = cmdmod.run_all( ++ 'echo "cheese" 1>&2', ++ shell=shell, ++ python_shell=True, ++ ) ++ assert "pid" in ret ++ assert "retcode" in ret ++ assert "stdout" in ret ++ assert "stderr" in ret ++ assert isinstance(ret.get("pid"), int) ++ assert isinstance(ret.get("retcode"), int) ++ assert isinstance(ret.get("stdout"), str) ++ assert isinstance(ret.get("stderr"), str) ++ assert ( ++ ret.get("stderr").rstrip() == "cheese" ++ if not salt.utils.platform.is_windows() ++ else '"cheese"' ++ ) ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_retcode(cmdmod): ++ """ ++ cmd.retcode ++ """ ++ assert cmdmod.retcode("exit 0", python_shell=True) == 0 ++ assert cmdmod.retcode("exit 1", python_shell=True) == 1 ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_run_all_with_success_retcodes(cmdmod): ++ """ ++ with success_retcodes ++ """ ++ ret = cmdmod.run_all("exit 42", success_retcodes=[42], python_shell=True) ++ ++ assert "retcode" in ret ++ assert ret.get("retcode") == 0 ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_retcode_with_success_retcodes(cmdmod): ++ """ ++ with success_retcodes ++ """ ++ ret = cmdmod.retcode("exit 42", success_retcodes=[42], python_shell=True) ++ ++ assert ret == 0 ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_run_all_with_success_stderr(cmdmod, tmp_path): ++ """ ++ with success_retcodes ++ """ ++ random_file = str(tmp_path / f"{random.random()}") ++ ++ if salt.utils.platform.is_windows(): ++ func = "type" ++ expected_stderr = "cannot find the file specified" ++ else: ++ func = "cat" ++ expected_stderr = "No such file or directory" ++ ret = cmdmod.run_all( ++ f"{func} {random_file}", ++ success_stderr=[expected_stderr], ++ python_shell=True, ++ ) ++ ++ assert "retcode" in ret ++ assert ret.get("retcode") == 0 ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_script(cmdmod, script_contents): ++ """ ++ cmd.script ++ """ ++ args = "saltines crackers biscuits=yes" ++ script = "salt://" ++ ret = cmdmod.script(script, args, saltenv="base") ++ assert ret["stdout"] == args ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_script_query_string(cmdmod, script_contents): ++ """ ++ cmd.script ++ """ ++ args = "saltines crackers biscuits=yes" ++ script = "salt://" ++ ret = cmdmod.script(script, args, saltenv="base") ++ assert ret["stdout"] == args ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_script_retcode(cmdmod, script_contents): ++ """ ++ cmd.script_retcode ++ """ ++ script = "salt://" ++ ret = cmdmod.script_retcode(script, saltenv="base") ++ assert ret == 0 ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_script_cwd(cmdmod, script_contents, tmp_path): ++ """ ++ cmd.script with cwd ++ """ ++ tmp_cwd = str(tmp_path) ++ args = "saltines crackers biscuits=yes" ++ script = "salt://" ++ ret = cmdmod.script(script, args, cwd=tmp_cwd, saltenv="base") ++ assert ret["stdout"] == args ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_script_cwd_with_space(cmdmod, script_contents, tmp_path): ++ """ ++ cmd.script with cwd ++ """ ++ tmp_cwd = str(tmp_path / "test 2") ++ os.mkdir(tmp_cwd) ++ ++ args = "saltines crackers biscuits=yes" ++ script = "salt://" ++ ret = cmdmod.script(script, args, cwd=tmp_cwd, saltenv="base") ++ assert ret["stdout"] == args ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.destructive_test ++def test_tty(cmdmod): ++ """ ++ cmd.tty ++ """ ++ for tty in ("tty0", "pts3"): ++ if os.path.exists(os.path.join("/dev", tty)): ++ ret = cmdmod.tty(tty, "apply salt liberally") ++ assert "Success" in ret ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.skip_on_windows ++@pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("which") ++def test_which(cmdmod): ++ """ ++ cmd.which ++ """ ++ cmd_which = cmdmod.which("cat") ++ assert isinstance(cmd_which, str) ++ cmd_run ="which cat") ++ assert isinstance(cmd_run, str) ++ assert cmd_which.rstrip() == cmd_run.rstrip() ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.skip_on_windows ++@pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("which") ++def test_which_bin(cmdmod): ++ """ ++ cmd.which_bin ++ """ ++ cmds = ["pip3", "pip2", "pip", "pip-python"] ++ ret = cmdmod.which_bin(cmds) ++ assert os.path.split(ret)[1] in cmds ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_has_exec(cmdmod, available_python_executable): ++ """ ++ cmd.has_exec ++ """ ++ assert cmdmod.has_exec(available_python_executable) ++ assert not cmdmod.has_exec("alllfsdfnwieulrrh9123857ygf") ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_exec_code(cmdmod, available_python_executable): ++ """ ++ cmd.exec_code ++ """ ++ code = dedent( ++ """ ++ import sys ++ sys.stdout.write('cheese') ++ """ ++ ) ++ assert cmdmod.exec_code(available_python_executable, code).rstrip() == "cheese" ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_exec_code_with_single_arg(cmdmod, available_python_executable): ++ """ ++ cmd.exec_code ++ """ ++ code = dedent( ++ """ ++ import sys ++ sys.stdout.write(sys.argv[1]) ++ """ ++ ) ++ arg = "cheese" ++ assert cmdmod.exec_code(available_python_executable, code, args=arg).rstrip() == arg ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_exec_code_with_multiple_args(cmdmod, available_python_executable): ++ """ ++ cmd.exec_code ++ """ ++ code = dedent( ++ """ ++ import sys ++ sys.stdout.write(sys.argv[1]) ++ """ ++ ) ++ arg = "cheese" ++ assert ( ++ cmdmod.exec_code(available_python_executable, code, args=[arg, "test"]).rstrip() ++ == arg ++ ) ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_quotes(cmdmod): ++ """ ++ with quoted command ++ """ ++ cmd = """echo 'SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar="baz"' """ ++ expected_result = 'SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar="baz"' ++ result = cmdmod.run_stdout(cmd).strip() ++ assert result == expected_result ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.skip_if_not_root ++@pytest.mark.skip_on_windows(reason="Skip on Windows, requires password") ++def test_quotes_runas(cmdmod, running_username): ++ """ ++ with quoted command ++ """ ++ cmd = """echo 'SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar="baz"' """ ++ expected_result = 'SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar="baz"' ++ result = cmdmod.run_all(cmd, runas=running_username) ++ errmsg = f"The command returned: {result}" ++ assert result["retcode"] == 0, errmsg ++ assert result["stdout"] == expected_result, errmsg ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.destructive_test ++@pytest.mark.skip_if_not_root ++@pytest.mark.skip_on_windows(reason="Skip on Windows, uses unix commands") ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_cwd_runas(cmdmod, usermod, runas_usr, tmp_path): ++ """ ++ should be able to change working directory correctly, whether ++ or not runas is in use. ++ """ ++ cmd = "pwd" ++ tmp_cwd = str(tmp_path) ++ os.chmod(tmp_cwd, 0o711) ++ ++ cwd_normal = cmdmod.run_stdout(cmd, cwd=tmp_cwd).rstrip("\n") ++ assert tmp_cwd == cwd_normal ++ ++ with _ensure_user_exists(runas_usr, usermod): ++ cwd_runas = cmdmod.run_stdout(cmd, cwd=tmp_cwd, runas=runas_usr).rstrip("\n") ++ assert tmp_cwd == cwd_runas ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.destructive_test ++@pytest.mark.skip_if_not_root ++@pytest.mark.skip_unless_on_darwin(reason="Applicable to MacOS only") ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_runas_env(cmdmod, usermod, runas_usr): ++ """ ++ should be able to change working directory correctly, whether ++ or not runas is in use. ++ """ ++ with _ensure_user_exists(runas_usr, usermod): ++ user_path = cmdmod.run_stdout('printf %s "$PATH"', runas=runas_usr) ++ # XXX: Not sure of a better way. Environment starts out with ++ # /bin:/usr/bin and should be populated by path helper and the bash ++ # profile. ++ assert "/bin:/usr/bin" != user_path ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.destructive_test ++@pytest.mark.skip_if_not_root ++@pytest.mark.skip_unless_on_darwin(reason="Applicable to MacOS only") ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_runas_complex_command_bad_cwd(cmdmod, usermod, runas_usr, tmp_path): ++ """ ++ should not accidentally run parts of a complex command when ++ given a cwd which cannot be used by the user the command is run as. ++ Due to the need to use `su -l` to login to another user on MacOS, we ++ cannot cd into directories that the target user themselves does not ++ have execute permission for. To an extent, this test is testing that ++ buggy behaviour, but its purpose is to ensure that the greater bug of ++ running commands after failing to cd does not occur. ++ """ ++ tmp_cwd = str(tmp_path) ++ os.chmod(tmp_cwd, 0o700) ++ ++ with _ensure_user_exists(runas_usr, usermod): ++ cmd_result = cmdmod.run_all( ++ 'pwd; pwd; : $(echo "You have failed the test" >&2)', ++ cwd=tmp_cwd, ++ runas=runas_usr, ++ ) ++ ++ assert "" == cmd_result["stdout"] ++ assert "You have failed the test" not in cmd_result["stderr"] ++ assert 0 != cmd_result["retcode"] ++ ++ ++@SKIP_INITIAL_PHOTONOS_FAILURES ++@pytest.mark.skip_on_windows ++@pytest.mark.skip_if_not_root ++@pytest.mark.destructive_test ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_runas(cmdmod, usermod, runas_usr): ++ """ ++ Ensure that the env is the runas user's ++ """ ++ with _ensure_user_exists(runas_usr, usermod): ++ out ="env", runas=runas_usr).splitlines() ++ assert f"USER={runas_usr}" in out ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("sleep", reason="sleep cmd not installed") ++def test_timeout(cmdmod): ++ """ ++ trigger timeout ++ """ ++ out ="sleep 2 && echo hello", timeout=1, python_shell=True) ++ assert "Timed out" in out ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("sleep", reason="sleep cmd not installed") ++def test_timeout_success(cmdmod): ++ """ ++ sufficient timeout to succeed ++ """ ++ out ="sleep 1 && echo hello", timeout=2, python_shell=True) ++ assert out == "hello" ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_cmd_run_whoami(cmdmod, running_username): ++ """ ++ test return of whoami ++ """ ++ if not salt.utils.platform.is_windows(): ++ user = running_username ++ else: ++ user = salt.utils.user.get_specific_user() ++ if user.startswith("sudo_"): ++ user = user.replace("sudo_", "") ++ cmd ="whoami") ++ assert user.lower() == cmd.lower() ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.skip_unless_on_windows(reason="Minion is not Windows") ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_windows_env_handling(cmdmod): ++ """ ++ Ensure that nt.environ is used properly with* ++ """ ++ out ="set", env={"abc": "123", "ABC": "456"}).splitlines() ++ assert "abc=123" in out ++ assert "ABC=456" in out ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++@pytest.mark.skip_unless_on_windows(reason="Minion is not Windows") ++def test_windows_powershell_script_args(cmdmod, issue_56195_test_ps1): ++ """ ++ Ensure that powershell processes inline script in args ++ """ ++ val = "i like cheese" ++ args = ( ++ '-SecureString (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "{}" -AsPlainText -Force)' ++ " -ErrorAction Stop".format(val) ++ ) ++ script = "salt://issue_56195_test.ps1" ++ ret = cmdmod.script(script, args=args, shell="powershell", saltenv="base") ++ assert ret["stdout"] == val ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++@pytest.mark.skip_unless_on_windows(reason="Minion is not Windows") ++@pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("pwsh") ++def test_windows_powershell_script_args_pwsh(cmdmod, issue_56195_test_ps1): ++ """ ++ Ensure that powershell processes inline script in args with powershell ++ core ++ """ ++ val = "i like cheese" ++ args = ( ++ '-SecureString (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "{}" -AsPlainText -Force)' ++ " -ErrorAction Stop".format(val) ++ ) ++ script = "salt://issue_56195_test.ps1" ++ ret = cmdmod.script(script, args=args, shell="pwsh", saltenv="base") ++ assert ret["stdout"] == val +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +index 3c7bb25e461..a5b40869352 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ + Integration tests for the docker_container states + """ + import logging ++import os + + import pytest + from saltfactories.utils import random_string +@@ -11,9 +12,12 @@ pytest.importorskip("docker") + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + ++INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" ++ + pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.slow_test, + pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("docker", "dockerd", check_all=False), ++ pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run inside a container"), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +index 8c0ce8cbd93..9dc70f5b3dc 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +@@ -1,10 +1,15 @@ ++import os ++ + import pytest + + import salt.utils.versions + ++INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" ++ + pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.slow_test, + pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("dockerd"), ++ pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="No hwclock in a container"), + ] + + # The swarm module need the docker-py library installed +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +index 2dabaaebfad..3b669c46afd 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +@@ -9,9 +9,12 @@ import pytest + + import salt.utils.files + ++INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" ++ + pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.skip_unless_on_linux, + pytest.mark.slow_test, ++ pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="No systemd in container."), + ] + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/pillar/hg_pillar/ b/tests/pytests/functional/pillar/hg_pillar/ +index 183b002d8b2..44603d96f1d 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/pillar/hg_pillar/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/pillar/hg_pillar/ +@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ def hg_setup_and_teardown(): + @pytest.mark.skip_on_windows( + reason="just testing if this or hgfs causes the issue with total crash" + ) ++@pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_HG, reason="missing hglib library") + def test_ext_pillar(hg_setup_and_teardown): + data = hg_pillar.ext_pillar("*", None, hg_setup_and_teardown) + assert data == {"testinfo": "info", "testinfo2": "info"} +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ +index f8b4bdc225e..210b22a2360 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ +@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Integration tests for the rabbitmq_cluster states + """ + + import logging ++import os + + import pytest + +@@ -13,11 +14,14 @@ pytest.importorskip("docker") + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + ++INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" ++ + pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.slow_test, + pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing( + "docker", "dockerd", reason="Docker not installed" + ), ++ pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run in a container"), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ +index e1b686e3365..f1191490536 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ +@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Integration tests for the rabbitmq_plugin states + """ + + import logging ++import os + + import pytest + +@@ -14,11 +15,14 @@ log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + pytest.importorskip("docker") + ++INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" ++ + pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.slow_test, + pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing( + "docker", "dockerd", reason="Docker not installed" + ), ++ pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run in a container"), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ +index e5cee97cbc8..7ccf6a522e0 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ +@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Integration tests for the rabbitmq_policy states + """ + + import logging ++import os + + import pytest + +@@ -14,11 +15,14 @@ log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + pytest.importorskip("docker") + ++INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" ++ + pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.slow_test, + pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing( + "docker", "dockerd", reason="Docker not installed" + ), ++ pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run in a container"), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ +index cfdad35aba6..c7bcf3b0d44 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ +@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Integration tests for the rabbitmq_user states + """ + + import logging ++import os + + import pytest + +@@ -13,11 +14,14 @@ log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + pytest.importorskip("docker") + ++INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" ++ + pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.slow_test, + pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing( + "docker", "dockerd", reason="Docker not installed" + ), ++ pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run in a container"), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ +index 2f9b22d28d2..31723df7be8 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ +@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Integration tests for the rabbitmq_user states + """ + + import logging ++import os + + import pytest + +@@ -13,11 +14,14 @@ log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + pytest.importorskip("docker") + ++INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" ++ + pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.slow_test, + pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing( + "docker", "dockerd", reason="Docker not installed" + ), ++ pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run in a container"), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ +index a648d41854f..d6ac6901a25 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ +@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Integration tests for the rabbitmq_user states + """ + + import logging ++import os + + import pytest + +@@ -13,11 +14,14 @@ log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + pytest.importorskip("docker") + ++INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" ++ + pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.slow_test, + pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing( + "docker", "dockerd", reason="Docker not installed" + ), ++ pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run in a container"), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/ +index 16a78b13a4a..0da01ed8bac 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/ +@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ + import functools + import logging ++import os + import random + + import pytest +@@ -15,9 +16,13 @@ pytest.importorskip("docker") + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + ++INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" ++ ++ + pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.slow_test, + pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("docker", "dockerd", check_all=False), ++ pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run in a container"), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/ +index 0e82dc608ba..12318c996d1 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/ +@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ def PKG_CAP_TARGETS(grains): + _PKG_CAP_TARGETS = [] + if grains["os_family"] == "Suse": + if grains["os"] == "SUSE": +- _PKG_CAP_TARGETS = [("perl(ZNC)", "znc-perl")] ++ _PKG_CAP_TARGETS = [("perl(Error)", "perl-Error")] + if not _PKG_CAP_TARGETS: + pytest.skip("Capability not provided") + return _PKG_CAP_TARGETS +@@ -856,8 +856,8 @@ def test_pkg_cap_003_installed_multipkg_with_version( + This is a destructive test as it installs and then removes two packages + """ + target, realpkg = PKG_CAP_TARGETS[0] +- version = latest_version(target) +- realver = latest_version(realpkg) ++ version = modules.pkg.version(target) ++ realver = modules.pkg.version(realpkg) + + # If this condition is False, we need to find new targets. + # This needs to be able to test successful installation of packages. +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/cli/ b/tests/pytests/integration/cli/ +index 57e9c0a467a..218022b9e3c 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/integration/cli/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/cli/ +@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ + import json ++import os + import pathlib + import tempfile + import time +@@ -7,9 +8,11 @@ import pytest + + docker = pytest.importorskip("docker") + ++INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" + + pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.core_test, ++ pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run in a container"), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/daemons/ b/tests/pytests/integration/daemons/ +index 1b782760418..8157091c44e 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/integration/daemons/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/daemons/ +@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ ++import os + import time + from multiprocessing import Manager, Process + +@@ -8,6 +9,8 @@ pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.slow_test, + ] + ++GITHUB_ACTIONS = bool(os.getenv("GITHUB_ACTIONS", False)) ++ + + @pytest.fixture + def testfile_path(tmp_path): +@@ -45,6 +48,7 @@ def file_add_delete_sls(testfile_path, base_env_state_tree_root_dir): + + + @pytest.mark.skip_on_darwin(reason="MacOS is a spawning platform, won't work") ++@pytest.mark.skipif(GITHUB_ACTIONS, reason="Test is failing in GitHub Actions") + @pytest.mark.flaky(max_runs=4) + def test_memory_leak(salt_cli, salt_minion, file_add_delete_sls): + max_usg = None +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ b/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ +index 4e8ce5824ee..d9c326c3f0a 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ +@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@ ++import logging ++ + import pytest + ++import salt.utils.user ++ ++log = logging.getLogger(__name__) ++ + + @pytest.fixture(scope="module") + def non_root_account(): +@@ -7,6 +13,14 @@ def non_root_account(): + yield account + + ++@pytest.fixture ++def running_username(): ++ """ ++ Return the username that is running the code. ++ """ ++ return salt.utils.user.get_user() ++ ++ + @pytest.mark.skip_if_not_root + def test_exec_code_all(salt_call_cli, non_root_account): + ret = +@@ -22,3 +36,82 @@ def test_long_stdout(salt_cli, salt_minion): + ) + assert ret.returncode == 0 + assert len( == len(echo_str) ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.skip_if_not_root ++@pytest.mark.skip_on_windows(reason="Skip on Windows, uses unix commands") ++def test_avoid_injecting_shell_code_as_root( ++ salt_call_cli, non_root_account, running_username ++): ++ """ ++ should execute the whole command as the "runas" user, not ++ running substitutions as root. ++ """ ++ cmd = "echo $(id -u)" ++ ++ ret ="cmd.run_stdout", cmd) ++ root_id = ret.json ++ ret ="cmd.run_stdout", cmd, runas=running_username) ++ runas_root_id = ret.json ++ ++ ret ="cmd.run_stdout", cmd, runas=non_root_account.username) ++ user_id = ret.json ++ ++ assert user_id != root_id ++ assert user_id != runas_root_id ++ assert root_id == runas_root_id ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_blacklist_glob(salt_call_cli): ++ """ ++ cmd_blacklist_glob ++ """ ++ cmd = "bad_command --foo" ++ ret = ++ "", ++ cmd, ++ ) ++ ++ assert ( ++ ret.stderr.rstrip() ++ == "Error running '': The shell command \"bad_command --foo\" is not permitted" ++ ) ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_hide_output(salt_call_cli): ++ """ ++ Test the hide_output argument ++ """ ++ ls_command = ( ++ ["ls", "/"] if not salt.utils.platform.is_windows() else ["dir", "c:\\"] ++ ) ++ ++ error_command = ["thiscommanddoesnotexist"] ++ ++ # ++ ret ="", ls_command, hide_output=True) ++ assert == "" ++ ++ # ++ ret ="", ls_command, hide_output=True) ++ assert == "" ++ ++ # cmd.run_stdout ++ ret ="cmd.run_stdout", ls_command, hide_output=True) ++ assert == "" ++ ++ # cmd.run_stderr ++ ret ="", error_command, hide_output=True) ++ assert == "" ++ ++ # cmd.run_all (command should have produced stdout) ++ ret ="cmd.run_all", ls_command, hide_output=True) ++ assert["stdout"] == "" ++ assert["stderr"] == "" ++ ++ # cmd.run_all (command should have produced stderr) ++ ret ="cmd.run_all", error_command, hide_output=True) ++ assert["stdout"] == "" ++ assert["stderr"] == "" +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ b/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ +index 57ec239c4e9..1b7f30154a7 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ +@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ + Validate the virt module + """ + import logging ++import os + from numbers import Number + from xml.etree import ElementTree + +@@ -14,9 +15,12 @@ docker = pytest.importorskip("docker") + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + ++INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" ++ + pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.slow_test, + pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("docker"), ++ pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run in a container"), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ b/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ +index e87c4a8581f..683feb8bd91 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ +@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ + Integration tests for salt-ssh logging + """ + import logging ++import os + import time + + import pytest +@@ -11,12 +12,14 @@ from import Keys + + pytest.importorskip("docker") + ++INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.slow_test, + pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("dockerd"), ++ pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run in a container"), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ b/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ +index 31e318870cb..0c2f482cf9f 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ +@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ + Simple Smoke Tests for Connected SSH minions + """ + ++import os ++ + import pytest + from saltfactories.utils.functional import StateResult + +@@ -10,7 +12,10 @@ pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.skip_on_windows(reason="salt-ssh not available on Windows"), + ] + ++INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" ++ + ++@pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="No systemd in container.") + @pytest.mark.skip_if_not_root + def test_service(salt_ssh_cli, grains): + service = "cron" +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ b/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ +index 52ab819e808..71d4cfaa94e 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ +@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ + Integration tests for salt-ssh py_versions + """ + import logging ++import os + import socket + import time + +@@ -12,12 +13,14 @@ from import Keys + + pytest.importorskip("docker") + ++INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.slow_test, + pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("dockerd"), ++ pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run in a container"), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ b/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ +index eddf31caccd..79b55ad90a5 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ +@@ -17,12 +17,14 @@ from import Keys + + pytest.importorskip("docker") + ++INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.slow_test, + pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("dockerd"), ++ pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run in a container"), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/scenarios/compat/ b/tests/pytests/scenarios/compat/ +index 75a2b87f24c..498dd6a60de 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/scenarios/compat/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/scenarios/compat/ +@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ + Test current salt master with older salt minions + """ + import logging ++import os + import pathlib + + import pytest +@@ -18,6 +19,8 @@ docker = pytest.importorskip("docker") + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + ++INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" ++ + + pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.slow_test, +@@ -25,6 +28,7 @@ pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.skipif( + salt.utils.platform.is_photonos() is True, reason="Skip on PhotonOS" + ), ++ pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run in a container"), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/scenarios/failover/multimaster/ b/tests/pytests/scenarios/failover/multimaster/ +index 6efecfb8334..9f6251a4d6f 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/scenarios/failover/multimaster/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/scenarios/failover/multimaster/ +@@ -12,7 +12,10 @@ pytestmark = [ + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + ++GITHUB_ACTIONS = bool(os.getenv("GITHUB_ACTIONS", False)) + ++ ++@pytest.mark.skipif(GITHUB_ACTIONS, reason="Test is failing in GitHub Actions") + def test_pki(salt_mm_failover_master_1, salt_mm_failover_master_2, caplog): + """ + Verify +diff --git a/tests/pytests/scenarios/setup/ b/tests/pytests/scenarios/setup/ +index 48f1d5889f6..7664fda804e 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/scenarios/setup/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/scenarios/setup/ +@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Tests for building and installing salt + """ + import json + import logging ++import os + import pathlib + import re + import sys +@@ -16,11 +17,16 @@ from salt.modules.virtualenv_mod import KNOWN_BINARY_NAMES + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + ++INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" ++ + pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.core_test, + pytest.mark.windows_whitelisted, + pytest.mark.skip_initial_onedir_failure, + pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing(*KNOWN_BINARY_NAMES, check_all=False), ++ pytest.mark.skipif( ++ INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="No gcc and python3-devel in container." ++ ), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +index eb72447c3aa..6f0b905ef73 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +@@ -1360,17 +1360,17 @@ def test_call_apt_dpkg_lock(): + ] + + cmd_mock = MagicMock(side_effect=cmd_side_effect) +- cmd_call = ( ++ cmd_call = [ + call( + ["dpkg", "-l", "python"], +- env={}, +- ignore_retcode=False, + output_loglevel="quiet", + python_shell=True, ++ env={}, ++ ignore_retcode=False, + username="Darth Vader", + ), +- ) +- expected_calls = [cmd_call * 5] ++ ] ++ expected_calls = cmd_call * 5 + + with patch.dict( + aptpkg.__salt__, +@@ -1390,7 +1390,7 @@ def test_call_apt_dpkg_lock(): + + # We should attempt to call the cmd 5 times + assert cmd_mock.call_count == 5 +- cmd_mock.has_calls(expected_calls) ++ cmd_mock.assert_has_calls(expected_calls) + + + def test_services_need_restart_checkrestart_missing(): +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +index 0bdd24039d7..6b0875bc460 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ def test_persist_no_conf_failure(): + ): + with pytest.raises(CommandExecutionError): + linux_sysctl.persist("net.ipv4.ip_forward", 42, config=None) +- fopen_mock.called_once() ++ fopen_mock.assert_called_once() + + + def test_persist_no_conf_success(): +@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ def test_persist_value_with_spaces_already_set(tmp_path): + """ + config = str(tmp_path / "existing_sysctl_with_spaces.conf") + value = "|/usr/share/kdump-tools/dump-core %p %s %t %e" +- config_file_content = "kernel.core_pattern = {}\n".format(value) ++ config_file_content = f"kernel.core_pattern = {value}\n" + with fopen(config, "w", encoding="utf-8") as config_file: + config_file.write(config_file_content) + mock_run = MagicMock(return_value=value) +@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ def test_persist_value_with_spaces_already_configured(tmp_path): + """ + config = str(tmp_path / "existing_sysctl_with_spaces.conf") + value = "|/usr/share/kdump-tools/dump-core %p %s %t %e" +- config_file_content = "kernel.core_pattern = {}\n".format(value) ++ config_file_content = f"kernel.core_pattern = {value}\n" + with fopen(config, "w", encoding="utf-8") as config_file: + config_file.write(config_file_content) + mock_run = MagicMock(return_value="") +@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ def test_persist_value_with_spaces_update_config(tmp_path): + assert os.path.isfile(config) + with fopen(config, encoding="utf-8") as config_file: + written = +- assert written == "kernel.core_pattern = {}\n".format(value) ++ assert written == f"kernel.core_pattern = {value}\n" + + + def test_persist_value_with_spaces_new_file(tmp_path): +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +index 38eb6b1ac5f..94a3fe7ca93 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ def test_enable(): + ): + assert win_ip.enable("Ethernet") + +- mock_cmd.called_once_with( ++ mock_cmd.assert_called_once_with( + [ + "netsh", + "interface", +@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ def test_disable(): + ): + assert win_ip.disable("Ethernet") + +- mock_cmd.called_once_with( ++ mock_cmd.assert_called_once_with( + [ + "netsh", + "interface", +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/ b/tests/pytests/unit/ +index d338307d1f8..679229066d4 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/ +@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ def test_fileserver_duration(): + end = time.time() + # Interval is equal to timeout so the _do_update method will be called + # one time. +- update.called_once() ++ update.assert_called_once() + # Timeout is 1 second + duration = end - start + if duration > 2 and salt.utils.platform.spawning_platform(): +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/ b/tests/pytests/unit/ +index 740743194e4..a9e91742a2d 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/ +@@ -655,7 +655,9 @@ def test_gen_modules_executors(minion_opts): + with patch("salt.pillar.get_pillar", return_value=MockPillarCompiler()): + with patch("salt.loader.executors") as execmock: + minion.gen_modules() +- assert execmock.called_with(minion.opts, minion.functions) ++ execmock.assert_called_with( ++ minion.opts, functions=minion.functions, proxy=minion.proxy, context={} ++ ) + finally: + minion.destroy() + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/utils/event/ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/event/ +index e289e72dad0..f4b6c159996 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/utils/event/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/event/ +@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ def sock_dir(tmp_path): + def _assert_got_event(evt, data, msg=None, expected_failure=False): + assert evt is not None, msg + for key in data: +- assert key in evt, "{}: Key {} missing".format(msg, key) ++ assert key in evt, f"{msg}: Key {key} missing" + assertMsg = "{0}: Key {1} value mismatch, {2} != {3}" + assertMsg = assertMsg.format(msg, key, data[key], evt[key]) + if not expected_failure: +@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ def test_minion_event(sock_dir): + :10 + ] + with salt.utils.event.MinionEvent(opts, listen=False) as me: +- assert me.puburi == str(sock_dir / "minion_event_{}_pub.ipc".format(id_hash)) +- assert me.pulluri == str(sock_dir / "minion_event_{}_pull.ipc".format(id_hash)) ++ assert me.puburi == str(sock_dir / f"minion_event_{id_hash}_pub.ipc") ++ assert me.pulluri == str(sock_dir / f"minion_event_{id_hash}_pull.ipc") + + + def test_minion_event_tcp_ipc_mode(): +@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ def test_minion_event_tcp_ipc_mode(): + def test_minion_event_no_id(sock_dir): + with salt.utils.event.MinionEvent(dict(sock_dir=str(sock_dir)), listen=False) as me: + id_hash = hashlib.sha256(salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes("")).hexdigest()[:10] +- assert me.puburi == str(sock_dir / "minion_event_{}_pub.ipc".format(id_hash)) +- assert me.pulluri == str(sock_dir / "minion_event_{}_pull.ipc".format(id_hash)) ++ assert me.puburi == str(sock_dir / f"minion_event_{id_hash}_pub.ipc") ++ assert me.pulluri == str(sock_dir / f"minion_event_{id_hash}_pull.ipc") + + + @pytest.mark.slow_test +@@ -256,9 +256,9 @@ def test_event_many(sock_dir): + with eventpublisher_process(str(sock_dir)): + with salt.utils.event.MasterEvent(str(sock_dir), listen=True) as me: + for i in range(500): +- me.fire_event({"data": "{}".format(i)}, "testevents") ++ me.fire_event({"data": f"{i}"}, "testevents") + evt = me.get_event(tag="testevents") +- _assert_got_event(evt, {"data": "{}".format(i)}, "Event {}".format(i)) ++ _assert_got_event(evt, {"data": f"{i}"}, f"Event {i}") + + + @pytest.mark.slow_test +@@ -268,10 +268,10 @@ def test_event_many_backlog(sock_dir): + with salt.utils.event.MasterEvent(str(sock_dir), listen=True) as me: + # Must not exceed zmq HWM + for i in range(500): +- me.fire_event({"data": "{}".format(i)}, "testevents") ++ me.fire_event({"data": f"{i}"}, "testevents") + for i in range(500): + evt = me.get_event(tag="testevents") +- _assert_got_event(evt, {"data": "{}".format(i)}, "Event {}".format(i)) ++ _assert_got_event(evt, {"data": f"{i}"}, f"Event {i}") + + + # Test the fire_master function. As it wraps the underlying fire_event, +@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ def test_connect_pull_should_debug_log_on_StreamClosedError(): + event = SaltEvent(node=None) + with patch.object(event, "pusher") as mock_pusher: + with patch.object( +- salt.utils.event.log, "debug", auto_spec=True ++ salt.utils.event.log, "debug", autospec=True + ) as mock_log_debug: + mock_pusher.connect.side_effect = ( + salt.ext.tornado.iostream.StreamClosedError +@@ -317,10 +317,10 @@ def test_connect_pull_should_error_log_on_other_errors(error): + event = SaltEvent(node=None) + with patch.object(event, "pusher") as mock_pusher: + with patch.object( +- salt.utils.event.log, "debug", auto_spec=True ++ salt.utils.event.log, "debug", autospec=True + ) as mock_log_debug: + with patch.object( +- salt.utils.event.log, "error", auto_spec=True ++ salt.utils.event.log, "error", autospec=True + ) as mock_log_error: + mock_pusher.connect.side_effect = error + event.connect_pull() +diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/ +index 5f3d2a49822..ebf50679bd8 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/unit/modules/ +@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ from import TestCase + + # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module + try: ++ import boto + import boto3 + import botocore + from botocore.exceptions import ClientError +diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/ +index 1e213a169ac..974832f9ff9 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/unit/modules/ +@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ from import TestCase + + # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module + try: ++ import boto + import boto3 + from botocore.exceptions import ClientError + +diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/ +index 5c5845aa25b..0578a81e8ef 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/unit/modules/ +@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ from import TestCase + + # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module + try: ++ import boto + import boto3 + from botocore.exceptions import ClientError + +diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/ +index d32dc9345b6..ecaa532f1ff 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/unit/modules/ +@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ from import TestCase + + # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module + try: ++ import boto + import boto3 + from botocore import __version__ as found_botocore_version + from botocore.exceptions import ClientError +diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/ +index 34b06250fc6..9eef9a02f58 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/unit/modules/ +@@ -153,9 +153,11 @@ class NetworkTestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + """ + Test for Performs a DNS lookup with dig + """ +- with patch("salt.utils.path.which", MagicMock(return_value="dig")), patch.dict( ++ with patch.dict( + network.__utils__, {"network.sanitize_host": MagicMock(return_value="A")} +- ), patch.dict(network.__salt__, {"": MagicMock(return_value="A")}): ++ ), patch("salt.utils.path.which", MagicMock(return_value="dig")), patch.dict( ++ network.__salt__, {"": MagicMock(return_value="A")} ++ ): + self.assertEqual(network.dig("host"), "A") + + def test_arp(self): +diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/ +index 1261473edb4..50dc13b20b8 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/unit/modules/ +@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class NilrtIPTestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + "salt.modules.nilrt_ip._change_dhcp_config", return_value=True + ) as change_dhcp_config_mock: + assert nilrt_ip._change_state("test_interface", "down") +- assert change_dhcp_config_mock.called_with("test_interface", False) ++ change_dhcp_config_mock.assert_called_with("test_interface", False) + + def test_change_state_up_state(self): + """ +@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class NilrtIPTestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + "salt.modules.nilrt_ip._change_dhcp_config", return_value=True + ) as change_dhcp_config_mock: + assert nilrt_ip._change_state("test_interface", "up") +- assert change_dhcp_config_mock.called_with("test_interface") ++ change_dhcp_config_mock.assert_called_with("test_interface") + + def test_set_static_all_with_dns(self): + """ +diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/ +index f793e3fc3f8..5a5996e110e 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/unit/modules/ +@@ -451,6 +451,7 @@ class BuildoutOnlineTestCase(Base): + ) + + @pytest.mark.slow_test ++ @pytest.mark.skip(reason="TODO this test should probably be fixed") + def test_run_buildout(self): + if salt.modules.virtualenv_mod.virtualenv_ver(self.ppy_st) >= (20, 0, 0): + self.skipTest( +@@ -467,6 +468,7 @@ class BuildoutOnlineTestCase(Base): + self.assertTrue("Installing b" in out) + + @pytest.mark.slow_test ++ @pytest.mark.skip(reason="TODO this test should probably be fixed") + def test_buildout(self): + if salt.modules.virtualenv_mod.virtualenv_ver(self.ppy_st) >= (20, 0, 0): + self.skipTest( +diff --git a/tests/unit/netapi/rest_tornado/ b/tests/unit/netapi/rest_tornado/ +index 7b63a65d4f3..c4758e700ab 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/netapi/rest_tornado/ ++++ b/tests/unit/netapi/rest_tornado/ +@@ -647,7 +647,6 @@ class TestDisbatchLocal(salt.ext.tornado.testing.AsyncTestCase): + with patch.object( + self.handler.application.event_listener, + "get_event", +- autospec=True, + side_effect=fancy_get_event, + ), patch.dict( + self.handler.application.opts, +@@ -698,7 +697,6 @@ class TestDisbatchLocal(salt.ext.tornado.testing.AsyncTestCase): + with patch.object( + self.handler.application.event_listener, + "get_event", +- autospec=True, + side_effect=fancy_get_event, + ), patch.object( + self.handler, +@@ -729,8 +727,8 @@ class TestDisbatchLocal(salt.ext.tornado.testing.AsyncTestCase): + { + "tag": "fnord", + "data": { +- "return": "return from fnord {}".format(i), +- "id": "fnord {}".format(i), ++ "return": f"return from fnord {i}", ++ "id": f"fnord {i}", + }, + } + ) +@@ -760,7 +758,6 @@ class TestDisbatchLocal(salt.ext.tornado.testing.AsyncTestCase): + with patch.object( + self.handler.application.event_listener, + "get_event", +- autospec=True, + side_effect=fancy_get_event, + ), patch.object( + self.handler, +@@ -794,8 +791,8 @@ class TestDisbatchLocal(salt.ext.tornado.testing.AsyncTestCase): + { + "tag": "fnord", + "data": { +- "return": "return from fnord {}".format(i), +- "id": "fnord {}".format(i), ++ "return": f"return from fnord {i}", ++ "id": f"fnord {i}", + }, + } + ) +@@ -820,7 +817,6 @@ class TestDisbatchLocal(salt.ext.tornado.testing.AsyncTestCase): + with patch.object( + self.handler.application.event_listener, + "get_event", +- autospec=True, + side_effect=fancy_get_event, + ), patch.dict( + self.handler.application.opts, +@@ -843,12 +839,12 @@ class TestDisbatchLocal(salt.ext.tornado.testing.AsyncTestCase): + completed_events = [salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() for _ in range(10)] + events_by_id = {} + for i, event in enumerate(completed_events): +- id_ = "fnord {}".format(i) ++ id_ = f"fnord {i}" + events_by_id[id_] = event + event.set_result( + { + "tag": "fnord", +- "data": {"return": "return from {}".format(id_), "id": id_}, ++ "data": {"return": f"return from {id_}", "id": id_}, + } + ) + expected_result = { +@@ -878,7 +874,6 @@ class TestDisbatchLocal(salt.ext.tornado.testing.AsyncTestCase): + with patch.object( + self.handler.application.event_listener, + "get_event", +- autospec=True, + side_effect=fancy_get_event, + ), patch.dict( + self.handler.application.opts, +@@ -904,12 +899,12 @@ class TestDisbatchLocal(salt.ext.tornado.testing.AsyncTestCase): + events_by_id = {} + # Setup some real-enough looking return data + for i, event in enumerate(completed_events): +- id_ = "fnord {}".format(i) ++ id_ = f"fnord {i}" + events_by_id[id_] = event + event.set_result( + { + "tag": "fnord", +- "data": {"return": "return from {}".format(id_), "id": id_}, ++ "data": {"return": f"return from {id_}", "id": id_}, + } + ) + # Hard coded instead of dynamic to avoid potentially writing a test +@@ -971,7 +966,6 @@ class TestDisbatchLocal(salt.ext.tornado.testing.AsyncTestCase): + with patch.object( + self.handler.application.event_listener, + "get_event", +- autospec=True, + side_effect=fancy_get_event, + ), patch.object( + self.handler, +diff --git a/tests/unit/states/ b/tests/unit/states/ +index 51c85d6058a..1edde8d303c 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/states/ ++++ b/tests/unit/states/ +@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ from import TestCase + from tests.unit.modules.test_boto_apigateway import BotoApiGatewayTestCaseMixin + + try: ++ import boto + import boto3 + import botocore + from botocore.exceptions import ClientError +diff --git a/tests/unit/states/ b/tests/unit/states/ +index 4354df0546f..479477ac800 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/states/ ++++ b/tests/unit/states/ +@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ from tests.unit.modules.test_boto_cognitoidentity import ( + ) + + try: ++ import boto + import boto3 + from botocore.exceptions import ClientError + +diff --git a/tests/unit/states/ b/tests/unit/states/ +index db6013076d1..0abaadeb4be 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/states/ ++++ b/tests/unit/states/ +@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ class BuildoutTestCase(Base): + self.assertFalse(ret["result"]) + + @pytest.mark.slow_test ++ @pytest.mark.skip(reason="TODO this test should probably be fixed") + def test_installed(self): + if salt.modules.virtualenv_mod.virtualenv_ver(self.ppy_st) >= (20, 0, 0): + self.skipTest( +-- +2.43.0 + + diff --git a/fix-regression-multiple-values-for-keyword-argument-.patch b/fix-regression-multiple-values-for-keyword-argument-.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c548387 --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-regression-multiple-values-for-keyword-argument-.patch @@ -0,0 +1,253 @@ +From c25c8081ded775f3574b0bc999d809ce14701ba5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 10:07:28 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix regression: multiple values for keyword argument + 'saltenv' (bsc#1212844) (#590) + +* fix passing wrong keyword arguments to cp.cache_file in pkg.installed with sources + +* Drop `**kwargs` usage and be explicit about the supported keyword arguments. + +Signed-off-by: Pedro Algarvio + +* Add regression test for + +Signed-off-by: Pedro Algarvio + +* Add changelog file + +Signed-off-by: Pedro Algarvio + +--------- + +Signed-off-by: Pedro Algarvio +Co-authored-by: Massimiliano Torromeo +Co-authored-by: Pedro Algarvio +--- + changelog/ | 1 + + salt/modules/ | 25 +++++++----- + salt/states/ | 4 +- + tests/pytests/unit/modules/ | 2 +- + tests/pytests/unit/states/ | 46 +++++++++++++++++++--- + 5 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) + create mode 100644 changelog/ + +diff --git a/changelog/ b/changelog/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..e7251827e9 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/changelog/ +@@ -0,0 +1 @@ ++Stop passing `**kwargs` and be explicit about the keyword arguments to pass, namely, to `cp.cache_file` call in `salt.states.pkg` +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 3aa7c7919a..e80dd19322 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -1298,7 +1298,7 @@ def _repo_process_pkg_sls(filename, short_path_name, ret, successful_verbose): + successful_verbose[short_path_name] = [] + + +-def _get_source_sum(source_hash, file_path, saltenv, **kwargs): ++def _get_source_sum(source_hash, file_path, saltenv, verify_ssl=True): + """ + Extract the hash sum, whether it is in a remote hash file, or just a string. + """ +@@ -1315,7 +1315,7 @@ def _get_source_sum(source_hash, file_path, saltenv, **kwargs): + # The source_hash is a file on a server + try: + cached_hash_file = __salt__["cp.cache_file"]( +- source_hash, saltenv, verify_ssl=kwargs.get("verify_ssl", True) ++ source_hash, saltenv=saltenv, verify_ssl=verify_ssl + ) + except MinionError as exc: + log.exception("Failed to cache %s", source_hash, exc_info=exc) +@@ -1671,7 +1671,7 @@ def install(name=None, refresh=False, pkgs=None, **kwargs): + try: + cached_file = __salt__["cp.cache_file"]( + cache_file, +- saltenv, ++ saltenv=saltenv, + verify_ssl=kwargs.get("verify_ssl", True), + ) + except MinionError as exc: +@@ -1686,7 +1686,7 @@ def install(name=None, refresh=False, pkgs=None, **kwargs): + try: + cached_file = __salt__["cp.cache_file"]( + cache_file, +- saltenv, ++ saltenv=saltenv, + verify_ssl=kwargs.get("verify_ssl", True), + ) + except MinionError as exc: +@@ -1706,7 +1706,9 @@ def install(name=None, refresh=False, pkgs=None, **kwargs): + # It's not cached. Cache it, mate. + try: + cached_pkg = __salt__["cp.cache_file"]( +- installer, saltenv, verify_ssl=kwargs.get("verify_ssl", True) ++ installer, ++ saltenv=saltenv, ++ verify_ssl=kwargs.get("verify_ssl", True), + ) + except MinionError as exc: + msg = "Failed to cache {}".format(installer) +@@ -1730,7 +1732,7 @@ def install(name=None, refresh=False, pkgs=None, **kwargs): + try: + cached_pkg = __salt__["cp.cache_file"]( + installer, +- saltenv, ++ saltenv=saltenv, + verify_ssl=kwargs.get("verify_ssl", True), + ) + except MinionError as exc: +@@ -1754,7 +1756,12 @@ def install(name=None, refresh=False, pkgs=None, **kwargs): + # Compare the hash sums + source_hash = pkginfo[version_num].get("source_hash", False) + if source_hash: +- source_sum = _get_source_sum(source_hash, cached_pkg, saltenv, **kwargs) ++ source_sum = _get_source_sum( ++ source_hash, ++ cached_pkg, ++ saltenv=saltenv, ++ verify_ssl=kwargs.get("verify_ssl", True), ++ ) + log.debug( + "pkg.install: Source %s hash: %s", + source_sum["hash_type"], +@@ -2126,7 +2133,7 @@ def remove(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs): + try: + cached_pkg = __salt__["cp.cache_file"]( + uninstaller, +- saltenv, ++ saltenv=saltenv, + verify_ssl=kwargs.get("verify_ssl", True), + ) + except MinionError as exc: +@@ -2150,7 +2157,7 @@ def remove(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs): + try: + cached_pkg = __salt__["cp.cache_file"]( + uninstaller, +- saltenv, ++ saltenv=saltenv, + verify_ssl=kwargs.get("verify_ssl", True), + ) + except MinionError as exc: +diff --git a/salt/states/ b/salt/states/ +index 12fbc87a1a..a605b23107 100644 +--- a/salt/states/ ++++ b/salt/states/ +@@ -760,7 +760,9 @@ def _find_install_targets( + err = "Unable to cache {0}: {1}" + try: + cached_path = __salt__["cp.cache_file"]( +- version_string, saltenv=kwargs["saltenv"], **kwargs ++ version_string, ++ saltenv=kwargs["saltenv"], ++ verify_ssl=kwargs.get("verify_ssl", True), + ) + except CommandExecutionError as exc: + problems.append(err.format(version_string, exc)) +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +index 76234fb77e..6d435f00a5 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ def test_pkg_install_verify_ssl_false(): + result = win_pkg.install(name="nsis", version="3.02", verify_ssl=False) + mock_cp.assert_called_once_with( + "", +- "base", ++ saltenv="base", + verify_ssl=False, + ) + assert expected == result +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/states/ b/tests/pytests/unit/states/ +index b852f27b00..f58be11011 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/states/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/states/ +@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import logging + import pytest + + import salt.modules.beacons as beaconmod ++import salt.modules.cp as cp + import salt.modules.pkg_resource as pkg_resource + import salt.modules.yumpkg as yumpkg + import salt.states.beacon as beaconstate +@@ -15,19 +16,28 @@ log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + + @pytest.fixture +-def configure_loader_modules(): ++def configure_loader_modules(minion_opts): + return { ++ cp: { ++ "__opts__": minion_opts, ++ }, + pkg: { + "__env__": "base", + "__salt__": {}, + "__grains__": {"os": "CentOS", "os_family": "RedHat"}, +- "__opts__": {"test": False, "cachedir": ""}, ++ "__opts__": minion_opts, + "__instance_id__": "", + "__low__": {}, + "__utils__": {"state.gen_tag": state_utils.gen_tag}, + }, +- beaconstate: {"__salt__": {}, "__opts__": {}}, +- beaconmod: {"__salt__": {}, "__opts__": {}}, ++ beaconstate: { ++ "__salt__": {}, ++ "__opts__": minion_opts, ++ }, ++ beaconmod: { ++ "__salt__": {}, ++ "__opts__": minion_opts, ++ }, + pkg_resource: { + "__salt__": {}, + "__grains__": {"os": "CentOS", "os_family": "RedHat"}, +@@ -35,7 +45,7 @@ def configure_loader_modules(): + yumpkg: { + "__salt__": {}, + "__grains__": {"osarch": "x86_64", "osmajorrelease": 7}, +- "__opts__": {}, ++ "__opts__": minion_opts, + }, + } + +@@ -563,6 +573,32 @@ def test_installed_with_changes_test_true(list_pkgs): + assert ret["changes"] == expected + + ++def test_installed_with_sources(list_pkgs, tmp_path): ++ """ ++ Test pkg.installed with passing `sources` ++ """ ++ ++ list_pkgs = MagicMock(return_value=list_pkgs) ++ pkg_source = tmp_path / "pkga-package-0.3.0.deb" ++ ++ with patch.dict( ++ pkg.__salt__, ++ { ++ "cp.cache_file": cp.cache_file, ++ "pkg.list_pkgs": list_pkgs, ++ "pkg_resource.pack_sources": pkg_resource.pack_sources, ++ "lowpkg.bin_pkg_info": MagicMock(), ++ }, ++ ), patch("salt.fileclient.get_file_client", return_value=MagicMock()): ++ try: ++ ret = pkg.installed("install-pkgd", sources=[{"pkga": str(pkg_source)}]) ++ assert ret["result"] is False ++ except TypeError as exc: ++ if "got multiple values for keyword argument 'saltenv'" in str(exc): ++"TypeError should have not been raised: {exc}") ++ raise exc from None ++ ++ + @pytest.mark.parametrize("action", ["removed", "purged"]) + def test_removed_purged_with_changes_test_true(list_pkgs, action): + """ +-- +2.41.0 + + diff --git a/fix-regression-with-depending-client.ssh-on-psutil-b.patch b/fix-regression-with-depending-client.ssh-on-psutil-b.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e465e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-regression-with-depending-client.ssh-on-psutil-b.patch @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +From 42cfb51fa01e13fe043a62536ba37fd472bc2688 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2022 10:08:17 +0300 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix regression with depending client.ssh on psutil + (bsc#1197533) + +--- + salt/client/ssh/ | 14 ++++++++++++-- + 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/client/ssh/ b/salt/client/ssh/ +index d5a679821e..b120e0002e 100644 +--- a/salt/client/ssh/ ++++ b/salt/client/ssh/ +@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import hashlib + import logging + import multiprocessing + import os +-import psutil + import queue + import re + import shlex +@@ -420,6 +419,16 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + self.__parsed_rosters[self.ROSTER_UPDATE_FLAG] = False + return + ++ def _pid_exists(self, pid): ++ """ ++ Check if specified pid is alive ++ """ ++ try: ++ os.kill(pid, 0) ++ except OSError: ++ return False ++ return True ++ + def _update_roster(self, hostname=None, user=None): + """ + Update default flat roster with the passed in information. +@@ -639,7 +648,8 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + pid_running = ( + False + if cached_session["pid"] == 0 +- else cached_session.get("running", False) or psutil.pid_exists(cached_session["pid"]) ++ else cached_session.get("running", False) ++ or self._pid_exists(cached_session["pid"]) + ) + if ( + pid_running and prev_session_running < self.max_pid_wait +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/fix-salt-ssh-opts-poisoning-bsc-1197637-3004-501.patch b/fix-salt-ssh-opts-poisoning-bsc-1197637-3004-501.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11c07c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-salt-ssh-opts-poisoning-bsc-1197637-3004-501.patch @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +From 4dbd5534a39fbfaebad32a00d0e6c512d840b0fd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2022 13:39:57 +0300 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix salt-ssh opts poisoning (bsc#1197637) - 3004 (#501) + +* Fix salt-ssh opts poisoning + +* Pass proper __opts__ to roster modules + +* Remove redundant copy.deepcopy for opts from handle_routine +--- + salt/client/ssh/ | 17 ++++++++++------- + salt/loader/ | 7 ++++++- + 2 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/client/ssh/ b/salt/client/ssh/ +index e6837df4e5..a527c03de6 100644 +--- a/salt/client/ssh/ ++++ b/salt/client/ssh/ +@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + self.session_flock_file = os.path.join( + self.opts["cachedir"], "salt-ssh.session.lock" + ) +- self.ssh_session_grace_time = int(self.opts.get("ssh_session_grace_time", 3)) ++ self.ssh_session_grace_time = int(self.opts.get("ssh_session_grace_time", 1)) + + # __setstate__ and __getstate__ are only used on spawning platforms. + def __setstate__(self, state): +@@ -571,7 +571,6 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + """ + LOG_LOCK.release() + salt.loader.LOAD_LOCK.release() +- opts = copy.deepcopy(opts) + single = Single( + opts, + opts["argv"], +@@ -608,6 +607,7 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + Spin up the needed threads or processes and execute the subsequent + routines + """ ++ opts = copy.deepcopy(self.opts) + que = multiprocessing.Queue() + running = {} + targets_queue = deque(self.targets.keys()) +@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + if not self.targets: + log.error("No matching targets found in roster.") + break +- if len(running) < self.opts.get("ssh_max_procs", 25) and not init: ++ if len(running) < opts.get("ssh_max_procs", 25) and not init: + if targets_queue: + host = targets_queue.popleft() + else: +@@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + pid_running = ( + False + if cached_session["pid"] == 0 +- else psutil.pid_exists(cached_session["pid"]) ++ else cached_session.get("running", False) or psutil.pid_exists(cached_session["pid"]) + ) + if ( + pid_running and prev_session_running < self.max_pid_wait +@@ -651,9 +651,10 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + "salt-ssh/session", + host, + { +- "pid": 0, ++ "pid": os.getpid(), + "master_id": self.master_id, + "ts": time.time(), ++ "running": True, + }, + ) + for default in self.defaults: +@@ -681,7 +682,7 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + continue + args = ( + que, +- self.opts, ++ opts, + host, + self.targets[host], + mine, +@@ -717,6 +718,7 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + "pid":, + "master_id": self.master_id, + "ts": time.time(), ++ "running": True, + }, + ) + continue +@@ -768,12 +770,13 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + "pid": 0, + "master_id": self.master_id, + "ts": time.time(), ++ "running": False, + }, + ) + if len(rets) >= len(self.targets): + break + # Sleep when limit or all threads started +- if len(running) >= self.opts.get("ssh_max_procs", 25) or len( ++ if len(running) >= opts.get("ssh_max_procs", 25) or len( + self.targets + ) >= len(running): + time.sleep(0.1) +diff --git a/salt/loader/ b/salt/loader/ +index 32f8a7702c..bbe4269839 100644 +--- a/salt/loader/ ++++ b/salt/loader/ +@@ -757,7 +757,12 @@ def roster(opts, runner=None, utils=None, whitelist=None, loaded_base_name=None, + opts, + tag="roster", + whitelist=whitelist, +- pack={"__runner__": runner, "__utils__": utils, "__context__": context}, ++ pack={ ++ "__runner__": runner, ++ "__utils__": utils, ++ "__context__": context, ++ "__opts__": opts, ++ }, + extra_module_dirs=utils.module_dirs if utils else None, + loaded_base_name=loaded_base_name, + ) +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/fix-salt-warnings-and-testuite-for-python-3.11-635.patch b/fix-salt-warnings-and-testuite-for-python-3.11-635.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b449a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-salt-warnings-and-testuite-for-python-3.11-635.patch @@ -0,0 +1,3860 @@ +From cdb7211920c9256942518fbcf3bd627a70a99855 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 09:15:08 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix Salt warnings and testuite for Python 3.11 (#635) +MIME-Version: 1.0 +Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 +Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit + +* Switch to `FullArgSpec` since Py 3.11 no longer has `ArgSpec`, deprecated since Py 3.0 + +Signed-off-by: Pedro Algarvio + +* Backport `locale.getdefaultlocale()` into Salt. It's getting removed in Py 3.13 + +Signed-off-by: Pedro Algarvio + +* Stop using the deprecated `pipes` module + +Signed-off-by: Pedro Algarvio + +* Stop using the deprecated `cgi` module. + +Signed-off-by: Pedro Algarvio + +* Add `__getstate__` to blacklisted methods, present in Py 3.11 + +Signed-off-by: Pedro Algarvio + +* Fix test_state test + +* Use proper keys since Python's base64 in Py3.11 is more picky + +``` +❯ artifacts/salt/bin/python3 +Python 3.10.11 (main, May 5 2023, 02:31:54) [GCC 11.2.0] on linux +Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. +>>> import base64 +>>> base64.b64decode("AAAAB3NzaC1kcQ9J5bYTEyZ==", validate=True) +b'\x00\x00\x00\x07ssh-dq\x0fI\xe5\xb6\x13\x13&' +``` +``` +$ artifacts/salt/bin/python3 +Python 3.11.3 (main, May 5 2023, 02:31:40) [GCC 11.2.0] on linux +Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. +>>> import base64 +>>> base64.b64decode("AAAAB3NzaC1kcQ9J5bYTEyZ==", validate=True) +Traceback (most recent call last): + File "", line 1, in + File "/tmp/testing/artifacts/salt/lib/python3.11/", line 88, in b64decode + return binascii.a2b_base64(s, strict_mode=validate) + ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +binascii.Error: Excess data after padding +``` + +Signed-off-by: Pedro Algarvio + +--------- + +Signed-off-by: Pedro Algarvio +Co-authored-by: Pedro Algarvio +Co-authored-by: Marek Czernek +--- + salt/ | 43 ++- + salt/grains/ | 108 +++---- + salt/modules/ | 74 ++--- + salt/modules/ | 16 +- + salt/modules/ | 178 +++++------ + salt/modules/ | 50 +-- + salt/modules/ | 32 +- + salt/modules/ | 45 +-- + salt/modules/ | 41 +-- + salt/modules/ | 116 +++---- + salt/utils/ | 300 ++++++++---------- + salt/utils/ | 48 ++- + salt/utils/ | 25 +- + salt/utils/ | 39 ++- + tests/integration/states/ | 50 ++- + .../pytests/unit/modules/state/ | 2 +- + tests/unit/states/ | 56 ++-- + tests/unit/ | 8 +- + 18 files changed, 586 insertions(+), 645 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ +index e06b8ad7127..b5fe3677c22 100644 +--- a/salt/ ++++ b/salt/ +@@ -72,6 +72,44 @@ warnings.filterwarnings( + ) + + ++def __getdefaultlocale(envvars=("LC_ALL", "LC_CTYPE", "LANG", "LANGUAGE")): ++ """ ++ This function was backported from Py3.11 which started triggering a ++ deprecation warning about it's removal in 3.13. ++ """ ++ import locale ++ ++ try: ++ # check if it's supported by the _locale module ++ import _locale ++ ++ code, encoding = _locale._getdefaultlocale() ++ except (ImportError, AttributeError): ++ pass ++ else: ++ # make sure the code/encoding values are valid ++ if sys.platform == "win32" and code and code[:2] == "0x": ++ # map windows language identifier to language name ++ code = locale.windows_locale.get(int(code, 0)) ++ # ...add other platform-specific processing here, if ++ # necessary... ++ return code, encoding ++ ++ # fall back on POSIX behaviour ++ import os ++ ++ lookup = os.environ.get ++ for variable in envvars: ++ localename = lookup(variable, None) ++ if localename: ++ if variable == "LANGUAGE": ++ localename = localename.split(":")[0] ++ break ++ else: ++ localename = "C" ++ return locale._parse_localename(localename) ++ ++ + def __define_global_system_encoding_variable__(): + import sys + +@@ -90,17 +128,14 @@ def __define_global_system_encoding_variable__(): + # If the system is properly configured this should return a valid + # encoding. MS Windows has problems with this and reports the wrong + # encoding +- import locale + + try: +- encoding = locale.getdefaultlocale()[-1] ++ encoding = __getdefaultlocale()[-1] + except ValueError: + # A bad locale setting was most likely found: + # + pass + +- # This is now garbage collectable +- del locale + if not encoding: + # This is most likely ascii which is not the best but we were + # unable to find a better encoding. If this fails, we fall all +diff --git a/salt/grains/ b/salt/grains/ +index 5c125563461..4454c303fed 100644 +--- a/salt/grains/ ++++ b/salt/grains/ +@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ as those returned here + + import datetime + import hashlib +-import locale + import logging + import os + import platform +@@ -34,6 +33,7 @@ import salt.modules.smbios + import salt.utils.args + import salt.utils.dns + import salt.utils.files ++import salt.utils.locales + import + import salt.utils.path + import salt.utils.pkg.rpm +@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ def _linux_gpu_data(): + + devs = [] + try: +- lspci_out = __salt__[""]("{} -vmm".format(lspci)) ++ lspci_out = __salt__[""](f"{lspci} -vmm") + + cur_dev = {} + error = False +@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ def _netbsd_gpu_data(): + for line in pcictl_out.splitlines(): + for vendor in known_vendors: + vendor_match = re.match( +- r"[0-9:]+ ({}) (.+) \(VGA .+\)".format(vendor), line, re.IGNORECASE ++ rf"[0-9:]+ ({vendor}) (.+) \(VGA .+\)", line, re.IGNORECASE + ) + if vendor_match: + gpus.append( +@@ -426,18 +426,18 @@ def _bsd_cpudata(osdata): + if sysctl: + cmds.update( + { +- "num_cpus": "{} -n hw.ncpu".format(sysctl), +- "cpuarch": "{} -n hw.machine".format(sysctl), +- "cpu_model": "{} -n hw.model".format(sysctl), ++ "num_cpus": f"{sysctl} -n hw.ncpu", ++ "cpuarch": f"{sysctl} -n hw.machine", ++ "cpu_model": f"{sysctl} -n hw.model", + } + ) + + if arch and osdata["kernel"] == "OpenBSD": +- cmds["cpuarch"] = "{} -s".format(arch) ++ cmds["cpuarch"] = f"{arch} -s" + + if osdata["kernel"] == "Darwin": +- cmds["cpu_model"] = "{} -n machdep.cpu.brand_string".format(sysctl) +- cmds["cpu_flags"] = "{} -n machdep.cpu.features".format(sysctl) ++ cmds["cpu_model"] = f"{sysctl} -n machdep.cpu.brand_string" ++ cmds["cpu_flags"] = f"{sysctl} -n machdep.cpu.features" + + grains = {k: __salt__[""](v) for k, v in cmds.items()} + +@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ def _aix_cpudata(): + grains = {} + cmd = salt.utils.path.which("prtconf") + if cmd: +- data = __salt__[""]("{}".format(cmd)) + os.linesep ++ data = __salt__[""](f"{cmd}") + os.linesep + for dest, regstring in ( + ("cpuarch", r"(?im)^\s*Processor\s+Type:\s+(\S+)"), + ("cpu_flags", r"(?im)^\s*Processor\s+Version:\s+(\S+)"), +@@ -568,9 +568,9 @@ def _osx_memdata(): + + sysctl = salt.utils.path.which("sysctl") + if sysctl: +- mem = __salt__[""]("{} -n hw.memsize".format(sysctl)) ++ mem = __salt__[""](f"{sysctl} -n hw.memsize") + swap_total = ( +- __salt__[""]("{} -n vm.swapusage".format(sysctl)) ++ __salt__[""](f"{sysctl} -n vm.swapusage") + .split()[2] + .replace(",", ".") + ) +@@ -595,20 +595,20 @@ def _bsd_memdata(osdata): + + sysctl = salt.utils.path.which("sysctl") + if sysctl: +- mem = __salt__[""]("{} -n hw.physmem".format(sysctl)) ++ mem = __salt__[""](f"{sysctl} -n hw.physmem") + if osdata["kernel"] == "NetBSD" and mem.startswith("-"): +- mem = __salt__[""]("{} -n hw.physmem64".format(sysctl)) ++ mem = __salt__[""](f"{sysctl} -n hw.physmem64") + grains["mem_total"] = int(mem) // 1024 // 1024 + + if osdata["kernel"] in ["OpenBSD", "NetBSD"]: + swapctl = salt.utils.path.which("swapctl") +- swap_data = __salt__[""]("{} -sk".format(swapctl)) ++ swap_data = __salt__[""](f"{swapctl} -sk") + if swap_data == "no swap devices configured": + swap_total = 0 + else: + swap_total = swap_data.split(" ")[1] + else: +- swap_total = __salt__[""]("{} -n vm.swap_total".format(sysctl)) ++ swap_total = __salt__[""](f"{sysctl} -n vm.swap_total") + grains["swap_total"] = int(swap_total) // 1024 // 1024 + return grains + +@@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ def _sunos_memdata(): + grains["mem_total"] = int(comps[2].strip()) + + swap_cmd = salt.utils.path.which("swap") +- swap_data = __salt__[""]("{} -s".format(swap_cmd)).split() ++ swap_data = __salt__[""](f"{swap_cmd} -s").split() + try: + swap_avail = int(swap_data[-2][:-1]) + swap_used = int(swap_data[-4][:-1]) +@@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ def _aix_memdata(): + + swap_cmd = salt.utils.path.which("swap") + if swap_cmd: +- swap_data = __salt__[""]("{} -s".format(swap_cmd)).split() ++ swap_data = __salt__[""](f"{swap_cmd} -s").split() + try: + swap_total = (int(swap_data[-2]) + int(swap_data[-6])) * 4 + except ValueError: +@@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ def _aix_get_machine_id(): + grains = {} + cmd = salt.utils.path.which("lsattr") + if cmd: +- data = __salt__[""]("{} -El sys0".format(cmd)) + os.linesep ++ data = __salt__[""](f"{cmd} -El sys0") + os.linesep + uuid_regexes = [re.compile(r"(?im)^\s*os_uuid\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)")] + for regex in uuid_regexes: + res = +@@ -1018,7 +1018,7 @@ def _virtual(osdata): + subtype_cmd = "{} -c current get -H -o value {}-role".format( + command, role + ) +- ret = __salt__[""]("{}".format(subtype_cmd)) ++ ret = __salt__[""](f"{subtype_cmd}") + if ret == "true": + roles.append(role) + if roles: +@@ -1164,14 +1164,14 @@ def _virtual(osdata): + elif osdata["kernel"] == "FreeBSD": + kenv = salt.utils.path.which("kenv") + if kenv: +- product = __salt__[""]("{} smbios.system.product".format(kenv)) +- maker = __salt__[""]("{} smbios.system.maker".format(kenv)) ++ product = __salt__[""](f"{kenv} smbios.system.product") ++ maker = __salt__[""](f"{kenv} smbios.system.maker") + if product.startswith("VMware"): + grains["virtual"] = "VMware" + if product.startswith("VirtualBox"): + grains["virtual"] = "VirtualBox" + if maker.startswith("Xen"): +- grains["virtual_subtype"] = "{} {}".format(maker, product) ++ grains["virtual_subtype"] = f"{maker} {product}" + grains["virtual"] = "xen" + if maker.startswith("Microsoft") and product.startswith("Virtual"): + grains["virtual"] = "VirtualPC" +@@ -1182,9 +1182,9 @@ def _virtual(osdata): + if maker.startswith("Amazon EC2"): + grains["virtual"] = "Nitro" + if sysctl: +- hv_vendor = __salt__[""]("{} -n hw.hv_vendor".format(sysctl)) +- model = __salt__[""]("{} -n hw.model".format(sysctl)) +- jail = __salt__[""]("{} -n security.jail.jailed".format(sysctl)) ++ hv_vendor = __salt__[""](f"{sysctl} -n hw.hv_vendor") ++ model = __salt__[""](f"{sysctl} -n hw.model") ++ jail = __salt__[""](f"{sysctl} -n security.jail.jailed") + if "bhyve" in hv_vendor: + grains["virtual"] = "bhyve" + elif "QEMU Virtual CPU" in model: +@@ -1200,22 +1200,19 @@ def _virtual(osdata): + elif osdata["kernel"] == "NetBSD": + if sysctl: + if "QEMU Virtual CPU" in __salt__[""]( +- "{} -n machdep.cpu_brand".format(sysctl) ++ f"{sysctl} -n machdep.cpu_brand" + ): + grains["virtual"] = "kvm" + elif "invalid" not in __salt__[""]( +- "{} -n machdep.xen.suspend".format(sysctl) ++ f"{sysctl} -n machdep.xen.suspend" + ): + grains["virtual"] = "Xen PV DomU" + elif "VMware" in __salt__[""]( +- "{} -n machdep.dmi.system-vendor".format(sysctl) ++ f"{sysctl} -n machdep.dmi.system-vendor" + ): + grains["virtual"] = "VMware" + # NetBSD has Xen dom0 support +- elif ( +- __salt__[""]("{} -n machdep.idle-mechanism".format(sysctl)) +- == "xen" +- ): ++ elif __salt__[""](f"{sysctl} -n machdep.idle-mechanism") == "xen": + if os.path.isfile("/var/run/"): + grains["virtual_subtype"] = "Xen Dom0" + elif osdata["kernel"] == "SunOS": +@@ -1223,7 +1220,7 @@ def _virtual(osdata): + # check the zonename here as fallback + zonename = salt.utils.path.which("zonename") + if zonename: +- zone = __salt__[""]("{}".format(zonename)) ++ zone = __salt__[""](f"{zonename}") + if zone != "global": + grains["virtual"] = "zone" + +@@ -1252,7 +1249,7 @@ def _virtual(osdata): + r".*Product Name: ([^\r\n]*).*", output, flags=re.DOTALL + ) + if product: +- grains["virtual_subtype"] = "Amazon EC2 ({})".format(product[1]) ++ grains["virtual_subtype"] = f"Amazon EC2 ({product[1]})" + elif re.match(r".*Version: [^\r\n]+\.amazon.*", output, flags=re.DOTALL): + grains["virtual_subtype"] = "Amazon EC2" + +@@ -1284,9 +1281,7 @@ def _virtual_hv(osdata): + try: + version = {} + for fn in ("major", "minor", "extra"): +- with salt.utils.files.fopen( +- "/sys/hypervisor/version/{}".format(fn), "r" +- ) as fhr: ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(f"/sys/hypervisor/version/{fn}", "r") as fhr: + version[fn] = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode( + grains["virtual_hv_version"] = "{}.{}{}".format( + version["major"], version["minor"], version["extra"] +@@ -1442,7 +1437,7 @@ def _windows_os_release_grain(caption, product_type): + # ie: R2 + if re.match(r"^R\d+$", item): + release = item +- os_release = "{}Server{}".format(version, release) ++ os_release = f"{version}Server{release}" + else: + for item in caption.split(" "): + # If it's a number, decimal number, Thin or Vista, then it's the +@@ -1633,7 +1628,7 @@ def _linux_devicetree_platform_data(): + try: + # /proc/device-tree should be used instead of /sys/firmware/devicetree/base + # see +- loc = "/proc/device-tree/{}".format(path) ++ loc = f"/proc/device-tree/{path}" + if os.path.isfile(loc): + with salt.utils.files.fopen(loc, mode="r") as f: + return"\x00") # all strings are null-terminated +@@ -1872,18 +1867,13 @@ def _linux_bin_exists(binary): + """ + for search_cmd in ("which", "type -ap"): + try: +- return __salt__["cmd.retcode"]("{} {}".format(search_cmd, binary)) == 0 ++ return __salt__["cmd.retcode"](f"{search_cmd} {binary}") == 0 + except salt.exceptions.CommandExecutionError: + pass + + try: + return ( +- len( +- __salt__["cmd.run_all"]("whereis -b {}".format(binary))[ +- "stdout" +- ].split() +- ) +- > 1 ++ len(__salt__["cmd.run_all"](f"whereis -b {binary}")["stdout"].split()) > 1 + ) + except salt.exceptions.CommandExecutionError: + return False +@@ -1901,7 +1891,7 @@ def _parse_lsb_release(): + pass + else: + # Adds lsb_distrib_{id,release,codename,description} +- ret["lsb_{}".format(key.lower())] = value.rstrip() ++ ret[f"lsb_{key.lower()}"] = value.rstrip() + except OSError as exc: + log.trace("Failed to parse /etc/lsb-release: %s", exc) + return ret +@@ -2634,7 +2624,7 @@ def os_data(): + osbuild = __salt__[""]("sw_vers -buildVersion") + grains["os"] = "MacOS" + grains["os_family"] = "MacOS" +- grains["osfullname"] = "{} {}".format(osname, osrelease) ++ grains["osfullname"] = f"{osname} {osrelease}" + grains["osrelease"] = osrelease + grains["osbuild"] = osbuild + grains["init"] = "launchd" +@@ -2708,7 +2698,7 @@ def locale_info(): + ( + grains["locale_info"]["defaultlanguage"], + grains["locale_info"]["defaultencoding"], +- ) = locale.getdefaultlocale() ++ ) = salt.utils.locales.getdefaultlocale() + except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except + # locale.getdefaultlocale can ValueError!! Catch anything else it + # might do, per #2205 +@@ -3175,7 +3165,7 @@ def _hw_data(osdata): + "productname": "DeviceDesc", + } + for grain_name, cmd_key in hwdata.items(): +- result = __salt__["cmd.run_all"]("fw_printenv {}".format(cmd_key)) ++ result = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](f"fw_printenv {cmd_key}") + if result["retcode"] == 0: + uboot_keyval = result["stdout"].split("=") + grains[grain_name] = _clean_value(grain_name, uboot_keyval[1]) +@@ -3195,7 +3185,7 @@ def _hw_data(osdata): + "uuid": "smbios.system.uuid", + } + for key, val in fbsd_hwdata.items(): +- value = __salt__[""]("{} {}".format(kenv, val)) ++ value = __salt__[""](f"{kenv} {val}") + grains[key] = _clean_value(key, value) + elif osdata["kernel"] == "OpenBSD": + sysctl = salt.utils.path.which("sysctl") +@@ -3207,7 +3197,7 @@ def _hw_data(osdata): + "uuid": "hw.uuid", + } + for key, oid in hwdata.items(): +- value = __salt__[""]("{} -n {}".format(sysctl, oid)) ++ value = __salt__[""](f"{sysctl} -n {oid}") + if not value.endswith(" value is not available"): + grains[key] = _clean_value(key, value) + elif osdata["kernel"] == "NetBSD": +@@ -3222,7 +3212,7 @@ def _hw_data(osdata): + "uuid": "machdep.dmi.system-uuid", + } + for key, oid in nbsd_hwdata.items(): +- result = __salt__["cmd.run_all"]("{} -n {}".format(sysctl, oid)) ++ result = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](f"{sysctl} -n {oid}") + if result["retcode"] == 0: + grains[key] = _clean_value(key, result["stdout"]) + elif osdata["kernel"] == "Darwin": +@@ -3230,7 +3220,7 @@ def _hw_data(osdata): + sysctl = salt.utils.path.which("sysctl") + hwdata = {"productname": "hw.model"} + for key, oid in hwdata.items(): +- value = __salt__[""]("{} -b {}".format(sysctl, oid)) ++ value = __salt__[""](f"{sysctl} -b {oid}") + if not value.endswith(" is invalid"): + grains[key] = _clean_value(key, value) + elif osdata["kernel"] == "SunOS" and osdata["cpuarch"].startswith("sparc"): +@@ -3244,7 +3234,7 @@ def _hw_data(osdata): + ("/usr/sbin/virtinfo", "-a"), + ): + if salt.utils.path.which(cmd): # Also verifies that cmd is executable +- data += __salt__[""]("{} {}".format(cmd, args)) ++ data += __salt__[""](f"{cmd} {args}") + data += "\n" + + sn_regexes = [ +@@ -3359,7 +3349,7 @@ def _hw_data(osdata): + elif osdata["kernel"] == "AIX": + cmd = salt.utils.path.which("prtconf") + if cmd: +- data = __salt__[""]("{}".format(cmd)) + os.linesep ++ data = __salt__[""](f"{cmd}") + os.linesep + for dest, regstring in ( + ("serialnumber", r"(?im)^\s*Machine\s+Serial\s+Number:\s+(\S+)"), + ("systemfirmware", r"(?im)^\s*Firmware\s+Version:\s+(.*)"), +@@ -3480,14 +3470,14 @@ def default_gateway(): + for line in out.splitlines(): + if line.startswith("default"): + grains["ip_gw"] = True +- grains["ip{}_gw".format(ip_version)] = True ++ grains[f"ip{ip_version}_gw"] = True + try: + via, gw_ip = line.split()[1:3] + except ValueError: + pass + else: + if via == "via": +- grains["ip{}_gw".format(ip_version)] = gw_ip ++ grains[f"ip{ip_version}_gw"] = gw_ip + break + except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except + continue +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index a29cba2e468..ceec72a7b20 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -8,13 +8,11 @@ These functions are not designed to be called directly, but instead from the + :mod:`docker ` execution modules. They provide for + common logic to be re-used for common actions. + """ +- +- + import copy + import functools + import logging + import os +-import pipes ++import shlex + import time + import traceback + +@@ -68,14 +66,14 @@ def _nsenter(pid): + """ + Return the nsenter command to attach to the named container + """ +- return "nsenter --target {} --mount --uts --ipc --net --pid".format(pid) ++ return f"nsenter --target {pid} --mount --uts --ipc --net --pid" + + + def _get_md5(name, path, run_func): + """ + Get the MD5 checksum of a file from a container + """ +- output = run_func(name, "md5sum {}".format(pipes.quote(path)), ignore_retcode=True)[ ++ output = run_func(name, f"md5sum {shlex.quote(path)}", ignore_retcode=True)[ + "stdout" + ] + try: +@@ -102,10 +100,10 @@ def cache_file(source): + if source.startswith("salt://"): + cached_source = __salt__["cp.cache_file"](source) + if not cached_source: +- raise CommandExecutionError("Unable to cache {}".format(source)) ++ raise CommandExecutionError(f"Unable to cache {source}") + return cached_source + except AttributeError: +- raise SaltInvocationError("Invalid source file {}".format(source)) ++ raise SaltInvocationError(f"Invalid source file {source}") + return source + + +@@ -164,55 +162,47 @@ def run( + if exec_driver == "lxc-attach": + full_cmd = "lxc-attach " + if path: +- full_cmd += "-P {} ".format(pipes.quote(path)) ++ full_cmd += f"-P {shlex.quote(path)} " + if keep_env is not True: + full_cmd += "--clear-env " + if "PATH" not in to_keep: +- full_cmd += "--set-var {} ".format(PATH) ++ full_cmd += f"--set-var {PATH} " + # --clear-env results in a very restrictive PATH + # (/bin:/usr/bin), use a good fallback. + full_cmd += " ".join( + [ +- "--set-var {}={}".format(x, pipes.quote(os.environ[x])) ++ f"--set-var {x}={shlex.quote(os.environ[x])}" + for x in to_keep + if x in os.environ + ] + ) +- full_cmd += " -n {} -- {}".format(pipes.quote(name), cmd) ++ full_cmd += f" -n {shlex.quote(name)} -- {cmd}" + elif exec_driver == "nsenter": +- pid = __salt__["{}.pid".format(container_type)](name) +- full_cmd = "nsenter --target {} --mount --uts --ipc --net --pid -- ".format(pid) ++ pid = __salt__[f"{container_type}.pid"](name) ++ full_cmd = f"nsenter --target {pid} --mount --uts --ipc --net --pid -- " + if keep_env is not True: + full_cmd += "env -i " + if "PATH" not in to_keep: +- full_cmd += "{} ".format(PATH) ++ full_cmd += f"{PATH} " + full_cmd += " ".join( +- [ +- "{}={}".format(x, pipes.quote(os.environ[x])) +- for x in to_keep +- if x in os.environ +- ] ++ [f"{x}={shlex.quote(os.environ[x])}" for x in to_keep if x in os.environ] + ) +- full_cmd += " {}".format(cmd) ++ full_cmd += f" {cmd}" + elif exec_driver == "docker-exec": + # We're using docker exec on the CLI as opposed to via docker-py, since + # the Docker API doesn't return stdout and stderr separately. + full_cmd = "docker exec " + if stdin: + full_cmd += "-i " +- full_cmd += "{} ".format(name) ++ full_cmd += f"{name} " + if keep_env is not True: + full_cmd += "env -i " + if "PATH" not in to_keep: +- full_cmd += "{} ".format(PATH) ++ full_cmd += f"{PATH} " + full_cmd += " ".join( +- [ +- "{}={}".format(x, pipes.quote(os.environ[x])) +- for x in to_keep +- if x in os.environ +- ] ++ [f"{x}={shlex.quote(os.environ[x])}" for x in to_keep if x in os.environ] + ) +- full_cmd += " {}".format(cmd) ++ full_cmd += f" {cmd}" + + if not use_vt: + ret = __salt__[cmd_func]( +@@ -299,13 +289,13 @@ def copy_to( + salt myminion container_resource.copy_to mycontainer /local/file/path /container/file/path container_type=docker exec_driver=nsenter + """ + # Get the appropriate functions +- state = __salt__["{}.state".format(container_type)] ++ state = __salt__[f"{container_type}.state"] + + def run_all(*args, **akwargs): + akwargs = copy.deepcopy(akwargs) + if container_type in ["lxc"] and "path" not in akwargs: + akwargs["path"] = path +- return __salt__["{}.run_all".format(container_type)](*args, **akwargs) ++ return __salt__[f"{container_type}.run_all"](*args, **akwargs) + + state_kwargs = {} + cmd_kwargs = {"ignore_retcode": True} +@@ -321,7 +311,7 @@ def copy_to( + + c_state = _state(name) + if c_state != "running": +- raise CommandExecutionError("Container '{}' is not running".format(name)) ++ raise CommandExecutionError(f"Container '{name}' is not running") + + local_file = cache_file(source) + source_dir, source_name = os.path.split(local_file) +@@ -330,17 +320,14 @@ def copy_to( + if not os.path.isabs(local_file): + raise SaltInvocationError("Source path must be absolute") + elif not os.path.exists(local_file): +- raise SaltInvocationError("Source file {} does not exist".format(local_file)) ++ raise SaltInvocationError(f"Source file {local_file} does not exist") + elif not os.path.isfile(local_file): + raise SaltInvocationError("Source must be a regular file") + + # Destination file sanity checks + if not os.path.isabs(dest): + raise SaltInvocationError("Destination path must be absolute") +- if ( +- run_all(name, "test -d {}".format(pipes.quote(dest)), **cmd_kwargs)["retcode"] +- == 0 +- ): ++ if run_all(name, f"test -d {shlex.quote(dest)}", **cmd_kwargs)["retcode"] == 0: + # Destination is a directory, full path to dest file will include the + # basename of the source file. + dest = os.path.join(dest, source_name) +@@ -350,14 +337,12 @@ def copy_to( + # parent directory. + dest_dir, dest_name = os.path.split(dest) + if ( +- run_all(name, "test -d {}".format(pipes.quote(dest_dir)), **cmd_kwargs)[ +- "retcode" +- ] ++ run_all(name, f"test -d {shlex.quote(dest_dir)}", **cmd_kwargs)["retcode"] + != 0 + ): + if makedirs: + result = run_all( +- name, "mkdir -p {}".format(pipes.quote(dest_dir)), **cmd_kwargs ++ name, f"mkdir -p {shlex.quote(dest_dir)}", **cmd_kwargs + ) + if result["retcode"] != 0: + error = ( +@@ -375,10 +360,7 @@ def copy_to( + ) + if ( + not overwrite +- and run_all(name, "test -e {}".format(pipes.quote(dest)), **cmd_kwargs)[ +- "retcode" +- ] +- == 0 ++ and run_all(name, f"test -e {shlex.quote(dest)}", **cmd_kwargs)["retcode"] == 0 + ): + raise CommandExecutionError( + "Destination path {} already exists. Use overwrite=True to " +@@ -401,14 +383,14 @@ def copy_to( + if exec_driver == "lxc-attach": + lxcattach = "lxc-attach" + if path: +- lxcattach += " -P {}".format(pipes.quote(path)) ++ lxcattach += f" -P {shlex.quote(path)}" + copy_cmd = ( + 'cat "{0}" | {4} --clear-env --set-var {1} -n {2} -- tee "{3}"'.format( + local_file, PATH, name, dest, lxcattach + ) + ) + elif exec_driver == "nsenter": +- pid = __salt__["{}.pid".format(container_type)](name) ++ pid = __salt__[f"{container_type}.pid"](name) + copy_cmd = 'cat "{}" | {} env -i {} tee "{}"'.format( + local_file, _nsenter(pid), PATH, dest + ) +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 3ecd4a8ba49..d92859562d4 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -2,10 +2,8 @@ + Module to provide Postgres compatibility to salt for debian family specific tools. + + """ +- +- + import logging +-import pipes ++import shlex + + import salt.utils.path + +@@ -76,7 +74,7 @@ def cluster_create( + cmd += ["--data-checksums"] + if wal_segsize: + cmd += ["--wal-segsize", wal_segsize] +- cmdstr = " ".join([pipes.quote(c) for c in cmd]) ++ cmdstr = " ".join([shlex.quote(c) for c in cmd]) + ret = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](cmdstr, python_shell=False) + if ret.get("retcode", 0) != 0: + log.error("Error creating a Postgresql cluster %s/%s", version, name) +@@ -97,7 +95,7 @@ def cluster_list(verbose=False): + salt '*' postgres.cluster_list verbose=True + """ + cmd = [salt.utils.path.which("pg_lsclusters"), "--no-header"] +- ret = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](" ".join([pipes.quote(c) for c in cmd])) ++ ret = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](" ".join([shlex.quote(c) for c in cmd])) + if ret.get("retcode", 0) != 0: + log.error("Error listing clusters") + cluster_dict = _parse_pg_lscluster(ret["stdout"]) +@@ -118,7 +116,7 @@ def cluster_exists(version, name="main"): + + salt '*' postgres.cluster_exists '9.3' 'main' + """ +- return "{}/{}".format(version, name) in cluster_list() ++ return f"{version}/{name}" in cluster_list() + + + def cluster_remove(version, name="main", stop=False): +@@ -141,13 +139,13 @@ def cluster_remove(version, name="main", stop=False): + if stop: + cmd += ["--stop"] + cmd += [str(version), name] +- cmdstr = " ".join([pipes.quote(c) for c in cmd]) ++ cmdstr = " ".join([shlex.quote(c) for c in cmd]) + ret = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](cmdstr, python_shell=False) + # FIXME - return Boolean ? + if ret.get("retcode", 0) != 0: + log.error("Error removing a Postgresql cluster %s/%s", version, name) + else: +- ret["changes"] = "Successfully removed cluster {}/{}".format(version, name) ++ ret["changes"] = f"Successfully removed cluster {version}/{name}" + return ret + + +@@ -158,7 +156,7 @@ def _parse_pg_lscluster(output): + cluster_dict = {} + for line in output.splitlines(): + version, name, port, status, user, datadir, log = line.split() +- cluster_dict["{}/{}".format(version, name)] = { ++ cluster_dict[f"{version}/{name}"] = { + "port": int(port), + "status": status, + "user": user, +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 69b722f0c95..331b6bb7482 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -206,8 +206,8 @@ import json + import logging + import os + import pathlib +-import pipes + import re ++import shlex + import shutil + import string + import subprocess +@@ -257,7 +257,6 @@ except ImportError: + + HAS_NSENTER = bool(salt.utils.path.which("nsenter")) + +-# Set up logging + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + # Don't shadow built-in's. +@@ -397,7 +396,7 @@ def _get_client(timeout=NOTSET, **kwargs): + ) + except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except + raise CommandExecutionError( +- "Docker machine {} failed: {}".format(docker_machine, exc) ++ f"Docker machine {docker_machine} failed: {exc}" + ) + try: + # docker-py 2.0 renamed this client attribute +@@ -497,7 +496,7 @@ def _change_state(name, action, expected, *args, **kwargs): + return { + "result": False, + "state": {"old": expected, "new": expected}, +- "comment": "Container '{}' already {}".format(name, expected), ++ "comment": f"Container '{name}' already {expected}", + } + _client_wrapper(action, name, *args, **kwargs) + _clear_context() +@@ -535,9 +534,7 @@ def _get_md5(name, path): + """ + Get the MD5 checksum of a file from a container + """ +- output = run_stdout( +- name, "md5sum {}".format(pipes.quote(path)), ignore_retcode=True +- ) ++ output = run_stdout(name, f"md5sum {shlex.quote(path)}", ignore_retcode=True) + try: + return output.split()[0] + except IndexError: +@@ -616,7 +613,7 @@ def _scrub_links(links, name): + if isinstance(links, list): + ret = [] + for l in links: +- ret.append(l.replace("/{}/".format(name), "/", 1)) ++ ret.append(l.replace(f"/{name}/", "/", 1)) + else: + ret = links + +@@ -639,11 +636,11 @@ def _size_fmt(num): + try: + num = int(num) + if num < 1024: +- return "{} bytes".format(num) ++ return f"{num} bytes" + num /= 1024.0 + for unit in ("KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB"): + if num < 1024.0: +- return "{:3.1f} {}".format(num, unit) ++ return f"{num:3.1f} {unit}" + num /= 1024.0 + except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except + log.error("Unable to format file size for '%s'", num) +@@ -658,7 +655,7 @@ def _client_wrapper(attr, *args, **kwargs): + catch_api_errors = kwargs.pop("catch_api_errors", True) + func = getattr(__context__["docker.client"], attr, None) + if func is None or not hasattr(func, "__call__"): +- raise SaltInvocationError("Invalid client action '{}'".format(attr)) ++ raise SaltInvocationError(f"Invalid client action '{attr}'") + if attr in ("push", "pull"): + try: + # Refresh auth config from config.json +@@ -678,7 +675,7 @@ def _client_wrapper(attr, *args, **kwargs): + if catch_api_errors: + # Generic handling of Docker API errors + raise CommandExecutionError( +- "Error {}: {}".format(exc.response.status_code, exc.explanation) ++ f"Error {exc.response.status_code}: {exc.explanation}" + ) + else: + # Allow API errors to be caught further up the stack +@@ -693,9 +690,9 @@ def _client_wrapper(attr, *args, **kwargs): + + # If we're here, it's because an exception was caught earlier, and the + # API command failed. +- msg = "Unable to perform {}".format(attr) ++ msg = f"Unable to perform {attr}" + if err: +- msg += ": {}".format(err) ++ msg += f": {err}" + raise CommandExecutionError(msg) + + +@@ -722,7 +719,7 @@ def _import_status(data, item, repo_name, repo_tag): + return + elif all(x in string.hexdigits for x in status): + # Status is an image ID +- data["Image"] = "{}:{}".format(repo_name, repo_tag) ++ data["Image"] = f"{repo_name}:{repo_tag}" + data["Id"] = status + except (AttributeError, TypeError): + pass +@@ -881,7 +878,7 @@ def _get_create_kwargs( + ignore_collisions=False, + validate_ip_addrs=True, + client_args=None, +- **kwargs ++ **kwargs, + ): + """ + Take input kwargs and return a kwargs dict to pass to docker-py's +@@ -899,7 +896,7 @@ def _get_create_kwargs( + skip_translate=skip_translate, + ignore_collisions=ignore_collisions, + validate_ip_addrs=validate_ip_addrs, +- **__utils__["args.clean_kwargs"](**kwargs) ++ **__utils__["args.clean_kwargs"](**kwargs), + ) + + if networks: +@@ -912,7 +909,7 @@ def _get_create_kwargs( + log.error( + "docker.create: Error getting client args: '%s'", exc, exc_info=True + ) +- raise CommandExecutionError("Failed to get client args: {}".format(exc)) ++ raise CommandExecutionError(f"Failed to get client args: {exc}") + + full_host_config = {} + host_kwargs = {} +@@ -1473,15 +1470,15 @@ def login(*registries): + results = ret.setdefault("Results", {}) + for registry in registries: + if registry not in registry_auth: +- errors.append("No match found for registry '{}'".format(registry)) ++ errors.append(f"No match found for registry '{registry}'") + continue + try: + username = registry_auth[registry]["username"] + password = registry_auth[registry]["password"] + except TypeError: +- errors.append("Invalid configuration for registry '{}'".format(registry)) ++ errors.append(f"Invalid configuration for registry '{registry}'") + except KeyError as exc: +- errors.append("Missing {} for registry '{}'".format(exc, registry)) ++ errors.append(f"Missing {exc} for registry '{registry}'") + else: + cmd = ["docker", "login", "-u", username, "-p", password] + if registry.lower() != "hub": +@@ -1567,7 +1564,7 @@ def logout(*registries): + results = ret.setdefault("Results", {}) + for registry in registries: + if registry not in registry_auth: +- errors.append("No match found for registry '{}'".format(registry)) ++ errors.append(f"No match found for registry '{registry}'") + continue + else: + cmd = ["docker", "logout"] +@@ -1689,7 +1686,7 @@ def exists(name): + + salt myminion docker.exists mycontainer + """ +- contextkey = "docker.exists.{}".format(name) ++ contextkey = f"docker.exists.{name}" + if contextkey in __context__: + return __context__[contextkey] + try: +@@ -1780,7 +1777,7 @@ def history(name, quiet=False): + ) + for param in ("Size",): + if param in step: +- step["{}_Human".format(param)] = _size_fmt(step[param]) ++ step[f"{param}_Human"] = _size_fmt(step[param]) + ret.append(copy.deepcopy(step)) + if quiet: + return [x.get("Command") for x in ret] +@@ -1842,9 +1839,7 @@ def images(verbose=False, **kwargs): + ) + for param in ("Size", "VirtualSize"): + if param in bucket.get(img_id, {}): +- bucket[img_id]["{}_Human".format(param)] = _size_fmt( +- bucket[img_id][param] +- ) ++ bucket[img_id][f"{param}_Human"] = _size_fmt(bucket[img_id][param]) + + context_data = __context__.get("docker.images", {}) + ret = copy.deepcopy(context_data.get("tagged", {})) +@@ -1927,7 +1922,7 @@ def inspect(name): + raise + + raise CommandExecutionError( +- "Error 404: No such image/container/volume/network: {}".format(name) ++ f"Error 404: No such image/container/volume/network: {name}" + ) + + +@@ -1983,7 +1978,7 @@ def inspect_image(name): + ret = _client_wrapper("inspect_image", name) + for param in ("Size", "VirtualSize"): + if param in ret: +- ret["{}_Human".format(param)] = _size_fmt(ret[param]) ++ ret[f"{param}_Human"] = _size_fmt(ret[param]) + return ret + + +@@ -2277,7 +2272,7 @@ def port(name, private_port=None): + else: + # Sanity checks + if isinstance(private_port, int): +- pattern = "{}/*".format(private_port) ++ pattern = f"{private_port}/*" + else: + err = ( + "Invalid private_port '{}'. Must either be a port number, " +@@ -2398,7 +2393,7 @@ def state(name): + + salt myminion docker.state mycontainer + """ +- contextkey = "docker.state.{}".format(name) ++ contextkey = f"docker.state.{name}" + if contextkey in __context__: + return __context__[contextkey] + __context__[contextkey] = _get_state(inspect_container(name)) +@@ -2438,9 +2433,7 @@ def search(name, official=False, trusted=False): + """ + response = _client_wrapper("search", name) + if not response: +- raise CommandExecutionError( +- "No images matched the search string '{}'".format(name) +- ) ++ raise CommandExecutionError(f"No images matched the search string '{name}'") + + key_map = { + "description": "Description", +@@ -2555,7 +2548,7 @@ def create( + ignore_collisions=False, + validate_ip_addrs=True, + client_timeout=salt.utils.dockermod.CLIENT_TIMEOUT, +- **kwargs ++ **kwargs, + ): + """ + Create a new container +@@ -3281,7 +3274,7 @@ def create( + skip_translate=skip_translate, + ignore_collisions=ignore_collisions, + validate_ip_addrs=validate_ip_addrs, +- **kwargs ++ **kwargs, + ) + + if unused_kwargs: +@@ -3293,7 +3286,7 @@ def create( + + log.debug( + "docker.create: creating container %susing the following arguments: %s", +- "with name '{}' ".format(name) if name is not None else "", ++ f"with name '{name}' " if name is not None else "", + kwargs, + ) + time_started = time.time() +@@ -3331,7 +3324,7 @@ def run_container( + replace=False, + force=False, + networks=None, +- **kwargs ++ **kwargs, + ): + """ + .. versionadded:: 2018.3.0 +@@ -3433,7 +3426,7 @@ def run_container( + skip_translate=skip_translate, + ignore_collisions=ignore_collisions, + validate_ip_addrs=validate_ip_addrs, +- **kwargs ++ **kwargs, + ) + + # _get_create_kwargs() will have processed auto_remove and put it into the +@@ -3458,7 +3451,7 @@ def run_container( + + log.debug( + "docker.create: creating container %susing the following arguments: %s", +- "with name '{}' ".format(name) if name is not None else "", ++ f"with name '{name}' " if name is not None else "", + kwargs, + ) + +@@ -3498,7 +3491,7 @@ def run_container( + rm_(name) + except CommandExecutionError as rm_exc: + exc_info.setdefault("other_errors", []).append( +- "Failed to auto_remove container: {}".format(rm_exc) ++ f"Failed to auto_remove container: {rm_exc}" + ) + # Raise original exception with additional info + raise CommandExecutionError(exc.__str__(), info=exc_info) +@@ -3593,7 +3586,7 @@ def copy_from(name, source, dest, overwrite=False, makedirs=False): + """ + c_state = state(name) + if c_state != "running": +- raise CommandExecutionError("Container '{}' is not running".format(name)) ++ raise CommandExecutionError(f"Container '{name}' is not running") + + # Destination file sanity checks + if not os.path.isabs(dest): +@@ -3619,9 +3612,7 @@ def copy_from(name, source, dest, overwrite=False, makedirs=False): + ) + ) + else: +- raise SaltInvocationError( +- "Directory {} does not exist".format(dest_dir) +- ) ++ raise SaltInvocationError(f"Directory {dest_dir} does not exist") + if not overwrite and os.path.exists(dest): + raise CommandExecutionError( + "Destination path {} already exists. Use overwrite=True to " +@@ -3632,19 +3623,14 @@ def copy_from(name, source, dest, overwrite=False, makedirs=False): + if not os.path.isabs(source): + raise SaltInvocationError("Source path must be absolute") + else: +- if ( +- retcode(name, "test -e {}".format(pipes.quote(source)), ignore_retcode=True) +- == 0 +- ): ++ if retcode(name, f"test -e {shlex.quote(source)}", ignore_retcode=True) == 0: + if ( +- retcode( +- name, "test -f {}".format(pipes.quote(source)), ignore_retcode=True +- ) ++ retcode(name, f"test -f {shlex.quote(source)}", ignore_retcode=True) + != 0 + ): + raise SaltInvocationError("Source must be a regular file") + else: +- raise SaltInvocationError("Source file {} does not exist".format(source)) ++ raise SaltInvocationError(f"Source file {source} does not exist") + + # Before we try to replace the file, compare checksums. + source_md5 = _get_md5(name, source) +@@ -3657,7 +3643,7 @@ def copy_from(name, source, dest, overwrite=False, makedirs=False): + try: + src_path = ":".join((name, source)) + except TypeError: +- src_path = "{}:{}".format(name, source) ++ src_path = f"{name}:{source}" + cmd = ["docker", "cp", src_path, dest_dir] + __salt__[""](cmd, python_shell=False) + return source_md5 == __salt__["file.get_sum"](dest, "md5") +@@ -3784,7 +3770,7 @@ def export(name, path, overwrite=False, makedirs=False, compression=None, **kwar + salt myminion docker.export mycontainer /tmp/mycontainer.tar + salt myminion docker.export mycontainer /tmp/mycontainer.tar.xz push=True + """ +- err = "Path '{}' is not absolute".format(path) ++ err = f"Path '{path}' is not absolute" + try: + if not os.path.isabs(path): + raise SaltInvocationError(err) +@@ -3792,7 +3778,7 @@ def export(name, path, overwrite=False, makedirs=False, compression=None, **kwar + raise SaltInvocationError(err) + + if os.path.exists(path) and not overwrite: +- raise CommandExecutionError("{} already exists".format(path)) ++ raise CommandExecutionError(f"{path} already exists") + + if compression is None: + if path.endswith(".tar.gz") or path.endswith(".tgz"): +@@ -3815,7 +3801,7 @@ def export(name, path, overwrite=False, makedirs=False, compression=None, **kwar + compression = "xz" + + if compression and compression not in ("gzip", "bzip2", "xz"): +- raise SaltInvocationError("Invalid compression type '{}'".format(compression)) ++ raise SaltInvocationError(f"Invalid compression type '{compression}'") + + parent_dir = os.path.dirname(path) + if not os.path.isdir(parent_dir): +@@ -3828,16 +3814,14 @@ def export(name, path, overwrite=False, makedirs=False, compression=None, **kwar + os.makedirs(parent_dir) + except OSError as exc: + raise CommandExecutionError( +- "Unable to make parent dir {}: {}".format(parent_dir, exc) ++ f"Unable to make parent dir {parent_dir}: {exc}" + ) + + if compression == "gzip": + try: + out =, "wb") + except OSError as exc: +- raise CommandExecutionError( +- "Unable to open {} for writing: {}".format(path, exc) +- ) ++ raise CommandExecutionError(f"Unable to open {path} for writing: {exc}") + elif compression == "bzip2": + compressor = bz2.BZ2Compressor() + elif compression == "xz": +@@ -3875,9 +3859,7 @@ def export(name, path, overwrite=False, makedirs=False, compression=None, **kwar + os.remove(path) + except OSError: + pass +- raise CommandExecutionError( +- "Error occurred during container export: {}".format(exc) +- ) ++ raise CommandExecutionError(f"Error occurred during container export: {exc}") + finally: + out.close() + ret = {"Time_Elapsed": time.time() - time_started} +@@ -4112,7 +4094,7 @@ def build( + # For the build function in the low-level API, the "tag" refers to the full + # tag (e.g. myuser/myimage:mytag). This is different than in other + # functions, where the repo and tag are passed separately. +- image_tag = "{}:{}".format(repository, tag) if repository and tag else None ++ image_tag = f"{repository}:{tag}" if repository and tag else None + + time_started = time.time() + response = _client_wrapper( +@@ -4131,7 +4113,7 @@ def build( + + if not response: + raise CommandExecutionError( +- "Build failed for {}, no response returned from Docker API".format(path) ++ f"Build failed for {path}, no response returned from Docker API" + ) + + stream_data = [] +@@ -4168,7 +4150,7 @@ def build( + if "Id" not in ret: + # API returned information, but there was no confirmation of a + # successful build. +- msg = "Build failed for {}".format(path) ++ msg = f"Build failed for {path}" + log.error(msg) + log.error(stream_data) + if errors: +@@ -4179,7 +4161,7 @@ def build( + if resolved_tag: + ret["Image"] = resolved_tag + else: +- ret["Warning"] = "Failed to tag image as {}".format(image_tag) ++ ret["Warning"] = f"Failed to tag image as {image_tag}" + + if api_response: + ret["API_Response"] = stream_data +@@ -4386,7 +4368,7 @@ def import_(source, repository, tag="latest", api_response=False): + + if not response: + raise CommandExecutionError( +- "Import failed for {}, no response returned from Docker API".format(source) ++ f"Import failed for {source}, no response returned from Docker API" + ) + elif api_response: + ret["API_Response"] = response +@@ -4406,7 +4388,7 @@ def import_(source, repository, tag="latest", api_response=False): + if "Id" not in ret: + # API returned information, but there was no confirmation of a + # successful push. +- msg = "Import failed for {}".format(source) ++ msg = f"Import failed for {source}" + if errors: + msg += ". Error(s) follow:\n\n{}".format("\n\n".join(errors)) + raise CommandExecutionError(msg) +@@ -4481,7 +4463,7 @@ def load(path, repository=None, tag=None): + + local_path = __salt__["container_resource.cache_file"](path) + if not os.path.isfile(local_path): +- raise CommandExecutionError("Source file {} does not exist".format(path)) ++ raise CommandExecutionError(f"Source file {path} does not exist") + + pre = images(all=True) + cmd = ["docker", "load", "-i", local_path] +@@ -4491,7 +4473,7 @@ def load(path, repository=None, tag=None): + _clear_context() + post = images(all=True) + if result["retcode"] != 0: +- msg = "Failed to load image(s) from {}".format(path) ++ msg = f"Failed to load image(s) from {path}" + if result["stderr"]: + msg += ": {}".format(result["stderr"]) + raise CommandExecutionError(msg) +@@ -4512,7 +4494,7 @@ def load(path, repository=None, tag=None): + # strings when passed (e.g. a numeric tag would be loaded as an int + # or float), and because the tag_ function will stringify them if + # need be, a str.format is the correct thing to do here. +- tagged_image = "{}:{}".format(repository, tag) ++ tagged_image = f"{repository}:{tag}" + try: + result = tag_(top_level_images[0], repository=repository, tag=tag) + ret["Image"] = tagged_image +@@ -4549,7 +4531,7 @@ def layers(name): + ): + ret.append(line) + if not ret: +- raise CommandExecutionError("Image '{}' not found".format(name)) ++ raise CommandExecutionError(f"Image '{name}' not found") + return ret + + +@@ -4620,7 +4602,7 @@ def pull( + + if not response: + raise CommandExecutionError( +- "Pull failed for {}, no response returned from Docker API".format(image) ++ f"Pull failed for {image}, no response returned from Docker API" + ) + elif api_response: + ret["API_Response"] = response +@@ -4633,7 +4615,7 @@ def pull( + event = salt.utils.json.loads(event) + except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except + raise CommandExecutionError( +- "Unable to interpret API event: '{}'".format(event), ++ f"Unable to interpret API event: '{event}'", + info={"Error": exc.__str__()}, + ) + try: +@@ -4715,7 +4697,7 @@ def push( + + if not response: + raise CommandExecutionError( +- "Push failed for {}, no response returned from Docker API".format(image) ++ f"Push failed for {image}, no response returned from Docker API" + ) + elif api_response: + ret["API_Response"] = response +@@ -4727,7 +4709,7 @@ def push( + event = salt.utils.json.loads(event) + except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except + raise CommandExecutionError( +- "Unable to interpret API event: '{}'".format(event), ++ f"Unable to interpret API event: '{event}'", + info={"Error": exc.__str__()}, + ) + try: +@@ -4807,9 +4789,7 @@ def rmi(*names, **kwargs): + err += "image(s): {}".format(", ".join(deps["Images"])) + errors.append(err) + else: +- errors.append( +- "Error {}: {}".format(exc.response.status_code, exc.explanation) +- ) ++ errors.append(f"Error {exc.response.status_code}: {exc.explanation}") + + _clear_context() + ret = { +@@ -4897,7 +4877,7 @@ def save(name, path, overwrite=False, makedirs=False, compression=None, **kwargs + salt myminion centos:7 /tmp/cent7.tar + salt myminion 0123456789ab cdef01234567 /tmp/saved.tar + """ +- err = "Path '{}' is not absolute".format(path) ++ err = f"Path '{path}' is not absolute" + try: + if not os.path.isabs(path): + raise SaltInvocationError(err) +@@ -4905,7 +4885,7 @@ def save(name, path, overwrite=False, makedirs=False, compression=None, **kwargs + raise SaltInvocationError(err) + + if os.path.exists(path) and not overwrite: +- raise CommandExecutionError("{} already exists".format(path)) ++ raise CommandExecutionError(f"{path} already exists") + + if compression is None: + if path.endswith(".tar.gz") or path.endswith(".tgz"): +@@ -4928,7 +4908,7 @@ def save(name, path, overwrite=False, makedirs=False, compression=None, **kwargs + compression = "xz" + + if compression and compression not in ("gzip", "bzip2", "xz"): +- raise SaltInvocationError("Invalid compression type '{}'".format(compression)) ++ raise SaltInvocationError(f"Invalid compression type '{compression}'") + + parent_dir = os.path.dirname(path) + if not os.path.isdir(parent_dir): +@@ -4950,7 +4930,7 @@ def save(name, path, overwrite=False, makedirs=False, compression=None, **kwargs + time_started = time.time() + result = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](cmd, python_shell=False) + if result["retcode"] != 0: +- err = "Failed to save image(s) to {}".format(path) ++ err = f"Failed to save image(s) to {path}" + if result["stderr"]: + err += ": {}".format(result["stderr"]) + raise CommandExecutionError(err) +@@ -4960,9 +4940,7 @@ def save(name, path, overwrite=False, makedirs=False, compression=None, **kwargs + try: + out =, "wb") + except OSError as exc: +- raise CommandExecutionError( +- "Unable to open {} for writing: {}".format(path, exc) +- ) ++ raise CommandExecutionError(f"Unable to open {path} for writing: {exc}") + elif compression == "bzip2": + compressor = bz2.BZ2Compressor() + elif compression == "xz": +@@ -4998,9 +4976,7 @@ def save(name, path, overwrite=False, makedirs=False, compression=None, **kwargs + os.remove(path) + except OSError: + pass +- raise CommandExecutionError( +- "Error occurred during image save: {}".format(exc) +- ) ++ raise CommandExecutionError(f"Error occurred during image save: {exc}") + finally: + try: + # Clean up temp file +@@ -5120,7 +5096,7 @@ def create_network( + ignore_collisions=False, + validate_ip_addrs=True, + client_timeout=salt.utils.dockermod.CLIENT_TIMEOUT, +- **kwargs ++ **kwargs, + ): + """ + .. versionchanged:: 2018.3.0 +@@ -5360,7 +5336,7 @@ def create_network( + skip_translate=skip_translate, + ignore_collisions=ignore_collisions, + validate_ip_addrs=validate_ip_addrs, +- **__utils__["args.clean_kwargs"](**kwargs) ++ **__utils__["args.clean_kwargs"](**kwargs), + ) + + if "ipam" not in kwargs: +@@ -5692,7 +5668,7 @@ def pause(name): + return { + "result": False, + "state": {"old": orig_state, "new": orig_state}, +- "comment": "Container '{}' is stopped, cannot pause".format(name), ++ "comment": f"Container '{name}' is stopped, cannot pause", + } + return _change_state(name, "pause", "paused") + +@@ -5791,7 +5767,7 @@ def start_(name): + return { + "result": False, + "state": {"old": orig_state, "new": orig_state}, +- "comment": "Container '{}' is paused, cannot start".format(name), ++ "comment": f"Container '{name}' is paused, cannot start", + } + + return _change_state(name, "start", "running") +@@ -5896,7 +5872,7 @@ def unpause(name): + return { + "result": False, + "state": {"old": orig_state, "new": orig_state}, +- "comment": "Container '{}' is stopped, cannot unpause".format(name), ++ "comment": f"Container '{name}' is stopped, cannot unpause", + } + return _change_state(name, "unpause", "running") + +@@ -5945,7 +5921,7 @@ def wait(name, ignore_already_stopped=False, fail_on_exit_status=False): + # Container doesn't exist anymore + return { + "result": ignore_already_stopped, +- "comment": "Container '{}' absent".format(name), ++ "comment": f"Container '{name}' absent", + } + already_stopped = pre == "stopped" + response = _client_wrapper("wait", name) +@@ -5969,7 +5945,7 @@ def wait(name, ignore_already_stopped=False, fail_on_exit_status=False): + "exit_status": response, + } + if already_stopped: +- result["comment"] = "Container '{}' already stopped".format(name) ++ result["comment"] = f"Container '{name}' already stopped" + if fail_on_exit_status and result["result"]: + result["result"] = result["exit_status"] == 0 + return result +@@ -5982,7 +5958,7 @@ def prune( + build=False, + volumes=False, + system=None, +- **filters ++ **filters, + ): + """ + .. versionadded:: 2019.2.0 +@@ -6668,7 +6644,7 @@ def script_retcode( + + + def _generate_tmp_path(): +- return os.path.join("/tmp", "salt.docker.{}".format(uuid.uuid4().hex[:6])) ++ return os.path.join("/tmp", f"salt.docker.{uuid.uuid4().hex[:6]}") + + + def _prepare_trans_tar(name, sls_opts, mods=None, pillar=None, extra_filerefs=""): +@@ -6929,7 +6905,7 @@ def call(name, function, *args, **kwargs): + ] + + list(args) + + [ +- "{}={}".format(key, value) ++ f"{key}={value}" + for (key, value) in kwargs.items() + if not key.startswith("__") + ] +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index bea6445db98..d2c1e66491e 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ import datetime + import difflib + import logging + import os +-import pipes + import random + import re ++import shlex + import shutil + import string + import tempfile +@@ -1834,8 +1834,8 @@ def _after_ignition_network_profile(cmd, ret, name, network_profile, path, nic_o + # destroy the container if it was partially created + cmd = "lxc-destroy" + if path: +- cmd += " -P {}".format(pipes.quote(path)) +- cmd += " -n {}".format(name) ++ cmd += f" -P {shlex.quote(path)}" ++ cmd += f" -n {name}" + __salt__["cmd.retcode"](cmd, python_shell=False) + raise CommandExecutionError( + "Container could not be created with cmd '{}': {}".format( +@@ -1997,7 +1997,7 @@ def create( + ) + options["imgtar"] = img_tar + if path: +- cmd += " -P {}".format(pipes.quote(path)) ++ cmd += f" -P {shlex.quote(path)}" + if not os.path.exists(path): + os.makedirs(path) + if config: +@@ -2138,7 +2138,7 @@ def clone(name, orig, profile=None, network_profile=None, nic_opts=None, **kwarg + cmd = "lxc-clone" + cmd += " {} -o {} -n {}".format(snapshot, orig, name) + if path: +- cmd += " -P {}".format(pipes.quote(path)) ++ cmd += f" -P {shlex.quote(path)}" + if not os.path.exists(path): + os.makedirs(path) + if backing: +@@ -2186,7 +2186,7 @@ def ls_(active=None, cache=True, path=None): + ret = [] + cmd = "lxc-ls" + if path: +- cmd += " -P {}".format(pipes.quote(path)) ++ cmd += f" -P {shlex.quote(path)}" + if active: + cmd += " --active" + output = __salt__["cmd.run_stdout"](cmd, python_shell=False) +@@ -2242,8 +2242,8 @@ def list_(extra=False, limit=None, path=None): + for container in ctnrs: + cmd = "lxc-info" + if path: +- cmd += " -P {}".format(pipes.quote(path)) +- cmd += " -n {}".format(container) ++ cmd += f" -P {shlex.quote(path)}" ++ cmd += f" -n {container}" + c_info = __salt__[""](cmd, python_shell=False, output_loglevel="debug") + c_state = None + for line in c_info.splitlines(): +@@ -2301,13 +2301,13 @@ def _change_state( + # Kill the container first + scmd = "lxc-stop" + if path: +- scmd += " -P {}".format(pipes.quote(path)) +- scmd += " -k -n {}".format(name) ++ scmd += f" -P {shlex.quote(path)}" ++ scmd += f" -k -n {name}" + __salt__[""](scmd, python_shell=False) + + if path and " -P " not in cmd: +- cmd += " -P {}".format(pipes.quote(path)) +- cmd += " -n {}".format(name) ++ cmd += f" -P {shlex.quote(path)}" ++ cmd += f" -n {name}" + + # certain lxc commands need to be taken with care (lxc-start) + # as te command itself mess with double forks; we must not +@@ -2337,8 +2337,8 @@ def _change_state( + # some commands do not wait, so we will + rcmd = "lxc-wait" + if path: +- rcmd += " -P {}".format(pipes.quote(path)) +- rcmd += " -n {} -s {}".format(name, expected.upper()) ++ rcmd += f" -P {shlex.quote(path)}" ++ rcmd += f" -n {name} -s {expected.upper()}" + __salt__[""](rcmd, python_shell=False, timeout=30) + _clear_context() + post = state(name, path=path) +@@ -2459,7 +2459,7 @@ def start(name, **kwargs): + lxc_config = os.path.join(cpath, name, "config") + # we try to start, even without config, if global opts are there + if os.path.exists(lxc_config): +- cmd += " -f {}".format(pipes.quote(lxc_config)) ++ cmd += f" -f {shlex.quote(lxc_config)}" + cmd += " -d" + _ensure_exists(name, path=path) + if state(name, path=path) == "frozen": +@@ -2564,7 +2564,7 @@ def freeze(name, **kwargs): + start(name, path=path) + cmd = "lxc-freeze" + if path: +- cmd += " -P {}".format(pipes.quote(path)) ++ cmd += f" -P {shlex.quote(path)}" + ret = _change_state(cmd, name, "frozen", use_vt=use_vt, path=path) + if orig_state == "stopped" and start_: + ret["state"]["old"] = orig_state +@@ -2599,7 +2599,7 @@ def unfreeze(name, path=None, use_vt=None): + raise CommandExecutionError("Container '{}' is stopped".format(name)) + cmd = "lxc-unfreeze" + if path: +- cmd += " -P {}".format(pipes.quote(path)) ++ cmd += f" -P {shlex.quote(path)}" + return _change_state(cmd, name, "running", path=path, use_vt=use_vt) + + +@@ -2693,8 +2693,8 @@ def state(name, path=None): + else: + cmd = "lxc-info" + if path: +- cmd += " -P {}".format(pipes.quote(path)) +- cmd += " -n {}".format(name) ++ cmd += f" -P {shlex.quote(path)}" ++ cmd += f" -n {name}" + ret = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](cmd, python_shell=False) + if ret["retcode"] != 0: + _clear_context() +@@ -2731,8 +2731,8 @@ def get_parameter(name, parameter, path=None): + _ensure_exists(name, path=path) + cmd = "lxc-cgroup" + if path: +- cmd += " -P {}".format(pipes.quote(path)) +- cmd += " -n {} {}".format(name, parameter) ++ cmd += f" -P {shlex.quote(path)}" ++ cmd += f" -n {name} {parameter}" + ret = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](cmd, python_shell=False) + if ret["retcode"] != 0: + raise CommandExecutionError( +@@ -2762,8 +2762,8 @@ def set_parameter(name, parameter, value, path=None): + + cmd = "lxc-cgroup" + if path: +- cmd += " -P {}".format(pipes.quote(path)) +- cmd += " -n {} {} {}".format(name, parameter, value) ++ cmd += f" -P {shlex.quote(path)}" ++ cmd += f" -n {name} {parameter} {value}" + ret = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](cmd, python_shell=False) + if ret["retcode"] != 0: + return False +@@ -3662,8 +3662,8 @@ def attachable(name, path=None): + log.debug("Checking if LXC container %s is attachable", name) + cmd = "lxc-attach" + if path: +- cmd += " -P {}".format(pipes.quote(path)) +- cmd += " --clear-env -n {} -- /usr/bin/env".format(name) ++ cmd += f" -P {shlex.quote(path)}" ++ cmd += f" --clear-env -n {name} -- /usr/bin/env" + result = ( + __salt__["cmd.retcode"]( + cmd, python_shell=False, output_loglevel="quiet", ignore_retcode=True +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index a823c428b76..7fdc162b9aa 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -11,20 +11,6 @@ import shlex + + import salt.utils.platform + +-try: +- import pipes +- +- HAS_DEPS = True +-except ImportError: +- HAS_DEPS = False +- +-if hasattr(shlex, "quote"): +- _quote = shlex.quote +-elif HAS_DEPS and hasattr(pipes, "quote"): +- _quote = pipes.quote +-else: +- _quote = None +- + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + __virtualname__ = "keychain" +@@ -34,7 +20,7 @@ def __virtual__(): + """ + Only work on Mac OS + """ +- if salt.utils.platform.is_darwin() and _quote is not None: ++ if salt.utils.platform.is_darwin(): + return __virtualname__ + return (False, "Only available on Mac OS systems with pipes") + +@@ -82,7 +68,7 @@ def install( + if keychain_password is not None: + unlock_keychain(keychain, keychain_password) + +- cmd = "security import {} -P {} -k {}".format(cert, password, keychain) ++ cmd = f"security import {cert} -P {password} -k {keychain}" + if allow_any: + cmd += " -A" + return __salt__[""](cmd) +@@ -117,7 +103,7 @@ def uninstall( + if keychain_password is not None: + unlock_keychain(keychain, keychain_password) + +- cmd = 'security delete-certificate -c "{}" {}'.format(cert_name, keychain) ++ cmd = f'security delete-certificate -c "{cert_name}" {keychain}' + return __salt__[""](cmd) + + +@@ -137,7 +123,7 @@ def list_certs(keychain="/Library/Keychains/System.keychain"): + """ + cmd = ( + 'security find-certificate -a {} | grep -o "alis".*\\" | ' +- "grep -o '\\\"[-A-Za-z0-9.:() ]*\\\"'".format(_quote(keychain)) ++ "grep -o '\\\"[-A-Za-z0-9.:() ]*\\\"'".format(shlex.quote(keychain)) + ) + out = __salt__[""](cmd, python_shell=True) + return out.replace('"', "").split("\n") +@@ -165,7 +151,7 @@ def get_friendly_name(cert, password): + """ + cmd = ( + "openssl pkcs12 -in {} -passin pass:{} -info -nodes -nokeys 2> /dev/null | " +- "grep friendlyName:".format(_quote(cert), _quote(password)) ++ "grep friendlyName:".format(shlex.quote(cert), shlex.quote(password)) + ) + out = __salt__[""](cmd, python_shell=True) + return out.replace("friendlyName: ", "").strip() +@@ -187,7 +173,7 @@ def get_default_keychain(user=None, domain="user"): + + salt '*' keychain.get_default_keychain + """ +- cmd = "security default-keychain -d {}".format(domain) ++ cmd = f"security default-keychain -d {domain}" + return __salt__[""](cmd, runas=user) + + +@@ -210,7 +196,7 @@ def set_default_keychain(keychain, domain="user", user=None): + + salt '*' keychain.set_keychain /Users/fred/Library/Keychains/login.keychain + """ +- cmd = "security default-keychain -d {} -s {}".format(domain, keychain) ++ cmd = f"security default-keychain -d {domain} -s {keychain}" + return __salt__[""](cmd, runas=user) + + +@@ -233,7 +219,7 @@ def unlock_keychain(keychain, password): + + salt '*' keychain.unlock_keychain /tmp/test.p12 test123 + """ +- cmd = "security unlock-keychain -p {} {}".format(password, keychain) ++ cmd = f"security unlock-keychain -p {password} {keychain}" + __salt__[""](cmd) + + +@@ -261,7 +247,7 @@ def get_hash(name, password=None): + name, password + ) + else: +- cmd = 'security find-certificate -c "{}" -m -p'.format(name) ++ cmd = f'security find-certificate -c "{name}" -m -p' + + out = __salt__[""](cmd) + matches = +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index faf5810d4fc..f9a6b7bb95c 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -9,31 +9,16 @@ import shlex + + import salt.utils.platform + +-try: +- import pipes +- +- HAS_DEPS = True +-except ImportError: +- HAS_DEPS = False +- +- + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) +-__virtualname__ = "macpackage" +- + +-if hasattr(shlex, "quote"): +- _quote = shlex.quote +-elif HAS_DEPS and hasattr(pipes, "quote"): +- _quote = pipes.quote +-else: +- _quote = None ++__virtualname__ = "macpackage" + + + def __virtual__(): + """ + Only work on Mac OS + """ +- if salt.utils.platform.is_darwin() and _quote is not None: ++ if salt.utils.platform.is_darwin(): + return __virtualname__ + return (False, "Only available on Mac OS systems with pipes") + +@@ -60,11 +45,11 @@ def install(pkg, target="LocalSystem", store=False, allow_untrusted=False): + """ + if "*." not in pkg: + # If we use wildcards, we cannot use quotes +- pkg = _quote(pkg) ++ pkg = shlex.quote(pkg) + +- target = _quote(target) ++ target = shlex.quote(target) + +- cmd = "installer -pkg {} -target {}".format(pkg, target) ++ cmd = f"installer -pkg {pkg} -target {target}" + if store: + cmd += " -store" + if allow_untrusted: +@@ -109,7 +94,7 @@ def install_app(app, target="/Applications/"): + if not app[-1] == "/": + app += "/" + +- cmd = 'rsync -a --delete "{}" "{}"'.format(app, target) ++ cmd = f'rsync -a --delete "{app}" "{target}"' + return __salt__[""](cmd) + + +@@ -154,7 +139,7 @@ def mount(dmg): + + temp_dir = __salt__["temp.dir"](prefix="dmg-") + +- cmd = 'hdiutil attach -readonly -nobrowse -mountpoint {} "{}"'.format(temp_dir, dmg) ++ cmd = f'hdiutil attach -readonly -nobrowse -mountpoint {temp_dir} "{dmg}"' + + return __salt__[""](cmd), temp_dir + +@@ -176,7 +161,7 @@ def unmount(mountpoint): + salt '*' macpackage.unmount /dev/disk2 + """ + +- cmd = 'hdiutil detach "{}"'.format(mountpoint) ++ cmd = f'hdiutil detach "{mountpoint}"' + + return __salt__[""](cmd) + +@@ -216,7 +201,7 @@ def get_pkg_id(pkg): + + salt '*' macpackage.get_pkg_id /tmp/test.pkg + """ +- pkg = _quote(pkg) ++ pkg = shlex.quote(pkg) + package_ids = [] + + # Create temp directory +@@ -224,7 +209,7 @@ def get_pkg_id(pkg): + + try: + # List all of the PackageInfo files +- cmd = "xar -t -f {} | grep PackageInfo".format(pkg) ++ cmd = f"xar -t -f {pkg} | grep PackageInfo" + out = __salt__[""](cmd, python_shell=True, output_loglevel="quiet") + files = out.split("\n") + +@@ -264,12 +249,12 @@ def get_mpkg_ids(mpkg): + + salt '*' macpackage.get_mpkg_ids /dev/disk2 + """ +- mpkg = _quote(mpkg) ++ mpkg = shlex.quote(mpkg) + package_infos = [] + base_path = os.path.dirname(mpkg) + + # List all of the .pkg files +- cmd = "find {} -name *.pkg".format(base_path) ++ cmd = f"find {base_path} -name *.pkg" + out = __salt__[""](cmd, python_shell=True) + + pkg_files = out.split("\n") +@@ -281,7 +266,7 @@ def get_mpkg_ids(mpkg): + + def _get_pkg_id_from_pkginfo(pkginfo): + # Find our identifiers +- pkginfo = _quote(pkginfo) ++ pkginfo = shlex.quote(pkginfo) + cmd = "cat {} | grep -Eo 'identifier=\"[a-zA-Z.0-9\\-]*\"' | cut -c 13- | tr -d '\"'".format( + pkginfo + ) +@@ -294,8 +279,8 @@ def _get_pkg_id_from_pkginfo(pkginfo): + + + def _get_pkg_id_dir(path): +- path = _quote(os.path.join(path, "Contents/Info.plist")) +- cmd = '/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "print :CFBundleIdentifier" {}'.format(path) ++ path = shlex.quote(os.path.join(path, "Contents/Info.plist")) ++ cmd = f'/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "print :CFBundleIdentifier" {path}' + + # We can only use wildcards in python_shell which is + # sent by the macpackage state +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 823afbf1c60..937c10da61a 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -13,28 +13,11 @@ import shlex + import salt.exceptions + import salt.utils.decorators.path + +-try: +- import pipes +- +- HAS_DEPS = True +-except ImportError: +- HAS_DEPS = False +- +-if hasattr(shlex, "quote"): +- _quote = shlex.quote +-elif HAS_DEPS and hasattr(pipes, "quote"): +- _quote = pipes.quote +-else: +- _quote = None +- +- + # Don't shadow built-in's. + __func_alias__ = {"set_": "set"} + + + def __virtual__(): +- if _quote is None and not HAS_DEPS: +- return (False, "Missing dependencies") + return True + + +@@ -69,10 +52,10 @@ def set_(filename, section, parameter, value): + salt-call openstack_config.set /etc/keystone/keystone.conf sql connection foo + """ + +- filename = _quote(filename) +- section = _quote(section) +- parameter = _quote(parameter) +- value = _quote(str(value)) ++ filename = shlex.quote(filename) ++ section = shlex.quote(section) ++ parameter = shlex.quote(parameter) ++ value = shlex.quote(str(value)) + + result = __salt__["cmd.run_all"]( + "openstack-config --set {} {} {} {}".format( +@@ -109,12 +92,12 @@ def get(filename, section, parameter): + + """ + +- filename = _quote(filename) +- section = _quote(section) +- parameter = _quote(parameter) ++ filename = shlex.quote(filename) ++ section = shlex.quote(section) ++ parameter = shlex.quote(parameter) + + result = __salt__["cmd.run_all"]( +- "openstack-config --get {} {} {}".format(filename, section, parameter), ++ f"openstack-config --get {filename} {section} {parameter}", + python_shell=False, + ) + +@@ -145,12 +128,12 @@ def delete(filename, section, parameter): + salt-call openstack_config.delete /etc/keystone/keystone.conf sql connection + """ + +- filename = _quote(filename) +- section = _quote(section) +- parameter = _quote(parameter) ++ filename = shlex.quote(filename) ++ section = shlex.quote(section) ++ parameter = shlex.quote(parameter) + + result = __salt__["cmd.run_all"]( +- "openstack-config --del {} {} {}".format(filename, section, parameter), ++ f"openstack-config --del {filename} {section} {parameter}", + python_shell=False, + ) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 25a72f1063c..f73959a92ed 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ import hmac + import io + import logging + import os +-import pipes + import re ++import shlex + import tempfile + + import salt.utils.files +@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ def __virtual__(): + for util in utils: + if not salt.utils.path.which(util): + if not _find_pg_binary(util): +- return (False, "{} was not found".format(util)) ++ return (False, f"{util} was not found") + return True + + +@@ -241,14 +241,14 @@ def _run_initdb( + raise CommandExecutionError("initdb executable not found.") + cmd = [ + _INITDB_BIN, +- "--pgdata={}".format(name), +- "--username={}".format(user), +- "--auth={}".format(auth), +- "--encoding={}".format(encoding), ++ f"--pgdata={name}", ++ f"--username={user}", ++ f"--auth={auth}", ++ f"--encoding={encoding}", + ] + + if locale is not None: +- cmd.append("--locale={}".format(locale)) ++ cmd.append(f"--locale={locale}") + + # intentionally use short option, as the long option name has been + # renamed from "xlogdir" to "waldir" in PostgreSQL 10 +@@ -262,9 +262,9 @@ def _run_initdb( + if password is not None: + pgpassfile = salt.utils.files.mkstemp(text=True) + with salt.utils.files.fopen(pgpassfile, "w") as fp_: +- fp_.write(salt.utils.stringutils.to_str("{}".format(password))) ++ fp_.write(salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(f"{password}")) + __salt__["file.chown"](pgpassfile, runas, "") +- cmd.extend(["--pwfile={}".format(pgpassfile)]) ++ cmd.extend([f"--pwfile={pgpassfile}"]) + + kwargs = dict( + runas=runas, +@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ def _run_initdb( + "postgres.timeout", default=_DEFAULT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT_SECS + ), + ) +- cmdstr = " ".join([pipes.quote(c) for c in cmd]) ++ cmdstr = " ".join([shlex.quote(c) for c in cmd]) + ret = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](cmdstr, python_shell=False, **kwargs) + + if ret.get("retcode", 0) != 0: +@@ -582,9 +582,7 @@ def _quote_ddl_value(value, quote="'"): + if value is None: + return None + if quote in value: # detect trivial sqli +- raise SaltInvocationError( +- "Unsupported character {} in value: {}".format(quote, value) +- ) ++ raise SaltInvocationError(f"Unsupported character {quote} in value: {value}") + return "{quote}{value}{quote}".format(quote=quote, value=value) + + +@@ -617,7 +615,7 @@ def db_create( + """ + + # Base query to create a database +- query = 'CREATE DATABASE "{}"'.format(name) ++ query = f'CREATE DATABASE "{name}"' + + # "With"-options to create a database + with_args = salt.utils.odict.OrderedDict( +@@ -685,11 +683,9 @@ def db_alter( + else: + queries = [] + if owner: +- queries.append('ALTER DATABASE "{}" OWNER TO "{}"'.format(name, owner)) ++ queries.append(f'ALTER DATABASE "{name}" OWNER TO "{owner}"') + if tablespace: +- queries.append( +- 'ALTER DATABASE "{}" SET TABLESPACE "{}"'.format(name, tablespace) +- ) ++ queries.append(f'ALTER DATABASE "{name}" SET TABLESPACE "{tablespace}"') + for query in queries: + ret = _psql_prepare_and_run( + ["-c", query], +@@ -726,10 +722,10 @@ def db_remove( + salt '*' postgres.db_remove 'dbname' + """ + for query in [ +- 'REVOKE CONNECT ON DATABASE "{db}" FROM public;'.format(db=name), ++ f'REVOKE CONNECT ON DATABASE "{name}" FROM public;', + "SELECT pid, pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname =" + " '{db}' AND pid <> pg_backend_pid();".format(db=name), +- 'DROP DATABASE "{db}";'.format(db=name), ++ f'DROP DATABASE "{name}";', + ]: + ret = _psql_prepare_and_run( + ["-c", query], +@@ -741,7 +737,7 @@ def db_remove( + password=password, + ) + if ret["retcode"] != 0: +- raise Exception("Failed: ret={}".format(ret)) ++ raise Exception(f"Failed: ret={ret}") + return True + + +@@ -846,10 +842,10 @@ def tablespace_create( + owner_query = "" + options_query = "" + if owner: +- owner_query = 'OWNER "{}"'.format(owner) ++ owner_query = f'OWNER "{owner}"' + # should come out looking like: 'OWNER postgres' + if options: +- optionstext = ["{} = {}".format(k, v) for k, v in options.items()] ++ optionstext = [f"{k} = {v}" for k, v in options.items()] + options_query = "WITH ( {} )".format(", ".join(optionstext)) + # should come out looking like: 'WITH ( opt1 = 1.0, opt2 = 4.0 )' + query = "CREATE TABLESPACE \"{}\" {} LOCATION '{}' {}".format( +@@ -902,9 +898,9 @@ def tablespace_alter( + queries = [] + + if new_name: +- queries.append('ALTER TABLESPACE "{}" RENAME TO "{}"'.format(name, new_name)) ++ queries.append(f'ALTER TABLESPACE "{name}" RENAME TO "{new_name}"') + if new_owner: +- queries.append('ALTER TABLESPACE "{}" OWNER TO "{}"'.format(name, new_owner)) ++ queries.append(f'ALTER TABLESPACE "{name}" OWNER TO "{new_owner}"') + if set_option: + queries.append( + 'ALTER TABLESPACE "{}" SET ({} = {})'.format( +@@ -912,7 +908,7 @@ def tablespace_alter( + ) + ) + if reset_option: +- queries.append('ALTER TABLESPACE "{}" RESET ({})'.format(name, reset_option)) ++ queries.append(f'ALTER TABLESPACE "{name}" RESET ({reset_option})') + + for query in queries: + ret = _psql_prepare_and_run( +@@ -950,7 +946,7 @@ def tablespace_remove( + + .. versionadded:: 2015.8.0 + """ +- query = 'DROP TABLESPACE "{}"'.format(name) ++ query = f'DROP TABLESPACE "{name}"' + ret = _psql_prepare_and_run( + ["-c", query], + user=user, +@@ -1158,11 +1154,11 @@ def _add_role_flag(string, test, flag, cond=None, prefix="NO", addtxt="", skip=F + cond = test + if test is not None: + if cond: +- string = "{} {}".format(string, flag) ++ string = f"{string} {flag}" + else: +- string = "{0} {2}{1}".format(string, flag, prefix) ++ string = f"{string} {prefix}{flag}" + if addtxt: +- string = "{} {}".format(string, addtxt) ++ string = f"{string} {addtxt}" + return string + + +@@ -1224,7 +1220,7 @@ def _verify_password(role, password, verifier, method): + def _md5_password(role, password): + return "md5{}".format( + hashlib.md5( # nosec +- salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes("{}{}".format(password, role)) ++ salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(f"{password}{role}") + ).hexdigest() + ) + +@@ -1343,7 +1339,7 @@ def _role_cmd_args( + if isinstance(groups, list): + groups = ",".join(groups) + for group in groups.split(","): +- sub_cmd = '{}; GRANT "{}" TO "{}"'.format(sub_cmd, group, name) ++ sub_cmd = f'{sub_cmd}; GRANT "{group}" TO "{name}"' + return sub_cmd + + +@@ -1380,7 +1376,7 @@ def _role_create( +"%s '%s' already exists", typ_.capitalize(), name) + return False + +- sub_cmd = 'CREATE ROLE "{}" WITH'.format(name) ++ sub_cmd = f'CREATE ROLE "{name}" WITH' + sub_cmd = "{} {}".format( + sub_cmd, + _role_cmd_args( +@@ -1506,7 +1502,7 @@ def _role_update( +"%s '%s' could not be found", typ_.capitalize(), name) + return False + +- sub_cmd = 'ALTER ROLE "{}" WITH'.format(name) ++ sub_cmd = f'ALTER ROLE "{name}" WITH' + sub_cmd = "{} {}".format( + sub_cmd, + _role_cmd_args( +@@ -1613,7 +1609,7 @@ def _role_remove( + return False + + # user exists, proceed +- sub_cmd = 'DROP ROLE "{}"'.format(name) ++ sub_cmd = f'DROP ROLE "{name}"' + _psql_prepare_and_run( + ["-c", sub_cmd], + runas=runas, +@@ -1995,14 +1991,14 @@ def create_extension( + args = ["CREATE EXTENSION"] + if if_not_exists: + args.append("IF NOT EXISTS") +- args.append('"{}"'.format(name)) ++ args.append(f'"{name}"') + sargs = [] + if schema: +- sargs.append('SCHEMA "{}"'.format(schema)) ++ sargs.append(f'SCHEMA "{schema}"') + if ext_version: +- sargs.append("VERSION {}".format(ext_version)) ++ sargs.append(f"VERSION {ext_version}") + if from_version: +- sargs.append("FROM {}".format(from_version)) ++ sargs.append(f"FROM {from_version}") + if sargs: + args.append("WITH") + args.extend(sargs) +@@ -2011,13 +2007,9 @@ def create_extension( + else: + args = [] + if schema and _EXTENSION_TO_MOVE in mtdata: +- args.append( +- 'ALTER EXTENSION "{}" SET SCHEMA "{}";'.format(name, schema) +- ) ++ args.append(f'ALTER EXTENSION "{name}" SET SCHEMA "{schema}";') + if ext_version and _EXTENSION_TO_UPGRADE in mtdata: +- args.append( +- 'ALTER EXTENSION "{}" UPDATE TO {};'.format(name, ext_version) +- ) ++ args.append(f'ALTER EXTENSION "{name}" UPDATE TO {ext_version};') + cmd = " ".join(args).strip() + if cmd: + _psql_prepare_and_run( +@@ -2227,7 +2219,7 @@ def owner_to( + + sqlfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() + sqlfile.write("begin;\n") +- sqlfile.write('alter database "{}" owner to "{}";\n'.format(dbname, ownername)) ++ sqlfile.write(f'alter database "{dbname}" owner to "{ownername}";\n') + + queries = ( + # schemas +@@ -2335,9 +2327,9 @@ def schema_create( +"'%s' already exists in '%s'", name, dbname) + return False + +- sub_cmd = 'CREATE SCHEMA "{}"'.format(name) ++ sub_cmd = f'CREATE SCHEMA "{name}"' + if owner is not None: +- sub_cmd = '{} AUTHORIZATION "{}"'.format(sub_cmd, owner) ++ sub_cmd = f'{sub_cmd} AUTHORIZATION "{owner}"' + + ret = _psql_prepare_and_run( + ["-c", sub_cmd], +@@ -2401,7 +2393,7 @@ def schema_remove( + return False + + # schema exists, proceed +- sub_cmd = 'DROP SCHEMA "{}"'.format(name) ++ sub_cmd = f'DROP SCHEMA "{name}"' + _psql_prepare_and_run( + ["-c", sub_cmd], + runas=user, +@@ -2721,7 +2713,7 @@ def language_create( +"Language %s already exists in %s", name, maintenance_db) + return False + +- query = "CREATE LANGUAGE {}".format(name) ++ query = f"CREATE LANGUAGE {name}" + + ret = _psql_prepare_and_run( + ["-c", query], +@@ -2776,7 +2768,7 @@ def language_remove( +"Language %s does not exist in %s", name, maintenance_db) + return False + +- query = "DROP LANGUAGE {}".format(name) ++ query = f"DROP LANGUAGE {name}" + + ret = _psql_prepare_and_run( + ["-c", query], +@@ -3035,9 +3027,7 @@ def _validate_privileges(object_type, privs, privileges): + _perms.append("ALL") + + if object_type not in _PRIVILEGES_OBJECTS: +- raise SaltInvocationError( +- "Invalid object_type: {} provided".format(object_type) +- ) ++ raise SaltInvocationError(f"Invalid object_type: {object_type} provided") + + if not set(privs).issubset(set(_perms)): + raise SaltInvocationError( +@@ -3145,9 +3135,7 @@ def privileges_list( + query = _make_privileges_list_query(name, object_type, prepend) + + if object_type not in _PRIVILEGES_OBJECTS: +- raise SaltInvocationError( +- "Invalid object_type: {} provided".format(object_type) +- ) ++ raise SaltInvocationError(f"Invalid object_type: {object_type} provided") + + rows = psql_query( + query, +@@ -3439,15 +3427,15 @@ def privileges_grant( + _grants = ",".join(_privs) + + if object_type in ["table", "sequence"]: +- on_part = '{}."{}"'.format(prepend, object_name) ++ on_part = f'{prepend}."{object_name}"' + elif object_type == "function": +- on_part = "{}".format(object_name) ++ on_part = f"{object_name}" + else: +- on_part = '"{}"'.format(object_name) ++ on_part = f'"{object_name}"' + + if grant_option: + if object_type == "group": +- query = 'GRANT {} TO "{}" WITH ADMIN OPTION'.format(object_name, name) ++ query = f'GRANT {object_name} TO "{name}" WITH ADMIN OPTION' + elif object_type in ("table", "sequence") and object_name.upper() == "ALL": + query = 'GRANT {} ON ALL {}S IN SCHEMA {} TO "{}" WITH GRANT OPTION'.format( + _grants, object_type.upper(), prepend, name +@@ -3458,7 +3446,7 @@ def privileges_grant( + ) + else: + if object_type == "group": +- query = 'GRANT {} TO "{}"'.format(object_name, name) ++ query = f'GRANT {object_name} TO "{name}"' + elif object_type in ("table", "sequence") and object_name.upper() == "ALL": + query = 'GRANT {} ON ALL {}S IN SCHEMA {} TO "{}"'.format( + _grants, object_type.upper(), prepend, name +@@ -3587,12 +3575,12 @@ def privileges_revoke( + _grants = ",".join(_privs) + + if object_type in ["table", "sequence"]: +- on_part = "{}.{}".format(prepend, object_name) ++ on_part = f"{prepend}.{object_name}" + else: + on_part = object_name + + if object_type == "group": +- query = "REVOKE {} FROM {}".format(object_name, name) ++ query = f"REVOKE {object_name} FROM {name}" + else: + query = "REVOKE {} ON {} {} FROM {}".format( + _grants, object_type.upper(), on_part, name +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index 9edf006c299..b7208dc4a64 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ import hashlib + import logging + import multiprocessing + import os +-import pipes + import re ++import shlex + import shutil + import socket + import stat +@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ def __ssh_gateway_arguments(kwargs): + "-oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null", + "-oControlPath=none", + str(ssh_gateway_key), +- "{}@{}".format(ssh_gateway_user, ssh_gateway), ++ f"{ssh_gateway_user}@{ssh_gateway}", + "-p", + str(ssh_gateway_port), + str(ssh_gateway_command), +@@ -228,18 +228,18 @@ def os_script(os_, vm_=None, opts=None, minion=""): + # The user provided an absolute path to the deploy script, let's use it + return __render_script(os_, vm_, opts, minion) + +- if os.path.isabs("{}.sh".format(os_)): ++ if os.path.isabs(f"{os_}.sh"): + # The user provided an absolute path to the deploy script, although no + # extension was provided. Let's use it anyway. +- return __render_script("{}.sh".format(os_), vm_, opts, minion) ++ return __render_script(f"{os_}.sh", vm_, opts, minion) + + for search_path in opts["deploy_scripts_search_path"]: + if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(search_path, os_)): + return __render_script(os.path.join(search_path, os_), vm_, opts, minion) + +- if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(search_path, "{}.sh".format(os_))): ++ if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(search_path, f"{os_}.sh")): + return __render_script( +- os.path.join(search_path, "{}.sh".format(os_)), vm_, opts, minion ++ os.path.join(search_path, f"{os_}.sh"), vm_, opts, minion + ) + # No deploy script was found, return an empty string + return "" +@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ def bootstrap(vm_, opts=None): + ) + if key_filename is not None and not os.path.isfile(key_filename): + raise SaltCloudConfigError( +- "The defined ssh_keyfile '{}' does not exist".format(key_filename) ++ f"The defined ssh_keyfile '{key_filename}' does not exist" + ) + has_ssh_agent = False + if ( +@@ -782,8 +782,8 @@ def wait_for_port( + # Don't add new hosts to the host key database + "-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no", + # make sure ssh can time out on connection lose +- "-oServerAliveInterval={}".format(server_alive_interval), +- "-oServerAliveCountMax={}".format(server_alive_count_max), ++ f"-oServerAliveInterval={server_alive_interval}", ++ f"-oServerAliveCountMax={server_alive_count_max}", + # Set hosts key database path to /dev/null, i.e., non-existing + "-oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null", + # Don't re-use the SSH connection. Less failures. +@@ -808,21 +808,21 @@ def wait_for_port( + ] + ) + # Netcat command testing remote port +- command = "nc -z -w5 -q0 {} {}".format(host, port) ++ command = f"nc -z -w5 -q0 {host} {port}" + # SSH command + pcmd = "ssh {} {}@{} -p {} {}".format( + " ".join(ssh_args), + gateway["ssh_gateway_user"], + ssh_gateway, + ssh_gateway_port, +- pipes.quote("date"), ++ shlex.quote("date"), + ) + cmd = "ssh {} {}@{} -p {} {}".format( + " ".join(ssh_args), + gateway["ssh_gateway_user"], + ssh_gateway, + ssh_gateway_port, +- pipes.quote(command), ++ shlex.quote(command), + ) + log.debug("SSH command: '%s'", cmd) + +@@ -893,7 +893,7 @@ class Client: + service_name=None, + ): + self.service_name = service_name +- self._exe_file = "{}.exe".format(self.service_name) ++ self._exe_file = f"{self.service_name}.exe" + self._client = PsExecClient(server, username, password, port, encrypt) + self._client._service = ScmrService(self.service_name, self._client.session) + +@@ -943,7 +943,7 @@ class Client: + # delete the PAExec executable + smb_tree = TreeConnect( + self._client.session, +- r"\\{}\ADMIN$".format(self._client.connection.server_name), ++ rf"\\{self._client.connection.server_name}\ADMIN$", + ) +"Connecting to SMB Tree %s", smb_tree.share_name) + smb_tree.connect() +@@ -968,10 +968,10 @@ def run_winexe_command(cmd, args, host, username, password, port=445): + """ + Run a command remotely via the winexe executable + """ +- creds = "-U '{}%{}' //{}".format(username, password, host) +- logging_creds = "-U '{}%XXX-REDACTED-XXX' //{}".format(username, host) +- cmd = "winexe {} {} {}".format(creds, cmd, args) +- logging_cmd = "winexe {} {} {}".format(logging_creds, cmd, args) ++ creds = f"-U '{username}%{password}' //{host}" ++ logging_creds = f"-U '{username}%XXX-REDACTED-XXX' //{host}" ++ cmd = f"winexe {creds} {cmd} {args}" ++ logging_cmd = f"winexe {logging_creds} {cmd} {args}" + return win_cmd(cmd, logging_command=logging_cmd) + + +@@ -979,7 +979,7 @@ def run_psexec_command(cmd, args, host, username, password, port=445): + """ + Run a command remotely using the psexec protocol + """ +- service_name = "PS-Exec-{}".format(uuid.uuid4()) ++ service_name = f"PS-Exec-{uuid.uuid4()}" + with Client( + host, username, password, port=port, encrypt=False, service_name=service_name + ) as client: +@@ -1098,7 +1098,7 @@ def validate_windows_cred_winexe( + """ + Check if the windows credentials are valid + """ +- cmd = "winexe -U '{}%{}' //{} \"hostname\"".format(username, password, host) ++ cmd = f"winexe -U '{username}%{password}' //{host} \"hostname\"" + logging_cmd = "winexe -U '{}%XXX-REDACTED-XXX' //{} \"hostname\"".format( + username, host + ) +@@ -1230,7 +1230,7 @@ def deploy_windows( + winrm_port=5986, + winrm_use_ssl=True, + winrm_verify_ssl=True, +- **kwargs ++ **kwargs, + ): + """ + Copy the install files to a remote Windows box, and execute them +@@ -1289,20 +1289,20 @@ def deploy_windows( + + salt.utils.smb.mkdirs("salttemp", conn=smb_conn) + root_dir = "ProgramData/Salt Project/Salt" +- salt.utils.smb.mkdirs("{}/conf/pki/minion".format(root_dir), conn=smb_conn) ++ salt.utils.smb.mkdirs(f"{root_dir}/conf/pki/minion", conn=smb_conn) + root_dir = "ProgramData\\Salt Project\\Salt" + + if minion_pub: + salt.utils.smb.put_str( + minion_pub, +- "{}\\conf\\pki\\minion\\".format(root_dir), ++ f"{root_dir}\\conf\\pki\\minion\\", + conn=smb_conn, + ) + + if minion_pem: + salt.utils.smb.put_str( + minion_pem, +- "{}\\conf\\pki\\minion\\minion.pem".format(root_dir), ++ f"{root_dir}\\conf\\pki\\minion\\minion.pem", + conn=smb_conn, + ) + +@@ -1314,7 +1314,7 @@ def deploy_windows( + try: + salt.utils.smb.put_file( + master_sign_pub_file, +- "{}\\conf\\pki\\minion\\".format(root_dir), ++ f"{root_dir}\\conf\\pki\\minion\\", + conn=smb_conn, + ) + except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except +@@ -1332,26 +1332,27 @@ def deploy_windows( + installer = comps[-1] + salt.utils.smb.put_file( + win_installer, +- "salttemp\\{}".format(installer), ++ f"salttemp\\{installer}", + "C$", + conn=smb_conn, + ) + ++ cmd = f"c:\\salttemp\\{installer}" ++ args = [ ++ "/S", ++ f"/master={_format_master_param(master)}", ++ f"/minion-name={name}", ++ ] ++ + if use_winrm: +- winrm_cmd( +- winrm_session, +- "c:\\salttemp\\{}".format(installer), +- ["/S", "/master={}".format(master), "/minion-name={}".format(name)], +- ) ++ winrm_cmd(winrm_session, cmd, args) + else: +- cmd = "c:\\salttemp\\{}".format(installer) +- args = "/S /master={} /minion-name={}".format(master, name) + stdout, stderr, ret_code = run_psexec_command( +- cmd, args, host, username, password ++ cmd, " ".join(args), host, username, password + ) + + if ret_code != 0: +- raise Exception("Fail installer {}".format(ret_code)) ++ raise Exception(f"Fail installer {ret_code}") + + # Copy over minion_conf + if minion_conf: +@@ -1367,7 +1368,7 @@ def deploy_windows( + if minion_grains: + salt.utils.smb.put_str( + salt_config_to_yaml(minion_grains, line_break="\r\n"), +- "{}\\conf\\grains".format(root_dir), ++ f"{root_dir}\\conf\\grains", + conn=smb_conn, + ) + # Add special windows minion configuration +@@ -1384,7 +1385,7 @@ def deploy_windows( + minion_conf = dict(minion_conf, **windows_minion_conf) + salt.utils.smb.put_str( + salt_config_to_yaml(minion_conf, line_break="\r\n"), +- "{}\\conf\\minion".format(root_dir), ++ f"{root_dir}\\conf\\minion", + conn=smb_conn, + ) + # Delete C:\salttmp\ and installer file +@@ -1394,7 +1395,7 @@ def deploy_windows( + winrm_cmd(winrm_session, "rmdir", ["/Q", "/S", "C:\\salttemp\\"]) + else: + salt.utils.smb.delete_file( +- "salttemp\\{}".format(installer), "C$", conn=smb_conn ++ f"salttemp\\{installer}", "C$", conn=smb_conn + ) + salt.utils.smb.delete_directory("salttemp", "C$", conn=smb_conn) + # Shell out to psexec to ensure salt-minion service started +@@ -1418,8 +1419,8 @@ def deploy_windows( + # Fire deploy action + fire_event( + "event", +- "{} has been deployed at {}".format(name, host), +- "salt/cloud/{}/deploy_windows".format(name), ++ f"{name} has been deployed at {host}", ++ f"salt/cloud/{name}/deploy_windows", + args={"name": name}, + sock_dir=opts.get("sock_dir", os.path.join(__opts__["sock_dir"], "master")), + transport=opts.get("transport", "zeromq"), +@@ -1469,7 +1470,7 @@ def deploy_script( + master_sign_pub_file=None, + cloud_grains=None, + force_minion_config=False, +- **kwargs ++ **kwargs, + ): + """ + Copy a deploy script to a remote server, execute it, and remove it +@@ -1485,7 +1486,7 @@ def deploy_script( + ) + if key_filename is not None and not os.path.isfile(key_filename): + raise SaltCloudConfigError( +- "The defined key_filename '{}' does not exist".format(key_filename) ++ f"The defined key_filename '{key_filename}' does not exist" + ) + + gateway = None +@@ -1532,35 +1533,28 @@ def deploy_script( + ssh_kwargs["password"] = password + + if root_cmd( +- "test -e '{}'".format(tmp_dir), +- tty, +- sudo, +- allow_failure=True, +- **ssh_kwargs ++ f"test -e '{tmp_dir}'", tty, sudo, allow_failure=True, **ssh_kwargs + ): + ret = root_cmd( +- "sh -c \"( mkdir -p -m 700 '{}' )\"".format(tmp_dir), ++ f"sh -c \"( mkdir -p -m 700 '{tmp_dir}' )\"", + tty, + sudo, +- **ssh_kwargs ++ **ssh_kwargs, + ) + if ret: + raise SaltCloudSystemExit( +- "Can't create temporary directory in {} !".format(tmp_dir) ++ f"Can't create temporary directory in {tmp_dir} !" + ) + if sudo: + comps = tmp_dir.lstrip("/").rstrip("/").split("/") + if comps: + if len(comps) > 1 or comps[0] != "tmp": + ret = root_cmd( +- 'chown {} "{}"'.format(username, tmp_dir), +- tty, +- sudo, +- **ssh_kwargs ++ f'chown {username} "{tmp_dir}"', tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs + ) + if ret: + raise SaltCloudSystemExit( +- "Cant set {} ownership on {}".format(username, tmp_dir) ++ f"Cant set {username} ownership on {tmp_dir}" + ) + + if not isinstance(file_map, dict): +@@ -1590,15 +1584,13 @@ def deploy_script( + remote_dir = os.path.dirname(remote_file) + + if remote_dir not in remote_dirs: +- root_cmd( +- "mkdir -p '{}'".format(remote_dir), tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs +- ) ++ root_cmd(f"mkdir -p '{remote_dir}'", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs) + if ssh_kwargs["username"] != "root": + root_cmd( + "chown {} '{}'".format(ssh_kwargs["username"], remote_dir), + tty, + sudo, +- **ssh_kwargs ++ **ssh_kwargs, + ) + remote_dirs.append(remote_dir) + ssh_file(opts, remote_file, kwargs=ssh_kwargs, local_file=local_file) +@@ -1606,21 +1598,21 @@ def deploy_script( + + # Minion configuration + if minion_pem: +- ssh_file(opts, "{}/minion.pem".format(tmp_dir), minion_pem, ssh_kwargs) ++ ssh_file(opts, f"{tmp_dir}/minion.pem", minion_pem, ssh_kwargs) + ret = root_cmd( +- "chmod 600 '{}/minion.pem'".format(tmp_dir), tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs ++ f"chmod 600 '{tmp_dir}/minion.pem'", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs + ) + if ret: + raise SaltCloudSystemExit( +- "Can't set perms on {}/minion.pem".format(tmp_dir) ++ f"Can't set perms on {tmp_dir}/minion.pem" + ) + if minion_pub: +- ssh_file(opts, "{}/".format(tmp_dir), minion_pub, ssh_kwargs) ++ ssh_file(opts, f"{tmp_dir}/", minion_pub, ssh_kwargs) + + if master_sign_pub_file: + ssh_file( + opts, +- "{}/".format(tmp_dir), ++ f"{tmp_dir}/", + kwargs=ssh_kwargs, + local_file=master_sign_pub_file, + ) +@@ -1638,7 +1630,7 @@ def deploy_script( + if minion_grains: + ssh_file( + opts, +- "{}/grains".format(tmp_dir), ++ f"{tmp_dir}/grains", + salt_config_to_yaml(minion_grains), + ssh_kwargs, + ) +@@ -1646,24 +1638,22 @@ def deploy_script( + minion_conf["grains"] = {"salt-cloud": cloud_grains} + ssh_file( + opts, +- "{}/minion".format(tmp_dir), ++ f"{tmp_dir}/minion", + salt_config_to_yaml(minion_conf), + ssh_kwargs, + ) + + # Master configuration + if master_pem: +- ssh_file(opts, "{}/master.pem".format(tmp_dir), master_pem, ssh_kwargs) ++ ssh_file(opts, f"{tmp_dir}/master.pem", master_pem, ssh_kwargs) + ret = root_cmd( +- "chmod 600 '{}/master.pem'".format(tmp_dir), tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs ++ f"chmod 600 '{tmp_dir}/master.pem'", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs + ) + if ret: +- raise SaltCloudSystemExit( +- "Cant set perms on {}/master.pem".format(tmp_dir) +- ) ++ raise SaltCloudSystemExit(f"Cant set perms on {tmp_dir}/master.pem") + + if master_pub: +- ssh_file(opts, "{}/".format(tmp_dir), master_pub, ssh_kwargs) ++ ssh_file(opts, f"{tmp_dir}/", master_pub, ssh_kwargs) + + if master_conf: + if not isinstance(master_conf, dict): +@@ -1677,34 +1667,31 @@ def deploy_script( + + ssh_file( + opts, +- "{}/master".format(tmp_dir), ++ f"{tmp_dir}/master", + salt_config_to_yaml(master_conf), + ssh_kwargs, + ) + + # XXX: We need to make these paths configurable +- preseed_minion_keys_tempdir = "{}/preseed-minion-keys".format(tmp_dir) ++ preseed_minion_keys_tempdir = f"{tmp_dir}/preseed-minion-keys" + if preseed_minion_keys is not None: + # Create remote temp dir + ret = root_cmd( +- "mkdir '{}'".format(preseed_minion_keys_tempdir), +- tty, +- sudo, +- **ssh_kwargs ++ f"mkdir '{preseed_minion_keys_tempdir}'", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs + ) + if ret: + raise SaltCloudSystemExit( +- "Cant create {}".format(preseed_minion_keys_tempdir) ++ f"Cant create {preseed_minion_keys_tempdir}" + ) + ret = root_cmd( +- "chmod 700 '{}'".format(preseed_minion_keys_tempdir), ++ f"chmod 700 '{preseed_minion_keys_tempdir}'", + tty, + sudo, +- **ssh_kwargs ++ **ssh_kwargs, + ) + if ret: + raise SaltCloudSystemExit( +- "Can't set perms on {}".format(preseed_minion_keys_tempdir) ++ f"Can't set perms on {preseed_minion_keys_tempdir}" + ) + if ssh_kwargs["username"] != "root": + root_cmd( +@@ -1713,7 +1700,7 @@ def deploy_script( + ), + tty, + sudo, +- **ssh_kwargs ++ **ssh_kwargs, + ) + + # Copy pre-seed minion keys +@@ -1723,10 +1710,10 @@ def deploy_script( + + if ssh_kwargs["username"] != "root": + root_cmd( +- "chown -R root '{}'".format(preseed_minion_keys_tempdir), ++ f"chown -R root '{preseed_minion_keys_tempdir}'", + tty, + sudo, +- **ssh_kwargs ++ **ssh_kwargs, + ) + if ret: + raise SaltCloudSystemExit( +@@ -1740,25 +1727,21 @@ def deploy_script( + for command in preflight_cmds: + cmd_ret = root_cmd(command, tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs) + if cmd_ret: +- raise SaltCloudSystemExit( +- "Pre-flight command failed: '{}'".format(command) +- ) ++ raise SaltCloudSystemExit(f"Pre-flight command failed: '{command}'") + + # The actual deploy script + if script: + # got strange escaping issues with sudoer, going onto a + # subshell fixes that +- ssh_file(opts, "{}/".format(tmp_dir), script, ssh_kwargs) ++ ssh_file(opts, f"{tmp_dir}/", script, ssh_kwargs) + ret = root_cmd( +- "sh -c \"( chmod +x '{}/' )\";exit $?".format(tmp_dir), ++ f"sh -c \"( chmod +x '{tmp_dir}/' )\";exit $?", + tty, + sudo, +- **ssh_kwargs ++ **ssh_kwargs, + ) + if ret: +- raise SaltCloudSystemExit( +- "Can't set perms on {}/".format(tmp_dir) +- ) ++ raise SaltCloudSystemExit(f"Can't set perms on {tmp_dir}/") + + time_used = time.mktime(time.localtime()) - time.mktime(starttime) + newtimeout = timeout - time_used +@@ -1774,7 +1757,7 @@ def deploy_script( + kwargs=dict( + name=name, sock_dir=sock_dir, timeout=newtimeout, queue=queue + ), +- name="DeployScriptCheckAuth({})".format(name), ++ name=f"DeployScriptCheckAuth({name})", + ) + log.debug("Starting new process to wait for salt-minion") + process.start() +@@ -1782,7 +1765,7 @@ def deploy_script( + # Run the deploy script + if script: + if "bootstrap-salt" in script: +- deploy_command += " -c '{}'".format(tmp_dir) ++ deploy_command += f" -c '{tmp_dir}'" + if force_minion_config: + deploy_command += " -F" + if make_syndic is True: +@@ -1794,9 +1777,9 @@ def deploy_script( + if keep_tmp is True: + deploy_command += " -K" + if preseed_minion_keys is not None: +- deploy_command += " -k '{}'".format(preseed_minion_keys_tempdir) ++ deploy_command += f" -k '{preseed_minion_keys_tempdir}'" + if script_args: +- deploy_command += " {}".format(script_args) ++ deploy_command += f" {script_args}" + + if script_env: + if not isinstance(script_env, dict): +@@ -1815,15 +1798,15 @@ def deploy_script( + # Upload our environ setter wrapper + ssh_file( + opts, +- "{}/".format(tmp_dir), ++ f"{tmp_dir}/", + "\n".join(environ_script_contents), + ssh_kwargs, + ) + root_cmd( +- "chmod +x '{}/'".format(tmp_dir), ++ f"chmod +x '{tmp_dir}/'", + tty, + sudo, +- **ssh_kwargs ++ **ssh_kwargs, + ) + # The deploy command is now our wrapper + deploy_command = "'{}/'".format( +@@ -1831,22 +1814,20 @@ def deploy_script( + ) + if root_cmd(deploy_command, tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs) != 0: + raise SaltCloudSystemExit( +- "Executing the command '{}' failed".format(deploy_command) ++ f"Executing the command '{deploy_command}' failed" + ) + log.debug("Executed command '%s'", deploy_command) + + # Remove the deploy script + if not keep_tmp: +- root_cmd( +- "rm -f '{}/'".format(tmp_dir), tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs +- ) ++ root_cmd(f"rm -f '{tmp_dir}/'", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs) + log.debug("Removed %s/", tmp_dir) + if script_env: + root_cmd( +- "rm -f '{}/'".format(tmp_dir), ++ f"rm -f '{tmp_dir}/'", + tty, + sudo, +- **ssh_kwargs ++ **ssh_kwargs, + ) + log.debug("Removed %s/", tmp_dir) + +@@ -1855,57 +1836,40 @@ def deploy_script( + else: + # Remove minion configuration + if minion_pub: +- root_cmd( +- "rm -f '{}/'".format(tmp_dir), tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs +- ) ++ root_cmd(f"rm -f '{tmp_dir}/'", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs) + log.debug("Removed %s/", tmp_dir) + if minion_pem: +- root_cmd( +- "rm -f '{}/minion.pem'".format(tmp_dir), tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs +- ) ++ root_cmd(f"rm -f '{tmp_dir}/minion.pem'", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs) + log.debug("Removed %s/minion.pem", tmp_dir) + if minion_conf: +- root_cmd( +- "rm -f '{}/grains'".format(tmp_dir), tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs +- ) ++ root_cmd(f"rm -f '{tmp_dir}/grains'", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs) + log.debug("Removed %s/grains", tmp_dir) +- root_cmd( +- "rm -f '{}/minion'".format(tmp_dir), tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs +- ) ++ root_cmd(f"rm -f '{tmp_dir}/minion'", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs) + log.debug("Removed %s/minion", tmp_dir) + if master_sign_pub_file: + root_cmd( +- "rm -f {}/".format(tmp_dir), +- tty, +- sudo, +- **ssh_kwargs ++ f"rm -f {tmp_dir}/", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs + ) + log.debug("Removed %s/", tmp_dir) + + # Remove master configuration + if master_pub: +- root_cmd( +- "rm -f '{}/'".format(tmp_dir), tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs +- ) ++ root_cmd(f"rm -f '{tmp_dir}/'", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs) + log.debug("Removed %s/", tmp_dir) + if master_pem: +- root_cmd( +- "rm -f '{}/master.pem'".format(tmp_dir), tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs +- ) ++ root_cmd(f"rm -f '{tmp_dir}/master.pem'", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs) + log.debug("Removed %s/master.pem", tmp_dir) + if master_conf: +- root_cmd( +- "rm -f '{}/master'".format(tmp_dir), tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs +- ) ++ root_cmd(f"rm -f '{tmp_dir}/master'", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs) + log.debug("Removed %s/master", tmp_dir) + + # Remove pre-seed keys directory + if preseed_minion_keys is not None: + root_cmd( +- "rm -rf '{}'".format(preseed_minion_keys_tempdir), ++ f"rm -rf '{preseed_minion_keys_tempdir}'", + tty, + sudo, +- **ssh_kwargs ++ **ssh_kwargs, + ) + log.debug("Removed %s", preseed_minion_keys_tempdir) + +@@ -1920,15 +1884,13 @@ def deploy_script( + # for line in output: + # print(line) +"Executing %s on the salt-minion", start_action) +- root_cmd( +- "salt-call {}".format(start_action), tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs +- ) ++ root_cmd(f"salt-call {start_action}", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs) +"Finished executing %s on the salt-minion", start_action) + # Fire deploy action + fire_event( + "event", +- "{} has been deployed at {}".format(name, host), +- "salt/cloud/{}/deploy_script".format(name), ++ f"{name} has been deployed at {host}", ++ f"salt/cloud/{name}/deploy_script", + args={"name": name, "host": host}, + sock_dir=opts.get( + "sock_dir", os.path.join(__opts__["sock_dir"], "master") +@@ -1961,7 +1923,7 @@ def run_inline_script( + tty=None, + opts=None, + tmp_dir="/tmp/.saltcloud-inline_script", +- **kwargs ++ **kwargs, + ): + """ + Run the inline script commands, one by one +@@ -2018,11 +1980,11 @@ def run_inline_script( + # TODO: check edge cases (e.g. ssh gateways, salt deploy disabled, etc.) + if ( + root_cmd( +- 'test -e \\"{}\\"'.format(tmp_dir), ++ f'test -e \\"{tmp_dir}\\"', + tty, + sudo, + allow_failure=True, +- **ssh_kwargs ++ **ssh_kwargs, + ) + and inline_script + ): +@@ -2030,11 +1992,11 @@ def run_inline_script( + for cmd_line in inline_script: +"Executing inline command: %s", cmd_line) + ret = root_cmd( +- 'sh -c "( {} )"'.format(cmd_line), ++ f'sh -c "( {cmd_line} )"', + tty, + sudo, + allow_failure=True, +- **ssh_kwargs ++ **ssh_kwargs, + ) + if ret: +"[%s] Output: %s", cmd_line, ret) +@@ -2138,7 +2100,7 @@ def _exec_ssh_cmd(cmd, error_msg=None, allow_failure=False, **kwargs): + time.sleep(0.5) + if proc.exitstatus != 0 and allow_failure is False: + raise SaltCloudSystemExit( +- "Command '{}' failed. Exit code: {}".format(cmd, proc.exitstatus) ++ f"Command '{cmd}' failed. Exit code: {proc.exitstatus}" + ) + return proc.exitstatus + except salt.utils.vt.TerminalException as err: +@@ -2241,7 +2203,7 @@ def scp_file(dest_path, contents=None, kwargs=None, local_file=None): + cmd, + error_msg="Failed to upload file '{0}': {1}\n{2}", + password_retries=3, +- **kwargs ++ **kwargs, + ) + finally: + if contents is not None: +@@ -2359,7 +2321,7 @@ def sftp_file(dest_path, contents=None, kwargs=None, local_file=None): + cmd, + error_msg="Failed to upload file '{0}': {1}\n{2}", + password_retries=3, +- **kwargs ++ **kwargs, + ) + finally: + if contents is not None: +@@ -2419,11 +2381,11 @@ def root_cmd(command, tty, sudo, allow_failure=False, **kwargs): + + if sudo: + if sudo_password is None: +- command = "sudo {}".format(command) ++ command = f"sudo {command}" + logging_command = command + else: +- logging_command = 'sudo -S "XXX-REDACTED-XXX" {}'.format(command) +- command = "sudo -S {}".format(command) ++ logging_command = f'sudo -S "XXX-REDACTED-XXX" {command}' ++ command = f"sudo -S {command}" + + log.debug("Using sudo to run command %s", logging_command) + +@@ -2442,9 +2404,9 @@ def root_cmd(command, tty, sudo, allow_failure=False, **kwargs): + ssh_args.extend( + [ + # Don't add new hosts to the host key database +- "-oStrictHostKeyChecking={}".format(host_key_checking), ++ f"-oStrictHostKeyChecking={host_key_checking}", + # Set hosts key database path to /dev/null, i.e., non-existing +- "-oUserKnownHostsFile={}".format(known_hosts_file), ++ f"-oUserKnownHostsFile={known_hosts_file}", + # Don't re-use the SSH connection. Less failures. + "-oControlPath=none", + ] +@@ -2477,12 +2439,12 @@ def root_cmd(command, tty, sudo, allow_failure=False, **kwargs): + + cmd = "ssh {0} {1[username]}@{1[hostname]} ".format(" ".join(ssh_args), kwargs) + logging_command = cmd + logging_command +- cmd = cmd + pipes.quote(command) ++ cmd = cmd + shlex.quote(command) + + hard_timeout = kwargs.get("hard_timeout") + if hard_timeout is not None: +- logging_command = "timeout {} {}".format(hard_timeout, logging_command) +- cmd = "timeout {} {}".format(hard_timeout, cmd) ++ logging_command = f"timeout {hard_timeout} {logging_command}" ++ cmd = f"timeout {hard_timeout} {cmd}" + + log.debug("SSH command: '%s'", logging_command) + +@@ -2504,7 +2466,7 @@ def check_auth(name, sock_dir=None, queue=None, timeout=300): + ret = event.get_event(full=True) + if ret is None: + continue +- if ret["tag"] == "salt/minion/{}/start".format(name): ++ if ret["tag"] == f"salt/minion/{name}/start": + queue.put(name) + newtimeout = 0 + log.debug("Minion %s is ready to receive commands", name) +@@ -2550,7 +2512,7 @@ def check_name(name, safe_chars): + """ + Check whether the specified name contains invalid characters + """ +- regexp = re.compile("[^{}]".format(safe_chars)) ++ regexp = re.compile(f"[^{safe_chars}]") + if + raise SaltCloudException( + "{} contains characters not supported by this cloud provider. " +@@ -2844,7 +2806,7 @@ def request_minion_cachedir( + "provider": provider, + } + +- fname = "{}.p".format(minion_id) ++ fname = f"{minion_id}.p" + path = os.path.join(base, "requested", fname) + with salt.utils.files.fopen(path, "wb") as fh_: + salt.utils.msgpack.dump(data, fh_, encoding=MSGPACK_ENCODING) +@@ -2875,7 +2837,7 @@ def change_minion_cachedir( + if base is None: + base = __opts__["cachedir"] + +- fname = "{}.p".format(minion_id) ++ fname = f"{minion_id}.p" + path = os.path.join(base, cachedir, fname) + + with salt.utils.files.fopen(path, "r") as fh_: +@@ -2898,7 +2860,7 @@ def activate_minion_cachedir(minion_id, base=None): + if base is None: + base = __opts__["cachedir"] + +- fname = "{}.p".format(minion_id) ++ fname = f"{minion_id}.p" + src = os.path.join(base, "requested", fname) + dst = os.path.join(base, "active") + shutil.move(src, dst) +@@ -2920,7 +2882,7 @@ def delete_minion_cachedir(minion_id, provider, opts, base=None): + base = __opts__["cachedir"] + + driver = next(iter(__opts__["providers"][provider].keys())) +- fname = "{}.p".format(minion_id) ++ fname = f"{minion_id}.p" + for cachedir in "requested", "active": + path = os.path.join(base, cachedir, driver, provider, fname) + log.debug("path: %s", path) +@@ -3013,7 +2975,7 @@ def update_bootstrap(config, url=None): + # in last case, assuming we got a script content + else: + script_content = url +- script_name = "{}.sh".format(hashlib.sha1(script_content).hexdigest()) ++ script_name = f"{hashlib.sha1(script_content).hexdigest()}.sh" + + if not script_content: + raise ValueError("No content in bootstrap script !") +@@ -3107,7 +3069,7 @@ def cache_node_list(nodes, provider, opts): + + for node in nodes: + diff_node_cache(prov_dir, node, nodes[node], opts) +- path = os.path.join(prov_dir, "{}.p".format(node)) ++ path = os.path.join(prov_dir, f"{node}.p") + with salt.utils.files.fopen(path, "wb") as fh_: + salt.utils.msgpack.dump(nodes[node], fh_, encoding=MSGPACK_ENCODING) + +@@ -3162,7 +3124,7 @@ def missing_node_cache(prov_dir, node_list, provider, opts): + fire_event( + "event", + "cached node missing from provider", +- "salt/cloud/{}/cache_node_missing".format(node), ++ f"salt/cloud/{node}/cache_node_missing", + args={"missing node": node}, + sock_dir=opts.get( + "sock_dir", os.path.join(__opts__["sock_dir"], "master") +@@ -3190,7 +3152,7 @@ def diff_node_cache(prov_dir, node, new_data, opts): + + if node is None: + return +- path = "{}.p".format(os.path.join(prov_dir, node)) ++ path = f"{os.path.join(prov_dir, node)}.p" + + if not os.path.exists(path): + event_data = _strip_cache_events(new_data, opts) +@@ -3198,7 +3160,7 @@ def diff_node_cache(prov_dir, node, new_data, opts): + fire_event( + "event", + "new node found", +- "salt/cloud/{}/cache_node_new".format(node), ++ f"salt/cloud/{node}/cache_node_new", + args={"new_data": event_data}, + sock_dir=opts.get("sock_dir", os.path.join(__opts__["sock_dir"], "master")), + transport=opts.get("transport", "zeromq"), +@@ -3222,7 +3184,7 @@ def diff_node_cache(prov_dir, node, new_data, opts): + fire_event( + "event", + "node data differs", +- "salt/cloud/{}/cache_node_diff".format(node), ++ f"salt/cloud/{node}/cache_node_diff", + args={ + "new_data": _strip_cache_events(new_data, opts), + "cache_data": _strip_cache_events(cache_data, opts), +@@ -3266,7 +3228,7 @@ def _salt_cloud_force_ascii(exc): + errors. + """ + if not isinstance(exc, (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeTranslateError)): +- raise TypeError("Can't handle {}".format(exc)) ++ raise TypeError(f"Can't handle {exc}") + + unicode_trans = { + # Convert non-breaking space to space +@@ -3326,7 +3288,7 @@ def store_password_in_keyring(credential_id, username, password=None): + + # pylint: enable=import-error + if password is None: +- prompt = "Please enter password for {}: ".format(credential_id) ++ prompt = f"Please enter password for {credential_id}: " + try: + password = getpass.getpass(prompt) + except EOFError: +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index 91c5cbf08ed..26f2e85c2ee 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ and the like, but also useful for basic HTTP testing. + .. versionadded:: 2015.5.0 + """ + +-import cgi ++import email.message + import gzip + import http.client + import http.cookiejar +@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ except ImportError: + HAS_CERTIFI = False + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) +-USERAGENT = "Salt/{}".format(salt.version.__version__) ++USERAGENT = f"Salt/{salt.version.__version__}" + + + def __decompressContent(coding, pgctnt): +@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ def query( + formdata_fieldname=None, + formdata_filename=None, + decode_body=True, +- **kwargs ++ **kwargs, + ): + """ + Query a resource, and decode the return data +@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ def query( + auth = (username, password) + + if agent == USERAGENT: +- agent = "{} http.query()".format(agent) ++ agent = f"{agent} http.query()" + header_dict["User-agent"] = agent + + if backend == "requests": +@@ -360,14 +360,14 @@ def query( + url, + params=params, + files={formdata_fieldname: (formdata_filename, io.StringIO(data))}, +- **req_kwargs ++ **req_kwargs, + ) + else: + result = sess.request(method, url, params=params, data=data, **req_kwargs) + result.raise_for_status() + if stream is True: + # fake a HTTP response header +- header_callback("HTTP/1.0 {} MESSAGE".format(result.status_code)) ++ header_callback(f"HTTP/1.0 {result.status_code} MESSAGE") + # fake streaming the content + streaming_callback(result.content) + return { +@@ -483,15 +483,12 @@ def query( + result_headers = dict( + result_text = + if "Content-Type" in result_headers: +- res_content_type, res_params = cgi.parse_header( +- result_headers["Content-Type"] +- ) +- if ( +- res_content_type.startswith("text/") +- and "charset" in res_params +- and not isinstance(result_text, str) +- ): +- result_text = result_text.decode(res_params["charset"]) ++ msg = email.message.EmailMessage() ++ msg.add_header("Content-Type", result_headers["Content-Type"]) ++ if msg.get_content_type().startswith("text/"): ++ content_charset = msg.get_content_charset() ++ if content_charset and not isinstance(result_text, str): ++ result_text = result_text.decode(content_charset) + if isinstance(result_text, bytes) and decode_body: + result_text = result_text.decode("utf-8") + ret["body"] = result_text +@@ -636,15 +633,12 @@ def query( + result_headers = result.headers + result_text = result.body + if "Content-Type" in result_headers: +- res_content_type, res_params = cgi.parse_header( +- result_headers["Content-Type"] +- ) +- if ( +- res_content_type.startswith("text/") +- and "charset" in res_params +- and not isinstance(result_text, str) +- ): +- result_text = result_text.decode(res_params["charset"]) ++ msg = email.message.EmailMessage() ++ msg.add_header("Content-Type", result_headers["Content-Type"]) ++ if msg.get_content_type().startswith("text/"): ++ content_charset = msg.get_content_charset() ++ if content_charset and not isinstance(result_text, str): ++ result_text = result_text.decode(content_charset) + if isinstance(result_text, bytes) and decode_body: + result_text = result_text.decode("utf-8") + ret["body"] = result_text +@@ -1038,12 +1032,12 @@ def _sanitize_url_components(comp_list, field): + """ + if not comp_list: + return "" +- elif comp_list[0].startswith("{}=".format(field)): +- ret = "{}=XXXXXXXXXX&".format(field) ++ elif comp_list[0].startswith(f"{field}="): ++ ret = f"{field}=XXXXXXXXXX&" + comp_list.remove(comp_list[0]) + return ret + _sanitize_url_components(comp_list, field) + else: +- ret = "{}&".format(comp_list[0]) ++ ret = f"{comp_list[0]}&" + comp_list.remove(comp_list[0]) + return ret + _sanitize_url_components(comp_list, field) + +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index a6a8a279605..d90957a0087 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -2,13 +2,12 @@ + Jinja loading utils to enable a more powerful backend for jinja templates + """ + +- + import itertools + import logging + import os.path +-import pipes + import pprint + import re ++import shlex + import time + import uuid + import warnings +@@ -242,11 +241,11 @@ class PrintableDict(OrderedDict): + if isinstance(value, str): + # keeps quotes around strings + # pylint: disable=repr-flag-used-in-string +- output.append("{!r}: {!r}".format(key, value)) ++ output.append(f"{key!r}: {value!r}") + # pylint: enable=repr-flag-used-in-string + else: + # let default output +- output.append("{!r}: {!s}".format(key, value)) ++ output.append(f"{key!r}: {value!s}") + return "{" + ", ".join(output) + "}" + + def __repr__(self): # pylint: disable=W0221 +@@ -255,7 +254,7 @@ class PrintableDict(OrderedDict): + # Raw string formatter required here because this is a repr + # function. + # pylint: disable=repr-flag-used-in-string +- output.append("{!r}: {!r}".format(key, value)) ++ output.append(f"{key!r}: {value!r}") + # pylint: enable=repr-flag-used-in-string + return "{" + ", ".join(output) + "}" + +@@ -441,7 +440,7 @@ def quote(txt): + + 'my_text' + """ +- return pipes.quote(txt) ++ return shlex.quote(txt) + + + @jinja_filter() +@@ -1095,13 +1094,13 @@ class SerializerExtension(Extension): + # to the stringified version of the exception. + msg += str(exc) + else: +- msg += "{}\n".format(problem) ++ msg += f"{problem}\n" + msg += salt.utils.stringutils.get_context( + buf, line, marker=" <======================" + ) + raise TemplateRuntimeError(msg) + except AttributeError: +- raise TemplateRuntimeError("Unable to load yaml from {}".format(value)) ++ raise TemplateRuntimeError(f"Unable to load yaml from {value}") + + def load_json(self, value): + if isinstance(value, TemplateModule): +@@ -1109,7 +1108,7 @@ class SerializerExtension(Extension): + try: + return salt.utils.json.loads(value) + except (ValueError, TypeError, AttributeError): +- raise TemplateRuntimeError("Unable to load json from {}".format(value)) ++ raise TemplateRuntimeError(f"Unable to load json from {value}") + + def load_text(self, value): + if isinstance(value, TemplateModule): +@@ -1144,7 +1143,7 @@ class SerializerExtension(Extension): + return self._parse_profile_block(parser, label, "profile block", body, lineno) + + def _create_profile_id(self, parser): +- return "_salt_profile_{}".format(parser.free_identifier().name) ++ return f"_salt_profile_{parser.free_identifier().name}" + + def _profile_start(self, label, source): + return (label, source, time.time()) +@@ -1186,7 +1185,7 @@ class SerializerExtension(Extension): + filter_name = + lineno = next( + if filter_name not in self.environment.filters: +-"Unable to parse {}".format(filter_name), lineno) ++"Unable to parse {filter_name}", lineno) + +"name:as") + target = parser.parse_assign_target() +@@ -1225,7 +1224,7 @@ class SerializerExtension(Extension): + nodes.Name(target, "store").set_lineno(lineno), + nodes.Filter( + nodes.Name(target, "load").set_lineno(lineno), +- "load_{}".format(converter), ++ f"load_{converter}", + [], + [], + None, +@@ -1234,7 +1233,7 @@ class SerializerExtension(Extension): + ).set_lineno(lineno), + ] + return self._parse_profile_block( +- parser, import_node.template, "import_{}".format(converter), body, lineno ++ parser, import_node.template, f"import_{converter}", body, lineno + ) + + def dict_to_sls_yaml_params(self, value, flow_style=False): +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index 8017958d5de..a380ddbe7a2 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@ + """ + the locale utils used by salt + """ +- +- ++import locale + import sys + + from salt.utils.decorators import memoize as real_memoize +@@ -83,3 +82,39 @@ def normalize_locale(loc): + comps["codeset"] = comps["codeset"].lower().replace("-", "") + comps["charmap"] = "" + return join_locale(comps) ++ ++ ++def getdefaultlocale(envvars=("LC_ALL", "LC_CTYPE", "LANG", "LANGUAGE")): ++ """ ++ This function was backported from Py3.11 which started triggering a ++ deprecation warning about it's removal in 3.13. ++ """ ++ try: ++ # check if it's supported by the _locale module ++ import _locale ++ ++ code, encoding = _locale._getdefaultlocale() ++ except (ImportError, AttributeError): ++ pass ++ else: ++ # make sure the code/encoding values are valid ++ if sys.platform == "win32" and code and code[:2] == "0x": ++ # map windows language identifier to language name ++ code = locale.windows_locale.get(int(code, 0)) ++ # ...add other platform-specific processing here, if ++ # necessary... ++ return code, encoding ++ ++ # fall back on POSIX behaviour ++ import os ++ ++ lookup = os.environ.get ++ for variable in envvars: ++ localename = lookup(variable, None) ++ if localename: ++ if variable == "LANGUAGE": ++ localename = localename.split(":")[0] ++ break ++ else: ++ localename = "C" ++ return locale._parse_localename(localename) +diff --git a/tests/integration/states/ b/tests/integration/states/ +index 660c3f62d6a..46ffc9b4115 100644 +--- a/tests/integration/states/ ++++ b/tests/integration/states/ +@@ -24,6 +24,20 @@ class SSHAuthStateTests(ModuleCase, SaltReturnAssertsMixin): + user_ssh_dir = os.path.join(userdetails["home"], ".ssh") + authorized_keys_file = os.path.join(user_ssh_dir, "authorized_keys") + ++ key1 = ( ++ # Explicit no ending line break ++ "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQC3dd5ACsvJhnIOrn6bSOkX5" ++ "KyVDpTYsVAaJj3AmEo6Fr5cHXJFJoJS+Ld8K5vCscPzuXashdYUdrhL1E5Liz" ++ "bza+zneQ5AkJ7sn2NXymD6Bbra+infO4NgnQXbGMp/NyY65jbQGqJeQ081iEV" ++ f"YbDP2zXp6fmrqqmFCaakZfGRbVw== root" ++ ) ++ key2 = ( ++ "AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQC7h77HyBPCUDONCs5bI/PrrPwyYJegl0" ++ "f9YWLaBofVYOUl/uSv1ux8zjIoLVs4kguY1ihtIoK2kho4YsjNtIaAd6twdua9" ++ "oqCg2g/54cIK/8WbIjwnb3LFRgyTG5DFuj+7526EdJycAZvhSzIZYui3RUj4Vp" ++ "eMoF7mcB6TIK2/2w==" ++ ) ++ + ret = self.run_state( + "file.managed", + name=authorized_keys_file, +@@ -31,23 +45,22 @@ class SSHAuthStateTests(ModuleCase, SaltReturnAssertsMixin): + makedirs=True, + contents_newline=False, + # Explicit no ending line break +- contents="ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBAL0sQ9fJ5bYTEyY== root", ++ contents=key1, + ) + + ret = self.run_state( + "ssh_auth.present", +- name="AAAAB3NzaC1kcQ9J5bYTEyZ==", ++ name=key2, + enc="ssh-rsa", + user=username, + comment=username, + ) + self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret) +- self.assertSaltStateChangesEqual(ret, {"AAAAB3NzaC1kcQ9J5bYTEyZ==": "New"}) ++ self.assertSaltStateChangesEqual(ret, {key2: "New"}) + with salt.utils.files.fopen(authorized_keys_file, "r") as fhr: + self.assertEqual( +, +- "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBAL0sQ9fJ5bYTEyY== root\n" +- "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1kcQ9J5bYTEyZ== {}\n".format(username), ++ f"{key1}\nssh-rsa {key2} {username}\n", + ) + + @pytest.mark.destructive_test +@@ -60,39 +73,48 @@ class SSHAuthStateTests(ModuleCase, SaltReturnAssertsMixin): + authorized_keys_file = os.path.join(user_ssh_dir, "authorized_keys") + + key_fname = "" ++ key_contents = ( ++ "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQC3dd5ACsvJhnIOrn6bSOkX5" ++ "KyVDpTYsVAaJj3AmEo6Fr5cHXJFJoJS+Ld8K5vCscPzuXashdYUdrhL1E5Liz" ++ "bza+zneQ5AkJ7sn2NXymD6Bbra+infO4NgnQXbGMp/NyY65jbQGqJeQ081iEV" ++ f"YbDP2zXp6fmrqqmFCaakZfGRbVw== {username}\n" ++ ) + + # Create the keyfile that we expect to get back on the state call + with salt.utils.files.fopen( + os.path.join(RUNTIME_VARS.TMP_PRODENV_STATE_TREE, key_fname), "w" + ) as kfh: +- kfh.write("ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1kcQ9J5bYTEyZ== {}\n".format(username)) ++ kfh.write(key_contents) + + # Create a bogus key file on base environment + with salt.utils.files.fopen( + os.path.join(RUNTIME_VARS.TMP_STATE_TREE, key_fname), "w" + ) as kfh: +- kfh.write("ssh-rsa BAAAB3NzaC1kcQ9J5bYTEyZ== {}\n".format(username)) ++ kfh.write( ++ "ssh-rsa A!AAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQC3dd5ACsvJhnIOrn6bSOkX5" ++ "KyVDpTYsVAaJj3AmEo6Fr5cHXJFJoJS+Ld8K5vCscPzuXashdYUdrhL1E5Liz" ++ "bza+zneQ5AkJ7sn2NXymD6Bbra+infO4NgnQXbGMp/NyY65jbQGqJeQ081iEV" ++ f"YbDP2zXp6fmrqqmFCaakZfGRbVw== {username}\n" ++ ) + + ret = self.run_state( + "ssh_auth.present", + name="Setup Keys", +- source="salt://{}?saltenv=prod".format(key_fname), ++ source=f"salt://{key_fname}?saltenv=prod", + enc="ssh-rsa", + user=username, + comment=username, + ) + self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret) + with salt.utils.files.fopen(authorized_keys_file, "r") as fhr: +- self.assertEqual( +-, "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1kcQ9J5bYTEyZ== {}\n".format(username) +- ) ++ self.assertEqual(, key_contents) + + os.unlink(authorized_keys_file) + + ret = self.run_state( + "ssh_auth.present", + name="Setup Keys", +- source="salt://{}".format(key_fname), ++ source=f"salt://{key_fname}", + enc="ssh-rsa", + user=username, + comment=username, +@@ -100,6 +122,4 @@ class SSHAuthStateTests(ModuleCase, SaltReturnAssertsMixin): + ) + self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret) + with salt.utils.files.fopen(authorized_keys_file, "r") as fhr: +- self.assertEqual( +-, "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1kcQ9J5bYTEyZ== {}\n".format(username) +- ) ++ self.assertEqual(, key_contents) +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/state/ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/state/ +index 7c42646bcf7..cff66defa9d 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/state/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/state/ +@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ def test_show_states_missing_sls(): + chunks_mock = MagicMock(side_effect=[msg]) + mock = MagicMock(side_effect=["A", None]) + with patch.object(state, "_check_queue", mock), patch( +- "salt.state.HighState.compile_low_chunks", chunks_mock ++ "salt.modules.state.salt.state.HighState.compile_low_chunks", chunks_mock + ): + assert state.show_low_sls("foo") == "A" + assert state.show_states("foo") == [msg[0]] +diff --git a/tests/unit/states/ b/tests/unit/states/ +index a705bd30285..4853c24ca07 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/states/ ++++ b/tests/unit/states/ +@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ + + + import logging +-from inspect import ArgSpec ++from inspect import FullArgSpec + + import salt.states.module as module + from import LoaderModuleMockMixin +@@ -117,11 +117,25 @@ class ModuleStateTest(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + + @classmethod + def setUpClass(cls): +- cls.aspec = ArgSpec( +- args=["hello", "world"], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=False ++ cls.aspec = FullArgSpec( ++ args=["hello", "world"], ++ varargs=None, ++ varkw=None, ++ defaults=False, ++ kwonlyargs=None, ++ kwonlydefaults=None, ++ annotations=None, + ) + +- cls.bspec = ArgSpec(args=[], varargs="names", keywords="kwargs", defaults=None) ++ cls.bspec = FullArgSpec( ++ args=[], ++ varargs="names", ++ varkw=None, ++ defaults=None, ++ kwonlyargs="kwargs", ++ kwonlydefaults=None, ++ annotations=None, ++ ) + + @classmethod + def tearDownClass(cls): +@@ -137,8 +151,8 @@ class ModuleStateTest(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + module.__opts__, {"use_superseded": [""]} + ): + ret =**{CMD: None}) +- if ret["comment"] != "Unavailable function: {}.".format(CMD) or ret["result"]: +-" did not fail as expected: {}".format(ret)) ++ if ret["comment"] != f"Unavailable function: {CMD}." or ret["result"]: ++" did not fail as expected: {ret}") + + def test_run_module_not_available_testmode(self): + """ +@@ -151,10 +165,10 @@ class ModuleStateTest(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + ): + ret =**{CMD: None}) + if ( +- ret["comment"] != "Unavailable function: {}.".format(CMD) ++ ret["comment"] != f"Unavailable function: {CMD}." + or ret["result"] is not False + ): +-" did not fail as expected: {}".format(ret)) ++" did not fail as expected: {ret}") + + def test_run_module_noop(self): + """ +@@ -166,7 +180,7 @@ class ModuleStateTest(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + ): + ret = + if ret["comment"] != "No function provided." or ret["result"] is not False: +-" did not fail as expected: {}".format(ret)) ++" did not fail as expected: {ret}") + + def test_module_run_hidden_varargs(self): + """ +@@ -189,10 +203,10 @@ class ModuleStateTest(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + ): + ret =**{CMD: None}) + if ( +- ret["comment"] != "Function {} to be executed.".format(CMD) ++ ret["comment"] != f"Function {CMD} to be executed." + or ret["result"] is not None + ): +-" failed: {}".format(ret)) ++" failed: {ret}") + + def test_run_missing_arg(self): + """ +@@ -203,9 +217,7 @@ class ModuleStateTest(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + module.__opts__, {"use_superseded": [""]} + ): + ret =**{CMD: None}) +- self.assertEqual( +- ret["comment"], "'{}' failed: Missing arguments: name".format(CMD) +- ) ++ self.assertEqual(ret["comment"], f"'{CMD}' failed: Missing arguments: name") + + def test_run_correct_arg(self): + """ +@@ -216,8 +228,8 @@ class ModuleStateTest(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + module.__opts__, {"use_superseded": [""]} + ): + ret =**{CMD: ["Fred"]}) +- if ret["comment"] != "{}: Success".format(CMD) or not ret["result"]: +-" failed: {}".format(ret)) ++ if ret["comment"] != f"{CMD}: Success" or not ret["result"]: ++" failed: {ret}") + + def test_run_state_apply_result_false(self): + """ +@@ -294,9 +306,7 @@ class ModuleStateTest(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + ): + ret =**{CMD: ["bla", {"example": "bla"}]}) + self.assertFalse(ret["result"]) +- self.assertEqual( +- ret["comment"], "'{}' failed: Missing arguments: arg2".format(CMD) +- ) ++ self.assertEqual(ret["comment"], f"'{CMD}' failed: Missing arguments: arg2") + + def test_run_42270_kwargs_to_args(self): + """ +@@ -390,9 +400,7 @@ class ModuleStateTest(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + with patch.dict(module.__salt__, {}, clear=True): + ret = module._legacy_run(CMD) + self.assertFalse(ret["result"]) +- self.assertEqual( +- ret["comment"], "Module function {} is not available".format(CMD) +- ) ++ self.assertEqual(ret["comment"], f"Module function {CMD} is not available") + + def test_module_run_test_true(self): + """ +@@ -400,9 +408,7 @@ class ModuleStateTest(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + """ + with patch.dict(module.__opts__, {"test": True}): + ret = module._legacy_run(CMD) +- self.assertEqual( +- ret["comment"], "Module function {} is set to execute".format(CMD) +- ) ++ self.assertEqual(ret["comment"], f"Module function {CMD} is set to execute") + + def test_module_run_missing_arg(self): + """ +diff --git a/tests/unit/ b/tests/unit/ +index b454882f06c..96fe2a54595 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/ ++++ b/tests/unit/ +@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ class TransportMethodsTest(TestCase): + "__format__", + "__ge__", + "__getattribute__", ++ "__getstate__", + "__gt__", + "__hash__", + "__init__", +@@ -71,9 +72,9 @@ class TransportMethodsTest(TestCase): + "__sizeof__", + "__str__", + "__subclasshook__", ++ "destroy", + "get_method", + "run_func", +- "destroy", + ] + for name in dir(aes_funcs): + if name in aes_funcs.expose_methods: +@@ -108,6 +109,7 @@ class TransportMethodsTest(TestCase): + "__format__", + "__ge__", + "__getattribute__", ++ "__getstate__", + "__gt__", + "__hash__", + "__init__", +@@ -128,9 +130,9 @@ class TransportMethodsTest(TestCase): + "_prep_pub", + "_send_pub", + "_send_ssh_pub", +- "get_method", +- "destroy", + "connect", ++ "destroy", ++ "get_method", + ] + for name in dir(clear_funcs): + if name in clear_funcs.expose_methods: +-- +2.44.0 + diff --git a/fix-salt.utils.stringutils.to_str-calls-to-make-it-w.patch b/fix-salt.utils.stringutils.to_str-calls-to-make-it-w.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea63d91 --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-salt.utils.stringutils.to_str-calls-to-make-it-w.patch @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +From b4b2c59bfd479d59faeaf0e4d26d672828a519c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2020 15:09:41 +0300 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix salt.utils.stringutils.to_str calls to make it + working with numeric uid/gid + +Fix upstream tests to work with 3006. +--- + salt/modules/ | 22 ++++++++++++------- + salt/states/ | 11 ++++++++-- + .../unit/modules/file/ | 10 ++++----- + 3 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 4612d65511..55b236fe41 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -5127,14 +5127,20 @@ def check_perms( + is_dir = os.path.isdir(name) + is_link = os.path.islink(name) + ++ def __safe_to_str(s): ++ try: ++ return salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(s) ++ except: ++ return salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(str(s)) ++ + # Check and make user/group/mode changes, then verify they were successful + if user: + if ( + salt.utils.platform.is_windows() and not user_to_uid(user) == cur["uid"] + ) or ( + not salt.utils.platform.is_windows() +- and not salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(user) == cur["user"] +- and not salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(user) == cur["uid"] ++ and not __safe_to_str(user) == cur["user"] ++ and not user == cur["uid"] + ): + perms["cuser"] = user + +@@ -5143,8 +5149,8 @@ def check_perms( + salt.utils.platform.is_windows() and not group_to_gid(group) == cur["gid"] + ) or ( + not salt.utils.platform.is_windows() +- and not salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(group) == cur["group"] +- and not salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(group) == cur["gid"] ++ and not __safe_to_str(group) == cur["group"] ++ and not group == cur["gid"] + ): + perms["cgroup"] = group + +@@ -5188,8 +5194,8 @@ def check_perms( + salt.utils.platform.is_windows() and not user_to_uid(user) == post["uid"] + ) or ( + not salt.utils.platform.is_windows() +- and not salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(user) == post["user"] +- and not salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(user) == post["uid"] ++ and not __safe_to_str(user) == post["user"] ++ and not user == post["uid"] + ): + if __opts__["test"] is True: + ret["changes"]["user"] = user +@@ -5204,8 +5210,8 @@ def check_perms( + salt.utils.platform.is_windows() and not group_to_gid(group) == post["gid"] + ) or ( + not salt.utils.platform.is_windows() +- and not salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(group) == post["group"] +- and not salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(group) == post["gid"] ++ and not __safe_to_str(group) == post["group"] ++ and not group == post["gid"] + ): + if __opts__["test"] is True: + ret["changes"]["group"] = group +diff --git a/salt/states/ b/salt/states/ +index 024e5e34ce..9630ff7096 100644 +--- a/salt/states/ ++++ b/salt/states/ +@@ -864,15 +864,22 @@ def _check_dir_meta(name, user, group, mode, follow_symlinks=False): + if not stats: + changes["directory"] = "new" + return changes ++ ++ def __safe_to_str(s): ++ try: ++ return salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(s) ++ except: ++ return salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(str(s)) ++ + if ( + user is not None +- and salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(user) != stats["user"] ++ and __safe_to_str(user) != stats["user"] + and user != stats.get("uid") + ): + changes["user"] = user + if ( + group is not None +- and salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(group) != stats["group"] ++ and __safe_to_str(group) != stats["group"] + and group != stats.get("gid") + ): + changes["group"] = group +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/file/ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/file/ +index ce86acd7fc..2294e6760b 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/file/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/file/ +@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ def configure_loader_modules(): + return { + filemod: { + "__context__": {}, +- "__opts__": {"test": False}, ++ "__opts__": {"test": True}, + } + } + +@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ def test_check_managed_changes_follow_symlinks(a_link, tfile): + ), + # no user/group changes needed by id + ( +- {"user": 3001, "group": 4001}, ++ {"user": 2001, "group": 1001}, + {}, + ), + ], +@@ -184,9 +184,9 @@ def test_check_perms_user_group_name_and_id(input, expected): + stat_out = { + "user": "luser", + "group": "lgroup", +- "uid": 3001, +- "gid": 4001, +- "mode": "123", ++ "uid": 2001, ++ "gid": 1001, ++ "mode": "0123", + } + + patch_stats = patch( +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/fix-some-issues-detected-in-salt-support-cli-module-.patch b/fix-some-issues-detected-in-salt-support-cli-module-.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d0de813 --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-some-issues-detected-in-salt-support-cli-module-.patch @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +From 38de9af6bd243d35464713e0ee790255d3b40a7e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2023 13:02:51 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix some issues detected in "salt-support" CLI, module + and tests (bsc#1211591) (#580) + +* saltsupport: avoid debug traceback due missing import + +* Use yaml and json wrappers provides by Salt utils + +* Remove unnecessary call to deprecated setup_logfile_logger + +* Move unittest saltsupport tests to proper place + +* Fix test assertion error due wrong capturing of message +--- + salt/cli/support/ | 4 ++-- + salt/cli/support/ | 6 ++---- + tests/{pytests => }/unit/cli/ | 0 + tests/unit/modules/ | 6 +++--- + 4 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) + rename tests/{pytests => }/unit/cli/ (100%) + +diff --git a/salt/cli/support/ b/salt/cli/support/ +index 59c2609e07..0a7da72e93 100644 +--- a/salt/cli/support/ ++++ b/salt/cli/support/ +@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import os + + import jinja2 + import salt.exceptions +-import yaml ++import salt.utils.yaml + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + +@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ def get_profile(profile, caller, runner): + try: + rendered_template = _render_profile(profile_path, caller, runner) + log.debug("\n{d}\n{t}\n{d}\n".format(d="-" * 80, t=rendered_template)) +- data.update(yaml.load(rendered_template)) ++ data.update(salt.utils.yaml.load(rendered_template)) + except Exception as ex: + log.debug(ex, exc_info=True) + raise salt.exceptions.SaltException( +diff --git a/salt/cli/support/ b/salt/cli/support/ +index 1879cc5220..0ba987580c 100644 +--- a/salt/cli/support/ ++++ b/salt/cli/support/ +@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ + import builtins as exceptions + import copy +-import json + import logging + import os + import sys +@@ -16,10 +15,10 @@ import + import + import salt.defaults.exitcodes + import salt.exceptions +-import salt.ext.six as six + import salt.output.table_out + import salt.runner + import salt.utils.files ++import salt.utils.json + import salt.utils.parsers + import salt.utils.platform + import salt.utils.process +@@ -169,7 +168,7 @@ class SupportDataCollector: + content = None + + if content is None: +- data = json.loads(json.dumps(data)) ++ data = salt.utils.json.loads(salt.utils.json.dumps(data)) + if isinstance(data, dict) and data.get("return"): + data = data.get("return") + content = yaml.safe_dump(data, default_flow_style=False, indent=4) +@@ -506,7 +505,6 @@ class SaltSupport(salt.utils.parsers.SaltSupportOptionParser): + self.out.error(ex) + else: + if self.config["log_level"] not in ("quiet",): +- self.setup_logfile_logger() + salt.utils.verify.verify_log(self.config) + = log # Pass update logger so trace is available + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/cli/ b/tests/unit/cli/ +similarity index 100% +rename from tests/pytests/unit/cli/ +rename to tests/unit/cli/ +diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/ +index 4ef04246b9..2afdd69b3e 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/unit/modules/ +@@ -251,8 +251,8 @@ professor: Farnsworth + with pytest.raises(salt.exceptions.SaltInvocationError) as err: + support.sync("group-name") + assert ( +- ' Support archive "/mnt/storage/three-support-222-222.bz2" was not found' +- in str(err) ++ 'Support archive "/mnt/storage/three-support-222-222.bz2" was not found' ++ in str(err.value) + ) + + @patch("tempfile.mkstemp", MagicMock(return_value=(0, "dummy"))) +@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ professor: Farnsworth + + with pytest.raises(salt.exceptions.SaltInvocationError) as err: + support.sync("group-name", name="lost.bz2") +- assert ' Support archive "lost.bz2" was not found' in str(err) ++ assert 'Support archive "lost.bz2" was not found' in str(err.value) + + @patch("tempfile.mkstemp", MagicMock(return_value=(0, "dummy"))) + @patch("os.path.exists", MagicMock(return_value=False)) +-- +2.41.0 + + diff --git a/fix-status.diskusage-and-exclude-some-tests-to-run-w.patch b/fix-status.diskusage-and-exclude-some-tests-to-run-w.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..604d58c --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-status.diskusage-and-exclude-some-tests-to-run-w.patch @@ -0,0 +1,243 @@ +From 4555f215614c2f2d5c4b5c376264df9b3f23a55b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2024 15:55:31 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix "status.diskusage" and exclude some tests to run + when testing Salt Bundle (#659) + +* Show warning instead of crashing when stats cannot be fetched + +* Skip tests that are not compatible with Salt Bundle + +* test_syndic_eauth: do not produce error if docker service is not running + +* test_cmdmod: assert properly in case of DeprecationsWarnings + +* Include path as part of output in case of errors + +Co-authored-by: Marek Czernek + +--------- + +Co-authored-by: Marek Czernek +--- + salt/modules/ | 14 +++++++++----- + tests/integration/modules/ | 5 +++++ + tests/integration/ssh/ | 5 +++++ + tests/pytests/functional/modules/ | 4 ++++ + .../functional/modules/ | 5 +++++ + tests/pytests/functional/states/ | 4 ++++ + tests/pytests/integration/cli/ | 3 +++ + tests/pytests/integration/modules/ | 4 +++- + .../pytests/integration/netapi/ | 6 ++++++ + tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ | 9 +++++++++ + tests/unit/utils/ | 4 ++++ + 11 files changed, 57 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 33e5d7b8df5..8d6241a9dce 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -1053,11 +1053,15 @@ def diskusage(*args): + ret = {} + for path in selected: + if os.path.exists(path): +- fsstats = os.statvfs(path) +- blksz = fsstats.f_bsize +- available = fsstats.f_bavail * blksz +- total = fsstats.f_blocks * blksz +- ret[path] = {"available": available, "total": total} ++ try: ++ fsstats = os.statvfs(path) ++ blksz = fsstats.f_bsize ++ available = fsstats.f_bavail * blksz ++ total = fsstats.f_blocks * blksz ++ ret[path] = {"available": available, "total": total} ++ except OSError as exc: ++ log.warning("Cannot get stats from '{}': {}".format(path, exc)) ++ ret[path] = {"available": None, "total": None} + return ret + + +diff --git a/tests/integration/modules/ b/tests/integration/modules/ +index d57e9cd2aea..85045dec90b 100644 +--- a/tests/integration/modules/ ++++ b/tests/integration/modules/ +@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import os + import pprint + import re + import shutil ++import sys + import tempfile + + import pytest +@@ -16,6 +17,10 @@ from import RUNTIME_VARS + + + @pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing(*KNOWN_BINARY_NAMES, check_all=False) ++@pytest.mark.skipif( ++ "venv-salt-minion" in sys.executable, ++ reason="Skipping for Salt Bundle (tests are not compatible)", ++) + @pytest.mark.windows_whitelisted + class PipModuleTest(ModuleCase): + def setUp(self): +diff --git a/tests/integration/ssh/ b/tests/integration/ssh/ +index 69245454e85..daa478b45be 100644 +--- a/tests/integration/ssh/ ++++ b/tests/integration/ssh/ +@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import glob + import logging + import os + import shutil ++import sys + import threading + import time + +@@ -18,6 +19,10 @@ log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + + @pytest.mark.slow_test ++@pytest.mark.skipif( ++ "venv-salt-minion" in sys.executable, ++ reason="Skipping for Salt Bundle (tests are not compatible)", ++) + class SSHStateTest(SSHCase): + """ + testing the state system with salt-ssh +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +index e04baa7c43f..1f0104e3e6d 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +@@ -23,6 +23,10 @@ from import VirtualEnv + @pytest.mark.requires_network + @pytest.mark.slow_test + @pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("virtualenv", reason="Needs virtualenv binary") ++@pytest.mark.skipif( ++ "venv-salt-minion" in sys.executable, ++ reason="Skipping for Salt Bundle (tests are not compatible)", ++) + def test_list_available_packages(modules, pip_version, tmp_path): + with VirtualEnv(venv_dir=tmp_path, pip_requirement=pip_version) as virtualenv: + virtualenv.install("-U", pip_version) +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +index 2b6abf91e23..69e1866c6e3 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ + import shutil ++import sys + + import pytest + +@@ -68,6 +69,10 @@ def test_clear(virtualenv, venv_dir, modules): + bool(salt.utils.path.which("transactional-update")), + reason="Skipping on transactional systems", + ) ++@pytest.mark.skipif( ++ "venv-salt-minion" in sys.executable, ++ reason="Skipping for Salt Bundle (tests are not compatible)", ++) + def test_virtualenv_ver(virtualenv, venv_dir): + ret = virtualenv.create(str(venv_dir)) + assert ret +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/ +index 1f2080f1f86..28c1f9fd1f3 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/ +@@ -84,6 +84,10 @@ def create_virtualenv(modules): + bool(salt.utils.path.which("transactional-update")), + reason="Skipping on transactional systems", + ) ++@pytest.mark.skipif( ++ "venv-salt-minion" in sys.executable, ++ reason="Skipping for Salt Bundle (tests are not compatible)", ++) + def test_pip_installed_removed(modules, states): + """ + Tests installed and removed states +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/cli/ b/tests/pytests/integration/cli/ +index dde4c25bc91..f2d36c13abb 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/integration/cli/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/cli/ +@@ -68,6 +68,9 @@ def syndic_network(): + try: + network = client.networks.create(name="syndic_test_net", ipam=ipam_config) + yield ++ except Exception as e: ++ # Docker failed, it's gonna be an environment issue, let's just skip ++ pytest.skip(f"Docker failed with error {e}") + finally: + if network is not None: + network.remove() +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ b/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ +index d0b993ddbcf..20a6f808933 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ +@@ -75,7 +75,9 @@ def test_blacklist_glob(salt_call_cli): + ) + + assert ( +- ret.stderr.rstrip() ++ ret.stderr.rstrip().split("\n")[ ++ -1 ++ ] # Taking only the last line in case of DeprecationWarnings + == "Error running '': The shell command \"bad_command --foo\" is not permitted" + ) + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/netapi/ b/tests/pytests/integration/netapi/ +index 42db6d0eacd..457c151c94f 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/integration/netapi/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/netapi/ +@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ ++import sys ++ + import pytest + + import salt.netapi +@@ -8,6 +10,10 @@ from import patch + pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.slow_test, + pytest.mark.requires_sshd_server, ++ pytest.mark.skipif( ++ "venv-salt-minion" in sys.executable, ++ reason="Skipping for Salt Bundle (tests are not compatible)", ++ ), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ b/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ +new file mode 100644 +index 00000000000..ba6e5f2773a +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ +@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ ++import sys ++ ++import pytest ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture(scope="package", autouse=True) ++def _auto_skip_on_salt_bundle(): ++ if "venv-salt-minion" in sys.executable: ++ pytest.skip("Skipping for Salt Bundle (tests are not compatible)") +diff --git a/tests/unit/utils/ b/tests/unit/utils/ +index c4e9c3b3bef..b31199976c8 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/utils/ ++++ b/tests/unit/utils/ +@@ -1383,6 +1383,10 @@ class SSHThinTestCase(TestCase): + "virtualenv", reason="Needs virtualenv binary" + ) + @pytest.mark.skip_on_windows(reason="salt-ssh does not deploy to/from windows") ++ @pytest.mark.skipif( ++ "venv-salt-minion" in sys.executable, ++ reason="Skipping for Salt Bundle (tests are not compatible)", ++ ) + def test_thin_dir(self): + """ + Test the thin dir to make sure salt-call can run +-- +2.44.0 + + diff --git a/fix-test_debian-to-work-in-our-infrastructure-676.patch b/fix-test_debian-to-work-in-our-infrastructure-676.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d639188 --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-test_debian-to-work-in-our-infrastructure-676.patch @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +From a6d27a6f50bbbea539ec64bf96a5b9755e32bf69 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Marek Czernek +Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2024 13:11:05 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix test_debian to work in our infrastructure (#676) + +--- + tests/pytests/functional/states/pkgrepo/ | 2 +- + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/pkgrepo/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/pkgrepo/ +index 87716706d5e..7bda100b634 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/pkgrepo/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/pkgrepo/ +@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ def ubuntu_state_tree(system_aptsources, state_tree, grains): + - dist: {{ codename }} + - file: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/firefox-beta.list + - keyid: CE49EC21 +- - keyserver: ++ - keyserver: hkp:// + {%- endif %} + + {%- if backports %}{%- do ubuntu_repos.append('kubuntu-ppa') %} +-- +2.46.0 + diff --git a/fix-test_system-flaky-setup_teardown-fn.patch b/fix-test_system-flaky-setup_teardown-fn.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b3cbcd0 --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-test_system-flaky-setup_teardown-fn.patch @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +From 5567f2bd51d66b7797c986cf64f79f71ca57eb63 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Marek Czernek +Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2024 13:10:44 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix test_system flaky setup_teardown fn + +--- + tests/pytests/functional/modules/ | 10 +++++++++- + 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +index 2cd03a3a3e4..270aafbe2cd 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +@@ -4,10 +4,12 @@ import os + import signal + import subprocess + import textwrap ++import time + + import pytest + + import salt.utils.files ++from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError + + INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" + +@@ -80,7 +82,13 @@ def setup_teardown_vars(file, service, system): + file.remove("/etc/machine-info") + + if _systemd_timesyncd_available_: +- res = service.start("systemd-timesyncd") ++ try: ++ res = service.start("systemd-timesyncd") ++ except CommandExecutionError: ++ # We possibly did too many restarts in too short time ++ # Wait 10s (default systemd timeout) and try again ++ time.sleep(10) ++ res = service.start("systemd-timesyncd") + assert res + + +-- +2.46.0 + diff --git a/fix-tests-failures-and-errors-when-detected-on-vm-ex.patch b/fix-tests-failures-and-errors-when-detected-on-vm-ex.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..624a532 --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-tests-failures-and-errors-when-detected-on-vm-ex.patch @@ -0,0 +1,772 @@ +From 737b0bd931c07239d50e7395eb7425c06f485848 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2024 13:03:00 +0000 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix tests failures and errors when detected on VM + execution from Salt Shaker (#636) + +* test_chmod: fix test expectation + +* test_pkg: Adjust package expectation for SUSE family + +* test_docker_network: Skip non-supported operation for SUSE family + +* Fix tests failing due wrong docker-py version + +* test_version: skip test in packaged scenario when is missing + +* Fix issue related to docker version used during testing + +* Fix test errors when is not available + +* test_loader: do not run if is missing + +* test_install: Fix test errors when is not available + +* test_master: use a right service name expected on SUSE family + +* test_jinja_filters: prevent test failure when which binary is not available + +* Prevent errors when x509 utils cannot be loaded + +* test_thin: skip test if virtualenv binary is missing +--- + tests/integration/pillar/ | 12 +++++++++++- + tests/pytests/functional/cache/ | 5 +++++ + tests/pytests/functional/cache/ | 5 +++++ + tests/pytests/functional/loader/ | 9 +++++++++ + .../functional/modules/state/ | 4 ++-- + tests/pytests/functional/modules/ | 2 +- + tests/pytests/functional/modules/ | 8 +++++++- + tests/pytests/functional/modules/ | 2 ++ + tests/pytests/functional/modules/ | 6 +++++- + tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ | 11 +++++++++++ + .../functional/states/rabbitmq/ | 7 ++++++- + .../functional/states/rabbitmq/ | 8 +++++++- + .../functional/states/rabbitmq/ | 7 ++++++- + .../functional/states/rabbitmq/ | 7 ++++++- + .../pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ | 7 ++++++- + .../pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ | 7 ++++++- + .../pytests/functional/states/ | 7 ++++++- + tests/pytests/functional/states/ | 2 +- + tests/pytests/functional/ | 9 +++++++++ + tests/pytests/integration/modules/ | 5 +++++ + tests/pytests/integration/modules/ | 2 +- + tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ | 7 ++++++- + tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ | 2 +- + tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ | 7 ++++++- + tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ | 7 ++++++- + tests/pytests/integration/states/ | 2 +- + tests/pytests/scenarios/setup/ | 8 ++++++++ + tests/pytests/unit/modules/ | 8 ++++++++ + tests/pytests/unit/utils/ | 3 ++- + tests/unit/states/ | 6 ++++++ + tests/unit/utils/ | 3 +++ + 31 files changed, 164 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/tests/integration/pillar/ b/tests/integration/pillar/ +index 5b4cbda95c9..d56785f97c2 100644 +--- a/tests/integration/pillar/ ++++ b/tests/integration/pillar/ +@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ from salt.utils.gitfs import ( + PYGIT2_VERSION, + FileserverConfigError, + ) ++from salt.utils.versions import Version + from import ( # pylint: disable=unused-import + PASSWORD, + USERNAME, +@@ -101,11 +102,20 @@ try: + except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except + HAS_PYGIT2 = False + ++docker = pytest.importorskip("docker") ++ + INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" ++ + pytestmark = [ + SKIP_INITIAL_PHOTONOS_FAILURES, + pytest.mark.skip_on_platforms(windows=True, darwin=True), +- pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Communication problems between containers."), ++ pytest.mark.skipif( ++ INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Communication problems between containers." ++ ), ++ pytest.mark.skipif( ++ Version(docker.__version__) < Version("4.0.0"), ++ reason="Test does not work in this version of docker-py", ++ ), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/cache/ b/tests/pytests/functional/cache/ +index c6e16d2588e..30dc6925f26 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/cache/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/cache/ +@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ from saltfactories.utils import random_string + + import salt.cache + import salt.loader ++from salt.utils.versions import Version + from tests.pytests.functional.cache.helpers import run_common_cache_tests + + docker = pytest.importorskip("docker") +@@ -20,6 +21,10 @@ pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.slow_test, + pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("dockerd"), + pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run in a container"), ++ pytest.mark.skipif( ++ Version(docker.__version__) < Version("4.0.0"), ++ reason="Test does not work in this version of docker-py", ++ ), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/cache/ b/tests/pytests/functional/cache/ +index e15fc732a4a..93c6c7c6f6f 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/cache/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/cache/ +@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import pytest + + import salt.cache + import salt.loader ++from salt.utils.versions import Version + from tests.pytests.functional.cache.helpers import run_common_cache_tests + from import * # pylint: disable=wildcard-import,unused-wildcard-import + +@@ -18,6 +19,10 @@ pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.slow_test, + pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("dockerd"), + pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run in a container"), ++ pytest.mark.skipif( ++ Version(docker.__version__) < Version("4.0.0"), ++ reason="Test does not work in this version of docker-py", ++ ), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/loader/ b/tests/pytests/functional/loader/ +index 963d33f59c3..e81ef126ca3 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/loader/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/loader/ +@@ -1,14 +1,23 @@ + import json ++import os + + import pytest + + from salt.utils.versions import Version + from import SaltVirtualEnv + from import FakeSaltExtension ++from import RUNTIME_VARS ++ ++MISSING_SETUP_PY_FILE = not os.path.exists( ++ os.path.join(RUNTIME_VARS.CODE_DIR, "") ++) + + pytestmark = [ + # These are slow because they create a virtualenv and install salt in it + pytest.mark.slow_test, ++ pytest.mark.skipif( ++ MISSING_SETUP_PY_FILE, reason="This test only work if is available" ++ ), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/state/ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/state/ +index 220310aaaf0..cc8ffcb731b 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/state/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/state/ +@@ -798,9 +798,9 @@ def _filter_id(value): + ), + Filter( + name="which", +- expected={"ret": salt.utils.path.which("which")}, ++ expected={"ret": salt.utils.path.which("ls")}, + sls=""" +- {% set result = 'which' | which() %} ++ {% set result = 'ls' | which() %} + test: + + - name: test.echo +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +index d30b474c6d2..adaf469c283 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ def test_run(cmdmod): + template="jinja", + python_shell=True, + ) +- == "func-tests-minion" ++ == "func-tests-minion-opts" + ) + assert"grep f", stdin="one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\n") == "four\nfive" + assert'echo "a=b" | sed -e s/=/:/g', python_shell=True) == "a:b" +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +index a5b40869352..eb0cc20f9ff 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +@@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ import pytest + from saltfactories.utils import random_string + from saltfactories.utils.functional import StateResult + +-pytest.importorskip("docker") ++from salt.utils.versions import Version ++ ++docker = pytest.importorskip("docker") + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + +@@ -18,6 +20,10 @@ pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.slow_test, + pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("docker", "dockerd", check_all=False), + pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run inside a container"), ++ pytest.mark.skipif( ++ Version(docker.__version__) < Version("4.0.0"), ++ reason="Test does not work in this version of docker-py", ++ ), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +index 707361c227b..7cedd32bf6c 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +@@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ def test_pkg(grains): + _pkg = "units" + elif grains["os_family"] == "Debian": + _pkg = "ifenslave" ++ elif grains["os_family"] == "Suse": ++ _pkg = "wget" + return _pkg + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +index 9dc70f5b3dc..fc3c2b739cd 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +@@ -20,7 +20,11 @@ pytest.importorskip("docker") + def docker_version(shell, grains): + ret ="docker", "--version") + assert ret.returncode == 0 +- return salt.utils.versions.Version(ret.stdout.split(",")[0].split()[-1].strip()) ++ # Example output: ++ # Docker version 24.0.7-ce, build 311b9ff0aa93 ++ return salt.utils.versions.Version( ++ ret.stdout.split(",")[0].split()[-1].split("-")[0].strip() ++ ) + + + @pytest.fixture +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ +index d8ccc1761b8..60f8206a088 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ +@@ -5,8 +5,19 @@ import attr + import pytest + from saltfactories.utils import random_string + ++from salt.utils.versions import Version ++ + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + ++docker = pytest.importorskip("docker") ++ ++pytestmark = [ ++ pytest.mark.skipif( ++ Version(docker.__version__) < Version("4.0.0"), ++ reason="Test does not work in this version of docker-py", ++ ), ++] ++ + + @attr.s(kw_only=True, slots=True) + class RabbitMQImage: +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ +index 210b22a2360..df85f04f78d 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ +@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@ import pytest + + import salt.modules.rabbitmq as rabbitmq + import salt.states.rabbitmq_cluster as rabbitmq_cluster ++from salt.utils.versions import Version + +-pytest.importorskip("docker") ++docker = pytest.importorskip("docker") + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + +@@ -22,6 +23,10 @@ pytestmark = [ + "docker", "dockerd", reason="Docker not installed" + ), + pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run in a container"), ++ pytest.mark.skipif( ++ Version(docker.__version__) < Version("4.0.0"), ++ reason="Test does not work in this version of docker-py", ++ ), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ +index f1191490536..6ed4cdc9238 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ +@@ -9,11 +9,13 @@ import pytest + + import salt.modules.rabbitmq as rabbitmq + import salt.states.rabbitmq_plugin as rabbitmq_plugin ++from salt.utils.versions import Version + from import patch + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + +-pytest.importorskip("docker") ++docker = pytest.importorskip("docker") ++ + + INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" + +@@ -23,6 +25,10 @@ pytestmark = [ + "docker", "dockerd", reason="Docker not installed" + ), + pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run in a container"), ++ pytest.mark.skipif( ++ Version(docker.__version__) < Version("4.0.0"), ++ reason="Test does not work in this version of docker-py", ++ ), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ +index 7ccf6a522e0..c648c9ff947 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ +@@ -9,11 +9,12 @@ import pytest + + import salt.modules.rabbitmq as rabbitmq + import salt.states.rabbitmq_policy as rabbitmq_policy ++from salt.utils.versions import Version + from import MagicMock, patch + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + +-pytest.importorskip("docker") ++docker = pytest.importorskip("docker") + + INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" + +@@ -23,6 +24,10 @@ pytestmark = [ + "docker", "dockerd", reason="Docker not installed" + ), + pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run in a container"), ++ pytest.mark.skipif( ++ Version(docker.__version__) < Version("4.0.0"), ++ reason="Test does not work in this version of docker-py", ++ ), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ +index c7bcf3b0d44..0a9686d6948 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ +@@ -9,10 +9,11 @@ import pytest + + import salt.modules.rabbitmq as rabbitmq + import salt.states.rabbitmq_upstream as rabbitmq_upstream ++from salt.utils.versions import Version + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + +-pytest.importorskip("docker") ++docker = pytest.importorskip("docker") + + INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" + +@@ -22,6 +23,10 @@ pytestmark = [ + "docker", "dockerd", reason="Docker not installed" + ), + pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run in a container"), ++ pytest.mark.skipif( ++ Version(docker.__version__) < Version("4.0.0"), ++ reason="Test does not work in this version of docker-py", ++ ), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ +index 31723df7be8..a6b0766087f 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ +@@ -9,10 +9,11 @@ import pytest + + import salt.modules.rabbitmq as rabbitmq + import salt.states.rabbitmq_user as rabbitmq_user ++from salt.utils.versions import Version + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + +-pytest.importorskip("docker") ++docker = pytest.importorskip("docker") + + INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" + +@@ -22,6 +23,10 @@ pytestmark = [ + "docker", "dockerd", reason="Docker not installed" + ), + pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run in a container"), ++ pytest.mark.skipif( ++ Version(docker.__version__) < Version("4.0.0"), ++ reason="Test does not work in this version of docker-py", ++ ), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ +index d6ac6901a25..f3553c03e58 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/rabbitmq/ +@@ -9,10 +9,11 @@ import pytest + + import salt.modules.rabbitmq as rabbitmq + import salt.states.rabbitmq_vhost as rabbitmq_vhost ++from salt.utils.versions import Version + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + +-pytest.importorskip("docker") ++docker = pytest.importorskip("docker") + + INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" + +@@ -22,6 +23,10 @@ pytestmark = [ + "docker", "dockerd", reason="Docker not installed" + ), + pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run in a container"), ++ pytest.mark.skipif( ++ Version(docker.__version__) < Version("4.0.0"), ++ reason="Test does not work in this version of docker-py", ++ ), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/ +index 0da01ed8bac..19868d03ad1 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/ +@@ -220,10 +220,15 @@ def test_present_with_containers(network, docker, docker_network, container): + + + @pytest.mark.parametrize("reconnect", [True, False]) +-def test_present_with_reconnect(network, docker, docker_network, container, reconnect): ++def test_present_with_reconnect( ++ network, docker, docker_network, container, reconnect, grains ++): + """ + Test reconnecting with containers not passed to state + """ ++ if grains["os_family"] == "Suse": ++ pytest.skip("This test is failing for SUSE family") ++ + with network() as net: + ret = docker_network.present(, driver="bridge") + assert ret.result is True +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/ +index 12318c996d1..864c1d025f3 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/ +@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ def PKG_TARGETS(grains): + else: + _PKG_TARGETS = ["units", "zsh-html"] + elif grains["os_family"] == "Suse": +- _PKG_TARGETS = ["lynx", "htop"] ++ _PKG_TARGETS = ["iotop", "screen"] + return _PKG_TARGETS + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/ b/tests/pytests/functional/ +index dfa8850557e..3b85c05ccc6 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/ +@@ -1,14 +1,23 @@ + import json + import logging ++import os + + import pytest + + from import SaltVirtualEnv + from import FakeSaltExtension ++from import RUNTIME_VARS ++ ++MISSING_SETUP_PY_FILE = not os.path.exists( ++ os.path.join(RUNTIME_VARS.CODE_DIR, "") ++) + + pytestmark = [ + # These are slow because they create a virtualenv and install salt in it + pytest.mark.slow_test, ++ pytest.mark.skipif( ++ MISSING_SETUP_PY_FILE, reason="This test only work if is available" ++ ), + ] + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ b/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ +index 1b7f30154a7..572923764bb 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ +@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ from xml.etree import ElementTree + import pytest + + import salt.version ++from salt.utils.versions import Version + from import SaltVirtMinionContainerFactory + + docker = pytest.importorskip("docker") +@@ -21,6 +22,10 @@ pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.slow_test, + pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("docker"), + pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run in a container"), ++ pytest.mark.skipif( ++ Version(docker.__version__) < Version("4.0.0"), ++ reason="Test does not work in this version of docker-py", ++ ), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ b/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ +index 2fd005778c5..cc8712e45cd 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ +@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ from pathlib import Path + import pytest + from saltfactories.utils import random_string + +-import salt.utils.x509 as x509util ++x509util = pytest.importorskip("salt.utils.x509") + + try: + import cryptography +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ b/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ +index 683feb8bd91..a63dd72373d 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ +@@ -8,9 +8,10 @@ import time + import pytest + from saltfactories.utils import random_string + ++from salt.utils.versions import Version + from import Keys + +-pytest.importorskip("docker") ++docker = pytest.importorskip("docker") + + INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" + +@@ -20,6 +21,10 @@ pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.slow_test, + pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("dockerd"), + pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run in a container"), ++ pytest.mark.skipif( ++ Version(docker.__version__) < Version("4.0.0"), ++ reason="Test does not work in this version of docker-py", ++ ), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ b/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ +index 0c2f482cf9f..c658123726b 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ +@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ def test_service(salt_ssh_cli, grains): + os_release = grains["osrelease"] + if os_family == "RedHat": + service = "crond" +- elif os_family == "Arch": ++ elif os_family in ["Suse", "Arch"]: + service = "sshd" + elif os_family == "MacOS": + service = "org.ntp.ntpd" +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ b/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ +index 71d4cfaa94e..991a3b71c44 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ +@@ -9,9 +9,10 @@ import time + import pytest + from saltfactories.utils import random_string + ++from salt.utils.versions import Version + from import Keys + +-pytest.importorskip("docker") ++docker = pytest.importorskip("docker") + + INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" + +@@ -21,6 +22,10 @@ pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.slow_test, + pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("dockerd"), + pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run in a container"), ++ pytest.mark.skipif( ++ Version(docker.__version__) < Version("4.0.0"), ++ reason="Test does not work in this version of docker-py", ++ ), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ b/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ +index 79b55ad90a5..97494bed36b 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ +@@ -13,9 +13,10 @@ import pytest + from pytestshellutils.utils.processes import ProcessResult, terminate_process + from saltfactories.utils import random_string + ++from salt.utils.versions import Version + from import Keys + +-pytest.importorskip("docker") ++docker = pytest.importorskip("docker") + + INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" + +@@ -25,6 +26,10 @@ pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.slow_test, + pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("dockerd"), + pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run in a container"), ++ pytest.mark.skipif( ++ Version(docker.__version__) < Version("4.0.0"), ++ reason="Test does not work in this version of docker-py", ++ ), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/states/ b/tests/pytests/integration/states/ +index 9a1c09bb8bd..4f943412950 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/integration/states/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/states/ +@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from pathlib import Path + import pytest + from saltfactories.utils import random_string + +-import salt.utils.x509 as x509util ++x509util = pytest.importorskip("salt.utils.x509") + + try: + import cryptography +diff --git a/tests/pytests/scenarios/setup/ b/tests/pytests/scenarios/setup/ +index 7664fda804e..7a4abfc6e9e 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/scenarios/setup/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/scenarios/setup/ +@@ -14,11 +14,16 @@ import salt.utils.path + import salt.utils.platform + import salt.version + from salt.modules.virtualenv_mod import KNOWN_BINARY_NAMES ++from import RUNTIME_VARS + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" + ++MISSING_SETUP_PY_FILE = not os.path.exists( ++ os.path.join(RUNTIME_VARS.CODE_DIR, "") ++) ++ + pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.core_test, + pytest.mark.windows_whitelisted, +@@ -27,6 +32,9 @@ pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.skipif( + INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="No gcc and python3-devel in container." + ), ++ pytest.mark.skipif( ++ MISSING_SETUP_PY_FILE, reason="This test only work if is available" ++ ), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +index c03e6ed292b..4b2da77786b 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +@@ -9,6 +9,11 @@ import salt.utils.files + import salt.utils.platform + from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError + from import MagicMock, patch ++from import RUNTIME_VARS ++ ++MISSING_SETUP_PY_FILE = not os.path.exists( ++ os.path.join(RUNTIME_VARS.CODE_DIR, "") ++) + + + class FakeFopen: +@@ -1738,6 +1743,9 @@ def test_when_version_is_called_with_a_user_it_should_be_passed_to_undelying_run + ) + + ++@pytest.mark.skipif( ++ MISSING_SETUP_PY_FILE, reason="This test only work if is available" ++) + @pytest.mark.parametrize( + "bin_env,target,target_env,expected_target", + [ +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ +index 25971af40d8..dade9eda46b 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ +@@ -4,9 +4,10 @@ import ipaddress + import pytest + + import salt.exceptions +-import salt.utils.x509 as x509 + from import ANY, Mock, patch + ++x509 = pytest.importorskip("salt.utils.x509") ++ + try: + import cryptography + import cryptography.x509 as cx509 +diff --git a/tests/unit/states/ b/tests/unit/states/ +index 981ad46a135..d70b1150008 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/states/ ++++ b/tests/unit/states/ +@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ try: + except ImportError: + HAS_PIP = False + ++MISSING_SETUP_PY_FILE = not os.path.exists( ++ os.path.join(RUNTIME_VARS.CODE_DIR, "") ++) + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + +@@ -408,6 +411,9 @@ class PipStateUtilsTest(TestCase): + + @pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing(*KNOWN_BINARY_NAMES, check_all=False) + @pytest.mark.requires_network ++@pytest.mark.skipif( ++ MISSING_SETUP_PY_FILE, reason="This test only work if is available" ++) + class PipStateInstallationErrorTest(TestCase): + @pytest.mark.slow_test + def test_importable_installation_error(self): +diff --git a/tests/unit/utils/ b/tests/unit/utils/ +index 7fd1e7b5dc3..c4e9c3b3bef 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/utils/ ++++ b/tests/unit/utils/ +@@ -1379,6 +1379,9 @@ class SSHThinTestCase(TestCase): + assert [x for x in calls if "{}".format(_file) in x[-2]] + + @pytest.mark.slow_test ++ @pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing( ++ "virtualenv", reason="Needs virtualenv binary" ++ ) + @pytest.mark.skip_on_windows(reason="salt-ssh does not deploy to/from windows") + def test_thin_dir(self): + """ +-- +2.43.0 + + diff --git a/fix-tests-to-make-them-running-with-salt-testsuite.patch b/fix-tests-to-make-them-running-with-salt-testsuite.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42b9e6f --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-tests-to-make-them-running-with-salt-testsuite.patch @@ -0,0 +1,841 @@ +From 290d092c06dc378647dd1e49f000f012a7c07904 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: vzhestkov +Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2023 16:13:49 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix tests to make them running with salt-testsuite + +--- + tests/pytests/unit/cli/ | 718 +++++++++++---------- + tests/unit/cli/ | 6 +- + tests/unit/modules/ | 4 +- + 3 files changed, 364 insertions(+), 364 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/cli/ b/tests/pytests/unit/cli/ +index c0b708de76..e0774ffff3 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/cli/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/cli/ +@@ -1,386 +1,392 @@ ++import pytest ++ + import salt.ext.tornado + from salt.cli.batch_async import BatchAsync +-from salt.ext.tornado.testing import AsyncTestCase + from import MagicMock, patch +-from import TestCase, skipIf +- +- +-class AsyncBatchTestCase(AsyncTestCase, TestCase): +- def setUp(self): +- self.io_loop = self.get_new_ioloop() +- opts = { +- "batch": "1", +- "conf_file": {}, +- "tgt": "*", +- "timeout": 5, +- "gather_job_timeout": 5, +- "batch_presence_ping_timeout": 1, +- "transport": None, +- "sock_dir": "", +- } +- +- with patch("salt.client.get_local_client", MagicMock(return_value=MagicMock())): +- with patch( +- "salt.cli.batch_async.batch_get_opts", MagicMock(return_value=opts) +- ): +- self.batch = BatchAsync( +- opts, +- MagicMock(side_effect=["1234", "1235", "1236"]), +- { +- "tgt": "", +- "fun": "", +- "kwargs": {"batch": "", "batch_presence_ping_timeout": 1}, +- }, +- ) +- +- def test_ping_jid(self): +- self.assertEqual(self.batch.ping_jid, "1234") +- +- def test_batch_jid(self): +- self.assertEqual(self.batch.batch_jid, "1235") +- +- def test_find_job_jid(self): +- self.assertEqual(self.batch.find_job_jid, "1236") +- +- def test_batch_size(self): +- """ +- Tests passing batch value as a number +- """ +- self.batch.opts = {"batch": "2", "timeout": 5} +- self.batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} +- self.batch.start_batch() +- self.assertEqual(self.batch.batch_size, 2) +- +- @salt.ext.tornado.testing.gen_test +- def test_batch_start_on_batch_presence_ping_timeout(self): +- self.batch.event = MagicMock() +- future = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() +- future.set_result({"minions": ["foo", "bar"]}) +- self.batch.local.run_job_async.return_value = future +- ret = self.batch.start() +- # assert start_batch is called later with batch_presence_ping_timeout as param +- self.assertEqual( +- self.batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0], +- (self.batch.start_batch,), +- ) +- # assert called +- self.assertEqual( +- self.batch.local.run_job_async.call_args[0], ("*", "", [], "glob") +- ) +- # assert targeted_minions == all minions matched by tgt +- self.assertEqual(self.batch.targeted_minions, {"foo", "bar"}) +- +- @salt.ext.tornado.testing.gen_test +- def test_batch_start_on_gather_job_timeout(self): +- self.batch.event = MagicMock() +- future = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() +- future.set_result({"minions": ["foo", "bar"]}) +- self.batch.local.run_job_async.return_value = future +- self.batch.batch_presence_ping_timeout = None +- ret = self.batch.start() +- # assert start_batch is called later with gather_job_timeout as param +- self.assertEqual( +- self.batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0], +- (self.batch.start_batch,), +- ) + +- def test_batch_fire_start_event(self): +- self.batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} +- self.batch.opts = {"batch": "2", "timeout": 5} +- self.batch.event = MagicMock() +- self.batch.metadata = {"mykey": "myvalue"} +- self.batch.start_batch() +- self.assertEqual( +- self.batch.event.fire_event.call_args[0], +- ( ++ ++@pytest.fixture ++def batch(temp_salt_master): ++ opts = { ++ "batch": "1", ++ "conf_file": {}, ++ "tgt": "*", ++ "timeout": 5, ++ "gather_job_timeout": 5, ++ "batch_presence_ping_timeout": 1, ++ "transport": None, ++ "sock_dir": "", ++ } ++ ++ with patch("salt.client.get_local_client", MagicMock(return_value=MagicMock())): ++ with patch("salt.cli.batch_async.batch_get_opts", MagicMock(return_value=opts)): ++ batch = BatchAsync( ++ opts, ++ MagicMock(side_effect=["1234", "1235", "1236"]), + { +- "available_minions": {"foo", "bar"}, +- "down_minions": set(), +- "metadata": self.batch.metadata, ++ "tgt": "", ++ "fun": "", ++ "kwargs": {"batch": "", "batch_presence_ping_timeout": 1}, + }, +- "salt/batch/1235/start", +- ), +- ) ++ ) ++ yield batch + +- @salt.ext.tornado.testing.gen_test +- def test_start_batch_calls_next(self): +- self.batch.run_next = MagicMock(return_value=MagicMock()) +- self.batch.event = MagicMock() +- self.batch.start_batch() +- self.assertEqual(self.batch.initialized, True) +- self.assertEqual( +- self.batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0], (self.batch.run_next,) +- ) + +- def test_batch_fire_done_event(self): +- self.batch.targeted_minions = {"foo", "baz", "bar"} +- self.batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} +- self.batch.done_minions = {"foo"} +- self.batch.timedout_minions = {"bar"} +- self.batch.event = MagicMock() +- self.batch.metadata = {"mykey": "myvalue"} +- old_event = self.batch.event +- self.batch.end_batch() +- self.assertEqual( +- old_event.fire_event.call_args[0], +- ( +- { +- "available_minions": {"foo", "bar"}, +- "done_minions": self.batch.done_minions, +- "down_minions": {"baz"}, +- "timedout_minions": self.batch.timedout_minions, +- "metadata": self.batch.metadata, +- }, +- "salt/batch/1235/done", +- ), +- ) ++def test_ping_jid(batch): ++ assert batch.ping_jid == "1234" + +- def test_batch__del__(self): +- batch = BatchAsync(MagicMock(), MagicMock(), MagicMock()) +- event = MagicMock() +- batch.event = event +- batch.__del__() +- self.assertEqual(batch.local, None) +- self.assertEqual(batch.event, None) +- self.assertEqual(batch.ioloop, None) +- +- def test_batch_close_safe(self): +- batch = BatchAsync(MagicMock(), MagicMock(), MagicMock()) +- event = MagicMock() +- batch.event = event +- batch.patterns = { +- ("salt/job/1234/ret/*", "find_job_return"), +- ("salt/job/4321/ret/*", "find_job_return"), +- } +- batch.close_safe() +- self.assertEqual(batch.local, None) +- self.assertEqual(batch.event, None) +- self.assertEqual(batch.ioloop, None) +- self.assertEqual(len(event.unsubscribe.mock_calls), 2) +- self.assertEqual(len(event.remove_event_handler.mock_calls), 1) +- +- @salt.ext.tornado.testing.gen_test +- def test_batch_next(self): +- self.batch.event = MagicMock() +- self.batch.opts["fun"] = "" +- self.batch.opts["arg"] = [] +- self.batch._get_next = MagicMock(return_value={"foo", "bar"}) +- self.batch.batch_size = 2 +- future = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() +- future.set_result({"minions": ["foo", "bar"]}) +- self.batch.local.run_job_async.return_value = future +- self.batch.run_next() +- self.assertEqual( +- self.batch.local.run_job_async.call_args[0], +- ({"foo", "bar"}, "", [], "list"), +- ) +- self.assertEqual( +- self.batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0], +- (self.batch.find_job, {"foo", "bar"}), +- ) +- self.assertEqual(, {"bar", "foo"}) +- +- def test_next_batch(self): +- self.batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} +- self.batch.batch_size = 2 +- self.assertEqual(self.batch._get_next(), {"foo", "bar"}) +- +- def test_next_batch_one_done(self): +- self.batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} +- self.batch.done_minions = {"bar"} +- self.batch.batch_size = 2 +- self.assertEqual(self.batch._get_next(), {"foo"}) +- +- def test_next_batch_one_done_one_active(self): +- self.batch.minions = {"foo", "bar", "baz"} +- self.batch.done_minions = {"bar"} +- = {"baz"} +- self.batch.batch_size = 2 +- self.assertEqual(self.batch._get_next(), {"foo"}) +- +- def test_next_batch_one_done_one_active_one_timedout(self): +- self.batch.minions = {"foo", "bar", "baz", "faz"} +- self.batch.done_minions = {"bar"} +- = {"baz"} +- self.batch.timedout_minions = {"faz"} +- self.batch.batch_size = 2 +- self.assertEqual(self.batch._get_next(), {"foo"}) +- +- def test_next_batch_bigger_size(self): +- self.batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} +- self.batch.batch_size = 3 +- self.assertEqual(self.batch._get_next(), {"foo", "bar"}) +- +- def test_next_batch_all_done(self): +- self.batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} +- self.batch.done_minions = {"foo", "bar"} +- self.batch.batch_size = 2 +- self.assertEqual(self.batch._get_next(), set()) +- +- def test_next_batch_all_active(self): +- self.batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} +- = {"foo", "bar"} +- self.batch.batch_size = 2 +- self.assertEqual(self.batch._get_next(), set()) +- +- def test_next_batch_all_timedout(self): +- self.batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} +- self.batch.timedout_minions = {"foo", "bar"} +- self.batch.batch_size = 2 +- self.assertEqual(self.batch._get_next(), set()) +- +- def test_batch__event_handler_ping_return(self): +- self.batch.targeted_minions = {"foo"} +- self.batch.event = MagicMock( +- unpack=MagicMock(return_value=("salt/job/1234/ret/foo", {"id": "foo"})) +- ) +- self.batch.start() +- self.assertEqual(self.batch.minions, set()) +- self.batch._BatchAsync__event_handler(MagicMock()) +- self.assertEqual(self.batch.minions, {"foo"}) +- self.assertEqual(self.batch.done_minions, set()) +- +- def test_batch__event_handler_call_start_batch_when_all_pings_return(self): +- self.batch.targeted_minions = {"foo"} +- self.batch.event = MagicMock( +- unpack=MagicMock(return_value=("salt/job/1234/ret/foo", {"id": "foo"})) +- ) +- self.batch.start() +- self.batch._BatchAsync__event_handler(MagicMock()) +- self.assertEqual( +- self.batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0], +- (self.batch.start_batch,), +- ) + +- def test_batch__event_handler_not_call_start_batch_when_not_all_pings_return(self): +- self.batch.targeted_minions = {"foo", "bar"} +- self.batch.event = MagicMock( +- unpack=MagicMock(return_value=("salt/job/1234/ret/foo", {"id": "foo"})) +- ) +- self.batch.start() +- self.batch._BatchAsync__event_handler(MagicMock()) +- self.assertEqual(len(self.batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.mock_calls), 0) ++def test_batch_jid(batch): ++ assert batch.batch_jid == "1235" ++ ++ ++def test_find_job_jid(batch): ++ assert batch.find_job_jid == "1236" ++ + +- def test_batch__event_handler_batch_run_return(self): +- self.batch.event = MagicMock( +- unpack=MagicMock(return_value=("salt/job/1235/ret/foo", {"id": "foo"})) ++def test_batch_size(batch): ++ """ ++ Tests passing batch value as a number ++ """ ++ batch.opts = {"batch": "2", "timeout": 5} ++ batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} ++ batch.start_batch() ++ assert batch.batch_size == 2 ++ ++ ++def test_batch_start_on_batch_presence_ping_timeout(batch): ++ # batch_async = BatchAsyncMock(); ++ batch.event = MagicMock() ++ future = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() ++ future.set_result({"minions": ["foo", "bar"]}) ++ batch.local.run_job_async.return_value = future ++ with patch("salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep", return_value=future): ++ # ret = batch_async.start(batch) ++ ret = batch.start() ++ # assert start_batch is called later with batch_presence_ping_timeout as param ++ assert batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0] == (batch.start_batch,) ++ # assert called ++ assert batch.local.run_job_async.call_args[0] == ("*", "", [], "glob") ++ # assert targeted_minions == all minions matched by tgt ++ assert batch.targeted_minions == {"foo", "bar"} ++ ++ ++def test_batch_start_on_gather_job_timeout(batch): ++ # batch_async = BatchAsyncMock(); ++ batch.event = MagicMock() ++ future = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() ++ future.set_result({"minions": ["foo", "bar"]}) ++ batch.local.run_job_async.return_value = future ++ batch.batch_presence_ping_timeout = None ++ with patch("salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep", return_value=future): ++ # ret = batch_async.start(batch) ++ ret = batch.start() ++ # assert start_batch is called later with gather_job_timeout as param ++ assert batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0] == (batch.start_batch,) ++ ++ ++def test_batch_fire_start_event(batch): ++ batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} ++ batch.opts = {"batch": "2", "timeout": 5} ++ batch.event = MagicMock() ++ batch.metadata = {"mykey": "myvalue"} ++ batch.start_batch() ++ assert batch.event.fire_event.call_args[0] == ( ++ { ++ "available_minions": {"foo", "bar"}, ++ "down_minions": set(), ++ "metadata": batch.metadata, ++ }, ++ "salt/batch/1235/start", ++ ) ++ ++ ++def test_start_batch_calls_next(batch): ++ batch.run_next = MagicMock(return_value=MagicMock()) ++ batch.event = MagicMock() ++ batch.start_batch() ++ assert batch.initialized ++ assert batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0] == (batch.run_next,) ++ ++ ++def test_batch_fire_done_event(batch): ++ batch.targeted_minions = {"foo", "baz", "bar"} ++ batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} ++ batch.done_minions = {"foo"} ++ batch.timedout_minions = {"bar"} ++ batch.event = MagicMock() ++ batch.metadata = {"mykey": "myvalue"} ++ old_event = batch.event ++ batch.end_batch() ++ assert old_event.fire_event.call_args[0] == ( ++ { ++ "available_minions": {"foo", "bar"}, ++ "done_minions": batch.done_minions, ++ "down_minions": {"baz"}, ++ "timedout_minions": batch.timedout_minions, ++ "metadata": batch.metadata, ++ }, ++ "salt/batch/1235/done", ++ ) ++ ++ ++def test_batch__del__(batch): ++ batch = BatchAsync(MagicMock(), MagicMock(), MagicMock()) ++ event = MagicMock() ++ batch.event = event ++ batch.__del__() ++ assert batch.local is None ++ assert batch.event is None ++ assert batch.ioloop is None ++ ++ ++def test_batch_close_safe(batch): ++ batch = BatchAsync(MagicMock(), MagicMock(), MagicMock()) ++ event = MagicMock() ++ batch.event = event ++ batch.patterns = { ++ ("salt/job/1234/ret/*", "find_job_return"), ++ ("salt/job/4321/ret/*", "find_job_return"), ++ } ++ batch.close_safe() ++ assert batch.local is None ++ assert batch.event is None ++ assert batch.ioloop is None ++ assert len(event.unsubscribe.mock_calls) == 2 ++ assert len(event.remove_event_handler.mock_calls) == 1 ++ ++ ++def test_batch_next(batch): ++ batch.event = MagicMock() ++ batch.opts["fun"] = "" ++ batch.opts["arg"] = [] ++ batch._get_next = MagicMock(return_value={"foo", "bar"}) ++ batch.batch_size = 2 ++ future = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() ++ future.set_result({"minions": ["foo", "bar"]}) ++ batch.local.run_job_async.return_value = future ++ with patch("salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep", return_value=future): ++ batch.run_next() ++ assert batch.local.run_job_async.call_args[0] == ( ++ {"foo", "bar"}, ++ "", ++ [], ++ "list", + ) +- self.batch.start() +- = {"foo"} +- self.batch._BatchAsync__event_handler(MagicMock()) +- self.assertEqual(, set()) +- self.assertEqual(self.batch.done_minions, {"foo"}) +- self.assertEqual( +- self.batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0], +- (self.batch.schedule_next,), ++ assert batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0] == ( ++ batch.find_job, ++ {"foo", "bar"}, + ) ++ assert == {"bar", "foo"} ++ + +- def test_batch__event_handler_find_job_return(self): +- self.batch.event = MagicMock( +- unpack=MagicMock( +- return_value=( +- "salt/job/1236/ret/foo", +- {"id": "foo", "return": "deadbeaf"}, +- ) ++def test_next_batch(batch): ++ batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} ++ batch.batch_size = 2 ++ assert batch._get_next() == {"foo", "bar"} ++ ++ ++def test_next_batch_one_done(batch): ++ batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} ++ batch.done_minions = {"bar"} ++ batch.batch_size = 2 ++ assert batch._get_next() == {"foo"} ++ ++ ++def test_next_batch_one_done_one_active(batch): ++ batch.minions = {"foo", "bar", "baz"} ++ batch.done_minions = {"bar"} ++ = {"baz"} ++ batch.batch_size = 2 ++ assert batch._get_next() == {"foo"} ++ ++ ++def test_next_batch_one_done_one_active_one_timedout(batch): ++ batch.minions = {"foo", "bar", "baz", "faz"} ++ batch.done_minions = {"bar"} ++ = {"baz"} ++ batch.timedout_minions = {"faz"} ++ batch.batch_size = 2 ++ assert batch._get_next() == {"foo"} ++ ++ ++def test_next_batch_bigger_size(batch): ++ batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} ++ batch.batch_size = 3 ++ assert batch._get_next() == {"foo", "bar"} ++ ++ ++def test_next_batch_all_done(batch): ++ batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} ++ batch.done_minions = {"foo", "bar"} ++ batch.batch_size = 2 ++ assert batch._get_next() == set() ++ ++ ++def test_next_batch_all_active(batch): ++ batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} ++ = {"foo", "bar"} ++ batch.batch_size = 2 ++ assert batch._get_next() == set() ++ ++ ++def test_next_batch_all_timedout(batch): ++ batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} ++ batch.timedout_minions = {"foo", "bar"} ++ batch.batch_size = 2 ++ assert batch._get_next() == set() ++ ++ ++def test_batch__event_handler_ping_return(batch): ++ batch.targeted_minions = {"foo"} ++ batch.event = MagicMock( ++ unpack=MagicMock(return_value=("salt/job/1234/ret/foo", {"id": "foo"})) ++ ) ++ batch.start() ++ assert batch.minions == set() ++ batch._BatchAsync__event_handler(MagicMock()) ++ assert batch.minions == {"foo"} ++ assert batch.done_minions == set() ++ ++ ++def test_batch__event_handler_call_start_batch_when_all_pings_return(batch): ++ batch.targeted_minions = {"foo"} ++ batch.event = MagicMock( ++ unpack=MagicMock(return_value=("salt/job/1234/ret/foo", {"id": "foo"})) ++ ) ++ batch.start() ++ batch._BatchAsync__event_handler(MagicMock()) ++ assert batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0] == (batch.start_batch,) ++ ++ ++def test_batch__event_handler_not_call_start_batch_when_not_all_pings_return(batch): ++ batch.targeted_minions = {"foo", "bar"} ++ batch.event = MagicMock( ++ unpack=MagicMock(return_value=("salt/job/1234/ret/foo", {"id": "foo"})) ++ ) ++ batch.start() ++ batch._BatchAsync__event_handler(MagicMock()) ++ assert len(batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.mock_calls) == 0 ++ ++ ++def test_batch__event_handler_batch_run_return(batch): ++ batch.event = MagicMock( ++ unpack=MagicMock(return_value=("salt/job/1235/ret/foo", {"id": "foo"})) ++ ) ++ batch.start() ++ = {"foo"} ++ batch._BatchAsync__event_handler(MagicMock()) ++ assert == set() ++ assert batch.done_minions == {"foo"} ++ assert batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0] == (batch.schedule_next,) ++ ++ ++def test_batch__event_handler_find_job_return(batch): ++ batch.event = MagicMock( ++ unpack=MagicMock( ++ return_value=( ++ "salt/job/1236/ret/foo", ++ {"id": "foo", "return": "deadbeaf"}, + ) + ) +- self.batch.start() +- self.batch.patterns.add(("salt/job/1236/ret/*", "find_job_return")) +- self.batch._BatchAsync__event_handler(MagicMock()) +- self.assertEqual(self.batch.find_job_returned, {"foo"}) +- +- @salt.ext.tornado.testing.gen_test +- def test_batch_run_next_end_batch_when_no_next(self): +- self.batch.end_batch = MagicMock() +- self.batch._get_next = MagicMock(return_value={}) +- self.batch.run_next() +- self.assertEqual(len(self.batch.end_batch.mock_calls), 1) +- +- @salt.ext.tornado.testing.gen_test +- def test_batch_find_job(self): +- self.batch.event = MagicMock() +- future = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() +- future.set_result({}) +- self.batch.local.run_job_async.return_value = future +- self.batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} +- self.batch.jid_gen = MagicMock(return_value="1234") +- salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep = MagicMock(return_value=future) +- self.batch.find_job({"foo", "bar"}) +- self.assertEqual( +- self.batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0], +- (self.batch.check_find_job, {"foo", "bar"}, "1234"), ++ ) ++ batch.start() ++ batch.patterns.add(("salt/job/1236/ret/*", "find_job_return")) ++ batch._BatchAsync__event_handler(MagicMock()) ++ assert batch.find_job_returned == {"foo"} ++ ++ ++def test_batch_run_next_end_batch_when_no_next(batch): ++ batch.end_batch = MagicMock() ++ batch._get_next = MagicMock(return_value={}) ++ batch.run_next() ++ assert len(batch.end_batch.mock_calls) == 1 ++ ++ ++def test_batch_find_job(batch): ++ batch.event = MagicMock() ++ future = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() ++ future.set_result({}) ++ batch.local.run_job_async.return_value = future ++ batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} ++ batch.jid_gen = MagicMock(return_value="1234") ++ with patch("salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep", return_value=future): ++ batch.find_job({"foo", "bar"}) ++ assert batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0] == ( ++ batch.check_find_job, ++ {"foo", "bar"}, ++ "1234", + ) + +- @salt.ext.tornado.testing.gen_test +- def test_batch_find_job_with_done_minions(self): +- self.batch.done_minions = {"bar"} +- self.batch.event = MagicMock() +- future = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() +- future.set_result({}) +- self.batch.local.run_job_async.return_value = future +- self.batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} +- self.batch.jid_gen = MagicMock(return_value="1234") +- salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep = MagicMock(return_value=future) +- self.batch.find_job({"foo", "bar"}) +- self.assertEqual( +- self.batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0], +- (self.batch.check_find_job, {"foo"}, "1234"), +- ) + +- def test_batch_check_find_job_did_not_return(self): +- self.batch.event = MagicMock() +- = {"foo"} +- self.batch.find_job_returned = set() +- self.batch.patterns = {("salt/job/1234/ret/*", "find_job_return")} +- self.batch.check_find_job({"foo"}, jid="1234") +- self.assertEqual(self.batch.find_job_returned, set()) +- self.assertEqual(, set()) +- self.assertEqual(len(self.batch.event.io_loop.add_callback.mock_calls), 0) +- +- def test_batch_check_find_job_did_return(self): +- self.batch.event = MagicMock() +- self.batch.find_job_returned = {"foo"} +- self.batch.patterns = {("salt/job/1234/ret/*", "find_job_return")} +- self.batch.check_find_job({"foo"}, jid="1234") +- self.assertEqual( +- self.batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0], +- (self.batch.find_job, {"foo"}), ++def test_batch_find_job_with_done_minions(batch): ++ batch.done_minions = {"bar"} ++ batch.event = MagicMock() ++ future = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() ++ future.set_result({}) ++ batch.local.run_job_async.return_value = future ++ batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} ++ batch.jid_gen = MagicMock(return_value="1234") ++ with patch("salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep", return_value=future): ++ batch.find_job({"foo", "bar"}) ++ assert batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0] == ( ++ batch.check_find_job, ++ {"foo"}, ++ "1234", + ) + +- def test_batch_check_find_job_multiple_states(self): +- self.batch.event = MagicMock() +- # currently running minions +- = {"foo", "bar"} + +- # minion is running and find_job returns +- self.batch.find_job_returned = {"foo"} ++def test_batch_check_find_job_did_not_return(batch): ++ batch.event = MagicMock() ++ = {"foo"} ++ batch.find_job_returned = set() ++ batch.patterns = {("salt/job/1234/ret/*", "find_job_return")} ++ batch.check_find_job({"foo"}, jid="1234") ++ assert batch.find_job_returned == set() ++ assert == set() ++ assert len(batch.event.io_loop.add_callback.mock_calls) == 0 + +- # minion started running but find_job did not return +- self.batch.timedout_minions = {"faz"} + +- # minion finished +- self.batch.done_minions = {"baz"} ++def test_batch_check_find_job_did_return(batch): ++ batch.event = MagicMock() ++ batch.find_job_returned = {"foo"} ++ batch.patterns = {("salt/job/1234/ret/*", "find_job_return")} ++ batch.check_find_job({"foo"}, jid="1234") ++ assert batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0] == (batch.find_job, {"foo"}) + +- # both not yet done but only 'foo' responded to find_job +- not_done = {"foo", "bar"} + +- self.batch.patterns = {("salt/job/1234/ret/*", "find_job_return")} +- self.batch.check_find_job(not_done, jid="1234") ++def test_batch_check_find_job_multiple_states(batch): ++ batch.event = MagicMock() ++ # currently running minions ++ = {"foo", "bar"} + +- # assert 'bar' removed from active +- self.assertEqual(, {"foo"}) ++ # minion is running and find_job returns ++ batch.find_job_returned = {"foo"} + +- # assert 'bar' added to timedout_minions +- self.assertEqual(self.batch.timedout_minions, {"bar", "faz"}) ++ # minion started running but find_job did not return ++ batch.timedout_minions = {"faz"} ++ ++ # minion finished ++ batch.done_minions = {"baz"} ++ ++ # both not yet done but only 'foo' responded to find_job ++ not_done = {"foo", "bar"} ++ ++ batch.patterns = {("salt/job/1234/ret/*", "find_job_return")} ++ batch.check_find_job(not_done, jid="1234") ++ ++ # assert 'bar' removed from active ++ assert == {"foo"} ++ ++ # assert 'bar' added to timedout_minions ++ assert batch.timedout_minions == {"bar", "faz"} ++ ++ # assert 'find_job' schedueled again only for 'foo' ++ assert batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0] == (batch.find_job, {"foo"}) + +- # assert 'find_job' schedueled again only for 'foo' +- self.assertEqual( +- self.batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0], +- (self.batch.find_job, {"foo"}), +- ) + +- def test_only_on_run_next_is_scheduled(self): +- self.batch.event = MagicMock() +- self.batch.scheduled = True +- self.batch.schedule_next() +- self.assertEqual(len(self.batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.mock_calls), 0) ++def test_only_on_run_next_is_scheduled(batch): ++ batch.event = MagicMock() ++ batch.scheduled = True ++ batch.schedule_next() ++ assert len(batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.mock_calls) == 0 +diff --git a/tests/unit/cli/ b/tests/unit/cli/ +index dc0e99bb3d..971a0f122b 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/cli/ ++++ b/tests/unit/cli/ +@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ from import SaltSupport, SupportDataCollector + from import IndentOutput + from salt.utils.color import get_colors + from salt.utils.stringutils import to_bytes +-from import NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON, MagicMock, patch ++from import MagicMock, patch + from import TestCase, skipIf + + try: +@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ except ImportError: + + + @skipIf(not bool(pytest), "Pytest needs to be installed") +-@skipIf(NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON) + class SaltSupportIndentOutputTestCase(TestCase): + """ + Unit Tests for the salt-support indent output. +@@ -100,7 +99,6 @@ class SaltSupportIndentOutputTestCase(TestCase): + + + @skipIf(not bool(pytest), "Pytest needs to be installed") +-@skipIf(NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON) + class SaltSupportCollectorTestCase(TestCase): + """ + Collector tests. +@@ -232,7 +230,6 @@ class SaltSupportCollectorTestCase(TestCase): + + + @skipIf(not bool(pytest), "Pytest needs to be installed") +-@skipIf(NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON) + class SaltSupportRunnerTestCase(TestCase): + """ + Test runner class. +@@ -468,7 +465,6 @@ class SaltSupportRunnerTestCase(TestCase): + + + @skipIf(not bool(pytest), "Pytest needs to be installed") +-@skipIf(NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON) + class ProfileIntegrityTestCase(TestCase): + """ + Default profile integrity +diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/ +index 1715c68f4c..2afdd69b3e 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/unit/modules/ +@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import datetime + import salt.exceptions + from salt.modules import saltsupport + from import LoaderModuleMockMixin +-from import NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON, MagicMock, patch ++from import MagicMock, patch + from import TestCase, skipIf + + try: +@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ except ImportError: + + + @skipIf(not bool(pytest), "Pytest required") +-@skipIf(NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON) + class SaltSupportModuleTestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + """ + Test cases for +@@ -361,7 +360,6 @@ professor: Farnsworth + + + @skipIf(not bool(pytest), "Pytest required") +-@skipIf(NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON) + class LogCollectorTestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + """ + Test cases for +-- +2.41.0 + diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d7c363 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +From 4bc3be7814daf5365d63b88f164f791ea53b418f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Marek Czernek +Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2024 15:04:53 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix the unit test failure + +--- + salt/modules/ | 2 +- + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 9885e9fb60..ad5450c415 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -3128,7 +3128,7 @@ def expand_repo_def(**kwargs): + NOT USABLE IN THE CLI + """ + warn_until_date( +- "20240101", ++ "20250101", + "The pkg.expand_repo_def function is deprecated and set for removal " + "after {date}. This is only unsed internally by the apt pkg state " + "module. If that's not the case, please file an new issue requesting " +-- +2.43.0 + diff --git a/fix-the-regression-for-yumnotify-plugin-456.patch b/fix-the-regression-for-yumnotify-plugin-456.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c12e2e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-the-regression-for-yumnotify-plugin-456.patch @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +From b80c0d515e8715c160f94124dff8b5b90e773cd0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov <> +Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2021 16:19:56 +0300 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix the regression for yumnotify plugin (#456) + +--- + scripts/suse/yum/plugins/ | 2 +- + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/scripts/suse/yum/plugins/ b/scripts/suse/yum/plugins/ +index 0d117e8946..cec5256d20 100644 +--- a/scripts/suse/yum/plugins/ ++++ b/scripts/suse/yum/plugins/ +@@ -63,4 +63,4 @@ def posttrans_hook(conduit): + ) + ) + except OSError as e: +- print("Unable to save the cookie file: %s" % (e), file=sys.stderr) ++ sys.stderr.write("Unable to save the cookie file: %s\n" % (e)) +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/fix-the-regression-of-user.present-state-when-group-.patch b/fix-the-regression-of-user.present-state-when-group-.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..669caee --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-the-regression-of-user.present-state-when-group-.patch @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +From 502354be32fcff9b0607f6e435ca8825a4c2cd56 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 11:07:03 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix the regression of user.present state when group is + unset (#589) + +* Fix user.present state when group is unset + +* Fix user unit test + +--------- + +Co-authored-by: Megan Wilhite +--- + changelog/ | 1 + + salt/states/ | 2 +- + tests/pytests/functional/states/ | 74 +++++++++++++++++++- + tests/pytests/unit/states/ | 2 + + 4 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) + create mode 100644 changelog/ + +diff --git a/changelog/ b/changelog/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..26b39acf02 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/changelog/ +@@ -0,0 +1 @@ ++Fix user.present state when groups is unset to ensure the groups are unchanged, as documented. +diff --git a/salt/states/ b/salt/states/ +index ed2d5a05f4..929afb2cd1 100644 +--- a/salt/states/ ++++ b/salt/states/ +@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ def _changes( + + change = {} + wanted_groups = sorted(set((groups or []) + (optional_groups or []))) +- if not remove_groups: ++ if not remove_groups or groups is None and not optional_groups: + wanted_groups = sorted(set(wanted_groups + lusr["groups"])) + if uid and lusr["uid"] != uid: + change["uid"] = uid +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/ +index 09d34da168..96b1ec55c8 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/ +@@ -117,7 +117,6 @@ def test_user_present_when_home_dir_does_not_18843(states, existing_account): + ret = states.user.present( + name=existing_account.username, +, +- remove_groups=False, + ) + assert ret.result is True + assert pathlib.Path( +@@ -228,7 +227,6 @@ def test_user_present_unicode(states, username, subtests): + roomnumber="①②③", + workphone="١٢٣٤", + homephone="६७८", +- remove_groups=False, + ) + assert ret.result is True + +@@ -429,3 +427,75 @@ def test_user_present_change_optional_groups( + user_info = + assert user_info + assert user_info["groups"] == [] ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.skip_unless_on_linux(reason="underlying functionality only runs on Linux") ++def test_user_present_no_groups(modules, states, username): ++ """ ++ test user.present when groups arg is not ++ included by the group is created in another ++ state. Re-run the states to ensure there are ++ not changes and it is idempotent. ++ """ ++ groups = ["testgroup1", "testgroup2"] ++ try: ++ ret =, gid=61121) ++ assert ret.result is True ++ ++ ret = states.user.present( ++ name=username, ++ uid=61121, ++ gid=61121, ++ ) ++ assert ret.result is True ++ assert ret.changes["groups"] == [username] ++ assert ret.changes["name"] == username ++ ++ ret = ++ name=groups[0], ++ members=[username], ++ ) ++ assert ret.changes["members"] == [username] ++ ++ ret = ++ name=groups[1], ++ members=[username], ++ ) ++ assert ret.changes["members"] == [username] ++ ++ user_info = ++ assert user_info ++ assert user_info["groups"] == [username, groups[0], groups[1]] ++ ++ # run again, expecting no changes ++ ret = ++ assert ret.result is True ++ assert ret.changes == {} ++ ++ ret = states.user.present( ++ name=username, ++ ) ++ assert ret.result is True ++ assert ret.changes == {} ++ ++ ret = ++ name=groups[0], ++ members=[username], ++ ) ++ assert ret.result is True ++ assert ret.changes == {} ++ ++ ret = ++ name=groups[1], ++ members=[username], ++ ) ++ assert ret.result is True ++ assert ret.changes == {} ++ ++ user_info = ++ assert user_info ++ assert user_info["groups"] == [username, groups[0], groups[1]] ++ finally: ++ for group in groups: ++ ret = ++ assert ret.result is True +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/states/ b/tests/pytests/unit/states/ +index 94e69d70ed..d50d16e3be 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/states/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/states/ +@@ -189,6 +189,8 @@ def test_present_uid_gid_change(): + "user.chgid": Mock(), + "file.group_to_gid": mock_group_to_gid, + "file.gid_to_group": mock_gid_to_group, ++ "": MagicMock(return_value=after), ++ "user.chgroups": MagicMock(return_value=True), + } + with patch.dict(user.__grains__, {"kernel": "Linux"}), patch.dict( + user.__salt__, dunder_salt +-- +2.41.0 + + diff --git a/fix-the-selinux-context-for-salt-minion-service-bsc-.patch b/fix-the-selinux-context-for-salt-minion-service-bsc-.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a4281ff --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-the-selinux-context-for-salt-minion-service-bsc-.patch @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +From d933c8f0795fdada84a01a2cc754586fa720993d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 13:46:09 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix the SELinux context for Salt Minion service + (bsc#1219041) (#670) + +Currently there are no SELinux policies for Salt. + +By default, the Salt Minion service runs as 'unconfined_service_t' when +SELinux is enabled. This works fine in most cases but generates a problem +then trying to transition to an 'unconfined_t', i.a. when running +" .... runas=nobody". Then we see this denied in audit logs: + +type=AVC msg=audit(1722870119.142:718): avc: denied { transition } for pid=3421 comm="su" path="/usr/bin/bash" dev="vda3" ino=28565 scontext=system_u:system_r:unconfined_service_t:s0 tcontext=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0 tclass=process permissive=0 + +(This happens for at the time of trying to invoke a shell as a +different user to gather the environment variables from this particular +user) + +Fixing the SELinuxContext for the Salt Minion systemd service to a +general 'unconfined_t' workarounds this situation. + +SELinuxContext attribute was added on systemd version 209. +--- + pkg/common/salt-minion.service | 1 + + pkg/old/deb/salt-minion.service | 1 + + pkg/old/suse/salt-minion.service | 1 + + pkg/old/suse/salt-minion.service.rhel7 | 1 + + 4 files changed, 4 insertions(+) + +diff --git a/pkg/common/salt-minion.service b/pkg/common/salt-minion.service +index 69aff18c583..696d0263c39 100644 +--- a/pkg/common/salt-minion.service ++++ b/pkg/common/salt-minion.service +@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ Type=notify + NotifyAccess=all + LimitNOFILE=8192 + ExecStart=/usr/bin/salt-minion ++SELinuxContext=system_u:system_r:unconfined_t:s0 + + [Install] + +diff --git a/pkg/old/deb/salt-minion.service b/pkg/old/deb/salt-minion.service +index 7e6cf146549..b0ad82c1334 100644 +--- a/pkg/old/deb/salt-minion.service ++++ b/pkg/old/deb/salt-minion.service +@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ KillMode=process + NotifyAccess=all + LimitNOFILE=8192 + ExecStart=/usr/bin/salt-minion ++SELinuxContext=system_u:system_r:unconfined_t:s0 + + [Install] + +diff --git a/pkg/old/suse/salt-minion.service b/pkg/old/suse/salt-minion.service +index 12f28314cb1..b99ef063522 100644 +--- a/pkg/old/suse/salt-minion.service ++++ b/pkg/old/suse/salt-minion.service +@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ ExecStart=/usr/bin/salt-minion + KillMode=process + Restart=on-failure + RestartSec=15 ++SELinuxContext=system_u:system_r:unconfined_t:s0 + + [Install] + +diff --git a/pkg/old/suse/salt-minion.service.rhel7 b/pkg/old/suse/salt-minion.service.rhel7 +index 69172677140..92cc66d32f4 100644 +--- a/pkg/old/suse/salt-minion.service.rhel7 ++++ b/pkg/old/suse/salt-minion.service.rhel7 +@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ ExecStart=/usr/bin/salt-minion + KillMode=process + Restart=on-failure + RestartSec=15 ++SELinuxContext=system_u:system_r:unconfined_t:s0 + + [Install] + +-- +2.46.0 + + diff --git a/fix-traceback.print_exc-calls-for-test_pip_state-432.patch b/fix-traceback.print_exc-calls-for-test_pip_state-432.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a063edf --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-traceback.print_exc-calls-for-test_pip_state-432.patch @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +From c37992e305978e95da1ac0a40a8142f578271320 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov <> +Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2021 17:43:02 +0300 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix traceback.print_exc calls for test_pip_state (#432) + +--- + tests/unit/states/ | 2 +- + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/tests/unit/states/ b/tests/unit/states/ +index 5e4b6e0af1..981ad46a13 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/states/ ++++ b/tests/unit/states/ +@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ class PipStateInstallationErrorTest(TestCase): + sys.stdout.flush() + sys.exit(2) + except Exception as exc: +- traceback.print_exc(exc, file=sys.stdout) ++ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) + sys.stdout.flush() + sys.exit(3) + sys.exit(0) +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/fix-user.list_groups-omits-remote-groups.patch b/fix-user.list_groups-omits-remote-groups.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c1b5c4f --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-user.list_groups-omits-remote-groups.patch @@ -0,0 +1,265 @@ +From 70509ff67d4eb734c88032913134092257a0d35b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Flex Liu +Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2024 15:25:30 +0800 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix user.list_groups omits remote groups + +* fixes saltstack/salt#64953 user.list_groups omits remote groups + +* fixes saltstack/salt#65029 support for pysss can be removed + +* add changlog entries + +* add tests for _getgrall and local vs remote group handling + +* add negative tests for _getgrall + +* root can still read the file and tests run as root + +* remove permission check as its probably an unreachable edge case + +--------- + +Co-authored-by: nicholasmhughes +--- + changelog/ | 1 + + changelog/ | 1 + + changelog/ | 1 + + salt/auth/ | 9 --- + salt/utils/ | 73 ++++++++++++------- + .../functional/utils/user/ | 44 +++++++++++ + tests/pytests/unit/utils/ | 29 ++++++++ + 7 files changed, 122 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-) + create mode 100644 changelog/ + create mode 100644 changelog/ + create mode 100644 changelog/ + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/functional/utils/user/ + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/unit/utils/ + +diff --git a/changelog/ b/changelog/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..08b2efd042 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/changelog/ +@@ -0,0 +1 @@ ++Fixed grp.getgrall() in utils/ causing performance issues +diff --git a/changelog/ b/changelog/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..f0b1ed46f1 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/changelog/ +@@ -0,0 +1 @@ ++Fix user.list_groups omits remote groups via sssd, etc. +diff --git a/changelog/ b/changelog/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..d09f10b4ba +--- /dev/null ++++ b/changelog/ +@@ -0,0 +1 @@ ++Tech Debt - support for pysss removed due to functionality addition in Python 3.3 +diff --git a/salt/auth/ b/salt/auth/ +index f0397c1062..12af29bbdb 100644 +--- a/salt/auth/ ++++ b/salt/auth/ +@@ -24,15 +24,6 @@ authenticated against. This defaults to `login` + + The Python interface to PAM does not support authenticating as ``root``. + +-.. note:: Using PAM groups with SSSD groups on python2. +- +- To use sssd with the PAM eauth module and groups the `pysss` module is +- needed. On RedHat/CentOS this is `python-sss`. +- +- This should not be needed with python >= 3.3, because the `os` modules has the +- `getgrouplist` function. +- +- + .. note:: This module executes itself in a subprocess in order to user the system python + and pam libraries. We do this to avoid openssl version conflicts when + running under a salt onedir build. +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index 2f1ca65cf9..3588b3804a 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -31,13 +31,6 @@ try: + except ImportError: + HAS_GRP = False + +-try: +- import pysss +- +- HAS_PYSSS = True +-except ImportError: +- HAS_PYSSS = False +- + try: + import salt.utils.win_functions + +@@ -289,30 +282,35 @@ def get_group_list(user, include_default=True): + return [] + group_names = None + ugroups = set() +- if hasattr(os, "getgrouplist"): +- # Try os.getgrouplist, available in python >= 3.3 +- log.trace("Trying os.getgrouplist for '%s'", user) +- try: +- user_group_list = os.getgrouplist(user, pwd.getpwnam(user).pw_gid) +- group_names = [ +- _group.gr_name +- for _group in grp.getgrall() +- if _group.gr_gid in user_group_list +- ] +- except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except +- pass +- elif HAS_PYSSS: +- # Try pysss.getgrouplist +- log.trace("Trying pysss.getgrouplist for '%s'", user) +- try: +- group_names = list(pysss.getgrouplist(user)) +- except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except +- pass ++ # Try os.getgrouplist, available in python >= 3.3 ++ log.trace("Trying os.getgrouplist for '%s'", user) ++ try: ++ user_group_list = sorted(os.getgrouplist(user, pwd.getpwnam(user).pw_gid)) ++ local_grall = _getgrall() ++ local_gids = sorted(lgrp.gr_gid for lgrp in local_grall) ++ max_idx = -1 ++ local_max = local_gids[max_idx] ++ while local_max >= 65000: ++ max_idx -= 1 ++ local_max = local_gids[max_idx] ++ user_group_list_local = [lgrp for lgrp in user_group_list if lgrp <= local_max] ++ user_group_list_remote = [rgrp for rgrp in user_group_list if rgrp > local_max] ++ local_group_names = [ ++ _group.gr_name ++ for _group in local_grall ++ if _group.gr_gid in user_group_list_local ++ ] ++ remote_group_names = [ ++ grp.getgrgid(group_id).gr_name for group_id in user_group_list_remote ++ ] ++ group_names = local_group_names + remote_group_names ++ except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except ++ pass + + if group_names is None: + # Fall back to generic code + # Include the user's default group to match behavior of +- # os.getgrouplist() and pysss.getgrouplist() ++ # os.getgrouplist() + log.trace("Trying generic group list for '%s'", user) + group_names = [g.gr_name for g in grp.getgrall() if user in g.gr_mem] + try: +@@ -389,3 +387,24 @@ def get_gid(group=None): + return grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid + except KeyError: + return None ++ ++ ++def _getgrall(root=None): ++ """ ++ Alternative implemetantion for getgrall, that uses only /etc/group ++ """ ++ ret = [] ++ root = "/" if not root else root ++ etc_group = os.path.join(root, "etc/group") ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(etc_group) as fp_: ++ for line in fp_: ++ line = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(line) ++ comps = line.strip().split(":") ++ # Generate a getgrall compatible output ++ comps[2] = int(comps[2]) ++ if comps[3]: ++ comps[3] = [mem.strip() for mem in comps[3].split(",")] ++ else: ++ comps[3] = [] ++ ret.append(grp.struct_group(comps)) ++ return ret +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/utils/user/ b/tests/pytests/functional/utils/user/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..db994019e6 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/utils/user/ +@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ ++from textwrap import dedent ++ ++import pytest ++ ++pytest.importorskip("grp") ++ ++import grp ++ ++import salt.utils.user ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture(scope="function") ++def etc_group(tmp_path): ++ etcgrp = tmp_path / "etc" / "group" ++ etcgrp.parent.mkdir() ++ etcgrp.write_text( ++ dedent( ++ """games:x:50: ++ docker:x:959:debian,salt ++ salt:x:1000:""" ++ ) ++ ) ++ return etcgrp ++ ++ ++def test__getgrall(etc_group): ++ group_lines = [ ++ ["games", "x", 50, []], ++ ["docker", "x", 959, ["debian", "salt"]], ++ ["salt", "x", 1000, []], ++ ] ++ expected_grall = [grp.struct_group(comps) for comps in group_lines] ++ ++ grall = salt.utils.user._getgrall(root=str(etc_group.parent.parent)) ++ ++ assert grall == expected_grall ++ ++ ++def test__getgrall_bad_format(etc_group): ++ with"a") as _fp: ++ _fp.write("\n# some comment here\n") ++ ++ with pytest.raises(IndexError): ++ salt.utils.user._getgrall(root=str(etc_group.parent.parent)) +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..17c6b1551f +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ +@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ ++from types import SimpleNamespace ++ ++import pytest ++ ++from import MagicMock, patch ++ ++pytest.importorskip("grp") ++ ++import grp ++ ++import salt.utils.user ++ ++ ++def test_get_group_list(): ++ getpwname = SimpleNamespace(pw_gid=1000) ++ getgrgid = MagicMock(side_effect=[SimpleNamespace(gr_name="remote")]) ++ group_lines = [ ++ ["games", "x", 50, []], ++ ["salt", "x", 1000, []], ++ ] ++ getgrall = [grp.struct_group(comps) for comps in group_lines] ++ with patch("os.getgrouplist", MagicMock(return_value=[50, 1000, 12000])), patch( ++ "pwd.getpwnam", MagicMock(return_value=getpwname) ++ ), patch("salt.utils.user._getgrall", MagicMock(return_value=getgrall)), patch( ++ "grp.getgrgid", getgrgid ++ ): ++ group_list = salt.utils.user.get_group_list("salt") ++ assert group_list == ["games", "remote", "salt"] ++ getgrgid.assert_called_once() +-- +2.35.3 + diff --git a/fix-utf8-handling-in-pass-renderer-and-make-it-more-.patch b/fix-utf8-handling-in-pass-renderer-and-make-it-more-.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ae97a49 --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-utf8-handling-in-pass-renderer-and-make-it-more-.patch @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +From 027cbef223616f5ab6c73e60bcaa9f9e81a6ce67 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Daniel Mach +Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2023 16:39:42 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix utf8 handling in 'pass' renderer and make it more + robust (#579) + +* Migrate string formatting in 'pass' renderer to a f-string + +* Fix utf8 handling in 'pass' renderer and make it more robust +--- + changelog/ | 1 + + salt/renderers/ | 12 +-- + tests/pytests/unit/renderers/ | 99 +++++++++++++++++++++++ + 3 files changed, 103 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) + create mode 100644 changelog/ + +diff --git a/changelog/ b/changelog/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..4418db1d04 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/changelog/ +@@ -0,0 +1 @@ ++Fix utf8 handling in 'pass' renderer +diff --git a/salt/renderers/ b/salt/renderers/ +index ba0f152c23..ae75bba443 100644 +--- a/salt/renderers/ ++++ b/salt/renderers/ +@@ -145,23 +145,17 @@ def _fetch_secret(pass_path): + env["GNUPGHOME"] = pass_gnupghome + + try: +- proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, env=env) ++ proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, env=env, encoding="utf-8") + pass_data, pass_error = proc.communicate() + pass_returncode = proc.returncode +- except OSError as e: ++ except (OSError, UnicodeDecodeError) as e: + pass_data, pass_error = "", str(e) + pass_returncode = 1 + + # The version of pass used during development sent output to + # stdout instead of stderr even though its returncode was non zero. + if pass_returncode or not pass_data: +- try: +- pass_error = pass_error.decode("utf-8") +- except (AttributeError, ValueError): +- pass +- msg = "Could not fetch secret '{}' from the password store: {}".format( +- pass_path, pass_error +- ) ++ msg = f"Could not fetch secret '{pass_path}' from the password store: {pass_error}" + if pass_strict_fetch: + raise SaltRenderError(msg) + else: +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/renderers/ b/tests/pytests/unit/renderers/ +index 1e2ebb7ea8..f7c79e1fe1 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/renderers/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/renderers/ +@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@ + import importlib ++import os ++import shutil ++import tempfile + + import pytest + + import salt.exceptions ++import salt.utils.files + from import MagicMock, patch + + # "pass" is a reserved keyword, we need to import it differently +@@ -19,6 +23,47 @@ def configure_loader_modules(master_opts): + } + + ++@pytest.fixture() ++def pass_executable(request): ++ tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="salt_pass_") ++ pass_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "pass") ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(pass_path, "w") as f: ++ f.write("#!/bin/sh\n") ++ # return path path wrapped into unicode characters ++ # pass args ($1, $2) are ("show", ) ++ f.write('echo "α>>> $2 <<<β"\n') ++ os.chmod(pass_path, 0o755) ++ yield pass_path ++ shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture() ++def pass_executable_error(request): ++ tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="salt_pass_") ++ pass_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "pass") ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(pass_path, "w") as f: ++ f.write("#!/bin/sh\n") ++ # return error message with unicode characters ++ f.write('echo "ERROR: αβγ" >&2\n') ++ f.write("exit 1\n") ++ os.chmod(pass_path, 0o755) ++ yield pass_path ++ shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture() ++def pass_executable_invalid_utf8(request): ++ tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="salt_pass_") ++ pass_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "pass") ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(pass_path, "wb") as f: ++ f.write(b"#!/bin/sh\n") ++ # return invalid utf-8 sequence ++ f.write(b'echo "\x80\x81"\n') ++ os.chmod(pass_path, 0o755) ++ yield pass_path ++ shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) ++ ++ + # The default behavior is that if fetching a secret from pass fails, + # the value is passed through. Even the trailing newlines are preserved. + def test_passthrough(): +@@ -161,3 +206,57 @@ def test_env(): + call_args, call_kwargs = popen_mock.call_args_list[0] + assert call_kwargs["env"]["GNUPGHOME"] == config["pass_gnupghome"] + assert call_kwargs["env"]["PASSWORD_STORE_DIR"] == config["pass_dir"] ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.skip_on_windows(reason="Not supported on Windows") ++def test_utf8(pass_executable): ++ config = { ++ "pass_variable_prefix": "pass:", ++ "pass_strict_fetch": True, ++ } ++ mocks = { ++ "_get_pass_exec": MagicMock(return_value=pass_executable), ++ } ++ ++ pass_path = "pass:secret" ++ with patch.dict(pass_.__opts__, config), patch.dict(pass_.__dict__, mocks): ++ result = pass_.render(pass_path) ++ assert result == "α>>> secret <<<β" ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.skip_on_windows(reason="Not supported on Windows") ++def test_utf8_error(pass_executable_error): ++ config = { ++ "pass_variable_prefix": "pass:", ++ "pass_strict_fetch": True, ++ } ++ mocks = { ++ "_get_pass_exec": MagicMock(return_value=pass_executable_error), ++ } ++ ++ pass_path = "pass:secret" ++ with patch.dict(pass_.__opts__, config), patch.dict(pass_.__dict__, mocks): ++ with pytest.raises( ++ salt.exceptions.SaltRenderError, ++ match=r"Could not fetch secret 'secret' from the password store: ERROR: αβγ", ++ ): ++ result = pass_.render(pass_path) ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.skip_on_windows(reason="Not supported on Windows") ++def test_invalid_utf8(pass_executable_invalid_utf8): ++ config = { ++ "pass_variable_prefix": "pass:", ++ "pass_strict_fetch": True, ++ } ++ mocks = { ++ "_get_pass_exec": MagicMock(return_value=pass_executable_invalid_utf8), ++ } ++ ++ pass_path = "pass:secret" ++ with patch.dict(pass_.__opts__, config), patch.dict(pass_.__dict__, mocks): ++ with pytest.raises( ++ salt.exceptions.SaltRenderError, ++ match=r"Could not fetch secret 'secret' from the password store: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x80 in position 0: invalid start byte", ++ ): ++ result = pass_.render(pass_path) +-- +2.41.0 + + diff --git a/fix-version-detection-and-avoid-building-and-testing.patch b/fix-version-detection-and-avoid-building-and-testing.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b18663 --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-version-detection-and-avoid-building-and-testing.patch @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +From c0fae09e5a4f6997a60007d970c7c6a5614d9102 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 10:41:28 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix version detection and avoid building and testing + failures + +--- + salt/ | 20 ++------------------ + 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ +index 43cb5f86f7..67719bd020 100644 +--- a/salt/ ++++ b/salt/ +@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ + """ + Set up the version of Salt + """ +-import argparse + import operator + import os + import platform +@@ -78,7 +77,7 @@ class SaltVersionsInfo(type): + ALUMINIUM = SaltVersion("Aluminium" , info=3003, released=True) + SILICON = SaltVersion("Silicon" , info=3004, released=True) + PHOSPHORUS = SaltVersion("Phosphorus" , info=3005, released=True) +- SULFUR = SaltVersion("Sulfur" , info=(3006, 0), released=True) ++ SULFUR = SaltVersion("Sulfur" , info=(3006, 0)) + CHLORINE = SaltVersion("Chlorine" , info=(3007, 0)) + ARGON = SaltVersion("Argon" , info=(3008, 0)) + POTASSIUM = SaltVersion("Potassium" , info=(3009, 0)) +@@ -922,20 +921,5 @@ def versions_report(include_salt_cloud=False, include_extensions=True): + yield from info + + +-def _parser(): +- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() +- parser.add_argument( +- "--next-release", help="Return the next release", action="store_true" +- ) +- # When pip installing we pass in other args to this script. +- # This allows us to catch those args but not use them +- parser.add_argument("unknown", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) +- return parser.parse_args() +- +- + if __name__ == "__main__": +- args = _parser() +- if args.next_release: +- print(__saltstack_version__.next_release()) +- else: +- print(__version__) ++ print(__version__) +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/fix-virtual-grains-for-vms-running-on-nutanix-ahv-bs.patch b/fix-virtual-grains-for-vms-running-on-nutanix-ahv-bs.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..62081b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-virtual-grains-for-vms-running-on-nutanix-ahv-bs.patch @@ -0,0 +1,282 @@ +From 609a9fb9c0a66fa57b02f03267bbaa00bd624f20 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 13:01:39 +0000 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix virtual grains for VMs running on Nutanix AHV + (bsc#1234022) (#697) + +* Fix virtual grains for Nutanix AHV instances + +* Add changelog +--- + changelog/ | 1 + + salt/grains/ | 14 ++ + tests/pytests/unit/grains/ | 184 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ + 3 files changed, 199 insertions(+) + create mode 100644 changelog/ + +diff --git a/changelog/ b/changelog/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..bcdc0e9360 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/changelog/ +@@ -0,0 +1 @@ ++Fix virtual grains for VMs running on Nutanix AHV +diff --git a/salt/grains/ b/salt/grains/ +index 98bbd3868e..84d5b179dd 100644 +--- a/salt/grains/ ++++ b/salt/grains/ +@@ -768,6 +768,9 @@ def _windows_virtual(osdata): + # Manufacturer: Parallels Software International Inc. + elif "Parallels" in manufacturer: + grains["virtual"] = "Parallels" ++ elif "Nutanix" in manufacturer and "AHV" in product_name: ++ grains["virtual"] = "kvm" ++ grains["virtual_subtype"] = "Nutanix AHV" + # Apache CloudStack + elif "CloudStack KVM Hypervisor" in productname: + grains["virtual"] = "kvm" +@@ -927,6 +930,10 @@ def _virtual(osdata): + elif "parallels" in line: + grains["virtual"] = "Parallels" + break ++ elif "nutanix" in line: ++ grains["virtual"] = "kvm" ++ grains["virtual_subtype"] = "Nutanix AHV" ++ break + elif "hyperv" in line: + grains["virtual"] = "HyperV" + break +@@ -978,6 +985,9 @@ def _virtual(osdata): + grains["virtual"] = "Parallels" + elif "Manufacturer: Google" in output: + grains["virtual"] = "kvm" ++ elif "Manufacturer: Nutanix" in output and "Product Name: AHV" in output: ++ grains["virtual"] = "kvm" ++ grains["virtual_subtype"] = "Nutanix AHV" + # Proxmox KVM + elif "Vendor: SeaBIOS" in output: + grains["virtual"] = "kvm" +@@ -1234,6 +1244,7 @@ def _virtual(osdata): + grains["virtual"] = "virtual" + + # Try to detect if the instance is running on Amazon EC2 ++ # or Nutanix AHV + if grains["virtual"] in ("qemu", "kvm", "xen", "amazon"): + dmidecode = salt.utils.path.which("dmidecode") + if dmidecode: +@@ -1253,6 +1264,9 @@ def _virtual(osdata): + elif re.match(r".*Version: [^\r\n]+\.amazon.*", output, flags=re.DOTALL): + grains["virtual_subtype"] = "Amazon EC2" + ++ elif "Manufacturer: Nutanix" in output and "Product Name: AHV" in output: ++ grains["virtual_subtype"] = "Nutanix AHV" ++ + for command in failed_commands: + + "Although '%s' was found in path, the current user " +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/grains/ b/tests/pytests/unit/grains/ +index b64b8c4bf8..3d2beaa2c9 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/grains/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/grains/ +@@ -2770,6 +2770,10 @@ def test_virtual_has_virtual_grain(): + {"kernel": "Windows", "manufacturer": "Parallels Software"}, + {"virtual": "Parallels"}, + ), ++ ( ++ {"kernel": "Windows", "manufacturer": "Nutanix", "product_name": "AHV"}, ++ {"virtual": "kvm", "virtual_subtype": "Nutanix AHV"}, ++ ), + ], + ) + def test__windows_virtual(osdata, expected): +@@ -3453,6 +3457,186 @@ def test_virtual_linux_proc_files_with_non_utf8_chars(): + assert virt_grains == {"virtual": "physical"} + + ++@pytest.mark.skip_unless_on_linux ++def test_virtual_nutanix_virt_what(): ++ osdata = {} ++ ++ ( ++ osdata["kernel"], ++ osdata["nodename"], ++ osdata["kernelrelease"], ++ osdata["kernelversion"], ++ osdata["cpuarch"], ++ _, ++ ) = platform.uname() ++ ++ which_mock = MagicMock( ++ side_effect=[ ++ # Check with virt-what ++ "/usr/sbin/virt-what", ++ "/usr/sbin/virt-what", ++ None, ++ "/usr/sbin/dmidecode", ++ ] ++ ) ++ cmd_run_all_mock = MagicMock( ++ side_effect=[ ++ # Check with virt-what ++ {"retcode": 0, "stderr": "", "stdout": "nutanix_ahv"}, ++ { ++ "retcode": 0, ++ "stderr": "", ++ "stdout": "\n".join( ++ [ ++ "dmidecode 3.4", ++ "Getting SMBIOS data from sysfs.", ++ "SMBIOS 2.8 present.", ++ "", ++ "Handle 0x0001, DMI type 1, 27 bytes", ++ "System Information", ++ " Manufacturer: Nutanix", ++ " Product Name: AHV", ++ " Version: Not Specified", ++ " Serial Number: 01234567-dcba-1234-abcd-abcdef012345", ++ " UUID: 12345678-abcd-4321-dcba-0123456789ab", ++ " Wake-up Type: Power Switch", ++ " SKU Number: Not Specified", ++ " Family: Not Specified", ++ "", ++ "Handle 0x2000, DMI type 32, 11 bytes", ++ "System Boot Information", ++ " Status: No errors detected", ++ ] ++ ), ++ }, ++ ] ++ ) ++ ++ with patch("salt.utils.path.which", which_mock), patch.dict( ++ core.__salt__, ++ { ++ "":, ++ "cmd.run_all": cmd_run_all_mock, ++ "cmd.retcode": salt.modules.cmdmod.retcode, ++ "smbios.get": salt.modules.smbios.get, ++ }, ++ ): ++ ++ virtual_grains = core._virtual(osdata.copy()) ++ ++ assert virtual_grains["virtual"] == "kvm" ++ assert virtual_grains["virtual_subtype"] == "Nutanix AHV" ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.skip_unless_on_linux ++def test_virtual_nutanix_dmidecode(): ++ osdata = {} ++ ++ ( ++ osdata["kernel"], ++ osdata["nodename"], ++ osdata["kernelrelease"], ++ osdata["kernelversion"], ++ osdata["cpuarch"], ++ _, ++ ) = platform.uname() ++ ++ which_mock = MagicMock( ++ side_effect=[ ++ # Check with virt-what ++ None, ++ None, ++ None, ++ "/usr/sbin/dmidecode", ++ None, ++ "/usr/sbin/dmidecode", ++ ] ++ ) ++ cmd_run_all_mock = MagicMock( ++ side_effect=[ ++ { ++ "retcode": 0, ++ "stderr": "", ++ "stdout": "\n".join( ++ [ ++ "dmidecode 3.4", ++ "Getting SMBIOS data from sysfs.", ++ "SMBIOS 2.8 present.", ++ "", ++ "Handle 0x0001, DMI type 1, 27 bytes", ++ "System Information", ++ " Manufacturer: Nutanix", ++ " Product Name: AHV", ++ " Version: Not Specified", ++ " Serial Number: 01234567-dcba-1234-abcd-abcdef012345", ++ " UUID: 12345678-abcd-4321-dcba-0123456789ab", ++ " Wake-up Type: Power Switch", ++ " SKU Number: Not Specified", ++ " Family: Not Specified", ++ "", ++ "Handle 0x2000, DMI type 32, 11 bytes", ++ "System Boot Information", ++ " Status: No errors detected", ++ ] ++ ), ++ }, ++ { ++ "retcode": 0, ++ "stderr": "", ++ "stdout": "\n".join( ++ [ ++ "dmidecode 3.4", ++ "Getting SMBIOS data from sysfs.", ++ "SMBIOS 2.8 present.", ++ "", ++ "Handle 0x0001, DMI type 1, 27 bytes", ++ "System Information", ++ " Manufacturer: Nutanix", ++ " Product Name: AHV", ++ " Version: Not Specified", ++ " Serial Number: 01234567-dcba-1234-abcd-abcdef012345", ++ " UUID: 12345678-abcd-4321-dcba-0123456789ab", ++ " Wake-up Type: Power Switch", ++ " SKU Number: Not Specified", ++ " Family: Not Specified", ++ "", ++ "Handle 0x2000, DMI type 32, 11 bytes", ++ "System Boot Information", ++ " Status: No errors detected", ++ ] ++ ), ++ }, ++ ] ++ ) ++ ++ def _mock_is_file(filename): ++ if filename in ( ++ "/proc/1/cgroup", ++ "/proc/cpuinfo", ++ "/sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name", ++ "/proc/xen/xsd_kva", ++ "/proc/xen/capabilities", ++ ): ++ return False ++ return True ++ ++ with patch("salt.utils.path.which", which_mock), patch.dict( ++ core.__salt__, ++ { ++ "":, ++ "cmd.run_all": cmd_run_all_mock, ++ "cmd.retcode": salt.modules.cmdmod.retcode, ++ "smbios.get": salt.modules.smbios.get, ++ }, ++ ), patch("os.path.isfile", _mock_is_file), patch( ++ "os.path.isdir", return_value=False ++ ): ++ virtual_grains = core._virtual(osdata.copy()) ++ ++ assert virtual_grains["virtual"] == "kvm" ++ assert virtual_grains["virtual_subtype"] == "Nutanix AHV" ++ ++ + @pytest.mark.skip_unless_on_linux + def test_virtual_set_virtual_ec2(): + osdata = {} +-- +2.47.0 + diff --git a/fix-x509-private-key-tests-and-test_suse-on-sle12-68.patch b/fix-x509-private-key-tests-and-test_suse-on-sle12-68.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..92f7f1e --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-x509-private-key-tests-and-test_suse-on-sle12-68.patch @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +From 43e05d3beea1d6e772fe88c051abf006c2a9bf90 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Marek Czernek +Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2024 13:08:16 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix x509 private key tests and test_suse on SLE12 + (#684) + +--- + .../functional/modules/ | 12 +++++++++-- + .../functional/states/pkgrepo/ | 20 +++++++++---------- + 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +index 7de8f3b01f..3db78c1b63 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +@@ -1442,14 +1442,22 @@ def test_create_private_key_with_passphrase(x509, algo): + + @pytest.mark.slow_test + def test_create_private_key_der(x509): +- res = x509.create_private_key(algo="ec", encoding="der") ++ try: ++ res = x509.create_private_key(algo="ec", encoding="der") ++ except NotImplementedError: ++ pytest.skip("Algorithm 'ec' is not supported on this OpenSSL version") + assert base64.b64decode(res) + + + @pytest.mark.slow_test + @pytest.mark.parametrize("passphrase", [None, "hunter2"]) + def test_create_private_key_pkcs12(x509, passphrase): +- res = x509.create_private_key(algo="ec", encoding="pkcs12", passphrase=passphrase) ++ try: ++ res = x509.create_private_key( ++ algo="ec", encoding="pkcs12", passphrase=passphrase ++ ) ++ except NotImplementedError: ++ pytest.skip("Algorithm 'ec' is not supported on this OpenSSL version") + assert base64.b64decode(res) + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/pkgrepo/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/pkgrepo/ +index 3bafeedc94..d21a9aeb9d 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/pkgrepo/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/pkgrepo/ +@@ -28,14 +28,14 @@ def suse_state_tree(grains, pkgrepo, state_tree): + - comments: + - '# Salt Test' + - refresh: 1 +- {% if grains['osmajorrelease'] == 15 %} +- - baseurl: +- - humanname: openSUSE Backports for SLE 15 SP4 +- - gpgkey: +- {% elif grains['osfullname'] == 'openSUSE Tumbleweed' %} ++ {% if grains['osfullname'] == 'openSUSE Tumbleweed' %} + - baseurl: + - humanname: openSUSE Tumbleweed OSS + - gpgkey: ++ {% else %} ++ - baseurl: ++ - humanname: openSUSE Backports for SLE 15 SP4 ++ - gpgkey: + {% endif %} + """ + +@@ -53,14 +53,14 @@ def suse_state_tree(grains, pkgrepo, state_tree): + - comments: + - '# Salt Test (modified)' + - refresh: 1 +- {% if grains['osmajorrelease'] == 15 %} +- - baseurl: +- - humanname: Salt modified Backports +- - gpgkey: +- {% elif grains['osfullname'] == 'openSUSE Tumbleweed' %} ++ {% if grains['osfullname'] == 'openSUSE Tumbleweed' %} + - baseurl: + - humanname: Salt modified OSS + - gpgkey: ++ {% else %} ++ - baseurl: ++ - humanname: Salt modified Backports ++ - gpgkey: + {% endif %} + """ + +-- +2.46.1 + diff --git a/fix-x509-test-fails-on-old-openssl-systems-682.patch b/fix-x509-test-fails-on-old-openssl-systems-682.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e6ae6c --- /dev/null +++ b/fix-x509-test-fails-on-old-openssl-systems-682.patch @@ -0,0 +1,261 @@ +From 7daf461528c90776b8f865cd58d20e23bd5b6f3f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Marek Czernek +Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2024 09:09:34 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix x509 test fails on old openssl systems (#682) + +--- + .../functional/modules/ | 41 +++++++++++++---- + .../pytests/functional/states/ | 44 +++++++++++++++---- + .../scenarios/performance/ | 8 +++- + 3 files changed, 75 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +index 2e8152d04a..7de8f3b01f 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +@@ -681,8 +681,13 @@ def test_create_certificate_self_signed(x509, algo, request): + privkey = request.getfixturevalue(f"{algo}_privkey") + try: + res = x509.create_certificate(signing_private_key=privkey, CN="success") +- except UnsupportedAlgorithm: ++ except (UnsupportedAlgorithm, NotImplementedError): + pytest.skip(f"Algorithm '{algo}' is not supported on this OpenSSL version") ++ except salt.exceptions.CommandExecutionError as e: ++ if "Could not load PEM-encoded" in e.error: ++ pytest.skip(f"Algorithm '{algo}' is not supported on this OpenSSL version") ++ else: ++ raise e + assert res.startswith("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----") + cert = _get_cert(res) + assert cert.subject.rfc4514_string() == "CN=success" +@@ -754,8 +759,13 @@ def test_create_certificate_from_privkey(x509, ca_key, ca_cert, algo, request): + private_key=privkey, + CN="success", + ) +- except UnsupportedAlgorithm: ++ except (UnsupportedAlgorithm, NotImplementedError): + pytest.skip(f"Algorithm '{algo}' is not supported on this OpenSSL version") ++ except salt.exceptions.CommandExecutionError as e: ++ if "Could not load PEM-encoded" in e.error: ++ pytest.skip(f"Algorithm '{algo}' is not supported on this OpenSSL version") ++ else: ++ raise e + assert res.startswith("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----") + cert = _get_cert(res) + assert cert.subject.rfc4514_string() == "CN=success" +@@ -802,8 +812,13 @@ def test_create_certificate_from_pubkey(x509, ca_key, ca_cert, algo, request): + public_key=pubkey, + CN="success", + ) +- except UnsupportedAlgorithm: ++ except (UnsupportedAlgorithm, NotImplementedError): + pytest.skip(f"Algorithm '{algo}' is not supported on this OpenSSL version") ++ except salt.exceptions.CommandExecutionError as e: ++ if "Could not load PEM-encoded" in e.error: ++ pytest.skip(f"Algorithm '{algo}' is not supported on this OpenSSL version") ++ else: ++ raise e + assert res.startswith("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----") + cert = _get_cert(res) + assert cert.subject.rfc4514_string() == "CN=success" +@@ -1341,8 +1356,13 @@ def test_create_csr(x509, algo, request): + privkey = request.getfixturevalue(f"{algo}_privkey") + try: + res = x509.create_csr(private_key=privkey) +- except UnsupportedAlgorithm: ++ except (UnsupportedAlgorithm, NotImplementedError): + pytest.skip(f"Algorithm '{algo}' is not supported on this OpenSSL version") ++ except salt.exceptions.CommandExecutionError as e: ++ if "Could not load PEM-encoded" in e.error: ++ pytest.skip(f"Algorithm '{algo}' is not supported on this OpenSSL version") ++ else: ++ raise e + assert res.startswith("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----") + + +@@ -1402,7 +1422,7 @@ def test_create_csr_raw(x509, rsa_privkey): + def test_create_private_key(x509, algo): + try: + res = x509.create_private_key(algo=algo) +- except UnsupportedAlgorithm: ++ except (UnsupportedAlgorithm, NotImplementedError): + pytest.skip(f"Algorithm '{algo}' is not supported on this OpenSSL version") + assert res.startswith("-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----") + +@@ -1413,7 +1433,7 @@ def test_create_private_key_with_passphrase(x509, algo): + passphrase = "hunter2" + try: + res = x509.create_private_key(algo=algo, passphrase=passphrase) +- except UnsupportedAlgorithm: ++ except (UnsupportedAlgorithm, NotImplementedError): + pytest.skip(f"Algorithm '{algo}' is not supported on this OpenSSL version") + assert res.startswith("-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----") + # ensure it can be loaded +@@ -1465,8 +1485,13 @@ def test_get_private_key_size(x509, algo, expected, request): + privkey = request.getfixturevalue(f"{algo}_privkey") + try: + res = x509.get_private_key_size(privkey) +- except UnsupportedAlgorithm: ++ except (UnsupportedAlgorithm, NotImplementedError): + pytest.skip(f"Algorithm '{algo}' is not supported on this OpenSSL version") ++ except salt.exceptions.CommandExecutionError as e: ++ if "Could not load PEM-encoded" in e.error: ++ pytest.skip(f"Algorithm '{algo}' is not supported on this OpenSSL version") ++ else: ++ raise e + assert res == expected + + +@@ -1612,7 +1637,7 @@ def test_verify_signature(x509, algo, request): + wrong_privkey = request.getfixturevalue(f"{algo}_privkey") + try: + privkey = x509.create_private_key(algo=algo) +- except UnsupportedAlgorithm: ++ except (UnsupportedAlgorithm, NotImplementedError): + pytest.skip(f"Algorithm '{algo}' is not supported on this OpenSSL version") + cert = x509.create_certificate(signing_private_key=privkey) + assert x509.verify_signature(cert, privkey) +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/ +index 47a1c555f8..139f7b1906 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/ +@@ -574,9 +574,9 @@ def existing_cert(x509, cert_args, ca_key, rsa_privkey, request): + ca_key, + encoding=cert_args.get("encoding", "pem"), + passphrase=cert_args.get("pkcs12_passphrase"), +- subject=subject +- if "signing_policy" not in cert_args +- else "CN=from_signing_policy", ++ subject=( ++ subject if "signing_policy" not in cert_args else "CN=from_signing_policy" ++ ), + ) + yield cert_args["name"] + +@@ -694,8 +694,12 @@ def existing_csr_exts(x509, csr_args, csr_args_exts, ca_key, rsa_privkey, reques + def existing_pk(x509, pk_args, request): + pk_args.update(request.param) + ret = x509.private_key_managed(**pk_args) +- if ret.result == False and "UnsupportedAlgorithm" in ret.comment: +- pytest.skip(f"Algorithm '{pk_args['algo']}' is not supported on this OpenSSL version") ++ if ret.result == False and ( ++ "UnsupportedAlgorithm" in ret.comment or "NotImplementedError" in ret.comment ++ ): ++ pytest.skip( ++ f"Algorithm '{pk_args['algo']}' is not supported on this OpenSSL version" ++ ) + _assert_pk_basic( + ret, + pk_args.get("algo", "rsa"), +@@ -1054,6 +1058,8 @@ def test_certificate_managed_days_valid_does_not_override_days_remaining( + def test_certificate_managed_privkey_change(x509, cert_args, ec_privkey, ca_key): + cert_args["private_key"] = ec_privkey + ret = x509.certificate_managed(**cert_args) ++ if ret.result == False and "NotImplementedError" in ret.comment: ++ pytest.skip("Current OpenSSL does not support 'ec' algorithm") + _assert_cert_basic(ret, cert_args["name"], ec_privkey, ca_key) + assert ret.changes["private_key"] + +@@ -1237,6 +1243,8 @@ def test_certificate_managed_wrong_ca_key( + cert_args["private_key"] = ec_privkey + cert_args["signing_private_key"] = rsa_privkey + ret = x509.certificate_managed(**cert_args) ++ if ret.result == False and "NotImplementedError" in ret.comment: ++ pytest.skip("Current OpenSSL does not support 'ec' algorithm") + assert ret.result is False + assert not ret.changes + assert "Signing private key does not match the certificate" in ret.comment +@@ -1917,6 +1925,8 @@ def test_csr_managed_existing_invalid_version(x509, csr_args, rsa_privkey): + def test_csr_managed_privkey_change(x509, csr_args, ec_privkey): + csr_args["private_key"] = ec_privkey + ret = x509.csr_managed(**csr_args) ++ if ret.result == False and "NotImplementedError" in ret.comment: ++ pytest.skip("Current OpenSSL does not support 'ec' algorithm") + _assert_csr_basic(ret, ec_privkey) + assert ret.changes["private_key"] + +@@ -2141,11 +2151,14 @@ def test_private_key_managed(x509, pk_args, algo, encoding, passphrase): + pytest.skip( + "PKCS12 serialization of Edwards-curve keys requires cryptography v37" + ) ++ + pk_args["algo"] = algo + pk_args["encoding"] = encoding + pk_args["passphrase"] = passphrase + ret = x509.private_key_managed(**pk_args) +- if ret.result == False and "UnsupportedAlgorithm" in ret.comment: ++ if ret.result == False and ( ++ "UnsupportedAlgorithm" in ret.comment or "NotImplementedError" in ret.comment ++ ): + pytest.skip(f"Algorithm '{algo}' is not supported on this OpenSSL version") + _assert_pk_basic(ret, algo, encoding, passphrase) + +@@ -2155,6 +2168,8 @@ def test_private_key_managed_keysize(x509, pk_args, algo, keysize): + pk_args["algo"] = algo + pk_args["keysize"] = keysize + ret = x509.private_key_managed(**pk_args) ++ if ret.result == False and "NotImplementedError" in ret.comment: ++ pytest.skip("Current OpenSSL does not support 'ec' algorithm") + pk = _assert_pk_basic(ret, algo) + assert pk.key_size == keysize + +@@ -2174,8 +2189,12 @@ def test_private_key_managed_keysize(x509, pk_args, algo, keysize): + ) + def test_private_key_managed_existing(x509, pk_args): + ret = x509.private_key_managed(**pk_args) +- if ret.result == False and "UnsupportedAlgorithm" in ret.comment: +- pytest.skip(f"Algorithm '{pk_args['algo']}' is not supported on this OpenSSL version") ++ if ret.result == False and ( ++ "UnsupportedAlgorithm" in ret.comment or "NotImplementedError" in ret.comment ++ ): ++ pytest.skip( ++ f"Algorithm '{pk_args['algo']}' is not supported on this OpenSSL version" ++ ) + _assert_not_changed(ret) + + +@@ -2382,6 +2401,8 @@ def test_private_key_managed_follow_symlinks_changes( + pk_args["encoding"] = encoding + pk_args["algo"] = "ec" + ret = x509.private_key_managed(**pk_args) ++ if ret.result == False and "NotImplementedError" in ret.comment: ++ pytest.skip("Current OpenSSL does not support 'ec' algorithm") + assert ret.changes + assert Path( == follow + +@@ -2722,7 +2743,12 @@ def _get_cert(cert, encoding="pem", passphrase=None): + def _belongs_to(cert_or_pubkey, privkey): + if isinstance(cert_or_pubkey, cx509.Certificate): + cert_or_pubkey = cert_or_pubkey.public_key() +- return x509util.is_pair(cert_or_pubkey, x509util.load_privkey(privkey)) ++ try: ++ return x509util.is_pair(cert_or_pubkey, x509util.load_privkey(privkey)) ++ except NotImplementedError: ++ pytest.skip( ++ "This OpenSSL version does not support current cryptographic algorithm" ++ ) + + + def _signed_by(cert, privkey): +diff --git a/tests/pytests/scenarios/performance/ b/tests/pytests/scenarios/performance/ +index 85b92ed986..6319e26ce1 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/scenarios/performance/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/scenarios/performance/ +@@ -10,7 +10,13 @@ from saltfactories.utils import random_string + + from salt.version import SaltVersionsInfo, __version__ + +-pytestmark = [pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("docker")] ++pytestmark = [ ++ pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("docker"), ++ pytest.mark.skipif( ++ os.environ.get("GITHUB_ACTIONS", "") == "true", ++ reason="Cannot spawn containers in GH actions run", ++ ), ++] + + + class ContainerMaster(SaltDaemon, master.SaltMaster): +-- +2.46.1 + diff --git a/fixed-gitfs-cachedir_basename-to-avoid-hash-collisio.patch b/fixed-gitfs-cachedir_basename-to-avoid-hash-collisio.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d18946 --- /dev/null +++ b/fixed-gitfs-cachedir_basename-to-avoid-hash-collisio.patch @@ -0,0 +1,833 @@ +From 7051f86bb48dbd618a7422d469f3aae4c6f18008 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2023 10:41:53 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Fixed gitfs cachedir_basename to avoid hash collisions + (#599) + +(bsc#1193948, bsc#1214797, CVE-2023-20898) + +Fix gitfs tests + +It's `gitfs` not `gtfs`, plus some code fixes and cleanup + +Signed-off-by: Pedro Algarvio + +fix doc + +wrap sha in base64 + +clean up cache name + +stop branch collision + +run pre + +Co-authored-by: cmcmarrow +--- + changelog/ | 1 + + salt/utils/ | 83 ++++++- + tests/pytests/unit/utils/ | 255 +++++++++++++++++++++ + tests/unit/utils/ | 305 ++++++------------------- + 4 files changed, 403 insertions(+), 241 deletions(-) + create mode 100644 changelog/ + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/unit/utils/ + +diff --git a/changelog/ b/changelog/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..44f1729192 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/changelog/ +@@ -0,0 +1 @@ ++Fixed gitfs cachedir_basename to avoid hash collisions. Added MP Lock to gitfs. These changes should stop race conditions. +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index 38e84f38aa..af61aa0dda 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Classes which provide the shared base for GitFS, git_pillar, and winrepo + """ + + ++import base64 + import contextlib + import copy + import errno +@@ -11,10 +12,12 @@ import glob + import hashlib + import io + import logging ++import multiprocessing + import os + import shlex + import shutil + import stat ++import string + import subprocess + import time + import weakref +@@ -22,6 +25,7 @@ from datetime import datetime + + import salt.ext.tornado.ioloop + import salt.fileserver ++import salt.syspaths + import salt.utils.configparser + import + import salt.utils.files +@@ -34,7 +38,6 @@ import salt.utils.stringutils + import salt.utils.url + import salt.utils.user + import salt.utils.versions +-import salt.syspaths + from salt.config import DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS as _DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS + from salt.exceptions import FileserverConfigError, GitLockError, get_error_message + from salt.utils.event import tagify +@@ -226,6 +229,10 @@ class GitProvider: + invoking the parent class' __init__. + """ + ++ # master lock should only be locked for very short periods of times "seconds" ++ # the master lock should be used when ever git provider reads or writes to one if it locks ++ _master_lock = multiprocessing.Lock() ++ + def __init__( + self, + opts, +@@ -452,13 +459,44 @@ class GitProvider: + failhard(self.role) + + hash_type = getattr(hashlib, self.opts.get("hash_type", "md5")) ++ # Generate full id. ++ # Full id helps decrease the chances of collections in the gitfs cache. ++ try: ++ target = str(self.get_checkout_target()) ++ except AttributeError: ++ target = "" ++ self._full_id = "-".join( ++ [ ++ getattr(self, "name", ""), ++, ++ getattr(self, "env", ""), ++ getattr(self, "_root", ""), ++ self.role, ++ getattr(self, "base", ""), ++ getattr(self, "branch", ""), ++ target, ++ ] ++ ) + # We loaded this data from yaml configuration files, so, its safe + # to use UTF-8 +- self.hash = hash_type("utf-8")).hexdigest() +- self.cachedir_basename = getattr(self, "name", self.hash) ++ base64_hash = str( ++ base64.b64encode(hash_type(self._full_id.encode("utf-8")).digest()), ++ encoding="ascii", # base64 only outputs ascii ++ ).replace( ++ "/", "_" ++ ) # replace "/" with "_" to not cause trouble with file system ++ ++ # limit name length to 19, so we don't eat up all the path length for windows ++ # this is due to pygit2 limitations ++ # replace any unknown char with "_" to not cause trouble with file system ++ name_chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "-" ++ cache_name = "".join( ++ c if c in name_chars else "_" for c in getattr(self, "name", "")[:19] ++ ) ++ ++ self.cachedir_basename = f"{cache_name}-{base64_hash}" + self.cachedir = salt.utils.path.join(cache_root, self.cachedir_basename) + self.linkdir = salt.utils.path.join(cache_root, "links", self.cachedir_basename) +- + if not os.path.isdir(self.cachedir): + os.makedirs(self.cachedir) + +@@ -473,6 +511,12 @@ class GitProvider: + log.critical(msg, exc_info=True) + failhard(self.role) + ++ def full_id(self): ++ return self._full_id ++ ++ def get_cachedir_basename(self): ++ return self.cachedir_basename ++ + def _get_envs_from_ref_paths(self, refs): + """ + Return the names of remote refs (stripped of the remote name) and tags +@@ -663,6 +707,19 @@ class GitProvider: + """ + Clear + """ ++ if self.__class__._master_lock.acquire(timeout=60) is False: ++ # if gitfs works right we should never see this timeout error. ++ log.error("gitfs master lock timeout!") ++ raise TimeoutError("gitfs master lock timeout!") ++ try: ++ return self._clear_lock(lock_type) ++ finally: ++ self.__class__._master_lock.release() ++ ++ def _clear_lock(self, lock_type="update"): ++ """ ++ Clear without MultiProcessing locks ++ """ + lock_file = self._get_lock_file(lock_type=lock_type) + + def _add_error(errlist, exc): +@@ -838,6 +895,20 @@ class GitProvider: + """ + Place a lock file if (and only if) it does not already exist. + """ ++ if self.__class__._master_lock.acquire(timeout=60) is False: ++ # if gitfs works right we should never see this timeout error. ++ log.error("gitfs master lock timeout!") ++ raise TimeoutError("gitfs master lock timeout!") ++ try: ++ return self.__lock(lock_type, failhard) ++ finally: ++ self.__class__._master_lock.release() ++ ++ def __lock(self, lock_type="update", failhard=False): ++ """ ++ Place a lock file if (and only if) it does not already exist. ++ Without MultiProcessing locks. ++ """ + try: + fh_ = + self._get_lock_file(lock_type), os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL | os.O_WRONLY +@@ -904,9 +975,9 @@ class GitProvider: + lock_type, + lock_file, + ) +- success, fail = self.clear_lock() ++ success, fail = self._clear_lock() + if success: +- return self._lock(lock_type="update", failhard=failhard) ++ return self.__lock(lock_type="update", failhard=failhard) + elif failhard: + raise + return +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..e9915de412 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ +@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@ ++import os ++import string ++import time ++ ++import pytest ++ ++import salt.fileserver.gitfs ++import salt.utils.gitfs ++from salt.exceptions import FileserverConfigError ++from import patched_environ ++from import MagicMock, patch ++ ++try: ++ HAS_PYGIT2 = ( ++ salt.utils.gitfs.PYGIT2_VERSION ++ and salt.utils.gitfs.PYGIT2_VERSION >= salt.utils.gitfs.PYGIT2_MINVER ++ and salt.utils.gitfs.LIBGIT2_VERSION ++ and salt.utils.gitfs.LIBGIT2_VERSION >= salt.utils.gitfs.LIBGIT2_MINVER ++ ) ++except AttributeError: ++ HAS_PYGIT2 = False ++ ++ ++if HAS_PYGIT2: ++ import pygit2 ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.parametrize( ++ "role_name,role_class", ++ ( ++ ("gitfs", salt.utils.gitfs.GitFS), ++ ("git_pillar", salt.utils.gitfs.GitPillar), ++ ("winrepo", salt.utils.gitfs.WinRepo), ++ ), ++) ++def test_provider_case_insensitive_gitfs_provider(minion_opts, role_name, role_class): ++ """ ++ Ensure that both lowercase and non-lowercase values are supported ++ """ ++ provider = "GitPython" ++ key = "{}_provider".format(role_name) ++ with patch.object(role_class, "verify_gitpython", MagicMock(return_value=True)): ++ with patch.object(role_class, "verify_pygit2", MagicMock(return_value=False)): ++ args = [minion_opts, {}] ++ kwargs = {"init_remotes": False} ++ if role_name == "winrepo": ++ kwargs["cache_root"] = "/tmp/winrepo-dir" ++ with patch.dict(minion_opts, {key: provider}): ++ # Try to create an instance with uppercase letters in ++ # provider name. If it fails then a ++ # FileserverConfigError will be raised, so no assert is ++ # necessary. ++ role_class(*args, **kwargs) ++ # Now try to instantiate an instance with all lowercase ++ # letters. Again, no need for an assert here. ++ role_class(*args, **kwargs) ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.parametrize( ++ "role_name,role_class", ++ ( ++ ("gitfs", salt.utils.gitfs.GitFS), ++ ("git_pillar", salt.utils.gitfs.GitPillar), ++ ("winrepo", salt.utils.gitfs.WinRepo), ++ ), ++) ++def test_valid_provider_gitfs_provider(minion_opts, role_name, role_class): ++ """ ++ Ensure that an invalid provider is not accepted, raising a ++ FileserverConfigError. ++ """ ++ ++ def _get_mock(verify, provider): ++ """ ++ Return a MagicMock with the desired return value ++ """ ++ return MagicMock(return_value=verify.endswith(provider)) ++ ++ key = "{}_provider".format(role_name) ++ for provider in salt.utils.gitfs.GIT_PROVIDERS: ++ verify = "verify_gitpython" ++ mock1 = _get_mock(verify, provider) ++ with patch.object(role_class, verify, mock1): ++ verify = "verify_pygit2" ++ mock2 = _get_mock(verify, provider) ++ with patch.object(role_class, verify, mock2): ++ args = [minion_opts, {}] ++ kwargs = {"init_remotes": False} ++ if role_name == "winrepo": ++ kwargs["cache_root"] = "/tmp/winrepo-dir" ++ with patch.dict(minion_opts, {key: provider}): ++ role_class(*args, **kwargs) ++ with patch.dict(minion_opts, {key: "foo"}): ++ # Set the provider name to a known invalid provider ++ # and make sure it raises an exception. ++ with pytest.raises(FileserverConfigError): ++ role_class(*args, **kwargs) ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture ++def _prepare_remote_repository_pygit2(tmp_path): ++ remote = os.path.join(tmp_path, "pygit2-repo") ++ filecontent = "This is an empty README file" ++ filename = "README" ++ signature = pygit2.Signature( ++ "Dummy Commiter", "", int(time.time()), 0 ++ ) ++ repository = pygit2.init_repository(remote, False) ++ builder = repository.TreeBuilder() ++ tree = builder.write() ++ commit = repository.create_commit( ++ "HEAD", signature, signature, "Create master branch", tree, [] ++ ) ++ repository.create_reference("refs/tags/simple_tag", commit) ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen( ++ os.path.join(repository.workdir, filename), "w" ++ ) as file: ++ file.write(filecontent) ++ blob = repository.create_blob_fromworkdir(filename) ++ builder = repository.TreeBuilder() ++ builder.insert(filename, blob, pygit2.GIT_FILEMODE_BLOB) ++ tree = builder.write() ++ ++ repository.index.add(filename) ++ repository.index.write() ++ commit = repository.create_commit( ++ "HEAD", ++ signature, ++ signature, ++ "Added a README", ++ tree, ++ [], ++ ) ++ repository.create_tag( ++ "annotated_tag", commit, pygit2.GIT_OBJ_COMMIT, signature, "some message" ++ ) ++ return remote ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture ++def _prepare_provider(tmp_path, minion_opts, _prepare_remote_repository_pygit2): ++ cache = tmp_path / "pygit2-repo-cache" ++ minion_opts.update( ++ { ++ "cachedir": str(cache), ++ "gitfs_disable_saltenv_mapping": False, ++ "gitfs_base": "master", ++ "gitfs_insecure_auth": False, ++ "gitfs_mountpoint": "", ++ "gitfs_passphrase": "", ++ "gitfs_password": "", ++ "gitfs_privkey": "", ++ "gitfs_provider": "pygit2", ++ "gitfs_pubkey": "", ++ "gitfs_ref_types": ["branch", "tag", "sha"], ++ "gitfs_refspecs": [ ++ "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*", ++ "+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*", ++ ], ++ "gitfs_root": "", ++ "gitfs_saltenv_blacklist": [], ++ "gitfs_saltenv_whitelist": [], ++ "gitfs_ssl_verify": True, ++ "gitfs_update_interval": 3, ++ "gitfs_user": "", ++ "verified_gitfs_provider": "pygit2", ++ } ++ ) ++ per_remote_defaults = { ++ "base": "master", ++ "disable_saltenv_mapping": False, ++ "insecure_auth": False, ++ "ref_types": ["branch", "tag", "sha"], ++ "passphrase": "", ++ "mountpoint": "", ++ "password": "", ++ "privkey": "", ++ "pubkey": "", ++ "refspecs": [ ++ "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*", ++ "+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*", ++ ], ++ "root": "", ++ "saltenv_blacklist": [], ++ "saltenv_whitelist": [], ++ "ssl_verify": True, ++ "update_interval": 60, ++ "user": "", ++ } ++ per_remote_only = ("all_saltenvs", "name", "saltenv") ++ override_params = tuple(per_remote_defaults) ++ cache_root = cache / "gitfs" ++ role = "gitfs" ++ provider = salt.utils.gitfs.Pygit2( ++ minion_opts, ++ _prepare_remote_repository_pygit2, ++ per_remote_defaults, ++ per_remote_only, ++ override_params, ++ str(cache_root), ++ role, ++ ) ++ return provider ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_PYGIT2, reason="This host lacks proper pygit2 support") ++@pytest.mark.skip_on_windows( ++ reason="Skip Pygit2 on windows, due to pygit2 access error on windows" ++) ++def test_checkout_pygit2(_prepare_provider): ++ provider = _prepare_provider ++ provider.remotecallbacks = None ++ provider.credentials = None ++ provider.init_remote() ++ provider.fetch() ++ provider.branch = "master" ++ assert provider.cachedir in provider.checkout() ++ provider.branch = "simple_tag" ++ assert provider.cachedir in provider.checkout() ++ provider.branch = "annotated_tag" ++ assert provider.cachedir in provider.checkout() ++ provider.branch = "does_not_exist" ++ assert provider.checkout() is None ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_PYGIT2, reason="This host lacks proper pygit2 support") ++@pytest.mark.skip_on_windows( ++ reason="Skip Pygit2 on windows, due to pygit2 access error on windows" ++) ++def test_checkout_pygit2_with_home_env_unset(_prepare_provider): ++ provider = _prepare_provider ++ provider.remotecallbacks = None ++ provider.credentials = None ++ with patched_environ(__cleanup__=["HOME"]): ++ assert "HOME" not in os.environ ++ provider.init_remote() ++ provider.fetch() ++ assert "HOME" in os.environ ++ ++ ++def test_full_id_pygit2(_prepare_provider): ++ assert _prepare_provider.full_id().startswith("-") ++ assert _prepare_provider.full_id().endswith("/pygit2-repo---gitfs-master--") ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_PYGIT2, reason="This host lacks proper pygit2 support") ++@pytest.mark.skip_on_windows( ++ reason="Skip Pygit2 on windows, due to pygit2 access error on windows" ++) ++def test_get_cachedir_basename_pygit2(_prepare_provider): ++ basename = _prepare_provider.get_cachedir_basename() ++ assert len(basename) == 45 ++ assert basename[0] == "-" ++ # check that a valid base64 is given '/' -> '_' ++ assert all(c in string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "+_=" for c in basename[1:]) +diff --git a/tests/unit/utils/ b/tests/unit/utils/ +index 7c400b69af..6d8e97a239 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/utils/ ++++ b/tests/unit/utils/ +@@ -2,37 +2,20 @@ + These only test the provider selection and verification logic, they do not init + any remotes. + """ +-import os +-import shutil +-from time import time ++ ++import tempfile + + import pytest + ++import salt.ext.tornado.ioloop + import salt.fileserver.gitfs + import salt.utils.files + import salt.utils.gitfs ++import salt.utils.path + import salt.utils.platform +-import +-from salt.exceptions import FileserverConfigError +-from import patched_environ + from import AdaptedConfigurationTestCaseMixin +-from import MagicMock, patch + from import TestCase + +-try: +- HAS_PYGIT2 = ( +- salt.utils.gitfs.PYGIT2_VERSION +- and salt.utils.gitfs.PYGIT2_VERSION >= salt.utils.gitfs.PYGIT2_MINVER +- and salt.utils.gitfs.LIBGIT2_VERSION +- and salt.utils.gitfs.LIBGIT2_VERSION >= salt.utils.gitfs.LIBGIT2_MINVER +- ) +-except AttributeError: +- HAS_PYGIT2 = False +- +- +-if HAS_PYGIT2: +- import pygit2 +- + + def _clear_instance_map(): + try: +@@ -45,6 +28,9 @@ def _clear_instance_map(): + + class TestGitBase(TestCase, AdaptedConfigurationTestCaseMixin): + def setUp(self): ++ self._tmp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() ++ tmp_name = ++ + class MockedProvider( + salt.utils.gitfs.GitProvider + ): # pylint: disable=abstract-method +@@ -71,6 +57,7 @@ class TestGitBase(TestCase, AdaptedConfigurationTestCaseMixin): + ) + + def init_remote(self): ++ self.gitdir = salt.utils.path.join(tmp_name, ".git") + self.repo = True + new = False + return new +@@ -107,6 +94,7 @@ class TestGitBase(TestCase, AdaptedConfigurationTestCaseMixin): + for remote in self.main_class.remotes: + remote.fetched = False + del self.main_class ++ self._tmp_dir.cleanup() + + def test_update_all(self): + self.main_class.update() +@@ -126,226 +114,73 @@ class TestGitBase(TestCase, AdaptedConfigurationTestCaseMixin): + self.assertTrue(self.main_class.remotes[0].fetched) + self.assertFalse(self.main_class.remotes[1].fetched) + +- +-class TestGitFSProvider(TestCase): +- def setUp(self): +- self.opts = {"cachedir": "/tmp/gitfs-test-cache"} +- +- def tearDown(self): +- self.opts = None +- +- def test_provider_case_insensitive(self): +- """ +- Ensure that both lowercase and non-lowercase values are supported +- """ +- provider = "GitPython" +- for role_name, role_class in ( +- ("gitfs", salt.utils.gitfs.GitFS), +- ("git_pillar", salt.utils.gitfs.GitPillar), +- ("winrepo", salt.utils.gitfs.WinRepo), +- ): +- +- key = "{}_provider".format(role_name) +- with patch.object( +- role_class, "verify_gitpython", MagicMock(return_value=True) +- ): +- with patch.object( +- role_class, "verify_pygit2", MagicMock(return_value=False) +- ): +- args = [self.opts, {}] +- kwargs = {"init_remotes": False} +- if role_name == "winrepo": +- kwargs["cache_root"] = "/tmp/winrepo-dir" +- with patch.dict(self.opts, {key: provider}): +- # Try to create an instance with uppercase letters in +- # provider name. If it fails then a +- # FileserverConfigError will be raised, so no assert is +- # necessary. +- role_class(*args, **kwargs) +- # Now try to instantiate an instance with all lowercase +- # letters. Again, no need for an assert here. +- role_class(*args, **kwargs) +- +- def test_valid_provider(self): +- """ +- Ensure that an invalid provider is not accepted, raising a +- FileserverConfigError. +- """ +- +- def _get_mock(verify, provider): +- """ +- Return a MagicMock with the desired return value +- """ +- return MagicMock(return_value=verify.endswith(provider)) +- +- for role_name, role_class in ( +- ("gitfs", salt.utils.gitfs.GitFS), +- ("git_pillar", salt.utils.gitfs.GitPillar), +- ("winrepo", salt.utils.gitfs.WinRepo), +- ): +- key = "{}_provider".format(role_name) +- for provider in salt.utils.gitfs.GIT_PROVIDERS: +- verify = "verify_gitpython" +- mock1 = _get_mock(verify, provider) +- with patch.object(role_class, verify, mock1): +- verify = "verify_pygit2" +- mock2 = _get_mock(verify, provider) +- with patch.object(role_class, verify, mock2): +- args = [self.opts, {}] +- kwargs = {"init_remotes": False} +- if role_name == "winrepo": +- kwargs["cache_root"] = "/tmp/winrepo-dir" +- +- with patch.dict(self.opts, {key: provider}): +- role_class(*args, **kwargs) +- +- with patch.dict(self.opts, {key: "foo"}): +- # Set the provider name to a known invalid provider +- # and make sure it raises an exception. +- self.assertRaises( +- FileserverConfigError, role_class, *args, **kwargs +- ) +- +- +-@pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_PYGIT2, reason="This host lacks proper pygit2 support") +-@pytest.mark.skip_on_windows( +- reason="Skip Pygit2 on windows, due to pygit2 access error on windows" +-) +-class TestPygit2(TestCase): +- def _prepare_remote_repository(self, path): +- shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True) +- +- filecontent = "This is an empty README file" +- filename = "README" +- +- signature = pygit2.Signature( +- "Dummy Commiter", "", int(time()), 0 ++ def test_full_id(self): ++ self.assertEqual( ++ self.main_class.remotes[0].full_id(), "-file://repo1.git---gitfs-master--" + ) + +- repository = pygit2.init_repository(path, False) +- builder = repository.TreeBuilder() +- tree = builder.write() +- commit = repository.create_commit( +- "HEAD", signature, signature, "Create master branch", tree, [] ++ def test_full_id_with_name(self): ++ self.assertEqual( ++ self.main_class.remotes[1].full_id(), ++ "repo2-file://repo2.git---gitfs-master--", + ) +- repository.create_reference("refs/tags/simple_tag", commit) + +- with salt.utils.files.fopen( +- os.path.join(repository.workdir, filename), "w" +- ) as file: +- file.write(filecontent) +- +- blob = repository.create_blob_fromworkdir(filename) +- builder = repository.TreeBuilder() +- builder.insert(filename, blob, pygit2.GIT_FILEMODE_BLOB) +- tree = builder.write() +- +- +- repository.index.add(filename) +- repository.index.write() +- +- commit = repository.create_commit( +- "HEAD", +- signature, +- signature, +- "Added a README", +- tree, +- [], +- ) +- repository.create_tag( +- "annotated_tag", commit, pygit2.GIT_OBJ_COMMIT, signature, "some message" ++ def test_get_cachedir_basename(self): ++ self.assertEqual( ++ self.main_class.remotes[0].get_cachedir_basename(), ++ "-jXhnbGDemchtZwTwaD2s6VOaVvs98a7w+AtiYlmOVb0=", + ) + +- def _prepare_cache_repository(self, remote, cache): +- opts = { +- "cachedir": cache, +- "__role": "minion", +- "gitfs_disable_saltenv_mapping": False, +- "gitfs_base": "master", +- "gitfs_insecure_auth": False, +- "gitfs_mountpoint": "", +- "gitfs_passphrase": "", +- "gitfs_password": "", +- "gitfs_privkey": "", +- "gitfs_provider": "pygit2", +- "gitfs_pubkey": "", +- "gitfs_ref_types": ["branch", "tag", "sha"], +- "gitfs_refspecs": [ +- "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*", +- "+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*", +- ], +- "gitfs_root": "", +- "gitfs_saltenv_blacklist": [], +- "gitfs_saltenv_whitelist": [], +- "gitfs_ssl_verify": True, +- "gitfs_update_interval": 3, +- "gitfs_user": "", +- "verified_gitfs_provider": "pygit2", +- } +- per_remote_defaults = { +- "base": "master", +- "disable_saltenv_mapping": False, +- "insecure_auth": False, +- "ref_types": ["branch", "tag", "sha"], +- "passphrase": "", +- "mountpoint": "", +- "password": "", +- "privkey": "", +- "pubkey": "", +- "refspecs": [ +- "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*", +- "+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*", +- ], +- "root": "", +- "saltenv_blacklist": [], +- "saltenv_whitelist": [], +- "ssl_verify": True, +- "update_interval": 60, +- "user": "", +- } +- per_remote_only = ("all_saltenvs", "name", "saltenv") +- override_params = tuple(per_remote_defaults.keys()) +- cache_root = os.path.join(cache, "gitfs") +- role = "gitfs" +- shutil.rmtree(cache_root, ignore_errors=True) +- provider = salt.utils.gitfs.Pygit2( +- opts, +- remote, +- per_remote_defaults, +- per_remote_only, +- override_params, +- cache_root, +- role, ++ def test_get_cachedir_base_with_name(self): ++ self.assertEqual( ++ self.main_class.remotes[1].get_cachedir_basename(), ++ "repo2-nuezpiDtjQRFC0ZJDByvi+F6Vb8ZhfoH41n_KFxTGsU=", + ) +- return provider + +- def test_checkout(self): +- remote = os.path.join(, "pygit2-repo") +- cache = os.path.join(, "pygit2-repo-cache") +- self._prepare_remote_repository(remote) +- provider = self._prepare_cache_repository(remote, cache) +- provider.remotecallbacks = None +- provider.credentials = None +- provider.init_remote() +- provider.fetch() +- provider.branch = "master" +- self.assertIn(provider.cachedir, provider.checkout()) +- provider.branch = "simple_tag" +- self.assertIn(provider.cachedir, provider.checkout()) +- provider.branch = "annotated_tag" +- self.assertIn(provider.cachedir, provider.checkout()) +- provider.branch = "does_not_exist" +- self.assertIsNone(provider.checkout()) ++ def test_git_provider_mp_lock(self): ++ """ ++ Check that lock is released after provider.lock() ++ """ ++ provider = self.main_class.remotes[0] ++ provider.lock() ++ # check that lock has been released ++ self.assertTrue(provider._master_lock.acquire(timeout=5)) ++ provider._master_lock.release() + +- def test_checkout_with_home_env_unset(self): +- remote = os.path.join(, "pygit2-repo") +- cache = os.path.join(, "pygit2-repo-cache") +- self._prepare_remote_repository(remote) +- provider = self._prepare_cache_repository(remote, cache) +- provider.remotecallbacks = None +- provider.credentials = None +- with patched_environ(__cleanup__=["HOME"]): +- self.assertTrue("HOME" not in os.environ) +- provider.init_remote() +- provider.fetch() +- self.assertTrue("HOME" in os.environ) ++ def test_git_provider_mp_clear_lock(self): ++ """ ++ Check that lock is released after provider.clear_lock() ++ """ ++ provider = self.main_class.remotes[0] ++ provider.clear_lock() ++ # check that lock has been released ++ self.assertTrue(provider._master_lock.acquire(timeout=5)) ++ provider._master_lock.release() ++ ++ @pytest.mark.slow_test ++ def test_git_provider_mp_lock_timeout(self): ++ """ ++ Check that lock will time out if master lock is locked. ++ """ ++ provider = self.main_class.remotes[0] ++ # Hijack the lock so git provider is fooled into thinking another instance is doing somthing. ++ self.assertTrue(provider._master_lock.acquire(timeout=5)) ++ try: ++ # git provider should raise timeout error to avoid lock race conditions ++ self.assertRaises(TimeoutError, provider.lock) ++ finally: ++ provider._master_lock.release() ++ ++ @pytest.mark.slow_test ++ def test_git_provider_mp_clear_lock_timeout(self): ++ """ ++ Check that clear lock will time out if master lock is locked. ++ """ ++ provider = self.main_class.remotes[0] ++ # Hijack the lock so git provider is fooled into thinking another instance is doing somthing. ++ self.assertTrue(provider._master_lock.acquire(timeout=5)) ++ try: ++ # git provider should raise timeout error to avoid lock race conditions ++ self.assertRaises(TimeoutError, provider.clear_lock) ++ finally: ++ provider._master_lock.release() +-- +2.41.0 + + diff --git a/fixed-keyerror-in-logs-when-running-a-state-that-fai.patch b/fixed-keyerror-in-logs-when-running-a-state-that-fai.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eefa743 --- /dev/null +++ b/fixed-keyerror-in-logs-when-running-a-state-that-fai.patch @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +From f41a8e2a142a8487e13af481990928e0afb5f15e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2024 17:02:03 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Fixed KeyError in logs when running a state that + fails. (#615) + +Co-authored-by: Megan Wilhite +--- + changelog/ | 1 + + salt/ | 2 +- + salt/ | 4 ++ + salt/utils/ | 3 +- + .../integration/states/ | 38 +++++++++++++++++++ + 5 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) + create mode 100644 changelog/ + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/integration/states/ + +diff --git a/changelog/ b/changelog/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..0991c5a8b9 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/changelog/ +@@ -0,0 +1 @@ ++Fixed KeyError in logs when running a state that fails. +diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ +index fc243ef674..3d2ba1e29d 100644 +--- a/salt/ ++++ b/salt/ +@@ -1790,7 +1790,7 @@ class AESFuncs(TransportMethods): + def pub_ret(self, load): + """ + Request the return data from a specific jid, only allowed +- if the requesting minion also initialted the execution. ++ if the requesting minion also initiated the execution. + + :param dict load: The minion payload + +diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ +index 4db0d31bd4..2ccd0cd5a9 100644 +--- a/salt/ ++++ b/salt/ +@@ -2022,6 +2022,8 @@ class Minion(MinionBase): + ret["jid"] = data["jid"] + ret["fun"] = data["fun"] + ret["fun_args"] = data["arg"] ++ if "user" in data: ++ ret["user"] = data["user"] + if "master_id" in data: + ret["master_id"] = data["master_id"] + if "metadata" in data: +@@ -2141,6 +2143,8 @@ class Minion(MinionBase): + ret["jid"] = data["jid"] + ret["fun"] = data["fun"] + ret["fun_args"] = data["arg"] ++ if "user" in data: ++ ret["user"] = data["user"] + if "metadata" in data: + ret["metadata"] = data["metadata"] + if minion_instance.connected: +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index 869e12a140..e6d7b00520 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -902,7 +902,8 @@ class SaltEvent: + data["success"] = False + data["return"] = "Error: {}.{}".format(tags[0], tags[-1]) + data["fun"] = fun +- data["user"] = load["user"] ++ if "user" in load: ++ data["user"] = load["user"] + self.fire_event( + data, + tagify([load["jid"], "sub", load["id"], "error", fun], "job"), +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/states/ b/tests/pytests/integration/states/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..b2328a4c2b +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/states/ +@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ ++def test_failing_sls(salt_master, salt_minion, salt_cli, caplog): ++ """ ++ Test when running state.sls and the state fails. ++ When the master stores the job and attempts to send ++ an event a KeyError was previously being logged. ++ This test ensures we do not log an error when ++ attempting to send an event about a failing state. ++ """ ++ statesls = """ ++ test_state: ++ test.fail_without_changes: ++ - name: "bla" ++ """ ++ with salt_master.state_tree.base.temp_file("test_failure.sls", statesls): ++ ret ="state.sls", "test_failure", ++ for message in caplog.messages: ++ assert "Event iteration failed with" not in message ++ ++ ++def test_failing_sls_compound(salt_master, salt_minion, salt_cli, caplog): ++ """ ++ Test when running state.sls in a compound command and the state fails. ++ When the master stores the job and attempts to send ++ an event a KeyError was previously being logged. ++ This test ensures we do not log an error when ++ attempting to send an event about a failing state. ++ """ ++ statesls = """ ++ test_state: ++ test.fail_without_changes: ++ - name: "bla" ++ """ ++ with salt_master.state_tree.base.temp_file("test_failure.sls", statesls): ++ ret = ++ "state.sls,", "test_failure,ls", ++ ) ++ for message in caplog.messages: ++ assert "Event iteration failed with" not in message +-- +2.43.0 + + diff --git a/fixes-for-python-3.10-502.patch b/fixes-for-python-3.10-502.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..890d439 --- /dev/null +++ b/fixes-for-python-3.10-502.patch @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +From 4996f423f14369fad14a9e6d2d3b8bd750c77fc7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2022 12:04:46 +0300 +Subject: [PATCH] Fixes for Python 3.10 (#502) + +* Use instead collections.Mapping in state +--- + salt/ | 5 +++-- + 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ +index ab84cb8b4d..489424a083 100644 +--- a/salt/ ++++ b/salt/ +@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ The data sent to the state calls is as follows: + """ + + +-import collections + import copy + import datetime + import fnmatch +@@ -27,6 +26,8 @@ import sys + import time + import traceback + ++from import Mapping ++ + import + import salt.fileclient + import salt.loader +@@ -3513,7 +3514,7 @@ class State: + """ + for chunk in high: + state = high[chunk] +- if not isinstance(state, collections.Mapping): ++ if not isinstance(state, Mapping): + continue + for state_ref in state: + needs_default = True +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/handle-logger-flushing-already-closed-file-686.patch b/handle-logger-flushing-already-closed-file-686.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..558bcdb --- /dev/null +++ b/handle-logger-flushing-already-closed-file-686.patch @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +From e23dce108588a9c52d3f7542636892750d6efcbd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Marek Czernek +Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2024 15:52:00 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Handle logger flushing already closed file (#686) + +This is a partial cherry-pick of + +--- + salt/_logging/ | 4 ++++ + salt/_logging/ | 10 +++++++++- + 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/salt/_logging/ b/salt/_logging/ +index 5a1a1613137..d8bc68a49db 100644 +--- a/salt/_logging/ ++++ b/salt/_logging/ +@@ -95,6 +95,9 @@ class DeferredStreamHandler(StreamHandler): + super().__init__(stream) + self.__messages = deque(maxlen=max_queue_size) + self.__emitting = False ++ import traceback ++ ++ self.stack = "".join(traceback.format_stack()) + + def handle(self, record): + self.acquire() +@@ -116,6 +119,7 @@ class DeferredStreamHandler(StreamHandler): + super().handle(record) + finally: + self.__emitting = False ++ # This will raise a ValueError if the file handle has been closed. + super().flush() + + def sync_with_handlers(self, handlers=()): +diff --git a/salt/_logging/ b/salt/_logging/ +index 4d1ebd2495f..9d76c3174e2 100644 +--- a/salt/_logging/ ++++ b/salt/_logging/ +@@ -488,7 +488,15 @@ def setup_temp_handler(log_level=None): + break + else: + handler = DeferredStreamHandler(sys.stderr) +- atexit.register(handler.flush) ++ ++ def tryflush(): ++ try: ++ handler.flush() ++ except ValueError: ++ # File handle has already been closed. ++ pass ++ ++ atexit.register(tryflush) + handler.setLevel(log_level) + + # Set the default temporary console formatter config +-- +2.47.0 + diff --git a/html.tar.bz2 b/html.tar.bz2 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..88d8461 --- /dev/null +++ b/html.tar.bz2 @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version +oid sha256:f6fba74e3093218b099e917e5ae52eb3ecdea2a7611b7b46b91dfca518e2a022 +size 10804131 diff --git a/implement-the-calling-for-batch-async-from-the-salt-.patch b/implement-the-calling-for-batch-async-from-the-salt-.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..128dea6 --- /dev/null +++ b/implement-the-calling-for-batch-async-from-the-salt-.patch @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +From 7ab208fd2d23eaa582cdbba912d4538d8c87e5f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2023 13:24:15 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Implement the calling for batch async from the salt + CLI + +* Implement calling batch async with salt CLI + +* Add the test for calling batch async with salt CLI +--- + salt/cli/ | 53 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- + tests/pytests/unit/cli/ | 50 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + 2 files changed, 102 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/unit/cli/ + +diff --git a/salt/cli/ b/salt/cli/ +index f90057f668..e19cfa5ce6 100644 +--- a/salt/cli/ ++++ b/salt/cli/ +@@ -47,7 +47,12 @@ class SaltCMD(salt.utils.parsers.SaltCMDOptionParser): + self.exit(2, "{}\n".format(exc)) + return + +- if self.options.batch or self.options.static: ++ if self.options.batch and self.config["async"]: ++ # _run_batch_async() will just return the jid and exit ++ # Execution will not continue past this point ++ # in batch async mode. Batch async is handled by the master. ++ self._run_batch_async() ++ elif self.options.batch or self.options.static: + # _run_batch() will handle all output and + # exit with the appropriate error condition + # Execution will not continue past this point +@@ -296,6 +301,52 @@ class SaltCMD(salt.utils.parsers.SaltCMDOptionParser): + retcode = job_retcode + sys.exit(retcode) + ++ def _run_batch_async(self): ++ kwargs = { ++ "tgt": self.config["tgt"], ++ "fun": self.config["fun"], ++ "arg": self.config["arg"], ++ "timeout": self.options.timeout, ++ "show_timeout": self.options.show_timeout, ++ "show_jid": self.options.show_jid, ++ "batch": self.config["batch"], ++ } ++ tgt = kwargs.pop("tgt", "") ++ fun = kwargs.pop("fun", "") ++ ++ if self.config.get("eauth", ""): ++ kwargs.update( ++ { ++ "eauth": self.config["eauth"], ++ } ++ ) ++ for opt in ("username", "password"): ++ if opt in self.config: ++ kwargs[opt] = self.config[opt] ++ ++ try: ++ ret = self.local_client.run_job(tgt, fun, **kwargs) ++ except ( ++ AuthenticationError, ++ AuthorizationError, ++ SaltInvocationError, ++ EauthAuthenticationError, ++ SaltClientError, ++ ) as exc: ++ ret = str(exc) ++ self.exit(2, "ERROR: {}\n".format(exc)) ++ if "jid" in ret and "error" not in ret: ++ salt.utils.stringutils.print_cli( ++ "Executed command with job ID: {}".format(ret["jid"]) ++ ) ++ else: ++ self._output_ret(ret, self.config.get("output", "nested")) ++ ++ if "error" in ret: ++ sys.exit(1) ++ ++ sys.exit(0) ++ + def _print_errors_summary(self, errors): + if errors: + salt.utils.stringutils.print_cli("\n") +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/cli/ b/tests/pytests/unit/cli/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..d9f4b5b097 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/cli/ +@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ ++import pytest ++ ++from import MagicMock, patch ++ ++ ++def test_saltcmd_batch_async_call(): ++ """ ++ Test calling batch async with salt CLI ++ """ ++ import salt.cli.salt ++ ++ local_client = MagicMock() ++ local_client.run_job = MagicMock(return_value={"jid": 123456}) ++ with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as exit_info, patch( ++ "sys.argv", ++ [ ++ "salt", ++ "--batch=10", ++ "--async", ++ "*", ++ "test.arg", ++ "arg1", ++ "arg2", ++ "kwarg1=val1", ++ ], ++ ), patch("salt.cli.salt.SaltCMD.process_config_dir", MagicMock), patch( ++ "salt.output.display_output", MagicMock() ++ ), patch( ++ "salt.client.get_local_client", return_value=local_client ++ ), patch( ++ "salt.utils.stringutils.print_cli", MagicMock() ++ ) as print_cli: ++ salt_cmd = salt.cli.salt.SaltCMD() ++ salt_cmd.config = { ++ "async": True, ++ "batch": 10, ++ "tgt": "*", ++ "fun": "test.arg", ++ "arg": ["arg1", "arg2", {"__kwarg__": True, "kwarg1": "val1"}], ++ } ++ salt_cmd._mixin_after_parsed_funcs = [] ++ ++ ++ local_client.run_job.assert_called_once() ++ assert local_client.run_job.mock_calls[0].args[0] == "*" ++ assert local_client.run_job.mock_calls[0].args[1] == "test.arg" ++ assert local_client.run_job.mock_calls[0].kwargs["arg"] == ["arg1", "arg2", {"__kwarg__": True, "kwarg1": "val1"}] ++ assert local_client.run_job.mock_calls[0].kwargs["batch"] == 10 ++ print_cli.assert_called_once_with("Executed command with job ID: 123456") ++ assert exit_info.value.code == 0 +-- +2.42.0 + diff --git a/improve-broken-events-catching-and-reporting.patch b/improve-broken-events-catching-and-reporting.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a79544e --- /dev/null +++ b/improve-broken-events-catching-and-reporting.patch @@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ +From 88bd54971d39b34d9728f3fe5fcb493cec3ff2fd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Wed, 15 May 2024 09:22:11 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Improve broken events catching and reporting + +* Improve broken events catching and reporting + +* Add test of catching SaltDeserializationError on reading event + +* Add test for fire_ret_load +--- + salt/utils/ | 23 +++- + tests/pytests/unit/utils/event/ | 107 +++++++++++++++++++ + 2 files changed, 128 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index e6d7b00520..ef048335ae 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ import salt.utils.platform + import salt.utils.process + import salt.utils.stringutils + import salt.utils.zeromq ++from salt.exceptions import SaltDeserializationError + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + +@@ -461,7 +462,13 @@ class SaltEvent: + salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(TAGEND) + ) # split tag from data + mtag = salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(mtag) +- data = salt.payload.loads(mdata, encoding="utf-8") ++ try: ++ data = salt.payload.loads(mdata, encoding="utf-8") ++ except SaltDeserializationError: ++ log.warning( ++ "SaltDeserializationError on unpacking data, the payload could be incomplete" ++ ) ++ raise + return mtag, data + + def _get_match_func(self, match_type=None): +@@ -583,6 +590,9 @@ class SaltEvent: + raise + else: + return None ++ except SaltDeserializationError: ++ log.error("Unable to deserialize received event") ++ return None + except RuntimeError: + return None + +@@ -889,6 +899,14 @@ class SaltEvent: + ret = load.get("return", {}) + retcode = load["retcode"] + ++ if not isinstance(ret, dict): ++ log.error( ++ "Event with bad payload received from '%s': %s", ++ load.get("id", "UNKNOWN"), ++ "".join(ret) if isinstance(ret, list) else ret, ++ ) ++ return ++ + try: + for tag, data in ret.items(): + data["retcode"] = retcode +@@ -910,7 +928,8 @@ class SaltEvent: + ) + except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except + log.error( +- "Event iteration failed with exception: %s", ++ "Event from '%s' iteration failed with exception: %s", ++ load.get("id", "UNKNOWN"), + exc, + exc_info_on_loglevel=logging.DEBUG, + ) +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/utils/event/ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/event/ +index f4b6c15999..3eadfaf6ba 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/utils/event/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/event/ +@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import salt.ext.tornado.ioloop + import salt.ext.tornado.iostream + import salt.utils.event + import salt.utils.stringutils ++from salt.exceptions import SaltDeserializationError + from salt.utils.event import SaltEvent + from import eventpublisher_process, eventsender_process + from import patch +@@ -340,3 +341,109 @@ def test_master_pub_permissions(sock_dir): + assert bool(os.lstat(p).st_mode & stat.S_IRUSR) + assert not bool(os.lstat(p).st_mode & stat.S_IRGRP) + assert not bool(os.lstat(p).st_mode & stat.S_IROTH) ++ ++ ++def test_event_unpack_with_SaltDeserializationError(sock_dir): ++ with eventpublisher_process(str(sock_dir)), salt.utils.event.MasterEvent( ++ str(sock_dir), listen=True ++ ) as me, patch.object( ++ salt.utils.event.log, "warning", autospec=True ++ ) as mock_log_warning, patch.object( ++ salt.utils.event.log, "error", autospec=True ++ ) as mock_log_error: ++ me.fire_event({"data": "foo1"}, "evt1") ++ me.fire_event({"data": "foo2"}, "evt2") ++ evt2 = me.get_event(tag="") ++ with patch("salt.payload.loads", side_effect=SaltDeserializationError): ++ evt1 = me.get_event(tag="") ++ _assert_got_event(evt2, {"data": "foo2"}, expected_failure=True) ++ assert evt1 is None ++ assert ( ++ mock_log_warning.mock_calls[0].args[0] ++ == "SaltDeserializationError on unpacking data, the payload could be incomplete" ++ ) ++ assert ( ++ mock_log_error.mock_calls[0].args[0] ++ == "Unable to deserialize received event" ++ ) ++ ++ ++def test_event_fire_ret_load(): ++ event = SaltEvent(node=None) ++ test_load = { ++ "id": "", ++ "jid": "20240212095247760376", ++ "fun": "state.highstate", ++ "retcode": 254, ++ "return": { ++ "saltutil_|-sync_states_|-sync_states_|-sync_states": { ++ "result": True, ++ }, ++ "saltutil_|-sync_modules_|-sync_modules_|-sync_modules": { ++ "result": False, ++ }, ++ }, ++ } ++ test_fire_event_data = { ++ "result": False, ++ "retcode": 254, ++ "jid": "20240212095247760376", ++ "id": "", ++ "success": False, ++ "return": "Error: saltutil.sync_modules", ++ "fun": "state.highstate", ++ } ++ test_unhandled_exc = "Unhandled exception running state.highstate" ++ test_traceback = [ ++ "Traceback (most recent call last):\n", ++ " Just an example of possible return as a list\n", ++ ] ++ with patch.object( ++ event, "fire_event", side_effect=[None, None, Exception] ++ ) as mock_fire_event, patch.object( ++ salt.utils.event.log, "error", autospec=True ++ ) as mock_log_error: ++ event.fire_ret_load(test_load) ++ assert len(mock_fire_event.mock_calls) == 2 ++ assert mock_fire_event.mock_calls[0].args[0] == test_fire_event_data ++ assert mock_fire_event.mock_calls[0].args[1] == "saltutil.sync_modules" ++ assert mock_fire_event.mock_calls[1].args[0] == test_fire_event_data ++ assert ( ++ mock_fire_event.mock_calls[1].args[1] ++ == "salt/job/20240212095247760376/sub/" ++ ) ++ assert not mock_log_error.mock_calls ++ ++ mock_log_error.reset_mock() ++ ++ event.fire_ret_load(test_load) ++ assert ( ++ mock_log_error.mock_calls[0].args[0] ++ == "Event from '%s' iteration failed with exception: %s" ++ ) ++ assert mock_log_error.mock_calls[0].args[1] == "" ++ ++ mock_log_error.reset_mock() ++ test_load["return"] = test_unhandled_exc ++ ++ event.fire_ret_load(test_load) ++ assert ( ++ mock_log_error.mock_calls[0].args[0] ++ == "Event with bad payload received from '%s': %s" ++ ) ++ assert mock_log_error.mock_calls[0].args[1] == "" ++ assert ( ++ mock_log_error.mock_calls[0].args[2] ++ == "Unhandled exception running state.highstate" ++ ) ++ ++ mock_log_error.reset_mock() ++ test_load["return"] = test_traceback ++ ++ event.fire_ret_load(test_load) ++ assert ( ++ mock_log_error.mock_calls[0].args[0] ++ == "Event with bad payload received from '%s': %s" ++ ) ++ assert mock_log_error.mock_calls[0].args[1] == "" ++ assert mock_log_error.mock_calls[0].args[2] == "".join(test_traceback) +-- +2.45.0 + diff --git a/improve-error-handling-with-different-openssl-versio.patch b/improve-error-handling-with-different-openssl-versio.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d16812 --- /dev/null +++ b/improve-error-handling-with-different-openssl-versio.patch @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +From 4e226426d0897f2d9dc64891ced78487b181d40e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2024 14:33:51 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Improve error handling with different OpenSSL + versions + +* Make error checking of x509 more flexible + +for most recent cryptography and openSSL versions + +* Add test for different exception value on loading private key + +* Add fix for test_privkey_new_with_prereq on old OpenSSL +--- + salt/utils/ | 3 +- + .../pytests/functional/states/ | 29 +++++++++++++++++++ + .../integration/states/ | 7 +++++ + 3 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index 5b2ae15882..f9fdca64d9 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -695,7 +695,8 @@ def load_privkey(pk, passphrase=None, get_encoding=False): + return pk, "pem", None + return pk + except ValueError as err: +- if "Bad decrypt" in str(err): ++ str_err = str(err) ++ if "Bad decrypt" in str_err or "Could not deserialize key data" in str_err: + raise SaltInvocationError( + "Bad decrypt - is the password correct?" + ) from err +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/ +index 929be014cd..47a1c555f8 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/ +@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ from pathlib import Path + + import pytest + ++from import patch ++ + try: + import cryptography + import cryptography.x509 as cx509 +@@ -2826,3 +2828,30 @@ def _get_privkey(pk, encoding="pem", passphrase=None): + pk = base64.b64decode(pk) + return pkcs12.load_pkcs12(pk, passphrase).key + raise ValueError("Need correct encoding") ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.usefixtures("existing_pk") ++@pytest.mark.parametrize("existing_pk", [{"passphrase": "password"}], indirect=True) ++def test_exceptions_on_calling_load_pem_private_key(x509, pk_args): ++ pk_args["passphrase"] = "hunter1" ++ pk_args["overwrite"] = True ++ ++ with patch( ++ "cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.load_pem_private_key", ++ side_effect=ValueError("Bad decrypt. Incorrect password?"), ++ ): ++ ret = x509.private_key_managed(**pk_args) ++ _assert_pk_basic(ret, "rsa", passphrase="hunter1") ++ ++ with patch( ++ "cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.load_pem_private_key", ++ side_effect=ValueError( ++ "Could not deserialize key data. The data may be in an incorrect format, " ++ "the provided password may be incorrect, " ++ "it may be encrypted with an unsupported algorithm, " ++ "or it may be an unsupported key type " ++ "(e.g. EC curves with explicit parameters)." ++ ), ++ ): ++ ret = x509.private_key_managed(**pk_args) ++ _assert_pk_basic(ret, "rsa", passphrase="hunter1") +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/states/ b/tests/pytests/integration/states/ +index 4f94341295..ad8d904c92 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/integration/states/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/states/ +@@ -195,6 +195,13 @@ Certificate: + """ + with x509_salt_master.state_tree.base.temp_file("manage_cert.sls", state): + ret ="state.apply", "manage_cert") ++ if ( ++ ret.returncode == 1 ++ and "NotImplementedError: ECDSA keys with unnamed curves" in ret.stdout ++ ): ++ pytest.skip( ++ "The version of OpenSSL doesn't support ECDSA keys with unnamed curves" ++ ) + assert ret.returncode == 0 + assert[next(iter(]["changes"] + assert (tmp_path / "priv.key").exists() +-- +2.46.0 + diff --git a/improve-pip-target-override-condition-with-venv_pip_.patch b/improve-pip-target-override-condition-with-venv_pip_.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1728271 --- /dev/null +++ b/improve-pip-target-override-condition-with-venv_pip_.patch @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +From da938aa8a572138b5b9b1535c5c3d69326e5194e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2024 17:02:23 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Improve pip target override condition with + VENV_PIP_TARGET environment variable (bsc#1216850) (#613) + +* Improve pip target override condition + +* Improve pip test with different condition of overriding the target + +* Add changelog entry +--- + changelog/ | 1 + + salt/modules/ | 6 ++-- + tests/pytests/unit/modules/ | 50 +++++++++++++++++--------- + 3 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) + create mode 100644 changelog/ + +diff --git a/changelog/ b/changelog/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..ba483b4b77 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/changelog/ +@@ -0,0 +1 @@ ++Improve the condition of overriding target for pip with VENV_PIP_TARGET environment variable. +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index a60bdca0bb..68a2a442a1 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -857,9 +857,11 @@ def install( + cmd.extend(["--build", build]) + + # Use VENV_PIP_TARGET environment variable value as target +- # if set and no target specified on the function call ++ # if set and no target specified on the function call. ++ # Do not set target if bin_env specified, use default ++ # for specified binary environment or expect explicit target specification. + target_env = os.environ.get("VENV_PIP_TARGET", None) +- if target is None and target_env is not None: ++ if target is None and target_env is not None and bin_env is None: + target = target_env + + if target: +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +index b7ad1ea3fd..c03e6ed292 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +@@ -1738,28 +1738,44 @@ def test_when_version_is_called_with_a_user_it_should_be_passed_to_undelying_run + ) + + +-def test_install_target_from_VENV_PIP_TARGET_in_resulting_command(python_binary): ++@pytest.mark.parametrize( ++ "bin_env,target,target_env,expected_target", ++ [ ++ (None, None, None, None), ++ (None, "/tmp/foo", None, "/tmp/foo"), ++ (None, None, "/tmp/bar", "/tmp/bar"), ++ (None, "/tmp/foo", "/tmp/bar", "/tmp/foo"), ++ ("/tmp/venv", "/tmp/foo", None, "/tmp/foo"), ++ ("/tmp/venv", None, "/tmp/bar", None), ++ ("/tmp/venv", "/tmp/foo", "/tmp/bar", "/tmp/foo"), ++ ], ++) ++def test_install_target_from_VENV_PIP_TARGET_in_resulting_command( ++ python_binary, bin_env, target, target_env, expected_target ++): + pkg = "pep8" +- target = "/tmp/foo" +- target_env = "/tmp/bar" + mock = MagicMock(return_value={"retcode": 0, "stdout": ""}) + environment = os.environ.copy() +- environment["VENV_PIP_TARGET"] = target_env ++ real_get_pip_bin = pip._get_pip_bin ++ ++ def mock_get_pip_bin(bin_env): ++ if not bin_env: ++ return real_get_pip_bin(bin_env) ++ return [f"{bin_env}/bin/pip"] ++ ++ if target_env is not None: ++ environment["VENV_PIP_TARGET"] = target_env + with patch.dict(pip.__salt__, {"cmd.run_all": mock}), patch.object( + os, "environ", environment +- ): +- pip.install(pkg) +- expected = [*python_binary, "install", "--target", target_env, pkg] +- mock.assert_called_with( +- expected, +- saltenv="base", +- runas=None, +- use_vt=False, +- python_shell=False, +- ) +- mock.reset_mock() +- pip.install(pkg, target=target) +- expected = [*python_binary, "install", "--target", target, pkg] ++ ), patch.object(pip, "_get_pip_bin", mock_get_pip_bin): ++ pip.install(pkg, bin_env=bin_env, target=target) ++ expected_binary = python_binary ++ if bin_env is not None: ++ expected_binary = [f"{bin_env}/bin/pip"] ++ if expected_target is not None: ++ expected = [*expected_binary, "install", "--target", expected_target, pkg] ++ else: ++ expected = [*expected_binary, "install", pkg] + mock.assert_called_with( + expected, + saltenv="base", +-- +2.43.0 + + diff --git a/improve-salt.utils.json.find_json-bsc-1213293.patch b/improve-salt.utils.json.find_json-bsc-1213293.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b0bafa --- /dev/null +++ b/improve-salt.utils.json.find_json-bsc-1213293.patch @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +From 4e6b445f2dbe8a79d220c697abff946e00b2e57b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2023 13:26:20 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Improve salt.utils.json.find_json (bsc#1213293) + +* Improve salt.utils.json.find_json + +* Move tests of find_json to pytest +--- + salt/utils/ | 39 +++++++- + tests/pytests/unit/utils/ | 122 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + 2 files changed, 158 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/unit/utils/ + +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index 33cdbf401d..0845b64694 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -32,18 +32,51 @@ def find_json(raw): + """ + ret = {} + lines = __split(raw) ++ lengths = list(map(len, lines)) ++ starts = [] ++ ends = [] ++ ++ # Search for possible starts end ends of the json fragments + for ind, _ in enumerate(lines): ++ line = lines[ind].lstrip() ++ if line == "{" or line == "[": ++ starts.append((ind, line)) ++ if line == "}" or line == "]": ++ ends.append((ind, line)) ++ ++ # List all the possible pairs of starts and ends, ++ # and fill the length of each block to sort by size after ++ starts_ends = [] ++ for start, start_br in starts: ++ for end, end_br in reversed(ends): ++ if end > start and ( ++ (start_br == "{" and end_br == "}") ++ or (start_br == "[" and end_br == "]") ++ ): ++ starts_ends.append((start, end, sum(lengths[start : end + 1]))) ++ ++ # Iterate through all the possible pairs starting from the largest ++ starts_ends.sort(key=lambda x: (x[2], x[1] - x[0], x[0]), reverse=True) ++ for start, end, _ in starts_ends: ++ working = "\n".join(lines[start : end + 1]) + try: +- working = "\n".join(lines[ind:]) +- except UnicodeDecodeError: +- working = "\n".join([ind:])) ++ ret = json.loads(working) ++ except ValueError: ++ continue ++ if ret: ++ return ret + ++ # Fall back to old implementation for backward compatibility ++ # excpecting json after the text ++ for ind, _ in enumerate(lines): ++ working = "\n".join(lines[ind:]) + try: + ret = json.loads(working) + except ValueError: + continue + if ret: + return ret ++ + if not ret: + # Not json, raise an error + raise ValueError +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..72b1023003 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ +@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ ++""" ++Tests for salt.utils.json ++""" ++ ++import textwrap ++ ++import pytest ++ ++import salt.utils.json ++ ++ ++def test_find_json(): ++ some_junk_text = textwrap.dedent( ++ """ ++ Just some junk text ++ with multiline ++ """ ++ ) ++ some_warning_message = textwrap.dedent( ++ """ ++ [WARNING] Test warning message ++ """ ++ ) ++ test_small_json = textwrap.dedent( ++ """ ++ { ++ "local": true ++ } ++ """ ++ ) ++ test_sample_json = """ ++ { ++ "glossary": { ++ "title": "example glossary", ++ "GlossDiv": { ++ "title": "S", ++ "GlossList": { ++ "GlossEntry": { ++ "ID": "SGML", ++ "SortAs": "SGML", ++ "GlossTerm": "Standard Generalized Markup Language", ++ "Acronym": "SGML", ++ "Abbrev": "ISO 8879:1986", ++ "GlossDef": { ++ "para": "A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook.", ++ "GlossSeeAlso": ["GML", "XML"] ++ }, ++ "GlossSee": "markup" ++ } ++ } ++ } ++ } ++ } ++ """ ++ expected_ret = { ++ "glossary": { ++ "GlossDiv": { ++ "GlossList": { ++ "GlossEntry": { ++ "GlossDef": { ++ "GlossSeeAlso": ["GML", "XML"], ++ "para": ( ++ "A meta-markup language, used to create markup" ++ " languages such as DocBook." ++ ), ++ }, ++ "GlossSee": "markup", ++ "Acronym": "SGML", ++ "GlossTerm": "Standard Generalized Markup Language", ++ "SortAs": "SGML", ++ "Abbrev": "ISO 8879:1986", ++ "ID": "SGML", ++ } ++ }, ++ "title": "S", ++ }, ++ "title": "example glossary", ++ } ++ } ++ ++ # First test the valid JSON ++ ret = salt.utils.json.find_json(test_sample_json) ++ assert ret == expected_ret ++ ++ # Now pre-pend some garbage and re-test ++ garbage_prepend_json = f"{some_junk_text}{test_sample_json}" ++ ret = salt.utils.json.find_json(garbage_prepend_json) ++ assert ret == expected_ret ++ ++ # Now post-pend some garbage and re-test ++ garbage_postpend_json = f"{test_sample_json}{some_junk_text}" ++ ret = salt.utils.json.find_json(garbage_postpend_json) ++ assert ret == expected_ret ++ ++ # Now pre-pend some warning and re-test ++ warning_prepend_json = f"{some_warning_message}{test_sample_json}" ++ ret = salt.utils.json.find_json(warning_prepend_json) ++ assert ret == expected_ret ++ ++ # Now post-pend some warning and re-test ++ warning_postpend_json = f"{test_sample_json}{some_warning_message}" ++ ret = salt.utils.json.find_json(warning_postpend_json) ++ assert ret == expected_ret ++ ++ # Now put around some garbage and re-test ++ garbage_around_json = f"{some_junk_text}{test_sample_json}{some_junk_text}" ++ ret = salt.utils.json.find_json(garbage_around_json) ++ assert ret == expected_ret ++ ++ # Now pre-pend small json and re-test ++ small_json_pre_json = f"{test_small_json}{test_sample_json}" ++ ret = salt.utils.json.find_json(small_json_pre_json) ++ assert ret == expected_ret ++ ++ # Now post-pend small json and re-test ++ small_json_post_json = f"{test_sample_json}{test_small_json}" ++ ret = salt.utils.json.find_json(small_json_post_json) ++ assert ret == expected_ret ++ ++ # Test to see if a ValueError is raised if no JSON is passed in ++ with pytest.raises(ValueError): ++ ret = salt.utils.json.find_json(some_junk_text) +-- +2.42.0 + diff --git a/include-aliases-in-the-fqdns-grains.patch b/include-aliases-in-the-fqdns-grains.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab65d0b --- /dev/null +++ b/include-aliases-in-the-fqdns-grains.patch @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ +From 4f459d670886a8f4a410fdbd1ec595477d45e4e2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Alexander Graul +Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2022 17:10:37 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Include aliases in the fqdns grains + +Add UT for "is_fqdn" + +Add "is_fqdn" check to the network utils + +Bugfix: include FQDNs aliases + +Deprecate UnitTest assertion in favour of built-in assert keyword + +Add UT for fqdns aliases + +Leverage cached interfaces, if any. + +Implement network.fqdns module function (bsc#1134860) (#172) + +* Duplicate fqdns logic in +* Move _get_interfaces to +* Reuse network.fqdns in grains.core.fqdns +* Return empty list when fqdns grains is disabled + +Co-authored-by: Eric Siebigteroth +--- + salt/modules/ | 5 +++- + salt/utils/ | 16 +++++++++++ + tests/pytests/unit/modules/ | 4 +-- + tests/unit/utils/ | 32 ++++++++++++++++++++++ + 4 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 524b1b74fa..f959dbf97b 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -2096,7 +2096,10 @@ def fqdns(): + # + time.sleep(random.randint(5, 25) / 1000) + try: +- return [socket.getfqdn(socket.gethostbyaddr(ip)[0])] ++ name, aliaslist, addresslist = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip) ++ return [socket.getfqdn(name)] + [ ++ als for als in aliaslist if ++ ] + except socket.herror as err: + if err.errno in (0, HOST_NOT_FOUND, NO_DATA): + # No FQDN for this IP address, so we don't need to know this all the time. +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index 2bea2cf129..6ec993a678 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -2372,3 +2372,19 @@ def ip_bracket(addr, strip=False): + addr = addr.rstrip("]") + addr = ipaddress.ip_address(addr) + return ("[{}]" if addr.version == 6 and not strip else "{}").format(addr) ++ ++ ++def is_fqdn(hostname): ++ """ ++ Verify if hostname conforms to be a FQDN. ++ ++ :param hostname: text string with the name of the host ++ :return: bool, True if hostname is correct FQDN, False otherwise ++ """ ++ ++ compliant = re.compile(r"(?!-)[A-Z\d\-\_]{1,63}(? +Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2022 17:12:47 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] info_installed works without status attr now + +If 'status' was excluded via attr, info_installed was no longer able to +detect if a package was installed or not. Now info_installed adds the +'status' for the '' request again. +--- + salt/modules/ | 9 +++++++++ + tests/pytests/unit/modules/ | 18 ++++++++++++++++++ + 2 files changed, 27 insertions(+) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 938e37cc9e..3289f6604d 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -3461,6 +3461,15 @@ def info_installed(*names, **kwargs): + failhard = kwargs.pop("failhard", True) + kwargs.pop("errors", None) # Only for compatibility with RPM + attr = kwargs.pop("attr", None) # Package attributes to return ++ ++ # status is needed to see if a package is installed. So we have to add it, ++ # even if it's excluded via attr parameter. Otherwise all packages are ++ # returned. ++ if attr: ++ attr_list = set(attr.split(",")) ++ attr_list.add("status") ++ attr = ",".join(attr_list) ++ + all_versions = kwargs.pop( + "all_versions", False + ) # This is for backward compatible structure only +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +index 4226957eeb..eb72447c3a 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +@@ -385,6 +385,24 @@ def test_info_installed_attr(lowpkg_info_var): + assert ret["wget"] == expected_pkg + + ++def test_info_installed_attr_without_status(lowpkg_info_var): ++ """ ++ Test info_installed 'attr' for inclusion of 'status' attribute. ++ ++ Since info_installed should only return installed packages, we need to ++ call __salt__[''] with the 'status' attribute even if the user ++ is not asking for it in 'attr'. Otherwise info_installed would not be able ++ to check if the package is installed and would return everything. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ mock = MagicMock(return_value=lowpkg_info_var) ++ with patch.dict(aptpkg.__salt__, {"": mock}): ++ aptpkg.info_installed("wget", attr="version") ++ assert "status" in mock.call_args.kwargs["attr"] ++ assert "version" in mock.call_args.kwargs["attr"] ++ ++ + def test_info_installed_all_versions(lowpkg_info_var): + """ + Test info_installed 'all_versions'. +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/join-masters-if-it-is-a-list-671.patch b/join-masters-if-it-is-a-list-671.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f384ab --- /dev/null +++ b/join-masters-if-it-is-a-list-671.patch @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +From 94973ee85d766d7e98d02d89f4c81e59b36cb716 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Marek Czernek +Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2024 10:01:12 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Join masters if it is a list (#671) + +Co-authored-by: Twangboy +--- + changelog/ | 2 + + salt/utils/ | 10 +++++ + tests/pytests/unit/utils/ | 52 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + 3 files changed, 64 insertions(+) + create mode 100644 changelog/ + +diff --git a/changelog/ b/changelog/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..1d20355bf1 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/changelog/ +@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ ++Fixed issue in salt-cloud so that multiple masters specified in the cloud ++are written to the minion config properly +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index b7208dc4a6..a084313059 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -1202,6 +1202,16 @@ def wait_for_passwd( + time.sleep(trysleep) + + ++def _format_master_param(master): ++ """ ++ If the master is a list, we need to convert it to a comma delimited string ++ Otherwise, we just return master ++ """ ++ if isinstance(master, list): ++ return ",".join(master) ++ return master ++ ++ + def deploy_windows( + host, + port=445, +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ +index 550b63c974..db9d258d39 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ +@@ -605,3 +605,55 @@ def test_deploy_script_ssh_timeout(): + ssh_kwargs = root_cmd.call_args.kwargs + assert "ssh_timeout" in ssh_kwargs + assert ssh_kwargs["ssh_timeout"] == 34 ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.parametrize( ++ "master,expected", ++ [ ++ (None, None), ++ ("single_master", "single_master"), ++ (["master1", "master2", "master3"], "master1,master2,master3"), ++ ], ++) ++def test__format_master_param(master, expected): ++ result = cloud._format_master_param(master) ++ assert result == expected ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.skip_unless_on_windows(reason="Only applicable for Windows.") ++@pytest.mark.parametrize( ++ "master,expected", ++ [ ++ (None, None), ++ ("single_master", "single_master"), ++ (["master1", "master2", "master3"], "master1,master2,master3"), ++ ], ++) ++def test_deploy_windows_master(master, expected): ++ """ ++ Test deploy_windows with master parameter ++ """ ++ mock_true = MagicMock(return_value=True) ++ mock_tuple = MagicMock(return_value=(0, 0, 0)) ++ with patch("salt.utils.smb.get_conn", MagicMock()), patch( ++ "salt.utils.smb.mkdirs", MagicMock() ++ ), patch("salt.utils.smb.put_file", MagicMock()), patch( ++ "salt.utils.smb.delete_file", MagicMock() ++ ), patch( ++ "salt.utils.smb.delete_directory", MagicMock() ++ ), patch( ++ "time.sleep", MagicMock() ++ ), patch.object( ++ cloud, "wait_for_port", mock_true ++ ), patch.object( ++ cloud, "fire_event", MagicMock() ++ ), patch.object( ++ cloud, "wait_for_psexecsvc", mock_true ++ ), patch.object( ++ cloud, "run_psexec_command", mock_tuple ++ ) as mock: ++ cloud.deploy_windows(host="test", win_installer="install.exe", master=master) ++ expected_cmd = "c:\\salttemp\\install.exe" ++ expected_args = "/S /master={} /minion-name=None".format(expected) ++ assert mock.call_args_list[0].args[0] == expected_cmd ++ assert mock.call_args_list[0].args[1] == expected_args +-- +2.44.0 + diff --git a/let-salt-ssh-use-platform-python-binary-in-rhel8-191.patch b/let-salt-ssh-use-platform-python-binary-in-rhel8-191.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5a5cdc2 --- /dev/null +++ b/let-salt-ssh-use-platform-python-binary-in-rhel8-191.patch @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +From 1de8313e55317a62c36a1a6262e7b9463544d69c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Can Bulut Bayburt <> +Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2019 15:59:46 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Let salt-ssh use 'platform-python' binary in RHEL8 + (#191) + +RHEL/CentOS 8 has an internal Python interpreter called 'platform-python' +included in the base setup. + +Add this binary to the list of Python executables to look for when +creating the sh shim. +--- + salt/client/ssh/ | 2 +- + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/salt/client/ssh/ b/salt/client/ssh/ +index 88365a6099..049baff51a 100644 +--- a/salt/client/ssh/ ++++ b/salt/client/ssh/ +@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ if [ "$SUDO" ] && [ "$SUDO_USER" ] + then SUDO="$SUDO -u $SUDO_USER" + fi + EX_PYTHON_INVALID={EX_THIN_PYTHON_INVALID} +-PYTHON_CMDS="python3 python27 python2.7 python26 python2.6 python2 python /usr/libexec/platform-python" ++PYTHON_CMDS="python3 /usr/libexec/platform-python python27 python2.7 python26 python2.6 python2 python" + for py_cmd in $PYTHON_CMDS + do + if command -v "$py_cmd" >/dev/null 2>&1 && "$py_cmd" -c "import sys; sys.exit(not (sys.version_info >= (2, 6)));" +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/make-aptpkg.list_repos-compatible-on-enabled-disable.patch b/make-aptpkg.list_repos-compatible-on-enabled-disable.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0fafcc8 --- /dev/null +++ b/make-aptpkg.list_repos-compatible-on-enabled-disable.patch @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +From f9731227e7af0b1bf0a54993e0cac890225517f6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Bo Maryniuk +Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2018 10:54:12 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Make aptpkg.list_repos compatible on enabled/disabled + output + +--- + salt/modules/ | 3 +++ + 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index f68b1907e8..8e89744b5e 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -1919,6 +1919,9 @@ def list_repos(**kwargs): + repo["file"] = source.file + repo["comps"] = getattr(source, "comps", []) + repo["disabled"] = source.disabled ++ repo["enabled"] = not repo[ ++ "disabled" ++ ] # This is for compatibility with the other modules + repo["dist"] = source.dist + repo["type"] = source.type + repo["uri"] = source.uri +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/make-importing-seco.range-thread-safe-bsc-1211649.patch b/make-importing-seco.range-thread-safe-bsc-1211649.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f60e60c --- /dev/null +++ b/make-importing-seco.range-thread-safe-bsc-1211649.patch @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +From 0913a58a36ef69d957dd9cc5c95fafe6d56448d5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Marek Czernek +Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2024 11:27:35 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Make importing seco.range thread safe (bsc#1211649) + +--- + salt/roster/ | 5 +++++ + salt/utils/ | 5 +++++ + 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+) + +diff --git a/salt/roster/ b/salt/roster/ +index 3f039dcef42..1525f70c32b 100644 +--- a/salt/roster/ ++++ b/salt/roster/ +@@ -15,16 +15,21 @@ import copy + import fnmatch + import logging + ++import salt.loader ++ + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + # Try to import range from + HAS_RANGE = False + try: ++ salt.loader.LOAD_LOCK.acquire() + import seco.range + + HAS_RANGE = True + except ImportError: + log.error("Unable to load range library") ++finally: ++ salt.loader.LOAD_LOCK.release() + # pylint: enable=import-error + + +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index db5dfda3e03..5165dc122b7 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -8,14 +8,19 @@ import functools + import logging + import re + ++import salt.loader ++ + # Try to import range from + HAS_RANGE = False + try: ++ salt.loader.LOAD_LOCK.acquire() + import seco.range + + HAS_RANGE = True + except ImportError: + pass ++finally: ++ salt.loader.LOAD_LOCK.release() + # pylint: enable=import-error + + +-- +2.44.0 + diff --git a/make-logging-calls-lighter.patch b/make-logging-calls-lighter.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..194da2b --- /dev/null +++ b/make-logging-calls-lighter.patch @@ -0,0 +1,233 @@ +From 48b6f57ece7eb9f58b8e6da40ec241b6df3f6d01 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Wed, 15 May 2024 09:20:18 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Make logging calls lighter + +* Call set_lowest_log_level_by_opts with set_logging_options_dict + +* Fix the _logging test with setting minimum logging level + +* Fix test_deferred_stream_handler test + +* Fix vt.Terminal failing test: test_log_sanitize + +Fixes failing test added in a09b4f445052be66f0ac53fd01fa02bfa5b82ea6 + +We can't assume tests are run at debug level, so this ensures the test +passes regardless of what logging level is currently set by capturing +the output in caplog at DEBUG which stream_stdout/stream_stderr uses by +default. + +Signed-off-by: Joe Groocock + +--------- + +Signed-off-by: Joe Groocock +Co-authored-by: Joe Groocock +--- + salt/_logging/ | 1 + + .../integration/_logging/ | 106 ++++++++++++++++++ + .../handlers/ | 9 +- + tests/pytests/unit/utils/ | 6 +- + 4 files changed, 117 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/integration/_logging/ + +diff --git a/salt/_logging/ b/salt/_logging/ +index 2d1a276cb8..1d71cb8be8 100644 +--- a/salt/_logging/ ++++ b/salt/_logging/ +@@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ def set_logging_options_dict(opts): + except AttributeError: + pass + set_logging_options_dict.__options_dict__ = opts ++ set_lowest_log_level_by_opts(opts) + + + def freeze_logging_options_dict(): +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/_logging/ b/tests/pytests/integration/_logging/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..8e38f55b38 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/_logging/ +@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ ++import logging ++import os ++ ++import pytest ++ ++import salt._logging.impl as log_impl ++from import MagicMock, patch ++ ++pytestmark = [ ++ pytest.mark.skip_on_windows(reason="Temporarily skipped on the newer golden images") ++] ++ ++ ++log = logging.getLogger(__name__) ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture ++def configure_loader_modules(): ++ return {log_impl: {}} ++ ++ ++def log_nameToLevel(name): ++ """ ++ Return the numeric representation of textual logging level ++ """ ++ # log level values ++ CRITICAL = 50 ++ FATAL = CRITICAL ++ ERROR = 40 ++ WARNING = 30 ++ WARN = WARNING ++ INFO = 20 ++ DEBUG = 10 ++ NOTSET = 0 ++ ++ _nameToLevel = { ++ "CRITICAL": CRITICAL, ++ "FATAL": FATAL, ++ "ERROR": ERROR, ++ "WARN": WARNING, ++ "WARNING": WARNING, ++ "INFO": INFO, ++ "DEBUG": DEBUG, ++ "NOTSET": NOTSET, ++ } ++ return _nameToLevel.get(name, None) ++ ++ ++def test_lowest_log_level(): ++ ret = log_impl.get_lowest_log_level() ++ assert ret is not None ++ ++ log_impl.set_lowest_log_level(log_nameToLevel("DEBUG")) ++ ret = log_impl.get_lowest_log_level() ++ assert ret is log_nameToLevel("DEBUG") ++ ++ log_impl.set_lowest_log_level(log_nameToLevel("WARNING")) ++ ret = log_impl.get_lowest_log_level() ++ assert ret is log_nameToLevel("WARNING") ++ ++ opts = {"log_level": "ERROR", "log_level_logfile": "INFO"} ++ log_impl.set_lowest_log_level_by_opts(opts) ++ ret = log_impl.get_lowest_log_level() ++ assert ret is log_nameToLevel("INFO") ++ ++ ++def test_get_logging_level_from_string(caplog): ++ ret = log_impl.get_logging_level_from_string(None) ++ assert ret is log_nameToLevel("WARNING") ++ ++ ret = log_impl.get_logging_level_from_string(log_nameToLevel("DEBUG")) ++ assert ret is log_nameToLevel("DEBUG") ++ ++ ret = log_impl.get_logging_level_from_string("CRITICAL") ++ assert ret is log_nameToLevel("CRITICAL") ++ ++ caplog.clear() ++ with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING): ++ msg = "Could not translate the logging level string 'BADLEVEL' into an actual logging level integer. Returning 'logging.ERROR'." ++ ret = log_impl.get_logging_level_from_string("BADLEVEL") ++ assert ret is log_nameToLevel("ERROR") ++ assert msg in caplog.text ++ ++ ++def test_logfile_handler(caplog): ++ caplog.clear() ++ with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING): ++ ret = log_impl.is_logfile_handler_configured() ++ assert ret is False ++ ++ msg = "log_path setting is set to `None`. Nothing else to do" ++ log_path = None ++ assert log_impl.setup_logfile_handler(log_path) is None ++ assert msg in caplog.text ++ ++ ++def test_in_mainprocess(): ++ ret = log_impl.in_mainprocess() ++ assert ret is True ++ ++ curr_pid = os.getpid() ++ with patch( ++ "os.getpid", MagicMock(side_effect=[AttributeError, curr_pid, curr_pid]) ++ ): ++ ret = log_impl.in_mainprocess() ++ assert ret is True +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/_logging/handlers/ b/tests/pytests/unit/_logging/handlers/ +index 76b0e88eca..62c0dff4be 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/_logging/handlers/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/_logging/handlers/ +@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import pytest + from pytestshellutils.utils.processes import terminate_process + + from salt._logging.handlers import DeferredStreamHandler ++from salt._logging.impl import set_lowest_log_level + from salt.utils.nb_popen import NonBlockingPopen + from import CaptureOutput, dedent + from import RUNTIME_VARS +@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ def _sync_with_handlers_proc_target(): + + with CaptureOutput() as stds: + handler = DeferredStreamHandler(sys.stderr) +- handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ++ set_lowest_log_level(logging.DEBUG) + formatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s") + handler.setFormatter(formatter) + logging.root.addHandler(handler) +@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ def _deferred_write_on_flush_proc_target(): + + with CaptureOutput() as stds: + handler = DeferredStreamHandler(sys.stderr) +- handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ++ set_lowest_log_level(logging.DEBUG) + formatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s") + handler.setFormatter(formatter) + logging.root.addHandler(handler) +@@ -126,7 +127,7 @@ def test_deferred_write_on_atexit(tmp_path): + # Just loop consuming output + while True: + if time.time() > max_time: +-"Script didn't exit after {} second".format(execution_time)) ++"Script didn't exit after {execution_time} second") + + time.sleep(0.125) + _out = proc.recv() +@@ -146,7 +147,7 @@ def test_deferred_write_on_atexit(tmp_path): + finally: + terminate_process(, kill_children=True) + if b"Foo" not in err: +-"'Foo' should be in stderr and it's not: {}".format(err)) ++"'Foo' should be in stderr and it's not: {err}") + + + @pytest.mark.skip_on_windows(reason="Windows does not support SIGINT") +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ +index 438a6eb09c..c31b25e623 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ +@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ ++import logging + import os + import signal + +@@ -43,10 +44,13 @@ def test_log_sanitize(test_cmd, caplog): + cmd, + log_stdout=True, + log_stderr=True, ++ log_stdout_level="debug", ++ log_stderr_level="debug", + log_sanitize=password, + stream_stdout=False, + stream_stderr=False, + ) +- ret = term.recv() ++ with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG): ++ ret = term.recv() + assert password not in caplog.text + assert "******" in caplog.text +-- +2.45.0 + diff --git a/make-master_tops-compatible-with-salt-3000-and-older.patch b/make-master_tops-compatible-with-salt-3000-and-older.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bfe217d --- /dev/null +++ b/make-master_tops-compatible-with-salt-3000-and-older.patch @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +From 53a5a62191b81c6838c3041cf95ffeb12fbab5b5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2023 15:35:41 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Make master_tops compatible with Salt 3000 and older + minions (bsc#1212516) (bsc#1212517) (#587) + +--- + salt/ | 4 ++++ + 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+) + +diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ +index da1eb8cef5..fc243ef674 100644 +--- a/salt/ ++++ b/salt/ +@@ -1213,6 +1213,7 @@ class AESFuncs(TransportMethods): + "_dir_list", + "_symlink_list", + "_file_envs", ++ "_ext_nodes", # To keep compatibility with old Salt minion versions + ) + + def __init__(self, opts, context=None): +@@ -1412,6 +1413,9 @@ class AESFuncs(TransportMethods): + return {} + return self.masterapi._master_tops(load, skip_verify=True) + ++ # Needed so older minions can request master_tops ++ _ext_nodes = _master_tops ++ + def _master_opts(self, load): + """ + Return the master options to the minion +-- +2.41.0 + + diff --git a/make-minion-reconnecting-on-changing-master-ip-bsc-1.patch b/make-minion-reconnecting-on-changing-master-ip-bsc-1.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ac9dba7 --- /dev/null +++ b/make-minion-reconnecting-on-changing-master-ip-bsc-1.patch @@ -0,0 +1,770 @@ +From eb6c67e6f535cdfbf685a54c6352018673e37a12 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2024 11:59:08 +0300 +Subject: [PATCH] Make minion reconnecting on changing master IP + (bsc#1228182) + +* Minions check dns when re-connecting to a master + +Check for a chainging dns record anytime a minion gets disconnected from +it's master. See github issue #63654 #61482. + +* Regression tests for dns defined masters + +Adding tests to validate we check for changing dns anytime we're +disconnected from the currently connected master + +* Update docs for master dns changes + +Update docs to use master_alive_interval to detect master ip changes via +DNS. + +* Remove comment which is not true anymore + +* Make minion reconnecting on changing master IP + +with zeromq transport + +* Don't create schedule for alive if no master_alive_interval + +* Skip the tests if running with non-root user + +* Skip if unable to set additional IP address + +* Set master_tries to -1 for minions + +* Fix the tests + +--------- + +Co-authored-by: Daniel A. Wozniak +--- + conf/minion | 5 +- + doc/ref/configuration/minion.rst | 4 +- + salt/channel/ | 2 - + salt/config/ | 4 +- + salt/ | 190 ++++++++---------- + salt/transport/ | 17 +- + tests/pytests/scenarios/dns/ | 0 + tests/pytests/scenarios/dns/ | 99 +++++++++ + .../scenarios/dns/multimaster/ | 124 ++++++++++++ + .../scenarios/dns/multimaster/ | 54 +++++ + tests/pytests/scenarios/dns/ | 37 ++++ + .../multimaster/ | 4 - + tests/pytests/unit/ | 2 + + 13 files changed, 422 insertions(+), 120 deletions(-) + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/scenarios/dns/ + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/scenarios/dns/ + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/scenarios/dns/multimaster/ + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/scenarios/dns/multimaster/ + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/scenarios/dns/ + +diff --git a/conf/minion b/conf/minion +index eeef626fa8..f89e18451f 100644 +--- a/conf/minion ++++ b/conf/minion +@@ -271,9 +271,8 @@ + #ping_interval: 0 + + # To auto recover minions if master changes IP address (DDNS) +-# auth_tries: 10 +-# auth_safemode: True +-# ping_interval: 2 ++# master_alive_interval: 10 ++# master_tries: -1 + # + # Minions won't know master is missing until a ping fails. After the ping fail, + # the minion will attempt authentication and likely fails out and cause a restart. +diff --git a/doc/ref/configuration/minion.rst b/doc/ref/configuration/minion.rst +index 57af5ce4a3..a1b0f2e86e 100644 +--- a/doc/ref/configuration/minion.rst ++++ b/doc/ref/configuration/minion.rst +@@ -291,7 +291,9 @@ Default: ``0`` + + Configures how often, in seconds, the minion will verify that the current + master is alive and responding. The minion will try to establish a connection +-to the next master in the list if it finds the existing one is dead. ++to the next master in the list if it finds the existing one is dead. This ++setting can also be used to detect master DNS record changes when a minion has ++been disconnected. + + .. code-block:: yaml + +diff --git a/salt/channel/ b/salt/channel/ +index 76d7a8e5b9..34aafb2c9e 100644 +--- a/salt/channel/ ++++ b/salt/channel/ +@@ -385,8 +385,6 @@ class AsyncPubChannel: + # else take the relayed publish_port master reports + else: + publish_port = self.auth.creds["publish_port"] +- # TODO: The zeromq transport does not use connect_callback and +- # disconnect_callback. + yield self.transport.connect( + publish_port, self.connect_callback, self.disconnect_callback + ) +diff --git a/salt/config/ b/salt/config/ +index b3cd5d85ae..d4865807e6 100644 +--- a/salt/config/ ++++ b/salt/config/ +@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ elif salt.utils.platform.is_darwin(): + else: + _DFLT_IPC_MODE = "ipc" + _DFLT_FQDNS_GRAINS = False +- _MASTER_TRIES = 1 ++ _MASTER_TRIES = -1 + _MASTER_USER = salt.utils.user.get_user() + + +@@ -1272,7 +1272,7 @@ DEFAULT_MINION_OPTS = immutabletypes.freeze( + "username": None, + "password": None, + "zmq_filtering": False, +- "zmq_monitor": False, ++ "zmq_monitor": True, + "cache_sreqs": True, + "cmd_safe": True, + "sudo_user": "", +diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ +index e21a017cfd..834f0848c6 100644 +--- a/salt/ ++++ b/salt/ +@@ -2737,10 +2737,64 @@ class Minion(MinionBase): + # we are not connected anymore + self.connected = False +"Connection to master %s lost", self.opts["master"]) ++ if self.opts["transport"] != "tcp": ++ self.schedule.delete_job(name=master_event(type="alive")) ++ ++"Trying to tune in to next master from master-list") ++ ++ if hasattr(self, "pub_channel"): ++ self.pub_channel.on_recv(None) ++ if hasattr(self.pub_channel, "auth"): ++ self.pub_channel.auth.invalidate() ++ if hasattr(self.pub_channel, "close"): ++ self.pub_channel.close() ++ if hasattr(self, "req_channel") and self.req_channel: ++ self.req_channel.close() ++ self.req_channel = None ++ ++ # if eval_master finds a new master for us, self.connected ++ # will be True again on successful master authentication ++ try: ++ master, self.pub_channel = yield self.eval_master( ++ opts=self.opts, ++ failed=True, ++ failback=tag.startswith(master_event(type="failback")), ++ ) ++ except SaltClientError: ++ pass ++ ++ if self.connected: ++ self.opts["master"] = master ++ ++ # re-init the subsystems to work with the new master ++ ++ "Re-initialising subsystems for new master %s", ++ self.opts["master"], ++ ) ++ ++ self.req_channel = ++ self.opts, io_loop=self.io_loop ++ ) + +- if self.opts["master_type"] != "failover": +- # modify the scheduled job to fire on reconnect +- if self.opts["transport"] != "tcp": ++ # put the current schedule into the new loaders ++ self.opts["schedule"] = self.schedule.option("schedule") ++ ( ++ self.functions, ++ self.returners, ++ self.function_errors, ++ self.executors, ++ ) = self._load_modules() ++ # make the schedule to use the new 'functions' loader ++ self.schedule.functions = self.functions ++ self.pub_channel.on_recv(self._handle_payload) ++ self._fire_master_minion_start() ++"Minion is ready to receive requests!") ++ ++ # update scheduled job to run with the new master addr ++ if ( ++ self.opts["transport"] != "tcp" ++ and self.opts["master_alive_interval"] > 0 ++ ): + schedule = { + "function": "status.master", + "seconds": self.opts["master_alive_interval"], +@@ -2749,116 +2803,35 @@ class Minion(MinionBase): + "return_job": False, + "kwargs": { + "master": self.opts["master"], +- "connected": False, ++ "connected": True, + }, + } + self.schedule.modify_job( + name=master_event(type="alive", master=self.opts["master"]), + schedule=schedule, + ) +- else: +- # delete the scheduled job to don't interfere with the failover process +- if self.opts["transport"] != "tcp": +- self.schedule.delete_job(name=master_event(type="alive")) +- +-"Trying to tune in to next master from master-list") +- +- if hasattr(self, "pub_channel"): +- self.pub_channel.on_recv(None) +- if hasattr(self.pub_channel, "auth"): +- self.pub_channel.auth.invalidate() +- if hasattr(self.pub_channel, "close"): +- self.pub_channel.close() +- del self.pub_channel +- +- # if eval_master finds a new master for us, self.connected +- # will be True again on successful master authentication +- try: +- master, self.pub_channel = yield self.eval_master( +- opts=self.opts, +- failed=True, +- failback=tag.startswith(master_event(type="failback")), +- ) +- except SaltClientError: +- pass +- +- if self.connected: +- self.opts["master"] = master +- +- # re-init the subsystems to work with the new master +- +- "Re-initialising subsystems for new master %s", +- self.opts["master"], +- ) +- +- self.req_channel = ( +- salt.transport.client.AsyncReqChannel.factory( +- self.opts, io_loop=self.io_loop +- ) +- ) +- +- # put the current schedule into the new loaders +- self.opts["schedule"] = self.schedule.option("schedule") +- ( +- self.functions, +- self.returners, +- self.function_errors, +- self.executors, +- ) = self._load_modules() +- # make the schedule to use the new 'functions' loader +- self.schedule.functions = self.functions +- self.pub_channel.on_recv(self._handle_payload) +- self._fire_master_minion_start() +-"Minion is ready to receive requests!") +- +- # update scheduled job to run with the new master addr +- if self.opts["transport"] != "tcp": +- schedule = { +- "function": "status.master", +- "seconds": self.opts["master_alive_interval"], +- "jid_include": True, +- "maxrunning": 1, +- "return_job": False, +- "kwargs": { +- "master": self.opts["master"], +- "connected": True, +- }, +- } +- self.schedule.modify_job( +- name=master_event( +- type="alive", master=self.opts["master"] +- ), +- schedule=schedule, +- ) + +- if ( +- self.opts["master_failback"] +- and "master_list" in self.opts +- ): +- if self.opts["master"] != self.opts["master_list"][0]: +- schedule = { +- "function": "status.ping_master", +- "seconds": self.opts[ +- "master_failback_interval" +- ], +- "jid_include": True, +- "maxrunning": 1, +- "return_job": False, +- "kwargs": { +- "master": self.opts["master_list"][0] +- }, +- } +- self.schedule.modify_job( +- name=master_event(type="failback"), +- schedule=schedule, +- ) +- else: +- self.schedule.delete_job( +- name=master_event(type="failback"), persist=True +- ) +- else: +- self.restart = True +- self.io_loop.stop() ++ if self.opts["master_failback"] and "master_list" in self.opts: ++ if self.opts["master"] != self.opts["master_list"][0]: ++ schedule = { ++ "function": "status.ping_master", ++ "seconds": self.opts["master_failback_interval"], ++ "jid_include": True, ++ "maxrunning": 1, ++ "return_job": False, ++ "kwargs": {"master": self.opts["master_list"][0]}, ++ } ++ self.schedule.modify_job( ++ name=master_event(type="failback"), ++ schedule=schedule, ++ ) ++ else: ++ self.schedule.delete_job( ++ name=master_event(type="failback"), persist=True ++ ) ++ else: ++ self.restart = True ++ self.io_loop.stop() + + elif tag.startswith(master_event(type="connected")): + # handle this event only once. otherwise it will pollute the log +@@ -2870,7 +2843,10 @@ class Minion(MinionBase): + self.connected = True + # modify the __master_alive job to only fire, + # if the connection is lost again +- if self.opts["transport"] != "tcp": ++ if ( ++ self.opts["transport"] != "tcp" ++ and self.opts["master_alive_interval"] > 0 ++ ): + schedule = { + "function": "status.master", + "seconds": self.opts["master_alive_interval"], +diff --git a/salt/transport/ b/salt/transport/ +index 7cc6b9987f..89f705190e 100644 +--- a/salt/transport/ ++++ b/salt/transport/ +@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ + """ + Zeromq transport classes + """ ++ + import errno + import hashlib + import logging +@@ -211,6 +212,12 @@ class PublishClient(salt.transport.base.PublishClient): + self.master_pub, + ) + log.debug("%r connecting to %s", self, self.master_pub) ++ if ( ++ hasattr(self, "_monitor") ++ and self._monitor is not None ++ and disconnect_callback is not None ++ ): ++ self._monitor.disconnect_callback = disconnect_callback + self._socket.connect(self.master_pub) + connect_callback(True) + +@@ -680,13 +687,21 @@ class ZeroMQSocketMonitor: + log.debug("ZeroMQ event: %s", evt) + if evt["event"] == zmq.EVENT_MONITOR_STOPPED: + self.stop() ++ elif evt["event"] == zmq.EVENT_DISCONNECTED: ++ if ( ++ hasattr(self, "disconnect_callback") ++ and self.disconnect_callback is not None ++ ): ++ self.disconnect_callback() + + def stop(self): + if self._socket is None: + return + self._socket.disable_monitor() + self._socket = None +- self._monitor_socket = None ++ if self._monitor_socket is not None: ++ self._monitor_socket.close() ++ self._monitor_socket = None + if self._monitor_stream is not None: + self._monitor_stream.close() + self._monitor_stream = None +diff --git a/tests/pytests/scenarios/dns/ b/tests/pytests/scenarios/dns/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..e69de29bb2 +diff --git a/tests/pytests/scenarios/dns/ b/tests/pytests/scenarios/dns/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..5a8850719f +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/scenarios/dns/ +@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ ++import logging ++import pathlib ++import subprocess ++ ++import pytest ++ ++log = logging.getLogger(__name__) ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture(scope="package") ++def master_alive_interval(): ++ return 5 ++ ++ ++class HostsFile: ++ """ ++ Simple helper class for tests that need to modify /etc/hosts. ++ """ ++ ++ def __init__(self, path, orig_text): ++ self._path = path ++ self._orig_text = orig_text ++ ++ @property ++ def orig_text(self): ++ return self._orig_text ++ ++ def __getattr__(self, key): ++ if key in ["_path", "_orig_text", "orig_text"]: ++ return self.__getattribute__(key) ++ return getattr(self._path, key) ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture ++def etc_hosts(): ++ hosts = pathlib.Path("/etc/hosts") ++ orig_text = hosts.read_text(encoding="utf-8") ++ hosts = HostsFile(hosts, orig_text) ++ try: ++ yield hosts ++ finally: ++ hosts.write_text(orig_text) ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture(scope="package") ++def master(request, salt_factories): ++ ++ try: ++ subprocess.check_output(["ip", "addr", "add", "", "dev", "lo"]) ++ ip_addr_set = True ++ except subprocess.CalledProcessError: ++ ip_addr_set = False ++ ++ config_defaults = { ++ "open_mode": True, ++ "transport": request.config.getoption("--transport"), ++ } ++ config_overrides = { ++ "interface": "", ++ } ++ factory = salt_factories.salt_master_daemon( ++ "master", ++ defaults=config_defaults, ++ overrides=config_overrides, ++ extra_cli_arguments_after_first_start_failure=["--log-level=info"], ++ ) ++ factory.ip_addr_set = ip_addr_set ++ with factory.started(start_timeout=180): ++ yield factory ++ ++ try: ++ subprocess.check_output(["ip", "addr", "del", "", "dev", "lo"]) ++ except subprocess.CalledProcessError: ++ pass ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture(scope="package") ++def salt_cli(master): ++ return master.salt_cli(timeout=180) ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture(scope="package") ++def minion(master, master_alive_interval): ++ config_defaults = { ++ "transport": master.config["transport"], ++ } ++ port = master.config["ret_port"] ++ config_overrides = { ++ "master": f"master.local:{port}", ++ "publish_port": master.config["publish_port"], ++ "master_alive_interval": master_alive_interval, ++ } ++ factory = master.salt_minion_daemon( ++ "minion", ++ defaults=config_defaults, ++ overrides=config_overrides, ++ extra_cli_arguments_after_first_start_failure=["--log-level=info"], ++ ) ++ return factory +diff --git a/tests/pytests/scenarios/dns/multimaster/ b/tests/pytests/scenarios/dns/multimaster/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..3333f812ce +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/scenarios/dns/multimaster/ +@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ ++import logging ++import os ++import shutil ++import subprocess ++ ++import pytest ++ ++log = logging.getLogger(__name__) ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture(scope="package") ++def salt_mm_master_1(request, salt_factories): ++ ++ try: ++ subprocess.check_output(["ip", "addr", "add", "", "dev", "lo"]) ++ ip_addr_set = True ++ except subprocess.CalledProcessError: ++ ip_addr_set = False ++ ++ config_defaults = { ++ "open_mode": True, ++ "transport": request.config.getoption("--transport"), ++ } ++ config_overrides = { ++ "interface": "", ++ "master_sign_pubkey": True, ++ } ++ factory = salt_factories.salt_master_daemon( ++ "mm-master-1", ++ defaults=config_defaults, ++ overrides=config_overrides, ++ extra_cli_arguments_after_first_start_failure=["--log-level=info"], ++ ) ++ factory.ip_addr_set = ip_addr_set ++ try: ++ with factory.started(start_timeout=180): ++ yield factory ++ finally: ++ ++ try: ++ subprocess.check_output(["ip", "addr", "del", "", "dev", "lo"]) ++ except subprocess.CalledProcessError: ++ pass ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture(scope="package") ++def mm_master_1_salt_cli(salt_mm_master_1): ++ return salt_mm_master_1.salt_cli(timeout=180) ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture(scope="package") ++def salt_mm_master_2(salt_factories, salt_mm_master_1): ++ # if salt.utils.platform.is_darwin() or salt.utils.platform.is_freebsd(): ++ # subprocess.check_output(["ifconfig", "lo0", "alias", "", "up"]) ++ ++ config_defaults = { ++ "open_mode": True, ++ "transport": salt_mm_master_1.config["transport"], ++ } ++ config_overrides = { ++ "interface": "", ++ "master_sign_pubkey": True, ++ } ++ ++ # Use the same ports for both masters, they are binding to different interfaces ++ for key in ( ++ "ret_port", ++ "publish_port", ++ ): ++ config_overrides[key] = salt_mm_master_1.config[key] + 1 ++ factory = salt_factories.salt_master_daemon( ++ "mm-master-2", ++ defaults=config_defaults, ++ overrides=config_overrides, ++ extra_cli_arguments_after_first_start_failure=["--log-level=info"], ++ ) ++ ++ # Both masters will share the same signing key pair ++ for keyfile in ("master_sign.pem", ""): ++ shutil.copyfile( ++ os.path.join(salt_mm_master_1.config["pki_dir"], keyfile), ++ os.path.join(factory.config["pki_dir"], keyfile), ++ ) ++ with factory.started(start_timeout=180): ++ yield factory ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture(scope="package") ++def mm_master_2_salt_cli(salt_mm_master_2): ++ return salt_mm_master_2.salt_cli(timeout=180) ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture(scope="package") ++def salt_mm_minion_1(salt_mm_master_1, salt_mm_master_2, master_alive_interval): ++ config_defaults = { ++ "transport": salt_mm_master_1.config["transport"], ++ } ++ ++ mm_master_1_port = salt_mm_master_1.config["ret_port"] ++ mm_master_2_port = salt_mm_master_2.config["ret_port"] ++ config_overrides = { ++ "master": [ ++ f"master1.local:{mm_master_1_port}", ++ f"master2.local:{mm_master_2_port}", ++ ], ++ "publish_port": salt_mm_master_1.config["publish_port"], ++ "master_alive_interval": master_alive_interval, ++ "master_tries": -1, ++ "verify_master_pubkey_sign": True, ++ "retry_dns": True, ++ } ++ factory = salt_mm_master_1.salt_minion_daemon( ++ "mm-minion-1", ++ defaults=config_defaults, ++ overrides=config_overrides, ++ extra_cli_arguments_after_first_start_failure=["--log-level=info"], ++ ) ++ # Need to grab the public signing key from the master, either will do ++ shutil.copyfile( ++ os.path.join(salt_mm_master_1.config["pki_dir"], ""), ++ os.path.join(factory.config["pki_dir"], ""), ++ ) ++ # with factory.started(start_timeout=180): ++ yield factory +diff --git a/tests/pytests/scenarios/dns/multimaster/ b/tests/pytests/scenarios/dns/multimaster/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..fafb30c12e +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/scenarios/dns/multimaster/ +@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ ++import logging ++import subprocess ++import time ++ ++import pytest ++ ++log = logging.getLogger(__name__) ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.skip_unless_on_linux ++@pytest.mark.skip_if_not_root ++def test_multimaster_dns( ++ salt_mm_master_1, ++ salt_mm_minion_1, ++ mm_master_1_salt_cli, ++ etc_hosts, ++ caplog, ++ master_alive_interval, ++): ++ """ ++ Verify a minion configured with multimaster hot/hot will pick up a master's ++ dns change if it's been disconnected. ++ """ ++ ++ if not salt_mm_master_1.ip_addr_set: ++ pytest.skip("Unable to set additional IP address for master1") ++ ++ etc_hosts.write_text( ++ f"{etc_hosts.orig_text}\n172.16.0.1 master1.local master2.local" ++ ) ++ ++"Added hosts record for master1.local and master2.local") ++ ++ with salt_mm_minion_1.started(start_timeout=180): ++ with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO): ++ ret ="", minion_tgt="mm-minion-1") ++ assert ret.returncode == 0 ++ etc_hosts.write_text( ++ f"{etc_hosts.orig_text}\n127.0.0.1 master1.local master2.local" ++ ) ++"Changed hosts record for master1.local and master2.local") ++ subprocess.check_output(["ip", "addr", "del", "", "dev", "lo"]) ++"Removed secondary master IP address.") ++ # Wait for the minion's master_alive_interval, adding a second for ++ # reliablity. ++ time.sleep(master_alive_interval + 1) ++ assert ( ++ "Master ip address changed from to" in caplog.text ++ ) ++ ret ="", minion_tgt="mm-minion-1") ++ assert ret.returncode == 0 ++ assert ( ++ "Master ip address changed from to" in caplog.text ++ ) +diff --git a/tests/pytests/scenarios/dns/ b/tests/pytests/scenarios/dns/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..cd33f0e7f0 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/scenarios/dns/ +@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ ++import logging ++import subprocess ++import time ++ ++import pytest ++ ++log = logging.getLogger(__name__) ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.skip_unless_on_linux ++@pytest.mark.skip_if_not_root ++def test_dns_change(master, minion, salt_cli, etc_hosts, caplog, master_alive_interval): ++ """ ++ Verify a minion will pick up a master's dns change if it's been disconnected. ++ """ ++ ++ if not master.ip_addr_set: ++ pytest.skip("Unable to set additional IP address for master") ++ ++ etc_hosts.write_text(f"{etc_hosts.orig_text}\n172.16.0.1 master.local") ++ ++ with minion.started(start_timeout=180): ++ with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO): ++ ret ="", minion_tgt="minion") ++ assert ret.returncode == 0 ++ etc_hosts.write_text(f"{etc_hosts.orig_text}\n127.0.0.1 master.local") ++"Changed hosts record for master1.local and master2.local") ++ subprocess.check_output(["ip", "addr", "del", "", "dev", "lo"]) ++"Removed secondary master IP address.") ++ # Wait for the minion's master_alive_interval, adding a second for ++ # reliablity. ++ time.sleep(master_alive_interval + 1) ++ assert ( ++ "Master ip address changed from to" in caplog.text ++ ) ++ ret ="", minion_tgt="minion") ++ assert ret.returncode == 0 +diff --git a/tests/pytests/scenarios/failover/multimaster/ b/tests/pytests/scenarios/failover/multimaster/ +index 9f6251a4d6..ebb2899ff0 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/scenarios/failover/multimaster/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/scenarios/failover/multimaster/ +@@ -162,10 +162,6 @@ def test_minions_alive_with_no_master( + """ + Make sure the minions stay alive after all masters have stopped. + """ +- if grains["os_family"] == "Debian" and grains["osmajorrelease"] == 9: +- pytest.skip( +- "Skipping on Debian 9 until flaky issues resolved. See issue #61749" +- ) + start_time = time.time() + with salt_mm_failover_master_1.stopped(): + with salt_mm_failover_master_2.stopped(): +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/ b/tests/pytests/unit/ +index a9e91742a2..017c28d163 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/ +@@ -884,6 +884,8 @@ async def test_master_type_failover(minion_opts): + assert opts["master"] == "master2" + return MockPubChannel() + ++ minion_opts["master_tries"] = 1 ++ + with patch("salt.minion.resolve_dns", mock_resolve_dns), patch( + "", mock_channel_factory + ), patch("salt.loader.grains", MagicMock(return_value=[])): +-- +2.47.0 + diff --git a/make-reactor-engine-less-blocking-the-eventpublisher.patch b/make-reactor-engine-less-blocking-the-eventpublisher.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ba1e393 --- /dev/null +++ b/make-reactor-engine-less-blocking-the-eventpublisher.patch @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +From 0d35f09288700f5c961567442c3fcc25838b8de4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Wed, 15 May 2024 09:44:21 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Make reactor engine less blocking the EventPublisher + +--- + salt/utils/ | 45 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------- + 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index 19420a51cf..78adad34da 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@ + """ + Functions which implement running reactor jobs + """ ++ + import fnmatch + import glob + import logging + import os ++from threading import Lock + + import salt.client + import salt.defaults.exitcodes +@@ -194,13 +196,6 @@ class Reactor(salt.utils.process.SignalHandlingProcess, salt.state.Compiler): + self.resolve_aliases(chunks) + return chunks + +- def call_reactions(self, chunks): +- """ +- Execute the reaction state +- """ +- for chunk in chunks: +- +- + def run(self): + """ + Enter into the server loop +@@ -218,7 +213,7 @@ class Reactor(salt.utils.process.SignalHandlingProcess, salt.state.Compiler): + ) as event: + self.wrap = ReactWrap(self.opts) + +- for data in event.iter_events(full=True): ++ for data in event.iter_events(full=True, auto_reconnect=True): + # skip all events fired by ourselves + if data["data"].get("user") == self.wrap.event_user: + continue +@@ -268,15 +263,9 @@ class Reactor(salt.utils.process.SignalHandlingProcess, salt.state.Compiler): + if not self.is_leader: + continue + else: +- reactors = self.list_reactors(data["tag"]) +- if not reactors: +- continue +- chunks = self.reactions(data["tag"], data["data"], reactors) +- if chunks: +- try: +- self.call_reactions(chunks) +- except SystemExit: +- log.warning("Exit ignored by reactor") ++ self.wrap.call_reactions( ++ data, self.list_reactors, self.reactions ++ ) + + + class ReactWrap: +@@ -297,6 +286,7 @@ class ReactWrap: + + def __init__(self, opts): + self.opts = opts ++ self._run_lock = Lock() + if ReactWrap.client_cache is None: + ReactWrap.client_cache = salt.utils.cache.CacheDict( + opts["reactor_refresh_interval"] +@@ -480,3 +470,24 @@ class ReactWrap: + Wrap LocalCaller to execute remote exec functions locally on the Minion + """ + self.client_cache["caller"].cmd(fun, *kwargs["arg"], **kwargs["kwarg"]) ++ ++ def _call_reactions(self, data, list_reactors, get_reactions): ++ reactors = list_reactors(data["tag"]) ++ if not reactors: ++ return ++ chunks = get_reactions(data["tag"], data["data"], reactors) ++ if not chunks: ++ return ++ with self._run_lock: ++ try: ++ for chunk in chunks: ++ ++ except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except ++ log.error( ++ "Exception while calling the reactions: %s", exc, exc_info=True ++ ) ++ ++ def call_reactions(self, data, list_reactors, get_reactions): ++ return self.pool.fire_async( ++ self._call_reactions, args=(data, list_reactors, get_reactions) ++ ) +-- +2.45.0 + diff --git a/make-salt-master-self-recoverable-on-killing-eventpu.patch b/make-salt-master-self-recoverable-on-killing-eventpu.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c353e49 --- /dev/null +++ b/make-salt-master-self-recoverable-on-killing-eventpu.patch @@ -0,0 +1,243 @@ +From 794b5d1aa7b8e880e9a21940183d241c6cbde9c9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Wed, 15 May 2024 09:42:23 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Make salt-master self recoverable on killing + EventPublisher + +* Implement timeout and tries to transport.ipc.IPCClient.send + +* Make timeout and tries configurable for fire_event + +* Add test of timeout and tries + +* Prevent exceptions from tornado Future on closing the IPC connection +--- + salt/transport/ | 73 +++++++++++++++++--- + salt/utils/ | 21 +++++- + tests/pytests/unit/utils/event/ | 43 ++++++++++++ + 3 files changed, 125 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/transport/ b/salt/transport/ +index cee100b086..6631781c5c 100644 +--- a/salt/transport/ ++++ b/salt/transport/ +@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ + IPC transport classes + """ + +- + import errno + import logging + import socket +@@ -340,7 +339,8 @@ class IPCClient: + try: + log.trace("IPCClient: Connecting to socket: %s", self.socket_path) + yield +- self._connecting_future.set_result(True) ++ if self._connecting_future is not None: ++ self._connecting_future.set_result(True) + break + except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except + if +@@ -350,7 +350,8 @@ class IPCClient: + if is not None: + + = None +- self._connecting_future.set_exception(e) ++ if self._connecting_future is not None: ++ self._connecting_future.set_exception(e) + break + + yield salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep(1) +@@ -365,7 +366,13 @@ class IPCClient: + return + + self._closing = True +- self._connecting_future = None ++ if self._connecting_future is not None: ++ try: ++ self._connecting_future.set_result(True) ++ self._connecting_future.exception() # pylint: disable=E0203 ++ except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except ++ log.warning("Unhandled connecting exception: %s", e, exc_info=True) ++ self._connecting_future = None + + log.debug("Closing %s instance", self.__class__.__name__) + +@@ -435,8 +442,6 @@ class IPCMessageClient(IPCClient): + "close", + ] + +- # FIXME timeout unimplemented +- # FIXME tries unimplemented + @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine + def send(self, msg, timeout=None, tries=None): + """ +@@ -445,12 +450,60 @@ class IPCMessageClient(IPCClient): + If the socket is not currently connected, a connection will be established. + + :param dict msg: The message to be sent +- :param int timeout: Timeout when sending message (Currently unimplemented) ++ :param int timeout: Timeout when sending message ++ :param int tries: Maximum numer of tries to send message + """ +- if not self.connected(): +- yield self.connect() ++ if tries is None or tries < 1: ++ tries = 1 ++ due_time = None ++ if timeout is not None: ++ due_time = time.time() + timeout ++ _try = 1 ++ exc_count = 0 + pack = salt.transport.frame.frame_msg_ipc(msg, raw_body=True) +- yield ++ while _try <= tries: ++ if not self.connected(): ++ self.close() ++ = None ++ self._closing = False ++ try: ++ yield self.connect( ++ timeout=( ++ None if due_time is None else max(due_time - time.time(), 1) ++ ) ++ ) ++ except StreamClosedError: ++ log.warning( ++ "IPCMessageClient: Unable to reconnect IPC stream on sending message with ID: 0x%016x%s", ++ id(msg), ++ f", retry {_try} of {tries}" if tries > 1 else "", ++ ) ++ exc_count += 1 ++ if self.connected(): ++ try: ++ yield ++ return ++ except StreamClosedError: ++ if self._closing: ++ break ++ log.warning( ++ "IPCMessageClient: Stream was closed on sending message with ID: 0x%016x", ++ id(msg), ++ ) ++ exc_count += 1 ++ if exc_count == 1: ++ # Give one more chance in case if stream was detected as closed ++ # on the first write attempt ++ continue ++ cur_time = time.time() ++ _try += 1 ++ if _try > tries or (due_time is not None and cur_time > due_time): ++ return ++ yield salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep( ++ 1 ++ if due_time is None ++ else (due_time - cur_time) / max(tries - _try + 1, 1) ++ ) + + + class IPCMessageServer(IPCServer): +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index ef048335ae..36b530d1af 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -270,6 +270,10 @@ class SaltEvent: + # and don't read out events from the buffer on an on-going basis, + # the buffer will grow resulting in big memory usage. + self.connect_pub() ++ self.pusher_send_timeout = self.opts.get( ++ "pusher_send_timeout", self.opts.get("timeout") ++ ) ++ self.pusher_send_tries = self.opts.get("pusher_send_tries", 3) + + @classmethod + def __load_cache_regex(cls): +@@ -839,10 +843,18 @@ class SaltEvent: + ] + ) + msg = salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(event, "utf-8") ++ if timeout is None: ++ timeout_s = self.pusher_send_timeout ++ else: ++ timeout_s = float(timeout) / 1000 + if self._run_io_loop_sync: + with salt.utils.asynchronous.current_ioloop(self.io_loop): + try: +- self.pusher.send(msg) ++ self.pusher.send( ++ msg, ++ timeout=timeout_s, ++ tries=self.pusher_send_tries, ++ ) + except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except + log.debug( + "Publisher send failed with exception: %s", +@@ -851,7 +863,12 @@ class SaltEvent: + ) + raise + else: +- self.io_loop.spawn_callback(self.pusher.send, msg) ++ self.io_loop.spawn_callback( ++ self.pusher.send, ++ msg, ++ timeout=timeout_s, ++ tries=self.pusher_send_tries, ++ ) + return True + + def fire_master(self, data, tag, timeout=1000): +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/utils/event/ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/event/ +index 3eadfaf6ba..fa9e420a93 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/utils/event/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/event/ +@@ -447,3 +447,46 @@ def test_event_fire_ret_load(): + ) + assert mock_log_error.mock_calls[0].args[1] == "" + assert mock_log_error.mock_calls[0].args[2] == "".join(test_traceback) ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_event_single_timeout_tries(sock_dir): ++ """Test an event is sent with timout and tries""" ++ ++ write_calls_count = 0 ++ real_stream_write = None ++ ++ @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine ++ def write_mock(pack): ++ nonlocal write_calls_count ++ nonlocal real_stream_write ++ write_calls_count += 1 ++ if write_calls_count > 3: ++ yield real_stream_write(pack) ++ else: ++ raise salt.ext.tornado.iostream.StreamClosedError() ++ ++ with eventpublisher_process(str(sock_dir)), salt.utils.event.MasterEvent( ++ str(sock_dir), listen=True ++ ) as me: ++ me.fire_event({"data": "foo1"}, "evt1") ++ evt1 = me.get_event(tag="evt1") ++ _assert_got_event(evt1, {"data": "foo1"}) ++ real_stream_write = ++ with patch.object( ++ me.pusher, ++ "connected", ++ side_effect=[True, True, False, False, True, True], ++ ), patch.object( ++ me.pusher, ++ "connect", ++ side_effect=salt.ext.tornado.iostream.StreamClosedError, ++ ), patch.object( ++, ++ "write", ++ write_mock, ++ ): ++ me.fire_event({"data": "bar2"}, "evt2", timeout=5000) ++ evt2 = me.get_event(tag="evt2") ++ _assert_got_event(evt2, {"data": "bar2"}) ++ assert write_calls_count == 4 +-- +2.45.0 + diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea91881 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +From d2b4c8170d7ff30bf33623fcbbb6ebb6d7af934e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2020 13:09:52 +0000 +Subject: [PATCH] Make script to not require setuptools > 9.1 + +--- + | 8 -------- + 1 file changed, 8 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/ b/ +index e60f1b7085..8ca8a66d45 100755 +--- a/ ++++ b/ +@@ -632,14 +632,6 @@ class Install(install): + install.finalize_options(self) + + def run(self): +- if LooseVersion(setuptools.__version__) < LooseVersion("9.1"): +- sys.stderr.write( +- "\n\nInstalling Salt requires setuptools >= 9.1\n" +- "Available setuptools version is {}\n\n".format(setuptools.__version__) +- ) +- sys.stderr.flush() +- sys.exit(1) +- + # Let's set the running_salt_install attribute so we can add + # _version.txt in the build command + self.distribution.running_salt_install = True +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/make-sure-configured-user-is-properly-set-by-salt-bs.patch b/make-sure-configured-user-is-properly-set-by-salt-bs.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4702068 --- /dev/null +++ b/make-sure-configured-user-is-properly-set-by-salt-bs.patch @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +From 5ea4add5c8e2bed50b9825edfff7565e5f6124f3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:57:44 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Make sure configured user is properly set by Salt + (bsc#1210994) (#596) + +* Make sure Salt user and env is validated before daemon init + +* Ensure HOME is always present in env and set according to pwuser + +* Set User to salt in salt-master.service files + +* Return proper exitcode if user is not valid + +* Fix environment also for salt-ssh command + +* Increase start_timeout to avoid test to be flaky +--- + pkg/common/salt-master.service | 1 + + pkg/old/deb/salt-master.service | 1 + + pkg/old/suse/salt-master.service | 1 + + salt/cli/ | 27 +++++++++++++++++++ + salt/cli/ | 8 ++++++ + salt/utils/ | 4 +-- + .../integration/cli/ | 4 +-- + 7 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/pkg/common/salt-master.service b/pkg/common/salt-master.service +index 377c87afeb..257ecc283f 100644 +--- a/pkg/common/salt-master.service ++++ b/pkg/common/salt-master.service +@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ LimitNOFILE=100000 + Type=notify + NotifyAccess=all + ExecStart=/usr/bin/salt-master ++User=salt + + [Install] + +diff --git a/pkg/old/deb/salt-master.service b/pkg/old/deb/salt-master.service +index b5d0cdd22c..f9dca296b4 100644 +--- a/pkg/old/deb/salt-master.service ++++ b/pkg/old/deb/salt-master.service +@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ LimitNOFILE=16384 + Type=notify + NotifyAccess=all + ExecStart=/usr/bin/salt-master ++User=salt + + [Install] + +diff --git a/pkg/old/suse/salt-master.service b/pkg/old/suse/salt-master.service +index 9e002d16ca..caabca511c 100644 +--- a/pkg/old/suse/salt-master.service ++++ b/pkg/old/suse/salt-master.service +@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ LimitNOFILE=100000 + Type=simple + ExecStart=/usr/bin/salt-master + TasksMax=infinity ++User=salt + + [Install] + +diff --git a/salt/cli/ b/salt/cli/ +index ecc05c919e..c9ee9ced91 100644 +--- a/salt/cli/ ++++ b/salt/cli/ +@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import logging + import os + import warnings + ++import salt.defaults.exitcodes + import salt.utils.kinds as kinds + from salt.exceptions import SaltClientError, SaltSystemExit, get_error_message + from salt.utils import migrations +@@ -73,6 +74,16 @@ class DaemonsMixin: # pylint: disable=no-init + self.__class__.__name__, + ) + ++ def verify_user(self): ++ """ ++ Verify Salt configured user for Salt and shutdown daemon if not valid. ++ ++ :return: ++ """ ++ if not check_user(self.config["user"]): ++ self.action_log_info("Cannot switch to configured user for Salt. Exiting") ++ self.shutdown(salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_NOUSER) ++ + def action_log_info(self, action): + """ + Say daemon starting. +@@ -178,6 +189,10 @@ class Master( + self.config["interface"] = ip_bracket(self.config["interface"]) + migrations.migrate_paths(self.config) + ++ # Ensure configured user is valid and environment is properly set ++ # before initializating rest of the stack. ++ self.verify_user() ++ + # Late import so logging works correctly + import salt.master + +@@ -290,6 +305,10 @@ class Minion( + + transport = self.config.get("transport").lower() + ++ # Ensure configured user is valid and environment is properly set ++ # before initializating rest of the stack. ++ self.verify_user() ++ + try: + # Late import so logging works correctly + import salt.minion +@@ -478,6 +497,10 @@ class ProxyMinion( + self.action_log_info("An instance is already running. Exiting") + self.shutdown(1) + ++ # Ensure configured user is valid and environment is properly set ++ # before initializating rest of the stack. ++ self.verify_user() ++ + # TODO: AIO core is separate from transport + # Late import so logging works correctly + import salt.minion +@@ -576,6 +599,10 @@ class Syndic( + + self.action_log_info('Setting up "{}"'.format(self.config["id"])) + ++ # Ensure configured user is valid and environment is properly set ++ # before initializating rest of the stack. ++ self.verify_user() ++ + # Late import so logging works correctly + import salt.minion + +diff --git a/salt/cli/ b/salt/cli/ +index 6048cb5f58..672f32b8c0 100644 +--- a/salt/cli/ ++++ b/salt/cli/ +@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@ + import sys + + import salt.client.ssh ++import salt.defaults.exitcodes + import salt.utils.parsers ++from salt.utils.verify import check_user + + + class SaltSSH(salt.utils.parsers.SaltSSHOptionParser): +@@ -15,5 +17,11 @@ class SaltSSH(salt.utils.parsers.SaltSSHOptionParser): + # that won't be used anyways with -H or --hosts + self.parse_args() + ++ if not check_user(self.config["user"]): ++ self.exit( ++ salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_NOUSER, ++ "Cannot switch to configured user for Salt. Exiting", ++ ) ++ + ssh = salt.client.ssh.SSH(self.config) + +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index 879128f231..7899fbe538 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -335,8 +335,8 @@ def check_user(user): + + # We could just reset the whole environment but let's just override + # the variables we can get from pwuser +- if "HOME" in os.environ: +- os.environ["HOME"] = pwuser.pw_dir ++ # We ensure HOME is always present and set according to pwuser ++ os.environ["HOME"] = pwuser.pw_dir + + if "SHELL" in os.environ: + os.environ["SHELL"] = pwuser.pw_shell +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/cli/ b/tests/pytests/integration/cli/ +index c0d6013474..bde2dd51d7 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/integration/cli/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/cli/ +@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ def test_exit_status_unknown_user(salt_master, minion_id): + factory = salt_master.salt_minion_daemon( + minion_id, overrides={"user": "unknown-user"} + ) +- factory.start(start_timeout=10, max_start_attempts=1) ++ factory.start(start_timeout=30, max_start_attempts=1) + + assert exc.value.process_result.returncode == salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_NOUSER + assert "The user is not available." in exc.value.process_result.stderr +@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ def test_exit_status_unknown_argument(salt_master, minion_id): + """ + with pytest.raises(FactoryNotStarted) as exc: + factory = salt_master.salt_minion_daemon(minion_id) +- factory.start("--unknown-argument", start_timeout=10, max_start_attempts=1) ++ factory.start("--unknown-argument", start_timeout=30, max_start_attempts=1) + + assert exc.value.process_result.returncode == salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_USAGE + assert "Usage" in exc.value.process_result.stderr +-- +2.41.0 + + diff --git a/make-sure-the-file-client-is-destroyed-upon-used.patch b/make-sure-the-file-client-is-destroyed-upon-used.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db8d41f --- /dev/null +++ b/make-sure-the-file-client-is-destroyed-upon-used.patch @@ -0,0 +1,850 @@ +From a1fc5287d501a1ecdbd259e5bbdd4f7d5d06dd13 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Alexander Graul +Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2023 09:41:28 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Make sure the file client is destroyed upon used + +Backport of +--- + salt/client/ssh/wrapper/ | 108 +++---- + salt/ | 11 - + salt/modules/ | 17 +- + salt/pillar/ | 6 +- + salt/states/ | 11 +- + salt/utils/ | 2 +- + salt/utils/ | 53 ++- + salt/utils/ | 7 + + salt/utils/ | 303 +++++++++--------- + .../integration/states/ | 40 +++ + .../utils/jinja/ | 47 ++- + 11 files changed, 330 insertions(+), 275 deletions(-) + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/integration/states/ + +diff --git a/salt/client/ssh/wrapper/ b/salt/client/ssh/wrapper/ +index d47b5cf6883..b0b94593809 100644 +--- a/salt/client/ssh/wrapper/ ++++ b/salt/client/ssh/wrapper/ +@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import tarfile + import tempfile + from contextlib import closing + ++import salt.fileclient + import salt.utils.files + import salt.utils.json + import salt.utils.url +@@ -28,65 +29,62 @@ def update_master_cache(states, saltenv="base"): + # Setup for copying states to gendir + gendir = tempfile.mkdtemp() + trans_tar = salt.utils.files.mkstemp() +- if "cp.fileclient_{}".format(id(__opts__)) not in __context__: +- __context__[ +- "cp.fileclient_{}".format(id(__opts__)) +- ] = salt.fileclient.get_file_client(__opts__) +- +- # generate cp.list_states output and save to gendir +- cp_output = salt.utils.json.dumps(__salt__["cp.list_states"]()) +- cp_output_file = os.path.join(gendir, "cp_output.txt") +- with salt.utils.files.fopen(cp_output_file, "w") as fp: +- fp.write(cp_output) +- +- # cp state directories to gendir +- already_processed = [] +- sls_list = salt.utils.args.split_input(states) +- for state_name in sls_list: +- # generate low data for each state and save to gendir +- state_low_file = os.path.join(gendir, state_name + ".low") +- state_low_output = salt.utils.json.dumps( +- __salt__["state.show_low_sls"](state_name) +- ) +- with salt.utils.files.fopen(state_low_file, "w") as fp: +- fp.write(state_low_output) +- +- state_name = state_name.replace(".", os.sep) +- if state_name in already_processed: +- log.debug("Already cached state for %s", state_name) +- else: +- file_copy_file = os.path.join(gendir, state_name + ".copy") +- log.debug("copying %s to %s", state_name, gendir) +- qualified_name = salt.utils.url.create(state_name, saltenv) +- # Duplicate cp.get_dir to gendir +- copy_result = __context__["cp.fileclient_{}".format(id(__opts__))].get_dir( +- qualified_name, gendir, saltenv ++ with salt.fileclient.get_file_client(__opts__) as cp_fileclient: ++ ++ # generate cp.list_states output and save to gendir ++ cp_output = salt.utils.json.dumps(__salt__["cp.list_states"]()) ++ cp_output_file = os.path.join(gendir, "cp_output.txt") ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(cp_output_file, "w") as fp: ++ fp.write(cp_output) ++ ++ # cp state directories to gendir ++ already_processed = [] ++ sls_list = salt.utils.args.split_input(states) ++ for state_name in sls_list: ++ # generate low data for each state and save to gendir ++ state_low_file = os.path.join(gendir, state_name + ".low") ++ state_low_output = salt.utils.json.dumps( ++ __salt__["state.show_low_sls"](state_name) + ) +- if copy_result: +- copy_result = [dir.replace(gendir, state_cache) for dir in copy_result] +- copy_result_output = salt.utils.json.dumps(copy_result) +- with salt.utils.files.fopen(file_copy_file, "w") as fp: +- fp.write(copy_result_output) +- already_processed.append(state_name) ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(state_low_file, "w") as fp: ++ fp.write(state_low_output) ++ ++ state_name = state_name.replace(".", os.sep) ++ if state_name in already_processed: ++ log.debug("Already cached state for %s", state_name) + else: +- # If files were not copied, assume state.file.sls was given and just copy state +- state_name = os.path.dirname(state_name) + file_copy_file = os.path.join(gendir, state_name + ".copy") +- if state_name in already_processed: +- log.debug("Already cached state for %s", state_name) ++ log.debug("copying %s to %s", state_name, gendir) ++ qualified_name = salt.utils.url.create(state_name, saltenv) ++ # Duplicate cp.get_dir to gendir ++ copy_result = cp_fileclient.get_dir(qualified_name, gendir, saltenv) ++ if copy_result: ++ copy_result = [ ++ dir.replace(gendir, state_cache) for dir in copy_result ++ ] ++ copy_result_output = salt.utils.json.dumps(copy_result) ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(file_copy_file, "w") as fp: ++ fp.write(copy_result_output) ++ already_processed.append(state_name) + else: +- qualified_name = salt.utils.url.create(state_name, saltenv) +- copy_result = __context__[ +- "cp.fileclient_{}".format(id(__opts__)) +- ].get_dir(qualified_name, gendir, saltenv) +- if copy_result: +- copy_result = [ +- dir.replace(gendir, state_cache) for dir in copy_result +- ] +- copy_result_output = salt.utils.json.dumps(copy_result) +- with salt.utils.files.fopen(file_copy_file, "w") as fp: +- fp.write(copy_result_output) +- already_processed.append(state_name) ++ # If files were not copied, assume state.file.sls was given and just copy state ++ state_name = os.path.dirname(state_name) ++ file_copy_file = os.path.join(gendir, state_name + ".copy") ++ if state_name in already_processed: ++ log.debug("Already cached state for %s", state_name) ++ else: ++ qualified_name = salt.utils.url.create(state_name, saltenv) ++ copy_result = cp_fileclient.get_dir( ++ qualified_name, gendir, saltenv ++ ) ++ if copy_result: ++ copy_result = [ ++ dir.replace(gendir, state_cache) for dir in copy_result ++ ] ++ copy_result_output = salt.utils.json.dumps(copy_result) ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(file_copy_file, "w") as fp: ++ fp.write(copy_result_output) ++ already_processed.append(state_name) + + # turn gendir into tarball and remove gendir + try: +diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ +index fef5154a0be..f01a86dd0d4 100644 +--- a/salt/ ++++ b/salt/ +@@ -849,7 +849,6 @@ class Client: + kwargs.pop("env") + + kwargs["saltenv"] = saltenv +- url_data = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) + sfn = self.cache_file(url, saltenv, cachedir=cachedir) + if not sfn or not os.path.exists(sfn): + return "" +@@ -1165,13 +1164,8 @@ class RemoteClient(Client): + + if not salt.utils.platform.is_windows(): + hash_server, stat_server = self.hash_and_stat_file(path, saltenv) +- try: +- mode_server = stat_server[0] +- except (IndexError, TypeError): +- mode_server = None + else: + hash_server = self.hash_file(path, saltenv) +- mode_server = None + + # Check if file exists on server, before creating files and + # directories +@@ -1214,13 +1208,8 @@ class RemoteClient(Client): + if dest2check and os.path.isfile(dest2check): + if not salt.utils.platform.is_windows(): + hash_local, stat_local = self.hash_and_stat_file(dest2check, saltenv) +- try: +- mode_local = stat_local[0] +- except (IndexError, TypeError): +- mode_local = None + else: + hash_local = self.hash_file(dest2check, saltenv) +- mode_local = None + + if hash_local == hash_server: + return dest2check +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index f7344b66ac6..69b722f0c95 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -6667,14 +6667,6 @@ def script_retcode( + )["retcode"] + + +-def _mk_fileclient(): +- """ +- Create a file client and add it to the context. +- """ +- if "cp.fileclient" not in __context__: +- __context__["cp.fileclient"] = salt.fileclient.get_file_client(__opts__) +- +- + def _generate_tmp_path(): + return os.path.join("/tmp", "salt.docker.{}".format(uuid.uuid4().hex[:6])) + +@@ -6688,11 +6680,10 @@ def _prepare_trans_tar(name, sls_opts, mods=None, pillar=None, extra_filerefs="" + # reuse it from salt.ssh, however this function should + # be somewhere else + refs = salt.client.ssh.state.lowstate_file_refs(chunks, extra_filerefs) +- _mk_fileclient() +- trans_tar = salt.client.ssh.state.prep_trans_tar( +- __context__["cp.fileclient"], chunks, refs, pillar, name +- ) +- return trans_tar ++ with salt.fileclient.get_file_client(__opts__) as fileclient: ++ return salt.client.ssh.state.prep_trans_tar( ++ fileclient, chunks, refs, pillar, name ++ ) + + + def _compile_state(sls_opts, mods=None): +diff --git a/salt/pillar/ b/salt/pillar/ +index 0dfab4cc579..26312b3bd53 100644 +--- a/salt/pillar/ ++++ b/salt/pillar/ +@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import logging + import os + import sys + import traceback +-import uuid + + import + import salt.ext.tornado.gen +@@ -1351,6 +1350,11 @@ class Pillar: + if hasattr(self, "_closing") and self._closing: + return + self._closing = True ++ if self.client: ++ try: ++ self.client.destroy() ++ except AttributeError: ++ pass + + # pylint: disable=W1701 + def __del__(self): +diff --git a/salt/states/ b/salt/states/ +index 7fd4deb6c2a..9abd418c42c 100644 +--- a/salt/states/ ++++ b/salt/states/ +@@ -32,12 +32,10 @@ state: + - state: installed + + """ +- + import logging + import os + import sys + +-# Import salt modules + import salt.fileclient + import salt.utils.decorators.path + from salt.utils.decorators import depends +@@ -108,13 +106,6 @@ def __virtual__(): + return __virtualname__ + + +-def _client(): +- """ +- Get a fileclient +- """ +- return salt.fileclient.get_file_client(__opts__) +- +- + def _changes(plays): + """ + Find changes in ansible return data +@@ -171,7 +162,7 @@ def playbooks(name, rundir=None, git_repo=None, git_kwargs=None, ansible_kwargs= + } + if git_repo: + if not isinstance(rundir, str) or not os.path.isdir(rundir): +- with _client() as client: ++ with salt.fileclient.get_file_client(__opts__) as client: + rundir = client._extrn_path(git_repo, "base") + log.trace("rundir set to %s", rundir) + if not isinstance(git_kwargs, dict): +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index 2a858feee98..0c645bbc3bb 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class SyncWrapper: + result = io_loop.run_sync(lambda: getattr(self.obj, key)(*args, **kwargs)) + results.append(True) + results.append(result) +- except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except ++ except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except + results.append(False) + results.append(sys.exc_info()) + +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index fcc5aec497e..a6a8a279605 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -58,19 +58,6 @@ class SaltCacheLoader(BaseLoader): + and only loaded once per loader instance. + """ + +- _cached_pillar_client = None +- _cached_client = None +- +- @classmethod +- def shutdown(cls): +- for attr in ("_cached_client", "_cached_pillar_client"): +- client = getattr(cls, attr, None) +- if client is not None: +- # PillarClient and LocalClient objects do not have a destroy method +- if hasattr(client, "destroy"): +- client.destroy() +- setattr(cls, attr, None) +- + def __init__( + self, + opts, +@@ -93,8 +80,7 @@ class SaltCacheLoader(BaseLoader): + log.debug("Jinja search path: %s", self.searchpath) + self.cached = [] + self._file_client = _file_client +- # Instantiate the fileclient +- self.file_client() ++ self._close_file_client = _file_client is None + + def file_client(self): + """ +@@ -108,18 +94,10 @@ class SaltCacheLoader(BaseLoader): + or not hasattr(self._file_client, "opts") + or self._file_client.opts["file_roots"] != self.opts["file_roots"] + ): +- attr = "_cached_pillar_client" if self.pillar_rend else "_cached_client" +- cached_client = getattr(self, attr, None) +- if ( +- cached_client is None +- or not hasattr(cached_client, "opts") +- or cached_client.opts["file_roots"] != self.opts["file_roots"] +- ): +- cached_client = salt.fileclient.get_file_client( +- self.opts, self.pillar_rend +- ) +- setattr(SaltCacheLoader, attr, cached_client) +- self._file_client = cached_client ++ self._file_client = salt.fileclient.get_file_client( ++ self.opts, self.pillar_rend ++ ) ++ self._close_file_client = True + return self._file_client + + def cache_file(self, template): +@@ -221,6 +199,27 @@ class SaltCacheLoader(BaseLoader): + # there is no template file within searchpaths + raise TemplateNotFound(template) + ++ def destroy(self): ++ if self._close_file_client is False: ++ return ++ if self._file_client is None: ++ return ++ file_client = self._file_client ++ self._file_client = None ++ ++ try: ++ file_client.destroy() ++ except AttributeError: ++ # PillarClient and LocalClient objects do not have a destroy method ++ pass ++ ++ def __enter__(self): ++ self.file_client() ++ return self ++ ++ def __exit__(self, *args): ++ self.destroy() ++ + + class PrintableDict(OrderedDict): + """ +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index 69618de9837..037d5d86deb 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -97,3 +97,10 @@ if HAS_MAKO: + self.cache[fpath] = self.file_client().get_file( + fpath, "", True, self.saltenv + ) ++ ++ def destroy(self): ++ if self.client: ++ try: ++ self.client.destroy() ++ except AttributeError: ++ pass +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index 4947b820a36..4a8adf2a14f 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -362,163 +362,169 @@ def render_jinja_tmpl(tmplstr, context, tmplpath=None): + elif tmplstr.endswith("\n"): + newline = "\n" + +- if not saltenv: +- if tmplpath: +- loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(os.path.dirname(tmplpath)) +- else: +- loader = salt.utils.jinja.SaltCacheLoader( +- opts, +- saltenv, +- pillar_rend=context.get("_pillar_rend", False), +- _file_client=file_client, +- ) ++ try: ++ if not saltenv: ++ if tmplpath: ++ loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(os.path.dirname(tmplpath)) ++ else: ++ loader = salt.utils.jinja.SaltCacheLoader( ++ opts, ++ saltenv, ++ pillar_rend=context.get("_pillar_rend", False), ++ _file_client=file_client, ++ ) + +- env_args = {"extensions": [], "loader": loader} +- +- if hasattr(jinja2.ext, "with_"): +- env_args["extensions"].append("jinja2.ext.with_") +- if hasattr(jinja2.ext, "do"): +- env_args["extensions"].append("") +- if hasattr(jinja2.ext, "loopcontrols"): +- env_args["extensions"].append("jinja2.ext.loopcontrols") +- env_args["extensions"].append(salt.utils.jinja.SerializerExtension) +- +- opt_jinja_env = opts.get("jinja_env", {}) +- opt_jinja_sls_env = opts.get("jinja_sls_env", {}) +- +- opt_jinja_env = opt_jinja_env if isinstance(opt_jinja_env, dict) else {} +- opt_jinja_sls_env = opt_jinja_sls_env if isinstance(opt_jinja_sls_env, dict) else {} +- +- # Pass through trim_blocks and lstrip_blocks Jinja parameters +- # trim_blocks removes newlines around Jinja blocks +- # lstrip_blocks strips tabs and spaces from the beginning of +- # line to the start of a block. +- if opts.get("jinja_trim_blocks", False): +- log.debug("Jinja2 trim_blocks is enabled") +- log.warning( +- "jinja_trim_blocks is deprecated and will be removed in a future release," +- " please use jinja_env and/or jinja_sls_env instead" +- ) +- opt_jinja_env["trim_blocks"] = True +- opt_jinja_sls_env["trim_blocks"] = True +- if opts.get("jinja_lstrip_blocks", False): +- log.debug("Jinja2 lstrip_blocks is enabled") +- log.warning( +- "jinja_lstrip_blocks is deprecated and will be removed in a future release," +- " please use jinja_env and/or jinja_sls_env instead" +- ) +- opt_jinja_env["lstrip_blocks"] = True +- opt_jinja_sls_env["lstrip_blocks"] = True +- +- def opt_jinja_env_helper(opts, optname): +- for k, v in opts.items(): +- k = k.lower() +- if hasattr(jinja2.defaults, k.upper()): +- log.debug("Jinja2 environment %s was set to %s by %s", k, v, optname) +- env_args[k] = v +- else: +- log.warning("Jinja2 environment %s is not recognized", k) ++ env_args = {"extensions": [], "loader": loader} + +- if "sls" in context and context["sls"] != "": +- opt_jinja_env_helper(opt_jinja_sls_env, "jinja_sls_env") +- else: +- opt_jinja_env_helper(opt_jinja_env, "jinja_env") ++ if hasattr(jinja2.ext, "with_"): ++ env_args["extensions"].append("jinja2.ext.with_") ++ if hasattr(jinja2.ext, "do"): ++ env_args["extensions"].append("") ++ if hasattr(jinja2.ext, "loopcontrols"): ++ env_args["extensions"].append("jinja2.ext.loopcontrols") ++ env_args["extensions"].append(salt.utils.jinja.SerializerExtension) + +- if opts.get("allow_undefined", False): +- jinja_env = jinja2.sandbox.SandboxedEnvironment(**env_args) +- else: +- jinja_env = jinja2.sandbox.SandboxedEnvironment( +- undefined=jinja2.StrictUndefined, **env_args +- ) ++ opt_jinja_env = opts.get("jinja_env", {}) ++ opt_jinja_sls_env = opts.get("jinja_sls_env", {}) + +- indent_filter = jinja_env.filters.get("indent") +- jinja_env.tests.update(JinjaTest.salt_jinja_tests) +- jinja_env.filters.update(JinjaFilter.salt_jinja_filters) +- if salt.utils.jinja.JINJA_VERSION >= Version("2.11"): +- # Use the existing indent filter on Jinja versions where it's not broken +- jinja_env.filters["indent"] = indent_filter +- jinja_env.globals.update(JinjaGlobal.salt_jinja_globals) +- +- # globals +- jinja_env.globals["odict"] = OrderedDict +- jinja_env.globals["show_full_context"] = salt.utils.jinja.show_full_context +- +- jinja_env.tests["list"] = +- +- decoded_context = {} +- for key, value in context.items(): +- if not isinstance(value, str): +- if isinstance(value, NamedLoaderContext): +- decoded_context[key] = value.value() +- else: +- decoded_context[key] = value +- continue ++ opt_jinja_env = opt_jinja_env if isinstance(opt_jinja_env, dict) else {} ++ opt_jinja_sls_env = ( ++ opt_jinja_sls_env if isinstance(opt_jinja_sls_env, dict) else {} ++ ) + +- try: +- decoded_context[key] = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode( +- value, encoding=SLS_ENCODING ++ # Pass through trim_blocks and lstrip_blocks Jinja parameters ++ # trim_blocks removes newlines around Jinja blocks ++ # lstrip_blocks strips tabs and spaces from the beginning of ++ # line to the start of a block. ++ if opts.get("jinja_trim_blocks", False): ++ log.debug("Jinja2 trim_blocks is enabled") ++ log.warning( ++ "jinja_trim_blocks is deprecated and will be removed in a future release," ++ " please use jinja_env and/or jinja_sls_env instead" + ) +- except UnicodeDecodeError as ex: +- log.debug( +- "Failed to decode using default encoding (%s), trying system encoding", +- SLS_ENCODING, ++ opt_jinja_env["trim_blocks"] = True ++ opt_jinja_sls_env["trim_blocks"] = True ++ if opts.get("jinja_lstrip_blocks", False): ++ log.debug("Jinja2 lstrip_blocks is enabled") ++ log.warning( ++ "jinja_lstrip_blocks is deprecated and will be removed in a future release," ++ " please use jinja_env and/or jinja_sls_env instead" + ) +- decoded_context[key] = ++ opt_jinja_env["lstrip_blocks"] = True ++ opt_jinja_sls_env["lstrip_blocks"] = True ++ ++ def opt_jinja_env_helper(opts, optname): ++ for k, v in opts.items(): ++ k = k.lower() ++ if hasattr(jinja2.defaults, k.upper()): ++ log.debug( ++ "Jinja2 environment %s was set to %s by %s", k, v, optname ++ ) ++ env_args[k] = v ++ else: ++ log.warning("Jinja2 environment %s is not recognized", k) + +- jinja_env.globals.update(decoded_context) +- try: +- template = jinja_env.from_string(tmplstr) +- output = template.render(**decoded_context) +- except jinja2.exceptions.UndefinedError as exc: +- trace = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) +- line, out = _get_jinja_error(trace, context=decoded_context) +- if not line: +- tmplstr = "" +- raise SaltRenderError("Jinja variable {}{}".format(exc, out), line, tmplstr) +- except ( +- jinja2.exceptions.TemplateRuntimeError, +- jinja2.exceptions.TemplateSyntaxError, +- jinja2.exceptions.SecurityError, +- ) as exc: +- trace = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) +- line, out = _get_jinja_error(trace, context=decoded_context) +- if not line: +- tmplstr = "" +- raise SaltRenderError( +- "Jinja syntax error: {}{}".format(exc, out), line, tmplstr +- ) +- except (SaltInvocationError, CommandExecutionError) as exc: +- trace = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) +- line, out = _get_jinja_error(trace, context=decoded_context) +- if not line: +- tmplstr = "" +- raise SaltRenderError( +- "Problem running salt function in Jinja template: {}{}".format(exc, out), +- line, +- tmplstr, +- ) +- except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except +- tracestr = traceback.format_exc() +- trace = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) +- line, out = _get_jinja_error(trace, context=decoded_context) +- if not line: +- tmplstr = "" ++ if "sls" in context and context["sls"] != "": ++ opt_jinja_env_helper(opt_jinja_sls_env, "jinja_sls_env") + else: +- tmplstr += "\n{}".format(tracestr) +- log.debug("Jinja Error") +- log.debug("Exception:", exc_info=True) +- log.debug("Out: %s", out) +- log.debug("Line: %s", line) +- log.debug("TmplStr: %s", tmplstr) +- log.debug("TraceStr: %s", tracestr) ++ opt_jinja_env_helper(opt_jinja_env, "jinja_env") + +- raise SaltRenderError( +- "Jinja error: {}{}".format(exc, out), line, tmplstr, trace=tracestr +- ) ++ if opts.get("allow_undefined", False): ++ jinja_env = jinja2.sandbox.SandboxedEnvironment(**env_args) ++ else: ++ jinja_env = jinja2.sandbox.SandboxedEnvironment( ++ undefined=jinja2.StrictUndefined, **env_args ++ ) ++ ++ indent_filter = jinja_env.filters.get("indent") ++ jinja_env.tests.update(JinjaTest.salt_jinja_tests) ++ jinja_env.filters.update(JinjaFilter.salt_jinja_filters) ++ if salt.utils.jinja.JINJA_VERSION >= Version("2.11"): ++ # Use the existing indent filter on Jinja versions where it's not broken ++ jinja_env.filters["indent"] = indent_filter ++ jinja_env.globals.update(JinjaGlobal.salt_jinja_globals) ++ ++ # globals ++ jinja_env.globals["odict"] = OrderedDict ++ jinja_env.globals["show_full_context"] = salt.utils.jinja.show_full_context ++ ++ jinja_env.tests["list"] = ++ ++ decoded_context = {} ++ for key, value in context.items(): ++ if not isinstance(value, str): ++ if isinstance(value, NamedLoaderContext): ++ decoded_context[key] = value.value() ++ else: ++ decoded_context[key] = value ++ continue ++ ++ try: ++ decoded_context[key] = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode( ++ value, encoding=SLS_ENCODING ++ ) ++ except UnicodeDecodeError: ++ log.debug( ++ "Failed to decode using default encoding (%s), trying system encoding", ++ SLS_ENCODING, ++ ) ++ decoded_context[key] = ++ ++ jinja_env.globals.update(decoded_context) ++ try: ++ template = jinja_env.from_string(tmplstr) ++ output = template.render(**decoded_context) ++ except jinja2.exceptions.UndefinedError as exc: ++ trace = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) ++ line, out = _get_jinja_error(trace, context=decoded_context) ++ if not line: ++ tmplstr = "" ++ raise SaltRenderError("Jinja variable {}{}".format(exc, out), line, tmplstr) ++ except ( ++ jinja2.exceptions.TemplateRuntimeError, ++ jinja2.exceptions.TemplateSyntaxError, ++ jinja2.exceptions.SecurityError, ++ ) as exc: ++ trace = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) ++ line, out = _get_jinja_error(trace, context=decoded_context) ++ if not line: ++ tmplstr = "" ++ raise SaltRenderError( ++ "Jinja syntax error: {}{}".format(exc, out), line, tmplstr ++ ) ++ except (SaltInvocationError, CommandExecutionError) as exc: ++ trace = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) ++ line, out = _get_jinja_error(trace, context=decoded_context) ++ if not line: ++ tmplstr = "" ++ raise SaltRenderError( ++ "Problem running salt function in Jinja template: {}{}".format( ++ exc, out ++ ), ++ line, ++ tmplstr, ++ ) ++ except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except ++ tracestr = traceback.format_exc() ++ trace = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) ++ line, out = _get_jinja_error(trace, context=decoded_context) ++ if not line: ++ tmplstr = "" ++ else: ++ tmplstr += "\n{}".format(tracestr) ++ log.debug("Jinja Error") ++ log.debug("Exception:", exc_info=True) ++ log.debug("Out: %s", out) ++ log.debug("Line: %s", line) ++ log.debug("TmplStr: %s", tmplstr) ++ log.debug("TraceStr: %s", tracestr) ++ ++ raise SaltRenderError( ++ "Jinja error: {}{}".format(exc, out), line, tmplstr, trace=tracestr ++ ) + finally: +- if loader and hasattr(loader, "_file_client"): +- if hasattr(loader._file_client, "destroy"): +- loader._file_client.destroy() ++ if loader and isinstance(loader, salt.utils.jinja.SaltCacheLoader): ++ loader.destroy() + + # Workaround a bug in Jinja that removes the final newline + # ( +@@ -569,9 +575,8 @@ def render_mako_tmpl(tmplstr, context, tmplpath=None): + except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except + raise SaltRenderError(mako.exceptions.text_error_template().render()) + finally: +- if lookup and hasattr(lookup, "_file_client"): +- if hasattr(lookup._file_client, "destroy"): +- lookup._file_client.destroy() ++ if lookup and isinstance(lookup, SaltMakoTemplateLookup): ++ lookup.destroy() + + + def render_wempy_tmpl(tmplstr, context, tmplpath=None): +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/states/ b/tests/pytests/integration/states/ +new file mode 100644 +index 00000000000..f814328c5e4 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/states/ +@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ ++""" ++Integration tests for the jinja includes in states ++""" ++import logging ++ ++import pytest ++ ++log = logging.getLogger(__name__) ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_issue_64111(salt_master, salt_minion, salt_call_cli): ++ # This needs to be an integration test. A functional test does not trigger ++ # the issue fixed. ++ ++ macros_jinja = """ ++ {% macro a_jinja_macro(arg) -%} ++ {{ arg }} ++ {%- endmacro %} ++ """ ++ ++ init_sls = """ ++ include: ++ - common.file1 ++ """ ++ ++ file1_sls = """ ++ {% from 'common/macros.jinja' import a_jinja_macro with context %} ++ ++ a state id: ++ ++ - name: echo {{ a_jinja_macro("hello world") }} ++ """ ++ tf = salt_master.state_tree.base.temp_file ++ ++ with tf("common/macros.jinja", macros_jinja): ++ with tf("common/init.sls", init_sls): ++ with tf("common/file1.sls", file1_sls): ++ ret ="state.apply", "common") ++ assert ret.returncode == 0 +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/utils/jinja/ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/jinja/ +index 38c5ce5b724..e0f5fa158ff 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/utils/jinja/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/jinja/ +@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import salt.utils.json # pylint: disable=unused-import + import salt.utils.stringutils # pylint: disable=unused-import + import salt.utils.yaml # pylint: disable=unused-import + from salt.utils.jinja import SaltCacheLoader +-from import Mock, patch ++from import Mock, call, patch + + + @pytest.fixture +@@ -224,14 +224,45 @@ def test_file_client_kwarg(minion_opts, mock_file_client): + assert loader._file_client is mock_file_client + + +-def test_cache_loader_shutdown(minion_opts, mock_file_client): ++def test_cache_loader_passed_file_client(minion_opts, mock_file_client): + """ + The shudown method can be called without raising an exception when the + file_client does not have a destroy method + """ +- assert not hasattr(mock_file_client, "destroy") +- mock_file_client.opts = minion_opts +- loader = SaltCacheLoader(minion_opts, _file_client=mock_file_client) +- assert loader._file_client is mock_file_client +- # Shutdown method should not raise any exceptions +- loader.shutdown() ++ # Test SaltCacheLoader creating and destroying the file client created ++ file_client = Mock() ++ with patch("salt.fileclient.get_file_client", return_value=file_client): ++ loader = SaltCacheLoader(minion_opts) ++ assert loader._file_client is None ++ with loader: ++ assert loader._file_client is file_client ++ assert loader._file_client is None ++ assert file_client.mock_calls == [call.destroy()] ++ ++ # Test SaltCacheLoader reusing the file client passed ++ file_client = Mock() ++ file_client.opts = {"file_roots": minion_opts["file_roots"]} ++ with patch("salt.fileclient.get_file_client", return_value=Mock()): ++ loader = SaltCacheLoader(minion_opts, _file_client=file_client) ++ assert loader._file_client is file_client ++ with loader: ++ assert loader._file_client is file_client ++ assert loader._file_client is file_client ++ assert file_client.mock_calls == [] ++ ++ # Test SaltCacheLoader creating a client even though a file client was ++ # passed because the "file_roots" option is different, and, as such, ++ # the destroy method on the new file client is called, but not on the ++ # file client passed in. ++ file_client = Mock() ++ file_client.opts = {"file_roots": ""} ++ new_file_client = Mock() ++ with patch("salt.fileclient.get_file_client", return_value=new_file_client): ++ loader = SaltCacheLoader(minion_opts, _file_client=file_client) ++ assert loader._file_client is file_client ++ with loader: ++ assert loader._file_client is not file_client ++ assert loader._file_client is new_file_client ++ assert loader._file_client is None ++ assert file_client.mock_calls == [] ++ assert new_file_client.mock_calls == [call.destroy()] +-- +2.40.0 + diff --git a/make-tests-compatible-with-venv-bundle.patch b/make-tests-compatible-with-venv-bundle.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..10e4022 --- /dev/null +++ b/make-tests-compatible-with-venv-bundle.patch @@ -0,0 +1,883 @@ +From 25c3df7713bd2a19a0980358fa72c1c48a08a1f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Marek Czernek +Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2024 10:28:07 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Make tests compatible with venv bundle + +Co-authored-by: cmcmarrow +--- + tests/pytests/functional/modules/ | 1 + + tests/pytests/functional/modules/ | 2 +- + .../rthooks/ | 22 +++++-- + .../pyinstaller/rthooks/ | 22 +++++-- + .../utils/yamllint/ | 2 +- + tests/pytests/unit/modules/ | 63 +++++++++++++------ + .../unit/modules/ | 13 ++-- + tests/pytests/unit/states/ | 3 +- + tests/pytests/unit/ | 8 +-- + tests/pytests/unit/utils/ | 18 ++++++ + tests/pytests/unit/utils/ | 2 +- + tests/pytests/unit/utils/ | 25 ++++---- + tests/unit/ | 20 +++++- + tests/unit/utils/ | 2 +- + tests/unit/utils/ | 34 ++++++++++ + 15 files changed, 177 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +index 5519bf8ab57..837e7515d30 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ def minion_config_overrides(): + } + + ++@pytest.mark.skip("Great module migration") + @pytest.mark.parametrize( + "expected_value", + ( +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +index 2a8fbc113ff..9aad0dfdc8c 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ try: + import salt.modules.yaml + import salt.utils.yamllint + +- YAMLLINT_AVAILABLE = True ++ YAMLLINT_AVAILABLE = salt.utils.yamllint.has_yamllint() + except ImportError: + YAMLLINT_AVAILABLE = False + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/utils/pyinstaller/rthooks/ b/tests/pytests/functional/utils/pyinstaller/rthooks/ +index c45b5730a8e..ea687c0776d 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/utils/pyinstaller/rthooks/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/utils/pyinstaller/rthooks/ +@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ import salt.utils.pyinstaller.rthooks._overrides as overrides + from import mock + from import PatchedEnviron + ++LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "" ++if os.environ.get('VIRTUAL_ENV'): ++ LD_LIBRARY_PATH = f"{os.environ.get('VIRTUAL_ENV')}/lib" + + @pytest.fixture(params=("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "LIBPATH")) + def envvar(request): +@@ -17,9 +20,14 @@ def envvar(request): + @pytest.fixture + def meipass(envvar): + with mock.patch("salt.utils.pyinstaller.rthooks._overrides.sys") as patched_sys: +- patched_sys._MEIPASS = "{}_VALUE".format(envvar) +- assert overrides.sys._MEIPASS == "{}_VALUE".format(envvar) +- yield "{}_VALUE".format(envvar) ++ ld_path_mock_val = f"{envvar}_VALUE" ++ if envvar == "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" and LD_LIBRARY_PATH: ++ # venv-minion python wrapper hardcodes LD_LIB_PATH that ++ # we cannot overwrite from the testsuite ++ ld_path_mock_val = LD_LIBRARY_PATH ++ patched_sys._MEIPASS = ld_path_mock_val ++ assert overrides.sys._MEIPASS == ld_path_mock_val ++ yield ld_path_mock_val + assert not hasattr(sys, "_MEIPASS") + assert not hasattr(overrides.sys, "_MEIPASS") + +@@ -111,7 +119,8 @@ def test_vt_terminal_environ_cleanup(envvar, meipass): + returned_env = json.loads(buffer_o) + assert returned_env != original_env + assert envvar in returned_env +- assert returned_env[envvar] == "" ++ envvar_value = LD_LIBRARY_PATH if envvar == "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" else "" ++ assert returned_env[envvar] == envvar_value + + + def test_vt_terminal_environ_cleanup_passed_directly_not_removed(envvar, meipass): +@@ -139,4 +148,7 @@ def test_vt_terminal_environ_cleanup_passed_directly_not_removed(envvar, meipass + returned_env = json.loads(buffer_o) + assert returned_env != original_env + assert envvar in returned_env +- assert returned_env[envvar] == envvar ++ envvar_val = envvar ++ if LD_LIBRARY_PATH and envvar == "LD_LIBRARY_PATH": ++ envvar_val = LD_LIBRARY_PATH ++ assert returned_env[envvar] == envvar_val +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/utils/pyinstaller/rthooks/ b/tests/pytests/functional/utils/pyinstaller/rthooks/ +index 836e392d016..e4b5420d5e3 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/utils/pyinstaller/rthooks/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/utils/pyinstaller/rthooks/ +@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ import salt.utils.pyinstaller.rthooks._overrides as overrides + from import mock + from import PatchedEnviron + ++LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "" ++if os.environ.get('VIRTUAL_ENV'): ++ LD_LIBRARY_PATH = f"{os.environ.get('VIRTUAL_ENV')}/lib" + + @pytest.fixture(params=("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "LIBPATH")) + def envvar(request): +@@ -18,9 +21,14 @@ def envvar(request): + @pytest.fixture + def meipass(envvar): + with mock.patch("salt.utils.pyinstaller.rthooks._overrides.sys") as patched_sys: +- patched_sys._MEIPASS = "{}_VALUE".format(envvar) +- assert overrides.sys._MEIPASS == "{}_VALUE".format(envvar) +- yield "{}_VALUE".format(envvar) ++ ld_path_mock_val = f"{envvar}_VALUE" ++ if envvar == "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" and LD_LIBRARY_PATH: ++ # venv-minion python wrapper hardcodes LD_LIB_PATH that ++ # we cannot overwrite from the testsuite ++ ld_path_mock_val = LD_LIBRARY_PATH ++ patched_sys._MEIPASS = ld_path_mock_val ++ assert overrides.sys._MEIPASS == ld_path_mock_val ++ yield ld_path_mock_val + assert not hasattr(sys, "_MEIPASS") + assert not hasattr(overrides.sys, "_MEIPASS") + +@@ -88,7 +96,8 @@ def test_subprocess_popen_environ_cleanup(envvar, meipass): + returned_env = json.loads(stdout) + assert returned_env != original_env + assert envvar in returned_env +- assert returned_env[envvar] == "" ++ envvar_value = LD_LIBRARY_PATH if envvar == "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" else "" ++ assert returned_env[envvar] == envvar_value + + + def test_subprocess_popen_environ_cleanup_passed_directly_not_removed(envvar, meipass): +@@ -108,4 +117,7 @@ def test_subprocess_popen_environ_cleanup_passed_directly_not_removed(envvar, me + returned_env = json.loads(stdout) + assert returned_env != original_env + assert envvar in returned_env +- assert returned_env[envvar] == envvar ++ envvar_val = envvar ++ if LD_LIBRARY_PATH and envvar == "LD_LIBRARY_PATH": ++ envvar_val = LD_LIBRARY_PATH ++ assert returned_env[envvar] == envvar_val +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/utils/yamllint/ b/tests/pytests/functional/utils/yamllint/ +index 403c6fc610e..3c730523c4d 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/utils/yamllint/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/utils/yamllint/ +@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import salt.utils.versions as versions + try: + import salt.utils.yamllint as yamllint + +- YAMLLINT_AVAILABLE = True ++ YAMLLINT_AVAILABLE = yamllint.has_yamllint() + except ImportError: + YAMLLINT_AVAILABLE = False + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +index 4b2da77786b..fbe0dc5f1cf 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +@@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ MISSING_SETUP_PY_FILE = not os.path.exists( + os.path.join(RUNTIME_VARS.CODE_DIR, "") + ) + ++TARGET = [] ++if os.environ.get('VENV_PIP_TARGET'): ++ TARGET = ["--target", os.environ.get('VENV_PIP_TARGET')] ++ + + class FakeFopen: + def __init__(self, filename): +@@ -102,6 +106,7 @@ def test_install_frozen_app(python_binary): + expected = [ + *python_binary, + "install", ++ *TARGET, + pkg, + ] + mock.assert_called_with( +@@ -123,6 +128,7 @@ def test_install_source_app(python_binary): + expected = [ + *python_binary, + "install", ++ *TARGET, + pkg, + ] + mock.assert_called_with( +@@ -143,6 +149,7 @@ def test_fix4361(python_binary): + "install", + "--requirement", + "requirements.txt", ++ *TARGET, + ] + mock.assert_called_with( + expected_cmd, +@@ -169,7 +176,7 @@ def test_install_multiple_editable(python_binary): + "git+", + ] + +- expected = [*python_binary, "install"] ++ expected = [*python_binary, "install", *TARGET] + for item in editables: + expected.extend(["--editable", item]) + +@@ -205,7 +212,7 @@ def test_install_multiple_pkgs_and_editables(python_binary): + "git+", + ] + +- expected = [*python_binary, "install"] ++ expected = [*python_binary, "install", *TARGET] + expected.extend(pkgs) + for item in editables: + expected.extend(["--editable", item]) +@@ -241,6 +248,7 @@ def test_install_multiple_pkgs_and_editables(python_binary): + expected = [ + *python_binary, + "install", ++ *TARGET, + pkgs[0], + "--editable", + editables[0], +@@ -268,7 +276,7 @@ def test_issue5940_install_multiple_pip_mirrors(python_binary): + expected = [*python_binary, "install", "--use-mirrors"] + for item in mirrors: + expected.extend(["--mirrors", item]) +- expected.append("pep8") ++ expected = [*expected, *TARGET, "pep8"] + + # Passing mirrors as a list + mock = MagicMock(return_value={"retcode": 0, "stdout": ""}) +@@ -300,6 +308,7 @@ def test_issue5940_install_multiple_pip_mirrors(python_binary): + "--use-mirrors", + "--mirrors", + mirrors[0], ++ *TARGET, + "pep8", + ] + +@@ -327,7 +336,7 @@ def test_install_with_multiple_find_links(python_binary): + expected = [*python_binary, "install"] + for item in find_links: + expected.extend(["--find-links", item]) +- expected.append(pkg) ++ expected = [*expected, *TARGET, pkg] + + # Passing mirrors as a list + mock = MagicMock(return_value={"retcode": 0, "stdout": ""}) +@@ -370,6 +379,7 @@ def test_install_with_multiple_find_links(python_binary): + "install", + "--find-links", + find_links[0], ++ *TARGET, + pkg, + ] + +@@ -435,6 +445,7 @@ def test_install_cached_requirements_used(python_binary): + "install", + "--requirement", + "my_cached_reqs", ++ *TARGET, + ] + mock.assert_called_with( + expected, +@@ -491,6 +502,7 @@ def test_install_log_argument_in_resulting_command(python_binary): + "install", + "--log", + log_path, ++ *TARGET, + pkg, + ] + mock.assert_called_with( +@@ -521,7 +533,7 @@ def test_install_timeout_argument_in_resulting_command(python_binary): + with patch.dict(pip.__salt__, {"cmd.run_all": mock}): + pip.install(pkg, timeout=10) + mock.assert_called_with( +- expected + [10, pkg], ++ expected + [10, *TARGET, pkg], + saltenv="base", + runas=None, + use_vt=False, +@@ -533,7 +545,7 @@ def test_install_timeout_argument_in_resulting_command(python_binary): + with patch.dict(pip.__salt__, {"cmd.run_all": mock}): + pip.install(pkg, timeout="10") + mock.assert_called_with( +- expected + ["10", pkg], ++ expected + ["10", *TARGET, pkg], + saltenv="base", + runas=None, + use_vt=False, +@@ -557,6 +569,7 @@ def test_install_index_url_argument_in_resulting_command(python_binary): + "install", + "--index-url", + index_url, ++ *TARGET, + pkg, + ] + mock.assert_called_with( +@@ -579,6 +592,7 @@ def test_install_extra_index_url_argument_in_resulting_command(python_binary): + "install", + "--extra-index-url", + extra_index_url, ++ *TARGET, + pkg, + ] + mock.assert_called_with( +@@ -595,7 +609,7 @@ def test_install_no_index_argument_in_resulting_command(python_binary): + mock = MagicMock(return_value={"retcode": 0, "stdout": ""}) + with patch.dict(pip.__salt__, {"cmd.run_all": mock}): + pip.install(pkg, no_index=True) +- expected = [*python_binary, "install", "--no-index", pkg] ++ expected = [*python_binary, "install", "--no-index", *TARGET, pkg] + mock.assert_called_with( + expected, + saltenv="base", +@@ -611,7 +625,7 @@ def test_install_build_argument_in_resulting_command(python_binary): + mock = MagicMock(return_value={"retcode": 0, "stdout": ""}) + with patch.dict(pip.__salt__, {"cmd.run_all": mock}): + pip.install(pkg, build=build) +- expected = [*python_binary, "install", "--build", build, pkg] ++ expected = [*python_binary, "install", "--build", build, *TARGET, pkg] + mock.assert_called_with( + expected, + saltenv="base", +@@ -646,6 +660,7 @@ def test_install_download_argument_in_resulting_command(python_binary): + expected = [ + *python_binary, + "install", ++ *TARGET, + "--download", + download, + pkg, +@@ -664,7 +679,7 @@ def test_install_no_download_argument_in_resulting_command(python_binary): + mock = MagicMock(return_value={"retcode": 0, "stdout": ""}) + with patch.dict(pip.__salt__, {"cmd.run_all": mock}): + pip.install(pkg, no_download=True) +- expected = [*python_binary, "install", "--no-download", pkg] ++ expected = [*python_binary, "install", *TARGET, "--no-download", pkg] + mock.assert_called_with( + expected, + saltenv="base", +@@ -691,6 +706,7 @@ def test_install_download_cache_dir_arguments_in_resulting_command(python_binary + expected = [ + *python_binary, + "install", ++ *TARGET, + cmd_arg, + download_cache, + pkg, +@@ -720,7 +736,7 @@ def test_install_source_argument_in_resulting_command(python_binary): + mock = MagicMock(return_value={"retcode": 0, "stdout": ""}) + with patch.dict(pip.__salt__, {"cmd.run_all": mock}): + pip.install(pkg, source=source) +- expected = [*python_binary, "install", "--source", source, pkg] ++ expected = [*python_binary, "install", *TARGET, "--source", source, pkg] + mock.assert_called_with( + expected, + saltenv="base", +@@ -739,6 +755,7 @@ def test_install_exists_action_argument_in_resulting_command(python_binary): + expected = [ + *python_binary, + "install", ++ *TARGET, + "--exists-action", + action, + pkg, +@@ -761,7 +778,7 @@ def test_install_install_options_argument_in_resulting_command(python_binary): + install_options = ["--exec-prefix=/foo/bar", "--install-scripts=/foo/bar/bin"] + pkg = "pep8" + +- expected = [*python_binary, "install"] ++ expected = [*python_binary, "install", *TARGET] + for item in install_options: + expected.extend(["--install-option", item]) + expected.append(pkg) +@@ -797,6 +814,7 @@ def test_install_install_options_argument_in_resulting_command(python_binary): + expected = [ + *python_binary, + "install", ++ *TARGET, + "--install-option", + install_options[0], + pkg, +@@ -814,7 +832,7 @@ def test_install_global_options_argument_in_resulting_command(python_binary): + global_options = ["--quiet", "--no-user-cfg"] + pkg = "pep8" + +- expected = [*python_binary, "install"] ++ expected = [*python_binary, "install", *TARGET] + for item in global_options: + expected.extend(["--global-option", item]) + expected.append(pkg) +@@ -850,6 +868,7 @@ def test_install_global_options_argument_in_resulting_command(python_binary): + expected = [ + *python_binary, + "install", ++ *TARGET, + "--global-option", + global_options[0], + pkg, +@@ -868,7 +887,7 @@ def test_install_upgrade_argument_in_resulting_command(python_binary): + mock = MagicMock(return_value={"retcode": 0, "stdout": ""}) + with patch.dict(pip.__salt__, {"cmd.run_all": mock}): + pip.install(pkg, upgrade=True) +- expected = [*python_binary, "install", "--upgrade", pkg] ++ expected = [*python_binary, "install", *TARGET, "--upgrade", pkg] + mock.assert_called_with( + expected, + saltenv="base", +@@ -886,6 +905,7 @@ def test_install_force_reinstall_argument_in_resulting_command(python_binary): + expected = [ + *python_binary, + "install", ++ *TARGET, + "--force-reinstall", + pkg, + ] +@@ -906,6 +926,7 @@ def test_install_ignore_installed_argument_in_resulting_command(python_binary): + expected = [ + *python_binary, + "install", ++ *TARGET, + "--ignore-installed", + pkg, + ] +@@ -923,7 +944,7 @@ def test_install_no_deps_argument_in_resulting_command(python_binary): + mock = MagicMock(return_value={"retcode": 0, "stdout": ""}) + with patch.dict(pip.__salt__, {"cmd.run_all": mock}): + pip.install(pkg, no_deps=True) +- expected = [*python_binary, "install", "--no-deps", pkg] ++ expected = [*python_binary, "install", *TARGET, "--no-deps", pkg] + mock.assert_called_with( + expected, + saltenv="base", +@@ -938,7 +959,7 @@ def test_install_no_install_argument_in_resulting_command(python_binary): + mock = MagicMock(return_value={"retcode": 0, "stdout": ""}) + with patch.dict(pip.__salt__, {"cmd.run_all": mock}): + pip.install(pkg, no_install=True) +- expected = [*python_binary, "install", "--no-install", pkg] ++ expected = [*python_binary, "install", *TARGET, "--no-install", pkg] + mock.assert_called_with( + expected, + saltenv="base", +@@ -954,7 +975,7 @@ def test_install_proxy_argument_in_resulting_command(python_binary): + mock = MagicMock(return_value={"retcode": 0, "stdout": ""}) + with patch.dict(pip.__salt__, {"cmd.run_all": mock}): + pip.install(pkg, proxy=proxy) +- expected = [*python_binary, "install", "--proxy", proxy, pkg] ++ expected = [*python_binary, "install", "--proxy", proxy, *TARGET, pkg] + mock.assert_called_with( + expected, + saltenv="base", +@@ -981,7 +1002,7 @@ def test_install_proxy_false_argument_in_resulting_command(python_binary): + with patch.dict(pip.__salt__, {"cmd.run_all": mock}): + with patch.dict(pip.__opts__, config_mock): + pip.install(pkg, proxy=proxy) +- expected = [*python_binary, "install", pkg] ++ expected = [*python_binary, "install", *TARGET, pkg] + mock.assert_called_with( + expected, + saltenv="base", +@@ -1012,6 +1033,7 @@ def test_install_global_proxy_in_resulting_command(python_binary): + "install", + "--proxy", + proxy, ++ *TARGET, + pkg, + ] + mock.assert_called_with( +@@ -1032,6 +1054,7 @@ def test_install_multiple_requirements_arguments_in_resulting_command(python_bin + expected = [*python_binary, "install"] + for item in cached_reqs: + expected.extend(["--requirement", item]) ++ expected.extend(TARGET) + + # Passing option as a list + mock = MagicMock(return_value={"retcode": 0, "stdout": ""}) +@@ -1068,6 +1091,7 @@ def test_install_multiple_requirements_arguments_in_resulting_command(python_bin + "install", + "--requirement", + cached_reqs[0], ++ *TARGET, + ] + mock.assert_called_with( + expected, +@@ -1088,6 +1112,7 @@ def test_install_extra_args_arguments_in_resulting_command(python_binary): + expected = [ + *python_binary, + "install", ++ *TARGET, + pkg, + "--latest-pip-kwarg", + "param", +@@ -1604,7 +1629,7 @@ def test_install_pre_argument_in_resulting_command(python_binary): + with patch.dict(pip.__salt__, {"cmd.run_all": mock}): + with patch("salt.modules.pip.version", MagicMock(return_value="1.3")): + pip.install(pkg, pre_releases=True) +- expected = [*python_binary, "install", pkg] ++ expected = [*python_binary, "install", *TARGET, pkg] + mock.assert_called_with( + expected, + saltenv="base", +@@ -1620,7 +1645,7 @@ def test_install_pre_argument_in_resulting_command(python_binary): + ): + with patch("salt.modules.pip._get_pip_bin", MagicMock(return_value=["pip"])): + pip.install(pkg, pre_releases=True) +- expected = ["pip", "install", "--pre", pkg] ++ expected = ["pip", "install", *TARGET, "--pre", pkg] + mock_run_all.assert_called_with( + expected, + saltenv="base", +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +index dbd72fd74bf..e0ef2abd0f3 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ ++import os + import pytest + + import salt.loader.context +@@ -10,6 +11,10 @@ pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.skip_on_windows(reason="Not supported on Windows"), + ] + ++SALT_CALL_BINARY = "salt-call" ++if os.environ.get('VIRTUAL_ENV'): ++ SALT_CALL_BINARY = f"{os.environ.get('VIRTUAL_ENV')}/bin/salt-call" ++ + + @pytest.fixture + def configure_loader_modules(): +@@ -379,7 +384,7 @@ def test_call_fails_function(): + "--continue", + "--quiet", + "run", +- "salt-call", ++ SALT_CALL_BINARY, + "--out", + "json", + "-l", +@@ -411,7 +416,7 @@ def test_call_success_no_reboot(): + "--continue", + "--quiet", + "run", +- "salt-call", ++ SALT_CALL_BINARY, + "--out", + "json", + "-l", +@@ -454,7 +459,7 @@ def test_call_success_reboot(): + "--continue", + "--quiet", + "run", +- "salt-call", ++ SALT_CALL_BINARY, + "--out", + "json", + "-l", +@@ -488,7 +493,7 @@ def test_call_success_parameters(): + "--continue", + "--quiet", + "run", +- "salt-call", ++ SALT_CALL_BINARY, + "--out", + "json", + "-l", +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/states/ b/tests/pytests/unit/states/ +index 5f540bd2454..14d17ad3f9f 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/states/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/states/ +@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ + """ + :codeauthor: Tyler Johnson + """ +- + import pytest + + import salt.states.pkgrepo as pkgrepo +@@ -390,7 +389,7 @@ def test_migrated_wrong_method(): + with patch.dict(pkgrepo.__grains__, grains), patch.dict( + pkgrepo.__salt__, salt_mock + ): +- assert pkgrepo.migrated("/mnt", method_="magic") == { ++ assert pkgrepo.migrated("/mnt", method="magic") == { + "name": "/mnt", + "result": False, + "changes": {}, +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/ b/tests/pytests/unit/ +index 8dd3ea0a27d..49be3967dc4 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/ +@@ -75,9 +75,7 @@ def test_file_server_url_escape(tmp_path): + opts = { + "fileserver_backend": ["roots"], + "extension_modules": "", +- "optimization_order": [ +- 0, +- ], ++ "optimization_order": [0, 1], + "file_roots": { + "base": [fileroot], + }, +@@ -102,9 +100,7 @@ def test_file_server_serve_url_escape(tmp_path): + opts = { + "fileserver_backend": ["roots"], + "extension_modules": "", +- "optimization_order": [ +- 0, +- ], ++ "optimization_order": [0, 1], + "file_roots": { + "base": [fileroot], + }, +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ +index 2bf627049f9..bd7d74cb2b2 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ +@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import time + + import pytest + ++import salt.config + import salt.fileserver.gitfs + import salt.utils.gitfs + from salt.exceptions import FileserverConfigError +@@ -24,6 +25,23 @@ if HAS_PYGIT2: + import pygit2 + + ++@pytest.fixture ++def minion_opts(tmp_path): ++ """ ++ Default minion configuration with relative temporary paths to not require root permissions. ++ """ ++ root_dir = tmp_path / "minion" ++ opts = salt.config.DEFAULT_MINION_OPTS.copy() ++ opts["__role"] = "minion" ++ opts["root_dir"] = str(root_dir) ++ for name in ("cachedir", "pki_dir", "sock_dir", "conf_dir"): ++ dirpath = root_dir / name ++ dirpath.mkdir(parents=True) ++ opts[name] = str(dirpath) ++ opts["log_file"] = "logs/minion.log" ++ return opts ++ ++ + @pytest.mark.parametrize( + "role_name,role_class", + ( +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ +index a09b6e5b8b1..3d0b9d7fc8c 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ +@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import pytest + import salt.utils.msgpack + from import MagicMock, patch + +- ++@pytest.mark.skipif(salt.utils.msgpack.version < (1, 0, 0), reason="Test requires msgpack version >= 1.0.0") + def test_load_encoding(tmp_path): + """ + test when using msgpack version >= 1.0.0 we +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ +index 693ad10e240..9e0b58d1b35 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/utils/ +@@ -57,21 +57,20 @@ def test_gen_hash_crypt(algorithm, expected): + """ + Test gen_hash with crypt library + """ +- with patch("salt.utils.pycrypto.methods", {}): +- ret = salt.utils.pycrypto.gen_hash( +- crypt_salt=expected["salt"], password=passwd, algorithm=algorithm +- ) +- assert ret == expected["hashed"] ++ ret = salt.utils.pycrypto.gen_hash( ++ crypt_salt=expected["salt"], password=passwd, algorithm=algorithm ++ ) ++ assert ret == expected["hashed"] + +- ret = salt.utils.pycrypto.gen_hash( +- crypt_salt=expected["badsalt"], password=passwd, algorithm=algorithm +- ) +- assert ret != expected["hashed"] ++ ret = salt.utils.pycrypto.gen_hash( ++ crypt_salt=expected["badsalt"], password=passwd, algorithm=algorithm ++ ) ++ assert ret != expected["hashed"] + +- ret = salt.utils.pycrypto.gen_hash( +- crypt_salt=None, password=passwd, algorithm=algorithm +- ) +- assert ret != expected["hashed"] ++ ret = salt.utils.pycrypto.gen_hash( ++ crypt_salt=None, password=passwd, algorithm=algorithm ++ ) ++ assert ret != expected["hashed"] + + + @pytest.mark.skipif(not salt.utils.pycrypto.HAS_CRYPT, reason="crypt not available") +diff --git a/tests/unit/ b/tests/unit/ +index 5cc58c273d0..6995b01c892 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/ ++++ b/tests/unit/ +@@ -83,9 +83,12 @@ class SampleConfTest(DefaultConfigsBase, TestCase): + """ + master_config = SAMPLE_CONF_DIR + "master" + ret = salt.config._read_conf_file(master_config) ++ # openSUSE modified the default config in ++ # ++ expected_config = {"user": "salt", "syndic_user": "salt"} + self.assertEqual( + ret, +- {}, ++ expected_config, + "Sample config file '{}' must be commented out.".format(master_config), + ) + +@@ -347,7 +350,10 @@ class ConfigTestCase(TestCase, AdaptedConfigurationTestCaseMixin): + + with patched_environ(SALT_MINION_CONFIG=env_fpath): + # Should load from env variable, not the default configuration file +- config = salt.config.minion_config("{}/minion".format(CONFIG_DIR)) ++ # Override defaults from venv-minion conf ++ defaults = salt.config.DEFAULT_MINION_OPTS.copy() ++ defaults["default_include"] = "" ++ config = salt.config.minion_config("{}/minion".format(CONFIG_DIR), defaults=defaults) + self.assertEqual(config["log_file"], env_fpath) + + root_dir = os.path.join(tempdir, "foo", "bar") +@@ -1946,6 +1952,11 @@ class APIConfigTestCase(DefaultConfigsBase, TestCase): + if salt.utils.platform.is_windows(): + expected = "{}\\var\\log\\salt\\api".format(RUNTIME_VARS.TMP_ROOT_DIR) + ++ if os.environ.get("VIRTUAL_ENV"): ++ # venv bundle configures --salt-logs-dir=%{_localstatedir}/log ++ # in the RPM spec file ++ expected = expected.replace("/salt/api", "/api") ++ + ret = salt.config.api_config("/some/fake/path") + self.assertEqual(ret["log_file"], expected) + +@@ -2017,6 +2028,11 @@ class APIConfigTestCase(DefaultConfigsBase, TestCase): + mock_pid = "c:\\mock\\root\\var\\run\\" + mock_master_config["root_dir"] = "c:\\mock\\root" + ++ if os.environ.get("VIRTUAL_ENV"): ++ # venv bundle configures --salt-logs-dir=%{_localstatedir}/log ++ # in the RPM spec file ++ mock_log = mock_log.replace("/salt", "") ++ + with patch( + "salt.config.client_config", MagicMock(return_value=mock_master_config) + ): +diff --git a/tests/unit/utils/ b/tests/unit/utils/ +index 87886cbc521..69cbda07beb 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/utils/ ++++ b/tests/unit/utils/ +@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class SdbTestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + # test with SQLite database write and read + + def test_sqlite_get_found(self): +- expected = {b"name": b"testone", b"number": 46} ++ expected = {"name": "testone", "number": 46} + sdb.sdb_set("sdb://test_sdb_data/test1", expected, self.sdb_opts) + resp = sdb.sdb_get("sdb://test_sdb_data/test1", self.sdb_opts) + self.assertEqual(resp, expected) +diff --git a/tests/unit/utils/ b/tests/unit/utils/ +index 264b4ae801d..604395f5e08 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/utils/ ++++ b/tests/unit/utils/ +@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ + """ + Unit tests for + """ ++ + import logging + import os + import sys +@@ -22,6 +23,20 @@ try: + except ImportError: + HAS_CHEETAH = False + ++try: ++ import genshi as _ ++ ++ HAS_GENSHI = True ++except ImportError: ++ HAS_GENSHI = False ++ ++try: ++ import mako as _ ++ ++ HAS_MAKO = True ++except ImportError: ++ HAS_MAKO = False ++ + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + +@@ -83,16 +98,19 @@ class RenderTestCase(TestCase): + assert res == expected + + ### Tests for mako template ++ @pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_MAKO, reason="Mako module not available for testing") + def test_render_mako_sanity(self): + tmpl = """OK""" + res = salt.utils.templates.render_mako_tmpl(tmpl, dict(self.context)) + self.assertEqual(res, "OK") + ++ @pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_MAKO, reason="Mako module not available for testing") + def test_render_mako_evaluate(self): + tmpl = """${ "OK" }""" + res = salt.utils.templates.render_mako_tmpl(tmpl, dict(self.context)) + self.assertEqual(res, "OK") + ++ @pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_MAKO, reason="Mako module not available for testing") + def test_render_mako_evaluate_multi(self): + tmpl = """ + % if 1: +@@ -103,6 +121,7 @@ class RenderTestCase(TestCase): + stripped = res.strip() + self.assertEqual(stripped, "OK") + ++ @pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_MAKO, reason="Mako module not available for testing") + def test_render_mako_variable(self): + tmpl = """${ var }""" + +@@ -152,21 +171,33 @@ class RenderTestCase(TestCase): + self.assertEqual(res, "OK") + + ### Tests for genshi template (xml-based) ++ @pytest.mark.skipif( ++ not HAS_GENSHI, reason="Genshi module not available for testing" ++ ) + def test_render_genshi_sanity(self): + tmpl = """OK""" + res = salt.utils.templates.render_genshi_tmpl(tmpl, dict(self.context)) + self.assertEqual(res, "OK") + ++ @pytest.mark.skipif( ++ not HAS_GENSHI, reason="Genshi module not available for testing" ++ ) + def test_render_genshi_evaluate(self): + tmpl = """${ "OK" }""" + res = salt.utils.templates.render_genshi_tmpl(tmpl, dict(self.context)) + self.assertEqual(res, "OK") + ++ @pytest.mark.skipif( ++ not HAS_GENSHI, reason="Genshi module not available for testing" ++ ) + def test_render_genshi_evaluate_condition(self): + tmpl = """OK""" + res = salt.utils.templates.render_genshi_tmpl(tmpl, dict(self.context)) + self.assertEqual(res, "OK") + ++ @pytest.mark.skipif( ++ not HAS_GENSHI, reason="Genshi module not available for testing" ++ ) + def test_render_genshi_variable(self): + tmpl = """$var""" + +@@ -175,6 +206,9 @@ class RenderTestCase(TestCase): + res = salt.utils.templates.render_genshi_tmpl(tmpl, ctx) + self.assertEqual(res, "OK") + ++ @pytest.mark.skipif( ++ not HAS_GENSHI, reason="Genshi module not available for testing" ++ ) + def test_render_genshi_variable_replace(self): + tmpl = """not ok""" + +-- +2.46.0 + diff --git a/mark-salt-3006-as-released-586.patch b/mark-salt-3006-as-released-586.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c37ca75 --- /dev/null +++ b/mark-salt-3006-as-released-586.patch @@ -0,0 +1,480 @@ +From c1408333364ac25ff5d316afa9674f7687217b0c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Dominik Gedon +Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 11:08:21 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Mark Salt 3006 as released (#586) +MIME-Version: 1.0 +Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 +Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit + +* Mark Salt 3006 as released + +Without this, commands like + +``` +salt '*' salt_version.equal 'Sulfur' +``` + +will not work properly and return False although Salt 3006 is used. + +Signed-off-by: Dominik Gedon + +* Fix detection of Salt codename by salt_version module + +* Fix mess with version detection bad version definition + +* Add some new and fix unit tests + +* Fix SaltStackVersion string for new versions format + +* Do not crash when passing numbers to 'salt_version.get_release_number' + +* Fix salt_version execution module documentation + +--------- + +Signed-off-by: Dominik Gedon +Co-authored-by: Pablo Suárez Hernández +--- + salt/modules/ | 8 +- + salt/ | 218 +++++++++--------- + .../pytests/unit/modules/ | 55 ++++- + tests/pytests/unit/ | 10 +- + 4 files changed, 176 insertions(+), 115 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 1b5421fee4..99dae5f61a 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ A simple example might be something like the following: + .. code-block:: jinja + + {# a boolean check #} +- {% set option_deprecated = salt['salt_version.less_than']("3001") %} ++ {% set option_deprecated = salt['salt_version.less_than']("Sodium") %} + + {% if option_deprecated %} + +@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import logging + + import salt.utils.versions + import salt.version ++from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + +@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ def __virtual__(): + def get_release_number(name): + """ + Returns the release number of a given release code name in a +- ``MAJOR.PATCH`` format. ++ ``MAJOR.PATCH`` format (for Salt versions < 3000) or ``MAJOR`` for newer Salt versions. + + If the release name has not been given an assigned release number, the + function returns a string. If the release cannot be found, it returns +@@ -66,6 +67,9 @@ def get_release_number(name): + + salt '*' salt_version.get_release_number 'Oxygen' + """ ++ if not isinstance(name, str): ++ raise CommandExecutionError("'name' argument must be a string") ++ + name = name.lower() + version_map = salt.version.SaltStackVersion.LNAMES + version = version_map.get(name) +diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ +index 67719bd020..44372830b2 100644 +--- a/salt/ ++++ b/salt/ +@@ -77,109 +77,109 @@ class SaltVersionsInfo(type): + ALUMINIUM = SaltVersion("Aluminium" , info=3003, released=True) + SILICON = SaltVersion("Silicon" , info=3004, released=True) + PHOSPHORUS = SaltVersion("Phosphorus" , info=3005, released=True) +- SULFUR = SaltVersion("Sulfur" , info=(3006, 0)) +- CHLORINE = SaltVersion("Chlorine" , info=(3007, 0)) +- ARGON = SaltVersion("Argon" , info=(3008, 0)) +- POTASSIUM = SaltVersion("Potassium" , info=(3009, 0)) +- CALCIUM = SaltVersion("Calcium" , info=(3010, 0)) +- SCANDIUM = SaltVersion("Scandium" , info=(3011, 0)) +- TITANIUM = SaltVersion("Titanium" , info=(3012, 0)) +- VANADIUM = SaltVersion("Vanadium" , info=(3013, 0)) +- CHROMIUM = SaltVersion("Chromium" , info=(3014, 0)) +- MANGANESE = SaltVersion("Manganese" , info=(3015, 0)) +- IRON = SaltVersion("Iron" , info=(3016, 0)) +- COBALT = SaltVersion("Cobalt" , info=(3017, 0)) +- NICKEL = SaltVersion("Nickel" , info=(3018, 0)) +- COPPER = SaltVersion("Copper" , info=(3019, 0)) +- ZINC = SaltVersion("Zinc" , info=(3020, 0)) +- GALLIUM = SaltVersion("Gallium" , info=(3021, 0)) +- GERMANIUM = SaltVersion("Germanium" , info=(3022, 0)) +- ARSENIC = SaltVersion("Arsenic" , info=(3023, 0)) +- SELENIUM = SaltVersion("Selenium" , info=(3024, 0)) +- BROMINE = SaltVersion("Bromine" , info=(3025, 0)) +- KRYPTON = SaltVersion("Krypton" , info=(3026, 0)) +- RUBIDIUM = SaltVersion("Rubidium" , info=(3027, 0)) +- STRONTIUM = SaltVersion("Strontium" , info=(3028, 0)) +- YTTRIUM = SaltVersion("Yttrium" , info=(3029, 0)) +- ZIRCONIUM = SaltVersion("Zirconium" , info=(3030, 0)) +- NIOBIUM = SaltVersion("Niobium" , info=(3031, 0)) +- MOLYBDENUM = SaltVersion("Molybdenum" , info=(3032, 0)) +- TECHNETIUM = SaltVersion("Technetium" , info=(3033, 0)) +- RUTHENIUM = SaltVersion("Ruthenium" , info=(3034, 0)) +- RHODIUM = SaltVersion("Rhodium" , info=(3035, 0)) +- PALLADIUM = SaltVersion("Palladium" , info=(3036, 0)) +- SILVER = SaltVersion("Silver" , info=(3037, 0)) +- CADMIUM = SaltVersion("Cadmium" , info=(3038, 0)) +- INDIUM = SaltVersion("Indium" , info=(3039, 0)) +- TIN = SaltVersion("Tin" , info=(3040, 0)) +- ANTIMONY = SaltVersion("Antimony" , info=(3041, 0)) +- TELLURIUM = SaltVersion("Tellurium" , info=(3042, 0)) +- IODINE = SaltVersion("Iodine" , info=(3043, 0)) +- XENON = SaltVersion("Xenon" , info=(3044, 0)) +- CESIUM = SaltVersion("Cesium" , info=(3045, 0)) +- BARIUM = SaltVersion("Barium" , info=(3046, 0)) +- LANTHANUM = SaltVersion("Lanthanum" , info=(3047, 0)) +- CERIUM = SaltVersion("Cerium" , info=(3048, 0)) +- PRASEODYMIUM = SaltVersion("Praseodymium" , info=(3049, 0)) +- NEODYMIUM = SaltVersion("Neodymium" , info=(3050, 0)) +- PROMETHIUM = SaltVersion("Promethium" , info=(3051, 0)) +- SAMARIUM = SaltVersion("Samarium" , info=(3052, 0)) +- EUROPIUM = SaltVersion("Europium" , info=(3053, 0)) +- GADOLINIUM = SaltVersion("Gadolinium" , info=(3054, 0)) +- TERBIUM = SaltVersion("Terbium" , info=(3055, 0)) +- DYSPROSIUM = SaltVersion("Dysprosium" , info=(3056, 0)) +- HOLMIUM = SaltVersion("Holmium" , info=(3057, 0)) +- ERBIUM = SaltVersion("Erbium" , info=(3058, 0)) +- THULIUM = SaltVersion("Thulium" , info=(3059, 0)) +- YTTERBIUM = SaltVersion("Ytterbium" , info=(3060, 0)) +- LUTETIUM = SaltVersion("Lutetium" , info=(3061, 0)) +- HAFNIUM = SaltVersion("Hafnium" , info=(3062, 0)) +- TANTALUM = SaltVersion("Tantalum" , info=(3063, 0)) +- TUNGSTEN = SaltVersion("Tungsten" , info=(3064, 0)) +- RHENIUM = SaltVersion("Rhenium" , info=(3065, 0)) +- OSMIUM = SaltVersion("Osmium" , info=(3066, 0)) +- IRIDIUM = SaltVersion("Iridium" , info=(3067, 0)) +- PLATINUM = SaltVersion("Platinum" , info=(3068, 0)) +- GOLD = SaltVersion("Gold" , info=(3069, 0)) +- MERCURY = SaltVersion("Mercury" , info=(3070, 0)) +- THALLIUM = SaltVersion("Thallium" , info=(3071, 0)) +- LEAD = SaltVersion("Lead" , info=(3072, 0)) +- BISMUTH = SaltVersion("Bismuth" , info=(3073, 0)) +- POLONIUM = SaltVersion("Polonium" , info=(3074, 0)) +- ASTATINE = SaltVersion("Astatine" , info=(3075, 0)) +- RADON = SaltVersion("Radon" , info=(3076, 0)) +- FRANCIUM = SaltVersion("Francium" , info=(3077, 0)) +- RADIUM = SaltVersion("Radium" , info=(3078, 0)) +- ACTINIUM = SaltVersion("Actinium" , info=(3079, 0)) +- THORIUM = SaltVersion("Thorium" , info=(3080, 0)) +- PROTACTINIUM = SaltVersion("Protactinium" , info=(3081, 0)) +- URANIUM = SaltVersion("Uranium" , info=(3082, 0)) +- NEPTUNIUM = SaltVersion("Neptunium" , info=(3083, 0)) +- PLUTONIUM = SaltVersion("Plutonium" , info=(3084, 0)) +- AMERICIUM = SaltVersion("Americium" , info=(3085, 0)) +- CURIUM = SaltVersion("Curium" , info=(3086, 0)) +- BERKELIUM = SaltVersion("Berkelium" , info=(3087, 0)) +- CALIFORNIUM = SaltVersion("Californium" , info=(3088, 0)) +- EINSTEINIUM = SaltVersion("Einsteinium" , info=(3089, 0)) +- FERMIUM = SaltVersion("Fermium" , info=(3090, 0)) +- MENDELEVIUM = SaltVersion("Mendelevium" , info=(3091, 0)) +- NOBELIUM = SaltVersion("Nobelium" , info=(3092, 0)) +- LAWRENCIUM = SaltVersion("Lawrencium" , info=(3093, 0)) +- RUTHERFORDIUM = SaltVersion("Rutherfordium", info=(3094, 0)) +- DUBNIUM = SaltVersion("Dubnium" , info=(3095, 0)) +- SEABORGIUM = SaltVersion("Seaborgium" , info=(3096, 0)) +- BOHRIUM = SaltVersion("Bohrium" , info=(3097, 0)) +- HASSIUM = SaltVersion("Hassium" , info=(3098, 0)) +- MEITNERIUM = SaltVersion("Meitnerium" , info=(3099, 0)) +- DARMSTADTIUM = SaltVersion("Darmstadtium" , info=(3100, 0)) +- ROENTGENIUM = SaltVersion("Roentgenium" , info=(3101, 0)) +- COPERNICIUM = SaltVersion("Copernicium" , info=(3102, 0)) +- NIHONIUM = SaltVersion("Nihonium" , info=(3103, 0)) +- FLEROVIUM = SaltVersion("Flerovium" , info=(3104, 0)) +- MOSCOVIUM = SaltVersion("Moscovium" , info=(3105, 0)) +- LIVERMORIUM = SaltVersion("Livermorium" , info=(3106, 0)) +- TENNESSINE = SaltVersion("Tennessine" , info=(3107, 0)) +- OGANESSON = SaltVersion("Oganesson" , info=(3108, 0)) ++ SULFUR = SaltVersion("Sulfur" , info=3006, released=True) ++ CHLORINE = SaltVersion("Chlorine" , info=3007) ++ ARGON = SaltVersion("Argon" , info=3008) ++ POTASSIUM = SaltVersion("Potassium" , info=3009) ++ CALCIUM = SaltVersion("Calcium" , info=3010) ++ SCANDIUM = SaltVersion("Scandium" , info=3011) ++ TITANIUM = SaltVersion("Titanium" , info=3012) ++ VANADIUM = SaltVersion("Vanadium" , info=3013) ++ CHROMIUM = SaltVersion("Chromium" , info=3014) ++ MANGANESE = SaltVersion("Manganese" , info=3015) ++ IRON = SaltVersion("Iron" , info=3016) ++ COBALT = SaltVersion("Cobalt" , info=3017) ++ NICKEL = SaltVersion("Nickel" , info=3018) ++ COPPER = SaltVersion("Copper" , info=3019) ++ ZINC = SaltVersion("Zinc" , info=3020) ++ GALLIUM = SaltVersion("Gallium" , info=3021) ++ GERMANIUM = SaltVersion("Germanium" , info=3022) ++ ARSENIC = SaltVersion("Arsenic" , info=3023) ++ SELENIUM = SaltVersion("Selenium" , info=3024) ++ BROMINE = SaltVersion("Bromine" , info=3025) ++ KRYPTON = SaltVersion("Krypton" , info=3026) ++ RUBIDIUM = SaltVersion("Rubidium" , info=3027) ++ STRONTIUM = SaltVersion("Strontium" , info=3028) ++ YTTRIUM = SaltVersion("Yttrium" , info=3029) ++ ZIRCONIUM = SaltVersion("Zirconium" , info=3030) ++ NIOBIUM = SaltVersion("Niobium" , info=3031) ++ MOLYBDENUM = SaltVersion("Molybdenum" , info=3032) ++ TECHNETIUM = SaltVersion("Technetium" , info=3033) ++ RUTHENIUM = SaltVersion("Ruthenium" , info=3034) ++ RHODIUM = SaltVersion("Rhodium" , info=3035) ++ PALLADIUM = SaltVersion("Palladium" , info=3036) ++ SILVER = SaltVersion("Silver" , info=3037) ++ CADMIUM = SaltVersion("Cadmium" , info=3038) ++ INDIUM = SaltVersion("Indium" , info=3039) ++ TIN = SaltVersion("Tin" , info=3040) ++ ANTIMONY = SaltVersion("Antimony" , info=3041) ++ TELLURIUM = SaltVersion("Tellurium" , info=3042) ++ IODINE = SaltVersion("Iodine" , info=3043) ++ XENON = SaltVersion("Xenon" , info=3044) ++ CESIUM = SaltVersion("Cesium" , info=3045) ++ BARIUM = SaltVersion("Barium" , info=3046) ++ LANTHANUM = SaltVersion("Lanthanum" , info=3047) ++ CERIUM = SaltVersion("Cerium" , info=3048) ++ PRASEODYMIUM = SaltVersion("Praseodymium" , info=3049) ++ NEODYMIUM = SaltVersion("Neodymium" , info=3050) ++ PROMETHIUM = SaltVersion("Promethium" , info=3051) ++ SAMARIUM = SaltVersion("Samarium" , info=3052) ++ EUROPIUM = SaltVersion("Europium" , info=3053) ++ GADOLINIUM = SaltVersion("Gadolinium" , info=3054) ++ TERBIUM = SaltVersion("Terbium" , info=3055) ++ DYSPROSIUM = SaltVersion("Dysprosium" , info=3056) ++ HOLMIUM = SaltVersion("Holmium" , info=3057) ++ ERBIUM = SaltVersion("Erbium" , info=3058) ++ THULIUM = SaltVersion("Thulium" , info=3059) ++ YTTERBIUM = SaltVersion("Ytterbium" , info=3060) ++ LUTETIUM = SaltVersion("Lutetium" , info=3061) ++ HAFNIUM = SaltVersion("Hafnium" , info=3062) ++ TANTALUM = SaltVersion("Tantalum" , info=3063) ++ TUNGSTEN = SaltVersion("Tungsten" , info=3064) ++ RHENIUM = SaltVersion("Rhenium" , info=3065) ++ OSMIUM = SaltVersion("Osmium" , info=3066) ++ IRIDIUM = SaltVersion("Iridium" , info=3067) ++ PLATINUM = SaltVersion("Platinum" , info=3068) ++ GOLD = SaltVersion("Gold" , info=3069) ++ MERCURY = SaltVersion("Mercury" , info=3070) ++ THALLIUM = SaltVersion("Thallium" , info=3071) ++ LEAD = SaltVersion("Lead" , info=3072) ++ BISMUTH = SaltVersion("Bismuth" , info=3073) ++ POLONIUM = SaltVersion("Polonium" , info=3074) ++ ASTATINE = SaltVersion("Astatine" , info=3075) ++ RADON = SaltVersion("Radon" , info=3076) ++ FRANCIUM = SaltVersion("Francium" , info=3077) ++ RADIUM = SaltVersion("Radium" , info=3078) ++ ACTINIUM = SaltVersion("Actinium" , info=3079) ++ THORIUM = SaltVersion("Thorium" , info=3080) ++ PROTACTINIUM = SaltVersion("Protactinium" , info=3081) ++ URANIUM = SaltVersion("Uranium" , info=3082) ++ NEPTUNIUM = SaltVersion("Neptunium" , info=3083) ++ PLUTONIUM = SaltVersion("Plutonium" , info=3084) ++ AMERICIUM = SaltVersion("Americium" , info=3085) ++ CURIUM = SaltVersion("Curium" , info=3086) ++ BERKELIUM = SaltVersion("Berkelium" , info=3087) ++ CALIFORNIUM = SaltVersion("Californium" , info=3088) ++ EINSTEINIUM = SaltVersion("Einsteinium" , info=3089) ++ FERMIUM = SaltVersion("Fermium" , info=3090) ++ MENDELEVIUM = SaltVersion("Mendelevium" , info=3091) ++ NOBELIUM = SaltVersion("Nobelium" , info=3092) ++ LAWRENCIUM = SaltVersion("Lawrencium" , info=3093) ++ RUTHERFORDIUM = SaltVersion("Rutherfordium", info=3094) ++ DUBNIUM = SaltVersion("Dubnium" , info=3095) ++ SEABORGIUM = SaltVersion("Seaborgium" , info=3096) ++ BOHRIUM = SaltVersion("Bohrium" , info=3097) ++ HASSIUM = SaltVersion("Hassium" , info=3098) ++ MEITNERIUM = SaltVersion("Meitnerium" , info=3099) ++ DARMSTADTIUM = SaltVersion("Darmstadtium" , info=3100) ++ ROENTGENIUM = SaltVersion("Roentgenium" , info=3101) ++ COPERNICIUM = SaltVersion("Copernicium" , info=3102) ++ NIHONIUM = SaltVersion("Nihonium" , info=3103) ++ FLEROVIUM = SaltVersion("Flerovium" , info=3104) ++ MOSCOVIUM = SaltVersion("Moscovium" , info=3105) ++ LIVERMORIUM = SaltVersion("Livermorium" , info=3106) ++ TENNESSINE = SaltVersion("Tennessine" , info=3107) ++ OGANESSON = SaltVersion("Oganesson" , info=3108) + # <---- Please refrain from fixing whitespace ----------------------------------- + # The idea is to keep this readable. + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +@@ -323,9 +323,7 @@ class SaltStackVersion: + self.mbugfix = mbugfix + self.pre_type = pre_type + self.pre_num = pre_num +- if self.can_have_dot_zero(major): +- vnames_key = (major, 0) +- elif self.new_version(major): ++ if self.new_version(major): + vnames_key = (major,) + else: + vnames_key = (major, minor) +@@ -476,8 +474,12 @@ class SaltStackVersion: + version_string = self.string + if self.sse: + version_string += " Enterprise" +- if (self.major, self.minor) in self.RMATCH: +- version_string += " ({})".format(self.RMATCH[(self.major, self.minor)]) ++ if self.new_version(self.major): ++ rmatch_key = (self.major,) ++ else: ++ rmatch_key = (self.major, self.minor) ++ if rmatch_key in self.RMATCH: ++ version_string += " ({})".format(self.RMATCH[rmatch_key]) + return version_string + + @property +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +index 6d734f6a76..4b7a7cd073 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +@@ -2,8 +2,11 @@ + Unit tests for salt/modules/ + """ + ++import pytest ++ + import salt.modules.salt_version as salt_version + import salt.version ++from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError + from import MagicMock, patch + + +@@ -21,7 +24,7 @@ def test_mocked_objects(): + for k, v in salt.version.SaltStackVersion.LNAMES.items(): + assert k == k.lower() + assert isinstance(v, tuple) +- if sv.new_version(major=v[0]) and not sv.can_have_dot_zero(major=v[0]): ++ if sv.new_version(major=v[0]): + assert len(v) == 1 + else: + assert len(v) == 2 +@@ -64,6 +67,13 @@ def test_get_release_number_success_new_version(): + assert salt_version.get_release_number("Neon") == "3000" + + ++def test_get_release_number_success_new_version_with_dot(): ++ """ ++ Test that a version is returned for new versioning (3006) ++ """ ++ assert salt_version.get_release_number("Sulfur") == "3006" ++ ++ + def test_equal_success(): + """ + Test that the current version is equal to the codename +@@ -83,6 +93,16 @@ def test_equal_success_new_version(): + assert salt_version.equal("foo") is True + + ++def test_equal_success_new_version_with_dot(): ++ """ ++ Test that the current version is equal to the codename ++ while using the new versioning ++ """ ++ with patch("salt.version.SaltStackVersion", MagicMock(return_value="3006.1")): ++ with patch("salt.version.SaltStackVersion.LNAMES", {"foo": (3006,)}): ++ assert salt_version.equal("foo") is True ++ ++ + def test_equal_older_codename(): + """ + Test that when an older codename is passed in, the function returns False. +@@ -142,6 +162,17 @@ def test_greater_than_success_new_version(): + assert salt_version.greater_than("Nitrogen") is True + + ++def test_greater_than_success_new_version_with_dot(): ++ """ ++ Test that the current version is newer than the codename ++ """ ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.salt_version.get_release_number", MagicMock(return_value="3000") ++ ): ++ with patch("salt.version.SaltStackVersion", MagicMock(return_value="3006.0")): ++ assert salt_version.greater_than("Neon") is True ++ ++ + def test_greater_than_with_equal_codename(): + """ + Test that when an equal codename is passed in, the function returns False. +@@ -200,6 +231,28 @@ def test_less_than_success_new_version(): + assert salt_version.less_than("Fluorine") is True + + ++def test_less_than_success_new_version_with_dot(): ++ """ ++ Test that when a newer codename is passed in, the function returns True ++ using new version ++ """ ++ with patch("salt.version.SaltStackVersion", MagicMock(return_value="2018.3.2")): ++ with patch( ++ "salt.modules.salt_version.get_release_number", ++ MagicMock(return_value="3006"), ++ ): ++ assert salt_version.less_than("Fluorine") is True ++ ++ ++def test_less_than_do_not_crash_when_input_is_a_number(): ++ """ ++ Test that less_than do not crash when unexpected inputs ++ """ ++ with patch("salt.version.SaltStackVersion", MagicMock(return_value="2018.3.2")): ++ with pytest.raises(CommandExecutionError): ++ salt_version.less_than(1234) ++ ++ + def test_less_than_with_equal_codename(): + """ + Test that when an equal codename is passed in, the function returns False. +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/ b/tests/pytests/unit/ +index 73befea4cf..1cb94c619c 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/ +@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ def test_string_new_version_minor(): + ver = SaltStackVersion(major=maj_ver, minor=min_ver) + assert ver.minor == min_ver + assert not ver.bugfix +- assert ver.string == "{}.{}".format(maj_ver, min_ver) ++ assert ver.string == f"{maj_ver}.{min_ver}" + + + def test_string_new_version_minor_as_string(): +@@ -201,13 +201,13 @@ def test_string_new_version_minor_as_string(): + ver = SaltStackVersion(major=maj_ver, minor=min_ver) + assert ver.minor == int(min_ver) + assert not ver.bugfix +- assert ver.string == "{}.{}".format(maj_ver, min_ver) ++ assert ver.string == f"{maj_ver}.{min_ver}" + + # This only seems to happen on a cloned repo without its tags + maj_ver = "3000" + min_ver = "" + ver = SaltStackVersion(major=maj_ver, minor=min_ver) +- assert ver.minor is None, "{!r} is not {!r}".format(ver.minor, min_ver) ++ assert ver.minor is None, f"{ver.minor!r} is not {min_ver!r}" + assert not ver.bugfix + assert ver.string == maj_ver + +@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ def test_string_old_version(): + min_ver = "2" + ver = SaltStackVersion(major=maj_ver, minor=min_ver) + assert ver.bugfix == 0 +- assert ver.string == "{}.{}.0".format(maj_ver, min_ver) ++ assert ver.string == f"{maj_ver}.{min_ver}.0" + + + @pytest.mark.parametrize( +@@ -537,6 +537,8 @@ def test_versions_report_no_extensions_available(): + ("3000.1", "3000.1", "Neon"), + ("3005", "3005", "Phosphorus"), + ("3006", "3006.0", "Sulfur"), ++ ("3006.0", "3006.0", "Sulfur"), ++ ("3006.1", "3006.1", "Sulfur"), + ("3015.1", "3015.1", "Manganese"), + ("3109.3", "3109.3", None), + ], +-- +2.41.0 + + diff --git a/only-call-native_str-on-curl_debug-message-in-tornad.patch b/only-call-native_str-on-curl_debug-message-in-tornad.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6821c6a --- /dev/null +++ b/only-call-native_str-on-curl_debug-message-in-tornad.patch @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +From b76b74bd9640adf3b6798e4de4b89aaa7af62c9f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2023 13:24:43 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Only call native_str on curl_debug message in tornado + when needed + +Co-authored-by: Ben Darnell +--- + salt/ext/tornado/ | 3 ++- + 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/salt/ext/tornado/ b/salt/ext/tornado/ +index 8652343cf7..9e4133fd13 100644 +--- a/salt/ext/tornado/ ++++ b/salt/ext/tornado/ +@@ -494,10 +494,11 @@ class CurlAsyncHTTPClient(AsyncHTTPClient): + + def _curl_debug(self, debug_type, debug_msg): + debug_types = ('I', '<', '>', '<', '>') +- debug_msg = native_str(debug_msg) + if debug_type == 0: ++ debug_msg = native_str(debug_msg) + curl_log.debug('%s', debug_msg.strip()) + elif debug_type in (1, 2): ++ debug_msg = native_str(debug_msg) + for line in debug_msg.splitlines(): + curl_log.debug('%s %s', debug_types[debug_type], line) + elif debug_type == 4: +-- +2.42.0 + diff --git a/pass-the-context-to-pillar-ext-modules.patch b/pass-the-context-to-pillar-ext-modules.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c3e4ac4 --- /dev/null +++ b/pass-the-context-to-pillar-ext-modules.patch @@ -0,0 +1,276 @@ +From bd671b53de8933732e2108624d7dfb6f9b183f38 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2022 13:20:13 +0300 +Subject: [PATCH] Pass the context to pillar ext modules + +* Pass __context__ to ext pillar + +* Add test for passing the context to pillar ext module + +* Align the test and pillar to prevent failing test +--- + salt/ | 7 ++- + salt/pillar/ | 16 +++++- + tests/pytests/unit/ | 91 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- + 3 files changed, 108 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ +index a0552fa232..da1eb8cef5 100644 +--- a/salt/ ++++ b/salt/ +@@ -964,6 +964,7 @@ class MWorker(salt.utils.process.SignalHandlingProcess): + self.k_mtime = 0 + self.stats = collections.defaultdict(lambda: {"mean": 0, "runs": 0}) + self.stat_clock = time.time() ++ self.context = {} + + # We need __setstate__ and __getstate__ to also pickle 'SMaster.secrets'. + # Otherwise, 'SMaster.secrets' won't be copied over to the spawned process +@@ -1151,7 +1152,7 @@ class MWorker(salt.utils.process.SignalHandlingProcess): + self.key, + ) + self.clear_funcs.connect() +- self.aes_funcs = AESFuncs(self.opts) ++ self.aes_funcs = AESFuncs(self.opts, context=self.context) + salt.utils.crypt.reinit_crypto() + self.__bind() + +@@ -1214,7 +1215,7 @@ class AESFuncs(TransportMethods): + "_file_envs", + ) + +- def __init__(self, opts): ++ def __init__(self, opts, context=None): + """ + Create a new AESFuncs + +@@ -1224,6 +1225,7 @@ class AESFuncs(TransportMethods): + :returns: Instance for handling AES operations + """ + self.opts = opts ++ self.context = context + self.event = salt.utils.event.get_master_event( + self.opts, self.opts["sock_dir"], listen=False + ) +@@ -1611,6 +1613,7 @@ class AESFuncs(TransportMethods): + pillarenv=load.get("pillarenv"), + extra_minion_data=load.get("extra_minion_data"), + clean_cache=load.get("clean_cache"), ++ context=self.context, + ) + data = pillar.compile_pillar() + self.fs_.update_opts() +diff --git a/salt/pillar/ b/salt/pillar/ +index 5a3f5388b4..0dfab4cc57 100644 +--- a/salt/pillar/ ++++ b/salt/pillar/ +@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ def get_pillar( + pillarenv=None, + extra_minion_data=None, + clean_cache=False, ++ context=None, + ): + """ + Return the correct pillar driver based on the file_client option +@@ -82,6 +83,7 @@ def get_pillar( + pillarenv=pillarenv, + clean_cache=clean_cache, + extra_minion_data=extra_minion_data, ++ context=context, + ) + return ptype( + opts, +@@ -93,6 +95,7 @@ def get_pillar( + pillar_override=pillar_override, + pillarenv=pillarenv, + extra_minion_data=extra_minion_data, ++ context=context, + ) + + +@@ -281,7 +284,7 @@ class AsyncRemotePillar(RemotePillarMixin): + raise salt.ext.tornado.gen.Return(ret_pillar) + + def destroy(self): +- if self._closing: ++ if hasattr(self, "_closing") and self._closing: + return + + self._closing = True +@@ -310,6 +313,7 @@ class RemotePillar(RemotePillarMixin): + pillar_override=None, + pillarenv=None, + extra_minion_data=None, ++ context=None, + ): + self.opts = opts + self.opts["saltenv"] = saltenv +@@ -334,6 +338,7 @@ class RemotePillar(RemotePillarMixin): + merge_lists=True, + ) + self._closing = False ++ self.context = context + + def compile_pillar(self): + """ +@@ -407,6 +412,7 @@ class PillarCache: + pillarenv=None, + extra_minion_data=None, + clean_cache=False, ++ context=None, + ): + # Yes, we need all of these because we need to route to the Pillar object + # if we have no cache. This is another refactor target. +@@ -434,6 +440,8 @@ class PillarCache: + minion_cache_path=self._minion_cache_path(minion_id), + ) + ++ self.context = context ++ + def _minion_cache_path(self, minion_id): + """ + Return the path to the cache file for the minion. +@@ -458,6 +466,7 @@ class PillarCache: + pillar_override=self.pillar_override, + pillarenv=self.pillarenv, + extra_minion_data=self.extra_minion_data, ++ context=self.context, + ) + return fresh_pillar.compile_pillar() + +@@ -533,6 +542,7 @@ class Pillar: + pillar_override=None, + pillarenv=None, + extra_minion_data=None, ++ context=None, + ): + self.minion_id = minion_id + self.ext = ext +@@ -571,7 +581,7 @@ class Pillar: + if opts.get("pillar_source_merging_strategy"): + self.merge_strategy = opts["pillar_source_merging_strategy"] + +- self.ext_pillars = salt.loader.pillars(ext_pillar_opts, self.functions) ++ self.ext_pillars = salt.loader.pillars(ext_pillar_opts, self.functions, context=context) + self.ignored_pillars = {} + self.pillar_override = pillar_override or {} + if not isinstance(self.pillar_override, dict): +@@ -1338,7 +1348,7 @@ class Pillar: + """ + This method exist in order to be API compatible with RemotePillar + """ +- if self._closing: ++ if hasattr(self, "_closing") and self._closing: + return + self._closing = True + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/ b/tests/pytests/unit/ +index cd11d217c7..98c796912a 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/ +@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import pytest + + import salt.master + import salt.utils.platform +-from import patch ++from import MagicMock, patch + + + @pytest.fixture +@@ -160,3 +160,92 @@ def test_when_syndic_return_processes_load_then_correct_values_should_be_returne + with patch.object(encrypted_requests, "_return", autospec=True) as fake_return: + encrypted_requests._syndic_return(payload) + fake_return.assert_called_with(expected_return) ++ ++ ++def test_mworker_pass_context(): ++ """ ++ Test of passing the __context__ to pillar ext module loader ++ """ ++ req_channel_mock = MagicMock() ++ local_client_mock = MagicMock() ++ ++ opts = { ++ "req_server_niceness": None, ++ "mworker_niceness": None, ++ "sock_dir": "/tmp", ++ "conf_file": "/tmp/fake_conf", ++ "transport": "zeromq", ++ "fileserver_backend": ["roots"], ++ "file_client": "local", ++ "pillar_cache": False, ++ "state_top": "top.sls", ++ "pillar_roots": {}, ++ } ++ ++ data = { ++ "id": "MINION_ID", ++ "grains": {}, ++ "saltenv": None, ++ "pillarenv": None, ++ "pillar_override": {}, ++ "extra_minion_data": {}, ++ "ver": "2", ++ "cmd": "_pillar", ++ } ++ ++ test_context = {"testing": 123} ++ ++ def mworker_bind_mock(): ++ mworker.aes_funcs.run_func(data["cmd"], data) ++ ++ with patch("salt.client.get_local_client", local_client_mock), patch( ++ "salt.master.ClearFuncs", MagicMock() ++ ), patch("salt.minion.MasterMinion", MagicMock()), patch( ++ "salt.utils.verify.valid_id", return_value=True ++ ), patch( ++ "salt.loader.matchers", MagicMock() ++ ), patch( ++ "salt.loader.render", MagicMock() ++ ), patch( ++ "salt.loader.utils", MagicMock() ++ ), patch( ++ "salt.loader.fileserver", MagicMock() ++ ), patch( ++ "salt.loader.minion_mods", MagicMock() ++ ), patch( ++ "salt.loader._module_dirs", MagicMock() ++ ), patch( ++ "salt.loader.LazyLoader", MagicMock() ++ ) as loadler_pillars_mock: ++ mworker = salt.master.MWorker(opts, {}, {}, [req_channel_mock]) ++ ++ with patch.object(mworker, "_MWorker__bind", mworker_bind_mock), patch.dict( ++ mworker.context, test_context ++ ): ++ ++ assert ( ++ loadler_pillars_mock.call_args_list[0][1].get("pack").get("__context__") ++ == test_context ++ ) ++ ++ loadler_pillars_mock.reset_mock() ++ ++ opts.update( ++ { ++ "pillar_cache": True, ++ "pillar_cache_backend": "file", ++ "pillar_cache_ttl": 1000, ++ "cachedir": "/tmp", ++ } ++ ) ++ ++ mworker = salt.master.MWorker(opts, {}, {}, [req_channel_mock]) ++ ++ with patch.object(mworker, "_MWorker__bind", mworker_bind_mock), patch.dict( ++ mworker.context, test_context ++ ), patch("salt.utils.cache.CacheFactory.factory", MagicMock()): ++ ++ assert ( ++ loadler_pillars_mock.call_args_list[0][1].get("pack").get("__context__") ++ == test_context ++ ) +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/prefer-unittest.mock-for-python-versions-that-are-su.patch b/prefer-unittest.mock-for-python-versions-that-are-su.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b2bc39 --- /dev/null +++ b/prefer-unittest.mock-for-python-versions-that-are-su.patch @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +From 107de57586f0b0f784771543b942dfb6bb70453a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Yeray=20Guti=C3=A9rrez=20Cedr=C3=A9s?= + +Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2023 11:03:45 +0000 +Subject: [PATCH] Prefer unittest.mock for Python versions that are + sufficient + +--- + requirements/pytest.txt | 2 +- + .../unit/cloud/clouds/ | 4 +- + tests/pytests/unit/cloud/clouds/ | 4 +- + tests/support/ | 48 +++++++++---------- + 4 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/requirements/pytest.txt b/requirements/pytest.txt +index 5b67583a3d..0bead83f5b 100644 +--- a/requirements/pytest.txt ++++ b/requirements/pytest.txt +@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ +-mock >= 3.0.0 ++mock >= 3.0.0; python_version < '3.8' + # PyTest + pytest >= 7.0.1; python_version <= "3.6" + pytest >= 7.2.0; python_version > "3.6" +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/cloud/clouds/ b/tests/pytests/unit/cloud/clouds/ +index e196805004..aab2e686f2 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/cloud/clouds/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/cloud/clouds/ +@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ from import dimensiondata + from salt.exceptions import SaltCloudSystemExit + from salt.utils.versions import Version + from import MagicMock +-from import __version__ as mock_version + from import patch + + try: +@@ -144,8 +143,7 @@ def test_import(): + with patch("salt.config.check_driver_dependencies", return_value=True) as p: + get_deps = dimensiondata.get_dependencies() + assert get_deps is True +- if Version(mock_version) >= Version("2.0.0"): +- assert p.call_count >= 1 ++ assert p.call_count >= 1 + + + def test_provider_matches(): +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/cloud/clouds/ b/tests/pytests/unit/cloud/clouds/ +index 265818016e..ec1346a978 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/cloud/clouds/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/cloud/clouds/ +@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ from import gce + from salt.exceptions import SaltCloudSystemExit + from salt.utils.versions import Version + from import MagicMock +-from import __version__ as mock_version + from import call, patch + + +@@ -281,8 +280,7 @@ def test_import(): + with patch("salt.config.check_driver_dependencies", return_value=True) as p: + get_deps = gce.get_dependencies() + assert get_deps is True +- if Version(mock_version) >= Version("2.0.0"): +- p.assert_called_once() ++ p.assert_called_once() + + + @pytest.mark.parametrize( +diff --git a/tests/support/ b/tests/support/ +index 2256ad8f5d..59e5fcbc8e 100644 +--- a/tests/support/ ++++ b/tests/support/ +@@ -18,37 +18,33 @@ import copy + import errno + import fnmatch + import sys +- +-# By these days, we should blowup if mock is not available +-import mock # pylint: disable=blacklisted-external-import +- +-# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module,no-member +-from mock import ( +- ANY, +- DEFAULT, +- FILTER_DIR, +- MagicMock, +- Mock, +- NonCallableMagicMock, +- NonCallableMock, +- PropertyMock, +- __version__, +- call, +- create_autospec, +- patch, +- sentinel, +-) ++import importlib ++ ++current_version = (sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor) ++ ++# Prefer unittest.mock for Python versions that are sufficient ++if current_version >= (3,8): ++ mock = importlib.import_module('unittest.mock') ++else: ++ mock = importlib.import_module('mock') ++ ++ANY = mock.ANY ++DEFAULT = mock.DEFAULT ++FILTER_DIR = mock.FILTER_DIR ++MagicMock = mock.MagicMock ++Mock = mock.Mock ++NonCallableMagicMock = mock.NonCallableMagicMock ++NonCallableMock = mock.NonCallableMock ++PropertyMock = mock.PropertyMock ++call = ++create_autospec = mock.create_autospec ++patch = mock.patch ++sentinel = mock.sentinel + + import salt.utils.stringutils + + # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module,no-member + +- +-__mock_version = tuple( +- int(part) for part in mock.__version__.split(".") if part.isdigit() +-) # pylint: disable=no-member +- +- + class MockFH: + def __init__(self, filename, read_data, *args, **kwargs): + self.filename = filename +-- +2.41.0 + diff --git a/prevent-affection-of-ssh.opts-with-lazyloader-bsc-11.patch b/prevent-affection-of-ssh.opts-with-lazyloader-bsc-11.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a88c3e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/prevent-affection-of-ssh.opts-with-lazyloader-bsc-11.patch @@ -0,0 +1,240 @@ +From 90236c844cfce7da8beb7a570be19a8677c60820 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2022 10:06:43 +0300 +Subject: [PATCH] Prevent affection of SSH.opts with LazyLoader + (bsc#1197637) + +* Prevent affection SSH.opts with LazyLoader + +* Restore parsed targets + +* Fix test_ssh unit tests + +Adjust unit tests +--- + salt/client/ssh/ | 19 +++++++++------- + .../pytests/unit/client/ssh/ | 4 +++- + .../unit/client/ssh/ | 2 +- + tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ | 22 +++++++++---------- + 4 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/client/ssh/ b/salt/client/ssh/ +index a527c03de6..d5a679821e 100644 +--- a/salt/client/ssh/ ++++ b/salt/client/ssh/ +@@ -224,15 +224,16 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + ROSTER_UPDATE_FLAG = "#__needs_update" + + def __init__(self, opts, context=None): ++ self.opts = copy.deepcopy(opts) ++ self.sopts = copy.deepcopy(self.opts) + self.__parsed_rosters = {SSH.ROSTER_UPDATE_FLAG: True} +- pull_sock = os.path.join(opts["sock_dir"], "master_event_pull.ipc") ++ pull_sock = os.path.join(self.opts["sock_dir"], "master_event_pull.ipc") + if os.path.exists(pull_sock) and zmq: + self.event = salt.utils.event.get_event( +- "master", opts["sock_dir"], opts=opts, listen=False ++ "master", self.opts["sock_dir"], opts=self.opts, listen=False + ) + else: + self.event = None +- self.opts = opts + if self.opts["regen_thin"]: + self.opts["ssh_wipe"] = True + if not salt.utils.path.which("ssh"): +@@ -243,7 +244,7 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + " to run. Exiting." + ), + ) +- self.opts["_ssh_version"] = ssh_version() ++ self.sopts["_ssh_version"] = ssh_version() + self.tgt_type = ( + self.opts["selected_target_option"] + if self.opts["selected_target_option"] +@@ -339,6 +340,9 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + self.opts["cachedir"], "salt-ssh.session.lock" + ) + self.ssh_session_grace_time = int(self.opts.get("ssh_session_grace_time", 1)) ++ self.sopts["tgt"] = copy.deepcopy(self.opts["tgt"]) ++ self.sopts["ssh_cli_tgt"] = copy.deepcopy(self.opts["ssh_cli_tgt"]) ++ self.opts = self.sopts + + # __setstate__ and __getstate__ are only used on spawning platforms. + def __setstate__(self, state): +@@ -607,7 +611,6 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + Spin up the needed threads or processes and execute the subsequent + routines + """ +- opts = copy.deepcopy(self.opts) + que = multiprocessing.Queue() + running = {} + targets_queue = deque(self.targets.keys()) +@@ -618,7 +621,7 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + if not self.targets: + log.error("No matching targets found in roster.") + break +- if len(running) < opts.get("ssh_max_procs", 25) and not init: ++ if len(running) < self.opts.get("ssh_max_procs", 25) and not init: + if targets_queue: + host = targets_queue.popleft() + else: +@@ -682,7 +685,7 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + continue + args = ( + que, +- opts, ++ self.opts, + host, + self.targets[host], + mine, +@@ -776,7 +779,7 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + if len(rets) >= len(self.targets): + break + # Sleep when limit or all threads started +- if len(running) >= opts.get("ssh_max_procs", 25) or len( ++ if len(running) >= self.opts.get("ssh_max_procs", 25) or len( + self.targets + ) >= len(running): + time.sleep(0.1) +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ b/tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ +index 8a7794d2f4..0ca28d022e 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ +@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ def test_password_failure(temp_salt_master, tmp_path): + opts["argv"] = [""] + opts["selected_target_option"] = "glob" + opts["tgt"] = "localhost" ++ opts["ssh_cli_tgt"] = "localhost" ++ opts["_ssh_version"] = "foobar" + opts["arg"] = [] + roster = str(tmp_path / "roster") + handle_ssh_ret = [ +@@ -44,7 +46,7 @@ def test_password_failure(temp_salt_master, tmp_path): + "salt.client.ssh.SSH.handle_ssh", MagicMock(return_value=handle_ssh_ret) + ), patch("salt.client.ssh.SSH.key_deploy", MagicMock(return_value=expected)), patch( + "salt.output.display_output", display_output +- ): ++ ), patch("salt.client.ssh.ssh_version", MagicMock(return_value="foobar")): + client = ssh.SSH(opts) + ret = next(client.run_iter()) + with pytest.raises(SystemExit): +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ b/tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ +index 1f0b0dbf33..18714741b9 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ +@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ def test_not_missing_fun_calling_wfuncs(temp_salt_master, tmp_path): + assert "localhost" in ret + assert "fun" in ret["localhost"] + +- display_output.assert_called_once_with(expected, "nested", opts) ++ display_output.assert_called_once_with(expected, "nested", client.opts) + assert ret is handle_ssh_ret[0] + assert len(client.event.fire_event.call_args_list) == 2 + assert "fun" in client.event.fire_event.call_args_list[0][0][0] +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ b/tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ +index 2be96ab195..377aad9998 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/client/ssh/ +@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ def test_expand_target_ip_address(opts, roster): + MagicMock(return_value=salt.utils.yaml.safe_load(roster)), + ): + client._expand_target() +- assert opts["tgt"] == host ++ assert client.opts["tgt"] == host + + + def test_expand_target_no_host(opts, tmp_path): +@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ def test_expand_target_no_host(opts, tmp_path): + assert opts["tgt"] == user + host + with patch("salt.roster.get_roster_file", MagicMock(return_value=roster_file)): + client._expand_target() +- assert opts["tgt"] == host ++ assert client.opts["tgt"] == host + + + def test_expand_target_dns(opts, roster): +@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ def test_expand_target_dns(opts, roster): + MagicMock(return_value=salt.utils.yaml.safe_load(roster)), + ): + client._expand_target() +- assert opts["tgt"] == host ++ assert client.opts["tgt"] == host + + + def test_expand_target_no_user(opts, roster): +@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ def test_expand_target_no_user(opts, roster): + + with patch("", MagicMock(return_value=False)): + client = ssh.SSH(opts) +- assert opts["tgt"] == host ++ assert client.opts["tgt"] == host + + with patch( + "salt.roster.get_roster_file", MagicMock(return_value="/etc/salt/roster") +@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ def test_expand_target_no_user(opts, roster): + MagicMock(return_value=salt.utils.yaml.safe_load(roster)), + ): + client._expand_target() +- assert opts["tgt"] == host ++ assert client.opts["tgt"] == host + + + def test_update_targets_ip_address(opts): +@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ def test_update_targets_ip_address(opts): + client = ssh.SSH(opts) + assert opts["tgt"] == user + host + client._update_targets() +- assert opts["tgt"] == host ++ assert client.opts["tgt"] == host + assert client.targets[host]["user"] == user.split("@")[0] + + +@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ def test_update_targets_dns(opts): + client = ssh.SSH(opts) + assert opts["tgt"] == user + host + client._update_targets() +- assert opts["tgt"] == host ++ assert client.opts["tgt"] == host + assert client.targets[host]["user"] == user.split("@")[0] + + +@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ def test_update_targets_no_user(opts): + client = ssh.SSH(opts) + assert opts["tgt"] == host + client._update_targets() +- assert opts["tgt"] == host ++ assert client.opts["tgt"] == host + + + def test_update_expand_target_dns(opts, roster): +@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ def test_update_expand_target_dns(opts, roster): + ): + client._expand_target() + client._update_targets() +- assert opts["tgt"] == host ++ assert client.opts["tgt"] == host + assert client.targets[host]["user"] == user.split("@")[0] + + +@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ def test_parse_tgt(opts): + client = ssh.SSH(opts) + assert client.parse_tgt["hostname"] == host + assert client.parse_tgt["user"] == user.split("@")[0] +- assert opts.get("ssh_cli_tgt") == user + host ++ assert client.opts.get("ssh_cli_tgt") == user + host + + + def test_parse_tgt_no_user(opts): +@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ def test_parse_tgt_no_user(opts): + client = ssh.SSH(opts) + assert client.parse_tgt["hostname"] == host + assert client.parse_tgt["user"] == opts["ssh_user"] +- assert opts.get("ssh_cli_tgt") == host ++ assert client.opts.get("ssh_cli_tgt") == host + + + def test_extra_filerefs(tmp_path, opts): +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/prevent-oom-with-high-amount-of-batch-async-calls-bs.patch b/prevent-oom-with-high-amount-of-batch-async-calls-bs.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c74e14e --- /dev/null +++ b/prevent-oom-with-high-amount-of-batch-async-calls-bs.patch @@ -0,0 +1,1272 @@ +From d57472b4fa2213ec551197ee2e147aef364fdcfe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Wed, 15 May 2024 11:47:35 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Prevent OOM with high amount of batch async calls + (bsc#1216063) + +* Refactor batch_async implementation + +* Fix batch_async tests after refactoring +--- + salt/cli/ | 584 ++++++++++++++------- + salt/ | 9 +- + tests/pytests/unit/cli/ | 360 +++++++------ + 3 files changed, 597 insertions(+), 356 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/cli/ b/salt/cli/ +index 1012ce37cc..5d49993faa 100644 +--- a/salt/cli/ ++++ b/salt/cli/ +@@ -2,18 +2,193 @@ + Execute a job on the targeted minions by using a moving window of fixed size `batch`. + """ + +-import gc +- +-# pylint: enable=import-error,no-name-in-module,redefined-builtin + import logging ++import re + + import salt.client + import salt.ext.tornado ++import salt.utils.event + from salt.cli.batch import batch_get_eauth, batch_get_opts, get_bnum ++from salt.ext.tornado.iostream import StreamClosedError + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + ++__SHARED_EVENTS_CHANNEL = None ++ ++ ++def _get_shared_events_channel(opts, io_loop): ++ global __SHARED_EVENTS_CHANNEL ++ if __SHARED_EVENTS_CHANNEL is None: ++ __SHARED_EVENTS_CHANNEL = SharedEventsChannel(opts, io_loop) ++ return __SHARED_EVENTS_CHANNEL ++ ++ ++def _destroy_unused_shared_events_channel(): ++ global __SHARED_EVENTS_CHANNEL ++ if __SHARED_EVENTS_CHANNEL is not None and __SHARED_EVENTS_CHANNEL.destroy_unused(): ++ __SHARED_EVENTS_CHANNEL = None ++ ++ ++def batch_async_required(opts, minions, extra): ++ """ ++ Check opts to identify if batch async is required for the operation. ++ """ ++ if not isinstance(minions, list): ++ False ++ batch_async_opts = opts.get("batch_async", {}) ++ batch_async_threshold = ( ++ batch_async_opts.get("threshold", 1) ++ if isinstance(batch_async_opts, dict) ++ else 1 ++ ) ++ if batch_async_threshold == -1: ++ batch_size = get_bnum(extra, minions, True) ++ return len(minions) >= batch_size ++ elif batch_async_threshold > 0: ++ return len(minions) >= batch_async_threshold ++ return False ++ ++ ++class SharedEventsChannel: ++ def __init__(self, opts, io_loop): ++ self.io_loop = io_loop ++ self.local_client = salt.client.get_local_client( ++ opts["conf_file"], io_loop=self.io_loop ++ ) ++ self.master_event = salt.utils.event.get_event( ++ "master", ++ sock_dir=self.local_client.opts["sock_dir"], ++ opts=self.local_client.opts, ++ listen=True, ++ io_loop=self.io_loop, ++ keep_loop=True, ++ ) ++ self.master_event.set_event_handler(self.__handle_event) ++ if ++ ++ self._re_tag_ret_event = re.compile(r"salt\/job\/(\d+)\/ret\/.*") ++ self._subscribers = {} ++ self._subscriptions = {} ++ self._used_by = set() ++ batch_async_opts = opts.get("batch_async", {}) ++ if not isinstance(batch_async_opts, dict): ++ batch_async_opts = {} ++ self._subscriber_reconnect_tries = batch_async_opts.get( ++ "subscriber_reconnect_tries", 5 ++ ) ++ self._subscriber_reconnect_interval = batch_async_opts.get( ++ "subscriber_reconnect_interval", 1.0 ++ ) ++ self._reconnecting_subscriber = False ++ ++ def subscribe(self, jid, op, subscriber_id, handler): ++ if subscriber_id not in self._subscribers: ++ self._subscribers[subscriber_id] = set() ++ if jid not in self._subscriptions: ++ self._subscriptions[jid] = [] ++ self._subscribers[subscriber_id].add(jid) ++ if (op, subscriber_id, handler) not in self._subscriptions[jid]: ++ self._subscriptions[jid].append((op, subscriber_id, handler)) ++ if not self.master_event.subscriber.connected(): ++ self.__reconnect_subscriber() ++ ++ def unsubscribe(self, jid, op, subscriber_id): ++ if subscriber_id not in self._subscribers: ++ return ++ jids = self._subscribers[subscriber_id].copy() ++ if jid is not None: ++ jids = set(jid) ++ for i_jid in jids: ++ self._subscriptions[i_jid] = list( ++ filter( ++ lambda x: not (op in (x[0], None) and x[1] == subscriber_id), ++ self._subscriptions.get(i_jid, []), ++ ) ++ ) ++ self._subscribers[subscriber_id].discard(i_jid) ++ self._subscriptions = dict(filter(lambda x: x[1], self._subscriptions.items())) ++ if not self._subscribers[subscriber_id]: ++ del self._subscribers[subscriber_id] ++ ++ @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine ++ def __handle_close(self): ++ if not self._subscriptions: ++ return ++ log.warning("Master Event Subscriber was closed. Trying to reconnect...") ++ yield self.__reconnect_subscriber() ++ ++ @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine ++ def __handle_event(self, raw): ++ if self.master_event is None: ++ return ++ try: ++ tag, data = self.master_event.unpack(raw) ++ tag_match = self._re_tag_ret_event.match(tag) ++ if tag_match: ++ jid = ++ if jid in self._subscriptions: ++ for op, _, handler in self._subscriptions[jid]: ++ yield handler(tag, data, op) ++ except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=W0703 ++ log.error( ++ "Exception occured while processing event: %s: %s", ++ tag, ++ ex, ++ exc_info=True, ++ ) ++ ++ @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine ++ def __reconnect_subscriber(self): ++ if self.master_event.subscriber.connected() or self._reconnecting_subscriber: ++ return ++ self._reconnecting_subscriber = True ++ max_tries = max(1, int(self._subscriber_reconnect_tries)) ++ _try = 1 ++ while _try <= max_tries: ++ ++ "Trying to reconnect to event publisher (try %d of %d) ...", ++ _try, ++ max_tries, ++ ) ++ try: ++ yield self.master_event.subscriber.connect() ++ except StreamClosedError: ++ log.warning( ++ "Unable to reconnect to event publisher (try %d of %d)", ++ _try, ++ max_tries, ++ ) ++ if self.master_event.subscriber.connected(): ++ ++ self.__handle_close ++ ) ++"Event publisher connection restored") ++ self._reconnecting_subscriber = False ++ return ++ if _try < max_tries: ++ yield salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep(self._subscriber_reconnect_interval) ++ _try += 1 ++ self._reconnecting_subscriber = False ++ ++ def use(self, subscriber_id): ++ self._used_by.add(subscriber_id) ++ return self ++ ++ def unuse(self, subscriber_id): ++ self._used_by.discard(subscriber_id) ++ ++ def destroy_unused(self): ++ if self._used_by: ++ return False ++ self.master_event.remove_event_handler(self.__handle_event) ++ self.master_event.destroy() ++ self.master_event = None ++ self.local_client.destroy() ++ self.local_client = None ++ return True ++ ++ + class BatchAsync: + """ + Run a job on the targeted minions by using a moving window of fixed size `batch`. +@@ -28,14 +203,14 @@ class BatchAsync: + - gather_job_timeout: `find_job` timeout + - timeout: time to wait before firing a `find_job` + +- When the batch stars, a `start` event is fired: ++ When the batch starts, a `start` event is fired: + - tag: salt/batch//start + - data: { + "available_minions": self.minions, + "down_minions": targeted_minions - presence_ping_minions + } + +- When the batch ends, an `done` event is fired: ++ When the batch ends, a `done` event is fired: + - tag: salt/batch//done + - data: { + "available_minions": self.minions, +@@ -45,17 +220,26 @@ class BatchAsync: + } + """ + +- def __init__(self, parent_opts, jid_gen, clear_load): +- ioloop = salt.ext.tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current() +- self.local = salt.client.get_local_client( +- parent_opts["conf_file"], io_loop=ioloop ++ def __init__(self, opts, jid_gen, clear_load): ++ self.extra_job_kwargs = {} ++ kwargs = clear_load.get("kwargs", {}) ++ for kwarg in ("module_executors", "executor_opts"): ++ if kwarg in kwargs: ++ self.extra_job_kwargs[kwarg] = kwargs[kwarg] ++ elif kwarg in opts: ++ self.extra_job_kwargs[kwarg] = opts[kwarg] ++ self.io_loop = salt.ext.tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current() ++ self.events_channel = _get_shared_events_channel(opts, self.io_loop).use( ++ id(self) + ) + if "gather_job_timeout" in clear_load["kwargs"]: + clear_load["gather_job_timeout"] = clear_load["kwargs"].pop( + "gather_job_timeout" + ) + else: +- clear_load["gather_job_timeout"] = self.local.opts["gather_job_timeout"] ++ clear_load["gather_job_timeout"] = self.events_channel.local_client.opts[ ++ "gather_job_timeout" ++ ] + self.batch_presence_ping_timeout = clear_load["kwargs"].get( + "batch_presence_ping_timeout", None + ) +@@ -64,8 +248,8 @@ class BatchAsync: + clear_load.pop("tgt"), + clear_load.pop("fun"), + clear_load["kwargs"].pop("batch"), +- self.local.opts, +- **clear_load ++ self.events_channel.local_client.opts, ++ **clear_load, + ) + self.eauth = batch_get_eauth(clear_load["kwargs"]) + self.metadata = clear_load["kwargs"].get("metadata", {}) +@@ -78,54 +262,45 @@ class BatchAsync: + self.jid_gen = jid_gen + self.ping_jid = jid_gen() + self.batch_jid = jid_gen() +- self.find_job_jid = jid_gen() + self.find_job_returned = set() ++ self.metadata.update({"batch_jid": self.batch_jid, "ping_jid": self.ping_jid}) + self.ended = False +- self.event = salt.utils.event.get_event( +- "master", +- self.opts["sock_dir"], +- self.opts["transport"], +- opts=self.opts, +- listen=True, +- io_loop=ioloop, +- keep_loop=True, +- ) ++ self.event = self.events_channel.master_event + self.scheduled = False +- self.patterns = set() + + def __set_event_handler(self): +- ping_return_pattern = "salt/job/{}/ret/*".format(self.ping_jid) +- batch_return_pattern = "salt/job/{}/ret/*".format(self.batch_jid) +- self.event.subscribe(ping_return_pattern, match_type="glob") +- self.event.subscribe(batch_return_pattern, match_type="glob") +- self.patterns = { +- (ping_return_pattern, "ping_return"), +- (batch_return_pattern, "batch_run"), +- } +- self.event.set_event_handler(self.__event_handler) ++ self.events_channel.subscribe( ++ self.ping_jid, "ping_return", id(self), self.__event_handler ++ ) ++ self.events_channel.subscribe( ++ self.batch_jid, "batch_run", id(self), self.__event_handler ++ ) + +- def __event_handler(self, raw): ++ @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine ++ def __event_handler(self, tag, data, op): + if not self.event: + return + try: +- mtag, data = self.event.unpack(raw) +- for (pattern, op) in self.patterns: +- if mtag.startswith(pattern[:-1]): +- minion = data["id"] +- if op == "ping_return": +- self.minions.add(minion) +- if self.targeted_minions == self.minions: +- self.event.io_loop.spawn_callback(self.start_batch) +- elif op == "find_job_return": +- if data.get("return", None): +- self.find_job_returned.add(minion) +- elif op == "batch_run": +- if minion in +- +- self.done_minions.add(minion) +- self.event.io_loop.spawn_callback(self.schedule_next) +- except Exception as ex: +- log.error("Exception occured while processing event: {}".format(ex)) ++ minion = data["id"] ++ if op == "ping_return": ++ self.minions.add(minion) ++ if self.targeted_minions == self.minions: ++ yield self.start_batch() ++ elif op == "find_job_return": ++ if data.get("return", None): ++ self.find_job_returned.add(minion) ++ elif op == "batch_run": ++ if minion in ++ ++ self.done_minions.add(minion) ++ yield self.schedule_next() ++ except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=W0703 ++ log.error( ++ "Exception occured while processing event: %s: %s", ++ tag, ++ ex, ++ exc_info=True, ++ ) + + def _get_next(self): + to_run = ( +@@ -139,176 +314,203 @@ class BatchAsync: + ) + return set(list(to_run)[:next_batch_size]) + ++ @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine + def check_find_job(self, batch_minions, jid): +- if self.event: +- find_job_return_pattern = "salt/job/{}/ret/*".format(jid) +- self.event.unsubscribe(find_job_return_pattern, match_type="glob") +- self.patterns.remove((find_job_return_pattern, "find_job_return")) +- +- timedout_minions = batch_minions.difference( +- self.find_job_returned +- ).difference(self.done_minions) +- self.timedout_minions = self.timedout_minions.union(timedout_minions) +- = +- running = batch_minions.difference(self.done_minions).difference( +- self.timedout_minions +- ) ++ """ ++ Check if the job with specified ``jid`` was finished on the minions ++ """ ++ if not self.event: ++ return ++ self.events_channel.unsubscribe(jid, "find_job_return", id(self)) + +- if timedout_minions: +- self.schedule_next() ++ timedout_minions = batch_minions.difference(self.find_job_returned).difference( ++ self.done_minions ++ ) ++ self.timedout_minions = self.timedout_minions.union(timedout_minions) ++ = ++ running = batch_minions.difference(self.done_minions).difference( ++ self.timedout_minions ++ ) + +- if self.event and running: +- self.find_job_returned = self.find_job_returned.difference(running) +- self.event.io_loop.spawn_callback(self.find_job, running) ++ if timedout_minions: ++ yield self.schedule_next() ++ ++ if self.event and running: ++ self.find_job_returned = self.find_job_returned.difference(running) ++ yield self.find_job(running) + + @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine + def find_job(self, minions): +- if self.event: +- not_done = minions.difference(self.done_minions).difference( +- self.timedout_minions ++ """ ++ Find if the job was finished on the minions ++ """ ++ if not self.event: ++ return ++ not_done = minions.difference(self.done_minions).difference( ++ self.timedout_minions ++ ) ++ if not not_done: ++ return ++ try: ++ jid = self.jid_gen() ++ self.events_channel.subscribe( ++ jid, "find_job_return", id(self), self.__event_handler + ) +- try: +- if not_done: +- jid = self.jid_gen() +- find_job_return_pattern = "salt/job/{}/ret/*".format(jid) +- self.patterns.add((find_job_return_pattern, "find_job_return")) +- self.event.subscribe(find_job_return_pattern, match_type="glob") +- ret = yield self.local.run_job_async( +- not_done, +- "saltutil.find_job", +- [self.batch_jid], +- "list", +- gather_job_timeout=self.opts["gather_job_timeout"], +- jid=jid, +- **self.eauth +- ) +- yield salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep(self.opts["gather_job_timeout"]) +- if self.event: +- self.event.io_loop.spawn_callback( +- self.check_find_job, not_done, jid +- ) +- except Exception as ex: +- log.error( +- "Exception occured handling batch async: {}. Aborting execution.".format( +- ex +- ) +- ) +- self.close_safe() ++ ret = yield self.events_channel.local_client.run_job_async( ++ not_done, ++ "saltutil.find_job", ++ [self.batch_jid], ++ "list", ++ gather_job_timeout=self.opts["gather_job_timeout"], ++ jid=jid, ++ io_loop=self.io_loop, ++ listen=False, ++ **self.eauth, ++ ) ++ yield salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep(self.opts["gather_job_timeout"]) ++ if self.event: ++ yield self.check_find_job(not_done, jid) ++ except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=W0703 ++ log.error( ++ "Exception occured handling batch async: %s. Aborting execution.", ++ ex, ++ exc_info=True, ++ ) ++ self.close_safe() + + @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine + def start(self): ++ """ ++ Start the batch execution ++ """ ++ if not self.event: ++ return ++ self.__set_event_handler() ++ ping_return = yield self.events_channel.local_client.run_job_async( ++ self.opts["tgt"], ++ "", ++ [], ++ self.opts.get("selected_target_option", self.opts.get("tgt_type", "glob")), ++ gather_job_timeout=self.opts["gather_job_timeout"], ++ jid=self.ping_jid, ++ metadata=self.metadata, ++ io_loop=self.io_loop, ++ listen=False, ++ **self.eauth, ++ ) ++ self.targeted_minions = set(ping_return["minions"]) ++ # start batching even if not all minions respond to ping ++ yield salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep( ++ self.batch_presence_ping_timeout or self.opts["gather_job_timeout"] ++ ) + if self.event: +- self.__set_event_handler() +- ping_return = yield self.local.run_job_async( +- self.opts["tgt"], +- "", +- [], +- self.opts.get( +- "selected_target_option", self.opts.get("tgt_type", "glob") +- ), +- gather_job_timeout=self.opts["gather_job_timeout"], +- jid=self.ping_jid, +- metadata=self.metadata, +- **self.eauth +- ) +- self.targeted_minions = set(ping_return["minions"]) +- # start batching even if not all minions respond to ping +- yield salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep( +- self.batch_presence_ping_timeout or self.opts["gather_job_timeout"] +- ) +- if self.event: +- self.event.io_loop.spawn_callback(self.start_batch) ++ yield self.start_batch() + + @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine + def start_batch(self): +- if not self.initialized: +- self.batch_size = get_bnum(self.opts, self.minions, True) +- self.initialized = True +- data = { +- "available_minions": self.minions, +- "down_minions": self.targeted_minions.difference(self.minions), +- "metadata": self.metadata, +- } +- ret = self.event.fire_event( +- data, "salt/batch/{}/start".format(self.batch_jid) +- ) +- if self.event: +- self.event.io_loop.spawn_callback(self.run_next) ++ """ ++ Fire `salt/batch/*/start` and continue batch with `run_next` ++ """ ++ if self.initialized: ++ return ++ self.batch_size = get_bnum(self.opts, self.minions, True) ++ self.initialized = True ++ data = { ++ "available_minions": self.minions, ++ "down_minions": self.targeted_minions.difference(self.minions), ++ "metadata": self.metadata, ++ } ++ yield self.events_channel.master_event.fire_event_async( ++ data, f"salt/batch/{self.batch_jid}/start" ++ ) ++ if self.event: ++ yield self.run_next() + + @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine + def end_batch(self): ++ """ ++ End the batch and call safe closing ++ """ + left = self.minions.symmetric_difference( + self.done_minions.union(self.timedout_minions) + ) +- if not left and not self.ended: +- self.ended = True +- data = { +- "available_minions": self.minions, +- "down_minions": self.targeted_minions.difference(self.minions), +- "done_minions": self.done_minions, +- "timedout_minions": self.timedout_minions, +- "metadata": self.metadata, +- } +- self.event.fire_event(data, "salt/batch/{}/done".format(self.batch_jid)) +- +- # release to the IOLoop to allow the event to be published +- # before closing batch async execution +- yield salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep(1) +- self.close_safe() ++ # Send salt/batch/*/done only if there is nothing to do ++ # and the event haven't been sent already ++ if left or self.ended: ++ return ++ self.ended = True ++ data = { ++ "available_minions": self.minions, ++ "down_minions": self.targeted_minions.difference(self.minions), ++ "done_minions": self.done_minions, ++ "timedout_minions": self.timedout_minions, ++ "metadata": self.metadata, ++ } ++ yield self.events_channel.master_event.fire_event_async( ++ data, f"salt/batch/{self.batch_jid}/done" ++ ) ++ ++ # release to the IOLoop to allow the event to be published ++ # before closing batch async execution ++ yield salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep(1) ++ self.close_safe() + + def close_safe(self): +- for (pattern, label) in self.patterns: +- self.event.unsubscribe(pattern, match_type="glob") +- self.event.remove_event_handler(self.__event_handler) ++ if self.events_channel is not None: ++ self.events_channel.unsubscribe(None, None, id(self)) ++ self.events_channel.unuse(id(self)) ++ self.events_channel = None ++ _destroy_unused_shared_events_channel() + self.event = None +- self.local = None +- self.ioloop = None +- del self +- gc.collect() + + @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine + def schedule_next(self): +- if not self.scheduled: +- self.scheduled = True +- # call later so that we maybe gather more returns +- yield salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep(self.batch_delay) +- if self.event: +- self.event.io_loop.spawn_callback(self.run_next) ++ if self.scheduled: ++ return ++ self.scheduled = True ++ # call later so that we maybe gather more returns ++ yield salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep(self.batch_delay) ++ if self.event: ++ yield self.run_next() + + @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine + def run_next(self): ++ """ ++ Continue batch execution with the next targets ++ """ + self.scheduled = False + next_batch = self._get_next() +- if next_batch: +- = +- try: +- ret = yield self.local.run_job_async( +- next_batch, +- self.opts["fun"], +- self.opts["arg"], +- "list", +- raw=self.opts.get("raw", False), +- ret=self.opts.get("return", ""), +- gather_job_timeout=self.opts["gather_job_timeout"], +- jid=self.batch_jid, +- metadata=self.metadata, +- ) +- +- yield salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep(self.opts["timeout"]) +- +- # The batch can be done already at this point, which means no self.event +- if self.event: +- self.event.io_loop.spawn_callback(self.find_job, set(next_batch)) +- except Exception as ex: +- log.error("Error in scheduling next batch: %s. Aborting execution", ex) +- = +- self.close_safe() +- else: ++ if not next_batch: + yield self.end_batch() +- gc.collect() ++ return ++ = ++ try: ++ ret = yield self.events_channel.local_client.run_job_async( ++ next_batch, ++ self.opts["fun"], ++ self.opts["arg"], ++ "list", ++ raw=self.opts.get("raw", False), ++ ret=self.opts.get("return", ""), ++ gather_job_timeout=self.opts["gather_job_timeout"], ++ jid=self.batch_jid, ++ metadata=self.metadata, ++ io_loop=self.io_loop, ++ listen=False, ++ **self.eauth, ++ **self.extra_job_kwargs, ++ ) + +- def __del__(self): +- self.local = None +- self.event = None +- self.ioloop = None +- gc.collect() ++ yield salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep(self.opts["timeout"]) ++ ++ # The batch can be done already at this point, which means no self.event ++ if self.event: ++ yield self.find_job(set(next_batch)) ++ except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=W0703 ++ log.error( ++ "Error in scheduling next batch: %s. Aborting execution", ++ ex, ++ exc_info=True, ++ ) ++ = ++ self.close_safe() +diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ +index 425b412148..d7182d10b5 100644 +--- a/salt/ ++++ b/salt/ +@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ + This module contains all of the routines needed to set up a master server, this + involves preparing the three listeners and the workers needed by the master. + """ ++ + import collections + import copy + import ctypes +@@ -19,7 +20,6 @@ import time + import salt.acl + import salt.auth + import +-import salt.cli.batch_async + import salt.client + import salt.client.ssh.client + import salt.crypt +@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ import salt.utils.user + import salt.utils.verify + import salt.utils.zeromq + import salt.wheel ++from salt.cli.batch_async import BatchAsync, batch_async_required + from salt.config import DEFAULT_INTERVAL + from salt.defaults import DEFAULT_TARGET_DELIM + from salt.ext.tornado.stack_context import StackContext +@@ -2174,9 +2175,9 @@ class ClearFuncs(TransportMethods): + def publish_batch(self, clear_load, minions, missing): + batch_load = {} + batch_load.update(clear_load) +- batch = salt.cli.batch_async.BatchAsync( ++ batch = BatchAsync( + self.local.opts, +- functools.partial(self._prep_jid, clear_load, {}), ++ lambda: self._prep_jid(clear_load, {}), + batch_load, + ) + ioloop = salt.ext.tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current() +@@ -2331,7 +2332,7 @@ class ClearFuncs(TransportMethods): + ), + }, + } +- if extra.get("batch", None): ++ if extra.get("batch", None) and batch_async_required(self.opts, minions, extra): + return self.publish_batch(clear_load, minions, missing) + + jid = self._prep_jid(clear_load, extra) +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/cli/ b/tests/pytests/unit/cli/ +index e0774ffff3..bc871aba54 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/cli/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/cli/ +@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ + import pytest + + import salt.ext.tornado +-from salt.cli.batch_async import BatchAsync ++from salt.cli.batch_async import BatchAsync, batch_async_required + from import MagicMock, patch + + +@@ -22,16 +22,44 @@ def batch(temp_salt_master): + with patch("salt.cli.batch_async.batch_get_opts", MagicMock(return_value=opts)): + batch = BatchAsync( + opts, +- MagicMock(side_effect=["1234", "1235", "1236"]), ++ MagicMock(side_effect=["1234", "1235"]), + { + "tgt": "", + "fun": "", +- "kwargs": {"batch": "", "batch_presence_ping_timeout": 1}, ++ "kwargs": { ++ "batch": "", ++ "batch_presence_ping_timeout": 1, ++ "metadata": {"mykey": "myvalue"}, ++ }, + }, + ) + yield batch + + ++@pytest.mark.parametrize( ++ "threshold,minions,batch,expected", ++ [ ++ (1, 2, 200, True), ++ (1, 500, 200, True), ++ (0, 2, 200, False), ++ (0, 500, 200, False), ++ (-1, 2, 200, False), ++ (-1, 500, 200, True), ++ (-1, 9, 10, False), ++ (-1, 11, 10, True), ++ (10, 9, 8, False), ++ (10, 9, 10, False), ++ (10, 11, 8, True), ++ (10, 11, 10, True), ++ ], ++) ++def test_batch_async_required(threshold, minions, batch, expected): ++ minions_list = [f"minion{i}" for i in range(minions)] ++ batch_async_opts = {"batch_async": {"threshold": threshold}} ++ extra = {"batch": batch} ++ assert batch_async_required(batch_async_opts, minions_list, extra) == expected ++ ++ + def test_ping_jid(batch): + assert batch.ping_jid == "1234" + +@@ -40,10 +68,6 @@ def test_batch_jid(batch): + assert batch.batch_jid == "1235" + + +-def test_find_job_jid(batch): +- assert batch.find_job_jid == "1236" +- +- + def test_batch_size(batch): + """ + Tests passing batch value as a number +@@ -55,58 +79,74 @@ def test_batch_size(batch): + + + def test_batch_start_on_batch_presence_ping_timeout(batch): +- # batch_async = BatchAsyncMock(); +- batch.event = MagicMock() ++ future_ret = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() ++ future_ret.set_result({"minions": ["foo", "bar"]}) + future = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() +- future.set_result({"minions": ["foo", "bar"]}) +- batch.local.run_job_async.return_value = future +- with patch("salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep", return_value=future): +- # ret = batch_async.start(batch) ++ future.set_result({}) ++ with patch.object(batch, "events_channel", MagicMock()), patch( ++ "salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep", return_value=future ++ ), patch.object(batch, "start_batch", return_value=future) as start_batch_mock: ++ batch.events_channel.local_client.run_job_async.return_value = future_ret + ret = batch.start() +- # assert start_batch is called later with batch_presence_ping_timeout as param +- assert batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0] == (batch.start_batch,) ++ # assert start_batch is called ++ start_batch_mock.assert_called_once() + # assert called +- assert batch.local.run_job_async.call_args[0] == ("*", "", [], "glob") ++ assert batch.events_channel.local_client.run_job_async.call_args[0] == ( ++ "*", ++ "", ++ [], ++ "glob", ++ ) + # assert targeted_minions == all minions matched by tgt + assert batch.targeted_minions == {"foo", "bar"} + + + def test_batch_start_on_gather_job_timeout(batch): +- # batch_async = BatchAsyncMock(); +- batch.event = MagicMock() + future = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() +- future.set_result({"minions": ["foo", "bar"]}) +- batch.local.run_job_async.return_value = future ++ future.set_result({}) ++ future_ret = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() ++ future_ret.set_result({"minions": ["foo", "bar"]}) + batch.batch_presence_ping_timeout = None +- with patch("salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep", return_value=future): ++ with patch.object(batch, "events_channel", MagicMock()), patch( ++ "salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep", return_value=future ++ ), patch.object( ++ batch, "start_batch", return_value=future ++ ) as start_batch_mock, patch.object( ++ batch, "batch_presence_ping_timeout", None ++ ): ++ batch.events_channel.local_client.run_job_async.return_value = future_ret + # ret = batch_async.start(batch) + ret = batch.start() +- # assert start_batch is called later with gather_job_timeout as param +- assert batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0] == (batch.start_batch,) ++ # assert start_batch is called ++ start_batch_mock.assert_called_once() + + + def test_batch_fire_start_event(batch): + batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} + batch.opts = {"batch": "2", "timeout": 5} +- batch.event = MagicMock() +- batch.metadata = {"mykey": "myvalue"} +- batch.start_batch() +- assert batch.event.fire_event.call_args[0] == ( +- { +- "available_minions": {"foo", "bar"}, +- "down_minions": set(), +- "metadata": batch.metadata, +- }, +- "salt/batch/1235/start", +- ) ++ with patch.object(batch, "events_channel", MagicMock()): ++ batch.start_batch() ++ assert batch.events_channel.master_event.fire_event_async.call_args[0] == ( ++ { ++ "available_minions": {"foo", "bar"}, ++ "down_minions": set(), ++ "metadata": batch.metadata, ++ }, ++ "salt/batch/1235/start", ++ ) + + + def test_start_batch_calls_next(batch): +- batch.run_next = MagicMock(return_value=MagicMock()) +- batch.event = MagicMock() +- batch.start_batch() +- assert batch.initialized +- assert batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0] == (batch.run_next,) ++ batch.initialized = False ++ future = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() ++ future.set_result({}) ++ with patch.object(batch, "event", MagicMock()), patch.object( ++ batch, "events_channel", MagicMock() ++ ), patch.object(batch, "run_next", return_value=future) as run_next_mock: ++ batch.events_channel.master_event.fire_event_async.return_value = future ++ batch.start_batch() ++ assert batch.initialized ++ run_next_mock.assert_called_once() + + + def test_batch_fire_done_event(batch): +@@ -114,69 +154,52 @@ def test_batch_fire_done_event(batch): + batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} + batch.done_minions = {"foo"} + batch.timedout_minions = {"bar"} +- batch.event = MagicMock() +- batch.metadata = {"mykey": "myvalue"} +- old_event = batch.event +- batch.end_batch() +- assert old_event.fire_event.call_args[0] == ( +- { +- "available_minions": {"foo", "bar"}, +- "done_minions": batch.done_minions, +- "down_minions": {"baz"}, +- "timedout_minions": batch.timedout_minions, +- "metadata": batch.metadata, +- }, +- "salt/batch/1235/done", +- ) +- +- +-def test_batch__del__(batch): +- batch = BatchAsync(MagicMock(), MagicMock(), MagicMock()) +- event = MagicMock() +- batch.event = event +- batch.__del__() +- assert batch.local is None +- assert batch.event is None +- assert batch.ioloop is None ++ with patch.object(batch, "events_channel", MagicMock()): ++ batch.end_batch() ++ assert batch.events_channel.master_event.fire_event_async.call_args[0] == ( ++ { ++ "available_minions": {"foo", "bar"}, ++ "done_minions": batch.done_minions, ++ "down_minions": {"baz"}, ++ "timedout_minions": batch.timedout_minions, ++ "metadata": batch.metadata, ++ }, ++ "salt/batch/1235/done", ++ ) + + + def test_batch_close_safe(batch): +- batch = BatchAsync(MagicMock(), MagicMock(), MagicMock()) +- event = MagicMock() +- batch.event = event +- batch.patterns = { +- ("salt/job/1234/ret/*", "find_job_return"), +- ("salt/job/4321/ret/*", "find_job_return"), +- } +- batch.close_safe() +- assert batch.local is None +- assert batch.event is None +- assert batch.ioloop is None +- assert len(event.unsubscribe.mock_calls) == 2 +- assert len(event.remove_event_handler.mock_calls) == 1 ++ with patch.object( ++ batch, "events_channel", MagicMock() ++ ) as events_channel_mock, patch.object(batch, "event", MagicMock()): ++ batch.close_safe() ++ batch.close_safe() ++ assert batch.events_channel is None ++ assert batch.event is None ++ events_channel_mock.unsubscribe.assert_called_once() ++ events_channel_mock.unuse.assert_called_once() + + + def test_batch_next(batch): +- batch.event = MagicMock() + batch.opts["fun"] = "" + batch.opts["arg"] = [] +- batch._get_next = MagicMock(return_value={"foo", "bar"}) + batch.batch_size = 2 + future = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() +- future.set_result({"minions": ["foo", "bar"]}) +- batch.local.run_job_async.return_value = future +- with patch("salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep", return_value=future): ++ future.set_result({}) ++ with patch("salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep", return_value=future), patch.object( ++ batch, "events_channel", MagicMock() ++ ), patch.object(batch, "_get_next", return_value={"foo", "bar"}), patch.object( ++ batch, "find_job", return_value=future ++ ) as find_job_mock: ++ batch.events_channel.local_client.run_job_async.return_value = future + batch.run_next() +- assert batch.local.run_job_async.call_args[0] == ( ++ assert batch.events_channel.local_client.run_job_async.call_args[0] == ( + {"foo", "bar"}, + "", + [], + "list", + ) +- assert batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0] == ( +- batch.find_job, +- {"foo", "bar"}, +- ) ++ assert find_job_mock.call_args[0] == ({"foo", "bar"},) + assert == {"bar", "foo"} + + +@@ -239,124 +262,132 @@ def test_next_batch_all_timedout(batch): + + def test_batch__event_handler_ping_return(batch): + batch.targeted_minions = {"foo"} +- batch.event = MagicMock( +- unpack=MagicMock(return_value=("salt/job/1234/ret/foo", {"id": "foo"})) +- ) + batch.start() + assert batch.minions == set() +- batch._BatchAsync__event_handler(MagicMock()) ++ batch._BatchAsync__event_handler( ++ "salt/job/1234/ret/foo", {"id": "foo"}, "ping_return" ++ ) + assert batch.minions == {"foo"} + assert batch.done_minions == set() + + + def test_batch__event_handler_call_start_batch_when_all_pings_return(batch): + batch.targeted_minions = {"foo"} +- batch.event = MagicMock( +- unpack=MagicMock(return_value=("salt/job/1234/ret/foo", {"id": "foo"})) +- ) +- batch.start() +- batch._BatchAsync__event_handler(MagicMock()) +- assert batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0] == (batch.start_batch,) ++ future = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() ++ future.set_result({}) ++ with patch.object(batch, "start_batch", return_value=future) as start_batch_mock: ++ batch.start() ++ batch._BatchAsync__event_handler( ++ "salt/job/1234/ret/foo", {"id": "foo"}, "ping_return" ++ ) ++ start_batch_mock.assert_called_once() + + + def test_batch__event_handler_not_call_start_batch_when_not_all_pings_return(batch): + batch.targeted_minions = {"foo", "bar"} +- batch.event = MagicMock( +- unpack=MagicMock(return_value=("salt/job/1234/ret/foo", {"id": "foo"})) +- ) +- batch.start() +- batch._BatchAsync__event_handler(MagicMock()) +- assert len(batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.mock_calls) == 0 ++ future = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() ++ future.set_result({}) ++ with patch.object(batch, "start_batch", return_value=future) as start_batch_mock: ++ batch.start() ++ batch._BatchAsync__event_handler( ++ "salt/job/1234/ret/foo", {"id": "foo"}, "ping_return" ++ ) ++ start_batch_mock.assert_not_called() + + + def test_batch__event_handler_batch_run_return(batch): +- batch.event = MagicMock( +- unpack=MagicMock(return_value=("salt/job/1235/ret/foo", {"id": "foo"})) +- ) +- batch.start() +- = {"foo"} +- batch._BatchAsync__event_handler(MagicMock()) +- assert == set() +- assert batch.done_minions == {"foo"} +- assert batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0] == (batch.schedule_next,) ++ future = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() ++ future.set_result({}) ++ with patch.object( ++ batch, "schedule_next", return_value=future ++ ) as schedule_next_mock: ++ batch.start() ++ = {"foo"} ++ batch._BatchAsync__event_handler( ++ "salt/job/1235/ret/foo", {"id": "foo"}, "batch_run" ++ ) ++ assert == set() ++ assert batch.done_minions == {"foo"} ++ schedule_next_mock.assert_called_once() + + + def test_batch__event_handler_find_job_return(batch): +- batch.event = MagicMock( +- unpack=MagicMock( +- return_value=( +- "salt/job/1236/ret/foo", +- {"id": "foo", "return": "deadbeaf"}, +- ) +- ) +- ) + batch.start() +- batch.patterns.add(("salt/job/1236/ret/*", "find_job_return")) +- batch._BatchAsync__event_handler(MagicMock()) ++ batch._BatchAsync__event_handler( ++ "salt/job/1236/ret/foo", {"id": "foo", "return": "deadbeaf"}, "find_job_return" ++ ) + assert batch.find_job_returned == {"foo"} + + + def test_batch_run_next_end_batch_when_no_next(batch): +- batch.end_batch = MagicMock() +- batch._get_next = MagicMock(return_value={}) +- batch.run_next() +- assert len(batch.end_batch.mock_calls) == 1 ++ future = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() ++ future.set_result({}) ++ with patch.object( ++ batch, "_get_next", return_value={} ++ ), patch.object( ++ batch, "end_batch", return_value=future ++ ) as end_batch_mock: ++ batch.run_next() ++ end_batch_mock.assert_called_once() + + + def test_batch_find_job(batch): +- batch.event = MagicMock() + future = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() + future.set_result({}) +- batch.local.run_job_async.return_value = future + batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} +- batch.jid_gen = MagicMock(return_value="1234") +- with patch("salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep", return_value=future): ++ with patch("salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep", return_value=future), patch.object( ++ batch, "check_find_job", return_value=future ++ ) as check_find_job_mock, patch.object( ++ batch, "jid_gen", return_value="1236" ++ ): ++ batch.events_channel.local_client.run_job_async.return_value = future + batch.find_job({"foo", "bar"}) +- assert batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0] == ( +- batch.check_find_job, ++ assert check_find_job_mock.call_args[0] == ( + {"foo", "bar"}, +- "1234", ++ "1236", + ) + + + def test_batch_find_job_with_done_minions(batch): + batch.done_minions = {"bar"} +- batch.event = MagicMock() + future = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() + future.set_result({}) +- batch.local.run_job_async.return_value = future + batch.minions = {"foo", "bar"} +- batch.jid_gen = MagicMock(return_value="1234") +- with patch("salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep", return_value=future): ++ with patch("salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep", return_value=future), patch.object( ++ batch, "check_find_job", return_value=future ++ ) as check_find_job_mock, patch.object( ++ batch, "jid_gen", return_value="1236" ++ ): ++ batch.events_channel.local_client.run_job_async.return_value = future + batch.find_job({"foo", "bar"}) +- assert batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0] == ( +- batch.check_find_job, ++ assert check_find_job_mock.call_args[0] == ( + {"foo"}, +- "1234", ++ "1236", + ) + + + def test_batch_check_find_job_did_not_return(batch): +- batch.event = MagicMock() + = {"foo"} + batch.find_job_returned = set() +- batch.patterns = {("salt/job/1234/ret/*", "find_job_return")} +- batch.check_find_job({"foo"}, jid="1234") +- assert batch.find_job_returned == set() +- assert == set() +- assert len(batch.event.io_loop.add_callback.mock_calls) == 0 ++ future = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() ++ future.set_result({}) ++ with patch.object(batch, "find_job", return_value=future) as find_job_mock: ++ batch.check_find_job({"foo"}, jid="1234") ++ assert batch.find_job_returned == set() ++ assert == set() ++ find_job_mock.assert_not_called() + + + def test_batch_check_find_job_did_return(batch): +- batch.event = MagicMock() + batch.find_job_returned = {"foo"} +- batch.patterns = {("salt/job/1234/ret/*", "find_job_return")} +- batch.check_find_job({"foo"}, jid="1234") +- assert batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0] == (batch.find_job, {"foo"}) ++ future = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() ++ future.set_result({}) ++ with patch.object(batch, "find_job", return_value=future) as find_job_mock: ++ batch.check_find_job({"foo"}, jid="1234") ++ find_job_mock.assert_called_once_with({"foo"}) + + + def test_batch_check_find_job_multiple_states(batch): +- batch.event = MagicMock() + # currently running minions + = {"foo", "bar"} + +@@ -372,21 +403,28 @@ def test_batch_check_find_job_multiple_states(batch): + # both not yet done but only 'foo' responded to find_job + not_done = {"foo", "bar"} + +- batch.patterns = {("salt/job/1234/ret/*", "find_job_return")} +- batch.check_find_job(not_done, jid="1234") ++ future = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() ++ future.set_result({}) + +- # assert 'bar' removed from active +- assert == {"foo"} ++ with patch.object(batch, "schedule_next", return_value=future), patch.object( ++ batch, "find_job", return_value=future ++ ) as find_job_mock: ++ batch.check_find_job(not_done, jid="1234") + +- # assert 'bar' added to timedout_minions +- assert batch.timedout_minions == {"bar", "faz"} ++ # assert 'bar' removed from active ++ assert == {"foo"} + +- # assert 'find_job' schedueled again only for 'foo' +- assert batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.call_args[0] == (batch.find_job, {"foo"}) ++ # assert 'bar' added to timedout_minions ++ assert batch.timedout_minions == {"bar", "faz"} ++ ++ # assert 'find_job' schedueled again only for 'foo' ++ find_job_mock.assert_called_once_with({"foo"}) + + + def test_only_on_run_next_is_scheduled(batch): +- batch.event = MagicMock() ++ future = salt.ext.tornado.gen.Future() ++ future.set_result({}) + batch.scheduled = True +- batch.schedule_next() +- assert len(batch.event.io_loop.spawn_callback.mock_calls) == 0 ++ with patch.object(batch, "run_next", return_value=future) as run_next_mock: ++ batch.schedule_next() ++ run_next_mock.assert_not_called() +-- +2.45.0 + diff --git a/prevent-pkg-plugins-errors-on-missing-cookie-path-bs.patch b/prevent-pkg-plugins-errors-on-missing-cookie-path-bs.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a0a8f35 --- /dev/null +++ b/prevent-pkg-plugins-errors-on-missing-cookie-path-bs.patch @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +From 4240f0d5ffbc46c557885c5a28d1f2fd0b4c5e48 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov <> +Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2021 17:42:36 +0300 +Subject: [PATCH] Prevent pkg plugins errors on missing cookie path + (bsc#1186738) - 3002.2 (#415) + +* Prevent pkg plugins errors on missing cookie path (bsc#1186738) + +* Narrowing down exception handling + +* Modify for Python 3 only + +* Fix yumnotify +--- + scripts/suse/yum/plugins/ | 2 +- + scripts/suse/yum/plugins/ | 17 +++++++++++++---- + scripts/suse/zypper/plugins/commit/zyppnotify | 18 ++++++++++++------ + 3 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/scripts/suse/yum/plugins/ b/scripts/suse/yum/plugins/ +index cb3abd2260..3515845b31 100644 +--- a/scripts/suse/yum/plugins/ ++++ b/scripts/suse/yum/plugins/ +@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Configuration files are going to: + + Plugin itself goes to: + +- `/usr/share/yum-plugins/[name].conf` ++ `/usr/share/yum-plugins/[name].py` + + ## Permissions + +diff --git a/scripts/suse/yum/plugins/ b/scripts/suse/yum/plugins/ +index 4e137191a0..0d117e8946 100644 +--- a/scripts/suse/yum/plugins/ ++++ b/scripts/suse/yum/plugins/ +@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ + + import hashlib + import os ++import sys + + from yum.plugins import TYPE_CORE + +@@ -51,7 +52,15 @@ def posttrans_hook(conduit): + """ + # Integrate Yum with Salt + if "SALT_RUNNING" not in os.environ: +- with open(CK_PATH, "w") as ck_fh: +- ck_fh.write( +- "{chksum} {mtime}\n".format(chksum=_get_checksum(), mtime=_get_mtime()) +- ) ++ try: ++ ck_dir = os.path.dirname(CK_PATH) ++ if not os.path.exists(ck_dir): ++ os.makedirs(ck_dir) ++ with open(CK_PATH, "w") as ck_fh: ++ ck_fh.write( ++ "{chksum} {mtime}\n".format( ++ chksum=_get_checksum(), mtime=_get_mtime() ++ ) ++ ) ++ except OSError as e: ++ print("Unable to save the cookie file: %s" % (e), file=sys.stderr) +diff --git a/scripts/suse/zypper/plugins/commit/zyppnotify b/scripts/suse/zypper/plugins/commit/zyppnotify +index bacbc8b97e..e3528e87a9 100755 +--- a/scripts/suse/zypper/plugins/commit/zyppnotify ++++ b/scripts/suse/zypper/plugins/commit/zyppnotify +@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ +-#!/usr/bin/python ++#!/usr/bin/python3 + # + # Copyright (c) 2016 SUSE Linux LLC + # All Rights Reserved. +@@ -55,12 +55,18 @@ class DriftDetector(Plugin): + Hook when plugin closes Zypper's transaction. + """ + if "SALT_RUNNING" not in os.environ: +- with open(self.ck_path, "w") as ck_fh: +- ck_fh.write( +- "{chksum} {mtime}\n".format( +- chksum=self._get_checksum(), mtime=self._get_mtime() ++ try: ++ ck_dir = os.path.dirname(self.ck_path) ++ if not os.path.exists(ck_dir): ++ os.makedirs(ck_dir) ++ with open(self.ck_path, "w") as ck_fh: ++ ck_fh.write( ++ "{chksum} {mtime}\n".format( ++ chksum=self._get_checksum(), mtime=self._get_mtime() ++ ) + ) +- ) ++ except OSError as e: ++ print("Unable to save the cookie file: %s" % (e), file=sys.stderr) + + self.ack() + +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/prevent-possible-exception-in-tornado.concurrent.fut.patch b/prevent-possible-exception-in-tornado.concurrent.fut.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cdaf248 --- /dev/null +++ b/prevent-possible-exception-in-tornado.concurrent.fut.patch @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +From 859be3e8213d4b5814a18fa6e9f3f17bf65b3183 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Wed, 15 May 2024 09:45:26 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Prevent possible exception in + tornado.concurrent.Future._set_done + +--- + salt/ext/tornado/ | 13 +++++++------ + 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/ext/tornado/ b/salt/ext/tornado/ +index bea09ba125..011808ed27 100644 +--- a/salt/ext/tornado/ ++++ b/salt/ext/tornado/ +@@ -330,12 +330,13 @@ class Future(object): + + def _set_done(self): + self._done = True +- for cb in self._callbacks: +- try: +- cb(self) +- except Exception: +- app_log.exception("Exception in callback %r for %r", cb, self) +- self._callbacks = None ++ if self._callbacks: ++ for cb in self._callbacks: ++ try: ++ cb(self) ++ except Exception: ++ app_log.exception("Exception in callback %r for %r", cb, self) ++ self._callbacks = None + + # On Python 3.3 or older, objects with a destructor part of a reference + # cycle are never destroyed. It's no longer the case on Python 3.4 thanks to +-- +2.45.0 + diff --git a/prevent-possible-exceptions-on-salt.utils.user.get_g.patch b/prevent-possible-exceptions-on-salt.utils.user.get_g.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aa0f024 --- /dev/null +++ b/prevent-possible-exceptions-on-salt.utils.user.get_g.patch @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +From 4ea91a61abbb6ef001f057685370454c85b72c3a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2023 13:04:32 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Prevent possible exceptions on + salt.utils.user.get_group_dict (bsc#1212794) + +* Prevent KeyError on calling grp.getgrnam in case of improper group + +* Add test of calling salt.utils.user.get_group_dict + +for the user having improper duplicate group + +* Update tests/pytests/functional/utils/user/ + +Co-authored-by: Pedro Algarvio + +--------- + +Co-authored-by: Pedro Algarvio +--- + salt/utils/ | 6 +++++- + .../utils/user/ | 17 +++++++++++++++++ + 2 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/functional/utils/user/ + +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index 9763667443..2f1ca65cf9 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -352,7 +352,11 @@ def get_group_dict(user=None, include_default=True): + group_dict = {} + group_names = get_group_list(user, include_default=include_default) + for group in group_names: +- group_dict.update({group: grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid}) ++ try: ++ group_dict.update({group: grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid}) ++ except KeyError: ++ # In case if imporer duplicate group was returned by get_group_list ++ pass + return group_dict + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/utils/user/ b/tests/pytests/functional/utils/user/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..653d664607 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/utils/user/ +@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ ++import logging ++ ++import pytest ++ ++import salt.utils.platform ++import salt.utils.user ++from import patch ++ ++log = logging.getLogger(__name__) ++ ++pytestmark = [ ++ pytest.mark.skip_unless_on_linux(reason="Should only run in platforms which have duplicate GID support"), ++] ++def test_get_group_dict_with_improper_duplicate_root_group(): ++ with patch("salt.utils.user.get_group_list", return_value=["+", "root"]): ++ group_list = salt.utils.user.get_group_dict("root") ++ assert group_list == {"root": 0} +-- +2.41.0 + diff --git a/prevent-shell-injection-via-pre_flight_script_args-4.patch b/prevent-shell-injection-via-pre_flight_script_args-4.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..14376a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/prevent-shell-injection-via-pre_flight_script_args-4.patch @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +From 1b4e382856e1d5d8ef95890aec5a8e5e07254708 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2022 14:25:43 +0000 +Subject: [PATCH] Prevent shell injection via pre_flight_script_args + (#497) + +Add tests around preflight script args + +Readjust logic to validate script args + +Use RLock to prevent issues in single threads +--- + salt/_logging/ | 2 +- + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/salt/_logging/ b/salt/_logging/ +index e050f43caf..2d1a276cb8 100644 +--- a/salt/_logging/ ++++ b/salt/_logging/ +@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ DFLT_LOG_FMT_LOGFILE = "%(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d [%(name)-17s:%(lineno)-4d][%(lev + + # LOG_LOCK is used to prevent deadlocks on using logging + # in combination with multiprocessing with salt-api +-LOG_LOCK = threading.Lock() ++LOG_LOCK = threading.RLock() + + + class SaltLogRecord(logging.LogRecord): +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/prevent-using-syncwrapper-with-no-reason.patch b/prevent-using-syncwrapper-with-no-reason.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a2db38f --- /dev/null +++ b/prevent-using-syncwrapper-with-no-reason.patch @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +From 936c298c177a50783b080c445745bedf77050cb0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 14:04:40 +0300 +Subject: [PATCH] Prevent using SyncWrapper with no reason + +--- + salt/channel/ | 2 +- + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/salt/channel/ b/salt/channel/ +index b6d51fef08..f1b6f701a9 100644 +--- a/salt/channel/ ++++ b/salt/channel/ +@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class ReqServerChannel: + # other things needed for _auth + # Create the event manager + self.event = salt.utils.event.get_master_event( +- self.opts, self.opts["sock_dir"], listen=False ++ self.opts, self.opts["sock_dir"], listen=False, io_loop=io_loop + ) + self.auto_key = salt.daemons.masterapi.AutoKey(self.opts) + # only create a con_cache-client if the con_cache is active +-- +2.46.1 + diff --git a/provide-systemd-timer-unit.patch b/provide-systemd-timer-unit.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d6162ac --- /dev/null +++ b/provide-systemd-timer-unit.patch @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +From e3809178f7f6db4b0a5dcca48441100cec45c69d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Marek Czernek +Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2024 10:11:26 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Provide systemd timer unit + +--- + pkg/common/venv-salt-minion-postinstall.service | 7 +++++++ + pkg/common/venv-salt-minion-postinstall.timer | 9 +++++++++ + 2 files changed, 16 insertions(+) + create mode 100644 pkg/common/venv-salt-minion-postinstall.service + create mode 100644 pkg/common/venv-salt-minion-postinstall.timer + +diff --git a/pkg/common/venv-salt-minion-postinstall.service b/pkg/common/venv-salt-minion-postinstall.service +new file mode 100644 +index 00000000000..b122d7d6eab +--- /dev/null ++++ b/pkg/common/venv-salt-minion-postinstall.service +@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ ++[Unit] ++Description=Clean old environment for venv-salt-minion ++ ++[Service] ++ExecStart=/bin/sh -c '/usr/lib/venv-salt-minion/bin/ || :' ++Type=oneshot ++ +diff --git a/pkg/common/venv-salt-minion-postinstall.timer b/pkg/common/venv-salt-minion-postinstall.timer +new file mode 100644 +index 00000000000..e6bd86d86e7 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/pkg/common/venv-salt-minion-postinstall.timer +@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ ++[Unit] ++Description=Clean old venv-salt-minion environment in 60 seconds ++ ++[Timer] ++OnActiveSec=60 ++ ++[Install] ++ +-- +2.45.1 + diff --git a/read-repo-info-without-using-interpolation-bsc-11356.patch b/read-repo-info-without-using-interpolation-bsc-11356.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..29cfec7 --- /dev/null +++ b/read-repo-info-without-using-interpolation-bsc-11356.patch @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +From ce0fedf25dea7eb63ccff8f9b90a9a35571a5f9d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Mihai Dinca +Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2019 15:11:49 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Read repo info without using interpolation + (bsc#1135656) + +--- + salt/modules/ | 4 +++- + 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 6adf5f9aa3..d8220a1fdd 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -1155,7 +1155,9 @@ def _get_repo_info(alias, repos_cfg=None, root=None): + Get one repo meta-data. + """ + try: +- meta = dict((repos_cfg or _get_configured_repos(root=root)).items(alias)) ++ meta = dict( ++ (repos_cfg or _get_configured_repos(root=root)).items(alias, raw=True) ++ ) + meta["alias"] = alias + for key, val in meta.items(): + if val in ["0", "1"]: +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/remove-redundant-_file_find-call-to-the-master.patch b/remove-redundant-_file_find-call-to-the-master.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3487c29 --- /dev/null +++ b/remove-redundant-_file_find-call-to-the-master.patch @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +From 768495df67725ae840b06d321bef8299eca2368a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Wed, 15 May 2024 09:47:40 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Remove redundant `_file_find` call to the master + +--- + salt/ | 10 ++-------- + 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ +index f01a86dd0d..f4b8d76dbe 100644 +--- a/salt/ ++++ b/salt/ +@@ -1162,10 +1162,7 @@ class RemoteClient(Client): + if senv: + saltenv = senv + +- if not salt.utils.platform.is_windows(): +- hash_server, stat_server = self.hash_and_stat_file(path, saltenv) +- else: +- hash_server = self.hash_file(path, saltenv) ++ hash_server = self.hash_file(path, saltenv) + + # Check if file exists on server, before creating files and + # directories +@@ -1206,10 +1203,7 @@ class RemoteClient(Client): + ) + + if dest2check and os.path.isfile(dest2check): +- if not salt.utils.platform.is_windows(): +- hash_local, stat_local = self.hash_and_stat_file(dest2check, saltenv) +- else: +- hash_local = self.hash_file(dest2check, saltenv) ++ hash_local = self.hash_file(dest2check, saltenv) + + if hash_local == hash_server: + return dest2check +-- +2.45.0 + diff --git a/remove-redundant-run_func-from-salt.master.mworker._.patch b/remove-redundant-run_func-from-salt.master.mworker._.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5fd4641 --- /dev/null +++ b/remove-redundant-run_func-from-salt.master.mworker._.patch @@ -0,0 +1,224 @@ +From ff789d88541954e4fc1678dff728bc6a3ea7472e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2024 14:30:27 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Remove redundant run_func from + salt.master.MWorker._handle_aes + +* New request context + +* Fix docs + +* Remove redundant run_func from salt.master.MWorker._handle_aes + +* Get rid of run_func in salt.Minion._target + +--------- + +Co-authored-by: Daniel A. Wozniak +--- + doc/topics/releases/3007.0.rst | 0 + salt/_logging/ | 15 ++++++--- + salt/ | 12 ++----- + salt/ | 10 ++---- + salt/utils/ | 60 +++++++++++----------------------- + 5 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-) + create mode 100644 doc/topics/releases/3007.0.rst + +diff --git a/doc/topics/releases/3007.0.rst b/doc/topics/releases/3007.0.rst +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..e69de29bb2 +diff --git a/salt/_logging/ b/salt/_logging/ +index 1d71cb8be8..4d1ebd2495 100644 +--- a/salt/_logging/ ++++ b/salt/_logging/ +@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ GARBAGE = logging.GARBAGE = 1 + QUIET = logging.QUIET = 1000 + + import salt.defaults.exitcodes # isort:skip pylint: disable=unused-import ++import salt.utils.ctx ++ + from salt._logging.handlers import DeferredStreamHandler # isort:skip + from salt._logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler # isort:skip + from salt._logging.handlers import StreamHandler # isort:skip +@@ -33,7 +35,6 @@ from salt._logging.handlers import SysLogHandler # isort:skip + from salt._logging.handlers import WatchedFileHandler # isort:skip + from salt._logging.mixins import LoggingMixinMeta # isort:skip + from salt.exceptions import LoggingRuntimeError # isort:skip +-from salt.utils.ctx import RequestContext # isort:skip + from salt.utils.immutabletypes import freeze, ImmutableDict # isort:skip + from salt.utils.textformat import TextFormat # isort:skip + +@@ -242,10 +243,14 @@ class SaltLoggingClass(LOGGING_LOGGER_CLASS, metaclass=LoggingMixinMeta): + if extra is None: + extra = {} + +- # pylint: disable=no-member +- current_jid = RequestContext.current.get("data", {}).get("jid", None) +- log_fmt_jid = RequestContext.current.get("opts", {}).get("log_fmt_jid", None) +- # pylint: enable=no-member ++ current_jid = ( ++ salt.utils.ctx.get_request_context().get("data", {}).get("jid", None) ++ ) ++ log_fmt_jid = ( ++ salt.utils.ctx.get_request_context() ++ .get("opts", {}) ++ .get("log_fmt_jid", None) ++ ) + + if current_jid is not None: + extra["jid"] = current_jid +diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ +index d7182d10b5..49cfb68860 100644 +--- a/salt/ ++++ b/salt/ +@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import salt.state + import salt.utils.args + import salt.utils.atomicfile + import salt.utils.crypt ++import salt.utils.ctx + import salt.utils.event + import salt.utils.files + import salt.utils.gitfs +@@ -58,10 +59,8 @@ import salt.wheel + from salt.cli.batch_async import BatchAsync, batch_async_required + from salt.config import DEFAULT_INTERVAL + from salt.defaults import DEFAULT_TARGET_DELIM +-from salt.ext.tornado.stack_context import StackContext + from salt.transport import TRANSPORTS + from import iter_transport_opts +-from salt.utils.ctx import RequestContext + from salt.utils.debug import ( + enable_sigusr1_handler, + enable_sigusr2_handler, +@@ -1108,13 +1107,8 @@ class MWorker(salt.utils.process.SignalHandlingProcess): + start = time.time() + self.stats[cmd]["runs"] += 1 + +- def run_func(data): +- return self.aes_funcs.run_func(data["cmd"], data) +- +- with StackContext( +- functools.partial(RequestContext, {"data": data, "opts": self.opts}) +- ): +- ret = run_func(data) ++ with salt.utils.ctx.request_context({"data": data, "opts": self.opts}): ++ ret = self.aes_funcs.run_func(data["cmd"], data) + + if self.opts["master_stats"]: + self._post_stats(start, cmd) +diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ +index 2ccd0cd5a9..e21a017cfd 100644 +--- a/salt/ ++++ b/salt/ +@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import salt.transport + import salt.utils.args + import salt.utils.context + import salt.utils.crypt ++import salt.utils.ctx + import + import salt.utils.dictdiffer + import salt.utils.dictupdate +@@ -70,7 +71,6 @@ from salt.exceptions import ( + SaltSystemExit, + ) + from salt.template import SLS_ENCODING +-from salt.utils.ctx import RequestContext + from salt.utils.debug import enable_sigusr1_handler + from salt.utils.event import tagify + from import parse_host_port +@@ -1805,18 +1805,12 @@ class Minion(MinionBase): + uid = salt.utils.user.get_uid(user=opts.get("user", None)) + minion_instance.proc_dir = get_proc_dir(opts["cachedir"], uid=uid) + +- def run_func(minion_instance, opts, data): ++ with salt.utils.ctx.request_context({"data": data, "opts": opts}): + if isinstance(data["fun"], tuple) or isinstance(data["fun"], list): + return Minion._thread_multi_return(minion_instance, opts, data) + else: + return Minion._thread_return(minion_instance, opts, data) + +- with salt.ext.tornado.stack_context.StackContext( +- functools.partial(RequestContext, {"data": data, "opts": opts}) +- ): +- with salt.ext.tornado.stack_context.StackContext(minion_instance.ctx): +- run_func(minion_instance, opts, data) +- + def _execute_job_function( + self, function_name, function_args, executors, opts, data + ): +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index a9c0931bd8..2f4b5b4c9b 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -1,49 +1,27 @@ +-import threading ++import contextlib + ++try: ++ # Try the stdlib C extension first ++ import _contextvars as contextvars ++except ImportError: ++ # Py<3.7 ++ import contextvars + +-class ClassProperty(property): +- """ +- Use a classmethod as a property +- +- """ ++DEFAULT_CTX_VAR = "request_ctxvar" ++request_ctxvar = contextvars.ContextVar(DEFAULT_CTX_VAR) + +- def __get__(self, cls, owner): +- return self.fget.__get__(None, owner)() # pylint: disable=no-member + +- +-class RequestContext: ++@contextlib.contextmanager ++def request_context(data): + """ +- A context manager that saves some per-thread state globally. +- Intended for use with Tornado's StackContext. +- +- Simply import this class into any module and access the current request handler by this +- class's class method property 'current'. If it returns None, there's no active request. +- .. code:: python +- from raas.utils.ctx import RequestContext +- current_request_handler = RequestContext.current ++ A context manager that sets and un-sets the loader context + """ ++ tok = request_ctxvar.set(data) ++ try: ++ yield ++ finally: ++ request_ctxvar.reset(tok) + +- _state = threading.local() +- _state.current_request = {} +- +- def __init__(self, current_request): +- self._current_request = current_request +- +- @ClassProperty +- @classmethod +- def current(cls): +- if not hasattr(cls._state, "current_request"): +- return {} +- return cls._state.current_request +- +- def __enter__(self): +- self._prev_request = self.__class__.current +- self.__class__._state.current_request = self._current_request +- +- def __exit__(self, *exc): +- self.__class__._state.current_request = self._prev_request +- del self._prev_request +- return False + +- def __call__(self): +- return self ++def get_request_context(): ++ return request_ctxvar.get({}) +-- +2.46.0 + diff --git a/remove-unused-import-causing-delays-on-starting-salt.patch b/remove-unused-import-causing-delays-on-starting-salt.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..12e6843 --- /dev/null +++ b/remove-unused-import-causing-delays-on-starting-salt.patch @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +From 032a470b6a2dbffbdee52c4f6a2a7fc40e3b6f85 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Wed, 15 May 2024 09:18:42 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Remove unused import causing delays on starting + salt-master + +--- + salt/utils/ | 1 - + 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index 21d34b7edd..082b698522 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import logging + import os + import re + +-import salt.auth.ldap + import salt.cache + import salt.payload + import salt.roster +-- +2.45.0 + diff --git a/replace-use-of-pygit2-deprecated-and-removed-1.15.0-.patch b/replace-use-of-pygit2-deprecated-and-removed-1.15.0-.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..789a7ea --- /dev/null +++ b/replace-use-of-pygit2-deprecated-and-removed-1.15.0-.patch @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +From 3f3c8d80427c9d90bea5fbca785b210260d33a0f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Marek Czernek +Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:15:02 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Replace use of pygit2 deprecated and removed (1.15.0) + oid with id (#673) + +Co-authored-by: David Murphy +--- + salt/utils/ | 31 ++++++++++++++++--------------- + 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index 061647edaca..f3902c1f19a 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -1683,7 +1683,7 @@ class Pygit2(GitProvider): + # remote ref. + self.repo.checkout(checkout_ref) + if branch: +- self.repo.reset(oid, pygit2.GIT_RESET_HARD) ++ self.repo.reset(pygit2_id, pygit2.GIT_RESET_HARD) + return True + except GitLockError as exc: + if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST: +@@ -1714,11 +1714,11 @@ class Pygit2(GitProvider): + tag_ref = "refs/tags/" + tgt_ref + if remote_ref in refs: + # Get commit id for the remote ref +- oid = self.peel(self.repo.lookup_reference(remote_ref)).id ++ pygit2_id = self.peel(self.repo.lookup_reference(remote_ref)).id + if local_ref not in refs: + # No local branch for this remote, so create one and point + # it at the commit id of the remote ref +- self.repo.create_reference(local_ref, oid) ++ self.repo.create_reference(local_ref, pygit2_id) + + try: + target_sha = self.peel(self.repo.lookup_reference(remote_ref)).hex +@@ -1749,7 +1749,8 @@ class Pygit2(GitProvider): + # cachedir). + head_ref = + # If head_ref is not a string, it will point to a +- # pygit2.Oid object and we are in detached HEAD mode. ++ # object (oid is deprecated and removed) and ++ # we are in detached HEAD mode. + # Therefore, there is no need to add a local reference. If + # head_ref == local_ref, then the local reference for HEAD + # in refs/heads/ already exists and again, no need to add. +@@ -1918,10 +1919,10 @@ class Pygit2(GitProvider): + the empty directories within it in the "blobs" list + """ + for entry in iter(tree): +- if entry.oid not in self.repo: ++ if not in self.repo: + # Entry is a submodule, skip it + continue +- blob = self.repo[entry.oid] ++ blob = self.repo[] + if not isinstance(blob, pygit2.Tree): + continue + blobs.append( +@@ -1940,8 +1941,8 @@ class Pygit2(GitProvider): + return ret + if self.root(tgt_env): + try: +- oid = tree[self.root(tgt_env)].oid +- tree = self.repo[oid] ++ pygit2_id = tree[self.root(tgt_env)].id ++ tree = self.repo[pygit2_id] + except KeyError: + return ret + if not isinstance(tree, pygit2.Tree): +@@ -2056,17 +2057,17 @@ class Pygit2(GitProvider): + the file paths and symlink info in the "blobs" dict + """ + for entry in iter(tree): +- if entry.oid not in self.repo: ++ if not in self.repo: + # Entry is a submodule, skip it + continue +- obj = self.repo[entry.oid] ++ obj = self.repo[] + if isinstance(obj, pygit2.Blob): + repo_path = salt.utils.path.join( + prefix,, use_posixpath=True + ) + blobs.setdefault("files", []).append(repo_path) + if stat.S_ISLNK(tree[].filemode): +- link_tgt = self.repo[tree[].oid].data ++ link_tgt = self.repo[tree[].id].data + blobs.setdefault("symlinks", {})[repo_path] = link_tgt + elif isinstance(obj, pygit2.Tree): + _traverse( +@@ -2085,8 +2086,8 @@ class Pygit2(GitProvider): + try: + # This might need to be changed to account for a root that + # spans more than one directory +- oid = tree[self.root(tgt_env)].oid +- tree = self.repo[oid] ++ pygit2_id = tree[self.root(tgt_env)].id ++ tree = self.repo[pygit2_id] + except KeyError: + return files, symlinks + if not isinstance(tree, pygit2.Tree): +@@ -2130,12 +2131,12 @@ class Pygit2(GitProvider): + # path's object ID will be the target of the symlink. Follow + # the symlink and set path to the location indicated + # in the blob data. +- link_tgt = self.repo[entry.oid].data ++ link_tgt = self.repo[].data + path = salt.utils.path.join( + os.path.dirname(path), link_tgt, use_posixpath=True + ) + else: +- blob = self.repo[entry.oid] ++ blob = self.repo[] + if isinstance(blob, pygit2.Tree): + # Path is a directory, not a file. + blob = None +-- +2.46.0 + diff --git a/restore-default-behaviour-of-pkg-list-return.patch b/restore-default-behaviour-of-pkg-list-return.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dd1c0aa --- /dev/null +++ b/restore-default-behaviour-of-pkg-list-return.patch @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ +From a1a8b5a886705e5f005cb7ab067e42095066ef80 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Jochen Breuer +Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2019 14:20:06 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Restore default behaviour of pkg list return + +The default behaviour for pkg list return was to not include patches, +even when installing patches. Only the packages where returned. There +is now parameter to also return patches if that is needed. + +Co-authored-by: Mihai Dinca +--- + salt/modules/ | 34 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------- + 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 9d16fcb0b1..6adf5f9aa3 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -1456,8 +1456,10 @@ def refresh_db(force=None, root=None): + return ret + + +-def _find_types(pkgs): ++def _detect_includes(pkgs, inclusion_detection): + """Form a package names list, find prefixes of packages types.""" ++ if not inclusion_detection: ++ return None + return sorted({pkg.split(":", 1)[0] for pkg in pkgs if len(pkg.split(":", 1)) == 2}) + + +@@ -1473,6 +1475,7 @@ def install( + ignore_repo_failure=False, + no_recommends=False, + root=None, ++ inclusion_detection=False, + **kwargs + ): + """ +@@ -1588,6 +1591,9 @@ def install( + + .. versionadded:: 2018.3.0 + ++ inclusion_detection: ++ Detect ``includes`` based on ``sources`` ++ By default packages are always included + + Returns a dict containing the new package names and versions:: + +@@ -1663,7 +1669,8 @@ def install( + + diff_attr = kwargs.get("diff_attr") + +- includes = _find_types(targets) ++ includes = _detect_includes(targets, inclusion_detection) ++ + old = ( + list_pkgs(attr=diff_attr, root=root, includes=includes) + if not downloadonly +@@ -1964,7 +1971,7 @@ def upgrade( + return ret + + +-def _uninstall(name=None, pkgs=None, root=None): ++def _uninstall(inclusion_detection, name=None, pkgs=None, root=None): + """ + Remove and purge do identical things but with different Zypper commands, + this function performs the common logic. +@@ -1974,7 +1981,7 @@ def _uninstall(name=None, pkgs=None, root=None): + except MinionError as exc: + raise CommandExecutionError(exc) + +- includes = _find_types(pkg_params.keys()) ++ includes = _detect_includes(pkg_params.keys(), inclusion_detection) + old = list_pkgs(root=root, includes=includes) + targets = [] + for target in pkg_params: +@@ -2037,7 +2044,7 @@ def normalize_name(name): + + + def remove( +- name=None, pkgs=None, root=None, **kwargs ++ name=None, pkgs=None, root=None, inclusion_detection=False, **kwargs + ): # pylint: disable=unused-argument + """ + .. versionchanged:: 2015.8.12,2016.3.3,2016.11.0 +@@ -2069,8 +2076,11 @@ def remove( + root + Operate on a different root directory. + +- .. versionadded:: 0.16.0 ++ inclusion_detection: ++ Detect ``includes`` based on ``pkgs`` ++ By default packages are always included + ++ .. versionadded:: 0.16.0 + + Returns a dict containing the changes. + +@@ -2082,10 +2092,12 @@ def remove( + salt '*' pkg.remove ,, + salt '*' pkg.remove pkgs='["foo", "bar"]' + """ +- return _uninstall(name=name, pkgs=pkgs, root=root) ++ return _uninstall(inclusion_detection, name=name, pkgs=pkgs, root=root) + + +-def purge(name=None, pkgs=None, root=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument ++def purge( ++ name=None, pkgs=None, root=None, inclusion_detection=False, **kwargs ++): # pylint: disable=unused-argument + """ + .. versionchanged:: 2015.8.12,2016.3.3,2016.11.0 + On minions running systemd>=205, `systemd-run(1)`_ is now used to +@@ -2117,6 +2129,10 @@ def purge(name=None, pkgs=None, root=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused- + root + Operate on a different root directory. + ++ inclusion_detection: ++ Detect ``includes`` based on ``pkgs`` ++ By default packages are always included ++ + .. versionadded:: 0.16.0 + + +@@ -2130,7 +2146,7 @@ def purge(name=None, pkgs=None, root=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused- + salt '*' pkg.purge ,, + salt '*' pkg.purge pkgs='["foo", "bar"]' + """ +- return _uninstall(name=name, pkgs=pkgs, root=root) ++ return _uninstall(inclusion_detection, name=name, pkgs=pkgs, root=root) + + + def list_holds(pattern=None, full=True, root=None, **kwargs): +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/return-the-expected-powerpc-os-arch-bsc-1117995.patch b/return-the-expected-powerpc-os-arch-bsc-1117995.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b25ae08 --- /dev/null +++ b/return-the-expected-powerpc-os-arch-bsc-1117995.patch @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +From ceaf42a67d21cb6fa723339559c85be969e67308 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Mihai Dinca +Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2018 12:17:35 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Return the expected powerpc os arch (bsc#1117995) + +--- + salt/utils/pkg/ | 7 ++++--- + 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/utils/pkg/ b/salt/utils/pkg/ +index f9975f8dff..147447ba75 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/pkg/ ++++ b/salt/utils/pkg/ +@@ -69,9 +69,10 @@ def get_osarch(): + stderr=subprocess.PIPE, + ).communicate()[0] + else: +- ret = "".join([x for x in platform.uname()[-2:] if x][-1:]) +- +- return salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(ret).strip() or "unknown" ++ ret = "".join(list(filter(None, platform.uname()[-2:]))[-1:]) ++ ret = salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(ret).strip() or "unknown" ++ ARCH_FIXES_MAPPING = {"powerpc64le": "ppc64le"} ++ return ARCH_FIXES_MAPPING.get(ret, ret) + + + def check_32(arch, osarch=None): +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/revert-fixing-a-use-case-when-multiple-inotify-beaco.patch b/revert-fixing-a-use-case-when-multiple-inotify-beaco.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..824e34a --- /dev/null +++ b/revert-fixing-a-use-case-when-multiple-inotify-beaco.patch @@ -0,0 +1,216 @@ +From 76f2b98a3a9b9a49903a4d3b47dca0f2311bd7af Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Alexander Graul +Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2022 19:07:34 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Revert "Fixing a use case when multiple inotify beacons + are defined but when notifications are fired the configuration fron the first + beacon are used." Revert "Adding a util function to remove hidden (options + starting with underscore) from the beacon configuration. This is used when + the beacons loop through the configuration, eg. status beacon, and expect + certain options." + +This reverts commit 68a891ab2fe53ebf329b9c83b875f3575e87e266. +This reverts commit 66c58dedf8c364eaeb35c5adce8bcc8fe5c1219a. +--- + salt/beacons/ | 1 - + salt/beacons/ | 3 --- + salt/beacons/ | 24 ++++++++-------------- + salt/beacons/ | 6 ++---- + salt/beacons/ | 4 ---- + tests/pytests/unit/beacons/ | 5 +---- + tests/pytests/unit/ | 17 --------------- + 7 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/beacons/ b/salt/beacons/ +index b346c2a648..90918cba5b 100644 +--- a/salt/beacons/ ++++ b/salt/beacons/ +@@ -94,7 +94,6 @@ class Beacon: + log.error("Configuration for beacon must be a list.") + continue + +- b_config[mod].append({"_beacon_name": mod}) + fun_str = "{}.beacon".format(beacon_name) + if fun_str in self.beacons: + runonce = self._determine_beacon_config( +diff --git a/salt/beacons/ b/salt/beacons/ +index 5be33ff975..0b8d7c53e1 100644 +--- a/salt/beacons/ ++++ b/salt/beacons/ +@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ Beacon to monitor disk usage. + import logging + import re + +-import salt.utils.beacons + import salt.utils.platform + + try: +@@ -83,8 +82,6 @@ def beacon(config): + it will override the previously defined threshold. + + """ +- whitelist = [] +- config = salt.utils.beacons.remove_hidden_options(config, whitelist) + parts = psutil.disk_partitions(all=True) + ret = [] + for mounts in config: +diff --git a/salt/beacons/ b/salt/beacons/ +index 283b84fdc7..0dc60662a6 100644 +--- a/salt/beacons/ ++++ b/salt/beacons/ +@@ -67,19 +67,17 @@ def _get_notifier(config): + """ + Check the context for the notifier and construct it if not present + """ +- beacon_name = config.get("_beacon_name", "inotify") +- notifier = "{}.notifier".format(beacon_name) +- if notifier not in __context__: ++ if "inotify.notifier" not in __context__: + __context__["inotify.queue"] = collections.deque() + wm = pyinotify.WatchManager() +- __context__[notifier] = pyinotify.Notifier(wm, _enqueue) ++ __context__["inotify.notifier"] = pyinotify.Notifier(wm, _enqueue) + if ( + "coalesce" in config + and isinstance(config["coalesce"], bool) + and config["coalesce"] + ): +- __context__[notifier].coalesce_events() +- return __context__[notifier] ++ __context__["inotify.notifier"].coalesce_events() ++ return __context__["inotify.notifier"] + + + def validate(config): +@@ -239,9 +237,6 @@ def beacon(config): + being at the Notifier level in pyinotify. + """ + +- whitelist = ["_beacon_name"] +- config = salt.utils.beacons.remove_hidden_options(config, whitelist) +- + config = salt.utils.beacons.list_to_dict(config) + + ret = [] +@@ -264,7 +259,7 @@ def beacon(config): + break + path = os.path.dirname(path) + +- excludes = config["files"].get(path, {}).get("exclude", "") ++ excludes = config["files"][path].get("exclude", "") + + if excludes and isinstance(excludes, list): + for exclude in excludes: +@@ -351,9 +346,6 @@ def beacon(config): + + + def close(config): +- config = salt.utils.beacons.list_to_dict(config) +- beacon_name = config.get("_beacon_name", "inotify") +- notifier = "{}.notifier".format(beacon_name) +- if notifier in __context__: +- __context__[notifier].stop() +- del __context__[notifier] ++ if "inotify.notifier" in __context__: ++ __context__["inotify.notifier"].stop() ++ del __context__["inotify.notifier"] +diff --git a/salt/beacons/ b/salt/beacons/ +index 122d56edb7..692fbe07aa 100644 +--- a/salt/beacons/ ++++ b/salt/beacons/ +@@ -168,9 +168,10 @@ with a NTP server at a stratum level greater than 5. + """ + + import logging ++ ++# Import Python std lib + import re + +-import salt.utils.beacons + import salt.utils.napalm + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) +@@ -306,9 +307,6 @@ def beacon(config): + """ + Watch napalm function and fire events. + """ +- whitelist = [] +- config = salt.utils.beacons.remove_hidden_options(config, whitelist) +- + log.debug("Executing napalm beacon with config:") + log.debug(config) + ret = [] +diff --git a/salt/beacons/ b/salt/beacons/ +index aa5aa13b47..e2c3177ea8 100644 +--- a/salt/beacons/ ++++ b/salt/beacons/ +@@ -91,7 +91,6 @@ import datetime + import logging + + import salt.exceptions +-import salt.utils.beacons + import salt.utils.platform + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) +@@ -119,9 +118,6 @@ def beacon(config): + log.debug(config) + ctime = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + +- whitelist = [] +- config = salt.utils.beacons.remove_hidden_options(config, whitelist) +- + if not config: + config = [ + { +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/beacons/ b/tests/pytests/unit/beacons/ +index 30a9a91db4..678a528529 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/beacons/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/beacons/ +@@ -263,7 +263,6 @@ def test_multi_files_exclude(tmp_path): + + + # Check __get_notifier and ensure that the right bits are in __context__ +-# including a beacon_name specific notifier is found. + def test__get_notifier(): + config = { + "files": { +@@ -293,10 +292,8 @@ def test__get_notifier(): + }, + }, + "coalesce": True, +- "beacon_module": "inotify", +- "_beacon_name": "httpd.inotify", + } + + ret = inotify._get_notifier(config) + assert "inotify.queue" in inotify.__context__ +- assert "httpd.inotify.notifier" in inotify.__context__ ++ assert "inotify.notifier" in inotify.__context__ +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/ b/tests/pytests/unit/ +index 217cd5c6a4..855e271d7d 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/ +@@ -104,20 +104,3 @@ def test_beacon_module(minion_opts): + } + ] + assert ret == _expected +- +- # Ensure that "beacon_name" is available in the call to the beacon function +- name = "ps.beacon" +- mocked = {name: MagicMock(return_value=_expected)} +- mocked[name].__globals__ = {} +- calls = [ +- call( +- [ +- {"processes": {"apache2": "stopped"}}, +- {"beacon_module": "ps"}, +- {"_beacon_name": "watch_apache"}, +- ] +- ) +- ] +- with patch.object(beacon, "beacons", mocked) as patched: +- beacon.process(minion_opts["beacons"], minion_opts["grains"]) +- patched[name].assert_has_calls(calls) +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/revert-make-sure-configured-user-is-properly-set-by-.patch b/revert-make-sure-configured-user-is-properly-set-by-.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea53dd9 --- /dev/null +++ b/revert-make-sure-configured-user-is-properly-set-by-.patch @@ -0,0 +1,194 @@ +From d9980c8d2cfedfd6f08543face6ee7e34e9d1b54 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2023 09:23:58 +0000 +Subject: [PATCH] Revert "Make sure configured user is properly set by + Salt (bsc#1210994) (#596)" (#614) + +This reverts commit 5ea4add5c8e2bed50b9825edfff7565e5f6124f3. +--- + pkg/common/salt-master.service | 1 - + pkg/old/deb/salt-master.service | 1 - + pkg/old/suse/salt-master.service | 1 - + salt/cli/ | 27 ------------------- + salt/cli/ | 8 ------ + salt/utils/ | 4 +-- + .../integration/cli/ | 4 +-- + 7 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/pkg/common/salt-master.service b/pkg/common/salt-master.service +index 257ecc283f..377c87afeb 100644 +--- a/pkg/common/salt-master.service ++++ b/pkg/common/salt-master.service +@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ LimitNOFILE=100000 + Type=notify + NotifyAccess=all + ExecStart=/usr/bin/salt-master +-User=salt + + [Install] + +diff --git a/pkg/old/deb/salt-master.service b/pkg/old/deb/salt-master.service +index f9dca296b4..b5d0cdd22c 100644 +--- a/pkg/old/deb/salt-master.service ++++ b/pkg/old/deb/salt-master.service +@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ LimitNOFILE=16384 + Type=notify + NotifyAccess=all + ExecStart=/usr/bin/salt-master +-User=salt + + [Install] + +diff --git a/pkg/old/suse/salt-master.service b/pkg/old/suse/salt-master.service +index caabca511c..9e002d16ca 100644 +--- a/pkg/old/suse/salt-master.service ++++ b/pkg/old/suse/salt-master.service +@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ LimitNOFILE=100000 + Type=simple + ExecStart=/usr/bin/salt-master + TasksMax=infinity +-User=salt + + [Install] + +diff --git a/salt/cli/ b/salt/cli/ +index c9ee9ced91..ecc05c919e 100644 +--- a/salt/cli/ ++++ b/salt/cli/ +@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import logging + import os + import warnings + +-import salt.defaults.exitcodes + import salt.utils.kinds as kinds + from salt.exceptions import SaltClientError, SaltSystemExit, get_error_message + from salt.utils import migrations +@@ -74,16 +73,6 @@ class DaemonsMixin: # pylint: disable=no-init + self.__class__.__name__, + ) + +- def verify_user(self): +- """ +- Verify Salt configured user for Salt and shutdown daemon if not valid. +- +- :return: +- """ +- if not check_user(self.config["user"]): +- self.action_log_info("Cannot switch to configured user for Salt. Exiting") +- self.shutdown(salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_NOUSER) +- + def action_log_info(self, action): + """ + Say daemon starting. +@@ -189,10 +178,6 @@ class Master( + self.config["interface"] = ip_bracket(self.config["interface"]) + migrations.migrate_paths(self.config) + +- # Ensure configured user is valid and environment is properly set +- # before initializating rest of the stack. +- self.verify_user() +- + # Late import so logging works correctly + import salt.master + +@@ -305,10 +290,6 @@ class Minion( + + transport = self.config.get("transport").lower() + +- # Ensure configured user is valid and environment is properly set +- # before initializating rest of the stack. +- self.verify_user() +- + try: + # Late import so logging works correctly + import salt.minion +@@ -497,10 +478,6 @@ class ProxyMinion( + self.action_log_info("An instance is already running. Exiting") + self.shutdown(1) + +- # Ensure configured user is valid and environment is properly set +- # before initializating rest of the stack. +- self.verify_user() +- + # TODO: AIO core is separate from transport + # Late import so logging works correctly + import salt.minion +@@ -599,10 +576,6 @@ class Syndic( + + self.action_log_info('Setting up "{}"'.format(self.config["id"])) + +- # Ensure configured user is valid and environment is properly set +- # before initializating rest of the stack. +- self.verify_user() +- + # Late import so logging works correctly + import salt.minion + +diff --git a/salt/cli/ b/salt/cli/ +index 672f32b8c0..6048cb5f58 100644 +--- a/salt/cli/ ++++ b/salt/cli/ +@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@ + import sys + + import salt.client.ssh +-import salt.defaults.exitcodes + import salt.utils.parsers +-from salt.utils.verify import check_user + + + class SaltSSH(salt.utils.parsers.SaltSSHOptionParser): +@@ -17,11 +15,5 @@ class SaltSSH(salt.utils.parsers.SaltSSHOptionParser): + # that won't be used anyways with -H or --hosts + self.parse_args() + +- if not check_user(self.config["user"]): +- self.exit( +- salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_NOUSER, +- "Cannot switch to configured user for Salt. Exiting", +- ) +- + ssh = salt.client.ssh.SSH(self.config) + +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index 7899fbe538..879128f231 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -335,8 +335,8 @@ def check_user(user): + + # We could just reset the whole environment but let's just override + # the variables we can get from pwuser +- # We ensure HOME is always present and set according to pwuser +- os.environ["HOME"] = pwuser.pw_dir ++ if "HOME" in os.environ: ++ os.environ["HOME"] = pwuser.pw_dir + + if "SHELL" in os.environ: + os.environ["SHELL"] = pwuser.pw_shell +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/cli/ b/tests/pytests/integration/cli/ +index bde2dd51d7..c0d6013474 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/integration/cli/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/cli/ +@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ def test_exit_status_unknown_user(salt_master, minion_id): + factory = salt_master.salt_minion_daemon( + minion_id, overrides={"user": "unknown-user"} + ) +- factory.start(start_timeout=30, max_start_attempts=1) ++ factory.start(start_timeout=10, max_start_attempts=1) + + assert exc.value.process_result.returncode == salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_NOUSER + assert "The user is not available." in exc.value.process_result.stderr +@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ def test_exit_status_unknown_argument(salt_master, minion_id): + """ + with pytest.raises(FactoryNotStarted) as exc: + factory = salt_master.salt_minion_daemon(minion_id) +- factory.start("--unknown-argument", start_timeout=30, max_start_attempts=1) ++ factory.start("--unknown-argument", start_timeout=10, max_start_attempts=1) + + assert exc.value.process_result.returncode == salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_USAGE + assert "Usage" in exc.value.process_result.stderr +-- +2.42.0 + + diff --git a/revert-setting-selinux-context-for-minion-service-bs.patch b/revert-setting-selinux-context-for-minion-service-bs.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7ba3190 --- /dev/null +++ b/revert-setting-selinux-context-for-minion-service-bs.patch @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +From 7217fccdce5df73fda1a8378dc7120642ffe8181 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 15:31:26 +0300 +Subject: [PATCH] Revert setting SELinux context for minion service + (bsc#1233667) + +This reverts commit d933c8f0795fdada84a01a2cc754586fa720993d. +--- + pkg/common/salt-minion.service | 1 - + pkg/old/deb/salt-minion.service | 1 - + pkg/old/suse/salt-minion.service | 1 - + pkg/old/suse/salt-minion.service.rhel7 | 1 - + 4 files changed, 4 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/pkg/common/salt-minion.service b/pkg/common/salt-minion.service +index 696d0263c3..69aff18c58 100644 +--- a/pkg/common/salt-minion.service ++++ b/pkg/common/salt-minion.service +@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ Type=notify + NotifyAccess=all + LimitNOFILE=8192 + ExecStart=/usr/bin/salt-minion +-SELinuxContext=system_u:system_r:unconfined_t:s0 + + [Install] + +diff --git a/pkg/old/deb/salt-minion.service b/pkg/old/deb/salt-minion.service +index b0ad82c133..7e6cf14654 100644 +--- a/pkg/old/deb/salt-minion.service ++++ b/pkg/old/deb/salt-minion.service +@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ KillMode=process + NotifyAccess=all + LimitNOFILE=8192 + ExecStart=/usr/bin/salt-minion +-SELinuxContext=system_u:system_r:unconfined_t:s0 + + [Install] + +diff --git a/pkg/old/suse/salt-minion.service b/pkg/old/suse/salt-minion.service +index b99ef06352..12f28314cb 100644 +--- a/pkg/old/suse/salt-minion.service ++++ b/pkg/old/suse/salt-minion.service +@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ ExecStart=/usr/bin/salt-minion + KillMode=process + Restart=on-failure + RestartSec=15 +-SELinuxContext=system_u:system_r:unconfined_t:s0 + + [Install] + +diff --git a/pkg/old/suse/salt-minion.service.rhel7 b/pkg/old/suse/salt-minion.service.rhel7 +index 92cc66d32f..6917267714 100644 +--- a/pkg/old/suse/salt-minion.service.rhel7 ++++ b/pkg/old/suse/salt-minion.service.rhel7 +@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ ExecStart=/usr/bin/salt-minion + KillMode=process + Restart=on-failure + RestartSec=15 +-SELinuxContext=system_u:system_r:unconfined_t:s0 + + [Install] + +-- +2.47.1 + diff --git a/revert-the-change-making-reactor-less-blocking-bsc-1.patch b/revert-the-change-making-reactor-less-blocking-bsc-1.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3212dca --- /dev/null +++ b/revert-the-change-making-reactor-less-blocking-bsc-1.patch @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +From c00801d2f9807e49769d0e0d848ec12be555dbc1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 14:07:05 +0300 +Subject: [PATCH] Revert the change making reactor less blocking + (bsc#1230322) + +This reverts commit 0d35f09288700f5c961567442c3fcc25838b8de4. +--- + salt/utils/ | 45 ++++++++++++++++--------------------------- + 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index 78adad34da..19420a51cf 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@ + """ + Functions which implement running reactor jobs + """ +- + import fnmatch + import glob + import logging + import os +-from threading import Lock + + import salt.client + import salt.defaults.exitcodes +@@ -196,6 +194,13 @@ class Reactor(salt.utils.process.SignalHandlingProcess, salt.state.Compiler): + self.resolve_aliases(chunks) + return chunks + ++ def call_reactions(self, chunks): ++ """ ++ Execute the reaction state ++ """ ++ for chunk in chunks: ++ ++ + def run(self): + """ + Enter into the server loop +@@ -213,7 +218,7 @@ class Reactor(salt.utils.process.SignalHandlingProcess, salt.state.Compiler): + ) as event: + self.wrap = ReactWrap(self.opts) + +- for data in event.iter_events(full=True, auto_reconnect=True): ++ for data in event.iter_events(full=True): + # skip all events fired by ourselves + if data["data"].get("user") == self.wrap.event_user: + continue +@@ -263,9 +268,15 @@ class Reactor(salt.utils.process.SignalHandlingProcess, salt.state.Compiler): + if not self.is_leader: + continue + else: +- self.wrap.call_reactions( +- data, self.list_reactors, self.reactions +- ) ++ reactors = self.list_reactors(data["tag"]) ++ if not reactors: ++ continue ++ chunks = self.reactions(data["tag"], data["data"], reactors) ++ if chunks: ++ try: ++ self.call_reactions(chunks) ++ except SystemExit: ++ log.warning("Exit ignored by reactor") + + + class ReactWrap: +@@ -286,7 +297,6 @@ class ReactWrap: + + def __init__(self, opts): + self.opts = opts +- self._run_lock = Lock() + if ReactWrap.client_cache is None: + ReactWrap.client_cache = salt.utils.cache.CacheDict( + opts["reactor_refresh_interval"] +@@ -470,24 +480,3 @@ class ReactWrap: + Wrap LocalCaller to execute remote exec functions locally on the Minion + """ + self.client_cache["caller"].cmd(fun, *kwargs["arg"], **kwargs["kwarg"]) +- +- def _call_reactions(self, data, list_reactors, get_reactions): +- reactors = list_reactors(data["tag"]) +- if not reactors: +- return +- chunks = get_reactions(data["tag"], data["data"], reactors) +- if not chunks: +- return +- with self._run_lock: +- try: +- for chunk in chunks: +- +- except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except +- log.error( +- "Exception while calling the reactions: %s", exc, exc_info=True +- ) +- +- def call_reactions(self, data, list_reactors, get_reactions): +- return self.pool.fire_async( +- self._call_reactions, args=(data, list_reactors, get_reactions) +- ) +-- +2.46.1 + diff --git a/revert-usage-of-long-running-req-channel-bsc-1213960.patch b/revert-usage-of-long-running-req-channel-bsc-1213960.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc51aab --- /dev/null +++ b/revert-usage-of-long-running-req-channel-bsc-1213960.patch @@ -0,0 +1,418 @@ +From 3cc2aee2290bd9a4fba9e0cebe3b65370aa76af6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2023 08:22:44 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Revert usage of long running REQ channel (bsc#1213960, + bsc#1213630, bsc#1213257) + +* Revert usage of long running REQ channel (bsc#1213960, bsc#1213630, bsc#1213257) + +This reverts commits: + + + + + +From this PR: + +See: + +* Revert "Fix linter" + +This reverts commit d09d2d3f31e06c554b4ed869b7dc4f8b8bce5dc9. + +* Revert "add a regression test" + +This reverts commit b2c32be0a80c92585a9063409c42895357bb0dbe. + +* Fix failing tests after reverting commits +--- + doc/topics/development/architecture.rst | 8 +- + salt/channel/ | 9 +-- + salt/ | 47 +++-------- + salt/transport/ | 5 +- + salt/utils/ | 2 +- + .../transport/server/ | 16 ++-- + tests/pytests/unit/ | 79 ++++--------------- + 7 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 127 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/doc/topics/development/architecture.rst b/doc/topics/development/architecture.rst +index 17400db001..1c717092f8 100644 +--- a/doc/topics/development/architecture.rst ++++ b/doc/topics/development/architecture.rst +@@ -220,15 +220,11 @@ the received message. + 4) The new minion thread is created. The _thread_return() function starts up + and actually calls out to the requested function contained in the job. + 5) The requested function runs and returns a result. [Still in thread.] +-6) The result of the function that's run is published on the minion's local event bus with event +-tag "__master_req_channel_payload" [Still in thread.] ++6) The result of the function that's run is encrypted and returned to the ++master's ReqServer (TCP 4506 on master). [Still in thread.] + 7) Thread exits. Because the main thread was only blocked for the time that it + took to initialize the worker thread, many other requests could have been + received and processed during this time. +-8) Minion event handler gets the event with tag "__master_req_channel_payload" +-and sends the payload to master's ReqServer (TCP 4506 on master), via the long-running async request channel +-that was opened when minion first started up. +- + + + A Note on ClearFuncs vs. AESFuncs +diff --git a/salt/channel/ b/salt/channel/ +index e5b073ccdb..76d7a8e5b9 100644 +--- a/salt/channel/ ++++ b/salt/channel/ +@@ -98,7 +98,6 @@ class AsyncReqChannel: + "_crypted_transfer", + "_uncrypted_transfer", + "send", +- "connect", + ] + close_methods = [ + "close", +@@ -128,7 +127,7 @@ class AsyncReqChannel: + else: + auth = None + +- transport = salt.transport.request_client(opts, io_loop=io_loop) ++ transport = salt.transport.request_client(opts, io_loop) + return cls(opts, transport, auth) + + def __init__(self, opts, transport, auth, **kwargs): +@@ -271,10 +270,6 @@ class AsyncReqChannel: + + raise salt.ext.tornado.gen.Return(ret) + +- @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine +- def connect(self): +- yield self.transport.connect() +- + @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine + def send(self, load, tries=3, timeout=60, raw=False): + """ +@@ -295,7 +290,7 @@ class AsyncReqChannel: + ret = yield self._crypted_transfer(load, timeout=timeout, raw=raw) + break + except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except +- log.trace("Failed to send msg %r", exc) ++ log.error("Failed to send msg %r", exc) + if _try >= tries: + raise + else: +diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ +index c3b65f16c3..9597d6e63a 100644 +--- a/salt/ ++++ b/salt/ +@@ -1361,30 +1361,11 @@ class Minion(MinionBase): + """ + Return a future which will complete when you are connected to a master + """ +- # Consider refactoring so that eval_master does not have a subtle side-effect on the contents of the opts array + master, self.pub_channel = yield self.eval_master( + self.opts, self.timeout,, failed + ) +- +- # a long-running req channel +- self.req_channel = salt.transport.client.AsyncReqChannel.factory( +- self.opts, io_loop=self.io_loop +- ) +- +- if hasattr( +- self.req_channel, "connect" +- ): # TODO: consider generalizing this for all channels +- log.debug("Connecting minion's long-running req channel") +- yield self.req_channel.connect() +- + yield self._post_master_init(master) + +- @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine +- def handle_payload(self, payload, reply_func): +- self.payloads.append(payload) +- yield reply_func(payload) +- self.payload_ack.notify() +- + # TODO: better name... + @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine + def _post_master_init(self, master): +@@ -1599,6 +1580,7 @@ class Minion(MinionBase): + return functions, returners, errors, executors + + def _send_req_sync(self, load, timeout): ++ + if self.opts["minion_sign_messages"]: + log.trace("Signing event to be published onto the bus.") + minion_privkey_path = os.path.join(self.opts["pki_dir"], "minion.pem") +@@ -1607,11 +1589,9 @@ class Minion(MinionBase): + ) + load["sig"] = sig + +- with salt.utils.event.get_event( +- "minion", opts=self.opts, listen=False +- ) as event: +- return event.fire_event( +- load, "__master_req_channel_payload", timeout=timeout ++ with as channel: ++ return channel.send( ++ load, timeout=timeout, tries=self.opts["return_retry_tries"] + ) + + @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine +@@ -1624,11 +1604,9 @@ class Minion(MinionBase): + ) + load["sig"] = sig + +- with salt.utils.event.get_event( +- "minion", opts=self.opts, listen=False +- ) as event: +- ret = yield event.fire_event_async( +- load, "__master_req_channel_payload", timeout=timeout ++ with as channel: ++ ret = yield channel.send( ++ load, timeout=timeout, tries=self.opts["return_retry_tries"] + ) + raise salt.ext.tornado.gen.Return(ret) + +@@ -2055,7 +2033,7 @@ class Minion(MinionBase): + minion_instance._return_pub(ret) + + # Add default returners from minion config +- # Should have been converted to comma-delimited string already ++ # Should have been coverted to comma-delimited string already + if isinstance(opts.get("return"), str): + if data["ret"]: + data["ret"] = ",".join((data["ret"], opts["return"])) +@@ -2662,7 +2640,6 @@ class Minion(MinionBase): + """ + Send mine data to the master + """ +- # Consider using a long-running req channel to send mine data + with as channel: + data["tok"] = self.tok + try: +@@ -2699,12 +2676,6 @@ class Minion(MinionBase): + force_refresh=data.get("force_refresh", False), + notify=data.get("notify", False), + ) +- elif tag.startswith("__master_req_channel_payload"): +- yield _minion.req_channel.send( +- data, +- timeout=_minion._return_retry_timer(), +- tries=_minion.opts["return_retry_tries"], +- ) + elif tag.startswith("pillar_refresh"): + yield _minion.pillar_refresh( + force_refresh=data.get("force_refresh", False), +@@ -3175,7 +3146,7 @@ class Minion(MinionBase): + if self._target_load(payload["load"]): + self._handle_decoded_payload(payload["load"]) + elif self.opts["zmq_filtering"]: +- # In the filtering enabled case, we'd like to know when minion sees something it shouldn't ++ # In the filtering enabled case, we'd like to know when minion sees something it shouldnt + log.trace( + "Broadcast message received not for this minion, Load: %s", + payload["load"], +diff --git a/salt/transport/ b/salt/transport/ +index 3a3f0c7a5f..cee100b086 100644 +--- a/salt/transport/ ++++ b/salt/transport/ +@@ -208,10 +208,7 @@ class IPCServer: + log.error("Exception occurred while handling stream: %s", exc) + + def handle_connection(self, connection, address): +- log.trace( +- "IPCServer: Handling connection to address: %s", +- address if address else connection, +- ) ++ log.trace("IPCServer: Handling connection to address: %s", address) + try: + with salt.utils.asynchronous.current_ioloop(self.io_loop): + stream = IOStream( +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index 0c645bbc3b..88596a4a20 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class SyncWrapper: + This is uses as a simple wrapper, for example: + + asynchronous = AsyncClass() +- # this method would regularly return a future ++ # this method would reguarly return a future + future = asynchronous.async_method() + + sync = SyncWrapper(async_factory_method, (arg1, arg2), {'kwarg1': 'val'}) +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/transport/server/ b/tests/pytests/functional/transport/server/ +index 4a74802a0d..555c040c1c 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/transport/server/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/transport/server/ +@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ def req_channel_crypt(request): + + + @pytest.fixture +-def push_channel(req_server_channel, salt_minion, req_channel_crypt): ++def req_channel(req_server_channel, salt_minion, req_channel_crypt): + with + salt_minion.config, crypt=req_channel_crypt + ) as _req_channel: +@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ def push_channel(req_server_channel, salt_minion, req_channel_crypt): + _req_channel.obj._refcount = 0 + + +-def test_basic(push_channel): ++def test_basic(req_channel): + """ + Test a variety of messages, make sure we get the expected responses + """ +@@ -145,11 +145,11 @@ def test_basic(push_channel): + {"baz": "qux", "list": [1, 2, 3]}, + ] + for msg in msgs: +- ret = push_channel.send(dict(msg), timeout=5, tries=1) ++ ret = req_channel.send(dict(msg), timeout=5, tries=1) + assert ret["load"] == msg + + +-def test_normalization(push_channel): ++def test_normalization(req_channel): + """ + Since we use msgpack, we need to test that list types are converted to lists + """ +@@ -160,21 +160,21 @@ def test_normalization(push_channel): + {"list": tuple([1, 2, 3])}, + ] + for msg in msgs: +- ret = push_channel.send(msg, timeout=5, tries=1) ++ ret = req_channel.send(msg, timeout=5, tries=1) + for key, value in ret["load"].items(): + assert types[key] == type(value) + + +-def test_badload(push_channel, req_channel_crypt): ++def test_badload(req_channel, req_channel_crypt): + """ + Test a variety of bad requests, make sure that we get some sort of error + """ + msgs = ["", [], tuple()] + if req_channel_crypt == "clear": + for msg in msgs: +- ret = push_channel.send(msg, timeout=5, tries=1) ++ ret = req_channel.send(msg, timeout=5, tries=1) + assert ret == "payload and load must be a dict" + else: + for msg in msgs: + with pytest.raises(salt.exceptions.AuthenticationError): +- push_channel.send(msg, timeout=5, tries=1) ++ req_channel.send(msg, timeout=5, tries=1) +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/ b/tests/pytests/unit/ +index 1cee025a48..4508eaee95 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/ +@@ -55,27 +55,26 @@ def test_minion_load_grains_default(): + + + @pytest.mark.parametrize( +- "event", ++ "req_channel", + [ + ( +- "fire_event", +- lambda data, tag, cb=None, timeout=60: True, ++ "", ++ lambda load, timeout, tries: salt.ext.tornado.gen.maybe_future(tries), + ), + ( +- "fire_event_async", +- lambda data, tag, cb=None, timeout=60: salt.ext.tornado.gen.maybe_future( +- True +- ), ++ "", ++ lambda load, timeout, tries: tries, + ), + ], + ) +-def test_send_req_fires_completion_event(event, minion_opts): +- event_enter = MagicMock() +- event_enter.send.side_effect = event[1] +- event = MagicMock() +- event.__enter__.return_value = event_enter ++def test_send_req_tries(req_channel, minion_opts): ++ channel_enter = MagicMock() ++ channel_enter.send.side_effect = req_channel[1] ++ channel = MagicMock() ++ channel.__enter__.return_value = channel_enter + +- with patch("salt.utils.event.get_event", return_value=event): ++ with patch(req_channel[0], return_value=channel): ++ minion_opts = salt.config.DEFAULT_MINION_OPTS.copy() + minion_opts["random_startup_delay"] = 0 + minion_opts["return_retry_tries"] = 30 + minion_opts["grains"] = {} +@@ -85,62 +84,16 @@ def test_send_req_fires_completion_event(event, minion_opts): + load = {"load": "value"} + timeout = 60 + +- # XXX This is buggy because "async" in event[0] will never evaluate +- # to True and if it *did* evaluate to true the test would fail +- # because you Mock isn't a co-routine. +- if "async" in event[0]: ++ if "Async" in req_channel[0]: + rtn = minion._send_req_async(load, timeout).result() + else: + rtn = minion._send_req_sync(load, timeout) + +- # get the +- for idx, call in enumerate(event.mock_calls, 1): +- if "fire_event" in call[0]: +- condition_event_tag = ( +- len(call.args) > 1 +- and call.args[1] == "__master_req_channel_payload" +- ) +- condition_event_tag_error = "{} != {}; Call(number={}): {}".format( +- idx, call, call.args[1], "__master_req_channel_payload" +- ) +- condition_timeout = ( +- len(call.kwargs) == 1 and call.kwargs["timeout"] == timeout +- ) +- condition_timeout_error = "{} != {}; Call(number={}): {}".format( +- idx, call, call.kwargs["timeout"], timeout +- ) +- +- fire_event_called = True +- assert condition_event_tag, condition_event_tag_error +- assert condition_timeout, condition_timeout_error +- +- assert fire_event_called +- assert rtn +- +- +-async def test_send_req_async_regression_62453(minion_opts): +- event_enter = MagicMock() +- event_enter.send.side_effect = ( +- lambda data, tag, cb=None, timeout=60: salt.ext.tornado.gen.maybe_future(True) +- ) +- event = MagicMock() +- event.__enter__.return_value = event_enter +- +- minion_opts["random_startup_delay"] = 0 +- minion_opts["return_retry_tries"] = 30 +- minion_opts["grains"] = {} +- with patch("salt.loader.grains"): +- minion = salt.minion.Minion(minion_opts) +- +- load = {"load": "value"} +- timeout = 60 +- +- # We are just validating no exception is raised +- rtn = await minion._send_req_async(load, timeout) +- assert rtn is False ++ assert rtn == 30 + + +-def test_mine_send_tries(): ++@patch("") ++def test_mine_send_tries(req_channel_factory): + channel_enter = MagicMock() + channel_enter.send.side_effect = lambda load, timeout, tries: tries + channel = MagicMock() +-- +2.41.0 + diff --git a/run-salt-api-as-user-salt-bsc-1064520.patch b/run-salt-api-as-user-salt-bsc-1064520.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd9adba --- /dev/null +++ b/run-salt-api-as-user-salt-bsc-1064520.patch @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +From a94cfd5dea05c2c4a9d6b8b243048a2ceeb3f208 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Christian Lanig +Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2017 13:10:26 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Run salt-api as user salt (bsc#1064520) + +--- + pkg/common/salt-api.service | 1 + + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) + +diff --git a/pkg/common/salt-api.service b/pkg/common/salt-api.service +index d0b6d74120..9cdc9c582b 100644 +--- a/pkg/common/salt-api.service ++++ b/pkg/common/salt-api.service +@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ + [Service] + Type=notify + NotifyAccess=all ++User=salt + LimitNOFILE=8192 + ExecStart=/usr/bin/salt-api + TimeoutStopSec=3 +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/run-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch b/run-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a28b73 --- /dev/null +++ b/run-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +From 6ffbf7fcc178f32c670b177b25ed64658c59f1bf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Klaus=20K=C3=A4mpf?= +Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2016 11:01:06 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Run salt master as dedicated salt user + +* Minion runs always as a root +--- + conf/master | 3 ++- + pkg/common/salt-common.logrotate | 2 ++ + 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/conf/master b/conf/master +index f542051d76..acff94abec 100644 +--- a/conf/master ++++ b/conf/master +@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ + # permissions to allow the specified user to run the master. The exception is + # the job cache, which must be deleted if this user is changed. If the + # modified files cause conflicts, set verify_env to False. +-#user: root ++user: salt ++syndic_user: salt + + # Tell the master to also use salt-ssh when running commands against minions. + #enable_ssh_minions: False +diff --git a/pkg/common/salt-common.logrotate b/pkg/common/salt-common.logrotate +index a0306ff370..97d158db18 100644 +--- a/pkg/common/salt-common.logrotate ++++ b/pkg/common/salt-common.logrotate +@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ + /var/log/salt/master { ++ su salt salt + weekly + missingok + rotate 7 +@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ + } + + /var/log/salt/key { ++ su salt salt + weekly + missingok + rotate 7 +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/salt-tmpfiles.d b/salt-tmpfiles.d new file mode 100644 index 0000000..291b4d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/salt-tmpfiles.d @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# Type Path Mode UID GID Age Argument +d /run/salt 0750 root salt +d /run/salt/master 0750 salt salt +d /run/salt/minion 0750 root root + diff --git a/salt.changes b/salt.changes new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d4bed7 --- /dev/null +++ b/salt.changes @@ -0,0 +1,7067 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jan 29 10:34:28 UTC 2025 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix error to stat '/root/.gitconfig' on gitfs + (bsc#1230944) (bsc#1234881) (bsc#1220905) + +- Added: + * fix-failed-to-stat-root-.gitconfig-issue-on-gitfs-bs.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Jan 27 11:04:02 UTC 2025 - Alexander Graul + +- Adapt to removal of hex attribute in pygit2 v1.15.0 (bsc#1230642) + +- Added: + * update-for-deprecation-of-hex-in-pygit2-1.15.0-and-a.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Jan 23 16:44:42 UTC 2025 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Enhance smart JSON parsing when garbage is present (bsc#1231605) + +- Added: + * enhance-find_json-garbage-filtering-bsc-1231605-688.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jan 22 13:11:21 UTC 2025 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix virtual grains for VMs running on Nutanix AHV (bsc#1234022) +- Fix issues running on Python 3.12 and 3.13 + +- Added: + * fix-virtual-grains-for-vms-running-on-nutanix-ahv-bs.patch + * fix-issues-that-break-salt-in-python-3.12-and-3.13-6.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Jan 9 12:57:12 UTC 2025 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Revert setting SELinux context for minion service (bsc#1233667) +- Remove System V init support + * Make systemd the only supported init system by removing System V init + and insserv references + * Ensure package builds with no init system dependencies if built + without systemd (for example for use in containers) + * Apply some spec-cleaner suggestions (update copyright year, sort + requirements, adjust spacing) + +- Added: + * revert-setting-selinux-context-for-minion-service-bs.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Nov 26 14:53:34 UTC 2024 - Victor Zhestkov + +- Fix the condition of alternatives for Tumbleweed and Leap 16 +- Use update-alternatives for salt-call and fix builing on EL8 +- Build all python bindings for all flavors +- Make minion reconnecting on changing master IP (bsc#1228182) + +- Added: + * make-minion-reconnecting-on-changing-master-ip-bsc-1.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Oct 17 14:02:57 UTC 2024 - Marek Czernek + +- Handle logger exception when flushing already closed file +- Include passlib as a recommended dependency + +- Added: + * handle-logger-flushing-already-closed-file-686.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Oct 10 11:19:52 UTC 2024 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Make Salt Bundle more tolerant to long running jobs (bsc#1228690) + +- Added: + * enhance-cleanup-mechanism-after-salt-bundle-upgrade-.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Oct 3 11:21:30 UTC 2024 - Marek Czernek + +- Fix additional x509 tests and test_suse tests for SLE12 + +- Added: + * fix-x509-private-key-tests-and-test_suse-on-sle12-68.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Oct 2 07:47:58 UTC 2024 - Marek Czernek + +- Fix failing x509 tests with OpenSSL < 1.1 + +- Added: + * fix-x509-test-fails-on-old-openssl-systems-682.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Sep 25 11:45:28 UTC 2024 - Victor Zhestkov + +- Avoid explicit reading of /etc/salt/minion (bsc#1220357) +- Allow NamedLoaderContexts to be returned from loader +- Revert the change making reactor less blocking (bsc#1230322) +- Use --cachedir for extension_modules in salt-call (bsc#1226141) +- Prevent using SyncWrapper with no reason + +- Added: + * avoid-explicit-reading-of-etc-salt-minion-bsc-122035.patch + * allow-namedloadercontexts-to-be-returned-from-loader.patch + * revert-the-change-making-reactor-less-blocking-bsc-1.patch + * use-cachedir-for-extension_modules-in-salt-call-bsc-.patch + * prevent-using-syncwrapper-with-no-reason.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Sep 10 12:51:43 UTC 2024 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix the SELinux context for Salt Minion service (bsc#1219041) + +- Added: + * fix-the-selinux-context-for-salt-minion-service-bsc-.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Sep 4 12:23:53 UTC 2024 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Set contextvars as a build requirement for package + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Sep 4 11:38:07 UTC 2024 - Marek Czernek + +- Increase warn_until_date date for code we still support +- The test_debian test now uses port 80 for ubuntu keyserver +- Fix too frequent systemd service restart in test_system test + +- Added: + * fix-test_debian-to-work-in-our-infrastructure-676.patch + * fix-test_system-flaky-setup_teardown-fn.patch + * fix-deprecated-code-677.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Aug 30 14:42:00 UTC 2024 - Victor Zhestkov + +- Avoid crash on wrong output of systemctl version (bsc#1229539) +- Improve error handling with different OpenSSL versions +- Remove redundant run_func from salt.master.MWorker._handle_aes + +- Added: + * avoid-crash-on-wrong-output-of-systemctl-version-bsc.patch + * improve-error-handling-with-different-openssl-versio.patch + * remove-redundant-run_func-from-salt.master.mworker._.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Aug 29 11:54:27 UTC 2024 - Yeray Gutiérrez Cedrés + +- Fix cloud minion configuration for multiple masters (bsc#1229109) + +- Added: + * join-masters-if-it-is-a-list-671.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Aug 21 14:30:48 UTC 2024 - Marek Czernek + +- Use Pygit2 id instead of deprecated oid in gitfs + +- Added: + * replace-use-of-pygit2-deprecated-and-removed-1.15.0-.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Aug 7 09:45:18 UTC 2024 - Marek Czernek + +- Fix few failing tests to work with both Salt and Salt bundle +- Skip testing unsupported OpenSSL crypto algorithms + +- Added: + * make-tests-compatible-with-venv-bundle.patch + * skip-more-tests-related-to-old-openssl-algorithms.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jul 24 10:12:25 UTC 2024 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix rich rule comparison in firewalld module (bsc#1222684) + +- Added: + * firewalld-normalize-new-rich-rules-before-comparing-.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Jul 9 11:23:20 UTC 2024 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- test_vultrpy: adjust test expectation to prevent failure after Debian 10 EOL + +- Added: + * test_vultrpy-adjust-test-expectation-to-prevent-fail.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Jul 8 16:02:47 UTC 2024 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Make auth.pam more robust with Salt Bundle and fix tests + +- Added: + * some-more-small-tests-fixes-enhancements-661.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jul 3 11:13:00 UTC 2024 - Flex Liu + +- Fix performance of user.list_groups with many remote groups + (bsc#1226964) + +- Added: + * fix-user.list_groups-omits-remote-groups.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Jun 18 15:00:44 UTC 2024 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix "status.diskusage" function and exclude some tests for Salt Bundle + +- Added: + * fix-status.diskusage-and-exclude-some-tests-to-run-w.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jun 12 08:44:38 UTC 2024 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Skip certain tests if necessary for some OSes and set flaky ones + +- Added: + * skip-certain-tests-if-necessary-and-mark-some-flaky-.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Jun 6 08:41:14 UTC 2024 - Marek Czernek + +- Add a timer to delete old env post update for venv-minion + +- Added: + * provide-systemd-timer-unit.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon May 27 11:07:26 UTC 2024 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Several fixes for tests to avoid errors and failures in some OSes +- Speed up salt.matcher.confirm_top by using __context__ +- Do not call the async wrapper calls with the separate thread +- Prevent OOM with high amount of batch async calls (bsc#1216063) +- Add missing contextvars dependency in salt.version +- Skip tests for unsupported algorithm on old OpenSSL version +- Remove redundant `_file_find` call to the master +- Prevent possible exception in tornado.concurrent.Future._set_done +- Make reactor engine less blocking the EventPublisher +- Make salt-master self recoverable on killing EventPublisher +- Improve broken events catching and reporting +- Make logging calls lighter +- Remove unused import causing delays on starting salt-master + +- Added: + * improve-broken-events-catching-and-reporting.patch + * add-missing-contextvars-dependency-in-salt.version.patch + * prevent-oom-with-high-amount-of-batch-async-calls-bs.patch + * speed-up-salt.matcher.confirm_top-by-using-__context.patch + * remove-redundant-_file_find-call-to-the-master.patch + * make-logging-calls-lighter.patch + * make-salt-master-self-recoverable-on-killing-eventpu.patch + * skip-tests-for-unsupported-algorithm-on-old-openssl-.patch + * remove-unused-import-causing-delays-on-starting-salt.patch + * do-not-call-the-async-wrapper-calls-with-the-separat.patch + * prevent-possible-exception-in-tornado.concurrent.fut.patch + * several-fixes-for-tests-to-avoid-errors-and-failures.patch + * make-reactor-engine-less-blocking-the-eventpublisher.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon May 13 15:26:19 UTC 2024 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Mark python3-CherryPy as recommended package for the testsuite + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue May 7 15:55:56 UTC 2024 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Make "man" a recommended package instead of required + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Mar 26 08:44:29 UTC 2024 - Marek Czernek + +- Convert oscap output to UTF-8 + +- Added: + * switch-oscap-encoding-to-utf-8-639.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Mar 21 13:14:03 UTC 2024 - Marek Czernek + +- Make Salt compatible with Python 3.11 + +- Added: + * fix-salt-warnings-and-testuite-for-python-3.11-635.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Mar 15 10:00:35 UTC 2024 - Yeray Gutiérrez Cedrés + +- Ignore non-ascii chars in oscap output (bsc#1219001) + +- Added: + * decode-oscap-byte-stream-to-string-bsc-1219001.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Mar 14 13:11:21 UTC 2024 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix detected issues in Salt tests when running on VMs + +- Added: + * fix-tests-failures-and-errors-when-detected-on-vm-ex.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Mar 6 13:38:29 UTC 2024 - Marek Czernek + +- Make importing seco.range thread safe (bsc#1211649) + +- Added: + * make-importing-seco.range-thread-safe-bsc-1211649.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Feb 26 10:43:37 UTC 2024 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix problematic tests and allow smooth tests executions on containers + +- Added: + * fix-problematic-tests-and-allow-smooth-tests-executi.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Feb 21 12:21:03 UTC 2024 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Discover Ansible playbook files as "*.yml" or "*.yaml" files (bsc#1211888) + +- Added: + * discover-both-.yml-and-.yaml-playbooks-bsc-1211888.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Feb 20 12:58:58 UTC 2024 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Extend dependencies for python3-salt-testsuite and python3-salt packages +- Improve Salt and testsuite packages multibuild + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Feb 8 12:17:39 UTC 2024 - Yeray Gutiérrez Cedrés + +- Enable multibuilld and create test flavor +- Additionally we require python-mock just for older Python versions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Feb 5 09:55:33 UTC 2024 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Remove python-boto dependency for the python3-salt-testsuite package for Tumbleweed +- Rename salt-tests to python3-salt-testsuite + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Feb 1 12:19:06 UTC 2024 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Prevent directory traversal when creating syndic cache directory + on the master (CVE-2024-22231, bsc#1219430) +- Prevent directory traversal attacks in the master's serve_file + method (CVE-2024-22232, bsc#1219431) + +- Added: + * fix-cve-2024-22231-and-cve-2024-22232-bsc-1219430-bs.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Jan 29 13:50:44 UTC 2024 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Provide user(salt)/group(salt) capabilities for RPM 4.19 + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Jan 23 15:39:14 UTC 2024 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Prevent exceptions with fileserver.update when called via state (bsc#1218482) + +- Added: + * allow-kwargs-for-fileserver-roots-update-bsc-1218482.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Jan 18 16:10:04 UTC 2024 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Improve pip target override condition with VENV_PIP_TARGET + environment variable (bsc#1216850) +- Fixed KeyError in logs when running a state that fails + +- Added: + * improve-pip-target-override-condition-with-venv_pip_.patch + * fixed-keyerror-in-logs-when-running-a-state-that-fai.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Jan 18 13:06:21 UTC 2024 - Marek Czernek + +- Ensure that pillar refresh loads beacons from pillar without restart +- Fix the unit test failure +- Prefer unittest.mock to python-mock in test suite + +- Added: + * update-__pillar__-during-pillar_refresh.patch + * + * prefer-unittest.mock-for-python-versions-that-are-su.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Dec 1 11:04:02 UTC 2023 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Enable "KeepAlive" probes for Salt SSH executions (bsc#1211649) + +- Added: + * enable-keepalive-probes-for-salt-ssh-executions-bsc-.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Nov 16 10:33:00 UTC 2023 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Revert changes to set Salt configured user early in the stack (bsc#1216284) + +- Added: + * revert-make-sure-configured-user-is-properly-set-by-.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Nov 13 16:02:35 UTC 2023 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Align behavior of some modules when using salt-call via symlink (bsc#1215963) +- Fix gitfs "__env__" and improve cache cleaning (bsc#1193948) + +- Added: + * fix-gitfs-__env__-and-improve-cache-cleaning-bsc-119.patch + * dereference-symlinks-to-set-proper-__cli-opt-bsc-121.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Oct 31 11:51:17 UTC 2023 - Alexander Graul + +- Randomize pre_flight_script path (CVE-2023-34049 bsc#1215157) + +- Added: + * fix-cve-2023-34049-bsc-1215157.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Oct 17 15:28:22 UTC 2023 - Marek Czernek + +- Allow all primitive grain types for autosign_grains (bsc#1214477) + +- Added: + * allow-all-primitive-grain-types-for-autosign_grains-.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Oct 2 12:49:41 UTC 2023 - Victor Zhestkov + +- Fix optimization_order opt to prevent testsuite fails +- Improve salt.utils.json.find_json to avoid fails + with transactional salt salt-ssh managed clients (bsc#1213293) +- Use salt-call from salt bundle with transactional_update +- Only call native_str on curl_debug message in tornado when needed +- Implement the calling for batch async from the salt CLI + +- Added: + * implement-the-calling-for-batch-async-from-the-salt-.patch + * improve-salt.utils.json.find_json-bsc-1213293.patch + * only-call-native_str-on-curl_debug-message-in-tornad.patch + * use-salt-call-from-salt-bundle-with-transactional_up.patch + * fix-optimization_order-opt-to-prevent-test-fails.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Oct 2 09:50:00 UTC 2023 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix calculation of SLS context vars when trailing dots + on targetted sls/state (bsc#1213518) + +- Added: + * fix-calculation-of-sls-context-vars-when-trailing-do.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Sep 20 12:17:44 UTC 2023 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix inconsistency in reported version by egg-info metadata (bsc#1215489) + +- Added: + * write-salt-version-before-building-when-using-with-s.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Sep 1 07:33:18 UTC 2023 - Victor Zhestkov + +- Revert usage of long running REQ channel to prevent possible + missing responses on requests and dublicated responses + (bsc#1213960, bsc#1213630, bsc#1213257) + +- Added: + * revert-usage-of-long-running-req-channel-bsc-1213960.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Aug 31 09:51:20 UTC 2023 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix gitfs cachedir basename to avoid hash collisions + (bsc#1193948, bsc#1214797, CVE-2023-20898) + +- Added: + * fixed-gitfs-cachedir_basename-to-avoid-hash-collisio.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Aug 22 12:03:21 UTC 2023 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Make sure configured user is properly set by Salt (bsc#1210994) +- Do not fail on bad message pack message (bsc#1213441, CVE-2023-20897, bsc#1214796) +- Fix broken tests to make them running in the testsuite +- Prevent possible exceptions on salt.utils.user.get_group_dict (bsc#1212794) + +- Added: + * do-not-fail-on-bad-message-pack-message-bsc-1213441-.patch + * fix-tests-to-make-them-running-with-salt-testsuite.patch + * prevent-possible-exceptions-on-salt.utils.user.get_g.patch + * make-sure-configured-user-is-properly-set-by-salt-bs.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Aug 9 15:13:50 UTC 2023 - Alexander Graul + +- Create minion_id with reproducible mtime +- Fix detection of Salt codename by "salt_version" execution module +- Fix regression: multiple values for keyword argument 'saltenv' (bsc#1212844) +- Fix the regression of user.present state when group is unset (bsc#1212855) +- Fix zypper repositories always being reconfigured +- Fix utf8 handling in 'pass' renderer and make it more robust +- Prevent _pygit2.GitError: error loading known_hosts when $HOME is not set (bsc#1210994) +- Fix ModuleNotFoundError and other issues raised by salt-support module (bsc#1211591) +- tornado: Fix an open redirect in StaticFileHandler (CVE-2023-28370, bsc#1211741) +- Make master_tops compatible with Salt 3000 and older minions (bsc#1212516) (bsc#1212517) +- Avoid failures due transactional_update module not available in Salt 3006.0 (bsc#1211754) +- Avoid conflicts with Salt dependencies versions (bsc#1211612) + +- Added: + * fix-utf8-handling-in-pass-renderer-and-make-it-more-.patch + * fix-the-regression-of-user.present-state-when-group-.patch + * make-master_tops-compatible-with-salt-3000-and-older.patch + * avoid-conflicts-with-dependencies-versions-bsc-12116.patch + * tornado-fix-an-open-redirect-in-staticfilehandler-cv.patch + * fix-regression-multiple-values-for-keyword-argument-.patch + * zypper-pkgrepo-alreadyconfigured-585.patch + * mark-salt-3006-as-released-586.patch + * fix-some-issues-detected-in-salt-support-cli-module-.patch + * define-__virtualname__-for-transactional_update-modu.patch + * 3006.0-prevent-_pygit2.giterror-error-loading-known_.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri May 5 08:29:26 UTC 2023 - Alexander Graul + +- Update to Salt release version 3006.0 (jsc#PED-3139) + * See release notes: + +- Add python3-looseversion as new dependency for salt +- Add python3-packaging as new dependency for salt +- Drop conflictive patch dicarded from upstream +- Fix SLS rendering error when Jinja macros are used +- Fix version detection and avoid building and testing failures + +- Added: + * fix-version-detection-and-avoid-building-and-testing.patch + * make-sure-the-file-client-is-destroyed-upon-used.patch + +- Modified: + * 3005.1-implement-zypper-removeptf-573.patch + * activate-all-beacons-sources-config-pillar-grains.patch + * add-custom-suse-capabilities-as-grains.patch + * add-environment-variable-to-know-if-yum-is-invoked-f.patch + * add-migrated-state-and-gpg-key-management-functions-.patch + * add-publish_batch-to-clearfuncs-exposed-methods.patch + * add-salt-ssh-support-with-venv-salt-minion-3004-493.patch + * add-sleep-on-exception-handling-on-minion-connection.patch + * add-standalone-configuration-file-for-enabling-packa.patch + * add-support-for-gpgautoimport-539.patch + * allow-vendor-change-option-with-zypper.patch + * async-batch-implementation.patch + * avoid-excessive-syslogging-by-watchdog-cronjob-58.patch + * bsc-1176024-fix-file-directory-user-and-group-owners.patch + * change-the-delimeters-to-prevent-possible-tracebacks.patch + * control-the-collection-of-lvm-grains-via-config.patch + * debian-info_installed-compatibility-50453.patch + * dnfnotify-pkgset-plugin-implementation-3002.2-450.patch + * do-not-load-pip-state-if-there-is-no-3rd-party-depen.patch + * don-t-use-shell-sbin-nologin-in-requisites.patch + * drop-serial-from-event.unpack-in-cli.batch_async.patch + * early-feature-support-config.patch + * enable-passing-a-unix_socket-for-mysql-returners-bsc.patch + * enhance-openscap-module-add-xccdf_eval-call-386.patch + * fix-bsc-1065792.patch + * fix-for-suse-expanded-support-detection.patch + * fix-issue-2068-test.patch + * fix-missing-minion-returns-in-batch-mode-360.patch + * fix-ownership-of-salt-thin-directory-when-using-the-.patch + * fix-regression-with-depending-client.ssh-on-psutil-b.patch + * fix-salt-ssh-opts-poisoning-bsc-1197637-3004-501.patch + * fix-salt.utils.stringutils.to_str-calls-to-make-it-w.patch + * fix-the-regression-for-yumnotify-plugin-456.patch + * fix-traceback.print_exc-calls-for-test_pip_state-432.patch + * fixes-for-python-3.10-502.patch + * include-aliases-in-the-fqdns-grains.patch + * info_installed-works-without-status-attr-now.patch + * let-salt-ssh-use-platform-python-binary-in-rhel8-191.patch + * make-aptpkg.list_repos-compatible-on-enabled-disable.patch + * + * pass-the-context-to-pillar-ext-modules.patch + * prevent-affection-of-ssh.opts-with-lazyloader-bsc-11.patch + * prevent-pkg-plugins-errors-on-missing-cookie-path-bs.patch + * prevent-shell-injection-via-pre_flight_script_args-4.patch + * read-repo-info-without-using-interpolation-bsc-11356.patch + * restore-default-behaviour-of-pkg-list-return.patch + * return-the-expected-powerpc-os-arch-bsc-1117995.patch + * revert-fixing-a-use-case-when-multiple-inotify-beaco.patch + * run-salt-api-as-user-salt-bsc-1064520.patch + * run-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch + * + * skip-package-names-without-colon-bsc-1208691-578.patch + * switch-firewalld-state-to-use-change_interface.patch + * temporary-fix-extend-the-whitelist-of-allowed-comman.patch + * update-target-fix-for-salt-ssh-to-process-targets-li.patch + * use-adler32-algorithm-to-compute-string-checksums.patch + * use-rlock-to-avoid-deadlocks-in-salt-ssh.patch + * use-salt-bundle-in-dockermod.patch + * x509-fixes-111.patch + * zypperpkg-ignore-retcode-104-for-search-bsc-1176697-.patch + +- Removed: + * add-amazon-ec2-detection-for-virtual-grains-bsc-1195.patch + * add-support-for-name-pkgs-and-diff_attr-parameters-t.patch + * align-amazon-ec2-nitro-grains-with-upstream-pr-bsc-1.patch + * allow-entrypoint-compatibility-for-importlib-metadat.patch + * clarify-pkg.installed-pkg_verify-documentation.patch + * + * fix-salt.states.file.managed-for-follow_symlinks-tru.patch + * fix-state.apply-in-test-mode-with-file-state-module-.patch + * fix-test_ipc-unit-tests.patch + * fixes-pkg.version_cmp-on-openeuler-systems-and-a-few.patch + * fopen-workaround-bad-buffering-for-binary-mode-563.patch + * ignore-erros-on-reading-license-files-with-dpkg_lowp.patch + * ignore-extend-declarations-from-excluded-sls-files.patch + * ignore-non-utf8-characters-while-reading-files-with-.patch + * include-stdout-in-error-message-for-zypperpkg-559.patch + * make-pass-renderer-configurable-other-fixes-532.patch + * make-sure-saltcacheloader-use-correct-fileclient-519.patch + * normalize-package-names-once-with-pkg.installed-remo.patch + * retry-if-rpm-lock-is-temporarily-unavailable-547.patch + * set-default-target-for-pip-from-venv_pip_target-envi.patch + * state.apply-don-t-check-for-cached-pillar-errors.patch + * state.orchestrate_single-does-not-pass-pillar-none-4.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Mar 17 12:05:55 UTC 2023 - Alexander Graul + +- Require python3-jmespath runtime dependency (bsc#1209233) +- Fix problem with detecting PTF packages (bsc#1208691) + +- Added: + * skip-package-names-without-colon-bsc-1208691-578.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Jan 31 12:17:25 UTC 2023 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fixes pkg.version_cmp on openEuler systems and a few other OS flavors + +- Added: + * fixes-pkg.version_cmp-on-openeuler-systems-and-a-few.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Jan 23 13:44:58 UTC 2023 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Make pkg.remove function from zypperpkg module to handle also PTF packages + +- Added: + * 3005.1-implement-zypper-removeptf-573.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Jan 17 16:32:12 UTC 2023 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Control the collection of lvm grains via config (bsc#1204939) + +- Added: + * control-the-collection-of-lvm-grains-via-config.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Jan 12 15:49:38 UTC 2023 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Allow entrypoint compatibility for "importlib-metadata>=5.0.0" (bsc#1207071) + +- Added: + * allow-entrypoint-compatibility-for-importlib-metadat.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Jan 9 12:44:28 UTC 2023 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Add missing patch after rebase to fix collections Mapping issues + +- Added: + * fixes-for-python-3.10-502.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jan 4 13:29:57 UTC 2023 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Prevent deadlocks in salt-ssh executions + +- Added: + * use-rlock-to-avoid-deadlocks-in-salt-ssh.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Jan 2 15:51:45 UTC 2023 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Create new salt-tests subpackage containing Salt tests + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Dec 29 13:35:08 UTC 2022 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Update to Salt release version 3005.1 + * See release notes: + +- Modified: + * activate-all-beacons-sources-config-pillar-grains.patch + * add-amazon-ec2-detection-for-virtual-grains-bsc-1195.patch + * add-custom-suse-capabilities-as-grains.patch + * add-environment-variable-to-know-if-yum-is-invoked-f.patch + * add-migrated-state-and-gpg-key-management-functions-.patch + * add-publish_batch-to-clearfuncs-exposed-methods.patch + * add-salt-ssh-support-with-venv-salt-minion-3004-493.patch + * add-sleep-on-exception-handling-on-minion-connection.patch + * add-standalone-configuration-file-for-enabling-packa.patch + * add-support-for-gpgautoimport-539.patch + * add-support-for-name-pkgs-and-diff_attr-parameters-t.patch + * align-amazon-ec2-nitro-grains-with-upstream-pr-bsc-1.patch + * allow-vendor-change-option-with-zypper.patch + * async-batch-implementation.patch + * avoid-excessive-syslogging-by-watchdog-cronjob-58.patch + * bsc-1176024-fix-file-directory-user-and-group-owners.patch + * change-the-delimeters-to-prevent-possible-tracebacks.patch + * clarify-pkg.installed-pkg_verify-documentation.patch + * debian-info_installed-compatibility-50453.patch + * + * dnfnotify-pkgset-plugin-implementation-3002.2-450.patch + * do-not-load-pip-state-if-there-is-no-3rd-party-depen.patch + * don-t-use-shell-sbin-nologin-in-requisites.patch + * drop-serial-from-event.unpack-in-cli.batch_async.patch + * early-feature-support-config.patch + * enable-passing-a-unix_socket-for-mysql-returners-bsc.patch + * enhance-openscap-module-add-xccdf_eval-call-386.patch + * fix-bsc-1065792.patch + * fix-for-suse-expanded-support-detection.patch + * fix-issue-2068-test.patch + * fix-missing-minion-returns-in-batch-mode-360.patch + * fix-ownership-of-salt-thin-directory-when-using-the-.patch + * fix-regression-with-depending-client.ssh-on-psutil-b.patch + * fix-salt-ssh-opts-poisoning-bsc-1197637-3004-501.patch + * fix-salt.states.file.managed-for-follow_symlinks-tru.patch + * fix-salt.utils.stringutils.to_str-calls-to-make-it-w.patch + * fix-state.apply-in-test-mode-with-file-state-module-.patch + * fix-test_ipc-unit-tests.patch + * fix-the-regression-for-yumnotify-plugin-456.patch + * fix-traceback.print_exc-calls-for-test_pip_state-432.patch + * fopen-workaround-bad-buffering-for-binary-mode-563.patch + * ignore-erros-on-reading-license-files-with-dpkg_lowp.patch + * ignore-extend-declarations-from-excluded-sls-files.patch + * ignore-non-utf8-characters-while-reading-files-with-.patch + * include-aliases-in-the-fqdns-grains.patch + * include-stdout-in-error-message-for-zypperpkg-559.patch + * info_installed-works-without-status-attr-now.patch + * let-salt-ssh-use-platform-python-binary-in-rhel8-191.patch + * make-aptpkg.list_repos-compatible-on-enabled-disable.patch + * make-pass-renderer-configurable-other-fixes-532.patch + * + * make-sure-saltcacheloader-use-correct-fileclient-519.patch + * normalize-package-names-once-with-pkg.installed-remo.patch + * pass-the-context-to-pillar-ext-modules.patch + * prevent-affection-of-ssh.opts-with-lazyloader-bsc-11.patch + * prevent-pkg-plugins-errors-on-missing-cookie-path-bs.patch + * prevent-shell-injection-via-pre_flight_script_args-4.patch + * read-repo-info-without-using-interpolation-bsc-11356.patch + * restore-default-behaviour-of-pkg-list-return.patch + * retry-if-rpm-lock-is-temporarily-unavailable-547.patch + * return-the-expected-powerpc-os-arch-bsc-1117995.patch + * revert-fixing-a-use-case-when-multiple-inotify-beaco.patch + * run-salt-api-as-user-salt-bsc-1064520.patch + * run-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch + * + * set-default-target-for-pip-from-venv_pip_target-envi.patch + * state.apply-don-t-check-for-cached-pillar-errors.patch + * state.orchestrate_single-does-not-pass-pillar-none-4.patch + * switch-firewalld-state-to-use-change_interface.patch + * temporary-fix-extend-the-whitelist-of-allowed-comman.patch + * update-target-fix-for-salt-ssh-to-process-targets-li.patch + * use-adler32-algorithm-to-compute-string-checksums.patch + * use-salt-bundle-in-dockermod.patch + * x509-fixes-111.patch + * zypperpkg-ignore-retcode-104-for-search-bsc-1176697-.patch + +- Removed: + * 3003.3-do-not-consider-skipped-targets-as-failed-for.patch + * 3003.3-postgresql-json-support-in-pillar-423.patch + * add-missing-ansible-module-functions-to-whitelist-in.patch + * add-rpm_vercmp-python-library-for-version-comparison.patch + * adds-explicit-type-cast-for-port.patch + * backport-syndic-auth-fixes.patch + * + * check-if-dpkgnotify-is-executable-bsc-1186674-376.patch + * do-not-crash-when-unexpected-cmd-output-at-listing-p.patch + * enhance-logging-when-inotify-beacon-is-missing-pyino.patch + * fix-62092-catch-zmq.error.zmqerror-to-set-hwm-for-zm.patch + * fix-crash-when-calling-manage.not_alive-runners.patch + * fixes-56144-to-enable-hotadd-profile-support.patch + * fixes-for-python-3.10-502.patch + * fix-exception-in-yumpkg.remove-for-not-installed-pac.patch + * fix-for-cve-2022-22967-bsc-1200566.patch + * fix-inspector-module-export-function-bsc-1097531-481.patch + * fix-ip6_interface-grain-to-not-leak-secondary-ipv4-a.patch + * fix-issues-with-salt-ssh-s-extra-filerefs.patch + * fix-jinja2-contextfuntion-base-on-version-bsc-119874.patch + * fix-multiple-security-issues-bsc-1197417.patch + * fix-salt-call-event.send-call-with-grains-and-pillar.patch + * fix-the-regression-in-schedule-module-releasded-in-3.patch + * fix-wrong-test_mod_del_repo_multiline_values-test-af.patch + * force-zyppnotify-to-prefer-packages.db-than-packages.patch + * implementation-of-held-unheld-functions-for-state-pk.patch + * implementation-of-suse_ip-execution-module-bsc-10999.patch + * improvements-on-ansiblegate-module-354.patch + * + * notify-beacon-for-debian-ubuntu-systems-347.patch + * refactor-and-improvements-for-transactional-updates-.patch + * support-transactional-systems-microos.patch + * wipe-notify_socket-from-env-in-cmdmod-bsc-1193357-30.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Oct 28 14:43:03 UTC 2022 - Victor Zhestkov + +- Pass the context to pillar ext modules +- Align Amazon EC2 (Nitro) grains with upstream (bsc#1203685) +- Detect module run syntax version +- Implement automated patches alignment for the Salt Bundle + +- Added: + * + * pass-the-context-to-pillar-ext-modules.patch + * align-amazon-ec2-nitro-grains-with-upstream-pr-bsc-1.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Oct 21 13:30:08 UTC 2022 - Alexander Graul + +- Ignore extend declarations from excluded SLS files (bsc#1203886) +- Clarify pkg.installed pkg_verify documentation +- Enhance capture of error messages for Zypper calls in zypperpkg module + +- Added: + * ignore-extend-declarations-from-excluded-sls-files.patch + * include-stdout-in-error-message-for-zypperpkg-559.patch + * clarify-pkg.installed-pkg_verify-documentation.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Oct 6 10:10:16 UTC 2022 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Make pass renderer configurable and fix detected issues +- Workaround fopen line buffering for binary mode (bsc#1203834) +- Handle non-UTF-8 bytes in core grains generation (bsc#1202165) +- Fix Syndic authentication errors (bsc#1199562) + +- Added: + * make-pass-renderer-configurable-other-fixes-532.patch + * ignore-non-utf8-characters-while-reading-files-with-.patch + * fopen-workaround-bad-buffering-for-binary-mode-563.patch + * backport-syndic-auth-fixes.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Sep 1 12:43:39 UTC 2022 - Victor Zhestkov + +- Add Amazon EC2 detection for virtual grains (bsc#1195624) +- Fix the regression in schedule module releasded in 3004 (bsc#1202631) +- Fix state.apply in test mode with file state module + on user/group checking (bsc#1202167) +- Change the delimeters to prevent possible tracebacks + on some packages with dpkg_lowpkg +- Make zypperpkg to retry if RPM lock is temporarily unavailable (bsc#1200596) + +- Added: + * fix-the-regression-in-schedule-module-releasded-in-3.patch + * retry-if-rpm-lock-is-temporarily-unavailable-547.patch + * change-the-delimeters-to-prevent-possible-tracebacks.patch + * add-amazon-ec2-detection-for-virtual-grains-bsc-1195.patch + * fix-state.apply-in-test-mode-with-file-state-module-.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Jul 12 12:37:51 UTC 2022 - Alexander Graul + +- Fix test_ipc unit test + +- Added: + * fix-test_ipc-unit-tests.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Jul 8 09:45:54 UTC 2022 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Add support for gpgautoimport in zypperpkg module +- Update Salt to work with Jinja >= and <= 3.1.0 (bsc#1198744) +- Fix salt.states.file.managed() for follow_symlinks=True and test=True (bsc#1199372) +- Make Salt 3004 compatible with pyzmq >= 23.0.0 (bsc#1201082) + +- Added: + * fix-jinja2-contextfuntion-base-on-version-bsc-119874.patch + * add-support-for-gpgautoimport-539.patch + * fix-62092-catch-zmq.error.zmqerror-to-set-hwm-for-zm.patch + * fix-salt.states.file.managed-for-follow_symlinks-tru.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Jul 7 14:58:25 UTC 2022 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Add support for name, pkgs and diff_attr parameters to upgrade + function for zypper and yum (bsc#1198489) + +- Added: + * add-support-for-name-pkgs-and-diff_attr-parameters-t.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Jun 28 07:40:48 UTC 2022 - Victor Zhestkov + +- Fix ownership of salt thin directory when using the Salt Bundle +- Set default target for pip from VENV_PIP_TARGET environment variable +- Normalize package names once with pkg.installed/removed using yum (bsc#1195895) +- Save log to logfile with +- Use Salt Bundle in dockermod +- Ignore erros on reading license files with dpkg_lowpkg (bsc#1197288) + +- Added: + * normalize-package-names-once-with-pkg.installed-remo.patch + * use-salt-bundle-in-dockermod.patch + * fix-ownership-of-salt-thin-directory-when-using-the-.patch + * ignore-erros-on-reading-license-files-with-dpkg_lowp.patch + * set-default-target-for-pip-from-venv_pip_target-envi.patch + * + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Jun 16 09:52:06 UTC 2022 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix PAM auth issue due missing check for PAM_ACCT_MGM return value (CVE-2022-22967) (bsc#1200566) + +- Added: + * fix-for-cve-2022-22967-bsc-1200566.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu May 19 11:00:15 UTC 2022 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Make sure SaltCacheLoader use correct fileclient (bsc#1199149) + +- Added: + * make-sure-saltcacheloader-use-correct-fileclient-519.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Apr 12 09:21:38 UTC 2022 - Victor Zhestkov + +- Prevent data pollution between actions proceesed + at the same time (bsc#1197637) +- Fix regression preventing bootstrapping new clients + caused by redundant dependency on psutil (bsc#1197533) + +- Added: + * fix-regression-with-depending-client.ssh-on-psutil-b.patch + * prevent-affection-of-ssh.opts-with-lazyloader-bsc-11.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Apr 5 09:29:14 UTC 2022 - Victor Zhestkov + +- Fixes for Python 3.10 + +- Added: + * fixes-for-python-3.10-502.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Mar 31 11:16:01 UTC 2022 - Victor Zhestkov + +- Fix salt-ssh opts poisoning (bsc#1197637) + +- Added: + * fix-salt-ssh-opts-poisoning-bsc-1197637-3004-501.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Mar 31 08:34:58 UTC 2022 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix multiple security issues (bsc#1197417) + * Sign authentication replies to prevent MiTM (CVE-2022-22935) + * Sign pillar data to prevent MiTM attacks. (CVE-2022-22934) + * Prevent job and fileserver replays (CVE-2022-22936) + * Fixed targeting bug, especially visible when using syndic and user auth. (CVE-2022-22941) + +- Added: + * fix-multiple-security-issues-bsc-1197417.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Feb 28 15:05:32 UTC 2022 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix issues found around pre_flight_script_args + +- Added: + * prevent-shell-injection-via-pre_flight_script_args-4.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Feb 24 14:06:44 UTC 2022 - Victor Zhestkov + +- Add salt-ssh with Salt Bundle support (venv-salt-minion) + (bsc#1182851, bsc#1196432) + +- Added: + * add-salt-ssh-support-with-venv-salt-minion-3004-493.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Feb 17 15:27:00 UTC 2022 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Restrict "state.orchestrate_single" to pass a pillar value if it exists (bsc#1194632) + +- Added: + * state.orchestrate_single-does-not-pass-pillar-none-4.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Feb 8 13:53:36 UTC 2022 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Update generated documentation to 3004 + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Feb 8 12:02:04 UTC 2022 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Expose missing "ansible" module functions in Salt 3004 (bsc#1195625) + +- Added: + * add-missing-ansible-module-functions-to-whitelist-in.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Feb 7 10:33:28 UTC 2022 - Alexander Graul + +- Fix salt-call event.send with pillar or grains + +- Added: + * fix-salt-call-event.send-call-with-grains-and-pillar.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Jan 31 10:28:10 UTC 2022 - Alexander Graul + +- Fix exception in batch_async caused by a bad function call + +- Added: + * drop-serial-from-event.unpack-in-cli.batch_async.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Jan 28 16:17:16 UTC 2022 - Victor Zhestkov + +- Fix inspector module export function (bsc#1097531) +- Wipe NOTIFY_SOCKET from env in cmdmod (bsc#1193357) + +- Added: + * fix-inspector-module-export-function-bsc-1097531-481.patch + * wipe-notify_socket-from-env-in-cmdmod-bsc-1193357-30.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jan 26 17:04:36 UTC 2022 - Alexander Graul + +- Update to version 3004, see release notes: +- Don't check for cached pillar errors on state.apply (bsc#1190781) + +- Added: + * state.apply-don-t-check-for-cached-pillar-errors.patch + +- Modified: + * add-migrated-state-and-gpg-key-management-functions-.patch + * switch-firewalld-state-to-use-change_interface.patch + * include-aliases-in-the-fqdns-grains.patch + * debian-info_installed-compatibility-50453.patch + * info_installed-works-without-status-attr-now.patch + * fix-traceback.print_exc-calls-for-test_pip_state-432.patch + * add-custom-suse-capabilities-as-grains.patch + * add-rpm_vercmp-python-library-for-version-comparison.patch + * 3003.3-do-not-consider-skipped-targets-as-failed-for.patch + * support-transactional-systems-microos.patch + * do-not-crash-when-unexpected-cmd-output-at-listing-p.patch + * enable-passing-a-unix_socket-for-mysql-returners-bsc.patch + * update-target-fix-for-salt-ssh-to-process-targets-li.patch + * fix-exception-in-yumpkg.remove-for-not-installed-pac.patch + * enhance-openscap-module-add-xccdf_eval-call-386.patch + * add-environment-variable-to-know-if-yum-is-invoked-f.patch + * zypperpkg-ignore-retcode-104-for-search-bsc-1176697-.patch + * run-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch + * 3003.3-postgresql-json-support-in-pillar-423.patch + * prevent-pkg-plugins-errors-on-missing-cookie-path-bs.patch + * early-feature-support-config.patch + * implementation-of-held-unheld-functions-for-state-pk.patch + * x509-fixes-111.patch + * fix-issues-with-salt-ssh-s-extra-filerefs.patch + * + * use-adler32-algorithm-to-compute-string-checksums.patch + * refactor-and-improvements-for-transactional-updates-.patch + * improvements-on-ansiblegate-module-354.patch + * revert-fixing-a-use-case-when-multiple-inotify-beaco.patch + +- Removed: + * add-alibaba-cloud-linux-2-by-backporting-upstream-s-.patch + * prevent-logging-deadlock-on-salt-api-subprocesses-bs.patch + * do-not-break-master_tops-for-minion-with-version-low.patch + * don-t-call-zypper-with-more-than-one-no-refresh.patch + * do-not-monkey-patch-yaml-bsc-1177474.patch + * add-missing-aarch64-to-rpm-package-architectures-405.patch + * figure-out-python-interpreter-to-use-inside-containe.patch + * parsing-epoch-out-of-version-provided-during-pkg-rem.patch + * fix-a-test-and-some-variable-names-229.patch + * add-astra-linux-common-edition-to-the-os-family-list.patch + * better-handling-of-bad-public-keys-from-minions-bsc-.patch + * templates-move-the-globals-up-to-the-environment-jin.patch + * virt-enhancements.patch + * fix-aptpkg.normalize_name-when-package-arch-is-all.patch + * adding-preliminary-support-for-rocky.-59682-391.patch + * fix-save-for-iptables-state-module-bsc-1185131-372.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Nov 15 15:14:54 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Simplify "transactional_update" module to not use SSH wrapper and allow more flexible execution +- Add "--no-return-event" option to salt-call to prevent sending return event back to master. +- Make "state.highstate" to acts on concurrent flag. +- Fix print regression for yumnotify plugin + +- Added: + * refactor-and-improvements-for-transactional-updates-.patch + * fix-the-regression-for-yumnotify-plugin-456.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Nov 9 08:07:14 UTC 2021 - Victor Zhestkov + +- Use dnfnotify instead yumnotify for relevant distros +- dnfnotify pkgset plugin implementation +- Add rpm_vercmp python library support for version comparison +- Prevent pkg plugins errors on missing cookie path (bsc#1186738) + +- Added: + * add-rpm_vercmp-python-library-for-version-comparison.patch + * + * dnfnotify-pkgset-plugin-implementation-3002.2-450.patch + * fix-traceback.print_exc-calls-for-test_pip_state-432.patch + * prevent-pkg-plugins-errors-on-missing-cookie-path-bs.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Oct 15 15:06:25 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix ip6_interface grain to not leak secondary IPv4 aliases (bsc#1191412) +- Make "salt-api" package to require python3-cherrypy on RHEL systems +- Make "tar" as required for "salt-transactional-update" package + +- Added: + * fix-ip6_interface-grain-to-not-leak-secondary-ipv4-a.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Oct 8 15:48:09 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix issues with salt-ssh's extra-filerefs + +- Added: + * fix-issues-with-salt-ssh-s-extra-filerefs.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Oct 8 15:26:04 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix crash when calling manage.not_alive runners + +- Added: + * fix-crash-when-calling-manage.not_alive-runners.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Oct 6 08:32:54 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Do not consider skipped targets as failed for ansible.playbooks state (bsc#1190446) + +- Added: + * 3003.3-do-not-consider-skipped-targets-as-failed-for.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Sep 30 10:49:56 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Do not break master_tops for minion with version lower to 3003 + +- Added: + * do-not-break-master_tops-for-minion-with-version-low.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Sep 24 15:07:50 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Support querying for JSON data in external sql pillar + +- Added: + * 3003.3-postgresql-json-support-in-pillar-423.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Sep 20 13:03:39 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Update to Salt release version 3003.3 +- See release notes: + +- Added: + * allow-vendor-change-option-with-zypper.patch + * support-transactional-systems-microos.patch + * virt-enhancements.patch + +- Modified: + * adds-explicit-type-cast-for-port.patch + * use-adler32-algorithm-to-compute-string-checksums.patch + * do-not-load-pip-state-if-there-is-no-3rd-party-depen.patch + * fixes-56144-to-enable-hotadd-profile-support.patch + * include-aliases-in-the-fqdns-grains.patch + * implementation-of-held-unheld-functions-for-state-pk.patch + * add-alibaba-cloud-linux-2-by-backporting-upstream-s-.patch + * debian-info_installed-compatibility-50453.patch + * fix-wrong-test_mod_del_repo_multiline_values-test-af.patch + * update-target-fix-for-salt-ssh-to-process-targets-li.patch + * x509-fixes-111.patch + * prevent-logging-deadlock-on-salt-api-subprocesses-bs.patch + * restore-default-behaviour-of-pkg-list-return.patch + * adding-preliminary-support-for-rocky.-59682-391.patch + * add-astra-linux-common-edition-to-the-os-family-list.patch + * templates-move-the-globals-up-to-the-environment-jin.patch + * fix-bsc-1065792.patch + * add-migrated-state-and-gpg-key-management-functions-.patch + * zypperpkg-ignore-retcode-104-for-search-bsc-1176697-.patch + * improvements-on-ansiblegate-module-354.patch + * add-custom-suse-capabilities-as-grains.patch + * return-the-expected-powerpc-os-arch-bsc-1117995.patch + * revert-fixing-a-use-case-when-multiple-inotify-beaco.patch + * enhance-openscap-module-add-xccdf_eval-call-386.patch + * implementation-of-suse_ip-execution-module-bsc-10999.patch + * add-missing-aarch64-to-rpm-package-architectures-405.patch + * async-batch-implementation.patch + * temporary-fix-extend-the-whitelist-of-allowed-comman.patch + * do-not-crash-when-unexpected-cmd-output-at-listing-p.patch + * figure-out-python-interpreter-to-use-inside-containe.patch + * better-handling-of-bad-public-keys-from-minions-bsc-.patch + * early-feature-support-config.patch + * do-not-monkey-patch-yaml-bsc-1177474.patch + +- Removed: + * fix-memory-leak-produced-by-batch-async-find_jobs-me.patch + * + * fix-for-log-checking-in-x509-test.patch + * do-not-make-ansiblegate-to-crash-on-python3-minions.patch + * prevent-race-condition-on-sigterm-for-the-minion-bsc.patch + * remove-msgpack-1.0.0-requirement-in-the-installed-me.patch + * move-server_id-deprecation-warning-to-reduce-log-spa.patch + * re-adding-function-to-test-for-root.patch + * make-profiles-a-package.patch + * handle-master-tops-data-when-states-are-applied-by-t.patch + * fix-unit-tests-for-batch-async-after-refactor.patch + * prevent-test_mod_del_repo_multiline_values-to-fail.patch + * prevent-import-errors-when-running-test_btrfs-unit-t.patch + * fix-failing-unit-tests-for-batch-async.patch + * remove-unnecessary-yield-causing-badyielderror-bsc-1.patch + * virt-use-dev-kvm-to-detect-kvm-383.patch + * 3002.2-xen-spicevmc-dns-srv-records-backports-314.patch + * add-docker-logout-237.patch + * drop-wrong-mock-from-chroot-unit-test.patch + * fix-async-batch-multiple-done-events.patch + * fix-unit-test-for-grains-core.patch + * remove-arch-from-name-when-pkg.list_pkgs-is-called-w.patch + * pkgrepo-support-python-2.7-function-call-295.patch + * opensuse-3000-virt-defined-states-222.patch + * open-suse-3002.2-xen-grub-316.patch + * add-patch-support-for-allow-vendor-change-option-wit.patch + * fix-the-removed-six.itermitems-and-six.-_type-262.patch + * fix-aptpkg-systemd-call-bsc-1143301.patch + * add-almalinux-and-alibaba-cloud-linux-to-the-os-fami.patch + * fix-cve-2020-25592-and-add-tests-bsc-1178319.patch + * regression-fix-of-salt-ssh-on-processing-targets-353.patch + * do-not-break-repo-files-with-multiple-line-values-on.patch + * 3002-set-distro-requirement-to-oldest-supported-vers.patch + * integration-of-msi-authentication-with-azurearm-clou.patch + * zypperpkg-filter-patterns-that-start-with-dot-244.patch + * fix-for-temp-folder-definition-in-loader-unit-test.patch + * fix-novendorchange-option-284.patch + * backport-virt-patches-from-3001-256.patch + * allow-passing-kwargs-to-pkg.list_downloaded-bsc-1140.patch + * path-replace-functools.wraps-with-six.wraps-bsc-1177.patch + * virt-uefi-fix-backport-312.patch + * add-all_versions-parameter-to-include-all-installed-.patch + * add-pkg.services_need_restart-302.patch + * add-batch_presence_ping_timeout-and-batch_presence_p.patch + * allow-vendor-change-option-with-zypper-313.patch + * avoid-traceback-when-http.query-request-cannot-be-pe.patch + * changed-imports-to-vendored-tornado.patch + * fix-issue-parsing-errors-in-ansiblegate-state-module.patch + * sanitize-grains-loaded-from-roster_grains.json.patch + * handle-volumes-on-stopped-pools-in-virt.vm_info-373.patch + * add-multi-file-support-and-globbing-to-the-filetree-.patch + * loosen-azure-sdk-dependencies-in-azurearm-cloud-driv.patch + * backport-thread.is_alive-fix-390.patch + * get-os_arch-also-without-rpm-package-installed.patch + * python3.8-compatibility-pr-s-235.patch + * fixed-bug-lvm-has-no-parttion-type.-the-scipt-later-.patch + * ensure-virt.update-stop_on_reboot-is-updated-with-it.patch + * xfs-do-not-fails-if-type-is-not-present.patch + * grains-master-can-read-grains.patch + * invalidate-file-list-cache-when-cache-file-modified-.patch + * move-vendor-change-logic-to-zypper-class-355.patch + * implement-network.fqdns-module-function-bsc-1134860-.patch + * opensuse-3000.2-virt-backports-236-257.patch + * prevent-ansiblegate-unit-tests-to-fail-on-ubuntu.patch + * batch_async-avoid-using-fnmatch-to-match-event-217.patch + * provide-the-missing-features-required-for-yomi-yet-o.patch + * fix-__mount_device-wrapper-254.patch + * fix-ipv6-scope-bsc-1108557.patch + * fix-failing-unit-tests-for-systemd.patch + * use-current-ioloop-for-the-localclient-instance-of-b.patch + * revert-add-patch-support-for-allow-vendor-change-opt.patch + * remove-deprecated-warning-that-breaks-miniion-execut.patch + * prevent-systemd-run-description-issue-when-running-a.patch + * fix-grains.test_core-unit-test-277.patch + * prevent-command-injection-in-the-snapper-module-bsc-.patch + * backport-of-upstream-pr59492-to-3002.2-404.patch + * use-threadpool-from-multiprocessing.pool-to-avoid-le.patch + * reintroducing-reverted-changes.patch + * add-cpe_name-for-osversion-grain-parsing-u-49946.patch + * add-hold-unhold-functions.patch + * virt._get_domain-don-t-raise-an-exception-if-there-i.patch + * fix-error-handling-in-openscap-module-bsc-1188647-40.patch + * apply-patch-from-upstream-to-support-python-3.8.patch + * remove-deprecated-usage-of-no_mock-and-no_mock_reaso.patch + * add-supportconfig-module-for-remote-calls-and-saltss.patch + * allow-extra_filerefs-as-sanitized-kwargs-for-ssh-cli.patch + * fall-back-to-pymysql.patch + * fixes-cve-2018-15750-cve-2018-15751.patch + * do-not-crash-when-there-are-ipv6-established-connect.patch + * improve-batch_async-to-release-consumed-memory-bsc-1.patch + * support-config-non-root-permission-issues-fixes-u-50.patch + * transactional_update-detect-recursion-in-the-executo.patch + * open-suse-3002.2-virt-network-311.patch + * option-to-en-disable-force-refresh-in-zypper-215.patch + * do-noop-for-services-states-when-running-systemd-in-.patch + * exclude-the-full-path-of-a-download-url-to-prevent-i.patch + * + * add-new-custom-suse-capability-for-saltutil-state-mo.patch + * opensuse-3000-libvirt-engine-fixes-251.patch + * accumulated-changes-from-yomi-167.patch + * fix-async-batch-race-conditions.patch + * fix-onlyif-unless-when-multiple-conditions-bsc-11808.patch + * loop-fix-variable-names-for-until_no_eval.patch + * batch-async-catch-exceptions-and-safety-unregister-a.patch + * grains.extra-support-old-non-intel-kernels-bsc-11806.patch + * backport-a-few-virt-prs-272.patch + * fix-git_pillar-merging-across-multiple-__env__-repos.patch + * drop-wrong-virt-capabilities-code-after-rebasing-pat.patch + * virt-adding-kernel-boot-parameters-to-libvirt-xml-55.patch + * async-batch-implementation-fix-320.patch + * support-for-btrfs-and-xfs-in-parted-and-mkfs.patch + * support-transactional-systems-microos-271.patch + * strip-trailing-from-repo.uri-when-comparing-repos-in.patch + * opensuse-3000.3-spacewalk-runner-parse-command-250.patch + * calculate-fqdns-in-parallel-to-avoid-blockings-bsc-1.patch + * add-virt.all_capabilities.patch + * ansiblegate-take-care-of-failed-skipped-and-unreacha.patch + * virt-pass-emulator-when-getting-domain-capabilities-.patch + * fixing-streamclosed-issue.patch + * fix-for-some-cves-bsc1181550.patch + * + * do-not-raise-streamclosederror-traceback-but-only-lo.patch + * fix-batch_async-obsolete-test.patch + * fix-zypper-pkg.list_pkgs-expectation-and-dpkg-mockin.patch + * fix-zypper.list_pkgs-to-be-aligned-with-pkg-state.patch + * accumulated-changes-required-for-yomi-165.patch + * fix-virt.update-with-cpu-defined-263.patch + * remove-vendored-backports-abc-from-requirements.patch + * open-suse-3002.2-bigvm-310.patch + * xen-disk-fixes-264.patch + * virt.network_update-handle-missing-ipv4-netmask-attr.patch + * add-saltssh-multi-version-support-across-python-inte.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Sep 15 11:18:58 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Exclude the full path of a download URL to prevent injection of + malicious code (bsc#1190265) (CVE-2021-21996) + +- Added: + * exclude-the-full-path-of-a-download-url-to-prevent-i.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Aug 31 11:28:13 UTC 2021 - Victor Zhestkov + +- Fix wrong relative paths resolution with Jinja renderer when importing subdirectories + +- Added: + * templates-move-the-globals-up-to-the-environment-jin.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Aug 19 14:41:12 UTC 2021 - Victor Zhestkov + +- Don't pass shell="/sbin/nologin" to onlyif/unless checks (bsc#1188259) +- Add missing aarch64 to rpm package architectures +- Backport of upstream PR#59492 + +- Added: + * backport-of-upstream-pr59492-to-3002.2-404.patch + * don-t-use-shell-sbin-nologin-in-requisites.patch + * add-missing-aarch64-to-rpm-package-architectures-405.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Aug 11 12:22:24 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix failing unit test for systemd +- Fix error handling in openscap module (bsc#1188647) +- Better handling of bad public keys from minions (bsc#1189040) + +- Added: + * better-handling-of-bad-public-keys-from-minions-bsc-.patch + * fix-error-handling-in-openscap-module-bsc-1188647-40.patch + * fix-failing-unit-tests-for-systemd.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Aug 10 12:59:25 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Define license macro as doc in spec file if not existing +- Add standalone formulas configuration for salt minion and remove salt-master requirement (bsc#1168327) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Jul 16 15:35:10 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Do noop for services states when running systemd in offline mode (bsc#1187787) +- transactional_updates: do not execute states in parallel but use a queue (bsc#1188170) + +- Added: + * do-noop-for-services-states-when-running-systemd-in-.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Jul 8 08:06:40 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Handle "master tops" data when states are applied by "transactional_update" (bsc#1187787) +- Enhance openscap module: add "xccdf_eval" call + +- Added: + * enhance-openscap-module-add-xccdf_eval-call-386.patch + * handle-master-tops-data-when-states-are-applied-by-t.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Jul 6 08:00:23 UTC 2021 - Victor Zhestkov + +- virt: pass emulator when getting domain capabilities from libvirt +- Adding preliminary support for Rocky Linux +- Implementation of held/unheld functions for state pkg (bsc#1187813) + +- Added: + * implementation-of-held-unheld-functions-for-state-pk.patch + * adding-preliminary-support-for-rocky.-59682-391.patch + * virt-pass-emulator-when-getting-domain-capabilities-.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Jun 25 11:54:13 UTC 2021 - Alexander Graul + +- Replace deprecated Thread.isAlive() with Thread.is_alive() + +- Added: + * backport-thread.is_alive-fix-390.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Jun 24 12:41:03 UTC 2021 - Victor Zhestkov + +- Fix exception in yumpkg.remove for not installed package +- Fix save for iptables state module (bsc#1185131) + +- Added: + * fix-exception-in-yumpkg.remove-for-not-installed-pac.patch + * fix-save-for-iptables-state-module-bsc-1185131-372.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Jun 24 09:44:36 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- virt: use /dev/kvm to detect KVM + +- Added: + * virt-use-dev-kvm-to-detect-kvm-383.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Jun 24 08:41:31 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- zypperpkg: improve logic for handling vendorchange flags + +- Added: + * move-vendor-change-logic-to-zypper-class-355.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Jun 21 14:57:02 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Add bundled provides for tornado to the spec file +- Enhance logging when inotify beacon is missing pyinotify (bsc#1186310) +- Add "python3-pyinotify" as a recommended package for Salt in SUSE/OpenSUSE distros + +- Added: + * enhance-logging-when-inotify-beacon-is-missing-pyino.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Jun 4 09:00:07 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix tmpfiles.d configuration for salt to not use legacy paths (bsc#1173103) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Jun 1 12:05:20 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Check if dpkgnotify is executable (bsc#1186674) + +- Added: + * check-if-dpkgnotify-is-executable-bsc-1186674-376.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri May 21 15:01:10 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Detect Python version to use inside container (bsc#1167586) (bsc#1164192) +- Handle volumes on stopped pools in virt.vm_info (bsc#1186287) +- Drop support for Python2. Obsoletes "python2-salt" package + +- Added: + * handle-volumes-on-stopped-pools-in-virt.vm_info-373.patch + * figure-out-python-interpreter-to-use-inside-containe.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon May 10 14:45:26 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- grains.extra: support old non-intel kernels (bsc#1180650) +- Fix missing minion returns in batch mode (bsc#1184659) + +- Added: + * fix-missing-minion-returns-in-batch-mode-360.patch + * grains.extra-support-old-non-intel-kernels-bsc-11806.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue May 4 13:44:13 UTC 2021 - Jochen Breuer + +- Parsing Epoch out of version provided during pkg remove (bsc#1173692) + +- Added: + * parsing-epoch-out-of-version-provided-during-pkg-rem.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Apr 27 15:02:30 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix issue parsing errors in ansiblegate state module + +- Added: + * fix-issue-parsing-errors-in-ansiblegate-state-module.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Apr 27 12:27:17 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Prevent command injection in the snapper module (bsc#1185281) (CVE-2021-31607) +- transactional_update: detect recursion in the executor +- Add subpackage salt-transactional-update (jsc#SLE-18028) +- Remove duplicate directories from specfile + +- Added: + * transactional_update-detect-recursion-in-the-executo.patch + * prevent-command-injection-in-the-snapper-module-bsc-.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Apr 20 12:18:06 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Improvements on "ansiblegate" module (bsc#1185092): + * New methods: ansible.targets / ansible.discover_playbooks + * General bugfixes + +- Added: + * improvements-on-ansiblegate-module-354.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Apr 13 15:03:48 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Regression fix of salt-ssh on processing some targets + +- Added: + * regression-fix-of-salt-ssh-on-processing-targets-353.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Apr 13 08:40:32 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Add support for Alibaba Cloud Linux 2 (Aliyun Linux) + +- Added: + * add-alibaba-cloud-linux-2-by-backporting-upstream-s-.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Apr 9 14:39:50 UTC 2021 - Victor Zhestkov + +- Update target fix for salt-ssh to process targets list (bsc#1179831) + +- Added: + * update-target-fix-for-salt-ssh-to-process-targets-li.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Apr 9 10:33:54 UTC 2021 - Alexander Graul + +- Add notify beacon for Debian/Ubuntu systems +- Add core grains support for AlmaLinux and Alibaba Could Linux + +- Added: + * add-almalinux-and-alibaba-cloud-linux-to-the-os-fami.patch + * notify-beacon-for-debian-ubuntu-systems-347.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Mar 17 14:17:05 UTC 2021 - Jochen Breuer + +- Allow vendor change option with zypper + +- Added: + * allow-vendor-change-option-with-zypper-313.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Mar 10 08:42:54 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- virt.network_update: handle missing ipv4 netmask attribute + +- Added: + * virt.network_update-handle-missing-ipv4-netmask-attr.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Mar 9 14:34:29 UTC 2021 - Alexander Graul + +- Set distro requirement to oldest supported version in requirements/base.txt + +- Added: + * 3002-set-distro-requirement-to-oldest-supported-vers.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Mar 9 09:00:08 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Do not monkey patch yaml loaders: Prevent breaking Ansible filter modules (bsc#1177474) +- Don't require python3-certifi + +- Added: + * do-not-monkey-patch-yaml-bsc-1177474.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Mar 3 09:32:53 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix race conditions for corner cases when handling SIGTERM by minion (bsc#1172110) + +- Added: + * prevent-race-condition-on-sigterm-for-the-minion-bsc.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Mar 1 11:21:01 UTC 2021 - Alexander Graul + +- Allow extra_filerefs as sanitized kwargs for SSH client +- Fix regression on when passing tuples as cmd (bsc#1182740) +- Fix for multiple for security issues + (CVE-2020-28243) (CVE-2020-28972) (CVE-2020-35662) (CVE-2021-3148) (CVE-2021-3144) + (CVE-2021-25281) (CVE-2021-25282) (CVE-2021-25283) (CVE-2021-25284) (CVE-2021-3197) + (bsc#1181550) (bsc#1181556) (bsc#1181557) (bsc#1181558) (bsc#1181559) (bsc#1181560) + (bsc#1181561) (bsc#1181562) (bsc#1181563) (bsc#1181564) (bsc#1181565) +- Implementation of suse_ip execution module to prevent issues with network.managed (bsc#1099976) +- Add sleep on exception handling on minion connection attempt to the master (bsc#1174855) +- Allows for the VMware provider to handle CPU and memory hot-add in newer versions of the software. (bsc#1181347) +- Always require python-certifi (used by salt.ext.tornado) +- Bring missing part of async batch implementation back (bsc#1182382) (CVE-2021-25315) + +- Added: + * implementation-of-suse_ip-execution-module-bsc-10999.patch + * + * async-batch-implementation-fix-320.patch + * add-sleep-on-exception-handling-on-minion-connection.patch + * allow-extra_filerefs-as-sanitized-kwargs-for-ssh-cli.patch + * fix-for-some-cves-bsc1181550.patch + * fixes-56144-to-enable-hotadd-profile-support.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Feb 16 17:10:30 UTC 2021 - Alexander Graul + +- Always require python3-distro (bsc#1182293) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Feb 11 16:02:59 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- virt: search for grub.xen path +- Xen spicevmc, DNS SRV records backports: + Fix virtual network generated DNS XML for SRV records + Don't add spicevmc channel to xen VMs +- virt UEFI fix: virt.update when efi=True + +- Added: + * virt-uefi-fix-backport-312.patch + * 3002.2-xen-spicevmc-dns-srv-records-backports-314.patch + * open-suse-3002.2-xen-grub-316.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Jan 25 13:52:50 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Do not crash when unexpected cmd output at listing patches (bsc#1181290) + +- Added: + * do-not-crash-when-unexpected-cmd-output-at-listing-p.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Jan 22 16:28:51 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix behavior for "onlyif/unless" when multiple conditions (bsc#1180818) + +- Added: + * fix-onlyif-unless-when-multiple-conditions-bsc-11808.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jan 13 13:49:34 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Remove deprecated warning that breaks minion execution when "server_id_use_crc" opts is missing + +- Added: + * remove-deprecated-warning-that-breaks-miniion-execut.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jan 13 10:13:13 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Revert wrong zypper patch to support vendorchanges flags on pkg.install + +- Added: + * revert-add-patch-support-for-allow-vendor-change-opt.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Jan 12 12:09:35 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Force zyppnotify to prefer Packages.db than Packages if it exists +- Allow vendor change option with zypper +- Add pkg.services_need_restart +- Fix for file.check_perms to work with numeric uid/gid + +- Added: + * force-zyppnotify-to-prefer-packages.db-than-packages.patch + * fix-salt.utils.stringutils.to_str-calls-to-make-it-w.patch + * add-patch-support-for-allow-vendor-change-option-wit.patch + * add-pkg.services_need_restart-302.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Jan 12 10:31:02 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- virt: more network support + Add more network and PCI/USB host devices passthrough support + to virt module and states + +- Added: + * open-suse-3002.2-virt-network-311.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Jan 12 09:55:36 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Bigvm backports + virt consoles, CPU tuning and topology, and memory tuning. + +- Added: + * open-suse-3002.2-bigvm-310.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Jan 11 16:11:22 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix pkg states when DEB package has "all" arch + +- Added: + * fix-aptpkg.normalize_name-when-package-arch-is-all.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Jan 5 12:49:42 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Do not force beacons configuration to be a list. + Revert + +- Added: + * revert-fixing-a-use-case-when-multiple-inotify-beaco.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Jan 5 10:15:08 UTC 2021 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Drop wrong virt capabilities code after rebasing patches + +- Added: + * drop-wrong-virt-capabilities-code-after-rebasing-pat.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Dec 18 12:13:49 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Update to Salt release version 3002.2 (jsc#ECO-3212) (jsc#SLE-18033) +- See release notes: + +- Modified: + * add-environment-variable-to-know-if-yum-is-invoked-f.patch + * let-salt-ssh-use-platform-python-binary-in-rhel8-191.patch + * fix-__mount_device-wrapper-254.patch + * opensuse-3000.2-virt-backports-236-257.patch + * fixes-cve-2018-15750-cve-2018-15751.patch + * strip-trailing-from-repo.uri-when-comparing-repos-in.patch + * include-aliases-in-the-fqdns-grains.patch + * support-config-non-root-permission-issues-fixes-u-50.patch + * support-for-btrfs-and-xfs-in-parted-and-mkfs.patch + * fix-batch_async-obsolete-test.patch + * early-feature-support-config.patch + * changed-imports-to-vendored-tornado.patch + * avoid-excessive-syslogging-by-watchdog-cronjob-58.patch + * add-hold-unhold-functions.patch + * do-not-crash-when-there-are-ipv6-established-connect.patch + * add-docker-logout-237.patch + * add-saltssh-multi-version-support-across-python-inte.patch + * fix-a-test-and-some-variable-names-229.patch + * implement-network.fqdns-module-function-bsc-1134860-.patch + * debian-info_installed-compatibility-50453.patch + * fix-bsc-1065792.patch + * use-current-ioloop-for-the-localclient-instance-of-b.patch + * restore-default-behaviour-of-pkg-list-return.patch + * virt-adding-kernel-boot-parameters-to-libvirt-xml-55.patch + * use-threadpool-from-multiprocessing.pool-to-avoid-le.patch + * add-migrated-state-and-gpg-key-management-functions-.patch + * info_installed-works-without-status-attr-now.patch + * bsc-1176024-fix-file-directory-user-and-group-owners.patch + * opensuse-3000.3-spacewalk-runner-parse-command-250.patch + * fix-aptpkg-systemd-call-bsc-1143301.patch + * fix-memory-leak-produced-by-batch-async-find_jobs-me.patch + * ansiblegate-take-care-of-failed-skipped-and-unreacha.patch + * calculate-fqdns-in-parallel-to-avoid-blockings-bsc-1.patch + * add-cpe_name-for-osversion-grain-parsing-u-49946.patch + * python3.8-compatibility-pr-s-235.patch + * backport-virt-patches-from-3001-256.patch + * do-not-break-repo-files-with-multiple-line-values-on.patch + * enable-passing-a-unix_socket-for-mysql-returners-bsc.patch + * accumulated-changes-required-for-yomi-165.patch + * support-transactional-systems-microos-271.patch + * use-adler32-algorithm-to-compute-string-checksums.patch + * remove-vendored-backports-abc-from-requirements.patch + * fall-back-to-pymysql.patch + * xen-disk-fixes-264.patch + * fix-for-temp-folder-definition-in-loader-unit-test.patch + * + * move-server_id-deprecation-warning-to-reduce-log-spa.patch + * avoid-traceback-when-http.query-request-cannot-be-pe.patch + * fixed-bug-lvm-has-no-parttion-type.-the-scipt-later-.patch + * fix-zypper-pkg.list_pkgs-expectation-and-dpkg-mockin.patch + * grains-master-can-read-grains.patch + * remove-arch-from-name-when-pkg.list_pkgs-is-called-w.patch + * fix-wrong-test_mod_del_repo_multiline_values-test-af.patch + * accumulated-changes-from-yomi-167.patch + * allow-passing-kwargs-to-pkg.list_downloaded-bsc-1140.patch + * loosen-azure-sdk-dependencies-in-azurearm-cloud-driv.patch + * add-astra-linux-common-edition-to-the-os-family-list.patch + * fix-async-batch-race-conditions.patch + * batch-async-catch-exceptions-and-safety-unregister-a.patch + * activate-all-beacons-sources-config-pillar-grains.patch + * drop-wrong-mock-from-chroot-unit-test.patch + * fix-for-suse-expanded-support-detection.patch + * fix-novendorchange-option-284.patch + * fix-virt.update-with-cpu-defined-263.patch + * add-batch_presence_ping_timeout-and-batch_presence_p.patch + * fix-git_pillar-merging-across-multiple-__env__-repos.patch + * add-publish_batch-to-clearfuncs-exposed-methods.patch + * fix-unit-tests-for-batch-async-after-refactor.patch + * add-new-custom-suse-capability-for-saltutil-state-mo.patch + * prevent-test_mod_del_repo_multiline_values-to-fail.patch + * x509-fixes-111.patch + * adds-explicit-type-cast-for-port.patch + * run-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch + * remove-msgpack-1.0.0-requirement-in-the-installed-me.patch + * switch-firewalld-state-to-use-change_interface.patch + * option-to-en-disable-force-refresh-in-zypper-215.patch + * fix-async-batch-multiple-done-events.patch + * + * add-custom-suse-capabilities-as-grains.patch + * don-t-call-zypper-with-more-than-one-no-refresh.patch + * + * fix-ipv6-scope-bsc-1108557.patch + * temporary-fix-extend-the-whitelist-of-allowed-comman.patch + * opensuse-3000-libvirt-engine-fixes-251.patch + * fix-grains.test_core-unit-test-277.patch + * pkgrepo-support-python-2.7-function-call-295.patch + * prevent-import-errors-when-running-test_btrfs-unit-t.patch + * do-not-make-ansiblegate-to-crash-on-python3-minions.patch + * fix-issue-2068-test.patch + * ensure-virt.update-stop_on_reboot-is-updated-with-it.patch + * remove-deprecated-usage-of-no_mock-and-no_mock_reaso.patch + * read-repo-info-without-using-interpolation-bsc-11356.patch + * fix-zypper.list_pkgs-to-be-aligned-with-pkg-state.patch + * fixing-streamclosed-issue.patch + * virt._get_domain-don-t-raise-an-exception-if-there-i.patch + * loop-fix-variable-names-for-until_no_eval.patch + * improve-batch_async-to-release-consumed-memory-bsc-1.patch + * prevent-systemd-run-description-issue-when-running-a.patch + * integration-of-msi-authentication-with-azurearm-clou.patch + * add-all_versions-parameter-to-include-all-installed-.patch + * sanitize-grains-loaded-from-roster_grains.json.patch + * fix-failing-unit-tests-for-batch-async.patch + * reintroducing-reverted-changes.patch + * fix-for-log-checking-in-x509-test.patch + * do-not-load-pip-state-if-there-is-no-3rd-party-depen.patch + * opensuse-3000-virt-defined-states-222.patch + * add-virt.all_capabilities.patch + * prevent-logging-deadlock-on-salt-api-subprocesses-bs.patch + * fix-cve-2020-25592-and-add-tests-bsc-1178319.patch + * fix-unit-test-for-grains-core.patch + * async-batch-implementation.patch + * apply-patch-from-upstream-to-support-python-3.8.patch + * remove-unnecessary-yield-causing-badyielderror-bsc-1.patch + * re-adding-function-to-test-for-root.patch + * zypperpkg-filter-patterns-that-start-with-dot-244.patch + * + * add-multi-file-support-and-globbing-to-the-filetree-.patch + * fix-the-removed-six.itermitems-and-six.-_type-262.patch + * zypperpkg-ignore-retcode-104-for-search-bsc-1176697-.patch + * add-standalone-configuration-file-for-enabling-packa.patch + * make-profiles-a-package.patch + * return-the-expected-powerpc-os-arch-bsc-1117995.patch + * batch_async-avoid-using-fnmatch-to-match-event-217.patch + * do-not-raise-streamclosederror-traceback-but-only-lo.patch + * provide-the-missing-features-required-for-yomi-yet-o.patch + * make-aptpkg.list_repos-compatible-on-enabled-disable.patch + * backport-a-few-virt-prs-272.patch + * add-supportconfig-module-for-remote-calls-and-saltss.patch + * run-salt-api-as-user-salt-bsc-1064520.patch + * path-replace-functools.wraps-with-six.wraps-bsc-1177.patch + * get-os_arch-also-without-rpm-package-installed.patch + * invalidate-file-list-cache-when-cache-file-modified-.patch + * xfs-do-not-fails-if-type-is-not-present.patch + * prevent-ansiblegate-unit-tests-to-fail-on-ubuntu.patch + +- Removed: + * do-not-report-patches-as-installed-when-not-all-the-.patch + * add-pkg.services_need_restart-302.patch + * removes-unresolved-merge-conflict-in-yumpkg-module.patch + * add-missing-fun-for-returns-from-wfunc-executions.patch + * force-zyppnotify-to-prefer-packages.db-than-packages.patch + * decide-if-the-source-should-be-actually-skipped.patch + * make-lazyloader.__init__-call-to-_refresh_file_mappi.patch + * avoid-has_docker-true-if-import-messes-with-salt.uti.patch + * fix-for-bsc-1102248-psutil-is-broken-and-so-process-.patch + * set-passphrase-for-salt-ssh-keys-to-empty-string-293.patch + * fix-salt.utils.stringutils.to_str-calls-to-make-it-w.patch + * add-patch-support-for-allow-vendor-change-option-wit.patch + * opensuse-3000.3-bigvm-backports-303.patch + * msgpack-support-versions-1.0.0.patch + * fix-typo-on-msgpack-version-when-sanitizing-msgpack-.patch + * use-full-option-name-instead-of-undocumented-abbrevi.patch + * add-missing-_utils-at-loader-grains_func.patch + * loader-invalidate-the-import-cachefor-extra-modules.patch + * fix-for-return-value-ret-vs-return-in-batch-mode.patch + * make-salt.ext.tornado.gen-to-use-salt.ext.backports_.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Dec 10 10:47:12 UTC 2020 - Jochen Breuer + +- Force zyppnotify to prefer Packages.db than Packages if it exists +- Allow vendor change option with zypper + +- Added: + * add-patch-support-for-allow-vendor-change-option-wit.patch + * force-zyppnotify-to-prefer-packages.db-than-packages.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Dec 8 14:56:28 UTC 2020 - Jochen Breuer + +- Add pkg.services_need_restart +- Bigvm backports: + virt consoles, CPU tuning and topology, and memory tuning. +- Fix for file.check_perms to work with numeric uid/gid + +- Added: + * add-pkg.services_need_restart-302.patch + * fix-salt.utils.stringutils.to_str-calls-to-make-it-w.patch + * opensuse-3000.3-bigvm-backports-303.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Nov 27 10:47:14 UTC 2020 - Victor Zhestkov + +- Change 'Requires(pre)' to 'Requires' for salt-minion package (bsc#1083110) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Nov 16 09:48:45 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix syntax error on pkgrepo state with Python 2.7 +- transactional_update: unify with + +- Added: + * pkgrepo-support-python-2.7-function-call-295.patch + * + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Nov 10 15:43:09 UTC 2020 - Jochen Breuer + +- Add "migrated" state and GPG key management functions + +- Added: + * add-migrated-state-and-gpg-key-management-functions-.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Nov 10 15:09:16 UTC 2020 - Jochen Breuer + +- Master can read grains (bsc#1179696) + +- Added: + * grains-master-can-read-grains.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Nov 10 14:03:22 UTC 2020 - Jochen Breuer + +- Fix for broken psutil (bsc#1102248) + +- Added: + * fix-for-bsc-1102248-psutil-is-broken-and-so-process-.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Nov 6 09:19:22 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Set passphrase for salt-ssh keys to empty string (bsc#1178485) + +- Added: + * set-passphrase-for-salt-ssh-keys-to-empty-string-293.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Nov 4 10:54:32 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Properly validate eauth credentials and tokens on SSH calls made by Salt API + (bsc#1178319) (bsc#1178362) (bsc#1178361) + (CVE-2020-25592) (CVE-2020-17490) (CVE-2020-16846) + +- Added: + * fix-cve-2020-25592-and-add-tests-bsc-1178319.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Oct 27 15:23:12 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix novendorchange handling in zypperpkg module + +- Added: + * fix-novendorchange-option-284.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Oct 20 11:43:49 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix disk.blkid to avoid unexpected keyword argument '__pub_user' (bsc#1177867) + +- Added: + * path-replace-functools.wraps-with-six.wraps-bsc-1177.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Oct 14 10:49:33 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Ensure virt.update stop_on_reboot is updated with its default value + +- Added: + * ensure-virt.update-stop_on_reboot-is-updated-with-it.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Oct 13 15:26:05 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Do not break package building for systemd OSes + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Oct 13 11:10:06 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Drop wrong mock from chroot unit test + +- Added: + * drop-wrong-mock-from-chroot-unit-test.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Oct 7 12:19:05 UTC 2020 - Jochen Breuer + +- Support systemd versions with dot (bsc#1176294) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Oct 6 12:52:51 UTC 2020 - Jochen Breuer + +- Fix for grains.test_core unit test +- Fix file/directory user and group ownership containing UTF-8 + characters (bsc#1176024) +- Several changes to virtualization: +- - Fix virt update when cpu and memory are changed +- - Memory Tuning GSoC +- - Properly fix memory setting regression in virt.update +- - Expose libvirt on_reboot in virt states +- Support transactional systems (MicroOS) +- zypperpkg module ignores retcode 104 for search() (bsc#1159670) +- Xen disk fixes. No longer generates volumes for Xen disks, but the + corresponding file or block disk (bsc#1175987) + +- Added: + * fix-grains.test_core-unit-test-277.patch + * support-transactional-systems-microos-271.patch + * backport-a-few-virt-prs-272.patch + * xen-disk-fixes-264.patch + * zypperpkg-ignore-retcode-104-for-search-bsc-1176697-.patch + * bsc-1176024-fix-file-directory-user-and-group-owners.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Sep 23 14:48:41 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Invalidate file list cache when cache file modified time is in the future (bsc#1176397) + +- Added: + * invalidate-file-list-cache-when-cache-file-modified-.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Sep 16 11:52:33 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Prevent import errors when running test_btrfs unit tests + +- Added: + * prevent-import-errors-when-running-test_btrfs-unit-t.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Sep 16 10:57:15 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Remove msgpack < 1.0.0 from base requirements (bsc#1176293) + +- Added: + * remove-msgpack-1.0.0-requirement-in-the-installed-me.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Sep 15 14:22:12 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix virt.update with CPU defined + +- Added: + * fix-virt.update-with-cpu-defined-263.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Sep 15 12:15:16 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix virt issues and invalid input errors from '' (bsc#1176480) + +- Added: + * fix-the-removed-six.itermitems-and-six.-_type-262.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Sep 8 12:59:11 UTC 2020 - Jochen Breuer + +- Reintroduces the patches from + opensuse-3000.2-virt-backports-236.patch coming from Salt 3001 + +- Added: + * backport-virt-patches-from-3001-256.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Sep 1 08:42:50 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Adding missing virt backports to 3000.3 + +- Added: + * opensuse-3000.2-virt-backports-236-257.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Aug 27 14:30:10 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Do not raise StreamClosedError traceback but only log it (bsc#1175549) + +- Added: + * do-not-raise-streamclosederror-traceback-but-only-lo.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Aug 17 11:28:26 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Take care of failed, skipped and unreachable tasks and propagate "retcode" (bsc#1173911) (bsc#1173909) + +- Added: + * ansiblegate-take-care-of-failed-skipped-and-unreacha.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Aug 10 15:15:31 UTC 2020 - Alexander Graul + +- Require /usr/bin/python instead of /bin/python for RHEL-family (bsc#1173936) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Jul 31 14:55:06 UTC 2020 - Alexander Graul + +- Don't install SuSEfirewall2 service files in Factory +- Fix __mount_device wrapper to accept separate args and kwargs + +- Added: + * fix-__mount_device-wrapper-254.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Jul 3 13:19:02 UTC 2020 - Jochen Breuer + +- Fix the registration of libvirt pool and nodedev events +- Accept nested namespaces in spacewalk.api runner function. (bsc#1172211) +- info_installed works without status attr now (bsc#1171461) + +- Added: + * info_installed-works-without-status-attr-now.patch + * opensuse-3000.3-spacewalk-runner-parse-command-250.patch + * opensuse-3000-libvirt-engine-fixes-251.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu May 28 16:01:10 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Avoid traceback on debug logging for swarm module (bsc#1172075) + +- Added: + * avoid-has_docker-true-if-import-messes-with-salt.uti.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu May 28 08:51:19 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Add publish_batch to ClearFuncs exposed methods + +- Added: + * add-publish_batch-to-clearfuncs-exposed-methods.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue May 26 14:37:09 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Update to Salt release version 3000.3 + See release notes: + +- Removed: + * fix-typo-in-minion_runner-for-aesfuncs-exposed-metho.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu May 21 08:35:30 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- zypperpkg: filter patterns that start with dot (bsc#1171906) + +- Added: + * zypperpkg-filter-patterns-that-start-with-dot-244.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed May 20 13:27:23 UTC 2020 - Jochen Breuer + +- Batch mode now also correctly provides return value (bsc#1168340) + +- Added: + * fix-for-return-value-ret-vs-return-in-batch-mode.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon May 18 15:22:58 UTC 2020 - Alexander Graul + +- Add docker.logout to docker execution module (bsc#1165572) + +- Added: + * add-docker-logout-237.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue May 12 15:07:12 UTC 2020 - Jochen Breuer + +- Testsuite fix +- Add option to enable/disable force refresh for zypper + +- Added: + * option-to-en-disable-force-refresh-in-zypper-215.patch + * fix-a-test-and-some-variable-names-229.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri May 8 14:24:19 UTC 2020 - Jochen Breuer + +- Python 3.8 compatibility changes +- msgpack support for version >= 1.0.0 (bsc#1171257) + +- Added: + * python3.8-compatibility-pr-s-235.patch + * msgpack-support-versions-1.0.0.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu May 7 15:36:38 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Prevent sporious "salt-api" stuck processes when managing SSH minions + because of logging deadlock (bsc#1159284) +- Avoid segfault from "salt-api" under certain conditions of heavy load + managing SSH minions (bsc#1169604) + +- Added: + * prevent-logging-deadlock-on-salt-api-subprocesses-bs.patch + * make-lazyloader.__init__-call-to-_refresh_file_mappi.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Apr 30 13:24:35 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Update to Salt release version 3000.2 + See release notes: + +- Fix typo in 'minion_runner' for AESFuncs exposed methods + +- Added: + * fix-typo-in-minion_runner-for-aesfuncs-exposed-metho.patch + +- Removed: + * fix-cve-2020-11651-and-fix-cve-2020-11652.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Apr 30 12:30:04 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Update to Salt release version 3000.1 + See release notes: + +- Fix CVE-2020-11651 and CVE-2020-11652 (bsc#1170595) +- Do not require vendored backports-abc (bsc#1170288) +- Fix partition.mkpart to work without fstype (bsc#1169800) + +- Added: + * fixed-bug-lvm-has-no-parttion-type.-the-scipt-later-.patch + * remove-vendored-backports-abc-from-requirements.patch + * fix-cve-2020-11651-and-fix-cve-2020-11652.patch + +- Modified: + * + * + * do-not-load-pip-state-if-there-is-no-3rd-party-depen.patch + * accumulated-changes-from-yomi-167.patch + +- Removed: + * fix-for-unless-requisite-when-pip-is-not-installed.patch + * fix-regression-in-service-states-with-reload-argumen.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Apr 7 10:38:57 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Update to Salt version 3000 + See release notes: + +- Do not make file.recurse state to fail when msgpack 0.5.4 (bsc#1167437) +- Fixes status attribute issue in aptpkg test +- Make script not to require setuptools greater than 9.1 + loop: fix variable names for until_no_eval +- Drop conflictive state patch (bsc#1167437) +- Update patches after rebase with upstream v3000 tag (bsc#1167437) +- Fix some requirements issues depending on Python3 versions +- Removes obsolete patch +- Fix for low rpm_lowpkg unit test +- Add python-singledispatch as dependency for python2-salt +- Fix for temp folder definition in loader unit test +- Make "salt.ext.tornado.gen" to use "salt.ext.backports_abc" on Python 2 +- Fix regression in service states with reload argument +- Fix integration test failure for test_mod_del_repo_multiline_values +- Fix for unless requisite when pip is not installed +- Fix errors from unit tests due NO_MOCK and NO_MOCK_REASON deprecation +- Fix tornado imports and missing _utils after rebasing patches +- Removes unresolved merge conflict in yumpkg module + +- Added: + * + * opensuse-3000-virt-defined-states-222.patch + * fix-for-unless-requisite-when-pip-is-not-installed.patch + * fix-typo-on-msgpack-version-when-sanitizing-msgpack-.patch + * fix-regression-in-service-states-with-reload-argumen.patch + * batch_async-avoid-using-fnmatch-to-match-event-217.patch + * make-salt.ext.tornado.gen-to-use-salt.ext.backports_.patch + * virt._get_domain-don-t-raise-an-exception-if-there-i.patch + * loop-fix-variable-names-for-until_no_eval.patch + * removes-unresolved-merge-conflict-in-yumpkg-module.patch + * add-missing-_utils-at-loader-grains_func.patch + * changed-imports-to-vendored-tornado.patch + * sanitize-grains-loaded-from-roster_grains.json.patch + * fix-for-temp-folder-definition-in-loader-unit-test.patch + * remove-deprecated-usage-of-no_mock-and-no_mock_reaso.patch + * reintroducing-reverted-changes.patch + * adds-explicit-type-cast-for-port.patch + * fix-wrong-test_mod_del_repo_multiline_values-test-af.patch + * re-adding-function-to-test-for-root.patch + +- Modified: + * move-server_id-deprecation-warning-to-reduce-log-spa.patch + * let-salt-ssh-use-platform-python-binary-in-rhel8-191.patch + * strip-trailing-from-repo.uri-when-comparing-repos-in.patch + * prevent-test_mod_del_repo_multiline_values-to-fail.patch + * prevent-ansiblegate-unit-tests-to-fail-on-ubuntu.patch + * remove-arch-from-name-when-pkg.list_pkgs-is-called-w.patch + * async-batch-implementation.patch + * add-hold-unhold-functions.patch + * add-all_versions-parameter-to-include-all-installed-.patch + * enable-passing-a-unix_socket-for-mysql-returners-bsc.patch + * fix-for-log-checking-in-x509-test.patch + * fix-zypper.list_pkgs-to-be-aligned-with-pkg-state.patch + * add-multi-file-support-and-globbing-to-the-filetree-.patch + * remove-unnecessary-yield-causing-badyielderror-bsc-1.patch + * fix-bsc-1065792.patch + * use-threadpool-from-multiprocessing.pool-to-avoid-le.patch + * return-the-expected-powerpc-os-arch-bsc-1117995.patch + * fixes-cve-2018-15750-cve-2018-15751.patch + * add-cpe_name-for-osversion-grain-parsing-u-49946.patch + * fix-failing-unit-tests-for-batch-async.patch + * decide-if-the-source-should-be-actually-skipped.patch + * allow-passing-kwargs-to-pkg.list_downloaded-bsc-1140.patch + * add-batch_presence_ping_timeout-and-batch_presence_p.patch + * run-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch + * use-current-ioloop-for-the-localclient-instance-of-b.patch + * integration-of-msi-authentication-with-azurearm-clou.patch + * temporary-fix-extend-the-whitelist-of-allowed-comman.patch + * improve-batch_async-to-release-consumed-memory-bsc-1.patch + * fix-unit-test-for-grains-core.patch + * add-supportconfig-module-for-remote-calls-and-saltss.patch + * avoid-excessive-syslogging-by-watchdog-cronjob-58.patch + * debian-info_installed-compatibility-50453.patch + * include-aliases-in-the-fqdns-grains.patch + * implement-network.fqdns-module-function-bsc-1134860-.patch + * fix-async-batch-multiple-done-events.patch + * support-config-non-root-permission-issues-fixes-u-50.patch + * fix-zypper-pkg.list_pkgs-expectation-and-dpkg-mockin.patch + * activate-all-beacons-sources-config-pillar-grains.patch + * avoid-traceback-when-http.query-request-cannot-be-pe.patch + * fix-aptpkg-systemd-call-bsc-1143301.patch + * use-adler32-algorithm-to-compute-string-checksums.patch + * do-not-break-repo-files-with-multiple-line-values-on.patch + * fix-batch_async-obsolete-test.patch + * provide-the-missing-features-required-for-yomi-yet-o.patch + * fall-back-to-pymysql.patch + * xfs-do-not-fails-if-type-is-not-present.patch + * restore-default-behaviour-of-pkg-list-return.patch + * add-missing-fun-for-returns-from-wfunc-executions.patch + * virt-adding-kernel-boot-parameters-to-libvirt-xml-55.patch + * run-salt-api-as-user-salt-bsc-1064520.patch + * loosen-azure-sdk-dependencies-in-azurearm-cloud-driv.patch + * support-for-btrfs-and-xfs-in-parted-and-mkfs.patch + * fixing-streamclosed-issue.patch + * do-not-crash-when-there-are-ipv6-established-connect.patch + * calculate-fqdns-in-parallel-to-avoid-blockings-bsc-1.patch + * fix-async-batch-race-conditions.patch + * fix-issue-2068-test.patch + * + * fix-for-suse-expanded-support-detection.patch + * add-environment-variable-to-know-if-yum-is-invoked-f.patch + * add-standalone-configuration-file-for-enabling-packa.patch + * switch-firewalld-state-to-use-change_interface.patch + * do-not-make-ansiblegate-to-crash-on-python3-minions.patch + * make-aptpkg.list_repos-compatible-on-enabled-disable.patch + * add-custom-suse-capabilities-as-grains.patch + * accumulated-changes-from-yomi-167.patch + * get-os_arch-also-without-rpm-package-installed.patch + * fix-git_pillar-merging-across-multiple-__env__-repos.patch + * do-not-load-pip-state-if-there-is-no-3rd-party-depen.patch + * add-saltssh-multi-version-support-across-python-inte.patch + * early-feature-support-config.patch + * add-virt.all_capabilities.patch + * accumulated-changes-required-for-yomi-165.patch + * fix-memory-leak-produced-by-batch-async-find_jobs-me.patch + * fix-ipv6-scope-bsc-1108557.patch + * prevent-systemd-run-description-issue-when-running-a.patch + * make-profiles-a-package.patch + * don-t-call-zypper-with-more-than-one-no-refresh.patch + * + * read-repo-info-without-using-interpolation-bsc-11356.patch + * x509-fixes-111.patch + * do-not-report-patches-as-installed-when-not-all-the-.patch + +- Removed: + * remove-virt.pool_delete-fast-parameter-178.patch + * adds-the-possibility-to-also-use-downloadonly-in-kwa.patch + * align-virt-full-info-fixes-with-upstream-192.patch + * take-checksums-arg-into-account-for-postgres.datadir.patch + * virt-1.volume_infos-fix-for-single-vm.patch + * virt.volume_infos-needs-to-ignore-inactive-pools-174.patch + * preserve-already-defined-destructive_tests-and-expen.patch + * list_downloaded-for-apt-module.patch + * fix-virt-states-to-not-fail-on-vms-already-stopped.-.patch + * virt.volume_infos-fix-for-single-vm.patch + * restrict-the-start_event_grains-only-to-the-start-ev.patch + * fix-virt.full_info-176.patch + * + * checking-for-jid-before-returning-data.patch + * virt.volume_infos-silence-libvirt-error-message-175.patch + * add-virt.volume_infos-and-virt.volume_delete.patch + * add-virt.network_get_xml-function.patch + * virt.network_define-allow-adding-ip-configuration.patch + * add-ppc64le-as-a-valid-rpm-package-architecture.patch + * bugfix-any-unicode-string-of-length-16-will-raise-ty.patch + * fix-for-older-mock-module.patch + * fix-virt.get_hypervisor-188.patch + * 2019.2.0-pr-54196-backport-173.patch + * enable-passing-grains-to-start-event-based-on-start_.patch + * fix-load-cached-grain-osrelease_info.patch + * open-suse-2019.2.3-virt-defined-states-219.patch + * backport-saltutil-state-module-to-2019.2-codebase.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Apr 2 13:47:34 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Enable building and installation for Fedora +- Disable python2 build on Tumbleweed + We are removing the python2 interpreter from openSUSE (SLE16). + As such disable salt building for python2 there. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Apr 2 10:54:53 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Sanitize grains loaded from roster_grains.json cache during "state.pkg" + +- Added: + * fix-load-cached-grain-osrelease_info.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Mar 27 15:37:10 UTC 2020 - Jochen Breuer + +- Build: Buildequire pkgconfig(systemd) instead of systemd + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Mar 26 13:18:50 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Backport saltutil state module to 2019.2 codebase (bsc#1167556) +- Add new custom SUSE capability for saltutil state module + +- Added: + * backport-saltutil-state-module-to-2019.2-codebase.patch + * add-new-custom-suse-capability-for-saltutil-state-mo.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Mar 17 10:35:25 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- virt._get_domain: don't raise an exception if there is no VM + +- Added: + * virt._get_domain-don-t-raise-an-exception-if-there-i.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Mar 16 13:40:30 UTC 2020 - Jochen Breuer + +- Adds test for zypper abbreviation fix +- Improved storage pool or network handling +- Better import cache handline + +- Added: + * loader-invalidate-the-import-cachefor-extra-modules.patch + * open-suse-2019.2.3-virt-defined-states-219.patch + +- Modified: + * use-full-option-name-instead-of-undocumented-abbrevi.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Mar 5 12:12:35 UTC 2020 - Jochen Breuer + +- Use full option name instead of undocumented abbreviation for zypper +- Requiring python3-distro only for openSUSE/SLE >= 15 + +- Added: + * use-full-option-name-instead-of-undocumented-abbrevi.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Mar 5 09:35:29 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- python-distro is only needed for > Python 3.7. Removing it for Python 2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Mar 4 16:51:34 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Avoid possible user escalation upgrading salt-master (bsc#1157465) (CVE-2019-18897) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Mar 4 10:29:13 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix unit tests failures in test_batch_async tests + +- Added: + * fix-unit-tests-for-batch-async-after-refactor.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Mar 2 10:49:09 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Batch Async: Handle exceptions, properly unregister and close instances + after running async batching to avoid CPU starvation of the MWorkers (bsc#1162327) +- RHEL/CentOS 8 uses platform-python instead of python3 +- Enable build for Python 3.8 + +- Added: + * batch_async-avoid-using-fnmatch-to-match-event-217.patch + * apply-patch-from-upstream-to-support-python-3.8.patch + * batch-async-catch-exceptions-and-safety-unregister-a.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Feb 12 09:16:12 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix 'os_family' grain for Astra Linux Common Edition + +- Added: + * add-astra-linux-common-edition-to-the-os-family-list.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Feb 3 10:42:42 UTC 2020 - Jochen Breuer + +- Update to Salt version 2019.2.3 (CVE-2019-17361) (bsc#1163981) (bsc#1162504) + See release notes: + +- Modified: + * use-adler32-algorithm-to-compute-string-checksums.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jan 29 15:38:36 UTC 2020 - Jochen Breuer + +- Enable passing grains to start event based on 'start_event_grains' configuration parameter + +- Added: + * restrict-the-start_event_grains-only-to-the-start-ev.patch + * enable-passing-grains-to-start-event-based-on-start_.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Jan 13 16:09:36 UTC 2020 - Jochen Breuer + +- Support for Btrfs and XFS in parted and mkfs added + +- Added: + * support-for-btrfs-and-xfs-in-parted-and-mkfs.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Jan 9 19:20:34 UTC 2020 - Jochen Breuer + +- Adds list_downloaded for apt Module to enable pre-downloading support +- Adds virt.(pool|network)_get_xml functions +- Various libvirt updates + * Add virt.pool_capabilities function + * virt.pool_running improvements + * Add virt.pool_deleted state + * virt.network_define allow adding IP configuration + +- Added: + * virt.network_define-allow-adding-ip-configuration.patch + * list_downloaded-for-apt-module.patch + * add-virt.network_get_xml-function.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Jan 7 10:28:04 UTC 2020 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- virt: adding kernel boot parameters to libvirt xml + +- Added: + * virt-adding-kernel-boot-parameters-to-libvirt-xml-55.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Dec 16 10:36:42 UTC 2019 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix virt states to not fail on VMs already stopped + +- Added: + * fix-virt-states-to-not-fail-on-vms-already-stopped.-.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Dec 12 10:21:15 UTC 2019 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Add missing bugzilla references: + Properly handle colons in inline dicts with yamlloader (bsc#1095651) + Fix corrupt public key with m2crypto python3 (bsc#1099323) + Add missing dateutils import (bsc#1099945) + Fix UnicodeDecodeError using is_binary check (bsc#1100225) + Prevent payload crash on decoding binary data (bsc#1100697) + Fix file.blockreplace to avoid throwing IndexError (bsc#1101812) + Add API log rotation on SUSE package (bsc#1102218) + Fix wrong recurse behavior on for linux_acl.present (bsc#1106164) + Handle anycast IPv6 addresses on network.routes (bsc#1114474) + Crontab module fix: file attributes option missing (bsc#1114824) + Add metadata to accepted keyword arguments (bsc#1122680) + Bugfix: properly refresh pillars (bsc#1125015) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Dec 11 14:27:24 UTC 2019 - Mihai Dincă + +- xfs: do not fail if type is not present (bsc#1153611) + +- Added: + * xfs-do-not-fails-if-type-is-not-present.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Dec 10 12:56:45 UTC 2019 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Don't use __python indirection macros on spec file + %__python is no longer defined in RPM 4.15 (python2 is going EOL in Jan 2020); + additionally, python/python3 are just binaries in the path. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Dec 10 09:35:15 UTC 2019 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix errors when running virt.get_hypervisor function + +- Added: + * fix-virt.get_hypervisor-188.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Dec 9 16:37:04 UTC 2019 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Align virt.full_info fixes with upstream Salt +- Let salt-ssh use platform-python on RHEL8 (bsc#1158441) + +- Added: + * align-virt-full-info-fixes-with-upstream-192.patch + * let-salt-ssh-use-platform-python-binary-in-rhel8-191.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Dec 3 12:22:55 UTC 2019 - Mihai Dincă + +- Fix StreamClosedError issue (bsc#1157479) + +- Added: + * fix-batch_async-obsolete-test.patch + * fixing-streamclosed-issue.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Nov 28 15:27:27 UTC 2019 - Mihai Dincă + +- Prevent test_mod_del_repo_multiline_values to fail +- Read repo info without using interpolation (bsc#1135656) +- Requires vs BuildRequires +- Limiting M2Crypto to >= SLE15 +- Replacing pycrypto with M2Crypto (bsc#1165425) +- Fix for log checking in x509 test +- Update to 2019.2.2 release + +- Added: + * fix-for-log-checking-in-x509-test.patch + * prevent-test_mod_del_repo_multiline_values-to-fail.patch + * read-repo-info-without-using-interpolation-bsc-11356.patch + +- Modified: + * async-batch-implementation.patch + * add-hold-unhold-functions.patch + * adds-the-possibility-to-also-use-downloadonly-in-kwa.patch + * decide-if-the-source-should-be-actually-skipped.patch + * allow-passing-kwargs-to-pkg.list_downloaded-bsc-1140.patch + * add-batch_presence_ping_timeout-and-batch_presence_p.patch + * run-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch + * run-salt-api-as-user-salt-bsc-1064520.patch + * fix-unit-test-for-grains-core.patch + * add-environment-variable-to-know-if-yum-is-invoked-f.patch + * fix-async-batch-multiple-done-events.patch + * activate-all-beacons-sources-config-pillar-grains.patch + * fix-for-older-mock-module.patch + * do-not-break-repo-files-with-multiple-line-values-on.patch + * fall-back-to-pymysql.patch + * add-missing-fun-for-returns-from-wfunc-executions.patch + * loosen-azure-sdk-dependencies-in-azurearm-cloud-driv.patch + * add-virt.volume_infos-and-virt.volume_delete.patch + * fix-issue-2068-test.patch + * switch-firewalld-state-to-use-change_interface.patch + * make-aptpkg.list_repos-compatible-on-enabled-disable.patch + * fix-ipv6-scope-bsc-1108557.patch + * 2019.2.0-pr-54196-backport-173.patch + * do-not-make-ansiblegate-to-crash-on-python3-minions.patch + * x509-fixes-111.patch + * prevent-ansiblegate-unit-tests-to-fail-on-ubuntu.patch + * fix-zypper.list_pkgs-to-be-aligned-with-pkg-state.patch + * add-cpe_name-for-osversion-grain-parsing-u-49946.patch + * fix-failing-unit-tests-for-batch-async.patch + * temporary-fix-extend-the-whitelist-of-allowed-comman.patch + * improve-batch_async-to-release-consumed-memory-bsc-1.patch + * + * preserve-already-defined-destructive_tests-and-expen.patch + * virt.volume_infos-fix-for-single-vm.patch + * move-server_id-deprecation-warning-to-reduce-log-spa.patch + * include-aliases-in-the-fqdns-grains.patch + * don-t-call-zypper-with-more-than-one-no-refresh.patch + * add-custom-suse-capabilities-as-grains.patch + * get-os_arch-also-without-rpm-package-installed.patch + * add-saltssh-multi-version-support-across-python-inte.patch + * accumulated-changes-required-for-yomi-165.patch + * use-adler32-algorithm-to-compute-string-checksums.patch + * remove-arch-from-name-when-pkg.list_pkgs-is-called-w.patch + * use-current-ioloop-for-the-localclient-instance-of-b.patch + * remove-virt.pool_delete-fast-parameter-178.patch + * add-multi-file-support-and-globbing-to-the-filetree-.patch + * use-threadpool-from-multiprocessing.pool-to-avoid-le.patch + * prevent-systemd-run-description-issue-when-running-a.patch + * integration-of-msi-authentication-with-azurearm-clou.patch + * virt.volume_infos-needs-to-ignore-inactive-pools-174.patch + * virt-1.volume_infos-fix-for-single-vm.patch + * add-supportconfig-module-for-remote-calls-and-saltss.patch + * avoid-excessive-syslogging-by-watchdog-cronjob-58.patch + * strip-trailing-from-repo.uri-when-comparing-repos-in.patch + * + * fix-zypper-pkg.list_pkgs-expectation-and-dpkg-mockin.patch + * fix-aptpkg-systemd-call-bsc-1143301.patch + * calculate-fqdns-in-parallel-to-avoid-blockings-bsc-1.patch + * remove-unnecessary-yield-causing-badyielderror-bsc-1.patch + * debian-info_installed-compatibility-50453.patch + * add-standalone-configuration-file-for-enabling-packa.patch + * accumulated-changes-from-yomi-167.patch + * add-virt.all_capabilities.patch + * fix-memory-leak-produced-by-batch-async-find_jobs-me.patch + * do-not-report-patches-as-installed-when-not-all-the-.patch + * support-config-non-root-permission-issues-fixes-u-50.patch + * add-all_versions-parameter-to-include-all-installed-.patch + * fixes-cve-2018-15750-cve-2018-15751.patch + * fix-bsc-1065792.patch + * enable-passing-a-unix_socket-for-mysql-returners-bsc.patch + * avoid-traceback-when-http.query-request-cannot-be-pe.patch + * restore-default-behaviour-of-pkg-list-return.patch + * take-checksums-arg-into-account-for-postgres.datadir.patch + * early-feature-support-config.patch + * provide-the-missing-features-required-for-yomi-yet-o.patch + * implement-network.fqdns-module-function-bsc-1134860-.patch + * fix-virt.full_info-176.patch + * checking-for-jid-before-returning-data.patch + * virt.volume_infos-silence-libvirt-error-message-175.patch + * do-not-crash-when-there-are-ipv6-established-connect.patch + * fix-for-suse-expanded-support-detection.patch + * + * add-ppc64le-as-a-valid-rpm-package-architecture.patch + * make-profiles-a-package.patch + * bugfix-any-unicode-string-of-length-16-will-raise-ty.patch + * fix-git_pillar-merging-across-multiple-__env__-repos.patch + * return-the-expected-powerpc-os-arch-bsc-1117995.patch + * fix-async-batch-race-conditions.patch + * do-not-load-pip-state-if-there-is-no-3rd-party-depen.patch + +- Removed: + * fix-syndic-start-issue.patch + * prevent-already-reading-continuous-exception-message.patch + * virt.pool_running-fix-pool-start.patch + * azurefs-gracefully-handle-attributeerror.patch + * virt-handle-whitespaces-in-vm-names.patch + * mount-fix-extra-t-parameter.patch + * try-except-undefineflags-as-this-operation-is-not-su.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Oct 30 11:23:05 UTC 2019 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Remove virt.pool_delete fast parameter (U#54474) + +- Added: + * remove-virt.pool_delete-fast-parameter-178.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Oct 30 10:22:18 UTC 2019 - Mihai Dincă + +- Remove unnecessary yield causing BadYieldError (bsc#1154620) + +- Added: + * remove-unnecessary-yield-causing-badyielderror-bsc-1.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Oct 29 09:14:07 UTC 2019 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Prevent 'Already reading' continuous exception message (bsc#1137642) + +- Added: + * prevent-already-reading-continuous-exception-message.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Oct 25 14:39:23 UTC 2019 - Jochen Breuer + +- Fix for aptpkg test with older mock modules + +- Added: + * fix-for-older-mock-module.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Oct 25 13:52:01 UTC 2019 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Remove wrong tests for core grain and improve debug logging +- Use rich RPM deps to get a compatible version of tornado into the + buildroot. + +- Added: + * + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Oct 22 09:29:19 UTC 2019 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- ignore wrong product_name files +- zypperpkg: understand product type + +- Added: + * accumulated-changes-from-yomi-167.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Oct 21 15:10:37 UTC 2019 - Jochen Breuer + +- Enable usage of downloadonly parameter for apt module + +- Added: + * adds-the-possibility-to-also-use-downloadonly-in-kwa.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Oct 9 12:40:33 UTC 2019 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Add missing 'fun' on events coming from salt-ssh wfunc executions (bsc#1151947) + +- Added: + * add-missing-fun-for-returns-from-wfunc-executions.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Oct 4 14:35:10 UTC 2019 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix failing unit tests for batch async + +- Added: + * fix-failing-unit-tests-for-batch-async.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Oct 3 14:50:41 UTC 2019 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix memory consumption problem on BatchAsync (bsc#1137642) + +- Added: + * use-current-ioloop-for-the-localclient-instance-of-b.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Oct 1 13:17:58 UTC 2019 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix dependencies for RHEL 8 + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Sep 30 11:15:32 UTC 2019 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Prevent systemd-run description issue when running aptpkg (bsc#1152366) + +- Added: + * prevent-systemd-run-description-issue-when-running-a.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Sep 26 15:17:59 UTC 2019 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Take checksums arg into account for postgres.datadir_init (bsc#1151650) + +- Added: + * take-checksums-arg-into-account-for-postgres.datadir.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Sep 26 10:23:39 UTC 2019 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Improve batch_async to release consumed memory (bsc#1140912) +- Fix memory leak produced by batch async find_jobs mechanism (bsc#1140912) +- Grant read and execute permission to others (bsc#1150447) + +- Added: + * improve-batch_async-to-release-consumed-memory-bsc-1.patch + * fix-memory-leak-produced-by-batch-async-find_jobs-me.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Sep 5 17:45:50 UTC 2019 - Jochen Breuer + +- Require shadow instead of old pwdutils (bsc#1130588) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Sep 4 18:45:56 UTC 2019 - Jochen Breuer + +- Conflict with tornado >= 5; for now we can only cope with Tornado 4.x (boo#1101780). + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Sep 3 15:16:15 UTC 2019 - Mihai Dincă + +- Fix virt.full_info (bsc#1146382) +- virt.volume_infos: silence libvirt error message +- virt.volume_infos needs to ignore inactive pools +- Fix for various bugs in virt network and pool states +- Implement network.fqdns module function (bsc#1134860) + +- Added: + * 2019.2.0-pr-54196-backport-173.patch + * virt.volume_infos-silence-libvirt-error-message-175.patch + * fix-virt.full_info-176.patch + * implement-network.fqdns-module-function-bsc-1134860-.patch + * virt.volume_infos-needs-to-ignore-inactive-pools-174.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Aug 30 13:36:05 UTC 2019 - Jochen Breuer + +- Restore default behaviour of pkg list return (bsc#1148714) +- Strip trailing "/" from repo.uri when comparing repos in apktpkg.mod_repo (bsc#1146192) + +- Added: + * strip-trailing-from-repo.uri-when-comparing-repos-in.patch + * restore-default-behaviour-of-pkg-list-return.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Aug 13 10:43:21 UTC 2019 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Use python3 to build package Salt for RHEL8 +- Make python3 default for RHEL8 + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Aug 9 09:45:31 UTC 2019 - Mihai Dincă + +- Fix aptpkg systemd call (bsc#1143301) + +- Added: + * fix-aptpkg-systemd-call-bsc-1143301.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Jul 30 14:56:02 UTC 2019 - Mihai Dincă + +- Move server_id deprecation warning to reduce log spamming (bsc#1135567) (bsc#1135732) + +- Added: + * move-server_id-deprecation-warning-to-reduce-log-spa.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Jul 30 09:34:27 UTC 2019 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Multiple fixes on cmdmod, chroot, freezer and zypperpkg needed for Yomi + cmdmod: fix runas and group in run_chroot + chroot: add missing sys directory + chroot: change variable name to root + chroot: fix bug in safe_kwargs iteration + freezer: do not fail in cache dir is present + freezer: clean freeze YAML profile on restore + zypperpkg: fix pkg.list_pkgs cache + +- Added: + * accumulated-changes-required-for-yomi-165.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Jul 29 10:59:41 UTC 2019 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Avoid traceback on http.query when there are errors with the requested URL (bsc#1128554) + +- Added: + * avoid-traceback-when-http.query-request-cannot-be-pe.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Jul 25 10:26:16 UTC 2019 - Mihai Dincă + +- Salt python client get_full_returns seems return data from incorrect jid (bsc#1131114) + +- Added: + * checking-for-jid-before-returning-data.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jul 10 08:54:28 UTC 2019 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- virt.volume_infos: don't raise an error if there is no VM + +- Added: + * virt-1.volume_infos-fix-for-single-vm.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Jul 8 14:22:58 UTC 2019 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Prevent ansiblegate unit tests to fail on Ubuntu + +- Added: + * prevent-ansiblegate-unit-tests-to-fail-on-ubuntu.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jul 3 08:53:13 UTC 2019 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Allow passing kwargs to pkg.list_downloaded for Zypper (bsc#1140193) + +- Added: + * allow-passing-kwargs-to-pkg.list_downloaded-bsc-1140.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Jun 28 15:26:59 UTC 2019 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Do not make "ansiblegate" module to crash on Python3 minions (bsc#1139761) + +- Added: + * do-not-make-ansiblegate-to-crash-on-python3-minions.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Jun 20 12:32:04 UTC 2019 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Provide the missing features required for Yomi (Yet one more installer) + +- Added: + * provide-the-missing-features-required-for-yomi-yet-o.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Jun 14 14:09:29 UTC 2019 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Fix zypper pkg.list_pkgs test expectation and dpkg mocking + +- Added: + * fix-zypper-pkg.list_pkgs-expectation-and-dpkg-mockin.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Jun 14 12:15:43 UTC 2019 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- Set 'salt' group for files and directories created by + salt-standalone-formulas-configuration package +- Various fixes for virt module +- Fix virt.volume_infos raising an exception when there is only virtual machine on the minion. +- Fix virt.purge() on all non-KVM hypervisors. For instance on Xen, virt.purge would simply throw an exception about unsupported flag +- Building a libvirt pool starts it. When defining a new pool, we need to +let build start it or we will get libvirt errors. +- Fix handling of Virtual Machines with white space in their name. + +- Added: + * virt.pool_running-fix-pool-start.patch + * virt-handle-whitespaces-in-vm-names.patch + * virt.volume_infos-fix-for-single-vm.patch + * try-except-undefineflags-as-this-operation-is-not-su.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jun 5 14:26:29 UTC 2019 - Pablo Suárez Hernández + +- avoid exception when minion does not respond (bsc#1135507) + +- Added: + * + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Jun 3 11:01:57 UTC 2019 - + +- Preserve already defined DESTRUCTIVE_TESTS and EXPENSIVE_TESTS + env variables + +- Added: + * preserve-already-defined-destructive_tests-and-expen.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed May 29 10:54:42 UTC 2019 - + +- Do not break repo files with multiple line values on yumpkg (bsc#1135360) + +- Added: + * do-not-break-repo-files-with-multiple-line-values-on.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri May 24 16:03:09 UTC 2019 - + +- Fix return status when installing or updating RPM packages + with "ppc64le" arch (bsc#1133647) + +- Added: + * add-ppc64le-as-a-valid-rpm-package-architecture.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu May 23 08:27:52 UTC 2019 - + +- Add new "salt-standalone-formulas-configuration" package (fate#327791) + +- Added: + * add-standalone-configuration-file-for-enabling-packa.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon May 20 12:12:46 UTC 2019 - + +- Switch firewalld state to use change_interface (bsc#1132076) + +- Added: + * switch-firewalld-state-to-use-change_interface.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed May 8 08:48:49 UTC 2019 - Mihai Dincă + +- Fix async-batch to fire a single done event + +- Added: + * fix-async-batch-multiple-done-events.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue May 7 15:37:39 UTC 2019 - + +- Do not make Salt CLI to crash when there are IPv6 established + connections (bsc#1130784) + +- Added: + * do-not-crash-when-there-are-ipv6-established-connect.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri May 3 09:42:06 UTC 2019 - mdinca + +- Include aliases in FQDNS grain (bsc#1121439) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu May 2 16:18:45 UTC 2019 - mdinca + +- Fix issue preventing syndic to start +- Update year on spec copyright notice + +- Added: + * fix-syndic-start-issue.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Apr 30 11:51:59 UTC 2019 - + +- Use ThreadPool from multiprocessing.pool to avoid leakings + when calculating FQDNs +- Do not report patches as installed on RHEL systems when not all + the related packages are installed (bsc#1128061) + +- Added: + * use-threadpool-from-multiprocessing.pool-to-avoid-le.patch + * do-not-report-patches-as-installed-when-not-all-the-.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Apr 26 10:00:01 UTC 2019 - + +- Update to 2019.2.0 complete (FATE#327138, bsc#1133523) +- Fix batch/batch-async related issues +- Calculate FQDNs in parallel to avoid blockings (bsc#1129079) +- Incorporate virt.volume_info fixes (PR#131) +- Re-adds patch because of increased offset due to previous patch removal +- Removing patch to add root parameter to zypper module +- Fix for -t parameter in mount module + +- Added: + * mount-fix-extra-t-parameter.patch + * add-batch_presence_ping_timeout-and-batch_presence_p.patch + * fix-async-batch-race-conditions.patch + * calculate-fqdns-in-parallel-to-avoid-blockings-bsc-1.patch + +- Modified: + * don-t-call-zypper-with-more-than-one-no-refresh.patch + * add-virt.volume_infos-and-virt.volume_delete.patch + +- Removed: + * zypper-add-root-configuration-parameter.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Feb 28 16:18:38 UTC 2019 - Jochen Breuer + +- No longer limiting Python3 version to <3.7 + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Feb 28 08:24:16 UTC 2019 - Jochen Breuer + +- Async batch implementation + +- Added: + * async-batch-implementation.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Feb 27 14:28:55 UTC 2019 - + +- Update to Salt 2019.2.0 release + For further information see: + + +- Added: + * add-virt.all_capabilities.patch + * add-virt.volume_infos-and-virt.volume_delete.patch + * don-t-call-zypper-with-more-than-one-no-refresh.patch + * include-aliases-in-the-fqdns-grains.patch + * temporary-fix-extend-the-whitelist-of-allowed-comman.patch + +- Removed: + * accounting-for-when-files-in-an-archive-contain-non-.patch + * add-engine-relaying-libvirt-events.patch + * add-other-attribute-to-gecos-fields-to-avoid-inconsi.patch + * add-support-for-python-3.7.patch + * align-suse-salt-master.service-limitnofiles-limit-wi.patch + * avoid-incomprehensive-message-if-crashes.patch + * change-stringio-import-in-python2-to-import-the-clas.patch + * decode-file-contents-for-python2-bsc-1102013.patch + * do-not-override-jid-on-returners-only-sending-back-t.patch + * don-t-error-on-retcode-0-in-libcrypto.openssl_init_c.patch + * feat-add-grain-for-all-fqdns.patch + * fix-async-call-to-process-manager.patch + * fix-decrease-loglevel-when-unable-to-resolve-addr.patch + * fix-deprecation-warning-bsc-1095507.patch + * fix-diffing-binary-files-in-file.get_diff-bsc-109839.patch + * fix-for-ec2-rate-limit-failures.patch + * fix-for-errno-0-resolver-error-0-no-error-bsc-108758.patch + * fix-for-sorting-of-multi-version-packages-bsc-109717.patch + * fix-index-error-when-running-on-python-3.patch + * fix-latin1-encoding-problems-on-file-module-bsc-1116.patch + * fix-mine.get-not-returning-data-workaround-for-48020.patch + * fix-unboundlocalerror-in-file.get_diff.patch + * fixed-usage-of-ipaddress.patch + * fixing-issue-when-a-valid-token-is-generated-even-wh.patch + * get-os_family-for-rpm-distros-from-the-rpm-macros.-u.patch + * improved-handling-of-ldap-group-id.patch + * only-do-reverse-dns-lookup-on-ips-for-salt-ssh.patch + * option-to-merge-current-pillar-with-opts-pillar-duri.patch + * prepend-current-directory-when-path-is-just-filename.patch + * prevent-zypper-from-parsing-repo-configuration-from-.patch + * remove-old-hack-when-reporting-multiversion-packages.patch + * retire-md5-checksum-for-pkg-mgmt-plugins.patch + * show-recommendations-for-salt-ssh-cross-version-pyth.patch + * strip-trailing-commas-on-linux-user-gecos-fields.patch + * support-use-of-gce-instance-credentials-109.patch + * update-error-list-for-zypper.patch + * x509-fixes-for-remote-signing-106.patch + +- Modified: + * add-all_versions-parameter-to-include-all-installed-.patch + * add-cpe_name-for-osversion-grain-parsing-u-49946.patch + * add-environment-variable-to-know-if-yum-is-invoked-f.patch + * add-hold-unhold-functions.patch + * add-saltssh-multi-version-support-across-python-inte.patch + * azurefs-gracefully-handle-attributeerror.patch + * bugfix-any-unicode-string-of-length-16-will-raise-ty.patch + * debian-info_installed-compatibility-50453.patch + * do-not-load-pip-state-if-there-is-no-3rd-party-depen.patch + * fall-back-to-pymysql.patch + * fix-for-suse-expanded-support-detection.patch + * fix-git_pillar-merging-across-multiple-__env__-repos.patch + * fix-ipv6-scope-bsc-1108557.patch + * fix-issue-2068-test.patch + * fix-zypper.list_pkgs-to-be-aligned-with-pkg-state.patch + * fixes-cve-2018-15750-cve-2018-15751.patch + * get-os_arch-also-without-rpm-package-installed.patch + * integration-of-msi-authentication-with-azurearm-clou.patch + * loosen-azure-sdk-dependencies-in-azurearm-cloud-driv.patch + * remove-arch-from-name-when-pkg.list_pkgs-is-called-w.patch + * use-adler32-algorithm-to-compute-string-checksums.patch + * x509-fixes-111.patch + * zypper-add-root-configuration-parameter.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jan 23 15:25:29 UTC 2019 - + +- Add root parameter to Zypper module + +- Added: + * zypper-add-root-configuration-parameter.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jan 16 16:28:09 UTC 2019 - + +- Do not restrict the Python version to < 3.7 + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Jan 15 09:47:12 UTC 2019 - + +- Fix integration tests in state compiler (U#2068) + +- Added: + * fix-issue-2068-test.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Jan 11 13:23:13 UTC 2019 - + +- Fix "pkg.list_pkgs" output when using "attr" to take the arch into account (bsc#1114029) + +- Added: + * remove-arch-from-name-when-pkg.list_pkgs-is-called-w.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Jan 10 12:52:09 UTC 2019 - mdinca + +- Fix powerpc null server_id_arch (bsc#1117995) + +- Added: + * return-the-expected-powerpc-os-arch-bsc-1117995.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Jan 10 09:53:33 UTC 2019 - + +- Fix module '' has no attribute '__version__' + (bsc#1121091) + +- Added: + * azurefs-gracefully-handle-attributeerror.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Jan 4 13:29:50 UTC 2019 - + +- Add supportconfig module and states for minions and SaltSSH + +- Added: + * add-supportconfig-module-for-remote-calls-and-saltss.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Jan 3 16:35:30 UTC 2019 - + +- Fix FIPS enabled RES clients (bsc#1099887) + +- Added: + * retire-md5-checksum-for-pkg-mgmt-plugins.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Jan 3 15:48:20 UTC 2019 - + +- Add hold/unhold functions. Fix Debian repo "signed-by". + +- Added: + * decide-if-the-source-should-be-actually-skipped.patch + * add-hold-unhold-functions.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Dec 4 16:28:21 UTC 2018 - + +- Fix latin1 encoding problems on file module (bsc#1116837) + +- Added: + * fix-latin1-encoding-problems-on-file-module-bsc-1116.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Nov 30 13:14:19 UTC 2018 - + +- Don't error on retcode 0 in libcrypto.OPENSSL_init_crypto + +- Added: + * don-t-error-on-retcode-0-in-libcrypto.openssl_init_c.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Nov 20 15:33:39 UTC 2018 - + +- Debian info_installed compatibility (U#50453) + +- Added: + * debian-info_installed-compatibility-50453.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Nov 16 14:17:45 UTC 2018 - + +- Add compatibility with other package modules for "list_repos" function +- Bugfix: unable to detect os arch when RPM is not installed (bsc#1114197) + +- Added: + * make-aptpkg.list_repos-compatible-on-enabled-disable.patch + * get-os_arch-also-without-rpm-package-installed.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Nov 8 09:32:49 UTC 2018 - + +- Fix git_pillar merging across multiple __env__ repositories (bsc#1112874) + +- Added: + * fix-git_pillar-merging-across-multiple-__env__-repos.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Oct 31 14:52:31 UTC 2018 - + +- Fix LDAP authentication issue when a valid token is generated + by the salt-api even when invalid user credentials are passed. + (U#48901) + +- Added: + * fixing-issue-when-a-valid-token-is-generated-even-wh.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Oct 30 10:48:23 UTC 2018 - Jochen Breuer + +- Improved handling of LDAP group id. gid is no longer treated as a + string, which could have lead to faulty group creations. (bsc#1113784) + +- Added: + * improved-handling-of-ldap-group-id.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Oct 25 13:04:42 UTC 2018 - + +- Fix remote command execution and incorrect access control + when using salt-api. (bsc#1113699) (CVE-2018-15751) +- Fix Directory traversal vulnerability when using salt-api. + Allows an attacker to determine what files exist on + a server when querying /run or /events. (bsc#1113698) (CVE-2018-15750) + +- Added: + * fixes-cve-2018-15750-cve-2018-15751.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Oct 18 13:17:33 UTC 2018 - + +- Add multi-file support and globbing to the filetree (U#50018) + +- Added: + * add-multi-file-support-and-globbing-to-the-filetree-.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Oct 17 15:21:17 UTC 2018 - + +- Bugfix: supportconfig non-root permission issues (U#50095) + +- Added: + * support-config-non-root-permission-issues-fixes-u-50.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Oct 17 14:18:09 UTC 2018 - + +- Open profiles permissions to everyone for read-only + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Oct 16 15:26:16 UTC 2018 - + +- Preserving signature in "" state (U#50049) + +- Added: + * + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Oct 12 11:48:40 UTC 2018 - + +- Install default salt-support profiles + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Oct 11 15:04:30 UTC 2018 - + +- Fix unit tests due to merger failure +- Add CPE_NAME for osversion* grain parsing +- Get os_family for RPM distros from the RPM macros +- Install support profiles + +- Added: + * get-os_family-for-rpm-distros-from-the-rpm-macros.-u.patch + * add-cpe_name-for-osversion-grain-parsing-u-49946.patch + * make-profiles-a-package.patch + * fix-unit-test-for-grains-core.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Oct 9 14:50:25 UTC 2018 - + +- Bugfix: any unicode string of length 16 will raise TypeError + +- Added: + * bugfix-any-unicode-string-of-length-16-will-raise-ty.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Oct 8 08:52:23 UTC 2018 - + +- Fix async call to process manager (bsc#1110938) +- Early feature: Salt support-config (salt-support) + +- Added: + * fix-async-call-to-process-manager.patch + * early-feature-support-config.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Oct 1 16:03:27 UTC 2018 - + +- Fix IPv6 scope (bsc#1108557) + +- Added: + * fix-ipv6-scope-bsc-1108557.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Sep 28 12:37:02 UTC 2018 - + +- Handle zypper ZYPPER_EXIT_NO_REPOS exit code (bsc#1108834, bsc#1109893) + +- Added: + * update-error-list-for-zypper.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Sep 24 15:49:47 UTC 2018 - + +- Bugfix for pkg_resources crash (bsc#1104491) + +- Added: + * do-not-load-pip-state-if-there-is-no-3rd-party-depen.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Sep 21 15:39:49 UTC 2018 - + +- Fix loosen azure sdk dependencies in azurearm cloud driver (bsc#1107333) + +- Added: + * loosen-azure-sdk-dependencies-in-azurearm-cloud-driv.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Sep 20 11:25:57 UTC 2018 - + +- Fix broken "resolve_capabilities" on Python 3 (bsc#1108995) + +- Added: + * fix-index-error-when-running-on-python-3.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Sep 19 13:06:21 UTC 2018 - + +- Allow empty service_account_private_key in GCE driver (bsc#1108969) + +- Added: + * support-use-of-gce-instance-credentials-109.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Sep 18 14:28:13 UTC 2018 - + +- Decode file contents for python2 (bsc#1103530) +- Check dmidecoder executable on each "smbios" call to avoid race condition (bsc#1101880) +- Fix pkg.upgrade reports when dealing with multiversion packages (bsc#1102265) +- Accounting for when files in an archive contain non-ascii characters (bsc#1099460) +- Fix deprecation warning (bsc#1095507) +- Fix (bsc#1065792) +- Fix (bsc#108758) +- Handle packages with multiple version properly with zypper (bsc#1096514) +- Fix file.get_diff regression in 2018.3 (bsc#1098394) +- Provide python version mismatch solutions (bsc#1072599) +- Fix file.managed binary file utf8 error (bsc#1098394) +- Prevent zypper from parsing repo configuration from not .repo files (bsc#1094055) +- Add environment variable to know if yum is invoked from Salt (bsc#1057635) +- Prevent deprecation warning with salt-ssh (bsc#1095507) +- Align SUSE salt-master.service 'LimitNOFILES' limit with upstream Salt +- Add 'other' attribute to GECOS fields to avoid inconsistencies with chfn +- Collect all versions of installed packages on SUSE and RHEL systems (bsc#1089526) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Sep 17 13:47:09 UTC 2018 - + +- Prepend current directory when path is just filename (bsc#1095942) +- Integration of MSI authentication for azurearm +- Adds fix for SUSE Expanded Support os grain detection +- Fixes 509x remote signing +- Fix for StringIO import in Python2 +- Use Adler32 algorithm to compute string checksums (bsc#1102819) +- Only do reverse DNS lookup on IPs for salt-ssh (bsc#1104154) +- Add support for Python 3.7 +- Fix license macro to build on SLE12SP2 +- Decode file contents for python2 (bsc#1102013) +- Fix for sorting of multi-version packages (bsc#1097174 and bsc#1097413) +- Fix mine.get not returning data - workaround for #48020 (bsc#1100142) + +- Added: + * change-stringio-import-in-python2-to-import-the-clas.patch + * integration-of-msi-authentication-with-azurearm-clou.patch + * x509-fixes-for-remote-signing-106.patch + * fix-for-suse-expanded-support-detection.patch + * only-do-reverse-dns-lookup-on-ips-for-salt-ssh.patch + * prepend-current-directory-when-path-is-just-filename.patch + * add-support-for-python-3.7.patch + * decode-file-contents-for-python2-bsc-1102013.patch + * fix-mine.get-not-returning-data-workaround-for-48020.patch + * x509-fixes-111.patch + * use-adler32-algorithm-to-compute-string-checksums.patch + +- Modified: + * fix-for-sorting-of-multi-version-packages-bsc-109717.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Jul 30 10:42:01 UTC 2018 - + +- Update to 2018.3.2 + See + for full changelog + +- Added: + * accounting-for-when-files-in-an-archive-contain-non-.patch + * add-all_versions-parameter-to-include-all-installed-.patch + * add-custom-suse-capabilities-as-grains.patch + * add-engine-relaying-libvirt-events.patch + * add-environment-variable-to-know-if-yum-is-invoked-f.patch + * add-other-attribute-to-gecos-fields-to-avoid-inconsi.patch + * align-suse-salt-master.service-limitnofiles-limit-wi.patch + * avoid-incomprehensive-message-if-crashes.patch + * fix-deprecation-warning-bsc-1095507.patch + * fix-diffing-binary-files-in-file.get_diff-bsc-109839.patch + * fix-unboundlocalerror-in-file.get_diff.patch + * fix-zypper.list_pkgs-to-be-aligned-with-pkg-state.patch + * prevent-zypper-from-parsing-repo-configuration-from-.patch + * remove-old-hack-when-reporting-multiversion-packages.patch + * show-recommendations-for-salt-ssh-cross-version-pyth.patch + +- Modified: + * activate-all-beacons-sources-config-pillar-grains.patch + * add-saltssh-multi-version-support-across-python-inte.patch + * avoid-excessive-syslogging-by-watchdog-cronjob-58.patch + * do-not-override-jid-on-returners-only-sending-back-t.patch + * enable-passing-a-unix_socket-for-mysql-returners-bsc.patch + * fall-back-to-pymysql.patch + * feat-add-grain-for-all-fqdns.patch + * fix-bsc-1065792.patch + * fix-decrease-loglevel-when-unable-to-resolve-addr.patch + * fix-for-ec2-rate-limit-failures.patch + * fix-for-errno-0-resolver-error-0-no-error-bsc-108758.patch + * fixed-usage-of-ipaddress.patch + * option-to-merge-current-pillar-with-opts-pillar-duri.patch + * run-salt-api-as-user-salt-bsc-1064520.patch + * run-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch + * strip-trailing-commas-on-linux-user-gecos-fields.patch + +- Deleted: + * + * extra-filerefs-include-files-even-if-no-refs-in-stat.patch + * fix-cp.push-empty-file.patch + * fix-for-sorting-of-multi-version-packages-bsc-109717.patch + * fix-openscap-push.patch + * initialize-__context__-retcode-for-functions-handled.patch + * make-it-possible-to-use-login-pull-and-push-from-mod.patch + * move-log_file-option-to-changeable-defaults.patch + * provide-kwargs-to-pkg_resource.parse_targets-require.patch + * remove-obsolete-unicode-handling-in-pkg.info_install.patch + + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu May 17 15:14:01 UTC 2018 - + +- Documentation refresh to 2018.3.0 + + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed May 16 10:57:17 UTC 2018 - + +- No more AWS EC2 rate limitations in salt-cloud (bsc#1088888) +- MySQL returner now also allows to use Unix sockets (bsc#1091371) + +- Added: + * fix-for-ec2-rate-limit-failures.patch + * enable-passing-a-unix_socket-for-mysql-returners-bsc.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu May 10 09:12:24 UTC 2018 - + +- Do not override jid on returners, only sending back to master (bsc#1092373) +- Fixes for salt-ssh: + - Option --extra-filerefs doesn't add all files to the state + archive + - Pillar completely overwritten (not merged) when doing + + state.apply with pillar in kwargs +- Remove minion/thin/version if exists to force thin regeneration (bsc#1092161) + +- Added: + * extra-filerefs-include-files-even-if-no-refs-in-stat.patch + * do-not-override-jid-on-returners-only-sending-back-t.patch + * option-to-merge-current-pillar-with-opts-pillar-duri.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri May 4 12:17:07 UTC 2018 - + +- Fixed Python 3 issue with CIDR addresses. + +- Added: + * fixed-usage-of-ipaddress.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Apr 25 14:50:36 UTC 2018 - + +- Fix minion scheduler to return a 'retcode' attribute (bsc#1089112) +- Fix for logging during network interface querying (bsc#1087581) +- Fix rhel packages requires both net-tools and iproute (bsc#1087055) + +- Added: + * initialize-__context__-retcode-for-functions-handled.patch + +- Modified: + * fix-for-errno-0-resolver-error-0-no-error-bsc-108758.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Apr 18 17:09:41 UTC 2018 - + +- Fix patchinstall on yum module. Bad comparison (bsc#1087278) + +- Added: + * provide-kwargs-to-pkg_resource.parse_targets-require.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Apr 18 16:55:28 UTC 2018 - + +- Strip trailing commas on Linux user's GECOS fields (bsc#1089362) +- Fallback to PyMySQL (bsc#1087891) +- Improved test for fqdns +- Update SaltSSH patch +- Fix for [Errno 0] Resolver Error 0 (no error) (bsc#1087581) + * Lintfix: PEP8 ident + * Use proper levels of the error handling, use proper log formatting. + * Fix unit test for reversed fqdns return data + +- Added: + * strip-trailing-commas-on-linux-user-gecos-fields.patch + * fall-back-to-pymysql.patch + * fix-for-errno-0-resolver-error-0-no-error-bsc-108758.patch + +- Modified: + * add-saltssh-multi-version-support-across-python-inte.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Apr 6 16:58:59 UTC 2018 - + +- Update to 2018.3.0 + + +- Modified: + * + * add-saltssh-multi-version-support-across-python-inte.patch + * run-salt-api-as-user-salt-bsc-1064520.patch + * fix-openscap-push.patch + * fix-decrease-loglevel-when-unable-to-resolve-addr.patch + * fix-cp.push-empty-file.patch + * make-it-possible-to-use-login-pull-and-push-from-mod.patch + * avoid-excessive-syslogging-by-watchdog-cronjob-58.patch + * feat-add-grain-for-all-fqdns.patch + * fix-bsc-1065792.patch + * run-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch + * move-log_file-option-to-changeable-defaults.patch + * activate-all-beacons-sources-config-pillar-grains.patch + * remove-obsolete-unicode-handling-in-pkg.info_install.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Apr 5 15:58:22 UTC 2018 - + +- Add python-2.6 support to salt-ssh + +- Modified: + * add-saltssh-multi-version-support-across-python-inte.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Apr 4 16:32:10 UTC 2018 - + +- Update salt-ssh multiversion patch + +- Modified: + * add-saltssh-multi-version-support-across-python-inte.patch + +- Removed: + * require-same-major-version-while-minor-is-allowed-to.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Mar 28 12:18:08 UTC 2018 - + +- Add iprout/net-tools dependency + + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Mar 28 11:57:30 UTC 2018 - + +- salt-ssh: require same major version while minor is allowed to be + +- Added: + * require-same-major-version-while-minor-is-allowed-to.patch + +- Modified: + * + * add-saltssh-multi-version-support-across-python-inte.patch + * run-salt-api-as-user-salt-bsc-1064520.patch + * fix-openscap-push.patch + * fix-decrease-loglevel-when-unable-to-resolve-addr.patch + * fix-cp.push-empty-file.patch + * make-it-possible-to-use-login-pull-and-push-from-mod.patch + * avoid-excessive-syslogging-by-watchdog-cronjob-58.patch + * feat-add-grain-for-all-fqdns.patch + * fix-bsc-1065792.patch + * run-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch + * move-log_file-option-to-changeable-defaults.patch + * activate-all-beacons-sources-config-pillar-grains.patch + * remove-obsolete-unicode-handling-in-pkg.info_install.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Mar 27 16:29:08 UTC 2018 - + +- Add SaltSSH multi-version support across Python interpeters. + +- Added: + * add-saltssh-multi-version-support-across-python-inte.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Mar 23 18:12:09 UTC 2018 - + +- Fix zypper.info_installed 'ascii' issue + +- Modified: + * + * fix-openscap-push.patch + * fix-decrease-loglevel-when-unable-to-resolve-addr.patch + * fix-cp.push-empty-file.patch + * make-it-possible-to-use-login-pull-and-push-from-mod.patch + * move-log_file-option-to-changeable-defaults.patch + * remove-obsolete-unicode-handling-in-pkg.info_install.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Mar 23 16:19:42 UTC 2018 - + +- Update openscap push patch to include the test fixes + +- Modified: + * + * fix-openscap-push.patch + * fix-decrease-loglevel-when-unable-to-resolve-addr.patch + * fix-cp.push-empty-file.patch + * make-it-possible-to-use-login-pull-and-push-from-mod.patch + * move-log_file-option-to-changeable-defaults.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Mar 22 14:40:50 UTC 2018 - + +- Explore '' state module output in depth to catch "result" properly + +- Added: + * + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Mar 22 09:10:33 UTC 2018 - + +- make it possible to use docker login, pull and push from and detect errors +- Added: + * make-it-possible-to-use-login-pull-and-push-from-mod.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Mar 20 19:15:38 UTC 2018 - + +- Fix logging with FQDNs + +- Added: + * fix-decrease-loglevel-when-unable-to-resolve-addr.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Mar 14 09:37:07 UTC 2018 - + +- Update patches + +- Modified: + * run-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch + * run-salt-api-as-user-salt-bsc-1064520.patch + * fix-openscap-push.patch + * fix-cp.push-empty-file.patch + * avoid-excessive-syslogging-by-watchdog-cronjob-58.patch + * feat-add-grain-for-all-fqdns.patch + * fix-bsc-1065792.patch + * move-log_file-option-to-changeable-defaults.patch + * activate-all-beacons-sources-config-pillar-grains.patch + * remove-obsolete-unicode-handling-in-pkg.info_install.patch + +- Removed: + * salt-ssh-fix-json-load-of-return-data-when-it-contai.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Mar 13 18:28:03 UTC 2018 - + +- Update cp.push patch +- Modified: + * fix-cp.push-empty-file.patch + * salt-ssh-fix-json-load-of-return-data-when-it-contai.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Mar 12 17:47:34 UTC 2018 - + +- force re-generate a new thin.tgz when an update gets installed + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Sat Mar 10 12:00:17 UTC 2018 - + +- fix salt-ssh with a different patch + +- remove: dumps-should-return-unicode-also-with-py2-to-prevent.patch +- added: salt-ssh-fix-json-load-of-return-data-when-it-contai.patch + +- Added: + * salt-ssh-fix-json-load-of-return-data-when-it-contai.patch + +- Removed: + * dumps-should-return-unicode-also-with-py2-to-prevent.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Mar 9 15:56:00 UTC 2018 - + +- Fix unicode decode error with salt-ssh + +- Added: + * dumps-should-return-unicode-also-with-py2-to-prevent.patch + +- Modified: + * run-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch + * run-salt-api-as-user-salt-bsc-1064520.patch + * fix-openscap-push.patch + * fix-cp.push-empty-file.patch + * avoid-excessive-syslogging-by-watchdog-cronjob-58.patch + * feat-add-grain-for-all-fqdns.patch + * fix-bsc-1065792.patch + * move-log_file-option-to-changeable-defaults.patch + * activate-all-beacons-sources-config-pillar-grains.patch + * remove-obsolete-unicode-handling-in-pkg.info_install.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Mar 8 11:20:01 UTC 2018 - + +- Fix cp.push empty file (bsc#1075950) +- salt-ssh - move log_file option to changeable defaults + +- Added: + * fix-cp.push-empty-file.patch + * move-log_file-option-to-changeable-defaults.patch + +- Modified: + * run-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch + * run-salt-api-as-user-salt-bsc-1064520.patch + * fix-openscap-push.patch + * avoid-excessive-syslogging-by-watchdog-cronjob-58.patch + * feat-add-grain-for-all-fqdns.patch + * fix-bsc-1065792.patch + * activate-all-beacons-sources-config-pillar-grains.patch + * remove-obsolete-unicode-handling-in-pkg.info_install.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Mar 2 13:15:46 UTC 2018 - + +- Daily update + +- Added: + * fix-openscap-push.patch + +- Removed: + * fix-grains-with-n.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Mar 2 13:15:46 UTC 2018 - + +- Fix grains containing trailing "\n" + +- Added: + * fix-grains-with-n.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Feb 20 10:47:34 UTC 2018 - + +- Remove salt-minion python2 requirement when python3 is default (bsc#1081592) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Feb 13 15:17:11 UTC 2018 - + +- Remove-obsolete-unicode-handling-in-pkg.info_installed + +- Added: + * remove-obsolete-unicode-handling-in-pkg.info_install.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Feb 09 15:39:08 UTC 2018 - + +- Update to salt-2018.1.99 + +- Modified: + * activate-all-beacons-sources-config-pillar-grains.patch + * avoid-excessive-syslogging-by-watchdog-cronjob-58.patch + * feat-add-grain-for-all-fqdns.patch + * fix-bsc-1065792.patch + * list_pkgs-add-parameter-for-returned-attribute-selec.patch + * run-salt-api-as-user-salt-bsc-1064520.patch + * run-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch + +- Deleted: + * python3-compatibility-fix-got-bytes-instead-of-strin.patch + * + * catching-error-when-pidfile-cannot-be-deleted.patch + * bugfix-always-return-a-string-list-on-unknown-job-ta.patch + * bugfix-the-logic-according-to-the-exact-described-pu.patch + * cherrypy-read-reads-bytes-from-the-wire-and-write-th.patch + * fix-for-delete_deployment-in-kubernetes-module.patch + * fix-salt-master-for-old-psutil.patch + * introduce-process_count_max-minion-configuration-par.patch + * multiprocessing-minion-option-documentation-fixes.patch + * older-logrotate-need-su-directive.patch + * return-error-when-gid_from_name-and-group-does-not-e.patch + * set-shell-environment-variable-64.patch + * split-only-strings-if-they-are-such.patch + * use-home-to-get-the-user-home-directory-instead-usin.patch + * yumpkg-don-t-use-diff_attr-when-determining-install-.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Feb 09 15:39:08 UTC 2018 - + +- Fix-epoch-handling-for-Rhel-6-and-7 +- Modified: + * yumpkg-don-t-use-diff_attr-when-determining-install-.patch + +- Removed: + * fix-for-wrong-version-processing.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Feb 09 15:39:08 UTC 2018 - + +- Restoring-installation-of-packages-for-Rhel-6-7 +Added: +* yumpkg-don-t-use-diff_attr-when-determining-install-.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Feb 07 13:23:51 UTC 2018 - + +- Prevent queryformat pattern from expanding (bsc#1079048) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Feb 01 12:38:12 UTC 2018 - + +- Fix epoch handling for Rhel 6 and 7 (bsc#1068566) +- Reverting to current API for split_input + +- Added: + * yumpkg-don-t-use-diff_attr-when-determining-install-.patch + +- Removed: + * fix-for-wrong-version-processing.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Jan 26 13:54:50 UTC 2018 - + +- Fix for wrong version processing during yum pkg install (bsc#1068566) +- Feat: add grain for all FQDNs (bsc#1063419) + +- Added: + * fix-for-wrong-version-processing.patch + * feat-add-grain-for-all-fqdns.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Jan 25 13:04:24 UTC 2018 - + +- Fix the usage of custom macros on the spec file. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Jan 25 10:49:53 UTC 2018 - + +- Fix RES7: different dependency names for python-PyYAML + and python-MarkupSafe + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jan 24 15:04:42 UTC 2018 - + +- Build both python2 and python3 binaries together. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jan 17 11:26:54 UTC 2018 - + +- Bugfix: errors in external pillar causes crash instead of report + of them (bsc#1068446) +- Fix 'user.present' when 'gid_from_name' is set but group does + not exist. + +- Added: + * bugfix-the-logic-according-to-the-exact-described-pu.patch + * return-error-when-gid_from_name-and-group-does-not-e.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Jan 11 15:57:11 UTC 2018 - + +- Fix "No service execution module loaded" issue (bsc#1065792) +- Set SHELL environment variable + + Added: + * fix-bsc-1065792.patch + * set-shell-environment-variable-64.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Jan 05 15:24:30 UTC 2018 - + +- Removed unnecessary logging on shutdown (bsc#1050003) +- Renamed patch that adds grain fqdns + + Changed: + * catching-error-when-pidfile-cannot-be-deleted + + Removed: + * fix-for-pidfile-removal-logging + + Renamed: + * add-fqdns-grains -> feat-add-grain-for-all-fqdns + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Dec 28 10:37:10 UTC 2017 - + +- Add fqdns to grains (bsc#1063419) + Added: + * add-fqdns-grains.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Dec 19 16:15:14 UTC 2017 - + +- Fixing cherrypy websocket with python3 + Added: + * python3-compatibility-fix-got-bytes-instead-of-strin.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Dec 18 15:28:26 UTC 2017 - + +- Various-bug-fixes +- Python3 bugfix for cherrypy read() +- Fix for logging on salt-master exit in rare cases (pid-file removal) +- Added: + * cherrypy-read-reads-bytes-from-the-wire-and-write-th.patch + * fix-for-pidfile-removal-logging.patch + * split-only-strings-if-they-are-such.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Dec 14 09:18:02 UTC 2017 - + +- Fix salt-master for old psutil version +- Added: + * fix-salt-master-for-old-psutil.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Dec 13 16:23:38 UTC 2017 - + +- Put back accidentally removed patches +- Added: + * avoid-excessive-syslogging-by-watchdog-cronjob-58.patch + * catching-error-when-pidfile-cannot-be-deleted.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Dec 13 16:22:25 UTC 2017 - + +- Fix for delete_deployment in Kubernetes module (bsc#1059291) + +- Added: + * fix-for-delete_deployment-in-kubernetes-module.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Dec 13 16:15:53 UTC 2017 - + +- Older logrotate need su directive (bsc#1071322) + * Added: + older-logrotate-need-su-directive.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Dec 13 16:10:32 UTC 2017 - + +- Fix bsc#1041993 already included in 2017.7.2 +- Removed: + * removes-beacon-configuration-deprecation-warning-48.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Dec 13 16:09:41 UTC 2017 - + +- Fixed beacons failure when pillar-based suppressing config-based. + (bsc#1060230) + +- Added: + * activate-all-beacons-sources-config-pillar-grains.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Dec 7 11:19:12 UTC 2017 - + +- Escape the usage of %{VERSION} when calling out to rpm. + RPM 4.14 has %{VERSION} defined as 'the main packages version'. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Dec 1 15:33:01 UTC 2017 - + +- Fix wrong version reported by Salt (bsc#1061407) +- Fix CVE-2017-14696 (bsc#1062464) already included in 2017.7.2 + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Nov 27 17:13:03 UTC 2017 - + +- Run salt master as dedicated salt user +- Run salt-api as user salt (bsc#1064520) + +- Added: + * run-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch + * run-salt-api-as-user-salt-bsc-1064520.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Nov 9 10:22:08 UTC 2017 - + +- Update to 2017.7.2 + See + +- Added: + * + +- Removed: + * add-a-salt-minion-service-control-file.patch + * + * add-options-for-dockerng.patch + * add-ssh-option-to-salt-ssh.patch + * add-unit-test-for-skip-false-values-from-preferred_i.patch + * add-yum-plugin.patch + * add-zypp-notify-plugin.patch + * adding-salt-minion-watchdog-for-sysv-systems-rhel6-a.patch + * adding-support-for-installing-patches-in-yum-dnf-exe.patch + * avoid-failures-on-sles-12-sp2-because-of-new-systemd.patch + * bugfix-jobs-scheduled-to-run-at-a-future-time-stay-p.patch + * bugfix-unable-to-use-127-as-hostname.patch + * catching-error-when-pidfile-cannot-be-deleted.patch + * change-travis-configuration-file-to-use-salt-toaster.patch + * check-if-byte-strings-are-properly-encoded-in-utf-8.patch + * clean-up-change-attribute-from-interface-dict.patch + * do-not-generate-a-date-in-a-comment-to-prevent-rebui.patch + * enables-salt-minion-watchdog-on-init.d-script-for-sy.patch + * escape-the-os.sep.patch + * fix-for-delete_deployment-in-kubernetes-module.patch + * fix-format-error-bsc-1043111.patch + * fix-grain-for-os_family-on-suse-series.patch + * fix-os_family-case-in-unittest.patch + * fix-regression-in-file.get_managed-add-unit-tests.patch + * fix-salt-summary-to-count-not-responding-minions-cor.patch + * fix-setting-language-on-suse-systems.patch + * fixed-issue-with-parsing-of-master-minion-returns-wh.patch + * fixing-beacons.list-integration-test-failure.patch + * introducing-the-kubernetes-module.patch + * notify-systemd-synchronously-bsc-1053376.patch + * rest_cherrypy-remove-sleep-call.patch + * revert-we-don-t-have-python-systemd-so-notify-can-t-.patch + * run-salt-api-as-user-salt-bsc-990029.patch + * run-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch + * search-the-entire-cache_dir-because-storage-paths-ch.patch + * security-fixes-cve-2017-14695-and-cve-2017-14696.patch + * setting-up-os-grains-for-sles-expanded-support-suse-.patch + * special-salt-minion.service-file-for-rhel7.patch + * translate-variable-arguments-if-they-contain-hidden-.patch + * + * use-correct-grain-constants-for-timezone.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Oct 11 12:47:37 UTC 2017 - + +- Re-added previously removed unit-test for bsc#1050003 + +- Changed: + * catching-error-when-pidfile-cannot-be-deleted.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Oct 11 10:02:25 UTC 2017 - + +- Fixes for CVE-2017-14695 and CVE-2017-14696 (bsc#1062462) +- Added: + * security-fixes-cve-2017-14695-and-cve-2017-14696.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Oct 10 14:41:13 UTC 2017 - + +- Add missing follow-up for CVE-2017-12791 (bsc#1053955) +- Fixed salt target-type field returns "String" for existing jids + but an empty "Array" for non existing jids. (issue#1711) +- Added: + * bugfix-always-return-a-string-list-on-unknown-job-ta.patch + * escape-the-os.sep.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Oct 9 14:08:46 UTC 2017 - + +- Fixed minion resource exhaustion when many functions are being + executed in parallel (bsc#1059758) + +- Changed: + * catching-error-when-pidfile-cannot-be-deleted.patch + +- Added: + * introduce-process_count_max-minion-configuration-par.patch + * multiprocessing-minion-option-documentation-fixes.patch + * revert-we-don-t-have-python-systemd-so-notify-can-t-.patch + +- Removed: + * revert-we-don-t-have-python-systemd-so-notify-can-t-work.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Oct 5 15:27:55 UTC 2017 - + +- Remove 'TasksTask' attribute from salt-master.service in older + versions of systemd (bsc#985112) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Sep 27 15:45:41 UTC 2017 - + +- Fix for delete_deployment in Kubernetes module (bsc#1059291) + +- Added: + * fix-for-delete_deployment-in-kubernetes-module.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Sep 18 08:51:35 UTC 2017 - + +- Catching error when PIDfile cannot be deleted (bsc#1050003) + +- Added: + * catching-error-when-pidfile-cannot-be-deleted.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Sep 12 08:46:47 UTC 2017 - + +- Use $HOME to get the user home directory instead using '~' char (bsc#1042749) + +- Added: + * use-home-to-get-the-user-home-directory-instead-usin.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Sep 8 11:57:22 UTC 2017 - + +- Fixed patches for Kubernetes and YUM modules + +- Updated: + * list_pkgs-add-parameter-for-returned-attribute-selec.patch + * introducing-the-kubernetes-module.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Sep 5 13:31:02 UTC 2017 - + +- Add patches to salt to support SUSE Manager scalability features + (bsc#1052264) + +- Added: + * list_pkgs-add-parameter-for-returned-attribute-selec.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Aug 31 14:31:31 UTC 2017 - + +- Introducing the kubernetes module (bsc#1051948) + +- Added: + * introducing-the-kubernetes-module.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Aug 30 15:46:20 UTC 2017 - + +- Revert "We don't have python-systemd, so notify can't work" + +- Added: + * revert-we-don-t-have-python-systemd-so-notify-can-t-work.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Aug 23 12:48:37 UTC 2017 - + +- Notify systemd synchronously via NOTIFY_SOCKET (bsc#1053376) + +- Added: + * notify-systemd-synchronously-bsc-1053376.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Aug 16 09:54:15 UTC 2017 - + +- Add clean_id function to + (CVE-2017-12791, bsc#1053955) + +- Added: + * + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Jul 17 13:51:35 UTC 2017 - + +- Added bugfix when jobs scheduled to run at a future time stay + pending for Salt minions (bsc#1036125) + +- Added: + * bugfix-jobs-scheduled-to-run-at-a-future-time-stay-p.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Jun 20 08:50:18 UTC 2017 - + +- Adding procps as dependency. This provides "ps" and "pgrep" utils + which are called from different Salt modules and also from new + salt-minion watchdog. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Jun 8 15:27:06 UTC 2017 - + +- Adding a salt-minion watchdog for RHEL6 and SLES11 systems (sysV) + to restart salt-minion in case of crashes during upgrade. + +- Added: + * adding-salt-minion-watchdog-for-sysv-systems-rhel6-a.patch + * enables-salt-minion-watchdog-on-init.d-script-for-sy.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jun 7 11:38:39 UTC 2017 - + +- fix format error (bsc#1043111) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jun 7 08:24:15 UTC 2017 - + +- fix ownership for whole master cache directory (bsc#1035914) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Jun 6 15:32:01 UTC 2017 - + +- Bugfix: clean up `change` attribute from interface dict (upstream) + Issue: + PR: 1. + 2. + +Added: + * clean-up-change-attribute-from-interface-dict.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon May 29 12:34:52 UTC 2017 - + +- Disable 3rd party runtime packages to be explicitly recommended. + (bsc#1040886) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon May 22 13:27:06 UTC 2017 - + +- Bugfix: orchestrate and batches returns false failed information + + +Added: + * fixed-issue-with-parsing-of-master-minion-returns-wh.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Sun May 21 09:06:45 UTC 2017 - + +- speed-up cherrypy by removing sleep call + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri May 19 12:09:26 UTC 2017 - + +- wrong os_family grains on SUSE - fix unittests (bsc#1038855) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu May 18 17:51:48 UTC 2017 - + +- fix setting the language on SUSE systems (bsc#1038855) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed May 17 13:29:34 UTC 2017 - + +- Documentation refresh to 2016.11.4 + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed May 17 12:05:08 UTC 2017 - + +- Update to 2016.11.4 + See + See + See + See + for full changelog + +- Use SUSE specific salt-api.service (bsc#1039370) +- Bugfix: wrong os_family grains on SUSE (bsc#1038855) +- Bugfix: unable to use hostname for minion ID as '127' (upstream) +- Fix core grains constants for timezone (bsc#1032931) +- Add unit test for a skip false values from preferred IPs + upstream patch +- Adding "yum-plugin-security" as required for RHEL 6 +- Minor fixes on new pkg.list_downloaded +- Listing all type of advisory patches for Yum module +- Prevents zero length error on Python 2.6 +- Fixes zypper test error after backporting +- raet protocol is no longer supported (bsc#1020831) +- Fix: move SSH data to the new home (bsc#1027722) +- Fix: /var/log/salt/minion fails logrotate (bsc#1030009) +- Fix: Result of master_tops extension is mutually overwritten + (bsc#1030073) +- Allows to set 'timeout' and 'gather_job_timeout' via kwargs +- Allows to set custom timeouts for 'manage.up' and 'manage.status' +- Use salt's ordereddict for comparison (fixes failing tests) +- add special salt-minion.service file for RES7 +- fix scripts for salt-proxy +- define with systemd for fedora and rhel >= 7 (bsc#1027240) +- add openscap module +- file.get_managed regression fix (upstream issues #39762) +- fix translate variable arguments if they contain hidden keywords + (bsc#1025896) +- fix service handling for openSUSE +- added unit test for dockerng.sls_build dryrun +- added dryrun to dockerng.sls_build +- update dockerng minimal version requirements +- fix format error in error parsing +- keep fix for migrating salt home directory (bsc#1022562) +- Fix salt pkg.latest raises exception if package is + not available (bsc#1012999) +- Fix timezone: should be always in UTC (bsc#1017078) +- Fix timezone handling for rpm installtime (bsc#1017078) +- Increasing timeouts for running integrations tests +- Add buildargs option to module +- Disable custom rosters for Salt SSH via Salt API (bsc#1011800) + More: +- Fix error when missing ssh-option parameter +- readd yum notify plugin +- all kwargs to dockerng.create to provide all features to sls_build + as well +- rename patches to get rid of the prefix numbers + +- Added: + * bugfix-unable-to-use-127-as-hostname.patch + * fix-grain-for-os_family-on-suse-series.patch + * use-correct-grain-constants-for-timezone.patch + * search-the-entire-cache_dir-because-storage-paths-ch.patch + * add-unit-test-for-skip-false-values-from-preferred_i.patch + * add-a-salt-minion-service-control-file.patch + * add-options-for-dockerng.patch + * add-zypp-notify-plugin.patch + * fixing-beacons.list-integration-test-failure.patch + * fix-regression-in-file.get_managed-add-unit-tests.patch + * fix-salt-summary-to-count-not-responding-minions-cor.patch + * special-salt-minion.service-file-for-rhel7.patch + * translate-variable-arguments-if-they-contain-hidden-.patch + +- Renamed: + * + => + * 0002-Run-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch + => run-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch + * 0003-Check-if-byte-strings-are-properly-encoded-in-UTF-8.patch + => check-if-byte-strings-are-properly-encoded-in-utf-8.patch + * 0004-do-not-generate-a-date-in-a-comment-to-prevent-rebui.patch + => do-not-generate-a-date-in-a-comment-to-prevent-rebui.patch + * 0009-Add-YUM-plugin.patch 0027-Add-YUM-plugin.patch + => add-yum-plugin.patch + * 0012-Run-salt-api-as-user-salt-bsc-990029.patch + => run-salt-api-as-user-salt-bsc-990029.patch + * 0020-Setting-up-OS-grains-for-SLES-Expanded-Support-SUSE-.patch + => setting-up-os-grains-for-sles-expanded-support-suse-.patch + * 0022-Change-travis-configuration-file-to-use-salt-toaster.patch + => change-travis-configuration-file-to-use-salt-toaster.patch + * 0036-Avoid-failures-on-SLES-12-SP2-because-of-new-systemd.patch + => avoid-failures-on-sles-12-sp2-because-of-new-systemd.patch + * 0042-Salt-ssh-ssh-option-param.patch + => add-ssh-option-to-salt-ssh.patch + * 0057-Adding-support-for-installing-patches-in-yum-dnf-exe.patch + => adding-support-for-installing-patches-in-yum-dnf-exe.patch + +- Removed: + * 0005-Use-SHA256-hash-type-by-default.patch + * 0006-Create-salt-proxy-instantiated-service-file.patch + * 0007-Add-SUSE-Manager-plugin.patch + * 0008-Fix-pkgrepo.managed-gpgkey-argument-bsc-979448.patch + * 0009-Rewrite-minion-ID-generator-bsc-967803.patch + * 0010-snapper-execution-module.patch + * 0011-Fix-module-import-being-Py3-and-P2.6-compatible.patch + * 0013-Bugfix-prevent-crash-if-python-dbus-module-is-instal.patch + * 0014-Fix-some-unittests.patch + * 0015-Check-for-single-quote-before-splitting-on-single-qu.patch + * 0016-Unit-test-fixes-for-2015.8.7.patch + * 0017-Fix-snapper_test-for-python26.patch + * 0018-Integration-tests-fixes-for-2015.8.7.patch + * 0019-Generate-Salt-Thin-with-configured-extra-modules.patch + * 0021-acl.delfacl-fix-position-of-X-option-to-setfacl.patch + * 0023-Adding-dist-upgrade-support-to-zypper-module.patch + * 0024-Fix-open-ssh-bsc-1004723-upstream-issue-36966.patch + * 0025-Including-resolver-params-for-Zypper-debug-solver.patch + * 0026-fix-status-handling-in-sysv-init-scripts.patch + * 0028-change-TIMEZONE-on-SUSE-systems-bsc-1008933.patch + * 0029-Do-not-include-gpg-pubkey-packages-filtering-by-thei.patch + * 0030-Extract-archive-into-existing-directory-add-overwrit.patch + * 0031-Port-rsync-state-from-2016.3.patch + * 0032-Support-remote-port-forwarding-with-salt-ssh.patch + * 0033-Add-master_tops-support-in-salt-ssh.patch + * 0034-Fix-pkg.latest_version-when-latest-already-installed.patch + * 0035-salt-api-service-must-be-from-type-simple.patch + * 0037-salt-minion-service-back-to-type-simple.patch + * 0038-Successfully-exit-of-salt-api-child-processes-when-S.patch + * 0039-Re-introducing-KillMode-process-for-salt-minion-syst.patch + * 0040-Adding-Restart-on-failure-for-salt-minion-systemd-se.patch + * 0041-add-try-restart-to-fix-autorestarting-on-SUSE-system.patch + * 0043-Fixes-wrong-enabled-opts-for-yumnotify-plugin.patch + * 0044-Add-general-sanitisers.patch + * 0045-Fix-timezone-handling-for-rpm-installtime-bsc-101707.patch + * 0046-Snapper-module-improvements.patch + * 0047-Fix-issue-with-cp.push-36136.patch + * 0048-Prevents-OSError-exception-in-case-path-doesn-t-exis.patch + * 0049-OpenSCAP-module.patch + * 0050-Fix-service-state-returning-stacktrace-bsc-1027044.patch + * 0051-Allows-to-set-timeout-and-gather_job_timeout-via-kwa.patch + * 0052-Don-t-send-passwords-after-shim-delimiter-is-found-3.patch + * 0053-fix-race-condition-on-cache-directory-creation.patch + * 0054-Merge-output-from-master_tops.patch + * 0055-Adding-downloadonly-support-to-yum-dnf-module.patch + * 0056-Makes-sure-gather_job_timeout-is-an-integer.patch + * 0058-Adds-custom-timeout-and-gather_job_timeout-to-local_.patch + * 0059-Add-SHELL-env-var-for-the-salt-api.service.patch + * 0060-Fix-logrotate-for-minion-bsc-1030009-21.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu May 11 09:06:25 UTC 2017 - + +- Bugfix: datetime should be returned always in UTC + +- Added: + * 0063-Bugfix-datetime-should-be-returned-always-in-UTC.patch +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon May 8 14:05:35 UTC 2017 - + +- Bugfix: scheduled state may cause crash while deserialising data + on infinite recursion. (bsc#1036125) + +- Added: + * 0062-Bugfix-deserialising-crashes-in-the-recursive-loop-b.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue May 2 11:37:19 UTC 2017 - + +- Enable yum to handle errata on RHEL 6: require yum-plugin-security + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Apr 26 13:59:06 UTC 2017 - + +- Minor fixes on new pkg.list_downloaded +- Listing all type of advisory patches for Yum module +- Prevents zero length error on Python 2.6 +- Fixes zypper test error after backporting + +- Added: + * 0061-Search-the-entire-CACHE_DIR-because-storage-paths-ch.patch + +- Modified: + * 0057-Adding-support-for-installing-patches-in-yum-dnf-exe.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Apr 17 16:00:43 UTC 2017 - + +- Refactoring on Zypper and Yum execution and state modules to allow + installation of patches/errata. + +- Added: + * 0057-Adding-support-for-installing-patches-in-yum-dnf-exe.patch +- Removed: + * 0057-Allows-using-downloadonly-in-a-pkg.installed-state.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Apr 12 14:05:52 UTC 2017 - + +- Fix log rotation permission issue (bsc#1030009) +- Use pkg/suse/salt-api.service by this package + +- Removed: + * 0059-Set-salt-api-shell-env.patch + +- Added: + * 0059-Add-SHELL-env-var-for-the-salt-api.service.patch + * 0060-Fix-logrotate-for-minion-bsc-1030009-21.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Apr 11 11:50:51 UTC 2017 - + +- Patch to set SHELL env variable for the salt-api.service. + Needed for salt-ssh ProxyCommand to work properly. +- Added: + * 0059-Set-salt-api-shell-env.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Apr 10 10:00:51 UTC 2017 - + +- Fixes 'timeout' and 'gather_job_timeout' kwargs parameters + for 'local_batch' client + +- Added: + * 0058-Adds-custom-timeout-and-gather_job_timeout-to-local_.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Apr 7 11:15:35 UTC 2017 - + +- Add missing bootstrap script for Salt Cloud (bsc#1032452) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Apr 4 14:05:40 UTC 2017 - + +- Fix: add missing /var/cache/salt/cloud directory (bsc#1032213) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Mar 31 11:14:39 UTC 2017 - + +- Added test case for race conditions on cache directory creation +- Modified: + * 0053-fix-race-condition-on-cache-directory-creation.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Mar 30 15:06:28 UTC 2017 - + +- Adding "pkg.install downloadonly=True" support to yum/dnf + execution module +- Makes sure "gather_job_timeout" is an Integer +- Adding "pkg.downloaded" state and support for installing + patches/erratas + +- Added: + * 0055-Adding-downloadonly-support-to-yum-dnf-module.patch + * 0056-Makes-sure-gather_job_timeout-is-an-integer.patch + * 0057-Allows-using-downloadonly-in-a-pkg.installed-state.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Mar 29 13:45:52 UTC 2017 - + +- Fix: merge master_tops output + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Mar 29 06:54:31 UTC 2017 - + +- Fix: race condition on cache directory creation + +- Added: + * 0053-fix-race-condition-on-cache-directory-creation.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Mar 24 09:32:03 UTC 2017 - + +- Cleanup salt user environment preparation (bsc#1027722) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Mar 22 17:04:01 UTC 2017 - + +- Don't send passwords after shim delimiter is found (bsc#1019386) +- Add: + * 0052-Don-t-send-passwords-after-shim-delimiter-is-found-3.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Mar 16 17:33:12 UTC 2017 - + +- Allows to set 'timeout' and 'gather_job_timeout' via kwargs +- Allows to set custom timeouts for 'manage.up' and 'manage.status' +- Add: + * 0051-Allows-to-set-timeout-and-gather_job_timeout-via-kwa.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Mar 7 16:23:52 UTC 2017 - + +- Update systemd module unit tests (Update patch 0050) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Sun Mar 5 13:48:56 UTC 2017 - + +- define with system for fedora and rhel 7 (bsc#1027240) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Mar 3 15:30:33 UTC 2017 - + +- Fix service state returning stacktrace (bsc#1027044) +- Add: + * 0050-Fix-service-state-returning-stacktrace-bsc-1027044.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Feb 21 08:17:41 UTC 2017 - + +- Update OpenSCAP Module patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Feb 17 13:05:13 UTC 2017 - + +- OpenSCAP Module +- Added: + * 0049-OpenSCAP-module.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Feb 15 10:50:37 UTC 2017 - + +- Prevents 'OSError' exception in case certain job cache path + doesn't exist (bsc#1023535) +- Added: + * 0048-Prevents-OSError-exception-in-case-path-doesn-t-exis.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Feb 13 16:24:05 UTC 2017 - + +- Backport: Fix issue with cp.push (#36136) +- Add: + * 0047-Fix-issue-with-cp.push-36136.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Feb 7 14:38:10 UTC 2017 - + +- Fix salt-minion update on RHEL (bsc#1022841) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Feb 6 12:08:17 UTC 2017 - + +- Adding new functions to Snapper execution module. +- Added: + * snapper-module-improvements.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Jan 26 13:41:03 UTC 2017 - + +- Fix invalid chars allowed for data IDs (bsc#1011304) + Fix timezone: should be always in UTC (bsc#1017078) + Add: + * 0044-Add-general-sanitisers.patch + * 0045-Fix-timezone-handling-for-rpm-installtime-bsc-101707.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jan 25 11:07:30 UTC 2017 - + +- Fixes wrong "enabled" opts for yumnotify plugin + Add: + * 0043-Fixes-wrong-enabled-opts-for-yumnotify-plugin.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Jan 2 16:47:37 UTC 2017 - + +- ssh-option parameter for salt-ssh command. + Added: + * 0042-Salt-ssh-ssh-option-param.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Dec 20 17:48:48 CET 2016 - + +- minion should pre-require salt +- do not restart salt-minion in the salt package +- add try-restart to sys-v init scripts + Add: + * 0041-add-try-restart-to-fix-autorestarting-on-SUSE-system.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Dec 20 09:41:27 UTC 2016 - + +- Adding "Restart=on-failure" for salt-minion systemd service + Add: + * 0040-Adding-Restart-on-failure-for-salt-minion-systemd-se.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Dec 19 15:25:17 UTC 2016 - + +- Re-introducing "KillMode=process" for salt-minion systemd service + Add: + * 0039-Re-introducing-KillMode-process-for-salt-minion-syst.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Dec 14 16:16:55 UTC 2016 - + +- Successfully exit of salt-api child processes when SIGTERM is received + Add: + * 0038-Successfully-exit-of-salt-api-child-processes-when-S.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Dec 14 13:31:09 UTC 2016 - + +- Add new patches: + * 0034-Fix-pkg.latest_version-when-latest-already-installed.patch + * 0035-salt-api-service-must-be-from-type-simple.patch + * 0036-Avoid-failures-on-SLES-12-SP2-because-of-new-systemd.patch + * 0037-salt-minion-service-back-to-type-simple.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Dec 9 15:25:53 UTC 2016 - + +- Update to 2015.8.12 +- Fix possible information leak due to revoked keys still being used. + (bsc#1012398, CVE-2016-9639) + +- inherited patches + + 0002-Run-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch + 0003-Check-if-byte-strings-are-properly-encoded-in-UTF-8.patch + +- renamed patches + 0026-do-not-generate-a-date-in-a-comment-to-prevent-rebui.patch + -> 0004-do-not-generate-a-date-in-a-comment-to-prevent-rebui.patch + 0036-Use-SHA256-hash-type-by-default.patch + -> 0005-Use-SHA256-hash-type-by-default.patch + 0046-Add-SUSE-Manager-plugin.patch + -> 0007-Add-SUSE-Manager-plugin.patch + 0048-Create-salt-proxy-instantiated-service-file.patch + -> 0006-Create-salt-proxy-instantiated-service-file.patch + 0053-Fix-pkgrepo.managed-gpgkey-argument-bsc-979448.patch + -> 0008-Fix-pkgrepo.managed-gpgkey-argument-bsc-979448.patch + 0059-Rewrite-minion-ID-generator-bsc-967803.patch + -> 0009-Rewrite-minion-ID-generator-bsc-967803.patch + 0061-snapper-execution-module.patch + -> 0010-snapper-execution-module.patch + 0063-Fix-module-import-being-Py3-and-P2.6-compatible.patch + -> 0011-Fix-module-import-being-Py3-and-P2.6-compatible.patch + 0064-Run-salt-api-as-user-salt-bsc-990029.patch + -> 0012-Run-salt-api-as-user-salt-bsc-990029.patch + 0067-Bugfix-prevent-crash-if-python-dbus-module-is-instal.patch + -> 0013-Bugfix-prevent-crash-if-python-dbus-module-is-instal.patch + 0070-Fix-some-unittests.patch + -> 0014-Fix-some-unittests.patch + 0071-Check-for-single-quote-before-splitting-on-single-qu.patch + -> 0015-Check-for-single-quote-before-splitting-on-single-qu.patch + 0072-Unit-test-fixes-for-2015.8.7.patch + -> 0016-Unit-test-fixes-for-2015.8.7.patch + 0073-Fix-snapper_test-for-python26.patch + -> 0017-Fix-snapper_test-for-python26.patch + 0074-Integration-tests-fixes-for-2015.8.7.patch + -> 0018-Integration-tests-fixes-for-2015.8.7.patch + 0075-Generate-Salt-Thin-with-configured-extra-modules.patch + -> 0019-Generate-Salt-Thin-with-configured-extra-modules.patch + 0076-Setting-up-OS-grains-for-SLES-Expanded-Support-SUSE-.patch + -> 0020-Setting-up-OS-grains-for-SLES-Expanded-Support-SUSE-.patch + 0077-acl.delfacl-fix-position-of-X-option-to-setfacl.patch + -> 0021-acl.delfacl-fix-position-of-X-option-to-setfacl.patch + 0078-Change-travis-configuration-file-to-use-salt-toaster.patch + -> 0022-Change-travis-configuration-file-to-use-salt-toaster.patch + 0079-Adding-dist-upgrade-support-to-zypper-module.patch + -> 0023-Adding-dist-upgrade-support-to-zypper-module.patch + 0080-Fix-open-ssh-bsc-1004723-upstream-issue-36966.patch + -> 0024-Fix-open-ssh-bsc-1004723-upstream-issue-36966.patch + 0081-Including-resolver-params-for-Zypper-debug-solver.patch + -> 0025-Including-resolver-params-for-Zypper-debug-solver.patch + 0082-fix-status-handling-in-sysv-init-scripts.patch + -> 0026-fix-status-handling-in-sysv-init-scripts.patch + +- new patches from upstream + 0027-Add-YUM-plugin.patch + 0028-change-TIMEZONE-on-SUSE-systems-bsc-1008933.patch (bsc#1008933) + 0029-Do-not-include-gpg-pubkey-packages-filtering-by-thei.patch + 0030-Extract-archive-into-existing-directory-add-overwrit.patch + 0031-Port-rsync-state-from-2016.3.patch + 0032-Support-remote-port-forwarding-with-salt-ssh.patch + 0033-Add-master_tops-support-in-salt-ssh.patch + +- upstreamed patches + 0004-Fix-pkg.latest-prevent-crash-on-multiple-package-ins.patch + 0005-Fix-package-status-filtering-on-latest-version-and-i.patch + 0006-add_key-reject_key-do-not-crash-w-Permission-denied-.patch + 0007-Force-kill-websocket-s-child-processes-faster-than-d.patch + 0008-Fix-types-in-the-output-data-and-return-just-a-list-.patch + 0009-The-functions-in-the-state-module-that-return-a-retc.patch + 0010-add-handling-for-OEM-products.patch + 0011-improve-doc-for-list_pkgs.patch + 0012-implement-version_cmp-for-zypper.patch + 0013-pylint-changes.patch + 0014-Check-if-rpm-python-can-be-imported.patch + 0015-call-zypper-with-option-non-interactive-everywhere.patch + 0016-write-a-zypper-command-builder-function.patch + 0017-Fix-crash-with-scheduler-and-runners-31106.patch + 0018-unify-behavior-of-refresh.patch + 0019-add-refresh-option-to-more-functions.patch + 0020-simplify-checking-the-refresh-paramater.patch + 0021-do-not-change-kwargs-in-refresh-while-checking-a-val.patch + + 0023-Initial-Zypper-Unit-Tests-and-bugfixes.patch + 0024-proper-checking-if-zypper-exit-codes-and-handling-of.patch + 0025-adapt-tests-to-new-zypper_check_result-output.patch + 0027-make-suse-check-consistent-with-rh_service.patch + 0028-fix-numerical-check-of-osrelease.patch + 0029-Make-use-of-checksum-configurable-defaults-to-MD5-SH.patch + 0030-Bugfix-on-SLE11-series-base-product-reported-as-addi.patch + + 0032-Add-error-check-when-retcode-is-0-but-stderr-is-pres.patch + 0033-fixing-init-system-dectection-on-sles-11-refs-31617.patch + 0034-Fix-git_pillar-race-condition.patch + 0035-Fix-the-always-false-behavior-on-checking-state.patch + 0037-Force-sort-the-RPM-output-to-ensure-latest-version-o.patch + 0038-fix-sorting-by-latest-version-when-called-with-an-at.patch + 0039-Prevent-metadata-download-when-getting-installed-pro.patch + 0040-Check-if-EOL-is-available-in-a-particular-product-bs.patch + 0041-Bugfix-salt-key-crashes-if-tries-to-generate-keys-to.patch + 0042-align-OS-grains-from-older-SLES-with-current-one-bsc.patch + 0043-Prevent-crash-if-pygit2-package-is-requesting-re-com.patch + 0044-Unblock-Zypper.-Modify-environment.patch + 0045-Bugfix-Restore-boolean-values-from-the-repo-configur.patch + 0047-Old-style-proxymodules-need-to-be-setup-earlier-in-m.patch + 0049-Prevent-several-minion-processes-on-the-same-machine.patch + + + 0052-jobs.exit_success-allow-to-check-if-a-job-has-execut.patch + 0054-fix-groupadd-module-for-sles11-systems.patch + 0055-Backport-31164-and-31364-32474.patch + 0056-Move-log-message-from-INFO-to-DEBUG.patch + 0057-fix-salt-summary-to-count-not-responding-minions-cor.patch + 0058-Getting-the-os-grain-from-CPE_NAME-inside-etc-os-rel.patch + 0060-Bugfix-return-boolean-only-for-isbase-and-installed-.patch + 0062-Add-realpath-to-lvm.pvdisplay-and-use-it-in-vg_prese.patch + 0065-fix-beacon-list-to-include-all-beacons-being-process.patch + 0066-Fix-continuous-minion-restart-if-a-dependency-wasn-t.patch + 0068-Add-ignore_repo_failure-option-to-suppress-zypper-s-.patch + 0069-Remove-zypper-s-raise-exception-if-mod_repo-has-no-a.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Nov 28 14:44:21 UTC 2016 - + +- Splitted non-Linux and other external platform modules + to 'salt-other' sub-package. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Nov 28 14:24:24 UTC 2016 - + +- Switch package group from System/Monitoring to System/Management + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Sun Nov 6 17:39:54 UTC 2016 - + +- fix exist codes of sysv init script (bsc#999852) + Add: + * 0082-fix-status-handling-in-sysv-init-scripts.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Oct 31 16:53:51 UTC 2016 - + +- Including resolution parameters in the Zypper debug-solver call + during a dry-run dist-upgrade. + Add: + * 0081-Including-resolver-params-for-Zypper-debug-solver.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Oct 25 07:19:39 UTC 2016 - + +- Fix Salt API crash via salt-ssh on empty roster (bsc#1004723) + Add: + * 0080-Fix-open-ssh-bsc-1004723-upstream-issue-36966.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Oct 19 14:24:10 UTC 2016 - + +- Adding 'dist-upgrade' support to zypper module (FATE#320559) + Add: + * 0079-Adding-dist-upgrade-support-to-zypper-module.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Oct 17 14:07:17 UTC 2016 - + +- Copy .travis.yml from git commit ea63e793567ba777e47dc766a4f88edfb037a02f + Add: + * travis.yml +- Change travis configuration file to use salt-toaster + Add: + * travis.yml + * 0078-Change-travis-configuration-file-to-use-salt-toaster.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Oct 13 15:41:47 UTC 2016 - + +- acl.delfacl: fix position of -X option to setfacl (bsc#1004260) + Add: + * 0077-acl.delfacl-fix-position-of-X-option-to-setfacl.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Oct 11 11:52:04 UTC 2016 - + +- fix generated shebang in scripts on SLES-ES 7 (bsc#1004047) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Oct 6 17:49:01 CEST 2016 - + +- add to specfile + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Oct 5 13:33:16 UTC 2016 - + +- Setting up OS grains for SLES-ES (SLES Expanded Support platform) + Add: + * 0076-Setting-up-OS-grains-for-SLES-Expanded-Support-SUSE-.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Oct 4 13:24:12 UTC 2016 - + +- Move salt home directory to /var/lib/salt (bsc#1002529) +- Adjust permissions on home directory +- Adjust pre-install script to correctly move existing salt users' home directory + +salt user cannot write in his own home directory (/srv/salt) because +it is owned by user `root`. +This prevents salt from correctly save ssh known hosts in ~/.ssh/ +and breaks salt-ssh bootstrapping. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Sep 27 09:59:38 UTC 2016 - + +- Updated html.tar.bz2 documentation tarball. +- Generate Salt Thin with configured extra modules (bsc#990439) + Add: + * 0075-Generate-Salt-Thin-with-configured-extra-modules.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Sep 13 14:43:45 UTC 2016 - + +- Unit and integration tests fixes for 2015.8.7 + Add: + * 0072-Unit-test-fixes-for-2015.8.7.patch + * 0073-Fix-snapper_test-for-python26.patch + * 0074-Integration-tests-fixes-for-2015.8.7.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Sep 2 10:05:01 UTC 2016 - + +- Prevent pkg.install failure for expired keys (bsc#996455) + Add: + * 0071-Check-for-single-quote-before-splitting-on-single-qu.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Aug 29 15:06:56 UTC 2016 - + +- Required D-Bus and generating machine ID + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Aug 26 15:08:32 CEST 2016 - + +- add a macro to check if the docs should be build or the static + tarball should be used + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Aug 24 09:03:21 UTC 2016 - + +- Fix a couple of failing unittests + * 0070-Fix-some-unittests.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Aug 23 14:15:58 UTC 2016 - + +- Helper script for updating documentation tarball. + Added: + * + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Aug 16 14:54:49 UTC 2016 - + +- Fix python-jinja2 requirements in rhel + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Aug 16 11:48:27 UTC 2016 - + +- Fix pkg.installed refresh repo failure (bsc#993549) + Fix no change failure (bsc#990440) + Add: + * 0068-Add-ignore_repo_failure-option-to-suppress-zypper-s-.patch + * 0069-Remove-zypper-s-raise-exception-if-mod_repo-has-no-a.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Aug 11 14:35:06 UTC 2016 - + +- Prevent snapper module crash on load if no DBus is + available in the system (bsc#993039) + Add: + * 0067-Bugfix-prevent-crash-if-python-dbus-module-is-instal.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Aug 11 12:34:34 UTC 2016 - + +- Prevent continuous restart, if a dependency wasn't installed + (bsc#991048) + Add: + * 0066-Fix-continuous-minion-restart-if-a-dependency-wasn-t.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Aug 3 14:40:34 UTC 2016 - + +- Fix beacon list to include all beacons being process + Add: + * 0065-fix-beacon-list-to-include-all-beacons-being-process.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Jul 29 10:59:09 CEST 2016 - + +- Run salt-api as user salt like the master (bsc#990029) + Add: + * 0064-Run-salt-api-as-user-salt-bsc-990029.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Jul 22 10:08:59 UTC 2016 - + +- Revert patch Minion ID generation (bsc#967803) + Removes: + * 0059-Rewrite-minion-ID-generator-bsc-967803.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jul 20 15:16:55 UTC 2016 - + +- Fix broken inspector due to accidentally + missed commit (bsc#989798) + Add: + * 0063-Fix-module-import-being-Py3-and-P2.6-compatible.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jul 20 09:33:36 UTC 2016 - + +- Set always build salt-doc package. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Jul 19 14:18:35 UTC 2016 - + +- Bugfix: lvm.vg_present does not recognize PV with certain LVM + filter settings (bsc#988506) + Add: + * 0062-Add-realpath-to-lvm.pvdisplay-and-use-it-in-vg_prese.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Jul 18 10:20:05 UTC 2016 - + +- Backport: Snapper module for Salt. + Add: + * 0061-snapper-execution-module.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Jul 15 15:37:18 UTC 2016 - + +- Bugfix: pkg.list_products on "registerrelease" and "productline" + returns boolean.False if empty (bsc#989193, bsc#986019) + Add: + * 0060-Bugfix-return-boolean-only-for-isbase-and-installed-.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Jun 24 10:33:29 UTC 2016 - + +- Rewrite Minion ID generation (bsc#967803) + Add: + * 0059-Rewrite-minion-ID-generator-bsc-967803.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jun 22 08:16:04 UTC 2016 - + +- Bugfix: Fixed behavior for SUSE OS grains (bsc#970669) + Bugfix: Salt os_family does not detect SLES for SAP (bsc#983017) + Add: + * 0058-Getting-the-os-grain-from-CPE_NAME-inside-etc-os-rel.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Jun 21 12:25:13 CEST 2016 - + +- Move log message from INFO to DEBUG (bsc#985661) + Add: + 0056-Move-log-message-from-INFO-to-DEBUG.patch +- fix salt --summary to count not responding minions correctly + (bsc#972311) + Add: + * 0057-fix-salt-summary-to-count-not-responding-minions-cor.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Jun 14 09:52:40 UTC 2016 - + +- Fix memory leak on custom execution module sheduled jobs (bsc#983512) + Add: + * 0055-Backport-31164-and-31364-32474.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Jun 9 10:04:24 UTC 2016 - + +- fix groupadd module for sles11 systems (bsc#978150) + Add: + * 0054-fix-groupadd-module-for-sles11-systems.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jun 1 09:33:20 UTC 2016 - + +- Fix pkgrepo.managed gpgkey argument doesn't work (bsc#979448) + Add: + * 0053-Fix-pkgrepo.managed-gpgkey-argument-bsc-979448.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri May 27 09:20:03 UTC 2016 - + +- Package checksum validation for zypper + Add: + * + * +- Check if a job has executed and returned successfully + Add: + * 0052-jobs.exit_success-allow-to-check-if-a-job-has-execut.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon May 23 15:54:12 UTC 2016 - + +- Remove option -f from startproc (bsc#975733) + Add: + * 0049-Prevent-several-minion-processes-on-the-same-machine.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon May 23 13:47:49 UTC 2016 - + +- Changed Zypper's plugin. Added Unit test and related to that + data (bsc#980313). + Update: + * 0046-Add-SUSE-Manager-plugin.patch + + Delete (not needed anymore): + * 0049-Alter-the-event-name.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue May 17 09:57:57 UTC 2016 - + +- Zypper plugin: alter the generated event name on package set + change. + Add: + * 0049-Alter-the-event-name.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu May 12 00:42:27 UTC 2016 - + +- Fix file ownership on master keys and cache directories during upgrade + (handles upgrading from salt 2014, where the daemon ran as root, to 2015 + where it runs as the salt user, bsc#979676). + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed May 11 11:01:44 UTC 2016 - + +- salt-proxy .service file created (bsc#975306) + Add: + * 0048-Create-salt-proxy-instantiated-service-file.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed May 11 08:51:44 UTC 2016 - + +- Prevent salt-proxy crash (bsc#975303) + Add: + * 0047-Old-style-proxymodules-need-to-be-setup-earlier-in-m.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed May 11 07:18:54 UTC 2016 - + +- Fix shared directories ownership issues. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon May 9 08:55:32 UTC 2016 - + +- Add Zypper plugin to generate an event, + once Zypper is used outside the Salt infrastructure + demand (bsc#971372). + Add: + * 0046-Add-SUSE-Manager-plugin.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri May 6 14:53:03 UTC 2016 - + +- Restore boolean values from the repo configuration + Fix priority attribute (bsc#978833) + Add: + * 0045-Bugfix-Restore-boolean-values-from-the-repo-configur.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed May 4 12:39:32 UTC 2016 - + +- Unblock-Zypper. (bsc#976148) + Modify-environment. (bsc#971372) + Add: + * 0044-Unblock-Zypper.-Modify-environment.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Apr 20 08:59:06 UTC 2016 - + +- Prevent crash if pygit2 package is requesting re-compilation. + Add: + * 0043-Prevent-crash-if-pygit2-package-is-requesting-re-com.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Apr 18 10:24:56 CEST 2016 - + +- align OS grains from older SLES with current one (bsc#975757) + Add: + * 0042-align-OS-grains-from-older-SLES-with-current-one-bsc.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Apr 14 07:23:47 UTC 2016 - + +- Bugfix: salt-key crashes if tries to generate keys + to the directory w/o write access (bsc#969320) + Add: + * 0041-Bugfix-salt-key-crashes-if-tries-to-generate-keys-to.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Apr 12 12:34:40 UTC 2016 - + +- Check if EOL is available in a particular product (bsc#975093) + Add: + * 0040-Check-if-EOL-is-available-in-a-particular-product-bs.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Apr 5 13:05:49 UTC 2016 - + +- fix building with docs on SLE11 + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Apr 5 11:19:02 UTC 2016 - + +- Prevent metadata download when getting installed products + Add: + * 0039-Prevent-metadata-download-when-getting-installed-pro.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Apr 5 08:51:38 UTC 2016 - + +- Add statically built docs. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Apr 4 07:51:27 UTC 2016 - + +- fix sorting by latest package + Add: + * 0038-fix-sorting-by-latest-version-when-called-with-an-at.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Sat Apr 2 12:55:57 UTC 2016 - + +- ensure pkg.info_installed report latest package version + (bsc#972490) + Add: + * 0037-Force-sort-the-RPM-output-to-ensure-latest-version-o.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Mar 17 12:09:14 UTC 2016 - + +- Use SHA256 by default in master, minion and proxy (bsc#955373) + Add: + * 0036-Use-SHA256-hash-type-by-default.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Mar 16 15:34:26 UTC 2016 - + +- Fix state structure compilation + Add: + * 0035-Fix-the-always-false-behavior-on-checking-state.patch +- Fix git_pillar race condition + Add: + * 0034-Fix-git_pillar-race-condition.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Sat Mar 12 17:08:03 UTC 2016 - + +- fix detection of base products in SLE11 + * 0030-Bugfix-on-SLE11-series-base-product-reported-as-addi.patch +- fix rpm info for SLE11 + * + * 0032-Add-error-check-when-retcode-is-0-but-stderr-is-pres.patch +- fix init system detection for SLE11 + * 0033-fixing-init-system-dectection-on-sles-11-refs-31617.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Mar 11 14:42:52 UTC 2016 - + +- Re-add corrected patch: + 0029-Make-use-of-checksum-configurable-defaults-to-MD5-SH.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Mar 9 09:39:09 UTC 2016 - + +- Make checksum configurable (upstream still wants md5, we + suggest sha256). bsc#955373 + Add: + 0029-Make-use-of-checksum-configurable-defaults-to-MD5-SH.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Mar 4 10:41:52 UTC 2016 - + +- Fix the service state / module on SLE11. + Add: + * 0027-make-suse-check-consistent-with-rh_service.patch + * 0028-fix-numerical-check-of-osrelease.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Mar 4 09:54:00 CET 2016 - + +- Prevent rebuilds in OBS by not generating a date as a comment in + a source file + Add: 0026-do-not-generate-a-date-in-a-comment-to-prevent-rebui.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Feb 26 14:55:14 CET 2016 - + +- Add better checking for zypper exit codes and simplify evaluation + of the zypper error messages. + Add: 0024-proper-checking-if-zypper-exit-codes-and-handling-of.patch +- Adapt unit tests + Add: 0025-adapt-tests-to-new-zypper_check_result-output.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Feb 26 10:42:17 UTC 2016 - + +- Add initial pack of Zypper's Unit tests. + Use XML output in list_upgrades. + Bugfix: upgrade_available crashes when only one package specified + Purge is not using "-u" anymore + Add: + * 0023-Initial-Zypper-Unit-Tests-and-bugfixes.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Feb 23 11:58:00 CET 2016 - + +- fix argument handling of + Add: + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Feb 22 16:12:43 CET 2016 - + +- unify behavior of zypper refresh in salt + Add: 0018-unify-behavior-of-refresh.patch + 0019-add-refresh-option-to-more-functions.patch + 0020-simplify-checking-the-refresh-paramater.patch + 0021-do-not-change-kwargs-in-refresh-while-checking-a-val.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Sat Feb 20 11:41:45 CET 2016 - + +- Fix crash with scheduler and runners + Add: 0017-Fix-crash-with-scheduler-and-runners-31106.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Feb 19 15:01:38 CET 2016 - + +- Call zypper always with --non-interactive + Add: + * 0015-call-zypper-with-option-non-interactive-everywhere.patch + * 0016-write-a-zypper-command-builder-function.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Feb 19 13:00:52 CET 2016 - + +- require rpm-python on SUSE for zypper support + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Feb 18 11:01:21 CET 2016 - + +- fix state return code + Add: 0009-The-functions-in-the-state-module-that-return-a-retc.patch +- add handling of OEM products to pkg.list_products + Add: 0010-add-handling-for-OEM-products.patch +- improve doc for list_pkgs + Add: 0011-improve-doc-for-list_pkgs.patch +- implement pkg.version_cmp in + Add: + * 0012-implement-version_cmp-for-zypper.patch + * 0013-pylint-changes.patch + * 0014-Check-if-rpm-python-can-be-imported.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Feb 17 17:57:57 UTC 2016 - + +- Update to 2015.8.7 + this is a small update to fix some regressions + see + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Feb 11 17:42:38 UTC 2016 - + +- Booleans should not be strings from XML, add Unix ticks time and + format result in a list of maps. + Add: + * 0008-Fix-types-in-the-output-data-and-return-just-a-list-.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Feb 11 16:27:33 UTC 2016 - + +- Stop salt-api daemon faster (bsc#963322) + Add: + * 0007-Force-kill-websocket-s-child-processes-faster-than-d.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Feb 10 08:30:45 UTC 2016 - + +- Do not crash on salt-key reject/delete consecutive calls. + Add: + * 0006-add_key-reject_key-do-not-crash-w-Permission-denied-.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Feb 8 16:15:56 UTC 2016 - + +- Update to 2015.8.5 + Security fixes: + * CVE-2016-1866: Improper handling of clear messages on the + minion remote code execution (boo#965403) + See + Dropped patches (all upstream): + * 0003-List-products-consistently-across-all-SLES-systems.patch + * 0004-Add-missing-return-data-to-scheduled-jobs.patch + * 0005-Fix-RPM-issues-with-the-date-time-and-add-package-at.patch + * 0006-Bugfix-info_available-does-not-work-correctly-on-SLE.patch + Renamed patches: + * 0007-Check-if-byte-strings-are-properly-encoded-in-UTF-8.patch + -> 0003-Check-if-byte-strings-are-properly-encoded-in-UTF-8.patch + * 0008-Fix-pkg.latest-prevent-crash-on-multiple-package-ins.patch + -> 0004-Fix-pkg.latest-prevent-crash-on-multiple-package-ins.patch + * 0009-Fix-package-status-filtering-on-latest-version-and-i.patch + -> 0005-Fix-package-status-filtering-on-latest-version-and-i.patch + +- Update to 2015.8.4 + See + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jan 27 13:09:53 UTC 2016 - + +- Fix latest version available comparison and implement epoch + support in Zypper module. + Add: + * 0009-Fix-package-status-filtering-on-latest-version-and-i.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jan 27 09:25:15 UTC 2016 - + +- Update patch from opensuse to upstream version. + Update: + * 0008-Fix-pkg.latest-prevent-crash-on-multiple-package-ins.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Jan 26 09:42:57 UTC 2016 - + +- Fix dependencies to Salt subpackages requiring release along the + version. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Jan 25 16:24:55 UTC 2016 - + +- Fix pkg.latest crash. +- Fix pkg.latest SLS ID bug, when pkgs empty list is passed, + but SLS ID still treated as a package name. + + Add: + * 0008-Fix-pkg.latest-prevent-crash-on-multiple-package-ins.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jan 20 15:10:04 UTC 2016 - + +- Drop: + * -0004-zypper-check-package-header-content-for-valid-utf-8.patch +- Rename: + * -0004-zypper-check-package-header-content-for-valid-utf-8.patch + +0004-Add-missing-return-data-to-scheduled-jobs.patch + * -0005-Add-missing-return-data-to-scheduled-jobs.patch + +0004-Add-missing-return-data-to-scheduled-jobs.patch + * -0006-Fix-RPM-issues-with-the-date-time-and-add-package-at.patch + +0005-Fix-RPM-issues-with-the-date-time-and-add-package-at.patch + * -0007-Bugfix-info_available-does-not-work-correctly-on-SLE.patch + +0006-Bugfix-info_available-does-not-work-correctly-on-SLE.patch +- Add: + * 0007-Check-if-byte-strings-are-properly-encoded-in-UTF-8.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jan 20 10:19:07 UTC 2016 - + +- Rename use-forking-daemon.patch to + +- Rename use-salt-user-for-master.patch to + 0002-Run-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch +- Rename 1efe484309a5c776974e723f3da0f5181f4bdb86.patch to + 0003-List-products-consistently-across-all-SLES-systems.patch +- Rename zypper-utf-8.patch to + 0004-zypper-check-package-header-content-for-valid-utf-8.patch +- Rename salt-2015.8-schedule-ret.patch to + 0005-Add-missing-return-data-to-scheduled-jobs.patch +- Rename salt-2015.8-pkg-zypper-attr-filtering.patch to + 0006-Fix-RPM-issues-with-the-date-time-and-add-package-at.patch +- Rename salt-2015.8-zypper-info.patch to + 0007-Bugfix-info_available-does-not-work-correctly-on-SLE.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Jan 15 13:16:46 UTC 2016 - + +- Fix zypper module info_available on SLE-11 + * add salt-2015.8-zypper-info.patch + * +- zypper/pkg: add package attributes filtering + * add salt-2015.8-pkg-zypper-attr-filtering.patch + * +- Remove obsoleted patches and fixes: + * + * 0002-Reduce-information-returned-from-pkg.info_installed.patch + * Remove require on glibc-locale (bsc#959572) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jan 13 12:03:06 UTC 2016 - + +- Add missing return data to scheduled jobs + * add salt-2015.8-schedule-ret.patch for + * + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Dec 21 14:06:27 UTC 2015 - + +- Update zypper-utf-8.patch for Python 2.6 + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Dec 17 15:53:47 UTC 2015 - + +- require glibc-locale (bsc#959572) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Dec 15 13:50:17 UTC 2015 - + +- Report epoch and architecture of installed packages + + +- pkg.info_installed exceeds the maximum event size, reduce the + information to what's actually needed + 0002-Reduce-information-returned-from-pkg.info_installed.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Dec 9 08:28:21 UTC 2015 - + +- Filter out bad UTF-8 strings in package data (bsc#958350) + zypper-utf-8.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Dec 1 22:04:14 UTC 2015 - + +- Updated to salt 2015.8.3 bugfix release +- remove the following patches because upstream merged them: + - 4b9302d79455d6a586b7cad1d7990cb22e7bc62e.patch + - os_grain.patch + - zypper_pkgrepo.patch +- more details at: + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Dec 1 14:40:25 UTC 2015 - + +- added 1efe484309a5c776974e723f3da0f5181f4bdb86.patch: + reimplements pkg.list_products that potentially may be broken in + a future releases of SLES. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Nov 30 17:19:06 UTC 2015 - + +- added 4b9302d79455d6a586b7cad1d7990cb22e7bc62e.patch: + fixes a regression introduced in 2015.8.2, which was actually + holding back the release. Downgrade is not an option as we need + the leap fixes. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Nov 26 13:46:55 UTC 2015 - + +- it shouldnt be >= 1110 but just > 1110 + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Nov 25 13:43:16 UTC 2015 - + +- require pmtools on sle11 to get dmidecode + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Nov 20 23:52:14 UTC 2015 - + +- update use-salt-user-for-master.patch: + First step to make the syndic also run as salt user. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Nov 13 21:56:35 UTC 2015 - + +- Updated to bugfix release 2015.8.2 +- os_grain.patch fix the "os" grain on SLES11SP4 +- zypper_pkgrepo.patch fix the priority and humanname pkgrepo args for the + zypper backend + + for more details: + + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Oct 15 09:43:16 UTC 2015 - + +- update to 2015.8.1 + - Add support for ``spm.d/*.conf`` configuration of SPM + (:issue:`27010`) + - Fix ``proxy`` grains breakage for non-proxy minions + (:issue:`27039`) + - Fix global key management for git state + - Fix passing http auth to ``util.http`` from ``state.file`` + (:issue:`21917`) + - Fix ``multiprocessing: True`` in windows (on by default`) + - Add ```` to pkg modules + - Fix name of ``serial`` grain (this was accidentally renamed in + 2015.8.0`) + - Merge config values from ``master.d``/``minion.d`` conf files + (rather than flat update`) + - Clean grains cache on grains sync (:issue:`19853`) + - Remove streamed response for fileclient to avoid HTTP + redirection problems (:issue:`27093`) + - Fixed incorrect warning about ``osrelease`` grain + (:issue:`27065`) + - Fix authentication via Salt-API with tokens (:issue:`27270`) + - Fix winrepo downloads from https locations (:issue:`27081`) + - Fix potential error with salt-call as non-root user + (:issue:`26889`) + - Fix global minion provider overrides (:issue:`27209`) + - Fix backward compatibility issues for pecl modules + - Fix Windows uninstaller to only remove ``./bin``, ``salt*``, + ``nssm.exe``, ``uninst.exe`` (:issue:`27383`) + - Fix misc issues with mongo returner. + - Add sudo option to cloud config files (:issue:`27398`) + - Fix regression in RunnerClient argument handling + (:issue:`25107`) + - Fix ``dockerng.running`` replacing creation hostconfig with + runtime hostconfig (:issue:`27265`) + - Fix dockerng.running replacing creation hostconfig with runtime + hostconfig (:issue:`27265`) + - Increased performance on boto asg/elb states due to + ``__states__`` integration + - Windows minion no longer requires powershell to restart + (:issue:`26629`) + - Fix x509 module to support recent versions of OpenSSL + (:issue:`27326`) + - Some issues with proxy minions were corrected. +- drop salt-2015.8-backports-susemanager.diff: included in update +- guard raet buildrequires with bcond_with raet and comment out the + recommends for salt-raet. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Oct 12 10:11:33 UTC 2015 - + +- remove pygit2 global recommends, it is only needed in the master +- remove git-core, pygit2 should pull it as a dependency +- add a (currently disabled) %check + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Oct 12 10:08:57 UTC 2015 - + +- Add salt-2015.8-backports-susemanager.diff + Returns detailed information about a package + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Oct 12 08:48:25 UTC 2015 - + +- ifdef Recommends to build on RHEL based distros +- use _initddir instead of _sysconfdir/init.d as + it works on both platforms. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Oct 12 08:19:45 UTC 2015 - + +- allow to disable docs in preparation for building + on other platforms without all dependencies. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Oct 12 08:07:01 UTC 2015 - + +- python-libnacl, python-ioflo are _not_ required to build the + package. They are anyways requires of python-raet, which is + also not required to build the package. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Sat Oct 10 00:00:39 UTC 2015 - + +- merge (build)requires/recommends with requirements/*txt and + + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Oct 9 23:35:05 UTC 2015 - + +- add raet subpackage which will pull all requires for it and + provides config snippets to enable it for the minion and master. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Oct 9 15:34:16 UTC 2015 - + +- add tmpfiles.d file + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Oct 9 14:12:39 UTC 2015 - + +- Remove requires on python-ioflo and python-libnacl + they will be pulled by python-raet, + which is optional. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Oct 9 12:12:48 UTC 2015 - + +- python-raet is optional, so make it a Recommends + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Oct 9 12:04:03 UTC 2015 - + +- update backports patch from 2015.8 branch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Oct 7 20:06:19 UTC 2015 - + +- update use-forking-daemon.patch: + the original intention was to get rid of the python systemd + dependency. for this we do not have daemonize the whole process. + just switching to simple mode is enough. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Oct 7 19:15:54 UTC 2015 - + +- drop fdupes: + 1. it broke python byte code handling + 2. the only part of the package which would really benefit from + it would be the doc package. but given we only install the + files via %doc, we can not use it for that either. +- reenable completions on distros newer than sle11 +- do not use _datarootdir, use _datadir instead. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Oct 7 14:34:18 UTC 2015 - + +- package all directories in /var/cache/salt and /etc/salt and + have permissions set for non root salt master +- update use-salt-user-for-master.patch: + - also patch the logrotate file to include the su option + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Oct 6 12:27:49 UTC 2015 - + +- remove duplicated recommends +- never require pygit2 and git. the master can run fine without. + always use recommends + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Oct 6 11:36:13 UTC 2015 - + +- cleanup dependencies: + - remove a lot of unneeded buildrequires + - fdupes not present on SLE10 + - python-certifi needed on SLE11 + - python-zypp not needed any more + - python-pygit2 is not a global requirement + - convert python-pysqlite to recommends as it is not available on python <=2.7 +- sles_version -> suse_version +- %exclude the cloud/deploy/*.sh scripts to fix build issue on SLE11 + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Oct 5 12:44:40 UTC 2015 - + +- Remove python-PyYAML from the dependencies list, as python-yaml is the same +- Build the -completion subpackages in SLE11 as well +- Add salt-proxy (by +- Create salt user/group only in the -master subpkg + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Sat Oct 3 17:37:20 UTC 2015 - + +- Fix typo in use-forking-daemon.patch, that prevented daemon loading + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Oct 1 08:13:58 UTC 2015 - + +- Fix typo in Requires + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Sep 29 09:11:38 UTC 2015 - + +- Cleanup requirements + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Sep 23 18:06:52 UTC 2015 - + +- New Major release 2015.8.0 + + for more details: + + +- Cleaned the spec file with spec-cleaner +- Added the use-salt-user-for-master.patch see README.SUSE +- Updated the files ownership with salt user +- removed m2crypto depency + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Sep 22 11:51:50 UTC 2015 - + +- Removed fish dependency for fish completions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Sep 22 11:12:47 UTC 2015 - + +- Added fish completions. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Sep 21 08:58:31 UTC 2015 - + +- Support SLE11SP{3,4}, where the M2Crypto package is named python-m2crypto + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Aug 18 06:58:18 UTC 2015 - + +- Updated to Bugfix release 2015.5 + + for more details: + + +- Add prereq, for user creation. +- Add creation of salt user in preparation of running the salt-master daemon + as non-root user salt. + +- Add README.SUSE with explanation and how to. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Jul 20 12:22:26 UTC 2015 - + +- only require git-core to not pull in git-web and gitk + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jul 8 08:47:32 UTC 2015 - + +- New Bugfix release 2015.5.3 + + for more details: + + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Jun 4 19:46:19 UTC 2015 - + +- New Bugfix release 2015.5.2 + + for more details: + + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Sat May 23 18:31:44 UTC 2015 - + +- New Bugfix release 2015.5.1 + has changed the fun keyword argument to func. + Please update any calls to this function in the cloud runner. + + for more details: + + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri May 15 21:04:44 UTC 2015 - + +- Removed python-pssh depency not needed anymore. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed May 6 20:33:53 UTC 2015 - + +- Major release 2015.5.0 Lithium +- update to 2015.5.0 + The 2015.5.0 feature release of Salt is focused on hardening Salt + and mostly on improving existing systems. A few major additions + are present, primarily the new Beacon system. Most enhancements + have been focused around improving existing features and + interfaces. + + As usual the release notes are not exhaustive and primarily + include the most notable additions and improvements. Hundreds of + bugs have been fixed and many modules have been substantially + updated and added. + + + See especially the warning right on the top regarding + python_shell=False. + + For all details see + +- RPM Package changes: +- add some versions to the buildrequires to match the 2 + requirements files from the tarball +- Moved the depencencies to main salt package + except where they are specific for the package +- Changed python-request dependency,only needed on salt-cloud +- Added python-tornado dependency for +- Fixed zsh_completion in tarball. +- Fixed salt-api requirements to require python-cherrypy +- Fixed salt-cloud requiments to require salt-master + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Sun Apr 19 17:48:05 UTC 2015 - + +- New Bugfix release 2014.7.5 +Changes: ++ Fixed a key error bug in salt-cloud ++ Updated man pages to better match documentation ++ Fixed bug concerning high CPU usage with salt-ssh ++ Fixed bugs with remounting cvfs and fuse filesystems ++ Fixed bug with alowing requisite tracking of entire sls files ++ Fixed bug with aptpkg.mod_repo returning OK even if apt-add-repository fails ++ Increased frequency of ssh terminal output checking ++ Fixed malformed locale string in localmod module ++ Fixed checking of available version of package when accept_keywords were changed ++ Fixed bug to make git.latest work with empty repositories ++ Added **kwargs to service.mod_watch which removes warnings about enable and __reqs__ not being supported by the function ++ Improved state comments to not grow so quickly on failed requisites ++ Added force argument to service to trigger force_reload ++ Fixed bug to andle pkgrepo keyids that have been converted to int ++ Fixed module.portage_config bug with appending accept_keywords ++ Fixed bug to correctly report disk usage on windows minion ++ Added the ability to specify key prefix for S3 ext_pillar ++ Fixed issues with batch mode operating on the incorrect number of minions ++ Fixed a bug with the proxmox cloud provider stacktracing on disk definition ++ Fixed a bug with the changes dictionary in the file state ++ Fixed the TCP keep alive settings to work better with SREQ caching ++ Fixed many bugs within the iptables state and module ++ Fixed bug with states by adding fun, state, and unless to the state runtime internal keywords listing ++ Added ability to eAuth against Active Directory ++ Fixed some salt-ssh issues when running on Fedora 21 ++ Fixed grains.get_or_set_hash to work with multiple entries under same key ++ Added better explanations and more examples of how the Reactor calls functions to docs ++ Fixed bug to not pass ex_config_drive to libcloud unless it's explicitly enabled ++ Fixed bug with pip.install on windows ++ Fixed bug where always returns a 0 retcode ++ Fixed race condition bug with minion scheduling via pillar ++ Made efficiency improvements and bug fixes to the windows installer ++ Updated environment variables to fix bug with pygit2 when running salt as non-root user ++ Fixed cas behavior on data module -- data.cas was not saving changes ++ Fixed GPG rendering error ++ Fixed strace error in virt.query ++ Fixed stacktrace when running chef-solo command ++ Fixed possible bug wherein uncaught exceptions seem to make zmq3 tip over when threading is involved ++ Fixed argument passing to the reactor ++ Fixed glibc caching to prevent bug where salt-minion getaddrinfo in dns_check() never got updated nameservers +Known Issues: ++ In multimaster mode, a minion may become temporarily unresponsive if modules or pillars are refreshed at the +same time that one or more masters are down. This can be worked around by setting 'auth_timeout' and 'auth_tries' +down to shorter periods. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Mar 30 21:41:22 UTC 2015 - + +- New Bugfix Release 2014.7.4 +- Updated patch use-forking-daemon.patch +- fix salt-zsh-completion conflicts ++ Multi-master minions mode no longer route fileclient operations asymetrically. + This fixes the source of many multi-master bugs where the minion would + become unrepsonsive from one or more masters. ++ Fix bug wherein network.iface could produce stack traces. ++ net.arp will no longer be made available unless arp is installed on the + system. ++ Major performance improvements to Saltnado ++ Allow KVM module to operate under KVM itself or VMWare Fusion ++ Various fixes to the Windows installation scripts ++ Fix issue where the syndic would not correctly propogate loads to the master + job cache. ++ Improve error handling on invalid /etc/network/interfaces file in salt + networking modules ++ Fix bug where a reponse status was not checked for in fileclient.get_url ++ Enable eauth when running salt in batch mode ++ Increase timeout in Boto Route53 module ++ Fix bugs with Salt's 'tar' module option parsing ++ Fix parsing of NTP servers on Windows ++ Fix issue with blockdev tuning not reporting changes correctly ++ Update to the latest Salt bootstrap script ++ Update Linode salt-cloud driver to use either linode-python or + apache-libcloud ++ Fix for s3.query function to return correct headers ++ Fix for s3.head returning None for files that exist ++ Fix the disable function in win_service module so that the service is + disabled correctly ++ Fix race condition between master and minion when making a directory when + both daemons are on the same host ++ Fix an issue where file.recurse would fail at the root of an svn repo + when the repo has a mountpoint ++ Fix an issue where file.recurse would fail at the root of an hgfs repo + when the repo has a mountpoint ++ Fix an issue where file.recurse would fail at the root of an gitfs repo + when the repo has a mountpoint ++ Add status.master capability for Windows. ++ Various fixes to ssh_known_hosts ++ Various fixes to bonding for Debian ++ The debian_ip.get_interfaces module no longer removes nameservers. ++ Better integration between grains.virtual and systemd-detect-virt and + virt-what ++ Fix traceback in sysctl.present state output ++ Fix for issue where mount.mounted would fail when superopts were not a part + of (extended=True). Also mount.mounted various fixes for Solaris + and FreeBSD. ++ Fix error where datetimes were not correctly safeguarded before being passed + into msgpack. ++ Fix file.replace regressions. If the pattern is not found, and if dry run is False, + and if `backup` is False, and if a pre-existing file exists with extension `.bak`, + then that backup file will be overwritten. This backup behavior is a result of how `fileinput` + works. Fixing it requires either passing through the file twice (the + first time only to search for content and set a flag), or rewriting + `file.replace` so it doesn't use `fileinput` ++ VCS filreserver fixes/optimizations ++ Catch fileserver configuration errors on master start ++ Raise errors on invalid gitfs configurations ++ set_locale when locale file does not exist (Redhat family) ++ Fix to correctly count active devices when created mdadm array with spares ++ Fix to correctly target minions in batch mode ++ Support ssh:// urls using the gitfs dulwhich backend ++ New fileserver runner ++ Fix various bugs with argument parsing to the publish module. ++ Fix disk.usage for Synology OS ++ Fix issue with tags occurring twice with docker.pulled ++ Fix incorrect key error in SMTP returner ++ Fix condition which would remount loopback filesystems on every state run ++ Remove requsites from listens after they are called in the state system ++ Make system implementation of service.running aware of legacy service calls ++ Fix issue where publish.publish would not handle duplicate responses gracefully. ++ Accept Kali Linux for aptpkg salt execution module ++ Fix bug where cmd.which could not handle a dirname as an argument ++ Fix issue in ps.pgrep where exceptions were thrown on Windows. + +- Known Issues: ++ In multimaster mode, a minion may become temporarily unresponsive + if modules or pillars are refreshed at the same time that one + or more masters are down. This can be worked around by setting + 'auth_timeout' and 'auth_tries' down to shorter periods. +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Feb 12 19:35:34 UTC 2015 - + +- New Bugfix release 2014.7.2: +- fix package bug with fdupes. +- keep sle 11 sp3 support. ++ Fix erroneous warnings for systemd service enabled check (issue 19606) ++ Fix FreeBSD kernel module loading, listing, and persistence kmod (issue 197151, issue 19682) ++ Allow case-sensitive npm package names in the npm state. This may break behavior + for people expecting the state to lowercase their npm package names for them. + The npm module was never affected by mandatory lowercasing. (issue 20329) ++ Deprecate the activate parameter for pip.install for both the module and the state. + If bin_env is given and points to a virtualenv, there is no need to activate that virtualenv + in a shell for pip to install to the virtualenv. ++ Fix a file-locking bug in gitfs (issue 18839) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Jan 15 17:50:52 UTC 2015 - + +- New Bugfix release 2014.7.1: ++ Fixed gitfs serving symlinks in file.recurse states (issue 17700) ++ Fixed holding of multiple packages (YUM) when combined with version pinning (issue 18468) ++ Fixed use of Jinja templates in masterless mode with non-roots fileserver backend (issue 17963) ++ Re-enabled pillar and compound matching for mine and publish calls. Note that pillar globbing is still disabled for those modes, for security reasons. (issue 17194) ++ Fix for tty: True in salt-ssh (issue 16847) +- Needed to provide zsh completion because of the tarball missing the zsh completion script. +- Removed man salt.1.gz file from salt-master because upstream removed it. +- Added man salt.7.gz to salt-master package + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Nov 3 21:35:31 UTC 2014 - + +- Updated to Major Release 2014.7.0 +- added python-zipp as depency +- added recommend python-pygit2, this is the preferred gitfs backend of saltstack +- added zsh-completion package +- Removed Patch fix-service-py-version-parsing-sles.patch already fixed in this package +- Removed Patch pass-all-systemd-list-units.patch already fixed in this package +- Removed Patch disable-service-py-for-suse-family.patch already fixed in this package +- Removed Patch allow-systemd-units-no-unit-files.patch already fixed in this package +- Removed Patch allow-systemd-parameterized-services.patch already fixed in this package +- More information at: +- SALT SSH ENHANCEMENTS: + + Support for Fileserver Backends + + Support for Saltfile + + Ext Pillar + + No more sshpass needed + + Pure Python Shim + + Custom Module Delivery + + CP module Support + + More Thin Directory Options + - Salt State System enhancements: + + New Imperative State Keyword "Listen" + + New Mod Aggregate Runtime Manipulator + + New Requisites: onchanges and onfail + + New Global onlyif and unless + + Use names to expand and override values + - Salt Major Features: + + Improved Scheduler Additions + + Red Hat 7 Support + + Fileserver Backends in Salt-call + + Amazon Execution Modules in salt-cloud + + LXC Runner Enhancements + + Next Gen Docker Management + + Peer System Performance Improvements + + SDB Encryption at rest for configs + + GPG Renderer encrypted pillar at rest + + OpenStack Expansions + + Queues System external queue systems into Salt events + + Multi Master Failover Additions + + Chef Execution Module + - salt-api Project Merge + + Synchronous and Asynchronous Execution of Runner and Wheel Modules + + rest_cherrypy Additions + + Web Hooks + - Fileserver Backend Enhancements: + + New gitfs Features + + Pygit2 and Dulwich support + + Mountpoints support + + New hgfs Features + + mountpoints support + + New svnfs Features: + + mountpoints + + minionfs Featuressupport + + mountpoints + - New Salt Modules: + + Oracle + + Random + + Redis + + Amazon Simple Queue Service + + Block Device Management + + CoreOS etcd + + Genesis + + InfluxDB + + Server Density + + Twilio Notifications + + Varnish + + ZNC IRC Bouncer + + SMTP + - NEW RUNNERS: + + Map/Reduce Style + + Queue + - NEW EXTERNAL PILLARS: + + CoreOS etcd + - NEW SALT-CLOUD PROVIDERS: + + Aliyun ECS Cloud + + LXC Containers + + Proxmox (OpenVZ containers & KVM) +- DEPRECATIONS: + + Salt.modules.virtualenv_mod +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Oct 16 19:26:57 UTC 2014 - + +- Updated to 2014.1.13 a bugfix release on 2014.1.12 + + fix module run exit code (issue 16420) + + salt cloud Check the exit status code of scp before assuming it has failed. (issue 16599) + + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Oct 10 18:47:07 UTC 2014 - +ff +- Updated to 2014.1.12 a bugfix release on 2014.1.11 + + Fix scp_file always failing (which broke salt-cloud) (issue 16437) + + Fix regression in pillar in masterless (issue 16210, issue 16416, issue 16428) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Sep 10 18:10:50 UTC 2014 - + +- Updated to 2014.1.11 is another bugfix release for 2014.1.0. Changes include: + + Fix for minion_id with byte-order mark (BOM) (issue 12296) + + Fix runas deprecation in at module + + Fix trailing slash befhavior for file.makedirs_ (issue 14019) + + Fix chocolatey path (issue 13870) + + Fix git_pillar infinite loop issues (issue 14671) + + Fix json outputter null case + + Fix for minion error if one of multiple masters are down (issue 14099) + + Updated the use-forking-daemon.patch with the right version + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Aug 18 13:06:07 UTC 2014 - + +- Fix version parsing for SLE 11 + + Added fix-service-py-version-parsing-sles.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Aug 12 09:44:43 UTC 2014 - + +- Remove salt-master's hard requirement for git and python-GitPython on SLE 12 + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Aug 6 06:36:02 UTC 2014 - + +- Ensure salt uses systemd for services on SLES + + Added disable-service-py-for-suse-family.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Aug 4 16:12:14 UTC 2014 - + +- RPM spec update + + added service_add_pre function + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Aug 1 19:41:12 UTC 2014 - + +- Updated to 2014.1.10: + + Version 2014.1.9 contained a regression which caused inaccurate Salt version + detection, and thus was never packaged for general release. This version + contains the version detection fix, but is otherwise identical to 2014.1.9. + + Version 2014.1.8 contained a regression which caused inaccurate Salt version + detection, and thus was never packaged for general release. This version + contains the version detection fix, but is otherwise identical to 2014.1.8. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jul 30 20:22:09 UTC 2014 - + +- Updated to 2014.1.8: + + Ensure salt-ssh will not continue if permissions on a temporary directory are not correct. + + Use the bootstrap script distributed with Salt instead of relying on an external resource + + Remove unused testing code + + Ensure salt states are placed into the .salt directory in salt-ssh + + Use a randomized path for temporary files in a salt-cloud deployment + + Clean any stale directories to ensure a fresh copy of salt-ssh during a deployment + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Jul 24 13:11:03 UTC 2014 - + +- Allow salt to correctly detect services provided by init scripts + + Added allow-systemd-units-no-unit-files.patch + + Added allow-systemd-parameterized-services.patch + + Added pass-all-systemd-list-units.patch +- Move systemd service file fix to patch, add PIDFile parameter (this + fix is applicable for all SUSE versions, not just 12.3) + + Added use-forking-daemon.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jul 23 06:24:00 UTC 2014 - + +- Improve systemd service file fix for 12.3 + Use forking instead of Simple and daemonize salt-master process + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Sat Jul 19 07:58:18 UTC 2014 - + +- Fixed bug in opensuse 12.3 systemd file + systemd 198 doesn't have python-systemd binding. +- Disabled testing on SLES + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Jul 10 18:25:05 UTC 2014 - + +- Update to 2014.7 + This release was a hotfix release for the regression listed above which was present in the 2014.1.6 +- Fix batch mode regression (issue 14046) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jul 9 06:42:05 UTC 2014 - + +- Updated to 2014.1.6 +- Fix extra iptables --help output (Sorry!) (issue 13648, issue 13507, issue 13527, issue 13607) +- Fix for Solaris +- Fix support for allow-hotplug statement in debian_ip network module +- Add sqlite3 to esky builds +- Fix output (issue 9526) +- Fix the virtual grain for Xen (issue 13534) +- Fix eauth for batch mode (issue 9605) +- Fix force-related issues with tomcat support (issue 12889) +- Fix KeyError when cloud mapping +- Fix salt-minion restart loop in Windows (issue 12086) +- Fix detection of service virtual module on Fedora minions +- Fix traceback with missing ipv4 grain (issue 13838) +- Fix issue in roots backend with invalid data in mtime_map (issue 13836) +- Fix traceback in (issue 11151) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jun 11 18:53:38 UTC 2014 - + +- Updated to 2014.1.5 +- Add function for finding cached job on the minion +- Fix for minion caching jobs when master is down +- Bump default `syndic_wait` to 5 to fix syndic-related problems + (issue 12262) +- Fix false positive error in logs for `makeconf` state (issue 9762) +- Fix for extra blank lines in `file.blockreplace` (issue 12422) +- Use system locale for ports package installations +- Fix for `cmd_iter`/`cmd_iter_no_block` blocking issues (issue 12617) +- Fix traceback when syncing custom types (issue 12883) +- Fix cleaning directory symlinks in `` +- Add performance optimizations for `saltutil.sync_all` and + `state.highstate` +- Fix possible error in `saltutil.running` +- Fix for kmod modules with dashes (issue 13239) +- Fix possible race condition for Windows minions in state module reloading + (issue 12370) +- Fix bug with roster for `passwd`s that are loaded as non-string objects + (issue 13249) +- Keep duplicate version numbers from showing up in `pkg.list_pkgs` output +- Fixes for Jinja renderer, timezone mod`module + `/mod`state ` (issue 12724) +- Fix timedatectl parsing for systemd>=210 (issue 12728) +- Removed the deprecated external nodes classifier (originally accessible by + setting a value for external_nodes in the master configuration file). Note + that this functionality has been marked deprecated for some time and was + replaced by the more general doc`master tops ` system. +- More robust escaping of ldap filter strings. +- Fix trailing slash in conf_master`gitfs_root` causing files not to be + available (issue 13185) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Jun 10 21:10:44 UTC 2014 - + +- added bash completion package + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon May 5 18:19:29 UTC 2014 - + +- Updated to 2014.1.4 + - Fix dependency issue (issue 12031) + - Fix handling for IOErrors under certain circumstances (issue 11783 and issue 11853) + - Fix fatal exception when `/proc/1/cgroup` is not readable (issue 11619) + - Fix os grains for OpenSolaris (issue 11907) + - Fix `` module argument pass-through (issue 9001) + - Fix bug in `debian_ip` interaction with `network.system` state (issue 11164) + - Remove bad binary package verification code (issue 12177) + - Fix traceback in solaris package installation (issue 12237) + - Fix `` state symlink handling (issue 12209) + - Remove `external_ip` grain + - Fix `file.managed` makedirs issues (issue 10446) + - Fix hang on non-existent Windows drive letter for `file` module (issue 9880) + - Fix salt minion caching all users on the server (issue 9743) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Apr 17 18:06:56 UTC 2014 - + +- Updated to 2014.1.3 + - Fix username detection when su'ed to root on FreeBSD (issue 11628) + - Fix minionfs backend for file.recurse states + - Fix 32-bit packages of different arches than the CPU arch, on 32-bit RHEL/CentOS (issue 11822) + - Fix bug with specifying alternate home dir on user creation (FreeBSD) (issue 11790) + - Don’t reload site module on module refresh for MacOS + - Fix regression with running execution functions in Pillar SLS (issue 11453) + - Fix some modules missing from Windows installer + - Don’t log an error for yum commands that return nonzero exit status on non-failure (issue 11645) + - Fix bug in rabbitmq state (issue 8703) + - Fix missing ssh config options (issue 10604) + - Fix top.sls ordering (issue 10810 and issue 11691) + - Fix salt-key --list all (issue 10982) + - Fix win_servermanager install/remove function (issue 11038) + - Fix interaction with tokens when running commands as root (issue 11223) + - Fix overstate bug with find_job and **kwargs (issue 10503) + - Fix saltenv for aptpkg.mod_repo from pkgrepo state + - Fix environment issue causing file caching problems (issue 11189) + - Fix bug in __parse_key in registry state (issue 11408) + - Add minion auth retry on rejection (issue 10763) + - Fix publish_session updating the encryption key (issue 11493) + - Fix for bad AssertionError raised by GitPython (issue 11473) + - Fix debian_ip to allow disabling and enabling networking on Ubuntu (issue 11164) + - Fix potential memory leak caused by saved (and unused) events (issue 11582) + - Fix exception handling in the MySQL module (issue 11616) + - Fix environment-related error (issue 11534) + - Include psutil on Windows + - Add file.replace and to Windows (issue 11471) + - Add additional file module helpers to Windows (issue 11235) + - Add pid to netstat output on Windows (issue 10782) + - Fix Windows not caching new versions of installers in winrepo (issue 10597) + - Fix hardcoded md5 hashing + - Fix kwargs in salt-ssh (issue 11609) + - Fix file backup timestamps (issue 11745) + - Fix stacktrace on sys.doc with invalid eauth (issue 11293) + - Fix git.latest with test=True (issue 11595) + - Fix file.check_perms hardcoded follow_symlinks (issue 11387) + - Fix certain pkg states for RHEL5/Cent5 machines (issue 11719) +- Packaging: + - python-psutil depencies (more functional modules out of the box) + - python-yaml depencies (more functional modules out of the box) + - python-requests depencies (salt-cloud) + + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Mar 19 19:29:13 UTC 2014 - + +- Updated to 2014.1.1 Bug Fix release +- temporarily disabled integration check after consult with Upstream +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Feb 20 19:10:20 UTC 2014 - + +- Updated to 2014.1.0 Major Release +- features: + - 2014.1.0 is the first release to follow the new date-based release naming system. + - Salt Cloud Merged into Salt + - Google Compute Engine support is added to salt-cloud. + - Salt Virt released + - Docker Integration + - IPv6 Support for iptables State/Module + - GitFS Improvements + - MinionFS + - saltenv + - Grains Caching + - Improved Command Logging Control + - PagerDuty Support + - Virtual Terminal + - Proxy Minions +- bugfixes: + - Fix mount.mounted leaving conflicting entries in fstab (:issue:`7079`) + - Fix mysql returner serialization to use json (:issue:`9590`) + - Fix ZMQError: Operation cannot be accomplished in current state errors (:issue:`6306`) + - Rbenv and ruby improvements + - Fix quoting issues with mysql port (:issue:`9568`) + - Update mount module/state to support multiple swap partitions (:issue:`9520`) + - Fix archive state to work with bsdtar + - Clarify logs for minion ID caching + - Add numeric revision support to git state (:issue:`9718`) + - Update master_uri with master_ip (:issue:`9694`) + - Add comment to Debian mod_repo (:issue:`9923`) + - Fix potential undefined loop variable in rabbitmq state (:issue:`8703`) + - Fix for salt-virt runner to delete key on VM deletion + - Fix for salt-run -d to limit results to specific runner or function (:issue:`9975`) + - Add tracebacks to jinja renderer when applicable (:issue:`10010`) + - Fix parsing in monit module (:issue:`10041`) + - Fix highstate output from syndic minions (:issue:`9732`) + - Quiet logging when dealing with passwords/hashes (:issue:`10000`) + - Fix for multiple remotes in git_pillar (:issue:`9932`) + - Fix npm installed command (:issue:`10109`) + - Add safeguards for utf8 errors in zcbuildout module + - Fix compound commands (:issue:`9746`) + - Add systemd notification when master is started + - Many doc improvements +- packaging: + - source tarball includes all packaging files in pkg folder. + - fixed rpmlint errors about duplicates. + - fixed rpmlint errors about non executables scripts. +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Sat Jan 25 20:21:12 UTC 2014 - + +- Updated to 0.17.5 a bugfix release for 0.17.0: + + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Dec 12 12:57:51 UTC 2013 - + +- Updated to 0.17.4 which is another bugfix release for 0.17.0: + - Fix some jinja render errors (issue 8418) + - Fix file.replace state changing file ownership (issue 8399) + - Fix state ordering with the PyDSL renderer (issue 8446) + - Fix for new npm version (issue 8517) + - Fix for pip state requiring name even with requirements file (issue 8519) + - Add sane maxrunning defaults for scheduler (issue 8563) + - Fix states duplicate key detection (issue 8053) + - Fix SUSE patch level reporting (issue 8428) + - Fix managed file creation umask (issue 8590) + - Fix logstash exception (issue 8635) + - Improve argument exception handling for salt command (issue 8016) + - Fix pecl success reporting (issue 8750) + - Fix launchctl module exceptions (issue 8759) + - Fix argument order in pw_user module + - Add warnings for failing grains (issue 8690) + - Fix hgfs problems caused by connections left open (issue 8811 and issue 8810) + - Fix installation of packages with dots in pkg name (issue 8614) + - Fix noarch package installation on CentOS 6 (issue 8945) + - Fix portage_config.enforce_nice_config (issue 8252) + - Fix salt.util.copyfile umask usage (issue 8590) + - Fix rescheduling of failed jobs (issue 8941) + - Fix conflicting options in postgres module (issue 8717) + - Fix ps modules for psutil >= 0.3.0 (issue 7432) + - Fix postgres module to return False on failure (issue 8778) + - Fix argument passing for args with pound signs (issue 8585) + - Fix pid of salt CLi command showing in output (issue 8720) + - Fix rvm to run gem as the correct user (issue 8951) + - Fix namespace issue in win_file module (issue 9060) + - Fix masterless state paths on windows (issue 9021) + - Fix timeout option in master config (issue 9040) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Nov 21 15:33:06 UTC 2013 - + +- Add bugzilla for solved issues + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Nov 15 18:57:46 UTC 2013 - + +- dropped python-urllib3 depency not in factory yet. + only needed with saltstack helium and higher + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Nov 14 22:05:06 UTC 2013 - + +- Updated to salt 0.17.2 Bugfix Release: + - Add ability to delete key with grains.delval (issue 7872) + - Fix possible state compiler stack trace (issue 5767) + - Fix grains targeting for new grains (issue 5737) + - Fix bug with merging in git_pillar (issue 6992) + - Fix print_jobs duplicate results + - Fix possible KeyError from ext_job_cache missing option + - Fix auto_order for - names states (issue 7649) + - Fix regression in new gitfs installs (directory not found error) + - Fix fileclient in case of master restart (issue 7987) + - Try to output warning if CLI command malformed (issue 6538) + - Fix --out=quiet to actually be quiet (issue 8000) + - Fix for state.sls in salt-ssh (issue 7991) + - Fix for MySQL grants ordering issue (issue 5817) + - Fix traceback for certain missing CLI args (issue 8016) + - Add ability to disable lspci queries on master (issue 4906) + - Fail if sls defined in topfile does not exist (issue 5998) + - Add ability to downgrade MySQL grants (issue 6606) + - Fix ssh_auth.absent traceback (issue 8043) + - Fix ID-related issues (issue 8052, issue 8050, and others) + - Fix for jinja rendering issues (issue 8066 and issue 8079) + - Fix argument parsing in salt-ssh (issue 7928) + - Fix some GPU detection instances (issue 6945) + - Fix bug preventing includes from other environments in SLS files + - Fix for kwargs with dashes (issue 8102) + - Fix apache.adduser without apachectl (issue 8123) + - Fix issue with evaluating test kwarg in states (issue 7788) + - Fix regression in salt.client.Caller() (issue 8078) + - Fix bug where cmd.script would try to run even if caching failed (issue 7601) + - Fix for mine data not being updated (issue 8144) + - Fix a Xen detection edge case (issue 7839) + - Fix version generation for when it's part of another git repo (issue 8090) + - Fix _handle_iorder stacktrace so that the real syntax error is shown (issue 8114 and issue 7905) + - Fix git.latest state when a commit SHA is used (issue 8163) + - Fix for specifying identify file in git.latest (issue 8094) + - Fix for --output-file CLI arg (issue 8205) + - Add ability to specify shutdown time for system.shutdown (issue 7833) + - Fix for salt version using non-salt git repo info (issue 8266) + - Add additional hints at impact of pkgrepo states when test=True (issue 8247) + - Fix for salt-ssh files not being owned by root (issue 8216) + - Fix retry logic and error handling in fileserver (related to issue 7755) + - Fix file.replace with test=True (issue 8279) + - Add flag for limiting file traversal in fileserver (issue 6928) + - Fix for extra mine processes (issue 5729) + - Fix for unloading custom modules (issue 7691) + - Fix for salt-ssh opts (issue 8005 and issue 8271) + - Fix compound matcher for grains (issue 7944) + - Add dir_mode to file.managed (issue 7860) + - Improve traceroute support for FreeBSD and OS X (issue 4927) + - Fix for matching minions under syndics (issue 7671) + - Improve exception handling for missing ID (issue 8259) + - Add configuration option for minion_id_caching + - Fix open mode auth errors (issue 8402) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Sun Nov 10 07:52:54 UTC 2013 - + +- In preparation of salt Helium all requirements of salt-cloud + absorbed in salt + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Nov 1 07:22:04 UTC 2013 - + +- Added salt-doc package with html documentation of salt + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Oct 31 21:25:24 UTC 2013 - + +- Disabled salt unit test, new test assert value not in 0.17.1 + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Oct 21 06:00:31 UTC 2013 - + +- Updated requirements python-markupsafe required for salt-ssh + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Oct 18 11:24:28 UTC 2013 - + +- Don't support sysvinit and systemd for the same system; add conditionnal + macros to use systemd only on systems which support it and sysvinit + on other systems + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Oct 17 18:27:23 UTC 2013 - + +- Updated to salt 0.17.1 bugfix release (bnc#849205, bnc#849204, bnc#849184): + - Fix symbolic links in thin.tgz (:issue:`7482`) + - Pass env through to file.patch state (:issue:`7452`) + - Service provider fixes and reporting improvements (:issue:`7361`) + - Add --priv option for specifying salt-ssh private key + - Fix salt-thin's salt-call on setuptools installations (:issue:`7516`) + - Fix salt-ssh to support passwords with spaces (:issue:`7480`) + - Fix regression in wildcard includes (:issue:`7455`) + - Fix salt-call outputter regression (:issue:`7456`) + - Fix custom returner support for startup states (:issue:`7540`) + - Fix value handling in augeas (:issue:`7605`) + - Fix regression in apt (:issue:`7624`) + - Fix minion ID guessing to use socket.getfqdn() first (:issue:`7558`) + - Add minion ID caching (:issue:`7558`) + - Fix salt-key race condition (:issue:`7304`) + - Add --include-all flag to salt-key (:issue:`7399`) + - Fix custom grains in pillar (part of :issue:`5716`, :issue:`6083`) + - Fix race condition in salt-key (:issue:`7304`) + - Fix regression in minion ID guessing, prioritize socket.getfqdn() (:issue:`7558`) + - Cache minion ID on first guess (:issue:`7558`) + - Allow trailing slash in state + - Fix reporting of file_roots in pillar return (:issue:`5449` and :issue:`5951`) + - Remove pillar matching for mine.get (:issue:`7197`) + - Sanitize args for multiple execution modules + - Fix yumpkag mod_repo functions to filter hidden args (:issue:`7656`) + - Fix conflicting IDs in state includes (:issue:`7526`) + - Fix mysql_grants.absent string formatting issue (:issue:`7827`) + - Fix postgres.version so it won't return None (:issue:`7695`) + - Fix for trailing slashes in mount.mounted state + - Fix rogue AttributErrors in the outputter system (:issue:`7845`) + - Fix for incorrect ssh key encodings resulting in incorrect key added (:issue:`7718`) + - Fix for pillar/grains naming regression in python renderer (:issue:`7693`) + - Fix args/kwargs handling in the scheduler (:issue:`7422`) + - Fix logfile handling for file://, tcp:// and udp:// (:issue:`7754`) + - Fix error handling in config file parsing (:issue:`6714`) + - Fix RVM using sudo when running as non-root user (:issue:`2193`) + - Fix client ACL and underlying logging bugs (:issue:`7706`) + - Fix scheduler bug with returner (:issue:`7367`) + - Fix user management bug related to default groups (:issue:`7690`) + - Fix various salt-ssh bugs (:issue:`7528`) + - Many various documentation fixes + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Oct 3 06:01:23 UTC 2013 - + +- Updated init files to be inline with fedora/rhel packaging upstream + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Sep 30 18:56:27 UTC 2013 - + +- Cleaned up spec file: +- Unit testing can be done on all distributions + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Sat Sep 28 19:11:10 UTC 2013 - + +- Updated package following salt package guidelins: + +- activated salt-testing for unit testing salt before releasing rpm +- updated docs +- added python-xml as dependency + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Sep 19 17:18:06 UTC 2013 - + +- Updated 0.17.0 Feature Release + Major features: + - halite (web Gui) + - salt ssh (remote execution/states over ssh) with its own package + - Rosters (list system targets not know to master) + - State Auto Order (state evaluation and execute in order of define) + - state.sls Runner (system orchestration from within states via master) + - Mercurial Fileserver Backend + - External Logging Handlers (sentry and logstash support) + - Jenkins Testing + - Salt Testing Project (testing libraries for salt) + - StormPath External Authentication support + - LXC Support (lxc support for salt-virt) + - Package dependencies reordering: + * salt-master requires python-pyzmq, and recommends python-halite + * salt-minion requires python-pyzmq + * salt-ssh requires sshpass + * salt-syndic requires salt-master + Minor features: + - 0.17.0 release wil be last release for 0.XX.X numbering system + Next release will be .. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Sat Sep 7 22:44:41 UTC 2013 - + +- Update 0.16.4 bugfix release: + - Multiple documentation improvements/additions + - Added the osfinger and osarch grains + - Fix bug in :mod:`hg.latest ` state + that would erroneously delete directories (:issue:`6661`) + - Fix bug related to pid not existing for + :mod:` ` (:issue:`6679`) + - Fix regression in :mod:`MySQL returner ` + (:issue:`6695`) + - Fix IP addresses grains (ipv4 and ipv6) to include all addresses + (:issue:`6656`) + - Fix regression preventing authenticated FTP (:issue:`6733`) + - Fix :mod:`file.contains ` on values + YAML parses as non-string (:issue:`6817`) + - Fix :mod:`file.get_gid `, + :mod:`file.get_uid `, and + :mod:`file.chown ` for broken symlinks + (:issue:`6826`) + - Fix comment for service reloads in service state (:issue:`6851`) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Aug 9 18:08:12 UTC 2013 - + +- Update 0.16.3 bugfix release: + - Fixed scheduler config in pillar + - Fixed default value for file_recv master config option + - Fixed missing master configuration file parameters + - Fixed regression in binary package installation on 64-bit systems + - Fixed stackgrace when commenting a section in top.sls + - Fixed state declarations not formed as a list message. + - Fixed infinite loop on minion + - Fixed stacktrace in watch when state is 'prereq' + - Feature: function filter_by to grains module + - Feature: add new "osfinger" grain + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Sat Aug 3 06:01:32 UTC 2013 - + +- Fixed regression bug in salt 0.16.2 + - Newly installed salt-minion doesn't create + /var/cache/salt/minion/proc + - fix let package create this directory + next version of Salt doesn't need this. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Aug 2 05:36:08 UTC 2013 - + +- Updated to salt 0.16.2 + - gracefully handle lsb_release data when it is enclosed in quotes + - fixed pillar load from master config + - pillar function pillar.item and pillar.items instead of + - fixed traceback when pillar sls is malformed + - gracefully handle quoted publish commands + - publich function publish.item and publish.items instead of + - salt-key usage in minionswarm script fixed + - minion random reauth_delay added to stagger re-auth attempts. + - improved user and group management + - improved file management + - improved package management + - service management custom initscripts support + - module networking hwaddr renamed to be in line with other modules + - fixed traceback in + - fixed ssh know_hosts and auth.present output. + for more information: + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Jul 29 20:11:14 UTC 2013 - + +- removed not needed requirements: + Requires(pre): /usr/sbin/groupadd + Requires(pre): /usr/sbin/useradd + Requires(pre): /usr/sbin/userdel +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Jul 29 18:06:03 UTC 2013 - + +- Updated to salt 0.16.1 + - Bugfix release + - postgresql module Fixes #6352. + - returner fixes Fixes issue #5518 + - http authentication issues fixed #6356 + - warning of deprecation runas in favor of user +- more information at + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Jul 5 21:24:21 UTC 2013 - + +- Updated init files, rc_status instead of rc status. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Jul 2 04:55:21 UTC 2013 - + +- Update to salt 0.16.0 final + - Multi-Master capability + - Prereq, the new requisite + - Peer system improvement + - Relative Includes + - More state Output Options + - Improved Windows Support + - Multi Targets for pkg.removed, pgk.purged States + - Random Times in cron states + - Confirmation Prompt on Key acceptance on master +- full changelog details: +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Sat Jun 22 05:31:10 UTC 2013 - + +- Updated to salt 0.16.0RC +- New Features in 0.16.0: + - Multi-Master capability + - Prereq, the new requisite + - Peer system improvement + - Relative Includes + - More state Output Options + - Improved Windows Support + - Multi Targets for pkg.removed, pgk.purged States + - Random Times in cron states + - Confirmation Prompt on Key acceptance on master +- full changelog details: + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jun 12 20:48:36 UTC 2013 - + +- Updated init files from upstream, so init files are the same for + fedora/redhat/centos/debian/suse +- Removed salt user and daemon.conf file, so package is in line + with upstream packages fedora/centos/debian. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Sun Jun 2 07:39:03 UTC 2013 - + +- minor permission fix on salt config files to fix external auth + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Sat Jun 1 21:51:07 UTC 2013 - + +- Service release 0.15.3 + showstoppers from 0.15.2: + - mine fix cross validity. + - redhat package issue + - pillar refresh fix + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed May 29 16:10:42 UTC 2013 - + +- Service release 0.15.2 + xinetd service name not appended + virt-module uses qemu-img + publish.publish returns same info as salt-master + updated gitfs module + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon May 27 20:42:06 UTC 2013 - + +- Fixed salt-master config file not readable by user 'salt' + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon May 27 20:04:14 UTC 2013 - + +- Updated package spec: security enhancement. + added system user salt to run salt-master under privileged user 'salt' + added config dirs, master.d/minion.d/syndic.d to add config files. + added salt-daemon.conf were salt user is specified under salt-master. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Sun May 12 20:18:24 UTC 2013 - + +- Updated package spec, for systemd unit files + according to how systemd files needs to be packaged +- added logrotate on salt log files +- fixed rpmlint complain about reload function in init files + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed May 8 21:44:49 UTC 2013 - + +- Updated to salt 0.15.1 +- bugfix release. +- fixes suse service check + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Sat May 4 08:16:27 UTC 2013 - + +- Updated to salt 0.15.0 + Major update: + - salt mine function + - ipv6 support + - copy files from minions to master + - better template debugging + - state event firing + - major syndic updates + - peer system updates + - minion key revokation + - function return codes + - functions in overstate + - Pillar error reporting + - Cached State Data + - Monitoring states +- Read for more information +- improved init files overwrite with /etc/default/salt + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Apr 23 19:18:29 UTC 2013 - + +- Updated init files: +- removed probe/reload/force reload + this isn't supported + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Sun Apr 14 14:46:00 UTC 2013 - + +- Updated init files + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Sun Apr 14 07:00:51 UTC 2013 - + +- Updated to 0.14.1 bugfix release: +- some major fixes for the syndic system, +- fixes to file.recurse and external auth and +- fixes for windows + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Apr 11 05:37:29 UTC 2013 - + +- Updated salt init files with option -d to really daemonize it + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Sat Mar 23 23:51:53 UTC 2013 - + +- Updated to 0.14.0 + MAJOR FEATURES: + - Salt - As a Cloud Controller + - Libvirt State + - New get Functions + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Mar 19 06:46:36 UTC 2013 - + +- Updated to 0.13.3 + Last Bugfixes release before 0.14.0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Mar 13 22:04:43 UTC 2013 - + +- Updated 0.13.2 + Bugfixes release (not specified) + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Feb 25 17:52:59 UTC 2013 - + +- Updated spec file, postun removal of init.d files + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Sat Feb 16 09:25:30 UTC 2013 - + +- Updated to Salt 0.13.1 bugfixes: +- Fix #3693 (variable ref'ed before assignment) +- Fix stack trace introduced with +- Updated limit to be escaped like before and after. +- Import install command from setuptools if we use them. +- Fix user info not displayed correctly when group doesn't map cleanly +- fix bug: Client.cache_dir() +- Fix #3717 +- Fix #3716 +- Fix daemon error +- Updated test to properly determine homebrew user +- Fixed whitespace issue + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Feb 14 06:43:08 UTC 2013 - + +- Updated to salt 0.13.0 + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jan 30 20:57:57 UTC 2013 - + +- Updated Suse Copyright in Spec-file + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Mon Jan 28 15:23:08 UTC 2013 - + +- Cleanup spec file + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Sat Jan 26 09:29:39 UTC 2013 - + +- split syndic from master in separate package + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Jan 22 17:53:39 UTC 2013 - + +- updated to salt 0.12.1 bugfix release + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Jan 16 06:38:40 UTC 2013 - + +- uploaded to salt 1.12.0 diff --git a/salt.spec b/salt.spec new file mode 100644 index 0000000..507d275 --- /dev/null +++ b/salt.spec @@ -0,0 +1,1710 @@ +# +# spec file for package salt +# +# Copyright (c) 2024 SUSE LLC +# +# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties +# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed +# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the +# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the +# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which +# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a +# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) +# published by the Open Source Initiative. + +# Please submit bugfixes or comments via +# + + +%global debug_package %{nil} + +%if 0%{?suse_version} > 1500 +%bcond_without libalternatives +%else +%bcond_with libalternatives +%endif +%if 0%{?sle_version} >= 150400 || 0%{?suse_version} >= 1600 +%define _alternatives 1 +%endif + +%global flavor @BUILD_FLAVOR@%{nil} +%if "%{flavor}" == "testsuite" +%define psuffix -test +%else +%define psuffix %{nil} +%endif + +%if 0%{?suse_version} > 1210 || 0%{?rhel} >= 7 || 0%{?fedora} >=28 +%bcond_without systemd +%else +%bcond_with systemd +%endif +%if 0%{?suse_version} > 1110 +%bcond_without bash_completion +%bcond_without fish_completion +%bcond_without zsh_completion +%else +%bcond_with bash_completion +%bcond_with fish_completion +%bcond_with zsh_completion +%endif +%bcond_without docs +%bcond_with builddocs + +%if %{without systemd} +%define service_del_preun echo %{*} +%endif + +%{?sle15allpythons} +%define skip_python2 1 +%if 0%{?rhel} == 8 || (0%{?suse_version} == 1500 && 0%{?sle_version} < 150400) +%define __python3_bin_suffix 3.6 +%if 0%{?rhel} == 8 +%define __python3 /usr/libexec/platform-python +%else +%define __python3 /usr/bin/python3 +%endif +%define python_module() python3-%** +%define python_files() -n python3-%1 +%define python_subpackages %{nil} +%define python_sitelib %python3_sitelib +%define python_expand(+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-=) %{lua: \ +local args = rpm.expand("%**")\ +local python_bin = rpm.expand("%__python3")\ +local python_bin_suffix = rpm.expand("%__python3_bin_suffix")\ +args = args:gsub("$python_bin_suffix", python_bin_suffix)\ +args = args:gsub("$python_sitelib", "python3_sitelib")\ +args = args:gsub("$python", python_bin)\ +print(rpm.expand(args .. "\\n"))\ +} +%define _nosinglespec 1 +%endif +Name: salt%{psuffix} +Version: 3006.0 +Release: 0 +Summary: A parallel remote execution system +License: Apache-2.0 +Group: System/Management +URL: +Source: v%{version}.tar.gz +Source1: README.SUSE +Source2: salt-tmpfiles.d +Source3: html.tar.bz2 +Source4: +Source5: travis.yml +Source6: transactional_update.conf + +### SALT PATCHES LIST BEGIN +### IMPORTANT: The line above is used as a snippet marker. Do not touch it. + +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE +Patch1: run-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE +Patch2: run-salt-api-as-user-salt-bsc-1064520.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE +Patch3: activate-all-beacons-sources-config-pillar-grains.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE +Patch4: avoid-excessive-syslogging-by-watchdog-cronjob-58.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE +Patch5: fix-bsc-1065792.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE +Patch6: enable-passing-a-unix_socket-for-mysql-returners-bsc.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE +Patch7: add-environment-variable-to-know-if-yum-is-invoked-f.patch + +#### SUSE CAPABILITIES - unified #### +# PATCH_FIX_OPENSUSE +# PATCH_FIX_OPENSUSE +Patch8: add-custom-suse-capabilities-as-grains.patch +########### + +#### SUSE SLES-ES SUPPORT #### +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch9: fix-for-suse-expanded-support-detection.patch +############ + +#### ADLER - unified #### +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +# (closed upstream in favor of different solution - might affect server_id) +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE +Patch10: use-adler32-algorithm-to-compute-string-checksums.patch +########### + +#### X509 - unified #### +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch11: x509-fixes-111.patch +########### + +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch12: do-not-load-pip-state-if-there-is-no-3rd-party-depen.patch + +#### SALT SUPPORT - unified #### +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch13: early-feature-support-config.patch +########### + +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch14: make-aptpkg.list_repos-compatible-on-enabled-disable.patch + +### DEBIAN INFO_INSTALLED - unified ### +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +# (master PR not yet created - codejam) +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +# +# Can be dropped one pull/50453 is in released version. +Patch15: debian-info_installed-compatibility-50453.patch +########### + +# PATCH_FIX_OPENSUSE (missing upstream PR to master) +Patch16: return-the-expected-powerpc-os-arch-bsc-1117995.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM (master PR not yet created) +Patch17: fix-issue-2068-test.patch +# PATCH_FIX_OPENSUSE Temporary fix allowing "id_" and "force" params while upstrem figures it out +Patch18: temporary-fix-extend-the-whitelist-of-allowed-comman.patch + +### FQDNS #### +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM (master PR not yet created) +Patch19: include-aliases-in-the-fqdns-grains.patch +########### + +#### BATCH ASYNC - unified ##### +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE +# PATCH_FIX_OPENSUSE +# PATCH_FIX_OPENSUSE +# PATCH_FIX_OPENSUSE +# PATCH_FIX_OPENSUSE +# PATCH_FIX_OPENSUSE +# PATCH_FIX_OPENSUSE +# PATCH_FIX_OPENSUSE +# PATCH_FIX_OPENSUSE +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE +# PATCH_FIX_OPENSUSE (cleanup local code) +Patch20: async-batch-implementation.patch +########### + +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch21: switch-firewalld-state-to-use-change_interface.patch + +### STANDALONE FORMULA CONFIGURATION ### +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE +Patch22: add-standalone-configuration-file-for-enabling-packa.patch +############# + +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE +# (deviation from upstream - we should probably port this) +Patch23: restore-default-behaviour-of-pkg-list-return.patch +# PATCH_FIX_OPENSUSE (missing upstream PR to master) +Patch24: read-repo-info-without-using-interpolation-bsc-11356.patch +# PATCH_FIX_OPENSUSE (missing upstream PR to master) +Patch25: let-salt-ssh-use-platform-python-binary-in-rhel8-191.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE +Patch26: +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE (missing upstream PR) +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE (not yet upstream PR) +Patch27: add-publish_batch-to-clearfuncs-exposed-methods.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch28: info_installed-works-without-status-attr-now.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch29: zypperpkg-ignore-retcode-104-for-search-bsc-1176697-.patch + +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE (missing upstream PR) +Patch30: bsc-1176024-fix-file-directory-user-and-group-owners.patch + +#### NO VENDOR CHANGE #### +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch31: allow-vendor-change-option-with-zypper.patch +########### + +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch32: add-migrated-state-and-gpg-key-management-functions-.patch + +### BEACON CONFIG ### +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE +# (revert +Patch33: revert-fixing-a-use-case-when-multiple-inotify-beaco.patch +########### + +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE (missing upstream PR) +Patch34: fix-salt.utils.stringutils.to_str-calls-to-make-it-w.patch + +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE (missing upstream PR) +Patch35: add-sleep-on-exception-handling-on-minion-connection.patch + +### SALT-SSH PROCESSING TARGETS ### +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE (missing upstream PR) +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE (missing upstream PR) +Patch36: update-target-fix-for-salt-ssh-to-process-targets-li.patch +############ + +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch37: fix-missing-minion-returns-in-batch-mode-360.patch + +#### OPENSCAP ENHANCE #### +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch38: enhance-openscap-module-add-xccdf_eval-call-386.patch +############### + +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE (missing upstream PR) +Patch39: don-t-use-shell-sbin-nologin-in-requisites.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE (missing upstream PR) +Patch40: fix-traceback.print_exc-calls-for-test_pip_state-432.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE (missing upstream PR) +Patch41: prevent-pkg-plugins-errors-on-missing-cookie-path-bs.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch42: dnfnotify-pkgset-plugin-implementation-3002.2-450.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE (missing upstream PR) +Patch43: fix-the-regression-for-yumnotify-plugin-456.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch44: drop-serial-from-event.unpack-in-cli.batch_async.patch + +### SALT-SSH WITH SALT BUNDLE ### +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: (ssh_pre_flight_args) +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch45: add-salt-ssh-support-with-venv-salt-minion-3004-493.patch +Patch46: prevent-shell-injection-via-pre_flight_script_args-4.patch +############### + +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch47: fix-salt-ssh-opts-poisoning-bsc-1197637-3004-501.patch + +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch48: prevent-affection-of-ssh.opts-with-lazyloader-bsc-11.patch + +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch49: fix-regression-with-depending-client.ssh-on-psutil-b.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch50: use-salt-bundle-in-dockermod.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch51: +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch52: fix-ownership-of-salt-thin-directory-when-using-the-.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch53: add-support-for-gpgautoimport-539.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch54: change-the-delimeters-to-prevent-possible-tracebacks.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch55: pass-the-context-to-pillar-ext-modules.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: (not yet upstream) +# Fix problem caused by: (Patch47) affecting only 3005.1. +Patch56: use-rlock-to-avoid-deadlocks-in-salt-ssh.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: (not PR to master yet) +Patch57: fixes-for-python-3.10-502.patch +# PATCH-FIX-OPENSUSE: +Patch58: control-the-collection-of-lvm-grains-via-config.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch59: 3005.1-implement-zypper-removeptf-573.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch60: skip-package-names-without-colon-bsc-1208691-578.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch61: fix-version-detection-and-avoid-building-and-testing.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch62: make-sure-the-file-client-is-destroyed-upon-used.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch63: avoid-conflicts-with-dependencies-versions-bsc-12116.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch64: define-__virtualname__-for-transactional_update-modu.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch65: make-master_tops-compatible-with-salt-3000-and-older.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch66: tornado-fix-an-open-redirect-in-staticfilehandler-cv.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch67: fix-some-issues-detected-in-salt-support-cli-module-.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch68: 3006.0-prevent-_pygit2.giterror-error-loading-known_.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch69: fix-utf8-handling-in-pass-renderer-and-make-it-more-.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch70: zypper-pkgrepo-alreadyconfigured-585.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch71: fix-the-regression-of-user.present-state-when-group-.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch72: fix-regression-multiple-values-for-keyword-argument-.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch73: mark-salt-3006-as-released-586.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch74: prevent-possible-exceptions-on-salt.utils.user.get_g.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch75: fix-tests-to-make-them-running-with-salt-testsuite.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch76: do-not-fail-on-bad-message-pack-message-bsc-1213441-.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: (dropped at patch 91) +Patch77: make-sure-configured-user-is-properly-set-by-salt-bs.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch78: fixed-gitfs-cachedir_basename-to-avoid-hash-collisio.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch79: revert-usage-of-long-running-req-channel-bsc-1213960.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch80: write-salt-version-before-building-when-using-with-s.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch81: fix-calculation-of-sls-context-vars-when-trailing-do.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch82: implement-the-calling-for-batch-async-from-the-salt-.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch83: only-call-native_str-on-curl_debug-message-in-tornad.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch84: use-salt-call-from-salt-bundle-with-transactional_up.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch85: improve-salt.utils.json.find_json-bsc-1213293.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch86: fix-optimization_order-opt-to-prevent-test-fails.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch87: allow-all-primitive-grain-types-for-autosign_grains-.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch88: fix-cve-2023-34049-bsc-1215157.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch89: fix-gitfs-__env__-and-improve-cache-cleaning-bsc-119.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch90: dereference-symlinks-to-set-proper-__cli-opt-bsc-121.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: (revert patch 77) +Patch91: revert-make-sure-configured-user-is-properly-set-by-.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch92: enable-keepalive-probes-for-salt-ssh-executions-bsc-.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch93: prefer-unittest.mock-for-python-versions-that-are-su.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch94: +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch95: update-__pillar__-during-pillar_refresh.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch96: fix-cve-2024-22231-and-cve-2024-22232-bsc-1219430-bs.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch97: fixed-keyerror-in-logs-when-running-a-state-that-fai.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch98: improve-pip-target-override-condition-with-venv_pip_.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch99: allow-kwargs-for-fileserver-roots-update-bsc-1218482.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch100: discover-both-.yml-and-.yaml-playbooks-bsc-1211888.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch101: fix-problematic-tests-and-allow-smooth-tests-executi.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch102: make-importing-seco.range-thread-safe-bsc-1211649.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch103: fix-tests-failures-and-errors-when-detected-on-vm-ex.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM (modified at Patch106) +Patch104: decode-oscap-byte-stream-to-string-bsc-1219001.patch +### Commits to make Salt compatible with Python 3.11 (and 3.6) +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE +Patch105: fix-salt-warnings-and-testuite-for-python-3.11-635.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch106: switch-oscap-encoding-to-utf-8-639.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch107: remove-unused-import-causing-delays-on-starting-salt.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch108: make-logging-calls-lighter.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch109: improve-broken-events-catching-and-reporting.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch110: make-salt-master-self-recoverable-on-killing-eventpu.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch111: make-reactor-engine-less-blocking-the-eventpublisher.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch112: prevent-possible-exception-in-tornado.concurrent.fut.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch113: remove-redundant-_file_find-call-to-the-master.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch114: skip-tests-for-unsupported-algorithm-on-old-openssl-.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch115: add-missing-contextvars-dependency-in-salt.version.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch116: prevent-oom-with-high-amount-of-batch-async-calls-bs.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch117: do-not-call-the-async-wrapper-calls-with-the-separat.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch118: speed-up-salt.matcher.confirm_top-by-using-__context.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch119: several-fixes-for-tests-to-avoid-errors-and-failures.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch120: provide-systemd-timer-unit.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch121: skip-certain-tests-if-necessary-and-mark-some-flaky-.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch122: fix-status.diskusage-and-exclude-some-tests-to-run-w.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch123: fix-user.list_groups-omits-remote-groups.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch124: some-more-small-tests-fixes-enhancements-661.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch125: test_vultrpy-adjust-test-expectation-to-prevent-fail.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch126: firewalld-normalize-new-rich-rules-before-comparing-.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch127: skip-more-tests-related-to-old-openssl-algorithms.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch128: make-tests-compatible-with-venv-bundle.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch129: replace-use-of-pygit2-deprecated-and-removed-1.15.0-.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch130: join-masters-if-it-is-a-list-671.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch131: remove-redundant-run_func-from-salt.master.mworker._.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch132: improve-error-handling-with-different-openssl-versio.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch133: avoid-crash-on-wrong-output-of-systemctl-version-bsc.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch134: fix-test_system-flaky-setup_teardown-fn.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch135: fix-test_debian-to-work-in-our-infrastructure-676.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch136: fix-deprecated-code-677.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch137: fix-the-selinux-context-for-salt-minion-service-bsc-.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch138: prevent-using-syncwrapper-with-no-reason.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch139: use-cachedir-for-extension_modules-in-salt-call-bsc-.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch140: revert-the-change-making-reactor-less-blocking-bsc-1.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch141: allow-namedloadercontexts-to-be-returned-from-loader.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch142: avoid-explicit-reading-of-etc-salt-minion-bsc-122035.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch143: fix-x509-test-fails-on-old-openssl-systems-682.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch144: fix-x509-private-key-tests-and-test_suse-on-sle12-68.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch145: enhance-cleanup-mechanism-after-salt-bundle-upgrade-.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch146: handle-logger-flushing-already-closed-file-686.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch147: make-minion-reconnecting-on-changing-master-ip-bsc-1.patch +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch148: revert-setting-selinux-context-for-minion-service-bs.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +# PATCH-FIX_OPENSUSE: +Patch149: fix-issues-that-break-salt-in-python-3.12-and-3.13-6.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch150: fix-virtual-grains-for-vms-running-on-nutanix-ahv-bs.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch151: enhance-find_json-garbage-filtering-bsc-1231605-688.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch152: update-for-deprecation-of-hex-in-pygit2-1.15.0-and-a.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM: +Patch153: fix-failed-to-stat-root-.gitconfig-issue-on-gitfs-bs.patch + +### IMPORTANT: The line below is used as a snippet marker. Do not touch it. +### SALT PATCHES LIST END + +BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build +BuildRequires: logrotate +%if 0%{?suse_version} > 1020 +BuildRequires: fdupes +%endif + +%if 0%{?_alternatives} +Requires: %{name}-call = %{version}-%{release} +%else +Requires: python3-%{name} = %{version}-%{release} +%endif +Obsoletes: python2-%{name} + +Requires(pre): %{_sbindir}/groupadd +Requires(pre): %{_sbindir}/useradd +Provides: user(salt) +Provides: group(salt) + +%if 0%{?suse_version} +Requires(pre): shadow +%endif + +%if 0%{?suse_version} +Requires(pre): dbus-1 +%else +Requires(pre): dbus +%endif + +Requires: logrotate +Requires: procps + +%if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1500 +Requires: iproute2 +%else +%if 0%{?suse_version} +Requires: net-tools +%else +Requires: iproute +%endif +%endif + +%if %{with systemd} +BuildRequires: pkgconfig(systemd) +%{?systemd_ordering} +%endif + +%if %{with fish_completion} +%define fish_dir %{_datadir}/fish/ +%define fish_completions_dir %{_datadir}/fish/completions/ +%endif + +%if %{with bash_completion} +%if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1140 +BuildRequires: bash-completion +%else +BuildRequires: bash +%endif +%endif + +%if %{with zsh_completion} +BuildRequires: zsh +%endif + +%if 0%{?rhel} || 0%{?fedora} +BuildRequires: yum +%endif + +%define python_subpackage_only 1 +%python_subpackages + +%description +Salt is a distributed remote execution system used to execute commands and +query data. It was developed in order to bring the best solutions found in +the world of remote execution together and make them better, faster and more +malleable. Salt accomplishes this via its ability to handle larger loads of +information, and not just dozens, but hundreds or even thousands of individual +servers, handle them quickly and through a simple and manageable interface. + +%if "%{flavor}" != "testsuite" + +%if 0%{?_nosinglespec} +%package -n python3-salt +%else +%package -n python-salt +%endif +Summary: python3 library for salt +Group: System/Management +Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} +BuildRequires: python-rpm-macros +%if 0%{?rhel} == 8 +BuildRequires: platform-python +%else +BuildRequires: %{python_module base} +%endif +BuildRequires: %{python_module setuptools} +# requirements/base.txt +%if 0%{?rhel} || 0%{?fedora} +BuildRequires: python3-jinja2 +BuildRequires: python3-m2crypto +BuildRequires: python3-markupsafe +BuildRequires: python3-msgpack > 0.3 +BuildRequires: python3-zmq >= 2.2.0 +%else +BuildRequires: %{python_module Jinja2} +BuildRequires: %{python_module MarkupSafe} +BuildRequires: %{python_module msgpack-python > 0.3} +BuildRequires: %{python_module pyzmq > 2.2.0} +%if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1500 +BuildRequires: %{python_module M2Crypto} +%else +BuildRequires: %{python_module pycrypto >= 2.6.1} +%endif +%endif +BuildRequires: %{python_module PyYAML} +BuildRequires: %{python_module psutil} +BuildRequires: %{python_module requests >= 1.0.0} +BuildRequires: %{python_module distro} +BuildRequires: %{python_module looseversion} +BuildRequires: %{python_module packaging} +BuildRequires: %{python_module contextvars} + +# requirements/zeromq.txt +%if %{with test} +BuildRequires: %{python_module boto >= 2.32.1} +BuildRequires: %{python_module mock if %python-base < 3.8} +BuildRequires: %{python_module moto >= 0.3.6} +BuildRequires: %{python_module pip} +BuildRequires: %{python_module salt-testing >= 2015.2.16} +BuildRequires: %{python_module unittest2} +BuildRequires: %{python_module xml} +%endif +%if %{with builddocs} +BuildRequires: %{python_module sphinx} +%endif +%if 0%{?rhel} == 8 +Requires: platform-python +%else +%if 0%{?_nosinglespec} +Requires: %{python_module base} +%else +Requires: python-base +%endif +%endif + +%if 0%{?_alternatives} +%if %{with libalternatives} +Requires: alts +BuildRequires: alts +%else +Requires(post): update-alternatives +Requires(postun):update-alternatives +%endif +%endif + +# requirements/base.txt +%if 0%{?rhel} || 0%{?fedora} +Requires: python3-jinja2 +Requires: python3-m2crypto +Requires: python3-markupsafe +Requires: python3-msgpack > 0.3 +Requires: python3-zmq >= 2.2.0 +Requires: yum + +%if 0%{?rhel} == 8 || 0%{?fedora} >= 30 +Requires: dnf +%endif +%if 0%{?rhel} == 6 +Requires: yum-plugin-security +%endif +%else # SUSE +%if 0%{?_nosinglespec} +Requires: %{python_module Jinja2} +Requires: %{python_module MarkupSafe} +Requires: %{python_module msgpack-python > 0.3} +%if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1500 +Requires: %{python_module M2Crypto} +%else +Requires: %{python_module pycrypto >= 2.6.1} +%endif +Requires: %{python_module pyzmq >= 2.2.0} +%else +Requires: python-Jinja2 +Requires: python-MarkupSafe +Requires: python-msgpack-python > 0.3 +%if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1500 +Requires: python-M2Crypto +%else +Requires: python-pycrypto >= 2.6.1 +%endif +Requires: python-pyzmq >= 2.2.0 +%endif +%endif # end of RHEL / SUSE specific section +%if 0%{?_nosinglespec} +Recommends: %{python_module jmespath} +Requires: %{python_module PyYAML} +Requires: %{python_module psutil} +Requires: %{python_module requests >= 1.0.0} +Requires: %{python_module distro} +Requires: %{python_module looseversion} +Requires: %{python_module packaging} +Requires: %{python_module contextvars} +%if 0%{?suse_version} +# required for +Requires: %{python_module rpm} +# requirements/opt.txt (not all) +# Suggests: python-MySQL-python ## Disabled for now, originally Recommended +Suggests: %{python_module timelib} +Suggests: %{python_module gnupg} +%endif +%else +Recommends: python-jmespath +Requires: python-PyYAML +Requires: python-psutil +Requires: python-requests >= 1.0.0 +Requires: python-distro +Requires: python-looseversion +Requires: python-packaging +Requires: python-contextvars +%if 0%{?suse_version} +# required for +Requires: python-rpm +# requirements/opt.txt (not all) +# Suggests: python-MySQL-python ## Disabled for now, originally Recommended +Suggests: python-timelib +Suggests: python-gnupg +# requirements/zeromq.txt +%endif +%endif +# +%if 0%{?suse_version} +# python-xml is part of python-base in all rhel versions +%if 0%{?_nosinglespec} +Requires: %{python_module xml} +Suggests: %{python_module Mako} +Recommends: %{python_module netaddr} +Recommends: %{python_module pyinotify} +%else +Requires: python-xml +Suggests: python-Mako +Recommends: python-netaddr +Recommends: python-pyinotify +%endif +%endif + +# Required by Salt modules +Requires: iputils +Requires: sudo +Requires: file +Recommends: man +Recommends: python3-passlib + +%if 0%{?_nosinglespec} +Provides: bundled(%{python_module tornado}) = 4.5.3 +%else +Provides: bundled(python-tornado) = 4.5.3 +%endif + +Provides: %{name}-call = %{version}-%{release} + +%if 0%{?_nosinglespec} +%description -n python3-salt +%else +%description -n python-salt +%endif +Python3 specific files for salt + +%package api +Summary: The api for Salt a parallel remote execution system +Group: System/Management +Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} +Requires: %{name}-master = %{version}-%{release} +%if 0%{?suse_version} +Requires: python3-CherryPy >= 3.2.2 +%else +Requires: python3-cherrypy >= 3.2.2 +%endif + +%description api +salt-api is a modular interface on top of Salt that can provide a variety of entry points into a running Salt system. + +%package cloud +Summary: Generic cloud provisioning tool for Saltstack +Group: System/Management +Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} +Requires: %{name}-master = %{version}-%{release} +Requires: python3-apache-libcloud +%if 0%{?suse_version} +Recommends: python3-botocore +Recommends: python3-netaddr +%endif + +%description cloud +public cloud VM management system +provision virtual machines on various public clouds via a cleanly +controlled profile and mapping system. + +%if %{with docs} +%package doc +Summary: Documentation for salt, a parallel remote execution system +Group: Documentation/HTML +Requires: %{name} = %{version} + +%description doc +This contains the documentation of salt, it is an offline version of +%endif + +%package master +Summary: The management component of Saltstack with zmq protocol supported +Group: System/Management +Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} +%if 0%{?suse_version} +Recommends: python3-pygit2 >= 0.20.3 +%endif +%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 +%if 0%{?suse_version} +%if 0%{?suse_version} > 1110 +Requires: dmidecode +%else +Requires: pmtools +%endif +%endif +%endif +%if %{with systemd} +%{?systemd_requires} +BuildRequires: systemd +%endif + +%description master +The Salt master is the central server to which all minions connect. +Enabled commands to remote systems to be called in parallel rather +than serially. + +%package minion +Summary: The client component for Saltstack +Group: System/Management +Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} +%if 0%{?suse_version} > 1500 || 0%{?sle_version} > 150000 +Requires: (%{name}-transactional-update = %{version}-%{release} if read-only-root-fs) +%endif +%if 0%{?suse_version} +Requires: python3-zypp-plugin +Requires(pre): libzypp(plugin:system) >= 0 +%endif + +%if %{with systemd} +%{?systemd_requires} +%endif + +%description minion +Salt minion is queried and controlled from the master. +Listens to the salt master and execute the commands. + +%package proxy +Summary: Component for salt that enables controlling arbitrary devices +Group: System/Management +Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} +%if %{with systemd} +%{?systemd_requires} +%endif + +%description proxy +Proxy minions are a developing Salt feature that enables controlling devices that, +for whatever reason, cannot run a standard salt-minion. +Examples include network gear that has an API but runs a proprietary OS, +devices with limited CPU or memory, or devices that could run a minion, but for +security reasons, will not. + +%package syndic +Summary: The syndic component for saltstack +Group: System/Management +Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} +Requires: %{name}-master = %{version}-%{release} +%if %{with systemd} +%{?systemd_requires} +%endif + +%description syndic +Salt syndic is the master-of-masters for salt +The master of masters for salt-- it enables +the management of multiple masters at a time.. + +%package ssh +Summary: Management component for Saltstack with ssh protocol +Group: System/Management +Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} +Requires: %{name}-master = %{version}-%{release} +%if 0%{?suse_version} +Recommends: sshpass +%endif +%if %{with systemd} +%{?systemd_requires} +%endif + +%description ssh +Salt ssh is a master running without zmq. +it enables the management of minions over a ssh connection. + +%if %{with bash_completion} +%package bash-completion +Summary: Bash Completion for %{name} +Group: System/Management +Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} +Requires: bash-completion +%if 0%{?suse_version} > 1110 +BuildArch: noarch +%endif + +%description bash-completion +Bash command line completion support for %{name}. + +%endif + +%if %{with fish_completion} +%package fish-completion +Summary: Fish Completion for %{name} +Group: System/Management +Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} + +%if 0%{?suse_version} > 1110 +BuildArch: noarch +%endif + +%description fish-completion +Fish command line completion support for %{name}. +%endif + +%if %{with zsh_completion} +%package zsh-completion +Summary: Zsh Completion for %{name} +Group: System/Management +Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} +Requires: zsh +%if 0%{?suse_version} > 1110 +BuildArch: noarch +%endif + +%description zsh-completion +Zsh command line completion support for %{name}. + +%endif + +%package standalone-formulas-configuration +Summary: Standalone Salt configuration to make the packaged formulas available for the Salt master +Group: System/Management +Requires: %{name} +Provides: salt-formulas-configuration +Conflicts: otherproviders(salt-formulas-configuration) + +%description standalone-formulas-configuration +This package adds the standalone configuration for the Salt master in order to make the packaged Salt formulas available on the Salt master + +%package transactional-update +Summary: Transactional update executor configuration +Group: System/Management +Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} +Requires: %{name}-minion = %{version}-%{release} +Requires: tar + +%description transactional-update +For transactional systems, like MicroOS, Salt can operate +transparently if the executor "transactional-update" is registered in +list of active executors. This package add the configuration file. + +%endif + +%if "%{flavor}" == "testsuite" + +%if 0%{?_nosinglespec} +%package -n %{python_module salt-testsuite} +%else +%package -n python-salt-testsuite +%endif +Summary: Unit and integration tests for Salt + +%if 0%{?rhel} == 8 +BuildRequires: platform-python +%else +BuildRequires: %{python_module base} +%endif +BuildRequires: %{python_module setuptools} + +Requires: salt = %{version} +%if 0%{?_nosinglespec} +Recommends: %{python_module CherryPy} +Requires: %{python_module Genshi} +Requires: %{python_module Mako} +%if !0%{?suse_version} > 1600 || 0%{?centos} +Requires: %{python_module boto} +%endif +Requires: %{python_module boto3} +Requires: %{python_module docker} +%if 0%{?suse_version} < 1600 +Requires: %{python_module mock} +%endif +Requires: %{python_module pygit2} +Requires: %{python_module pytest >= 7.0.1} +Requires: %{python_module pytest-httpserver} +Requires: %{python_module pytest-salt-factories >= 1.0.0~rc21} +Requires: %{python_module pytest-subtests} +Requires: %{python_module testinfra} +Requires: %{python_module yamllint} +Requires: %{python_module pip} +%else +Recommends: python-CherryPy +Requires: python-Genshi +Requires: python-Mako +%if !0%{?suse_version} > 1600 || 0%{?centos} +Requires: python-boto +%endif +Requires: python-boto3 +Requires: python-docker +%if 0%{?suse_version} < 1600 +Requires: python-mock +%endif +Requires: python-pygit2 +Requires: python-pytest >= 7.0.1 +Requires: python-pytest-httpserver +Requires: python-pytest-salt-factories >= 1.0.0~rc21 +Requires: python-pytest-subtests +Requires: python-testinfra +Requires: python-yamllint +Requires: python-pip +%endif +Requires: docker +Requires: openssh +Requires: git + +Obsoletes: %{name}-tests + +%if 0%{?_nosinglespec} +%description -n python3-salt-testsuite +%else +%description -n python-salt-testsuite +%endif +Collection of unit, functional, and integration tests for %{name}. + +%endif + +%prep +%setup -q -n salt-%{version}-suse +cp %{S:1} . +cp %{S:5} ./.travis.yml +cp %{S:6} . +%autopatch -p1 + +%build +%if "%{flavor}" != "testsuite" + +# Putting /usr/bin at the front of $PATH is needed for RHEL/RES 7. Without this +# change, the RPM will require /bin/python, which is not provided by any package +# on RHEL/RES 7. +%if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} +export PATH=/usr/bin:$PATH +%endif +%{python_expand # +$python --with-salt-version=%{version} --salt-transport=both build +mv build _build.%{$python_bin_suffix} +} + +%if %{with docs} && %{without builddocs} +# extract docs from the tarball +mkdir -p doc/_build +pushd doc/_build/ +tar xfv %{S:3} +popd +%endif + +%if %{with docs} && %{with builddocs} +## documentation +cd doc && make html && rm _build/html/.buildinfo && rm _build/html/_images/proxy_minions.png && cd _build/html && chmod -R -x+X * +%endif + +%endif + +%install +%if "%{flavor}" != "testsuite" + +%{python_expand # +mv _build.%{$python_bin_suffix} build +$python --salt-transport=both install --prefix=%{_prefix} --root=%{buildroot} +mv build _build.%{$python_bin_suffix} + +DEF_PYPATH=_build.%{$python_bin_suffix}/scripts-*/ + +rm -f %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/* +for script in $DEF_PYPATH/*; do + install -m 0755 $script %{buildroot}%{_bindir} +done +} + +## create missing directories +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/cache/salt/cloud +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/cache/salt/master +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/cache/salt/master/jobs +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/cache/salt/master/proc +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/cache/salt/master/queues +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/cache/salt/master/roots +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/cache/salt/master/syndics +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/cache/salt/master/tokens +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/cache/salt/minion/extmod +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/log/salt +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/salt/ +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/salt/cloud.maps.d +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/salt/cloud.profiles.d +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/salt/cloud.providers.d +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/salt/master.d +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/salt/minion.d +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/salt/pki +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/salt/pki/master +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/salt/pki/master/minions +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/salt/pki/master/minions_autosign +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/salt/pki/master/minions_denied +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/salt/pki/master/minions_pre +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/salt/pki/master/minions_rejected +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/salt/pki/minion +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}/srv/pillar +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}/srv/salt +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}/srv/spm +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}/var/lib/salt +install -Dd -m 0755 %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/salt +install -Dd -m 0755 %{buildroot}%{_sbindir} +install -Dd -m 0755 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/ + +# Install salt-support profiles +%{python_expand # +install -Dpm 0644 salt/cli/support/profiles/* %{buildroot}%{$python_sitelib}/salt/cli/support/profiles +} + +%endif + +%if "%{flavor}" == "testsuite" +# Install Salt tests +%{python_expand # +install -Dd %{buildroot}%{$python_sitelib}/salt-testsuite +cp -a tests %{buildroot}%{$python_sitelib}/salt-testsuite/ +# Remove which is not used as deprecated method of running the tests +rm %{buildroot}%{$python_sitelib}/salt-testsuite/tests/ +# Copy conf files to the testsuite as they are used by the tests +cp -a conf %{buildroot}%{$python_sitelib}/salt-testsuite/ +} +%endif + +%if "%{flavor}" != "testsuite" + +## Install Zypper plugins only on SUSE machines +%if 0%{?suse_version} +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/zypp/plugins/commit +%{__install} scripts/suse/zypper/plugins/commit/zyppnotify %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/zypp/plugins/commit/zyppnotify +sed -i '1s=^#!/usr/bin/\(python\|env python\)[0-9.]*=#!/usr/bin/python3=' %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/zypp/plugins/commit/zyppnotify +%endif + +# Install Yum plugins only on RH machines +%if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} +%if 0%{?fedora} >= 22 || 0%{?rhel} >= 8 +install -Dd %{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib}/dnf-plugins +install -Dd %{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib}/dnf-plugins/__pycache__ +install -Dd %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/dnf/plugins +%{__install} scripts/suse/dnf/plugins/ %{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib}/dnf-plugins +%{__install} scripts/suse/dnf/plugins/dnfnotify.conf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/dnf/plugins +%{__python3} -m compileall -d %{python3_sitelib}/dnf-plugins %{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib}/dnf-plugins/ +%{__python3} -O -m compileall -d %{python3_sitelib}/dnf-plugins %{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib}/dnf-plugins/ +%else +install -Dd %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/share/yum-plugins +install -Dd %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/yum/pluginconf.d +%{__install} scripts/suse/yum/plugins/ %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/share/yum-plugins +%{__install} scripts/suse/yum/plugins/yumnotify.conf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/yum/pluginconf.d +%{__python} -m compileall -d %{_prefix}/share/yum-plugins %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/share/yum-plugins/ +%{__python} -O -m compileall -d %{_prefix}/share/yum-plugins %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/share/yum-plugins/ +%endif +%endif + +## install init and systemd scripts +%if %{with systemd} +install -Dpm 0644 pkg/old/suse/salt-master.service %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/salt-master.service +%if 0%{?suse_version} +install -Dpm 0644 pkg/old/suse/salt-minion.service %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/salt-minion.service +%else +install -Dpm 0644 pkg/old/suse/salt-minion.service.rhel7 %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/salt-minion.service +%endif +install -Dpm 0644 pkg/common/salt-syndic.service %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/salt-syndic.service +install -Dpm 0644 pkg/old/suse/salt-api.service %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/salt-api.service +install -Dpm 0644 pkg/common/salt-proxy@.service %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/salt-proxy@.service +ln -s service %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/rcsalt-master +ln -s service %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/rcsalt-syndic +ln -s service %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/rcsalt-minion +ln -s service %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/rcsalt-api +install -Dpm 644 %{S:2} %{buildroot}/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/salt.conf +%endif + +# +## install config files +install -Dpm 0640 conf/minion %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/salt/minion +touch -m 0640 -r conf/minion %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/salt/minion_id # ghost file +install -Dpm 0640 conf/master %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/salt/master +install -Dpm 0640 conf/roster %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/salt/roster +install -Dpm 0640 conf/cloud %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/salt/cloud +install -Dpm 0640 conf/cloud.profiles %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/salt/cloud.profiles +install -Dpm 0640 conf/cloud.providers %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/salt/cloud.providers +install -Dpm 0640 transactional_update.conf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/salt/minion.d/transactional_update.conf +# +## install logrotate file (for RHEL6 we use without sudo) +%if 0%{?rhel} > 6 || 0%{?suse_version} +install -Dpm 0644 pkg/old/suse/salt-common.logrotate %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/salt +%else +install -Dpm 0644 pkg/common/salt-common.logrotate %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/salt +%endif +# +%if 0%{?suse_version} <= 1500 +## install SuSEfirewall2 rules +install -Dpm 0644 pkg/old/suse/salt.SuSEfirewall2 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall2.d/services/salt +%endif +# +## install completion scripts +%if %{with bash_completion} +install -Dpm 0644 pkg/common/salt.bash %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d/salt +%endif +%if %{with zsh_completion} +install -Dpm 0644 pkg/common/salt.zsh %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/zsh_completion.d/salt +%endif + +%if %{with fish_completion} +mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{fish_completions_dir} +install -Dpm 0644 pkg/common/fish-completions/* %{buildroot}%{fish_completions_dir} +%endif + +# Standalone Salt formulas configuration +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/share/salt-formulas +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/share/salt-formulas/states +install -Dd -m 0750 %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/share/salt-formulas/metadata +install -Dpm 0640 conf/suse/standalone-formulas-configuration.conf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/salt/master.d +install -Dpm 0640 conf/suse/standalone-formulas-configuration.conf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/salt/minion.d + +%if 0%{?suse_version} > 1020 +%fdupes %{buildroot}%{_docdir} +%python_expand %fdupes %{buildroot}%{$python_sitelib} +%endif + +%if 0%{?_alternatives} +%python_clone -a %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/salt-call +%endif + +%endif + +%check +%if %{with test} +%{python_expand # +$python test --runtests-opts=-u +} +%endif + +%if "%{flavor}" != "testsuite" + +%pre +S_HOME="/var/lib/salt" +S_PHOME="/srv/salt" +getent passwd salt | grep $S_PHOME >/dev/null && usermod -d $S_HOME salt +getent group salt >/dev/null || %{_sbindir}/groupadd -r salt +getent passwd salt >/dev/null || %{_sbindir}/useradd -r -g salt -d $S_HOME -s /bin/false -c "salt-master daemon" salt +if [[ -d "$S_PHOME/.ssh" ]]; then + mv $S_PHOME/.ssh $S_HOME +fi +%if 0%{?_alternatives} +[ -h %{_bindir}/salt-call ] || rm -f %{_bindir}/salt-call +%python_libalternatives_reset_alternative salt-call +%endif + +%post +%if %{with systemd} +systemd-tmpfiles --create /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/salt.conf || true +%else +dbus-uuidgen --ensure +%endif + +%preun proxy +%if %{with systemd} +%if 0%{?suse_version} +%service_del_preun salt-proxy@.service +%else +%systemd_preun salt-proxy@.service +%endif +%else +%if 0%{?suse_version} +%stop_on_removal salt-proxy +%endif +%endif + +%pre proxy +%if %{with systemd} +%if 0%{?suse_version} +%service_add_pre salt-proxy@.service +%endif +%endif + +%post proxy +%if %{with systemd} +%if 0%{?suse_version} +%service_add_post salt-proxy@.service +%else +%systemd_post salt-proxy@.service +%endif +%endif + +%postun proxy +%if %{with systemd} +%if 0%{?suse_version} +%service_del_postun salt-proxy@.service +%else +%systemd_postun_with_restart salt-proxy@.service +%endif +%endif + +%preun syndic +%if %{with systemd} +%if 0%{?suse_version} +%service_del_preun salt-syndic.service +%else +%systemd_preun salt-syndic.service +%endif +%endif + +%pre syndic +%if %{with systemd} +%if 0%{?suse_version} +%service_add_pre salt-syndic.service +%endif +%endif + +%post syndic +%if %{with systemd} +%if 0%{?suse_version} +%service_add_post salt-syndic.service +%else +%systemd_post salt-syndic.service +%endif +%endif + +%postun syndic +%if %{with systemd} +%if 0%{?suse_version} +%service_del_postun salt-syndic.service +%else +%systemd_postun_with_restart salt-syndic.service +%endif +%endif + +%preun master +%if %{with systemd} +%if 0%{?suse_version} +%service_del_preun salt-master.service +%else +%systemd_preun salt-master.service +%endif +%endif + +%pre master +%if %{with systemd} +%if 0%{?suse_version} +%service_add_pre salt-master.service +%endif +%endif + +%post master +if [ $1 -eq 2 ] ; then + # Upgrading from an earlier version. If this is from 2014, where daemons + # ran as root, we need to chown some stuff to salt in order for the new + # version to actually work. It seems a manual restart of salt-master may + # still be required, but at least this will actually work given the file + # ownership is correct. + # Symlinks are excluded to avoid possible user escalation (bsc#1157465) (CVE-2019-18897). + for file in master.{pem,pub} ; do + [ -f /etc/salt/pki/master/$file ] && [ ! -L /etc/salt/pki/master/$file ] && chown --no-dereference salt /etc/salt/pki/master/$file + done + MASTER_CACHE_DIR="/var/cache/salt/master" + [ -d $MASTER_CACHE_DIR ] && find $MASTER_CACHE_DIR -type d | xargs -r chown --no-dereference salt:salt + [ -d $MASTER_CACHE_DIR ] && find $MASTER_CACHE_DIR -type f | xargs -r chown --no-dereference salt:salt + [ -f $MASTER_CACHE_DIR/.root_key ] && chown --no-dereference root:root $MASTER_CACHE_DIR/.root_key + true +fi +%if %{with systemd} +systemd_ver=$(rpm -q systemd --queryformat="%%{VERSION}") +if [ "${systemd_ver%%.*}" -lt 228 ]; then + # On systemd < 228 the 'TasksTask' attribute is not available. + # Removing TasksMax from salt-master.service on SLE12SP1 LTSS (bsc#985112) + sed -i '/TasksMax=infinity/d' %{_unitdir}/salt-master.service +fi +%if 0%{?suse_version} +%service_add_post salt-master.service +%else +%systemd_post salt-master.service +%endif +%endif + +%postun master +%if %{with systemd} +%if 0%{?suse_version} +%service_del_postun salt-master.service +%else +%systemd_postun_with_restart salt-master.service +%endif +%endif + +%preun minion +%if %{with systemd} +%if 0%{?suse_version} +%service_del_preun salt-minion.service +%else +%systemd_preun salt-minion.service +%endif +%endif + +%pre minion +%if %{with systemd} +%if 0%{?suse_version} +%service_add_pre salt-minion.service +%endif +%endif + +%post minion +%if %{with systemd} +%if 0%{?suse_version} +%service_add_post salt-minion.service +%else +%systemd_post salt-minion.service +%endif +%endif + +%postun minion +%if %{with systemd} +%if 0%{?suse_version} +%service_del_postun salt-minion.service +%else +%systemd_postun_with_restart salt-minion.service +%endif +%endif + +%preun api +%if %{with systemd} +%if 0%{?suse_version} +%service_del_preun salt-api.service +%else +%systemd_preun salt-api.service +%endif +%else +%stop_on_removal +%endif + +%pre api +%if %{with systemd} +%if 0%{?suse_version} +%service_add_pre salt-api.service +%endif +%endif + +%post api +%if %{with systemd} +%if 0%{?suse_version} +%service_add_post salt-api.service +%else +%systemd_post salt-api.service +%endif +%endif + +%postun api +%if %{with systemd} +%if 0%{?suse_version} +%service_del_postun salt-api.service +%else +%systemd_postun_with_restart salt-api.service +%endif +%endif + +%if 0%{?_alternatives} +%pre -n python-salt +[ -h %{_bindir}/salt-call ] || rm -f %{_bindir}/salt-call +%python_libalternatives_reset_alternative salt-call + +%post -n python-salt +%python_install_alternative salt-call + +%postun -n python-salt +%python_uninstall_alternative salt-call +%endif + +%if 0%{?_nosinglespec} +%posttrans -n %{python_module salt} +%else +%posttrans -n python-salt +%endif +# force re-generate a new thin.tgz +rm -f %{_localstatedir}/cache/salt/master/thin/version +rm -f %{_localstatedir}/cache/salt/minion/thin/version + +%files api +%defattr(-,root,root) +%{_bindir}/salt-api +%if %{with systemd} +%{_sbindir}/rcsalt-api +%{_unitdir}/salt-api.service +%endif +%{_mandir}/man1/salt-api.1.* + +%files cloud +%defattr(-,root,root) +%{_bindir}/salt-cloud +%dir %attr(0750, root, salt) %{_sysconfdir}/salt/cloud.maps.d +%dir %attr(0750, root, salt) %{_sysconfdir}/salt/cloud.profiles.d +%dir %attr(0750, root, salt) %{_sysconfdir}/salt/cloud.providers.d +%config(noreplace) %attr(0640, root, salt) %{_sysconfdir}/salt/cloud +%config(noreplace) %attr(0640, root, salt) %{_sysconfdir}/salt/cloud.profiles +%config(noreplace) %attr(0640, root, salt) %{_sysconfdir}/salt/cloud.providers +%dir %attr(0750, root, salt) %{_localstatedir}/cache/salt/cloud +%attr(755,root,root)%{python3_sitelib}/salt/cloud/deploy/ +%{_mandir}/man1/salt-cloud.1.* + +%files ssh +%defattr(-,root,root) +%{_bindir}/salt-ssh +%{_mandir}/man1/salt-ssh.1.gz + +%files syndic +%defattr(-,root,root) +%{_bindir}/salt-syndic +%{_mandir}/man1/salt-syndic.1.gz +%if %{with systemd} +%{_sbindir}/rcsalt-syndic +%{_unitdir}/salt-syndic.service +%endif + +%files minion +%defattr(-,root,root) +%{_bindir}/salt-minion +%{_mandir}/man1/salt-minion.1.gz +%config(noreplace) %attr(0640, root, root) %{_sysconfdir}/salt/minion +%config(noreplace) %attr(0640, root, root) %ghost %{_sysconfdir}/salt/minion_id +%dir %attr(0750, root, root) %{_sysconfdir}/salt/minion.d/ +%dir %attr(0750, root, root) %{_sysconfdir}/salt/pki/minion/ +%dir %attr(0750, root, root) %{_localstatedir}/cache/salt/minion/ +%if %{with systemd} +%{_sbindir}/rcsalt-minion +%endif + +# Install plugin only on SUSE machines +%if 0%{?suse_version} +%{_prefix}/lib/zypp/plugins/commit/zyppnotify +%endif + +# Install Yum plugins only on RH machines +%if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} +%if 0%{?fedora} >= 22 || 0%{?rhel} >= 8 +%{python3_sitelib}/dnf-plugins/ +%{python3_sitelib}/dnf-plugins/__pycache__/dnfnotify.* +%{_sysconfdir}/dnf/plugins/dnfnotify.conf +%else +%{_prefix}/share/yum-plugins/yumnotify.* +%{_sysconfdir}/yum/pluginconf.d/yumnotify.conf +%endif +%endif + +%if %{with systemd} +%{_unitdir}/salt-minion.service +%endif + +%files proxy +%defattr(-,root,root) +%{_bindir}/salt-proxy +%{_mandir}/man1/salt-proxy.1.gz +%if %{with systemd} +%{_unitdir}/salt-proxy@.service +%endif + +%files master +%defattr(-,root,root) +%{_bindir}/salt +%{_bindir}/salt-master +%{_bindir}/salt-cp +%{_bindir}/salt-key +%{_bindir}/salt-run +%{_mandir}/man1/salt-master.1.gz +%{_mandir}/man1/salt-cp.1.gz +%{_mandir}/man1/salt-key.1.gz +%{_mandir}/man1/salt-run.1.gz +%{_mandir}/man7/salt.7.gz +%if 0%{?suse_version} <= 1500 +%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall2.d/services/salt +%endif +%if %{with systemd} +%{_sbindir}/rcsalt-master +%{_unitdir}/salt-master.service +%endif +# +%config(noreplace) %attr(0640, root, salt) %{_sysconfdir}/salt/master +%config(noreplace) %attr(0640, root, salt) %{_sysconfdir}/salt/roster +%dir %attr(0755, root, salt) %{_sysconfdir}/salt/master.d/ +%dir %attr(0750, salt, salt) %{_sysconfdir}/salt/pki/master/ +%dir %attr(0750, salt, salt) %{_sysconfdir}/salt/pki/master/minions/ +%dir %attr(0750, salt, salt) %{_sysconfdir}/salt/pki/master/minions_autosign/ +%dir %attr(0750, salt, salt) %{_sysconfdir}/salt/pki/master/minions_denied/ +%dir %attr(0750, salt, salt) %{_sysconfdir}/salt/pki/master/minions_pre/ +%dir %attr(0750, salt, salt) %{_sysconfdir}/salt/pki/master/minions_rejected/ +%dir %attr(0755, salt, salt) /var/lib/salt +%dir %attr(0755, root, salt) /srv/salt +%dir %attr(0755, root, salt) /srv/pillar +%dir %attr(0750, salt, salt) %{_localstatedir}/cache/salt/master/ +%dir %attr(0750, salt, salt) %{_localstatedir}/cache/salt/master/jobs/ +%dir %attr(0750, salt, salt) %{_localstatedir}/cache/salt/master/proc/ +%dir %attr(0750, salt, salt) %{_localstatedir}/cache/salt/master/queues/ +%dir %attr(0750, salt, salt) %{_localstatedir}/cache/salt/master/roots/ +%dir %attr(0750, salt, salt) %{_localstatedir}/cache/salt/master/syndics/ +%dir %attr(0750, salt, salt) %{_localstatedir}/cache/salt/master/tokens/ + +%files +%defattr(-,root,root,-) +%{_bindir}/spm +%if ! 0%{?_alternatives} +%{_bindir}/salt-call +%endif +%{_bindir}/salt-support +%{_mandir}/man1/salt-call.1.gz +%{_mandir}/man1/spm.1.gz +%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/salt +%{!?_licensedir:%global license %doc} +%license LICENSE +%doc AUTHORS README.rst README.SUSE +# +%dir %attr(0750, root, salt) %{_sysconfdir}/salt +%dir %attr(0750, root, salt) %{_sysconfdir}/salt/pki +%dir %attr(0750, salt, salt) %{_localstatedir}/log/salt +%dir %attr(0750, root, salt) %{_localstatedir}/cache/salt +%dir %attr(0750, root, salt) /srv/spm +%if %{with systemd} +/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/salt.conf +%endif +%{_mandir}/man1/salt.1.* + +%files %{python_files salt} +%defattr(-,root,root,-) +%if 0%{?_alternatives} +%python_alternative %{_bindir}/salt-call +%endif +%dir %{python_sitelib}/salt +%dir %{python_sitelib}/salt-*.egg-info +%{python_sitelib}/salt/* +%{python_sitelib}/salt-*.egg-info/* +%exclude %{python_sitelib}/salt/cloud/deploy/*.sh + +%if %{with docs} +%files doc +%defattr(-,root,root) +%doc doc/_build/html +%endif + +%if %{with bash_completion} +%files bash-completion +%defattr(-,root,root) +%dir %{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d/ +%config %{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d/%{name} +%endif + +%if %{with zsh_completion} +%files zsh-completion +%defattr(-,root,root) +%dir %{_sysconfdir}/zsh_completion.d/ +%config %{_sysconfdir}/zsh_completion.d/%{name} +%endif + +%if %{with fish_completion} +%files fish-completion +%defattr(-,root,root) +%{fish_completions_dir}/salt* +%dir %{fish_completions_dir} +%dir %{fish_dir} +%endif + +%files standalone-formulas-configuration +%defattr(-,root,root) +%dir %attr(0755, root, salt) %{_sysconfdir}/salt/master.d/ +%config(noreplace) %attr(0640, root, salt) %{_sysconfdir}/salt/master.d/standalone-formulas-configuration.conf +%dir %attr(0750, root, root) %{_sysconfdir}/salt/minion.d/ +%config(noreplace) %attr(0640, root, root) %{_sysconfdir}/salt/minion.d/standalone-formulas-configuration.conf +%dir %attr(0755, root, salt) %{_prefix}/share/salt-formulas/ +%dir %attr(0755, root, salt) %{_prefix}/share/salt-formulas/states/ +%dir %attr(0755, root, salt) %{_prefix}/share/salt-formulas/metadata/ + +%files transactional-update +%defattr(-,root,root) +%config(noreplace) %attr(0640, root, root) %{_sysconfdir}/salt/minion.d/transactional_update.conf + +%endif + +%if "%{flavor}" == "testsuite" +%files %{python_files salt-testsuite} +%{python_sitelib}/salt-testsuite +%endif + +%changelog diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d94bb4c --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +From 88adb2f59137213119f1da2b6dbf6fce859fc12f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Vladimir Nadvornik +Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2022 17:00:58 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Save log to logfile with + +--- + salt/modules/ | 18 ++++++++++++++++++ + 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 8b6ab8058e..f7344b66ac 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -4006,6 +4006,7 @@ def build( + fileobj=None, + dockerfile=None, + buildargs=None, ++ logfile=None, + ): + """ + .. versionchanged:: 2018.3.0 +@@ -4059,6 +4060,9 @@ def build( + buildargs + A dictionary of build arguments provided to the docker build process. + ++ logfile ++ Path to log file. Output from build is written to this file if not None. ++ + + **RETURN DATA** + +@@ -4133,6 +4137,20 @@ def build( + stream_data = [] + for line in response: + stream_data.extend(salt.utils.json.loads(line, cls=DockerJSONDecoder)) ++ ++ if logfile: ++ try: ++ with salt.utils.files.fopen(logfile, "a") as f: ++ for item in stream_data: ++ try: ++ item_type = next(iter(item)) ++ except StopIteration: ++ continue ++ if item_type == "stream": ++ f.write(item[item_type]) ++ except OSError: ++ log.error("Unable to write logfile '%s'", logfile) ++ + errors = [] + # Iterate through API response and collect information + for item in stream_data: +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/several-fixes-for-tests-to-avoid-errors-and-failures.patch b/several-fixes-for-tests-to-avoid-errors-and-failures.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2272f9c --- /dev/null +++ b/several-fixes-for-tests-to-avoid-errors-and-failures.patch @@ -0,0 +1,557 @@ +From 30fd274d606b565a0a63fbc7f2fd67aec3c495b1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Mon, 27 May 2024 12:01:53 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Several fixes for tests to avoid errors and failures + in some OSes + +* test_pip_state: skip tests which requires virtualenv CLI + +* test_syndic_eauth: skip when using an incompatible Docker version + +* test_pip: skip tests which requires virtualenv CLI + +* Some more extra fixes for tests + +* Enhance paths to look for 'sftp-server' + +* Do trigger errors on newer docker-py version + +* Make test_search_not_found to not fail on transactional systems + +* Add `@pytest.mark.flaky_jail` to `tests/pytests/integration/ssh/` + +Signed-off-by: Pedro Algarvio + +* Prevent crashing if mountpoint does not exist anymore + +* Skip failing tests on transactional systems + +* do not produce error if consul is not available + +* Redefine max retries for some flaky tests + +* skip as CI containers are not compatible with Salt 3006 + +* Adjust expectations to newer jsonschema versions + +* Apply suggestions from code review + +Co-authored-by: Pedro Algarvio + +--------- + +Signed-off-by: Pedro Algarvio +Co-authored-by: Pedro Algarvio +Co-authored-by: Pedro Algarvio +--- + salt/modules/ | 11 +++--- + tests/ | 2 + + tests/integration/modules/ | 4 ++ + tests/pytests/functional/cache/ | 4 ++ + tests/pytests/functional/modules/ | 1 + + .../functional/states/ | 11 ++++++ + tests/pytests/functional/states/ | 4 ++ + .../integration/cli/ | 4 +- + .../integration/daemons/ | 2 +- + .../integration/modules/ | 1 + + .../pytests/integration/modules/ | 4 ++ + .../integration/ssh/ | 4 ++ + .../pytests/integration/ssh/ | 1 + + tests/pytests/scenarios/setup/ | 6 +++ + .../unit/modules/dockermod/ | 20 +++++----- + tests/unit/modules/ | 1 + + tests/unit/utils/ | 37 +++++++++++++++---- + 17 files changed, 92 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 4b0a3b0d400..33e5d7b8df5 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -1052,11 +1052,12 @@ def diskusage(*args): + # query the filesystems disk usage + ret = {} + for path in selected: +- fsstats = os.statvfs(path) +- blksz = fsstats.f_bsize +- available = fsstats.f_bavail * blksz +- total = fsstats.f_blocks * blksz +- ret[path] = {"available": available, "total": total} ++ if os.path.exists(path): ++ fsstats = os.statvfs(path) ++ blksz = fsstats.f_bsize ++ available = fsstats.f_bavail * blksz ++ total = fsstats.f_blocks * blksz ++ ret[path] = {"available": available, "total": total} + return ret + + +diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/ +index a7777c2cea6..ad57b4adef4 100644 +--- a/tests/ ++++ b/tests/ +@@ -1428,6 +1428,8 @@ def sshd_server(salt_factories, sshd_config_dir, salt_master, grains): + "/usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server", + # Arch Linux + "/usr/lib/ssh/sftp-server", ++ # openSUSE Tumbleweed and SL Micro 6.0 ++ "/usr/libexec/ssh/sftp-server", + ] + sftp_server_path = None + for path in sftp_server_paths: +diff --git a/tests/integration/modules/ b/tests/integration/modules/ +index 83457b467c8..d57e9cd2aea 100644 +--- a/tests/integration/modules/ ++++ b/tests/integration/modules/ +@@ -557,6 +557,10 @@ class PipModuleTest(ModuleCase): + @pytest.mark.skip_initial_gh_actions_failure( + reason="This was skipped on older golden images and is failing on newer." + ) ++ @pytest.mark.skipif( ++ bool(salt.utils.path.which("transactional-update")), ++ reason="Skipping on transactional systems", ++ ) + def test_system_pip3(self): + + self.run_function( +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/cache/ b/tests/pytests/functional/cache/ +index 30dc6925f26..996a1e932b6 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/cache/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/cache/ +@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@ import salt.loader + from salt.utils.versions import Version + from tests.pytests.functional.cache.helpers import run_common_cache_tests + ++pytest.importorskip( ++ "consul", ++ reason="Please install python-consul package to use consul data cache driver", ++) + docker = pytest.importorskip("docker") + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +index 9b87735b68f..e04baa7c43f 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ from import VirtualEnv + ) + @pytest.mark.requires_network + @pytest.mark.slow_test ++@pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("virtualenv", reason="Needs virtualenv binary") + def test_list_available_packages(modules, pip_version, tmp_path): + with VirtualEnv(venv_dir=tmp_path, pip_requirement=pip_version) as virtualenv: + virtualenv.install("-U", pip_version) +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/ +index 3fc6ac7a1df..1921751b5dc 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/ +@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ def test_pip_installed_removed(modules, states): + + + @pytest.mark.slow_test ++@pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("virtualenv", reason="Needs virtualenv binary") + def test_pip_installed_removed_venv(tmp_path, create_virtualenv, states): + venv_dir = tmp_path / "pip_installed_removed" + create_virtualenv(str(venv_dir)) +@@ -105,6 +106,7 @@ def test_pip_installed_removed_venv(tmp_path, create_virtualenv, states): + + + @pytest.mark.slow_test ++@pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("virtualenv", reason="Needs virtualenv binary") + def test_pip_installed_errors(tmp_path, modules, state_tree): + venv_dir = tmp_path / "pip-installed-errors" + # Since we don't have the virtualenv created, pip.installed will +@@ -141,6 +143,7 @@ pep8-pip: + assert state_return.result is True + + ++@pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("virtualenv", reason="Needs virtualenv binary") + def test_pip_installed_name_test_mode(tmp_path, create_virtualenv, states): + """ + Test pip.installed state while test=true +@@ -154,6 +157,7 @@ def test_pip_installed_name_test_mode(tmp_path, create_virtualenv, states): + assert name in ret.comment + + ++@pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("virtualenv", reason="Needs virtualenv binary") + def test_pip_installed_pkgs_test_mode(tmp_path, create_virtualenv, states): + """ + Test pip.installed state while test=true +@@ -168,6 +172,7 @@ def test_pip_installed_pkgs_test_mode(tmp_path, create_virtualenv, states): + + + @pytest.mark.slow_test ++@pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("virtualenv", reason="Needs virtualenv binary") + def test_issue_2028_pip_installed_state( + tmp_path, modules, state_tree, get_python_executable + ): +@@ -226,6 +231,7 @@ pep8-pip: + + + @pytest.mark.slow_test ++@pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("virtualenv", reason="Needs virtualenv binary") + def test_issue_2087_missing_pip(tmp_path, create_virtualenv, modules): + venv_dir = tmp_path / "issue-2087-missing-pip" + +@@ -271,6 +277,7 @@ pip.installed: + @pytest.mark.destructive_test + @pytest.mark.slow_test + @pytest.mark.skip_if_not_root ++@pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("virtualenv", reason="Needs virtualenv binary") + def test_issue_6912_wrong_owner(tmp_path, create_virtualenv, modules, states): + # Setup virtual environment directory to be used throughout the test + venv_dir = tmp_path / "6912-wrong-owner" +@@ -338,6 +345,7 @@ def test_issue_6912_wrong_owner(tmp_path, create_virtualenv, modules, states): + @pytest.mark.skip_on_darwin(reason="Test is flaky on macosx") + @pytest.mark.slow_test + @pytest.mark.skip_if_not_root ++@pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("virtualenv", reason="Needs virtualenv binary") + def test_issue_6912_wrong_owner_requirements_file( + tmp_path, create_virtualenv, state_tree, modules, states + ): +@@ -409,6 +417,7 @@ def test_issue_6912_wrong_owner_requirements_file( + + @pytest.mark.destructive_test + @pytest.mark.slow_test ++@pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("virtualenv", reason="Needs virtualenv binary") + def test_issue_6833_pip_upgrade_pip(tmp_path, create_virtualenv, modules, states): + # Create the testing virtualenv + if sys.platform == "win32": +@@ -465,6 +474,7 @@ def test_issue_6833_pip_upgrade_pip(tmp_path, create_virtualenv, modules, states + + + @pytest.mark.slow_test ++@pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("virtualenv", reason="Needs virtualenv binary") + def test_pip_installed_specific_env( + tmp_path, state_tree_prod, states, create_virtualenv + ): +@@ -514,6 +524,7 @@ def test_pip_installed_specific_env( + + + @pytest.mark.slow_test ++@pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("virtualenv", reason="Needs virtualenv binary") + def test_22359_pip_installed_unless_does_not_trigger_warnings( + create_virtualenv, tmp_path, states + ): +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/ +index 864c1d025f3..9e5a8350ad9 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/ +@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.slow_test, + pytest.mark.skip_if_not_root, + pytest.mark.destructive_test, ++ pytest.mark.skipif( ++ bool(salt.utils.path.which("transactional-update")), ++ reason="Skipping on transactional systems", ++ ), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/cli/ b/tests/pytests/integration/cli/ +index 218022b9e3c..8dcdd3fbd28 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/integration/cli/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/cli/ +@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ import time + + import pytest + +-docker = pytest.importorskip("docker") ++from tests.conftest import CODE_DIR ++ ++docker = pytest.importorskip("docker", minversion="4.0.0") + + INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/daemons/ b/tests/pytests/integration/daemons/ +index 8157091c44e..f2c5307f1a5 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/integration/daemons/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/daemons/ +@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ def file_add_delete_sls(testfile_path, base_env_state_tree_root_dir): + + @pytest.mark.skip_on_darwin(reason="MacOS is a spawning platform, won't work") + @pytest.mark.skipif(GITHUB_ACTIONS, reason="Test is failing in GitHub Actions") +-@pytest.mark.flaky(max_runs=4) ++@pytest.mark.flaky(max_runs=10) + def test_memory_leak(salt_cli, salt_minion, file_add_delete_sls): + max_usg = None + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ b/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ +index d9c326c3f0a..d0b993ddbcf 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ +@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ def test_avoid_injecting_shell_code_as_root( + + + @pytest.mark.slow_test ++@pytest.mark.flaky(max_runs=4) + def test_blacklist_glob(salt_call_cli): + """ + cmd_blacklist_glob +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ b/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ +index 572923764bb..a1cd577fe76 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ +@@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ pytestmark = [ + Version(docker.__version__) < Version("4.0.0"), + reason="Test does not work in this version of docker-py", + ), ++ pytest.mark.skipif( ++ salt.version.__saltstack_version__.major <= 3006, ++ reason="CI containers are not compatible with this Salt version", ++ ), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ b/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ +index 09c65d29430..ac32b8d90fd 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ +@@ -235,6 +235,10 @@ def demote(user_uid, user_gid): + + + @pytest.mark.slow_test ++@pytest.mark.skipif( ++ bool(salt.utils.path.which("transactional-update")), ++ reason="Skipping on transactional systems", ++) + def test_ssh_pre_flight_perms(salt_ssh_cli, caplog, _create_roster, account): + """ + Test to ensure standard user cannot run pre flight script +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ b/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ +index 97494bed36b..3b4cede85f8 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/ssh/ +@@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ def salt_ssh_cli( + ) + + ++@pytest.mark.flaky_jail + def test_setup(salt_ssh_cli, ssh_container_name, ssh_sub_container_name, ssh_password): + """ + Test salt-ssh setup works +diff --git a/tests/pytests/scenarios/setup/ b/tests/pytests/scenarios/setup/ +index 28f0d6285a3..f10fe711f2d 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/scenarios/setup/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/scenarios/setup/ +@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ import pytest + + import salt.utils.platform + from salt.modules.virtualenv_mod import KNOWN_BINARY_NAMES ++from tests.conftest import CODE_DIR ++ ++MISSING_SETUP_PY_FILE = not CODE_DIR.joinpath("").exists() + + pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.core_test, +@@ -16,6 +19,9 @@ pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.skip_on_aix, + pytest.mark.skip_initial_onedir_failure, + pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing(*KNOWN_BINARY_NAMES, check_all=False), ++ pytest.mark.skipif( ++ MISSING_SETUP_PY_FILE, reason="This test only work if is available" ++ ), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/dockermod/ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/dockermod/ +index 1ac7dff52a5..a87d1add167 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/dockermod/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/dockermod/ +@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ def test_update_mine(): + + + @pytest.mark.skipif( +- docker_mod.docker.version_info < (1, 5, 0), ++ docker_mod._get_docker_py_versioninfo() < (1, 5, 0), + reason="docker module must be installed to run this test or is too old. >=1.5.0", + ) + def test_list_networks(): +@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ def test_list_networks(): + + + @pytest.mark.skipif( +- docker_mod.docker.version_info < (1, 5, 0), ++ docker_mod._get_docker_py_versioninfo() < (1, 5, 0), + reason="docker module must be installed to run this test or is too old. >=1.5.0", + ) + def test_create_network(): +@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ def test_create_network(): + + + @pytest.mark.skipif( +- docker_mod.docker.version_info < (1, 5, 0), ++ docker_mod._get_docker_py_versioninfo() < (1, 5, 0), + reason="docker module must be installed to run this test or is too old. >=1.5.0", + ) + def test_remove_network(): +@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ def test_remove_network(): + + + @pytest.mark.skipif( +- docker_mod.docker.version_info < (1, 5, 0), ++ docker_mod._get_docker_py_versioninfo() < (1, 5, 0), + reason="docker module must be installed to run this test or is too old. >=1.5.0", + ) + def test_inspect_network(): +@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ def test_inspect_network(): + + + @pytest.mark.skipif( +- docker_mod.docker.version_info < (1, 5, 0), ++ docker_mod._get_docker_py_versioninfo() < (1, 5, 0), + reason="docker module must be installed to run this test or is too old. >=1.5.0", + ) + def test_connect_container_to_network(): +@@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ def test_connect_container_to_network(): + + + @pytest.mark.skipif( +- docker_mod.docker.version_info < (1, 5, 0), ++ docker_mod._get_docker_py_versioninfo() < (1, 5, 0), + reason="docker module must be installed to run this test or is too old. >=1.5.0", + ) + def test_disconnect_container_from_network(): +@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ def test_disconnect_container_from_network(): + + + @pytest.mark.skipif( +- docker_mod.docker.version_info < (1, 5, 0), ++ docker_mod._get_docker_py_versioninfo() < (1, 5, 0), + reason="docker module must be installed to run this test or is too old. >=1.5.0", + ) + def test_list_volumes(): +@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ def test_list_volumes(): + + + @pytest.mark.skipif( +- docker_mod.docker.version_info < (1, 5, 0), ++ docker_mod._get_docker_py_versioninfo() < (1, 5, 0), + reason="docker module must be installed to run this test or is too old. >=1.5.0", + ) + def test_create_volume(): +@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ def test_create_volume(): + + + @pytest.mark.skipif( +- docker_mod.docker.version_info < (1, 5, 0), ++ docker_mod._get_docker_py_versioninfo() < (1, 5, 0), + reason="docker module must be installed to run this test or is too old. >=1.5.0", + ) + def test_remove_volume(): +@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ def test_remove_volume(): + + + @pytest.mark.skipif( +- docker_mod.docker.version_info < (1, 5, 0), ++ docker_mod._get_docker_py_versioninfo() < (1, 5, 0), + reason="docker module must be installed to run this test or is too old. >=1.5.0", + ) + def test_inspect_volume(): +diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/ +index 6e5ca88895f..bd67b16745c 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/unit/modules/ +@@ -2602,6 +2602,7 @@ pattern() = package-c""" + zypp_mock.assert_called_with(root=None, ignore_not_found=True) +"search", "emacs") + ++ @patch("salt.utils.files.is_fcntl_available", MagicMock(return_value=False)) + def test_search_not_found(self): + """Test""" + ret = { +diff --git a/tests/unit/utils/ b/tests/unit/utils/ +index 113c6836e07..a531dd93111 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/utils/ ++++ b/tests/unit/utils/ +@@ -531,7 +531,9 @@ class ConfigTestCase(TestCase): + jsonschema.validate( + {"personal_access_token": "foo"}, Requirements.serialize() + ) +- if JSONSCHEMA_VERSION >= Version("3.0.0"): ++ if JSONSCHEMA_VERSION >= Version("3.0.0") and JSONSCHEMA_VERSION < Version( ++ "4.8.0" ++ ): + self.assertIn( + "'ssh_key_file' is a required property", excinfo.exception.message + ) +@@ -899,13 +901,20 @@ class ConfigTestCase(TestCase): + except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as exc: +"ValidationError raised: {}".format(exc)) + +- with self.assertRaises(jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo: ++ if JSONSCHEMA_VERSION < Version("4.0.0"): ++ with self.assertRaises(jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo: ++ jsonschema.validate( ++ {"item": "3"}, ++ TestConf.serialize(), ++ format_checker=jsonschema.FormatChecker(), ++ ) ++ self.assertIn("is not a", excinfo.exception.message) ++ else: + jsonschema.validate( + {"item": "3"}, + TestConf.serialize(), + format_checker=jsonschema.FormatChecker(), + ) +- self.assertIn("is not a", excinfo.exception.message) + + def test_datetime_config(self): + item = schema.DateTimeItem(title="Foo", description="Foo Item") +@@ -1878,7 +1887,9 @@ class ConfigTestCase(TestCase): + jsonschema.validate( + {"item": {"sides": "4", "color": "blue"}}, TestConf.serialize() + ) +- if JSONSCHEMA_VERSION >= Version("3.0.0"): ++ if JSONSCHEMA_VERSION >= Version("3.0.0") and JSONSCHEMA_VERSION < Version( ++ "4.8.0" ++ ): + self.assertIn("'4'", excinfo.exception.message) + self.assertIn("is not of type", excinfo.exception.message) + self.assertIn("'boolean'", excinfo.exception.message) +@@ -2003,7 +2014,9 @@ class ConfigTestCase(TestCase): + + with self.assertRaises(jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo: + jsonschema.validate({"item": ["maybe"]}, TestConf.serialize()) +- if JSONSCHEMA_VERSION >= Version("3.0.0"): ++ if JSONSCHEMA_VERSION >= Version("3.0.0") and JSONSCHEMA_VERSION < Version( ++ "4.8.0" ++ ): + self.assertIn("'maybe'", excinfo.exception.message) + self.assertIn("is not one of", excinfo.exception.message) + self.assertIn("'yes'", excinfo.exception.message) +@@ -2067,7 +2080,9 @@ class ConfigTestCase(TestCase): + + with self.assertRaises(jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo: + jsonschema.validate({"item": ["maybe"]}, TestConf.serialize()) +- if JSONSCHEMA_VERSION >= Version("3.0.0"): ++ if JSONSCHEMA_VERSION >= Version("3.0.0") and JSONSCHEMA_VERSION < Version( ++ "4.8.0" ++ ): + self.assertIn("'maybe'", excinfo.exception.message) + self.assertIn("is not one of", excinfo.exception.message) + self.assertIn("'yes'", excinfo.exception.message) +@@ -2154,11 +2169,17 @@ class ConfigTestCase(TestCase): + + with self.assertRaises(jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo: + jsonschema.validate({"item": [True]}, TestConf.serialize()) +- self.assertIn("is not allowed for", excinfo.exception.message) ++ if JSONSCHEMA_VERSION >= Version("4.0.0"): ++ self.assertIn("should not be valid under", excinfo.exception.message) ++ else: ++ self.assertIn("is not allowed for", excinfo.exception.message) + + with self.assertRaises(jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo: + jsonschema.validate({"item": [False]}, TestConf.serialize()) +- self.assertIn("is not allowed for", excinfo.exception.message) ++ if JSONSCHEMA_VERSION >= Version("4.0.0"): ++ self.assertIn("should not be valid under", excinfo.exception.message) ++ else: ++ self.assertIn("is not allowed for", excinfo.exception.message) + + def test_item_name_override_class_attrname(self): + class TestConf(schema.Schema): +-- +2.44.0 + + diff --git a/skip-certain-tests-if-necessary-and-mark-some-flaky-.patch b/skip-certain-tests-if-necessary-and-mark-some-flaky-.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e5a5e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/skip-certain-tests-if-necessary-and-mark-some-flaky-.patch @@ -0,0 +1,392 @@ +From c02adf9e721dbebf0b50f202d2e86723e5642514 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2024 09:38:43 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Skip certain tests if necessary and mark some flaky + ones (#657) + +* Small alignments with upstream + +* Skip tests if necessary and mark some flaky ones + +* Add extra flaky test +--- + tests/integration/modules/ | 1 + + tests/pytests/functional/cache/ | 7 +------ + tests/pytests/functional/cache/ | 6 +++--- + tests/pytests/functional/modules/state/ | 3 +++ + tests/pytests/functional/modules/ | 8 ++++++++ + .../pytests/functional/modules/ | 5 +++++ + tests/pytests/functional/states/file/ | 2 +- + tests/pytests/functional/states/pkgrepo/ | 10 ++++++++++ + .../functional/states/ | 7 +++++++ + tests/pytests/functional/states/ | 5 +++++ + tests/pytests/functional/states/ | 4 ++++ + tests/pytests/functional/states/ | 11 ++++++++++- + tests/pytests/integration/cli/ | 2 -- + tests/pytests/integration/daemons/ | 2 +- + tests/support/pytest/ | 8 ++++++++ + 15 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/tests/integration/modules/ b/tests/integration/modules/ +index 73ce4817e82..a7265672ebe 100644 +--- a/tests/integration/modules/ ++++ b/tests/integration/modules/ +@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ class StatusModuleTest(ModuleCase): + self.assertTrue(isinstance(ret, int)) + + @pytest.mark.slow_test ++ @pytest.mark.flaky(max_runs=4) + def test_status_diskusage(self): + """ + status.diskusage +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/cache/ b/tests/pytests/functional/cache/ +index 996a1e932b6..19ad6f4aae0 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/cache/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/cache/ +@@ -8,14 +8,13 @@ from saltfactories.utils import random_string + + import salt.cache + import salt.loader +-from salt.utils.versions import Version + from tests.pytests.functional.cache.helpers import run_common_cache_tests + + pytest.importorskip( + "consul", + reason="Please install python-consul package to use consul data cache driver", + ) +-docker = pytest.importorskip("docker") ++docker = pytest.importorskip("docker", minversion="4.0.0") + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + +@@ -25,10 +24,6 @@ pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.slow_test, + pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("dockerd"), + pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run in a container"), +- pytest.mark.skipif( +- Version(docker.__version__) < Version("4.0.0"), +- reason="Test does not work in this version of docker-py", +- ), + ] + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/cache/ b/tests/pytests/functional/cache/ +index 93c6c7c6f6f..6cf3cc49534 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/cache/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/cache/ +@@ -5,11 +5,12 @@ import pytest + + import salt.cache + import salt.loader ++import salt.modules.mysql + from salt.utils.versions import Version + from tests.pytests.functional.cache.helpers import run_common_cache_tests + from import * # pylint: disable=wildcard-import,unused-wildcard-import + +-docker = pytest.importorskip("docker") ++pytest.importorskip("docker", minversion="4.0.0") + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + +@@ -20,8 +21,7 @@ pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("dockerd"), + pytest.mark.skipif(INSIDE_CONTAINER, reason="Cannot run in a container"), + pytest.mark.skipif( +- Version(docker.__version__) < Version("4.0.0"), +- reason="Test does not work in this version of docker-py", ++ not salt.modules.mysql.MySQLdb, reason="Missing python MySQLdb library" + ), + ] + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/state/ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/state/ +index 7640afaa882..57aa53001ab 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/state/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/state/ +@@ -714,6 +714,7 @@ def test_retry_option_success(state, state_tree, tmp_path): + @pytest.mark.skip_on_windows( + reason="Skipped until parallel states can be fixed on Windows" + ) ++@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="This test is flaky") + def test_retry_option_success_parallel(state, state_tree, tmp_path): + """ + test a state with the retry option that should return True immediately (i.e. no retries) +@@ -753,6 +754,7 @@ def test_retry_option_success_parallel(state, state_tree, tmp_path): + + + @pytest.mark.slow_test ++@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="This test is flaky") + def test_retry_option_eventual_success(state, state_tree, tmp_path): + """ + test a state with the retry option that should return True, eventually +@@ -801,6 +803,7 @@ def test_retry_option_eventual_success(state, state_tree, tmp_path): + reason="Skipped until parallel states can be fixed on Windows" + ) + @pytest.mark.slow_test ++@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="This test is flaky") + def test_retry_option_eventual_success_parallel(state, state_tree, tmp_path): + """ + test a state with the retry option that should return True, eventually +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +index 7cedd32bf6c..82d0801965d 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +@@ -232,6 +232,10 @@ def test_which(modules): + @pytest.mark.requires_salt_modules("pkg.version", "pkg.install", "pkg.remove") + @pytest.mark.slow_test + @pytest.mark.requires_network ++@pytest.mark.skipif( ++ bool(salt.utils.path.which("transactional-update")), ++ reason="Skipping on transactional systems", ++) + def test_install_remove(modules, test_pkg, refresh_db): + """ + successfully install and uninstall a package +@@ -272,6 +276,10 @@ def test_install_remove(modules, test_pkg, refresh_db): + @pytest.mark.slow_test + @pytest.mark.requires_network + @pytest.mark.requires_salt_states("pkg.installed") ++@pytest.mark.skipif( ++ bool(salt.utils.path.which("transactional-update")), ++ reason="Skipping on transactional systems", ++) + def test_hold_unhold(grains, modules, states, test_pkg, refresh_db): + """ + test holding and unholding a package +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +index 7d8398e149b..2b6abf91e23 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import shutil + + import pytest + ++import salt.utils.path + from salt.modules.virtualenv_mod import KNOWN_BINARY_NAMES + + pytestmark = [ +@@ -63,6 +64,10 @@ def test_clear(virtualenv, venv_dir, modules): + assert "pep8" not in packages + + ++@pytest.mark.skipif( ++ bool(salt.utils.path.which("transactional-update")), ++ reason="Skipping on transactional systems", ++) + def test_virtualenv_ver(virtualenv, venv_dir): + ret = virtualenv.create(str(venv_dir)) + assert ret +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/file/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/file/ +index 9678fb63432..1b904c33543 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/file/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/file/ +@@ -658,7 +658,6 @@ def test_issue_8947_utf8_sls(modules, tmp_path, state_tree, subtests): + @pytest.mark.skip_if_not_root + @pytest.mark.skip_on_windows(reason="Windows does not support setuid. Skipping.") + def test_owner_after_setuid(file, modules, tmp_path, state_file_account): +- + """ + Test to check file user/group after setting setuid or setgid. + Because Python os.chown() does reset the setuid/setgid to 0. +@@ -767,6 +766,7 @@ def test_file_managed_keep_source_false_http( + + + @pytest.mark.parametrize("verify_ssl", [True, False]) ++@pytest.mark.flaky(max_runs=4) + def test_verify_ssl_https_source(file, tmp_path, ssl_webserver, verify_ssl): + """ + test verify_ssl when its False and True when managing +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/pkgrepo/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/pkgrepo/ +index 19ba928ce6e..3bafeedc941 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/pkgrepo/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/pkgrepo/ +@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ + import pytest + ++import salt.utils.path ++ + pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.destructive_test, + pytest.mark.skip_if_not_root, +@@ -80,6 +82,10 @@ def suse_state_tree(grains, pkgrepo, state_tree): + + + @pytest.mark.requires_salt_states("pkgrepo.managed", "pkgrepo.absent") ++@pytest.mark.skipif( ++ bool(salt.utils.path.which("transactional-update")), ++ reason="Skipping on transactional systems", ++) + def test_pkgrepo_managed_absent(grains, modules, subtests, suse_state_tree): + """ + Test adding and removing a repository +@@ -134,6 +140,10 @@ def test_pkgrepo_managed_absent(grains, modules, subtests, suse_state_tree): + + + @pytest.mark.requires_salt_states("pkgrepo.managed") ++@pytest.mark.skipif( ++ bool(salt.utils.path.which("transactional-update")), ++ reason="Skipping on transactional systems", ++) + def test_pkgrepo_managed_modify(grains, modules, subtests, suse_state_tree): + """ + Test adding and modifying a repository +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/ +index 2267399891e..539a2acbf1a 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/ +@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.slow_test, + pytest.mark.skip_on_freebsd(reason="No Docker on FreeBSD available"), + pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("busybox", reason="Busybox not installed"), ++ pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("ldd", reason="ldd is missing"), + pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing( + "docker", "dockerd", reason="Docker not installed" + ), +@@ -172,6 +173,12 @@ def image(tmp_path_factory): + # Somehow the above skip_if_binaries_missing marker for docker + # only get's evaluated after this fixture?!? + pytest.skip("The `docker` binary is not available") ++ if not salt.modules.cmdmod.retcode( ++ "ldd {}".format(salt.utils.path.which("busybox")) ++ ): ++ pytest.skip( ++ "`busybox` appears to be a dynamic executable, please use busybox-static" ++ ) + container_build_dir = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("busybox") + image_name = random_string("salt-busybox-", uppercase=False) + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/ +index 2899b7985a1..54db6042716 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/ +@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import shutil + + import pytest + ++import salt.utils.path + from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError + from salt.utils.versions import Version + +@@ -10,6 +11,10 @@ pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.slow_test, + pytest.mark.destructive_test, + pytest.mark.requires_network, ++ pytest.mark.skipif( ++ bool(salt.utils.path.which("transactional-update")), ++ reason="Skipping on transactional systems", ++ ), + ] + + MAX_NPM_VERSION = "5.0.0" +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/ +index 1921751b5dc..1f2080f1f86 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/ +@@ -80,6 +80,10 @@ def create_virtualenv(modules): + + + @pytest.mark.slow_test ++@pytest.mark.skipif( ++ bool(salt.utils.path.which("transactional-update")), ++ reason="Skipping on transactional systems", ++) + def test_pip_installed_removed(modules, states): + """ + Tests installed and removed states +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/ +index 96b1ec55c88..5eac093ef44 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/ +@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import pytest + from saltfactories.utils import random_string + + import salt.utils.files ++import salt.utils.path + import salt.utils.platform + + try: +@@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ def test_user_present_nondefault(grains, modules, states, username, user_home): + if not salt.utils.platform.is_darwin() and not salt.utils.platform.is_windows(): + assert user_home.is_dir() + +- if grains["os_family"] in ("Suse",): ++ if grains["os_family"] in ("Suse",) and not grains.get("transactional", False): + expected_group_name = "users" + elif grains["os_family"] == "MacOS": + expected_group_name = "staff" +@@ -380,6 +381,10 @@ def test_user_present_existing(states, username): + + + @pytest.mark.skip_unless_on_linux(reason="underlying functionality only runs on Linux") ++@pytest.mark.skipif( ++ bool(salt.utils.path.which("transactional-update")), ++ reason="Skipping on transactional systems", ++) + def test_user_present_change_groups(modules, states, username, group_1, group_2): + ret = states.user.present( + name=username, +@@ -404,6 +409,10 @@ def test_user_present_change_groups(modules, states, username, group_1, group_2) + + + @pytest.mark.skip_unless_on_linux(reason="underlying functionality only runs on Linux") ++@pytest.mark.skipif( ++ bool(salt.utils.path.which("transactional-update")), ++ reason="Skipping on transactional systems", ++) + def test_user_present_change_optional_groups( + modules, states, username, group_1, group_2 + ): +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/cli/ b/tests/pytests/integration/cli/ +index 8dcdd3fbd28..dde4c25bc91 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/integration/cli/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/cli/ +@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ import time + + import pytest + +-from tests.conftest import CODE_DIR +- + docker = pytest.importorskip("docker", minversion="4.0.0") + + INSIDE_CONTAINER = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "") == "salt-test-container" +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/daemons/ b/tests/pytests/integration/daemons/ +index f2c5307f1a5..869ce72f588 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/integration/daemons/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/daemons/ +@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ def file_add_delete_sls(testfile_path, base_env_state_tree_root_dir): + + @pytest.mark.skip_on_darwin(reason="MacOS is a spawning platform, won't work") + @pytest.mark.skipif(GITHUB_ACTIONS, reason="Test is failing in GitHub Actions") +-@pytest.mark.flaky(max_runs=10) ++@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="This test is flaky") + def test_memory_leak(salt_cli, salt_minion, file_add_delete_sls): + max_usg = None + +diff --git a/tests/support/pytest/ b/tests/support/pytest/ +index 218c38686e7..6195d53d212 100644 +--- a/tests/support/pytest/ ++++ b/tests/support/pytest/ +@@ -5,11 +5,19 @@ import attr + import pytest + from saltfactories.utils import random_string + ++import salt.modules.mysql ++ + # This `pytest.importorskip` here actually works because this module + # is imported into test modules, otherwise, the skipping would just fail + pytest.importorskip("docker") + import docker.errors # isort:skip pylint: disable=3rd-party-module-not-gated + ++pytestmark = [ ++ pytest.mark.skipif( ++ not salt.modules.mysql.MySQLdb, reason="Missing python MySQLdb library" ++ ) ++] ++ + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + +-- +2.44.0 + + diff --git a/skip-more-tests-related-to-old-openssl-algorithms.patch b/skip-more-tests-related-to-old-openssl-algorithms.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..485db8a --- /dev/null +++ b/skip-more-tests-related-to-old-openssl-algorithms.patch @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +From 63ff8ce775eec43b2f768b72fba4154c7832b1f7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Yeray=20Guti=C3=A9rrez=20Cedr=C3=A9s?= + +Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2024 08:54:24 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Skip more tests related to old OpenSSL algorithms + +* Skip more tests related to old OpenSSL algorithms + +* Check the comment from state apply ret instead of exception + +--------- + +Co-authored-by: vzhestkov +--- + tests/pytests/functional/modules/ | 10 ++++++++-- + tests/pytests/functional/states/ | 9 +++++++++ + 2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +index c060ad2971c..2e8152d04a3 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +@@ -1400,7 +1400,10 @@ def test_create_csr_raw(x509, rsa_privkey): + @pytest.mark.slow_test + @pytest.mark.parametrize("algo", ["rsa", "ec", "ed25519", "ed448"]) + def test_create_private_key(x509, algo): +- res = x509.create_private_key(algo=algo) ++ try: ++ res = x509.create_private_key(algo=algo) ++ except UnsupportedAlgorithm: ++ pytest.skip(f"Algorithm '{algo}' is not supported on this OpenSSL version") + assert res.startswith("-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----") + + +@@ -1408,7 +1411,10 @@ def test_create_private_key(x509, algo): + @pytest.mark.parametrize("algo", ["rsa", "ec", "ed25519", "ed448"]) + def test_create_private_key_with_passphrase(x509, algo): + passphrase = "hunter2" +- res = x509.create_private_key(algo=algo, passphrase=passphrase) ++ try: ++ res = x509.create_private_key(algo=algo, passphrase=passphrase) ++ except UnsupportedAlgorithm: ++ pytest.skip(f"Algorithm '{algo}' is not supported on this OpenSSL version") + assert res.startswith("-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----") + # ensure it can be loaded + x509.get_private_key_size(res, passphrase=passphrase) +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/ +index e74bdd73f37..929be014cdb 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/ +@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import pytest + try: + import cryptography + import cryptography.x509 as cx509 ++ from cryptography.exceptions import UnsupportedAlgorithm + from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes + from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec, ed448, ed25519, rsa + from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import ( +@@ -691,6 +692,8 @@ def existing_csr_exts(x509, csr_args, csr_args_exts, ca_key, rsa_privkey, reques + def existing_pk(x509, pk_args, request): + pk_args.update(request.param) + ret = x509.private_key_managed(**pk_args) ++ if ret.result == False and "UnsupportedAlgorithm" in ret.comment: ++ pytest.skip(f"Algorithm '{pk_args['algo']}' is not supported on this OpenSSL version") + _assert_pk_basic( + ret, + pk_args.get("algo", "rsa"), +@@ -2140,6 +2143,8 @@ def test_private_key_managed(x509, pk_args, algo, encoding, passphrase): + pk_args["encoding"] = encoding + pk_args["passphrase"] = passphrase + ret = x509.private_key_managed(**pk_args) ++ if ret.result == False and "UnsupportedAlgorithm" in ret.comment: ++ pytest.skip(f"Algorithm '{algo}' is not supported on this OpenSSL version") + _assert_pk_basic(ret, algo, encoding, passphrase) + + +@@ -2167,6 +2172,8 @@ def test_private_key_managed_keysize(x509, pk_args, algo, keysize): + ) + def test_private_key_managed_existing(x509, pk_args): + ret = x509.private_key_managed(**pk_args) ++ if ret.result == False and "UnsupportedAlgorithm" in ret.comment: ++ pytest.skip(f"Algorithm '{pk_args['algo']}' is not supported on this OpenSSL version") + _assert_not_changed(ret) + + +@@ -2194,6 +2201,8 @@ def test_private_key_managed_existing_new_with_passphrase_change(x509, pk_args): + def test_private_key_managed_algo_change(x509, pk_args): + pk_args["algo"] = "ed25519" + ret = x509.private_key_managed(**pk_args) ++ if ret.result == False and "UnsupportedAlgorithm" in ret.comment: ++ pytest.skip("Algorithm 'ed25519' is not supported on this OpenSSL version") + _assert_pk_basic(ret, "ed25519") + + +-- +2.46.0 + diff --git a/skip-package-names-without-colon-bsc-1208691-578.patch b/skip-package-names-without-colon-bsc-1208691-578.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d1fc699 --- /dev/null +++ b/skip-package-names-without-colon-bsc-1208691-578.patch @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +From c61da0bef8d4d8394592db2f9995cdf4820c02af Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Alexander Graul +Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2023 11:35:41 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Skip package names without colon (bsc#1208691) (#578) + +Fixes a problem in `_find_ptf_packages()` when passing multiple packages to `zypperpkg.remove` / `zypperpkg.purge`. The problem occurs when a passed package is not installed, in that case the output of the `rpm` subprocess is not parsed correctly. +--- + salt/modules/ | 2 ++ + 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 44f2cdbd3a..cdec397d69 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -2688,6 +2688,8 @@ def _find_ptf_packages(pkgs, root=None): + for line in output.splitlines(): + if not line.strip(): + continue ++ if ":" not in line: ++ continue + pkg, provides = line.split(":", 1) + if "ptf()" in provides: + ptfs.append(pkg) +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/skip-tests-for-unsupported-algorithm-on-old-openssl-.patch b/skip-tests-for-unsupported-algorithm-on-old-openssl-.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..126c0df --- /dev/null +++ b/skip-tests-for-unsupported-algorithm-on-old-openssl-.patch @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +From d64311862c8cfdd7728aca504a22822df1b043c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Wed, 15 May 2024 09:48:39 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Skip tests for unsupported algorithm on old OpenSSL + version + +--- + .../functional/modules/ | 51 +++++++++++++------ + 1 file changed, 35 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +index 8da31bed9d..c060ad2971 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ from salt.utils.odict import OrderedDict + try: + import cryptography + import cryptography.x509 as cx509 ++ from cryptography.exceptions import UnsupportedAlgorithm + from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes + from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import ( + load_pem_private_key, +@@ -678,7 +679,10 @@ def crl_revoked(): + @pytest.mark.parametrize("algo", ["rsa", "ec", "ed25519", "ed448"]) + def test_create_certificate_self_signed(x509, algo, request): + privkey = request.getfixturevalue(f"{algo}_privkey") +- res = x509.create_certificate(signing_private_key=privkey, CN="success") ++ try: ++ res = x509.create_certificate(signing_private_key=privkey, CN="success") ++ except UnsupportedAlgorithm: ++ pytest.skip(f"Algorithm '{algo}' is not supported on this OpenSSL version") + assert res.startswith("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----") + cert = _get_cert(res) + assert cert.subject.rfc4514_string() == "CN=success" +@@ -743,12 +747,15 @@ def test_create_certificate_raw(x509, rsa_privkey): + @pytest.mark.parametrize("algo", ["rsa", "ec", "ed25519", "ed448"]) + def test_create_certificate_from_privkey(x509, ca_key, ca_cert, algo, request): + privkey = request.getfixturevalue(f"{algo}_privkey") +- res = x509.create_certificate( +- signing_cert=ca_cert, +- signing_private_key=ca_key, +- private_key=privkey, +- CN="success", +- ) ++ try: ++ res = x509.create_certificate( ++ signing_cert=ca_cert, ++ signing_private_key=ca_key, ++ private_key=privkey, ++ CN="success", ++ ) ++ except UnsupportedAlgorithm: ++ pytest.skip(f"Algorithm '{algo}' is not supported on this OpenSSL version") + assert res.startswith("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----") + cert = _get_cert(res) + assert cert.subject.rfc4514_string() == "CN=success" +@@ -788,12 +795,15 @@ def test_create_certificate_from_encrypted_privkey_with_encrypted_privkey( + @pytest.mark.parametrize("algo", ["rsa", "ec", "ed25519", "ed448"]) + def test_create_certificate_from_pubkey(x509, ca_key, ca_cert, algo, request): + pubkey = request.getfixturevalue(f"{algo}_pubkey") +- res = x509.create_certificate( +- signing_cert=ca_cert, +- signing_private_key=ca_key, +- public_key=pubkey, +- CN="success", +- ) ++ try: ++ res = x509.create_certificate( ++ signing_cert=ca_cert, ++ signing_private_key=ca_key, ++ public_key=pubkey, ++ CN="success", ++ ) ++ except UnsupportedAlgorithm: ++ pytest.skip(f"Algorithm '{algo}' is not supported on this OpenSSL version") + assert res.startswith("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----") + cert = _get_cert(res) + assert cert.subject.rfc4514_string() == "CN=success" +@@ -1329,7 +1339,10 @@ def test_create_crl_raw(x509, crl_args): + @pytest.mark.parametrize("algo", ["rsa", "ec", "ed25519", "ed448"]) + def test_create_csr(x509, algo, request): + privkey = request.getfixturevalue(f"{algo}_privkey") +- res = x509.create_csr(private_key=privkey) ++ try: ++ res = x509.create_csr(private_key=privkey) ++ except UnsupportedAlgorithm: ++ pytest.skip(f"Algorithm '{algo}' is not supported on this OpenSSL version") + assert res.startswith("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----") + + +@@ -1444,7 +1457,10 @@ def test_create_private_key_raw(x509): + ) + def test_get_private_key_size(x509, algo, expected, request): + privkey = request.getfixturevalue(f"{algo}_privkey") +- res = x509.get_private_key_size(privkey) ++ try: ++ res = x509.get_private_key_size(privkey) ++ except UnsupportedAlgorithm: ++ pytest.skip(f"Algorithm '{algo}' is not supported on this OpenSSL version") + assert res == expected + + +@@ -1588,7 +1604,10 @@ def test_verify_private_key(x509, ca_key, ca_cert): + @pytest.mark.parametrize("algo", ["rsa", "ec", "ed25519", "ed448"]) + def test_verify_signature(x509, algo, request): + wrong_privkey = request.getfixturevalue(f"{algo}_privkey") +- privkey = x509.create_private_key(algo=algo) ++ try: ++ privkey = x509.create_private_key(algo=algo) ++ except UnsupportedAlgorithm: ++ pytest.skip(f"Algorithm '{algo}' is not supported on this OpenSSL version") + cert = x509.create_certificate(signing_private_key=privkey) + assert x509.verify_signature(cert, privkey) + assert not x509.verify_signature(cert, wrong_privkey) +-- +2.45.0 + diff --git a/some-more-small-tests-fixes-enhancements-661.patch b/some-more-small-tests-fixes-enhancements-661.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de55a88 --- /dev/null +++ b/some-more-small-tests-fixes-enhancements-661.patch @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ +From e4333e2000b3ee92c1df7f9af57133706b48ca66 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2024 16:58:28 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Some more small tests fixes/enhancements (#661) + +* test_system: prevent errors when systemd-timesyncd service is masked + +* test_custom_module: disable tests when running on Salt Bundle + +* Fix debian 12 package tests + +* pam: use sys.executable in case /usr/bin/python3 does not exist + +* pam: add unit test to ensure sys.executable is used + +* Use proper method to calculate the path to Python interpreter + +--------- + +Co-authored-by: Megan Wilhite +--- + salt/auth/ | 19 ++++++++++++++++++- + tests/integration/cli/ | 6 ++++++ + .../pytests/functional/modules/ | 4 +++- + .../functional/states/pkgrepo/ | 4 ++++ + tests/pytests/unit/auth/ | 19 +++++++++++++++++++ + 5 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/auth/ b/salt/auth/ +index 12af29bbdb8..25e080861b7 100644 +--- a/salt/auth/ ++++ b/salt/auth/ +@@ -223,12 +223,29 @@ def authenticate(username, password): + + ``password``: the password in plain text + """ ++ ++ def __find_pyexe(): ++ """ ++ Provides the path to the Python interpreter to use. ++ ++ First option: the system's Python 3 interpreter ++ If not found, it fallback to use the running Python interpreter (sys.executable) ++ ++ This can be overwritten via "auth.pam.python" configuration parameter. ++ """ ++ if __opts__.get("auth.pam.python"): ++ return __opts__.get("auth.pam.python") ++ elif os.path.exists("/usr/bin/python3"): ++ return "/usr/bin/python3" ++ else: ++ return sys.executable ++ + env = os.environ.copy() + env["SALT_PAM_USERNAME"] = username + env["SALT_PAM_PASSWORD"] = password + env["SALT_PAM_SERVICE"] = __opts__.get("auth.pam.service", "login") + env["SALT_PAM_ENCODING"] = __salt_system_encoding__ +- pyexe = pathlib.Path(__opts__.get("auth.pam.python", "/usr/bin/python3")).resolve() ++ pyexe = pathlib.Path(__find_pyexe()).resolve() + pyfile = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve() + if not pyexe.exists(): + log.error("Error 'auth.pam.python' config value does not exist: %s", pyexe) +diff --git a/tests/integration/cli/ b/tests/integration/cli/ +index 6c048e30cd2..a4863b584f8 100644 +--- a/tests/integration/cli/ ++++ b/tests/integration/cli/ +@@ -29,12 +29,18 @@ + olleh + """ + ++import sys ++ + import pytest + + from import SSHCase + + + @pytest.mark.skip_on_windows ++@pytest.mark.skipif( ++ "venv-salt-minion" in sys.executable, ++ reason="Skipping for Salt Bundle (tests are not compatible)", ++) + class SSHCustomModuleTest(SSHCase): + """ + Test sls with custom module functionality using ssh +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +index 3b669c46afd..2cd03a3a3e4 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/modules/ +@@ -61,7 +61,9 @@ def setup_teardown_vars(file, service, system): + _machine_info = False + + try: +- _systemd_timesyncd_available_ = service.available("systemd-timesyncd") ++ _systemd_timesyncd_available_ = service.available( ++ "systemd-timesyncd" ++ ) and not service.masked("systemd-timesyncd") + if _systemd_timesyncd_available_: + res = service.stop("systemd-timesyncd") + assert res +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/pkgrepo/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/pkgrepo/ +index d025643aa4c..87716706d5e 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/functional/states/pkgrepo/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/pkgrepo/ +@@ -622,6 +622,10 @@ class Repo: + if ( + self.grains["osfullname"] == "Ubuntu" + and self.grains["osrelease"] == "22.04" ++ or "Debian" in self.grains["osfullname"] ++ and self.grains["osrelease"] == "12" ++ # only need to use alt repo until ++ # we release Debian 12 salt packages + ): + return True + return False +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/auth/ b/tests/pytests/unit/auth/ +index 22c7f438d63..35f599e3d17 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/auth/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/auth/ +@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ ++import tempfile ++ + import pytest + + import salt.auth.pam +@@ -45,3 +47,20 @@ def test_if_pam_acct_mgmt_returns_zero_authenticate_should_be_true(mock_pam): + ) + is True + ) ++ ++ ++def test_if_sys_executable_is_used_to_call_pam_auth(mock_pam): ++ class Ret: ++ returncode = 0 ++ ++ with patch( ++ "", return_value=Ret ++ ) as run_mock, tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f, patch( ++ "salt.auth.pam.sys.executable", ++ ), patch( ++ "os.path.exists", return_value=False ++ ): ++ assert salt.auth.pam.auth( ++ username="fnord", password="fnord", service="login", encoding="utf-8" ++ ) ++ assert in run_mock.call_args_list[0][0][0] +-- +2.45.2 + + diff --git a/speed-up-salt.matcher.confirm_top-by-using-__context.patch b/speed-up-salt.matcher.confirm_top-by-using-__context.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b967b59 --- /dev/null +++ b/speed-up-salt.matcher.confirm_top-by-using-__context.patch @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +From a7e578b96d0e7ad8fdf4e5d62416ba6961b82315 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Wed, 15 May 2024 11:50:52 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Speed up salt.matcher.confirm_top by using + __context__ + +* Speed up salt.matcher.confirm_top by using __context__ + +* Add test for getting matchers from __context__ in matchers.confirm_top +--- + salt/matchers/ | 6 +++++- + tests/pytests/unit/matchers/ | 15 +++++++++++++++ + 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/salt/matchers/ b/salt/matchers/ +index 7435f4ae94..d2edc99d8f 100644 +--- a/salt/matchers/ ++++ b/salt/matchers/ +@@ -21,7 +21,11 @@ def confirm_top(match, data, nodegroups=None): + if "match" in item: + matcher = item["match"] + +- matchers = salt.loader.matchers(__opts__) ++ if "matchers" in __context__: ++ matchers = __context__["matchers"] ++ else: ++ matchers = salt.loader.matchers(__opts__) ++ __context__["matchers"] = matchers + funcname = matcher + "_match.match" + if matcher == "nodegroup": + return matchers[funcname](match, nodegroups) +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/matchers/ b/tests/pytests/unit/matchers/ +index 514df323b6..f439fcf94a 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/matchers/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/matchers/ +@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import pytest + + import salt.config + import salt.loader ++from import patch + + + @pytest.fixture +@@ -12,3 +13,17 @@ def matchers(minion_opts): + def test_sanity(matchers): + match = matchers["confirm_top.confirm_top"] + assert match("*", []) is True ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.parametrize("in_context", [False, True]) ++def test_matchers_from_context(matchers, in_context): ++ match = matchers["confirm_top.confirm_top"] ++ with patch.dict( ++ matchers.pack["__context__"], {"matchers": matchers} if in_context else {} ++ ), patch("salt.loader.matchers", return_value=matchers) as loader_matchers: ++ assert match("*", []) is True ++ assert id(matchers.pack["__context__"]["matchers"]) == id(matchers) ++ if in_context: ++ loader_matchers.assert_not_called() ++ else: ++ loader_matchers.assert_called_once() +-- +2.45.0 + diff --git a/switch-firewalld-state-to-use-change_interface.patch b/switch-firewalld-state-to-use-change_interface.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..95d55bc --- /dev/null +++ b/switch-firewalld-state-to-use-change_interface.patch @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +From 57626d8eb77d2c559365d1df974100e474671fef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Alexander Graul +Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2022 17:12:04 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Switch firewalld state to use change_interface + +firewalld.present state allows to bind interface to given zone. +However if the interface is already bound to some other zone, call- +ing `add_interface` will not change rebind the interface but report +error. +Option `change_interface` however can rebind the interface from one +zone to another. + +This PR adds `firewalld.change_interface` call to firewalld module +and updates `firewalld.present` state to use this call. +--- + salt/modules/ | 23 +++++++++++++++++++++++ + salt/states/ | 4 +++- + 2 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 135713d851..70bc738240 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -918,6 +918,29 @@ def remove_interface(zone, interface, permanent=True): + return __firewall_cmd(cmd) + + ++def change_interface(zone, interface, permanent=True): ++ """ ++ Change zone the interface bound to ++ ++ .. versionadded:: 2019.?.? ++ ++ CLI Example: ++ ++ .. code-block:: bash ++ ++ salt '*' firewalld.change_interface zone eth0 ++ """ ++ if interface in get_interfaces(zone, permanent): ++"Interface is already bound to zone.") ++ ++ cmd = "--zone={} --change-interface={}".format(zone, interface) ++ ++ if permanent: ++ cmd += " --permanent" ++ ++ return __firewall_cmd(cmd) ++ ++ + def get_sources(zone, permanent=True): + """ + List sources bound to a zone +diff --git a/salt/states/ b/salt/states/ +index cc6eaba5c3..534b9dd62d 100644 +--- a/salt/states/ ++++ b/salt/states/ +@@ -691,7 +691,9 @@ def _present( + for interface in new_interfaces: + if not __opts__["test"]: + try: +- __salt__["firewalld.add_interface"](name, interface, permanent=True) ++ __salt__["firewalld.change_interface"]( ++ name, interface, permanent=True ++ ) + except CommandExecutionError as err: + ret["comment"] = "Error: {}".format(err) + return ret +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/switch-oscap-encoding-to-utf-8-639.patch b/switch-oscap-encoding-to-utf-8-639.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..78bc5b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/switch-oscap-encoding-to-utf-8-639.patch @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +From 4ec5c8bdb8aecac6752c639f494b86c7f8f57ba2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Marek Czernek +Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2024 09:20:30 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Switch oscap encoding to utf-8 (#639) + +--- + salt/modules/ | 7 ++++--- + tests/unit/modules/ | 8 ++++---- + 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 89712ae722b..7322c667dcc 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ def xccdf_eval(xccdffile, ovalfiles=None, **kwargs): + tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() + proc = Popen(cmd_opts, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=tempdir) + (_, error) = proc.communicate() +- error = error.decode('ascii', errors='ignore') ++ error = error.decode('utf-8', errors='surogateescape') + success = _OSCAP_EXIT_CODES_MAP.get(proc.returncode, False) + if proc.returncode < 0: + error += "\nKilled by signal {}\n".format(proc.returncode) +@@ -204,10 +204,11 @@ def xccdf(params): + cmd = _XCCDF_MAP[action]["cmd_pattern"].format(args.profile, policy) + tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() + proc = Popen(shlex.split(cmd), stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=tempdir) +- (stdoutdata, error) = proc.communicate() ++ (_, error) = proc.communicate() ++ error = error.decode('utf-8', errors='surogateescape') + success = _OSCAP_EXIT_CODES_MAP.get(proc.returncode, False) + if proc.returncode < 0: +- error += "\nKilled by signal {}\n".format(proc.returncode).encode('ascii') ++ error += "\nKilled by signal {}\n".format(proc.returncode) + returncode = proc.returncode + if success: + __salt__["cp.push_dir"](tempdir) +diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/ +index 6fbdfed7cf9..c20220ea977 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/unit/modules/ +@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class OpenscapTestCase(TestCase): + "salt.modules.openscap.Popen", + MagicMock( + return_value=Mock( +- **{"returncode": 0, "communicate.return_value": ("", "")} ++ **{"returncode": 0, "communicate.return_value": (bytes(0), bytes(0))} + ) + ), + ): +@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class OpenscapTestCase(TestCase): + "salt.modules.openscap.Popen", + MagicMock( + return_value=Mock( +- **{"returncode": 2, "communicate.return_value": ("", "some error")} ++ **{"returncode": 2, "communicate.return_value": (bytes(0), bytes("some error", "UTF-8"))} + ) + ), + ): +@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ class OpenscapTestCase(TestCase): + "salt.modules.openscap.Popen", + MagicMock( + return_value=Mock( +- **{"returncode": 2, "communicate.return_value": ("", "some error")} ++ **{"returncode": 2, "communicate.return_value": (bytes(0), bytes("some error", "UTF-8"))} + ) + ), + ): +@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ class OpenscapTestCase(TestCase): + return_value=Mock( + **{ + "returncode": 1, +- "communicate.return_value": ("", "evaluation error"), ++ "communicate.return_value": (bytes(0), bytes("evaluation error", "UTF-8")), + } + ) + ), +-- +2.44.0 + diff --git a/temporary-fix-extend-the-whitelist-of-allowed-comman.patch b/temporary-fix-extend-the-whitelist-of-allowed-comman.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a91c728 --- /dev/null +++ b/temporary-fix-extend-the-whitelist-of-allowed-comman.patch @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +From 2575e64ee21f774a1efb6960972e9d476a8d5927 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Bo Maryniuk +Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2019 18:12:35 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] temporary fix: extend the whitelist of allowed commands + +--- + salt/auth/ | 3 +++ + 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+) + +diff --git a/salt/auth/ b/salt/auth/ +index b87e2aff0d..331baab211 100644 +--- a/salt/auth/ ++++ b/salt/auth/ +@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ so that any external authentication system can be used inside of Salt + # 5. Cache auth token with relative data opts['token_dir'] + # 6. Interface to verify tokens + ++ + import getpass + import logging + import random +@@ -42,6 +43,8 @@ AUTH_INTERNAL_KEYWORDS = frozenset( + "gather_job_timeout", + "kwarg", + "match", ++ "id_", ++ "force", + "metadata", + "print_event", + "raw", +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/test_vultrpy-adjust-test-expectation-to-prevent-fail.patch b/test_vultrpy-adjust-test-expectation-to-prevent-fail.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..841dcd9 --- /dev/null +++ b/test_vultrpy-adjust-test-expectation-to-prevent-fail.patch @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +From e24c5dbc8c48ce46d3a87cd527677b980c29124d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2024 12:19:36 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] test_vultrpy: adjust test expectation to prevent + failure (#666) + +--- + tests/integration/cloud/clouds/ | 2 +- + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/tests/integration/cloud/clouds/ b/tests/integration/cloud/clouds/ +index a25b4502dae..719d7291410 100644 +--- a/tests/integration/cloud/clouds/ ++++ b/tests/integration/cloud/clouds/ +@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class VultrTest(CloudTest): + """ + image_list = self.run_cloud("--list-images {}".format(self.PROVIDER)) + +- self.assertIn("Debian 10 x64 (buster)", [i.strip() for i in image_list]) ++ self.assertIn("Debian 12 x64 (bookworm)", [i.strip() for i in image_list]) + + def test_list_locations(self): + """ +-- +2.45.2 + + diff --git a/tornado-fix-an-open-redirect-in-staticfilehandler-cv.patch b/tornado-fix-an-open-redirect-in-staticfilehandler-cv.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57fa413 --- /dev/null +++ b/tornado-fix-an-open-redirect-in-staticfilehandler-cv.patch @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +From 78f5a76315891168d24e923d2b08211baefefb4f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2023 16:36:20 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] tornado: Fix an open redirect in StaticFileHandler + (CVE-2023-28370, bsc#1211741) (#583) + +--- + salt/ext/tornado/ | 9 +++++++++ + 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+) + +diff --git a/salt/ext/tornado/ b/salt/ext/tornado/ +index 60bde695d3..97fadcf87d 100644 +--- a/salt/ext/tornado/ ++++ b/salt/ext/tornado/ +@@ -2544,6 +2544,15 @@ class StaticFileHandler(RequestHandler): + # but there is some prefix to the path that was already + # trimmed by the routing + if not self.request.path.endswith("/"): ++ if self.request.path.startswith("//"): ++ # A redirect with two initial slashes is a "protocol-relative" URL. ++ # This means the next path segment is treated as a hostname instead ++ # of a part of the path, making this effectively an open redirect. ++ # Reject paths starting with two slashes to prevent this. ++ # This is only reachable under certain configurations. ++ raise HTTPError( ++ 403, "cannot redirect path with two initial slashes" ++ ) + self.redirect(self.request.path + "/", permanent=True) + return + absolute_path = os.path.join(absolute_path, self.default_filename) +-- +2.41.0 + + diff --git a/transactional_update.conf b/transactional_update.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..46a66b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/transactional_update.conf @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# Enable the transactional_update executor +module_executors: + - transactional_update + - direct_call diff --git a/travis.yml b/travis.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..92c3ef5 --- /dev/null +++ b/travis.yml @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +language: python + +python: + - '2.6' + - '2.7' + +before_install: + - sudo apt-get update + - sudo apt-get install --fix-broken --ignore-missing -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" swig rabbitmq-server ruby python-apt mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev + - (git describe && git fetch --tags) || (git remote add upstream git:// && git fetch --tags upstream) + - pip install mock + - pip install --allow-external + - pip install --upgrade pep8 'pylint<=1.2.0' + - pip install --upgrade coveralls + - "if [[ $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION == '2.6' ]]; then pip install unittest2 ordereddict; fi" + - pip install git+ + +install: + - pip install -r requirements/zeromq.txt -r requirements/cloud.txt + - pip install --allow-all-external -r requirements/opt.txt + +before_script: + - "/home/travis/virtualenv/python${TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION}/bin/pylint --rcfile=.testing.pylintrc salt/ && echo 'Finished Pylint Check Cleanly' || echo 'Finished Pylint Check With Errors'" + - "/home/travis/virtualenv/python${TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION}/bin/pep8 --ignore=E501,E12 salt/ && echo 'Finished PEP-8 Check Cleanly' || echo 'Finished PEP-8 Check With Errors'" + +script: "sudo -E /home/travis/virtualenv/python${TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION}/bin/python test --runtests-opts='--run-destructive --sysinfo -v --coverage'" + +after_success: + - coveralls + +notifications: + irc: + channels: "" + on_success: change + on_failure: change diff --git a/update-__pillar__-during-pillar_refresh.patch b/update-__pillar__-during-pillar_refresh.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..88c09eb --- /dev/null +++ b/update-__pillar__-during-pillar_refresh.patch @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ +From 3e7c5d95423491f83d0016eb7c02285cd0b1bcf4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Marek Czernek +Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2024 15:39:41 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Update __pillar__ during pillar_refresh + +--- + changelog/ | 1 + + salt/ | 1 + + .../integration/modules/ | 110 +++++++++++++++++- + 3 files changed, 111 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) + create mode 100644 changelog/ + +diff --git a/changelog/ b/changelog/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..f1b6e32507 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/changelog/ +@@ -0,0 +1 @@ ++Need to make sure we update __pillar__ during a pillar refresh to ensure that process_beacons has the updated beacons loaded from pillar. +diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ +index 9597d6e63a..4db0d31bd4 100644 +--- a/salt/ ++++ b/salt/ +@@ -2498,6 +2498,7 @@ class Minion(MinionBase): + current_schedule, new_schedule + ) + self.opts["pillar"] = new_pillar ++ self.functions.pack["__pillar__"] = self.opts["pillar"] + finally: + async_pillar.destroy() + self.matchers_refresh() +diff --git a/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ b/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ +index 66f7b9e47b..5db9a1630a 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/integration/modules/ +@@ -1,9 +1,14 @@ ++import logging + import pathlib + import time ++import types + + import attr + import pytest + ++log = logging.getLogger(__name__) ++ ++ + pytestmark = [ + pytest.mark.slow_test, + pytest.mark.windows_whitelisted, +@@ -210,7 +215,7 @@ class PillarRefresh: + "top.sls", top_file_contents + ) + self.minion_1_pillar = self.master.pillar_tree.base.temp_file( +- "minion-1-pillar.sls", "{}: true".format(self.pillar_key) ++ "minion-1-pillar.sls", f"{self.pillar_key}: true" + ) + self.top_file.__enter__() + self.minion_1_pillar.__enter__() +@@ -588,3 +593,106 @@ def test_pillar_ext_59975(salt_call_cli): + """ + ret ="pillar.ext", '{"libvert": _}') + assert "ext_pillar_opts" in ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture ++def event_listerner_timeout(grains): ++ if grains["os"] == "Windows": ++ if grains["osrelease"].startswith("2019"): ++ return types.SimpleNamespace(catch=120, miss=30) ++ return types.SimpleNamespace(catch=90, miss=10) ++ return types.SimpleNamespace(catch=60, miss=10) ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_pillar_refresh_pillar_beacons( ++ base_env_pillar_tree_root_dir, ++ salt_cli, ++ salt_minion, ++ salt_master, ++ event_listener, ++ event_listerner_timeout, ++): ++ """ ++ Ensure beacons jobs in pillar are started after ++ a pillar refresh and then not running when pillar ++ is cleared. ++ """ ++ ++ top_sls = """ ++ base: ++ '{}': ++ - test_beacons ++ """.format( ++ ++ ) ++ ++ test_beacons_sls_empty = "" ++ ++ test_beacons_sls = """ ++ beacons: ++ status: ++ - loadavg: ++ - 1-min ++ """ ++ ++ assert salt_minion.is_running() ++ ++ top_tempfile = pytest.helpers.temp_file( ++ "top.sls", top_sls, base_env_pillar_tree_root_dir ++ ) ++ beacon_tempfile = pytest.helpers.temp_file( ++ "test_beacons.sls", test_beacons_sls_empty, base_env_pillar_tree_root_dir ++ ) ++ ++ with top_tempfile, beacon_tempfile: ++ # Calling refresh_pillar to update in-memory pillars ++"saltutil.refresh_pillar", wait=True, ++ ++ # Ensure beacons start when pillar is refreshed ++ with salt_master.pillar_tree.base.temp_file( ++ "test_beacons.sls", test_beacons_sls ++ ): ++ # Calling refresh_pillar to update in-memory pillars ++ ++ "saltutil.refresh_pillar", wait=True, ++ ) ++ ++ # Give the beacons a chance to start ++ time.sleep(5) ++ ++ event_tag = f"salt/beacon/*/status/*" ++ start_time = time.time() ++ ++ event_pattern = (, event_tag) ++ matched_events = event_listener.wait_for_events( ++ [event_pattern], ++ after_time=start_time, ++ timeout=event_listerner_timeout.catch, ++ ) ++ ++ assert matched_events.found_all_events ++ ++ # Ensure beacons sttop when pillar is refreshed ++ with salt_master.pillar_tree.base.temp_file( ++ "test_beacons.sls", test_beacons_sls_empty ++ ): ++ # Calling refresh_pillar to update in-memory pillars ++ ++ "saltutil.refresh_pillar", wait=True, ++ ) ++ ++ # Give the beacons a chance to stop ++ time.sleep(5) ++ ++ event_tag = f"salt/beacon/*/status/*" ++ start_time = time.time() ++ ++ event_pattern = (, event_tag) ++ matched_events = event_listener.wait_for_events( ++ [event_pattern], ++ after_time=start_time, ++ timeout=event_listerner_timeout.miss, ++ ) ++ ++ assert not matched_events.found_all_events +-- +2.43.0 + diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ada0b73 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +#!/bin/bash +# +# Update html.tar.bz2 documentation tarball +# Author: Bo Maryniuk +# + +NO_SPHINX_PARAM="--without-sphinx" + +function build_virtenv() { + virtualenv --system-site-packages $1 + source $1/bin/activate + pip install --upgrade pip + if [ -z "$2" ]; then + pip install -I Sphinx + fi +} + +function check_env() { + if [[ -z "$1" || "$1" != "$NO_SPHINX_PARAM" ]] && [ ! -z "$(which sphinx-build 2>/dev/null)" ]; then + cat </dev/null)" ]; then + echo "Error: '$cmd' is still missing. Install it, please." + exit 1; + fi + done +} + +function quilt_setup() { + quilt setup -v salt.spec + cd $1 + quilt push -a +} + +function build_docs() { + cd $1 + make html + rm _build/html/.buildinfo + cd _build/html + chmod -R -x+X * + cd .. + tar cvf - html | bzip2 > $2/html.tar.bz2 +} + +function write_changelog() { + mv salt.changes salt.changes.previous + TIME=$(date -u +'%a %b %d %T %Z %Y') + MAIL=$1 + SEP="-------------------------------------------------------------------" + cat < salt.changes +$SEP +$TIME - $MAIL + +- Updated html.tar.bz2 documentation tarball. + +EOF + cat salt.changes.previous >> salt.changes + rm salt.changes.previous +} + +if [ -z "$1" ]; then + echo "Usage: $0 [--without-sphinx]" + exit 1; +fi + +check_env $2; + +START=$(pwd) +V_ENV="sphinx_doc_gen" +V_TMP=$(mktemp -d) + +for f in "salt.spec" "v*tar.gz" "*"; do + cp -v $f $V_TMP +done + +cd $V_TMP; +build_virtenv $V_ENV $2; + +SRC_DIR="salt-$(cat salt.spec | grep ^Version: | cut -d: -f2 | sed -e 's/[[:blank:]]//g')-suse"; +quilt_setup $SRC_DIR +build_docs doc $V_TMP + +cd $START +mv $V_TMP/html.tar.bz2 $START +rm -rf $V_TMP + +echo "Done" +echo "---------------" diff --git a/update-for-deprecation-of-hex-in-pygit2-1.15.0-and-a.patch b/update-for-deprecation-of-hex-in-pygit2-1.15.0-and-a.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1c5c1f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/update-for-deprecation-of-hex-in-pygit2-1.15.0-and-a.patch @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +From 40a7163774879f8291f5d323944a65625a439712 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Joyeta Modak +Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2025 16:19:45 +0530 +Subject: [PATCH] Update for deprecation of hex in pygit2 1.15.0 and + above (bsc#1230642) + +Co-authored-by: David Murphy +--- + salt/utils/ | 14 +++++++++----- + 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index f3902c1f19a..58fa611db89 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -1660,7 +1660,7 @@ class Pygit2(GitProvider): + return None + + try: +- head_sha = self.peel(local_head).hex ++ head_sha = str(self.peel(local_head).id) + except AttributeError: + # Shouldn't happen, but just in case a future pygit2 API change + # breaks things, avoid a traceback and log an error. +@@ -1721,7 +1721,10 @@ class Pygit2(GitProvider): + self.repo.create_reference(local_ref, pygit2_id) + + try: +- target_sha = self.peel(self.repo.lookup_reference(remote_ref)).hex ++ target_sha = str( ++ self.peel(self.repo.lookup_reference(remote_ref)).id ++ ) ++ + except KeyError: + log.error( + "pygit2 was unable to get SHA for %s in %s remote '%s'", +@@ -1802,10 +1805,11 @@ class Pygit2(GitProvider): + else: + try: + # If no AttributeError raised, this is an annotated tag +- tag_sha = ++ tag_sha = str( ++ + except AttributeError: + try: +- tag_sha = tag_obj.hex ++ tag_sha = str( + except AttributeError: + # Shouldn't happen, but could if a future pygit2 + # API change breaks things. +@@ -2145,7 +2149,7 @@ class Pygit2(GitProvider): + blob = None + break + if isinstance(blob, pygit2.Blob): +- return blob, blob.hex, mode ++ return blob, str(, mode + return None, None, None + + def get_tree_from_branch(self, ref): +-- +2.48.1 + diff --git a/update-target-fix-for-salt-ssh-to-process-targets-li.patch b/update-target-fix-for-salt-ssh-to-process-targets-li.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0dfd119 --- /dev/null +++ b/update-target-fix-for-salt-ssh-to-process-targets-li.patch @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +From b6bf7e1cb3efedbb651b7d6c5f36b73d88cfa1c0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov <> +Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2021 16:01:32 +0300 +Subject: [PATCH] Update target fix for salt-ssh to process targets list + (bsc#1179831) (#336) + +* Update target fix for salt-ssh to process targets list (bsc#1179831) + +* Improvement for fixing (bsc#1179831) + +Regression fix of salt-ssh on processing targets (#353) +--- + salt/client/ssh/ | 46 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------------- + 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/client/ssh/ b/salt/client/ssh/ +index 049baff51a..19089ce8ad 100644 +--- a/salt/client/ssh/ ++++ b/salt/client/ssh/ +@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + if not self.opts.get("ssh_cli_tgt"): + self.opts["ssh_cli_tgt"] = self.opts.get("tgt", "") + hostname = self.opts.get("ssh_cli_tgt", "") +- if "@" in hostname: ++ if isinstance(hostname, str) and "@" in hostname: + user, hostname = hostname.split("@", 1) + else: + user = self.opts.get("ssh_user") +@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + self.__parsed_rosters[self.ROSTER_UPDATE_FLAG] = False + return + +- def _update_roster(self): ++ def _update_roster(self, hostname=None, user=None): + """ + Update default flat roster with the passed in information. + :return: +@@ -407,8 +407,8 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + " host: {hostname}\n user: {user}\n passwd: {passwd}\n".format( + s_user=getpass.getuser(), + s_time=datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), +- hostname=self.opts.get("tgt", ""), +- user=self.opts.get("ssh_user", ""), ++ hostname=hostname if hostname else self.opts.get("tgt", ""), ++ user=user if user else self.opts.get("ssh_user", ""), + passwd=self.opts.get("ssh_passwd", ""), + ) + ) +@@ -425,20 +425,32 @@ class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): + Uptade targets in case hostname was directly passed without the roster. + :return: + """ +- hostname = self.parse_tgt["hostname"] ++ hosts = self.parse_tgt["hostname"] + user = self.parse_tgt["user"] +- if hostname == "*": +- hostname = "" +- +- if +- self.opts["tgt"] = hostname +- self.targets[hostname] = { +- "passwd": self.opts.get("ssh_passwd", ""), +- "host": hostname, +- "user": user, +- } +- if self.opts.get("ssh_update_roster"): +- self._update_roster() ++ ++ if not isinstance(hosts, (list, tuple)): ++ hosts = list([hosts]) ++ _hosts = list() ++ for hostname in hosts: ++ _user = user ++ if "@" in hostname: ++ _user, hostname = hostname.split("@", 1) ++ if hostname == "*": ++ continue ++ if ++ _hosts.append(hostname) ++ self.targets[hostname] = { ++ "passwd": self.opts.get("ssh_passwd", ""), ++ "host": hostname, ++ "user": _user, ++ } ++ if self.opts.get("ssh_update_roster"): ++ self._update_roster(hostname=hostname, user=_user) ++ ++ if self.tgt_type == "list": ++ self.opts["tgt"] = _hosts ++ elif _hosts: ++ self.opts["tgt"] = _hosts[0] + + def get_pubkey(self): + """ +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/use-adler32-algorithm-to-compute-string-checksums.patch b/use-adler32-algorithm-to-compute-string-checksums.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb5ae44 --- /dev/null +++ b/use-adler32-algorithm-to-compute-string-checksums.patch @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +From ef6da7d43fcf51a7d705422624c1e7a94b1297f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Alexander Graul +Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2022 16:36:57 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Use Adler32 algorithm to compute string checksums + +Generate the same numeric value across all Python versions and platforms + +Re-add getting hash by Python shell-out method + +Add an option to choose between default hashing, Adler32 or CRC32 algorithms + +Set default config option for server_id hashing to False on minion + +Choose CRC method, default to faster but less reliable "adler32", if crc is in use + +Add warning for Sodium. + +Move server_id deprecation warning to reduce log spamming (bsc#1135567) (bsc#1135732) + +Remove deprecated warning that breaks miniion execution when "server_id_use_crc" opts are missing +--- + salt/config/ | 4 ++++ + salt/grains/ | 48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---- + 2 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/config/ b/salt/config/ +index 1632663474..43182f3f92 100644 +--- a/salt/config/ ++++ b/salt/config/ +@@ -991,6 +991,9 @@ VALID_OPTS = immutabletypes.freeze( + "maintenance_interval": int, + # Fileserver process restart interval + "fileserver_interval": int, ++ # Use Adler32 hashing algorithm for server_id (default False until Sodium, "adler32" after) ++ # Possible values are: False, adler32, crc32 ++ "server_id_use_crc": (bool, str), + } + ) + +@@ -1296,6 +1299,7 @@ DEFAULT_MINION_OPTS = immutabletypes.freeze( + "global_state_conditions": None, + "reactor_niceness": None, + "fips_mode": False, ++ "server_id_use_crc": False, + } + ) + +diff --git a/salt/grains/ b/salt/grains/ +index 1199ad274f..5c12556346 100644 +--- a/salt/grains/ ++++ b/salt/grains/ +@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import subprocess + import sys + import time + import uuid ++import zlib + from errno import EACCES, EPERM + + import salt.exceptions +@@ -3382,6 +3383,36 @@ def _hw_data(osdata): + return grains + + ++def _get_hash_by_shell(): ++ """ ++ Shell-out Python 3 for compute reliable hash ++ :return: ++ """ ++ id_ = __opts__.get("id", "") ++ id_hash = None ++ py_ver = sys.version_info[:2] ++ if py_ver >= (3, 3): ++ # Python 3.3 enabled hash randomization, so we need to shell out to get ++ # a reliable hash. ++ id_hash = __salt__[""]( ++ [sys.executable, "-c", 'print(hash("{}"))'.format(id_)], ++ env={"PYTHONHASHSEED": "0"}, ++ ) ++ try: ++ id_hash = int(id_hash) ++ except (TypeError, ValueError): ++ log.debug( ++ "Failed to hash the ID to get the server_id grain. Result of hash command: %s", ++ id_hash, ++ ) ++ id_hash = None ++ if id_hash is None: ++ # Python < 3.3 or error encountered above ++ id_hash = hash(id_) ++ ++ return abs(id_hash % (2 ** 31)) ++ ++ + def get_server_id(): + """ + Provides an integer based on the FQDN of a machine. +@@ -3392,10 +3423,19 @@ def get_server_id(): + # server_id + + if salt.utils.platform.is_proxy(): +- return {} +- id_ = __opts__.get("id", "") +- hash_ = int(hashlib.sha256(id_.encode()).hexdigest(), 16) +- return {"server_id": abs(hash_ % (2**31))} ++ server_id = {} ++ else: ++ use_crc = __opts__.get("server_id_use_crc") ++ if bool(use_crc): ++ id_hash = ( ++ getattr(zlib, use_crc, zlib.adler32)(__opts__.get("id", "").encode()) ++ & 0xFFFFFFFF ++ ) ++ else: ++ id_hash = _get_hash_by_shell() ++ server_id = {"server_id": id_hash} ++ ++ return server_id + + + def get_master(): +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/use-cachedir-for-extension_modules-in-salt-call-bsc-.patch b/use-cachedir-for-extension_modules-in-salt-call-bsc-.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..859a926 --- /dev/null +++ b/use-cachedir-for-extension_modules-in-salt-call-bsc-.patch @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +From 2fb453d04b8abe765a964174ae77d57398f2877a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 14:06:19 +0300 +Subject: [PATCH] Use --cachedir for extension_modules in salt-call + (bsc#1226141) + +* Use --cachedir parameter for extension_modules with salt-call + +* Add test to check extension_modules value alignment +--- + salt/cli/ | 11 +++++++- + salt/config/ | 6 +++++ + tests/pytests/unit/cli/ | 32 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ + 3 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/unit/cli/ + +diff --git a/salt/cli/ b/salt/cli/ +index 932dc61681..be3ded77e6 100644 +--- a/salt/cli/ ++++ b/salt/cli/ +@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import os + import salt.cli.caller + import salt.defaults.exitcodes + import salt.utils.parsers +-from salt.config import _expand_glob_path ++from salt.config import _expand_glob_path, prepend_root_dir + + + class SaltCall(salt.utils.parsers.SaltCallOptionParser): +@@ -37,6 +37,15 @@ class SaltCall(salt.utils.parsers.SaltCallOptionParser): + if self.options.master: + self.config["master"] = self.options.master + ++ if self.options.cachedir and self.config.get( ++ "extension_modules" ++ ) == os.path.join(self.config.get("__cachedir"), "extmods"): ++ # Override `extension_modules`, but only in case if it was autogenerated ++ cache_dir = os.path.abspath(self.options.cachedir) ++ self.config["cachedir"] = cache_dir ++ self.config["extension_modules"] = os.path.join(cache_dir, "extmods") ++ prepend_root_dir(self.config, ["cachedir", "extension_modules"]) ++ + caller = salt.cli.caller.Caller.factory(self.config) + + if self.options.doc: +diff --git a/salt/config/ b/salt/config/ +index 68f2b0f674..b3cd5d85ae 100644 +--- a/salt/config/ ++++ b/salt/config/ +@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ + """ + All salt configuration loading and defaults should be in this module + """ ++ + import codecs + import glob + import logging +@@ -3841,6 +3842,11 @@ def apply_minion_config( + _update_ssl_config(opts) + _update_discovery_config(opts) + ++ # Store original `cachedir` value, before overriding, ++ # to make overriding more accurate. ++ if "__cachedir" not in opts: ++ opts["__cachedir"] = opts["cachedir"] ++ + return opts + + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/cli/ b/tests/pytests/unit/cli/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..078f2af70d +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/cli/ +@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ ++import os ++ ++from import SaltCall ++from import MagicMock, patch ++ ++ ++def test_passing_cachedir_to_extension_modules(temp_salt_minion): ++ """ ++ Test passing `cachedir` CLI parameter to `extension_modules` opts ++ """ ++ test_cache_dir = os.path.join(temp_salt_minion.config["root_dir"], "new_cache_tmp") ++ with patch( ++ "sys.argv", ++ [ ++ "salt-call", ++ "--local", ++ "--config-dir", ++ temp_salt_minion.config["root_dir"], ++ "--cachedir", ++ test_cache_dir, ++ "test.true", ++ ], ++ ), patch("salt.utils.verify.verify_files", MagicMock()), patch( ++ "salt._logging.impl.setup_logfile_handler", MagicMock() ++ ): ++ salt_call = SaltCall() ++ with patch("salt.cli.caller.Caller.factory", MagicMock()) as caller_mock: ++ ++ assert salt_call.config["cachedir"] == test_cache_dir ++ assert salt_call.config["extension_modules"] == os.path.join( ++ test_cache_dir, "extmods" ++ ) +-- +2.46.1 + diff --git a/use-rlock-to-avoid-deadlocks-in-salt-ssh.patch b/use-rlock-to-avoid-deadlocks-in-salt-ssh.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b9df2c --- /dev/null +++ b/use-rlock-to-avoid-deadlocks-in-salt-ssh.patch @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +From 578932e56be4b4151aa33bd25997c916b0e00a04 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2023 13:11:50 +0000 +Subject: [PATCH] Use RLock to avoid deadlocks in salt-ssh + +--- + salt/loader/ | 2 +- + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/salt/loader/ b/salt/loader/ +index bbe4269839..b41cc64b8e 100644 +--- a/salt/loader/ ++++ b/salt/loader/ +@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ SALT_INTERNAL_LOADERS_PATHS = ( + str(SALT_BASE_PATH / "wheel"), + ) + +-LOAD_LOCK = threading.Lock() ++LOAD_LOCK = threading.RLock() + + + def LazyLoader(*args, **kwargs): +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/use-salt-bundle-in-dockermod.patch b/use-salt-bundle-in-dockermod.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..15909b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/use-salt-bundle-in-dockermod.patch @@ -0,0 +1,375 @@ +From b0891f83afa354c4b1f803af8a679ecf5a7fb63c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2022 17:59:24 +0300 +Subject: [PATCH] Use Salt Bundle in dockermod + +* Use Salt Bundle for salt calls in dockermod + +* Add test of performing a call with the Salt Bundle +--- + salt/modules/ | 197 +++++++++++++++--- + .../unit/modules/dockermod/ | 78 ++++++- + 2 files changed, 241 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 6870c26b0e..8b6ab8058e 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -201,14 +201,19 @@ import copy + import fnmatch + import functools + import gzip ++import hashlib + import json + import logging + import os ++import pathlib + import pipes + import re + import shutil + import string + import subprocess ++import sys ++import tarfile ++import tempfile + import time + import uuid + +@@ -6698,6 +6703,111 @@ def _compile_state(sls_opts, mods=None): + return st_.state.compile_high_data(high_data) + + ++def gen_venv_tar(cachedir, venv_dest_dir, venv_name): ++ """ ++ Generate tarball with the Salt Bundle if required and return the path to it ++ """ ++ exec_path = pathlib.Path(sys.executable).parts ++ venv_dir_name = "venv-salt-minion" ++ if venv_dir_name not in exec_path: ++ return None ++ ++ venv_tar = os.path.join(cachedir, "venv-salt.tgz") ++ venv_hash = os.path.join(cachedir, "venv-salt.hash") ++ venv_lock = os.path.join(cachedir, ".venv-salt.lock") ++ ++ venv_path = os.path.join(*exec_path[0 : exec_path.index(venv_dir_name)]) ++ ++ with __utils__["files.flopen"](venv_lock, "w"): ++ start_dir = os.getcwd() ++ venv_hash_file = os.path.join(venv_path, venv_dir_name, "venv-hash.txt") ++ try: ++ with __utils__["files.fopen"](venv_hash_file, "r") as fh: ++ venv_hash_src = fh.readline().strip() ++ except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except ++ # It makes no sense what caused the exception ++ # Just calculate the hash different way ++ for cmd in ("rpm -qi venv-salt-minion", "dpkg -s venv-salt-minion"): ++ ret = __salt__["cmd.run_all"]( ++ cmd, ++ python_shell=True, ++ clean_env=True, ++ env={"LANG": "C", "LANGUAGE": "C", "LC_ALL": "C"}, ++ ) ++ if ret.get("retcode") == 0 and ret.get("stdout"): ++ venv_hash_src = hashlib.sha256( ++ "{}\n".format(ret.get("stdout")).encode() ++ ).hexdigest() ++ break ++ try: ++ with __utils__["files.fopen"](venv_hash, "r") as fh: ++ venv_hash_dest = fh.readline().strip() ++ except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except ++ # It makes no sense what caused the exception ++ # Set the hash to impossible value to force new tarball creation ++ venv_hash_dest = "UNKNOWN" ++ if venv_hash_src == venv_hash_dest and os.path.isfile(venv_tar): ++ return venv_tar ++ try: ++ tfd, tmp_venv_tar = tempfile.mkstemp( ++ dir=cachedir, ++ prefix=".venv-", ++ suffix=os.path.splitext(venv_tar)[1], ++ ) ++ os.close(tfd) ++ ++ os.chdir(venv_path) ++ tfp =, "w:gz") ++ ++ for root, dirs, files in salt.utils.path.os_walk( ++ venv_dir_name, followlinks=True ++ ): ++ for name in files: ++ if name == "python" and pathlib.Path(root).parts == ( ++ venv_dir_name, ++ "bin", ++ ): ++ tfd, tmp_python_file = tempfile.mkstemp( ++ dir=cachedir, ++ prefix=".python-", ++ ) ++ os.close(tfd) ++ try: ++ with __utils__["files.fopen"]( ++ os.path.join(root, name), "r" ++ ) as fh_in: ++ with __utils__["files.fopen"]( ++ tmp_python_file, "w" ++ ) as fh_out: ++ rd_lines = fh_in.readlines() ++ rd_lines = [ ++ 'export VIRTUAL_ENV="{}"\n'.format( ++ os.path.join(venv_dest_dir, venv_name) ++ ) ++ if line.startswith("export VIRTUAL_ENV=") ++ else line ++ for line in rd_lines ++ ] ++ fh_out.write("".join(rd_lines)) ++ os.chmod(tmp_python_file, 0o755) ++ tfp.add(tmp_python_file, arcname=os.path.join(root, name)) ++ continue ++ finally: ++ if os.path.isfile(tmp_python_file): ++ os.remove(tmp_python_file) ++ if not name.endswith((".pyc", ".pyo")): ++ tfp.add(os.path.join(root, name)) ++ ++ tfp.close() ++ shutil.move(tmp_venv_tar, venv_tar) ++ with __utils__["files.fopen"](venv_hash, "w") as fh: ++ fh.write("{}\n".format(venv_hash_src)) ++ finally: ++ os.chdir(start_dir) ++ ++ return venv_tar ++ ++ + def call(name, function, *args, **kwargs): + """ + Executes a Salt function inside a running container +@@ -6733,47 +6843,68 @@ def call(name, function, *args, **kwargs): + if function is None: + raise CommandExecutionError("Missing function parameter") + +- # move salt into the container +- thin_path = __utils__["thin.gen_thin"]( +- __opts__["cachedir"], +- extra_mods=__salt__["config.option"]("thin_extra_mods", ""), +- so_mods=__salt__["config.option"]("thin_so_mods", ""), +- ) +- ret = copy_to( +- name, thin_path, os.path.join(thin_dest_path, os.path.basename(thin_path)) +- ) ++ venv_dest_path = "/var/tmp" ++ venv_name = "venv-salt-minion" ++ venv_tar = gen_venv_tar(__opts__["cachedir"], venv_dest_path, venv_name) + +- # figure out available python interpreter inside the container (only Python3) +- pycmds = ("python3", "/usr/libexec/platform-python") +- container_python_bin = None +- for py_cmd in pycmds: +- cmd = [py_cmd] + ["--version"] +- ret = run_all(name, subprocess.list2cmdline(cmd)) +- if ret["retcode"] == 0: +- container_python_bin = py_cmd +- break +- if not container_python_bin: +- raise CommandExecutionError( +- "Python interpreter cannot be found inside the container. Make sure Python is installed in the container" ++ if venv_tar is not None: ++ venv_python_bin = os.path.join(venv_dest_path, venv_name, "bin", "python") ++ dest_venv_tar = os.path.join(venv_dest_path, os.path.basename(venv_tar)) ++ copy_to(name, venv_tar, dest_venv_tar, overwrite=True, makedirs=True) ++ run_all( ++ name, ++ subprocess.list2cmdline( ++ ["tar", "zxf", dest_venv_tar, "-C", venv_dest_path] ++ ), ++ ) ++ run_all(name, subprocess.list2cmdline(["rm", "-f", dest_venv_tar])) ++ container_python_bin = venv_python_bin ++ thin_dest_path = os.path.join(venv_dest_path, venv_name) ++ thin_salt_call = os.path.join(thin_dest_path, "bin", "salt-call") ++ else: ++ # move salt into the container ++ thin_path = __utils__["thin.gen_thin"]( ++ __opts__["cachedir"], ++ extra_mods=__salt__["config.option"]("thin_extra_mods", ""), ++ so_mods=__salt__["config.option"]("thin_so_mods", ""), + ) + +- # untar archive +- untar_cmd = [ +- container_python_bin, +- "-c", +- 'import tarfile;"{0}/{1}").extractall(path="{0}")'.format( +- thin_dest_path, os.path.basename(thin_path) +- ), +- ] +- ret = run_all(name, subprocess.list2cmdline(untar_cmd)) +- if ret["retcode"] != 0: +- return {"result": False, "comment": ret["stderr"]} ++ ret = copy_to( ++ name, thin_path, os.path.join(thin_dest_path, os.path.basename(thin_path)) ++ ) ++ ++ # figure out available python interpreter inside the container (only Python3) ++ pycmds = ("python3", "/usr/libexec/platform-python") ++ container_python_bin = None ++ for py_cmd in pycmds: ++ cmd = [py_cmd] + ["--version"] ++ ret = run_all(name, subprocess.list2cmdline(cmd)) ++ if ret["retcode"] == 0: ++ container_python_bin = py_cmd ++ break ++ if not container_python_bin: ++ raise CommandExecutionError( ++ "Python interpreter cannot be found inside the container. Make sure Python is installed in the container" ++ ) ++ ++ # untar archive ++ untar_cmd = [ ++ container_python_bin, ++ "-c", ++ 'import tarfile;"{0}/{1}").extractall(path="{0}")'.format( ++ thin_dest_path, os.path.basename(thin_path) ++ ), ++ ] ++ ret = run_all(name, subprocess.list2cmdline(untar_cmd)) ++ if ret["retcode"] != 0: ++ return {"result": False, "comment": ret["stderr"]} ++ thin_salt_call = os.path.join(thin_dest_path, "salt-call") + + try: + salt_argv = ( + [ + container_python_bin, +- os.path.join(thin_dest_path, "salt-call"), ++ thin_salt_call, + "--metadata", + "--local", + "--log-file", +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/dockermod/ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/dockermod/ +index 8fb7806497..1ac7dff52a 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/dockermod/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/dockermod/ +@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Unit tests for the docker module + """ + + import logging ++import sys + + import pytest + +@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ def configure_loader_modules(minion_opts): + whitelist=[ + "args", + "docker", ++ "files", + "json", + "state", + "thin", +@@ -880,13 +882,16 @@ def test_call_success(): + client = Mock() + client.put_archive = Mock() + get_client_mock = MagicMock(return_value=client) ++ gen_venv_tar_mock = MagicMock(return_value=None) + + context = {"docker.exec_driver": "docker-exec"} + salt_dunder = {"config.option": docker_config_mock} + + with patch.object(docker_mod, "run_all", docker_run_all_mock), patch.object( + docker_mod, "copy_to", docker_copy_to_mock +- ), patch.object(docker_mod, "_get_client", get_client_mock), patch.dict( ++ ), patch.object(docker_mod, "_get_client", get_client_mock), patch.object( ++ docker_mod, "gen_venv_tar", gen_venv_tar_mock ++ ), patch.dict( + docker_mod.__opts__, {"cachedir": "/tmp"} + ), patch.dict( + docker_mod.__salt__, salt_dunder +@@ -931,6 +936,11 @@ def test_call_success(): + != docker_run_all_mock.mock_calls[9][1][1] + ) + ++ # check the parameters of gen_venv_tar call ++ assert gen_venv_tar_mock.mock_calls[0][1][0] == "/tmp" ++ assert gen_venv_tar_mock.mock_calls[0][1][1] == "/var/tmp" ++ assert gen_venv_tar_mock.mock_calls[0][1][2] == "venv-salt-minion" ++ + assert {"retcode": 0, "comment": "container cmd"} == ret + + +@@ -1352,3 +1362,69 @@ def test_port(): + "bar": {"6666/tcp": ports["bar"]["6666/tcp"]}, + "baz": {}, + } ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.slow_test ++def test_call_with_gen_venv_tar(): ++ """ ++ test module calling inside containers with the Salt Bundle ++ """ ++ ret = None ++ docker_run_all_mock = MagicMock( ++ return_value={ ++ "retcode": 0, ++ "stdout": '{"retcode": 0, "comment": "container cmd"}', ++ "stderr": "err", ++ } ++ ) ++ docker_copy_to_mock = MagicMock(return_value={"retcode": 0}) ++ docker_config_mock = MagicMock(return_value="") ++ docker_cmd_run_mock = MagicMock( ++ return_value={ ++ "retcode": 0, ++ "stdout": "test", ++ } ++ ) ++ client = Mock() ++ client.put_archive = Mock() ++ get_client_mock = MagicMock(return_value=client) ++ ++ context = {"docker.exec_driver": "docker-exec"} ++ salt_dunder = { ++ "config.option": docker_config_mock, ++ "cmd.run_all": docker_cmd_run_mock, ++ } ++ ++ with patch.object(docker_mod, "run_all", docker_run_all_mock), patch.object( ++ docker_mod, "copy_to", docker_copy_to_mock ++ ), patch.object(docker_mod, "_get_client", get_client_mock), patch.object( ++ sys, "executable", "/tmp/venv-salt-minion/bin/python" ++ ), patch.dict( ++ docker_mod.__opts__, {"cachedir": "/tmp"} ++ ), patch.dict( ++ docker_mod.__salt__, salt_dunder ++ ), patch.dict( ++ docker_mod.__context__, context ++ ): ++ ret ="ID", "test.arg", 1, 2, arg1="val1") ++ ++ # Check that the directory is different each time ++ # [ call(name, [args]), ... ++ assert "mkdir" in docker_run_all_mock.mock_calls[0][1][1] ++ ++ assert ( ++ "tar zxf /var/tmp/venv-salt.tgz -C /var/tmp" ++ == docker_run_all_mock.mock_calls[1][1][1] ++ ) ++ ++ assert docker_run_all_mock.mock_calls[3][1][1].startswith( ++ "/var/tmp/venv-salt-minion/bin/python /var/tmp/venv-salt-minion/bin/salt-call " ++ ) ++ ++ # check remove the salt bundle tarball ++ assert docker_run_all_mock.mock_calls[2][1][1] == "rm -f /var/tmp/venv-salt.tgz" ++ ++ # check directory cleanup ++ assert docker_run_all_mock.mock_calls[4][1][1] == "rm -rf /var/tmp/venv-salt-minion" ++ ++ assert {"retcode": 0, "comment": "container cmd"} == ret +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/use-salt-call-from-salt-bundle-with-transactional_up.patch b/use-salt-call-from-salt-bundle-with-transactional_up.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..62f8a1c --- /dev/null +++ b/use-salt-call-from-salt-bundle-with-transactional_up.patch @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +From 0459d3f711eb9898f56a97d0bf0eb66fd1421a56 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Victor Zhestkov +Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2023 13:25:52 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Use salt-call from salt bundle with + transactional_update + +* Use salt-call from the bundle with transactional_update + +* Add test checking which salt-call is selected by executable +--- + salt/modules/ | 13 +++++- + .../unit/modules/ | 44 +++++++++++++++++++ + 2 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 658ebccc6b..d6915475f5 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -276,6 +276,9 @@ transaction. + """ + + import logging ++import os.path ++import pathlib ++import sys + + import salt.client.ssh.state + import salt.client.ssh.wrapper.state +@@ -941,10 +944,18 @@ def call(function, *args, **kwargs): + activate_transaction = kwargs.pop("activate_transaction", False) + + try: ++ # Set default salt-call command ++ salt_call_cmd = "salt-call" ++ python_exec_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) ++ if "venv-salt-minion" in pathlib.Path(python_exec_dir).parts: ++ # If the module is executed with the Salt Bundle, ++ # use salt-call from the Salt Bundle ++ salt_call_cmd = os.path.join(python_exec_dir, "salt-call") ++ + safe_kwargs = salt.utils.args.clean_kwargs(**kwargs) + salt_argv = ( + [ +- "salt-call", ++ salt_call_cmd, + "--out", + "json", + "-l", +diff --git a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +index 5d9294c49b..dbd72fd74b 100644 +--- a/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/pytests/unit/modules/ +@@ -670,3 +670,47 @@ def test_single_queue_true(): + "", MagicMock(return_value="result") + ): + assert tu.single("pkg.installed", name="emacs", queue=True) == "result" ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.parametrize( ++ "executable,salt_call_cmd", ++ [ ++ ("/usr/bin/python3", "salt-call"), ++ ( ++ "/usr/lib/venv-salt-minion/bin/python", ++ "/usr/lib/venv-salt-minion/bin/salt-call", ++ ), ++ ], ++) ++def test_call_which_salt_call_selected_with_executable(executable, salt_call_cmd): ++ """Test transactional_update.chroot which salt-call used""" ++ utils_mock = { ++ "json.find_json": MagicMock(return_value={"return": "result"}), ++ } ++ salt_mock = { ++ "cmd.run_all": MagicMock(return_value={"retcode": 0, "stdout": ""}), ++ } ++ with patch("sys.executable", executable), patch.dict( ++ tu.__utils__, utils_mock ++ ), patch.dict(tu.__salt__, salt_mock): ++ assert"") == "result" ++ ++ salt_mock["cmd.run_all"].assert_called_with( ++ [ ++ "transactional-update", ++ "--non-interactive", ++ "--drop-if-no-change", ++ "--no-selfupdate", ++ "--continue", ++ "--quiet", ++ "run", ++ salt_call_cmd, ++ "--out", ++ "json", ++ "-l", ++ "quiet", ++ "--no-return-event", ++ "--", ++ "", ++ ] ++ ) +-- +2.42.0 + diff --git a/v3006.0.tar.gz b/v3006.0.tar.gz new file mode 100644 index 0000000..067fac0 --- /dev/null +++ b/v3006.0.tar.gz @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version +oid sha256:09703cff7142ae5e86c958ccff342e7800df7465031f95accdbfc4274059e4d1 +size 20816042 diff --git a/write-salt-version-before-building-when-using-with-s.patch b/write-salt-version-before-building-when-using-with-s.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..75bcec5 --- /dev/null +++ b/write-salt-version-before-building-when-using-with-s.patch @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +From cc161359ef7432960ef2f0b8f816986fa6798403 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: =?UTF-8?q?Pablo=20Su=C3=A1rez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?= + +Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2023 13:07:29 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Write salt version before building when using + --with-salt-version (bsc#1215489) (#604) + +--- + | 4 ++++ + 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+) + +diff --git a/ b/ +index 8ca8a66d45..cf7e54f930 100755 +--- a/ ++++ b/ +@@ -591,6 +591,10 @@ HOME_DIR = {home_dir!r} + + class Build(build): + def run(self): ++ if getattr(self.distribution, "with_salt_version", False): ++ self.distribution.salt_version_hardcoded_path = SALT_VERSION_HARDCODED ++ self.run_command("write_salt_version") ++ + # Run function + + salt_build_ver_file = os.path.join(self.build_lib, "salt", "_version.txt") +-- +2.41.0 + + diff --git a/x509-fixes-111.patch b/x509-fixes-111.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e4c2e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/x509-fixes-111.patch @@ -0,0 +1,431 @@ +From 094b34760a85c3ee27bf64783624b17bd3bbca0a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Alexander Graul +Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2022 16:38:17 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] X509 fixes (#111) + +* Return proper content type for the x509 certificate + +* Remove parenthesis + +* Remove extra-variables during the import + +* Comment fix + +* Remove double returns + +* Change log level from trace to debug + +* Remove 'pass' and add logging instead + +* Remove unnecessary wrapping + +Remove wrapping + +* PEP 8: line too long + +PEP8: line too long + +* PEP8: Redefine RSAError variable in except clause + +* Do not return None if name was not found + +* Do not return None if no matched minions found + +* Fix unit tests + +Fix for log checking in x509 test + +We are logging in debug and not in trace mode here. +--- + salt/modules/ | 2 + + salt/modules/ | 93 ++++++++++++++++----------------- + salt/states/ | 74 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-- + tests/unit/modules/ | 6 +-- + 4 files changed, 120 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index cc424cc383..a82cb3ac98 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -199,6 +199,8 @@ def _publish( + else: + return ret + ++ return {} ++ + + def publish( + tgt, fun, arg=None, tgt_type="glob", returner="", timeout=5, via_master=None +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 57c381ea38..6699a5d363 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -42,16 +42,13 @@ from salt.utils.odict import OrderedDict + + try: + import M2Crypto +- +- HAS_M2 = True + except ImportError: +- HAS_M2 = False ++ M2Crypto = None ++ + try: + import OpenSSL +- +- HAS_OPENSSL = True + except ImportError: +- HAS_OPENSSL = False ++ OpenSSL = None + + __virtualname__ = "x509" + +@@ -94,15 +91,10 @@ def __virtual__(): + # salt.features appears to not be setup when invoked via peer publishing + if __opts__.get("features", {}).get("x509_v2"): + return (False, "Superseded, using x509_v2") +- if HAS_M2: +- salt.utils.versions.warn_until( +- "Potassium", +- "The x509 modules are deprecated. Please migrate to the replacement " +- "modules (x509_v2). They are the default from Salt 3008 (Argon) onwards.", +- ) +- return __virtualname__ +- else: +- return (False, "Could not load x509 module, m2crypto unavailable") ++ return ( ++ __virtualname__ if M2Crypto is not None else False, ++ "Could not load x509 module, m2crypto unavailable", ++ ) + + + class _Ctx(ctypes.Structure): +@@ -160,8 +152,8 @@ def _new_extension(name, value, critical=0, issuer=None, _pyfree=1): + x509_ext_ptr = M2Crypto.m2.x509v3_ext_conf(None, ctx, name, value) + lhash = None + except AttributeError: +- lhash = M2Crypto.m2.x509v3_lhash() +- ctx = M2Crypto.m2.x509v3_set_conf_lhash(lhash) ++ lhash = M2Crypto.m2.x509v3_lhash() # pylint: disable=no-member ++ ctx = M2Crypto.m2.x509v3_set_conf_lhash(lhash) # pylint: disable=no-member + # ctx not zeroed + _fix_ctx(ctx, issuer) + x509_ext_ptr = M2Crypto.m2.x509v3_ext_conf(lhash, ctx, name, value) +@@ -300,7 +292,7 @@ def _get_signing_policy(name): + signing_policy = policies.get(name) + if signing_policy: + return signing_policy +- return __salt__["config.get"]("x509_signing_policies", {}).get(name) ++ return __salt__["config.get"]("x509_signing_policies", {}).get(name) or {} + + + def _pretty_hex(hex_str): +@@ -338,9 +330,11 @@ def _text_or_file(input_): + """ + if _isfile(input_): + with salt.utils.files.fopen(input_) as fp_: +- return salt.utils.stringutils.to_str( ++ out = salt.utils.stringutils.to_str( + else: +- return salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(input_) ++ out = salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(input_) ++ ++ return out + + + def _parse_subject(subject): +@@ -359,7 +353,7 @@ def _parse_subject(subject): + ret_list.append((nid_num, nid_name, val)) + nids.append(nid_num) + except TypeError as err: +- log.trace("Missing attribute '%s'. Error: %s", nid_name, err) ++ log.debug("Missing attribute '%s'. Error: %s", nid_name, err) + for nid_num, nid_name, val in sorted(ret_list): + ret[nid_name] = val + return ret +@@ -557,8 +551,8 @@ def get_pem_entries(glob_path): + if os.path.isfile(path): + try: + ret[path] = get_pem_entry(text=path) +- except ValueError: +- pass ++ except ValueError as err: ++ log.debug("Unable to get PEM entries from %s: %s", path, err) + + return ret + +@@ -636,8 +630,8 @@ def read_certificates(glob_path): + if os.path.isfile(path): + try: + ret[path] = read_certificate(certificate=path) +- except ValueError: +- pass ++ except ValueError as err: ++ log.debug("Unable to read certificate %s: %s", path, err) + + return ret + +@@ -667,10 +661,9 @@ def read_csr(csr): + "Subject": _parse_subject(csr.get_subject()), + "Subject Hash": _dec2hex(csr.get_subject().as_hash()), + "Public Key Hash": hashlib.sha1(csr.get_pubkey().get_modulus()).hexdigest(), ++ "X509v3 Extensions": _get_csr_extensions(csr), + } + +- ret["X509v3 Extensions"] = _get_csr_extensions(csr) +- + return ret + + +@@ -980,7 +973,7 @@ def create_crl( + # pyOpenSSL Note due to current limitations in pyOpenSSL it is impossible + # to specify a digest For signing the CRL. This will hopefully be fixed + # soon: +- if not HAS_OPENSSL: ++ if OpenSSL is None: + raise salt.exceptions.SaltInvocationError( + "Could not load OpenSSL module, OpenSSL unavailable" + ) +@@ -1131,6 +1124,7 @@ def get_signing_policy(signing_policy_name): + signing_policy = _get_signing_policy(signing_policy_name) + if not signing_policy: + return "Signing policy {} does not exist.".format(signing_policy_name) ++ + if isinstance(signing_policy, list): + dict_ = {} + for item in signing_policy: +@@ -1147,7 +1141,7 @@ def get_signing_policy(signing_policy_name): + signing_policy["signing_cert"], "CERTIFICATE" + ) + except KeyError: +- pass ++ log.debug('Unable to get "certificate" PEM entry') + + return signing_policy + +@@ -1782,7 +1776,8 @@ def create_csr(path=None, text=False, **kwargs): + ) + ) + +- for entry in sorted(subject.nid): ++ # pylint: disable=unused-variable ++ for entry, num in subject.nid.items(): + if entry in kwargs: + setattr(subject, entry, kwargs[entry]) + +@@ -1818,7 +1813,6 @@ def create_csr(path=None, text=False, **kwargs): + extstack.push(ext) + + csr.add_extensions(extstack) +- + csr.sign( + _get_private_key_obj( + kwargs["private_key"], passphrase=kwargs["private_key_passphrase"] +@@ -1826,10 +1820,11 @@ def create_csr(path=None, text=False, **kwargs): + kwargs["algorithm"], + ) + +- if path: +- return write_pem(text=csr.as_pem(), path=path, pem_type="CERTIFICATE REQUEST") +- else: +- return csr.as_pem() ++ return ( ++ write_pem(text=csr.as_pem(), path=path, pem_type="CERTIFICATE REQUEST") ++ if path ++ else csr.as_pem() ++ ) + + + def verify_private_key(private_key, public_key, passphrase=None): +@@ -1854,7 +1849,7 @@ def verify_private_key(private_key, public_key, passphrase=None): + salt '*' x509.verify_private_key private_key=/etc/pki/myca.key \\ + public_key=/etc/pki/myca.crt + """ +- return bool(get_public_key(private_key, passphrase) == get_public_key(public_key)) ++ return get_public_key(private_key, passphrase) == get_public_key(public_key) + + + def verify_signature( +@@ -1910,7 +1905,10 @@ def verify_crl(crl, cert): + salt '*' x509.verify_crl crl=/etc/pki/myca.crl cert=/etc/pki/myca.crt + """ + if not salt.utils.path.which("openssl"): +- raise salt.exceptions.SaltInvocationError("openssl binary not found in path") ++ raise salt.exceptions.SaltInvocationError( ++ 'External command "openssl" not found' ++ ) ++ + crltext = _text_or_file(crl) + crltext = get_pem_entry(crltext, pem_type="X509 CRL") + crltempfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True) +@@ -1970,8 +1968,9 @@ def expired(certificate): + ret["expired"] = True + else: + ret["expired"] = False +- except ValueError: +- pass ++ except ValueError as err: ++ log.debug("Failed to get data of expired certificate: %s", err) ++ log.trace(err, exc_info=True) + + return ret + +@@ -1994,6 +1993,7 @@ def will_expire(certificate, days): + + salt '*' x509.will_expire "/etc/pki/mycert.crt" days=30 + """ ++ ts_pt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" + ret = {} + + if os.path.isfile(certificate): +@@ -2007,14 +2007,11 @@ def will_expire(certificate, days): + _expiration_date = cert.get_not_after().get_datetime() + + ret["cn"] = _parse_subject(cert.get_subject())["CN"] +- +- if _expiration_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") <= _check_time.strftime( +- "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" +- ): +- ret["will_expire"] = True +- else: +- ret["will_expire"] = False +- except ValueError: +- pass ++ ret["will_expire"] = _expiration_date.strftime( ++ ts_pt ++ ) <= _check_time.strftime(ts_pt) ++ except ValueError as err: ++ log.debug("Unable to return details of a sertificate expiration: %s", err) ++ log.trace(err, exc_info=True) + + return ret +diff --git a/salt/states/ b/salt/states/ +index aebbc4cc82..f9cbec87f9 100644 +--- a/salt/states/ ++++ b/salt/states/ +@@ -192,11 +192,12 @@ import re + import salt.exceptions + import salt.utils.versions + from salt.features import features ++import salt.utils.stringutils + + try: + from M2Crypto.RSA import RSAError + except ImportError: +- pass ++ RSAError = Exception("RSA Error") + + log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + +@@ -215,7 +216,7 @@ def __virtual__(): + ) + return "x509" + else: +- return (False, "Could not load x509 state: m2crypto unavailable") ++ return False, "Could not load x509 state: the x509 is not available" + + + def _revoked_to_list(revs): +@@ -704,7 +705,70 @@ def certificate_managed(name, days_remaining=90, append_certs=None, **kwargs): + "Old": invalid_reason, + "New": "Certificate will be valid and up to date", + } +- return ret ++ private_key_args.update(managed_private_key) ++ kwargs["public_key_passphrase"] = private_key_args["passphrase"] ++ ++ if private_key_args["new"]: ++ rotate_private_key = True ++ private_key_args["new"] = False ++ ++ if _check_private_key( ++ private_key_args["name"], ++ bits=private_key_args["bits"], ++ passphrase=private_key_args["passphrase"], ++ new=private_key_args["new"], ++ overwrite=private_key_args["overwrite"], ++ ): ++ private_key = __salt__["x509.get_pem_entry"]( ++ private_key_args["name"], pem_type="RSA PRIVATE KEY" ++ ) ++ else: ++ new_private_key = True ++ private_key = __salt__["x509.create_private_key"]( ++ text=True, ++ bits=private_key_args["bits"], ++ passphrase=private_key_args["passphrase"], ++ cipher=private_key_args["cipher"], ++ verbose=private_key_args["verbose"], ++ ) ++ ++ kwargs["public_key"] = private_key ++ ++ current_days_remaining = 0 ++ current_comp = {} ++ ++ if os.path.isfile(name): ++ try: ++ current = __salt__["x509.read_certificate"](certificate=name) ++ current_comp = copy.deepcopy(current) ++ if "serial_number" not in kwargs: ++ current_comp.pop("Serial Number") ++ if "signing_cert" not in kwargs: ++ try: ++ current_comp["X509v3 Extensions"][ ++ "authorityKeyIdentifier" ++ ] = re.sub( ++ r"serial:([0-9A-F]{2}:)*[0-9A-F]{2}", ++ "serial:--", ++ current_comp["X509v3 Extensions"]["authorityKeyIdentifier"], ++ ) ++ except KeyError: ++ pass ++ current_comp.pop("Not Before") ++ current_comp.pop("MD5 Finger Print") ++ current_comp.pop("SHA1 Finger Print") ++ current_comp.pop("SHA-256 Finger Print") ++ current_notafter = current_comp.pop("Not After") ++ current_days_remaining = ( ++ datetime.datetime.strptime(current_notafter, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") ++ - ++ ).days ++ if days_remaining == 0: ++ days_remaining = current_days_remaining - 1 ++ except salt.exceptions.SaltInvocationError: ++ current = "{} is not a valid Certificate.".format(name) ++ else: ++ current = "{} does not exist.".format(name) + + contents = __salt__["x509.create_certificate"](text=True, **kwargs) + # Check the module actually returned a cert and not an error message as a string +@@ -900,6 +964,8 @@ def pem_managed(name, text, backup=False, **kwargs): + Any arguments supported by :py:func:`file.managed ` are supported. + """ + file_args, kwargs = _get_file_args(name, **kwargs) +- file_args["contents"] = __salt__["x509.get_pem_entry"](text=text) ++ file_args["contents"] = salt.utils.stringutils.to_str( ++ __salt__["x509.get_pem_entry"](text=text) ++ ) + + return __states__["file.managed"](**file_args) +diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/ +index f1ca5bb45a..a5c44f0ed2 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/unit/modules/ +@@ -119,9 +119,9 @@ class X509TestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + + subj = FakeSubject() + x509._parse_subject(subj) +- assert x509.log.trace.call_args[0][0] == "Missing attribute '%s'. Error: %s" +- assert x509.log.trace.call_args[0][1] == list(subj.nid.keys())[0] +- assert isinstance(x509.log.trace.call_args[0][2], TypeError) ++ assert x509.log.debug.call_args[0][0] == "Missing attribute '%s'. Error: %s" ++ assert x509.log.debug.call_args[0][1] == list(subj.nid.keys())[0] ++ assert isinstance(x509.log.debug.call_args[0][2], TypeError) + + @pytest.mark.skipif( + not HAS_M2CRYPTO, reason="Skipping, reason=M2Crypto is unavailable" +-- +2.39.2 + + diff --git a/zypper-pkgrepo-alreadyconfigured-585.patch b/zypper-pkgrepo-alreadyconfigured-585.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8a6b1e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/zypper-pkgrepo-alreadyconfigured-585.patch @@ -0,0 +1,366 @@ +From 6b6ba4bdbd4b4c52a46bf3d0bcdbaca6b47534d1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Georg +Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2023 16:39:30 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] Zypper pkgrepo alreadyconfigured (#585) + +* Fix zypper repository reconfiguration + +See for issue details. + +Signed-off-by: Georg Pfuetzenreuter + +* Functional pkgrepo tests for SUSE + +Signed-off-by: Georg Pfuetzenreuter + +* Change pkgrepo state to use f-strings + +Follow new styling rules. + +Signed-off-by: Georg Pfuetzenreuter + +--------- + +Signed-off-by: Georg Pfuetzenreuter +Signed-off-by: Georg Pfuetzenreuter +--- + changelog/ | 1 + + salt/states/ | 27 ++- + .../functional/states/pkgrepo/ | 219 ++++++++++++++++++ + 3 files changed, 235 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) + create mode 100644 changelog/ + create mode 100644 tests/pytests/functional/states/pkgrepo/ + +diff --git a/changelog/ b/changelog/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..c38715738a +--- /dev/null ++++ b/changelog/ +@@ -0,0 +1 @@ ++Repaired zypper repositories being reconfigured without changes +diff --git a/salt/states/ b/salt/states/ +index c2d23f95bb..f041644287 100644 +--- a/salt/states/ ++++ b/salt/states/ +@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ def managed(name, ppa=None, copr=None, aptkey=True, **kwargs): + pre = __salt__["pkg.get_repo"](repo=repo, **kwargs) + except CommandExecutionError as exc: + ret["result"] = False +- ret["comment"] = "Failed to examine repo '{}': {}".format(name, exc) ++ ret["comment"] = f"Failed to examine repo '{name}': {exc}" + return ret + + # This is because of how apt-sources works. This pushes distro logic +@@ -500,7 +500,10 @@ def managed(name, ppa=None, copr=None, aptkey=True, **kwargs): + else: + break + else: +- break ++ if kwarg in ("comps", "key_url"): ++ break ++ else: ++ continue + elif kwarg in ("comps", "key_url"): + if sorted(sanitizedkwargs[kwarg]) != sorted(pre[kwarg]): + break +@@ -546,7 +549,7 @@ def managed(name, ppa=None, copr=None, aptkey=True, **kwargs): + break + else: + ret["result"] = True +- ret["comment"] = "Package repo '{}' already configured".format(name) ++ ret["comment"] = f"Package repo '{name}' already configured" + return ret + + if __opts__["test"]: +@@ -581,7 +584,7 @@ def managed(name, ppa=None, copr=None, aptkey=True, **kwargs): + # This is another way to pass information back from the mod_repo + # function. + ret["result"] = False +- ret["comment"] = "Failed to configure repo '{}': {}".format(name, exc) ++ ret["comment"] = f"Failed to configure repo '{name}': {exc}" + return ret + + try: +@@ -597,10 +600,10 @@ def managed(name, ppa=None, copr=None, aptkey=True, **kwargs): + ret["changes"] = {"repo": repo} + + ret["result"] = True +- ret["comment"] = "Configured package repo '{}'".format(name) ++ ret["comment"] = f"Configured package repo '{name}'" + except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except + ret["result"] = False +- ret["comment"] = "Failed to confirm config of repo '{}': {}".format(name, exc) ++ ret["comment"] = f"Failed to confirm config of repo '{name}': {exc}" + + # Clear cache of available packages, if present, since changes to the + # repositories may change the packages that are available. +@@ -700,11 +703,11 @@ def absent(name, **kwargs): + repo = __salt__["pkg.get_repo"](stripname, **kwargs) + except CommandExecutionError as exc: + ret["result"] = False +- ret["comment"] = "Failed to configure repo '{}': {}".format(name, exc) ++ ret["comment"] = f"Failed to configure repo '{name}': {exc}" + return ret + + if not repo: +- ret["comment"] = "Package repo {} is absent".format(name) ++ ret["comment"] = f"Package repo {name} is absent" + ret["result"] = True + return ret + +@@ -727,7 +730,7 @@ def absent(name, **kwargs): + repos = __salt__["pkg.list_repos"]() + if stripname not in repos: + ret["changes"]["repo"] = name +- ret["comment"] = "Removed repo {}".format(name) ++ ret["comment"] = f"Removed repo {name}" + + if not remove_key: + ret["result"] = True +@@ -736,14 +739,14 @@ def absent(name, **kwargs): + removed_keyid = __salt__["pkg.del_repo_key"](stripname, **kwargs) + except (CommandExecutionError, SaltInvocationError) as exc: + ret["result"] = False +- ret["comment"] += ", but failed to remove key: {}".format(exc) ++ ret["comment"] += f", but failed to remove key: {exc}" + else: + ret["result"] = True + ret["changes"]["keyid"] = removed_keyid +- ret["comment"] += ", and keyid {}".format(removed_keyid) ++ ret["comment"] += f", and keyid {removed_keyid}" + else: + ret["result"] = False +- ret["comment"] = "Failed to remove repo {}".format(name) ++ ret["comment"] = f"Failed to remove repo {name}" + + return ret + +diff --git a/tests/pytests/functional/states/pkgrepo/ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/pkgrepo/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000000..19ba928ce6 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/pytests/functional/states/pkgrepo/ +@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ ++import pytest ++ ++pytestmark = [ ++ pytest.mark.destructive_test, ++ pytest.mark.skip_if_not_root, ++] ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture ++def pkgrepo(states, grains): ++ if grains["os_family"] != "Suse": ++ raise pytest.skip.Exception( ++ "Test is only applicable to SUSE based operating systems", ++ _use_item_location=True, ++ ) ++ return states.pkgrepo ++ ++ ++@pytest.fixture ++def suse_state_tree(grains, pkgrepo, state_tree): ++ managed_sls_contents = """ ++ salttest: ++ pkgrepo.managed: ++ - enabled: 1 ++ - gpgcheck: 1 ++ - comments: ++ - '# Salt Test' ++ - refresh: 1 ++ {% if grains['osmajorrelease'] == 15 %} ++ - baseurl: ++ - humanname: openSUSE Backports for SLE 15 SP4 ++ - gpgkey: ++ {% elif grains['osfullname'] == 'openSUSE Tumbleweed' %} ++ - baseurl: ++ - humanname: openSUSE Tumbleweed OSS ++ - gpgkey: ++ {% endif %} ++ """ ++ ++ absent_sls_contents = """ ++ salttest: ++ pkgrepo: ++ - absent ++ """ ++ ++ modified_sls_contents = """ ++ salttest: ++ pkgrepo.managed: ++ - enabled: 1 ++ - gpgcheck: 1 ++ - comments: ++ - '# Salt Test (modified)' ++ - refresh: 1 ++ {% if grains['osmajorrelease'] == 15 %} ++ - baseurl: ++ - humanname: Salt modified Backports ++ - gpgkey: ++ {% elif grains['osfullname'] == 'openSUSE Tumbleweed' %} ++ - baseurl: ++ - humanname: Salt modified OSS ++ - gpgkey: ++ {% endif %} ++ """ ++ ++ managed_state_file = pytest.helpers.temp_file( ++ "pkgrepo/managed.sls", managed_sls_contents, state_tree ++ ) ++ absent_state_file = pytest.helpers.temp_file( ++ "pkgrepo/absent.sls", absent_sls_contents, state_tree ++ ) ++ modified_state_file = pytest.helpers.temp_file( ++ "pkgrepo/modified.sls", modified_sls_contents, state_tree ++ ) ++ ++ try: ++ with managed_state_file, absent_state_file, modified_state_file: ++ yield ++ finally: ++ pass ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.requires_salt_states("pkgrepo.managed", "pkgrepo.absent") ++def test_pkgrepo_managed_absent(grains, modules, subtests, suse_state_tree): ++ """ ++ Test adding and removing a repository ++ """ ++ add_repo_test_passed = False ++ ++ def _run(name, test=False): ++ return modules.state.sls( ++ mods=name, ++ test=test, ++ ) ++ ++ with subtests.test("Add repository"): ++ ret = _run("pkgrepo.managed") ++ assert ret.failed is False ++ for state in ret: ++ assert state.result is True ++ add_repo_test_passed = True ++ ++ if add_repo_test_passed is False: ++ pytest.skip("Adding the repository failed, skipping removal tests.") ++ ++ with subtests.test("Remove repository, test"): ++ ret = _run("pkgrepo.absent", test=True) ++ assert ret.failed is False ++ for state in ret: ++ assert state.changes == {} ++ assert state.comment.startswith("Package repo 'salttest' will be removed.") ++ assert state.result is None ++ ++ with subtests.test("Remove repository"): ++ ret = _run("pkgrepo.absent") ++ assert ret.failed is False ++ for state in ret: ++ assert state.result is True ++ ++ with subtests.test("Remove repository again, test"): ++ ret = _run("pkgrepo.absent", test=True) ++ assert ret.failed is False ++ for state in ret: ++ assert state.changes == {} ++ assert state.comment == "Package repo salttest is absent" ++ assert state.result is True ++ ++ with subtests.test("Remove repository again"): ++ ret = _run("pkgrepo.absent") ++ assert ret.failed is False ++ for state in ret: ++ assert state.changes == {} ++ assert state.comment == "Package repo salttest is absent" ++ assert state.result is True ++ ++ ++@pytest.mark.requires_salt_states("pkgrepo.managed") ++def test_pkgrepo_managed_modify(grains, modules, subtests, suse_state_tree): ++ """ ++ Test adding and modifying a repository ++ """ ++ add_repo_test_passed = False ++ ++ def _run(name, test=False): ++ return modules.state.sls( ++ mods=name, ++ test=test, ++ ) ++ ++ with subtests.test("Add repository, test"): ++ ret = _run("pkgrepo.managed", test=True) ++ assert ret.failed is False ++ for state in ret: ++ assert state.changes == {"repo": "salttest"} ++ assert state.comment.startswith( ++ "Package repo 'salttest' would be configured." ++ ) ++ assert state.result is None ++ ++ with subtests.test("Add repository"): ++ ret = _run("pkgrepo.managed") ++ assert ret.failed is False ++ for state in ret: ++ assert state.changes == {"repo": "salttest"} ++ assert state.comment == "Configured package repo 'salttest'" ++ assert state.result is True ++ add_repo_test_passed = True ++ ++ if add_repo_test_passed is False: ++ pytest.skip("Adding the repository failed, skipping modification tests.") ++ ++ with subtests.test("Add repository again, test"): ++ ret = _run("pkgrepo.managed", test=True) ++ assert ret.failed is False ++ for state in ret: ++ assert state.changes == {} ++ assert state.comment == "Package repo 'salttest' already configured" ++ assert state.result is True ++ ++ with subtests.test("Add repository again"): ++ ret = _run("pkgrepo.managed") ++ assert ret.failed is False ++ for state in ret: ++ assert state.result is True ++ assert state.changes == {} ++ assert state.comment == "Package repo 'salttest' already configured" ++ ++ with subtests.test("Modify repository, test"): ++ ret = _run("pkgrepo.modified", test=True) ++ assert ret.failed is False ++ for state in ret: ++ assert state.changes == { ++ "comments": {"new": ["# Salt Test (modified)"], "old": None}, ++ "refresh": {"new": 1, "old": None}, ++ "gpgkey": { ++ "new": "", ++ "old": None, ++ }, ++ "name": { ++ "new": "Salt modified Backports", ++ "old": "openSUSE Backports for SLE 15 SP4", ++ }, ++ } ++ assert state.comment.startswith( ++ "Package repo 'salttest' would be configured." ++ ) ++ assert state.result is None ++ ++ with subtests.test("Modify repository"): ++ ret = _run("pkgrepo.modified") ++ assert ret.failed is False ++ for state in ret: ++ assert state.result is True ++ assert state.changes == { ++ "name": { ++ "new": "Salt modified Backports", ++ "old": "openSUSE Backports for SLE 15 SP4", ++ } ++ } ++ assert state.comment == "Configured package repo 'salttest'" +-- +2.41.0 + + diff --git a/zypperpkg-ignore-retcode-104-for-search-bsc-1176697-.patch b/zypperpkg-ignore-retcode-104-for-search-bsc-1176697-.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ff4bcb0 --- /dev/null +++ b/zypperpkg-ignore-retcode-104-for-search-bsc-1176697-.patch @@ -0,0 +1,275 @@ +From deaee93b2f83f1524ec136afc1a5198b33d293d2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Alberto Planas +Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2020 16:24:16 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] zypperpkg: ignore retcode 104 for search() + (bsc#1176697) (#270) + +--- + salt/modules/ | 28 ++++++--- + tests/unit/modules/ | 87 ++++++++++++++++++++++------ + 2 files changed, 89 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index d8220a1fdd..4bb10f445a 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -103,6 +103,8 @@ class _Zypper: + } + + LOCK_EXIT_CODE = 7 ++ NOT_FOUND_EXIT_CODE = 104 ++ + XML_DIRECTIVES = ["-x", "--xmlout"] + # ZYPPER_LOCK is not affected by --root + ZYPPER_LOCK = "/var/run/" +@@ -134,6 +136,7 @@ class _Zypper: + self.__no_raise = False + self.__refresh = False + self.__ignore_repo_failure = False ++ self.__ignore_not_found = False + self.__systemd_scope = False + self.__root = None + +@@ -153,6 +156,9 @@ class _Zypper: + # Ignore exit code for 106 (repo is not available) + if "no_repo_failure" in kwargs: + self.__ignore_repo_failure = kwargs["no_repo_failure"] ++ # Ignore exit code for 104 (package not found) ++ if "ignore_not_found" in kwargs: ++ self.__ignore_not_found = kwargs["ignore_not_found"] + if "systemd_scope" in kwargs: + self.__systemd_scope = kwargs["systemd_scope"] + if "root" in kwargs: +@@ -333,6 +339,10 @@ class _Zypper: + if self.__root: + self.__cmd.extend(["--root", self.__root]) + ++ # Do not consider 104 as a retcode error ++ if self.__ignore_not_found: ++ kwargs["success_retcodes"] = [_Zypper.NOT_FOUND_EXIT_CODE] ++ + self.__cmd.extend(args) + kwargs["output_loglevel"] = "trace" + kwargs["python_shell"] = False +@@ -479,9 +489,11 @@ class Wildcard: + Get available versions of the package. + :return: + """ +- solvables = +- "se", "-xv", +- ).getElementsByTagName("solvable") ++ solvables = ( ++ self.zypper(ignore_not_found=True) ++"se", "-v", ++ .getElementsByTagName("solvable") ++ ) + if not solvables: + raise CommandExecutionError( + "No packages found matching '{}'".format( +@@ -1086,7 +1098,7 @@ def list_repo_pkgs(*args, **kwargs): + + root = kwargs.get("root") or None + for node in ( +- __zypper__(root=root) ++ __zypper__(root=root, ignore_not_found=True) +"se", "-s", *targets) + .getElementsByTagName("solvable") + ): +@@ -2556,7 +2568,9 @@ def owner(*paths, **kwargs): + def _get_visible_patterns(root=None): + """Get all available patterns in the repo that are visible.""" + patterns = {} +- search_patterns = __zypper__(root=root)"se", "-t", "pattern") ++ search_patterns = __zypper__(root=root, ignore_not_found=True) ++ "se", "-t", "pattern" ++ ) + for element in search_patterns.getElementsByTagName("solvable"): + installed = element.getAttribute("status") == "installed" + patterns[element.getAttribute("name")] = { +@@ -2753,7 +2767,7 @@ def search(criteria, refresh=False, **kwargs): + + cmd.append(criteria) + solvables = ( +- __zypper__(root=root) ++ __zypper__(root=root, ignore_not_found=True) +*cmd) + .getElementsByTagName("solvable") + ) +@@ -3005,7 +3019,7 @@ def _get_patches(installed_only=False, root=None): + """ + patches = {} + for element in ( +- __zypper__(root=root) ++ __zypper__(root=root, ignore_not_found=True) +"se", "-t", "patch") + .getElementsByTagName("solvable") + ): +diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/ +index 22137a2544..5e4c967520 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/unit/modules/ +@@ -28,7 +28,10 @@ class ZyppCallMock: + + def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): + # If the call is for a configuration modifier, we return self +- if any(i in kwargs for i in ("no_repo_failure", "systemd_scope", "root")): ++ if any( ++ i in kwargs ++ for i in ("no_repo_failure", "ignore_not_found", "systemd_scope", "root") ++ ): + return self + return MagicMock(return_value=self.__return_value)() + +@@ -1662,8 +1665,9 @@ class ZypperTestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + + + """ +- _zpr = MagicMock() +- = MagicMock(return_value=minidom.parseString(xmldoc)) ++ __zpr = MagicMock() ++ = minidom.parseString(xmldoc) ++ _zpr = MagicMock(return_value=__zpr) + wcard = zypper.Wildcard(_zpr) +, wcard.version = "libzypp", "*" + assert wcard._get_scope_versions(wcard._get_available_versions()) == [ +@@ -1685,8 +1689,9 @@ class ZypperTestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + + """ + +- _zpr = MagicMock() +- = MagicMock(return_value=minidom.parseString(xmldoc)) ++ __zpr = MagicMock() ++ = minidom.parseString(xmldoc) ++ _zpr = MagicMock(return_value=__zpr) + wcard = zypper.Wildcard(_zpr) +, wcard.version = "libzypp", "16.2.*-2*" + assert wcard._get_scope_versions(wcard._get_available_versions()) == [ +@@ -1707,8 +1712,9 @@ class ZypperTestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + + """ + +- _zpr = MagicMock() +- = MagicMock(return_value=minidom.parseString(xmldoc)) ++ __zpr = MagicMock() ++ = minidom.parseString(xmldoc) ++ _zpr = MagicMock(return_value=__zpr) + wcard = zypper.Wildcard(_zpr) +, wcard.version = "libzypp", "16.2.5*" + assert wcard._get_scope_versions(wcard._get_available_versions()) == [ +@@ -1728,8 +1734,9 @@ class ZypperTestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + + """ + +- _zpr = MagicMock() +- = MagicMock(return_value=minidom.parseString(xmldoc)) ++ __zpr = MagicMock() ++ = minidom.parseString(xmldoc) ++ _zpr = MagicMock(return_value=__zpr) + wcard = zypper.Wildcard(_zpr) +, wcard.version = "libzypp", "*.1" + assert wcard._get_scope_versions(wcard._get_available_versions()) == [ +@@ -1750,8 +1757,9 @@ class ZypperTestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + + + """ +- _zpr = MagicMock() +- = MagicMock(return_value=minidom.parseString(xmldoc)) ++ __zpr = MagicMock() ++ = minidom.parseString(xmldoc) ++ _zpr = MagicMock(return_value=__zpr) + assert zypper.Wildcard(_zpr)("libzypp", "16.2.4*") == "16.2.4-19.5" + assert zypper.Wildcard(_zpr)("libzypp", "16.2*") == "16.2.5-25.1" + assert zypper.Wildcard(_zpr)("libzypp", "*6-*") == "17.2.6-27.9.1" +@@ -1770,8 +1778,10 @@ class ZypperTestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + + + """ +- _zpr = MagicMock() +- = MagicMock(return_value=minidom.parseString(xmldoc)) ++ __zpr = MagicMock() ++ = minidom.parseString(xmldoc) ++ _zpr = MagicMock(return_value=__zpr) ++ + assert zypper.Wildcard(_zpr)("libzypp", None) is None + + def test_wildcard_to_query_typecheck(self): +@@ -1787,8 +1797,9 @@ class ZypperTestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + + + """ +- _zpr = MagicMock() +- = MagicMock(return_value=minidom.parseString(xmldoc)) ++ __zpr = MagicMock() ++ = minidom.parseString(xmldoc) ++ _zpr = MagicMock(return_value=__zpr) + assert isinstance(zypper.Wildcard(_zpr)("libzypp", "*.1"), str) + + def test_wildcard_to_query_condition_preservation(self): +@@ -1804,8 +1815,9 @@ class ZypperTestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + + + """ +- _zpr = MagicMock() +- = MagicMock(return_value=minidom.parseString(xmldoc)) ++ __zpr = MagicMock() ++ = minidom.parseString(xmldoc) ++ _zpr = MagicMock(return_value=__zpr) + + for op in zypper.Wildcard.Z_OP: + assert zypper.Wildcard(_zpr)( +@@ -1831,8 +1843,10 @@ class ZypperTestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): + + + """ +- _zpr = MagicMock() +- = MagicMock(return_value=minidom.parseString(xmldoc)) ++ __zpr = MagicMock() ++ = minidom.parseString(xmldoc) ++ _zpr = MagicMock(return_value=__zpr) ++ + with self.assertRaises(CommandExecutionError): + for op in [">>", "==", "<<", "+"]: + zypper.Wildcard(_zpr)("libzypp", "{}*.1".format(op)) +@@ -1958,3 +1972,38 @@ pattern() = package-c""" + self.assertFalse(zypper.__zypper__._is_rpm_lock()) + self.assertEqual(lockf_mock.call_count, 2) + zypper.__zypper__._reset() ++ ++ def test_search(self): ++ """Test""" ++ xml_mock = MagicMock(return_value=[]) ++ zypp_mock = MagicMock(return_value=xml_mock) ++ ZyppCallMock(return_value=xml_mock) ++ with patch("salt.modules.zypperpkg.__zypper__", zypp_mock): ++"emacs") ++ zypp_mock.assert_called_with(root=None, ignore_not_found=True) ++"search", "emacs") ++ ++ def test_search_not_found(self): ++ """Test""" ++ ret = { ++ "stdout": "", ++ "stderr": None, ++ "retcode": 104, ++ } ++ run_all_mock = MagicMock(return_value=ret) ++ with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {"cmd.run_all": run_all_mock}): ++ self.assertRaises(CommandExecutionError,, "vim") ++ run_all_mock.assert_called_with( ++ [ ++ "zypper", ++ "--non-interactive", ++ "--xmlout", ++ "--no-refresh", ++ "search", ++ "vim", ++ ], ++ success_retcodes=[104], ++ output_loglevel="trace", ++ python_shell=False, ++ env={"ZYPP_READONLY_HACK": "1"}, ++ ) +-- +2.39.2 + +