From 56c946e70f85f789fc5457abc15da3972ceae1aca175dd83d7287ac8f7b772cf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Klaus=20K=C3=A4mpf?= Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2016 07:26:14 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Accepting request 391560 from systemsmanagement:saltstack:testing - Prevent crash if pygit2 package requests recompilation. Add: * 0013-Prevent-crash-if-pygit2-package-is-requesting-re-com.patch - Align OS grains from older SLES with the current one (bsc#975757) Add: * 0014-align-OS-grains-from-older-SLES-with-current-one-326.patch - remove patches which produce duplicate functions: Remove: * 0004-implement-version_cmp-for-zypper.patch * 0005-pylint-changes.patch * 0006-Check-if-rpm-python-can-be-imported.patch - remove patches which add and revert the same file Remove: * 0007-Initial-Zypper-Unit-Tests-and-bugfixes.patch * 0009-Bugfix-on-SLE11-series-base-product-reported-as-addi.patch - rename patches: 0008-do-not-generate-a-date-in-a-comment-to-prevent-rebui.patch to 0004-do-not-generate-a-date-in-a-comment-to-prevent-rebui.patch 0010-Use-SHA256-hash-type-by-default.patch to 0005-Use-SHA256-hash-type-by-default.patch 0011-Update-to-2015.8.8.2.patch to 0006-Update-to-2015.8.8.2.patch 0012-Force-sort-the-RPM-output-to-ensure-latest-version-o.patch to 0007-Force-sort-the-RPM-output-to-ensure-latest-version-o.patch 0013-Cleaner-deprecation-process-with-decorators.patch to 0008-Cleaner-deprecation-process-with-decorators.patch - fix sorting by latest package Add: * 0009-fix-sorting-by-latest-version-when-called-with-an-at.patch - Prevent metadata download when getting installed products Add: * 0010-Prevent-metadata-download-when-getting-installed-pro.patch - Check if EOL is available in a particular product (bsc#975093) Add: * 0011-Check-if-EOL-is-available-in-a-particular-product-bs.patch - Bugfix: salt-key crashes if tries to generate keys to the directory w/o write access (bsc#969320) Add: * 0012-Bugfix-salt-key-crashes-if-tries-to-generate-keys-to.patch - Deprecation process using decorators and re-implementation of status.update function. Add: * 0013-Cleaner-deprecation-process-with-decorators.patch - Reverted the fake 2015.8.8.2 patch, with the right one, - this patch only contains: - - - - Ensure that in case of multi-packages installed on the system, the latest is reported by pkg.info_installed (bsc#972490) Add: * 0012-Force-sort-the-RPM-output-to-ensure-latest-version-o.patch - Update to the fake 2015.8.8.2 release upstream released a bunch of fixes on top of 2015.8.8, without creating a new tag and proper release. This commit includes all the changes between tag v2015.8.8 and commit ID 596444e2b447b7378dbcdfeb9fc9610b90057745 which introduces the fake 2015.8.8.2 release. see - Update to 2015.8.8 see Patches renamed: * 0004-implement-version_cmp-for-zypper.patch * 0005-pylint-changes.patch * 0006-Check-if-rpm-python-can-be-imported.patch * 0007-Initial-Zypper-Unit-Tests-and-bugfixes.patch * 0008-do-not-generate-a-date-in-a-comment-to-prevent-rebui.patch * 0009-Bugfix-on-SLE11-series-base-product-reported-as-addi.patch * 0010-Use-SHA256-hash-type-by-default.patch Patches removed: * 0004-Fix-pkg.latest-prevent-crash-on-multiple-package-ins.patch * 0005-Fix-package-status-filtering-on-latest-version-and-i.patch * 0006-add_key-reject_key-do-not-crash-w-Permission-denied-.patch * 0007-Force-kill-websocket-s-child-processes-faster-than-d.patch * 0008-Fix-types-in-the-output-data-and-return-just-a-list-.patch * 0009-The-functions-in-the-state-module-that-return-a-retc.patch * 0010-add-handling-for-OEM-products.patch * 0011-improve-doc-for-list_pkgs.patch * 0012-implement-version_cmp-for-zypper.patch * 0013-pylint-changes.patch * 0014-Check-if-rpm-python-can-be-imported.patch * 0015-call-zypper-with-option-non-interactive-everywhere.patch * 0016-write-a-zypper-command-builder-function.patch * 0017-Fix-crash-with-scheduler-and-runners-31106.patch * 0018-unify-behavior-of-refresh.patch * 0019-add-refresh-option-to-more-functions.patch * 0020-simplify-checking-the-refresh-paramater.patch * 0021-do-not-change-kwargs-in-refresh-while-checking-a-val.patch * * 0023-Initial-Zypper-Unit-Tests-and-bugfixes.patch * 0024-proper-checking-if-zypper-exit-codes-and-handling-of.patch * 0025-adapt-tests-to-new-zypper_check_result-output.patch * 0026-do-not-generate-a-date-in-a-comment-to-prevent-rebui.patch * 0027-make-suse-check-consistent-with-rh_service.patch * 0028-fix-numerical-check-of-osrelease.patch * 0029-Make-use-of-checksum-configurable-defaults-to-MD5-SH.patch * 0030-Bugfix-on-SLE11-series-base-product-reported-as-addi.patch * * 0032-Add-error-check-when-retcode-is-0-but-stderr-is-pres.patch * 0033-fixing-init-system-dectection-on-sles-11-refs-31617.patch * 0034-Fix-git_pillar-race-condition.patch * 0035-Fix-the-always-false-behavior-on-checking-state.patch * 0036-Use-SHA256-hash-type-by-default.patch OBS-URL: OBS-URL: --- ...-We-don-t-have-python-systemd-so-not.patch | 4 +- ...n-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch | 6 +- ...trings-are-properly-encoded-in-UTF-8.patch | 12 +- ...revent-crash-on-multiple-package-ins.patch | 255 ----- ...a-date-in-a-comment-to-prevent-rebui.patch | 8 +- | 47 - ...0005-Use-SHA256-hash-type-by-default.patch | 14 +- 0006-Update-to-2015.8.8.2.patch | 168 +++ ...ey-do-not-crash-w-Permission-denied-.patch | 29 - ...cket-s-child-processes-faster-than-d.patch | 25 - ...PM-output-to-ensure-latest-version-o.patch | 350 +++++++ ...-deprecation-process-with-decorators.patch | 922 +++++++++++++++++ ...-output-data-and-return-just-a-list-.patch | 44 - ...-the-state-module-that-return-a-retc.patch | 59 -- ...atest-version-when-called-with-an-at.patch | 48 + ...-download-when-getting-installed-pro.patch | 29 + 0010-add-handling-for-OEM-products.patch | 49 - ...available-in-a-particular-product-bs.patch | 146 +++ 0011-improve-doc-for-list_pkgs.patch | 40 - ...crashes-if-tries-to-generate-keys-to.patch | 69 ++ 0012-implement-version_cmp-for-zypper.patch | 95 -- ...-pygit2-package-is-requesting-re-com.patch | 86 ++ 0013-pylint-changes.patch | 93 -- ...-Check-if-rpm-python-can-be-imported.patch | 70 -- ...from-older-SLES-with-current-one-326.patch | 39 + | 184 ---- ...te-a-zypper-command-builder-function.patch | 201 ---- ...ash-with-scheduler-and-runners-31106.patch | 49 - 0018-unify-behavior-of-refresh.patch | 109 -- ...add-refresh-option-to-more-functions.patch | 125 --- ...plify-checking-the-refresh-paramater.patch | 88 -- ...args-in-refresh-while-checking-a-val.patch | 25 - | 33 - ...itial-Zypper-Unit-Tests-and-bugfixes.patch | 673 ------------ ...if-zypper-exit-codes-and-handling-of.patch | 296 ------ ...ts-to-new-zypper_check_result-output.patch | 288 ------ ...use-check-consistent-with-rh_service.patch | 21 - 0028-fix-numerical-check-of-osrelease.patch | 28 - ...ksum-configurable-defaults-to-MD5-SH.patch | 734 ------------- ...series-base-product-reported-as-addi.patch | 228 ----- | 42 - ...when-retcode-is-0-but-stderr-is-pres.patch | 26 - ...tem-dectection-on-sles-11-refs-31617.patch | 39 - 0034-Fix-git_pillar-race-condition.patch | 963 ------------------ ...ays-false-behavior-on-checking-state.patch | 67 -- salt-2015.8.7.tar.gz | 3 - salt-2015.8.8.tar.gz | 3 + salt.changes | 130 +++ salt.spec | 100 +- 49 files changed, 2033 insertions(+), 5129 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 0004-Fix-pkg.latest-prevent-crash-on-multiple-package-ins.patch rename 0026-do-not-generate-a-date-in-a-comment-to-prevent-rebui.patch => 0004-do-not-generate-a-date-in-a-comment-to-prevent-rebui.patch (70%) delete mode 100644 0005-Fix-package-status-filtering-on-latest-version-and-i.patch rename 0036-Use-SHA256-hash-type-by-default.patch => 0005-Use-SHA256-hash-type-by-default.patch (85%) create mode 100644 0006-Update-to-2015.8.8.2.patch delete mode 100644 0006-add_key-reject_key-do-not-crash-w-Permission-denied-.patch delete mode 100644 0007-Force-kill-websocket-s-child-processes-faster-than-d.patch create mode 100644 0007-Force-sort-the-RPM-output-to-ensure-latest-version-o.patch create mode 100644 0008-Cleaner-deprecation-process-with-decorators.patch delete mode 100644 0008-Fix-types-in-the-output-data-and-return-just-a-list-.patch delete mode 100644 0009-The-functions-in-the-state-module-that-return-a-retc.patch create mode 100644 0009-fix-sorting-by-latest-version-when-called-with-an-at.patch create mode 100644 0010-Prevent-metadata-download-when-getting-installed-pro.patch delete mode 100644 0010-add-handling-for-OEM-products.patch create mode 100644 0011-Check-if-EOL-is-available-in-a-particular-product-bs.patch delete mode 100644 0011-improve-doc-for-list_pkgs.patch create mode 100644 0012-Bugfix-salt-key-crashes-if-tries-to-generate-keys-to.patch delete mode 100644 0012-implement-version_cmp-for-zypper.patch create mode 100644 0013-Prevent-crash-if-pygit2-package-is-requesting-re-com.patch delete mode 100644 0013-pylint-changes.patch delete mode 100644 0014-Check-if-rpm-python-can-be-imported.patch create mode 100644 0014-align-OS-grains-from-older-SLES-with-current-one-326.patch delete mode 100644 0015-call-zypper-with-option-non-interactive-everywhere.patch delete mode 100644 0016-write-a-zypper-command-builder-function.patch delete mode 100644 0017-Fix-crash-with-scheduler-and-runners-31106.patch delete mode 100644 0018-unify-behavior-of-refresh.patch delete mode 100644 0019-add-refresh-option-to-more-functions.patch delete mode 100644 0020-simplify-checking-the-refresh-paramater.patch delete mode 100644 0021-do-not-change-kwargs-in-refresh-while-checking-a-val.patch delete mode 100644 delete mode 100644 0023-Initial-Zypper-Unit-Tests-and-bugfixes.patch delete mode 100644 0024-proper-checking-if-zypper-exit-codes-and-handling-of.patch delete mode 100644 0025-adapt-tests-to-new-zypper_check_result-output.patch delete mode 100644 0027-make-suse-check-consistent-with-rh_service.patch delete mode 100644 0028-fix-numerical-check-of-osrelease.patch delete mode 100644 0029-Make-use-of-checksum-configurable-defaults-to-MD5-SH.patch delete mode 100644 0030-Bugfix-on-SLE11-series-base-product-reported-as-addi.patch delete mode 100644 delete mode 100644 0032-Add-error-check-when-retcode-is-0-but-stderr-is-pres.patch delete mode 100644 0033-fixing-init-system-dectection-on-sles-11-refs-31617.patch delete mode 100644 0034-Fix-git_pillar-race-condition.patch delete mode 100644 0035-Fix-the-always-false-behavior-on-checking-state.patch delete mode 100644 salt-2015.8.7.tar.gz create mode 100644 salt-2015.8.8.tar.gz diff --git a/ b/ index c87acdc..7b3243c 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -From f6534519ed6dcd443e9b5b8f7dc6dfe1fb508ab3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From f9dbfde1c3e7782d78f6b0b2b6b564f61749941f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Klaus=20K=C3=A4mpf?= Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2016 11:00:15 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 01/22] -- We don't have python-systemd, so +Subject: [PATCH 01/12] -- We don't have python-systemd, so notify can't work --- diff --git a/0002-Run-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch b/0002-Run-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch index 9cb360c..7d5d101 100644 --- a/0002-Run-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch +++ b/0002-Run-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -From cd60b85c9e6bfd8ebf3505e5ff05e7fdec6211d6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From af193a109fcae502c4cdd47507aea9f67d809b4b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Klaus=20K=C3=A4mpf?= Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2016 11:01:06 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 02/22] Run salt master as dedicated salt user +Subject: [PATCH 02/12] Run salt master as dedicated salt user --- conf/master | 3 ++- @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Subject: [PATCH 02/22] Run salt master as dedicated salt user 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/conf/master b/conf/master -index 643b5f4..36657e8 100644 +index aae46ef..064828a 100644 --- a/conf/master +++ b/conf/master @@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ diff --git a/0003-Check-if-byte-strings-are-properly-encoded-in-UTF-8.patch b/0003-Check-if-byte-strings-are-properly-encoded-in-UTF-8.patch index f48ad81..6d285ef 100644 --- a/0003-Check-if-byte-strings-are-properly-encoded-in-UTF-8.patch +++ b/0003-Check-if-byte-strings-are-properly-encoded-in-UTF-8.patch @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -From 9dc25e7dfb08a7cd583215d0206f18b15a44ccb1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From 6035aef0c80ae12a068bee7613c5b7f7f48aa9d3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Bo Maryniuk Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2016 16:28:48 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 03/22] Check if byte strings are properly encoded in UTF-8 +Subject: [PATCH 03/12] Check if byte strings are properly encoded in UTF-8 Rename keywords arguments variable to a default name. --- @@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ Rename keywords arguments variable to a default name. 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ -index 0d62c68..dddcc2f 100644 +index fecb671..27b00d5 100644 --- a/salt/modules/ +++ b/salt/modules/ -@@ -112,9 +112,9 @@ def info_installed(*names, **kwargs): +@@ -164,9 +164,9 @@ def info_installed(*names, **kwargs): summary, description. :param errors: @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ index 0d62c68..dddcc2f 100644 Valid attributes are: ignore, report -@@ -127,7 +127,8 @@ def info_installed(*names, **kwargs): +@@ -179,7 +179,8 @@ def info_installed(*names, **kwargs): salt '*' pkg.info_installed ... salt '*' pkg.info_installed attr=version,vendor salt '*' pkg.info_installed ... attr=version,vendor @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ index 0d62c68..dddcc2f 100644 ''' ret = dict() for pkg_name, pkg_nfo in __salt__[''](*names, **kwargs).items(): -@@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ def info_installed(*names, **kwargs): +@@ -190,7 +191,7 @@ def info_installed(*names, **kwargs): # Check, if string is encoded in a proper UTF-8 value_ = value.decode('UTF-8', 'ignore').encode('UTF-8', 'ignore') if value != value_: diff --git a/0004-Fix-pkg.latest-prevent-crash-on-multiple-package-ins.patch b/0004-Fix-pkg.latest-prevent-crash-on-multiple-package-ins.patch deleted file mode 100644 index d0e2d03..0000000 --- a/0004-Fix-pkg.latest-prevent-crash-on-multiple-package-ins.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,255 +0,0 @@ -From e21ddab93f22d1b2e1ad94368527f41102b69f16 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Bo Maryniuk -Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2016 18:37:12 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 04/22] Fix pkg.latest - prevent crash on multiple package - installation - -Fix PEP8: line continuation - -Replace old fashion string memcopy with the list - -Fix PEP8: line continuation - -Bugfix: crash on "key not found" error - -Fix formatting - -Check the version of the package, instead of the package name - -Get version as an explicit parameter - -Use regexp type for the string. - -Avoid backslashes where they are not needed - -Remove unnecessary complexity and string increment - -Add a new line before the last return - -Add error handling - -Cleanup formatting - -Bugfix: do not treat SLS id as a package name if an empty 'pkgs' list specified. - -Put 'kwargs' on its own line according to the common pattern ---- - salt/modules/ | 43 +++++++++++++--------------------- - salt/states/ | 62 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- - 2 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ -index dddcc2f..63b38af 100644 ---- a/salt/modules/ -+++ b/salt/modules/ -@@ -598,6 +598,7 @@ def install(name=None, - pkgs=None, - sources=None, - downloadonly=None, -+ version=None, - **kwargs): - ''' - Install the passed package(s), add refresh=True to run 'zypper refresh' -@@ -666,23 +667,20 @@ def install(name=None, - 'new': ''}} - ''' - try: -- pkg_params, pkg_type = __salt__['pkg_resource.parse_targets']( -- name, pkgs, sources, **kwargs -- ) -+ pkg_params, pkg_type = __salt__['pkg_resource.parse_targets'](name, pkgs, sources, **kwargs) - except MinionError as exc: - raise CommandExecutionError(exc) - - if pkg_params is None or len(pkg_params) == 0: - return {} - -- version_num = kwargs.get('version') -+ version_num = version - if version_num: - if pkgs is None and sources is None: - # Allow "version" to work for single package target - pkg_params = {name: version_num} - else: -- log.warning('\'version\' parameter will be ignored for multiple ' -- 'package targets') -+ log.warning("'version' parameter will be ignored for multiple package targets") - - if pkg_type == 'repository': - targets = [] -@@ -691,18 +689,13 @@ def install(name=None, - if version_num is None: - targets.append(param) - else: -- match = re.match('^([<>])?(=)?([^<>=]+)$', version_num) -+ match = re.match(r'^([<>])?(=)?([^<>=]+)$', version_num) - if match: - gt_lt, equal, verstr = match.groups() -- prefix = gt_lt or '' -- prefix += equal or '' -- # If no prefix characters were supplied, use '=' -- prefix = prefix or '=' -- targets.append('{0}{1}{2}'.format(param, prefix, verstr)) -+ targets.append('{0}{1}{2}'.format(param, ((gt_lt or '') + (equal or '')) or '=', verstr)) - log.debug(targets) - else: -- msg = ('Invalid version string {0!r} for package ' -- '{1!r}'.format(version_num, name)) -+ msg = ('Invalid version string {0!r} for package {1!r}'.format(version_num, name)) - problems.append(msg) - if problems: - for problem in problems: -@@ -731,19 +724,14 @@ def install(name=None, - while targets: - cmd = cmd_install + targets[:500] - targets = targets[500:] -- -- out = __salt__['']( -- cmd, -- output_loglevel='trace', -- python_shell=False -- ) -- for line in out.splitlines(): -- match = re.match( -- "^The selected package '([^']+)'.+has lower version", -- line -- ) -- if match: -- downgrades.append( -+ call = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, output_loglevel='trace', python_shell=False) -+ if call['retcode'] != 0: -+ raise CommandExecutionError(call['stderr']) # Fixme: This needs a proper report mechanism. -+ else: -+ for line in call['stdout'].splitlines(): -+ match = re.match(r"^The selected package '([^']+)'.+has lower version", line) -+ if match: -+ downgrades.append( - - while downgrades: - cmd = cmd_install + ['--force'] + downgrades[:500] -@@ -752,6 +740,7 @@ def install(name=None, - __salt__[''](cmd, output_loglevel='trace', python_shell=False) - __context__.pop('pkg.list_pkgs', None) - new = list_pkgs() -+ - return salt.utils.compare_dicts(old, new) - - -diff --git a/salt/states/ b/salt/states/ -index 65ba779..d7c4503 100644 ---- a/salt/states/ -+++ b/salt/states/ -@@ -1373,8 +1373,7 @@ def latest( - ''' - rtag = __gen_rtag() - refresh = bool( -- salt.utils.is_true(refresh) -- or (os.path.isfile(rtag) and refresh is not False) -+ salt.utils.is_true(refresh) or (os.path.isfile(rtag) and refresh is not False) - ) - - if kwargs.get('sources'): -@@ -1392,7 +1391,15 @@ def latest( - 'comment': 'Invalidly formatted "pkgs" parameter. See ' - 'minion log.'} - else: -- desired_pkgs = [name] -+ if isinstance(pkgs, list) and len(pkgs) == 0: -+ return { -+ 'name': name, -+ 'changes': {}, -+ 'result': True, -+ 'comment': 'No packages to install provided' -+ } -+ else: -+ desired_pkgs = [name] - - cur = __salt__['pkg.version'](*desired_pkgs, **kwargs) - try: -@@ -1431,33 +1438,29 @@ def latest( - log.error(msg) - problems.append(msg) - else: -- if salt.utils.compare_versions(ver1=cur[pkg], -- oper='!=', -- ver2=avail[pkg], -- cmp_func=cmp_func): -+ if salt.utils.compare_versions(ver1=cur[pkg], oper='!=', ver2=avail[pkg], cmp_func=cmp_func): - targets[pkg] = avail[pkg] - else: - if not cur[pkg] or __salt__['portage_config.is_changed_uses'](pkg): - targets[pkg] = avail[pkg] - else: - for pkg in desired_pkgs: -- if not avail[pkg]: -- if not cur[pkg]: -+ if pkg not in avail: -+ if not cur.get(pkg): - msg = 'No information found for \'{0}\'.'.format(pkg) - log.error(msg) - problems.append(msg) -- elif not cur[pkg] \ -- or salt.utils.compare_versions(ver1=cur[pkg], -- oper='<', -- ver2=avail[pkg], -- cmp_func=cmp_func): -+ elif not cur.get(pkg) \ -+ or salt.utils.compare_versions(ver1=cur[pkg], oper='<', ver2=avail[pkg], cmp_func=cmp_func): - targets[pkg] = avail[pkg] - - if problems: -- return {'name': name, -- 'changes': {}, -- 'result': False, -- 'comment': ' '.join(problems)} -+ return { -+ 'name': name, -+ 'changes': {}, -+ 'result': False, -+ 'comment': ' '.join(problems) -+ } - - if targets: - # Find up-to-date packages -@@ -1471,9 +1474,7 @@ def latest( - - if __opts__['test']: - to_be_upgraded = ', '.join(sorted(targets)) -- comment = 'The following packages are set to be ' \ -- 'installed/upgraded: ' \ -- '{0}'.format(to_be_upgraded) -+ comment = ['The following packages are set to be installed/upgraded: {0}'.format(to_be_upgraded)] - if up_to_date: - up_to_date_nb = len(up_to_date) - if up_to_date_nb <= 10: -@@ -1482,19 +1483,16 @@ def latest( - '{0} ({1})'.format(name, cur[name]) - for name in up_to_date_sorted - ) -- comment += ( -- ' The following packages are already ' -- 'up-to-date: {0}' -- ).format(up_to_date_details) -+ comment.append('The following packages are already up-to-date: {0}'.format(up_to_date_details)) - else: -- comment += ' {0} packages are already up-to-date'.format( -- up_to_date_nb -- ) -+ comment.append('{0} packages are already up-to-date'.format(up_to_date_nb)) - -- return {'name': name, -- 'changes': {}, -- 'result': None, -- 'comment': comment} -+ return { -+ 'name': name, -+ 'changes': {}, -+ 'result': None, -+ 'comment': ' '.join(comment) -+ } - - # Build updated list of pkgs to exclude non-targeted ones - targeted_pkgs = list(targets.keys()) if pkgs else None --- -2.1.4 - diff --git a/0026-do-not-generate-a-date-in-a-comment-to-prevent-rebui.patch b/0004-do-not-generate-a-date-in-a-comment-to-prevent-rebui.patch similarity index 70% rename from 0026-do-not-generate-a-date-in-a-comment-to-prevent-rebui.patch rename to 0004-do-not-generate-a-date-in-a-comment-to-prevent-rebui.patch index cee657a..f21d0b1 100644 --- a/0026-do-not-generate-a-date-in-a-comment-to-prevent-rebui.patch +++ b/0004-do-not-generate-a-date-in-a-comment-to-prevent-rebui.patch @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -From 80784a70e90d16c5d8290fcc6bf8a0f4ec657ec0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From a2ffa8e54f3cd8dba3c4b73cad086a6b93fb3a41 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Michael Calmer Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2016 09:51:22 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 26/26] do not generate a date in a comment to prevent rebuilds +Subject: [PATCH 04/12] do not generate a date in a comment to prevent rebuilds (bsc#969407) --- @@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ Subject: [PATCH 26/26] do not generate a date in a comment to prevent rebuilds 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ -index 8caa45e..dd76c64 100755 +index 742eae5..d2dd8f7 100755 --- a/ +++ b/ -@@ -600,8 +600,7 @@ class Clean(clean): +@@ -605,8 +605,7 @@ class Clean(clean): INSTALL_VERSION_TEMPLATE = '''\ diff --git a/0005-Fix-package-status-filtering-on-latest-version-and-i.patch b/0005-Fix-package-status-filtering-on-latest-version-and-i.patch deleted file mode 100644 index de31b25..0000000 --- a/0005-Fix-package-status-filtering-on-latest-version-and-i.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -From 2747b83d8009fb7386986ada1640456de2fe5304 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Bo Maryniuk -Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2016 12:37:06 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 05/22] Fix package status filtering on latest version and - implement epoch support - ---- - salt/modules/ | 9 ++++++--- - 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ -index 63b38af..4699904 100644 ---- a/salt/modules/ -+++ b/salt/modules/ -@@ -245,7 +245,8 @@ def latest_version(*names, **kwargs): - package_info = info_available(*names) - for name in names: - pkg_info = package_info.get(name, {}) -- if pkg_info.get('status', '').lower() in ['not installed', 'out-of-date']: -+ status = pkg_info.get('status', '').lower() -+ if status.find('not installed') > -1 or status.find('out-of-date') > -1: - ret[name] = pkg_info.get('version') - - # Return a string if only one package name passed -@@ -314,7 +315,7 @@ def list_pkgs(versions_as_list=False, **kwargs): - __salt__['pkg_resource.stringify'](ret) - return ret - -- cmd = ['rpm', '-qa', '--queryformat', '%{NAME}_|-%{VERSION}_|-%{RELEASE}\\n'] -+ cmd = ['rpm', '-qa', '--queryformat', '%{NAME}_|-%{VERSION}_|-%{RELEASE}_|-%|EPOCH?{%{EPOCH}}:{}|\\n'] - ret = {} - out = __salt__['']( - cmd, -@@ -322,7 +323,9 @@ def list_pkgs(versions_as_list=False, **kwargs): - python_shell=False - ) - for line in out.splitlines(): -- name, pkgver, rel = line.split('_|-') -+ name, pkgver, rel, epoch = line.split('_|-') -+ if epoch: -+ pkgver = '{0}:{1}'.format(epoch, pkgver) - if rel: - pkgver += '-{0}'.format(rel) - __salt__['pkg_resource.add_pkg'](ret, name, pkgver) --- -2.1.4 - diff --git a/0036-Use-SHA256-hash-type-by-default.patch b/0005-Use-SHA256-hash-type-by-default.patch similarity index 85% rename from 0036-Use-SHA256-hash-type-by-default.patch rename to 0005-Use-SHA256-hash-type-by-default.patch index 521eebc..875379f 100644 --- a/0036-Use-SHA256-hash-type-by-default.patch +++ b/0005-Use-SHA256-hash-type-by-default.patch @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -From eea48a283a184a02223fc440fec54a47a5b47b62 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From d5fc00efc2f73018c4c6bf3bea03648dfd1340fc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Bo Maryniuk Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2016 12:30:23 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 36/36] Use SHA256 hash type by default +Subject: [PATCH 05/12] Use SHA256 hash type by default --- conf/master | 2 +- @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Subject: [PATCH 36/36] Use SHA256 hash type by default 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/conf/master b/conf/master -index cf05ec4..5f6beaa 100644 +index 064828a..5e75b15 100644 --- a/conf/master +++ b/conf/master @@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ syndic_user: salt @@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ index cf05ec4..5f6beaa 100644 # The buffer size in the file server can be adjusted here: #file_buffer_size: 1048576 diff --git a/conf/minion b/conf/minion -index e17ec61..ba4111a 100644 +index b408942..32b0d0a 100644 --- a/conf/minion +++ b/conf/minion -@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ +@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ # # Warning: Prior to changing this value, the minion should be stopped and all # Salt caches should be cleared. @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ index e17ec61..ba4111a 100644 # The Salt pillar is searched for locally if file_client is set to local. If # this is the case, and pillar data is defined, then the pillar_roots need to diff --git a/conf/proxy b/conf/proxy -index 0de6af8..77ecf3b 100644 +index e6ca631..e697357 100644 --- a/conf/proxy +++ b/conf/proxy @@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ @@ -49,5 +49,5 @@ index 0de6af8..77ecf3b 100644 # The Salt pillar is searched for locally if file_client is set to local. If # this is the case, and pillar data is defined, then the pillar_roots need to -- -2.7.3 +2.1.4 diff --git a/0006-Update-to-2015.8.8.2.patch b/0006-Update-to-2015.8.8.2.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4536e12 --- /dev/null +++ b/0006-Update-to-2015.8.8.2.patch @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +From 00600229ac41ae618bf01e8af6e2c0183d924204 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Theo Chatzimichos +Date: Sat, 2 Apr 2016 12:29:04 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH 06/12] Update to 2015.8.8.2 + +upstream released a bunch of fixes on top of 2015.8.8, without creating a new +tag and proper release. This commit includes: + - + - + - +see +--- + salt/ | 63 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- + salt/modules/ | 7 +++--- + 2 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ +index fe1f572..929e094 100644 +--- a/salt/ ++++ b/salt/ +@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ FLO_DIR = os.path.join( + + VALID_OPTS = { + # The address of the salt master. May be specified as IP address or hostname +- 'master': str, ++ 'master': (str, list), + + # The TCP/UDP port of the master to connect to in order to listen to publications + 'master_port': int, +@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ VALID_OPTS = { + 'file_recv': bool, + 'file_recv_max_size': int, + 'file_ignore_regex': list, +- 'file_ignore_glob': bool, ++ 'file_ignore_glob': list, + 'fileserver_backend': list, + 'fileserver_followsymlinks': bool, + 'fileserver_ignoresymlinks': bool, +@@ -833,7 +833,7 @@ DEFAULT_MINION_OPTS = { + 'file_recv': False, + 'file_recv_max_size': 100, + 'file_ignore_regex': [], +- 'file_ignore_glob': None, ++ 'file_ignore_glob': [], + 'fileserver_backend': ['roots'], + 'fileserver_followsymlinks': True, + 'fileserver_ignoresymlinks': False, +@@ -1348,26 +1348,30 @@ def _validate_opts(opts): + Check that all of the types of values passed into the config are + of the right types + ''' ++ def format_multi_opt(valid_type): ++ try: ++ num_types = len(valid_type) ++ except TypeError: ++ # Bare type name won't have a length, return the name of the type ++ # passed. ++ return valid_type.__name__ ++ else: ++ if num_types == 1: ++ return valid_type.__name__ ++ elif num_types > 1: ++ ret = ', '.join(x.__name__ for x in valid_type[:-1]) ++ ret += ' or ' + valid_type[-1].__name__ ++ + errors = [] +- err = ('Key {0} with value {1} has an invalid type of {2}, a {3} is ' ++ ++ err = ('Key \'{0}\' with value {1} has an invalid type of {2}, a {3} is ' + 'required for this value') + for key, val in six.iteritems(opts): + if key in VALID_OPTS: +- if isinstance(VALID_OPTS[key](), list): +- if isinstance(val, VALID_OPTS[key]): +- continue +- else: +- errors.append( +- err.format(key, val, type(val).__name__, 'list') +- ) +- if isinstance(VALID_OPTS[key](), dict): +- if isinstance(val, VALID_OPTS[key]): +- continue +- else: +- errors.append( +- err.format(key, val, type(val).__name__, 'dict') +- ) +- else: ++ if isinstance(val, VALID_OPTS[key]): ++ continue ++ ++ if hasattr(VALID_OPTS[key], '__call__'): + try: + VALID_OPTS[key](val) + if isinstance(val, (list, dict)): +@@ -1384,14 +1388,21 @@ def _validate_opts(opts): + VALID_OPTS[key].__name__ + ) + ) +- except ValueError: ++ except (TypeError, ValueError): + errors.append( +- err.format(key, val, type(val).__name__, VALID_OPTS[key]) +- ) +- except TypeError: +- errors.append( +- err.format(key, val, type(val).__name__, VALID_OPTS[key]) ++ err.format(key, ++ val, ++ type(val).__name__, ++ VALID_OPTS[key].__name__) + ) ++ continue ++ ++ errors.append( ++ err.format(key, ++ val, ++ type(val).__name__, ++ format_multi_opt(VALID_OPTS[key].__name__)) ++ ) + + # RAET on Windows uses 'win32file.CreateMailslot()' for IPC. Due to this, + # sock_dirs must start with '\\.\mailslot\' and not contain any colons. +@@ -1404,7 +1415,7 @@ def _validate_opts(opts): + '\\\\.\\mailslot\\' + opts['sock_dir'].replace(':', '')) + + for error in errors: +- log.warning(error) ++ log.debug(error) + if errors: + return False + return True +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index d57bb7b..d9ee27a 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -44,9 +44,10 @@ class daclConstants(object): + # in ntsecuritycon has the extra bits 0x200 enabled. + # Note that you when you set this permission what you'll generally get back is it + # ORed with 0x200 (SI_NO_ACL_PROTECT), which is what ntsecuritycon incorrectly defines. +- FILE_ALL_ACCESS = (ntsecuritycon.STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED | ntsecuritycon.SYNCHRONIZE | 0x1ff) + + def __init__(self): ++ self.FILE_ALL_ACCESS = (ntsecuritycon.STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED | ntsecuritycon.SYNCHRONIZE | 0x1ff) ++ + self.hkeys_security = { + 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE': 'MACHINE', + 'HKEY_USERS': 'USERS', +@@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ class daclConstants(object): + ntsecuritycon.DELETE, + 'TEXT': 'modify'}, + 'FULLCONTROL': { +- 'BITS': daclConstants.FILE_ALL_ACCESS, ++ 'BITS': self.FILE_ALL_ACCESS, + 'TEXT': 'full control'} + } + } +@@ -368,7 +369,7 @@ def add_ace(path, objectType, user, permission, acetype, propagation): + path: path to the object (i.e. c:\\temp\\file, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\KEY, etc) + user: user to add + permission: permissions for the user +- acetypes: either allow/deny for each user/permission (ALLOW, DENY) ++ acetype: either allow/deny for each user/permission (ALLOW, DENY) + propagation: how the ACE applies to children for Registry Keys and Directories(KEY, KEY&SUBKEYS, SUBKEYS) + + CLI Example: +-- +2.1.4 + diff --git a/0006-add_key-reject_key-do-not-crash-w-Permission-denied-.patch b/0006-add_key-reject_key-do-not-crash-w-Permission-denied-.patch deleted file mode 100644 index c42f167..0000000 --- a/0006-add_key-reject_key-do-not-crash-w-Permission-denied-.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -From 697e42284fdd1e18fef1d1747f64cb75be1e0bef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Duncan Mac-Vicar P -Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2016 09:24:57 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 06/22] add_key/reject_key: do not crash w/Permission denied: - '/var/cache/salt/master/.dfn' (#27796) - -already upstream - ---- - salt/ | 3 +++ - 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+) - -diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ -index ce27d9f..907ec0c 100644 ---- a/salt/ -+++ b/salt/ -@@ -55,6 +55,9 @@ def dropfile(cachedir, user=None): - mask = os.umask(191) - try: -'Rotating AES key') -+ if os.path.isfile(dfn): -+'AES key rotation already requested') -+ return - - with salt.utils.fopen(dfn, 'wb+') as fp_: - fp_.write('') --- -2.1.4 - diff --git a/0007-Force-kill-websocket-s-child-processes-faster-than-d.patch b/0007-Force-kill-websocket-s-child-processes-faster-than-d.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 9ab83e1..0000000 --- a/0007-Force-kill-websocket-s-child-processes-faster-than-d.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -From a1782a9c76f0af20e88fa913dd2ac6dcb20c9c37 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Bo Maryniuk -Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2016 15:16:43 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 07/22] Force-kill websocket's child processes faster than - default two minutes. - ---- - pkg/salt-api.service | 1 + - 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) - -diff --git a/pkg/salt-api.service b/pkg/salt-api.service -index ccf3d34..72379ba 100644 ---- a/pkg/salt-api.service -+++ b/pkg/salt-api.service -@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ - Type=simple - LimitNOFILE=8192 - ExecStart=/usr/bin/salt-api -+TimeoutStopSec=3 - - [Install] - --- -2.1.4 - diff --git a/0007-Force-sort-the-RPM-output-to-ensure-latest-version-o.patch b/0007-Force-sort-the-RPM-output-to-ensure-latest-version-o.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6774a4e --- /dev/null +++ b/0007-Force-sort-the-RPM-output-to-ensure-latest-version-o.patch @@ -0,0 +1,350 @@ +From e3a599712daafb88b6b77ebf6c7684fdd10ffedf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Bo Maryniuk +Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2016 12:14:21 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH 07/12] Force-sort the RPM output to ensure latest version of + the multi-package on top of the list. + +- Remove version_cmp from the yumpkg and use just a lowpkg alias +- Remove version_cmp from Zypper module and use just lowpkg alias +- Merge yumpkg's and zypper's version_cmp for a common use +- Sort installed pkgs data by version_cmp +- Move "string to EVR" function to the utilities +- Remove suse/redhat checks, refactor code. +- Fix condition from returning None on 0 +- Remove tests from the zypper_test that belongs to rpm_test +- Add lowpkg tests for version comparison +- Fix lint +- Fix the documentation +--- + salt/modules/ | 60 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- + salt/modules/ | 28 ++---------------- + salt/modules/ | 58 +------------------------------------ + salt/utils/ | 35 +++++++++++++++++++++++ + tests/unit/modules/ | 21 ++++++++++++++ + tests/unit/modules/ | 22 -------------- + 6 files changed, 117 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 5d60dd2..6026f18 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -17,6 +17,19 @@ import salt.utils.pkg.rpm + # pylint: disable=import-error,redefined-builtin + from salt.ext.six.moves import shlex_quote as _cmd_quote + from salt.ext.six.moves import zip ++ ++try: ++ import rpm ++ HAS_RPM = True ++except ImportError: ++ HAS_RPM = False ++ ++try: ++ import rpmUtils.miscutils ++ HAS_RPMUTILS = True ++except ImportError: ++ HAS_RPMUTILS = False ++ + # pylint: enable=import-error,redefined-builtin + from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError, SaltInvocationError + +@@ -491,7 +504,7 @@ def info(*packages, **attr): + else: + out = call['stdout'] + +- ret = dict() ++ _ret = list() + for pkg_info in re.split(r"----*", out): + pkg_info = pkg_info.strip() + if not pkg_info: +@@ -538,6 +551,49 @@ def info(*packages, **attr): + if attr and 'description' in attr or not attr: + pkg_data['description'] = os.linesep.join(descr) + if pkg_name: +- ret[pkg_name] = pkg_data ++ pkg_data['name'] = pkg_name ++ _ret.append(pkg_data) ++ ++ # Force-sort package data by version, ++ # pick only latest versions ++ # (in case multiple packages installed, e.g. kernel) ++ ret = dict() ++ for pkg_data in reversed(sorted(_ret, cmp=lambda a_vrs, b_vrs: version_cmp(a_vrs['version'], b_vrs['version']))): ++ pkg_name = pkg_data.pop('name') ++ if pkg_name not in ret: ++ ret[pkg_name] = pkg_data.copy() + + return ret ++ ++ ++def version_cmp(ver1, ver2): ++ ''' ++ .. versionadded:: 2015.8.9 ++ ++ Do a cmp-style comparison on two packages. Return -1 if ver1 < ver2, 0 if ++ ver1 == ver2, and 1 if ver1 > ver2. Return None if there was a problem ++ making the comparison. ++ ++ CLI Example: ++ ++ .. code-block:: bash ++ ++ salt '*' pkg.version_cmp '0.2-001' '' ++ ''' ++ try: ++ if HAS_RPM: ++ cmp_func = rpm.labelCompare ++ elif HAS_RPMUTILS: ++ cmp_func = rpmUtils.miscutils.compareEVR ++ else: ++ cmp_func = None ++ cmp_result = cmp_func is None and 2 or cmp_func(salt.utils.str_version_to_evr(ver1), ++ salt.utils.str_version_to_evr(ver2)) ++ if cmp_result not in (-1, 0, 1): ++ raise Exception("Comparison result '{0}' is invalid".format(cmp_result)) ++ ++ return cmp_result ++ except Exception as exc: ++ log.warning("Failed to compare version '{0}' to '{1}' using RPM: {2}".format(ver1, ver2, exc)) ++ ++ return salt.utils.version_cmp(ver1, ver2) +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 1bfc38d..1cde676 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ try: + except ImportError: + from salt.ext.six.moves import configparser + HAS_YUM = False +- +-try: +- import rpmUtils.miscutils +- HAS_RPMUTILS = True +-except ImportError: +- HAS_RPMUTILS = False + # pylint: enable=import-error,redefined-builtin + + # Import salt libs +@@ -665,26 +659,8 @@ def version_cmp(pkg1, pkg2): + + salt '*' pkg.version_cmp '0.2-001' '' + ''' +- if HAS_RPMUTILS: +- try: +- cmp_result = rpmUtils.miscutils.compareEVR( +- rpmUtils.miscutils.stringToVersion(pkg1), +- rpmUtils.miscutils.stringToVersion(pkg2) +- ) +- if cmp_result not in (-1, 0, 1): +- raise Exception( +- 'cmp result \'{0}\' is invalid'.format(cmp_result) +- ) +- return cmp_result +- except Exception as exc: +- log.warning( +- 'Failed to compare version \'%s\' to \'%s\' using ' +- 'rpmUtils: %s', pkg1, pkg2, exc +- ) +- # Fall back to distutils.version.LooseVersion (should only need to do +- # this for RHEL5, or if an exception is raised when attempting to compare +- # using rpmUtils) +- return salt.utils.version_cmp(pkg1, pkg2) ++ ++ return __salt__['lowpkg.version_cmp'](pkg1, pkg2) + + + def list_pkgs(versions_as_list=False, **kwargs): +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 27b00d5..63c473c 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -17,12 +17,6 @@ import os + import salt.ext.six as six + from salt.ext.six.moves import configparser + from salt.ext.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse as _urlparse +- +-try: +- import rpm +- HAS_RPM = True +-except ImportError: +- HAS_RPM = False + # pylint: enable=import-error,redefined-builtin,no-name-in-module + + from xml.dom import minidom as dom +@@ -347,40 +341,6 @@ def version(*names, **kwargs): + return __salt__['pkg_resource.version'](*names, **kwargs) or {} + + +-def _string_to_evr(verstring): +- ''' +- Split the version string into epoch, version and release and +- return this as tuple. +- +- epoch is always not empty. +- version and release can be an empty string if such a component +- could not be found in the version string. +- +- "2:1.0-1.2" => ('2', '1.0', '1.2) +- "1.0" => ('0', '1.0', '') +- "" => ('0', '', '') +- ''' +- if verstring in [None, '']: +- return ('0', '', '') +- idx_e = verstring.find(':') +- if idx_e != -1: +- try: +- epoch = str(int(verstring[:idx_e])) +- except ValueError: +- # look, garbage in the epoch field, how fun, kill it +- epoch = '0' # this is our fallback, deal +- else: +- epoch = '0' +- idx_r = verstring.find('-') +- if idx_r != -1: +- version = verstring[idx_e + 1:idx_r] +- release = verstring[idx_r + 1:] +- else: +- version = verstring[idx_e + 1:] +- release = '' +- return (epoch, version, release) +- +- + def version_cmp(ver1, ver2): + ''' + .. versionadded:: 2015.5.4 +@@ -395,23 +355,7 @@ def version_cmp(ver1, ver2): + + salt '*' pkg.version_cmp '0.2-001' '' + ''' +- if HAS_RPM: +- try: +- cmp_result = rpm.labelCompare( +- _string_to_evr(ver1), +- _string_to_evr(ver2) +- ) +- if cmp_result not in (-1, 0, 1): +- raise Exception( +- 'cmp result \'{0}\' is invalid'.format(cmp_result) +- ) +- return cmp_result +- except Exception as exc: +- log.warning( +- 'Failed to compare version \'{0}\' to \'{1}\' using ' +- 'rpmUtils: {2}'.format(ver1, ver2, exc) +- ) +- return salt.utils.version_cmp(ver1, ver2) ++ return __salt__['lowpkg.version_cmp'](ver1, ver2) + + + def list_pkgs(versions_as_list=False, **kwargs): +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index f83a677..8956a15 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -2881,3 +2881,38 @@ def split_input(val): + return [x.strip() for x in val.split(',')] + except AttributeError: + return [x.strip() for x in str(val).split(',')] ++ ++ ++def str_version_to_evr(verstring): ++ ''' ++ Split the package version string into epoch, version and release. ++ Return this as tuple. ++ ++ The epoch is always not empty. The version and the release can be an empty ++ string if such a component could not be found in the version string. ++ ++ "2:1.0-1.2" => ('2', '1.0', '1.2) ++ "1.0" => ('0', '1.0', '') ++ "" => ('0', '', '') ++ ''' ++ if verstring in [None, '']: ++ return '0', '', '' ++ ++ idx_e = verstring.find(':') ++ if idx_e != -1: ++ try: ++ epoch = str(int(verstring[:idx_e])) ++ except ValueError: ++ # look, garbage in the epoch field, how fun, kill it ++ epoch = '0' # this is our fallback, deal ++ else: ++ epoch = '0' ++ idx_r = verstring.find('-') ++ if idx_r != -1: ++ version = verstring[idx_e + 1:idx_r] ++ release = verstring[idx_r + 1:] ++ else: ++ version = verstring[idx_e + 1:] ++ release = '' ++ ++ return epoch, version, release +diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/ +index 8bfce9b..f180736 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/unit/modules/ +@@ -95,6 +95,27 @@ class RpmTestCase(TestCase): + self.assertDictEqual(rpm.owner('/usr/bin/python', '/usr/bin/vim'), + ret) + ++ @patch('salt.modules.rpm.HAS_RPM', True) ++ def test_version_cmp_rpm(self): ++ ''' ++ Test package version is called RPM version if RPM-Python is installed ++ ++ :return: ++ ''' ++ rpm.rpm = MagicMock(return_value=MagicMock) ++ with patch('salt.modules.rpm.rpm.labelCompare', MagicMock(return_value=0)): ++ self.assertEqual(0, rpm.version_cmp('1', '2')) # mock returns 0, which means RPM was called ++ ++ @patch('salt.modules.rpm.HAS_RPM', False) ++ def test_version_cmp_fallback(self): ++ ''' ++ Test package version is called RPM version if RPM-Python is installed ++ ++ :return: ++ ''' ++ rpm.rpm = MagicMock(return_value=MagicMock) ++ with patch('salt.modules.rpm.rpm.labelCompare', MagicMock(return_value=0)): ++ self.assertEqual(-1, rpm.version_cmp('1', '2')) # mock returns -1, a python implementation was called + + if __name__ == '__main__': + from integration import run_tests +diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/ +index 5c4eb67..67cf52a 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/unit/modules/ +@@ -301,28 +301,6 @@ class ZypperTestCase(TestCase): + self.assertFalse(zypper.upgrade_available(pkg_name)) + self.assertTrue(zypper.upgrade_available('vim')) + +- @patch('salt.modules.zypper.HAS_RPM', True) +- def test_version_cmp_rpm(self): +- ''' +- Test package version is called RPM version if RPM-Python is installed +- +- :return: +- ''' +- with patch('salt.modules.zypper.rpm', MagicMock(return_value=MagicMock)): +- with patch('salt.modules.zypper.rpm.labelCompare', MagicMock(return_value=0)): +- self.assertEqual(0, zypper.version_cmp('1', '2')) # mock returns 0, which means RPM was called +- +- @patch('salt.modules.zypper.HAS_RPM', False) +- def test_version_cmp_fallback(self): +- ''' +- Test package version is called RPM version if RPM-Python is installed +- +- :return: +- ''' +- with patch('salt.modules.zypper.rpm', MagicMock(return_value=MagicMock)): +- with patch('salt.modules.zypper.rpm.labelCompare', MagicMock(return_value=0)): +- self.assertEqual(-1, zypper.version_cmp('1', '2')) # mock returns -1, a python implementation was called +- + def test_list_pkgs(self): + ''' + Test packages listing. +-- +2.1.4 + diff --git a/0008-Cleaner-deprecation-process-with-decorators.patch b/0008-Cleaner-deprecation-process-with-decorators.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c189641 --- /dev/null +++ b/0008-Cleaner-deprecation-process-with-decorators.patch @@ -0,0 +1,922 @@ +From 2dcc979ab2897619baebfef5779120a98284d408 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Bo Maryniuk +Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2016 20:55:45 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH 08/12] Cleaner deprecation process with decorators + +* Add deprecation decorator scaffold + +* Capture type error and unhandled exceptions while function calls + +* Aware of the current and future version of deprecation + +* Implement initially is_deprecated decorator + +* Add an alias for the capitalization + +* Fix capitalization easier way + +* Remove an extra line + +* Add successor name to the deprecation decorator. + +* Granulate logging and error messages. + +* Implement function swapper + +* Raise later the caught exception + +* Clarify exception message + +* Save function original name + +* Remove an extra line + +* Hide an alternative hidden function name in the error message, preserving the error itself + +* Rename variable as private + +* Add a method to detect if a function is using its previous version + +* Message to the log and/or raise an exception accordingly to the status of used function + +* Log an error along with the exception + +* Add internal method documentation + +* Add documentation and usage process for decorator "is_deprecated" + +* Add documentation and process usage for the decorator "with_deprecated" + +* Hide private method name + +* Fix PEP8, re-word the error message + +* Deprecate basic uptime function + +* Add initial decorator unit test + +* Rename old/new functions, mock versions + +* Move frequent data to the test setup + +* Add logging on EOL exception + +* Rename and document high to low version test on is_deprecated + +* Implement a test on low to high version of is_deprecated decorator + +* Add a correction to the test description + +* Remove a dead code + +* Implement a test for high to low version on is_deprecated, using with_successor param + +* Correct typso adn mistaeks + +* Implement high to low version with successor param on is_deprecated + +* Setup a virtual name for the module + +* Implement test for with_deprecated should raise an exception if same deprecated function not found + +* Implement test for with_deprecated an old function is picked up if configured + +* Correct test description purpose + +* Implement test with_deprecated when no deprecation is requested + +* Add logging test to the configured deprecation request + +* Add logging testing when deprecated version wasn't requested + +* Implement test EOL for with_deprecated decorator + +* Correct test explanation + +* Rename the test + +* Implement with_deprecated no EOL, deprecated other function name + +* Implement with_deprecated, deprecated other function name, EOL reached + +* Add test description for the with_deprecated + with_name + EOL + +* Fix confusing test names + +* Add logging test to the is_deprecated decorator when function as not found. + +* Add more test point to each test, remove empty lines + +* Bugfix: at certain conditions a wrong alias name is reported to the log + +* Fix a typo in a comment + +* Add test for the logging + +* Disable a pylint: None will _never_ be raised + +* Fix test for the deprecated "status.uptime" version + +* Bugfix: Do not yank raised exceptions + +* Remove unnecessary decorator + +* Add test for the new uptime + +* Add test for the new uptime fails when /proc/uptime does not exists + +* Rename old test case + +* Skip test for the UTC time, unless freeze time is used. + +* Fix pylint + +* Fix documentation + +* Bugfix: proxy-pass the docstring of the decorated function + +* Lint fix +--- + salt/modules/ | 40 ++++- + salt/utils/decorators/ | 345 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- + tests/unit/modules/ | 48 ++++- + tests/unit/utils/ | 232 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ + 4 files changed, 649 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) + create mode 100644 tests/unit/utils/ + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 1e80b36..04c6204 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ import os + import re + import fnmatch + import collections ++import time ++import datetime + + # Import 3rd-party libs + import salt.ext.six as six +@@ -23,6 +25,8 @@ import salt.utils.event + from import host_to_ip as _host_to_ip + from import remote_port_tcp as _remote_port_tcp + from salt.ext.six.moves import zip ++from salt.utils.decorators import with_deprecated ++from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError + + __virtualname__ = 'status' + __opts__ = {} +@@ -30,7 +34,8 @@ __opts__ = {} + + def __virtual__(): + if salt.utils.is_windows(): +- return (False, 'Cannot load status module on windows') ++ return False, 'Windows platform is not supported by this module' ++ + return __virtualname__ + + +@@ -120,7 +125,38 @@ def custom(): + return ret + + +-def uptime(human_readable=True): ++@with_deprecated(globals(), "Boron") ++def uptime(): ++ ''' ++ Return the uptime for this system. ++ ++ CLI Example: ++ ++ .. code-block:: bash ++ ++ salt '*' status.uptime ++ ''' ++ ut_path = "/proc/uptime" ++ if not os.path.exists(ut_path): ++ raise CommandExecutionError("File {ut_path} was not found.".format(ut_path=ut_path)) ++ ++ ut_ret = { ++ 'seconds': int(float(open(ut_path).read().strip().split()[0])) ++ } ++ ++ utc_time = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time() - ut_ret['seconds']) ++ ut_ret['since_iso'] = utc_time.isoformat() ++ ut_ret['since_t'] = time.mktime(utc_time.timetuple()) ++ ut_ret['days'] = ut_ret['seconds'] / 60 / 60 / 24 ++ hours = (ut_ret['seconds'] - (ut_ret['days'] * 24 * 60 * 60)) / 60 / 60 ++ minutes = ((ut_ret['seconds'] - (ut_ret['days'] * 24 * 60 * 60)) / 60) - hours * 60 ++ ut_ret['time'] = '{0}:{1}'.format(hours, minutes) ++ ut_ret['users'] = len(__salt__['']("who -s").split(os.linesep)) ++ ++ return ut_ret ++ ++ ++def _uptime(human_readable=True): + ''' + Return the uptime for this minion + +diff --git a/salt/utils/decorators/ b/salt/utils/decorators/ +index 45d3bd6..3b43504 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/decorators/ ++++ b/salt/utils/decorators/ +@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ from collections import defaultdict + + # Import salt libs + import salt.utils +-from salt.exceptions import CommandNotFoundError ++from salt.exceptions import CommandNotFoundError, CommandExecutionError ++from salt.version import SaltStackVersion, __saltstack_version__ + from salt.log import LOG_LEVELS + + # Import 3rd-party libs +@@ -144,10 +145,7 @@ class Depends(object): + continue + + +-class depends(Depends): # pylint: disable=C0103 +- ''' +- Wrapper of Depends for capitalization +- ''' ++depends = Depends + + + def timing(function): +@@ -248,3 +246,340 @@ def memoize(func): + cache[args] = func(*args) + return cache[args] + return _memoize ++ ++ ++class _DeprecationDecorator(object): ++ ''' ++ Base mix-in class for the deprecation decorator. ++ Takes care of a common functionality, used in its derivatives. ++ ''' ++ ++ def __init__(self, globals, version): ++ ''' ++ Constructor. ++ ++ :param globals: Module globals. Important for finding out replacement functions ++ :param version: Expiration version ++ :return: ++ ''' ++ ++ self._globals = globals ++ self._exp_version_name = version ++ self._exp_version = SaltStackVersion.from_name(self._exp_version_name) ++ self._curr_version = ++ self._options = self._globals['__opts__'] ++ self._raise_later = None ++ self._function = None ++ self._orig_f_name = None ++ ++ def _get_args(self, kwargs): ++ ''' ++ Extract function-specific keywords from all of the kwargs. ++ ++ :param kwargs: ++ :return: ++ ''' ++ _args = list() ++ _kwargs = dict() ++ ++ for arg_item in kwargs.get('__pub_arg', list()): ++ if type(arg_item) == dict: ++ _kwargs.update(arg_item.copy()) ++ else: ++ _args.append(arg_item) ++ return _args, _kwargs ++ ++ def _call_function(self, kwargs): ++ ''' ++ Call target function that has been decorated. ++ ++ :return: ++ ''' ++ if self._raise_later: ++ raise self._raise_later # pylint: disable=E0702 ++ ++ if self._function: ++ args, kwargs = self._get_args(kwargs) ++ try: ++ return self._function(*args, **kwargs) ++ except TypeError as error: ++ error = str(error).replace(self._function.func_name, self._orig_f_name) # Hide hidden functions ++ log.error('Function "{f_name}" was not properly called: {error}'.format(f_name=self._orig_f_name, ++ error=error)) ++ return self._function.__doc__ ++ except Exception as error: ++ log.error('Unhandled exception occurred in ' ++ 'function "{f_name}: {error}'.format(f_name=self._function.func_name, ++ error=error)) ++ raise error ++ else: ++ raise CommandExecutionError("Function is deprecated, but the successor function was not found.") ++ ++ def __call__(self, function): ++ ''' ++ Callable method of the decorator object when ++ the decorated function is gets called. ++ ++ :param function: ++ :return: ++ ''' ++ self._function = function ++ self._orig_f_name = self._function.func_name ++ ++ ++class _IsDeprecated(_DeprecationDecorator): ++ ''' ++ This decorator should be used only with the deprecated functions ++ to mark them as deprecated and alter its behavior a corresponding way. ++ The usage is only suitable if deprecation process is renaming ++ the function from one to another. In case function name or even function ++ signature stays the same, please use 'with_deprecated' decorator instead. ++ ++ It has the following functionality: ++ ++ 1. Put a warning level message to the log, informing that ++ the deprecated function has been in use. ++ ++ 2. Raise an exception, if deprecated function is being called, ++ but the lifetime of it already expired. ++ ++ 3. Point to the successor of the deprecated function in the ++ log messages as well during the blocking it, once expired. ++ ++ Usage of this decorator as follows. In this example no successor ++ is mentioned, hence the function "foo()" will be logged with the ++ warning each time is called and blocked completely, once EOF of ++ it is reached: ++ ++ from salt.util.decorators import is_deprecated ++ ++ @is_deprecated(globals(), "Beryllium") ++ def foo(): ++ pass ++ ++ In the following example a successor function is mentioned, hence ++ every time the function "bar()" is called, message will suggest ++ to use function "baz()" instead. Once EOF is reached of the function ++ "bar()", an exception will ask to use function "baz()", in order ++ to continue: ++ ++ from salt.util.decorators import is_deprecated ++ ++ @is_deprecated(globals(), "Beryllium", with_successor="baz") ++ def bar(): ++ pass ++ ++ def baz(): ++ pass ++ ''' ++ ++ def __init__(self, globals, version, with_successor=None): ++ ''' ++ Constructor of the decorator 'is_deprecated'. ++ ++ :param globals: Module globals ++ :param version: Version to be deprecated ++ :param with_successor: Successor function (optional) ++ :return: ++ ''' ++ _DeprecationDecorator.__init__(self, globals, version) ++ self._successor = with_successor ++ ++ def __call__(self, function): ++ ''' ++ Callable method of the decorator object when ++ the decorated function is gets called. ++ ++ :param function: ++ :return: ++ ''' ++ _DeprecationDecorator.__call__(self, function) ++ ++ def _decorate(*args, **kwargs): ++ ''' ++ Decorator function. ++ ++ :param args: ++ :param kwargs: ++ :return: ++ ''' ++ if self._curr_version < self._exp_version: ++ msg = ['The function "{f_name}" is deprecated and will ' ++ 'expire in version "{version_name}".'.format(f_name=self._function.func_name, ++ version_name=self._exp_version_name)] ++ if self._successor: ++ msg.append('Use successor "{successor}" instead.'.format(successor=self._successor)) ++ log.warning(' '.join(msg)) ++ else: ++ msg = ['The lifetime of the function "{f_name}" expired.'.format(f_name=self._function.func_name)] ++ if self._successor: ++ msg.append('Please use its successor "{successor}" instead.'.format(successor=self._successor)) ++ log.warning(' '.join(msg)) ++ raise CommandExecutionError(' '.join(msg)) ++ return self._call_function(kwargs) ++ return _decorate ++ ++ ++is_deprecated = _IsDeprecated ++ ++ ++class _WithDeprecated(_DeprecationDecorator): ++ ''' ++ This decorator should be used with the successor functions ++ to mark them as a new and alter its behavior in a corresponding way. ++ It is used alone if a function content or function signature ++ needs to be replaced, leaving the name of the function same. ++ In case function needs to be renamed or just dropped, it has ++ to be used in pair with 'is_deprecated' decorator. ++ ++ It has the following functionality: ++ ++ 1. Put a warning level message to the log, in case a component ++ is using its deprecated version. ++ ++ 2. Switch between old and new function in case an older version ++ is configured for the desired use. ++ ++ 3. Raise an exception, if deprecated version reached EOL and ++ point out for the new version. ++ ++ Usage of this decorator as follows. If 'with_name' is not specified, ++ then the name of the deprecated function is assumed with the "_" prefix. ++ In this case, in order to deprecate a function, it is required: ++ ++ - Add a prefix "_" to an existing function. E.g.: "foo()" to "_foo()". ++ ++ - Implement a new function with exactly the same name, just without ++ the prefix "_". ++ ++ Example: ++ ++ from salt.util.decorators import with_deprecated ++ ++ @with_deprecated(globals(), "Beryllium") ++ def foo(): ++ "This is a new function" ++ ++ def _foo(): ++ "This is a deprecated function" ++ ++ ++ In case there is a need to deprecate a function and rename it, ++ the decorator shuld be used with the 'with_name' parameter. This ++ parameter is pointing to the existing deprecated function. In this ++ case deprecation process as follows: ++ ++ - Leave a deprecated function without changes, as is. ++ ++ - Implement a new function and decorate it with this decorator. ++ ++ - Set a parameter 'with_name' to the deprecated function. ++ ++ - If a new function has a different name than a deprecated, ++ decorate a deprecated function with the 'is_deprecated' decorator ++ in order to let the function have a deprecated behavior. ++ ++ Example: ++ ++ from salt.util.decorators import with_deprecated ++ ++ @with_deprecated(globals(), "Beryllium", with_name="an_old_function") ++ def a_new_function(): ++ "This is a new function" ++ ++ @is_deprecated(globals(), "Beryllium", with_successor="a_new_function") ++ def an_old_function(): ++ "This is a deprecated function" ++ ++ ''' ++ MODULE_NAME = '__virtualname__' ++ CFG_KEY = 'use_deprecated' ++ ++ def __init__(self, globals, version, with_name=None): ++ ''' ++ Constructor of the decorator 'with_deprecated' ++ ++ :param globals: ++ :param version: ++ :param with_name: ++ :return: ++ ''' ++ _DeprecationDecorator.__init__(self, globals, version) ++ self._with_name = with_name ++ ++ def _set_function(self, function): ++ ''' ++ Based on the configuration, set to execute an old or a new function. ++ :return: ++ ''' ++ full_name = "{m_name}.{f_name}".format(m_name=self._globals.get(self.MODULE_NAME, ''), ++ f_name=function.func_name) ++ if full_name.startswith("."): ++ self._raise_later = CommandExecutionError('Module not found for function "{f_name}"'.format( ++ f_name=function.func_name)) ++ ++ if full_name in self._options.get(self.CFG_KEY, list()): ++ self._function = self._globals.get(self._with_name or "_{0}".format(function.func_name)) ++ ++ def _is_used_deprecated(self): ++ ''' ++ Returns True, if a component configuration explicitly is ++ asking to use an old version of the deprecated function. ++ ++ :return: ++ ''' ++ return "{m_name}.{f_name}".format(m_name=self._globals.get(self.MODULE_NAME, ''), ++ f_name=self._orig_f_name) in self._options.get(self.CFG_KEY, list()) ++ ++ def __call__(self, function): ++ ''' ++ Callable method of the decorator object when ++ the decorated function is gets called. ++ ++ :param function: ++ :return: ++ ''' ++ _DeprecationDecorator.__call__(self, function) ++ ++ def _decorate(*args, **kwargs): ++ ''' ++ Decorator function. ++ ++ :param args: ++ :param kwargs: ++ :return: ++ ''' ++ self._set_function(function) ++ if self._is_used_deprecated(): ++ if self._curr_version < self._exp_version: ++ msg = list() ++ if self._with_name: ++ msg.append('The function "{f_name}" is deprecated and will ' ++ 'expire in version "{version_name}".'.format( ++ f_name=self._with_name.startswith("_") and self._orig_f_name or self._with_name, ++ version_name=self._exp_version_name)) ++ else: ++ msg.append('The function is using its deprecated version and will ' ++ 'expire in version "{version_name}".'.format(version_name=self._exp_version_name)) ++ msg.append('Use its successor "{successor}" instead.'.format(successor=self._orig_f_name)) ++ log.warning(' '.join(msg)) ++ else: ++ msg_patt = 'The lifetime of the function "{f_name}" expired.' ++ if '_' + self._orig_f_name == self._function.func_name: ++ msg = [msg_patt.format(f_name=self._orig_f_name), ++ 'Please turn off its deprecated version in the configuration'] ++ else: ++ msg = ['Although function "{f_name}" is called, an alias "{f_alias}" ' ++ 'is configured as its deprecated version.'.format( ++ f_name=self._orig_f_name, f_alias=self._with_name or self._orig_f_name), ++ msg_patt.format(f_name=self._with_name or self._orig_f_name), ++ 'Please use its successor "{successor}" instead.'.format(successor=self._orig_f_name)] ++ log.error(' '.join(msg)) ++ raise CommandExecutionError(' '.join(msg)) ++ return self._call_function(kwargs) ++ ++ _decorate.__doc__ = self._function.__doc__ ++ return _decorate ++ ++ ++with_deprecated = _WithDeprecated +diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/ +index 191da09..b5cee4f 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/unit/modules/ +@@ -5,15 +5,14 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import + + # Import Salt Libs + from salt.modules import status ++from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError + + # Import Salt Testing Libs +-from salttesting import skipIf, TestCase ++from salttesting import TestCase + from salttesting.helpers import ensure_in_syspath + from salttesting.mock import ( + MagicMock, + patch, +- NO_MOCK, +- NO_MOCK_REASON + ) + + ensure_in_syspath('../../') +@@ -22,36 +21,67 @@ ensure_in_syspath('../../') + status.__salt__ = {} + + +-@skipIf(NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON) + class StatusTestCase(TestCase): + ''' + test modules.status functions + ''' ++ + def test_uptime(self): + ''' +- test modules.status.uptime function ++ Test modules.status.uptime function, new version ++ :return: ++ ''' ++ class ProcUptime(object): ++ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ++ = "773865.18 1003405.46" ++ ++ def read(self): ++ return ++ ++ with patch.dict(status.__salt__, {'': MagicMock(return_value="1\n2\n3")}): ++ with patch('os.path.exists', MagicMock(return_value=True)): ++ with patch('time.time', MagicMock(return_value=1458821523.72)): ++ = ProcUptime ++ u_time = status.uptime() ++ self.assertEqual(u_time['users'], 3) ++ self.assertEqual(u_time['seconds'], 773865) ++ self.assertEqual(u_time['days'], 8) ++ self.assertEqual(u_time['time'], '22:57') ++ ++ def test_uptime_failure(self): ++ ''' ++ Test modules.status.uptime function should raise an exception if /proc/uptime does not exists. ++ :return: ++ ''' ++ with patch('os.path.exists', MagicMock(return_value=False)): ++ with self.assertRaises(CommandExecutionError): ++ status.uptime() ++ ++ def test_deprecated_uptime(self): ++ ''' ++ test modules.status.uptime function, deprecated version + ''' + mock_uptime = 'very often' + mock_run = MagicMock(return_value=mock_uptime) + with patch.dict(status.__salt__, {'': mock_run}): +- self.assertEqual(status.uptime(), mock_uptime) ++ self.assertEqual(status._uptime(), mock_uptime) + + mock_uptime = 'very idle' + mock_run = MagicMock(return_value=mock_uptime) + with patch.dict(status.__salt__, {'': mock_run}): + with patch('os.path.exists', MagicMock(return_value=True)): +- self.assertEqual(status.uptime(human_readable=False), mock_uptime.split()[0]) ++ self.assertEqual(status._uptime(human_readable=False), mock_uptime.split()[0]) + + mock_uptime = '' + mock_return = 'unexpected format in /proc/uptime' + mock_run = MagicMock(return_value=mock_uptime) + with patch.dict(status.__salt__, {'': mock_run}): + with patch('os.path.exists', MagicMock(return_value=True)): +- self.assertEqual(status.uptime(human_readable=False), mock_return) ++ self.assertEqual(status._uptime(human_readable=False), mock_return) + + mock_return = 'cannot find /proc/uptime' + with patch('os.path.exists', MagicMock(return_value=False)): +- self.assertEqual(status.uptime(human_readable=False), mock_return) ++ self.assertEqual(status._uptime(human_readable=False), mock_return) + + + if __name__ == '__main__': +diff --git a/tests/unit/utils/ b/tests/unit/utils/ +new file mode 100644 +index 0000000..4078340 +--- /dev/null ++++ b/tests/unit/utils/ +@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@ ++# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ++''' ++ :codeauthor: :email:`Bo Maryniuk (` ++ unit.utils.decorators_test ++''' ++ ++# Import Python libs ++from __future__ import absolute_import ++ ++# Import Salt Testing libs ++from salttesting import TestCase ++from salttesting.helpers import ensure_in_syspath ++from salt.utils import decorators ++from salt.version import SaltStackVersion ++from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError ++ ++ensure_in_syspath('../../') ++ ++ ++class DummyLogger(object): ++ ''' ++ Dummy logger accepts everything and simply logs ++ ''' ++ def __init__(self, messages): ++ self._messages = messages ++ ++ def __getattr__(self, item): ++ return self._log ++ ++ def _log(self, msg): ++ self._messages.append(msg) ++ ++ ++class DecoratorsTest(TestCase): ++ ''' ++ Testing decorators. ++ ''' ++ def old_function(self): ++ return "old" ++ ++ def new_function(self): ++ return "new" ++ ++ def _mk_version(self, name): ++ ''' ++ Make a version ++ ++ :return: ++ ''' ++ return name, SaltStackVersion.from_name(name) ++ ++ def setUp(self): ++ ''' ++ Setup a test ++ :return: ++ ''' ++ self.globs = { ++ '__virtualname__': 'test', ++ '__opts__': {}, ++ 'old_function': self.old_function, ++ 'new_function': self.new_function, ++ } ++ self.messages = list() ++ decorators.log = DummyLogger(self.messages) ++ ++ def test_is_deprecated_version_eol(self): ++ ''' ++ Use of is_deprecated will result to the exception, ++ if the expiration version is lower than the current version. ++ A successor function is not pointed out. ++ ++ :return: ++ ''' ++ depr = decorators.is_deprecated(self.globs, "Helium") ++ depr._curr_version = self._mk_version("Beryllium")[1] ++ with self.assertRaises(CommandExecutionError): ++ depr(self.old_function)() ++ self.assertEqual(self.messages, ++ ['The lifetime of the function "old_function" expired.']) ++ ++ def test_is_deprecated_with_successor_eol(self): ++ ''' ++ Use of is_deprecated will result to the exception, ++ if the expiration version is lower than the current version. ++ A successor function is pointed out. ++ ++ :return: ++ ''' ++ depr = decorators.is_deprecated(self.globs, "Helium", with_successor="new_function") ++ depr._curr_version = self._mk_version("Beryllium")[1] ++ with self.assertRaises(CommandExecutionError): ++ depr(self.old_function)() ++ self.assertEqual(self.messages, ++ ['The lifetime of the function "old_function" expired. ' ++ 'Please use its successor "new_function" instead.']) ++ ++ def test_is_deprecated(self): ++ ''' ++ Use of is_deprecated will result to the log message, ++ if the expiration version is higher than the current version. ++ A successor function is not pointed out. ++ ++ :return: ++ ''' ++ depr = decorators.is_deprecated(self.globs, "Beryllium") ++ depr._curr_version = self._mk_version("Helium")[1] ++ self.assertEqual(depr(self.old_function)(), self.old_function()) ++ self.assertEqual(self.messages, ++ ['The function "old_function" is deprecated ' ++ 'and will expire in version "Beryllium".']) ++ ++ def test_is_deprecated_with_successor(self): ++ ''' ++ Use of is_deprecated will result to the log message, ++ if the expiration version is higher than the current version. ++ A successor function is pointed out. ++ ++ :return: ++ ''' ++ depr = decorators.is_deprecated(self.globs, "Beryllium", with_successor="old_function") ++ depr._curr_version = self._mk_version("Helium")[1] ++ self.assertEqual(depr(self.old_function)(), self.old_function()) ++ self.assertEqual(self.messages, ++ ['The function "old_function" is deprecated ' ++ 'and will expire in version "Beryllium". ' ++ 'Use successor "old_function" instead.']) ++ ++ def test_with_deprecated_notfound(self): ++ ''' ++ Test with_deprecated should raise an exception, if a same name ++ function with the "_" prefix not implemented. ++ ++ :return: ++ ''' ++ self.globs['__opts__']['use_deprecated'] = ['test.new_function'] ++ depr = decorators.with_deprecated(self.globs, "Beryllium") ++ depr._curr_version = self._mk_version("Helium")[1] ++ with self.assertRaises(CommandExecutionError): ++ depr(self.new_function)() ++ self.assertEqual(self.messages, ++ ['The function is using its deprecated version and will expire in version "Beryllium". ' ++ 'Use its successor "new_function" instead.']) ++ ++ def test_with_deprecated_found(self): ++ ''' ++ Test with_deprecated should not raise an exception, if a same name ++ function with the "_" prefix is implemented, but should use ++ an old version instead, if "use_deprecated" is requested. ++ ++ :return: ++ ''' ++ self.globs['__opts__']['use_deprecated'] = ['test.new_function'] ++ self.globs['_new_function'] = self.old_function ++ depr = decorators.with_deprecated(self.globs, "Beryllium") ++ depr._curr_version = self._mk_version("Helium")[1] ++ self.assertEqual(depr(self.new_function)(), self.old_function()) ++ log_msg = ['The function is using its deprecated version and will expire in version "Beryllium". ' ++ 'Use its successor "new_function" instead.'] ++ self.assertEqual(self.messages, log_msg) ++ ++ def test_with_deprecated_found_eol(self): ++ ''' ++ Test with_deprecated should raise an exception, if a same name ++ function with the "_" prefix is implemented, "use_deprecated" is requested ++ and EOL is reached. ++ ++ :return: ++ ''' ++ self.globs['__opts__']['use_deprecated'] = ['test.new_function'] ++ self.globs['_new_function'] = self.old_function ++ depr = decorators.with_deprecated(self.globs, "Helium") ++ depr._curr_version = self._mk_version("Beryllium")[1] ++ with self.assertRaises(CommandExecutionError): ++ depr(self.new_function)() ++ self.assertEqual(self.messages, ++ ['Although function "new_function" is called, an alias "new_function" ' ++ 'is configured as its deprecated version. The lifetime of the function ' ++ '"new_function" expired. Please use its successor "new_function" instead.']) ++ ++ def test_with_deprecated_no_conf(self): ++ ''' ++ Test with_deprecated should not raise an exception, if a same name ++ function with the "_" prefix is implemented, but should use ++ a new version instead, if "use_deprecated" is not requested. ++ ++ :return: ++ ''' ++ self.globs['_new_function'] = self.old_function ++ depr = decorators.with_deprecated(self.globs, "Beryllium") ++ depr._curr_version = self._mk_version("Helium")[1] ++ self.assertEqual(depr(self.new_function)(), self.new_function()) ++ self.assertFalse(self.messages) ++ ++ def test_with_deprecated_with_name(self): ++ ''' ++ Test with_deprecated should not raise an exception, if a different name ++ function is implemented and specified with the "with_name" parameter, ++ but should use an old version instead and log a warning log message. ++ ++ :return: ++ ''' ++ self.globs['__opts__']['use_deprecated'] = ['test.new_function'] ++ depr = decorators.with_deprecated(self.globs, "Beryllium", with_name="old_function") ++ depr._curr_version = self._mk_version("Helium")[1] ++ self.assertEqual(depr(self.new_function)(), self.old_function()) ++ self.assertEqual(self.messages, ++ ['The function "old_function" is deprecated and will expire in version "Beryllium". ' ++ 'Use its successor "new_function" instead.']) ++ ++ def test_with_deprecated_with_name_eol(self): ++ ''' ++ Test with_deprecated should raise an exception, if a different name ++ function is implemented and specified with the "with_name" parameter ++ and EOL is reached. ++ ++ :return: ++ ''' ++ self.globs['__opts__']['use_deprecated'] = ['test.new_function'] ++ depr = decorators.with_deprecated(self.globs, "Helium", with_name="old_function") ++ depr._curr_version = self._mk_version("Beryllium")[1] ++ with self.assertRaises(CommandExecutionError): ++ depr(self.new_function)() ++ self.assertEqual(self.messages, ++ ['Although function "new_function" is called, ' ++ 'an alias "old_function" is configured as its deprecated version. ' ++ 'The lifetime of the function "old_function" expired. ' ++ 'Please use its successor "new_function" instead.']) ++ ++ ++if __name__ == '__main__': ++ from integration import run_tests ++ run_tests(DecoratorsTest, needs_daemon=False) +-- +2.1.4 + diff --git a/0008-Fix-types-in-the-output-data-and-return-just-a-list-.patch b/0008-Fix-types-in-the-output-data-and-return-just-a-list-.patch deleted file mode 100644 index b6e373c..0000000 --- a/0008-Fix-types-in-the-output-data-and-return-just-a-list-.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -From 1f6af694ef7296f4a32d4adcb658f66865a4c38a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Bo Maryniuk -Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2016 18:26:51 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 08/22] Fix types in the output data and return just a list of - products - ---- - salt/modules/ | 20 ++++++++++++-------- - 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ -index 4699904..76170e6 100644 ---- a/salt/modules/ -+++ b/salt/modules/ -@@ -1216,14 +1216,18 @@ def list_products(all=False): - doc = dom.parseString(__salt__[''](("zypper -x products{0}".format(not all and ' -i' or '')), - output_loglevel='trace')) - for prd in doc.getElementsByTagName('product-list')[0].getElementsByTagName('product'): -- p_data = dict() -- p_nfo = dict(prd.attributes.items()) -- p_name = p_nfo.pop('name') -- p_data[p_name] = p_nfo -- p_data[p_name]['eol'] = prd.getElementsByTagName('endoflife')[0].getAttribute('text') -- descr = _get_first_aggregate_text(prd.getElementsByTagName('description')) -- p_data[p_name]['description'] = " ".join([line.strip() for line in descr.split(os.linesep)]) -- ret.append(p_data) -+ p_nfo = dict() -+ for k_p_nfo, v_p_nfo in prd.attributes.items(): -+ p_nfo[k_p_nfo] = k_p_nfo not in ['isbase', 'installed'] and v_p_nfo or v_p_nfo == 'true' -+ p_nfo['eol'] = prd.getElementsByTagName('endoflife')[0].getAttribute('text') -+ p_nfo['eol_t'] = int(prd.getElementsByTagName('endoflife')[0].getAttribute('time_t')) -+ p_nfo['description'] = " ".join( -+ [line.strip() for line in _get_first_aggregate_text( -+ prd.getElementsByTagName('description') -+ ).split(os.linesep)] -+ ) -+ -+ ret.append(p_nfo) - - return ret - --- -2.1.4 - diff --git a/0009-The-functions-in-the-state-module-that-return-a-retc.patch b/0009-The-functions-in-the-state-module-that-return-a-retc.patch deleted file mode 100644 index fdeae2a..0000000 --- a/0009-The-functions-in-the-state-module-that-return-a-retc.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -From 8d77e22c0c570a0a725216f70c41d4fe00a184ca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: "Gareth J. Greenaway" -Date: Sat, 6 Feb 2016 15:52:17 -0800 -Subject: [PATCH 09/22] The functions in the state module that return a retcode - when something goes wrong, eg. a 1 or a 2, do not return a 0 when things go - the way they're supposed to go. With the recent changes to the scheduler to - ensure that the retcode is returned this is problematic and results in - exceptions when a state function is run from the schedule. This simple fix - ensures a default retcode of 0 exists, it is then override in the - _set_retcode function if there is an issue with the run - ---- - salt/modules/ | 9 +++++---- - 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ -index 9cb195b..27e588c 100644 ---- a/salt/modules/ -+++ b/salt/modules/ -@@ -70,6 +70,10 @@ def _set_retcode(ret): - ''' - Set the return code based on the data back from the state system - ''' -+ -+ # Set default retcode to 0 -+ __context__['retcode'] = 0 -+ - if isinstance(ret, list): - __context__['retcode'] = 1 - return -@@ -576,7 +580,6 @@ def highstate(test=None, - - serial = salt.payload.Serial(__opts__) - cache_file = os.path.join(__opts__['cachedir'], 'highstate.p') -- - _set_retcode(ret) - # Work around Windows multiprocessing bug, set __opts__['test'] back to - # value from before this function was run. -@@ -770,7 +773,6 @@ def sls(mods, - except (IOError, OSError): - msg = 'Unable to write to SLS cache file {0}. Check permission.' - log.error(msg.format(cache_file)) -- - _set_retcode(ret) - # Work around Windows multiprocessing bug, set __opts__['test'] back to - # value from before this function was run. -@@ -876,8 +878,7 @@ def show_highstate(queue=False, **kwargs): - ret = st_.compile_highstate() - finally: - st_.pop_active() -- if isinstance(ret, list): -- __context__['retcode'] = 1 -+ _set_retcode(ret) - return ret - - --- -2.1.4 - diff --git a/0009-fix-sorting-by-latest-version-when-called-with-an-at.patch b/0009-fix-sorting-by-latest-version-when-called-with-an-at.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef9298c --- /dev/null +++ b/0009-fix-sorting-by-latest-version-when-called-with-an-at.patch @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +From cb588505919b6c74ed824d26a184eec0f47a585b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Michael Calmer +Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 09:49:31 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH 09/12] fix sorting by latest version when called with an + attribute + +--- + salt/modules/ | 7 ++++++- + 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 6026f18..1469368 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -471,6 +471,7 @@ def info(*packages, **attr): + "url": "%|URL?{url: %{URL}\\n}|", + "summary": "summary: %{SUMMARY}\\n", + "description": "description:\\n%{DESCRIPTION}\\n", ++ "edition": "edition: %|EPOCH?{%{EPOCH}:}|%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}\\n", + } + + attr = attr.get('attr', None) and attr['attr'].split(",") or None +@@ -484,6 +485,9 @@ def info(*packages, **attr): + if 'name' not in attr: + attr.append('name') + query.append(attr_map['name']) ++ if 'edition' not in attr: ++ attr.append('edition') ++ query.append(attr_map['edition']) + else: + for attr_k, attr_v in attr_map.iteritems(): + if attr_k != 'description': +@@ -558,10 +562,11 @@ def info(*packages, **attr): + # pick only latest versions + # (in case multiple packages installed, e.g. kernel) + ret = dict() +- for pkg_data in reversed(sorted(_ret, cmp=lambda a_vrs, b_vrs: version_cmp(a_vrs['version'], b_vrs['version']))): ++ for pkg_data in reversed(sorted(_ret, cmp=lambda a_vrs, b_vrs: version_cmp(a_vrs['edition'], b_vrs['edition']))): + pkg_name = pkg_data.pop('name') + if pkg_name not in ret: + ret[pkg_name] = pkg_data.copy() ++ del ret[pkg_name]['edition'] + + return ret + +-- +2.1.4 + diff --git a/0010-Prevent-metadata-download-when-getting-installed-pro.patch b/0010-Prevent-metadata-download-when-getting-installed-pro.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..822eae6 --- /dev/null +++ b/0010-Prevent-metadata-download-when-getting-installed-pro.patch @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +From 336929a4cadca55b00dbf1cd33eb35d19f420c73 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Michael Calmer +Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2016 12:06:29 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH 10/12] Prevent metadata download when getting installed + products + +--- + salt/modules/ | 5 ++++- + 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 63c473c..9702f42 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -1309,7 +1309,10 @@ def list_products(all=False, refresh=False): + + ret = list() + OEM_PATH = "/var/lib/suseRegister/OEM" +- cmd = _zypper('-x', 'products') ++ cmd = _zypper() ++ if not all: ++ cmd.append('--disable-repos') ++ cmd.extend(['-x', 'products']) + if not all: + cmd.append('-i') + +-- +2.1.4 + diff --git a/0010-add-handling-for-OEM-products.patch b/0010-add-handling-for-OEM-products.patch deleted file mode 100644 index c9f40c1..0000000 --- a/0010-add-handling-for-OEM-products.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -From a7a0b80b0ca22a0a898ac4a4f671c08337f8f996 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Michael Calmer -Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2016 12:56:24 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 10/22] add handling for OEM products - ---- - salt/modules/ | 12 +++++++++++- - 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) - -diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ -index 76170e6..6930f1a 100644 ---- a/salt/modules/ -+++ b/salt/modules/ -@@ -1205,6 +1205,9 @@ def list_products(all=False): - all - List all products available or only installed. Default is False. - -+ Includes handling for OEM products, which read the OEM productline file -+ and overwrite the release value. -+ - CLI Examples: - - .. code-block:: bash -@@ -1213,6 +1216,7 @@ def list_products(all=False): - salt '*' pkg.list_products all=True - ''' - ret = list() -+ OEM_PATH = "/var/lib/suseRegister/OEM" - doc = dom.parseString(__salt__[''](("zypper -x products{0}".format(not all and ' -i' or '')), - output_loglevel='trace')) - for prd in doc.getElementsByTagName('product-list')[0].getElementsByTagName('product'): -@@ -1226,7 +1230,13 @@ def list_products(all=False): - prd.getElementsByTagName('description') - ).split(os.linesep)] - ) -- -+ if 'productline' in p_nfo and p_nfo['productline']: -+ oem_file = os.path.join(OEM_PATH, p_nfo['productline']) -+ if os.path.isfile(oem_file): -+ with salt.utils.fopen(oem_file, 'r') as rfile: -+ oem_release = rfile.readline().strip() -+ if oem_release: -+ p_nfo['release'] = oem_release - ret.append(p_nfo) - - return ret --- -2.1.4 - diff --git a/0011-Check-if-EOL-is-available-in-a-particular-product-bs.patch b/0011-Check-if-EOL-is-available-in-a-particular-product-bs.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..22a598f --- /dev/null +++ b/0011-Check-if-EOL-is-available-in-a-particular-product-bs.patch @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +From aae1c09957eab3c89a6c8f78a579cdf9dcfbe188 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Bo Maryniuk +Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2016 13:52:35 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH 11/12] Check if EOL is available in a particular product + (bsc#975093) + +Update SLE11 SP3 data + +Update SLE12 SP1 data + +Adjust test values according to the testing data +--- + salt/modules/ | 13 +++++++-- + .../unit/modules/zypp/zypper-products-sle11sp3.xml | 10 +++++++ + .../unit/modules/zypp/zypper-products-sle12sp1.xml | 8 ++++++ + tests/unit/modules/ | 32 ++++++++++++---------- + 4 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ +index 9702f42..4ce5853 100644 +--- a/salt/modules/ ++++ b/salt/modules/ +@@ -1318,12 +1318,19 @@ def list_products(all=False, refresh=False): + + call = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, output_loglevel='trace') + doc = dom.parseString(_zypper_check_result(call, xml=True)) +- for prd in doc.getElementsByTagName('product-list')[0].getElementsByTagName('product'): ++ product_list = doc.getElementsByTagName('product-list') ++ if not product_list: ++ return ret # No products found ++ ++ for prd in product_list[0].getElementsByTagName('product'): + p_nfo = dict() + for k_p_nfo, v_p_nfo in prd.attributes.items(): + p_nfo[k_p_nfo] = k_p_nfo not in ['isbase', 'installed'] and v_p_nfo or v_p_nfo in ['true', '1'] +- p_nfo['eol'] = prd.getElementsByTagName('endoflife')[0].getAttribute('text') +- p_nfo['eol_t'] = int(prd.getElementsByTagName('endoflife')[0].getAttribute('time_t')) ++ ++ eol = prd.getElementsByTagName('endoflife') ++ if eol: ++ p_nfo['eol'] = eol[0].getAttribute('text') ++ p_nfo['eol_t'] = int(eol[0].getAttribute('time_t') or 0) + p_nfo['description'] = " ".join( + [line.strip() for line in _get_first_aggregate_text( + prd.getElementsByTagName('description') +diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-products-sle11sp3.xml b/tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-products-sle11sp3.xml +index 89a85e3..99444fe 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-products-sle11sp3.xml ++++ b/tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-products-sle11sp3.xml +@@ -31,7 +31,17 @@ + offers common management tools and technology + certifications across the platform, and + each product is enterprise-class. ++0x7ffdb538e948SUSE Linux Enterprise offers a comprehensive ++ suite of products built on a single code base. ++ The platform addresses business needs from ++ the smallest thin-client devices to the world’s ++ most powerful high-performance computing ++ and mainframe servers. SUSE Linux Enterprise ++ offers common management tools and technology ++ certifications across the platform, and ++ each product is enterprise-class. + 0x7ffdb538e948SUSE Manager Server appliance + 0x7ffdb538e948SUSE Manager Server appliance ++0x7ffdb538e948SUSE Manager Server appliance + + +diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-products-sle12sp1.xml b/tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-products-sle12sp1.xml +index 1a50363..a086058 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-products-sle12sp1.xml ++++ b/tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-products-sle12sp1.xml +@@ -24,6 +24,14 @@ provisioning. + SUSE Manager Tools provide packages required to connect to a + SUSE Manager Server. + <p> ++extension<p> ++ SUSE Manager Tools provide packages required to connect to a ++ SUSE Manager Server. ++ <p> ++extension<p> ++ SUSE Manager Tools provide packages required to connect to a ++ SUSE Manager Server. ++ <p> + SUSE Linux Enterprise offers a comprehensive + suite of products built on a single code base. + The platform addresses business needs from +diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/ +index 67cf52a..97e42ef 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/modules/ ++++ b/tests/unit/modules/ +@@ -153,24 +153,26 @@ class ZypperTestCase(TestCase): + for filename, test_data in { + 'zypper-products-sle12sp1.xml': { + 'name': ['SLES', 'SLES', 'SUSE-Manager-Proxy', +- 'SUSE-Manager-Server', 'sle-manager-tools-beta'], ++ 'SUSE-Manager-Server', 'sle-manager-tools-beta', ++ 'sle-manager-tools-beta-broken-eol', 'sle-manager-tools-beta-no-eol'], + 'vendor': 'SUSE LLC ', +- 'release': ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0'], +- 'productline': [False, False, False, False, 'sles'], +- 'eol_t': [1509408000, 1522454400, 1522454400, 1730332800, 1730332800], +- 'isbase': [False, False, False, False, True], +- 'installed': [False, False, False, False, True], ++ 'release': ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'], ++ 'productline': [False, False, False, False, False, False, 'sles'], ++ 'eol_t': [None, 0, 1509408000, 1522454400, 1522454400, 1730332800, 1730332800], ++ 'isbase': [False, False, False, False, False, False, True], ++ 'installed': [False, False, False, False, False, False, True], + }, + 'zypper-products-sle11sp3.xml': { +- 'name': ['SUSE-Manager-Server', 'SUSE-Manager-Server', +- 'SUSE_SLES', 'SUSE_SLES', 'SUSE_SLES-SP4-migration'], ++ 'name': ['SUSE-Manager-Server', 'SUSE-Manager-Server', 'SUSE-Manager-Server-Broken-EOL', ++ 'SUSE_SLES', 'SUSE_SLES', 'SUSE_SLES', 'SUSE_SLES-SP4-migration'], + 'vendor': 'SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany', +- 'release': ['1.138', '1.2', '1.2', '1.201', '1.4'], +- 'productline': [False, False, False, False, 'manager'], +- 'eol_t': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], +- 'isbase': [False, False, False, False, True], +- 'installed': [False, False, False, False, True], ++ 'release': ['1.138', '1.2', '1.2', '1.2', '1.201', '1.201', '1.4'], ++ 'productline': [False, False, False, False, False, 'manager', 'manager'], ++ 'eol_t': [None, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ++ 'isbase': [False, False, False, False, False, True, True], ++ 'installed': [False, False, False, False, False, True, True], + }}.items(): ++ + ref_out = { + 'retcode': 0, + 'stdout': get_test_data(filename) +@@ -178,10 +180,10 @@ class ZypperTestCase(TestCase): + + with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'cmd.run_all': MagicMock(return_value=ref_out)}): + products = zypper.list_products() +- self.assertEqual(len(products), 5) ++ self.assertEqual(len(products), 7) + self.assertIn(test_data['vendor'], [product['vendor'] for product in products]) + for kwd in ['name', 'isbase', 'installed', 'release', 'productline', 'eol_t']: +- self.assertEqual(test_data[kwd], sorted([prod[kwd] for prod in products])) ++ self.assertEqual(test_data[kwd], sorted([prod.get(kwd) for prod in products])) + + def test_refresh_db(self): + ''' +-- +2.1.4 + diff --git a/0011-improve-doc-for-list_pkgs.patch b/0011-improve-doc-for-list_pkgs.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 2b05912..0000000 --- a/0011-improve-doc-for-list_pkgs.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -From 13fd4a3becab7fd991ae2c6a8ca1c52a51048cef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Michael Calmer -Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2016 14:20:34 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 11/22] improve doc for list_pkgs - ---- - salt/modules/ | 16 ++++++++++++++-- - 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ -index 6930f1a..56d9ffb 100644 ---- a/salt/modules/ -+++ b/salt/modules/ -@@ -291,9 +291,21 @@ def version(*names, **kwargs): - - def list_pkgs(versions_as_list=False, **kwargs): - ''' -- List the packages currently installed as a dict:: -+ List the packages currently installed as a dict with versions -+ as a comma separated string:: - -- {'': ''} -+ {'': '[,...]'} -+ -+ versions_as_list: -+ If set to true, the versions are provided as a list -+ -+ {'': ['', '']} -+ -+ removed: -+ not supported -+ -+ purge_desired: -+ not supported - - CLI Example: - --- -2.1.4 - diff --git a/0012-Bugfix-salt-key-crashes-if-tries-to-generate-keys-to.patch b/0012-Bugfix-salt-key-crashes-if-tries-to-generate-keys-to.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..89c2824 --- /dev/null +++ b/0012-Bugfix-salt-key-crashes-if-tries-to-generate-keys-to.patch @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +From 5e99ee2bec1139b1944284975454c716d477f3e0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Bo Maryniuk +Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2016 16:15:37 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH 12/12] Bugfix: salt-key crashes if tries to generate keys to + the directory w/o write access (#32436) + +* Raise an exception if keys are tried to be written to the directory that has no write access permissions + +* Show an reasonable error message instead of a traceback crash. + +* Fix the unit tests +--- + salt/ | 6 ++++++ + salt/ | 2 ++ + tests/unit/ | 1 + + 3 files changed, 9 insertions(+) + +diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ +index 573a3c1..e5f3317 100644 +--- a/salt/ ++++ b/salt/ +@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import logging + import traceback + import binascii + import weakref ++import getpass + from salt.ext.six.moves import zip # pylint: disable=import-error,redefined-builtin + + # Import third party libs +@@ -94,6 +95,11 @@ def gen_keys(keydir, keyname, keysize, user=None): + # Between first checking and the generation another process has made + # a key! Use the winner's key + return priv ++ ++ # Do not try writing anything, if directory has no permissions. ++ if not os.access(keydir, os.W_OK): ++ raise IOError('Write access denied to "{0}" for user "{1}".'.format(os.path.abspath(keydir), getpass.getuser())) ++ + cumask = os.umask(191) + with salt.utils.fopen(priv, 'wb+') as f: + f.write(gen.exportKey('PEM')) +diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ +index 7da79bf..38b100d 100644 +--- a/salt/ ++++ b/salt/ +@@ -297,6 +297,8 @@ def salt_key(): + SystemExit('\nExiting gracefully on Ctrl-c'), + err, + hardcrash, trace=trace) ++ except Exception as err: ++ sys.stderr.write("Error: {0}\n".format(err.message)) + + + def salt_cp(): +diff --git a/tests/unit/ b/tests/unit/ +index 3ff3b09..f548820 100644 +--- a/tests/unit/ ++++ b/tests/unit/ +@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ class CryptTestCase(TestCase): + @patch('os.umask', MagicMock()) + @patch('os.chmod', MagicMock()) + @patch('os.chown', MagicMock()) ++ @patch('os.access', MagicMock(return_value=True)) + def test_gen_keys(self): + with patch('salt.utils.fopen', mock_open()): + open_priv_wb = call('/keydir/keyname.pem', 'wb+') +-- +2.1.4 + diff --git a/0012-implement-version_cmp-for-zypper.patch b/0012-implement-version_cmp-for-zypper.patch deleted file mode 100644 index c84c4ff..0000000 --- a/0012-implement-version_cmp-for-zypper.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,95 +0,0 @@ -From 82a9f07f27cf95a7dcff32c8434af9b5d7cf55ad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Michael Calmer -Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2016 11:47:12 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 12/22] implement version_cmp for zypper - ---- - salt/modules/ | 65 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - 1 file changed, 65 insertions(+) - -diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ -index 56d9ffb..bd9c30a 100644 ---- a/salt/modules/ -+++ b/salt/modules/ -@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import copy - import logging - import re - import os -+import rpm - - # Import 3rd-party libs - # pylint: disable=import-error,redefined-builtin,no-name-in-module -@@ -288,6 +289,70 @@ def version(*names, **kwargs): - ''' - return __salt__['pkg_resource.version'](*names, **kwargs) or {} - -+def _stringToEVR(verstring): -+ ''' -+ Split the version string into epoch, version and release and -+ return this as tuple. -+ -+ epoch is always not empty. -+ version and release can be an empty string if such a component -+ could not be found in the version string. -+ -+ "2:1.0-1.2" => ('2', '1.0', '1.2) -+ "1.0" => ('0', '1.0', '') -+ "" => ('0', '', '') -+ ''' -+ if verstring in [None, '']: -+ return ('0', '', '') -+ i = verstring.find(':') -+ if i != -1: -+ try: -+ epoch = str(long(verstring[:i])) -+ except ValueError: -+ # look, garbage in the epoch field, how fun, kill it -+ epoch = '0' # this is our fallback, deal -+ else: -+ epoch = '0' -+ j = verstring.find('-') -+ if j != -1: -+ version = verstring[i + 1:j] -+ release = verstring[j + 1:] -+ else: -+ version = verstring[i + 1:] -+ release = '' -+ return (epoch, version, release) -+ -+def version_cmp(ver1, ver2): -+ ''' -+ .. versionadded:: 2015.5.4 -+ -+ Do a cmp-style comparison on two packages. Return -1 if ver1 < ver2, 0 if -+ ver1 == ver2, and 1 if ver1 > ver2. Return None if there was a problem -+ making the comparison. -+ -+ CLI Example: -+ -+ .. code-block:: bash -+ -+ salt '*' pkg.version_cmp '0.2-001' '' -+ ''' -+ try: -+ cmp_result = rpm.labelCompare( -+ _stringToEVR(ver1), -+ _stringToEVR(ver2) -+ ) -+ if cmp_result not in (-1, 0, 1): -+ raise Exception( -+ 'cmp result \'{0}\' is invalid'.format(cmp_result) -+ ) -+ return cmp_result -+ except Exception as exc: -+ log.warning( -+ 'Failed to compare version \'{0}\' to \'{1}\' using ' -+ 'rpmUtils: {2}'.format(ver1, ver2, exc) -+ ) -+ return salt.utils.version_cmp(ver1, ver2) -+ - - def list_pkgs(versions_as_list=False, **kwargs): - ''' --- -2.1.4 - diff --git a/0013-Prevent-crash-if-pygit2-package-is-requesting-re-com.patch b/0013-Prevent-crash-if-pygit2-package-is-requesting-re-com.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b78d19 --- /dev/null +++ b/0013-Prevent-crash-if-pygit2-package-is-requesting-re-com.patch @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +From f187ee058eb221eb5a34d51ca5db53bb8eeea5e1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Bo Maryniuk +Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2016 16:25:05 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH 13/14] Prevent crash if pygit2 package is requesting + re-compilation + +* Prevent crash if pygit2 package is requesting re-compilation of the entire library on production systems (no *devel packages) + +* Fix PEP8: move imports to the top of the file + +* Move logger up + +* Add log error message in case if exception is not an ImportError +--- + salt/utils/ | 33 ++++++++++++++++++++------------- + 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ +index 164c92e..5452c28 100644 +--- a/salt/utils/ ++++ b/salt/utils/ +@@ -19,6 +19,18 @@ import subprocess + import time + from datetime import datetime + ++# Import salt libs ++import salt.utils ++import salt.utils.itertools ++import salt.utils.url ++import salt.fileserver ++from salt.utils.process import os_is_running as pid_exists ++from salt.exceptions import FileserverConfigError, GitLockError ++from salt.utils.event import tagify ++ ++# Import third party libs ++import salt.ext.six as six ++ + VALID_PROVIDERS = ('gitpython', 'pygit2', 'dulwich') + # Optional per-remote params that can only be used on a per-remote basis, and + # thus do not have defaults in salt/ +@@ -54,16 +66,8 @@ _INVALID_REPO = ( + 'master to continue to use this {2} remote.' + ) + +-# Import salt libs +-import salt.utils +-import salt.utils.itertools +-import salt.utils.url +-import salt.fileserver +-from salt.exceptions import FileserverConfigError, GitLockError +-from salt.utils.event import tagify ++log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + +-# Import third party libs +-import salt.ext.six as six + # pylint: disable=import-error + try: + import git +@@ -79,8 +83,13 @@ try: + GitError = pygit2.errors.GitError + except AttributeError: + GitError = Exception +-except ImportError: +- HAS_PYGIT2 = False ++except Exception as err: # cffi VerificationError also may happen ++ HAS_PYGIT2 = False # and pygit2 requrests re-compilation ++ # on a production system (!), ++ # but cffi might be absent as well! ++ # Therefore just a generic Exception class. ++ if not isinstance(err, ImportError): ++ log.error('Import pygit2 failed: {0}'.format(err)) + + try: + import dulwich.errors +@@ -93,8 +102,6 @@ except ImportError: + HAS_DULWICH = False + # pylint: enable=import-error + +-log = logging.getLogger(__name__) +- + # Minimum versions for backend providers + GITPYTHON_MINVER = '0.3' + PYGIT2_MINVER = '0.20.3' +-- +2.8.1 + diff --git a/0013-pylint-changes.patch b/0013-pylint-changes.patch deleted file mode 100644 index ee02a00..0000000 --- a/0013-pylint-changes.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,93 +0,0 @@ -From c26d1b6987a06e972749a10af1c54befae14c6e6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Michael Calmer -Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2016 13:48:50 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 13/22] pylint changes - ---- - salt/modules/ | 30 ++++++++++++++++-------------- - 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ -index bd9c30a..7448f8b 100644 ---- a/salt/modules/ -+++ b/salt/modules/ -@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - ''' - Package support for openSUSE via the zypper package manager - --:depends: - ``zypp`` Python module. Install with ``zypper install python-zypp`` -+:depends: - ``rpm`` Python module. Install with ``zypper install rpm-python`` - ''' - - # Import python libs -@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ import copy - import logging - import re - import os --import rpm - - # Import 3rd-party libs - # pylint: disable=import-error,redefined-builtin,no-name-in-module -+import rpm - import salt.ext.six as six - from salt.ext.six.moves import configparser - from salt.ext.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse as _urlparse -@@ -289,7 +289,8 @@ def version(*names, **kwargs): - ''' - return __salt__['pkg_resource.version'](*names, **kwargs) or {} - --def _stringToEVR(verstring): -+ -+def _string_to_evr(verstring): - ''' - Split the version string into epoch, version and release and - return this as tuple. -@@ -304,24 +305,25 @@ def _stringToEVR(verstring): - ''' - if verstring in [None, '']: - return ('0', '', '') -- i = verstring.find(':') -- if i != -1: -+ idx_e = verstring.find(':') -+ if idx_e != -1: - try: -- epoch = str(long(verstring[:i])) -+ epoch = str(int(verstring[:idx_e])) - except ValueError: - # look, garbage in the epoch field, how fun, kill it -- epoch = '0' # this is our fallback, deal -+ epoch = '0' # this is our fallback, deal - else: - epoch = '0' -- j = verstring.find('-') -- if j != -1: -- version = verstring[i + 1:j] -- release = verstring[j + 1:] -+ idx_r = verstring.find('-') -+ if idx_r != -1: -+ version = verstring[idx_e + 1:idx_r] -+ release = verstring[idx_r + 1:] - else: -- version = verstring[i + 1:] -+ version = verstring[idx_e + 1:] - release = '' - return (epoch, version, release) - -+ - def version_cmp(ver1, ver2): - ''' - .. versionadded:: 2015.5.4 -@@ -338,8 +340,8 @@ def version_cmp(ver1, ver2): - ''' - try: - cmp_result = rpm.labelCompare( -- _stringToEVR(ver1), -- _stringToEVR(ver2) -+ _string_to_evr(ver1), -+ _string_to_evr(ver2) - ) - if cmp_result not in (-1, 0, 1): - raise Exception( --- -2.1.4 - diff --git a/0014-Check-if-rpm-python-can-be-imported.patch b/0014-Check-if-rpm-python-can-be-imported.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 00088ce..0000000 --- a/0014-Check-if-rpm-python-can-be-imported.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ -From 4accc710ab2f92118f4777d13bc585d26e8e939e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Michael Calmer -Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2016 08:49:15 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 14/22] Check if rpm-python can be imported - ---- - salt/modules/ | 36 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------- - 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ -index 7448f8b..d44ad6a 100644 ---- a/salt/modules/ -+++ b/salt/modules/ -@@ -14,10 +14,15 @@ import os - - # Import 3rd-party libs - # pylint: disable=import-error,redefined-builtin,no-name-in-module --import rpm - import salt.ext.six as six - from salt.ext.six.moves import configparser - from salt.ext.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse as _urlparse -+ -+try: -+ import rpm -+ HAS_RPM = True -+except ImportError: -+ HAS_RPM = False - # pylint: enable=import-error,redefined-builtin,no-name-in-module - - from xml.dom import minidom as dom -@@ -338,21 +343,22 @@ def version_cmp(ver1, ver2): - - salt '*' pkg.version_cmp '0.2-001' '' - ''' -- try: -- cmp_result = rpm.labelCompare( -- _string_to_evr(ver1), -- _string_to_evr(ver2) -- ) -- if cmp_result not in (-1, 0, 1): -- raise Exception( -- 'cmp result \'{0}\' is invalid'.format(cmp_result) -+ if HAS_RPM: -+ try: -+ cmp_result = rpm.labelCompare( -+ _string_to_evr(ver1), -+ _string_to_evr(ver2) -+ ) -+ if cmp_result not in (-1, 0, 1): -+ raise Exception( -+ 'cmp result \'{0}\' is invalid'.format(cmp_result) -+ ) -+ return cmp_result -+ except Exception as exc: -+ log.warning( -+ 'Failed to compare version \'{0}\' to \'{1}\' using ' -+ 'rpmUtils: {2}'.format(ver1, ver2, exc) - ) -- return cmp_result -- except Exception as exc: -- log.warning( -- 'Failed to compare version \'{0}\' to \'{1}\' using ' -- 'rpmUtils: {2}'.format(ver1, ver2, exc) -- ) - return salt.utils.version_cmp(ver1, ver2) - - --- -2.1.4 - diff --git a/0014-align-OS-grains-from-older-SLES-with-current-one-326.patch b/0014-align-OS-grains-from-older-SLES-with-current-one-326.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f438967 --- /dev/null +++ b/0014-align-OS-grains-from-older-SLES-with-current-one-326.patch @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +From 0961f5bd3e3b7aa3ebd75fe064044d078df62724 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Michael Calmer +Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2016 16:31:58 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH 14/14] align OS grains from older SLES with current one + (#32649) + +--- + salt/grains/ | 9 +++++++-- + 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/salt/grains/ b/salt/grains/ +index eb62b97..d5dbef8 100644 +--- a/salt/grains/ ++++ b/salt/grains/ +@@ -1184,14 +1184,19 @@ def os_data(): + for line in fhr: + if 'enterprise' in line.lower(): + grains['lsb_distrib_id'] = 'SLES' ++ grains['lsb_distrib_codename'] = re.sub(r'\(.+\)', '', line).strip() + elif 'version' in line.lower(): + version = re.sub(r'[^0-9]', '', line) + elif 'patchlevel' in line.lower(): + patch = re.sub(r'[^0-9]', '', line) + grains['lsb_distrib_release'] = version + if patch: +- grains['lsb_distrib_release'] += ' SP' + patch +- grains['lsb_distrib_codename'] = 'n.a' ++ grains['lsb_distrib_release'] += '.' + patch ++ patchstr = 'SP' + patch ++ if grains['lsb_distrib_codename'] and patchstr not in grains['lsb_distrib_codename']: ++ grains['lsb_distrib_codename'] += ' ' + patchstr ++ if not grains['lsb_distrib_codename']: ++ grains['lsb_distrib_codename'] = 'n.a' + elif os.path.isfile('/etc/altlinux-release'): + # ALT Linux + grains['lsb_distrib_id'] = 'altlinux' +-- +2.8.1 + diff --git a/0015-call-zypper-with-option-non-interactive-everywhere.patch b/0015-call-zypper-with-option-non-interactive-everywhere.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 33293eb..0000000 --- a/0015-call-zypper-with-option-non-interactive-everywhere.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,184 +0,0 @@ -From 5009e290b5a318b168fd03095ced7043203fe34c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Michael Calmer -Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2016 10:12:55 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 15/22] call zypper with option --non-interactive everywhere - ---- - salt/modules/ | 49 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------- - 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ -index d44ad6a..cb26b51 100644 ---- a/salt/modules/ -+++ b/salt/modules/ -@@ -56,6 +56,21 @@ def __virtual__(): - return __virtualname__ - - -+def _zypper(as_list=False): -+ ''' -+ Return zypper command with default options as a string. -+ -+ CMD: zypper --non-interactive -+ -+ as_list: -+ if set to True, the command and the default options -+ are returned as a list -+ ''' -+ if as_list: -+ return ['zypper', '--non-interactive'] -+ return "zypper --non-interactive " -+ -+ - def list_upgrades(refresh=True): - ''' - List all available package upgrades on this system -@@ -70,7 +85,7 @@ def list_upgrades(refresh=True): - refresh_db() - ret = {} - call = __salt__['cmd.run_all']( -- 'zypper list-updates', output_loglevel='trace' -+ _zypper() + 'list-updates', output_loglevel='trace' - ) - if call['retcode'] != 0: - comment = '' -@@ -185,7 +200,7 @@ def info_available(*names, **kwargs): - - # Run in batches - while batch: -- cmd = 'zypper info -t package {0}'.format(' '.join(batch[:batch_size])) -+ cmd = '{0} info -t package {1}'.format(_zypper(), ' '.join(batch[:batch_size])) - pkg_info.extend(re.split(r"Information for package*", __salt__['cmd.run_stdout'](cmd, output_loglevel='trace'))) - batch = batch[batch_size:] - -@@ -494,7 +509,7 @@ def del_repo(repo): - repos_cfg = _get_configured_repos() - for alias in repos_cfg.sections(): - if alias == repo: -- cmd = ('zypper -x --non-interactive rr --loose-auth --loose-query {0}'.format(alias)) -+ cmd = ('{0} -x rr --loose-auth --loose-query {1}'.format(_zypper(), alias)) - doc = dom.parseString(__salt__[''](cmd, output_loglevel='trace')) - msg = doc.getElementsByTagName('message') - if doc.getElementsByTagName('progress') and msg: -@@ -583,7 +598,7 @@ def mod_repo(repo, **kwargs): - try: - # Try to parse the output and find the error, - # but this not always working (depends on Zypper version) -- doc = dom.parseString(__salt__[''](('zypper -x ar {0} \'{1}\''.format(url, repo)), -+ doc = dom.parseString(__salt__[''](('{0} -x ar {1} \'{2}\''.format(_zypper(), url, repo)), - output_loglevel='trace')) - except Exception: - # No XML out available, but it is still unknown the state of the result. -@@ -629,7 +644,7 @@ def mod_repo(repo, **kwargs): - cmd_opt.append("--name='{0}'".format(kwargs.get('humanname'))) - - if cmd_opt: -- __salt__[''](('zypper -x mr {0} \'{1}\''.format(' '.join(cmd_opt), repo)), -+ __salt__[''](('{0} -x mr {1} \'{2}\''.format(_zypper(), ' '.join(cmd_opt), repo)), - output_loglevel='trace') - - # If repo nor added neither modified, error should be thrown -@@ -652,7 +667,7 @@ def refresh_db(): - - salt '*' pkg.refresh_db - ''' -- cmd = 'zypper refresh' -+ cmd = _zypper() + 'refresh' - ret = {} - call = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, output_loglevel='trace') - if call['retcode'] != 0: -@@ -799,7 +814,7 @@ def install(name=None, -'Targeting repo {0!r}'.format(fromrepo)) - else: - fromrepoopt = '' -- cmd_install = ['zypper', '--non-interactive'] -+ cmd_install = _zypper(as_list=True) - if not refresh: - cmd_install.append('--no-refresh') - cmd_install += ['install', '--name', '--auto-agree-with-licenses'] -@@ -855,7 +870,7 @@ def upgrade(refresh=True): - if salt.utils.is_true(refresh): - refresh_db() - old = list_pkgs() -- cmd = 'zypper --non-interactive update --auto-agree-with-licenses' -+ cmd = _zypper() + 'update --auto-agree-with-licenses' - call = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, output_loglevel='trace') - if call['retcode'] != 0: - ret['result'] = False -@@ -887,8 +902,8 @@ def _uninstall(action='remove', name=None, pkgs=None): - return {} - while targets: - cmd = ( -- 'zypper --non-interactive remove {0} {1}' -- .format(purge_arg, ' '.join(targets[:500])) -+ '{0} remove {1} {2}' -+ .format(_zypper(), purge_arg, ' '.join(targets[:500])) - ) - __salt__[''](cmd, output_loglevel='trace') - targets = targets[500:] -@@ -1003,7 +1018,7 @@ def clean_locks(): - if not os.path.exists("/etc/zypp/locks"): - return out - -- doc = dom.parseString(__salt__['']('zypper --non-interactive -x cl', output_loglevel='trace')) -+ doc = dom.parseString(__salt__[''](_zypper() + '-x cl', output_loglevel='trace')) - for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("message"): - text = node.childNodes[0].nodeValue.lower() - if text.startswith(LCK): -@@ -1041,7 +1056,7 @@ def remove_lock(packages, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument - missing.append(pkg) - - if removed: -- __salt__[''](('zypper --non-interactive rl {0}'.format(' '.join(removed))), -+ __salt__[''](('{0} rl {1}'.format(_zypper(), ' '.join(removed))), - output_loglevel='trace') - - return {'removed': len(removed), 'not_found': missing} -@@ -1071,7 +1086,7 @@ def add_lock(packages, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument - added.append(pkg) - - if added: -- __salt__[''](('zypper --non-interactive al {0}'.format(' '.join(added))), -+ __salt__[''](('{0} al {1}'.format(_zypper(), ' '.join(added))), - output_loglevel='trace') - - return {'added': len(added), 'packages': added} -@@ -1204,7 +1219,7 @@ def _get_patterns(installed_only=None): - List all known patterns in repos. - ''' - patterns = {} -- doc = dom.parseString(__salt__[''](('zypper --xmlout se -t pattern'), -+ doc = dom.parseString(__salt__['']((_zypper() + '--xmlout se -t pattern'), - output_loglevel='trace')) - for element in doc.getElementsByTagName('solvable'): - installed = element.getAttribute('status') == 'installed' -@@ -1253,7 +1268,7 @@ def search(criteria): - - salt '*' - ''' -- doc = dom.parseString(__salt__[''](('zypper --xmlout se {0}'.format(criteria)), -+ doc = dom.parseString(__salt__[''](('{0} --xmlout se {1}'.format(_zypper(), criteria)), - output_loglevel='trace')) - solvables = doc.getElementsByTagName('solvable') - if not solvables: -@@ -1302,7 +1317,7 @@ def list_products(all=False): - ''' - ret = list() - OEM_PATH = "/var/lib/suseRegister/OEM" -- doc = dom.parseString(__salt__[''](("zypper -x products{0}".format(not all and ' -i' or '')), -+ doc = dom.parseString(__salt__[''](("{0} -x products{1}".format(_zypper(), not all and ' -i' or '')), - output_loglevel='trace')) - for prd in doc.getElementsByTagName('product-list')[0].getElementsByTagName('product'): - p_nfo = dict() -@@ -1342,7 +1357,7 @@ def download(*packages): - raise CommandExecutionError("No packages has been specified.") - - doc = dom.parseString(__salt__['']( -- ('zypper -x --non-interactive download {0}'.format(' '.join(packages))), -+ ('{0} -x download {1}'.format(_zypper(), ' '.join(packages))), - output_loglevel='trace')) - pkg_ret = {} - for dld_result in doc.getElementsByTagName("download-result"): --- -2.1.4 - diff --git a/0016-write-a-zypper-command-builder-function.patch b/0016-write-a-zypper-command-builder-function.patch deleted file mode 100644 index f5754c3..0000000 --- a/0016-write-a-zypper-command-builder-function.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,201 +0,0 @@ -From 8d25c4c8906581fa44380f72f0f754b56f5e30c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Michael Calmer -Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2016 11:50:31 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 16/22] write a zypper command builder function - ---- - salt/modules/ | 62 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- - 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ -index cb26b51..f878c95 100644 ---- a/salt/modules/ -+++ b/salt/modules/ -@@ -56,19 +56,18 @@ def __virtual__(): - return __virtualname__ - - --def _zypper(as_list=False): -+def _zypper(*opts): - ''' -- Return zypper command with default options as a string. -+ Return zypper command with default options as a list. - -- CMD: zypper --non-interactive -+ opts -+ additional options for zypper command - -- as_list: -- if set to True, the command and the default options -- are returned as a list - ''' -- if as_list: -- return ['zypper', '--non-interactive'] -- return "zypper --non-interactive " -+ cmd = ['zypper', '--non-interactive'] -+ cmd.extend(opts) -+ -+ return cmd - - - def list_upgrades(refresh=True): -@@ -85,7 +84,7 @@ def list_upgrades(refresh=True): - refresh_db() - ret = {} - call = __salt__['cmd.run_all']( -- _zypper() + 'list-updates', output_loglevel='trace' -+ _zypper('list-updates'), output_loglevel='trace' - ) - if call['retcode'] != 0: - comment = '' -@@ -200,7 +199,7 @@ def info_available(*names, **kwargs): - - # Run in batches - while batch: -- cmd = '{0} info -t package {1}'.format(_zypper(), ' '.join(batch[:batch_size])) -+ cmd = _zypper('info', '-t', 'package', *batch[:batch_size]) - pkg_info.extend(re.split(r"Information for package*", __salt__['cmd.run_stdout'](cmd, output_loglevel='trace'))) - batch = batch[batch_size:] - -@@ -509,7 +508,7 @@ def del_repo(repo): - repos_cfg = _get_configured_repos() - for alias in repos_cfg.sections(): - if alias == repo: -- cmd = ('{0} -x rr --loose-auth --loose-query {1}'.format(_zypper(), alias)) -+ cmd = _zypper('-x', 'rr', '--loose-auth', '--loose-query', alias) - doc = dom.parseString(__salt__[''](cmd, output_loglevel='trace')) - msg = doc.getElementsByTagName('message') - if doc.getElementsByTagName('progress') and msg: -@@ -598,8 +597,8 @@ def mod_repo(repo, **kwargs): - try: - # Try to parse the output and find the error, - # but this not always working (depends on Zypper version) -- doc = dom.parseString(__salt__[''](('{0} -x ar {1} \'{2}\''.format(_zypper(), url, repo)), -- output_loglevel='trace')) -+ doc = dom.parseString(__salt__['']( -+ _zypper('-x', 'ar', url, repo), output_loglevel='trace')) - except Exception: - # No XML out available, but it is still unknown the state of the result. - pass -@@ -644,7 +643,8 @@ def mod_repo(repo, **kwargs): - cmd_opt.append("--name='{0}'".format(kwargs.get('humanname'))) - - if cmd_opt: -- __salt__[''](('{0} -x mr {1} \'{2}\''.format(_zypper(), ' '.join(cmd_opt), repo)), -+ cmd_opt.append(repo) -+ __salt__[''](_zypper('-x', 'mr', *cmd_opt), - output_loglevel='trace') - - # If repo nor added neither modified, error should be thrown -@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ def refresh_db(): - - salt '*' pkg.refresh_db - ''' -- cmd = _zypper() + 'refresh' -+ cmd = _zypper('refresh') - ret = {} - call = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, output_loglevel='trace') - if call['retcode'] != 0: -@@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ def install(name=None, -'Targeting repo {0!r}'.format(fromrepo)) - else: - fromrepoopt = '' -- cmd_install = _zypper(as_list=True) -+ cmd_install = _zypper() - if not refresh: - cmd_install.append('--no-refresh') - cmd_install += ['install', '--name', '--auto-agree-with-licenses'] -@@ -870,7 +870,7 @@ def upgrade(refresh=True): - if salt.utils.is_true(refresh): - refresh_db() - old = list_pkgs() -- cmd = _zypper() + 'update --auto-agree-with-licenses' -+ cmd = _zypper('update', '--auto-agree-with-licenses') - call = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, output_loglevel='trace') - if call['retcode'] != 0: - ret['result'] = False -@@ -901,10 +901,7 @@ def _uninstall(action='remove', name=None, pkgs=None): - if not targets: - return {} - while targets: -- cmd = ( -- '{0} remove {1} {2}' -- .format(_zypper(), purge_arg, ' '.join(targets[:500])) -- ) -+ cmd = _zypper('remove', purge_arg, *targets[:500]) - __salt__[''](cmd, output_loglevel='trace') - targets = targets[500:] - __context__.pop('pkg.list_pkgs', None) -@@ -1018,7 +1015,7 @@ def clean_locks(): - if not os.path.exists("/etc/zypp/locks"): - return out - -- doc = dom.parseString(__salt__[''](_zypper() + '-x cl', output_loglevel='trace')) -+ doc = dom.parseString(__salt__[''](_zypper('-x', 'cl'), output_loglevel='trace')) - for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("message"): - text = node.childNodes[0].nodeValue.lower() - if text.startswith(LCK): -@@ -1056,8 +1053,7 @@ def remove_lock(packages, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument - missing.append(pkg) - - if removed: -- __salt__[''](('{0} rl {1}'.format(_zypper(), ' '.join(removed))), -- output_loglevel='trace') -+ __salt__[''](_zypper('rl', *removed), output_loglevel='trace') - - return {'removed': len(removed), 'not_found': missing} - -@@ -1086,8 +1082,7 @@ def add_lock(packages, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument - added.append(pkg) - - if added: -- __salt__[''](('{0} al {1}'.format(_zypper(), ' '.join(added))), -- output_loglevel='trace') -+ __salt__[''](_zypper('al', *added), output_loglevel='trace') - - return {'added': len(added), 'packages': added} - -@@ -1219,7 +1214,7 @@ def _get_patterns(installed_only=None): - List all known patterns in repos. - ''' - patterns = {} -- doc = dom.parseString(__salt__['']((_zypper() + '--xmlout se -t pattern'), -+ doc = dom.parseString(__salt__[''](_zypper('--xmlout', 'se', '-t', 'pattern'), - output_loglevel='trace')) - for element in doc.getElementsByTagName('solvable'): - installed = element.getAttribute('status') == 'installed' -@@ -1268,7 +1263,7 @@ def search(criteria): - - salt '*' - ''' -- doc = dom.parseString(__salt__[''](('{0} --xmlout se {1}'.format(_zypper(), criteria)), -+ doc = dom.parseString(__salt__[''](_zypper('--xmlout', 'se', criteria), - output_loglevel='trace')) - solvables = doc.getElementsByTagName('solvable') - if not solvables: -@@ -1317,8 +1312,10 @@ def list_products(all=False): - ''' - ret = list() - OEM_PATH = "/var/lib/suseRegister/OEM" -- doc = dom.parseString(__salt__[''](("{0} -x products{1}".format(_zypper(), not all and ' -i' or '')), -- output_loglevel='trace')) -+ cmd = _zypper('-x', 'products') -+ if not all: -+ cmd.append('-i') -+ doc = dom.parseString(__salt__[''](cmd, output_loglevel='trace')) - for prd in doc.getElementsByTagName('product-list')[0].getElementsByTagName('product'): - p_nfo = dict() - for k_p_nfo, v_p_nfo in prd.attributes.items(): -@@ -1357,8 +1354,7 @@ def download(*packages): - raise CommandExecutionError("No packages has been specified.") - - doc = dom.parseString(__salt__['']( -- ('{0} -x download {1}'.format(_zypper(), ' '.join(packages))), -- output_loglevel='trace')) -+ _zypper('-x', 'download', *packages), output_loglevel='trace')) - pkg_ret = {} - for dld_result in doc.getElementsByTagName("download-result"): - repo = dld_result.getElementsByTagName("repository")[0] --- -2.1.4 - diff --git a/0017-Fix-crash-with-scheduler-and-runners-31106.patch b/0017-Fix-crash-with-scheduler-and-runners-31106.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 17658e0..0000000 --- a/0017-Fix-crash-with-scheduler-and-runners-31106.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -From 978afba658cff38ebc1d6a7aecee4813796db528 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Duncan Mac-Vicar P -Date: Sat, 13 Feb 2016 00:23:30 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 17/22] Fix crash with scheduler and runners (#31106) - -* runner wrapper ClientFuncsDict do not provide access to 'pack' attribute -* runners do not provide retcode, therefore ignore it in the schedule if it is not - provided by __context__ ---- - salt/client/ | 6 ++++++ - salt/utils/ | 5 ++++- - 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) - -diff --git a/salt/client/ b/salt/client/ -index cdb1d0c..6fa3e6f 100644 ---- a/salt/client/ -+++ b/salt/client/ -@@ -53,6 +53,12 @@ class ClientFuncsDict(collections.MutableMapping): - def __init__(self, client): - self.client = client - -+ def __getattr__(self, attr): -+ ''' -+ Provide access eg. to 'pack' -+ ''' -+ return getattr(self.client.functions, attr) -+ - def __setitem__(self, key, val): - raise NotImplementedError() - -diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ -index cae5fcf..5ed49f7 100644 ---- a/salt/utils/ -+++ b/salt/utils/ -@@ -700,7 +700,10 @@ class Schedule(object): - ) - ) - -- ret['retcode'] = self.functions.pack['__context__']['retcode'] -+ # runners do not provide retcode -+ if 'retcode' in self.functions.pack['__context__']: -+ ret['retcode'] = self.functions.pack['__context__']['retcode'] -+ - ret['success'] = True - except Exception: - log.exception("Unhandled exception running {0}".format(ret['fun'])) --- -2.1.4 - diff --git a/0018-unify-behavior-of-refresh.patch b/0018-unify-behavior-of-refresh.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 0f1f315..0000000 --- a/0018-unify-behavior-of-refresh.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,109 +0,0 @@ -From 29ab56413c60c958d5d62b1acdea5a97ce80fdb9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Michael Calmer -Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2016 12:30:19 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 18/22] unify behavior of refresh - ---- - salt/modules/ | 30 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------ - 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ -index f878c95..f5b09c0 100644 ---- a/salt/modules/ -+++ b/salt/modules/ -@@ -74,6 +74,11 @@ def list_upgrades(refresh=True): - ''' - List all available package upgrades on this system - -+ refresh -+ force a refresh if set to True (default). -+ If set to False it depends on zypper if a refresh is -+ executed. -+ - CLI Example: - - .. code-block:: bash -@@ -175,6 +180,11 @@ def info_available(*names, **kwargs): - ''' - Return the information of the named package available for the system. - -+ refresh -+ force a refresh if set to True (default). -+ If set to False it depends on zypper if a refresh is -+ executed or not. -+ - CLI example: - - .. code-block:: bash -@@ -657,7 +667,7 @@ def mod_repo(repo, **kwargs): - - def refresh_db(): - ''' -- Just run a ``zypper refresh``, return a dict:: -+ Force a repository refresh by calling ``zypper refresh --force``, return a dict:: - - {'': Bool} - -@@ -667,7 +677,7 @@ def refresh_db(): - - salt '*' pkg.refresh_db - ''' -- cmd = _zypper('refresh') -+ cmd = _zypper('refresh', '--force') - ret = {} - call = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, output_loglevel='trace') - if call['retcode'] != 0: -@@ -704,7 +714,7 @@ def install(name=None, - version=None, - **kwargs): - ''' -- Install the passed package(s), add refresh=True to run 'zypper refresh' -+ Install the passed package(s), add refresh=True to force a 'zypper refresh' - before package is installed. - - name -@@ -721,7 +731,9 @@ def install(name=None, - salt '*' pkg.install - - refresh -- Whether or not to refresh the package database before installing. -+ force a refresh if set to True. -+ If set to False (default) it depends on zypper if a refresh is -+ executed. - - fromrepo - Specify a package repository to install from. -@@ -769,6 +781,9 @@ def install(name=None, - {'': {'old': '', - 'new': ''}} - ''' -+ if salt.utils.is_true(refresh): -+ refresh_db() -+ - try: - pkg_params, pkg_type = __salt__['pkg_resource.parse_targets'](name, pkgs, sources, **kwargs) - except MinionError as exc: -@@ -815,8 +830,6 @@ def install(name=None, - else: - fromrepoopt = '' - cmd_install = _zypper() -- if not refresh: -- cmd_install.append('--no-refresh') - cmd_install += ['install', '--name', '--auto-agree-with-licenses'] - if downloadonly: - cmd_install.append('--download-only') -@@ -851,6 +864,11 @@ def upgrade(refresh=True): - ''' - Run a full system upgrade, a zypper upgrade - -+ refresh -+ force a refresh if set to True (default). -+ If set to False it depends on zypper if a refresh is -+ executed. -+ - Return a dict containing the new package names and versions:: - - {'': {'old': '', --- -2.1.4 - diff --git a/0019-add-refresh-option-to-more-functions.patch b/0019-add-refresh-option-to-more-functions.patch deleted file mode 100644 index baa38c8..0000000 --- a/0019-add-refresh-option-to-more-functions.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,125 +0,0 @@ -From 478871aebfcb2ddf1b1c2a47b4fccb820180c9ed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Michael Calmer -Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2016 12:39:52 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 19/22] add refresh option to more functions - ---- - salt/modules/ | 40 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---- - 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ -index f5b09c0..9afdeef 100644 ---- a/salt/modules/ -+++ b/salt/modules/ -@@ -1245,16 +1245,24 @@ def _get_patterns(installed_only=None): - return patterns - - --def list_patterns(): -+def list_patterns(refresh=False): - ''' - List all known patterns from available repos. - -+ refresh -+ force a refresh if set to True. -+ If set to False (default) it depends on zypper if a refresh is -+ executed. -+ - CLI Examples: - - .. code-block:: bash - - salt '*' pkg.list_patterns - ''' -+ if salt.utils.is_true(refresh): -+ refresh_db() -+ - return _get_patterns() - - -@@ -1271,16 +1279,24 @@ def list_installed_patterns(): - return _get_patterns(installed_only=True) - - --def search(criteria): -+def search(criteria, refresh=False): - ''' - List known packags, available to the system. - -+ refresh -+ force a refresh if set to True. -+ If set to False (default) it depends on zypper if a refresh is -+ executed. -+ - CLI Examples: - - .. code-block:: bash - - salt '*' - ''' -+ if salt.utils.is_true(refresh): -+ refresh_db() -+ - doc = dom.parseString(__salt__[''](_zypper('--xmlout', 'se', criteria), - output_loglevel='trace')) - solvables = doc.getElementsByTagName('solvable') -@@ -1311,13 +1327,18 @@ def _get_first_aggregate_text(node_list): - return '\n'.join(out) - - --def list_products(all=False): -+def list_products(all=False, refresh=False): - ''' - List all available or installed SUSE products. - - all - List all products available or only installed. Default is False. - -+ refresh -+ force a refresh if set to True. -+ If set to False (default) it depends on zypper if a refresh is -+ executed. -+ - Includes handling for OEM products, which read the OEM productline file - and overwrite the release value. - -@@ -1328,6 +1349,9 @@ def list_products(all=False): - salt '*' pkg.list_products - salt '*' pkg.list_products all=True - ''' -+ if salt.utils.is_true(refresh): -+ refresh_db() -+ - ret = list() - OEM_PATH = "/var/lib/suseRegister/OEM" - cmd = _zypper('-x', 'products') -@@ -1357,10 +1381,15 @@ def list_products(all=False): - return ret - - --def download(*packages): -+def download(refresh=False, *packages): - """ - Download packages to the local disk. - -+ refresh -+ force a refresh if set to True. -+ If set to False (default) it depends on zypper if a refresh is -+ executed. -+ - CLI example: - - .. code-block:: bash -@@ -1371,6 +1400,9 @@ def download(*packages): - if not packages: - raise CommandExecutionError("No packages has been specified.") - -+ if salt.utils.is_true(refresh): -+ refresh_db() -+ - doc = dom.parseString(__salt__['']( - _zypper('-x', 'download', *packages), output_loglevel='trace')) - pkg_ret = {} --- -2.1.4 - diff --git a/0020-simplify-checking-the-refresh-paramater.patch b/0020-simplify-checking-the-refresh-paramater.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 56c301a..0000000 --- a/0020-simplify-checking-the-refresh-paramater.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ -From 0a09ae513698029eb1e05cd8b6e6b45d2830a0cb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Michael Calmer -Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2016 11:26:51 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 20/22] simplify checking the refresh paramater - ---- - salt/modules/ | 16 ++++++++-------- - 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ -index 9afdeef..e2cd5f9 100644 ---- a/salt/modules/ -+++ b/salt/modules/ -@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ def list_upgrades(refresh=True): - - salt '*' pkg.list_upgrades - ''' -- if salt.utils.is_true(refresh): -+ if refresh: - refresh_db() - ret = {} - call = __salt__['cmd.run_all']( -@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ def info_available(*names, **kwargs): - names = sorted(list(set(names))) - - # Refresh db before extracting the latest package -- if salt.utils.is_true(kwargs.pop('refresh', True)): -+ if kwargs.pop('refresh', True): - refresh_db() - - pkg_info = [] -@@ -781,7 +781,7 @@ def install(name=None, - {'': {'old': '', - 'new': ''}} - ''' -- if salt.utils.is_true(refresh): -+ if refresh: - refresh_db() - - try: -@@ -885,7 +885,7 @@ def upgrade(refresh=True): - 'comment': '', - } - -- if salt.utils.is_true(refresh): -+ if refresh: - refresh_db() - old = list_pkgs() - cmd = _zypper('update', '--auto-agree-with-licenses') -@@ -1260,7 +1260,7 @@ def list_patterns(refresh=False): - - salt '*' pkg.list_patterns - ''' -- if salt.utils.is_true(refresh): -+ if refresh: - refresh_db() - - return _get_patterns() -@@ -1294,7 +1294,7 @@ def search(criteria, refresh=False): - - salt '*' - ''' -- if salt.utils.is_true(refresh): -+ if refresh: - refresh_db() - - doc = dom.parseString(__salt__[''](_zypper('--xmlout', 'se', criteria), -@@ -1349,7 +1349,7 @@ def list_products(all=False, refresh=False): - salt '*' pkg.list_products - salt '*' pkg.list_products all=True - ''' -- if salt.utils.is_true(refresh): -+ if refresh: - refresh_db() - - ret = list() -@@ -1400,7 +1400,7 @@ def download(refresh=False, *packages): - if not packages: - raise CommandExecutionError("No packages has been specified.") - -- if salt.utils.is_true(refresh): -+ if refresh: - refresh_db() - - doc = dom.parseString(__salt__['']( --- -2.1.4 - diff --git a/0021-do-not-change-kwargs-in-refresh-while-checking-a-val.patch b/0021-do-not-change-kwargs-in-refresh-while-checking-a-val.patch deleted file mode 100644 index c3c5810..0000000 --- a/0021-do-not-change-kwargs-in-refresh-while-checking-a-val.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -From ea6898f82ddc21c73f3ea369e6af241753a2ceda Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Michael Calmer -Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2016 09:51:01 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 21/22] do not change kwargs in refresh while checking a value - ---- - salt/modules/ | 2 +- - 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) - -diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ -index e2cd5f9..1499b27 100644 ---- a/salt/modules/ -+++ b/salt/modules/ -@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ def info_available(*names, **kwargs): - names = sorted(list(set(names))) - - # Refresh db before extracting the latest package -- if kwargs.pop('refresh', True): -+ if kwargs.get('refresh', True): - refresh_db() - - pkg_info = [] --- -2.1.4 - diff --git a/ b/ deleted file mode 100644 index 59f4546..0000000 --- a/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -From c9bab6bb32f9ca2e65b6e0c24283146b66bf91be Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Michael Calmer -Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2016 11:46:09 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 22/22] fix argument handling for - ---- - salt/modules/ | 3 ++- - 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) - -diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ -index 1499b27..33e5da9 100644 ---- a/salt/modules/ -+++ b/salt/modules/ -@@ -1381,7 +1381,7 @@ def list_products(all=False, refresh=False): - return ret - - --def download(refresh=False, *packages): -+def download(*packages, **kwargs): - """ - Download packages to the local disk. - -@@ -1397,6 +1397,7 @@ def download(refresh=False, *packages): - salt '*' httpd - salt '*' httpd postfix - """ -+ refresh = kwargs.get('refresh', False) - if not packages: - raise CommandExecutionError("No packages has been specified.") - --- -2.1.4 - diff --git a/0023-Initial-Zypper-Unit-Tests-and-bugfixes.patch b/0023-Initial-Zypper-Unit-Tests-and-bugfixes.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 56b86ce..0000000 --- a/0023-Initial-Zypper-Unit-Tests-and-bugfixes.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,673 +0,0 @@ -From 5ee519e885134c1afa77d9e78c53224ad70a2e51 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Bo Maryniuk -Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2016 17:34:37 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 23/23] Initial Zypper Unit Tests and bugfixes - -Add Zypper Unit Test installed products sample data - -Add Zypper unit test: test_list_products and test_refresh_db - -Reimplement list_upgrades to use XML output from Zypper instead - -Rename Zypper products static test data file - -Use renamed zypper products data file - -Do not strip the output - -Implement error handling test for listing upgrades - -Add list upgrades Zypper static data - -Implement list upgrades test - -Use strings instead of unicode strings - -Implement test for info_installed - -Add Zypper static data for the available packages - -Implement test for the info_available - -Implement test for latest_available - -Bugfix: when only one package, no dict is returned. Still upgrade_available should return boolean. - -Implement test for the upgrade_available - -Add third test package static info - -Adjust test case for the third package in the test static data - -Implement test for version compare, where RPM algorithm is called - -Implement test for version compare, where python fall-back algorithm is called - -Add mocking data - -Implement list packages test - -Add space before "assert" keyword - -Fix PyLint - -Do not use Zypper purge (reason: too dangerous) - -Fix the docstring - -Refactor code (a bit) - -Implement unit test for remove and purge ---- - salt/modules/ | 62 ++--- - tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-available.txt | 64 ++++++ - tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-products.xml | 37 +++ - tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-updates.xml | 33 +++ - tests/unit/modules/ | 324 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - 5 files changed, 482 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-) - create mode 100644 tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-available.txt - create mode 100644 tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-products.xml - create mode 100644 tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-updates.xml - create mode 100644 tests/unit/modules/ - -diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ -index 33e5da9..ab8bb06 100644 ---- a/salt/modules/ -+++ b/salt/modules/ -@@ -87,34 +87,21 @@ def list_upgrades(refresh=True): - ''' - if refresh: - refresh_db() -- ret = {} -- call = __salt__['cmd.run_all']( -- _zypper('list-updates'), output_loglevel='trace' -- ) -- if call['retcode'] != 0: -- comment = '' -- if 'stderr' in call: -- comment += call['stderr'] -- if 'stdout' in call: -- comment += call['stdout'] -- raise CommandExecutionError( -- '{0}'.format(comment) -- ) -- else: -- out = call['stdout'] -+ ret = dict() -+ run_data = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](_zypper('-x', 'list-updates'), output_loglevel='trace') -+ if run_data['retcode'] != 0: -+ msg = list() -+ for chnl in ['stderr', 'stdout']: -+ if run_data.get(chnl, ''): -+ msg.append(run_data[chnl]) -+ raise CommandExecutionError(os.linesep.join(msg) or -+ 'Zypper returned non-zero system exit. See Zypper logs for more details.') -+ -+ doc = dom.parseString(run_data['stdout']) -+ for update_node in doc.getElementsByTagName('update'): -+ if update_node.getAttribute('kind') == 'package': -+ ret[update_node.getAttribute('name')] = update_node.getAttribute('edition') - -- for line in out.splitlines(): -- if not line: -- continue -- if '|' not in line: -- continue -- try: -- status, repo, name, cur, avail, arch = \ -- [x.strip() for x in line.split('|')] -- except (ValueError, IndexError): -- continue -- if status == 'v': -- ret[name] = avail - return ret - - # Provide a list_updates function for those used to using zypper list-updates -@@ -300,7 +287,7 @@ def upgrade_available(name): - - salt '*' pkg.upgrade_available - ''' -- return latest_version(name).get(name) is not None -+ return not not latest_version(name) - - - def version(*names, **kwargs): -@@ -903,9 +890,9 @@ def upgrade(refresh=True): - return ret - - --def _uninstall(action='remove', name=None, pkgs=None): -+def _uninstall(name=None, pkgs=None): - ''' -- remove and purge do identical things but with different zypper commands, -+ Remove and purge do identical things but with different Zypper commands, - this function performs the common logic. - ''' - try: -@@ -913,18 +900,17 @@ def _uninstall(action='remove', name=None, pkgs=None): - except MinionError as exc: - raise CommandExecutionError(exc) - -- purge_arg = '-u' if action == 'purge' else '' - old = list_pkgs() -- targets = [x for x in pkg_params if x in old] -+ targets = [target for target in pkg_params if target in old] - if not targets: - return {} -+ - while targets: -- cmd = _zypper('remove', purge_arg, *targets[:500]) -- __salt__[''](cmd, output_loglevel='trace') -+ __salt__[''](_zypper('remove', *targets[:500]), output_loglevel='trace') - targets = targets[500:] - __context__.pop('pkg.list_pkgs', None) -- new = list_pkgs() -- return salt.utils.compare_dicts(old, new) -+ -+ return salt.utils.compare_dicts(old, list_pkgs()) - - - def remove(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument -@@ -954,7 +940,7 @@ def remove(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument - salt '*' pkg.remove ,, - salt '*' pkg.remove pkgs='["foo", "bar"]' - ''' -- return _uninstall(action='remove', name=name, pkgs=pkgs) -+ return _uninstall(name=name, pkgs=pkgs) - - - def purge(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument -@@ -985,7 +971,7 @@ def purge(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument - salt '*' pkg.purge ,, - salt '*' pkg.purge pkgs='["foo", "bar"]' - ''' -- return _uninstall(action='purge', name=name, pkgs=pkgs) -+ return _uninstall(name=name, pkgs=pkgs) - - - def list_locks(): -diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-available.txt b/tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-available.txt -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..e1094bc ---- /dev/null -+++ b/tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-available.txt -@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ -+Loading repository data... -+Reading installed packages... -+ -+ -+Information for package vim: -+---------------------------- -+Repository: SLE12-SP1-x86_64-Pool -+Name: vim -+Version: 7.4.326-2.62 -+Arch: x86_64 -+Vendor: SUSE LLC -+Support Level: Level 3 -+Installed: No -+Status: not installed -+Installed Size: 2,6 MiB -+Summary: Vi IMproved -+Description: -+ Vim (Vi IMproved) is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor -+ vi. Almost every possible command can be performed using only ASCII -+ characters. Only the 'Q' command is missing (you do not need it). Many -+ new features have been added: multilevel undo, command line history, -+ file name completion, block operations, and editing of binary data. -+ -+ Vi is available for the AMIGA, MS-DOS, Windows NT, and various versions -+ of UNIX. -+ -+ For SUSE Linux, Vim is used as /usr/bin/vi. -+ -+Information for package python: -+------------------------------- -+Repository: SLE12-SP1-x86_64-Pool -+Name: python -+Version: 2.7.9-20.2 -+Arch: x86_64 -+Vendor: SUSE LLC -+Support Level: Level 3 -+Installed: Yes -+Status: up-to-date -+Installed Size: 1,4 MiB -+Summary: Python Interpreter -+Description: -+ Python is an interpreted, object-oriented programming language, and is -+ often compared to Tcl, Perl, Scheme, or Java. You can find an overview -+ of Python in the documentation and tutorials included in the python-doc -+ (HTML) or python-doc-pdf (PDF) packages. -+ -+ If you want to install third party modules using distutils, you need to -+ install python-devel package. -+ -+Information for package emacs: -+------------------------------ -+Repository: SLE12-SP1-x86_64-Pool -+Name: emacs -+Version: 24.3-14.44 -+Arch: x86_64 -+Vendor: SUSE LLC -+Support Level: Level 3 -+Installed: Yes -+Status: up-to-date -+Installed Size: 63,9 MiB -+Summary: GNU Emacs Base Package -+Description: -+ Basic package for the GNU Emacs editor. Requires emacs-x11 or -+ emacs-nox. -diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-products.xml b/tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-products.xml -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..1a50363 ---- /dev/null -+++ b/tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-products.xml -@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ -+ -+ -+Loading repository data... -+Reading installed packages... -+ -+SUSE Linux Enterprise offers a comprehensive -+ suite of products built on a single code base. -+ The platform addresses business needs from -+ the smallest thin-client devices to the world's -+ most powerful high-performance computing -+ and mainframe servers. SUSE Linux Enterprise -+ offers common management tools and technology -+ certifications across the platform, and -+ each product is enterprise-class. -+extensionSUSE Manager Proxies extend large and/or geographically -+dispersed SUSE Manager environments to reduce load on the SUSE Manager -+Server, lower bandwidth needs, and provide faster local -+updates. -+extensionSUSE Manager lets you efficiently manage physical, virtual, -+and cloud-based Linux systems. It provides automated and cost-effective -+configuration and software management, asset management, and system -+provisioning. -+extension<p> -+ SUSE Manager Tools provide packages required to connect to a -+ SUSE Manager Server. -+ <p> -+SUSE Linux Enterprise offers a comprehensive -+ suite of products built on a single code base. -+ The platform addresses business needs from -+ the smallest thin-client devices to the world's -+ most powerful high-performance computing -+ and mainframe servers. SUSE Linux Enterprise -+ offers common management tools and technology -+ certifications across the platform, and -+ each product is enterprise-class. -+ -+ -diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-updates.xml b/tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-updates.xml -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..61fe85b ---- /dev/null -+++ b/tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-updates.xml -@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ -+ -+ -+Loading repository data... -+Reading installed packages... -+ -+ -+ -+ Utility to register a system with the SUSE Customer Center -+ This package provides a command line tool and rubygem library for connecting a -+client system to the SUSE Customer Center. It will connect the system to your -+product subscriptions and enable the product repositories/services locally. -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ Shared libraries of BIND -+ This package contains the shared libraries of the Berkeley Internet -+Name Domain (BIND) Domain Name System implementation of the Domain Name -+System (DNS) protocols. -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ Utilities to query and test DNS -+ This package includes the utilities host, dig, and nslookup used to -+test and query the Domain Name System (DNS). The Berkeley Internet -+Name Domain (BIND) DNS server is found in the package named bind. -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/ -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..de964f9 ---- /dev/null -+++ b/tests/unit/modules/ -@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@ -+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -+''' -+ :codeauthor: :email:`Bo Maryniuk ` -+''' -+ -+# Import Python Libs -+from __future__ import absolute_import -+ -+# Import Salt Testing Libs -+from salttesting import TestCase, skipIf -+from salttesting.mock import ( -+ MagicMock, -+ patch, -+ NO_MOCK, -+ NO_MOCK_REASON -+) -+from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError -+ -+import os -+ -+from salttesting.helpers import ensure_in_syspath -+ -+ensure_in_syspath('../../') -+ -+ -+def get_test_data(filename): -+ ''' -+ Return static test data -+ ''' -+ return open(os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'zypp'), filename)).read() -+ -+ -+# Import Salt Libs -+from salt.modules import zypper -+ -+# Globals -+zypper.__salt__ = dict() -+zypper.__context__ = dict() -+zypper.rpm = None -+ -+ -+@skipIf(NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON) -+class ZypperTestCase(TestCase): -+ ''' -+ Test cases for salt.modules.zypper -+ ''' -+ -+ def test_list_upgrades(self): -+ ''' -+ List package upgrades -+ :return: -+ ''' -+ ref_out = { -+ 'stdout': get_test_data('zypper-updates.xml'), -+ 'stderr': None, -+ 'retcode': 0 -+ } -+ with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'cmd.run_all': MagicMock(return_value=ref_out)}): -+ upgrades = zypper.list_upgrades(refresh=False) -+ assert len(upgrades) == 3 -+ for pkg, version in {'SUSEConnect': '0.2.33-7.1', -+ 'bind-utils': '9.9.6P1-35.1', -+ 'bind-libs': '9.9.6P1-35.1'}.items(): -+ assert pkg in upgrades -+ assert upgrades[pkg] == version -+ -+ def test_list_upgrades_error_handling(self): -+ ''' -+ Test error handling in the list package upgrades. -+ :return: -+ ''' -+ # Test handled errors -+ ref_out = { -+ 'stderr': 'Some handled zypper internal error', -+ 'retcode': 1 -+ } -+ with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'cmd.run_all': MagicMock(return_value=ref_out)}): -+ try: -+ zypper.list_upgrades(refresh=False) -+ except CommandExecutionError as error: -+ assert error.message == ref_out['stderr'] -+ -+ # Test unhandled error -+ ref_out = { -+ 'retcode': 1 -+ } -+ with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'cmd.run_all': MagicMock(return_value=ref_out)}): -+ try: -+ zypper.list_upgrades(refresh=False) -+ except CommandExecutionError as error: -+ assert error.message == 'Zypper returned non-zero system exit. See Zypper logs for more details.' -+ -+ def test_list_products(self): -+ ''' -+ List products test. -+ ''' -+ ref_out = get_test_data('zypper-products.xml') -+ with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'': MagicMock(return_value=ref_out)}): -+ products = zypper.list_products() -+ assert len(products) == 5 -+ assert (['SLES', 'SLES', 'SUSE-Manager-Proxy', 'SUSE-Manager-Server', 'sle-manager-tools-beta'] == -+ sorted([prod['name'] for prod in products])) -+ assert ('SUSE LLC ' in [product['vendor'] for product in products]) -+ assert ([False, False, False, False, True] == -+ sorted([product['isbase'] for product in products])) -+ assert ([False, False, False, False, True] == -+ sorted([product['installed'] for product in products])) -+ assert (['0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] == -+ sorted([product['release'] for product in products])) -+ assert ([False, False, False, False, u'sles'] == -+ sorted([product['productline'] for product in products])) -+ assert ([1509408000, 1522454400, 1522454400, 1730332800, 1730332800] == -+ sorted([product['eol_t'] for product in products])) -+ -+ def test_refresh_db(self): -+ ''' -+ Test if refresh DB handled correctly -+ ''' -+ ref_out = [ -+ "Repository 'openSUSE-Leap-42.1-LATEST' is up to date.", -+ "Repository 'openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update' is up to date.", -+ "Retrieving repository 'openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update-Non-Oss' metadata", -+ "Forcing building of repository cache", -+ "Building repository 'openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update-Non-Oss' cache ..........[done]", -+ "Building repository 'salt-dev' cache", -+ "All repositories have been refreshed." -+ ] -+ -+ run_out = { -+ 'stderr': '', 'stdout': '\n'.join(ref_out), 'retcode': 0 -+ } -+ -+ with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'cmd.run_all': MagicMock(return_value=run_out)}): -+ result = zypper.refresh_db() -+ self.assertEqual(result.get("openSUSE-Leap-42.1-LATEST"), False) -+ self.assertEqual(result.get("openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update"), False) -+ self.assertEqual(result.get("openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update-Non-Oss"), True) -+ -+ def test_info_installed(self): -+ ''' -+ Test the return information of the named package(s), installed on the system. -+ -+ :return: -+ ''' -+ run_out = { -+ 'virgo-dummy': -+ {'build_date': '2015-07-09T10:55:19Z', -+ 'vendor': 'openSUSE Build Service', -+ 'description': 'This is the Virgo dummy package used for testing SUSE Manager', -+ 'license': 'GPL-2.0', 'build_host': 'sheep05', 'url': '', -+ 'build_date_time_t': 1436432119, 'relocations': '(not relocatable)', -+ 'source_rpm': 'virgo-dummy-1.0-1.1.src.rpm', 'install_date': '2016-02-23T16:31:57Z', -+ 'install_date_time_t': 1456241517, 'summary': 'Virgo dummy package', 'version': '1.0', -+ 'signature': 'DSA/SHA1, Thu Jul 9 08:55:33 2015, Key ID 27fa41bd8a7c64f9', -+ 'release': '1.1', 'group': 'Applications/System', 'arch': 'noarch', 'size': '17992'}, -+ -+ 'libopenssl1_0_0': -+ {'build_date': '2015-11-04T23:20:34Z', 'vendor': 'SUSE LLC ', -+ 'description': 'The OpenSSL Project is a collaborative effort.', -+ 'license': 'OpenSSL', 'build_host': 'sheep11', 'url': '', -+ 'build_date_time_t': 1446675634, 'relocations': '(not relocatable)', -+ 'source_rpm': 'openssl-1.0.1i-34.1.src.rpm', 'install_date': '2016-02-23T16:31:35Z', -+ 'install_date_time_t': 1456241495, 'summary': 'Secure Sockets and Transport Layer Security', -+ 'version': '1.0.1i', 'signature': 'RSA/SHA256, Wed Nov 4 22:21:34 2015, Key ID 70af9e8139db7c82', -+ 'release': '34.1', 'group': 'Productivity/Networking/Security', 'packager': '', -+ 'arch': 'x86_64', 'size': '2576912'}, -+ } -+ with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'': MagicMock(return_value=run_out)}): -+ installed = zypper.info_installed() -+ # Test overall products length -+ assert len(installed) == 2 -+ -+ # Test translated fields -+ for pkg_name, pkg_info in installed.items(): -+ assert installed[pkg_name].get('source') == run_out[pkg_name]['source_rpm'] -+ -+ # Test keys transition from the -+ for pn_key, pn_val in run_out['virgo-dummy'].items(): -+ if pn_key == 'source_rpm': -+ continue -+ assert installed['virgo-dummy'][pn_key] == pn_val -+ -+ def test_info_available(self): -+ ''' -+ Test return the information of the named package available for the system. -+ -+ :return: -+ ''' -+ test_pkgs = ['vim', 'emacs', 'python'] -+ ref_out = get_test_data('zypper-available.txt') -+ with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'cmd.run_stdout': MagicMock(return_value=ref_out)}): -+ available = zypper.info_available(*test_pkgs, refresh=False) -+ assert len(available) == 3 -+ for pkg_name, pkg_info in available.items(): -+ assert pkg_name in test_pkgs -+ -+ assert available['emacs']['status'] == 'up-to-date' -+ assert available['emacs']['installed'] -+ assert available['emacs']['support level'] == 'Level 3' -+ assert available['emacs']['vendor'] == 'SUSE LLC ' -+ assert available['emacs']['summary'] == 'GNU Emacs Base Package' -+ -+ assert available['vim']['status'] == 'not installed' -+ assert not available['vim']['installed'] -+ assert available['vim']['support level'] == 'Level 3' -+ assert available['vim']['vendor'] == 'SUSE LLC ' -+ assert available['vim']['summary'] == 'Vi IMproved' -+ -+ @patch('salt.modules.zypper.refresh_db', MagicMock(return_value=True)) -+ def test_latest_version(self): -+ ''' -+ Test the latest version of the named package available for upgrade or installation. -+ -+ :return: -+ ''' -+ ref_out = get_test_data('zypper-available.txt') -+ with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'cmd.run_stdout': MagicMock(return_value=ref_out)}): -+ assert zypper.latest_version('vim') == '7.4.326-2.62' -+ -+ @patch('salt.modules.zypper.refresh_db', MagicMock(return_value=True)) -+ def test_upgrade_available(self): -+ ''' -+ Test whether or not an upgrade is available for a given package. -+ -+ :return: -+ ''' -+ ref_out = get_test_data('zypper-available.txt') -+ with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'cmd.run_stdout': MagicMock(return_value=ref_out)}): -+ for pkg_name in ['emacs', 'python']: -+ assert not zypper.upgrade_available(pkg_name) -+ assert zypper.upgrade_available('vim') -+ -+ @patch('salt.modules.zypper.HAS_RPM', True) -+ def test_version_cmp_rpm(self): -+ ''' -+ Test package version is called RPM version if RPM-Python is installed -+ -+ :return: -+ ''' -+ with patch('salt.modules.zypper.rpm', MagicMock(return_value=MagicMock)): -+ with patch('salt.modules.zypper.rpm.labelCompare', MagicMock(return_value=0)): -+ assert 0 == zypper.version_cmp('1', '2') # mock returns 0, which means RPM was called -+ -+ @patch('salt.modules.zypper.HAS_RPM', False) -+ def test_version_cmp_fallback(self): -+ ''' -+ Test package version is called RPM version if RPM-Python is installed -+ -+ :return: -+ ''' -+ with patch('salt.modules.zypper.rpm', MagicMock(return_value=MagicMock)): -+ with patch('salt.modules.zypper.rpm.labelCompare', MagicMock(return_value=0)): -+ assert -1 == zypper.version_cmp('1', '2') # mock returns -1, a python implementation was called -+ -+ def test_list_pkgs(self): -+ ''' -+ Test packages listing. -+ -+ :return: -+ ''' -+ def _add_data(data, key, value): -+ data[key] = value -+ -+ rpm_out = [ -+ 'protobuf-java_|-2.6.1_|-3.1.develHead_|-', -+ 'yast2-ftp-server_|-3.1.8_|-8.1_|-', -+ 'jose4j_|-0.4.4_|-2.1.develHead_|-', -+ 'apache-commons-cli_|-1.2_|-1.233_|-', -+ 'jakarta-commons-discovery_|-0.4_|-129.686_|-', -+ 'susemanager-build-keys-web_|-12.0_|-5.1.develHead_|-', -+ ] -+ with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'': MagicMock(return_value=os.linesep.join(rpm_out))}): -+ with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'pkg_resource.add_pkg': _add_data}): -+ with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'pkg_resource.sort_pkglist': MagicMock()}): -+ with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'pkg_resource.stringify': MagicMock()}): -+ pkgs = zypper.list_pkgs() -+ for pkg_name, pkg_version in { -+ 'jakarta-commons-discovery': '0.4-129.686', -+ 'yast2-ftp-server': '3.1.8-8.1', -+ 'protobuf-java': '2.6.1-3.1.develHead', -+ 'susemanager-build-keys-web': '12.0-5.1.develHead', -+ 'apache-commons-cli': '1.2-1.233', -+ 'jose4j': '0.4.4-2.1.develHead'}.items(): -+ assert pkgs.get(pkg_name) -+ assert pkgs[pkg_name] == pkg_version -+ -+ def test_remove_purge(self): -+ ''' -+ Test package removal -+ :return: -+ ''' -+ class ListPackages(object): -+ def __init__(self): -+ self._packages = ['vim', 'pico'] -+ self._pkgs = { -+ 'vim': '0.18.0', -+ 'emacs': '24.0.1', -+ 'pico': '0.1.1', -+ } -+ -+ def __call__(self): -+ pkgs = self._pkgs.copy() -+ for target in self._packages: -+ if self._pkgs.get(target): -+ del self._pkgs[target] -+ -+ return pkgs -+ -+ parsed_targets = [{'vim': None, 'pico': None}, None] -+ -+ with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'': MagicMock(return_value=False)}): -+ with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'pkg_resource.parse_targets': MagicMock(return_value=parsed_targets)}): -+ with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'pkg_resource.stringify': MagicMock()}): -+ with patch('salt.modules.zypper.list_pkgs', ListPackages()): -+ diff = zypper.remove(name='vim,pico') -+ for pkg_name in ['vim', 'pico']: -+ assert diff.get(pkg_name) -+ assert diff[pkg_name]['old'] -+ assert not diff[pkg_name]['new'] -+ -+ -+if __name__ == '__main__': -+ from integration import run_tests -+ run_tests(ZypperTestCase, needs_daemon=False) --- -2.7.2 - diff --git a/0024-proper-checking-if-zypper-exit-codes-and-handling-of.patch b/0024-proper-checking-if-zypper-exit-codes-and-handling-of.patch deleted file mode 100644 index a9aeb26..0000000 --- a/0024-proper-checking-if-zypper-exit-codes-and-handling-of.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,296 +0,0 @@ -From 0372b1ff62a79d0c9f384fe48969d8bae039d5a1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Michael Calmer -Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2016 10:20:29 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 24/25] proper checking if zypper exit codes and handling of - result messages - -add function to check zypper exit codes - -check zypper exit code everywhere - -add _zypper_check_result() to raise and error or return stdout - -use _zypper_check_result() - -remove new lines between zypper command and check result - -restructure the code a bit ---- - salt/modules/ | 144 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- - 1 file changed, 85 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ -index ab8bb06..d6628aa 100644 ---- a/salt/modules/ -+++ b/salt/modules/ -@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ except ImportError: - # pylint: enable=import-error,redefined-builtin,no-name-in-module - - from xml.dom import minidom as dom -+from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError - - # Import salt libs - import salt.utils -@@ -70,6 +71,53 @@ def _zypper(*opts): - return cmd - - -+def _is_zypper_error(retcode): -+ ''' -+ Return True in case the exist code indicate a zypper errror. -+ Otherwise False -+ ''' -+ # see man zypper for existing exit codes -+ return not int(retcode) in [0, 100, 101, 102, 103] -+ -+ -+def _zypper_check_result(result, xml=False): -+ ''' -+ Check the result of a zypper command. In case of an error, it raise -+ a CommandExecutionError. Otherwise it returns stdout string of the -+ command. -+ -+ result -+ The result of a zypper command called with cmd.run_all -+ -+ xml -+ Set to True if zypper command was called with --xmlout. -+ In this case it try to read an error message out of the XML -+ stream. Default is False. -+ ''' -+ if _is_zypper_error(result['retcode']): -+ msg = list() -+ if not xml: -+ msg.append(result['stderr'] and result['stderr'] or "") -+ else: -+ try: -+ doc = dom.parseString(result['stdout']) -+ except ExpatError as err: -+ log.error(err) -+ doc = None -+ if doc: -+ msg_nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName('message') -+ for node in msg_nodes: -+ if node.getAttribute('type') == 'error': -+ msg.append(node.childNodes[0].nodeValue) -+ elif result['stderr'].strip(): -+ msg.append(result['stderr'].strip()) -+ -+ raise CommandExecutionError("zypper command failed: {0}".format( -+ msg and os.linesep.join(msg) or "Check zypper logs")) -+ -+ return result['stdout'] -+ -+ - def list_upgrades(refresh=True): - ''' - List all available package upgrades on this system -@@ -89,15 +137,7 @@ def list_upgrades(refresh=True): - refresh_db() - ret = dict() - run_data = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](_zypper('-x', 'list-updates'), output_loglevel='trace') -- if run_data['retcode'] != 0: -- msg = list() -- for chnl in ['stderr', 'stdout']: -- if run_data.get(chnl, ''): -- msg.append(run_data[chnl]) -- raise CommandExecutionError(os.linesep.join(msg) or -- 'Zypper returned non-zero system exit. See Zypper logs for more details.') -- -- doc = dom.parseString(run_data['stdout']) -+ doc = dom.parseString(_zypper_check_result(run_data, xml=True)) - for update_node in doc.getElementsByTagName('update'): - if update_node.getAttribute('kind') == 'package': - ret[update_node.getAttribute('name')] = update_node.getAttribute('edition') -@@ -506,7 +546,8 @@ def del_repo(repo): - for alias in repos_cfg.sections(): - if alias == repo: - cmd = _zypper('-x', 'rr', '--loose-auth', '--loose-query', alias) -- doc = dom.parseString(__salt__[''](cmd, output_loglevel='trace')) -+ ret = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, output_loglevel='trace') -+ doc = dom.parseString(_zypper_check_result(ret, xml=True)) - msg = doc.getElementsByTagName('message') - if doc.getElementsByTagName('progress') and msg: - return { -@@ -590,22 +631,8 @@ def mod_repo(repo, **kwargs): - 'Repository \'{0}\' already exists as \'{1}\'.'.format(repo, alias)) - - # Add new repo -- doc = None -- try: -- # Try to parse the output and find the error, -- # but this not always working (depends on Zypper version) -- doc = dom.parseString(__salt__['']( -- _zypper('-x', 'ar', url, repo), output_loglevel='trace')) -- except Exception: -- # No XML out available, but it is still unknown the state of the result. -- pass -- -- if doc: -- msg_nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName('message') -- if msg_nodes: -- msg_node = msg_nodes[0] -- if msg_node.getAttribute('type') == 'error': -- raise CommandExecutionError(msg_node.childNodes[0].nodeValue) -+ _zypper_check_result(__salt__['cmd.run_all'](_zypper('-x', 'ar', url, repo), -+ output_loglevel='trace'), xml=True) - - # Verify the repository has been added - repos_cfg = _get_configured_repos() -@@ -641,8 +668,9 @@ def mod_repo(repo, **kwargs): - - if cmd_opt: - cmd_opt.append(repo) -- __salt__[''](_zypper('-x', 'mr', *cmd_opt), -- output_loglevel='trace') -+ ret = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](_zypper('-x', 'mr', *cmd_opt), -+ output_loglevel='trace') -+ _zypper_check_result(ret, xml=True) - - # If repo nor added neither modified, error should be thrown - if not added and not cmd_opt: -@@ -666,17 +694,7 @@ def refresh_db(): - ''' - cmd = _zypper('refresh', '--force') - ret = {} -- call = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, output_loglevel='trace') -- if call['retcode'] != 0: -- comment = '' -- if 'stderr' in call: -- comment += call['stderr'] -- -- raise CommandExecutionError( -- '{0}'.format(comment) -- ) -- else: -- out = call['stdout'] -+ out = _zypper_check_result(__salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, output_loglevel='trace')) - - for line in out.splitlines(): - if not line: -@@ -828,19 +846,18 @@ def install(name=None, - cmd = cmd_install + targets[:500] - targets = targets[500:] - call = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, output_loglevel='trace', python_shell=False) -- if call['retcode'] != 0: -- raise CommandExecutionError(call['stderr']) # Fixme: This needs a proper report mechanism. -- else: -- for line in call['stdout'].splitlines(): -- match = re.match(r"^The selected package '([^']+)'.+has lower version", line) -- if match: -- downgrades.append( -+ out = _zypper_check_result(call) -+ for line in out.splitlines(): -+ match = re.match(r"^The selected package '([^']+)'.+has lower version", line) -+ if match: -+ downgrades.append( - - while downgrades: - cmd = cmd_install + ['--force'] + downgrades[:500] - downgrades = downgrades[500:] - -- __salt__[''](cmd, output_loglevel='trace', python_shell=False) -+ _zypper_check_result(__salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, output_loglevel='trace', python_shell=False)) -+ - __context__.pop('pkg.list_pkgs', None) - new = list_pkgs() - -@@ -877,7 +894,7 @@ def upgrade(refresh=True): - old = list_pkgs() - cmd = _zypper('update', '--auto-agree-with-licenses') - call = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, output_loglevel='trace') -- if call['retcode'] != 0: -+ if _is_zypper_error(call['retcode']): - ret['result'] = False - if 'stderr' in call: - ret['comment'] += call['stderr'] -@@ -906,7 +923,8 @@ def _uninstall(name=None, pkgs=None): - return {} - - while targets: -- __salt__[''](_zypper('remove', *targets[:500]), output_loglevel='trace') -+ _zypper_check_result(__salt__['cmd.run_all'](_zypper('remove', *targets[:500]), -+ output_loglevel='trace')) - targets = targets[500:] - __context__.pop('pkg.list_pkgs', None) - -@@ -1019,7 +1037,8 @@ def clean_locks(): - if not os.path.exists("/etc/zypp/locks"): - return out - -- doc = dom.parseString(__salt__[''](_zypper('-x', 'cl'), output_loglevel='trace')) -+ ret = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](_zypper('-x', 'cl'), output_loglevel='trace') -+ doc = dom.parseString(_zypper_check_result(ret, xml=True)) - for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("message"): - text = node.childNodes[0].nodeValue.lower() - if text.startswith(LCK): -@@ -1057,7 +1076,8 @@ def remove_lock(packages, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument - missing.append(pkg) - - if removed: -- __salt__[''](_zypper('rl', *removed), output_loglevel='trace') -+ _zypper_check_result(__salt__['cmd.run_all'](_zypper('rl', *removed), -+ output_loglevel='trace')) - - return {'removed': len(removed), 'not_found': missing} - -@@ -1086,7 +1106,8 @@ def add_lock(packages, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument - added.append(pkg) - - if added: -- __salt__[''](_zypper('al', *added), output_loglevel='trace') -+ _zypper_check_result(__salt__['cmd.run_all'](_zypper('al', *added), -+ output_loglevel='trace')) - - return {'added': len(added), 'packages': added} - -@@ -1218,8 +1239,10 @@ def _get_patterns(installed_only=None): - List all known patterns in repos. - ''' - patterns = {} -- doc = dom.parseString(__salt__[''](_zypper('--xmlout', 'se', '-t', 'pattern'), -- output_loglevel='trace')) -+ -+ ret = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](_zypper('--xmlout', 'se', '-t', 'pattern'), -+ output_loglevel='trace') -+ doc = dom.parseString(_zypper_check_result(ret, xml=True)) - for element in doc.getElementsByTagName('solvable'): - installed = element.getAttribute('status') == 'installed' - if (installed_only and installed) or not installed_only: -@@ -1283,8 +1306,9 @@ def search(criteria, refresh=False): - if refresh: - refresh_db() - -- doc = dom.parseString(__salt__[''](_zypper('--xmlout', 'se', criteria), -- output_loglevel='trace')) -+ ret = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](_zypper('--xmlout', 'se', criteria), -+ output_loglevel='trace') -+ doc = dom.parseString(_zypper_check_result(ret, xml=True)) - solvables = doc.getElementsByTagName('solvable') - if not solvables: - raise CommandExecutionError('No packages found by criteria "{0}".'.format(criteria)) -@@ -1343,7 +1367,9 @@ def list_products(all=False, refresh=False): - cmd = _zypper('-x', 'products') - if not all: - cmd.append('-i') -- doc = dom.parseString(__salt__[''](cmd, output_loglevel='trace')) -+ -+ call = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, output_loglevel='trace') -+ doc = dom.parseString(_zypper_check_result(call, xml=True)) - for prd in doc.getElementsByTagName('product-list')[0].getElementsByTagName('product'): - p_nfo = dict() - for k_p_nfo, v_p_nfo in prd.attributes.items(): -@@ -1390,8 +1416,8 @@ def download(*packages, **kwargs): - if refresh: - refresh_db() - -- doc = dom.parseString(__salt__['']( -- _zypper('-x', 'download', *packages), output_loglevel='trace')) -+ ret = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](_zypper('-x', 'download', *packages), output_loglevel='trace') -+ doc = dom.parseString(_zypper_check_result(ret, xml=True)) - pkg_ret = {} - for dld_result in doc.getElementsByTagName("download-result"): - repo = dld_result.getElementsByTagName("repository")[0] --- -2.1.4 - diff --git a/0025-adapt-tests-to-new-zypper_check_result-output.patch b/0025-adapt-tests-to-new-zypper_check_result-output.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 930b285..0000000 --- a/0025-adapt-tests-to-new-zypper_check_result-output.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,288 +0,0 @@ -From de4417cd3de8af72fe2acd2ea22ab7c04327a939 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Michael Calmer -Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2016 12:05:45 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 25/25] adapt tests to new zypper_check_result() output - -test _zypper_check_result() - -use specialized assert functions for tests ---- - tests/unit/modules/ | 158 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------ - 1 file changed, 111 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/ -index de964f9..f89d18f 100644 ---- a/tests/unit/modules/ -+++ b/tests/unit/modules/ -@@ -57,12 +57,63 @@ class ZypperTestCase(TestCase): - } - with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'cmd.run_all': MagicMock(return_value=ref_out)}): - upgrades = zypper.list_upgrades(refresh=False) -- assert len(upgrades) == 3 -+ self.assertEqual(len(upgrades), 3) - for pkg, version in {'SUSEConnect': '0.2.33-7.1', - 'bind-utils': '9.9.6P1-35.1', - 'bind-libs': '9.9.6P1-35.1'}.items(): -- assert pkg in upgrades -- assert upgrades[pkg] == version -+ self.assertIn(pkg, upgrades) -+ self.assertEqual(upgrades[pkg], version) -+ -+ def test_zypper_check_result(self): -+ ''' -+ Test zypper check result function -+ ''' -+ cmd_out = { -+ 'retcode': 1, -+ 'stdout': '', -+ 'stderr': 'This is an error' -+ } -+ with self.assertRaisesRegexp(CommandExecutionError, "^zypper command failed: This is an error$"): -+ zypper._zypper_check_result(cmd_out) -+ -+ cmd_out = { -+ 'retcode': 0, -+ 'stdout': 'result', -+ 'stderr': '' -+ } -+ out = zypper._zypper_check_result(cmd_out) -+ self.assertEqual(out, "result") -+ -+ cmd_out = { -+ 'retcode': 1, -+ 'stdout': '', -+ 'stderr': 'This is an error' -+ } -+ with self.assertRaisesRegexp(CommandExecutionError, "^zypper command failed: This is an error$"): -+ zypper._zypper_check_result(cmd_out, xml=True) -+ -+ cmd_out = { -+ 'retcode': 1, -+ 'stdout': '', -+ 'stderr': '' -+ } -+ with self.assertRaisesRegexp(CommandExecutionError, "^zypper command failed: Check zypper logs$"): -+ zypper._zypper_check_result(cmd_out, xml=True) -+ -+ cmd_out = { -+ 'stdout': ''' -+ -+ Refreshing service 'container-suseconnect'. -+ Some handled zypper internal error -+ Another zypper internal error -+ -+ ''', -+ 'stderr': '', -+ 'retcode': 1 -+ } -+ with self.assertRaisesRegexp(CommandExecutionError, -+ "^zypper command failed: Some handled zypper internal error\nAnother zypper internal error$"): -+ zypper._zypper_check_result(cmd_out, xml=True) - - def test_list_upgrades_error_handling(self): - ''' -@@ -71,45 +122,53 @@ class ZypperTestCase(TestCase): - ''' - # Test handled errors - ref_out = { -- 'stderr': 'Some handled zypper internal error', -+ 'stdout': ''' -+ -+ Refreshing service 'container-suseconnect'. -+ Some handled zypper internal error -+ Another zypper internal error -+ -+ ''', - 'retcode': 1 - } - with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'cmd.run_all': MagicMock(return_value=ref_out)}): -- try: -+ with self.assertRaisesRegexp(CommandExecutionError, -+ "^zypper command failed: Some handled zypper internal error\nAnother zypper internal error$"): - zypper.list_upgrades(refresh=False) -- except CommandExecutionError as error: -- assert error.message == ref_out['stderr'] - - # Test unhandled error - ref_out = { -- 'retcode': 1 -+ 'retcode': 1, -+ 'stdout': '', -+ 'stderr': '' - } - with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'cmd.run_all': MagicMock(return_value=ref_out)}): -- try: -+ with self.assertRaisesRegexp(CommandExecutionError, '^zypper command failed: Check zypper logs$'): - zypper.list_upgrades(refresh=False) -- except CommandExecutionError as error: -- assert error.message == 'Zypper returned non-zero system exit. See Zypper logs for more details.' - - def test_list_products(self): - ''' - List products test. - ''' -- ref_out = get_test_data('zypper-products.xml') -- with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'': MagicMock(return_value=ref_out)}): -+ ref_out = { -+ 'retcode': 0, -+ 'stdout': get_test_data('zypper-products.xml') -+ } -+ with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'cmd.run_all': MagicMock(return_value=ref_out)}): - products = zypper.list_products() -- assert len(products) == 5 -- assert (['SLES', 'SLES', 'SUSE-Manager-Proxy', 'SUSE-Manager-Server', 'sle-manager-tools-beta'] == -+ self.assertEqual(len(products), 5) -+ self.assertEqual(['SLES', 'SLES', 'SUSE-Manager-Proxy', 'SUSE-Manager-Server', 'sle-manager-tools-beta'], - sorted([prod['name'] for prod in products])) -- assert ('SUSE LLC ' in [product['vendor'] for product in products]) -- assert ([False, False, False, False, True] == -+ self.assertIn('SUSE LLC ', [product['vendor'] for product in products]) -+ self.assertEqual([False, False, False, False, True], - sorted([product['isbase'] for product in products])) -- assert ([False, False, False, False, True] == -+ self.assertEqual([False, False, False, False, True], - sorted([product['installed'] for product in products])) -- assert (['0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] == -+ self.assertEqual(['0', '0', '0', '0', '0'], - sorted([product['release'] for product in products])) -- assert ([False, False, False, False, u'sles'] == -+ self.assertEqual([False, False, False, False, u'sles'], - sorted([product['productline'] for product in products])) -- assert ([1509408000, 1522454400, 1522454400, 1730332800, 1730332800] == -+ self.assertEqual([1509408000, 1522454400, 1522454400, 1730332800, 1730332800], - sorted([product['eol_t'] for product in products])) - - def test_refresh_db(self): -@@ -168,17 +227,17 @@ class ZypperTestCase(TestCase): - with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'': MagicMock(return_value=run_out)}): - installed = zypper.info_installed() - # Test overall products length -- assert len(installed) == 2 -+ self.assertEqual(len(installed), 2) - - # Test translated fields - for pkg_name, pkg_info in installed.items(): -- assert installed[pkg_name].get('source') == run_out[pkg_name]['source_rpm'] -+ self.assertEqual(installed[pkg_name].get('source'), run_out[pkg_name]['source_rpm']) - - # Test keys transition from the - for pn_key, pn_val in run_out['virgo-dummy'].items(): - if pn_key == 'source_rpm': - continue -- assert installed['virgo-dummy'][pn_key] == pn_val -+ self.assertEqual(installed['virgo-dummy'][pn_key], pn_val) - - def test_info_available(self): - ''' -@@ -190,21 +249,21 @@ class ZypperTestCase(TestCase): - ref_out = get_test_data('zypper-available.txt') - with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'cmd.run_stdout': MagicMock(return_value=ref_out)}): - available = zypper.info_available(*test_pkgs, refresh=False) -- assert len(available) == 3 -+ self.assertEqual(len(available), 3) - for pkg_name, pkg_info in available.items(): -- assert pkg_name in test_pkgs -+ self.assertIn(pkg_name, test_pkgs) - -- assert available['emacs']['status'] == 'up-to-date' -- assert available['emacs']['installed'] -- assert available['emacs']['support level'] == 'Level 3' -- assert available['emacs']['vendor'] == 'SUSE LLC ' -- assert available['emacs']['summary'] == 'GNU Emacs Base Package' -+ self.assertEqual(available['emacs']['status'], 'up-to-date') -+ self.assertTrue(available['emacs']['installed']) -+ self.assertEqual(available['emacs']['support level'], 'Level 3') -+ self.assertEqual(available['emacs']['vendor'], 'SUSE LLC ') -+ self.assertEqual(available['emacs']['summary'], 'GNU Emacs Base Package') - -- assert available['vim']['status'] == 'not installed' -- assert not available['vim']['installed'] -- assert available['vim']['support level'] == 'Level 3' -- assert available['vim']['vendor'] == 'SUSE LLC ' -- assert available['vim']['summary'] == 'Vi IMproved' -+ self.assertEqual(available['vim']['status'], 'not installed') -+ self.assertFalse(available['vim']['installed']) -+ self.assertEqual(available['vim']['support level'], 'Level 3') -+ self.assertEqual(available['vim']['vendor'], 'SUSE LLC ') -+ self.assertEqual(available['vim']['summary'], 'Vi IMproved') - - @patch('salt.modules.zypper.refresh_db', MagicMock(return_value=True)) - def test_latest_version(self): -@@ -215,7 +274,7 @@ class ZypperTestCase(TestCase): - ''' - ref_out = get_test_data('zypper-available.txt') - with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'cmd.run_stdout': MagicMock(return_value=ref_out)}): -- assert zypper.latest_version('vim') == '7.4.326-2.62' -+ self.assertEqual(zypper.latest_version('vim'), '7.4.326-2.62') - - @patch('salt.modules.zypper.refresh_db', MagicMock(return_value=True)) - def test_upgrade_available(self): -@@ -227,8 +286,8 @@ class ZypperTestCase(TestCase): - ref_out = get_test_data('zypper-available.txt') - with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'cmd.run_stdout': MagicMock(return_value=ref_out)}): - for pkg_name in ['emacs', 'python']: -- assert not zypper.upgrade_available(pkg_name) -- assert zypper.upgrade_available('vim') -+ self.assertFalse(zypper.upgrade_available(pkg_name)) -+ self.assertTrue(zypper.upgrade_available('vim')) - - @patch('salt.modules.zypper.HAS_RPM', True) - def test_version_cmp_rpm(self): -@@ -239,7 +298,7 @@ class ZypperTestCase(TestCase): - ''' - with patch('salt.modules.zypper.rpm', MagicMock(return_value=MagicMock)): - with patch('salt.modules.zypper.rpm.labelCompare', MagicMock(return_value=0)): -- assert 0 == zypper.version_cmp('1', '2') # mock returns 0, which means RPM was called -+ self.assertEqual(0, zypper.version_cmp('1', '2')) # mock returns 0, which means RPM was called - - @patch('salt.modules.zypper.HAS_RPM', False) - def test_version_cmp_fallback(self): -@@ -250,7 +309,7 @@ class ZypperTestCase(TestCase): - ''' - with patch('salt.modules.zypper.rpm', MagicMock(return_value=MagicMock)): - with patch('salt.modules.zypper.rpm.labelCompare', MagicMock(return_value=0)): -- assert -1 == zypper.version_cmp('1', '2') # mock returns -1, a python implementation was called -+ self.assertEqual(-1, zypper.version_cmp('1', '2')) # mock returns -1, a python implementation was called - - def test_list_pkgs(self): - ''' -@@ -281,8 +340,8 @@ class ZypperTestCase(TestCase): - 'susemanager-build-keys-web': '12.0-5.1.develHead', - 'apache-commons-cli': '1.2-1.233', - 'jose4j': '0.4.4-2.1.develHead'}.items(): -- assert pkgs.get(pkg_name) -- assert pkgs[pkg_name] == pkg_version -+ self.assertTrue(pkgs.get(pkg_name)) -+ self.assertEqual(pkgs[pkg_name], pkg_version) - - def test_remove_purge(self): - ''' -@@ -307,16 +366,21 @@ class ZypperTestCase(TestCase): - return pkgs - - parsed_targets = [{'vim': None, 'pico': None}, None] -+ cmd_out = { -+ 'retcode': 0, -+ 'stdout': '', -+ 'stderr': '' -+ } - -- with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'': MagicMock(return_value=False)}): -+ with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'cmd.run_all': MagicMock(return_value=cmd_out)}): - with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'pkg_resource.parse_targets': MagicMock(return_value=parsed_targets)}): - with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'pkg_resource.stringify': MagicMock()}): - with patch('salt.modules.zypper.list_pkgs', ListPackages()): - diff = zypper.remove(name='vim,pico') - for pkg_name in ['vim', 'pico']: -- assert diff.get(pkg_name) -- assert diff[pkg_name]['old'] -- assert not diff[pkg_name]['new'] -+ self.assertTrue(diff.get(pkg_name)) -+ self.assertTrue(diff[pkg_name]['old']) -+ self.assertFalse(diff[pkg_name]['new']) - - - if __name__ == '__main__': --- -2.1.4 - diff --git a/0027-make-suse-check-consistent-with-rh_service.patch b/0027-make-suse-check-consistent-with-rh_service.patch deleted file mode 100644 index ea1914f..0000000 --- a/0027-make-suse-check-consistent-with-rh_service.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -From 9b8d6cbb72cd6537016a9d4da73bd3127b951845 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: =?UTF-8?q?Marcus=20R=C3=BCckert?= -Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2016 17:29:23 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH] make the suse check consistent with - ---- - salt/modules/ | 1 + - 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) - -diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ -index 05db855..7aacedd 100644 ---- a/salt/modules/ -+++ b/salt/modules/ -@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ def __virtual__(): - 'Arch ARM', - 'ALT', - 'SUSE Enterprise Server', -+ 'SUSE', - 'OEL', - 'Linaro', - 'elementary OS', diff --git a/0028-fix-numerical-check-of-osrelease.patch b/0028-fix-numerical-check-of-osrelease.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 120d955..0000000 --- a/0028-fix-numerical-check-of-osrelease.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -From c0c8a77242cac5565febc9b08aeda7328d13e92f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: =?UTF-8?q?Marcus=20R=C3=BCckert?= -Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2016 17:29:54 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH] Fix numerical check of osrelease - -After making the version check numerical in 9975508 it no longer matched -SLES 11 properly to use the rh_service module as '11.4 > 11' evaluates -to true. Without using the rh_service module, not all methods are -implemented to use the service state on sle11. ---- - salt/modules/ | 4 ++-- - 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ -index c425cde..910a75d 100644 ---- a/salt/modules/ -+++ b/salt/modules/ -@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ def __virtual__(): - return (False, 'Cannot load rh_service module: ' - 'osrelease grain, {0}, not a float,'.format(osrelease)) - if __grains__['os'] == 'SUSE': -- if osrelease > 11: -- return (False, 'Cannot load rh_service module on SUSE >= 11') -+ if osrelease >= 12: -+ return (False, 'Cannot load rh_service module on SUSE >= 12') - if __grains__['os'] == 'Fedora': - if osrelease > 15: - return (False, 'Cannot load rh_service module on Fedora >= 15') diff --git a/0029-Make-use-of-checksum-configurable-defaults-to-MD5-SH.patch b/0029-Make-use-of-checksum-configurable-defaults-to-MD5-SH.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 8caac82..0000000 --- a/0029-Make-use-of-checksum-configurable-defaults-to-MD5-SH.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,734 +0,0 @@ -From 2220c5a0ae800988bf83c39b458a8747f01186c0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Bo Maryniuk -Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2016 16:16:12 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 29/29] Make use of checksum configurable (defaults to MD5, - SHA256 suggested) - -Set config hash_type to SHA1 -Set default hash as SHA1 in config and explain why. -Use hash_type configuration for the Cloud -Use configurable hash_type for general Key fingerprinting -Use SHA1 hash by default -Use SHA1 hash by default in Tomcat module, refactor for support different algorithms -Use SHA1 by default instead of MD5 -Remove SHA1 to SHA265 by default -Add note to the Tomcat module for SHA256 -Remove sha1 to sha265 -Remove SHA1 for SHA256 -Remove SHA1 in favor of SHA256 -Use MD5 hash algorithm by default (until deprecated) -Create a mixin class that will be reused in the similar instances (daemons) -Use mixin for the daemon classes -Report environment failure, if any -Verify if hash_type is using vulnerable algorithms -Standardize logging -Add daemons unit test to verify hash_type settings -Fix PyLint ---- - conf/master | 5 +- - conf/minion | 8 +- - conf/proxy | 9 +- - salt/cli/ | 83 +++++++++++++----- - salt/cloud/ | 4 +- - salt/ | 10 +-- - salt/ | 4 +- - salt/modules/ | 10 +-- - salt/modules/ | 26 ++---- - salt/modules/ | 2 +- - salt/utils/ | 13 +-- - salt/utils/ | 3 +- - tests/unit/ | 209 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - 13 files changed, 319 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-) - create mode 100644 tests/unit/ - -diff --git a/conf/master b/conf/master -index 36657e8..cf05ec4 100644 ---- a/conf/master -+++ b/conf/master -@@ -466,9 +466,12 @@ syndic_user: salt - #default_top: base - - # The hash_type is the hash to use when discovering the hash of a file on --# the master server. The default is md5, but sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384 -+# the master server. The default is md5 but sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384 - # and sha512 are also supported. - # -+# WARNING: While md5 is supported, do not use it due to the high chance -+# of possible collisions and thus security breach. -+# - # Prior to changing this value, the master should be stopped and all Salt - # caches should be cleared. - #hash_type: md5 -diff --git a/conf/minion b/conf/minion -index 2307f70..e17ec61 100644 ---- a/conf/minion -+++ b/conf/minion -@@ -440,12 +440,14 @@ - #fileserver_limit_traversal: False - - # The hash_type is the hash to use when discovering the hash of a file in --# the local fileserver. The default is md5, but sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384 --# and sha512 are also supported. -+# the local fileserver. The default is sha256, sha224, sha384 and sha512 are also supported. -+# -+# WARNING: While md5 and sha1 are also supported, do not use it due to the high chance -+# of possible collisions and thus security breach. - # - # Warning: Prior to changing this value, the minion should be stopped and all - # Salt caches should be cleared. --#hash_type: md5 -+#hash_type: sha256 - - # The Salt pillar is searched for locally if file_client is set to local. If - # this is the case, and pillar data is defined, then the pillar_roots need to -diff --git a/conf/proxy b/conf/proxy -index 472df35..0de6af8 100644 ---- a/conf/proxy -+++ b/conf/proxy -@@ -419,12 +419,15 @@ - #fileserver_limit_traversal: False - - # The hash_type is the hash to use when discovering the hash of a file in --# the local fileserver. The default is md5, but sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384 --# and sha512 are also supported. -+# the local fileserver. The default is sha256 but sha224, sha384 and sha512 -+# are also supported. -+# -+# WARNING: While md5 and sha1 are also supported, do not use it due to the high chance -+# of possible collisions and thus security breach. - # - # Warning: Prior to changing this value, the minion should be stopped and all - # Salt caches should be cleared. --#hash_type: md5 -+#hash_type: sha256 - - # The Salt pillar is searched for locally if file_client is set to local. If - # this is the case, and pillar data is defined, then the pillar_roots need to -diff --git a/salt/cli/ b/salt/cli/ -index 7f8b8c8..b0e7b20 100644 ---- a/salt/cli/ -+++ b/salt/cli/ -@@ -58,7 +58,50 @@ from salt.exceptions import SaltSystemExit - logger = salt.log.setup.logging.getLogger(__name__) - - --class Master(parsers.MasterOptionParser): -+class DaemonsMixin(object): # pylint: disable=no-init -+ ''' -+ Uses the same functions for all daemons -+ ''' -+ def verify_hash_type(self): -+ ''' -+ Verify and display a nag-messsage to the log if vulnerable hash-type is used. -+ -+ :return: -+ ''' -+ if self.config['hash_type'].lower() in ['md5', 'sha1']: -+ logger.warning('IMPORTANT: Do not use {h_type} hashing algorithm! Please set "hash_type" to ' -+ 'SHA256 in Salt {d_name} config!'.format( -+ h_type=self.config['hash_type'], d_name=self.__class__.__name__)) -+ -+ def start_log_info(self): -+ ''' -+ Say daemon starting. -+ -+ :return: -+ ''' -+'The Salt {d_name} is starting up'.format(d_name=self.__class__.__name__)) -+ -+ def shutdown_log_info(self): -+ ''' -+ Say daemon shutting down. -+ -+ :return: -+ ''' -+'The Salt {d_name} is shut down'.format(d_name=self.__class__.__name__)) -+ -+ def environment_failure(self, error): -+ ''' -+ Log environment failure for the daemon and exit with the error code. -+ -+ :param error: -+ :return: -+ ''' -+ logger.exception('Failed to create environment for {d_name}: {reason}'.format( -+ d_name=self.__class__.__name__, reason=error.message)) -+ sys.exit(error.errno) -+ -+ -+class Master(parsers.MasterOptionParser, DaemonsMixin): # pylint: disable=no-init - ''' - Creates a master server - ''' -@@ -114,8 +157,7 @@ class Master(parsers.MasterOptionParser): - for syndic_file in os.listdir(self.config['syndic_dir']): - os.remove(os.path.join(self.config['syndic_dir'], syndic_file)) - except OSError as err: -- logger.exception('Failed to prepare salt environment') -- sys.exit(err.errno) -+ self.environment_failure(err) - - self.setup_logfile_logger() - verify_log(self.config) -@@ -153,17 +195,18 @@ class Master(parsers.MasterOptionParser): - ''' - self.prepare() - if check_user(self.config['user']): --'The salt master is starting up') -+ self.verify_hash_type() -+ self.start_log_info() - self.master.start() - - def shutdown(self): - ''' - If sub-classed, run any shutdown operations on this method. - ''' --'The salt master is shut down') -+ self.shutdown_log_info() - - --class Minion(parsers.MinionOptionParser): # pylint: disable=no-init -+class Minion(parsers.MinionOptionParser, DaemonsMixin): # pylint: disable=no-init - ''' - Create a minion server - ''' -@@ -226,8 +269,7 @@ class Minion(parsers.MinionOptionParser): # pylint: disable=no-init - verify_files([logfile], self.config['user']) - os.umask(current_umask) - except OSError as err: -- logger.exception('Failed to prepare salt environment') -- sys.exit(err.errno) -+ self.environment_failure(err) - - self.setup_logfile_logger() - verify_log(self.config) -@@ -273,7 +315,8 @@ class Minion(parsers.MinionOptionParser): # pylint: disable=no-init - try: - self.prepare() - if check_user(self.config['user']): --'The salt minion is starting up') -+ self.verify_hash_type() -+ self.start_log_info() - self.minion.tune_in() - finally: - self.shutdown() -@@ -310,10 +353,10 @@ class Minion(parsers.MinionOptionParser): # pylint: disable=no-init - ''' - If sub-classed, run any shutdown operations on this method. - ''' --'The salt minion is shut down') -+ self.shutdown_log_info() - - --class ProxyMinion(parsers.ProxyMinionOptionParser): # pylint: disable=no-init -+class ProxyMinion(parsers.ProxyMinionOptionParser, DaemonsMixin): # pylint: disable=no-init - ''' - Create a proxy minion server - ''' -@@ -388,8 +431,7 @@ class ProxyMinion(parsers.ProxyMinionOptionParser): # pylint: disable=no-init - os.umask(current_umask) - - except OSError as err: -- logger.exception('Failed to prepare salt environment') -- sys.exit(err.errno) -+ self.environment_failure(err) - - self.setup_logfile_logger() - verify_log(self.config) -@@ -431,7 +473,8 @@ class ProxyMinion(parsers.ProxyMinionOptionParser): # pylint: disable=no-init - try: - self.prepare() - if check_user(self.config['user']): --'The proxy minion is starting up') -+ self.verify_hash_type() -+ self.start_log_info() - self.minion.tune_in() - except (KeyboardInterrupt, SaltSystemExit) as exc: - logger.warn('Stopping the Salt Proxy Minion') -@@ -449,10 +492,10 @@ class ProxyMinion(parsers.ProxyMinionOptionParser): # pylint: disable=no-init - if hasattr(self, 'minion') and 'proxymodule' in self.minion.opts: - proxy_fn = self.minion.opts['proxymodule'].loaded_base_name + '.shutdown' - self.minion.opts['proxymodule'][proxy_fn](self.minion.opts) --'The proxy minion is shut down') -+ self.shutdown_log_info() - - --class Syndic(parsers.SyndicOptionParser): -+class Syndic(parsers.SyndicOptionParser, DaemonsMixin): # pylint: disable=no-init - ''' - Create a syndic server - ''' -@@ -488,8 +531,7 @@ class Syndic(parsers.SyndicOptionParser): - verify_files([logfile], self.config['user']) - os.umask(current_umask) - except OSError as err: -- logger.exception('Failed to prepare salt environment') -- sys.exit(err.errno) -+ self.environment_failure(err) - - self.setup_logfile_logger() - verify_log(self.config) -@@ -521,7 +563,8 @@ class Syndic(parsers.SyndicOptionParser): - ''' - self.prepare() - if check_user(self.config['user']): --'The salt syndic is starting up') -+ self.verify_hash_type() -+ self.start_log_info() - try: - self.syndic.tune_in() - except KeyboardInterrupt: -@@ -532,4 +575,4 @@ class Syndic(parsers.SyndicOptionParser): - ''' - If sub-classed, run any shutdown operations on this method. - ''' --'The salt syndic is shut down') -+ self.shutdown_log_info() -diff --git a/salt/cloud/ b/salt/cloud/ -index 77186a4..733b403 100644 ---- a/salt/cloud/ -+++ b/salt/cloud/ -@@ -2036,7 +2036,7 @@ class Map(Cloud): - master_temp_pub = salt.utils.mkstemp() - with salt.utils.fopen(master_temp_pub, 'w') as mtp: - mtp.write(pub) -- master_finger = salt.utils.pem_finger(master_temp_pub) -+ master_finger = salt.utils.pem_finger(master_temp_pub, sum_type=self.opts['hash_type']) - os.unlink(master_temp_pub) - - if master_profile.get('make_minion', True) is True: -@@ -2121,7 +2121,7 @@ class Map(Cloud): - # mitigate man-in-the-middle attacks - master_pub = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], '') - if os.path.isfile(master_pub): -- master_finger = salt.utils.pem_finger(master_pub) -+ master_finger = salt.utils.pem_finger(master_pub, sum_type=self.opts['hash_type']) - - opts = self.opts.copy() - if self.opts['parallel']: -diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ -index 907ec0c..eaf6d72 100644 ---- a/salt/ -+++ b/salt/ -@@ -558,11 +558,11 @@ class AsyncAuth(object): - if self.opts.get('syndic_master', False): # Is syndic - syndic_finger = self.opts.get('syndic_finger', self.opts.get('master_finger', False)) - if syndic_finger: -- if salt.utils.pem_finger(m_pub_fn) != syndic_finger: -+ if salt.utils.pem_finger(m_pub_fn, sum_type=self.opts['hash_type']) != syndic_finger: - self._finger_fail(syndic_finger, m_pub_fn) - else: - if self.opts.get('master_finger', False): -- if salt.utils.pem_finger(m_pub_fn) != self.opts['master_finger']: -+ if salt.utils.pem_finger(m_pub_fn, sum_type=self.opts['hash_type']) != self.opts['master_finger']: - self._finger_fail(self.opts['master_finger'], m_pub_fn) - auth['publish_port'] = payload['publish_port'] - raise tornado.gen.Return(auth) -@@ -1071,11 +1071,11 @@ class SAuth(AsyncAuth): - if self.opts.get('syndic_master', False): # Is syndic - syndic_finger = self.opts.get('syndic_finger', self.opts.get('master_finger', False)) - if syndic_finger: -- if salt.utils.pem_finger(m_pub_fn) != syndic_finger: -+ if salt.utils.pem_finger(m_pub_fn, sum_type=self.opts['hash_type']) != syndic_finger: - self._finger_fail(syndic_finger, m_pub_fn) - else: - if self.opts.get('master_finger', False): -- if salt.utils.pem_finger(m_pub_fn) != self.opts['master_finger']: -+ if salt.utils.pem_finger(m_pub_fn, sum_type=self.opts['hash_type']) != self.opts['master_finger']: - self._finger_fail(self.opts['master_finger'], m_pub_fn) - auth['publish_port'] = payload['publish_port'] - return auth -@@ -1089,7 +1089,7 @@ class SAuth(AsyncAuth): - 'this minion is not subject to a man-in-the-middle attack.' - .format( - finger, -- salt.utils.pem_finger(master_key) -+ salt.utils.pem_finger(master_key, sum_type=self.opts['hash_type']) - ) - ) - sys.exit(42) -diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ -index 08086a0..e4cb4eb 100644 ---- a/salt/ -+++ b/salt/ -@@ -933,7 +933,7 @@ class Key(object): - path = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], key) - else: - path = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], status, key) -- ret[status][key] = salt.utils.pem_finger(path) -+ ret[status][key] = salt.utils.pem_finger(path, sum_type=self.opts['hash_type']) - return ret - - def finger_all(self): -@@ -948,7 +948,7 @@ class Key(object): - path = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], key) - else: - path = os.path.join(self.opts['pki_dir'], status, key) -- ret[status][key] = salt.utils.pem_finger(path) -+ ret[status][key] = salt.utils.pem_finger(path, sum_type=self.opts['hash_type']) - return ret - - -diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ -index 12762df..3e16c2d 100644 ---- a/salt/modules/ -+++ b/salt/modules/ -@@ -21,9 +21,8 @@ def finger(): - - salt '*' key.finger - ''' -- return salt.utils.pem_finger( -- os.path.join(__opts__['pki_dir'], '') -- ) -+ return salt.utils.pem_finger(os.path.join(__opts__['pki_dir'], ''), -+ sum_type=__opts__.get('hash_type', 'md5')) - - - def finger_master(): -@@ -36,6 +35,5 @@ def finger_master(): - - salt '*' key.finger_master - ''' -- return salt.utils.pem_finger( -- os.path.join(__opts__['pki_dir'], '') -- ) -+ return salt.utils.pem_finger(os.path.join(__opts__['pki_dir'], ''), -+ sum_type=__opts__.get('hash_type', 'md5')) -diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ -index d3df2dc..4a7f0eb 100644 ---- a/salt/modules/ -+++ b/salt/modules/ -@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ def deploy_war(war, - - def passwd(passwd, - user='', -- alg='md5', -+ alg='sha1', - realm=None): - ''' - This function replaces the $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ script -@@ -625,23 +625,15 @@ def passwd(passwd, - salt '*' tomcat.passwd secret tomcat sha1 - salt '*' tomcat.passwd secret tomcat sha1 'Protected Realm' - ''' -- if alg == 'md5': -- m = hashlib.md5() -- elif alg == 'sha1': -- m = hashlib.sha1() -- else: -- return False -- -- if realm: -- m.update('{0}:{1}:{2}'.format( -- user, -- realm, -- passwd, -- )) -- else: -- m.update(passwd) -+ # Shouldn't it be SHA265 instead of SHA1? -+ digest = hasattr(hashlib, alg) and getattr(hashlib, alg) or None -+ if digest: -+ if realm: -+ digest.update('{0}:{1}:{2}'.format(user, realm, passwd,)) -+ else: -+ digest.update(passwd) - -- return m.hexdigest() -+ return digest and digest.hexdigest() or False - - - # Non-Manager functions -diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ -index 7911bfc..5ea31ae 100644 ---- a/salt/modules/ -+++ b/salt/modules/ -@@ -842,7 +842,7 @@ def chgrp(path, group): - return None - - --def stats(path, hash_type='md5', follow_symlinks=True): -+def stats(path, hash_type='sha256', follow_symlinks=True): - ''' - Return a dict containing the stats for a given file - -diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ -index c6a3fd3..4e40caf 100644 ---- a/salt/utils/ -+++ b/salt/utils/ -@@ -858,10 +858,11 @@ def path_join(*parts): - )) - - --def pem_finger(path=None, key=None, sum_type='md5'): -+def pem_finger(path=None, key=None, sum_type='sha256'): - ''' - Pass in either a raw pem string, or the path on disk to the location of a -- pem file, and the type of cryptographic hash to use. The default is md5. -+ pem file, and the type of cryptographic hash to use. The default is SHA256. -+ - The fingerprint of the pem will be returned. - - If neither a key nor a path are passed in, a blank string will be returned. -@@ -1979,7 +1980,7 @@ def safe_walk(top, topdown=True, onerror=None, followlinks=True, _seen=None): - yield top, dirs, nondirs - - --def get_hash(path, form='md5', chunk_size=65536): -+def get_hash(path, form='sha256', chunk_size=65536): - ''' - Get the hash sum of a file - -@@ -1989,10 +1990,10 @@ def get_hash(path, form='md5', chunk_size=65536): - ``get_sum`` cannot really be trusted since it is vulnerable to - collisions: ``get_sum(..., 'xyz') == 'Hash xyz not supported'`` - ''' -- try: -- hash_type = getattr(hashlib, form) -- except (AttributeError, TypeError): -+ hash_type = hasattr(hashlib, form) and getattr(hashlib, form) or None -+ if hash_type is None: - raise ValueError('Invalid hash type: {0}'.format(form)) -+ - with salt.utils.fopen(path, 'rb') as ifile: - hash_obj = hash_type() - # read the file in in chunks, not the entire file -diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ -index d546e51..7a21166 100644 ---- a/salt/utils/ -+++ b/salt/utils/ -@@ -2421,6 +2421,7 @@ def init_cachedir(base=None): - - def request_minion_cachedir( - minion_id, -+ opts=None, - fingerprint='', - pubkey=None, - provider=None, -@@ -2440,7 +2441,7 @@ def request_minion_cachedir( - - if not fingerprint: - if pubkey is not None: -- fingerprint = salt.utils.pem_finger(key=pubkey) -+ fingerprint = salt.utils.pem_finger(key=pubkey, sum_type=(opts and opts.get('hash_type') or 'sha256')) - - init_cachedir(base) - -diff --git a/tests/unit/ b/tests/unit/ -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..47d5e8a ---- /dev/null -+++ b/tests/unit/ -@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@ -+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -+''' -+ :codeauthor: :email:`Bo Maryniuk ` -+''' -+ -+# Import python libs -+from __future__ import absolute_import -+ -+# Import Salt Testing libs -+from salttesting import TestCase, skipIf -+from salttesting.helpers import ensure_in_syspath -+from salttesting.mock import patch, MagicMock, NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON -+ -+ensure_in_syspath('../') -+ -+# Import Salt libs -+import integration -+from salt.cli import daemons -+ -+ -+class LoggerMock(object): -+ ''' -+ Logger data collector -+ ''' -+ -+ def __init__(self): -+ ''' -+ init -+ :return: -+ ''' -+ self.reset() -+ -+ def reset(self): -+ ''' -+ Reset values -+ -+ :return: -+ ''' -+ self.last_message = self.last_type = None -+ -+ def info(self, data): -+ ''' -+ Collects the data from the logger of info type. -+ -+ :param data: -+ :return: -+ ''' -+ self.last_message = data -+ self.last_type = 'info' -+ -+ def warning(self, data): -+ ''' -+ Collects the data from the logger of warning type. -+ -+ :param data: -+ :return: -+ ''' -+ self.last_message = data -+ self.last_type = 'warning' -+ -+ -+@skipIf(NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON) -+class DaemonsStarterTestCase(TestCase, integration.SaltClientTestCaseMixIn): -+ ''' -+ Unit test for the daemons starter classes. -+ ''' -+ -+ def test_master_daemon_hash_type_verified(self): -+ ''' -+ Verify if Master is verifying hash_type config option. -+ -+ :return: -+ ''' -+ def _create_master(): -+ ''' -+ Create master instance -+ :return: -+ ''' -+ master = daemons.Master() -+ master.config = {'user': 'dummy', 'hash_type': alg} -+ for attr in ['master', 'start_log_info', 'prepare']: -+ setattr(master, attr, MagicMock()) -+ -+ return master -+ -+ _logger = LoggerMock() -+ with patch('salt.cli.daemons.check_user', MagicMock(return_value=True)): -+ with patch('salt.cli.daemons.logger', _logger): -+ for alg in ['md5', 'sha1']: -+ _create_master().start() -+ self.assertEqual(_logger.last_type, 'warning') -+ self.assertTrue(_logger.last_message) -+ self.assertTrue(_logger.last_message.find('Do not use {alg}'.format(alg=alg)) > -1) -+ -+ _logger.reset() -+ -+ for alg in ['sha224', 'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512']: -+ _create_master().start() -+ self.assertEqual(_logger.last_type, None) -+ self.assertFalse(_logger.last_message) -+ -+ def test_minion_daemon_hash_type_verified(self): -+ ''' -+ Verify if Minion is verifying hash_type config option. -+ -+ :return: -+ ''' -+ -+ def _create_minion(): -+ ''' -+ Create minion instance -+ :return: -+ ''' -+ obj = daemons.Minion() -+ obj.config = {'user': 'dummy', 'hash_type': alg} -+ for attr in ['minion', 'start_log_info', 'prepare', 'shutdown']: -+ setattr(obj, attr, MagicMock()) -+ -+ return obj -+ -+ _logger = LoggerMock() -+ with patch('salt.cli.daemons.check_user', MagicMock(return_value=True)): -+ with patch('salt.cli.daemons.logger', _logger): -+ for alg in ['md5', 'sha1']: -+ _create_minion().start() -+ self.assertEqual(_logger.last_type, 'warning') -+ self.assertTrue(_logger.last_message) -+ self.assertTrue(_logger.last_message.find('Do not use {alg}'.format(alg=alg)) > -1) -+ -+ _logger.reset() -+ -+ for alg in ['sha224', 'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512']: -+ _create_minion().start() -+ self.assertEqual(_logger.last_type, None) -+ self.assertFalse(_logger.last_message) -+ -+ def test_proxy_minion_daemon_hash_type_verified(self): -+ ''' -+ Verify if ProxyMinion is verifying hash_type config option. -+ -+ :return: -+ ''' -+ -+ def _create_proxy_minion(): -+ ''' -+ Create proxy minion instance -+ :return: -+ ''' -+ obj = daemons.ProxyMinion() -+ obj.config = {'user': 'dummy', 'hash_type': alg} -+ for attr in ['minion', 'start_log_info', 'prepare', 'shutdown']: -+ setattr(obj, attr, MagicMock()) -+ -+ return obj -+ -+ _logger = LoggerMock() -+ with patch('salt.cli.daemons.check_user', MagicMock(return_value=True)): -+ with patch('salt.cli.daemons.logger', _logger): -+ for alg in ['md5', 'sha1']: -+ _create_proxy_minion().start() -+ self.assertEqual(_logger.last_type, 'warning') -+ self.assertTrue(_logger.last_message) -+ self.assertTrue(_logger.last_message.find('Do not use {alg}'.format(alg=alg)) > -1) -+ -+ _logger.reset() -+ -+ for alg in ['sha224', 'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512']: -+ _create_proxy_minion().start() -+ self.assertEqual(_logger.last_type, None) -+ self.assertFalse(_logger.last_message) -+ -+ def test_syndic_daemon_hash_type_verified(self): -+ ''' -+ Verify if Syndic is verifying hash_type config option. -+ -+ :return: -+ ''' -+ -+ def _create_syndic(): -+ ''' -+ Create syndic instance -+ :return: -+ ''' -+ obj = daemons.Syndic() -+ obj.config = {'user': 'dummy', 'hash_type': alg} -+ for attr in ['syndic', 'start_log_info', 'prepare', 'shutdown']: -+ setattr(obj, attr, MagicMock()) -+ -+ return obj -+ -+ _logger = LoggerMock() -+ with patch('salt.cli.daemons.check_user', MagicMock(return_value=True)): -+ with patch('salt.cli.daemons.logger', _logger): -+ for alg in ['md5', 'sha1']: -+ _create_syndic().start() -+ self.assertEqual(_logger.last_type, 'warning') -+ self.assertTrue(_logger.last_message) -+ self.assertTrue(_logger.last_message.find('Do not use {alg}'.format(alg=alg)) > -1) -+ -+ _logger.reset() -+ -+ for alg in ['sha224', 'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512']: -+ _create_syndic().start() -+ self.assertEqual(_logger.last_type, None) -+ self.assertFalse(_logger.last_message) -+ -+if __name__ == '__main__': -+ from integration import run_tests -+ run_tests(DaemonsStarterTestCase, needs_daemon=False) --- -2.7.2 - diff --git a/0030-Bugfix-on-SLE11-series-base-product-reported-as-addi.patch b/0030-Bugfix-on-SLE11-series-base-product-reported-as-addi.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 45c7eaa..0000000 --- a/0030-Bugfix-on-SLE11-series-base-product-reported-as-addi.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,228 +0,0 @@ -From 79d5477cfa5e85d2480bb07e49ecaeff423f5238 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Bo Maryniuk -Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2016 13:25:20 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 30/33] Bugfix: on SLE11 series base product reported as - additional - -Add SLE11 product info snapshot, rename previous - -Update test case to cover SLE11 and SLE12 ---- - salt/modules/ | 2 +- - .../unit/modules/zypp/zypper-products-sle11sp3.xml | 37 +++++++++++++++ - .../unit/modules/zypp/zypper-products-sle12sp1.xml | 37 +++++++++++++++ - tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-products.xml | 37 --------------- - tests/unit/modules/ | 52 +++++++++++++--------- - 5 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-) - create mode 100644 tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-products-sle11sp3.xml - create mode 100644 tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-products-sle12sp1.xml - delete mode 100644 tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-products.xml - -diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ -index d6628aa..1c6b31d 100644 ---- a/salt/modules/ -+++ b/salt/modules/ -@@ -1373,7 +1373,7 @@ def list_products(all=False, refresh=False): - for prd in doc.getElementsByTagName('product-list')[0].getElementsByTagName('product'): - p_nfo = dict() - for k_p_nfo, v_p_nfo in prd.attributes.items(): -- p_nfo[k_p_nfo] = k_p_nfo not in ['isbase', 'installed'] and v_p_nfo or v_p_nfo == 'true' -+ p_nfo[k_p_nfo] = k_p_nfo not in ['isbase', 'installed'] and v_p_nfo or v_p_nfo in ['true', '1'] - p_nfo['eol'] = prd.getElementsByTagName('endoflife')[0].getAttribute('text') - p_nfo['eol_t'] = int(prd.getElementsByTagName('endoflife')[0].getAttribute('time_t')) - p_nfo['description'] = " ".join( -diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-products-sle11sp3.xml b/tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-products-sle11sp3.xml -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..89a85e3 ---- /dev/null -+++ b/tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-products-sle11sp3.xml -@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ -+ -+ -+Refreshing service 'nu_novell_com'. -+Loading repository data... -+Reading installed packages... -+ -+0x7ffdb538e948SUSE Linux Enterprise offers a comprehensive -+ suite of products built on a single code base. -+ The platform addresses business needs from -+ the smallest thin-client devices to the world’s -+ most powerful high-performance computing -+ and mainframe servers. SUSE Linux Enterprise -+ offers common management tools and technology -+ certifications across the platform, and -+ each product is enterprise-class. -+0x7ffdb538e948SUSE Linux Enterprise offers a comprehensive -+ suite of products built on a single code base. -+ The platform addresses business needs from -+ the smallest thin-client devices to the world’s -+ most powerful high-performance computing -+ and mainframe servers. SUSE Linux Enterprise -+ offers common management tools and technology -+ certifications across the platform, and -+ each product is enterprise-class. -+0x7ffdb538e948SUSE Linux Enterprise offers a comprehensive -+ suite of products built on a single code base. -+ The platform addresses business needs from -+ the smallest thin-client devices to the world’s -+ most powerful high-performance computing -+ and mainframe servers. SUSE Linux Enterprise -+ offers common management tools and technology -+ certifications across the platform, and -+ each product is enterprise-class. -+0x7ffdb538e948SUSE Manager Server appliance -+0x7ffdb538e948SUSE Manager Server appliance -+ -+ -diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-products-sle12sp1.xml b/tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-products-sle12sp1.xml -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..1a50363 ---- /dev/null -+++ b/tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-products-sle12sp1.xml -@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ -+ -+ -+Loading repository data... -+Reading installed packages... -+ -+SUSE Linux Enterprise offers a comprehensive -+ suite of products built on a single code base. -+ The platform addresses business needs from -+ the smallest thin-client devices to the world's -+ most powerful high-performance computing -+ and mainframe servers. SUSE Linux Enterprise -+ offers common management tools and technology -+ certifications across the platform, and -+ each product is enterprise-class. -+extensionSUSE Manager Proxies extend large and/or geographically -+dispersed SUSE Manager environments to reduce load on the SUSE Manager -+Server, lower bandwidth needs, and provide faster local -+updates. -+extensionSUSE Manager lets you efficiently manage physical, virtual, -+and cloud-based Linux systems. It provides automated and cost-effective -+configuration and software management, asset management, and system -+provisioning. -+extension<p> -+ SUSE Manager Tools provide packages required to connect to a -+ SUSE Manager Server. -+ <p> -+SUSE Linux Enterprise offers a comprehensive -+ suite of products built on a single code base. -+ The platform addresses business needs from -+ the smallest thin-client devices to the world's -+ most powerful high-performance computing -+ and mainframe servers. SUSE Linux Enterprise -+ offers common management tools and technology -+ certifications across the platform, and -+ each product is enterprise-class. -+ -+ -diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-products.xml b/tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-products.xml -deleted file mode 100644 -index 1a50363..0000000 ---- a/tests/unit/modules/zypp/zypper-products.xml -+++ /dev/null -@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -- -- --Loading repository data... --Reading installed packages... -- --SUSE Linux Enterprise offers a comprehensive -- suite of products built on a single code base. -- The platform addresses business needs from -- the smallest thin-client devices to the world's -- most powerful high-performance computing -- and mainframe servers. SUSE Linux Enterprise -- offers common management tools and technology -- certifications across the platform, and -- each product is enterprise-class. --extensionSUSE Manager Proxies extend large and/or geographically --dispersed SUSE Manager environments to reduce load on the SUSE Manager --Server, lower bandwidth needs, and provide faster local --updates. --extensionSUSE Manager lets you efficiently manage physical, virtual, --and cloud-based Linux systems. It provides automated and cost-effective --configuration and software management, asset management, and system --provisioning. --extension<p> -- SUSE Manager Tools provide packages required to connect to a -- SUSE Manager Server. -- <p> --SUSE Linux Enterprise offers a comprehensive -- suite of products built on a single code base. -- The platform addresses business needs from -- the smallest thin-client devices to the world's -- most powerful high-performance computing -- and mainframe servers. SUSE Linux Enterprise -- offers common management tools and technology -- certifications across the platform, and -- each product is enterprise-class. -- -- -diff --git a/tests/unit/modules/ b/tests/unit/modules/ -index f89d18f..5c4eb67 100644 ---- a/tests/unit/modules/ -+++ b/tests/unit/modules/ -@@ -150,26 +150,38 @@ class ZypperTestCase(TestCase): - ''' - List products test. - ''' -- ref_out = { -- 'retcode': 0, -- 'stdout': get_test_data('zypper-products.xml') -- } -- with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'cmd.run_all': MagicMock(return_value=ref_out)}): -- products = zypper.list_products() -- self.assertEqual(len(products), 5) -- self.assertEqual(['SLES', 'SLES', 'SUSE-Manager-Proxy', 'SUSE-Manager-Server', 'sle-manager-tools-beta'], -- sorted([prod['name'] for prod in products])) -- self.assertIn('SUSE LLC ', [product['vendor'] for product in products]) -- self.assertEqual([False, False, False, False, True], -- sorted([product['isbase'] for product in products])) -- self.assertEqual([False, False, False, False, True], -- sorted([product['installed'] for product in products])) -- self.assertEqual(['0', '0', '0', '0', '0'], -- sorted([product['release'] for product in products])) -- self.assertEqual([False, False, False, False, u'sles'], -- sorted([product['productline'] for product in products])) -- self.assertEqual([1509408000, 1522454400, 1522454400, 1730332800, 1730332800], -- sorted([product['eol_t'] for product in products])) -+ for filename, test_data in { -+ 'zypper-products-sle12sp1.xml': { -+ 'name': ['SLES', 'SLES', 'SUSE-Manager-Proxy', -+ 'SUSE-Manager-Server', 'sle-manager-tools-beta'], -+ 'vendor': 'SUSE LLC ', -+ 'release': ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0'], -+ 'productline': [False, False, False, False, 'sles'], -+ 'eol_t': [1509408000, 1522454400, 1522454400, 1730332800, 1730332800], -+ 'isbase': [False, False, False, False, True], -+ 'installed': [False, False, False, False, True], -+ }, -+ 'zypper-products-sle11sp3.xml': { -+ 'name': ['SUSE-Manager-Server', 'SUSE-Manager-Server', -+ 'SUSE_SLES', 'SUSE_SLES', 'SUSE_SLES-SP4-migration'], -+ 'vendor': 'SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany', -+ 'release': ['1.138', '1.2', '1.2', '1.201', '1.4'], -+ 'productline': [False, False, False, False, 'manager'], -+ 'eol_t': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], -+ 'isbase': [False, False, False, False, True], -+ 'installed': [False, False, False, False, True], -+ }}.items(): -+ ref_out = { -+ 'retcode': 0, -+ 'stdout': get_test_data(filename) -+ } -+ -+ with patch.dict(zypper.__salt__, {'cmd.run_all': MagicMock(return_value=ref_out)}): -+ products = zypper.list_products() -+ self.assertEqual(len(products), 5) -+ self.assertIn(test_data['vendor'], [product['vendor'] for product in products]) -+ for kwd in ['name', 'isbase', 'installed', 'release', 'productline', 'eol_t']: -+ self.assertEqual(test_data[kwd], sorted([prod[kwd] for prod in products])) - - def test_refresh_db(self): - ''' --- -2.1.4 - diff --git a/ b/ deleted file mode 100644 index f0ae1e6..0000000 --- a/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -From d3d7d20b569ad1ae5bc8a7ba1ac6652aa2e47ec5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: rallytime -Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2016 17:20:47 -0700 -Subject: [PATCH 31/33] Only use LONGSIZE in if available. Otherwise, - use SIZE. - -Fixes #31366 ---- - salt/modules/ | 10 +++++++++- - 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) - -diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ -index 51c72c9..cdf91a6 100644 ---- a/salt/modules/ -+++ b/salt/modules/ -@@ -422,6 +422,14 @@ def info(*packages, **attr): - salt '*' apache2 bash attr=version - salt '*' apache2 bash attr=version,build_date_iso,size - ''' -+ # LONGSIZE is not a valid tag for all versions of rpm. If LONGSIZE isn't -+ # available, then we can just use SIZE for older versions. See Issue #31366. -+ rpm_tags = __salt__['cmd.run_all']('rpm --querytags') -+ rpm_tags = rpm_tags.get('stdout').split('\n') -+ if 'LONGSIZE' in rpm_tags: -+ size_tag = '%{LONGSIZE}' -+ else: -+ size_tag = '%{SIZE}' - - cmd = packages and "rpm -q {0}".format(' '.join(packages)) or "rpm -qa" - -@@ -440,7 +448,7 @@ def info(*packages, **attr): - "build_host": "build_host: %{BUILDHOST}\\n", - "group": "group: %{GROUP}\\n", - "source_rpm": "source_rpm: %{SOURCERPM}\\n", -- "size": "size: %{LONGSIZE}\\n", -+ "size": "size: " + size_tag + "\\n", - "arch": "arch: %{ARCH}\\n", - "license": "%|LICENSE?{license: %{LICENSE}\\n}|", - "signature": "signature: %|DSAHEADER?{%{DSAHEADER:pgpsig}}:{%|RSAHEADER?{%{RSAHEADER:pgpsig}}:" --- -2.1.4 - diff --git a/0032-Add-error-check-when-retcode-is-0-but-stderr-is-pres.patch b/0032-Add-error-check-when-retcode-is-0-but-stderr-is-pres.patch deleted file mode 100644 index ef4c8e7..0000000 --- a/0032-Add-error-check-when-retcode-is-0-but-stderr-is-pres.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -From 5c0c3da01e3e64e7614d9d3cc52d8d9c18a06230 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: rallytime -Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2016 17:26:52 -0700 -Subject: [PATCH 32/33] Add error check when retcode is 0, but stderr is - present - ---- - salt/modules/ | 2 ++ - 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) - -diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ -index cdf91a6..00cbd5d 100644 ---- a/salt/modules/ -+++ b/salt/modules/ -@@ -485,6 +485,8 @@ def info(*packages, **attr): - if 'stderr' in call: - comment += (call['stderr'] or call['stdout']) - raise CommandExecutionError('{0}'.format(comment)) -+ elif 'error' in call['stderr']: -+ raise CommandExecutionError(call['stderr']) - else: - out = call['stdout'] - --- -2.1.4 - diff --git a/0033-fixing-init-system-dectection-on-sles-11-refs-31617.patch b/0033-fixing-init-system-dectection-on-sles-11-refs-31617.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 19eb63c..0000000 --- a/0033-fixing-init-system-dectection-on-sles-11-refs-31617.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -From ba08f6714222622467215c23c8284f992830e047 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Richard McIntosh -Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2016 16:46:14 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 33/33] fixing init system dectection on sles 11, refs #31617 - ---- - salt/modules/ | 11 ++++++++--- - 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/salt/modules/ b/salt/modules/ -index 910a75d..c8ebb52 100644 ---- a/salt/modules/ -+++ b/salt/modules/ -@@ -60,14 +60,19 @@ def __virtual__(): - if __grains__['os'] in enable: - if __grains__['os'] == 'XenServer': - return __virtualname__ -+ -+ if __grains__['os'] == 'SUSE': -+ if str(__grains__['osrelease']).startswith('11'): -+ return __virtualname__ -+ else: -+ return (False, 'Cannot load rh_service module on SUSE > 11') -+ - try: - osrelease = float(__grains__.get('osrelease', 0)) - except ValueError: - return (False, 'Cannot load rh_service module: ' - 'osrelease grain, {0}, not a float,'.format(osrelease)) -- if __grains__['os'] == 'SUSE': -- if osrelease >= 12: -- return (False, 'Cannot load rh_service module on SUSE >= 12') -+ - if __grains__['os'] == 'Fedora': - if osrelease > 15: - return (False, 'Cannot load rh_service module on Fedora >= 15') --- -2.1.4 - diff --git a/0034-Fix-git_pillar-race-condition.patch b/0034-Fix-git_pillar-race-condition.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 9b118b8..0000000 --- a/0034-Fix-git_pillar-race-condition.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,963 +0,0 @@ -From 17bd6cf1edbcab0e343bc8fe0382756e1fd6c2a0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Erik Johnson -Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2016 15:05:57 -0600 -Subject: [PATCH 34/35] Fix git_pillar race condition - -- Strip whitespace when splitting -- Add GitLockError exception class -- salt.utils.gitfs: rewrite locking code - - This does a few things: - - 1. Introduces the concept of a checkout lock, to prevent concurrent - "_pillar" master funcs from trying to checkout the repo at the same - time. - 2. Refrains from checking out unless the SHA has changed. - 3. Cleans up some usage of the GitProvider subclass' "url" attribute - when "id" should be used. - -- salt.runners.cache: Add ability to clear checkout locks -- Pass through the lock_type - This is necessary for "salt-run fileserver.clear_lock" to work -- salt.fileserver: Add ability to clear checkout locks -- Fix duplicate output -- Use remote_ref instead of local_ref to see if checkout is necessary ---- - salt/ | 33 +++ - salt/fileserver/ | 10 +- - salt/fileserver/ | 4 +- - salt/runners/ | 31 ++- - salt/runners/ | 12 +- - salt/utils/ | 12 ++ - salt/utils/ | 499 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------- - 7 files changed, 463 insertions(+), 138 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/salt/ b/salt/ -index 67bf323255ee..ed52f8c3622b 100644 ---- a/salt/ -+++ b/salt/ -@@ -98,6 +98,39 @@ class FileserverConfigError(SaltException): - ''' - - -+class FileLockError(SaltException): -+ ''' -+ Used when an error occurs obtaining a file lock -+ ''' -+ def __init__(self, msg, time_start=None, *args, **kwargs): -+ super(FileLockError, self).__init__(msg, *args, **kwargs) -+ if time_start is None: -+ log.warning( -+ 'time_start should be provided when raising a FileLockError. ' -+ 'Defaulting to current time as a fallback, but this may ' -+ 'result in an inaccurate timeout.' -+ ) -+ self.time_start = time.time() -+ else: -+ self.time_start = time_start -+ -+ -+class GitLockError(SaltException): -+ ''' -+ Raised when an uncaught error occurs in the midst of obtaining an -+ update/checkout lock in salt.utils.gitfs. -+ -+ NOTE: While this uses the errno param similar to an OSError, this exception -+ class is *not* as subclass of OSError. This is done intentionally, so that -+ this exception class can be caught in a try/except without being caught as -+ an OSError. -+ ''' -+ def __init__(self, errno, strerror, *args, **kwargs): -+ super(GitLockError, self).__init__(strerror, *args, **kwargs) -+ self.errno = errno -+ self.strerror = strerror -+ -+ - class SaltInvocationError(SaltException, TypeError): - ''' - Used when the wrong number of arguments are sent to modules or invalid -diff --git a/salt/fileserver/ b/salt/fileserver/ -index c40e512d940c..8ff6f223a5eb 100644 ---- a/salt/fileserver/ -+++ b/salt/fileserver/ -@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ def is_file_ignored(opts, fname): - return False - - --def clear_lock(clear_func, lock_type, remote=None): -+def clear_lock(clear_func, role, remote=None, lock_type='update'): - ''' - Function to allow non-fileserver functions to clear update locks - -@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ def clear_lock(clear_func, lock_type, remote=None): - lists, one containing messages describing successfully cleared locks, - and one containing messages describing errors encountered. - -- lock_type -+ role - What type of lock is being cleared (gitfs, git_pillar, etc.). Used - solely for logging purposes. - -@@ -290,14 +290,16 @@ def clear_lock(clear_func, lock_type, remote=None): - Optional string which should be used in ``func`` to pattern match so - that a subset of remotes can be targeted. - -+ lock_type : update -+ Which type of lock to clear - - Returns the return data from ``clear_func``. - ''' -- msg = 'Clearing update lock for {0} remotes'.format(lock_type) -+ msg = 'Clearing {0} lock for {1} remotes'.format(lock_type, role) - if remote: - msg += ' matching {0}'.format(remote) - log.debug(msg) -- return clear_func(remote=remote) -+ return clear_func(remote=remote, lock_type=lock_type) - - - class Fileserver(object): -diff --git a/salt/fileserver/ b/salt/fileserver/ -index fc92964334e5..8f74e92c8649 100644 ---- a/salt/fileserver/ -+++ b/salt/fileserver/ -@@ -93,13 +93,13 @@ def clear_cache(): - return gitfs.clear_cache() - - --def clear_lock(remote=None): -+def clear_lock(remote=None, lock_type='update'): - ''' - Clear - ''' - gitfs = salt.utils.gitfs.GitFS(__opts__) - gitfs.init_remotes(__opts__['gitfs_remotes'], PER_REMOTE_OVERRIDES) -- return gitfs.clear_lock(remote=remote) -+ return gitfs.clear_lock(remote=remote, lock_type=lock_type) - - - def lock(remote=None): -diff --git a/salt/runners/ b/salt/runners/ -index 674a85e9e75f..b96489773b8d 100644 ---- a/salt/runners/ -+++ b/salt/runners/ -@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ def clear_all(tgt=None, expr_form='glob'): - clear_mine_flag=True) - - --def clear_git_lock(role, remote=None): -+def clear_git_lock(role, remote=None, **kwargs): - ''' - .. versionadded:: 2015.8.2 - -@@ -261,12 +261,23 @@ def clear_git_lock(role, remote=None): - have their lock cleared. For example, a ``remote`` value of **github** - will remove the lock from all remotes. - -+ type : update,checkout -+ The types of lock to clear. Can be ``update``, ``checkout``, or both of -+ et (either comma-separated or as a Python list). -+ -+ .. versionadded:: 2015.8.9 -+ - CLI Example: - - .. code-block:: bash - - salt-run cache.clear_git_lock git_pillar - ''' -+ kwargs = salt.utils.clean_kwargs(**kwargs) -+ type_ = salt.utils.split_input(kwargs.pop('type', ['update', 'checkout'])) -+ if kwargs: -+ salt.utils.invalid_kwargs(kwargs) -+ - if role == 'gitfs': - git_objects = [salt.utils.gitfs.GitFS(__opts__)] - git_objects[0].init_remotes(__opts__['gitfs_remotes'], -@@ -315,11 +326,15 @@ def clear_git_lock(role, remote=None): - - ret = {} - for obj in git_objects: -- cleared, errors = _clear_lock(obj.clear_lock, role, remote) -- if cleared: -- ret.setdefault('cleared', []).extend(cleared) -- if errors: -- ret.setdefault('errors', []).extend(errors) -+ for lock_type in type_: -+ cleared, errors = _clear_lock(obj.clear_lock, -+ role, -+ remote=remote, -+ lock_type=lock_type) -+ if cleared: -+ ret.setdefault('cleared', []).extend(cleared) -+ if errors: -+ ret.setdefault('errors', []).extend(errors) - if not ret: -- ret = 'No locks were removed' -- salt.output.display_output(ret, 'nested', opts=__opts__) -+ return 'No locks were removed' -+ return ret -diff --git a/salt/runners/ b/salt/runners/ -index c6efe0221a3c..7ec3d5e3e2a9 100644 ---- a/salt/runners/ -+++ b/salt/runners/ -@@ -293,8 +293,8 @@ def clear_cache(backend=None): - if errors: - ret['errors'] = errors - if not ret: -- ret = 'No cache was cleared' -- salt.output.display_output(ret, 'nested', opts=__opts__) -+ return 'No cache was cleared' -+ return ret - - - def clear_lock(backend=None, remote=None): -@@ -334,8 +334,8 @@ def clear_lock(backend=None, remote=None): - if errors: - ret['errors'] = errors - if not ret: -- ret = 'No locks were removed' -- salt.output.display_output(ret, 'nested', opts=__opts__) -+ return 'No locks were removed' -+ return ret - - - def lock(backend=None, remote=None): -@@ -376,5 +376,5 @@ def lock(backend=None, remote=None): - if errors: - ret['errors'] = errors - if not ret: -- ret = 'No locks were set' -- salt.output.display_output(ret, 'nested', opts=__opts__) -+ return 'No locks were set' -+ return ret -diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ -index 4e40cafd25d7..5ee73b168349 100644 ---- a/salt/utils/ -+++ b/salt/utils/ -@@ -2875,3 +2875,15 @@ def invalid_kwargs(invalid_kwargs, raise_exc=True): - raise SaltInvocationError(msg) - else: - return msg -+ -+ -+def split_input(val): -+ ''' -+ Take an input value and split it into a list, returning the resulting list -+ ''' -+ if isinstance(val, list): -+ return val -+ try: -+ return [x.strip() for x in val.split(',')] -+ except AttributeError: -+ return [x.strip() for x in str(val).split(',')] -diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ -index 411da5a2e8cd..289aa9ee5288 100644 ---- a/salt/utils/ -+++ b/salt/utils/ -@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ - # Import python libs - from __future__ import absolute_import - import copy -+import contextlib - import distutils.version # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module - import errno - import fnmatch -@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ import shlex - import shutil - import stat - import subprocess -+import time - from datetime import datetime - - VALID_PROVIDERS = ('gitpython', 'pygit2', 'dulwich') -@@ -57,7 +59,7 @@ import salt.utils - import salt.utils.itertools - import salt.utils.url - import salt.fileserver --from salt.exceptions import FileserverConfigError -+from salt.exceptions import FileserverConfigError, GitLockError - from salt.utils.event import tagify - - # Import third party libs -@@ -298,29 +300,8 @@ class GitProvider(object): - _check_ref(ret, base_ref, rname) - return ret - -- def check_lock(self): -- ''' -- Used by the provider-specific fetch() function to check the existence -- of an update lock, and set the lock if not present. If the lock exists -- already, or if there was a problem setting the lock, this function -- returns False. If the lock was successfully set, return True. -- ''' -- if os.path.exists(self.lockfile): -- log.warning( -- 'Update lockfile is present for {0} remote \'{1}\', ' -- 'skipping. If this warning persists, it is possible that the ' -- 'update process was interrupted. Removing {2} or running ' -- '\'salt-run cache.clear_git_lock {0}\' will allow updates to ' -- 'continue for this remote.' -- .format(self.role,, self.lockfile) -- ) -- return False -- errors = self.lock()[-1] -- if errors: -- log.error('Unable to set update lock for {0} remote \'{1}\', ' -- 'skipping.'.format(self.role, -- return False -- return True -+ def _get_lock_file(self, lock_type='update'): -+ return os.path.join(self.gitdir, lock_type + '.lk') - - def check_root(self): - ''' -@@ -344,65 +325,143 @@ class GitProvider(object): - ''' - return [] - -- def clear_lock(self): -+ def clear_lock(self, lock_type='update'): - ''' - Clear - ''' -+ lock_file = self._get_lock_file(lock_type=lock_type) -+ - def _add_error(errlist, exc): - msg = ('Unable to remove update lock for {0} ({1}): {2} ' -- .format(self.url, self.lockfile, exc)) -+ .format(self.url, lock_file, exc)) - log.debug(msg) - errlist.append(msg) - - success = [] - failed = [] -- if os.path.exists(self.lockfile): -- try: -- os.remove(self.lockfile) -- except OSError as exc: -- if exc.errno == errno.EISDIR: -- # Somehow this path is a directory. Should never happen -- # unless some wiseguy manually creates a directory at this -- # path, but just in case, handle it. -- try: -- shutil.rmtree(self.lockfile) -- except OSError as exc: -- _add_error(failed, exc) -- else: -+ -+ try: -+ os.remove(lock_file) -+ except OSError as exc: -+ if exc.errno == errno.ENOENT: -+ # No lock file present -+ pass -+ elif exc.errno == errno.EISDIR: -+ # Somehow this path is a directory. Should never happen -+ # unless some wiseguy manually creates a directory at this -+ # path, but just in case, handle it. -+ try: -+ shutil.rmtree(lock_file) -+ except OSError as exc: - _add_error(failed, exc) - else: -- msg = 'Removed lock for {0} remote \'{1}\''.format( -+ _add_error(failed, exc) -+ else: -+ msg = 'Removed {0} lock for {1} remote \'{2}\''.format( -+ lock_type, -+ self.role, -+ -+ ) -+ log.debug(msg) -+ success.append(msg) -+ return success, failed -+ -+ def fetch(self): -+ ''' -+ Fetch the repo. If the local copy was updated, return True. If the -+ local copy was already up-to-date, return False. -+ -+ This function requires that a _fetch() function be implemented in a -+ sub-class. -+ ''' -+ try: -+ with self.gen_lock(lock_type='update'): -+ log.debug('Fetching %s remote \'%s\'', self.role, -+ # Run provider-specific fetch code -+ return self._fetch() -+ except GitLockError as exc: -+ if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST: -+ log.warning( -+ 'Update lock file is present for %s remote \'%s\', ' -+ 'skipping. If this warning persists, it is possible that ' -+ 'the update process was interrupted, but the lock could ' -+ 'also have been manually set. Removing %s or running ' -+ '\'salt-run cache.clear_git_lock %s type=update\' will ' -+ 'allow updates to continue for this remote.', -+ self.role, -+, -+ self._get_lock_file(lock_type='update'), - self.role, -- - ) -- log.debug(msg) -- success.append(msg) -- return success, failed -+ return False -+ -+ def _lock(self, lock_type='update', failhard=False): -+ ''' -+ Place a lock file if (and only if) it does not already exist. -+ ''' -+ try: -+ fh_ =, -+ os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL | os.O_WRONLY) -+ with os.fdopen(fh_, 'w'): -+ # Write the lock file and close the filehandle -+ pass -+ except (OSError, IOError) as exc: -+ if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST: -+ if failhard: -+ raise -+ return None -+ else: -+ msg = 'Unable to set {0} lock for {1} ({2}): {3} '.format( -+ lock_type, -+, -+ self._get_lock_file(lock_type), -+ exc -+ ) -+ log.error(msg) -+ raise GitLockError(exc.errno, msg) -+ msg = 'Set {0} lock for {1} remote \'{2}\''.format( -+ lock_type, -+ self.role, -+ -+ ) -+ log.debug(msg) -+ return msg - - def lock(self): - ''' -- Place an -+ Place an lock file and report on the success/failure. This is an -+ interface to be used by the fileserver runner, so it is hard-coded to -+ perform an update lock. We aren't using the gen_lock() -+ contextmanager here because the lock is meant to stay and not be -+ automatically removed. - ''' - success = [] - failed = [] -- if not os.path.exists(self.lockfile): -- try: -- with salt.utils.fopen(self.lockfile, 'w+') as fp_: -- fp_.write('') -- except (IOError, OSError) as exc: -- msg = ('Unable to set update lock for {0} ({1}): {2} ' -- .format(self.url, self.lockfile, exc)) -- log.error(msg) -- failed.append(msg) -- else: -- msg = 'Set lock for {0} remote \'{1}\''.format( -- self.role, -- -- ) -- log.debug(msg) -- success.append(msg) -+ try: -+ result = self._lock(lock_type='update') -+ except GitLockError as exc: -+ failed.append(exc.strerror) -+ else: -+ if result is not None: -+ success.append(result) - return success, failed - -+ @contextlib.contextmanager -+ def gen_lock(self, lock_type='update'): -+ ''' -+ Set and automatically clear a lock -+ ''' -+ lock_set = False -+ try: -+ self._lock(lock_type=lock_type, failhard=True) -+ lock_set = True -+ yield -+ except (OSError, IOError, GitLockError) as exc: -+ raise GitLockError(exc.errno, exc.strerror) -+ finally: -+ if lock_set: -+ self.clear_lock(lock_type=lock_type) -+ - def init_remote(self): - ''' - This function must be overridden in a sub-class -@@ -432,13 +491,14 @@ class GitProvider(object): - blacklist=self.env_blacklist - ) - -- def envs(self): -+ def _fetch(self): - ''' -- This function must be overridden in a sub-class -+ Provider-specific code for fetching, must be implemented in a -+ sub-class. - ''' - raise NotImplementedError() - -- def fetch(self): -+ def envs(self): - ''' - This function must be overridden in a sub-class - ''' -@@ -504,17 +564,67 @@ class GitPython(GitProvider): - - def checkout(self): - ''' -- Checkout the configured branch/tag -+ Checkout the configured branch/tag. We catch an "Exception" class here -+ instead of a specific exception class because the exceptions raised by -+ GitPython when running these functions vary in different versions of -+ GitPython. - ''' -- for ref in ('origin/' + self.branch, self.branch): -+ try: -+ head_sha = self.repo.rev_parse('HEAD').hexsha -+ except Exception: -+ # Should only happen the first time we are checking out, since -+ # we fetch first before ever checking anything out. -+ head_sha = None -+ -+ # 'origin/' + self.branch ==> matches a branch head -+ # 'tags/' + self.branch + '@{commit}' ==> matches tag's commit -+ for rev_parse_target, checkout_ref in ( -+ ('origin/' + self.branch, 'origin/' + self.branch), -+ ('tags/' + self.branch + '@{commit}', 'tags/' + self.branch)): - try: -- self.repo.git.checkout(ref) -+ target_sha = self.repo.rev_parse(rev_parse_target).hexsha -+ except Exception: -+ # ref does not exist -+ continue -+ else: -+ if head_sha == target_sha: -+ # No need to checkout, we're already up-to-date -+ return self.check_root() -+ -+ try: -+ with self.gen_lock(lock_type='checkout'): -+ self.repo.git.checkout(checkout_ref) -+ log.debug( -+ '%s remote \'%s\' has been checked out to %s', -+ self.role, -+, -+ checkout_ref -+ ) -+ except GitLockError as exc: -+ if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST: -+ # Re-raise with a different strerror containing a -+ # more meaningful error message for the calling -+ # function. -+ raise GitLockError( -+ exc.errno, -+ 'Checkout lock exists for {0} remote \'{1}\'' -+ .format(self.role, -+ ) -+ else: -+ log.error( -+ 'Error %d encountered obtaining checkout lock ' -+ 'for %s remote \'%s\'', -+ exc.errno, -+ self.role, -+ -+ ) -+ return None - except Exception: - continue - return self.check_root() - log.error( -- 'Failed to checkout {0} from {1} remote \'{2}\': remote ref does ' -- 'not exist'.format(self.branch, self.role, -+ 'Failed to checkout %s from %s remote \'%s\': remote ref does ' -+ 'not exist', self.branch, self.role, - ) - return None - -@@ -555,7 +665,7 @@ class GitPython(GitProvider): - log.error(_INVALID_REPO.format(self.cachedir, self.url)) - return new - -- self.lockfile = os.path.join(self.repo.working_dir, '') -+ self.gitdir = os.path.join(self.repo.working_dir, '.git') - - if not self.repo.remotes: - try: -@@ -604,13 +714,11 @@ class GitPython(GitProvider): - ref_paths = [x.path for x in self.repo.refs] - return self._get_envs_from_ref_paths(ref_paths) - -- def fetch(self): -+ def _fetch(self): - ''' - Fetch the repo. If the local copy was updated, return True. If the - local copy was already up-to-date, return False. - ''' -- if not self.check_lock(): -- return False - origin = self.repo.remotes[0] - try: - fetch_results = origin.fetch() -@@ -772,7 +880,61 @@ class Pygit2(GitProvider): - remote_ref = 'refs/remotes/origin/' + self.branch - tag_ref = 'refs/tags/' + self.branch - -+ try: -+ local_head = self.repo.lookup_reference('HEAD') -+ except KeyError: -+ log.warning( -+ 'HEAD not present in %s remote \'%s\'', self.role, -+ ) -+ return None -+ -+ try: -+ head_sha = local_head.get_object().hex -+ except AttributeError: -+ # Shouldn't happen, but just in case a future pygit2 API change -+ # breaks things, avoid a traceback and log an error. -+ log.error( -+ 'Unable to get SHA of HEAD for %s remote \'%s\'', -+ self.role, -+ ) -+ return None -+ except KeyError: -+ head_sha = None -+ - refs = self.repo.listall_references() -+ -+ def _perform_checkout(checkout_ref, branch=True): -+ ''' -+ DRY function for checking out either a branch or a tag -+ ''' -+ try: -+ with self.gen_lock(lock_type='checkout'): -+ # Checkout the local branch corresponding to the -+ # remote ref. -+ self.repo.checkout(checkout_ref) -+ if branch: -+ self.repo.reset(oid, pygit2.GIT_RESET_HARD) -+ return True -+ except GitLockError as exc: -+ if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST: -+ # Re-raise with a different strerror containing a -+ # more meaningful error message for the calling -+ # function. -+ raise GitLockError( -+ exc.errno, -+ 'Checkout lock exists for {0} remote \'{1}\'' -+ .format(self.role, -+ ) -+ else: -+ log.error( -+ 'Error %d encountered obtaining checkout lock ' -+ 'for %s remote \'%s\'', -+ exc.errno, -+ self.role, -+ -+ ) -+ return False -+ - try: - if remote_ref in refs: - # Get commit id for the remote ref -@@ -782,41 +944,99 @@ class Pygit2(GitProvider): - # it at the commit id of the remote ref - self.repo.create_reference(local_ref, oid) - -- # Check HEAD ref existence (checking out local_ref when HEAD -- # ref doesn't exist will raise an exception in pygit2 >= 0.21), -- # and create the HEAD ref if it is missing. -- head_ref = self.repo.lookup_reference('HEAD').target -- if head_ref not in refs and head_ref != local_ref: -- branch_name = head_ref.partition('refs/heads/')[-1] -- if not branch_name: -- # Shouldn't happen, but log an error if it does -- log.error( -- 'pygit2 was unable to resolve branch name from ' -- 'HEAD ref \'{0}\' in {1} remote \'{2}\''.format( -- head_ref, self.role, -+ try: -+ target_sha = \ -+ self.repo.lookup_reference(remote_ref).get_object().hex -+ except KeyError: -+ log.error( -+ 'pygit2 was unable to get SHA for %s in %s remote ' -+ '\'%s\'', local_ref, self.role, -+ ) -+ return None -+ -+ # Only perform a checkout if HEAD and target are not pointing -+ # at the same SHA1. -+ if head_sha != target_sha: -+ # Check existence of the ref in refs/heads/ which -+ # corresponds to the local HEAD. Checking out local_ref -+ # below when no local ref for HEAD is missing will raise an -+ # exception in pygit2 >= 0.21. If this ref is not present, -+ # create it. The "head_ref != local_ref" check ensures we -+ # don't try to add this ref if it is not necessary, as it -+ # would have been added above already. head_ref would be -+ # the same as local_ref if the branch name was changed but -+ # the cachedir was not (for example if a "name" parameter -+ # was used in a git_pillar remote, or if we are using -+ # winrepo which takes the basename of the repo as the -+ # cachedir). -+ head_ref = -+ # If head_ref is not a string, it will point to a -+ # pygit2.Oid object and we are in detached HEAD mode. -+ # Therefore, there is no need to add a local reference. If -+ # head_ref == local_ref, then the local reference for HEAD -+ # in refs/heads/ already exists and again, no need to add. -+ if isinstance(head_ref, six.string_types) \ -+ and head_ref not in refs and head_ref != local_ref: -+ branch_name = head_ref.partition('refs/heads/')[-1] -+ if not branch_name: -+ # Shouldn't happen, but log an error if it does -+ log.error( -+ 'pygit2 was unable to resolve branch name from ' -+ 'HEAD ref \'{0}\' in {1} remote \'{2}\''.format( -+ head_ref, self.role, -+ ) - ) -+ return None -+ remote_head = 'refs/remotes/origin/' + branch_name -+ if remote_head not in refs: -+ log.error( -+ 'Unable to find remote ref \'{0}\' in {1} remote ' -+ '\'{2}\''.format(head_ref, self.role, -+ ) -+ return None -+ self.repo.create_reference( -+ head_ref, -+ self.repo.lookup_reference(remote_head).target - ) -+ -+ if not _perform_checkout(local_ref, branch=True): - return None -- remote_head = 'refs/remotes/origin/' + branch_name -- if remote_head not in refs: -- log.error( -- 'Unable to find remote ref \'{0}\' in {1} remote ' -- '\'{2}\''.format(head_ref, self.role, -- ) -- return None -- self.repo.create_reference( -- head_ref, -- self.repo.lookup_reference(remote_head).target -- ) - -- # Point HEAD at the local ref -- self.repo.checkout(local_ref) -- # Reset HEAD to the commit id of the remote ref -- self.repo.reset(oid, pygit2.GIT_RESET_HARD) -+ # Return the relative root, if present - return self.check_root() -+ - elif tag_ref in refs: -- self.repo.checkout(tag_ref) -- return self.check_root() -+ tag_obj = self.repo.revparse_single(tag_ref) -+ if not isinstance(tag_obj, pygit2.Tag): -+ log.error( -+ '%s does not correspond to pygit2.Tag object', -+ tag_ref -+ ) -+ else: -+ try: -+ # If no AttributeError raised, this is an annotated tag -+ tag_sha = -+ except AttributeError: -+ try: -+ tag_sha = tag_obj.hex -+ except AttributeError: -+ # Shouldn't happen, but could if a future pygit2 -+ # API change breaks things. -+ log.error( -+ 'Unable to resolve %s from %s remote \'%s\' ' -+ 'to either an annotated or non-annotated tag', -+ tag_ref, self.role, -+ ) -+ return None -+ -+ if head_sha != target_sha: -+ if not _perform_checkout(local_ref, branch=False): -+ return None -+ -+ # Return the relative root, if present -+ return self.check_root() -+ except GitLockError: -+ raise - except Exception as exc: - log.error( - 'Failed to checkout {0} from {1} remote \'{2}\': {3}'.format( -@@ -921,7 +1141,7 @@ class Pygit2(GitProvider): - log.error(_INVALID_REPO.format(self.cachedir, self.url)) - return new - -- self.lockfile = os.path.join(self.repo.workdir, '') -+ self.gitdir = os.path.join(self.repo.workdir, '.git') - - if not self.repo.remotes: - try: -@@ -997,13 +1217,11 @@ class Pygit2(GitProvider): - ref_paths = self.repo.listall_references() - return self._get_envs_from_ref_paths(ref_paths) - -- def fetch(self): -+ def _fetch(self): - ''' - Fetch the repo. If the local copy was updated, return True. If the - local copy was already up-to-date, return False. - ''' -- if not self.check_lock(): -- return False - origin = self.repo.remotes[0] - refs_pre = self.repo.listall_references() - fetch_kwargs = {} -@@ -1345,13 +1563,11 @@ class Dulwich(GitProvider): # pylint: disable=abstract-method - ref_paths = self.get_env_refs(self.repo.get_refs()) - return self._get_envs_from_ref_paths(ref_paths) - -- def fetch(self): -+ def _fetch(self): - ''' - Fetch the repo. If the local copy was updated, return True. If the - local copy was already up-to-date, return False. - ''' -- if not self.check_lock(): -- return False - # origin is just a url here, there is no origin object - origin = self.url - client, path = \ -@@ -1613,6 +1829,23 @@ class Dulwich(GitProvider): # pylint: disable=abstract-method - new = False - if not os.listdir(self.cachedir): - # Repo cachedir is empty, initialize a new repo there -+ self.repo = dulwich.repo.Repo.init(self.cachedir) -+ new = True -+ else: -+ # Repo cachedir exists, try to attach -+ try: -+ self.repo = dulwich.repo.Repo(self.cachedir) -+ except dulwich.repo.NotGitRepository: -+ log.error(_INVALID_REPO.format(self.cachedir, self.url)) -+ return new -+ -+ self.gitdir = os.path.join(self.repo.path, '.git') -+ -+ # Read in config file and look for the remote -+ try: -+ conf = self.get_conf() -+ conf.get(('remote', 'origin'), 'url') -+ except KeyError: - try: - self.repo = dulwich.repo.Repo.init(self.cachedir) - new = True -@@ -1827,9 +2060,9 @@ class GitBase(object): - ) - return errors - -- def clear_lock(self, remote=None): -+ def clear_lock(self, remote=None, lock_type='update'): - ''' -- Clear -+ Clear for all remotes - ''' - cleared = [] - errors = [] -@@ -1844,7 +2077,7 @@ class GitBase(object): - # remote was non-string, try again - if not fnmatch.fnmatch(repo.url, six.text_type(remote)): - continue -- success, failed = repo.clear_lock() -+ success, failed = repo.clear_lock(lock_type=lock_type) - cleared.extend(success) - errors.extend(failed) - return cleared, errors -@@ -1870,8 +2103,6 @@ class GitBase(object): - '\'{2}\''.format(exc, self.role,, - exc_info_on_loglevel=logging.DEBUG - ) -- finally: -- repo.clear_lock() - return changed - - def lock(self, remote=None): -@@ -1936,7 +2167,7 @@ class GitBase(object): - self.hash_cachedir, - self.find_file - ) -- except (IOError, OSError): -+ except (OSError, IOError): - # Hash file won't exist if no files have yet been served up - pass - -@@ -2166,6 +2397,38 @@ class GitBase(object): - ) - ) - -+ def do_checkout(self, repo): -+ ''' -+ Common code for git_pillar/winrepo to handle locking and checking out -+ of a repo. -+ ''' -+ time_start = time.time() -+ while time.time() - time_start <= 5: -+ try: -+ return repo.checkout() -+ except GitLockError as exc: -+ if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST: -+ time.sleep(0.1) -+ continue -+ else: -+ log.error( -+ 'Error %d encountered while obtaining checkout ' -+ 'lock for %s remote \'%s\': %s', -+ exc.errno, -+ repo.role, -+, -+ exc -+ ) -+ break -+ else: -+ log.error( -+ 'Timed out waiting for checkout lock to be released for ' -+ '%s remote \'%s\'. If this error persists, run \'salt-run ' -+ 'cache.clear_git_lock %s type=checkout\' to clear it.', -+ self.role,, self.role -+ ) -+ return None -+ - - class GitFS(GitBase): - ''' -@@ -2460,7 +2723,7 @@ class GitPillar(GitBase): - ''' - self.pillar_dirs = {} - for repo in self.remotes: -- cachedir = repo.checkout() -+ cachedir = self.do_checkout(repo) - if cachedir is not None: - # Figure out which environment this remote should be assigned - if repo.env: -@@ -2502,6 +2765,6 @@ class WinRepo(GitBase): - ''' - self.winrepo_dirs = {} - for repo in self.remotes: -- cachedir = repo.checkout() -+ cachedir = self.do_checkout(repo) - if cachedir is not None: -- self.winrepo_dirs[repo.url] = cachedir -+ self.winrepo_dirs[] = cachedir --- -2.7.2 - diff --git a/0035-Fix-the-always-false-behavior-on-checking-state.patch b/0035-Fix-the-always-false-behavior-on-checking-state.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 0317480..0000000 --- a/0035-Fix-the-always-false-behavior-on-checking-state.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ -From bb8048d4bd842746b09dbafe3a610e0d7c3e1bc2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Bo Maryniuk -Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2016 16:00:26 +0100 -Subject: [PATCH 35/35] Fix the always-false behavior on checking state - -- Fix PEP8 continuation -- Keep first level away from lists. -- Adjust test ---- - salt/utils/ | 15 +++++---------- - tests/unit/utils/ | 2 +- - 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/salt/utils/ b/salt/utils/ -index 5ee73b168349..8c8309e99f95 100644 ---- a/salt/utils/ -+++ b/salt/utils/ -@@ -1741,7 +1741,7 @@ def gen_state_tag(low): - return '{0[state]}_|-{0[__id__]}_|-{0[name]}_|-{0[fun]}'.format(low) - - --def check_state_result(running): -+def check_state_result(running, recurse=False): - ''' - Check the total return value of the run and determine if the running - dict has any issues -@@ -1754,20 +1754,15 @@ def check_state_result(running): - - ret = True - for state_result in six.itervalues(running): -- if not isinstance(state_result, dict): -- # return false when hosts return a list instead of a dict -+ if not recurse and not isinstance(state_result, dict): - ret = False -- if ret: -+ if ret and isinstance(state_result, dict): - result = state_result.get('result', _empty) - if result is False: - ret = False - # only override return value if we are not already failed -- elif ( -- result is _empty -- and isinstance(state_result, dict) -- and ret -- ): -- ret = check_state_result(state_result) -+ elif result is _empty and isinstance(state_result, dict) and ret: -+ ret = check_state_result(state_result, recurse=True) - # return as soon as we got a failure - if not ret: - break -diff --git a/tests/unit/utils/ b/tests/unit/utils/ -index 611bfce0ed4b..261af69b59fc 100644 ---- a/tests/unit/utils/ -+++ b/tests/unit/utils/ -@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ class UtilsTestCase(TestCase): - ('test_state0', {'result': True}), - ('test_state', {'result': True}), - ])), -- ('host2', []) -+ ('host2', OrderedDict([])) - ])) - ]) - } --- -2.7.2 - diff --git a/salt-2015.8.7.tar.gz b/salt-2015.8.7.tar.gz deleted file mode 100644 index 9aea50a..0000000 --- a/salt-2015.8.7.tar.gz +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -version -oid sha256:61a2f9cff77dd11fc6bf7630d82d1955238818dfa7eedb53e6bf3edbbc9d6029 -size 6877927 diff --git a/salt-2015.8.8.tar.gz b/salt-2015.8.8.tar.gz new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c5f94d --- /dev/null +++ b/salt-2015.8.8.tar.gz @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version +oid sha256:b2ecce7bf562cfcd6586d66ade278f268bb89023f0fa0accaa55f90b8a668ef5 +size 6982904 diff --git a/salt.changes b/salt.changes index 99df3b6..f2b8dfc 100644 --- a/salt.changes +++ b/salt.changes @@ -1,3 +1,133 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Apr 20 09:27:31 UTC 2016 - + +- Prevent crash if pygit2 package requests recompilation. + Add: + * 0013-Prevent-crash-if-pygit2-package-is-requesting-re-com.patch +- Align OS grains from older SLES with the current one (bsc#975757) + Add: + * 0014-align-OS-grains-from-older-SLES-with-current-one-326.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Sat Apr 16 15:15:07 UTC 2016 - + +- remove patches which produce duplicate functions: + Remove: + * 0004-implement-version_cmp-for-zypper.patch + * 0005-pylint-changes.patch + * 0006-Check-if-rpm-python-can-be-imported.patch +- remove patches which add and revert the same file + Remove: + * 0007-Initial-Zypper-Unit-Tests-and-bugfixes.patch + * 0009-Bugfix-on-SLE11-series-base-product-reported-as-addi.patch +- rename patches: + 0008-do-not-generate-a-date-in-a-comment-to-prevent-rebui.patch to + 0004-do-not-generate-a-date-in-a-comment-to-prevent-rebui.patch + 0010-Use-SHA256-hash-type-by-default.patch to + 0005-Use-SHA256-hash-type-by-default.patch + 0011-Update-to-2015.8.8.2.patch to + 0006-Update-to-2015.8.8.2.patch + 0012-Force-sort-the-RPM-output-to-ensure-latest-version-o.patch to + 0007-Force-sort-the-RPM-output-to-ensure-latest-version-o.patch + 0013-Cleaner-deprecation-process-with-decorators.patch to + 0008-Cleaner-deprecation-process-with-decorators.patch +- fix sorting by latest package + Add: + * 0009-fix-sorting-by-latest-version-when-called-with-an-at.patch +- Prevent metadata download when getting installed products + Add: + * 0010-Prevent-metadata-download-when-getting-installed-pro.patch +- Check if EOL is available in a particular product (bsc#975093) + Add: + * 0011-Check-if-EOL-is-available-in-a-particular-product-bs.patch +- Bugfix: salt-key crashes if tries to generate keys + to the directory w/o write access (bsc#969320) + Add: + * 0012-Bugfix-salt-key-crashes-if-tries-to-generate-keys-to.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Apr 7 10:25:36 UTC 2016 - + +- Deprecation process using decorators and re-implementation + of status.update function. + Add: + * 0013-Cleaner-deprecation-process-with-decorators.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Apr 1 19:19:10 UTC 2016 - + +- Reverted the fake 2015.8.8.2 patch, with the right one, +- this patch only contains: + - + - + - + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Apr 1 12:16:10 UTC 2016 - + +- Ensure that in case of multi-packages installed on the system, + the latest is reported by pkg.info_installed (bsc#972490) + Add: + * 0012-Force-sort-the-RPM-output-to-ensure-latest-version-o.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Mar 30 22:33:19 UTC 2016 - + +- Update to the fake 2015.8.8.2 release + upstream released a bunch of fixes on top of 2015.8.8, without creating a new + tag and proper release. This commit includes all the changes between tag + v2015.8.8 and commit ID 596444e2b447b7378dbcdfeb9fc9610b90057745 which + introduces the fake 2015.8.8.2 release. + see + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Mar 24 17:34:03 UTC 2016 - + +- Update to 2015.8.8 + see + Patches renamed: + * 0004-implement-version_cmp-for-zypper.patch + * 0005-pylint-changes.patch + * 0006-Check-if-rpm-python-can-be-imported.patch + * 0007-Initial-Zypper-Unit-Tests-and-bugfixes.patch + * 0008-do-not-generate-a-date-in-a-comment-to-prevent-rebui.patch + * 0009-Bugfix-on-SLE11-series-base-product-reported-as-addi.patch + * 0010-Use-SHA256-hash-type-by-default.patch + Patches removed: + * 0004-Fix-pkg.latest-prevent-crash-on-multiple-package-ins.patch + * 0005-Fix-package-status-filtering-on-latest-version-and-i.patch + * 0006-add_key-reject_key-do-not-crash-w-Permission-denied-.patch + * 0007-Force-kill-websocket-s-child-processes-faster-than-d.patch + * 0008-Fix-types-in-the-output-data-and-return-just-a-list-.patch + * 0009-The-functions-in-the-state-module-that-return-a-retc.patch + * 0010-add-handling-for-OEM-products.patch + * 0011-improve-doc-for-list_pkgs.patch + * 0012-implement-version_cmp-for-zypper.patch + * 0013-pylint-changes.patch + * 0014-Check-if-rpm-python-can-be-imported.patch + * 0015-call-zypper-with-option-non-interactive-everywhere.patch + * 0016-write-a-zypper-command-builder-function.patch + * 0017-Fix-crash-with-scheduler-and-runners-31106.patch + * 0018-unify-behavior-of-refresh.patch + * 0019-add-refresh-option-to-more-functions.patch + * 0020-simplify-checking-the-refresh-paramater.patch + * 0021-do-not-change-kwargs-in-refresh-while-checking-a-val.patch + * + * 0023-Initial-Zypper-Unit-Tests-and-bugfixes.patch + * 0024-proper-checking-if-zypper-exit-codes-and-handling-of.patch + * 0025-adapt-tests-to-new-zypper_check_result-output.patch + * 0026-do-not-generate-a-date-in-a-comment-to-prevent-rebui.patch + * 0027-make-suse-check-consistent-with-rh_service.patch + * 0028-fix-numerical-check-of-osrelease.patch + * 0029-Make-use-of-checksum-configurable-defaults-to-MD5-SH.patch + * 0030-Bugfix-on-SLE11-series-base-product-reported-as-addi.patch + * + * 0032-Add-error-check-when-retcode-is-0-but-stderr-is-pres.patch + * 0033-fixing-init-system-dectection-on-sles-11-refs-31617.patch + * 0034-Fix-git_pillar-race-condition.patch + * 0035-Fix-the-always-false-behavior-on-checking-state.patch + * 0036-Use-SHA256-hash-type-by-default.patch + ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 17 12:09:14 UTC 2016 - diff --git a/salt.spec b/salt.spec index ba49f73..8b99be1 100644 --- a/salt.spec +++ b/salt.spec @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ %bcond_without docs Name: salt -Version: 2015.8.7 +Version: 2015.8.8 Release: 0 Summary: A parallel remote execution system License: Apache-2.0 @@ -53,64 +53,28 @@ Patch1: Patch2: 0002-Run-salt-master-as-dedicated-salt-user.patch # PATCH-FIX-OPENSUSE Patch3: 0003-Check-if-byte-strings-are-properly-encoded-in-UTF-8.patch -# PATCH-FIX-OPENSUSE -Patch4: 0004-Fix-pkg.latest-prevent-crash-on-multiple-package-ins.patch -# PATCH-FIX-OPENSUSE -Patch5: 0005-Fix-package-status-filtering-on-latest-version-and-i.patch -# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM -Patch6: 0006-add_key-reject_key-do-not-crash-w-Permission-denied-.patch -# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM -Patch7: 0007-Force-kill-websocket-s-child-processes-faster-than-d.patch -# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM -Patch8: 0008-Fix-types-in-the-output-data-and-return-just-a-list-.patch -# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM -Patch9: 0009-The-functions-in-the-state-module-that-return-a-retc.patch -# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM -Patch10: 0010-add-handling-for-OEM-products.patch -# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM -Patch11: 0011-improve-doc-for-list_pkgs.patch -# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM -Patch12: 0012-implement-version_cmp-for-zypper.patch -Patch13: 0013-pylint-changes.patch -Patch14: 0014-Check-if-rpm-python-can-be-imported.patch -# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM -Patch15: 0015-call-zypper-with-option-non-interactive-everywhere.patch -Patch16: 0016-write-a-zypper-command-builder-function.patch -# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM -Patch17: 0017-Fix-crash-with-scheduler-and-runners-31106.patch -# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM -Patch18: 0018-unify-behavior-of-refresh.patch -Patch19: 0019-add-refresh-option-to-more-functions.patch -Patch20: 0020-simplify-checking-the-refresh-paramater.patch -Patch21: 0021-do-not-change-kwargs-in-refresh-while-checking-a-val.patch -# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM -Patch22: -# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM -# -Patch23: 0023-Initial-Zypper-Unit-Tests-and-bugfixes.patch -# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM -Patch24: 0024-proper-checking-if-zypper-exit-codes-and-handling-of.patch -Patch25: 0025-adapt-tests-to-new-zypper_check_result-output.patch # PATCH-FIX-OPENSUSE prevent rebuilds in OBS -Patch26: 0026-do-not-generate-a-date-in-a-comment-to-prevent-rebui.patch -# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM -Patch27: 0027-make-suse-check-consistent-with-rh_service.patch -Patch28: 0028-fix-numerical-check-of-osrelease.patch -# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM -Patch29: 0029-Make-use-of-checksum-configurable-defaults-to-MD5-SH.patch -# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM -Patch30: 0030-Bugfix-on-SLE11-series-base-product-reported-as-addi.patch -# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM -Patch31: -Patch32: 0032-Add-error-check-when-retcode-is-0-but-stderr-is-pres.patch -# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM -Patch33: 0033-fixing-init-system-dectection-on-sles-11-refs-31617.patch -# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM -Patch34: 0034-Fix-git_pillar-race-condition.patch -# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM -Patch35: 0035-Fix-the-always-false-behavior-on-checking-state.patch +Patch4: 0004-do-not-generate-a-date-in-a-comment-to-prevent-rebui.patch # PATCH-FIX-OPENSUSE - Upstream default hash type is set to MD5, while we require SHA256 (bsc#955373) -Patch36: 0036-Use-SHA256-hash-type-by-default.patch +Patch5: 0005-Use-SHA256-hash-type-by-default.patch +# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM +Patch6: 0006-Update-to-2015.8.8.2.patch +# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM +Patch7: 0007-Force-sort-the-RPM-output-to-ensure-latest-version-o.patch +# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM +Patch8: 0008-Cleaner-deprecation-process-with-decorators.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch9: 0009-fix-sorting-by-latest-version-when-called-with-an-at.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch10: 0010-Prevent-metadata-download-when-getting-installed-pro.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch11: 0011-Check-if-EOL-is-available-in-a-particular-product-bs.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch12: 0012-Bugfix-salt-key-crashes-if-tries-to-generate-keys-to.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch13: 0013-Prevent-crash-if-pygit2-package-is-requesting-re-com.patch +# PATCH-FIX_UPSTREAM +Patch14: 0014-align-OS-grains-from-older-SLES-with-current-one-326.patch BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build BuildRequires: logrotate @@ -467,28 +431,6 @@ cp %{S:1} . %patch12 -p1 %patch13 -p1 %patch14 -p1 -%patch15 -p1 -%patch16 -p1 -%patch17 -p1 -%patch18 -p1 -%patch19 -p1 -%patch20 -p1 -%patch21 -p1 -%patch22 -p1 -%patch23 -p1 -%patch24 -p1 -%patch25 -p1 -%patch26 -p1 -%patch27 -p1 -%patch28 -p1 -%patch29 -p1 -%patch30 -p1 -%patch31 -p1 -%patch32 -p1 -%patch33 -p1 -%patch34 -p1 -%patch35 -p1 -%patch36 -p1 %build python --salt-transport=both build