OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/systemsmanagement:saltstack/salt?expand=0&rev=179
256 lines
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256 lines
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From 3c956a1cf1de17c5c49f0856051cabe2ffb4d0f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bo Maryniuk <bo@suse.de>
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2019 11:11:38 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Include aliases in the fqdns grains
Add UT for "is_fqdn"
Add "is_fqdn" check to the network utils
Bugfix: include FQDNs aliases
Deprecate UnitTest assertion in favour of built-in assert keyword
Add UT for fqdns aliases
Leverage cached interfaces, if any.
salt/grains/core.py | 69 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------
salt/utils/network.py | 16 ++++++++
tests/unit/grains/test_core.py | 45 ++++++++++++++++++---
tests/unit/utils/test_network.py | 37 +++++++++++++++++
4 files changed, 138 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
diff --git a/salt/grains/core.py b/salt/grains/core.py
index bc3cf129cd..006878f806 100644
--- a/salt/grains/core.py
+++ b/salt/grains/core.py
@@ -1733,29 +1733,31 @@ def _parse_cpe_name(cpe):
def _parse_cpe_name(cpe):
- '''
+ """
Parse CPE_NAME data from the os-release
Info: https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/security-content-automation-protocol/scap-specifications/cpe
:param cpe:
- '''
+ """
part = {
- 'o': 'operating system',
- 'h': 'hardware',
- 'a': 'application',
+ "o": "operating system",
+ "h": "hardware",
+ "a": "application",
ret = {}
- cpe = (cpe or '').split(':')
- if len(cpe) > 4 and cpe[0] == 'cpe':
- if cpe[1].startswith('/'): # WFN to URI
- ret['vendor'], ret['product'], ret['version'] = cpe[2:5]
- ret['phase'] = cpe[5] if len(cpe) > 5 else None
- ret['part'] = part.get(cpe[1][1:])
- elif len(cpe) == 13 and cpe[1] == '2.3': # WFN to a string
- ret['vendor'], ret['product'], ret['version'], ret['phase'] = [x if x != '*' else None for x in cpe[3:7]]
- ret['part'] = part.get(cpe[2])
+ cpe = (cpe or "").split(":")
+ if len(cpe) > 4 and cpe[0] == "cpe":
+ if cpe[1].startswith("/"): # WFN to URI
+ ret["vendor"], ret["product"], ret["version"] = cpe[2:5]
+ ret["phase"] = cpe[5] if len(cpe) > 5 else None
+ ret["part"] = part.get(cpe[1][1:])
+ elif len(cpe) == 13 and cpe[1] == "2.3": # WFN to a string
+ ret["vendor"], ret["product"], ret["version"], ret["phase"] = [
+ x if x != "*" else None for x in cpe[3:7]
+ ]
+ ret["part"] = part.get(cpe[2])
return ret
@@ -2396,15 +2398,36 @@ def fqdns():
# Provides:
# fqdns
- opt = {"fqdns": []}
- if __opts__.get(
- "enable_fqdns_grains",
- False
- if salt.utils.platform.is_windows() or salt.utils.platform.is_proxy()
- else True,
- ):
- opt = __salt__["network.fqdns"]()
- return opt
+ grains = {}
+ fqdns = set()
+ addresses = salt.utils.network.ip_addrs(
+ include_loopback=False, interface_data=_get_interfaces()
+ )
+ addresses.extend(
+ salt.utils.network.ip_addrs6(
+ include_loopback=False, interface_data=_get_interfaces()
+ )
+ )
+ err_message = "Exception during resolving address: %s"
+ for ip in addresses:
+ try:
+ name, aliaslist, addresslist = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip)
+ fqdns.update(
+ [socket.getfqdn(name)]
+ + [als for als in aliaslist if salt.utils.network.is_fqdn(als)]
+ )
+ except socket.herror as err:
+ if err.errno in (0, HOST_NOT_FOUND, NO_DATA):
+ # No FQDN for this IP address, so we don't need to know this all the time.
+ log.debug("Unable to resolve address %s: %s", ip, err)
+ else:
+ log.error(err_message, ip, err)
+ except (OSError, socket.gaierror, socket.timeout) as err:
+ log.error(err_message, ip, err)
+ return {"fqdns": sorted(list(fqdns))}
def ip_fqdn():
diff --git a/salt/utils/network.py b/salt/utils/network.py
index b3e8db3886..dd7fceb91a 100644
--- a/salt/utils/network.py
+++ b/salt/utils/network.py
@@ -2208,3 +2208,19 @@ def filter_by_networks(values, networks):
raise ValueError("Do not know how to filter a {}".format(type(values)))
return values
+def is_fqdn(hostname):
+ """
+ Verify if hostname conforms to be a FQDN.
+ :param hostname: text string with the name of the host
+ :return: bool, True if hostname is correct FQDN, False otherwise
+ """
+ compliant = re.compile(r"(?!-)[A-Z\d\-\_]{1,63}(?<!-)$", re.IGNORECASE)
+ return (
+ "." in hostname
+ and len(hostname) < 0xFF
+ and all(compliant.match(x) for x in hostname.rstrip(".").split("."))
+ )
diff --git a/tests/unit/grains/test_core.py b/tests/unit/grains/test_core.py
index 7dbf34deac..d760e57a54 100644
--- a/tests/unit/grains/test_core.py
+++ b/tests/unit/grains/test_core.py
@@ -1367,12 +1367,11 @@ class CoreGrainsTestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin):
("bluesniff.foo.bar", [], ["fe80::a8b2:93ff:dead:beef"]),
ret = {"fqdns": ["bluesniff.foo.bar", "foo.bar.baz", "rinzler.evil-corp.com"]}
- with patch.dict(core.__salt__, {"network.fqdns": salt.modules.network.fqdns}):
- with patch.object(socket, "gethostbyaddr", side_effect=reverse_resolv_mock):
- fqdns = core.fqdns()
- assert "fqdns" in fqdns
- assert len(fqdns["fqdns"]) == len(ret["fqdns"])
- assert set(fqdns["fqdns"]) == set(ret["fqdns"])
+ with patch.object(socket, "gethostbyaddr", side_effect=reverse_resolv_mock):
+ fqdns = core.fqdns()
+ assert "fqdns" in fqdns
+ assert len(fqdns["fqdns"]) == len(ret["fqdns"])
+ assert set(fqdns["fqdns"]) == set(ret["fqdns"])
@skipIf(not salt.utils.platform.is_linux(), "System is not Linux")
@patch("salt.utils.network.ip_addrs", MagicMock(return_value=[""]))
@@ -1413,6 +1412,40 @@ class CoreGrainsTestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin):
+ @patch.object(salt.utils.platform, "is_windows", MagicMock(return_value=False))
+ @patch(
+ "salt.utils.network.ip_addrs", MagicMock(return_value=["", ""])
+ )
+ @patch(
+ "salt.utils.network.ip_addrs6",
+ MagicMock(return_value=["fe80::a8b2:93ff:fe00:0", "fe80::a8b2:93ff:dead:beef"]),
+ )
+ @patch(
+ "salt.utils.network.socket.getfqdn", MagicMock(side_effect=lambda v: v)
+ ) # Just pass-through
+ def test_fqdns_aliases(self):
+ """
+ FQDNs aliases
+ """
+ reverse_resolv_mock = [
+ ("foo.bar.baz", ["throwmeaway", "this.is.valid.alias"], [""]),
+ ("rinzler.evil-corp.com", ["false-hostname", "badaliass"], [""]),
+ ("foo.bar.baz", [], ["fe80::a8b2:93ff:fe00:0"]),
+ (
+ "bluesniff.foo.bar",
+ ["alias.bluesniff.foo.bar"],
+ ["fe80::a8b2:93ff:dead:beef"],
+ ),
+ ]
+ with patch.object(socket, "gethostbyaddr", side_effect=reverse_resolv_mock):
+ fqdns = core.fqdns()
+ assert "fqdns" in fqdns
+ for alias in ["this.is.valid.alias", "alias.bluesniff.foo.bar"]:
+ assert alias in fqdns["fqdns"]
+ for alias in ["throwmeaway", "false-hostname", "badaliass"]:
+ assert alias not in fqdns["fqdns"]
def test_core_virtual(self):
test virtual grain with cmd virt-what
diff --git a/tests/unit/utils/test_network.py b/tests/unit/utils/test_network.py
index 779fc0fc34..9a37a94d8f 100644
--- a/tests/unit/utils/test_network.py
+++ b/tests/unit/utils/test_network.py
@@ -1274,3 +1274,40 @@ class NetworkTestCase(TestCase):
self.assertEqual(network.get_fqhostname(), host)
+ def test_netlink_tool_remote_on(self):
+ with patch("subprocess.check_output", return_value=NETLINK_SS):
+ remotes = network._netlink_tool_remote_on("4505", "remote")
+ self.assertEqual(remotes, {"", "::ffff:"})
+ def test_is_fqdn(self):
+ """
+ Test is_fqdn function passes possible FQDN names.
+ :return: None
+ """
+ for fqdn in [
+ "host.domain.com",
+ "something.with.the.dots.still.ok",
+ "MiXeD.CaSe.AcCePtAbLe",
+ "123.host.com",
+ "host123.com",
+ "some_underscore.com",
+ "host-here.com",
+ ]:
+ assert network.is_fqdn(fqdn)
+ def test_is_not_fqdn(self):
+ """
+ Test is_fqdn function rejects FQDN names.
+ :return: None
+ """
+ for fqdn in [
+ "hostname",
+ "/some/path",
+ "$variable.here",
+ "verylonghostname.{}".format("domain" * 45),
+ ]:
+ assert not network.is_fqdn(fqdn)