------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jun 27 09:53:08 UTC 2015 - nemysis@gmx.ch - Remove v3.1.5.tar.gz, forgotten in previous commit ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 26 19:31:30 UTC 2015 - nemysis@gmx.ch - Update to 4.1.16, announce message: Added opacity capabilities. --color now checks for an alpha value, but it's optional. Added new option --highlight. Which instead of drawing a border around the selection, it draws over the selection. Best used with --color with an alpha set below 1. Added option --minimumsize and --maximumsize, setting them both to the same value disables drag selections. Slop windows now let all events fall through. Incredibly improved rendering quality and speed, no longer do I re-size or move windows around. For some reason that's really expensive in X11... Slop now outputs the ID of a selected window if any. Minor bugfixes and adjustments. - Change Source0 Web URL, to have right slop-4.1.16.tar.gz - Add BuildRequires for cmake and gengetopt - Add BuildRoot - Use %{name} instead of maim - Add Documentation - Add %changelog ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 20 10:44:12 UTC 2014 - rneuhauser@suse.cz - slop-3.1.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 17 10:32:19 UTC 2014 - rneuhauser@suse.cz - slop-3.1.4