Egbert Eich fc209e050f - updated to new release 24.05.0 with following major changes
  If using the slurmdbd (Slurm DataBase Daemon) you must update
  this first.  NOTE: If using a backup DBD you must start the
  primary first to do any database conversion, the backup will not
  start until this has happened.  The 24.05 slurmdbd will work
  with Slurm daemons of version 23.02 and above.  You will not
  need to update all clusters at the same time, but it is very
  important to update slurmdbd first and having it running before
  updating any other clusters making use of it.
  * Federation - allow client command operation when slurmdbd is
  * burst_buffer/lua - Added two new hooks: slurm_bb_test_data_in
    and slurm_bb_test_data_out. The syntax and use of the new hooks
    are documented in etc/burst_buffer.lua.example. These are
    required to exist. slurmctld now checks on startup if the
    burst_buffer.lua script loads and contains all required hooks;
    slurmctld will exit with a fatal error if this is not
    successful. Added PollInterval to burst_buffer.conf. Removed
    the arbitrary limit of 512 copies of the script running
  * Add QOS limit MaxTRESRunMinsPerAccount. 
  * Add QOS limit MaxTRESRunMinsPerUser.
  * Add ELIGIBLE environment variable to jobcomp/script plugin.
  * Always use the QOS name for SLURM_JOB_QOS environment variables.
    Previously the batch environment would use the description field,
    which was usually equivalent to the name. 
  * cgroup/v2 - Require dbus-1 version >= 1.11.16.
  * Allow NodeSet names to be used in SuspendExcNodes.

2024-10-14 10:03:00 +00:00

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