------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 22 12:56:27 UTC 2013 - cdenicolo@suse.com - license update: BSD-3-Clause correct license is BSD-3-Clause. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 15 11:41:25 UTC 2013 - mvyskocil@suse.com - Update to 1.1.0 (FATE#315420) * Snappy now uses 64 kB block size instead of 32 kB. On average, this means it compresses about 3% denser (more so for some inputs), at the same or better speeds. * libsnappy no longer depends on iostream. * Some small performance improvements in compression on x86 (0.5–1%). * Various portability fixes for ARM-based platforms, for MSVC, and for GNU/Hurd. - refresh and rename random-return.patch * snappy-random-return.patch - reformat spec file - build with NDEBUG to speedup a library - install COPYING alongside so file ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 23 02:19:58 UTC 2012 - mrueckert@suse.de - update to 1.0.5 * More speed improvements. Exactly how big will depend on the architecture: - 3–10% faster decompression for the base case (x86-64). - ARMv7 and higher can now use unaligned accesses, and will see about 30% faster decompression and 20–40% faster compression. - 32-bit platforms (ARM and 32-bit x86) will see 2–5% faster compression. These are all cumulative (e.g., ARM gets all three speedups). * Fixed an issue where the unit test would crash on system with less than 256 MB address space available, e.g. some embedded platforms. * Added a framing format description, for use over e.g. HTTP, or for a command-line compressor. We do not have any implementations of this at the current point, but there seems to be enough of a general interest in the topic. Also make the format description slightly clearer. * Remove some compile-time warnings in -Wall (mostly signed/unsigned comparisons), for easier embedding into projects that use -Wall -Werror. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 8 16:36:29 UTC 2012 - mrueckert@suse.de - initial package (v1.0.4)