Use URLs to paths that the source validator actually understands
and make this acceptable for Tumbleweed.
The source validatory uses
perl -I/usr/lib/build -MBuild -e Build::show /usr/lib/build/configs/sl13.2.conf squid.spec sources
to find the sources; and this seems to not like the %() parts to expand.
Would be nice to have this fixed in Tumbleweed - after failing for 19 days
- Changes for squid 3.2.11 release (29 April 2013)
- Fix enter_suid/leave_suid build errors in ip/
- GNU Hurd: define MAP_NORESERVE as no-op when missing
- Bug #3833: Option '-k' is not present in squidclient man page
- Bug #3817: Memory leak in SSL cert validate for alt_name peer certs
- Bug #3822: Locate LDAP and SASL headers in /usr/local/include for BSD support
- Bug #3825: basic_ncsa_auth segfaulting with glibc-2.17
- Bug #3774: -k reconfigure drops rock
- Bug #3565: Resuming postponed accept kills Squid
- HTTP/1.1: partial support for no-cache and private controls with parameters
- ssl_crtd: helpers dying during startup on ARM
- Updated copyright for icons/SN.png
- Revert r11810 - tools.h does not exist in 3.2
Rework the systemd squid.service to make it able to intialize cache directory (squid -z) fixing bnc#802635
Removing the unneeded bash wrapper
Upgrade to bugfixes upstream release 3.2.9
- New revision for squid.service (using only sed)
handle multiple cache_dir line
Added sed as require
- Packaging : fixed systemd squid.service
- Rework on squid.service ExecStartPre line
remove dependency on unfunctionnal wrapper
- Fix bnc#802635 (creating cache struture fail on first call)
- Fixed Type=forking and remove the use off -N (non daemon flag)
- Fixed missing pid file
- Structural : add all -k to end of Exec/Stop line
- Ulimit : Added LimitNOFile=4096 ( same value as in /etc/sysconfig)
but there's no way to decode dynamically /etc/sysconfig
- Remove ( no need anymore : advise from fcrozat )
- Clean up
- Changes to squid-3.2.9 (12 Mar 2013):
- Regression fix: Accept-Language header parse
- Bug 3673: Silence 'Failed to select source' messages
- Fix authentication headers sent on peer digest requests
- Fix build error on Solaris, OpenIndiana, Omnios
- Changes to squid-3.2.8 (02 Mar 2013):
- Bug 3767: tcp_outgoing_tos/mark ACLs do not obey acl_uses_indirect_client
- Bug 3763: diskd Error: no filename in shm buffer
- Bug 3752: objects that cannot be cached in memory are not cached on disk
- Bug 3753: Removes the domain from the cache_peer server pconn key
- Bug 3749: IDENT lookup using wrong ports to identify the user
- Bug 3723: tcp_outgoing_tos/mark broken for CONNECT requests
- Bug 3686: cache_dir max-size default fails
- Bug 3515: crash in FtpStateData::ftpTimeout
- Bug 3329: Quieten orphan Comm::Connection messages
- Make squid -z for cache_dir rock preserve the rock DB
Verify GPG signature: Perform build-time offline GPG verification.
Please verify that included keyring matches your needs.
For manipulation with the offline keyring, please use gpg-offline tool from openSUSE:Factory, devel-tools-building or Base:System.
See the man page and/or /usr/share/doc/packages/gpg-offline/PACKAGING.HOWTO.
If you need to build your package for older products and don't want to mess spec file with ifs, please follow PACKAGING.HOWTO:
you can link or aggregate gpg-offline from
devel:tools:building or use following trick with "osc meta prjconf":
--- Cut here ----
%if 0%{?suse_version} <= 1220
Substitute: gpg-offline
%gpg_verify(dnf) \
%if 0%{?suse_version} > 1220\
echo "WARNING: Using %%gpg_verify macro from prjconf, not from gpg-offline package."\
gpg-offline --directory="%{-d:%{-d*}}%{!-d:%{_sourcedir}}" --package="%{-n:%{-n*}}%{!-n:%{name}}""%{-f: %{-f*}}" --verify %{**}\
echo "WARNING: Dummy prjconf macro. gpg-offline is not available, skipping %{**} GPG signature verification!"\