Michael Vetter 7bc801f34b - Update to 15:
Stockfish 15 continues to push the boundaries of chess, providing
  unrivalled analysis and playing strength. In our testing, Stockfish
  15 is ahead of Stockfish 14 by 36 Elo points and wins nine times
  more game pairs than it loses.
- Add stockfish-remove-net.patch: Don't try to donwload nnue
  we already have it.

2022-04-20 19:23:58 +00:00

70 lines
2.9 KiB

diff -urEbw Stockfish-sf_15/src/Makefile
--- Stockfish-sf_15/src/Makefile 2022-04-18 22:03:20.000000000 +0200
+++ 2022-04-20 21:20:19.092144400 +0200
@@ -722,7 +722,6 @@
@echo ""
@echo "help > Display architecture details"
@echo "build > Standard build"
- @echo "net > Download the default nnue net"
@echo "profile-build > Faster build (with profile-guided optimization)"
@echo "strip > Strip executable"
@echo "install > Install executable"
@@ -783,14 +782,14 @@
-.PHONY: help build profile-build strip install clean net objclean profileclean \
+.PHONY: help build profile-build strip install clean objclean profileclean \
config-sanity icc-profile-use icc-profile-make gcc-profile-use gcc-profile-make \
clang-profile-use clang-profile-make
-build: net config-sanity
+build: config-sanity
-profile-build: net config-sanity objclean profileclean
+profile-build: config-sanity objclean profileclean
@echo ""
@echo "Step 1/4. Building instrumented executable ..."
$(MAKE) ARCH=$(ARCH) COMP=$(COMP) $(profile_make)
@@ -817,30 +816,6 @@
clean: objclean profileclean
@rm -f .depend *~ core
-# evaluation network (nnue)
- $(eval nnuenet := $(shell grep EvalFileDefaultName evaluate.h | grep define | sed 's/.*\(nn-[a-z0-9]\{12\}.nnue\).*/\1/'))
- @echo "Default net: $(nnuenet)"
- $(eval nnuedownloadurl :=$(nnuenet))
- $(eval curl_or_wget := $(shell if hash curl 2>/dev/null; then echo "curl -skL"; elif hash wget 2>/dev/null; then echo "wget -qO-"; fi))
- @if test -f "$(nnuenet)"; then \
- echo "Already available."; \
- else \
- if [ "x$(curl_or_wget)" = "x" ]; then \
- echo "Automatic download failed: neither curl nor wget is installed. Install one of these tools or download the net manually"; exit 1; \
- else \
- echo "Downloading $(nnuedownloadurl)"; $(curl_or_wget) $(nnuedownloadurl) > $(nnuenet);\
- fi; \
- fi;
- $(eval shasum_command := $(shell if hash shasum 2>/dev/null; then echo "shasum -a 256 "; elif hash sha256sum 2>/dev/null; then echo "sha256sum "; fi))
- @if [ "x$(shasum_command)" != "x" ]; then \
- if [ "$(nnuenet)" != "nn-"`$(shasum_command) $(nnuenet) | cut -c1-12`".nnue" ]; then \
- echo "Failed download or $(nnuenet) corrupted, please delete!"; exit 1; \
- fi \
- else \
- echo "shasum / sha256sum not found, skipping net validation"; \
- fi
# clean binaries and objects
@rm -f stockfish stockfish.exe *.o ./syzygy/*.o ./nnue/*.o ./nnue/features/*.o
@@ -864,7 +839,7 @@
all: $(EXE) .depend
-config-sanity: net
@echo ""
@echo "Config:"
@echo "debug: '$(debug)'"