Michael Vetter 89b5f7a646 - Update to 15.1:
* Elo gain and competition results:
    With this release, version 5 of the NNUE neural net architecture
    has been introduced, and the training data has been extended to
    include Fischer random chess (FRC) positions. As a result, Elo
    gains are largest for FRC, reaching up to 50 Elo for doubly
    randomized FRC (DFRC). More importantly, also for standard chess
    this release progressed and will win two times more game pairs than
    it loses against Stockfish 15. 
  * New evaluation:
    This release also introduces a new convention for the evaluation
    that is reported by search. An evaluation of +1 is now no longer
    tied to the value of one pawn, but to the likelihood of winning the
    game. With a +1 evaluation, Stockfish has now a 50% chance of winning
    the game against an equally strong opponent. This convention scales
    down evaluations a bit compared to Stockfish 15 and allows for
    consistent evaluations in the future.
- Refresh:
  * date.patch
  * stockfish-remove-net.patch
- Remove nn-6877cd24400e.nnue
- Add nn-ad9b42354671.nnue

2022-12-06 15:18:36 +00:00

81 lines
3.3 KiB

Index: Stockfish-sf_15.1/src/Makefile
--- Stockfish-sf_15.1.orig/src/Makefile
+++ Stockfish-sf_15.1/src/Makefile
@@ -748,7 +748,6 @@ help:
@echo ""
@echo "help > Display architecture details"
@echo "build > Standard build"
- @echo "net > Download the default nnue net"
@echo "profile-build > Faster build (with profile-guided optimization)"
@echo "strip > Strip executable"
@echo "install > Install executable"
@@ -810,14 +809,14 @@ else
-.PHONY: help build profile-build strip install clean net objclean profileclean \
+.PHONY: help build profile-build strip install clean objclean profileclean \
config-sanity icc-profile-use icc-profile-make gcc-profile-use gcc-profile-make \
clang-profile-use clang-profile-make FORCE
-build: net config-sanity
+build: config-sanity
-profile-build: net config-sanity objclean profileclean
+profile-build: config-sanity objclean profileclean
@echo ""
@echo "Step 1/4. Building instrumented executable ..."
$(MAKE) ARCH=$(ARCH) COMP=$(COMP) $(profile_make)
@@ -844,40 +843,6 @@ install:
clean: objclean profileclean
@rm -f .depend *~ core
-# evaluation network (nnue)
- $(eval nnuenet := $(shell grep EvalFileDefaultName evaluate.h | grep define | sed 's/.*\(nn-[a-z0-9]\{12\}.nnue\).*/\1/'))
- @echo "Default net: $(nnuenet)"
- $(eval nnuedownloadurl1 :=$(nnuenet))
- $(eval nnuedownloadurl2 :=$(nnuenet))
- $(eval curl_or_wget := $(shell if hash curl 2>/dev/null; then echo "curl -skL"; elif hash wget 2>/dev/null; then echo "wget -qO-"; fi))
- @if [ "x$(curl_or_wget)" = "x" ]; then \
- echo "Automatic download failed: neither curl nor wget is installed. Install one of these tools or download the net manually"; exit 1; \
- fi
- $(eval shasum_command := $(shell if hash shasum 2>/dev/null; then echo "shasum -a 256 "; elif hash sha256sum 2>/dev/null; then echo "sha256sum "; fi))
- @if [ "x$(shasum_command)" = "x" ]; then \
- echo "shasum / sha256sum not found, skipping net validation"; \
- fi
- @for nnuedownloadurl in "$(nnuedownloadurl1)" "$(nnuedownloadurl2)"; do \
- if test -f "$(nnuenet)"; then \
- echo "$(nnuenet) available."; \
- else \
- if [ "x$(curl_or_wget)" != "x" ]; then \
- echo "Downloading $${nnuedownloadurl}"; $(curl_or_wget) $${nnuedownloadurl} > $(nnuenet);\
- fi; \
- fi; \
- if [ "x$(shasum_command)" != "x" ]; then \
- if [ "$(nnuenet)" != "nn-"`$(shasum_command) $(nnuenet) | cut -c1-12`".nnue" ]; then \
- echo "Removing failed download"; rm -f $(nnuenet); \
- else \
- echo "Network validated"; break; \
- fi; \
- fi; \
- done
- @if ! test -f "$(nnuenet)"; then \
- echo "Failed to download $(nnuenet)."; \
- fi
# clean binaries and objects
@rm -f stockfish stockfish.exe *.o ./syzygy/*.o ./nnue/*.o ./nnue/features/*.o
@@ -901,7 +866,7 @@ default:
all: $(EXE) .depend
-config-sanity: net
@echo ""
@echo "Config:"
@echo "debug: '$(debug)'"