f351dec4c2- Update to 2.95.5 * #683: Add runinhead.title.end.punct to fix colon in formalpara/title * #682: Add missing intra-appendix translations * #670: Adjust syntax highlighting * #673: Change emphasis for Asian languages * #681/#680: double rel, use rel="preload"
Thomas Schraitle
2025-02-26 14:06:54 +00:00
c74bb329dcAccepting request 1246982 from Documentation:Tools
Ana Guerrero
2025-02-20 15:27:10 +00:00
79dd071740Accepting request 1246981 from home:thomas-schraitle:branches:Documentation:Tools
Thomas Schraitle
2025-02-19 09:41:28 +00:00
1abce321e4Accepting request 1245432 from Documentation:Tools
Ana Guerrero
2025-02-12 20:31:18 +00:00
f20f78d436- Update to 2.95.3 * Fix#639: Disable hyphenation in article/book title * Fix#645: Remove whitespace in title * Fix#646: Remove space in compound terms
Thomas Schraitle
2025-02-12 16:04:21 +00:00
a454cb9860- Update to 2.95.2 * Fix DOCTEAM-1663: Container element is empty (#660) * Fix DOCTEAM-1667: Link missing a text alternative (#662) * Update CSS files (Updated the colour of links in the right nav)
Thomas Schraitle
2025-02-12 07:36:49 +00:00
99d8b430bdAccepting request 1242978 from Documentation:Tools
Ana Guerrero
2025-02-04 17:11:00 +00:00
7cd0ec8128- Update to 2.95.1 * DOCTEAM-1663: element is not keyboard accessible (#658) * DOCTEAM-1663: Fix "Container element is empty" (#657) * meta.description.base: <meta name="description"> (#656) * DOCTEAM#1664: Fix aria-label for revhistory link (#655) * Update color contrast in CSS
Thomas Schraitle
2025-02-04 08:03:22 +00:00
cb1ab541daAccepting request 1241206 from Documentation:Tools
Ana Guerrero
2025-01-30 13:49:17 +00:00
f8f052280cCorrect 2.95.0 version
Thomas Schraitle
2025-01-29 14:11:46 +00:00
6a20ecdfe7- Update 2.95.0 * 2024 extended palette and infographics palette (#635) * Fix#649: Provide unique alt attribute for <img> (#651) * Fix DOCTEAM-1670: (A11Y) Empty headings (#652) * Several changes to color contrast (commits 8ee59b8, a44616c, 62e535f, d189380, 30d4158) - Change spec file * Add suse-fonts as requirements
Thomas Schraitle
2025-01-29 13:55:01 +00:00
f5744373b7Accepting request 1237323 from Documentation:Tools
Ana Guerrero
2025-01-14 15:21:25 +00:00
b028b9df6b- Fix bsc#1232694 (spec): Demote some fonts from "Requires" -> "Recommends" Needed for SLE 16 Affected fonts: dejavu-fonts, google-opensans-fonts, google-poppings-fonts, sil-charis-fonts, gnu-free-fonts, arabic-amiri-fonts
Thomas Schraitle
2025-01-13 08:45:26 +00:00
fe2c1afdb1Accepting request 1195114 from Documentation:Tools
Ana Guerrero
2024-08-22 16:10:31 +00:00
2874079365- Update 2.94.8 * Convert variablelist into a HTML tab structure (#611) * Use correct stylesheet version in Makefile * Fix typo in json-ld-seriesname (Products, plural)
Thomas Schraitle
2024-08-21 12:46:09 +00:00
80c4da797eAccepting request 1186884 from Documentation:Tools
Ana Guerrero
2024-07-14 06:49:07 +00:00
31e62d608eSpec file change: - Correct dependencies for Google Noto CJK sans fonts Use now the explicit regular and bold fonts google-noto-sans-{kr,jp,sc-tc}-{regular,bold}-fonts
Thomas Schraitle
2024-07-04 13:27:12 +00:00
d76e92ac56Spec file change: - Correct dependencies for Google Noto CJK sans fonts Use now - google-noto-sans-jp-fonts (Japanese) - google-noto-sans-kr-fonts (Korean) - google-noto-sans-sc-bold-fonts (Chinese, zh_CN) - google-noto-sans-tc-fonts (Chinese, zh_TW) The Google Noto CJK sans fonts contain this dependency: google-noto-sans-<LANG>-fonts = google-noto-sans-<LANG>-regular-fonts + google-noto-sans-<LANG>-bold-fonts The new names will require the regular and bold font package name and are selected automatically.
Thomas Schraitle
2024-07-02 14:19:27 +00:00
2d48262c11Accepting request 1174458 from Documentation:Tools
Ana Guerrero
2024-05-17 18:04:07 +00:00
39e78e6efcAccepting request 1174449 from home:thomas-schraitle:branches:Documentation:Tools
Thomas Schraitle
2024-05-16 11:59:28 +00:00
e0c25cf327Accepting request 1164406 from Documentation:Tools
Ana Guerrero
2024-04-04 20:24:37 +00:00
8986d4d53cAccepting request 1162948 from home:thomas-schraitle:branches:Documentation:Tools
Thomas Schraitle
2024-03-27 16:29:19 +00:00
89cd35a86dAccepting request 1161281 from Documentation:Tools
Ana Guerrero
2024-03-25 20:06:13 +00:00
f11def20b9Accepting request 1161404 from home:thomas-schraitle:branches:Documentation:Tools
Thomas Schraitle
2024-03-25 13:42:37 +00:00
0b33c791ecAccepting request 1161363 from home:thomas-schraitle:branches:Documentation:Tools
Thomas Schraitle
2024-03-25 11:04:55 +00:00
f0668cbb6dAccepting request 1161280 from home:thomas-schraitle:branches:Documentation:Tools
Thomas Schraitle
2024-03-25 07:03:33 +00:00