Stable release of the SUSE XSL stylesheets 2.0.6: Find issues in our GitHub tracker at * Schema - Completely removed schemas from SUSE XSL Stylesheets: Schemas can now be found at * SUSE Word List for aspell - Added more words, many of which were found in SUSE release notes * Stylesheets (PDF) - Allow disabling secondary branding (Geeko Tail) via parameter: enable.secondary.branding=0 * Stylesheets (XHTML) - Added syntax highlighting for screens - To enable, add language="..." to your screen - Recognized languages are: bash, c++, css, diff, html, xml, http, ini, json, java, javascript, makefile, nginx, php, perl, python, ruby, sql, crmsh, dockerfile, lisp, yaml - Report Bug Links: Fixed ampersands in Bugzilla URLs - Report Bug Links: Fixed JavaScript responsible for GitHub labels * Common Stylesheet Changes - Fixed a number of L10N issues in CJK and European languages (suse-xsl #218, suse-xsl #51, suse-xsl #200, suse-xsl #82, suse-xsl #87, suse-xsl #79) - Reverted back to VERSION.xsl as used by upstream for compatibility - Improved screen trimming behavior to fix screens that contain whitespace at beginning and end * Packaging - Added more fonts to requires to avoid broken foreign-language PDF builds in the build service - Removed mentions of schemas from spec file (see top) OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
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