2019-09-20 21:45:04 +00:00
2019-12-19 15:03:52 +00:00
Wed Dec 18 21:56:52 UTC 2019 - Jeff Kowalczyk <jkowalczyk@suse.com>
- Update to release 1.12.6
2019-12-19 21:37:27 +00:00
Refs boo#1159288 SLES customer request for updated version
2019-12-19 15:03:52 +00:00
* v1.12.6 [2019-11-19]
* telegraf#6666: Fix many plugin errors are logged at debug logging level
* telegraf#6652: Use nanosecond precision in docker_log input
* telegraf#6642: Fix interface option with method = native in ping input
* telegraf#6680: Fix panic in mongodb input if shard connection pool stats are unreadable (telegraf#6680)
* v1.12.5 [2019-11-12]
* telegraf#6576: Fix incorrect results in ping input plugin
* telegraf#6610: Add missing character replacement to sql_instance tag
* telegraf#6337: Change no metric error message to debug level in cloudwatch input
* telegraf#6602: Add missing ServerProperties query to sqlserver input docs
* telegraf#6643: Fix mongodb connections_total_created field loading
* telegraf#6627: Fix metric creation when node is offline in jenkins input
* telegraf#6649: Fix docker uptime_ns calculation when container has been restarted
* telegraf#6647: Fix mysql field type conflict in conversion of gtid_mode to an integer
* telegraf#5529: Fix mysql field type conflict with ssl_verify_depth and ssl_ctx_verify_depth
* v1.12.4 [2019-10-23]
* telegraf#6521: Fix metric generation with ping input native method
* telegraf#6541: Exclude alias tag if unset from plugin internal stats
* telegraf#6564: Fix socket_mode option in powerdns_recursor input
* v1.12.3 [2019-10-07]
* telegraf#6445: Use batch serialization format in exec output
* telegraf#6464: Use case insensitive serial numer match in smart input
* telegraf#6469: Add auth header only when env var is set
* telegraf#6468: Fix running multiple mysql and sqlserver plugin instances
* telegraf#6471: Fix database routing on retry with exclude_database_tag
* telegraf#6488: Fix logging panic in exec input with nagios data format
* v1.12.2 [2019-09-24]
* telegraf#6386: Fix detection of layout timestamps in csv and json parser
* telegraf#6394: Fix parsing of BATTDATE in apcupsd input
* telegraf#6398: Keep boolean values listed in json_string_fields
* telegraf#6393: Disable Go plugin support in official builds
* telegraf#6391: Fix path handling issues in cisco_telemetry_gnmi
* v1.12.1 [2019-09-10]
* telegraf#6344: fix depends on glibc_2.14 symbol version
* telegraf#6329: fix filecount for paths with trailing slash
* telegraf#6331: convert check state to an integer in icinga2 input
* telegraf#6354: fix could not mark message delivered error in kafka_consumer
* telegraf#6362: skip collection stats when disabled in mongodb input
* telegraf#6366: fix error reading closed response body on redirect in http_response
* telegraf#6373: fix apcupsd documentation to reflect plugin
* telegraf#6375: display retry log message only when retry after is received
2019-09-20 21:45:04 +00:00
Tue Sep 10 07:46:24 UTC 2019 - Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Trim future goals from description, it is not in the scope
of openSUSE package descriptions.
2019-09-09 10:00:07 +00:00
Mon Sep 9 09:37:19 UTC 2019 - Stephan Kulow <coolo@suse.com>
- disable pie on power as it seems to cause problems on go
Mon Sep 9 06:13:23 UTC 2019 - Stephan Kulow <coolo@suse.com>
- Update to release 1.12
Release Notes
The cluster health related fields in the elasticsearch input have been split
out from the elasticsearch_indices mesasurement into the new
elasticsearch_cluster_health_indices measurement as they were originally
combined by error.
New Inputs
apcupsd - Contributed by @jonaz
docker_log - Contributed by @prashanthjbabu
fireboard - Contributed by @ronnocol
logstash - Contributed by @lkmcs @dmitryilyin @arkady-emelyanov
marklogic - Contributed by @influxdata
openntpd - Contributed by @aromeyer
uwsgi - Contributed by @blaggacao
New Parsers
form_urlencoded - Contributed by @byonchev
New Processors
date - Contributed by @influxdata
pivot - Contributed by @influxdata
tag_limit - Contributed by @memory
unpivot - Contributed by @influxdata
New Outputs
exec - Contributed by @Jaeyo
- Update to release 1.11
Release Notes
The uptime_format field in the system input has been deprecated, use the
uptime field instead.
The cloudwatch input has been updated to use a more efficient API, it now
requires GetMetricData permissions instead of GetMetricStatistics. The
units tag is not available from this API and is no longer collected.
New Inputs
bind - Contributed by @dswarbrick & @danielllek
cisco_telemetry_gnmi - Contributed by @sbyx
cisco_telemetry_mdt - Contributed by @sbyx
ecs - Contributed by @rbtr
github - Contributed by @influxdata
openweathermap - Contributed by @regel
powerdns_recursor - Contributed by @dupondje
New Aggregators
final - Contributed by @oplehto
New Outputs
syslog - Contributed by @javicrespo
health - Contributed by @influxdata
New Serializers
wavefront - Contributed by @puckpuck
- Update to release 1.10
New Inputs
cloud_pubsub - Contributed by @emilymye
cloud_pubsub_push - Contributed by @influxdata
kinesis_consumer - Contributed by @influxdata
kube_inventory - Contributed by @influxdata
neptune_apex - Contributed by @MaxRenaud
nginx_upstream_check - Contributed by @dmitryilyin
multifile - Contributed by @martin2250
stackdriver - Contributed by @WuHan0608
New Outputs
cloud_pubsub - Contributed by @emilymye
New Serializers
nowmetric - Contributed by @JefMuller
carbon2 - Contributed by @frankreno
- Update to release 1.9
Release Notes
The http_listener input plugin has been renamed to influxdb_listener and
use of the original name is deprecated. The new name better describes the
intended use of the plugin as a InfluxDB relay. For general purpose
transfer of metrics in any format via HTTP, it is recommended to use
http_listener_v2 instead.
Input plugins are no longer limited from adding metrics when the output is
writing, and new metrics will move into the metric buffer as needed. This
will provide more robust degradation and recovery when writing to a slow
output at high throughput.
To avoid over consumption when reading from queue consumers: kafka_consumer,
amqp_consumer, mqtt_consumer, nats_consumer, and nsq_consumer use
the new option max_undelivered_messages to limit the number of outstanding
unwritten metrics.
New Inputs
http_listener_v2 - Contributed by @jul1u5
ipvs - Contributed by @amoghe
jenkins - Contributed by @influxdata & @lpic10
nginx_plus_api - Contributed by @Bugagazavr
nginx_vts - Contributed by @monder
wireless - Contributed by @jamesmaidment
New Outputs
stackdriver - Contributed by @jamesmaidment
2019-03-27 17:46:38 +00:00
Wed Mar 27 11:32:56 UTC 2019 - Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Add systemd-rpm-macros and %systemd_ordering for %service_*.
2019-03-27 10:37:01 +00:00
Wed Mar 27 10:36:18 UTC 2019 - Stephan Kulow <coolo@suse.com>
- Remove consul/website from the deps - their license is fishy
and we don't need it to build telegraf
2019-03-27 10:37:54 +00:00
Thu Nov 15 08:01:18 UTC 2018 - <nsinger@suse.com>
- Enable PIE for build
- Include systemd service file from upstream
2019-03-27 09:18:32 +00:00
Thu Nov 1 07:54:17 UTC 2018 - Tuukka Pasanen <tuukka.pasanen@ilmi.fi>
- Update to release 1.8.3
- Update deps package
* v1.8.3 [2018-10-30]
#4873: Add DN attributes as tags in x509_cert input to avoid series overwrite.
#4921: Prevent connection leak by closing unused connections in amqp output.
#4904: Use default partition key when tag does not exist in kinesis output.
#4901: Log the correct error in jti_openconfig.
#4937: Handle panic when ipmi_sensor input gets bad input.
#4930: Don't add unserializable fields to jolokia2 input.
#4866: Fix version check in postgresql_extensible.
* v1.8.2 [2018-10-17]
- Bugfixes
#4844: Update write path to match updated InfluxDB v2 API.
#4840: Fix missing timeouts in vsphere input.
#4851: Support uint fields in aerospike input.
#4854: Use container name from list if no name in container stats.
#4850: Prevent panic in filecount input on error in file stat.
#4846: Fix mqtt_consumer connect and reconnect.
#4849: Fix panic in logparser input.
#4869: Lower authorization errors to debug level in mongodb input.
#4875: Return correct response code on ping input.
#4874: Fix segfault in x509_cert input.
* v1.8.1 [2018-10-03]
- Bugfixes
#4750: Fix hardware_type may be truncated in sqlserver input.
#4723: Improve performance in basicstats aggregator.
#4747: Add hostname to TLS config for SNI support.
#4675: Don't add tags with empty values to opentsdb output.
#4765: Fix panic during network error in vsphere input.
#4766: Unify http_listener error response with InfluxDB.
#4769: Add UUID to VMs in vSphere input.
#4758: Skip tags with empty values in cloudwatch output.
#4783: Fix missing non-realtime samples in vSphere input.
#4799: Fix case of timezone/grok_timezone options.
* v1.8 [2018-09-21]
- New Inputs
activemq - Contributed by @mlabouardy
beanstalkd - Contributed by @44px
filecount - Contributed by @sometimesfood
file - Contributed by @maxunt
icinga2 - Contributed by @mlabouardy
kibana - Contributed by @lpic10
pgbouncer - Contributed by @nerzhul
temp - Contributed by @pytimer
tengine - Contributed by @ertaoxu
vsphere - Contributed by @prydin
x509_cert - Contributed by @jtyr
- New Processors
enum - Contributed by @KarstenSchnitter
parser - Contributed by @Ayrdrie & @maxunt
rename - Contributed by @goldibex
strings - Contributed by @bsmaldon
- New Aggregators
valuecounter - Contributed by @piotr1212
- New Outputs
azure_monitor - Contributed by @influxdata
influxdb_v2 - Contributed by @influxdata
- New Parsers
csv - Contributed by @maxunt
grok - Contributed by @maxunt
logfmt - Contributed by @Ayrdrie & @maxunt
wavefront - Contributed by @puckpuck
- New Serializers
splunkmetric - Contributed by @ronnocol
- Features
#4236: Add SSL/TLS support to redis input.
#4160: Add tengine input plugin.
#4262: Add power draw field to nvidia_smi plugin.
#4271: Add support for solr 7 to the solr input.
#4281: Add owner tag on partitions in burrow input.
#4259: Add container status tag to docker input.
#3523: Add valuecounter aggregator plugin.
#4307: Add new measurement with results of pgrep lookup to procstat input.
#4311: Add support for comma in logparser timestamp format.
#4292: Add path tag to tail input plugin.
#4322: Add log message when tail is added or removed from a file.
#4267: Add option to use of counter time in win perf counters.
#4343: Add energy and power field and device id tag to fibaro input.
#4347: Add http path configuration for OpenTSDB output.
#4352: Gather IPMI metrics concurrently.
#4362: Add mongo document and connection metrics.
#3772: Add enum processor plugin.
#4386: Add user tag to procstat input.
#4403: Add support for multivalue metrics to collectd parser.
#4418: Add support for setting kafka client id.
#4332: Add file input plugin and grok parser.
#4320: Improve cloudwatch output performance.
#3768: Add x509_cert input plugin.
#4471: Add IPSIpAddress syntax to ipaddr conversion in snmp plugin.
#4363: Add filecount input plugin.
#4485: Add support for configuring an AWS endpoint_url.
#4491: Send all messages before waiting for results in kafka output.
#4492: Add support for lz4 compression to kafka output.
#4450: Split multiple sensor keys in ipmi input.
#4364: Support StatisticValues in cloudwatch output plugin.
#4431: Add ip restriction for the prometheus_client output.
#3918: Add pgbouncer input plugin.
#2689: Add ActiveMQ input plugin.
#4402: Add wavefront parser plugin.
#4528: Add rename processor plugin.
#4537: Add message 'max_bytes' configuration to kafka input.
#4546: Add gopsutil meminfo fields to mem plugin.
#4285: Document how to parse telegraf logs.
#4542: Use dep v0.5.0.
#4433: Add ability to set measurement from matched text in grok parser.
#4565: Drop message batches in kafka output if too large.
#4579: Add support for static and random routing keys in kafka output.
#4539: Add logfmt parser plugin.
#4551: Add parser processor plugin.
#4559: Add Icinga2 input plugin.
#4351: Add name, time, path and string field options to JSON parser.
#4571: Add forwarded records to sqlserver input.
#4585: Add Kibana input plugin.
#4439: Add csv parser plugin.
#4598: Add read_buffer_size option to statsd input.
#4089: Add azure_monitor output plugin.
#4628: Add queue_durability parameter to amqp_consumer input.
#4476: Add strings processor.
#4536: Add OAuth2 support to HTTP output plugin.
#4633: Add Unix epoch timestamp support for JSON parser.
#4657: Add options for basic auth to haproxy input.
#4411: Add temp input plugin.
#4272: Add Beanstalkd input plugin.
#4669: Add means to specify server password for redis input.
#4339: Add Splunk Metrics serializer.
#4141: Add input plugin for VMware vSphere.
#4667: Align metrics window to interval in cloudwatch input.
#4642: Improve Azure Managed Instance support + more in sqlserver input.
#4682: Allow alternate binaries for iptables input plugin.
#4645: Add influxdb_v2 output plugin.
- Bugfixes
#3438: Fix divide by zero in logparser input.
#4499: Fix instance and object name in performance counters with backslashes.
#4646: Reset/flush saved contents from bad metric.
#4520: Document all supported cli arguments.
#4674: Log access denied opening a service at debug level in win_services.
#4588: Add support for Kafka 2.0.
#4087: Fix nagios parser does not support ranges in performance data.
#4088: Fix nagios parser does not strip quotes from performance data.
#4688: Fix null value crash in postgresql_extensible input.
#4681: Remove the startup authentication check from the cloudwatch output.
#4644: Support tailing files created after startup in tail input.
#4706: Fix csv format configuration loading.
Tue Sep 18 06:45:26 UTC 2018 - Tuukka Pasanen <tuukka.pasanen@ilmi.fi>
- Update to release 1.7.4
- Update deps package
* v1.7.4 [2018-08-29]
- Bugfixes
#4534: Skip unserializable metric in influxDB UDP output.
#4554: Fix powerdns input tests.
#4584: Fix burrow_group offset calculation for burrow input.
#4550: Add result_code value for errors running ping command.
#4605: Remove timeout deadline for udp syslog input.
#4601: Ensure channel closed if an error occurs in cgroup input.
#4544: Fix sending of basic auth credentials in http output.
#4526: Use the correct GOARM value in the armel package.
* v1.7.3 [2018-08-07]
- Bugfixes
#4434: Reduce required docker API version.
#4498: Keep leading whitespace for messages in syslog input.
#4470: Skip bad entries on interrupt input.
#4501: Preserve metric type when using filters in output plugins.
#3794: Fix error message if URL is unparseable in influxdb output.
#4059: Use explicit zpool properties to fix parse error on FreeBSD 11.2.
#4514: Lock buffer when adding metrics.
* v1.7.2 [2018-07-18]
- Bugfixes
#4381: Use localhost as default server tag in zookeeper input.
#4374: Don't set values when pattern doesn't match in regex processor.
#4416: Fix output format of printer processor.
#4422: Fix metric can have duplicate field.
#4389: Return error if NewRequest fails in http output.
#4335: Reset read deadline for syslog input.
#4375: Exclude cached memory on docker input plugin.
* v1.7.1 [2018-07-03]
- Bugfixes
#4277: Treat sigterm as a clean shutdown signal.
#4284: Fix selection of tags under nested objects in the JSON parser.
#4135: Fix postfix input handling multi-level queues.
#4334: Fix syslog timestamp parsing with single digit day of month.
#2910: Handle mysql input variations in the user_statistics collecting.
#4293: Fix minmax and basicstats aggregators to use uint64.
#4290: Document swap input plugin.
#4316: Fix incorrect precision being applied to metric in http_listener.
* v1.7 [2018-06-12]
- Release Notes
The cassandra input plugin has been deprecated in favor of the jolokia2
input plugin which is much more configurable and more performant.
There is an example configuration to help you get started.
For plugins supporting TLS, you can now specify the certificate and keys
using tls_ca, tls_cert, tls_key. These options behave the same as the,
now deprecated, ssl forms.
- New Inputs
aurora - Contributed by @influxdata
burrow - Contributed by @arkady-emelyanov
fibaro - Contributed by @dynek
jti_openconfig_telemetry - Contributed by @ajhai
mcrouter - Contributed by @cthayer
nvidia_smi - Contributed by @jackzampolin
syslog - Contributed by @influxdata
- New Processors
converter - Contributed by @influxdata
regex - Contributed by @44px
topk - Contributed by @mirath
- New Outputs
http - Contributed by @Dark0096
application_insights: Contribute by @karolz-ms
- Features
#3964: Add repl_oplog_window_sec metric to mongodb input.
#3819: Add per-host shard metrics in mongodb input.
#3999: Skip files with leading .. in config directory.
#4021: Add TLS support to socket_writer and socket_listener plugins.
#4025: Add snmp input option to strip non fixed length index suffixes.
#4035: Add server version tag to docker input.
#4044: Add support for LeoFS 1.4 to leofs input.
#4068: Add parameter to force the interval of gather for sysstat.
#3877: Support busybox ping in the ping input.
#4077: Add input plugin for McRouter.
#4096: Add topk processor plugin.
#4114: Add cursor metrics to mongodb input.
#3455: Add tag/integer pair for result to net_response.
#4010: Add application_insights output plugin.
#4167: Added several important elasticsearch cluster health metrics.
#4094: Add batch mode to mqtt output.
#4158: Add aurora input plugin.
#3839: Add regex processor plugin.
#4165: Add support for Graphite 1.1 tags.
#4162: Add timeout option to sensors input.
#3489: Add burrow input plugin.
#3969: Add option to unbound module to use threads as tags.
#4183: Add support for TLS and username/password auth to aerospike input.
#4190: Add special syslog timestamp parser to grok parser that uses current year.
#4181: Add syslog input plugin.
#4212: Print the enabled aggregator and processor plugins on startup.
#3994: Add static routing_key option to amqp output.
#3995: Add passive mode exchange declaration option to amqp consumer input.
#4216: Add counter fields to pf input.
- Bugfixes
#4018: Write to working file outputs if any files are not writeable.
#4036: Add all win_perf_counters fields for a series in a single metric.
#4118: Report results of dns_query instead of 0ms on timeout.
#4155: Add consul service tags to metric.
#2879: Fix wildcards and multi instance processes in win_perf_counters.
#2468: Fix crash on 32-bit Windows in win_perf_counters.
#4198: Fix win_perf_counters not collecting at every interval.
#4227: Use same flags for all BSD family ping variants.
#4266: Remove tags with empty values from Wavefront output.
* v1.6.4 [2018-06-05]
- Bugfixes
#4203: Fix snmp overriding of auto-configured table fields.
#4218: Fix uint support in cloudwatch output.
#4188: Fix documentation of instance_name option in varnish input.
#4195: Revert to previous aerospike library version due to memory leak.
Sun May 27 09:31:27 UTC 2018 - tuukka.pasanen@ilmi.fi
- Update to release 1.6.0
- Update deps package
* v1.6.3 [2018-05-21]
- Bugfixes
#4127: Fix intermittent panic in aerospike input.
#4130: Fix connection leak in jolokia2_agent.
#4136: Fix jolokia2 timeout parsing.
#4142: Fix error parsing dropwizard metrics.
#4149: Fix librato output support for uint and bool.
#4176: Fix waitgroup deadlock if url is incorrect in apache input.
* v1.6.2 [2018-05-08]
- Bugfixes
#4078: Use same timestamp for fields in system input.
#4091: Fix handling of uint64 in datadog output.
#4099: Ignore UTF8 BOM in JSON parser.
#4104: Fix case for slave metrics in mysql input.
#4110: Fix uint support in cratedb output.
* v1.6.1 [2018-04-23]
- Bugfixes
#3835: Report mem input fields as gauges instead counters.
#4030: Fix graphite outputs unsigned integers in wrong format.
#4043: Report available fields if utmp is unreadable.
#4039: Fix potential "no fields" error writing to outputs.
#4037: Fix uptime reporting in system input when ran inside docker.
#3750: Fix mem input "cannot allocate memory" error on FreeBSD based systems.
#4056: Fix duplicate tags when overriding an existing tag.
#4062: Add server argument as first argument in unbound input.
#4063: Fix handling of floats with multiple leading zeroes.
#4064: Return errors in mongodb SSL/TLS configuration.
2018-04-24 08:59:31 +00:00
Tue Apr 24 08:20:46 UTC 2018 - mschnitzer@suse.com
- Fix dependency package: The dependency package contained the
telegraf source code which has overwritten the patched files.
2018-04-18 17:02:51 +00:00
Wed Apr 18 16:17:05 UTC 2018 - mschnitzer@suse.com
- Release 1.6.0
* Release Notes
- The mysql input plugin has been updated fix a number of type convertion issues. This may cause a field type error when inserting
into InfluxDB due the change of types.
- To address this we have introduced a new metric_version option to control enabling the new format. For in depth recommendations on
upgrading please reference the mysql plugin documentation.
- It is encouraged to migrate to the new model when possible as the old version is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
- The postgresql plugins now defaults to using a persistent connection to the database. In environments where TCP connections are
terminated the max_lifetime setting should be set less than the collection interval to prevent errors.
- The sqlserver input plugin has a new query and data model that can be enabled by setting query_version = 2. It is encouraged to
migrate to the new model when possible as the old version is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
- An option has been added to the openldap input plugin that reverses metric name to improve grouping. This change is enabled
when reverse_metric_names = true is set. It is encouraged to enable this option when possible as the old ordering is deprecated.
- The new http input configured with data_format = "json" can perform the same task as the, now deprecated, httpjson input.
* New Inputs
http - Thanks to @grange74
ipset - Thanks to @sajoupa
nats - Thanks to @mjs & @levex
* New Processors
override - Thanks to @KarstenSchnitter
* New Parsers
dropwizard - Thanks to @atzoum
* Features
#3551: Add health status mapping from string to int in elasticsearch input.
#3580: Add control over which stats to gather in basicstats aggregator.
#3596: Add messages_delivered_get to rabbitmq input.
#3632: Add wired field to mem input.
#3619: Add support for gathering exchange metrics to the rabbitmq input.
#3565: Add support for additional metrics on Linux in zfs input.
#3524: Add available_entropy field to kernel input plugin.
#3643: Add user privilege level setting to IPMI sensors.
#2701: Use persistent connection to postgresql database.
#2846: Add support for dropwizard input format.
#3666: Add container health metrics to docker input.
#3687: Add support for using globs in devices list of diskio input plugin.
#2754: Allow running as console application on Windows.
#3703: Add listener counts and node running status to rabbitmq input.
#3674: Add NATS Monitoring Input Plugin.
#3702: Add ability to select which queues will be gathered in rabbitmq input.
#3726: Add support for setting bsd source address to the ping input.
#3346: Add Ipset input plugin.
#3719: Add TLS and HTTP basic auth to prometheus_client output.
#3618: Add new sqlserver output data model.
#3559: Add native Go method for finding pids to procstat.
#3722: Add additional metrics and reverse metric names option to openldap.
#3769: Add TLS support to the mesos input plugin.
#3546: Add http input plugin.
#3781: Add keep alive support to the TCP mode of statsd.
#3783: Support deadline in ping plugin.
#3765: Add option to disable labels in prometheus output for string fields.
#3808: Add shard server stats to the mongodb input plugin.
#3713: Add server option to unbound plugin.
#3804: Convert boolean metric values to float in datadog output.
#3799: Add Solr 3 compatibility.
#3797: Add sum stat to basicstats aggregator.
#3626: Add ability to override proxy from environment in http response.
#3853: Add host to ping timeout log message.
#3773: Add override processor.
#3814: Add status_code and result tags and result_type field to http_response input.
#3880: Added config flag to skip collection of network protocol metrics.
#3927: Add TLS support to kapacitor input.
#3496: Add HTTP basic auth support to the http_listener input.
#3452: Tags in output InfluxDB Line Protocol are now sorted.
#3631: InfluxDB Line Protocol parser now accepts DOS line endings.
#2496: An option has been added to skip database creation in the InfluxDB output.
#3366: Add support for connecting to InfluxDB over a unix domain socket.
#3946: Add optional unsigned integer support to the influx data format.
#3811: Add TLS support to zookeeper input.
#2737: Add filters for container state to docker input.
* Bugfixes
#1896: Fix various mysql data type conversions.
#3810: Fix metric buffer limit in internal plugin after reload.
#3801: Fix panic in http_response on invalid regex.
#3973: Fix socket_listener setting ReadBufferSize on tcp sockets.
#1575: Add tag for target url to phpfpm input.
#3868: Fix cannot unmarshal object error in DC/OS input.
#3648: Fix InfluxDB output not able to reconnect when server address changes.
#3957: Fix parsing of dos line endings in the smart input.
#3754: Fix precision truncation when no timestamp included.
#3655: Fix SNMPv3 connection with Cisco ASA 5515 in snmp input.
#3981: Export all vars defined in /etc/default/telegraf.
#4004: Allow grok pattern to contain newlines.
2018-03-23 12:25:11 +00:00
Fri Mar 23 07:37:12 UTC 2018 - mschnitzer@suse.com
- Release 1.5.3
* Bugfixes
#3729: Set path to / if HOST_MOUNT_PREFIX matches full path.
#3739: Remove userinfo from url tag in prometheus input.
#3778: Fix ping plugin not reporting zero durations.
#3807: Fix memory leak in postgresql_extensible.
#3697: Disable keepalive in mqtt output to prevent deadlock.
#3786: Fix collation difference in sqlserver input.
#3871: Fix uptime metric in passenger input plugin.
#3851: Add output of stderr in case of error to exec log message.
2018-02-12 13:24:13 +00:00
Mon Feb 12 11:27:05 UTC 2018 - mschnitzer@suse.com
2018-02-12 13:29:10 +00:00
- Add feature_passive_amqp_exchange.patch:
2018-02-12 13:24:13 +00:00
* This patch allows to enable the exchange passive mode for the
AMQP consumer plugin. This is required for RabbitMQ servers
that rely on that (like the openSUSE ones)
* Upstream pull request is not possible because it requires you
to sign a CLA, but it's requested here:
Thu Feb 8 07:31:00 UTC 2018 - mschnitzer@suse.com
- Release 1.5.2
* Bugfixes
#3684: Ignore empty lines in Graphite plaintext.
#3604: Fix index out of bounds error in solr input plugin.
#3680: Reconnect before sending graphite metrics if disconnected.
#3693: Align aggregator period with internal ticker to avoid skipping metrics.
#3629: Fix a potential deadlock when using aggregators.
#3697: Limit wait time for writes in mqtt output.
#3698: Revert change in graphite output where dot in field key was replaced by underscore.
#3710: Add timeout to wavefront output write.
#3725: Exclude master_replid fields from redis input.