- Update to 2.7.2 * Offer real goods and services for sale in any group, channel or bot – Telegram doesn't charge a commission. * Pay for goods securely using one of the 8 integrated payment providers – Telegram doesn't collect your payment info. * See how this works in our @teststore. * Schedule voice chats to let participants know about them in advance. * View a countdown to the voice chat and get notified when it starts. - Update tg_owt - Drop telegram-desktop-cinttypes-header.patch, fixed upstream OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/888539 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/server:messaging/telegram-desktop?expand=0&rev=187
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version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
oid sha256:7b7f70e807742215efb59698f21fb7469a052a311fee95fe6a3c9e108cefdbe5
size 28725319