Xu Zhao f06fc4c971 Accepting request 984925 from home:manfred-h
- Update tg_owt; this does not include pipewire anymore, therefore:
  * Add BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libpipewire-0.3)
- Remove patches no longer needed:
  * 0002-tg_owt-fix-name-confliction.patch
  * 0005-add-wayland-include-path.patch
  * fix-unused-variable-error.patch
- Add suport for Qt version 6
- Update to version 4.0.0
  * Premium: Send media and files each up to 4 GB in size.
  * Premium: Download media and files at the fastest possible speed,
    with no limits.
  * Premium: Double most of the limits in the app.
  * Premium: Get a new button next to any voice message to generate
    a transcript of its audio.
  * Premium: React with even more emoji, including :clown: and 😍.
  * Premium: Send unique stickers with additional effects, updated
  * Premium: Set a default chat folder or enable tools to
    auto-archive and hide new chats.
  * Premium: Subscribers have a badge next to their name, showing
    they help support Telegram.
  * Premium: Show off your profile video that will be animated for
    everyone in chats and the chat list.
  * Premium: Sponsored Messages that are sometimes shown in public
    channels will no longer appear.
  * Enable join requests for your public groups – no invite links
  * Users who open the group will see an Apply to Join Group button.
  * Once approved by an admin, users will be able to participate in
    the chat.
  * Bots that are integrated into the attachment menu can be programmed
    to work in groups and channels.
- Update to version 3.7.6
  * Settings > Advanced > Experimental adds an option to open chats
    in separate windows.
  * Fix possible crash in video chat reconnection.
  * Fix possible crash after account switch.
- Update to version 3.7.5
  * Improve cloud password management design.
  * Fix a crash in shared media search.
  * Fix audio recording on macOS.
- Update to version 3.7.4
  * More icons for chat folders.
  * Improve some more sections design.
  * Update the OpenAL library to 1.22.0.

2022-06-24 18:02:14 +00:00

84 lines
3.2 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
import re
import os
import git
import argparse
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
from git import Repo
tg_owt_url = ''
repo_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "tg_owt-master")
def clone_repo(git_url, repo_dir):
repo = Repo(repo_dir)
except (git.exc.GitCommandError, git.exc.NoSuchPathError):
Repo.clone_from(git_url, repo_dir)
repo = Repo(repo_dir)
return repo
def load_submodules(repo):
for sms in repo.submodules:
#def find_pipewire_path(repo):
# "Return the relative path of pipewire (relative to repo path)"
# sms = map(lambda x:, repo.submodules)
# sms = filter(lambda x: "pipewire" in x, sms)
# sms = list(sms)
# assert len(sms) == 1, f"find more than 1 pipewire submodule: {sms}"
# return sms[0]
#def find_pipewire_ver(pipeware_path):
# pw_build_file = os.path.join(pipeware_path, "")
# with open(pw_build_file, "r") as pf:
# pw_build = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(),
# version_re = "^version : '([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)',"
# apiver_re = "^apiversion = '([0-9.]+)'"
# ver_line = list(filter(lambda x: re.match(version_re, x), pw_build))
# apiver_line = list(filter(lambda x: re.match(apiver_re, x), pw_build))
# assert len(ver_line) == 1, f"Found more than one version line: {ver_line}"
# assert len(apiver_line) == 1, f"Found more than one apiversion line: {apiver_line}"
# ver = re.match(version_re, ver_line[0]).groups()
# api_ver = re.match(apiver_re, apiver_line[0]).groups()[0]
# return ver, api_ver
#def gen_pipewire_version_header(pipewire_path, pw_ver, pw_apiver):
# pw_ver_major, pw_ver_minor, pw_ver_micro = pw_ver
# replace_map = {
# '@PIPEWIRE_API_VERSION@': pw_apiver,
# '@PIPEWIRE_VERSION_MAJOR@': pw_ver_major,
# '@PIPEWIRE_VERSION_MINOR@': pw_ver_minor,
# '@PIPEWIRE_VERSION_MICRO@': pw_ver_micro,
# }
# part_header_file = os.path.join(pipewire_path, "src", "pipewire", "")
# with open(part_header_file, "r") as phf:
# part_header =
# for k, v in replace_map.items():
# part_header = part_header.replace(k, v)
# header_file = os.path.join(pipewire_path, "src", "pipewire", "version.h")
# with open(header_file, "w") as hf:
# hf.write(part_header)
def compress_package(repo_dir):
basename = os.path.basename(repo_dir)
zipname = f"{basename}.zip"
path = Path(repo_dir).parent
command = ['zip', zipname, '-r', basename, '-x', '*.git*']
subprocess.check_call(command, cwd=path)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Package tg_owt for telegram-desktop build.")
parser.add_argument('--repo-dir', required=True, help="Specify path to clone tg_owt master branch.")
args = parser.parse_args()
repo_dir = args.repo_dir
repo = clone_repo(tg_owt_url, repo_dir)
# pipewire_path = find_pipewire_path(repo)
# pipewire_path = os.path.join(repo_dir, pipewire_path)
# pw_ver, pw_apiver = find_pipewire_ver(pipewire_path)
# gen_pipewire_version_header(pipewire_path, pw_ver, pw_apiver)