diff --git a/texlive-specs-b.changes b/texlive-specs-b.changes index 02e88f7..b1dddb6 100644 --- a/texlive-specs-b.changes +++ b/texlive-specs-b.changes @@ -1,3 +1,237 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Mar 20 09:19:21 UTC 2024 - Dr. Werner Fink + +- Move three files of ufrgscca from doc part to runtime part + * ufrgscca-cover-ptBR.tex + * ufrgscca-forms.tex + * ufrgscca-terms-ptBR.tex +- Add patch prettytok_pyatusrbin.dif + * Call python3 in /usr/bin instead of /bin +- New packages + * texlive-addtoluatexpath + * texlive-advice + * texlive-affilauthor + * texlive-amnestyreport + * texlive-antique-spanish-units + * texlive-argumentation + * texlive-arsenal + * texlive-arsenal-fonts + * texlive-autotype + * texlive-beamertheme-rainbow + * texlive-beamerthemeconcrete + * texlive-beautybook + * texlive-beautynote + * texlive-bibtools + * texlive-cahierprof + * texlive-calcfrac + * texlive-chemformula-ru + * texlive-chicagolinks + * texlive-cidarticle + * texlive-circularglyphs + * texlive-cjs-rcs-article + * texlive-cleveref-forward + * texlive-cleveref-usedon + * texlive-codedescribe + * texlive-collargs + * texlive-coloredbelts + * texlive-context-calendar-examples + * texlive-context-collating-marks + * texlive-context-companion-fonts + * texlive-context-companion-fonts-fonts + * texlive-context-legacy + * texlive-context-notes-zh-cn + * texlive-context-pocketdiary + * texlive-context-squares + * texlive-context-sudoku + * texlive-context-texlive + * texlive-contract + * texlive-couleurs-fr + * texlive-counterz + * texlive-creationboites + * texlive-culmus + * texlive-culmus-fonts + * texlive-curriculum-vitae + * texlive-customenvs + * texlive-decimalcomma + * texlive-defoldfonts + * texlive-didec + * texlive-drawing-with-metapost + * texlive-easydtx + * texlive-egpeirce + * texlive-elteiktdk + * texlive-emo + * texlive-emo-fonts + * texlive-emotion + * texlive-etoolbox-generic + * texlive-examz + * texlive-expex-glossonly + * texlive-fadingimage + * texlive-fail-fast + * texlive-fenetrecas + * texlive-fitch + * texlive-floatbytocbasic + * texlive-floatrowbytocbasic + * texlive-fontscale + * texlive-freealign + * texlive-gelasio + * texlive-gelasio-fonts + * texlive-genealogy-profiles + * texlive-gitinfo-lua + * texlive-glossaries-norsk + * texlive-hebrew-fonts + * texlive-hep-graphic + * texlive-heria + * texlive-highlightx + * texlive-homework + * texlive-huffman + * texlive-inconsolata-nerd-font + * texlive-inconsolata-nerd-font-fonts + * texlive-ipsum + * texlive-iran-bibtex + * texlive-isosafety + * texlive-isphysicalmath + * texlive-iwonamath + * texlive-joinbox + * texlive-jourrr + * texlive-junicodevf + * texlive-junicodevf-fonts + * texlive-khatalmaqala + * texlive-khatalmaqala-fonts + * texlive-korigamik + * texlive-lastbib + * texlive-latex-context-ppchtex + * texlive-latex2pydata + * texlive-litebook + * texlive-litesolution + * texlive-litetable + * texlive-logoetalab + * texlive-lua-placeholders + * texlive-lua-tinyyaml + * texlive-luahttp + * texlive-luanumint + * texlive-luaplot + * texlive-medmath + * texlive-memoize + * texlive-metsymb + * texlive-metsymb-fonts + * texlive-mitthesis + * texlive-mlawriter + * texlive-mnhyphn + * texlive-moloch + * texlive-movement-arrows + * texlive-mpchess + * texlive-mpchess-fonts + * texlive-non-decimal-units + * texlive-notebeamer + * texlive-odesandpdes + * texlive-opbible + * texlive-oststud + * texlive-panneauxroute + * texlive-papiergurvan + * texlive-parsimatn + * texlive-parsimatn-fonts + * texlive-parsinevis + * texlive-parsinevis-fonts + * texlive-pdfannotations + * texlive-pdfrender + * texlive-penlightplus + * texlive-pgfkeysearch + * texlive-pictochrono + * texlive-playcards + * texlive-pmdraw + * texlive-polyhedra + * texlive-postit + * texlive-ppmcheckpdf + * texlive-profmaquette + * texlive-profsio + * texlive-ptlatexcommands + * texlive-pynotebook + * texlive-q-and-a + * texlive-quickreaction + * texlive-quiver + * texlive-quizztex + * texlive-quran-en + * texlive-quran-id + * texlive-randexam + * texlive-regulatory + * texlive-responsive + * texlive-rit-fonts + * texlive-rit-fonts-fonts + * texlive-robust-externalize + * texlive-rorlink + * texlive-rouequestions + * texlive-runtexshebang + * texlive-scrwfile + * texlive-setspaceenhanced + * texlive-sim-os-menus + * texlive-sjtutex + * texlive-starray + * texlive-stellenbosch-2 + * texlive-string-diagrams + * texlive-sympycalc + * texlive-tangocolors + * texlive-tblr-extras + * texlive-texblend + * texlive-texfindpkg + * texlive-thematicpuzzle + * texlive-tikz-nfold + * texlive-tikz-osci + * texlive-tikz2d-fr + * texlive-tikz3d-fr + * texlive-tikzdotncross + * texlive-tikzquads + * texlive-tikzquests + * texlive-tilings + * texlive-tkz-bernoulli + * texlive-tkz-elements + * texlive-trivialpursuit + * texlive-tutodoc + * texlive-twoxtwogame + * texlive-typstfun + * texlive-ucph-revy + * texlive-udepcolor + * texlive-undar-digitacion + * texlive-unicode-math-input + * texlive-unifront + * texlive-updatemarks + * texlive-useclass + * texlive-vectorlogos + * texlive-verifycommand + * texlive-weiqi + * texlive-wordcloud + * texlive-wordle + * texlive-xfrac + * texlive-xkeymask + * texlive-ysabeau + * texlive-ysabeau-fonts + - Removed packages + * texlive-context-account + * texlive-context-algorithmic + * texlive-context-animation + * texlive-context-annotation + * texlive-context-bnf + * texlive-context-chromato + * texlive-context-cmscbf + * texlive-context-cmttbf + * texlive-context-construction-plan + * texlive-context-degrade + * texlive-context-fancybreak + * texlive-context-french + * texlive-context-fullpage + * texlive-context-gantt + * texlive-context-layout + * texlive-context-lettrine + * texlive-context-rst + * texlive-context-ruby + * texlive-context-simplefonts + * texlive-context-title + * texlive-context-typearea + * texlive-iwhdp + * texlive-luaintro + * texlive-penrose + * texlive-substitutefont + * texlive-superiors-fonts + ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 14 12:35:01 UTC 2024 - Dr. Werner Fink