Dr. Werner Fink 2012-05-21 15:26:13 +00:00 committed by Git OBS Bridge
parent 3697e6a4fa
commit 9afe6733b8
4 changed files with 150 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
oid sha256:e71b5853f5fd3067d52751eb6469fe2474230c6a20e5991dd53bd53ab713f75e
size 1127689

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
oid sha256:72f2b52596a4eb4e656a6bf71ae8a18e4b61754fff966d8a0ec295c8eadd1c91
size 915220

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@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
Mon May 21 11:22:16 UTC 2012 - werner@suse.de
- Try to support BibteX-Biber perl dumped binary required to
provide BibteX-Biber also for PPC nad PPC64
Fri May 18 16:17:36 UTC 2012 - werner@suse.de

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@ -17,13 +17,27 @@
%define texlive_version 2012
%define texlive_release 20120416
%define texlive_noarch 14
%define texlive_noarch 15
%define texlive_source texlive-20120416-source
%define __perl_requires %{nil}
%define __os_install_post /usr/lib/rpm/brp-compress \\\
%(ls /usr/lib/rpm/brp-suse.d/* 2> /dev/null | grep -vE 'symlink|desktop') %{nil}
# psutils -- is also available as the package psutils and therefore
# not necessary required, enabling the resulting psutils
# cause dependency on package collection-fontutils
%bcond_with psutils
# buildbiber -- we build our own biber executable as with this all
# architectures can be supported (in theory) and the final
# perl dump binary is smaller
%global with_buildbiber 1
%bcond_with buildbiber
Name: texlive
Version: %{texlive_version}
Release: %{texlive_release}.<CI_CNT>.<B_CNT>
@ -93,8 +107,51 @@ BuildRequires: xz
BuildRequires: zip
BuildRequires: zziplib-devel
BuildRequires: pango-tools
%if %{with buildbiber}
# Has to become part of Factory
# From devel:languages:perl
# perl(Date::Simple)
# perl(ExtUtils::LibBuilder)
# perl(List::AllUtils)
# perl(PAR::Packer)
# perl(XML::LibXML::Simple)
# perl(XML::Writer::String)
# From Publishing:TeXLive of devel:languages:perl:CPAN-T
# perl(Text::BibTeX)
BuildRequires: perl(Config::AutoConf) >= 0.15
BuildRequires: perl(Data::Compare)
BuildRequires: perl(Data::Dump)
BuildRequires: perl(Date::Simple)
BuildRequires: perl(ExtUtils::LibBuilder) >= 0.02
BuildRequires: perl(File::Slurp::Unicode)
BuildRequires: perl(IPC::Cmd)
BuildRequires: perl(IPC::Run3)
BuildRequires: perl(LWP::Protocol::https)
BuildRequires: perl(LWP::Simple)
BuildRequires: perl(List::AllUtils)
BuildRequires: perl(List::MoreUtils)
BuildRequires: perl(Log::Log4perl)
BuildRequires: perl(PAR::Packer)
BuildRequires: perl(Readonly::XS)
BuildRequires: perl(Readonly::XS)
BuildRequires: perl(Regexp::Common)
BuildRequires: perl(Text::BibTeX) >= 0.62
BuildRequires: perl(Unicode::Collate) >= 0.89
BuildRequires: perl(XML::LibXML::Simple)
BuildRequires: perl(XML::LibXSLT)
BuildRequires: perl(XML::Writer::String)
BuildRequires: perl(File::Which)
BuildRequires: perl(Test::More)
BuildRequires: perl(Module::Build)
Source0: ftp://tug.org/texlive/historic/%{texlive_version}/%{texlive_source}.tar.xz
Source3: git://biblatex-biber.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/biblatex-biber/biblatex-biber/biblatex-biber-0.9.3.tar.xz
Source3: biblatex-biber-v0.9.9.tar.xz
Source4: cnf-to-paths.awk
Source10: rc.config.texlive
Source11: SuSEconfig.texlive
@ -217,12 +274,6 @@ Patch17: source-64.dif
Patch18: source-a2ping.dif
Patch19: source-dvipng.dif
Prefix: %{_bindir}
# psutils -- is also available as the package psutils and therefore
# not necessary required, enabling the resulting psutils
# in texlive-tools cause dependency on texlive package
%bcond_with psutils
%bcond_with buildbiber
%{expand: %%global options %(mktemp /tmp/texlive-opts.XXXXXXXX)}
%global _varlib %{_localstatedir}/lib
@ -1619,6 +1670,9 @@ License: LPPL-1.0
Summary: Graphics and font utilities
Group: Productivity/Publishing/TeX/Base
Url: http://www.tug.org/texlive/
%if %{without psutils}
Requires: psutils
Requires: texlive-collection-basic = %{texlive_version}
Requires: texlive-accfonts = %{texlive_version}
Requires: texlive-afm2pl = %{texlive_version}
@ -5757,6 +5811,11 @@ TeX by ASCII Co.) and its surrounding tools.
%setup -c -q -n texlive -T
tar --use-compress-program=xz --strip-components=1 -xf %{S:0}
%if %{with buildbiber}
pushd ../
tar --use-compress-program=xz -xf %{S:3}
%patch1 -p0 -b .configure
%patch2 -p0 -b .xdvizilla
@ -5947,6 +6006,80 @@ TeX by ASCII Co.) and its surrounding tools.
mkdir -p ${prefix}/lib/mktex
$CC ${RPM_OPT_FLAGS} -DTEXGRP='"%{texgrp}"' -fPIE -pie -o ${prefix}/lib/mktex/public %{S:50}
%if %{with buildbiber}
# dump a biber executable
pushd ../biblatex-biber-*
%{__perl} Build.PL installdirs=vendor optimize="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS"
./Build build flags=%{?_smp_mflags}
# There is no network here
rm t/remote-files.t
./Build test
pushd blib
(cat > biber.files)<<-EOF
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib64:/usr/lib64 \
pp -I lib --dependent \
--compress=7 \
--module=deprecate \
--module=Biber::Input::file::bibtex \
--module=Biber::Input::file::biblatexml \
--module=Biber::Input::file::ris \
--module=Biber::Input::file::zoterordfxml \
--module=Biber::Input::file::endnotexml \
--module=Pod::Simple::TranscodeSmart \
--module=Pod::Simple::TranscodeDumb \
--module=Encode::Byte \
--module=Encode::CN \
--module=Encode::CJKConstants \
--module=Encode::EBCDIC \
--module=Encode::Encoder \
--module=Encode::GSM0338 \
--module=Encode::Guess \
--module=Encode::JP \
--module=Encode::KR \
--module=Encode::MIME::Header \
--module=Encode::Symbol \
--module=Encode::TW \
--module=Encode::Unicode \
--module=Encode::Unicode::UTF7 \
--module=File::Find::Rule \
--module=Readonly::XS \
--link=libbtparse.so \
--link=libxml2.so \
--link=libxslt.so \
--link=libexslt.so \
--link=libz.so \
--addlist=biber.files \
--cachedeps=scancache \
--output=${prefix}/bin/biber \
# Read the options file