Thu Jan 23 13:18:25 UTC 2020 - info@ebner-markus.de
- Update to version 2.12.22
  * fixes garbled symbols in OSX
  * fixes crash when changing magic language comment and pdf search path handling.
  * last release supporting Qt4

Wed Jan 15 14:40:13 UTC 2020 - info@ebner-markus.de

- Update to version 2.12.20
  * fixes a problem with replacing when search highlight is activated

Wed Jan 8 11:57:25 UTC 2020 - info@ebner-markus.de

- Update to version 2.12.18
  * mainly a bug fix release
  * better support of regexp in search
Wed May 20 09:49:21 UTC 2019 - info@ebner-markus.de

- Update to version 2.12.16
  * mainly a bug fix release.
  * most notable change is flickerfree update of pdf

Wed May 15 10:21:00 UTC 2019 - info@ebner-markus.de

- Update to version 2.12.14
  * fix bug that not all available GUI languages are shown
  * tweak fuzzy completer
  * fix template presentation
- Update to version 2.12.12
  * improve macro handling, provide gui that directly downloads macros from github.com/texstudio-org/texstudio-macro
  * add fuzzy completion mode
  * add cwls
  * fix rare bug that the character appear reverse order
  * bug fixes

Mon Jul 16 06:54:57 UTC 2018 - mpluskal@suse.com

- Use source url
- Drop conditionals for older distros, they fail to build anyways
- Use spec-cleaner to modernise spec file

Sun Jul 15 11:57:43 UTC 2018 - enzokiel@kabelmail.de

- Update to version 2.12.10
  * bug fixes
  * fix structure view with Qt >5.10
- Update to version 2.12.8
  * improved tokenizer for syntax checking and completion
  * pressing Ctrl+F while the editor search has focus opens the
    extended search, i.e., you'll get extended search by pressing
    Ctrl+F twice
  * automatically insert math delimiters ($) when inserting a math
    command outside of a math env (can be turned off, default on)
  * change copy behavior of multiple cursors from selection order
    to line order
  * file list is now a transparent popup window: closes when clicked
  * combine file conflict and show diff dialog
  * fix file watcher not recognizing multiple changes to a file in
    quick succession
  * improved detection of package names when opening texdoc
  * new symbol panel layout
  * some touch scrolling on certain panels
  * updated synctex and poppler libraries for pdf viewer
  * fix undo when a snippet is inserted and a selection is inserted
    as well
  * fix some parts of the editor background may not be drawn in the
    correct color
  * build for OSX High Sierra
  * various other fixes

Thu Jan  4 15:35:35 UTC 2018 - stefan.bruens@rwth-aachen.de

- Unbreak build on Leap 42.x, make_jobs is only provided by macros.qt5

Wed Jan  3 13:37:25 UTC 2018 - stefan.bruens@rwth-aachen.de

- Disable crash handler on aarch64/armv6l/armv7l, aarch64 is
  not implemented and armv6l/armv7l is broken
- use %qmake5 macro to supply CXXFLAGS and also CFLAGS

Tue Aug 22 19:25:53 UTC 2017 - dmitry_r@opensuse.org

- Update to version 2.12.6
  * Minor changes

Sun Feb 06 22:08:00 UTC 2017 - opensuse@kulawiak.de

- Update to version 2.12.2
  * PDF shortcuts are now changable
  * improved user interface: optimized layout, some new icons, some changes of color
  * warn if file-saving fails
  * Support LanguageTool json API (needed for LanguageTool > 3.5)

Sun Oct 30 10:56:12 UTC 2016 - opensuse@kulawiak.de

- Update to version 2.11.2
  * major performance speedup
  * speed up pasting into large documents (factor 100x)
  * add comment toggle
  * improved search panel layout
  * improved bracket detection for \todo highlighting (bug 1789)
  * improved parsing of section titles (bug 1817)
  * bugfixes and minor changes, see included CHANGELOG.txt for details
Sun Jun  5 12:58:07 UTC 2016 - dmitry_r@opensuse.org

- Set minimal required memory for building: 2500 Mb

Sat Jun  4 17:19:47 UTC 2016 - dmitry_r@opensuse.org

- Update to version 2.11.0
  * support two editors next to each other
  * new tabular wizard
  * support multi-line commands
  * add scrollbar marks for search and bookmarks
  * add command option --no-session
  * bugfixes and minor changes, see included CHANGELOG.txt for details

Tue Feb  9 14:19:04 UTC 2016 - mail@bernhard-voelker.de

- Update to version 2.10.8:
  * bugfix release, see included CHANGELOG.txt for details

Wed Jan 13 17:01:54 UTC 2016 - mail@bernhard-voelker.de

- Update to version 2.10.6
  * bugfix release, see included CHANGELOG.txt for details

Mon Oct 26 21:59:42 UTC 2015 - lorddarthfener@gmail.com

- Update to version 2.10.4
  * bugfix release, see included CHANGELOG.txt for details

Sun Sep 20 00:11:48 UTC 2015 - lorddarthfener@gmail.com

- Update to version 2.10.2
  * new and improved LaTeX parser
  * improved search results window
  * open password protected pdfs
  * improved UI scaling
  * temporary highlight target text of go to definition
  * bugfixes

Thu Apr 30 18:39:07 UTC 2015 - dmitry_r@opensuse.org

- Update to version 2.9.4
  * bugfix release, see included CHANGELOG.txt for details
- Build with Qt5 for openSUSE > 13.2

Sat Mar 14 17:37:04 UTC 2015 - dmitry_r@opensuse.org

- Update to version 2.9.0
  * link overlays for urls
  * close editor tab by pressing middle mouse button
  * support optional filename argument in txs:///view-pdf-internal
  * add "expand/collapse all documents" to context menu of structure
  * add tabulary support
  * windowed pdf viewer now supports --no-focus argument
  * improved detection of label name for "Insert \ref to Next Label"
  * improved context detection for preview
  * improved search for texdoc location
  * improved log parsing including support for LaTeX3 warnings and errors
  * resize with soft line warp: keep vertical cursor position constant
  * support .tikz files (treated like .tex files)
  * bugfixes

Thu Feb 26 10:58:38 UTC 2015 - dmitry_r@opensuse.org

- Update to version 2.8.8, mostly bugfixes, see CHANGELOG.txt
- Drop texstudio-correct-doc-location.patch

Fri Jun 20 12:48:53 UTC 2014 - dmitry_r@opensuse.org

- Update to version 2.8.0
  * completion and syntax check on keyval options, e.g.
    \includegraphics (graphicx!)
  * search and replace over several documents improved
  * improved parser for log files (better detection of filenames)
  * todo-style commands (e.g. \todo{}) are added to the list of todos
  * the keyboard modifier key for the context menu (spellcheck
    suppression) is configurable via texstudio.ini
  * improved auto-hide toolbars feature in embedded viewer
  * users can overwrite the default language definitions and add own ones
  * makeglossaries support
  * allow quoted filenames in include-like commands to support
    filenames and directories containing spaces
  * updated LaTeX reference manual
  * several bugfixes

Fri Apr  4 05:49:58 UTC 2014 - dmitry_r@opensuse.org

- Update to version 2.7.0
  * added Edit -> Text Operations (To Lowercase / To Uppercase / To Titlecase)
  * added list of recent sessions
  * speedup of saving for large documents
  * added recognition in filetree for import subimport importfrom
    and subimportfrom (Thanks to Steven Vandekerckhove)
  * added button to stop a running compilation
  * the dictionary search path can now contain of multiple directories
  * Dictionaries in the OpenOffice/LibreOffice Extension format
    (*.oxt) can now be imported
  * Updated the latex reference manual to to a recent version
  * new option for maximum image tooltip width
  * new option "Reference commands in context menu"
  * new options for additional search paths in editor logic
  * new option for automatic encoding detection: make latex and
    character based detection selectable separately
  * new options for pdf highlight color and duration
  * find dialog: search in all loaded documents i.e. also in hidden
  * improved synchonization PDF -> source
  * support "% !BIB = biber" syntax for compatibility with TeXShop
    and TeXWorks
  * added several new cwl files
  * several bugfixes
- Set correct documentation location
  * texstudio-correct-doc-location.patch

Wed Jun  12 14:01:31 UTC 2013 - jsundermeyer@sf.net

- release (2.6.0)

Fri Mar  29 14:01:31 UTC 2013 - jsundermeyer@sf.net

- fix potential crash (2.5.2)

Wed Dec  5 14:01:31 UTC 2012 - jsundermeyer@sf.net

- bug fixes (2.5.2)

Sat Dec  1 14:01:31 UTC 2012 - mailaender@opensuse.org

- spec file cleanup, fixed some RPMlint warnings

Wed Nov 21 11:52:28 UTC 2012 - benito@benibela.de

- update to version 2.5.1

Fri Oct 28 11:52:28 UTC 2012 - benito@benibela.de

- update to version 2.5

Fri Aug 31 11:52:28 UTC 2012 - benito@benibela.de

- update to version 2.4

Wed Feb 06 11:52:28 UTC 2012 - benito@benibela.de

- update to version 2.3

Wed Jul 20 21:52:28 UTC 2011 - benito@benibela.de

- initial release of version 2.2