* Overhaul of the Java client to match the look and behaviour of the native client
* Initial work for multi-threaded decoding in the Java client
* vncconfig no longer needed for clipboard with Xvnc/libvnc.so
* vncserver has system wide config support
* Full support for alpha cursors in Xvnc/libvnc.so and both viewers
- Removed patches:
* U_Add-xorg-xserver-1.19-support.patch
* U_tigervnc-fix-inetd-not-working-with-xserver-1-19.patch
* U_tigervnc-better-check-for-screen-visibility.patch
- U_tigervnc-better-check-for-screen-visibility.patch
* Crop operations to visible screen. (bnc#1032272)
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/X11:XOrg/tigervnc?expand=0&rev=108
* Multi-threaded decoder in the FLTK viewer
* Improved SSH integration in the Java viewer
* Fine grained lock down of Xvnc parameters
* Compatibility with Xorg 1.18
* Lots of packaging fixes
* Better compatibility with Vino, both in the FLTK and Java viewer
- Removed patches:
* U_add_allowoverride_parameter.patch
* U_include-vencrypt-only-if-any-subtype-present.patch
* U_tigervnc_clear_up_zlibinstream_reset_behaviour.patch
* u_xserver118.patch
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/X11:XOrg/tigervnc?expand=0&rev=96