------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 23 14:15:56 UTC 2023 - dheidler@suse.de - Update to version 20230621.5f8828b: * Add build/test workflow * Fix builds on 32bit architectures ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 20 01:51:03 UTC 2023 - Jeff Kowalczyk - Add BuildRequires: golang(API) >= 1.16 (min version per go.mod) This or metapackage BuildRequires: go are recommended to pull in the Go toolchain. - Drop Requires: golang-packaging. The original macros for file movements into GOPATH are obsolete with Go modules. Macro go_nostrip is no longer needed with current binutils and Go. - Remove manual call to strip the binary. Go binaries are stripped automatically in the default configuration. Refs boo#1210938 * GNU strip circa 2016 would incorrectly strip Go intermediate step .a binaries (which are not .a ar archives) and write out an invalid binary instead of erroring on unrecognized format. * Error manifested in Go applications as fmt.a: go archive is missing __.PKGDEF on OBS built Go binaries which had passed their binary build step but fail at debuginfo creation step (which involves binary stripping). * The primary use of Go intermediate step .a binaries was for a precompiled standard library cache. The .a files comprised large fraction of the on-disk - Initial Packaging