1435 lines
40 KiB
1435 lines
40 KiB
fig2dev/dev/genpstex.c | 331 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
fig2dev/drivers.h | 4
fig2dev/fig2dev.c | 23 +
fig2mpdf/copyright.txt | 25 +
fig2mpdf/fig2mpdf | 653 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
fig2mpdf/fig2mpdf.1 | 208 +++++++++++++++
man/fig2dev.1.in | 69 +++++
7 files changed, 1311 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/fig2dev/dev/genpstex.c b/fig2dev/dev/genpstex.c
--- a/fig2dev/dev/genpstex.c
+++ b/fig2dev/dev/genpstex.c
@@ -46,9 +46,13 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
#include "fig2dev.h"
#include "object.h"
+#include "texfonts.h"
+#include "setfigfont.h"
extern double rad2deg;
@@ -74,6 +78,308 @@ extern void genps_grid(float major, floa
static char pstex_file[1000] = "";
+static int iObjectsRead = 0;
+static int iTextRead = 0;
+static int iObjectsFileNumber = 0;
+static int iStartDepth;
+static int iLastDepth;
+static FILE * ptCreateFile;
+static char szFileName[1000];
+static int iLength;
+static int iPdfOutputs = 0;
+#ifdef never
+static double unitlength;
+static double dash_mag = 1.0;
+static int (*translate_coordinates)() = NULL;
+static int (*translate_coordinates_d)() = NULL;
+extern double unitlength;
+extern double dash_mag;
+extern int (*translate_coordinates)();
+extern int (*translate_coordinates_d)();
+#define TOP 840
+#define SWAP(x,y) {tmp=x; x=y; y=tmp;}
+#define TRANS(x,y) (*translate_coordinates)(&x,&y)
+#define TRANS2(x1,y1,x2,y2) (*translate_coordinates)(&x1,&y1); \
+ (*translate_coordinates)(&x2,&y2)
+#define TRANSD(x,y) (*translate_coordinates_d)(&x,&y)
+static void genpstex_p_finalize_objects(int depth);
+ *************************************************************************/
+static int
+translate2(xp, yp)
+ int *xp, *yp;
+ *xp = *xp + 1;
+ *yp = (double)(TOP - *yp -1);
+ }
+static int
+translate1_d(xp, yp)
+ double *xp, *yp;
+ *xp = *xp + 1.0;
+ *yp = *yp + 1.0;
+ }
+static int
+translate2_d(xp, yp)
+ double *xp, *yp;
+ *xp = *xp + 1.0;
+ *yp = (double)TOP - *yp -1.0;
+ }
+ *************************************************************************/
+genpstex_p_option(char opt, char *optarg)
+ if (opt == 'p')
+ {
+ strcpy(pstex_file, optarg);
+ }
+ else
+ genlatex_option(opt, optarg);
+ *************************************************************************/
+void genpstex_p_start(objects)
+ F_compound *objects;
+ int tmp;
+ struct stat tStat;
+ long lUnitLength;
+ if (*pstex_file == '\0')
+ {
+ put_msg("Argument -p is mandatory to pstex_p.");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ strncpy(szFileName, pstex_file, 900);
+ iLength = strlen(szFileName);
+ sprintf(szFileName + iLength, ".create");
+ ptCreateFile = fopen (szFileName, "wb");
+ if ( ! ptCreateFile)
+ {
+ put_msg("Couldn't open %s for writing", szFileName);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ fstat(fileno(ptCreateFile), & tStat);
+ fchmod (fileno(ptCreateFile), tStat.st_mode | ((tStat.st_mode & (S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH)) >> 2));
+ fprintf(ptCreateFile, "#!/bin/bash\n\n");
+ fprintf(ptCreateFile, "while getopts \"r\" Option\n");
+ fprintf(ptCreateFile, "do\n");
+ fprintf(ptCreateFile, " case $Option in\n");
+ fprintf(ptCreateFile, " r) iOptRemove=1;;\n");
+ fprintf(ptCreateFile, " *) echo \"illegal option -$Option\"\n");
+ fprintf(ptCreateFile, " esac\n");
+ fprintf(ptCreateFile, "done\n");
+ fprintf(ptCreateFile, "shift $(($OPTIND - 1))\n");
+ texfontsizes[0] = texfontsizes[1] =
+ TEXFONTSIZE(font_size != 0.0? font_size : DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE);
+ unitlength = mag/ppi;
+ dash_mag /= unitlength*80.0;
+ translate_coordinates = translate2;
+ translate_coordinates_d = translate2_d;
+ TRANS2(llx, lly, urx, ury);
+ if (llx > urx) SWAP(llx, urx)
+ if (lly > ury) SWAP(lly, ury)
+ /* LaTeX start */
+ /* print any whole-figure comments prefixed with "%" */
+ if (objects->comments) {
+ fprintf(tfp,"%%\n");
+ print_comments("% ",objects->comments, "");
+ fprintf(tfp,"%%\n");
+ }
+ lUnitLength = (long) (round(4736286.72*unitlength));
+ fprintf(tfp, "\\setlength{\\unitlength}{%lisp}%%\n",
+ lUnitLength);
+ /* define the SetFigFont macro */
+ define_setfigfont(tfp);
+ sprintf(szFileName + iLength, ".size");
+ fprintf(ptCreateFile, "if [ \"$iOptRemove\" == \"\" ]; then\n");
+ if (iPdfOutputs)
+ fprintf(ptCreateFile, " echo \"\\setlength\\pdfpagewidth{%3.2fpt}\\setlength\\pdfpageheight{%3.2fpt}\" > %s\n",
+ (float) lUnitLength / 65536 * (urx - llx), (float) lUnitLength / 65536 * (ury - lly), szFileName);
+ else
+ fprintf(ptCreateFile, "echo -n\"\" > %s\n", szFileName);
+ fprintf(ptCreateFile, "else\n rm -f %s\nfi\n", szFileName);
+ *************************************************************************/
+void genpdftex_p_start(objects)
+ F_compound *objects;
+ iPdfOutputs = 1;
+ genpstex_p_start(objects);
+ *************************************************************************/
+int genpstex_p_end()
+ if (iTextRead)
+ {
+ fprintf(tfp, "\\end{picture}%%\n");
+ iTextRead = 0;
+ }
+ if (iObjectsRead)
+ {
+ genpstex_p_finalize_objects(iLastDepth);
+ iObjectsRead = 0;
+ }
+ /* LaTeX ending */
+ fprintf(tfp, "\\begin{picture}(%d,%d)\n", urx-llx, ury-lly);
+ fprintf(tfp, "\\end{picture}%%\n");
+ fclose(ptCreateFile);
+ /* all ok */
+ return 0;
+ *************************************************************************/
+void genpstex_p_finalize_objects(depth)
+int depth;
+ char szFileName[1000];
+ int iLength;
+ strncpy(szFileName, pstex_file, 900);
+ iLength = strlen(szFileName);
+ sprintf(szFileName + iLength, "%03d", iObjectsFileNumber++);
+ fprintf(ptCreateFile, "if [ \"$iOptRemove\" == \"\" ]; then\n");
+ if (iPdfOutputs)
+ {
+ fprintf(ptCreateFile, " %s -L pstex -D +%d:%d %s", prog, depth, iStartDepth, from);
+ fprintf(ptCreateFile, " | epstopdf -f > %s.pdf\n", szFileName);
+ }
+ else
+ fprintf(ptCreateFile, "%s -L pstex -D +%d:%d %s %s.eps\n", prog, depth, iStartDepth, from, szFileName);
+ fprintf(ptCreateFile, "else\n rm -f %s.", szFileName);
+ if (iPdfOutputs)
+ fprintf(ptCreateFile, "pdf");
+ else
+ fprintf(ptCreateFile, "eps");
+ fprintf(ptCreateFile, "\nfi\n");
+ fprintf(tfp, "\\begin{picture}(0,0)%%\n");
+/* newer includegraphics directive suggested by Stephen Harker 1/13/99 */
+#if defined(LATEX2E_GRAPHICS)
+# if defined(EPSFIG)
+ fprintf(tfp, "\\epsfig{file=%s.eps}%%\n",szFileName);
+# else
+ fprintf(tfp, "\\includegraphics{%s}%%\n",szFileName);
+# endif
+ fprintf(tfp, "\\special{psfile=%s.eps}%%\n",szFileName);
+ fprintf(tfp, "\\end{picture}%%\n");
+ *************************************************************************/
+void genpstex_p_object(depth)
+int depth;
+ if (iTextRead)
+ {
+ fprintf(tfp, "\\end{picture}%%\n");
+ iTextRead = 0;
+ }
+ if (iObjectsRead == 0)
+ {
+ iStartDepth = depth;
+ iObjectsRead = 1;
+ }
+ iLastDepth = depth;
+void genpstex_p_arc(obj)
+F_arc *obj;
+ genpstex_p_object(obj->depth);
+void genpstex_p_ellipse(obj)
+F_ellipse *obj;
+ genpstex_p_object(obj->depth);
+void genpstex_p_line(obj)
+F_line *obj;
+ genpstex_p_object(obj->depth);
+void genpstex_p_spline(obj)
+F_spline *obj;
+ genpstex_p_object(obj->depth);
+ *************************************************************************/
+void genpstex_p_text(t)
+F_text *t;
+ if (!special_text(t))
+ genpstex_p_object(t->depth);
+ else
+ {
+ if (iObjectsRead)
+ {
+ genpstex_p_finalize_objects(iLastDepth);
+ iObjectsRead = 0;
+ }
+ if (iTextRead == 0)
+ {
+ fprintf(tfp, "\\begin{picture}(0,0)(%d,%d)\n", llx, lly);
+ iTextRead = 1;
+ }
+ genlatex_text(t);
+ }
+ *************************************************************************/
genpstex_t_option(char opt, char *optarg)
@@ -123,6 +429,32 @@ genpstex_option(char opt, char *optarg)
genlatex_option(opt, optarg);
+struct driver dev_pstex_p = {
+ genpstex_p_option,
+ genpstex_p_start,
+ (void(*)(float,float))gendev_null,
+ genpstex_p_arc,
+ genpstex_p_ellipse,
+ genpstex_p_line,
+ genpstex_p_spline,
+ genpstex_p_text,
+ genpstex_p_end,
+struct driver dev_pdftex_p = {
+ genpstex_p_option,
+ genpdftex_p_start,
+ (void(*)(float,float))gendev_null,
+ genpstex_p_arc,
+ genpstex_p_ellipse,
+ genpstex_p_line,
+ genpstex_p_spline,
+ genpstex_p_text,
+ genpstex_p_end,
struct driver dev_pstex_t = {
diff --git a/fig2dev/drivers.h b/fig2dev/drivers.h
--- a/fig2dev/drivers.h
+++ b/fig2dev/drivers.h
@@ -36,8 +36,10 @@ extern struct driver dev_eps;
extern struct driver dev_pdf;
extern struct driver dev_pdftex;
extern struct driver dev_pdftex_t;
+extern struct driver dev_pdftex_p;
extern struct driver dev_pstex;
extern struct driver dev_pstex_t;
+extern struct driver dev_pstex_p;
extern struct driver dev_pstricks;
extern struct driver dev_textyl;
extern struct driver dev_tk;
@@ -84,6 +86,7 @@ struct {
{"pdf", NULL, &dev_pdf},
{"pdftex", NULL, &dev_pdftex},
{"pdftex_t", NULL, &dev_pdftex_t},
+ {"pdftex_p", NULL, &dev_pdftex_p},
{"pic", NULL, &dev_pic},
{"pict2e", NULL, &dev_pict2e},
{"pictex", NULL, &dev_pictex},
@@ -92,6 +95,7 @@ struct {
{"ps", NULL, &dev_ps},
{"pstex", NULL, &dev_pstex},
{"pstex_t", NULL, &dev_pstex_t},
+ {"pstex_p", NULL, &dev_pstex_p},
{"pstricks", NULL, &dev_pstricks},
{"ptk", NULL, &dev_ptk},
{"shape", NULL, &dev_shape},
diff --git a/fig2dev/fig2dev.c b/fig2dev/fig2dev.c
--- a/fig2dev/fig2dev.c
+++ b/fig2dev/fig2dev.c
@@ -829,6 +829,23 @@ help_msg(void)
+ if (dev == NULL || !strcmp(lang, "pstex_p") ||
+ !strcmp(lang, "pdftex_p")) {
+ puts(
+"PSTEX_P and PDFTEX_P Options:\n"
+" -p name basename of the files to be created\n"
+#ifdef NFSS
+" -F don't set font family/series/shape, so you can\n"
+" set it from latex\n"
+#endif /* NFSS */
+" -d dmag set separate magnification for length of line dashes to dmag\n"
+" -E num set encoding for text translation (0 no translation,\n"
+" 1 ISO-8859-1, 2 ISO-8859-2)\n"
+" -l lwidth set threshold between thin and thick lines to lwidth\n"
+" -v verbose mode\n"
+ );
+ }
if (dev == NULL || !strcmp(lang, "shape")) {
"SHAPE (ShapePar driver) Options:\n"
@@ -974,6 +991,12 @@ static int compound_dump(F_compound *com
static int
rec_comp(struct obj_rec *r1, struct obj_rec *r2)
+ if (r2->depth == r1->depth)
+ {
+ if ((r1->gendev == dev->text) ^ (r2->gendev == dev->text))
+ return ((r1->gendev == dev->text) * 2 - 1);
+ return (0);
+ }
return (r2->depth - r1->depth);
diff --git a/fig2mpdf/copyright.txt b/fig2mpdf/copyright.txt
--- a/fig2mpdf/copyright.txt
+++ b/fig2mpdf/copyright.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+The following files contain copyright and license info for
+the code they contain:
+fig2mpdf, fig2mpdf.1, transfig.3.2.4.patch, transfig-3.2.5-alpha7.patch
+-- fig2mpdf copyright begins here --
+ fig2mpdf/pdftex_p and pstex_p driver of fig2dev
+ Copyright (C) 2006 Michael Pfeiffer -- p3fff@web.de
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ (Author's note: the license is in the file gpl.txt, which is included
+ in the archive.)
diff --git a/fig2mpdf/fig2mpdf.1 b/fig2mpdf/fig2mpdf.1
--- a/fig2mpdf/fig2mpdf.1
+++ b/fig2mpdf/fig2mpdf.1
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+.TH fig2mpdf 1 "Jun 2006" "" "Including xfig figures into LaTeX documents"
+fig2mpdf \- creation of multilayer pdf or eps figures from fig files using latex for typesetting
+.B fig2mpdf
+[\fIOPTION\fR]... \fIFILE\fR
+This tool can create pdf or eps figures using fig files as source. For beamer
+presentations, for example, you can use the multilayer mode to create
+multiple figures that can be overlayed to get a dynamic figure. For
+proper appearance you can use latex to typeset some or all texts,
+possibly containing formulas.
+The default interpretation of the given fig \fIFILE\fR depends on its suffix.
+Normal conversion of a fig file. All texts are interpreted as postscript
+texts and all elements of the figure are included in the resulting figure.
+LaTeX interpretation of the file. All texts of the input file that have the
+special bit set are typeset by pdflatex resp. latex (see: Option \fB\-|+l\fR).
+Multilayer file interpretation. Depending on the used depths of the
+figure it is split into multiple parts. For each part an output file is
+created (see: section \fBMultiLayerOutput\fR).
+\fImlfig\fR or \fIlmfig\fR
+Combination of multilayer and LaTeX interpretation of the input (see: Suffix
+\fIlfig\fR and \fImfig\fR).
+The default interpretation of the input can be changed by using the options below.
+produce an eps output file. Instead of creating a pdf file (the default)
+an eps figure is produced.
+force calling (pdf)latex (-) or do not use (pdf)latex (+) for
+typesetting the text marked with the special flag. With this option you
+can change the default behavior given by the input file suffix.
+force set (-) or unset (+) the multilayer interpretation (see:
+\fBMultiLayerOutput\fR below) which was previously set by the input
+file suffix.
+\fB\-p\fR \fIranges\fR
+explicitly set the ranges of depths for splitting the input figure in
+multilayer mode. \fIranges\fR is a colon separated list of ranges of
+the form \fIupper-lower\fR or \fIdepth\fR where \fIupper\fR is the
+top and \fIlower\fR the bottom depth in the range. If you use the
+\fIdepth\fR form the range consist of just that depth.
+include the the bottommost range (that is, the one with the highest depth) into
+all output figures. This is for compatibility to older versions of this
+turn on pyramid mode. The figure of a corresponding range in multilayer
+mode includes all lower ranges too.
+\fB\-g\fR \fIgapwidth\fR
+set the allowed gapwidth between two used depths to decide if these
+depths should be grouped together in one range. With this option you get
+more flexibility to insert objects with new depths. The default width is
+zero (no gap = consecutively numbered depths are grouped together).
+\fB\-s\fR \fIstyle\fR
+replace the default style for selecting a font family in LaTeX mode.
+If this option is omitted the style `times' is set by default.
+\fB\-H\fR \fIheader\fR
+replace the default header sequence for creating temporary
+LaTeX documents in LaTeX mode. To get maximum flexibility you can
+set the entire document header in the file \fIheader\fR (see:
+\fBCustomized Headers\fR below).
+in multilayer mode change the default output file pattern to the PDF
+format which is <name>.page<no>.<ext>
+be verbose and print out all executed commands
+print out the version of \fBfig2mpdf\fR
+.SH "MultiLayerOutput"
+In xfig you can assign an individual depth to all objects of the
+figure. These depths are normally used to determine the order of
+printing the objects. \fBfig2mpdf\fR uses these depths to group the
+objects into ranges in automatic mode (if the ranges option is
+omitted). In the list of used depths, consecutively numbered depths are
+grouped into one range. That is, all gaps between used depths are used
+to logically split the figure. With \fB\-g\fR you can set the
+gapwidth which doesn't split the figure (default: zero).
+The resulting list of ranges determines the number of output files. In
+default mode all objects with depths assigned to one range are
+collected and put into the corresponding output file. The contents of
+the output files can be changed with the two Options \fB\-i\fR and
+The \fB\-i\fR option reduces the number of output files by one. The
+bottommost range, that is the range which consist of the highest depths
+of the figure, is included into all output files.
+In pyramid mode, activated by the option \fB\-I\fR, the output files
+contain additionally all lower ranges. With this mode you can
+get stand alone figures that don't have to be overlayed to have
+meaningful content.
+\fBExample 1\fR
+.PD 0
+Assume that you have a fig file \fIfoo.fig\fR which contains the three ranges
+.IR "230-233",
+.IR "455-460"
+.IR "499-500".
+With no options set you get three output files, one per range. But if you
+set the \fB\-i\fR option you get the following two files where the
+bottommost range is included in both of the files:
+.PD 0
+ \fIfoo-0.pdf\fR with ranges \fI455-460\fR and \fI499-500\fR
+ \fIfoo-1.pdf\fR with ranges \fI230-233\fR and \fI499-500\fR.
+\fBExample 2\fR
+.PD 0
+The pyramid mode, activated by the option \fB\-I\fR, will produce the
+following files from the source file of \fBExample 1\fR:
+ \fIfoo-0.pdf\fR with ranges \fI499-500\fR
+ \fIfoo-1.pdf\fR with ranges \fI455-460\fR and \fI499-500\fR
+ \fIfoo-2.pdf\fR with ranges \fI230-233\fR, \fI455-460\fR and \fI499-500\fR.
+\fBExample 3\fR
+.PD 0
+If both options are set you will get just two files with the following
+ \fIfoo-0.pdf\fR with ranges \fI455-460\fR and \fI499-500\fR
+ \fIfoo-1.pdf\fR with ranges \fI230-233\fR, \fI455-460\fR and \fI499-500\fR.
+.SH "Customized Headers"
+For various reasons you might want to change the standard latex generation,
+e.g., if you want to change the default font family. The following
+example represents a valid header file.
+The usage of this example file changes the font family to sans serif
+and adds an additional search path for includegraphics to the `figures'
+.PD 0
+ \\documentclass{article}
+ \\usepackage{german,amssymb,amsmath}
+ \\renewcommand{\\familydefault}{\\sfdefault}
+ \\AtBeginDocument{\\graphicspath{{figures/}}}
+The following packages are generally used: \fBcolor\fR, \fBgraphicx\fR and \fBepsfig\fR.
+.SH "Tex errors"
+Sometimes it might happen that latex generates an error while processing
+your special texts. To keep you informed about the occurrence of that
+error and about what has happened, in this case the log file is shown
+by invoking a less command.
+.SH "Files"
+In single layer mode for the resulting files the suffix fig is replaced
+by pdf (resp. eps) (i.e. foo.fig -> foo.pdf).
+.PD 0
+In multilayer mode the base name of the source fig files is extended
+by '-<range>' and the suffix is set to pdf (resp. eps).
+(i.e., foo.fig -> foo-0.pdf, foo-1.pdf, foo-2.pdf, ...
+ or foo.fig -> foo.page0.pdf, foo.page1.pdf, foo.page2.pdf, ...
+ if the option \fB\-G\fR is set).
+.IR xfig(1)
+.IR fig2dev(1)
+.IR gawk(1)
+.IR pdflatex(1)
+.IR latex(1)
+.IR dvips(1)
diff --git a/fig2mpdf/fig2mpdf b/fig2mpdf/fig2mpdf
--- a/fig2mpdf/fig2mpdf
+++ b/fig2mpdf/fig2mpdf
@@ -0,0 +1,653 @@
+gawk '
+ cmdGawk = "gawk";
+ cmdCat = "cat";
+ cmdLess = "less";
+ cmdRm = "rm"
+ cmdMv = "mv"
+ cmdLatex = "latex";
+ cmdPdftex = "pdflatex";
+ cmdEpsToPdf = "epstopdf";
+ cmdDvips = "dvips";
+ cmdFig2dev = "fig2dev";
+ cmdTouch = "touch";
+ szVersion = "1.1.2";
+ iError = 0;
+ iGapWidth = 1;
+ # get the options
+ szOptString = "&l%e&m$p%i%I$s$H$g%G%v%V%d";
+ getopt(szOptString);
+ if (aOptions["d"])
+ {
+ aOptions["v"] = "-";
+ for (iI = 0; iI < ARGC; iI++)
+ printf("ARGV[%d]=%s\n", iI, ARGV[iI]);
+ iDim = split(szOptString, aOpts, "[$%&]");
+ for (iI = 2; iI <= iDim; iI++)
+ debug("aOptions[%s] = >%s<\n", aOpts[iI], aOptions[aOpts[iI]]);
+ }
+ if (aOptions["V"] != "")
+ {
+ printf("fig2mpdf: version %s\n", szVersion);
+ iError = 1;
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ szTmpPrefix = "_fig2mpdf"
+ iLine = -1;
+ iInString = 0;
+ iDepths = 1;
+ iInvalidDepth = -2
+ iAdminDepth = 2000
+ szBase = ARGV[1];
+ szOrigFile = ARGV[1];
+ szOrigPath = ARGV[1];
+ # set default switch state
+ iDoMultiLayer = 0;
+ iDoLatex = 0;
+ iDoPdftex = 1;
+ iIncludeLowestRange = 1;
+ # set iDoLatex and iDoMultiLayer concerning the given suffix
+ match(szBase, /\.[^\.\/]+$/);
+ if (RLENGTH != -1)
+ {
+ szSuffix = substr(szBase, RSTART);
+ if (szSuffix == ".lfig")
+ iDoLatex = 1;
+ else if (szSuffix == ".mfig")
+ iDoMultiLayer = 1;
+ else if ((szSuffix == ".mlfig") || (szSuffix == ".lmfig"))
+ {
+ iDoLatex = 1;
+ iDoMultiLayer = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ ################################
+ # evalutate options
+ # set toggle latex
+ if (aOptions["l"] == "-")
+ iDoLatex = 1;
+ if (aOptions["l"] == "+")
+ iDoLatex = 0;
+ # set multilayer flag
+ if (aOptions["m"] == "-")
+ iDoMultiLayer = 1;
+ if (aOptions["m"] == "+")
+ iDoMultiLayer = 0;
+ # set toggle pdftex
+ if (aOptions["e"] == "-")
+ iDoPdftex = 0;
+ # evaluate do not include lowest layer in all figs
+ iIncludeLowestRange = (aOptions["i"] == "-");
+ # evaluate include all lower ranges in the sub figs
+ iIncludeAllLowerRanges = (aOptions["I"] != "-");
+ # check consistencies
+ # if there are ranges given -> do multilayer
+ if (aOptions["p"] != "")
+ iDoMultiLayer = 1;
+ if (aOptions["g"] != "")
+ {
+ if ( ! match (aOptions["g"], /^[0-9]+$/))
+ usage();
+ iGapWidth = aOptions["g"] + 1;
+ }
+ # get the basename of the source
+ gsub(/\.[^\/]+$/, "", szBase);
+ gsub(/^.*\//, "", szBase);
+ # get the path to the original
+ gsub(/[^\/]+$/, "", szOrigPath);
+( iInString != 0) {
+ aszLine[iLine] = sprintf("%s\n%s", aszLine[iLine], $0);
+ iInString = (match($0, "\\\\001$") == 0);
+ iSubLine++;
+ next;
+/^[135][ ]/ {
+ iCmd = $1;
+ iSubCmd = -1;
+ iSubLine = 0;
+ aiDepth[++iLine] = fnGetDepth($1);
+ aszLine[iLine] = $0;
+ next;
+/^[2][ ]/ {
+ iCmd = $1;
+ iSubCmd = $2;
+ iSubLine = 0;
+ aiDepth[++iLine] = fnGetDepth($1);
+ aszLine[iLine] = $0;
+ next;
+/^[4][ ]/ {
+ iCmd = $1;
+ iSubCmd = $2;
+ iSubLine = 0;
+ aiDepth[++iLine] = fnGetDepth($1);
+ aszLine[iLine] = $0;
+ iInString = (match($0, "\\\\001$") == 0);
+ next;
+/^(6[ ])|(-6)/ {
+ iCmd = $1;
+ iSubCmd = -1;
+ iSubLine = 0;
+ next;
+/^[^ ]/ {
+ iCmd = -1;
+ aiDepth[++iLine] = fnGetDepth("A");
+ iSubLine = 0;
+ aszLine[iLine] = $0;
+ next;
+/^[ ]/ {
+ iSubLine++;
+ if ((iCmd == 2) && (iSubCmd == 5) && (iSubLine == 1))
+ {
+ if (match($0, "^\t[01] "))
+ {
+ szFileName = substr($0, RSTART + RLENGTH);
+ if ( ! match(szFileName, /^\//))
+ szFileName = sprintf("%s%s", szOrigPath, szFileName);
+ aszLine[iLine] = sprintf("%s\n\t%s %s", aszLine[iLine], $1, szFileName);
+ }
+ else
+ aszLine[iLine] = sprintf("%s\n%s", aszLine[iLine], $0);
+ }
+ else
+ aszLine[iLine] = sprintf("%s\n%s", aszLine[iLine], $0);
+END {
+ iLine++;
+ iLowestLayer = 0;
+ iFirstRange = 0;
+ if (iError == 0)
+ {
+ if (iDoMultiLayer)
+ {
+ asort(aiDepths, aiSortedDepth);
+ # check for ranges as options
+ if (aOptions["p"] != "")
+ {
+ # we have explicit ranges
+ gsub(/-/, ":", aOptions["p"]);
+ iRanges = split(aOptions["p"], aszRanges, ",");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (iDepths < 4)
+ {
+ iRanges = 1;
+ aszRanges[1] = "1:999";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iRanges = 0;
+ iLastRange = aiSortedDepth[iDepths - 2] + 0;
+ iRangeStart = iLastRange;
+ for (iI = iDepths - 3; iI > 0; iI--)
+ {
+ aiSortedDepth[iI] += 0;
+ if ((aiSortedDepth[iI] < iLastRange - iGapWidth) || (iI == 1))
+ {
+ if (aiSortedDepth[iI] >= iLastRange - iGapWidth)
+ iLastRange = aiSortedDepth[iI];
+ if (iLastRange != iRangeStart)
+ aszRanges[++iRanges] = sprintf("%d:%d", iLastRange, iRangeStart);
+ else
+ aszRanges[++iRanges] = sprintf("%d", iRangeStart);
+ iRangeStart = aiSortedDepth[iI];
+ if ((iI == 1) && (aiSortedDepth[iI] < iLastRange - iGapWidth))
+ aszRanges[++iRanges] = sprintf("%d", aiSortedDepth[iI]);
+ }
+ iLastRange = aiSortedDepth[iI];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # check for a multilayer file with only one range
+ if ((iRanges == 1) && iIncludeLowestRange)
+ {
+ iIncludeLowestRange = 0;
+ }
+ szInitRangeList = " -D ";
+ szSep = "";
+ if (iIncludeLowestRange)
+ {
+ szInitRangeList = sprintf("%s+%s", szInitRangeList, aszRanges[1]);
+ szSep = ",";
+ }
+ szRangeList = szInitRangeList;
+ # step through the ranges
+ for (iI = iIncludeLowestRange; iI < iRanges; iI++)
+ {
+ szFileBase = sprintf("%s-%d", szBase, iI - iIncludeLowestRange);
+ if (aOptions["I"])
+ {
+ szRangeList = sprintf("%s%s+%s", szRangeList, szSep, aszRanges[iI + 1]);
+ szSep = ",";
+ }
+ else
+ szRangeList = sprintf("%s%s+%s", szInitRangeList, szSep, aszRanges[iI + 1]);
+ if (iDoLatex)
+ szTargetFile = fnDoTexFig(szFileBase, szOrigFile, szRangeList, (iDoPdftex != 0));
+ else
+ szTargetFile = fnDoNormalFig(szFileBase, szOrigFile, szRangeList, (iDoPdftex != 0));
+ if (aOptions["G"])
+ {
+ match(szTargetFile, /\.[^.]*$/);
+ szCommand = sprintf("%s %s %s.page%d%s", cmdMv, szTargetFile, szBase, iI - iIncludeLowestRange, substr(szTargetFile, RSTART, RLENGTH));
+ debug("%s\n", szCommand);
+ system(szCommand);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ szRangeList = "";
+ if (iDoLatex)
+ szTargetFile = fnDoTexFig(szBase, szOrigFile, szRangeList, (iDoPdftex != 0));
+ else
+ szTargetFile = fnDoNormalFig(szBase, szOrigFile, szRangeList, (iDoPdftex != 0));
+ }
+ }
+function debug(str, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)
+ if (aOptions["v"])
+ printf (str, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
+function fnGetDepth (iControl)
+ if (iControl == 1)
+ {
+ iReturn = sprintf("%04d", $7);
+ }
+ else if (iControl == 2)
+ {
+ iReturn = sprintf("%04d", $7);
+ }
+ else if (iControl == 3)
+ {
+ iReturn = sprintf("%04d", $7);
+ }
+ else if (iControl == 4)
+ {
+ iReturn = sprintf("%04d", $4);
+ }
+ else if (iControl == 5)
+ {
+ iReturn = sprintf("%04d", $7);
+ }
+ else if ((iControl == 6) || (iControl == -6))
+ {
+ iReturn = sprintf("%04d", iInvalidDepth);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iReturn = sprintf("%04d", iAdminDepth);
+ }
+ if (iReturn >= 0)
+ {
+ if (ahDepths[iReturn] == 0)
+ {
+ ahDepths[iReturn] = 1;
+ aiDepths[iDepths++] = iReturn;
+ }
+ }
+ return (iReturn);
+function fnDoNormalFig(szFileNameBase, szFigFile, szRangeList, iPdf,
+ szEpsFile, szPdfFile, szTargetFile, szCommand)
+ debug("FileNameBase >%s< FigFile >%s< Pdf:%d\n", szFileNameBase, szFigFile, iPdf);
+ if (iPdf)
+ szEpsFile = sprintf("%s%s.eps", szTmpPrefix, szFileNameBase);
+ else
+ {
+ szEpsFile = sprintf("%s.eps", szFileNameBase);
+ szTargetFile = szEpsFile;
+ }
+ szCommand = sprintf("%s -L eps %s %s %s 2> /dev/null", cmdFig2dev, szRangeList, szFigFile, szEpsFile);
+ debug("%s\n", szCommand);
+ system(szCommand);
+ if (iPdf)
+ {
+ szPdfFile = sprintf("%s.pdf", szFileNameBase);
+ szTargetFile = szPdfFile;
+ szCommand = sprintf("%s --outfile=%s %s", cmdEpsToPdf, szPdfFile, szEpsFile);
+ debug("%s\n", szCommand);
+ system(szCommand);
+ if ( ! aOptions["d"])
+ {
+ szCommand = sprintf("%s -f %s", cmdRm, szEpsFile);
+ debug("%s\n", szCommand);
+ system(szCommand);
+ }
+ }
+ return (szTargetFile);
+function fnDoTexFig(szFileNameBase, szFigFile, szRangeList, iPdf,
+ szEpsFile, szPdfFile, szTexDoc, szTexPdf, szTexLog, szTexAux, szTexInp, szTmpPs, szTmpPdf, szTexSiz, szTmpEps, szCommand, szHeader)
+ debug("FileNameBase >%s< FigFile >%s< Pdf:%d\n", szFileNameBase, szFigFile, iPdf);
+ szEpsFile = sprintf("%s.eps", szFileNameBase);
+ szPdfFile = sprintf("%s.pdf", szFileNameBase);
+ szTexDoc = sprintf("%s%s_doc.tex", szTmpPrefix, szFileNameBase);
+ szTexPdf = sprintf("%s%s_doc.pdf", szTmpPrefix, szFileNameBase);
+ szTexDvi = sprintf("%s%s_doc.dvi", szTmpPrefix, szFileNameBase);
+ szTexLog = sprintf("%s%s_doc.log", szTmpPrefix, szFileNameBase);
+ szTexAux = sprintf("%s%s_doc.aux", szTmpPrefix, szFileNameBase);
+ szTexInpPref = sprintf("%s%s_inp", szTmpPrefix, szFileNameBase);
+ szTexInp = sprintf("%s.tex", szTexInpPref);
+ szTexCreator = sprintf("%s.create", szTexInpPref);
+ szTexSiz = sprintf("%s.size", szTexInpPref);
+ if (iPdf)
+ szCommand = sprintf("%s -L pdftex_p %s -p %s %s %s", cmdFig2dev, szRangeList, szTexInpPref, szFigFile, szTexInp);
+ else
+ szCommand = sprintf("%s -L pstex_p %s -p %s %s %s", cmdFig2dev, szRangeList, szTexInpPref, szFigFile, szTexInp);
+ debug("%s\n", szCommand);
+ system(szCommand);
+ szCommand = sprintf("./%s", szTexCreator);
+ debug("%s\n", szCommand);
+ system(szCommand);
+ # check if there is an own hederfile to include
+ if (aOptions["s"] == "")
+ aOptions["s"] = "times";
+ if (aOptions["H"] == "")
+ {
+ szHeader = sprintf("\\documentclass{article}\n\
+\\usepackage{%s}", aOptions["s"]);
+ }
+ else
+ szHeader = sprintf("\\input{%s}\n", aOptions["H"]);
+ szHeader = sprintf("%s\n\
+", szHeader, szTexSiz);
+ szCommand = sprintf("%s > %s << EOF\n\
+EOF", cmdCat, szTexDoc, szHeader, szTexInp);
+ if (aOptions["d"] != "")
+ debug("%s\n", szCommand);
+ system(szCommand);
+ if (iPdf)
+ {
+ szCommand = sprintf("%s -interaction batchmode %s", cmdPdftex, szTexDoc);
+ debug("%s\n", szCommand);
+ iReturn = system(szCommand);
+ if (iReturn)
+ {
+ szCommand = sprintf("%s %s | %s +G", cmdCat, szTexLog, cmdLess);
+ system (szCommand);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ szCommand = sprintf("%s %s %s", cmdMv, szTexPdf, szPdfFile);
+ debug("%s\n", szCommand);
+ system(szCommand);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ szCommand = sprintf("%s -interaction batchmode %s", cmdLatex, szTexDoc);
+ debug("%s\n", szCommand);
+ iReturn = system(szCommand);
+ if (iReturn)
+ {
+ szCommand = sprintf("%s %s | %s +G", cmdCat, szTexLog, cmdLess);
+ system (szCommand);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ szCommand = sprintf("%s -q -E %s -o %s 2>&1 > /dev/null", cmdDvips, szTexDvi, szEpsFile);
+ debug("%s\n", szCommand);
+ system(szCommand);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ! aOptions["d"])
+ {
+ szCommand = sprintf("./%s -r", szTexCreator);
+ debug("%s\n", szCommand);
+ system(szCommand);
+ }
+ if ( ! aOptions["d"])
+ {
+ szCommand = sprintf("%s -f %s %s %s %s %s %s %s", cmdRm, szTexDoc, szTexLog, szTexAux, szTexDvi, szTexInp, szTexCreator, szTexPdf);
+ debug("%s\n", szCommand);
+ system(szCommand);
+ }
+ if (iPdf)
+ return (szPdfFile);
+ else
+ return (szEpsFile);
+function getopt(sOptions, n, m, fHuntParam, iSearchMinus, iSPos, iCLen, iHuntSwitches, szSwChar, szOptChar) {
+# Options: Flagoptions: %f
+# Parameter: $p
+ n = 1; # index in argv
+ m = 1; # processed entries in argv finally it points to the firs$
+ iSearchMinus = 1; # indicate that a switch leading sign minus is expected
+ # check for initial -- to separate the gawk switches from the script switches
+ if (ARGV[n] == "--")
+ n++;
+ while (n < ARGC)
+ {
+ iHuntSwitches = 0;
+ iCLen = length(ARGV[n]);
+ szSwChar = substr(ARGV[n], 1, 1);
+ if ((szSwChar == "-") || (szSwChar == "+"))
+ {
+ if ((iSearchMinus == 0) || fHuntParam)
+ usage();
+ iHuntSwitches = 1;
+ iSPos = 2;
+ fHuntParam = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iSPos = 1;
+ if (fHuntParam == 0)
+ iSearchMinus = 0;
+ }
+ while (iSPos <= iCLen)
+ {
+ if (iHuntSwitches)
+ {
+ szOptChar = substr(ARGV[n], iSPos, 1);
+ iOPos = index(sOptions, szOptChar);
+ if (iOPos == 0)
+ {
+ printf("unknown option \"%s\"\n", szOptChar);
+ usage();
+ }
+ if ((substr(sOptions, iOPos - 1, 1) == "&") || ((substr(sOptions, iOPos - 1, 1) == "%") && (szSwChar == "-")))
+ {
+ aOptions[szOptChar] = szSwChar;
+ iSPos = iSPos + 1;
+ }
+ else if ((substr(sOptions, iOPos - 1, 1) == "$") && (szSwChar == "-"))
+ {
+ fHuntParam = 1;
+ iHuntSwitches = 0;
+ iSPos = iSPos + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ usage();
+ }
+ else if (fHuntParam)
+ {
+ fHuntParam = 0;
+ aOptions[szOptChar] = substr(ARGV[n], iSPos, iCLen + 1 - iSPos);
+ iSPos = iCLen + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ARGV[m++] = ARGV[n];
+ iSPos = iCLen + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ n = n + 1;
+ }
+ ARGC = m;
+function usage() {
+ print "usage: fig2mpdf [-|+lm] [-eiIGvV] [-p <ranges>] [-g <gapwidth>] [-s <style>] [-H <headerfile>] file\n\
+ -|+l set|reset latex call\n\
+ -e create an eps file instead of a pdf\n\
+ -|+m set|reset multilayer creation\n\
+ -p <ranges> colon separated list of layer ranges a-b,c,d-e,...\n\
+ -i do include the deepest range in all figures\n\
+ (the one with the higest level number)\n\
+ -I include all lower ranges (pyramide mode)\n\
+ -g <gap> set layer gapwidth for automatically detecting ranges (default:0)\n\
+ -s <style> replace \\usepackage{times} by \\usepackage{<style>} in the latex commands\n\
+ -H <header> use file <header> for creating tex documents (only\n\
+ \\begin{document}...\\end{document} is set by fig2mpdf)\n\
+ -G name multilayer files in PGF file name format <name>.page<no>.<ext>\n\
+ -v be verbose\n\
+ -V print out the version of fig2mpdf\n";
+ exit 1;
+' -- $*
diff --git a/man/fig2dev.1.in b/man/fig2dev.1.in
--- a/man/fig2dev.1.in
+++ b/man/fig2dev.1.in
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ Set the output graphics language.
Valid languages are
\fBbox, cgm, dxf, epic, eepic, eepicemu, emf, eps, gbx (Gerber beta
driver), gif, ibmgl, jpeg, latex, map (HTML image map), mf (MetaFont),
-mp (MetaPost), pcx, pdf, pdftex, pdftex_t, pic,
-pict2e, pictex, png, ppm, ps, pstex, pstex_t, pstricks, ptk (Perl/tk),
+mp (MetaPost), pcx, pdf, pdftex, pdftex_t, pdftex_p, pic,
+pict2e, pictex, png, ppm, ps, pstex, pstex_t, pstex_p, pstricks, ptk (Perl/tk),
shape (LaTeX shaped paragraphs), sld (AutoCad slide format), svg,
textyl, tiff, tikz, tk (tcl/tk), tpic, xbm and xpm\fR.
@@ -1145,6 +1145,61 @@ text flagged as "TeX Text".
The pstex and pdftex drivers accept the same options that the EPS driver
+The \fBpstex_p\fR language has the same intention as
+the combination of \fBpstex\fR and \fBpstex_t\fR.
+The only reason to use \fBpstex_p\fR is that you have partially overlayed texts.
+\fBpstex_p\fR splits the Fig file concerning the depths of existing texts. Because
+of it's necessary to get the resulting size of the figure for the pdf document
+you have to specify the target document format
+(i.e. using \fBpstex_p\fR rsp. \fBpdftex_p\fR).
+Two files results by using this language:
+.HP +.3i
+1) A bash script for creating and removing the necessary graphics files.
+Extension: \fB.create\fR
+.HP +.3i
+.HP +.3i
+2) The latex code which includes all graphics files and special texts. Content is
+put to stdout.
+The \fBpstex_p\fR driver has the following special options:
+.B \-p basename
+specifies the basename of the files to be created (see (1) above). This option
+is mandatory.
+.B "\-d dmag"
+Set a separate magnification for the length of line dashes to
+.I dmag.
+.B \-E num
+Set encoding for latex text translation (0 no translation, 1 ISO-8859-1, 2 ISO-8859-2)
+.B "\-l lwidth"
+Sets the threshold between LaTeX thin and thick lines to
+.I lwidth
+LaTeX supports only two different line width: \\thinlines and \\thicklines.
+Lines of width greater than
+.I lwidth
+pixels are drawn as \\thicklines.
+Also affects the size of dots in dotted line style.
+The default is 1.
+.B \-v
+Verbose mode.
+.B \-F
+Don't set the font face, series, and style; only set it's size and the
+baselineskip. By default, fig2dev sets all 5 font parameters when it
+puts some text. The disadvantage is that you can't set the font from your
+LaTeX document. With this option on, you can set the font from your LaTeX
+document (like "\fB\\sfshape \\input picture.eepic\fR").
.B \-n name
Set the Title part of the PostScript output to
@@ -1551,6 +1606,12 @@ The string \fIfont\fR can be one of
+In \fBpdftex_p\fR language \fIfig2dev\fR can not determine the exact sizes of
+the special texts set by pdflatex afterwards. If these texts are bigger than
+expected the calculated bounding box might be too small so that some texts passes
+over the figure boundaries. If this happen you have to put an invisible
+rectangle (line width 0) around the text or the entire figure.
Please send bug reports, fixes, new features etc. to:
@@ -1640,3 +1701,7 @@ Michael Schrick (m_schrick@hotmail.com)
The GBX (Gerber) driver was written by
Edward Grace (ej.grace@imperial.ac.uk).
+The PSTEX_P and PDFTEX_P drivers (overlayed LaTeX texts) was written by
+Michael Pfeiffer (p3f@gmx.de)