diff --git a/_service b/_service
index a2e9e7e..f82805d 100644
--- a/_service
+++ b/_service
@@ -1,25 +1,8 @@
- xz
diff --git a/cargo_config b/cargo_config
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fb4ff4..0000000
--- a/cargo_config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-replace-with = "vendored-sources"
-directory = "vendor"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/compile-macros.sh b/compile-macros.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75bacb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compile-macros.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Björn Bidar
+# based of compile-macros.sh from python-rpm-macros
+mkdir -p macros
+### Lua: generate automagic from macros.in and macros.lua
+ # copy macros.in up to LUA-MACROS
+ sed -n -e '1,/^### LUA-MACROS ###$/p' macros.in
+ # include "functions.lua", without empty lines, as %_treesitter_definitions
+ echo "%_treesitter_definitions %{lua:"
+ sed -n -r \
+ -e 's/\\/\\\\/g' \
+ -e '/^.+$/p' \
+ functions.lua
+ echo "}"
+ # brute line-by-line read of macros.lua
+ IFS=""
+ while read -r line; do
+ if [ $INFUNC = 0 ] ; then
+ if [ $INMULTILINE_MACRO = 1 ] ;then
+ if echo "$line" | grep -qE '^.*\]\]' ; then
+ fi
+ echo "# $line"
+ elif echo "$line" | grep -qE -- '--\[\[' ; then
+ echo "# $line"
+ elif echo "$line" | grep -qE -- '^--' ; then
+ echo "# $line"
+ elif echo "$line" | grep -q '^function '; then
+ # entering top-level Lua function
+ echo "$line" | sed -r -e 's/^function (.*)\((.*)\)$/%\1(\2) %{lua: \\/'
+ else
+ # outside function, copy
+ # (usually this is newline)
+ echo "$line"
+ fi
+ else
+ if [ "$line" = "end" ]; then
+ # leaving top-level Lua function
+ echo '}'
+ elif [ $INFUNC = 1 ]; then
+ # inside function
+ # double backslashes and add backslash to end of line
+ echo "$line" | sed -e 's/\\/\\\\/g' -e 's/$/\\/'
+ fi
+ fi
+ done < macros.lua
+ # copy rest of macros.in
+ sed -n -e '/^### LUA-MACROS ###$/,$p' macros.in
+) > macros/050-automagic
+### final step: cat macros/*, but with files separated by additional newlines
+sed -e '$s/$/\n/' -s macros/* > macros.treesitter
diff --git a/functions.lua b/functions.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41eaa0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/functions.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+ SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Björn Bidar
+ partly based of functions.lua from python-rpm-macros
+-- declare common functions
+function string.startswith(str, prefix)
+ return str:sub(1, prefix:len()) == prefix
+function string.endswith(str, suffix)
+ return str:sub(-suffix:len()) == suffix
+function string.dirname(str)
+ if str:match("(.*)/") == "" then
+ return nil
+ else
+ return str:match("(.*)/")
+ end
+function string.basename(str)
+ while true do
+ local idx = str:find("/")
+ if not idx then return str end
+ str = str:sub(idx + 1)
+ end
+function string.split(str, sep)
+ if sep == nil then
+ sep = '%s'
+ end
+ local res = {}
+ local func = function(w)
+ table.insert(res, w)
+ end
+ string.gsub(str, '[^'..sep..']+', func)
+ return res
diff --git a/macros.in b/macros.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1e5a91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros.in
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# -*- rpm-spec -*-
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Björn Bidar
+%_treesitter_base_name tree-sitter
+%_treesitter_grammardir %{_libdir}
+%_treesitter_grammar_develdir %{_includedir}/%{_treesitter_base_name}/grammars
+%_treesitter_grammar_base_libname lib%{_treesitter_base_name}
+%treesitter_target() %{_rpmconfigdir}/tree-sitter-target.py
+%treesitter_set_flags export NODE_PATH=$NODE_PATH:%{_treesitter_grammar_develdir}:$PWD
+%__treesitter_devel_package_name() %name-devel
+%treesitter_devel_package \
+%package -n %{__treesitter_devel_package_name} \
+Summary: Devel package for %{name} containing it's grammar source \
+BuildArch: noarch \
+%{_treesitter_devel_provides} \
+%description -n %{__treesitter_devel_package_name} \
+This package contains grammar sources for use in other grammars. \
+%files -n %{__treesitter_devel_package_name} \
+### LUA-MACROS ###
+%_treesitter_macro_init %{_treesitter_definitions}%{lua: rpm.define("_treesitter_macro_init %{nil}")}
diff --git a/macros.lua b/macros.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc0fd5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+ SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+ SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Björn Bidar
+ partly based of functions.lua from python-rpm-macros
+ Main Package should look like this:
+ %%treesitter_grammars foo bar
+ %%build
+ %%treesitter_configure
+ %%treesitter_build
+ %%install
+ %%treesitter_install
+ %%files
+ %%treesitter_files
+function treesitter_grammars()
+ --[[
+ Define any grammars to be included inside the package
+ --]]
+ rpm.expand("%_treesitter_macro_init")
+ local base_name = rpm.expand("%_treesitter_base_name")
+ local base_libname = rpm.expand("%_treesitter_grammar_base_libname")
+ local treesitter_grammar_names = ""
+ local treesitter_grammar_libnames = ""
+ for arg_num = 1,#arg do
+ treesitter_grammar_libnames=treesitter_grammar_libnames .. base_libname .. "-" .. arg[arg_num] .. ".so "
+ end
+ rpm.define("treesitter_grammar_libnames " .. treesitter_grammar_libnames)
+ for arg_num = 1,#arg do
+ treesitter_grammar_names=treesitter_grammar_names .. " " .. arg[arg_num]
+ print("Provides: treesitter_grammar(" .. base_name .. "-" .. arg[arg_num] .. ")\n")
+ end
+ rpm.define("treesitter_grammar_names " .. treesitter_grammar_names)
+function treesitter_configure()
+ --[[
+ Generate grammar sources for all the grammars provided earlier akin
+ to %configure.
+ --]]
+ rpm.expand("%_treesitter_macro_init")
+ local grammars = string.split(rpm.expand("%{treesitter_grammar_names}"))
+ print(rpm.expand("%treesitter_set_flags"))
+ print("\n")
+ if #grammars > 1 then
+ for k,grammar in pairs(grammars) do
+ print("(cd " .. grammar .. ";tree-sitter generate)")
+ print("\n")
+ end
+ else
+ print("tree-sitter generate")
+ end
+function treesitter_build()
+ --[[
+ Similar to %make_build build all grammars if possible read from
+ an alternative file instead of binding.gyp
+ --]]
+ rpm.expand("%_treesitter_macro_init")
+ local basename = rpm.expand("%{_treesitter_grammar_base_libname}")
+ local grammar_names = rpm.expand("%treesitter_grammar_names")
+ local left_over_args = arg[1]
+ local grammar_arg_binding = ""
+ if left_over_args then
+ grammar_arg_binding=" -b "..arg[1]
+ end
+ local treesitter_target = rpm.expand("%{treesitter_target}")
+ local grammar_names_tbl = string.split(grammar_names, " ")
+ if #grammar_names_tbl > 1 then
+ for k,target in pairs(grammar_names_tbl) do
+ print("eval $(" .. treesitter_target .. grammar_arg_binding .. " -g " .. target ..") " .. " -o " .. basename .. "-" .. target .. ".so ${RPM_OPT_FLAGS}")
+ print("\n")
+ end
+ else
+ print("eval $(" .. treesitter_target .. grammar_arg_binding .. ") " .. " -o " .. basename.. "-" .. grammar_names .. ".so ${RPM_OPT_FLAGS}")
+ end
+function treesitter_install()
+ --[[
+ Install all previously build grammars
+ --]]
+ rpm.expand("%_treesitter_macro_init")
+ local grammars = string.split(rpm.expand("%{treesitter_grammar_libnames}"))
+ local install_path = rpm.expand("%{buildroot}%{_treesitter_grammardir}")
+ for k,grammar in pairs(grammars) do
+ print("install -Dm755 " .. grammar .. " " .. install_path .. "/" .. grammar)
+ print("\n")
+ end
+function treesitter_files()
+ rpm.expand("%_treesitter_macro_init")
+ local grammars = string.split(rpm.expand("%{treesitter_grammar_libnames}"))
+ local grammardir = rpm.expand("%{_treesitter_grammardir}")
+ local _libdir = rpm.expand("%{_libdir}")
+ if not grammardir == libdir then
+ print(rpm.expand("%dir " .. grammardir.."\n"))
+ end
+ for k,grammar in pairs(grammars) do
+ print(rpm.expand(grammardir .. "/"..grammar.."\n"))
+ end
+ Optional -devel package for grammars that are needed for other grammars to be built.
+ If the -devel package is needed it should look like this:
+ %%install
+ [...] # Main page here
+ %%treesitter_devel_install
+ # Or if the package has shared files between grammars:
+ %%treesitter_devel_install foobar.js
+ %%treesitter_devel_package
+function treesitter_devel_install()
+ --[[
+ Install all grammars sources defined earlier.
+ If passed these can also include additional files such as shared fragments
+ that are used between multiple grammars in the same package.
+ --]]
+ rpm.expand("%_treesitter_macro_init")
+ --local grammar_names = rpm.expand("%{treesitter_grammar_names}")
+ local grammars = string.split(rpm.expand("%{treesitter_grammar_names}"))
+ local treesitter = rpm.expand("%_treesitter_base_name")
+ local install_cmd_base = "install -Dm644 "
+ local install_path = rpm.expand("%{buildroot}%{_treesitter_grammar_develdir}/")
+ local rpm_provides_macro = ""
+ --print(grammar_names)
+ for k,grammar in pairs(grammars) do
+ if grammar then
+ rpm_provides_macro=rpm_provides_macro.. "Provides: treesitter_grammar_src(" ..treesitter .. "-" .. grammar ..")\n"
+ end
+ end
+ rpm.define("_treesitter_devel_provides "..rpm_provides_macro)
+ if #grammars == 1 then
+ print(install_cmd_base .. "grammar.js " .. install_path .. treesitter .. "-" .. grammars[1].. "/grammar.js")
+ return
+ end
+ if #arg > 0 then
+ --[[ FIXME: This maybe not be the best solution if packages can have a single grammar
+ but also addon files
+ ]]--
+ for arg_num = 1,#arg do
+ print(rpm.expand(install_cmd_base .. arg[arg_num] .. " " .. install_path .. "%{name}/" .. arg[arg_num] .. "\n"))
+ print("\n")
+ end
+ end
+ for k,grammar in pairs(grammars) do
+ if grammar then
+ print(rpm.expand(install_cmd_base .. grammar .. "/grammar.js " .. install_path .. "%{name}/" .. grammar .. "/grammar.js\n"))
+ print("\n")
+ end
+ end
+function treesitter_devel_files()
+ --[[
+ Install -devel files to %%{_treesitter_grammar_develdir}
+ --]]
+ rpm.expand("%_treesitter_macro_init")
+ local grammars = string.split(rpm.expand("%{treesitter_grammar_names}"))
+ local grammar_develdir = rpm.expand("%{_treesitter_grammar_develdir}")
+ local fpp
+ print(rpm.expand("%dir %{_treesitter_grammar_develdir} \n"))
+ --[[
+ Own all directories leading up to %%_includedir which we include in
+ %%_treesitter_grammar_develdir
+ --]]
+ while not (grammar_develdir == rpm.expand("%_includedir")) do
+ print(rpm.expand("%dir " .. grammar_develdir .. "\n"))
+ grammar_develdir = grammar_develdir:dirname()
+ end
+ print(rpm.expand("%{_treesitter_grammar_develdir}/%{name}\n"))
diff --git a/tree-sitter-0.20.8.tar.xz b/tree-sitter-0.20.8.tar.xz
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dbf802..0000000
--- a/tree-sitter-0.20.8.tar.xz
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
-oid sha256:6181ede0b7470bfca37e293e7d5dc1d16469b9485d13f13a605baec4a8b1f791
-size 2941223
diff --git a/tree-sitter-0.22.2.tar.xz b/tree-sitter-0.22.2.tar.xz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b12fbd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tree-sitter-0.22.2.tar.xz
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+oid sha256:0c829523b876d4a37e1bd46a655c133a93669c0fe98fcd84972b168849c27afc
+size 3040339
diff --git a/tree-sitter-target.py b/tree-sitter-target.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed9b29a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tree-sitter-target.py
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Björn Bidar
+"""Generate compile commands by reading binding.gyp"""
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name
+# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
+import argparse
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import List, Dict, Optional
+import ast
+from copy import copy
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog = Path(__file__).name,
+ description = "Generate compile commands by reading binding.gyp")
+parser.add_argument('-b', '--binding', dest = "binding",
+ action="store", help="Path to binding file")
+parser.add_argument('-g', '--grammar', dest = "grammars",
+ action= "append",
+ required = False,
+ help="Specify grammars in case binding file contains more than one grammar")
+args = parser.parse_args()
+if args.binding:
+ binding_gyp = Path(args.binding)
+ binding_gyp = Path("binding.gyp")
+if not binding_gyp.exists():
+ raise FileNotFoundError(f"bindings {binding_gyp.absolute()} not found")
+with open(binding_gyp, 'r', encoding='utf8') as binding_raw:
+ binding = ast.literal_eval(binding_raw.read())
+targets = binding['targets'][0]
+def buildCompileCommand(target: Dict, grammars: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> Dict[
+ str,
+ List
+ """Generate compile commands from TARGET supplied found in GRAMMARS or src"""
+ cc = 'cc'
+ cflags_c = []
+ cflags_cc = []
+ commands = {}
+ base_command = [ cc, '-shared', '-fPIC']
+ suffixes_cc = ['cc', 'cxx', 'cpp']
+ if 'cflags_c' in target:
+ cflags_c = target['cflags_c']
+ if 'clfags_cc' in target:
+ cflags_cc = target['cflags_cc']
+ include_dirs = []
+ for include_dir in target['include_dirs']:
+ # Don't include any node commands
+ if not include_dir.startswith('
+- Add packaging macros for tree-sitter grammar
+- Add missing dependency for tree-sitter generate
+Tue Mar 19 07:17:25 UTC 2024 - Soc Virnyl Estela
+- Update to version 0.22.2:
+ * fix(lib): allow hiding symbols
+ * feat(lib): implement Display for Node
+ * test: fix header writes
+ * chore: turbofish styling
+ * feat(cli)!: add a separate build command to compile parsers
+ * ci: simplify workflows
+ * docs(license): update year
+ * fix(lib): avoid possible UB of calling memset on a null ptr when 0 is passed into `array_grow_by`
+ * fix(lib): makefile installation
+- Update _service file
+ * replace obsoleted mode "disabled" with "manual"
+ * use download_files instead of performing scm
Thu Apr 6 19:36:21 UTC 2023 - Andreas Schneider
diff --git a/tree-sitter.spec b/tree-sitter.spec
index c5d1493..ad66f68 100644
--- a/tree-sitter.spec
+++ b/tree-sitter.spec
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# spec file for package tree-sitter
-# Copyright (c) 2023 SUSE LLC
+# Copyright (c) 2024 SUSE LLC
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
@@ -19,18 +19,25 @@
%define somajor 0
%define libdirname tree_sitter
Name: tree-sitter
-Version: 0.20.8
+Version: 0.22.2
Release: 0
Summary: An incremental parsing system for programming tools
-License: MIT
+License: GPL-2.0-only AND MIT
URL: https://tree-sitter.github.io/
Source0: https://github.com/tree-sitter/%{name}/archive/v%{version}.tar.gz#/%{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
-Source1: vendor.tar.xz
-Source10: cargo_config
+Source1: vendor.tar.zst
Source11: baselibs.conf
+Source20: tree-sitter-target.py
+Source21: macros.in
+Source22: macros.lua
+Source23: functions.lua
+Source24: compile-macros.sh
+Source25: treesitter_grammar.attr
+Source26: treesitter_grammar.req
BuildRequires: cargo-packaging
BuildRequires: rust > 1.40
Requires: lib%{name}%{somajor} = %{version}
+Requires: nodejs
@@ -66,8 +73,9 @@ developing applications that use %{name}.
%autosetup -p1 -a1
-mkdir -p .cargo
-cp %{SOURCE10} .cargo/config
+cp %{SOURCE21} .
+cp %{SOURCE22} .
+cp %{SOURCE23} .
# fix VERSION in Makefile
sed -i -e '/^VERSION/s/:= .*$/:= %{version}/' Makefile
@@ -78,6 +86,8 @@ export CFLAGS='%{optflags}'
export PREFIX='%{_prefix}' LIBDIR='%{_libdir}'
+sh %{SOURCE24}
export PREFIX='%{_prefix}' LIBDIR='%{_libdir}' INCLUDEDIR='%{_includedir}'
@@ -86,12 +96,22 @@ install -p -m 0755 -D %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}/target/release/tree-sitter
find %{buildroot} -type f \( -name "*.la" -o -name "*.a" \) -delete -print
+install -Dm644 macros.treesitter %{buildroot}%{_rpmmacrodir}/macros.treesitter
+install -Dm755 %{SOURCE20} %{buildroot}%{_rpmconfigdir}/$(basename %{SOURCE20})
+install -Dm644 %{SOURCE25} %{buildroot}%{_fileattrsdir}/$(basename %{SOURCE25})
+install -Dm755 %{SOURCE26} %{buildroot}%{_rpmconfigdir}/$(basename %{SOURCE26})
%post -n lib%{name}%{somajor} -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun -n lib%{name}%{somajor} -p /sbin/ldconfig
%files -n lib%{name}%{somajor}
%license LICENSE
diff --git a/treesitter_grammar.attr b/treesitter_grammar.attr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2db61c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/treesitter_grammar.attr
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+%__treesitter_grammar_requires %{_rpmconfigdir}/treesitter_grammar.req
+%__treesitter_grammar_path ^%{_treesitter_grammar_develdir}/.*\.js
diff --git a/treesitter_grammar.req b/treesitter_grammar.req
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..910ec77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/treesitter_grammar.req
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+"""Scan grammar JavaScript sources for their dependencies"""
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Björn Bidar
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name
+import fileinput
+import re
+from typing import Optional
+from pathlib import Path
+treeSitterGrammarSrcPath = "/usr/include/tree_sitter"
+treeSitterGrammarSymbolToken = "treesitter_grammar_src"
+grammarPaths = []
+def resolveFile(grammarFile: str) -> str:
+ """Resolve GRAMMARFILE from grammarPaths return found file"""
+ fullGrammarFilePath = Path(grammarFile)
+ currentGrammarPath = fullGrammarFilePath.parent
+ currentGrammarFile = Path(grammarFile)
+ if currentGrammarPath != Path('.') and currentGrammarPath.parts[0] == "..":
+ # resolve path relative to file found last
+ currentGrammarPath = grammarPaths[-1] / fullGrammarFilePath
+ if not currentGrammarPath.exists():
+ return False
+ return currentGrammarPath
+ if currentGrammarPath.is_absolute():
+ grammarPaths.append(currentGrammarPath)
+ if Path(grammarFile).exists():
+ return fullGrammarFilePath
+ for path in grammarPaths:
+ maybeFound = path / currentGrammarFile
+ if maybeFound.exists():
+ return maybeFound.exists()
+ return False
+def dummyRequire(requiredFile_fd: str, maxDepth: Optional[int] = 5 ) -> str:
+ """Dummy version of node's require function that spits out dependency symbols"""
+ if maxDepth <= 0:
+ return
+ if not requiredFile_fd.endswith(".js"):
+ # Append .js to required file name in case is not specified
+ # we have to remove .js suffix later in any case.
+ requiredFile_fd+=".js"
+ resolvedFile_fd = resolveFile(requiredFile_fd)
+ if resolvedFile_fd:
+ try:
+ with open(resolvedFile_fd, mode='r', encoding='utf8') as requiredFile:
+ for r_line in requiredFile:
+ require_re = r'.*require\((.*)\).*'
+ requiredLvl2 = re.match(require_re, r_line)
+ #print(r_line)
+ if requiredLvl2 is not None:
+ requiredLvl2_grp_cleaned = \
+ requiredLvl2.group(1).removeprefix("'").removesuffix("'")
+ requiredLvl2_grp_cleaned = \
+ requiredLvl2_grp_cleaned.removeprefix("\"").removesuffix("\"")
+ if not requiredLvl2_grp_cleaned.split('/')[0] == "..":
+ # Don't emit dependencies which are local
+ pass
+ dummyRequire(requiredLvl2_grp_cleaned, maxDepth - 1)
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if maxDepth == 5:
+ # In case we immediately fail to open the first grammar source file
+ return
+ # We only want to resolve dependencies outside of the package
+ print(f"{treeSitterGrammarSymbolToken}({Path(requiredFile_fd).parent})")
+for line in fileinput.input():
+ line = line.rstrip('\n')
+ if line.endswith('.js'):
+ dummyRequire(line)
diff --git a/vendor.tar.xz b/vendor.tar.xz
deleted file mode 100644
index d3d47ba..0000000
--- a/vendor.tar.xz
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
-oid sha256:e8ce5ccc428ccbdd44a3c3de0dd506dc5d9079fe90347fac5d5c7f885f87ad08
-size 16831820
diff --git a/vendor.tar.zst b/vendor.tar.zst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04dbb9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor.tar.zst
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+oid sha256:8158ba3e18b25a81d41e6937d120597630a57181996355154197e6988d632030
+size 30391447