------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 7 06:46:11 UTC 2024 - Joshua Smith - Enable tests - Remove tuigreet-version.patch (Fixed upstream) - Service to use manual instead of deprecated disabled - Remove deprecated cargo_config (now part of vendor) - Update to 0.9.0 * Added rebinding of F-key actions. * Added more customization options and coloring support. * Added support for using NSS to retrieve users instead of /etc/passwd. * Better handling of rendering/event loop. * Support for X11 sessions specificities (environment variables, wrappers, etc.). * Better management of non-ASCII strings. * Better handling of smaller screens. * Overall better terminal management to clear screen on startup, exit and error conditions. * Various bugfixes. * Various locale updates. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 26 16:11:30 UTC 2024 - pgajdos@suse.com - Use %autosetup macro. Allows to eliminate the usage of deprecated %patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 16 18:19:10 UTC 2022 - Denys Kondratenko - Update to 0.8.0 * Remember last successfully opened session per user * Suppress power command output * Allow customization of time format * Added a user selection list from a defined UID range * Miscellaneous UX improvements * Locales improvements - add tuigreet-version.patch to fix incorrect 0.7.3 version ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 4 03:52:52 UTC 2022 - William Brown - bsc#1182059 - CVE-2021-21299 - hyper request smuggling ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 26 23:45:31 UTC 2022 - William Brown - Update vendored dependencies ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 14 06:53:15 UTC 2022 - William Brown - Update to resolve bsc#1196972 CVE-2022-24713 - Regex DOS ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 7 01:24:04 UTC 2022 - William Brown - resolve bsc#1194119 (CVE-2021-45710) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 5 04:07:27 UTC 2021 - William Brown - Add cargo audit service to detect potential security issues ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 1 07:56:13 UTC 2021 - Denys Kondratenko - Update to 0.7.1 * Upgraded greetd_ipc to 0.8.0. * Used async throughout tuigreet to prevent blocking the UI. * Better handle different kinds of PAM prompts (such as fingerprint scanner prompts). * Allow customizing power commands to shut down and reboot the machine. * Miscellaneous UI improvements and typo fixes. * Added Polish and Catalan translations. * Updated man page. - tuigreet version 0.7.0 * Upgraded greetd_ipc to 0.8.0. * Used async throughout tuigreet to prevent blocking the UI. * Better handle different kinds of PAM prompts (such as fingerprint scanner prompts). * Allow customizing power commands to shut down and reboot the machine. * Miscellaneous UI improvements and typo fixes. * Added Polish and Catalan translations. - tuigreet version 0.6.1 * manpage was added. - tuigreet version 0.6.0 * Added option to remember last selected session between runs. * Add customization of the password redaction character instead of *. * Added translations in Italian and Portugese. - tuigreet version 0.5.0. * tuigreet used to terminate on authentication failure, which would pose security issues if greetd was configured to restart automatically with an `initial_session` set. Now, tuigreet loops on failure and keeps running (#24). * Following the previous item, all manual means of exiting tuigreet have been removed (such as hitting the ESC key). * Added localization of the user interface, with initial translations in English, French and German (thanks to @brodi1 for the German translation). - tuigreet version 0.4.0 * Add a space at the end of prompts if missing. * Added option to add global padding to the terminal. * Added menu to shut down and reboot the machine. * Fixed issue with container padding and greeting message. - tuigreet version 0.3.1. * Fixed issue where popup menus would put the UI into an unrecoverable state * Fixed issue where closing a popup would not return to the correct mode * Fixed issue with the time format * Added options to provide custom directories to look for sessions desktop files - tuigreet version 0.3.0. * Fixed issue where popup menus would put the UI into an unrecoverable state * Fixed issue with the time format * Added options to provide custom directories to look for sessions desktop files ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 28 05:44:40 UTC 2021 - William Brown - Replace rust-packaging with cargo-packaging ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 7 16:06:27 UTC 2020 - Denis Kondratenko - Initial package tuigreet 0.2.0