* fixed parseCommandLine fails with --build and --force
* fixed Watch cannot handle large amount of file changes
* fixed tsc crash with Error: start < 0 in a specific config
* allow use export = in .cts when module is esnext
* fixed verbatimModuleSyntax + import of ambient const enum missing error
* fixed Can't augment function overload is function is exported via export {}
* fixed Crash when using a combination of a switch statement, optional
chaining, an implicit any array, and ts strict settings.
* fixed Declaration emit change in 5.5 with exactOptionalPropertyTypes
* fixed Duplicate exports.* = assignments in CommonJS output in some cases
* fixed LiteralPropertyName should allow BigInt
* fixed Ghost errors and inconsistencies in destructuring patterns
For the full changelog see https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-5-6/
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:nodejs/typescript?expand=0&rev=55