* New features:
+ Checks for Never-Initialized Variables
+ Path Rewriting for Relative Paths
+ Support for --target es2024 and --lib es2024
+ Searching Ancestor Configuration Files for Project Ownership
+ Faster Project Ownership Checks in Editors for Composite Projects
+ Validated JSON Imports in --module nodenext
+ Support for V8 Compile Caching in Node.js
* Notable Behavioral Changes:
+ lib.d.ts Types generated for the DOM may have an impact on type-checking
your codebase.
+ TypedArrays Are Now Generic Over ArrayBufferLike
+ Creating Index Signatures from Non-Literal Method Names in Classes
+ More Implicit any Errors on Functions Returning null and undefined
For the full changelog see https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-5-7/
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:nodejs/typescript?expand=0&rev=59