
143 lines
6.2 KiB

Wed Nov 27 09:45:17 UTC 2024 - opensuse_buildservice@ojkastl.de
- Update to version 0.88.0:
* doc: add mermaid to manifest show command output (#3173)
* fix: flavour to flavor
* feat: add Pipeline graph to issue template
* feat: add mermaid graph flavour
* fix: only look at target when target has dependsonchange: true
* deps: bump updatecli version to v0.87.0 (#3148)
* doc(e2e tests) add a minimalistic documentation (#1120)
Tue Nov 26 14:07:33 UTC 2024 - opensuse_buildservice@ojkastl.de
- Update to version 0.87.0:
* deps: use go-scm upstream project (#3146)
* chore: deps(go): bump module github.com/drone/go-scm to v1.39.0
* deps(go): bump module cuelang.org/go (#3131)
* deps(go): bump module helm.sh/helm/v3 (#3126)
* deps(go): bump module github.com/stretchr/testify (#3119)
* deps(go): bump module github.com/goccy/go-yaml (#3111)
* deps(go): bump module github.com/Masterminds/semver/v3 (#3101)
* chore: deps(go): bump module github.com/drone/go-scm to v1.38.9
* feat(autodiscovery/helm): allow to set target.SkipPackaging for
helmchart (#3062)
* fix: message for golang update in go.mod (#3068)
* feat(temurin): introduces condition to check for Adoptium
releases existence (#3063)
* deps(go): bump module github.com/hashicorp/hcl/v2 (#3055)
* deps(go): bump module github.com/goccy/go-yaml (#3044)
* deps: Bump Golang version to 1.23.3 (#3031)
* deps(go): bump module golang.org/x/text (#3027)
* deps(go): bump module golang.org/x/oauth2 (#3011)
* deps(go): bump module golang.org/x/mod (#3012)
* fix: print Updatecli log to stdout instead of sterr (#2997)
* deps(go): bump module github.com/goccy/go-yaml (#2989)
* deps: bump updatecli version to v0.86.1 (#2979)
Tue Nov 12 06:49:54 UTC 2024 - opensuse_buildservice@ojkastl.de
- Update to version 0.86.1:
* fix: source block can be nil (#2977)
* deps: bump updatecli version to v0.86.0 (#2963)
Mon Nov 04 19:49:04 UTC 2024 - opensuse_buildservice@ojkastl.de
- Update to version 0.86.0:
* feat: add GitHub action autodiscovery plugin (#1964)
* deps(go): bump module github.com/goccy/go-yaml (#2956)
* deps(go): bump module github.com/goccy/go-yaml (#2949)
* chore(deps): Bump anchore/sbom-action from 0.17.3 to 0.17.6
* feat(gitbranch): Add git url param to gitbranch plugin (#2850)
* fix(gittag): allow to specify the sourcebranch where to create
the tag (#2926)
* deps(go): bump module github.com/goccy/go-yaml (#2924)
* fix(temurin) use OS and architecture to filter responses when
retrieving versions (#2917)
* fix(temurin) fail explicitly when specifying condition or
target of kind 'temurin' (#2916)
* feat(gittag): Add git url param to gittag plugin (#2848)
* deps(go): bump module cuelang.org/go (#2902)
* feat: detect auto-debug in the CI (#2822)
* deps(updatecli/policies): bump all policies (#2712)
* feat(scm): add bitbucket cloud scm and action support (#2847)
* fix: show pipeline as skipped if all target are skipped (#2849)
* deps(go): bump module github.com/fatih/color (#2875)
* deps(go): bump module github.com/yuin/goldmark (#2870)
* deps(go): bump module
github.com/testcontainers/testcontainers-go (#2861)
* deps(go): bump module helm.sh/helm/v3 (#2859)
* fix: disabling temurin s390x test (#2852)
* feat(core/pipeline): allow dependency across
source/conditions/targets (#2800)
* fix(doc): Typos (#2824)
* chore(deps): Bump anchore/sbom-action from 0.17.2 to 0.17.3
* chore: deps(go): bump module github.com/drone/go-scm to v1.38.8
* Fix bug when gitea request fails (#2806)
* deps: bump updatecli version to v0.85.0 (#2794)
Fri Oct 11 06:54:58 UTC 2024 - opensuse_buildservice@ojkastl.de
- Update to version 0.85.0:
* deps(go): bump module github.com/getsops/sops/v3 (#2787)
* chore(deps): Bump sigstore/cosign-installer from 3.6.0 to 3.7.0
* feat(autodiscovery/precommit): initial implementation (#2773)
* feat: dockerfile autodiscovery should ignore stage name and
scratch (#2752)
* deps(go): bump module golang.org/x/text (#2772)
* Disable spellcheck (#2765)
* chore(gha): update check-spelling to 0.0.22 (#2759)
* deps: Bump Golang version to 1.23.2 (#2753)
* deps: bump updatecli version to v0.84.1 (#2746)
Wed Oct 02 06:22:27 UTC 2024 - opensuse_buildservice@ojkastl.de
- Update to version 0.84.1:
* Fix prerelease semver filtering when current version is stable
* fix(prow/e2e): ignore broken image and use updatecli-test
* deps(go): bump module github.com/fluxcd/source-controller/api
* chore: deps(go): bump module github.com/drone/go-scm to v1.38.7
* deps(go): bump module helm.sh/helm/v3 (#2719)
* deps(go): bump module helm.sh/helm/v3 (#2713)
* chore: deps(go): bump module github.com/drone/go-scm to v1.38.6
* deps(go): bump module github.com/beevik/etree (#2702)
* deps(go): bump module github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go (#2691)
* chore: update golang patch one at a time (#2689)
* deps(go): bump module github.com/getsops/sops/v3 (#2684)
* deps: Bump Golang version to 1.23.1 (#2672)
* deps(go): bump module
github.com/testcontainers/testcontainers-go (#2677)
* deps: bump docker dependencies (#2671)
* deps(go): bump module golang.org/x/mod (#2669)
* deps(go): bump module golang.org/x/text (#2664)
* deps(go): bump module golang.org/x/oauth2 (#2658)
* chore(deps): Bump github.com/opencontainers/runc from 1.1.12 to
1.1.14 (#2647)
* chore(text): switch to httpclient (#2622)
* chore(spelling): add end of line new line (#2632)
* fix spelling warning (#2629)
* deps: bump updatecli version to v0.84.0 (#2623)
Tue Sep 24 05:20:02 UTC 2024 - Johannes Kastl <opensuse_buildservice@ojkastl.de>
- new package updatecli: a declarative dependency management tool