
57 lines
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- update to 9.1.0330 - refreshed vim-7.3-filetype_ftl.patch * v9.1.0327 contains an unrelated change * String interpolation fails for Dict type * CI fails with t_?? test * No support for using $XDG_CONFIG_HOME * filetype: some requirements files are not recognized * filetype: CMakeCache.txt files not recognized * Update base-syntax, fix nested function folding * filetype: some json files are not recognized * include new compiler, use it for '*.custom.yaml' files * filetype: cabal config files may not be recognized * don't set compiler, update a comment for vimdoc compiler * filetype: some mail tools not recognized * Garbled output on serial terminals with XON/XOFF flow control * Recognise non-ASCII identifiers * Wrong cursor position after using setcellwidths() * Using heredoc in string not tested with :execute * use explicit version tags for macos runners * filetype: translate shell config files are not recognized * filetype: matplotlibrc files are not recognized * Update base-syntax, add legacy header folding * filetype: some sh and confini files not recognized * filetype: a few more dosini files are not recognized * Line continuation is not detected for 'set' command * Vim9: Can define a class in a function * fix highlighting import string followed by some comment * Crash when using heredoc with comment in command block * heredocs are not supported for :commands * filetype: Some config files are not recognized OBS-URL:
2024-04-15 08:50:16 +00:00
Index: vim-9.1.0330/runtime/filetype.vim
- update to 9.1.0330 - refreshed vim-7.3-filetype_ftl.patch * v9.1.0327 contains an unrelated change * String interpolation fails for Dict type * CI fails with t_?? test * No support for using $XDG_CONFIG_HOME * filetype: some requirements files are not recognized * filetype: CMakeCache.txt files not recognized * Update base-syntax, fix nested function folding * filetype: some json files are not recognized * include new compiler, use it for '*.custom.yaml' files * filetype: cabal config files may not be recognized * don't set compiler, update a comment for vimdoc compiler * filetype: some mail tools not recognized * Garbled output on serial terminals with XON/XOFF flow control * Recognise non-ASCII identifiers * Wrong cursor position after using setcellwidths() * Using heredoc in string not tested with :execute * use explicit version tags for macos runners * filetype: translate shell config files are not recognized * filetype: matplotlibrc files are not recognized * Update base-syntax, add legacy header folding * filetype: some sh and confini files not recognized * filetype: a few more dosini files are not recognized * Line continuation is not detected for 'set' command * Vim9: Can define a class in a function * fix highlighting import string followed by some comment * Crash when using heredoc with comment in command block * heredocs are not supported for :commands * filetype: Some config files are not recognized OBS-URL:
2024-04-15 08:50:16 +00:00
--- vim-9.1.0330.orig/runtime/filetype.vim
+++ vim-9.1.0330/runtime/filetype.vim
@@ -2313,6 +2313,10 @@ au BufNewFile,BufRead *.stp setf stp
" Standard ML
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.sml setf sml
+" FreeMarker templates
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.ftl setf ftl
- update to 9.1.0330 - refreshed vim-7.3-filetype_ftl.patch * v9.1.0327 contains an unrelated change * String interpolation fails for Dict type * CI fails with t_?? test * No support for using $XDG_CONFIG_HOME * filetype: some requirements files are not recognized * filetype: CMakeCache.txt files not recognized * Update base-syntax, fix nested function folding * filetype: some json files are not recognized * include new compiler, use it for '*.custom.yaml' files * filetype: cabal config files may not be recognized * don't set compiler, update a comment for vimdoc compiler * filetype: some mail tools not recognized * Garbled output on serial terminals with XON/XOFF flow control * Recognise non-ASCII identifiers * Wrong cursor position after using setcellwidths() * Using heredoc in string not tested with :execute * use explicit version tags for macos runners * filetype: translate shell config files are not recognized * filetype: matplotlibrc files are not recognized * Update base-syntax, add legacy header folding * filetype: some sh and confini files not recognized * filetype: a few more dosini files are not recognized * Line continuation is not detected for 'set' command * Vim9: Can define a class in a function * fix highlighting import string followed by some comment * Crash when using heredoc with comment in command block * heredocs are not supported for :commands * filetype: Some config files are not recognized OBS-URL:
2024-04-15 08:50:16 +00:00
" Sratus VOS command macro
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.cm setf voscm
Index: vim-9.1.0330/runtime/syntax/ftl.vim
--- /dev/null
- update to 9.1.0330 - refreshed vim-7.3-filetype_ftl.patch * v9.1.0327 contains an unrelated change * String interpolation fails for Dict type * CI fails with t_?? test * No support for using $XDG_CONFIG_HOME * filetype: some requirements files are not recognized * filetype: CMakeCache.txt files not recognized * Update base-syntax, fix nested function folding * filetype: some json files are not recognized * include new compiler, use it for '*.custom.yaml' files * filetype: cabal config files may not be recognized * don't set compiler, update a comment for vimdoc compiler * filetype: some mail tools not recognized * Garbled output on serial terminals with XON/XOFF flow control * Recognise non-ASCII identifiers * Wrong cursor position after using setcellwidths() * Using heredoc in string not tested with :execute * use explicit version tags for macos runners * filetype: translate shell config files are not recognized * filetype: matplotlibrc files are not recognized * Update base-syntax, add legacy header folding * filetype: some sh and confini files not recognized * filetype: a few more dosini files are not recognized * Line continuation is not detected for 'set' command * Vim9: Can define a class in a function * fix highlighting import string followed by some comment * Crash when using heredoc with comment in command block * heredocs are not supported for :commands * filetype: Some config files are not recognized OBS-URL:
2024-04-15 08:50:16 +00:00
+++ vim-9.1.0330/runtime/syntax/ftl.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: FreeMarker Template Language (FTL)
+" Maintainer: Stephan M<>ller <>
+" Last Change: 2003 Oct 7
+syn case match
+" directives and interpolations
+syn region ftlStartDirective start=+<#+ end=+>+ contains=ftlKeyword, ftlDirective, ftlString, ftlComment
+syn region ftlEndDirective start=+</#+ end=+>+ contains=ftlDirective
+syn region ftlStartUserDirective start=+<@+ end=+>+ contains=ftlString, ftlComment
+syn region ftlEndUserDirective start=+</@+ end=+>+
+syn region ftlInterpolation start=+${+ end=+}+
+syn region ftlInterpolation2 start=+#{+ end=+}+
+syn region ftlString contained start=+"+ end=+"+
+syn region ftlComment start=+<#--+ end=+-->+
+" keywords
+syn keyword ftlDirective contained list if else macro import include switch case break
+syn keyword ftlDirective contained assign local global nested recurse fallback visit
+syn keyword ftlDirective contained function return t rt lt nt ftl
+syn keyword ftlKeyword contained as in using
+" highlighting
+highlight link ftlKeyword Statement
+highlight link ftlDirective Statement
+highlight link ftlStartDirective Function
+highlight link ftlEndDirective Function
+highlight link ftlStartUserDirective Function
+highlight link ftlEndUserDirective Function
+highlight link ftlInterpolation Constant
+highlight link ftlInterpolation2 Constant
+highlight link ftlString Constant
+highlight link ftlComment Comment