reduces unexpected failures.
- Updated to revision 417, fixes the following problems
* Can't build with Perl on Fedora 20.
* Fold does not open after search when there is a CmdwinLeave
* "foo bar" sorts before "foo" with sort(). (John Little)
* Cannot define a command only when it's used.
* Cannot build. Warning for shadowed variable. (John Little)
* Problem with breakindent/showbreak and tabs.
* After splitting a window and setting 'breakindent' the default
minimum with is not respected.
* Screen updating is slow when using matches.
* Inserting text for Visual block mode, with cursor movement,
repeats the wrong text. (Aleksandar Ivanov)
* Visual block insert breaks a multi-byte character.
* Compiler warning for unused argument and unused variable.
* Character after "fb" command not mapped if it might be a composing
* Test 63 fails when run with GUI-only Vim.
* Popup menu flickers too much.
* When 'equalalways' is set a split may report "no room" even though
there is plenty of room.
* Title of quickfist list is not kept for setqflist(list, 'r').
* Accessing freed memory after using setqflist(list, 'r'). (Lcd)
* Loading python may cause Vim to exit.
* Get u_undo error when backspacing in Insert mode deletes more than
one line break. (Ayberk Ozgur)
* Mapping characters may not work after typing Esc in Insert mode.
* Bad interaction between preview window and omnifunc.