* Aws config files are not recognized.
* ":!" does not switch to the alternate screen.
* CTRL-Z at end of file is always dropped.
* Build error.
* "!ls" does not work.
* Still a build error, tests are failing.
* Memory leak with empty shell command.
* Crash when using win_move_statusline() in another tab page.
* Crash when dragging the statusline with a mapping.
* Mouse drag test fails.
* Crash when using win_move_separator() in other tab page.
* If 'endofline' is set the CTRL-Z may be written in the wrong place.
* The <Home> key in tmux doesn't work when 'term' is set to
"xterm". (Dominique Pellé)
* Various typos.
* Wrong counts in macro comment.
* Compiler warning for redefining HAVE_DUP.
* Deprecation warning causes build failure.
* Warning for missing return type.
* The window title is not redrawn when 'endoffile' changes.
* Wrong error when using extend() with funcref.
* append() reports failure when not appending anything.
* Compiler warnings for unused variables.
* Test may fail depending on sequence of events.
* Cannot change a slice of a const list. (Takumi KAGIYAMA)
* deletebufline() does not always return 1 on failure.
* Unicode range for Apple SF symbols is outdated.
* VHS tape files are not recognized.
* Handling 'statusline' errors is spread out.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=762
* Kitty terminal is not recognized.
* GUI mouse scrollwheel mappings don't work.
* Error if :echowin is preceded by a command modifier
* readblob() returns empty when trying to read too much
* Test for job writing to buffer fails
* sonnet filetype detection has a typo
* With 'smoothscroll' typing "0" may not go to the first column
* 'langmap' works differently when there are modifiers
* Filetype autocmd may cause freed memory access
* Crash when trying to divice the largest negative number by -1
* readblob() cannot read from character device.
* The modifyOtherKeys flag is set when it should not.
* In compiled function ->() on next line not recognized
* Clang format configuration files are not recognized.
* Order of assert function arguments is reverted.
* readblob() always reads the whole file.
* At the hit-Enter prompt the End and Home keys may not work.
* Dummy buffer ends up in a window
* User command does not get number from :tab modifier
* Memory leak with empty shell command
* ":!" doesn't do anything but does update the previous command.
* OpenVPN files are not recognized.
* 'scroll' value computed in unexpected location
* The libvterm code is outdated.
* Quickfix commands may keep memory allocated.
* With a Visual block a put command column may go negative.
* Indent and option tests fail.
* Cannot use 'indentexpr' for Lisp indenting.
* Display test for 'listchars' "precedes" fails
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=760
* Virtual text "after" not correct with 'nowrap'.
* Quitting/unloading/hiding a terminal buffer does not always work properly.
* SubStation Alpha files are not recognized.
* Wrong column when calling setcursorcharpos() with zero lnum.
* <amatch> of MenuPopup event is expanded like a file name.
* With 'nowrap' two virtual text below not displayed correctly.
* Wrong argument for append() gives two error messages.
* With 'nowrap' virtual text "after" does not scroll left.
* Compiler warning for unused variable in tiny build.
* Extra empty line between two virtual text "below" when 'wrap' and 'number'
are set.
* Too many delete() calls in tests.
* Virtual text "above" with padding not displayed correctly.
* Virtual text "after" does not show with 'list' set.
* Extra empty line below virtual text when 'list' is set.
* Closure in compiled function gets same variable in block.
* Virtual text "after" wraps to next line even when 'wrap' is off and
'list' is set.
* Looping over list of lists and changing the list contents works in Vim9
script, not in a compiled function.
* Help in the repository differs from patched version too much.
* extend() test fails.
* The rightleft and arabic features are disabled.
* Startup test fails with right-left feature.
* clang-tidy configuration files are not recognized.
* No check for white space before and after "=<<". (Doug Kearns)
* Use of strftime() is not safe.
* Cursor position invalid when scrolling with 'smoothscroll' set. (Ernie
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=759
* Too many delete() calls in tests.
* "const" and "final" both make the type a constant. (Daniel Steinberg)
* Coverity warns for not checking return value.
* Get an error for using const only when executing.
* In Vim9 script a numbered function cannot be called.
* Too many delete() calls in tests.
* Calling a function from an "expr" option has too much overhead.
* FEAT_TITLE was removed but is still used.
* Evaluating "expr" options has more overhead than needed.
* Build error and compiler warnings.
* Underline color does not work in terminals that don't send a termresponse.
* Syntax of commands in Vim9 script depends on +eval feature.
* Popup menu highlight wrong on top of preview popup. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
* Checking for popup in screen_char() is too late, the attribute has
already been changed.
* Cannot scroll by screen line if a line wraps.
* Missing part of the new option code.
* Breakindent test fails.
* Smoothscroll test fails.
* 'smoothscroll' is not copied to a new window on :split.
* CTRL-Y does not stop at line 1. (John Marriott)
* with 'smoothscroll' set CTRL-E does not work properly when 'foldmethod'
is set to "indent". (Yee Cheng Chin)
* The 'splitscroll' option is not a good name.
* When using powershell input redirection does not work.
* No indication when the first line is broken for 'smoothscroll'.
* Some tests are failing.
* Build fails without the +conceal feature.
* 'smoothscroll' not tested with 'number' and "n" in 'cpo'.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=757
* When quitting the cmdline window with CTRL-C it remains visible.
* Warning for using uninitialized value in mouse test.
* A closure in a nested loop in a :def function does not work.
* Build failure.
* still a Build failure.
* Various problems with 'nosplitscroll'.
* Line number argument for :badd does not work.
* Command line cleared when using :redrawstatus in CmdlineChanged
autocommand event.
* When the channel test fails there is no clue why.
* Confusing error for "saveas" command with "nofile" buffer.
* Chatito files are not recognized.
* Unnecessary scrolling for message of only one line.
* Cannot redraw the status lines when editing a command.
* May not be able to use a pattern ad the debug prompt.
* Terminal test sometimes hangs.
* Virtual text highlight starts too early when 'number' is set.
* Virtual text "above" highlights gap after it.
* When at the command line :redrawstatus does not work well.
* Virtual text highlight starts too early with 'nowrap' and 'number' set.
* The win_line() function is much too long.
* Declaring a loop variable at the start of a block is clumsy.
* Compiler warns for unused argument in small version.
* Build fails on Appveyor.
* more compiler warnings for arguments in small version
* Manually deleting temp test files.
* Long sign text may overflow buffer.
* Appveyor setup contains outdated lines.
* Using freed memory when autocmd changes mark.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=752
- boo#1203508 - CVE-2022-3234
* On an AZERTY keyboard digit keys get the shift modifier.
* Incorrect color for modeless selection with GTK.
* A few problems with 'splitscroll'.
* Function called at debug prompt is also debugged.
* Substitute prompt does not highlight an empty match.
* Splitting a line with a text prop "above" moves it to a new line below.
* Vim9: block in for loop doesn't behave like a code block.
* Loop variable can't be found.
* 'scroll' is not always updated.
* ASAN warning for integer overflow.
* Command line test leaves directory behind.
* With virtual text "above" indenting doesn't work well.
* Cursor moves when cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off.
* Virtual text wrong after adding line break after line.
* Build failure.
* Exectution stack underflow without the +eval feature. (Dominique Pellé)
* Cursor moves if cmdwin is closed when 'splitscroll' is off.
* In a :def function all closures in a loop get the same variables.
* No test for what patch 9.0.0469 fixes.
* Virtual text "below" doesn't show in list mode.
* fullcommand() only works for the current script version.
* fullcommand() test failure.
* Not using deferred delete in tests.
* Varargs does not work for replacement function of substitute().
* Missing dependency may cause crashes on incomplete build.
* Test for 'splitscroll' takes too much time.
* Valva Date Format files are not recognized.
* Cannot use a :def varargs function with substitute().
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=749
- boo#1203194 - CVE-2022-3134
- boo#1203110 - CVE-2022-3099
* Writefile test leaves files behind.
* Freeing the wrong string on failure.
* Coverity complains about unused value.
* Covertity still complains about using return value of getc().
* GUI: when CTRL-D is mapped in Insert mode it gets inserted. (Yasuhiro
* Some code blocks are nested too deep.
* repeating a <ScriptCmd> mapping does not use the right script context.
* The do_arg_all() function is too long.
* Crash when 'tagfunc' closes the window.
* Cannot use a partial with :defer.
* Using separate delete() call instead of writefile() 'D' flag.
* Inverted condition is a bit confusing.
* Signals test often fails on FreeBSD.
* Cygwin: multibyte characters may be broken in terminal window.
* Clang warnings for function prototypes.
* :findrepl does not escape '&' and '~' properly.
* :defer not tested with exceptions and ":qa!".
* Members of funccall_T are inconsistently named.
* Using :defer in expression funcref not tested.
* GUI test sometimes hangs on CI.
* CI uses older clang version.
* Javascript module files are not recoginzed.
* 'equalalways' may be off when 'laststatus' is zero.
* Crash when passing invalid arguments to assert_fails().
* Arguments in a partial not used by a :def function.
* Deferred functions not invoked when partial func exits.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=745
* Using common name in tests leads to flaky tests.
* VDM files are not recognized.
* Shell command is displayed in message window.
* Screen flickers when 'cmdheight' is zero.
* When updating the whole screen a popup may not be redrawn.
* Clearing screen causes flicker.
* Godot shader files are not recognized.
* Command line type of CmdlineChange differs from getcmdtype().
* Cannot use the message popup window directly.
* Crash when no errors and 'quickfixtextfunc' is set.
* Using common name in tests leads to flaky tests.
* Some changes for cmdheight=0 are not needed.
* items() does not work on a list. (Sergey Vlasov)
* OLD_DIGRAPHS is unused.
* ":highlight" hangs when 'cmdheight' is zero.
* Method tests fail.
* Cannot use items() on a string.
* Overwrite check may block BufWriteCmd.
* Method test fails.
* Test does not properly clean up.
* Checks for Dictionary argument often give a vague error message.
* Tests are flaky because of using a common file name.
* Flicker when resetting cmdline_row after updating the screen.
* Return value of list_append_list() not always checked.
* No check if the return value of XChangeGC() is NULL.
* The 'cmdheight' zero support causes too much trouble.
* mapset() does not restore <Nop> mapping properly.
* ":wincmd =" equalizes in two directions.
* ColorScheme autocommand triggered when colorscheme is not found. (Romain
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=743
* Using NULL pointer when skipping compiled code.
* Using freed memory with multiple line breaks in expression.
* job_start() test may fail under valgrind.
* Cannot read error message when abort() is called.
* Crash when pattern looks below the last line.
* Vim9: error message for missing type is not clear.
* No error for comma missing in list in :def function.
* Expanding "**" may loop forever with directory links.
* Test with BufNewFile autocmd is flaky.
* Removing multiple text properties takes many calls.
* Cannot make difference between the end of :normal and a character in
its argument.
* 'autoshelldir' does not work with chunked respose.
* Popup menu not removed when 'wildmenu' reset while it is visible.
* Mac: cannot build if dispatch.h is not available.
* Shift-Tab shows matches on cmdline when 'wildmenu' is off.
* Build failure without the +wildmenu feature.
* Crash when using ":mkspell" with an empty .dic file.
* "make install" does not install shared syntax file. (James McCoy)
* "make install" still fails. (Wilhelm Payne)
* Text properties "below" sort differently on MS-Windows.
* Cannot easily get the list of sourced scripts.
* Mechanism to prevent recursive screen updating is incomplete.
* Using freed memory when 'tagfunc' deletes the buffer.
* Cannot add padding to virtual text without highlight.
* Duplicate code in finding a script in the execution stack.
* No test for what 9.0.0234 fixes.
* Slightly inconsistent error messages.
* Test output shows up in git.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=740
- fix boo#1202515 - CVE-2022-2845
* indexof() may leak memory.
* Cursor in wrong position when inserting after virtual text. (Ben Jackson)
* Redraw flags are not named specifically.
* Stacktrace not shown when debugging.
* The override flag has no effect for virtual text. (Ben Jackson)
* Build error with small features.
* 'list' mode does not work properly with virtual text.
* Invalid memory access when compiling :lockvar.
* Invalid memory access when compiling :unlet.
* Using freed memory with error in assert argument.
* Splitting a line may duplicate virtual text. (Ben Jackson)
* Not passing APC_INDENT flag.
* Undo earlier test sometimes fails on MS-Windows.
* 'shellslash' works differently when sourcing a script again.
* Reading before the start of the line.
* Cannot make a funcref with "s:func" in a def function in legacy script.
* Invalid memory access with for loop over NULL string.
* Accessing freed memory if compiling nested function fails.
* No good reason why text objects are only in larger builds.
* Typo in diffmode test.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=738
* Textprop test with line2byte() fails on MS-Windows.
* Quarto files are not recognized.
* Extra space after virtual text when 'linebreak' is set.
* Virtual text prop highlight continues after truncation.
* Virtual text does not show if tehre is a text prop at same position. (Ben
* Virtual text without highlighting does not show. (Ben Jackson)
* Command line height changes when maximizing window height.
* Strange effects when using virtual text with "text_align" and non-zero
column. (Martin Tournoij)
* Invalid memory access for text prop without highlight.
* The way 'cmdheight' can be made zero is inconsistent.
* Messages test fails; window size incorrect when 'cmdheight' is made
* Possible invalid memory access when 'cmdheight' is zero. (Martin Tournoij)
* Search and match highlgith interfere with virtual text highlight. (Ben
* Cursor displayed in wrong position after removing text prop. (Ben Jackson)
* Metafun files are not recogized.
* Finding value in list may require a for loop.
* Astro files are not detected.
* ml_get error when switching buffer in Visual mode.
* Cursor position wrong with two right-aligned virtual texts.
* cursor in a wrong positoin if 'wrap' is off and using two right aligned
text props in one line.
* CursorLine highlight overrules virtual text highlight.
* Code and help for indexof() is not ideal.
* Confusing variable name.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=736
* Comment about tabpage line above the wrong code.
* After CTRL-Left-mouse click a mouse scroll also has CTRL.
* Debugger test may fail when $CWD is very long.
* Not enough characters accepted for 'spellfile'.
* Truncating virtual text after a line not implemented. Cursor positioning
wrong with Newline in the text.
* execute() does not use the "legacy" command modifier.
* "delmenu" does not remove autocmmands. Running menu test function
alone fails.
* Crash when adding and removing virtual text. (Ben Jackson)
* Cursor positioned after virtual text in empty line.
* Text property cannot override 'cursorline' highlight.
* Substitute that joins lines drops text properties.
* Missing part of change for "override" flag.
* Cursor positioned wrong after two text properties with virtual text and
"below" alignment. (Tim Pope)
* A "below" aligned text property gets 'showbreak' displayed.
* Test for fuzzy completion fails sometimes.
* Error for using #{ in an expression is a bit confusing.
* A "below" aligned text property does not work with 'nowrap'.
* Warning for unused argument in small build.
* No fold and sign column for virtual text with "below" align and 'nowrap'.
* Text properties wrong after splitting a line.
* Text properties with "right" and "after" alignment displayed wrong with
* Giving E1170 only in an expression is confusing.
* 'showbreak' displayed below truncated "after" text prop.
* With 'nowrap' "below" property not displayed correctly.
* Cannot build with small features.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=734
* Coverity warns for double free.
* Some compilers warn for using an uninitialized variable. (Tony Mechelynck)
* No test for what patch 8.1.1424 fixes.
* When switching window in autocmd the restored cursor position may be wrong.
* Star register is changed when deleting and both "unnamed" and "unnamedplus"
are in 'clipboard'.
* Error in autoload script not reported for 'foldexpr'.
* Compiler warning for size_t to int conversion.
* Command line completion of user command may have duplicates. (Dani
* Cannot interrupt global command from command line.
* ModeChanged event not triggered when leaving the cmdline window.
* Using "terraform" filetype for .tfvars file is bad.
* ":write" fails after ":file name" and then ":edit".
* Tabline is not redrawn when entering command line.
* MS-Windows: CTRL-[ on Belgian keyboard does not work like Esc.
* Pattern for detecting bitbake files is not sufficient.
* Fuzzy argument completion doesn't work for shell commands.
* No error when assigning bool to a string option with setwinvar().
* Duplicate error number.
* Plugins cannot change v:completed_item.
* Sway config files are recognized as i3config.
* Cursor restored unexpected with nested autocommand.
* Conditions are always true.
* Flag "new_value_alloced" is always true.
* Long quickfix line is truncated for :clist.
* missing include file in timer_create configure check.
* Scrollback can be wrong after redrawing the command line.
* Get hit-enter prompt for system() when '!' is in 'guioptions'.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=732
- fix CVE-2022-2522 - boo#1201863
* In the quickfix window 'cursorline' overrules QuickFixLine highlighting.
* On a Belgian keyboard CTRL-[ does not work.
* Spell tests do not always clear the word list.
* Spell dump may go beyond end of an array.
* 'fillchars' cannot have window-local values.
* 'listchars' test fails.
* Not all systems have GDK_KEY_dead_circumflex. (Hisashi T Fujinaka)
* Use of set_chars_option() is confusing.
* A couple of filetype patterns do not have "*" before "/etc".
* Missing change for filetype detection.
* Insufficient testing for bracket commands.
* Typos in comments, wrapping lines.
* Reading past end of completion with a long line and 'infercase' set.
* Reading past end of completion with duplicate match.
* Using freed memory with recursive substitute.
* Cursor in wrong column with mouse click after concealed text.
* Csv and tsv files are not recognized.
* Split else-if is confusing.
* Using CTRL-C wih :append may hang Vim.
* "zG" may throw an error if invalid character follows.
* E1281 not tested with the old regexp engine.
* Compiler warning for size_t to int conversion.
* Bitbake files are not detected.
* Wrong line number reported when :cexpr fails in :def function.
* has('patch-xxx') returns true.
* Test file has wrong name.
* Accessing uninitialized memory when completing long line.
* ml_get error with nested autocommand.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=730
- fix CVE-2022-2285 - boo#1201134
* Map functionality outside of map.c.
* Functions are global while they could be local.
* Plural messages not translated properly.
* Hare files are not recognized.
* Not all Visual Basic files are recognized.
* No support for double, dotted and dashed underlines.
* Cannot specify the variable name for "xxd -i".
* Going past the end of a menu item with only modifier.
* Returning 0 for has('patch-9.0.0') is inconsistent.
* Reading beyond the end of the line with put command.
* Signature files not detected properly.
* Reproducing memory access errors can be difficult.
* Missing part of the test override change.
* With EXITFREE defined terminal menus are not cleared.
* Comparing line pointer for 'breakindent' is not reliable.
* Accessing memory beyond the end of the line.
* Going over the end of the typahead.
* Timers test not run where possible.
* With some completion reading past end of string.
* Invalid memory access when adding word with a control character to the
internal spell word list.
* Spell test fails.
* On Solaris timer_create() exists but does not work.
* May access part of typeahead buf that isn't filled.
* Accessing beyond allocated memory when using the cmdline window in Ex mode.
* Accessing freed memory with diff put.
* The command line test is getting quite big.
* The bitmaps/vim.ico file is not in the distribution.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=727
* Reading beyond the end of the line with lisp indenting.
* search() gets stuck with "c" and skip evaluates to true.
* "make uninstall" does not remove colors/lists.
* Still mentioning version8, some cosmetic issues.
* In diff mode windows may get out of sync. (Gary Johnson)
* TSTP and INT signal tests are not run with valgrind.
* Fix for CTRL-key combinations causes more problems than it solves.
* Accessing invalid memory after changing terminal size.
* Might still access invalid memory.
* Reading before the start of the line with BS in Replace mode.
* Crash when deleting buffers in diff mode.
* Invalid memory access after diff buffer manipulations.
* Import test fails because 'diffexpr' isn't reset.
* Test for DiffUpdated fails.
* get(Fn, 'name') on funcref returns special byte code.
* Cannot build with Python 3.11.
* Nested :source may use NULL pointer.
* Dependencies and proto files are outdated.
* "make menu" still uses legacy script.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=725
- fixed boo#1200184
* Debugger test fails when run with valgrind.
* Cannot build without the +channel feature. (Dominique Pellé)
* Various small issues.
* TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME is no longer supported by autoconf.
* Seachpair timeout test is flaky.
* Using "volatile int" in a signal handler might be wrong.
* Startup test fails if there is a status bar at the top of the
screen. (Ernie Rael)
* Some tests fail when using valgrind. Spurious leak reports.
* With 'lazyredraw' set completion menu may be displayed wrong.
* Exit test causes spurious valgrind reports.
* Memory leak when substitute expression nests.
* Flaky test always fails on retry.
* Invalid memory access when using an expression on the command line.
* Cannot build without the +eval feature. (Tony Mechelynck)
* Read past the end of the first line with ":0;'{".
* Reading beyond the end of the line with lisp indenting.
* search() gets stuck with "c" and skip evaluates to true.
* "make uninstall" does not remove colors/lists.
* Still mentioning version8, some cosmetic issues.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=723
* Autocmd test still fails on MS-Windows.
* When the GUI shows a dialog tests get stuck.
* Gcc gives warning for signed/unsigned difference.
* CI runs on Windows 2019.
* Cannot build with clang on MS-Windows.
* Value of cmod_verbose is a bit complicated to use.
* Some functions return a different value on failure.
* Terminal test fails with some shell commands.
* Using "'<,'>" in Ex mode may compare unrelated pointers.
* Error message for unknown command may mention the command twice. (Malcolm
* Terminal test still fails with some shell commands.
* Using uninitialized memory when using 'listchars'.
* Spelldump test sometimes hangs.
* Some terminal tests are not retried.
* Memory usage tests are not retried.
* MS-Windows with MinGW: $CC may be "cc" instead of "gcc".
* Interrupt not caught in test.
* Build fails with small features.
* Default cmdwin mappings are re-mappable.
* Some callers of rettv_list_alloc() check for not OK. (Christ van Willegen)
* Retab test disabled because it hangs on MS-Windows.
* Mode not updated after CTRL-O CTRL-C in Insert mode.
* Icon filetype not recognized from the first line.
* No test for --gui-dialog-file.
* Timer becomes invalid after fork/exec, :gui gives errors. (Gabriel Dupras)
* Time limit on searchpair() does not work properly.
* Search timeout is overrun with some patterns.
* "limit" option of matchfuzzy() not always respected.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=721
* A finished terminal in a popup window does not show a scrollbar.
* Confusing error if first argument of popup_create() is wrong.
* Scrollbar thumb in scrolled popup not visible.
* Cannot close a terminal popup with "NONE" job.
* Scrollbar thumb in tall scrolled popup not visible.
* Can open a cmdline window from a substitute expression.
* Command line test fails.
* Can escape a terminal popup window when the job is finished.
* vim_regsub() can overwrite the destination.
* CurSearch highlight is often wrong.
* When using XIM the gui test may fail.
* Insufficient tests for autocommands.
* Using freed memory when searching for pattern in path.
* Check for autocmd_add() event argument is confusing.
* CI checkout step title is a bit cryptic.
* Cannot have a comment halfway an expression in an autocmd command block.
* No good filetype for conf files similar to dosini.
* Statusline is not updated when terminal title changes.
* The channel log only contains some of the raw terminal output.
* Using gettimeofday() for timeout is very inefficient.
* input() does not handle composing characters properly.
* Autoconf 2.71 produces many obsolete warnings.
* Running configure fails.
* C89 requires signal handlers to return void.
* Coverity warns for dead code.
* Error for a command may go over the end of IObuff.
* No test for what 8.1.0052 fixes.
* Wrong return type for main() in tee.c.
* Can specify multispace listchars only for whole line.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=719
* Valgrind warning for using uninitialized variable.
* Screendump test may fail when using valgrind.
* Vim9: misplaced elseif causes invalid memory access.
* "P" in Visual mode still changes some registers.
* Cannot make 'breakindent' use a specific column.
* String interpolation only works in heredoc.
* Test fails without the job/channel feature. (Dominique Pellé)
* Test fails with the job/channel feature.
* Vim9: redir in skipped block seen as assignment.
* Channel log does not show invoking a timer callback.
* Line number of lambda ignores line continuation.
* Inconsistent capitalization in error messages.
* Vim help presentation could be better.
* Test failures because of changed error messages.
* Distributed import files are not installed.
* Buffer overflow with invalid command with composing chars.
* Expression in command block does not look after NL when command is typed.
* Comment inside an expression in lambda ignores the rest of the expression.
* Coverity complains about pointer usage.
* With latin1 encoding CTRL-W might go before the start of the command line.
* Vim9 expression test fails without the job feature.
* NULL pointer access when using invalid pattern.
* Mouse wheel scrolling is inconsistent.
* Cannot get the current cmdline completion type and position.
* codecov includes MS-Windows install files.
* codecov includes MS-Windows install header file.
* Some users do not want a line comment always inserted.
* No text formatting for // comment after a statement.
* MODE_ enum entries names are too generic.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=717
- fixes CVE-2022-1381 ( boo#1198596 )
* Using wrong flag for using bell in the terminal.
* Supercollider filetype not recognized.
* No filetype override for .sys files.
* Cannot use an imported function in a mapping.
* <script> is not expanded in autocmd context.
* Small pieces of dead code.
* Mapping <SID>name.Func does not work for script in autoload directory.
* Wrong 'statusline' value can cause illegal memory access.
* Error from setting an option is silently ignored.
* Still using cached values after unsetting some known environment variables.
* Cannot use <SID>FuncRef in completion spec.
* Build error without the +eval feature.
* List of libraries to suppress lsan errors is outdated.
* When using an LSP channel want to get the message ID.
* CurSearch highlight does not work for multi-line match.
* Using matchfuzzy() on a long list can take a while.
* Documentation for using LSP messages is incomplete.
* Using freed memory when using synstack() and synID() in WinEnter.
* Using invalid pointer with "V:" in Ex mode.
* CI uses an older gcc version.
* Function matchfuzzy() sorts too many items.
* KRL files using "deffct" not recognized.
* Openscad files are not recognized.
* CI: codecov upload sometimes does not work.
* Build warning with UCRT.
* Cannot easily mix expression and heredoc.
* Coverity warns for not checking return value.
* Old Coverity warning for not checking ftell() return value.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=715
* Vim9: not enough test coverage for executing :def function.
* Sourcing buffer lines is too complicated.
* Error for redefining a script item may be confusing.
* Error for arguments of remote_expr() even when the +clientserver feature
is not included.
* Test fails because of changed error message.
* Sourcing buffer lines may lead to errors for conflicts.
* getcompletion() does not work properly when 'wildoptions contains "fuzzy".
* :unhide does not check for failing to close a window.
* Some conditions are always true.
* Typos in tests; one lua line not covered by test.
* Vim9: cannot use a recursive call in a nested function. (Sergey Vlasov)
* Return type of swapfile_unchanged() is wrong.
* Redrawing too much when 'cursorline' is set and jumping around.
* Mapping with escaped bar does not work in :def function. (Sergey Vlasov)
* Vim9: Declarations in a {} block of a user command do not use Vim9 rules
if defined in a legacy script. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
* No completion for :scriptnames.
* Command line completion does not recognize single letter commands.
* Mapping is cancelled when mouse moves and popup is visible.
* Two letter substitute commands don't work. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
* Crash when using the tabline right-click menu.
* Vim9: Crash with :execute and :finish. (Sergey Vlasov)
* Coverity warns for using uninitialized field.
* Old Coverity warning for resource leak.
* Old Coverity warning for resource leak.
* Visual area not fully updated when removing sign in Visual mode while
* flatten() does not use maxdepth correctly.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=711
* Vim9: "break" inside try/catch not handled correctly.
* Coverity warning for refactored tag search code.
* Coverity warnings for not using returned value.
* Duplicate #undef.
* The neXTaw GUI is old and does not work well.
* Script-local function is deleted when used in a funcref.
* Cannot build with Motif and editres. (Tony Mechelynck)
* When mapping <Esc> terminal codes are not recognized.
* In a :def function "put = expr" does not work.
* Linear tag search is a bit slow.
* Vim9: using null values not sufficiently tested.
* getmousepos() returns the wrong column. (Ernie Rael)
* Test fails without the +job or +channel feature. (Dominique Pellé)
* Confusing comment about 'cursorlineopt'.
* getmousepos() returns the screen column. (Ernie Rael)
* Suspending with CTRL-Z does not work on DragonFlyBSD.
* Build failure with some combination of features. (John Marriott)
* Linear tag search is not optimal.
* "z=" in Visual mode may go beyond the end of the line.
* Running test leaves file behind. (Dominique Pellé)
* No command line completion for :breakadd and :breakdel.
* Check for existing buffer in session file does not work for files in
the home directory.
* Bracketed paste doesn't work well in Visual linewise mode.
* getmousepos() does not compute the column below the last line.
* Coverity warning for not using a return value.
* No command line completion for :profile and :profdel.
* Not all gdb files are recognized.
* Vim9: return type "any" is sometimes changed to first returned type.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=709
* Terminal test may fail on some machines.
* The GPM library can only be linked statically.
* Vim9: compiling filter() call fails with funcref that has unknown
* Vim9: compiling sort() call fails with a funcref that has unknown
* Vim9: wrong error for defining dict function.
* Not enough testing for quickfix code.
* Completion only uses strict matching.
* Dtrace files are recognized as filetype D.
* Fuzzy completion does not order matches properly.
"create-directories" as the final argument.
* Running filetype test leaves file behind.
* Coverity warns for uninitialized struct member.
* Coverity warns for uninitialized variable.
* Coverity warns for use of a freed function name.
* Coverity warnds for not checking return value of ftell().
* Memory allocation failures not tested in quickfix code.
* Fuzzy cmdline completion does not work for lower case.
* Operator name spelled wrong.
* Crash when using fuzzy completion.
* No fuzzy completieon for maps and abbreviations.
* Suspending with CTRL-Z does not work on Android.
* Cmdline popup menu not removed when 'lazyredraw' is set.
* No fuzzy cmdline completion for user defined completion.
* Command completion makes two rounds to collect matches.
* Vim9: some error messages are not tested.
* Compiler warning for uninitialized variable.
* Vim9: cannot compare with v:null.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=707
- boo#1196361 - CVE-2022-0696
- boo#1196358 - CVE-2022-0714
* ctx_imports is not used.
* Not enough tests for command line completion.
* CI steps for Windows are a bit unorganized.
* Incsearch highlight broken when calling searchcount() in 'tabLine'
function. (Mirko Palmer)
* An empty change is reported to a listener.
* Small differences between Chinese translation files.
* Translation file listed twice.
* A custom 'tabline' may cause Esc to work like Enter on the command line
when the popup menu is displayed.
* Vim9: unused code lines.
* Vim9: error message not tested, some code not tested.
* Cannot build tiny version.
* Still cannot build tiny version.
* Command line completion doesn't always work properly.
* Dead code in op_insert().
* screenpos() does not handle a position in a closed fold.
* Vim9: list from declaration with inferred type does not set the type on
the value.
* Command line executed when typing Esc in the GUI.
* MS-Windows with VIMDLL: Escaping CSI is wrong.
* Possible number overflow with nested folds.
* UTF8 select mode test fails on MS-Windows.
* Some code lines not covered by tests.
* Python3 test fails.
* Crash when using many composing characters in error message.
* Some command completion functions are too long.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=706
* Vim9: strict type checking after copy() and deepcopy().
* Cannot assign empty list with any list type to variable with specific
list type.
* Preprocessor indents are inconsistent.
* Warnings reported by MSVC.
* Error number used twice.
* Test fails.
* Vim9: when copying a list it gets type list<any> even when the original
list did not have a type.
* Vim9: concatenating two lists may result in wrong type.
* Vim9: not all code covered by tests.
* Vim9: not all code covered by tests.
* Divide by zero with huge tabstop value.
* SafeState autocommand interferes with debugging.
* Cannot build tiny version. (Tony Mechelynck)
* Vim9: type error for copy of dict.
* Vim9: return type of getline() is too strict.
* A few messages should not be translated.
* Vim9: slice() makes a copy but doesn't change the type.
* Tex filetype detection fails.
* No test for fixed perl filetype check.
* A few more messages should not be translated.
* Vim9: cannot list autoload function.
* Vim9: crash when using a partial in the wrong context.
* Vim9: constant list and dict get a declaration type other than "any".
* Vim9: changing script variable type not caught at compile time.
* No error for using :vim9script in a :def function.
* Vim9: cannot change type of list after making a slice.
* Test fails where lines are skipped.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=704
* Compiler warning for uninitialized variable.
* Unused entry in keymap enum.
* CI log output is long.
* Coverity warns for using a NULL pointer.
* Generating nv_cmdidxs.h requires building Vim twice.
* Vim9 expr test fails without the channel feature. (Dominique Pellé)
* The EBCDIC support is outdated.
* Basic and form filetype detection is incomplete.
* Cannot use an autoload function from a package under start.
* Separate test function for the GUI scrollbar.
* Vim9: an import does not shadow a command modifier.
* Build with Athena GUI fails. (Elimar Riesebieter)
* Vim9: cannot change item type with map() after range().
* list-dict test crashes.
* Using freed memory with :lopen and :bwipe.
* Restricted mode requires the -Z command line option.
* Using a variable for the return value is not needed.
* Old mac resources files are no longer used.
* Vim9: type of item in for loop not checked properly.
* Vim9: strict type checking after copy() and deepcopy().
- fixes boo#1195499 CVE-2022-0417
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=702
- Updated to version 8.2.4266, fixes the following problems
* Cannot use an import in 'patchexpr'.
* Gnuplot file not recognized.
* Not all gitconfig files are recognized.
* All conceal tests are skipped without the screendumps feature.
* json5 files are not recognized.
* Cannot use an import in 'printexpr'.
* Cannot use an import in 'charconvert'.
* Resizing terminal may cause to behave like CTRL-Z.
* Various file types not recognized.
* Cannot use an import in the "expr" part of 'spellsuggest'.
* Vim9: the switch for executing instructions is too long.
* Some tests do not clean up properly.
* When using the GUI CTRL-Z does not stop gvim.
* Vim9: cannot export function that exists globally.
* Entering a character with CTRL-V may include modifiers.
* screenpos() has non-zero row for invisible text.
* The normal_cmd() function is too long.
* Condition with many "(" causes a crash.
* Recursion test fails with MSVC.
* Using setbufvar() may change the window title.
* partial in 'opfunc' cannot use an imported function.
* Window title test fails in some configurations.
* Too much code for supporting old MSVC versions.
* Illegal memory access with large 'tabstop' in Ex mode.
* Illegal memory access when copying lines in Visual mode.
* Vim9: cannot use a function from an autoload import directly.
* Illegal memory access when undo makes Visual area invalid.
* Illegal memory access with bracketed paste in Ex mode.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=701
- Updated to version 8.2.4186, fixes the following problems
* Vim9: exported function in autoload script not found. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
* Foam files are not detected.
* Computation overflow with large count for :yank.
* Vim9: imported autoload script loaded again.
* Vim9: cannot call imported function with :call. (Drew Vogel)
* Vim9: import test fails.
* Vim9: import test fails on MS-Windows.
* Using uninitialized memory when reading empty file.
* Vim9: no detection of return in try/endtry. (Dominique Pellé)
* Vim9: compiling function fails when autoload script is not loaded yet.
* Coverity warns for using NULL pointer.
* Going over the end of NameBuff.
* Test failures.
* Memory leak in autoload import.
* Not all Libsensors files are recognized.
* Terminal test for current directory not used on FreeBSD.
* MS-Windows: "gvim --version" didn't work when build with VIMDLL.
* Not sufficient test coverage for xxd.
* CodeQL reports problem in if_cscope causing it to fail.
* Check for autoload file name and prefix fails. (Christian J. Robinson)
* Vim9: no test for "vim9script autoload' and using script variable in
the same script.
* Memory leak when looking for autoload prefixed variable.
* Vim9: no test for using import in legacy script.
* "cctx" argument of find_func_even_dead() is unused.
* Cannot test items from an autoload script easily.
* Xxd cannot output everything in one line.
* Terminal test for current directory fails on FreeBSD.
* After restoring a session buffer order can be quite different.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/948233
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=700
- fixes boo#1194559 CVE-2022-0156
* Not all sshconfig files are detected as such.
* Vim9: type checking for list and dict lacks information about declared
* Vim9: not enough testing for extend() and map().
* Asan error for adding zero to NULL.
* Redundant check for NUL byte.
* Coverity warns for checking for NULL pointer after using it.
* Insert complete code uses global variables.
* First char typed in Select mode can be wrong.
* Error messages are spread out.
* Old compiler complains about struct init with variable.
* Error messages are spread out.
* Vim9: crash when declaring variable on the command line.
* Session does not restore help buffer properly when "options' is missing
from 'sessionoptions'.
* Error messages are spread out.
* Reading one byte beyond the end of the line.
* Error messages are spread out.
* Test fails because of changed error number.
* Error messages are spread out.
* Build failure without the spell feature.
* Git and gitcommit file types not properly recognized.
* Build failure with tiny features. (Tony Mechelynck)
* Vim9: incorrect error for argument that is shadowing var.
* Gcc warns for misleading indent in Athena menu code.
* ml_get error when win_execute redraws with Visual selection.
* Vim9: import mechanism is too complicated.
* Debugger test fails.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=698
- fixed boo#1194219
* Various build flags accidentally enabled.
* Cannot disable requesting key codes from xterm.
* Vim9: compiler complains about using "try" as a struct member.
* Vim9: type checking global variables is inconsistent.
* Implementation of some list functions too complicated.
* Vim9: function test fails.
* Vim9: type checking for "any" is inconsistent.
context menu. (Gabriel Dupras)
* List.c contains code for dict and blob.
* Vim9: finddir() and uniq() return types can be more specific.
* go.mod files are not recognized.
* Cannot highlight the number column for a sign.
* gcc complains about buffer overrun.
* 'cindent' does not recognize inline namespace.
* Function does not abort after a type error in compare
* Vim9: debugger tries to read more lines than there are.
* getreg() and getregtype() contain dead code.
* Solution filter files are not recognized.
* More duplicated code in f_getreginfo().
* Crash when switching to other regexp engine fails.
* Crash when clearing the argument list while using it.
* Arglist test fails.
* Can define autocmd for every event by using "au!".
* E1135 is used for two different errors.
* The argument list may contain duplicates.
* Duplicate code for translating script-local function name.
* Vim9: type check for using v: variables is basic.
* When modifyOtherKeys is used CTRL-C is not recognized.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=697
* Freeze when calling term_wait() in a close callback.
* Xxd code has duplicate expressions.
* List of distributed files is outdated.
* Header for source file is outdated.
* Count for 'operatorfunc' in Visual mode is not redone.
* Vim9: The "no effect" error is not given for all registers.
* Using <sfile> in a function gives an unexpected result.
* GTK: when using ligatures the cursor is drawn wrong.
* "verbose pwd" is incorrect after dropping files on Vim.
* Vim9: error for variable declared in while loop.
* Vim9: for loop variable can be a list member.
* Vim9: no error for :lock or :unlock with unknown variable.
* Can only get text properties one line at a time.
* Terminal ANSI colors may be wrong.
* GTK: a touch-drag does not update the selection.
* Compiler warning for using size_t for int.
* Vim9: no error for an evironment variable by itself.
* Vim9: debug text misses one line of return statement.
* Duplicate code in xxd.
* Integer overflow with large line number.
* Overflow check uses wrong number.
* Test for put with large count fails.
* Illegal memory access if malloc() fails.
* Using %S in printf() does not work correctly.
* Cannot adjust sign highlighting for 'cursorline'.
* Cannot use a lambda for 'tagfunc'.
* Libvterm is outdated.
* Building libvterm fails with MSVC.
* Messages may be corrupted.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=696
- Updated to version 8.2.3640, fixes the following problems
* Arglist test does not clear the argument list consistently.
* ":verbose pwd" does not mention 'autochdir' was applied.
* getcwd() is unclear about how 'autochdir' is used.
* Cannot use a lambda for 'operatorfunc'.
* Memory leak reported in libtlib.
* Build failure.
* "verbose pwd" shows confusing info when :lcd does not change directory.
* "$*" is expanded to "nonomatch".
* When renaming a terminal buffer the status text is not updated.
* Illegal memory access when C-indenting.
* "au!" and "au! event" cannot be followed by another command as documented.
* difficult to know where the text starts in a window. (Sergey Vlasov)
* Looking up terminal colors is a bit slow.
* Command completion in cmdline window uses global user commands, not
local commands for the window where it was opened from.
* Printf() with %S does not handle multi-byte correctly.
* "syntax enable" does not work properly in Vim9 context.
* GTK3: undercurl does not get removed properly.
* Vim9: line number of lambda is off by one.
* Error for already defined function uses wrong line number.
* GTK: composing underline does not show.
* Coverity warns for unreachable code.
* Typos in test files.
* getcompletion() always passes zero as position to custom completion
* Line commented out accidentally.
* Freeze when calling term_wait() in a close callback.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=695
* Compiler test fails with backslash file separator.
* Break statement is never reached.
* Failure when the "term_rows" argument of term_start() is an unusual value.
* Test for v:colornames sometimes fails. (Dominique Pellé)
* No event is triggered when closing a window.
* Test_hlset fails when terminal has many columns.
* Directory is wrong after executing "lcd" with win_execute().
* Xxd code is a bit difficult to understand.
* Check for signed overflow might not work everywhere.
* Crash when using :pedit in Vim9 script.
* Vim seems to hang when writing a very long text to a terminal window.
* RouterOS filetype is not recognized.
* Not all gdbinit files are recognized.
* Filetype test fails.
* Check for overflow in put count does not work well.
* Python3 test fails with Python 3.10 on MS-Windows.
* Fish filetype not recognized.
* Not all sudoers files are recognized.
* Cannot clear and unlinke a highlight group with hlset() in a single call.
* File missing from list of distributed files.
* GTK3 screen updating is slow.
* Users who type "q:" instead of ":q" are confused.
* Internal error when ModeChanged is triggered when v:event is already
in use.
* Crash when ModeChanged triggered too early.
* Crash when using CTRL-W f without finding a file name.
* Using freed memory with regexp using a mark.
* :find test fails.
* zindex of popup windows not used when redrawing popup menu.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=694
- Updated to version 8.2.3587, fixes the following problems
* Reading uninitialized memory when giving spell suggestions.
* The "gd" and "gD" commands do not update search stats. (Gary Johnson)
* "verbose set efm" reports the location of the :compiler command. (Gary
* Crash when passing float to "term_rows" in the options argument of
term_start(). (Virginia Senioria)
* Command completion test fails.
* Compiler test fails with backslash file separator.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=692
* Overflow check fails with 32 ints.
* Manipulating highlighting is complicated.
* CI sometimes fails for MinGW.
* gj does not move properly with a wide character.
* Reading character past end of line.
* Reading uninitialized memory when giving spell suggestions.
- add obsolete/conflict with nginx vim plugin
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=691
* Test_very_large_count fails on 32bit systems.
* Some unicode control characters are considered printable.
* Memory leak when closing window and using "multispace" in 'listchars'.
* Cannot decide whether to skip test that fails with 64 bit ints. (closes
* Divide by zero.
* Overflow check still fails when sizeof(int) == sizeof(long).
* Some functions are not documented for use with a method.
* Overflow check fails with 32 ints.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=690
* CTRL-I in Insert mode is not tested
* Ctrl-hat test fails with Athena and Motif. (Elimar Riesebieter)
* Error for :let when vimrc is Vim 9 script.
* Test_very_large_count fails on 32bit systems.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=686
* Xxd revert does not handle end of line correctly.
* Xxd has various way to exit.
* ModeChanged is not triggered on every mode change.
* Filler lines are incorrect for other window in diff mode after making
a change.
* Vim9: cannot call imported funcref at script level.
* Vim9: asserting the wrong variable.
* Loop variable recreated every time.
* Using freed memory with lambda.
* Cscope has a complicated way of giving an error message.
* Cannot add color names.
* Build failure with +eval but without GUI or +termguicolors
* Invalid memory access when scrolling without a valid screen.
* Makefile dependencies are outdated. (Gary Johnson)
* Build failure on old systems when using nano timestamp.
* CTRL-I in Insert mode is not tested
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=684
* Vim9: need more tests for empty string arguments.
* Some type casts are not needed.
* Cannot distinguish Normal and Terminal-Normal mode.
* The ModeChanged event only uses one character for the new_mode and
old_mode values.
* Pattern matching with ModeChanged not tested.
* nginx files are not recognized.
* Cannot detect insert scroll mode.
* Completion submode not indicated for virtual replace.
* CursorHoldI event interferes with "CTRL-G U". (Naohiro Ono)
* Problem with :cd when editing file in non-existent directory. (Yee
Cheng Chin)
* Some files with json syntax are not recognized.
* Crash with error in :catch and also in :finally.
* Crash when using CTRL-T after an empty search pattern.
* Other crashes with empty search pattern not tested.
* Some files with tcl syntax are not recognized.
* Some places use "Vimscript" instead of "Vim script".
* Expression register set by not executed put command.
* Renaming a buffer on startup may cause using freed memory.
* Startup test fails on MS-Windows.
* Still crash with error in :catch and also in :finally.
* Crash when calling job_start with an invalid argument. (Virginia Senioria)
* Test does not fail without the fix for a crash.
* Failures when char is unsigned.
* Reading beyond end of line ending in quote and backslash.
* #ifdef for using sysinfo() is incomplete.
* Crash when going through spell suggestions.
* Python 3 test fails with Python 3.10.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=682