Following bugs are fixed:
* Redobuff doesn't always include changes of the completion leader.
* "C" on the last line deletes that line if it's blank.
* Calling debug.debug() in Lua may cause Vim to hang.
* Crash when 'colorcolumn' is set and closing buffer.
* Opening a window before forking causes problems for GTK.
* Complete function isn't called when the leader changed.
* Writing to 'verbosefile' has problems, e.g. for :highlight.
* Python 3 doesn't support slice assignment.
* When closing a window there is a chance that deleting a scrollbar
triggers a GUI resize, which uses the window while it is not in a
valid state.
* Auto-loading a function while editing the command line causes
scrolling up the display.
* Python doesn't parse multi-byte argument correctly.
* Built-in colors are different from rgb.txt.
* Can't load Perl 5.14 dynamically.
* When writing to an external command a zombie process may be left
* When filtering text with an external command Vim may not read all
the output.
* Crash when using fold markers and selecting a visual block that
includes a folded line and goes to end of line. (Sam Lidder)
* Configure doesn't work properly with Python3.
* When a BufWriteCmd autocommand resets 'modified' this doesn't
change older buffer states to be marked as 'modified' like
":write" does. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
* python3 fixes
* Fix: Crash when using "zd" on a large number of folds.
* Fix: Mapping <Char-123> no longer works.
* Fix: After using "expand('%:8')" the buffer name is changed.
* Fix: With GTK, when gvim is full-screen and a tab is opened and
using a specific monitor configuration the window is too big.
* Fix: Passing the file name to open in VisVim doesn't work.
* Fix: A BOM in an error file is seen as text.
* Fix: ":put =list" does not add an empty line for a trailing
empty item.
* Fix: 'shellcmdflag' only works with one flag.
* Fix: Vim freezes when executing an external command with zsh.
* Fix python 3.2 detection
* Python: Errors in Unicode characters not handled nicely.
* "gH<Del>" deletes the current line, except when it's the last
* "echo 'abc' > ''" returns 0 or 1, depending on 'ignorecase'.
* The coladd field is not reset when setting the line number for a
":call" command.
* When editing a file such as "File[2010-08-15].vim" an E16 error is
* Equivalence classes only work for latin characters.
* CursorHold triggers on an incomplete mapping.
* G++ error message errornously recognized as error.
* When the current directory name contains wildcard characters, such
as "foo[with]bar", the tags file can't be found.
* When storing a pattern in search history there is no proper check
for the separator character.
* In Gvim with iBus typing space in Insert mode doesn't work.
* Fix multiple illegal memory accesses
* Fix: Using CTRL-R CTRL-W on the command line may insert only
part of the word.
* Fix: Python corrects the cursor column without taking
'virtualedit' into account.
* Fix: Python 3 doesn't compile without +multi_byte
* Fix: ";" gets stuck on a "t" command, it's not useful.
* Fix: ":scriptnames" and ":breaklist" show long file names.
* Fix: ":wundo" and ":rundo" don't unescape their argument
* Fix: "2gj" does not always move to the correct position.
* Fix: On a 64 bit system "syn sync fromstart" is very slow.
* Fix: Can't pass dict to sort function.
* Fix: Text from the clipboard is sometimes handled as linewise,
but not consistently.
* Fix: Inside an "if" a ":wincmd" causes problems.