Updated to version 8.2.2411, fixes the following problems
* Debugging code included.
* Some test files may not be deleted.
* Not all ways Vim can be started are tested.
* Vim9: crash when using :trow in a not executed block.
* Vim9: wrong error when modifying dict declared with :final.
* Vim9: missing :endif not reported when using :windo.
* Vim9: warning for uninitialized variable. (Tony Mechelynck)
* Pascal-like filetypes not always detected.
* Vim9: "silent return" does not restore command modifiers.
* Vim9: it is not possible to extend a dictionary with different item types.
* Configure test for GTK only says "no". (Harm te Hennepe)
* Vim9: no error if using job_info() result wrongly.
* Cannot get the type of a value as a string.
* win_execute() unexpectedly returns number zero when failing.
* Expression command line completion shows variables but not functions after
"g:". (Gary Johnson)
* "char" functions return the wront column in Insert mode when the cursor
is beyond the end of the line.
* Vim9: return type of readfile() is any.
* Using inclusive index for slice is not always desired.
* No focus events in a terminal.
* Codecov reports every little coverage drop.
* Build failure without GUI.
* No check for modified files after focus gained. (Mathias Stearn)
* Vim9: cannot handle line break after parenthesis at line end.
* Using "void" for no reason.
* Vim9: error message for "throw" in function that was called with "silent!".
* If the focus lost/gained escape sequence is received twice it is not
ignored. (Christ van Willigen)
* Spartql files are not detected.
* Crash with a weird combination of autocommands.
* Stray test failure on Appveyor.
* Vim9: ":put =expr" does not handle a list properly.
* Vim9: crash when parsing function return type fails.
* Wrong #ifdef for use_xterm_like_mouse().
* Strange test failure with MS-Windows.
* Test leaves file behind.
* Vim9: no highlight for "s///gc" when using 'opfunc'.
* Vim9: check of builtin function argument type is incomplete.
* Vim9: line break in lambda accesses freed memory.
* Vim9: no check for map() changing item type at script level.
* When using ":sleep" the cursor is always displayed.
* Test failures on some less often used systems.
* Insufficient tests for setting options.
* Vim9: functions return true/false but can't be used as bool.
* Vim9: command fails in catch block.
* Vim9: crash when using types in :for with unpack.
* Confusing error message for wrong :let command.
* Vim9: list assignment only accepts a number index.
* Accessing uninitialized memory in test_undo.
* Test for RGB color skipped in the terminal.
* Vim9: crash when dividing by zero in compiled code using constants.
* Vim9: crash when using a range after another expression.
* Vim9: no error message for dividing by zero.
* Finding spell suggestions twice if 'spellsuggest' contains number.
* Vim9: occasional crash when using try/catch and a timer.
* Vim9: divide by zero does not abort expression execution.
* Build failure.
* Focus escape sequences are not named in ":set termcap" output.
* Turtle filetype not recognized.
* "gj" and "gk" do not work correctly when inside a fold.
* Vim9: crash when using ":silent! put".
* Runtime type check does not mention argument index.
* No easy way to get the maximum or mininum number value.
* Test failure on a few systems.
* Vim9: using positive offset is unexpected.
* Memory leak when creating a global function with closure.
* Fennel filetype not recognized.
* Vim9: error message when script line starts with "[{".
* Vim9: min() and max() return type is "any".
* Vim9: error for wrong type may report wrong line number.
* Vim9: no white space allowed before "->".
* Vim9: "%%" not seen as alternate file name for commands with a buffer
name argument.
* Method test fails.
* Fold test fails in wide terminal.
* Vim9: compiled functions are not profiled.
* Build fails without +profiling feature.
* Some filetypes not detected.
* Vim9: profiling if/elseif/endif not correct.
* Vim9: profiling try/catch not correct.
* Vim9: no need to allow white space before "(" for :def.
* Vim9: profiled :def function leaks memory.
* Old jumplist code is never used.
* MinGW: "--preprocessor" flag no longer supported.
* Vim9: profiling only works for one function.
* Build failure without the +profiling feature.
* Profile test fails on MS-Windows.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/867401
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=646
- refreshed vim-7.3-sh_is_bash.patch
* Vim9: no error if comma is missing in between arguments.
* Vim9: memory leak with heredoc that isn't executed. (Dominique Pellé)
* Vim9: cannot assign a lambda to a variable of type function.
* Vim9: Variable argument name cannot start with underscore.
* Vim9: assignment tests spread out.
* Not all Pascal files are recognized.
* Fuzzy matching only works on strings.
* A popup created with "cursorline" will ignore "firstline".
* Compiler warning for using uninitialized variable. (John Marriott)
* Endless loop when ":normal" feeds popup window filter.
* Vim9: cannot use member of unknown type.
* Vim9: cannot use += to append to empty NULL list.
* Stuck when win_execute() for a popup causes an error.
* Vim9: memory leaks when using nested function.
* Vim9: cannot use a funcref for a closure twice.
* Failure to compile a pattern not tested much.
* Cursor line highlight in popup window is not always updated.
* Mac: str2float() recognizes comma instead of decimal point.
* Vim9: crash when compiling a manually defined function. (Antony Scriven)
* Test fails without the terminal feature.
* pathshorten() only supports using one character.
* Test still fails without the terminal feature.
* Cannot build without the eval feature.
* Vim9: using ":const!" is weird.
* Tiny version doesn't build.
* Vim9: Cannot use "fina" for "finally". (Naruhiko Nishino)
* Result of expand() unexpectedly depends on 'completeslash'.
* Closing split window in other tab may cause a crash.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=624
* Test 29 is old style.
* Cannot flush change listeners without also redrawing. The line numbers
in the list of changes may become invalid.
* Text properties don't always move after changes.
* When buffer is hidden "F" in 'shortmess' is not used.
* Listener callback is called after inserting text.
* Some eval functionality is not covered by tests.
* Get empty text prop when splitting line just after text prop.
* Hang when concealing the '>' shown for a wide char that doesn't fit in
the last cell.
* Installer needs to product name et al.
* Attributes from 'cursorline' overwrite textprop.
* Text properties are lost when joining lines.
* Using freed memory when joining line with text property.
* Text properties not adjusted for Visual block mode delete.
* Coverity complains about possibly using a NULL pointer and copying a
string into a fixed size buffer.
* Stuck in sandbox with ":s/../\=Function/gn".
* Error for Python exception does not show useful info.
* Fractional scroll position not restored after closing window.
* Running tests may cause the window to move.
* If writing runs into a conversion error the backup file is deleted.
* "W" for wrapping not shown when more than 99 matches.
* Text property wrong after :substitute.
* Undofile() reports wrong name. (Francisco Giordano)
* Undo test fails on Mac.
* Getting a list of text lines is clumsy.
* Obvious mistakes are accepted as valid expressions.
* Some text in heredoc assignment ends the text. (Ozaki Kiichi)
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=553
* Crash on exit when EXITFREE is defined. (Dominique Pelle)
* Valgrind reports using uninitialzed memory. (Dominique Pelle)
* Test 86 and 87 fail with some version of Python.
* Netbeans test fails when run from unpacked MS-Windows sources.
* Netbeans test fails in shadow directory.
* Not enough test coverage for Normal mode commands.
* The example that explains nested backreferences does not work properly
with the new regexp engine. (Harm te Hennepe)
* Regexp fails to match when using "\>\)\?". (Ramel)
* Reading past end of line when using previous substitute pattern.
(Dominique Pelle)
* Attempt to read history entry while not initialized.
* Compiler warnings with Solaris Studio when using GTK3.
* Memory leak in timer_start().
* Invalid memory access when formatting. (Dominique Pelle)
* Checking for last_timer_id to overflow is not reliable. (Ozaki Kiichi)
* Illegal memory access with ":1@". (Dominique Pelle)
* Superfluous function prototypes.
* Sort test sometimes fails.
* Needless line break. Confusing directory name.
* MS-Windows gvim.exe does not have DirectX support.
* Test runner misses a comma.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=382
* Test 94 fails on some systems.
* test_utf8 has confusing dummy command.
* Crash when using longest completion match.
- Updated to revision 930, fixes the following problems
* When a BufLeave autocommand changes folding in a way it syncs undo,
undo can be corrupted.
* Python interface can produce error "vim.message' object has no attribute 'isatty'".
* Libraries for dynamically loading interfaces can only be defined at compile time.
* Compiler complains about type punned pointer.
* t_Ce and t_Cs are documented but not supported. (Hirohito Higashi)
* Wrong indenting for C++ constructor.
* No utf-8 support for the hangul input feature.
* New compiler warning: logical-not-parentheses
* When removing from 'path' and then adding, a comma may go missing. (Malcolm Rowe)
* When running out of memory while copying a dict memory may be freed twice. (ZyX)
* Compiler warning for comparing signed and unsigned.
* A digit in an option name has problems.
* The dll options are not in the options window.
* The rubydll option is not in the options window.
* Missing proto file update. (Randall W. Morris)
* Leaking memory with ":helpt {dir-not-exists}".
* Prototypes not always generated.
* User may yank or put using the register being recorded in.
* Completing the longest match doesn't work properly with multi-byte characters.
* Ruby crashes when there is a runtime error.
* A clientserver message interrupts handling keys of a mapping.
* "gv" after paste selects one character less if 'selection' is "exclusive".
* MS-Windows: Most users appear not to like the window border.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=292