Commit Graph

  • 3f2d5483e0 - Updated to version 8.2.3577, fixes the following problems * Test_very_large_count fails on 32bit systems. * Some unicode control characters are considered printable. * Memory leak when closing window and using "multispace" in 'listchars'. * Cannot decide whether to skip test that fails with 64 bit ints. (closes #9072) * Divide by zero. * Overflow check still fails when sizeof(int) == sizeof(long). * Some functions are not documented for use with a method. * Overflow check fails with 32 ints. Ondřej Súkup 2021-11-03 17:32:25 +00:00
  • c9da5603c9 DEL Dr. Werner Fink 2021-11-03 15:19:06 +00:00
  • 07751dc6d3 for all files Ondřej Súkup 2021-11-02 14:35:43 +00:00
  • 9318591954 - fix boo#1192225 Ondřej Súkup 2021-11-02 12:43:04 +00:00
  • 49db0a37d1 - Updated to version 8.2.3570, fixes the following problems * CTRL-I in Insert mode is not tested * Ctrl-hat test fails with Athena and Motif. (Elimar Riesebieter) * Error for :let when vimrc is Vim 9 script. * Test_very_large_count fails on 32bit systems. Ondřej Súkup 2021-11-02 11:58:18 +00:00
  • b51fe9aed4 Gvim has its own terminal like screen Dr. Werner Fink 2021-11-02 09:55:20 +00:00
  • 2a7a4fd4b9 - Updated to version 8.2.3567, fixes the following problems * Xxd revert does not handle end of line correctly. * Xxd has various way to exit. * ModeChanged is not triggered on every mode change. * Filler lines are incorrect for other window in diff mode after making a change. * Vim9: cannot call imported funcref at script level. * Vim9: asserting the wrong variable. * Loop variable recreated every time. * Using freed memory with lambda. * Cscope has a complicated way of giving an error message. * Cannot add color names. * Build failure with +eval but without GUI or +termguicolors * Invalid memory access when scrolling without a valid screen. * Makefile dependencies are outdated. (Gary Johnson) * Build failure on old systems when using nano timestamp. * CTRL-I in Insert mode is not tested Ondřej Súkup 2021-10-31 10:14:59 +00:00
  • ec81c2bb25 Accepting request 928115 from home:schubi2 Ondřej Súkup 2021-10-31 10:07:10 +00:00
  • f3ed31b3a4 - Updated to version 8.2.3552, fixes the following problems * Vim9: need more tests for empty string arguments. * Some type casts are not needed. * Cannot distinguish Normal and Terminal-Normal mode. * The ModeChanged event only uses one character for the new_mode and old_mode values. * Pattern matching with ModeChanged not tested. * nginx files are not recognized. * Cannot detect insert scroll mode. * Completion submode not indicated for virtual replace. * CursorHoldI event interferes with "CTRL-G U". (Naohiro Ono) * Problem with :cd when editing file in non-existent directory. (Yee Cheng Chin) * Some files with json syntax are not recognized. * Crash with error in :catch and also in :finally. * Crash when using CTRL-T after an empty search pattern. * Other crashes with empty search pattern not tested. * Some files with tcl syntax are not recognized. * Some places use "Vimscript" instead of "Vim script". * Expression register set by not executed put command. * Renaming a buffer on startup may cause using freed memory. * Startup test fails on MS-Windows. * Still crash with error in :catch and also in :finally. * Crash when calling job_start with an invalid argument. (Virginia Senioria) * Test does not fail without the fix for a crash. * Failures when char is unsigned. * Reading beyond end of line ending in quote and backslash. * #ifdef for using sysinfo() is incomplete. * Crash when going through spell suggestions. * Python 3 test fails with Python 3.10. Ondřej Súkup 2021-10-22 14:45:59 +00:00
  • e25fd65c6b Remove unneeded patch Ondřej Súkup 2021-10-01 09:18:00 +00:00
  • a0c91cfac7 - updated vim-7.4-rpmlintrc - drop no-common.patch - Updated to version 8.2.3459, fixes the following problems * Can delete a numbered function. (Naohiro Ono) * Reading beyond end of line with invalid utf-8 character. * Crash with linebreak, listchars and large tabstop. * Vim9: crash when using base name of import. (Naohiro Ono) * Vim9: importing the wrong file. * Vim9: too many characters are allowed in import name. * fullcommand() gives the wrong name if there is a buffer-local user command. (Naohiro Ono) * Vim9: Not all function argument types are properly checked. * Second error is reported while exception is being thrown. * Vim9: a failing debug expression aborts script sourcing. * Garbage collection while evaluating may cause trouble. * A failing debug expression may make Vim unusable. * _REENTRANT defined more than once. * A bit of code is not covered by tests. * Vim9: no failure if return type differs from returned variable. * Vim9: list += list creates a new list in :def function. * A sequence of spaces is hard to see in list mode. * Warning for using uninitialized variable. * Crash when deleting a listener in a listener callback. (Naohiro Ono) * Double free when list is copied. * Using freed memory when replacing. (Dhiraj Mishra) * Leaking memory when assigning to list or dict. * No generic way to trigger an autocommand on mode change. * Completion for :disas sorts local functions first. * Octave/Matlab filetype detection does not work properly. * :delcommand does not take a -buffer option. Ondřej Súkup 2021-10-01 09:07:04 +00:00
  • 6fc6ca69db Accepting request 920261 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2021-09-20 21:32:25 +00:00
  • 33513a5c2a Accepting request 919718 from home:WernerFink:branches:editors Ondřej Súkup 2021-09-20 07:33:13 +00:00
  • 18e071b5ca - Updated to version 8.2.3408, fixes the following problems * User function completion fails with dict function. * Vim9: crash with nested :while. * Buffer overflow when completing long tag name. * When :edit reuses the current buffer the alternate file is set to the same buffer. * Vim9: crash when :for is skipped. * Vim9: cannot use option for all operations. * Vim9: debugging elseif does not stop before condition. * Vim9: :@r executing a register is inconsistent. * Not all Racket files are recognized. * Auto formatting after "cw" leaves cursor in wrong spot. * Vim9: no check for white space before type in declaration. (Naohiro Ono) * Vim9: :$ENV cannot be followed by ->func() in next line. * line2byte() value wrong when adding a text property. (Yuto Kimura) * text property test fails on MS-Windows. * Pyret files are not recognized. * Using uninitialized memory. * Vim9: no warning that "@r" does not do anything. * Vim9: :disass completion does not understand "s:". * Crash when using NULL job. * Crash when using NULL string for funcref(). * Crash when using NULL list with sign functions. * Crash when getting the type of a NULL partial. * Vim9: completion for :disassemble adds parenthesis. * Cannot disable modeline for an individual file. * Escaping for fish shell does not work properly. * Using uninitialized memory. * Compiler warning for non-static function. * fnamemodify('path/..', ':p') differs from using 'path/../'. Ondřej Súkup 2021-09-08 09:00:38 +00:00
  • ac97b3bec1 Accepting request 913480 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2021-08-25 18:56:00 +00:00
  • 2fbef7950b - Updated to version 8.2.3360, fixes the following problems * Vim9: cannot ignore quotes in number at the command line. * Coverity action on github does not work. * Some local functions are not static. * Some code is not tested. * Vim9: checking type of dict does not check member type. * Help tag for exists_compiled() is wrong. (Maxim Kim) * Vim9: Cannot use :silent with :endwhile. * Digraph test fails when LC_ALL is set to "C". * Vim9: no error passing an empty list of the wrong type. * No check for sysconf() failing. * Coverity error for not checking return value. * v_lock not set when getting value of environment variable. * Coverity reports using uninitialized field. * Coverity warns for using value without boundary check. * Vim9: cannot assign to range in list. * Vim9: not enough tests run with Vim9. * Vim9: not enough tests run with Vim9. * Vim9: not enough tests run with Vim9. * Behavior of negative index in list change changed. (Naruhiko Nishino) * Completing "call g:" returns entries with just "g:". (Naohiro Ono) * Vim9: no type check when assigning a list range. (Naohiro Ono) * Vim9: cannot lock a member in a local dict. * Accessing uninitialized pointer. * Vim9: function call aborted despite try/catch. (Naohiro Ono) * Test for :let errors fails. * Vim9: autoload test fails. * Vimscript test fails. * Some code not covered by tests. * Vim9: no error for using "." for concatenation after ":vim9cmd". (Naohiro Ondřej Súkup 2021-08-20 08:56:23 +00:00
  • dc7f7527dc Accepting request 912897 from openSUSE:Factory:RISCV Ondřej Súkup 2021-08-20 08:27:14 +00:00
  • b03da69305 Accepting request 912027 from editors Richard Brown 2021-08-16 08:08:39 +00:00
  • e8c3307434 Accepting request 911395 from home:cboltz:branches:editors Dirk Stoecker 2021-08-13 18:30:25 +00:00
  • 3d99ddb93a - Updated to version 8.2.3318, fixes the following problems * Vim9: exists() does not handle much at compile time. * Lua: can only execute one Vim command at a time. Not easy to get the Vim version. * Memory allocation functions don't have their own place. * Some structures could be smaller. * Popup window title with wide characters is truncated. * Vim9: :finally in skipped block not handled correctly. * Unexpected "No matching autocommands". * Vim9: :echoconsole cannot access local variables. * Vim9: no runtime check for argument type if a function only has varargs. * Vim9: divide by zero causes a crash. * Vim9: unpack assignment does not mention source of type error. * Vim9: check for DO_NOT_FREE_CNT is very slow. * Vim9: after "if false" line breaks in expression not skipped. * Unused code in win_exchange() and frame_remove(). * Behavior of exists() in a :def function is unpredictable. * Cannot use single quote in a float number for readability. * Float test fails. * Vim9: No error for missing white space before return type. * Vim9: cannot ignore quotes in number at the command line. Ondřej Súkup 2021-08-09 10:25:03 +00:00
  • bdeafa1e59 - Updated to version 8.2.3299, fixes the following problems * Vim9: TODO items in tests can be taken care of. * Vim9: error about using -complete without -nargs is confusing. * Julia filetype is not recognized * No error for insert() or remove() changing a locked blob. * Scdoc filetype is not recognized. * win_enter_ext() has too many boolean arguments. * Channel events not handled in BufEnter autocommand. * Cannot easily access namespace dictionaries from Lua. * Compiler warning for unused variable with small features. * Vim9: compiling dict may use pointer after free and leak memory on failure. * Coverity warns for not checking return value. * Underscore in very magic pattern causes a hang. Pattern with \V are case sensitive. (Yutao Yuan) * Finding completions may cause an endless loop. * Lua: memory leak when adding dict item fails. * 'cursorline' should not apply to 'breakindent'. * Vim9: cannot add a number to a float. * Cannot use all commands inside a {} block after :command and :autocmd. * Build failure with small features. * Vim9: exists() does not handle much at compile time. Ondřej Súkup 2021-08-06 14:11:19 +00:00
  • fdb003b973 - Updated to version 8.2.3281, fixes the following problems * Display garbled when 'cursorline' is set and lines wrap. (Gabriel Dupras) * Coverity reports a null pointer dereference. * Vim9: argument types are not checked at compile time. * Vim9: crash when compiling string fails. (Yegappan Lakshmanan) * Dynamic library load error does not mention why it failed. * Vim9: lambda doesn't find block-local variable. * Vim9: searchpair() sixth argument is compiled. (Yegappan Lakshmanan) * Vim9: argument types are not checked at compile time. * Vim9: execution speed can be improved. * NOCOMPOUNDSUGS entry in spell file not tested. * Vim9: argument types are not checked at compile time. * Vim9: crash when using variable in a loop at script level. * When using xchaha20 crypt undo file is not removed. * :find searches non-existing directories. * Test_term_setansicolors() fails in some configurations. * Vim9: argument types are not checked at compile time. * Vim9: cannot used loop variable later as lambda argument. * Vim: using {} block in autoloade omnifunc fails. * Cannot call script-local function after :vim9cmd. (Christian J. Robinson) * Incsearch highlighting is attempted halfway a mapping. * New digraph functions use old naming scheme. * 'virtualedit' can only be set globally. * Cannot use a simple block for the :command argument. (Maarten Tournoij) * Vim9: runtime and compile time type checks are not the same. * Vim9: type error when function return type is not known yet. * Build failure with small features. * system() does not work without a second argument. * prop_list() and prop_find() do not indicate the buffer for the used type. * Crash when printing long string with Lua. Ondřej Súkup 2021-08-04 08:47:57 +00:00
  • 6fe5042fd8 Accepting request 908011 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2021-07-29 19:30:52 +00:00
  • ae668d4ca1 - enable test_recover on x86_64/i586/ppc64* - disable-unreliable-tests.patch - disable faulty tests on arm and s390x arch - disable-unreliable-tests-arch.patch Ondřej Súkup 2021-07-23 16:29:17 +00:00
  • 244eb56d7f - Updated to version 8.2.3204, fixes the following problems - enable test_recover - disable-unreliable-tests.patch * Xxd always reports an old version string. (Åsmund Ervik) * Vim9: using try in catch block causes a hang. * Vim9: an error in a catch block is not reported. * Vim9: profile test fails. * Powershell core not supported by default. * Recover test fails on 32bit systems. (Ondřej Súkup) * Cannot catch errors in a channel command. * A channel command "echoerr" does not show anything. * Crash when passing null string to charclass(). * Vim9: builtin function argument types are not checked at compile time. * JSONC files are not recognized. * Vim9: breakpoint on "for" does not work. * Gemtext files are not recognized. * With 'virtualedit' set to "block" Visual highlight is wrong after using "$". (Marco Trosi) * Garbage collection has useless code. * With concealing enabled and indirectly closing a fold the cursor may be somewhere in a folded line. * Vim9: default argument expression cannot use previous argument * Vim9: builtin function test fails without the +channel feature. * tablabel_tooltip test fails with Athena. (Dominique Pellé) * Test_popup_atcursor_pos() fails without the conceal feature. * With 'virtualedit' set to "block" block selection is wrong after using "$". (Marco Trosi) * Temp files remain after running tests. * Crash when using "quit" at recovery prompt and autocommands are triggered. * Popup window test is flaky on MS-Windows with GUI. * Vim9: missing catch/finally not reported at script level. Ondřej Súkup 2021-07-23 15:46:55 +00:00
  • c9b8c069a7 Accepting request 903208 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2021-07-02 11:26:37 +00:00
  • 7f3557c8bd fix Ondřej Súkup 2021-06-30 10:48:40 +00:00
  • c202713ab7 - disabled test_recover because is broken on 32bit archs --> disable-unreliable-tests.patch Ondřej Súkup 2021-06-30 09:16:12 +00:00
  • 0999d2de7f - Updated to version 8.2.3075, fixes the following problems * Vim: when debugging only the first line of a command using line continuation is displayed. * Coverity warns for freeing static string. * Vim9: Assigning to @# requires a string. (Naohiro Ono) * Confusing error when expression is followed by comma. * Vim9: debugger shows too many lines. * Formatting using quickfixtextfunc is lost when updating location lists for different buffers. (Yorick Peterse) * Location list only has the start position. * Unreachable code. * Spaces allowed between option name and "!", "?", etc. * Available encryption methods are not strong enough. * Vim9: arguments for execute() not checked at compile time. * execute() function test fails. * Not enough tests for quickfix end_col and end_lnum. * Vim9: cannot set breakpoint in compiled function. * Vim9: breakpoint in compiled function not always checked. * GUI mouse events not tested. * Vim9: crash when using operator and list unpack assignment. (Naohiro Ono) * Coverity reports a memory leak. * No error if a function name starts with an underscore. (Naohiro Ono) * Build problems with MSVC, other crypt issues with libsodium. * No error when using alpha delimiter with :global. * Installing packages on github CI sometimes fails. * Vim9: crash when calling :def function with partial and return type is not set. * Vim9: builtin function arguments not checked at compile time. * Configure reports libcanberra when checking for libsodium. * Amiga built-in version string doesn't include build date. Ondřej Súkup 2021-06-30 08:40:36 +00:00
  • 695096cf5a - Updated to version 8.2.3013, fixes the following problems * Builtin function can be shadowed by global variable. * Using ":!command" does not work if the command uses posix_spawn(). * Still a way to shadow a builtin function. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto) * E704 for script local variable is not backwards compatible. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto) * Computing array length is done in various ways. * EBCDIC build is broken. * Superfluous extern declaration. * Vim9: line continuation comment uses legacy syntax. * Vim9: no good error for using :legacy in a :def function. * Test commented out because it fails with ASAN. * The evalfunc.c file is too big. * Accidentally enable tcl by default. * When a popup is visible a mouse move my restart Visual mode. * Vim9: line continuation comment still uses legacy syntax in one place. * Select mode test fails. * When 'clipboard' is "unnamed" zp and zP do not work correctly. * ASAN error when using text from the clipboard. * Calculating register width is not always needed. (Christian Brabandt) * Vim9: converting number to bool uses wrong stack offset. (Salman Halim) * Popup test fails if rightleft feature not enabled. * After using motion force from feedkeys() it may not be reset. * GTK: righthand scrollbar does not show with split window. * Vim9: using =expr does not handle a list of strings. * Vim9: internal error when calling function with too few arguments * Vim9: check for argument count ignores default values. * Vim9: no error when using job or channel as a string. * Some buffer related code is not tested. * Vim9: substitute expression cannot be a List in a :def function. Ondřej Súkup 2021-06-17 07:37:40 +00:00
  • 83cfc56e8c Accepting request 896658 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2021-06-05 21:30:57 +00:00
  • be5b9ed24e - Updated to version 8.2.2918, fixes the following problems * Using <Cmd> mapping on the command line triggers CmdlineChanged. (Naohiro Ono) * Configure can add --as-needed a second time. * Window is not updated after using <Cmd> mapping. * Custom statusline cannot contain % items. * White space after "->" does not give E274. * Get readonly error for device that can't be written to. * Vim9: exception in ISN_INSTR caught at wrong level. * Test fails because of changed error message. * Tcl test fails because of changed error message. * Adding a text property causes the whole window to be redawn. * Vim9: "legacy return" is not recognized as a return statement. * Removing a text property causes the whole window to be redawn. * Removing a text property does not redraw optimally. * Vim9: crash when using inline function. * Skipping over function body fails. * Vim9: memory leak when using inline function. * Build failure. * Vim9: When executing a compiled expression the trylevel at start is changed but not restored. (closes #8214) * Using unified diff is not tested. * CmdlineChange event triggered twice for CTRL-R. * Unnessary VIM_ISDIGIT() calls, badly indented code. * Python tests fail without the channel feature. * Not enough tests for writing buffers. * Cancelling inputlist() after a digit does not return zero. * Configure cannot detect Python 3.10. * Insufficient tests for popup menu rightleft. * Vim9: for loop list unpack only allows for one "_". Ondřej Súkup 2021-06-01 11:09:16 +00:00
  • 287eb62d2a Accepting request 893060 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2021-05-18 16:26:32 +00:00
  • 096f3a6249 - Updated to version 8.2.2850, fixes the following problems * After a timer displays text a hit-enter prompt is given. * Free Pascal makefile not recognized. * Vim9: illegal memory access. * Flicker when the popup menu has an info popup. * Setting buffer local mapping with mapset() changes global mapping. * Vim9: cannot use legacy syntax in Vim9 script. * Vim9: using "++nr" as a command might not work. * Build fails with tiny features. * Vim9: increment and decrement not sufficiently tested. * Vim9: :def function compilation fails when using :legacy. * Vim9: crash when calling a function in a substitute expression. * Vim9: error for missing white space doesn't say where it is missing * Vim9: still crash when using substitute expression. * Cannot grep using fuzzy matching. * Vim9: unused variable. (John Marriott) * Status line flickers when redrawing popup menu info. * Vim9: comment below expression in lambda causes problems. * Vim9: script sourcing continues after an error. * No jump added to jumplist when opening terminal in current window. * Finishing an abbreviation with a multi-byte char may not work. * Session file may divide by zero. * Code in checkreadonly() not fully tested. * Compiler warnings for int to size_t conversion. (Randall W. Morris) * Test file was not deleted. * Coverity complains about not checking the rename() return value. * Some comments are not correct or clear. * Terminal colors are not updated when 'background' is set. * Vim9: expandcmd() not tested. * Operator cancelled by moving mouse when using popup. (Sergey Vlasov) Ondřej Súkup 2021-05-14 09:00:35 +00:00
  • 0a21b6cd16 Accepting request 888016 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2021-04-28 23:36:22 +00:00
  • ba35da665b - Updated to version 8.2.2800, fixes the following problems * Vim9: message about compiling is wrong when using try/catch. * Confusing error message with white space before comma in the arguments of a function declaration. * Function test fails. * Special key names don't work if 'isident' is cleared. * Vim9: wrong error message for referring to legacy script variable. * Coverity complains about not restoring character. * Prompt for s///c in Ex mode can be wrong. * Detecting Lua version is not reliable. * Vim9: cannot use legacy script-local var from :def function. * Vim9: function reference found with prefix, not without. * Vim9: for loop over string is a bit slow. * Status line not updated when local 'statusline' option set. * Extending a list with itself can give wrong result. * Vim9: a lambda accepts too many arguments at the script level. * Vim9: lambda with varargs doesn't work. * Vim9: Partial call does not check right arguments. * Vim9: when compiling a function fails it is cleared. * Vim9: function state stuck when compiling with ":silent!". * Vim9: no way to explicitly ignore an argument. * Vim9: missing part of the argument change. * Check for duplicate arguments does not work. * Vim9: not always an error for too many function arguments. * Vim9: memory leak when calling :def function fails. * Vim9: test for error can be a bit flaky. * Vim9: error for using underscore in nested function. * Coverity warns for using NULL pointer. * Vim9: cannot ignore an item in assignment unpack. * :sleep! does not always hide the cursor. Ondřej Súkup 2021-04-23 12:05:21 +00:00
  • bdbf9e8ac0 Accepting request 883190 from editors Richard Brown 2021-04-08 19:01:45 +00:00
  • 1b776b5bf3 - Updated to version 8.2.2725, fixes the following problems * strcharpart() cannot include composing characters. * Character input not fully tested. * Test disabled on MS-Windows even though it should work. * Mouse click test fails when using remote connection. * Conditions for startup tests are not exactly right. * col('.') may get outdated column value. * New test throws exception. * Vim9: function is deleted while executing. * Test is sourcing the wrong file. * Vim9: if 'cpo' is changed in Vim9 script it may be restored. * Vim9: script variable in a block scope not found by a nested function. * Vim9: cannot use a normal list name to store function refs. * Vim9: no test for return type of lambda. * Vim9: Using #{ for a dictionary gives strange errors. * typval2type() cannot handle recursive structures. * GTK: error when starting up and -geometry is given. (Dominique Pellé) * Some tests fail when run as root. * Atom files not recognized. * Rss files not recognized. * GTK3: error when starting up and -geometry is given. (Dominique Pellé) * No need to check for BSD after checking for not root. * Vim9: #{ can still be used at the script level. * Vim9: error for #{{ is not desired. * Hard to see where a test gets stuck. * Commands from winrestcmd() do not always work properly. (Leonid V. Fedorenchik) * Not all command line arguments are tested. * Multi-byte 'fillchars' for folding do not show properly. * 'tagfunc' does not indicate using a pattern. Ondřej Súkup 2021-04-06 08:26:12 +00:00
  • 297809a3cb Accepting request 879130 from editors Richard Brown 2021-03-16 14:42:58 +00:00
  • 56f0df98f6 - Updated to version 8.2.2607, fixes the following problems * Focus events end Insert mode if 'esckeys' is not set. * Vim9: "..=" not always recognized. * Vim9: Function name is not recognized. * Vim9: no error if variable is defined for existing function. * Second time a preview popup is opened highlight is not set. (Gabriel Dupras) * 'fillchars' "stl" and "stlnc" items must be single byte. * Tests fail when run as root. * Test may leave file behind. * Vim9: crash when getting the types for a legacy function. * Vim9: using invalid pointer for error message. * Vim9: crash when calling partial with wrong function. * Vim9: a function name with "->" in the next line doesn't work. * Vim9: defining a :func function checks for white space after a comma in the arguments. * Compiler warning for type conversion. * Lua cannot handle a passed in lambda. * Vim9: crash in garbagecollect after for loop. * Vim9: checking vararg type is wrong when function is auto-loaded. * Vim9: sourcing Vim9 script triggers a redraw. * Vim9: screendump test fails on MS-Windows. * Vim9: cannot compare result of getenv() with null. * Vim9: type error for assigning the result of list concatenation to a list. * Vim9: illegal memory access. * Process id may be invalid. * Recover test fails on FreeBSD. * Build failure with tiny features. * Recover test hangs in the GUI. * Vim9: default argument value may cause internal error. Ondřej Súkup 2021-03-15 10:03:37 +00:00
  • aa612419c8 Accepting request 876604 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2021-03-10 07:46:44 +00:00
  • 93111e0f93 - Updated to version 8.2.2564, fixes the following problems * Not all fields in "cstack" are initialized which might cause a crash. * Crash when using :all while using a cmdline window. (Zdenek Dohnal) * Using freed memory when closing the cmdline window. * No way to check for the cmdwin feature, cmdline_hist is now always enabled. * May get stuck in command line window state. * Condition stack values may be used when not set. * Color not changed if ModeMsg highlight is set in InsertEnter autocmd event. (Paul Swanson) * Autocmd test was failing on MS-Windows with GUI. * Too many problems with using all autocommand events. * Double free when using autocommand with "argdel". (Houyunsong) * Crash when deleting with line number out of range. (Houyunsong) * Missing error message. * Some tests are known to cause an error with ASAN. * Cursor on invalid line with range and :substitute. * Allowing 'completefunc' to switch windows causes trouble. * Can still switch windows for 'completefunc'. * FocusGained does not work when 'ttymouse' is empty. * :goto does not work correctly with text properties. (Sam McCall) * :vimgrep expands wildcards twice. * Warning for -fno-strength-reduce with Clang 11. * Libvterm tests are executed even when libtool doesn't work. * Opening cmdline window gives error in BufLeave autocommand. * Vim9: no error when compiling str2nr() with a number. * setline() gives an error for some types. * Vim9 script test is a bit flaky. * Deprecation warnings with default configuration. * Out of bounds compiler warning. Ondřej Súkup 2021-03-03 19:07:12 +00:00
  • cf8990dcfd - Ismail Dönmez 2021-03-02 19:30:33 +00:00
  • e6ef350dfb Accepting request 876221 from home:lnussel:branches:editors Ismail Dönmez 2021-03-02 19:20:36 +00:00
  • d614f5a310 Accepting request 876001 from home:mgerstner:branches:editors Ismail Dönmez 2021-03-01 16:43:07 +00:00
  • 797f7bd1e7 Accepting request 873628 from editors Richard Brown 2021-02-22 13:39:25 +00:00
  • c6d85ad3bb Accepting request 873512 from home:lnussel:branches:editors Ismail Dönmez 2021-02-19 06:34:04 +00:00
  • 34a3aedf22 Accepting request 867702 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2021-02-04 19:21:35 +00:00
  • c31105320c Accepting request 867668 from home:lnussel:usrmove Ismail Dönmez 2021-01-29 12:11:02 +00:00
  • df204095ab Accepting request 867401 from home:DKarakasilis:branches:editors Ismail Dönmez 2021-01-28 12:22:22 +00:00
  • c2e9899a47 Accepting request 862401 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2021-01-15 18:45:01 +00:00
  • 875af4b945 - Updated to version 8.2.2327, fixes the following problems * Insert mode completion messages end up in message history. * Vim9: crash when lambda uses same var as assignment. * Padding not drawn properly for popup window with title. * Vim9: checking for a non-empty string is too strict. * Vim9: get E1099 when autocmd triggered in builtin function. * Vim9: #{ still seen as start of dict in some places. * Vim9: Using uninitialized variable. * Vim9: :echo and :execute give error for empty argument. * Vim9: "exit_cb" causes Vim to exit. * Vim9: unreachable code in assignment. * Build failure with tiny features. * A user command with try/catch may not catch an expression error. * Memory leak when heredoc is not terminated. * Vim9: dead code in compiling :unlet. * Vim9: some corner cases not tested. * Vim9: concatenating lists does not adjust type of result. * Vim9: automatic conversion of number to string for dict key. * Quickfix window title not updated in all tab pages. * Vim9: crash when user command doesn't match. * Popupwin test for latin1 sometimes fails. * Github actions CI isn't used for all available platforms. * $dir not expanded when configure checks for moonjit. * screenpos() does not include the WinBar offset. * Popupwin test for latin1 still fails sometimes. * Popupwin test for terminal buffer fails sometimes. * Warning from Github actions for code analysis. * Github actions run on pusing a tag. * Vim9: can delete a Vim9 script variable from a function. * CI on cirrus times out, coveralls doesn't always run. Ondřej Súkup 2021-01-11 16:20:33 +00:00
  • bad8fd55d3 Accepting request 855481 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2020-12-15 11:27:28 +00:00
  • 07b3835a74 Accepting request 855308 from home:badshah400:branches:editors Ismail Dönmez 2020-12-12 17:29:27 +00:00
  • 7678548610 Accepting request 853509 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2020-12-09 21:11:06 +00:00
  • e72cb585c1 - Updated to version 8.2.2105, fixes the following problems * Viminfo is not written when creating a new file. * Terminal buffer disappears even when 'bufhidden' is "hide". (Sergey Vlasov) * Haskell filetype not optimally recognized. * Build failure with +profile but without +reltime. * GTK3: white border around text stands out. * Highlighting a character too much with incsearch. * Some test failures don't give a clear error. * Amiga: FEAT_ARP defined when it should not. * Amiga: obsolete code. * Amiga: obsolete function. * Search test contains unneeded sleeps. * Vim9: crash when aborting a user function call. * Vim9: "edit +4 fname" gives an error. (Naruhiko Nishino) * Vim9: lamba doesn't accept argument types. * Configure fails when building with the "implicit-function-declaration" error enabled, specifically on Mac. * Getting the selection may trigger TextYankPost autocmd. * Using mkview/loadview changes the jumplist. * Check for features implemented with "if". * Vim9: E1030 error when using empty string for term_sendkeys(). * <Cmd> does not handle CTRL-V. * Vim9: only one level of indexing supported. * terminal: cursor is on while redrawing, causing flicker. * Using map() and filter() on a range() is inefficient. * Vim9: assignment with += doesn't work. * Cursor position in popup terminal is wrong. * Transparent syntax item uses start/end of containing region. * The quickfix window is not updated after setqflist(). * Can't get the exit value in VimLeave or VimLeavePre autocommands. Ondřej Súkup 2020-12-07 07:10:28 +00:00
  • 3490a58853 Accepting request 850677 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2020-11-29 11:24:31 +00:00
  • 1b66eac537 - Updated to version 8.2.2039, fixes the following problems * Cannot backspace in prompt buffer after using cursor-left. (Maxim Kim) * Vim9: error for using a string in a condition is confusing. * Making a mapping work in all modes is complicated. * "term_opencmd" option of term_start() is truncated. (Sergey Vlasov) * Vim9: some tests are not done at the script level. * MinGW: parallel compilation might fail. * Quickfix window not updated when adding invalid entries. * ml_get error when using <Cmd> to open a terminal. * Cannot use :vimgrep in omni completion, causing C completion to fail. * Crash when closing terminal popup with <Cmd> mapping. * Expression test is flaky on Appveyor. * Still in Insert mode when opening terminal popup with a <Cmd> mapping in Insert mode. * Info popup triggers WinEnter and WinLeave autocommands. * Cursor position wrong in terminal popup with finished job. * Coverity warns for not using the ga_grow() return value. * Build fails with small features. * Occasional failure of the netbeans test. * The popup menu can cause too much redrawing. * Vim9: invalid error for argument of extend(). * Window changes when using bufload() while in a terminal popup. * Terminal Cmd test sometimes fails to close popup. * Terminal popup test sometimes fails. * Vim9: dict.key assignment not implemented yet. * Vim9: :def function does not apply 'maxfuncdepth'. * Vim9: lambda argument shadowed by function name. * Build error with +conceal but without +popupwin. * Compiler warning for uninitialized variable. * Redoing a mapping with <Cmd> doesn't work properly. Ondřej Súkup 2020-11-25 09:53:48 +00:00
  • b0675d2f63 Accepting request 850581 from home:lnussel:usrmove Ismail Dönmez 2020-11-24 17:49:03 +00:00
  • 9bdc756301 Accepting request 848140 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2020-11-15 14:24:50 +00:00
  • c3f2180e3b Accepting request 848116 from home:jgwang:branches:editors Ismail Dönmez 2020-11-12 14:51:53 +00:00
  • 7c6c3c8c6a Accepting request 846211 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2020-11-05 20:54:43 +00:00
  • a25b8ef2c8 - Updated to version 8.2.1955, fixes the following problems * Vim9: command modifiers do not work. * Variable completion does not work in command line window. * Default option values are changed when using :badd for an existing buffer. * Buffer test fails with normal features. * Still using default option values after using ":badd +1". * The wininfo list may contain stale entries. * Warning for signed/unsigned. * Complete_info().selected may be wrong. * Lua is initialized even when not used. * Number of status line items is limited to 80. * Reading past the end of the command line. * Tiny build fails. * With Python 3.9 some tests fail. * GTK GUI: rounding for the cell height is too strict. * Vim9: cannot put line break in expression for '=' register. * Vim9: error for wrong number of arguments is not useful. * Vim9: function call is aborted even when "silent!" is used. * No test for improved Man command. * Vim9: E1100 mentions :let. * Assert_fails() setting emsg_silent changes normal execution. * Listlbr test fails when run after another test. * Fuzzy matching does not recognize path separators. * Win32: scrolling doesn't work properly when part of window is off-screen. * Vim9: "filter" command modifier doesn't work. * Vim9: crash when indexing dict with NULL key. * List/dict test fails. * Cannot use a space in 'spellfile'. (Filipe Brandenburger) * Vim9: get unknown error with an error in a timer function. * Vim9: "silent!" not effective when list index is wrong. Ondřej Súkup 2020-11-05 11:45:55 +00:00
  • 5b06fdbbc5 Accepting request 845542 from home:cboltz:branches:editors Ismail Dönmez 2020-11-03 10:08:09 +00:00
  • 1315e01641 Accepting request 843885 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2020-10-29 08:21:29 +00:00
  • 3e7041ca72 - Updated to version 8.2.1900, fixes the following problems * Vim9: error message is not clear about compilation error. * Vim9: test for compilation error fails in normal build. * Crash when USE_FNAME_CASE is defined and using :browse. * Netbeans: with huge buffer number memory allocation may fail. * Using "q" at the more prompt doesn't stop a long message. * Vim9: function defined in a block can't use variables defined in that block. * Vim9: variables declared in a local block are not found in when a function is compiled. * Vim9: using negative value for unsigned type. * Crash when passing a NULL string or list to popup_settext(). * Vim9: garbage collection frees block-local variables. * "vat" does not select tags correctly over line break. * Vim9: "!" followed by space incorrectly used. * map() returing zero for NULL list is unexpected. * "to_f" is recognized at "topleft" modifier. * Vim9: crash when throwing exception for NULL string. (Dhiraj Mishra) * Vim9: get error message when nothing is wrong. * "2resize" uses size of current window. (Daniel Steinberg) * Vim9: using job_status() on an unused var gives an error. * Vim9: filter functions return number instead of bool. * Vim9: crash in unpack assignment. * Vim9: memory leak when throwing empty string. * Vim9: no specific error when parsing lambda fails. * vim9: memory leak when compiling lambda fails. * Json code not sufficiently tested. * Vim9: no error for wrong list type. * Vim9: add() does not check type of argument. * Vim9: add() does not check type of argument. Ondřej Súkup 2020-10-25 11:45:34 +00:00
  • 233a483e2c Accepting request 841406 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2020-10-15 11:45:00 +00:00
  • d0b92dcc2e - Updated to version 8.2.1840, fixes the following problems - refreshed vim-7.3-filetype_changes.patch and vim-8.0.1568-defaults.patch * Filetype.vim may be loaded twice. * Vim9: some assignment tests in the wrong file. * Vim9: returning from a partial call clears outer context, causing a crash. * Some debian changelog files are not recognized. * Statusline not updated when splitting windows. * Writing to prompt buffer interferes with insert mode. * Vim9: cannot pass boolean to mapset(). * Try-catch test fails. * commits are not scanned for security problems * Compiler warning for strcp() out of bounds. (Christian Brabandt) * Various Normal mode commands not fully tested. * Crash with 'incsearch' and very long line. * Vim9: still allows :let for declarations. * Vim9: crash with invalid list constant. (Dhiraj Mishra) * Vim9: debugger test fails. * Configure does not recognize Racket 6.1+. * Not consistently giving the "is a directory" warning. * No falsy Coalescing operator. * Vim9: operators && and || have a confusing result. * Vim9: invalid memory access with weird function name. (Dhiraj Mishra) * Vim9: some parts of the code not tested. * Vim9: trinary operator condition is too permissive. * Some Normal mode commands not fully tested. * Vim9: memory leak if "if" condition is invalid. * Undo file not found when using ":args" or ":next". * Vim9: crash with unterminated dict. (Dhiraj Mishra) * A few failures are not tested. * resolve('/') returns an empty string. Ondřej Súkup 2020-10-13 06:23:09 +00:00
  • 555201f81c Accepting request 840392 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2020-10-11 18:15:12 +00:00
  • 641c211d38 Accepting request 840335 from home:cboltz:branches:editors Martin Pluskal 2020-10-09 07:50:23 +00:00
  • 8d0fe8b375 Accepting request 838734 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2020-10-03 16:54:25 +00:00
  • af7ab93988 - Updated to version 8.2.1775, fixes the following problems - refreshed vim-7.3-sh_is_bash.patch * Vim9: no error if comma is missing in between arguments. * Vim9: memory leak with heredoc that isn't executed. (Dominique Pellé) * Vim9: cannot assign a lambda to a variable of type function. * Vim9: Variable argument name cannot start with underscore. * Vim9: assignment tests spread out. * Not all Pascal files are recognized. * Fuzzy matching only works on strings. * A popup created with "cursorline" will ignore "firstline". * Compiler warning for using uninitialized variable. (John Marriott) * Endless loop when ":normal" feeds popup window filter. * Vim9: cannot use member of unknown type. * Vim9: cannot use += to append to empty NULL list. * Stuck when win_execute() for a popup causes an error. * Vim9: memory leaks when using nested function. * Vim9: cannot use a funcref for a closure twice. * Failure to compile a pattern not tested much. * Cursor line highlight in popup window is not always updated. * Mac: str2float() recognizes comma instead of decimal point. * Vim9: crash when compiling a manually defined function. (Antony Scriven) * Test fails without the terminal feature. * pathshorten() only supports using one character. * Test still fails without the terminal feature. * Cannot build without the eval feature. * Vim9: using ":const!" is weird. * Tiny version doesn't build. * Vim9: Cannot use "fina" for "finally". (Naruhiko Nishino) * Result of expand() unexpectedly depends on 'completeslash'. * Closing split window in other tab may cause a crash. Ondřej Súkup 2020-09-30 09:56:48 +00:00
  • 6adcdc0d99 Accepting request 835761 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2020-09-24 14:12:26 +00:00
  • a8a7be792f - Updated to version 8.2.1719, fixes the following problems * Vim9: error for argument type does not mention the number. * Warnings from asan with clang-11. (James McCoy) * Crash in edit test. * Crash in normal test. * Not all tests are executed on Github Actions. * Cursorline highlighting always overrules sign highlighting. * Crash in :vimgrep when started as "vim -n". (Raul Segura) * Signs test fails. * s390x tests work again. * Using NULL pointers in some code. (James McCoy) * Using NULL pointers in fold code. * Vim9: error when using "%" where a buffer is expected. * Vim9: error when using '%" with setbufvar() or getbufvar(). * A few remaining errors from ubsan. * Spellfile test sometimes fails. * Not all Bazel files are recognized. * No example to use ubsan with clang. * prop_find() skips properties in the same line if "skipstart" is used. * Vim9: fixes for functions not tested; failure in getchangelist(). * Configure check for dirfd() does not work on HPUX. (Michael Osipov) * Vim9: count() third argument cannot be "true". * Vim9: expand() does not take "true" as argument. * Vim9: getreg() does not take "true" as argument. * Vim9: glob() doesnot take "true" as argument. * Vim9: globpath() doesnot take "true" as argument. * Vim9: index() does not take "true" as argument. * Vim9: hasmapto(), mapcheck() and maparg() do not take "true" as argument. * Vim9: popup_clear() does not take "true" as argument. * Reports from asan are not optimal. Ondřej Súkup 2020-09-21 08:21:53 +00:00
  • a9b3862e4c Accepting request 834596 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2020-09-17 12:39:19 +00:00
  • 270efa0204 Accepting request 834594 from home:dimstar:Factory Ismail Dönmez 2020-09-15 11:44:21 +00:00
  • 77ec2c06eb Accepting request 830932 from home:dirkmueller:branches:editors Ismail Dönmez 2020-09-05 10:31:52 +00:00
  • 5273f22482 Accepting request 831366 from home:kukuk:branches:editors Ismail Dönmez 2020-09-05 10:31:34 +00:00
  • 9f624049ce Accepting request 825297 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2020-08-12 08:56:44 +00:00
  • d2393766a8 - Updated to version 8.2.1412, fixes the following problems - refreshed vim-7.4-highlight_fstab.patch * CTRL-K in Insert mode gets <CursorHold> inserted. (Roland Puntaier) * MS-Windows: regexp test may fail if 'iskeyword' set wrongly. * Cannot use a lambda with quickfix functions. * Vim9: type wrong after getting dict item in lambda. * Vim9: list unpack doesn't work at the script level. * CursorHold does not work well.a (Shane-XB-Qian) * Empty group in 'tabline' may cause using an invalid pointer. * There is no good test for CursorHold. * Vim9: common type of function not tested. * src/ex_cmds.c file is too big. * Vim9: comperators use 'ignorecase' in Vim9 script. * Terminal getwinpos() test is a bit flaky. * Crash with EXITFREE when split() fails. * Makefile preferences were accidentally included. * Vim9: no error for using double quote comment after :func or :def. * Language and locale code spread out. * Vim9: not skipping over function type declaration with only a return type. * Vim9: Error for Funcref function argument type. * Vim9: type not checked if declaration also assigns value. * Vim9: no error for missing white space in assignment at script level. * Vim9: compiler warning for buffer size. * Tests on Travis do not run with EXITFREE. * Vim9: line break after "->" only allowed in :def function. * Some tests on Travis have EXITFREE duplicated. * Ex command error cannot contain an argument. * The "trailing characters" error can be hard to understand. * Vim9: crash when using CheckScriptFailure() in Test_vim9script_call_fail_decl(). Ondřej Súkup 2020-08-10 09:09:09 +00:00
  • 260d899b54 Accepting request 821868 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2020-07-24 07:51:34 +00:00
  • b6246a5b3e - Updated to version 8.2.1253, fixes the following problems * Vim9: crash when using imported function. * Vim9: cannot handle line break inside lambda. * Vim9: No error for invalid command in compiled function. * Vim9: is not recognized as an expression. * Vim9: no error for missing space after a comma. * Vim9: memory leak in allocated types. * Vim9: using freed memory. * Text cleared by checking terminal properties not redrawn. (Alexey Radkov) * Insufficient testing for the Tcl interface. * Once mouse move events are enabled getchar() returns them. * Vim9: builtin function method call only supports first argument. * Wrong method argument for appendbufline(). * Write NUL past allocated space using corrupted spell file. (Markus Vervier) * Cursor off by one with block paste while 'virtualedit' is "all". * Possible crash when out of memory. * Error messages when doing "make clean" in the runtime/doc or src/tee directories. * Tee doesn't build on some systems. * No test for the "recording @x" message. * Vim9: Cannot split a line before ".member". * Vim9: not enough type checking in Vim9 script. * Terminal2 test sometimes hangs in the GUI. * Vim9: filter function recognized as command modifier, leading to a crash. * Test_termwinscroll() sometimes hangs in the GUI. * Build failure in small version. * Json code not fully tested. * Vim9: no check for whitespace after comma in lambda. * assert_fails() checks the last error message. * Some tests fail. Ondřej Súkup 2020-07-20 11:28:43 +00:00
  • f5f1b59541 Accepting request 819524 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2020-07-15 09:11:58 +00:00
  • 3e75535292 - Updated to version 8.2.1154, fixes the following problems * Vim9 test fails without job feature. * Running channel tests may leave running process behind. * Vim9: closure cannot store value in outer context. * Vim9: memory leak in disassemble test. * Indent tests don't run on CI for FreeBSD. * Vim9: using assert_fails() causes function to finish. * Vim9 function test fails. * Vim9: constant expressions are not simplified. * Netbeans test sometimes fails. * With a long running Vim the temp directory might be cleared on some systems. * Various code not fully tested. * The pam_environment file is not recognized. * Vim9: handling constant expression does not scale. * Vim9: leaking memory. * Vim9: another memory leak. * Vim9: postponed constant expressions does not scale. * Gcc warning for returning pointer to local variable. (John Marriott) * Vim9: more expressions can be evaluated at compile time * Occasional exit when encountering an X error. (Manfred Lotz) * Vim9: leaking memory when skipping. * Vim9: not handling constant expression for elseif. * Vim9: nested constant expression not evaluated compile time. * Vim9: appending to buffer/window/tab variable not tested * Vim9: cannot call a function declared later in Vim9 script. * Vim9: leaking memory when calling not compiled :def function. * Messages about a deadly signal are not left aligned. * Vim9: When reloading a script variables are not cleared. * Vim9: Assignment to dict member does not work. Ondřej Súkup 2020-07-08 17:36:52 +00:00
  • 38eafc3ffa Accepting request 818077 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2020-07-02 21:55:53 +00:00
  • 9e9385541e Accepting request 817920 from home:lnussel:branches:editors Ismail Dönmez 2020-07-01 10:57:16 +00:00
  • 9a0681cd27 Accepting request 816526 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2020-06-25 14:46:22 +00:00
  • b3d58285fe Accepting request 816524 from home:lnussel:branches:editors Ismail Dönmez 2020-06-23 08:44:43 +00:00
  • c9611e26a0 Accepting request 811885 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2020-06-11 07:58:21 +00:00
  • 82210ee5ca Accepting request 811871 from home:lnussel:branches:editors Ondřej Súkup 2020-06-05 16:23:31 +00:00
  • 39e06875b2 Accepting request 808015 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2020-06-04 15:50:02 +00:00
  • aa45c45e7f Accepting request 808013 from home:cboltz:branches:editors Ismail Dönmez 2020-05-21 15:19:40 +00:00
  • 7f18703ac9 Accepting request 805628 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2020-05-16 20:23:58 +00:00
  • b58d38f287 Accepting request 805626 from home:lnussel:branches:editors Ismail Dönmez 2020-05-14 15:24:57 +00:00
  • 0596c4ff45 Accepting request 800616 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2020-05-08 21:02:25 +00:00
  • 574cc3457d Accepting request 800596 from home:polslinux:branches:editors Martin Pluskal 2020-05-06 08:44:02 +00:00
  • f0bf7e6a3c Accepting request 797633 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2020-04-28 20:29:27 +00:00
  • 4206676734 Accepting request 797626 from home:AndreasStieger:branches:editors Ismail Dönmez 2020-04-25 12:11:34 +00:00
  • c57035696a Accepting request 792680 from editors Dominique Leuenberger 2020-04-15 18:05:54 +00:00
  • 5e5f98e189 - Updated to version 8.2.0530, fixes the following problems * Vim9: not all code tested. * Vim9: constant expression not well tested. * Vim9: expression tests don't use recognized constants. * Terminal in popup test is still a bit flaky. * Vim9: while loop not tested. * Python 3.9 does not define _Py_DEC_REFTOTAL. (Zdenek Dohnal) * Vim9: str_val is confusing, it's a number * Cannot delete a text property matching both id and type. (Axel Forsman) * Insufficient testing for indent.c. * popup_atcursor() may hang. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto) * Yaml files are only recognized by the file extension. * Internal error when using "0" for a callback. * Some Normal mode commands not tested. * Printf test failing on Haiku. * Tag kind can't be a multi-byte character. (Marcin Szamotulski) * Hardcopy command not tested enough. * Can use :pedit in a popup window. * Vim9: import that redefines local variable does not fail. * Various Normal mode commands not fully tested. * The typebuf_was_filled flag is sometimes not reset, which may cause a hang. * Crash with combination of terminal popup and autocmd. * Prop_find() may not find text property at start of the line. * Type of term_sendkeys() is unknown. * Using wrong printf directive for jump location. * Coverity warning for not using return value. * Nasty callback test fails on some systems. * No CI test for a big-endian system. * prop_find() does not find all props. * Gcc warns for ambiguous else. Ondřej Súkup 2020-04-09 10:00:44 +00:00