91adec9668Accepting request 111051 from editors
Stephan Kulow
2012-03-27 06:59:17 +00:00
4d9f6f4882- Try to fix bnc#753907
Ismail Dönmez
2012-03-24 20:06:36 +00:00
c81753ec79Accepting request 110846 from home:gregkh:branches:editors
Ismail Dönmez
2012-03-23 18:05:07 +00:00
319bace66eAccepting request 107548 from editors
Stephan Kulow
2012-03-23 14:11:43 +00:00
b7068b374fAccepting request 107547 from home:mvyskocil:branches:editors
Ismail Dönmez
2012-02-29 13:00:36 +00:00
d37297561f- Update to patchlevel 456, fixes the following problems * Using many continuation lines can be slow. * Pasting in the command line is slow. * Undo broken when pasting close to the last line. * Crash when a BufWinLeave autocommand closes the only other window. * ":all!" and ":sall!" give error E477, even though the documentation says these are valid commands. * Vim does not support UTF8_STRING for the X selection. * Compiler warnings to size casts in Perl interface. * Search history lines are duplicated. * "it" and "at" don't work properly with a dash in the tag name. * DBCS encoding in a user command does not always work. * When a user complete function returns -1 an error message is given. * Completion of functions stops once a dictionary is encountered. * Storing a float in a session file has an additional '&'. * Pasting in Visual mode using the "" register does not work. * Multi-byte characters in b:browsefilter are not handled correctly. * ":helpgrep" does not trigger QuickFixCmd* autocommands. * ":cd" doesn't work when the path contains wildcards. * When placing a mark while starting up a screen redraw messes up the screen. * Mapping CTRL-K in Insert mode breaks CTRL-X CTRL-K for dictionary completion.
Ismail Dönmez
2012-02-28 13:16:48 +00:00
8ad58a4414Accepting request 98042 from editors
Stephan Kulow
2011-12-27 17:39:33 +00:00
144955ffac- Update to patchlevel 382, fixes the following problems * IME characters are inserted twice. * C-indenting wrong for a function header. * C-indenting wrong for static enum. * No support for bitwise AND, OR, XOR and invert. * A tags file with an extremely long name may cause an infinite loop.
Ismail Dönmez
2011-12-23 11:22:21 +00:00
bdca6d21eaAccepting request 97556 from home:coolo:removeautoconf
Ismail Dönmez
2011-12-21 10:58:43 +00:00
5ad30a7021- Update to patchlevel 372, fixes the following problems * Crash when using a large Unicode character in a file that has syntax highlighting. * :wundo and :rundo use a wrong checksum. * When using a command line mapping to <Up> with file name completion to go one directory up, 'wildchar' is inserted.
Ismail Dönmez
2011-12-09 13:28:26 +00:00
304cadc991Accepting request 95706 from editors
Stephan Kulow
2011-12-07 20:41:07 +00:00
3ff96151b2Accepting request 95701 from home:a_jaeger:FactoryFix
Ismail Dönmez
2011-12-07 10:33:37 +00:00
dd631c8b7fAccepting request 95208 from editors
Stephan Kulow
2011-12-06 17:01:10 +00:00
33400b9921- Update to patchlevel 364, fixes the following problems * C indenting is wrong after #endif followed by a semicolon. * ml_get error when using ":g" with folded lines. * Accessing memory after it is freed when EXITFREE is defined. * Interrupting the load of an autoload function may cause a crash. * Command line completion shows dict functions. * Using "o" with 'cindent' set may freeze Vim. * ":set backspace+=eol" doesn't work when 'backspace' has a backwards compatible value of 2. * When completing methods dict functions and script-local functions get in the way. * Text formatting uses start of insert position when it should not. * Block of code after ":lua << EOF" may not work. * When running out of memory during startup trying to open a swapfile will loop forever. * "call range(1, 947948399)" causes a crash * When dropping text from a browser on Vim it receives HTML even though "html" is excluded from 'clipboard' * When switching language with ":lang" the window title doesn't change until later. * Problem with GUI startup related to XInitThreads. * No mouse support for urxvt. * Using getchar() in an expression mapping doesn't work well. * Screen doesn't update after resizing the xterm until a character is typed. * When a tags file specifies an encoding different from 'enc' it may hang and using a pattern doesn't work. * When 'imdisable' is reset from an autocommand in Insert mode it doesn't take effect. * Using "." to repeat a Visual delete counts the size in bytes, not
Ismail Dönmez
2011-12-05 12:57:20 +00:00
de19617124- vim doesn't support -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 , we must use level 1, see http://goo.gl/g9d8F for details.
Ismail Dönmez
2011-12-02 19:34:31 +00:00
d313263323Accepting request 94259 from editors
Stephan Kulow
2011-12-02 08:28:39 +00:00
2bce514768Accepting request 94256 from home:a_jaeger:branches:openSUSE:Factory
Ismail Dönmez
2011-11-29 12:38:36 +00:00
40e16deff0Accepting request 93599 from editors
Stephan Kulow
2011-11-25 22:13:13 +00:00
e3ba30da16Accepting request 93188 from editors
Stephan Kulow
2011-11-23 18:38:01 +00:00
8aae727644Accepting request 93315 from home:a_jaeger:branches:openSUSE:Factory
Cristian Rodríguez
2011-11-23 14:47:03 +00:00
e67283da89Accepting request 93173 from home:RedDwarf:branches:editors
Ismail Dönmez
2011-11-23 07:06:49 +00:00
3ee92f9240Accepting request 90237 from editors
Stephan Kulow
2011-11-07 15:18:10 +00:00
071ee1d47aAccepting request 90166 from home:elvigia:branches:editors
Ismail Dönmez
2011-11-06 08:57:45 +00:00
37de2e9d78Accepting request 88618 from editors
Stephan Kulow
2011-10-19 12:08:27 +00:00
a2ff8b4189Accepting request 88555 from home:dirkmueller:branches:editors
Ismail Dönmez
2011-10-18 19:22:51 +00:00
68adbc3c7eAccepting request 84430 from editors
Sascha Peilicke
2011-09-22 12:47:51 +00:00
3044a4fce4Fix patchlevel in changelog
Ismail Dönmez
2011-09-22 11:03:54 +00:00
e71e41d90fAccepting request 84407 from editors
Sascha Peilicke
2011-09-22 11:02:29 +00:00
95d8bc51ce- Update to official patchlevel 289 Following bugs are fixed: * Redobuff doesn't always include changes of the completion leader. * "C" on the last line deletes that line if it's blank. * Calling debug.debug() in Lua may cause Vim to hang. * Crash when 'colorcolumn' is set and closing buffer. * Opening a window before forking causes problems for GTK. * Complete function isn't called when the leader changed. * Writing to 'verbosefile' has problems, e.g. for :highlight. * Python 3 doesn't support slice assignment. * When closing a window there is a chance that deleting a scrollbar triggers a GUI resize, which uses the window while it is not in a valid state. * Auto-loading a function while editing the command line causes scrolling up the display. * Python doesn't parse multi-byte argument correctly. * Built-in colors are different from rgb.txt. * Can't load Perl 5.14 dynamically. * When writing to an external command a zombie process may be left behind. * When filtering text with an external command Vim may not read all the output. * Crash when using fold markers and selecting a visual block that includes a folded line and goes to end of line. (Sam Lidder) * Configure doesn't work properly with Python3. * When a BufWriteCmd autocommand resets 'modified' this doesn't change older buffer states to be marked as 'modified' like ":write" does. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
Ismail Dönmez
2011-09-22 09:29:08 +00:00
5df45d3b28Accepting request 82528 from editors
Lars Vogdt
2011-09-19 16:07:07 +00:00
f2f5fd590eAccepting request 82521 from home:cboltz:branches:editors
Ismail Dönmez
2011-09-16 18:29:33 +00:00
eee5029e8cAutobuild autoformatter for 80343
Sascha Peilicke
2011-08-31 11:25:23 +00:00
57bb0c8e30Updating link to change in openSUSE:Factory/vim revision 67.0
OBS User buildservice-autocommit
2011-08-31 11:25:23 +00:00
9c02d9f597Accepting request 80343 from editors
Sascha Peilicke
2011-08-31 11:25:12 +00:00
bed25f440d- Update to official patchlevel 289 * python3 fixes * Fix: Crash when using "zd" on a large number of folds. * Fix: Mapping <Char-123> no longer works. * Fix: After using "expand('%:8')" the buffer name is changed. * Fix: With GTK, when gvim is full-screen and a tab is opened and using a specific monitor configuration the window is too big. * Fix: Passing the file name to open in VisVim doesn't work. * Fix: A BOM in an error file is seen as text. * Fix: ":put =list" does not add an empty line for a trailing empty item. * Fix: 'shellcmdflag' only works with one flag. * Fix: Vim freezes when executing an external command with zsh.
Ismail Dönmez
2011-08-31 09:41:03 +00:00
5ff1e5bdd9Autobuild autoformatter for 79290
Sascha Peilicke
2011-08-19 08:26:37 +00:00
a77d10cdb8Updating link to change in openSUSE:Factory/vim revision 65.0
OBS User buildservice-autocommit
2011-08-19 08:26:37 +00:00
b44523602fAccepting request 79290 from editors
Sascha Peilicke
2011-08-19 08:26:24 +00:00
74fb68eb75Accepting request 79276 from home:cboltz:branches:editors
Ismail Dönmez
2011-08-19 06:36:54 +00:00
4afd1464ccAutobuild autoformatter for 77998
Sascha Peilicke
2011-08-04 12:51:32 +00:00
c805991245Updating link to change in openSUSE:Factory/vim revision 63.0
OBS User buildservice-autocommit
2011-08-04 12:51:32 +00:00
e31d8634f8Accepting request 77998 from editors
Sascha Peilicke
2011-08-04 12:51:16 +00:00
5db24cbfee- Update to official patchlevel 266 * Fix python 3.2 detection * Python: Errors in Unicode characters not handled nicely. * "gH<Del>" deletes the current line, except when it's the last line. * "echo 'abc' > ''" returns 0 or 1, depending on 'ignorecase'. * The coladd field is not reset when setting the line number for a ":call" command. * When editing a file such as "File[2010-08-15].vim" an E16 error is given. * Equivalence classes only work for latin characters. * CursorHold triggers on an incomplete mapping. * G++ error message errornously recognized as error. * When the current directory name contains wildcard characters, such as "foo[with]bar", the tags file can't be found. * When storing a pattern in search history there is no proper check for the separator character. * In Gvim with iBus typing space in Insert mode doesn't work.
Ismail Dönmez
2011-08-04 12:01:30 +00:00
47b4b7b539Autobuild autoformatter for 76051
Sascha Peilicke
2011-07-11 14:04:08 +00:00
489e0dc133Updating link to change in openSUSE:Factory/vim revision 61.0
OBS User buildservice-autocommit
2011-07-11 14:04:08 +00:00
51349d3f6eAccepting request 76051 from editors
Sascha Peilicke
2011-07-11 14:03:55 +00:00
c684394a95- Update to official patchlevel 243 * Fix multiple illegal memory accesses * Fix: Using CTRL-R CTRL-W on the command line may insert only part of the word. * Fix: Python corrects the cursor column without taking 'virtualedit' into account. * Fix: Python 3 doesn't compile without +multi_byte * Fix: ";" gets stuck on a "t" command, it's not useful. * Fix: ":scriptnames" and ":breaklist" show long file names. * Fix: ":wundo" and ":rundo" don't unescape their argument * Fix: "2gj" does not always move to the correct position. * Fix: On a 64 bit system "syn sync fromstart" is very slow. * Fix: Can't pass dict to sort function. * Fix: Text from the clipboard is sometimes handled as linewise, but not consistently. * Fix: Inside an "if" a ":wincmd" causes problems.
Ismail Dönmez
2011-07-11 12:59:42 +00:00
a04ea12d17Accepting request 75486 from home:a_jaeger:branches:openSUSE:Factory
Ismail Dönmez
2011-07-06 08:14:31 +00:00
8570764ef1- Update to official patch level 237
Ismail Dönmez
2011-06-28 11:32:29 +00:00
9aa3745c73- Update to official patch level 230
Ismail Dönmez
2011-06-21 07:08:41 +00:00
d1ee9b92b7- Update to official patch level 219 - Update to official patch level 206
Ismail Dönmez
2011-06-14 12:17:34 +00:00
0b866f64eb- Update to official patchlevel 206
Ismail Dönmez
2011-06-10 11:38:33 +00:00