------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 20 11:26:57 UTC 2020 - Ondřej Súkup - Updated to version 8.2.1253, fixes the following problems * Vim9: crash when using imported function. * Vim9: cannot handle line break inside lambda. * Vim9: No error for invalid command in compiled function. * Vim9: dict.name is not recognized as an expression. * Vim9: no error for missing space after a comma. * Vim9: memory leak in allocated types. * Vim9: using freed memory. * Text cleared by checking terminal properties not redrawn. (Alexey Radkov) * Insufficient testing for the Tcl interface. * Once mouse move events are enabled getchar() returns them. * Vim9: builtin function method call only supports first argument. * Wrong method argument for appendbufline(). * Write NUL past allocated space using corrupted spell file. (Markus Vervier) * Cursor off by one with block paste while 'virtualedit' is "all". * Possible crash when out of memory. * Error messages when doing "make clean" in the runtime/doc or src/tee directories. * Tee doesn't build on some systems. * No test for the "recording @x" message. * Vim9: Cannot split a line before ".member". * Vim9: not enough type checking in Vim9 script. * Terminal2 test sometimes hangs in the GUI. * Vim9: filter function recognized as command modifier, leading to a crash. * Test_termwinscroll() sometimes hangs in the GUI. * Build failure in small version. * Json code not fully tested. * Vim9: no check for whitespace after comma in lambda. * assert_fails() checks the last error message. * Some tests fail. * Some other tests fail. * With SGR mouse codes balloon doesn't show up after click. * Terminal2 test sometimes hangs in the GUI on Travis. * Memory leak with invalid json input. * Vim9: line continuation in lambda doesn't always work. * Vim9: checking for Vim9 syntax is spread out. * Vim9: crash when function calls itself. * Lua test fails with older Lua version. * Terminal window not redrawn when dragging a popup window over it. * Test failure because shell prompt differs. * Clientserver test fails on MS-Windows. * Build failure with normal features. * Clientserver test still fails on MS-Windows. * Terminal2 test sometimes hangs in the GUI on Travis. * Not all assert functions are fully tested. * Vim9: cannot disassemble a lambda function. * Vim9: crash when passing number as dict key. * Vim9: crash when calling a closure from a builtin function. * Unused assignments in expression evaluation. * Vim9: true and false not recognized in Vim9 script. * Vim9: && and || work different when not compiled. * Vim9: crash in expr test when run in the GUI. * Vim9: crash in expr test when run in the GUI. * Using ht_used when looping through a hashtab is less reliable. * Removed more than dead code. * Cannot build with Lua 5.4. * Mouse codes not tested sufficiently. * Startup test depends on random source file. * Vim9: cannot use 'text'->func(). * Symlink not followed if dirname ends in //. * memory access error when dragging a popup window over a buffer with folding. * Memory leak when updating popup window. * When using valgrind a Vim command started by a test uses the same log file name which gets overwritten. * Vim9: invalid type error for function default value. * Vim9: arguments from partial are not used. * Linker errors when building with dynamic Python 3.9. * Vim9: allowing both quoted and # comments is confusing. * Scrollbars not flush against the window edges when maximised. * Build error without the eval feature. * Vim9: list index error not caught by try/catch. * Vim9: various errors not caught by try/catch. * Lua build problem with old compiler. * Not all mouse codes covered by tests. * Vim9: a few errors not caught by try/catch. * Changing 'completepopup' after opening a popup has no effect. (Jay Sitter) * Vim9: a few remaining errors not caught by try/catch. * "maxwidth" in 'completepopup' not obeyed. (Jay Sitter) * GUI tests sometimes fail because of translations. * Cannot use getbufinfo() as a method. * Vim9: no error if calling a function with wrong argument type. * Vim9: cannot have a comment or empty line halfway a list at script level. * Vim9: in lambda index assumes a list. * Build failure in tiny version. * Vim9: comment after assignment doesn't work. * Vim9: cannot index a character in a string. * Netbeans test is flaky in the GUI. * Vim9: disassemble test fails. * Vim9: cannot use the g:, b:, t: and w: namespaces. * Vim9: warning for pointer usage, test failure undetected. * ":marks" may show '< and '> mixed up. * CTRL-K in Insert mode gets inserted. (Roland Puntaier) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 8 16:01:14 UTC 2020 - Ondřej Súkup - Updated to version 8.2.1154, fixes the following problems * Vim9 test fails without job feature. * Running channel tests may leave running process behind. * Vim9: closure cannot store value in outer context. * Vim9: memory leak in disassemble test. * Indent tests don't run on CI for FreeBSD. * Vim9: using assert_fails() causes function to finish. * Vim9 function test fails. * Vim9: constant expressions are not simplified. * Netbeans test sometimes fails. * With a long running Vim the temp directory might be cleared on some systems. * Various code not fully tested. * The pam_environment file is not recognized. * Vim9: handling constant expression does not scale. * Vim9: leaking memory. * Vim9: another memory leak. * Vim9: postponed constant expressions does not scale. * Gcc warning for returning pointer to local variable. (John Marriott) * Vim9: more expressions can be evaluated at compile time * Occasional exit when encountering an X error. (Manfred Lotz) * Vim9: leaking memory when skipping. * Vim9: not handling constant expression for elseif. * Vim9: nested constant expression not evaluated compile time. * Vim9: appending to buffer/window/tab variable not tested * Vim9: cannot call a function declared later in Vim9 script. * Vim9: leaking memory when calling not compiled :def function. * Messages about a deadly signal are not left aligned. * Vim9: When reloading a script variables are not cleared. * Vim9: Assignment to dict member does not work. * Vim9: parsing declarations continues after :finish. * Vim9: storing value in dict messes up stack. * Vim9: assigning to dict or list argument does not work. * Vim9: leaking memory when using :finish. * Vim9: using unitialized memory. * Some files not recognized as pamenv. * When shell doesn't support CTRL-Z Vim still handles it. * Mouse handling in a terminal window not well tested. * Incomplete profiling when exiting because of a deadly signal. * Minor message mistakes. * Python tests fail because of changed message. * Handling of a TERM signal not tested. * Can move to another buffer from a terminal in popup window. * The name vim is not capitalized in a message. * Crash on exit when not all popups are closed. * popup_clear() hangs when a popup can't be closed. * Cannot forcefully close all popups. * Cannot get a list of all popups. * TERM signal test fails on FreeBSD. * Netbeans test is a bit flaky. * Vim9: performance can be improved. * Terminal in popup window test is a bit flaky. * Vim9: expressions are evaluated in the discovery phase. * Vim9: No test for forward declaration. * Vim9: No error when variable initializer is not a constant. * Vim9: no test for MEMBER instruction. * Vim9: no test for STORELIST and STOREDICT. * Vim9: missing changes for performance improvements * Vim9: dict member errors not tested. * Vim9: instructions not tested * Buffer is not considered modified after setting crypt key. * GUI test fails without the terminal feature. * Vim9: assigning to option not fully tested. * In the GUI can't use all the modifiers. (Andri Möll) * Display error when using 'number' and 'breakindent'. * ModifyOtherKeys active when using a shell command in autocmd. * Vim9: memory leak in script test. * VimLeavePre not triggered when Vim is terminated. * Cannot map CTRL-B when using the GUI. * Vim9: cannot call a compiled closure from not compiled code. * Vim9: some variable initializations not tested. * Switching to raw mode every time ":" is used. * t_TI and t_TE are output when using 'visualbell'. (Dominique Pelle) * Not easy to call a Vim function from Lua. * Libvterm code lags behind the upstream version. * Terminal test fails. * Libvterm code lags behind the upstream version. * Tmode_T not used everywhere. * Libvterm code lags behind the upstream version. * Compiler warning for not using value in Lua. * Cannot build with Lua on MS-Windows. * Libvterm code lags behind the upstream version. * Libvterm code lags behind the upstream version. * Libvterm code lags behind the upstream version. * Channel test is flaky on FreeBSD. * Libvterm code lags behind the upstream version. * Memory leak in libvterm. * Vim9: expression testing lost coverage using constants. * Vim9: list index not well tested. * A second popup window with terminal causes trouble. * Build failure with small features. * Libvterm code lags behind the upstream version. * Build fails if snprintf is not available. * Errors from failing test are unclear. * Terminal test fails on Mac. * Terminal key codes test fails on some systems. * using "func!" after vim9script gives confusing error. * Cannot easily restore a mapping. * Not enough testing for the terminal window. * Build failure with small features. (Tony Mechelynck) * Error when appending "tagfile" to 'wildoptions'. * Terminal keycode test is flaky. * mapset() does not properly handle <> notation. * libvterm code is slightly different from upstream. * Clang warning for implicit conversion. * maparg() does not provide enough information for mapset(). * Terminal test fails when compiled with Athena. * Not enough memory allocated when converting string with special character. * Vim9: using a discovery phase doesn't work well. * Compiler warning for unused variable. * Vim9: function type isn't set until compiled. * Vim9: memory leak in expr test. * Vim9: code left over from discovery phase. * Vim9: script reload test is disabled. * Still not enough memory allocated when converting string with special character. * def_function() may return pointer that was freed. * Vim9: crash in :defcompile. * Vim9: crash in :defcompile. * Travis: regexp patttern doesn't work everywhere. * filter() may give misleading error message. * Motif: can't map "!". (Ben Jackson) * Compiler warnings for integer sizes. * Compiler warning for uninitialized variable. (Tony Mechelynck) * Mapping doesn't work in the GUI. * :drop command in terminal popup causes problems. * Motif: mapping still doesn't work. * Not all :cdo output is visible. * Compiler warning for value set but not used. * Dropping modifier when putting a character back in typeahead. * Search match count wrong when only match is in fold. * 'verbose' value 16 causes duplicate output. * Filetype elm not detected. * Text properties crossing lines not handled correctly. * Text properties crossing lines not handled correctly. * Build failure with small features. * Typval related code is spread out. * Can't distinguish from accented "a" in the GUI. * Cannot map CTRL-S on some systems. * ml_delete() often called with FALSE argument. * Xxd cannot show offset as a decimal number. * GUI tests fail because the test doesn't use a modifier. * CTRL-S stops output. * GTK cell height can be a pixel too much. * Not easy to require Lua modules. * No Turkish translation of the manual. * Cannot use CTRL-A and CTRL-X on unsigned numbers. * Cannot easily get all the current marks. * ":term ++curwin" makes the current buffer hidden. (Harm te Hennepe) * Cannot set a separate color for underline/undercurl. * Pragmas are indented all the way to the left. * Syntax foldlevel is taken from the start of the line. * Not enough tests for buffer writing. * Using \{xxx} for encoding a modifier is not nice. * trim() always trims both ends. * It is not possible to customize the quickfix window contents. * MS-Windows: Control keys don't work in the GUI. * Cannot use getmarklist() as a method. * XIM code is mixed with multi-byte code. * A .jl file can be sawfish (lisp) or Julia. * Signals test is a bit flaky. * Getting attributes for directory entries is slow. * :pwd does not give a hint about the scope of the directory * Cannot get the search statistics. * No reduce() function. * Compiler warning for unused function argument. * Leaking memory when using searchcount(). * Compiler warning for argument type. * Leaking memory when using reduce(). * Memory leak in test 49. * Searchcount() test fails on slower systems. * "make shadow" does not link new lua test dir. * Cannot use octal numbers in scriptversion 4. * Searchcount().exact_match is 1 right after a match. * Readdirex() returns size -2 for a directory. * Using old style comments. * No color in terminal window when 'termguicolor' is set. * Clang warns for invalid conversion. * Ubsan warns for undefined behavior. * Assert_equalfile() does not take a third argument. * :mkspell can take very long if the word count is high. * :mkspell output does not mention the tree type. * Crash when calling searchcount() with a string. * List of functions in patched version is outdated. * Missing help for a function goes unnoticed. * Assert_equalfile() does not give a hint about the difference. * Function list test fails on MS-Windows. * Formatting CJK text isn't optimal. * Using searchcount() in 'statusline' causes an error. * comparing WINVER does not work correctly. * Assuming modifyOtherKeys for rhs of mapping. * Test coverage could be better. * When setting 'termguicolors' SpellBad is no longer red. * When using :global clipboard isn't set correctly. * Crash when changing the function table while listing it. * Cannot go back to the previous local directory. * Vim is not reproducibly buildable. * Crash when opening a buffer for the cmdline window fails. (Chris Barber) * A few test cases for CJK formatting are disabled. * Code for resetting v:register is duplicated. * Search() cannot skip over matches like searchpair() can. * Mapping with partly modifyOtherKeys code does not work. * Quickfix entries do not suport a "note" type. * Duplicate code for evaluating expression argument. * Merging modifier for modifyOtherKeys is done twice. * Writing viminfo fails with a circular reference. * CTRL-W T in cmdline window causes trouble. * Search test fails. * Cmdline test is slow. * Cannot save and restore a register properly. * Getcompletion() does not return command line arguments. * Cmdline test fails on Appveyor. * Some sshconfig and ssdhconfig files are not recognized. * Many type casts are used for vim_strnsave(). * v:register is not cleared after an operator was executed. * Script filetype detection trips over env -S argument. * Some remarks about BeOS remain. * Missspelling spelllang. * 'quickfixtextfunc' does not get window ID of location list. * Running lhelpgrep twice in a help window doesn't jump to the help topic. * Flattening a list with existing code is slow. * Some terminals misinterpret the code for getting cursor style. * Asan failure in the flatten() test. * NFA regexp uses tolower() to compare ignore-case. (Thayne McCombs) * checking for term escape sequences is long and confusing * Build failure with tiny features. * Detecting terminal properties is unstructured. * Expanding to local dir after homedir keeps "~/". * Displaying ^M or ^J depends on current buffer. * Xxd test leaves file behind. * Cannot use "z=" when 'spell' is off. * Cannot use "q" to cancel a number prompt. * Readdirex() doesn't handle broken link properly. * Spell test fails. * Strptime() does not use DST. * Tagjump test fails. * Search stat test has leftover from debugging. * No simple way to interrupt Vim. * Spell checking doesn't work for CamelCased words. * Not all desktop files are recognized. * Build fails. * Spell test fails. * Compiler warning for uninitialized variable. (Tony Mechelynck) * Not sufficient testing for buffer writing. * Using 'quickfixtextfunc' is a bit slow. * Cannot use :import in legacy Vim script. * Terminal test sometimes hangs on Travis. * Number increment/decrement does not work with 'virtualedit'. * TextYankPost does not provide info about Visual selection. * Has_funcundefined() is not used. * 'shortmess' flag "n" not used in two places. * Unnecessary type casts for vim_strnsave(). * No proper testing of the 'cpoptions' flags. * Assert_equal() output for dicts is hard to figure out. * Terminal properties are not available in Vim script. * Build with tiny features fails. * Vim9 script variable declarations need a type. * Vim9: type is not checked when assigning to a script variable. * Vim9: memory leak when script var has wrong type. * Vim9: script variable does not accept optional s: prefix. * Some 'cpoptions' not tested. * t_8u is made empty for the wrong terminals. (Dominique Pelle) * Leaking memory in termcodes test. * A couple of screendump tests fail. * Raku file extension not recognized. (Steven Penny) * Vim9: cannot compile "[var, var] = list". * Insufficient testing for reading/writing files. * SConstruct file type not recognized. * Not using previous window when closing a shell popup window. * Simplify() does not remove slashes from "///path". * Vim9: cannot assign to [var; var]. * Getting directory contents is always case sorted. * Crash after resizing a terminal window. (August Masquelier) * Using duplicate error number. * Cannot get window type for autocmd and preview window. * Vim9: crash when using :import in the Vim command. * Vim9 script test fails with normal features. * Vim9: missing function causes compilation error. * Insufficient testing for the readdir() sort option. * Using "aucmdwin" in win_gettype() is not ideal. * Cannot execute a register containing line continuation. * Not all tag code is tested. * Moving to next sentence gets stuck on quote. * Get error when leaving Ex mode with :visual and a CmdLineEnter autocommand was used. * Vim9: crash with nested "if" and assignment. * Test may fail when run directly. * Vim9: return type of sort() is too generic. * Line numbers below filler lines not always updated. * Vim9: using TRUE/FALSE/MAYBE for ctx_skip is confusing. * Vim9: require unnecessary return statement. * Completion doesn't work after ":r ++arg !". * Vim9: no test for disassambling newly added instructions. * Vim9: some failures not checked for. * Build failure in libvterm with debug enabled. (John Little) * Vim9: some code not tested. * Vim9: cannot declare single character script variables. * Channel tests can be a bit flaky. * Using "name" for a string result is confusing. * Popup filter gets key with modifier prepended when using modifyOtherKeys. * Vim9: test fails when channel feature is missing. * Appveyor output doesn't show MinGW console features. * Typo in enum value. (James McCoy) * Mapping does not work in the GUI. * Popupwin test fails in the GUI. * Ruby interface not tested enough. * Various parts of code not covered by tests. * Vim9: redefining a function uses a new index every time. * Vim9: no error for using "let g:var = val". * Tabpage menu and tabline not sufficiently tested. * Vim9: cannot break the line after "->". * GUI: multi-byte characters do not work in a terminal. * Vim9: no error for declaring buffer, window, etc. variable. * Vim9: cannot chain function calls with -> at line start. * Reducing size of a terminal window may cause a crash. * Build failure with Perl5.32. * Error message for declaring a variable cannot be translated. * Not easy to read the test time in the test output. * Compiler warning for uninitialized variables. * setreg() does not always clear the register. * Popupwin test fails sometimes. * Vim9: crash when using line continuation inside :def. * Popupwin test fails. * Cannot put NUL byte on clipboard. * Not enough testing for movement commands. * Test summary is missing executed count. * Vim9: cannot put an operator on the next line. * %a item in 'statusline' not tested. * Not all systemd file types are recognized. * Vim9: line break before operator does not work. * Insufficient tests for src/buffer.c. * Vim9: script cannot use line continuation like in a :def function. * Build failure without the eval feature. * Vim9: leaking memory when using continuation line. * Missing change in struct. * Crash when changing a list while using reduce() on it. * Build failure with older compilers. * Insufficient testing for 'statusline' and 'tabline'. * Not so easy to pass a lua function to Vim. * No filetype set for pacman config files. * Wrong display when mixing match conceal and syntax conceal. * Cannot build with dynamic Lua. * Multiline conceal causes display errors. * Crash when using :tabonly in an autocommand. (Yegappan Lakshmanan) * Not all elinks files are recognized. * Insufficient testing for src/window.c. * Vim9: no line break allowed inside "cond ? val1 : val2". * Vim9: no line break allowed before || or &&. * Vim9: no line break allowed before comperators. * Vim9: no line break allowed inside a list. * Lua arrays are zero based. * Expression "!expr->func()" does not work. * Vim9: no line break allowed inside a dict. * Vim9: fail to check for white space in list. * Vim9: leaking memory when lacking white space in dict. * Vim9: no line break allowed inside a lambda. * Missing libvterm test. * Vim9: no line break allowed in () expression. * Vim9: no line break allowed after some operators. * Vim9: no line break allowed in :echo expression. * Vim9: no line break allowed in :if expression. * Not enough test coverage for highlighting. * Highlight and match functionality together in one file. * Vim9: no line break allowed in a while loop. * Vim9: no line break allowed in a for loop. * Lua: cannot use table.insert() and table.remove(). * Coverity complains about ignoring dict_add() return value. * Crash when using reduce() on a NULL list. * Lua: registering function has useless code. * Coverity complains about ignoring dict_add() return value. * Possibly using freed memory when text properties used when changing indent of a line. * Possible memory leak when file expansion fails. * A very long translation might cause a buffer overflow. * Coverity warns for pointer computation. * May use NULL pointer when skipping over name. * No check if opening a pty works. * Not checking if saving for undo succeeds. * Python: double free when adding item to dict fails. * Dead code in libvterm. * May use pointer after freeing it when text properties are used. * Vim9: return type of getqflist() is wrong. * Highlight code not sufficiently tested. * Vim9: cannot use line break in :throw argument. * Vim9: cannot use line break in :cexpr argument. * Vim9: cannot use line break in :execute, :echomsg and :echoerr argument. * No error when using wrong arguments for setqflist() or setloclist(). * Coverity gets confused by an unnecessary NULL check. * Coverity reports an unnecessary NULL check. * Coverity warns for possible NULL pointer use. * Insufficient test coverage for Lua. * Crash when trying to use s: variable in typed command. * 'imactivatefunc' and 'imstatusfunc' are not used in the GUI. * Mouse left-right scroll is not supported in terminal window. * Still crashing when using s:variable. * Vim9: line continuation does not work in function arguments. * Inconsistent naming of get_list_tv() and eval_dict(). * Vim9: no line continuation allowed in method call. * No test for verbose output of :call. * Terminal test sometimes times out. * Iminsert test fails when compiled with VIMDLL. * Vim9: parsing command checks for list twice. * Coverity warns for unsing unitialized field. * Condition can never be true, dead code. * Configure fails with Xcode 12 beta. * Python code not tested properly. * Command completion not working after ++arg. * Vim9: line continuation in dict member not recognized. * Python 3 test is old style. * Vim9: no line break allowed in :import command. * Vim9: double quote can be a string or a comment. * Vim9: using :copen causes an error. * Vim9: getting a dict member may not work. * The write message mentions characters, but it's actually bytes. * Vim9: bar not recognized after not compiled command. * Vim9: bar not recognized after function call * Vim9: error message for returning a value in a function that does not return anything is not clear. * Vim9: return type of repeat() is not specific enough. * Vim9: return type of add() is not specific enough. * Vim9: getting a list member may not work. * Vim9: getting a dict member may not work. * Vim9: return type of argv() is always any. * Vim9: modifiers not cleared after compiling function. * Vim9: return type of copy() and deepcopy() is any. * Vim9: test for silent echo fails in some environments. * Vim9: return type of extend() is any. * Vim9: return type of filter() is any. * Vim9: return type of insert() is any. * Vim9: return type of remove() is any. * Vim9: return type of reverse() is any. * Vim9: "for" only accepts a list at compile time. * Not enough testing for Python. * :confirm may happen in cooked mode. (Jason Franklin) * Warning for using int instead of size_t. * Vim9: :eval command not handled properly. * ml_get error when using Python. (Yegappan Lakshmanan) * Insufficient test coverage for Python. * Vim9: function reference is missing script prefix. * Vim9: script test fails on some systems. * Vim9: crash when using imported function. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 30 15:14:06 UTC 2020 - Ludwig Nussel - stop owning /etc/vimrc so the old, distro provided config actually gets removed. Leaving it around leads to a duplicated autocmd for *.spec, leading to spec file template inserted twice. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 22 15:59:31 UTC 2020 - Ludwig Nussel - own some dirs in vim-data-common so installation of vim-small doesn't leave not owned directories (boo#1173256) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 28 12:05:51 UTC 2020 - Ludwig Nussel - remove duplicated settings in defaults.vim from SUSE vimrc - move SUSE vim settings to /usr in data-common package so leave /etc/vimrc to the admin. - require data-common in vim-small so it gets the settings - install spec file template as plugin as vim-small doesn't support it ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 21 15:16:53 UTC 2020 - Christian Boltz - apparmor.vim: update from latest AppArmor 2.13 branch: - allow alias rules with leading whitespace - allow 'include if exists' rules ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 14 15:20:08 UTC 2020 - Ludwig Nussel - introduce vim-small package with reduced requirements for small installations. - BuildRequire pkg-config(krb5) instead of krb5-mini to be able to build against Tumbleweed repo ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 6 07:37:25 UTC 2020 - Paolo Stivanin - Update to version 8.2.0701 (no changelog) - Rebase no-common.patch - Rebase disable-unreliable-tests.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Apr 25 10:41:24 UTC 2020 - Andreas Stieger - update spec.skeleton to current header generated by spec-cleaner ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 9 09:58:21 UTC 2020 - Ondřej Súkup - Updated to version 8.2.0530, fixes the following problems * Vim9: not all code tested. * Vim9: constant expression not well tested. * Vim9: expression tests don't use recognized constants. * Terminal in popup test is still a bit flaky. * Vim9: while loop not tested. * Python 3.9 does not define _Py_DEC_REFTOTAL. (Zdenek Dohnal) * Vim9: str_val is confusing, it's a number * Cannot delete a text property matching both id and type. (Axel Forsman) * Insufficient testing for indent.c. * popup_atcursor() may hang. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto) * Yaml files are only recognized by the file extension. * Internal error when using "0" for a callback. * Some Normal mode commands not tested. * Printf test failing on Haiku. * Tag kind can't be a multi-byte character. (Marcin Szamotulski) * Hardcopy command not tested enough. * Can use :pedit in a popup window. * Vim9: import that redefines local variable does not fail. * Various Normal mode commands not fully tested. * The typebuf_was_filled flag is sometimes not reset, which may cause a hang. * Crash with combination of terminal popup and autocmd. * Prop_find() may not find text property at start of the line. * Type of term_sendkeys() is unknown. * Using wrong printf directive for jump location. * Coverity warning for not using return value. * Nasty callback test fails on some systems. * No CI test for a big-endian system. * prop_find() does not find all props. * Gcc warns for ambiguous else. * Tiny popup when creating a terminal popup without minwidth. * Using freed memory with :lvimgrep and autocommand. (extracted from POC by Dominique Pelle) * Some tests fail when run under valgrind. * Wrong feature check causes test not to be run. * Menu functionality insufficiently tested. * Part from unfinished patch got included. * Error for possible NULL argument to qsort(). * Printmbcharset option not tested. * Delayed redraw when shifting text from Insert mode. * Terminal postponed scrollback test is flaky. * CI test coverage dropped. * Coverity warns for using array index out of range. * Coverity warns for not using return value. * Coverity complains about using NULL pointer. * Build fails with FEAT_EVAL but without FEAT_MENU. * Cmdexpand.c insufficiently tested. * Delayed screen update when using undo from Insert mode. * Profile test fails when two functions take same time. * Various memory leaks. * Not all tests using a terminal are in the list of flaky tests. * Not enough test coverage for evalvars.c. * Setting local instead of global flag. * When 'buftype' is "nofile" there is no overwrite check. * Writefile() error does not give a hint. * FileReadCmd event not well tested. * No early check if :find and :sfind have an argument. * Delete() commented out for testing. * Search test leaves file behind. * Channel test fails too often on slow Mac. * Buffer menu does not handle special buffers properly. * Channel connect_waittime() test is flaky. * Bsdl filetype is not detected. * Code in eval.c not sufficiently covered by tests. * Various memory leaks in Vim9 script code. * Vim9: cannot interrupt a loop with CTRL-C. * Interrupting with CTRL-C does not always work. * Crash when passing popup window to win_splitmove(). (john Devin) * In some environments a few tests are expected to fail. * Checking for wrong return value. (Tom) * Code for modeless selection not sufficiently tested. * Some errors were not tested for. * It is not possible to check for a typo in a feature name. * Buffer name may leak. * No warning when test checks for option that never exists. * Window creation failure not properly tested. * Some compilers don't support using \e for Esc. (Yegappan Lakshmanan) * A few tests fail in a huge terminal. * INT signal not properly tested. * Channel contents might be freed twice. * No warnings for incorrect printf arguments. * :disassemble has minor flaws. * Channel contents might be used after being freed. * Clipboard code is spread out. * Swap file test fails on some systems. * Listener with undo of deleting all lines not tested. * Terminal scroll tests fails on some systems. * Various functions not properly tested. * Vim9: crash if return type is invalid. (Yegappan Lakshmanan) * Not enough testing for restricted mode and function calls. * Win32: double-width character displayed incorrectly. * channel_parse_messages() fails when called recursively. * Trailing space in job_start() command causes empty argument. * Some tests fail when the system is slow. * Cannot set the highlight group for a specific terminal. * Test_confirm_cmd is flaky. * Test_quotestar() often fails when run under valgrind. * Missing feature check in test function. * Cannot check if a function name is correct. * Build failure because of wrong feature name. * Confirm test fails on amd64 system. (Alimar Riesebieter) * Previewwindow test fails on some systems. (James McCoy) * Build error without float and channel feature. (John Marriott) * Typos and other small problems. * Vim9: dead code and wrong return type. * Not parsing messages recursively breaks the govim plugin. * Vim9: some errors are not tested * GUI: pixel dust with some fonts and characters. * Vim9: no error for missing ] after list. * Test_confirm_cmd_cancel() can fail on a slow system. * Missing change to compile_list(). * Terminal highlight name is set twice, leaking memory. * Variables declared in an outer scope. * Cannot use :write when using a plugin with BufWriteCmd. * Channel out_cb test still fails sometimes on Mac. * Terminal nasty callback test fails sometimes. * Vim9: error messages not tested. * New buffers are not added to the Buffers menu. * Unloading shared libraries on exit has no purpose. * Vim9: some code is not tested. * Travis is still using trusty. * Channel and sandbox code not sufficiently tested. * Vim9: "let x = x + 1" does not give an error. * Vim9: some error messages not tested. * Vim9 script test fails. * Vim9: some code and error messages not tested. * Vim9: compiling not sufficiently tested. * Vim9: Compiling can break when using a lambda inside :def. * Vim9: memory leaks. * Win32: VTP doesn't respect 'restorescreen'. * Cannot recognize a