From b16c218964d2024a5c52f251a49c9d71da63f9a0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Martin Jungblut Schreiner <>
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2025 17:07:19 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] Revert "runtime(defaults): Detect putty terminal and switch
 to dark background"

This reverts commit 2abec431e1ab5f4f6e21c2bb490241732622a8c5.
 runtime/defaults.vim         |  5 -----
 runtime/doc/autocmd.txt      | 17 ++++-------------
 runtime/doc/version9.txt     |  3 +++
 src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim |  2 --
 4 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

Index: vim-9.1.1176/runtime/defaults.vim
--- vim-9.1.1176.orig/runtime/defaults.vim
+++ vim-9.1.1176/runtime/defaults.vim
@@ -112,11 +112,6 @@ if 1
       \ |   execute "normal! g`\""
       \ | endif
-    " Set the default background for putty to dark. Putty usually sets the
-    " $TERM to xterm and by default it starts with a dark background which
-    " makes syntax highlighting often hard to read with bg=light
-    " undo this using:  ":au! vimStartup TermResponse"
-    autocmd TermResponse * if v:termresponse == "\e[>0;136;0c" | set bg=dark | endif
   augroup END
   " Quite a few people accidentally type "q:" instead of ":q" and get confused
Index: vim-9.1.1176/runtime/doc/autocmd.txt
--- vim-9.1.1176.orig/runtime/doc/autocmd.txt
+++ vim-9.1.1176/runtime/doc/autocmd.txt
@@ -1260,19 +1260,10 @@ TerminalWinOpen			Just after a terminal
 TermResponse			After the response to |t_RV| is received from
 				the terminal.  The value of |v:termresponse|
 				can be used to do things depending on the
-				terminal version.
-				This is used in |defaults.vim| to detect
-				putty terminal and set a dark background: >
-				au TermResponse *
-				\ if v:termresponse == "\e[>0;136;0c"
-				\    set bg=dark
-				\ endif
-				Note: that this event may be triggered halfway
-				executing another event, especially if file
-				I/O, a shell command or anything else that
-				takes time is involved.
+				terminal version.  Note that this event may be
+				triggered halfway executing another event,
+				especially if file I/O, a shell command or
+				anything else that takes time is involved.
 TermResponseAll			After the response to |t_RV|, |t_RC|, |t_RS|,
 				|t_RB|, |t_RF|, or |t_u7| are received from
Index: vim-9.1.1176/src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim
--- vim-9.1.1176.orig/src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim
+++ vim-9.1.1176/src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim
@@ -1843,8 +1843,6 @@ func Test_verbose_option()
   let lines =<< trim [SCRIPT]
-    " clear the TermResponse autocommand from defaults.vim
-    au! vimStartup TermResponse
     command DoSomething echo 'hello' |set ts=4 |let v = '123' |echo v
     call feedkeys("\r", 't') " for the hit-enter prompt
     set verbose=20