Ondřej Súkup ab99f07abc - update to 9.1.0908
- refresh vim-7.3-mktemp_tutor.patch 
 * 9.1.0908: not possible to configure :messages
 * 9.1.0907: printoptions:portrait does not change postscript Orientation
 * runtime(doc): Add vietnamese.txt to helps main TOC
 * 9.1.0906: filetype: Nvidia PTX files are not recognized
 * runtime(doc): updated version9.txt with changes from v9.1.0905
 * 9.1.0905: Missing information in CompleteDone event
 * 9.1.0904: Vim9: copy-paste error in class_defining_member()
 * 9.1.0903: potential overflow in spell_soundfold_wsal()
 * runtime(netrw): do not detach when launching external programs in gvim
 * runtime(doc): make tag alignment more consistent in filetype.txt
 * runtime(doc): fix wrong syntax and style of vietnamese.txt
 * translation(it): update Italian manpage for vimtutor
 * runtime(lua): add optional lua function folding
 * Filelist: include translations for Chapter 2 tutor
 * translation(vi): Update Vietnamese translation
 * runtime(doc): include vietnamese.txt
 * runtime(tutor): fix another typo in tutor2
 * runtime(doc): fix typo in vimtutor manpage
 * translation(it): update Italian manpage for vimtutor
 * translation(it): include Italian version of tutor chapter 2
 * runtime(tutor): regenerated some translated tutor1 files
 * runtime(tutor): fix typo in Chapter 2
 * 9.1.0902: filetype: Conda configuration files are not recognized
 * runtime(doc): Tweak documentation style a bit
 * runtime(tutor): update the tutor files and re-number the chapters
 * runtime(tutor): Update the makefiles for tutor1 and tutor2 files
 * 9.1.0901: MS-Windows: vimtutor batch script can be improved
 * runtime(doc): remove buffer-local completeopt todo item

2024-12-07 12:58:20 +00:00

1531 lines
55 KiB
Raw Blame History

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version 5.2
" ==================================================================
" File: $HOME/.vimrc
" Availability: This file is available as
" <URL:>
" <URL:>
" <URL:> (mirror)
" Purpose: Setup file for the editor Vim (Vi IMproved)
" Author: Sven Guckes (
" <URL:>
" Size: This file is about 56K in size and has 1,500+ lines.
" Related files:
" Note: Please send comments to me - email preferred! :-)
" Last update: Fri Aug 28 18:30:00 CEST 1998
" ===================================================================
" Latest versions of Vim according to my Vim signature:
" --
" Sven Guckes | Vim = Vi IMproved | versions
" FAQ | for users: VIM-5.2 [980824]
" Users | developers: developing...
" Wishes | Additions&Corrections welcome!
" ===================================================================
" Note to Windows users: Get these files from any Vim mirror:
" (840K)
" (440K)
" These should fit onto one floppy. Just a recommendation.
" ===================================================================
" Installation of this setup file:
" To use this setup file, copy it to
" this filename on these systems:
" ~/.vimrc Unix and OS/2
" s:.vimrc Amiga
" $VIM\_vimrc MS-DOS and Win32
" NOTE: This setup file uses a lot of features of Vim-5.
" If you are still using Vim-4 (or an even older version)
" then you should upgrade - it is really worth the effort!
" To find out why get Vim-5 and read ":help version5".
" The first line of this setup file contains the information
" "version xxx" which allows VIM to check whether the setup file
" fits the syntax that it understands.
" Versions of VIM other than of version 5 then will give a warning
" as they do not understand this setup file command - a feature:
" Give a warning so the user knows that there is something odd
" about the setup file.
" ===================================================================
" Whitespace meta sequence:
" vim-5.0s introduced the meta sequence "\s" which stands for "whitespace"
" ie either a space or a tab. This makes mappings a lot easier.
" I have therefore updated my mappings to use this sequence.
" But this is incompatible with previous versions and, of course, Vi.
" ===================================================================
" Info on the latest versions is on the Vim HomePage:
" - which is a daily mirror of the pages at
" and in Sven's signature file:
" ===================================================================
" ===================================================================
" Structure of this file:
" Lines starting with an inverted comma (") are comments.
" Some mappings are commented out. Remove the comment to enable them.
" There are three kinds of things which are defined in this file:
" Mapping ("map"), settings ("set"), and abbreviations ("ab").
" Settings affect the behaviour of commands.
" Mappings maps a key sequence to a command.
" Abbreviations define words which are replaced
" right *after* they are typed in.
" ===================================================================
" Note on mappings - "angle notation" (see ":help <>"):
" VIM allows you to define mappings with special characters
" with a notation that uses non-special characters:
" The notation encloses decriptive words in angle brackets (<>).
" The characters you will most often are:
" <C-M> for control-m
" <C-V> for control-v which quotes the following character
" <ESC> for the escape character.
" All control characters have been replaced to use the angle notation
" so you should be able to read this file without problems.
" (Well, sometimes I leave some tabs [control-i] in the file. ;-)
" ===================================================================
" External programs:
" Some mappings make use of external programs.
" The following you should find on every UNIX system:
" awk, egrep, grep, ispell, perl, sed.
" If you are using DOS then you should get these for you system!!
" Programs that are supplied with the mailer ELM: elmalias, readmsg.
" To get these look at page
" One major advantage of vim-5 (actually, 5.0g) is that there is now
" the internal function "strftime". This allows to insert the current
" date and time in various format. Example: mapping ",L" (see below)
" ===================================================================
" SETtings
" ===================================================================
" autoindent: "off" as I usually do not write code.
set noautoindent
" autowrite: "on" saves a lot of trouble
set autowrite
" backup: backups are for wimps ;-)
set nobackup
" backspace: '2' is much smarter.
set backspace=2
" background: Are we using a "light" or "dark" background?
" set background=dark
" compatible ....
set nocompatible
" comments default: sr:/*,mb:*,el:*/,://,b:#,:%,:XCOMM,n:>,fb:-
set comments=b:#,:%,fb:-,n:>,n:)
" cpoptions you should get to know - source of many FAQs! ;-)
" cpoptions: "compatible options" to match Vi behaviour
" set cpoptions="aABceFs" "default!
" FAQ: Do NOT include the flag '<' if you WANT angle notation!
" dictionary: english words first
set dictionary=/usr/dict/words,/local/lib/german.words
" digraph: required for those umlauts
set digraph
" errorbells: damn this beep! ;-)
set noerrorbells
" esckeys: allow usage of cursor keys within insert mode
set esckeys
" formatoptions: Options for the "text format" command ("gq")
" I need all those options (but 'o')!
set formatoptions=cqrt
" helpheight: zero disables this.
set helpheight=0
" helpfile: filename of the helpfile
" set helpfile=c:\\vim-4.6\\docs\\help.txt
" this is where I usually put it on DOS; sometimes is required
" to set as the default installation does not find it :-(
" hidden:
set hidden
" highlight=8b,db,es,hs,mb,Mn,nu,rs,sr,tb,vr,ws
set highlight=8r,db,es,hs,mb,Mr,nu,rs,sr,tb,vr,ws
" hlsearch : highlight search - show the current search pattern
" This is a nice feature sometimes - but it sure can get in the
" way sometimes when you edit.
set nohlsearch
" icon: ...
set noicon
" set iconstring file of icon (Sven doesn't use an icon)
" set iconstring
" ignorecase: ignore the case in search patterns? NO!
set noignorecase
" insertmode: start in insert mode? Naah.
set noinsertmode
" iskeyword: Add the dash ('-'), the dot ('.'), and the '@'
" as "letters" to "words".
" iskeyword=@,48-57,_,192-255 (default)
set iskeyword=@,48-57,_,192-255,-,.,@-@
" joinspaces: insert two spaces after a period with every
" joining of lines. This is very nice!
set joinspaces
" keywordprg: Program to use for the "K" command.
" set keywordprg=man\ -s
" laststatus: show status line? Yes, always!
" laststatus: Even for only one buffer.
set laststatus=2
" [VIM5]lazyredraw: do not update screen while executing macros
set lazyredraw
" magic: use some magic in search patterns? Certainly!
set magic
" modeline: ...
" Allow the last line to be a modeline - useful when
" the last line in sig gives the preferred textwidth for replies.
set modeline
set modelines=1
" number: ...
set nonumber
" path: The list of directories to search when you specify
" a file with an edit command.
" Note: "~/.P" is a symlink to my dir with www pages
" "$VIMRUNTIME/syntax" is where the syntax files are.
set path=.,,~/.P/vim,~/.P/vim/syntax,~/.P/vim/source,$VIMRUNTIME/syntax/
" set path=.,,~/.P/vim,~/.P/mutt/,~/.P/elm,~/.P/slrn/,~/.P/nn
" report: show a report when N lines were changed.
" report=0 thus means "show all changes"!
set report=0
" ruler: show cursor position? Yep!
set ruler
" Setting the "shell" is always tricky - especially when you are
" trying to use the same vimrc on different operatin systems.
" shell for DOS
" set
" shell for UNIX - BSD
" set shell=zsh
" shell for UNIX - BSD&Solaris
" set shell=zsh
" shell for UNIX - BSD&Solaris
" set shell=/bin/tcsh
" zsh now available at zedat! :-)
" set shell=zsh
" Now that vim-5 has ":if" I am trying to automate the setting:
if has("dos16") || has("dos32")
let shell=''
if has("unix")
let shell='zsh'
" shiftwidth: Number of spaces to use for each
" insertion of (auto)indent.
set shiftwidth=8
" shortmess: Kind of messages to show. Abbreviate them all!
" New since vim-5.0v: flag 'I' to suppress "intro message".
set shortmess=at
" showcmd: Show current uncompleted command? Absolutely!
set showcmd
" showmatch: Show the matching bracket for the last ')'?
set showmatch
" showmode: Show the current mode? YEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!
set showmode
" suffixes: Ignore filename with any of these suffixes
" when using the ":edit" command.
" Most of these are files created by LaTeX.
set suffixes=.aux,.bak,.dvi,.gz,.idx,.log,.ps,.swp,.tar
" startofline: no: do not jump to first character with page
" commands, ie keep the cursor in the current column.
set nostartofline
" tabstop
set tabstop=8
" Set the colors for vim on "xterm"
if &term=="xterm"
set t_Co=8 " "terminal has eight colors"
set t_Sb=[4%dm " escape sequence for background
set t_Sf=[3%dm " escape sequence for foreground
" source ~/.P/vim/syntax/colors.vim
" [todo] Add this to the Vim FAQ
" textmode: no - I am using Vim on UNIX!
set notextmode
" textwidth
set textwidth=79
" title:
set notitle
" ttyfast: are we using a fast terminal?
" seting depends on where I use Vim...
set nottyfast
" ttybuiltin:
set nottybuiltin
" ttyscroll: turn off scrolling -> faster!
set ttyscroll=0
" ttytype:
" set ttytype=rxvt
" viminfo: What info to store from an editing session
" in the viminfo file; can be used at next session.
set viminfo=%,'50,\"100,:100,n~/.viminfo
" visualbell:
set visualbell
" t_vb: terminal's visual bell - turned off to make Vim quiet!
" Please use this as to not annoy cow-orkers in the same room.
" Thankyou! :-)
set t_vb=
" whichwrap:
set whichwrap=<,>
" wildchar the char used for "expansion" on the command line
" default value is "<C-E>" but I prefer the tab key:
set wildchar=<TAB>
" wrapmargin:
set wrapmargin=1
" writebackup:
set nowritebackup
" ===================================================================
" ABbreviations
" ===================================================================
" 980701: Moved the abbreviations *before* the mappings as
" some of the abbreviations get used with some mappings.
" Abbreviations for some important numbers:
iab Npi 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841972
iab Ne 2.7182818284590452353602874713526624977573
" Abbreviations for some classic long words:
" Donau... is the German word for the (read in reverse)
" "additional paragraph of the law regulating the pension of
" widows to captains of the ship company on (the river) Danube"
" (I am not making this up! ;-)
iab YDD Donaudampfschiffahrtgesellschaftskapitaenwitwenrentengesetzzusatzparagraph
" YLL : The name of a town in Wales. I am not making this up!
iab YLL LLanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch
" - I am not making this up! :-)
" YTauma: The name of a hill in New Zealand.
iab YTauma Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwenuakitanatahu
" Yalpha : The lower letter alphabet.
iab Yalpha abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
" YALPHA : The upper letter alphabet.
" Ydigit : The ten digits.
iab Ydigit 1234567890
" Yruler : A ruler.
iab Yruler 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
" Yupsidedown : This describes people from "down under"
" (Hi, Dean!).
iab Yupsidedown umop-ap!sdn
" Ysuper: A nice long word from the musical "Mary Poppins".
iab Ysuper supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
" Yanti: The longest proper word in the English language?!
iab Yanti antidisestablishmentarianism
" Ypass : Standard answer to Usenet posts
" with the "Subject: HELP" (hehe)
iab Ypass "You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike."
" Ysesqui : "Sesquipedalophobia" means "fear of big words." ;-)
iab Ysesqui sesquipedalophobia
" classic pangrams (which include every letter of the alphabet):
" German:
" sylvia wagt quick den jux bei pforzheim
" bayerische jagdwitze von maxl querkopf
" zwei boxkaempfer jagen eva quer durch sylt
" kaufen sie jede woche vier gute bequeme pelze
" falsches <20>ben von xylophonmusik qu<71>lt jeden gr<67><72>eren zwerg.
" Bei jedem klugen Wort von Sokrates rief Xanthippe zynisch: Quatsch!
" English:
" the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
" French:
" voyez le brick geant que j'examine pres du wharf.
" And a sentence to break some quoing levels:
" "This man's house (which 's yellow) burned down."
" And now for something completely different:
" I couldn't bear to bear bears over the border.
" Inserting an ellipsis to indicate deleted text
iab Yell [...]
vmap ,ell c[...]<ESC>
" Correcting those typos. [I almost never get these right. :-(]
" See also:
iab alos also
iab aslo also
iab charcter character
iab charcters characters
iab exmaple example
iab shoudl should
iab seperate separate
iab teh the
" Some frequent typos in German:
iab nciht nicht
iab doer oder
iab Dreckfuhler Druckfehler
" Sorry, Laurent!
iab Laurant Laurent
" See
iab YDDS dash-dash-space
" For reports and texts on my studies:
iab YKT Komplexitaetstheorie
iab YRA Rechnerarchitektur
iab YPM Pattern Matching
" see :
iab YICM International Congress of Mathematicians
" Some sentences that I really use often in emails about Vim:
iab YAW You are welcome! :-)
iab YEV Enjoy Vim!
" Often used filenames - only needed these on the command line:
" see also:
cab ELMALIAS ~/.elm/aliases.text
cab Erc ~/.elm/elmrc
cab Mrc ~/.muttrc
cab Src ~/.slrnrc
cab Zrc ~/.zsh/.zshrc
cab SIGs ~/.P/sig/SIGS
" A list of filenames that are needed to shorten some autocommands:
" cab MAILNEWSFILES .article,.followup,.letter,mutt*[0-9],/postpone/*
" cab MAILNEWSFILES *.article,*.followup,*.letter,*mutt*
let MAILNEWSFILES = "*.article,*.followup,*.letter,mutt*"
" see also:
" Email Adresses:
" I usually use these when adding addresses to the header
" of emails (mutt) and posts (slrn).
" Author of the Good NetKeeping Seal of Approval:
ab Agnksa (Jeroen Scheerder)
" Author of Mutt:
ab Amutt (Michael Elkins)
" Author of Slrn:
ab Aslrn (John E. Davis)
" Author of Vim:
" ab Avim (Bram Moolenaar)
ab Avim (Bram Moolenaar)
" Former Maintainer of the Vim FAQ:
ab Avimfaq laurent@Grafnetix.COM (Laurent Duperval)
" Mailing Lists (MLs)
" The Vim mailing lists: See for more info!
ab MLvim (VIM Help List)
ab MLvimdev (VIM Development List)
ab MLvimmac (VIM on MacOS Development List)
" More mailing lists:
ab MLgnksa (GNKSA Workers List)
ab MLmuttdev (Mutt Developer List)
ab MLmuttuser (Mutt USers List)
ab MLzsh (ZShell Users List)
" News: newsgroup names
" Newsgroup about "warloding" of signatures - see
" also
iab Nafw
iab Nahbou
iab Nzedat bln.announce.fub.zedat.d
iab Ncsd bln.announce.fub.cs.d
iab Nce comp.editors
" Newsgroup about "lynx":
iab Nhtml comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html
" Newsgroup about "elm": Elm is dead - long live Mutt!
iab Nelm comp.mail.elm
" Newsgroup about "pine": When will they release pine-4?
" iab Ncmp comp.mail.pine
iab Npine comp.mail.pine
" iab Ncsmd comp.sys.mac.digest
" Newsgroup about "mobil phone systems":
iab Ndcm de.comm.mobil
iab Nmobil de.comm.mobil
" Newsgroup about "web browsers":
iab Nlynx comp.infosystems.www.browsers.misc
iab Nnetscape comp.infosystems.www.browsers.misc
" Newsgroup about "mutt" [since 980401]: The coolest mail user agent
iab Nmutt comp.mail.mutt
" Newsgroup about "nn": Once was the best newsreader. Still good.
iab Nnn
" Newsgroup for "newbies".
" All you ever wanted to know - but were afraid to ask. ;-)
iab Newbie news.newusers.questions
" Newsgroup about "newsreader *agents*" (netscape and slrn):
iab Nnsr
" Usenet header lines (used when composing a post):
iab UFT Followup-To:
iab UMCT Mail-Copies-To: MYADDR
iab UNG Newsgroups:
iab URT Reply-To: MYADDR
iab UFUB Organization: Freie Universitaet Berlin
" Current version numbers of my favourite programs:
" And some abbreviations to type them in mail&news:
iab Velm ELM2.4PL25 [951204]
iab VElm ELM2.5b2 [980213]
iab Vlynx lynx-2.8.0 [980310
iab Vmutt mutt-0.92.8 [980514]
iab Vslrn slrn- [980503]
iab Vvim vim-5.1 [980407]
iab Vvimdev vim-5.2c [980518]
" For current version numbers take a look at my signature file:
" My snail mail address, phone numbers, and email->pager gateway:
" Postcards and FAXes are welcome (especially with cartoons :-).
" If you want, you can send a message to my pager by email, too.
iab Ypager To:<C-M>Subject: PAGE:01777777796
iab Yphone TEL/FAX (+49 30) 8838884<C-M>Cellphone (+49 177) 7777796
iab Ysnail Sven Guckes<C-M>Pariser Str. 52<C-M>D-10719 Berlin
" My addresses (Email and WWW)
ab Amaili
ab Amailm
ab Amailv
ab Amailz
" Setting the reply address when replying as the guy from SKB:
ab ASKB Sprachboerse <>
" See also:
" My Home Pages at the departments at the FUB
ab WWWm
ab WWWi
ab WWWz
" WWW Pages base URLs
ab HPA
ab HPa
ab HPc
ab HPD
ab HPe
ab HPE
ab HPI
ab HPi
ab HPL
ab HPl
ab HPm
ab HPM
ab HPN
ab HPP
ab HPp
ab HPr
ab HPR
ab HPs
ab HPS
ab HPv
" HPoV - "original" URL of the Vim Home Page
ab HPoV
ab HPV
ab HPX
ab HPZ
" Other important WWW addresses
ab URLutefuchs
ab URLaltavista
ab URLftpsearch
ab URLvimfaq
ab URLbambi
ab URLsecret
ab URLwhome
ab URLstopspam
" ===================================================================
" Abbreviations - Header Lines for Email and News
" ===================================================================
" Define regexpr for headers to use with mappings
" as it makes reading the mappings much easier:
" cab HADDR From\\|Cc\\|To
cab HEMAIL ^\(From\\|Cc\\|To\\|Date\\|Subject\\|Message-ID\\|Message-Id\\|X-\)
cab HNEWS ^\(From\\|Cc\\|To\\|Date\\|Subject\\|Message-ID\\|X-\\|Newsgroups\)
" ===================================================================
" Abbreviations - General Editing - Inserting Dates and Times
" ===================================================================
" First, some command to add date stamps (with and without time).
" I use these manually after a substantial change to a webpage.
" [These abbreviations are used with the mapping for ",L".]
iab Ydate <C-R>=strftime("%y%m%d")<CR>
" Example: 971027
iab Ytime <C-R>=strftime("%H:%M")<CR>
" Example: 14:28
iab YDT <C-R>=strftime("%y%m%d %T")<CR>
" Example: 971027 12:00:00
iab YDATE <C-R>=strftime("%a %b %d %T %Z %Y")<CR>
" Example: Tue Dec 16 12:07:00 CET 1997
" On Windows the functions "strftime" seems to have a different
" format. Therefore the following may be necessary: [980730]
" if !has("unix")
" iab YDATE <C-R>=strftime("%c %a")<CR>
" else
" iab YDATE <C-R>=strftime("%D %T %a")<CR>
" endif
" ===================================================================
" MAPpings
" ===================================================================
" Caveat: Mapping must be "prefix free", ie no mapping must be the
" prefix of any other mapping. Example: "map ,abc foo" and
" "map ,abcd bar" will give you the error message "Ambigous mapping".
" The backslash ('\') is the only(?) unmapped key, so this is the best
" key to start mappings with as this does not take away a command key.
" However, the backslash is never in the same position with keyboards.
" Eg on German keyboards it is AltGr-sz - don't ask.
" Anyway, I have decided to start mappings with the comma as this
" character is always on the same position on almost all keyboards
" and I hardly have a need for that command.
" The following maps get rid of some basic problems:
" With Vim-4 the format command was just 'Q' and
" I am too used to it. So I need this back!
nnoremap Q gq
vnoremap Q gq
" 980527 I often reformat a paragraph to fit some textwidth -
" and I use the following mapping to adjust it to the
" current position of the cursor:
map #tw :set textwidth=<C-R>=col(".")<C-M>
" "tal" is the "trailer alignment" filter program
" Hopefully it will ship with Vim one day.
" vmap #t !tal<CR>
" vmap #t !tal -p 0<CR>
" Disable the command 'K' (keyword lookup) by mapping it
" to an "empty command". (thanks, Lawrence! :-):
" map K :<CR>
map K :<BS>
" Disable the suspend for ^Z.
" I use Vim under "screen" where a suspend would lose the
" connection to the " terminal - which is what I want to avoid.
map <C-Z> :shell
" Make CTRL-^ rebound to the *column* in the previous file
noremap <C-^> <C-^>`"
" Make "gf" rebound to last cursor position (line *and* column)
noremap gf gf`"
" When I let Vim write the current buffer I frequently mistype the
" command ":w" as ":W" - so I have to remap it to correct this typo:
nmap :W :w
" Are you used to the Unix commands "alias" and "which"?
" I sometimes use these to look up my abbreviations and mappings.
" So I need them available on the command line:
map :alias map
map :which map
" The command {number}CTRL-G show the current nuffer number, too.
" This is yet another feature that vi does not have.
" As I always want to see the buffer number I map it to CTRL-G.
" Pleae note that here we need to prevent a loop in the mapping by
" using the comamnd "noremap"!
noremap <C-G> 2<C-G>
" 980311 Sourcing syntax files
" My personal syntax files are in ~/.P/vim/syntax/
" and I need a quick way to edit and source them.
map ,SO :so ~/.P/vim/syntax/
" 980706 Sourcing syntax files from the distribution
" A nice and fast way to both source syntax files
" and to take a look at "what's there":
map ,V :so $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/
" ===================================================================
" Customizing the command line
" ===================================================================
" Valid names for keys are: <Up> <Down> <Left> <Right> <Home> <End>
" <S-Left> <S-Right> <S-Up> <PageUp> <S-Down> <PageDown> <LeftMouse>
" Many shells allow editing in "Emacs Style".
" Although I love Vi, I am quite used to this kind of editing now.
" So here it is - command line editing commands in emacs style:
cnoremap <C-A> <Home>
cnoremap <C-F> <Right>
cnoremap <C-B> <Left>
cnoremap <ESC>b <S-Left>
cnoremap <ESC>f <S-Right>
cnoremap <ESC><C-H> <C-W>
" Additional codes for that "English" keyboard at the Xterminal
cnoremap <ESC>[D <S-Left>
cnoremap <ESC>[C <S-Right>
" Some editing is helpful in insert mode, too:
inoremap <C-F> <Right>
inoremap <C-B> <Left>
" Make the up and down movements move by "display/screen lines":
" map j gj
" map <Down> gj
" map k gk
" map <Up> gk
" ===================================================================
" VIM - Editing and updating the vimrc:
" As I often make changes to this file I use these commands
" to start editing it and also update it:
if has("unix")
let vimrc='~/.vimrc'
" ie: if has("dos16") || has("dos32") || has("win32")
let vimrc='$VIM\_vimrc'
nn ,u :source <C-R>=vimrc<CR><CR>
nn ,v :edit <C-R>=vimrc<CR><CR>
" ,v = vimrc editing (edit this file)
" map ,v :e ~/.vimrc<CR>
" ,u = "update" by reading this file
" map ,u :source ~/.vimrc<CR>
" ===================================================================
" General Editing
" Define "del" char to be the same backspace (saves a LOT of trouble!)
" As the angle notation cannot be use with the LeftHandSide
" with mappings you must type this in *literally*!
" map <C-V>127 <C-H>
"cmap <C-V>127 <C-H>
" ;rcm = remove "control-m"s - for those mails sent from DOS:
cmap ;rcm %s/<C-M>//g
" Make whitespace visible:
" Sws = show whitespace
nmap ,Sws :%s/ /_/g<C-M>
vmap ,Sws :%s/ /_/g<C-M>
" Sometimes you just want to *see* that trailing whitespace:
" Stws = show trailing whitespace
nmap ,Stws :%s/ *$/_/g<C-M>
vmap ,Stws :%s/ *$/_/g<C-M>
" General Editing - Turning umlauts into ascii (for German keyboards)
" imap <20> ae
" imap <20> oe
" imap <20> ue
" imap <20> ss
" &#196; -> <20> :%s/\&#196;/<2F>/gc -> D
" &#214; -> <20> :%s/\&#214;/<2F>/gc -> V
" &#220; -> <20> :%s/\&#220;/<2F>/gc -> \
" &#228; -> <20> :%s/\&#228;/<2F>/gc -> d
" &#246; -> <20> :%s/\&#246;/<2F>/gc -> v
" &#252; -> <20> :%s/\&#252;/<2F>/gc -> |
" ===================================================================
" Inserting Dates and Times / Updating Date+Time Stamps
" ===================================================================
" ,L = "Last updated" - replace old time stamp with a new one
" preserving whitespace and using internal "strftime" command:
" requires the abbreviation "YDATE"
map ,L 1G/Last update:\s*/e+1<CR>CYDATE<ESC>
map ,,L 1G/Last change:\s*/e+1<CR>CYDATE<ESC>
" Example:
" before: "Last update: Thu Apr 6 12:07:00 CET 1967"
" after: "Last update: Tue Dec 16 12:07:00 CET 1997"
" ,L = "Last updated" - replace old time stamp with a new one
" using external "date" command (not good for all systems):
" map ,L 1G/Last update: */e+1<CR>D:r!date<CR>kJ
" ===================================================================
" General Editing - link to program "screen"
" ===================================================================
" ,Et = edit temporary file of "screen" program
map ,Et :e /tmp/screen-exchange
" as a user of Unix systems you *must* have this program!
" see also:
" Email/News - Editing replies/followups
" Part 1 - prepare for editing
" Part 2 - getting rid of empty (quoted) lines and space runs.
" ,cel = "clear empty lines"
" - delete contents of all lines which contain only whitespace.
" map ,cel :g/^[<C-I> ]*$/d
map ,cel :%s/^\s\+$//
" ,del = "delete 'empty' lines"
" - delete all lines which contain only whitespace
" note: this does *not* delete empty lines!
map ,del :g/^\s\+$/d
" ,cqel = "clear quoted empty lines"
" Clears (makes empty) all lines which start with '>'
" and any amount of following spaces.
" nmap ,cqel :%s/^[> ]*$//
" vmap ,cqel :s/^[> ]*$//
nmap ,cqel :%s/^[><C-I> ]\+$//
vmap ,cqel :s/^[><C-I> ]\+$//
" The following do not work as "\s" is not a character
" and thus cannot be part of a "character set".
" nmap ,cqel :%s/^[>\s]\+$//
" vmap ,cqel :s/^[>\s]\+$//
" Some people have strange habits within their writing.
" But if you cannot educate them - rewrite their text! ;-)
" Jason "triple-dots" King
" does uses ".." or "..." rather than the usual punctuation
" (comma, semicolon, colon, full stop). So...
" Turning dot runs with following spaces into an end-of-sentence,
" ie dot-space-space:
vmap ,dot :s/\.\+ \+/. /g
" Gary Kline ( indents his
" own text in replies with TAB or spaces.
" Here's how to get rid of these indentation:
vmap ,gary :s/^>[ <C-I>]\+\([^>]\)/> \1/
" ,ksr = "kill space runs"
" substitutes runs of two or more space to a single space:
" nmap ,ksr :%s/ */ /g
" vmap ,ksr :s/ */ /g
nmap ,ksr :%s/ \+/ /g
vmap ,ksr :s/ \+/ /g
" Why can't the removal of space runs be
" an option of "text formatting"? *hrmpf*
" ,Sl = "squeeze lines"
" Turn all blocks of empty lines (within current visual)
" into *one* empty line:
map ,Sl :g/^$/,/./-j
" ===================================================================
" Editing of email replies and Usenet followups - using autocommands
" ===================================================================
" Remove ALL auto-commands. This avoids having the
" autocommands twice when the vimrc file is sourced again.
" set the textwidth to 70 characters for replies (email&usenet)
au BufRead .letter,mutt*,nn.*,snd.* set tw=78
" Try to use the mapping ",D" when doing a followup.
" autocmd BufNewFile ~/.followup ,D|
" Part 3 - Change Quoting Level
" ,dp = de-quote current inner paragraph
" map ,dp {jma}kmb:'a,'bs/^> //<CR>
map ,dp vip:s/^> //<CR>
vmap ,dp :s/^> //<CR>
" ,qp = quote current paragraph
" jump to first inner line, mark with 'a';
" jump to last inner line, mark with 'b';
" then do the quoting as a substitution
" on the line range "'a,'b":
" map ,qp {jma}kmb:'a,'bs/^/> /<CR>
" vim-5 now has selection of "inner" and "all"
" of current text object - mapping commented!
" ,qp = quote current paragraph (old version)
" jump to first inner line, Visual,
" jump to last inner line,
" then do the quoting as a substitution:
" map ,qp {jV}k:s/^/> /<CR>
" ,qp = quote current inner paragraph (works since vim-5.0q)
" select inner paragraph
" then do the quoting as a substitution:
map ,qp vip:s/^/> /<CR>
" ,qp = quote current paragraph
" just do the quoting as a substitution:
vmap ,qp :s/^/> /<CR>
" Changing quote style to *the* true quote prefix string "> ":
" Fix Supercite aka PowerQuote (Hi, Andi! :-):
" before ,kpq: > Sven> text
" after ,kpq: > > text
" ,kpq kill power quote
vmap ,kpq :s/^> *[a-zA-Z]*>/> >/<C-M>
" Fix various other quote characters:
" ,fq "fix quoting"
vmap ,fq :s/^> \([-":}\|][ <C-I>]\)/> > /
" Part 4 - Weed Headers of quoted mail/post
" These mappings make use of the abbreviation that define a list of
" Email headers (HEMAIL) and News headers (HNEWS):
nmap ,we vip:v/HEMAIL/d
vmap ,we :v/HEMAIL/d
nmap ,wp vip:v/HNEWS/d
vmap ,wp :v/HNEWS/d
" Old versions for vim-4.6:
" ,we = "weed email header"
" nmap ,we !ipegrep "^(Date:\|From \|From:\|Subject:\|To:\|$)"
" vmap ,we !egrep "^(Date:\|From \|From:\|Subject:\|To:\|$)"
" ,wp = "weed post header"
" nmap ,wp !ipegrep "^(Date:\|From:\|Subject:\|Newsgroups:\|Followup-To:\|Keywords:\|References:\|Message-ID\|$)"
" vmap ,wp !egrep "^(Date:\|From:\|Subject:\|Newsgroups:\|Followup-To:\|Keywords:\|References:\|Message-ID\|$)"
" ,ri = "Read in" basic lines from the email header
" Useful when replying to an email:
" nmap ,ri :r!readmsg\|egrep "^From:\|^Subject:\|^Date:\|^To: \|^Cc:"
" NOTE: "readmsg" ships with the mailer ELM.
" Part 5 - Reformatting Text
" NOTE: The following mapping require formatoptions to include 'r'
" and "comments" to include "n:>" (ie "nested" comments with '>').
" ,b = break line in commented text (to be used on a space)
" nmap ,b dwi<CR>> <ESC>
nmap ,b r<CR>
" ,j = join line in commented text
" (can be used anywhere on the line)
" nmap ,j Jxx
nmap ,j Vjgq
" ,B = break line at current position *and* join the next line
" nmap ,B i<CR>><ESC>Jxx
nmap ,B r<CR>Vjgq
" ,,, break current line at current column,
" inserting ellipsis and "filling space":
nmap ,,, ,,1,,2
nmap ,,1 a...X...<ESC>FXr<CR>lmaky$o<CC-R>"<ESC>
nmap ,,2 :s/./ /g<C-M>3X0"yy$dd`a"yP
" ===================================================================
" Edit your reply! (Or else!)
" ===================================================================
" Part 6 - Inserting Special or Standard Text
" Part 6a - The header
" Add adresses for To: and Cc: lines
" ,ca = check alias (reads in expansion of alias name)
" map ,ca :r!elmalias -f "\%v (\%n)"
" ,Ca = check alias (reads in expansion of alias name)
" map ,Ca :r!elmalias -f "\%n <\%v>"
" ,cc = "copy notice"
" Insert a Cc line so that person will receive a "courtesy copy";
" this tells the addressee that text is a copy of a public article.
" This assumes that there is exactly one empty line after the first
" paragraph and the first line of the second paragraph contains the
" return address with a trailing colon (which is later removed).
map ,cc 1G}jyykPICc: <ESC>$x
" map ,cc ma1G}jy/ writes<CR>'aoCc: <ESC>$p
" ,mlu = make letter urgent (by giving the "Priority: urgent")
map ,mlu 1G}OPriority: urgent<ESC>
" Fixing the From: line
" ,cS = change Sven's address.
map ,cS 1G/^From: Sven Guckes/e+2<CR>C<Amailv><ESC>
" Used when replying as the "guy from vim".
" Fixing the Subject line
" Pet peeve: Unmeaningful Subject lines. Change them!
" ,cs = change Subject: line
map ,cs 1G/^Subject: <CR>yypIX-Old-<ESC>-W
" This command keeps the old Subject line in "X-Old-Subject:" -
" so the recipient can still search for it and
" you keep a copy for editing.
" ,re : Condense multiple "Re:_" to just one "Re:":
map ,re 1G/^Sub<CR>:s/\(Re: \)\+/Re: /<CR>
" ,Re : Change "Re: Re[n]" to "Re[n+1]" in Subject lines:
map ,Re 1G/^Subject: <C-M>:s/Re: Re\[\([0-9]\+\)\]/Re[\1]/<C-M><C-A>
" Put parentheses around "visual text"
" Used when commenting out an old subject.
" Example:
" Subject: help
" Subject: vim - using autoindent (Re: help)
" ,) and ,( :
vmap ,( v`<i(<ESC>`>a)<ESC>
vmap ,) v`<i(<ESC>`>a)<ESC>
" Part 6 - Inserting Special or Standard Text
" Part 6a - Start of text - saying "hello".
" ,hi = "Hi!" (indicates first reply)
map ,hi 1G}oHi!<CR><ESC>
" ,ha = "helloagain" (indicates reply to reply)
map ,ha 1G}oHello, again!<CR><ESC>
" ,H = "Hallo, Du!" (German equivalent of "hi!" for replies)
map ,H G/Quoting /e+1<CR>ye1G}oHallo, !<ESC>Po<ESC>
" Part 6 - Inserting Special or Standard Text
" Part 6b - End of text - dealing with "signatures".
" remove signatures
" ,kqs = kill quoted sig (to remove those damn sigs for replies)
" goto end-of-buffer, search-backwards for a quoted sigdashes
" line, ie "^> -- $", and delete unto end-of-paragraph:
map ,kqs G?^> -- $<CR>d}
" map ,kqs G?^> *-- $<CR>dG
" ,kqs = kill quoted sig unto start of own signature:
" map ,kqs G?^> *-- $<CR>d/^-- $/<C-M>
" ,aq = "add quote"
" Reads in a quote from my favourite quotations:
nmap ,aq :r!agrep -d "^-- $" ~/.P/txt/quotes.favourite<ESC>b
" see
" ,s = "sign" -
" Read in signature file (requires manual completion):
nmap ,s :r!agrep -d "^-- $" ~/.P/sig/SIGS<S-Left>
" available as
" ,S = signature addition of frequently used signatures
nmap ,SE :r!agrep -d "^-- $" comp.mail.elm ~/.P/sig/SIGS<S-Left>
nmap ,SM :r!agrep -d "^-- $" WOOF ~/.P/sig/SIGS<S-Left>
nmap ,SV :r!agrep -d "^-- $" IMproved ~/.P/sig/SIGS<S-Left>
" ,at = "add text" -
" read in text file (requires manual completion):
nmap ,at :r ~/.P/txt/
" MUTT: Auto-kill signatures for replies
" map ,kqs G?^> *-- $<C-M>dG
" autocmd BufRead .followup,.letter,mutt*,nn.*,snd.* :normal ,kqs
" At the end of editing your reply you should check your spelling
" with the spelling checker "ispell".
" These mappings are from Lawrence Clapp
" spellcheck the document -- skip quoted text
" nmap <F5> :w ! grep -v '^>' \| spell<CR>
" vmap <F5> :w ! grep -v '^>' \| spell<CR>
" At home under Linux it looks something more like this:
" nmap <F5> :w ! grep -v '^>' \| ispell -???<CR>
" Tell the recipient that I was replying to an old email of his:
ab SvenR Sven [finally takeing the time to reply to old emails]
" Toggles: [todo]
" toggle autoindent
" toggle hlsearch
" cycle textwidth between values 60, 70, 75, 80
" ===================================================================
" ===================================================================
" This has become quite big - so I moved it out to another file:
" [980227]
source ~guckes/.P/vim/source/html.vim
" ===================================================================
" LaTeX - LaTeX - LaTeX - LaTeX - LaTeX - LaTeX - LaTeX
" ===================================================================
" This has become quite big - so I moved it out to another file:
" source ~guckes/.P/vim/source/latex.vim
" ===================================================================
" PGP - encryption and decryption
" ===================================================================
" encrypt
map ;e :%!/bin/sh -c 'pgp -feast 2>/dev/tty'
" decrypt
map ;d :/^-----BEG/,/^-----END/!/bin/sh -c 'pgp -f 2>/dev/tty'
" sign
map ;s :,$! /bin/sh -c 'pgp -fast +clear 2>/dev/tty'
map ;v :,/^-----END/w !pgp -m
" PGP - original mappings
" encrypt and sign (useful for mailing to someone else)
"csh: map #1 :,$! /bin/sh -c 'pgp -feast 2>/dev/tty^V|^V|sleep 4'
" sh: map #1 :,$! pgp -feast 2>/dev/tty^V|^V|sleep 4
" sign (useful for mailing to someone else)
"csh: map #2 :,$! /bin/sh -c 'pgp -fast +clear 2>/dev/tty'
" sh: map #2 :,$! pgp -fast +clear 2>/dev/tty
" decrypt
"csh: map #3 :/^-----BEG/,/^-----END/!\
" /bin/sh -c 'pgp -f 2>/dev/tty^V|^V|sleep 4'
" sh: map #3 :/^-----BEG/,/^-----END/!\
" pgp -f 2>/dev/tty^V|^V|sleep 4
" view (pages output, like more)
"csh: map #4 :,/^-----END/w !pgp -m
" sh: map #4 :,/^-----END/w !pgp -m
" encrypt alone (useful for encrypting for oneself)
"csh: map #5 :,$! /bin/sh -c 'pgp -feat 2>/dev/tty^V|^V|sleep 4'
" sh: map #5 :,$! pgp -feat 2>/dev/tty^V|^V|sleep 4
" Elijah says :
" The significant feature is that stderr is redirected independently
" of stdout, and it is redirected to /dev/tty which is a synonym for
" the current terminal on Unix. I don't know why the ||sleep 4
" stuff is there, but it is harmless so I left it. Since csh is such
" junk, special rules are used if you are using it (tcsh, too).
" ksh and bash should use the sh form. zsh, et al: consult your
" manual. The #<num> format is used to map function keys. If your
" terminal does not support the requested function key, use a
" literal #<num>. Not all of the clones correctly support this.
" ===================================================================
" Useful stuff. At least these are nice examples. :-)
" ===================================================================
" ,t = transpose two characters: from aXb -> bXa
" map ,t XplxhhPl
" This macros shortened by one character by
" Preben Guldberg
" map ,t XpxphXp
" map ,t xphXpxp
" make space move the cursor to the right - much better than a *beep*
" nmap \ l
" ,E = execute line
" map ,E 0/\$<CR>w"yy$:<C-R>y<C-A>r!<C-E>
" This command excutes a shell command from the current line and
" reads in its output into the buffer. It assumes that the command
" starts with the fist word after the first '$' (the shell prompt
" of /bin/sh). Try ",E" on that line, ie place the cursor on it
" and then press ",E":
" $ ls -la
" Note: The command line commands have been remapped to tcsh style!!
" ,dr = decode/encode rot13 text
vmap ,dr :!tr A-Za-z N-ZA-Mn-za-m
" Use this with an external "rot13" script:
" " ,13 - rot13 the visual text
" vmap ,13 :!rot13<CR>
" Give the URL under the cursor to Netscape
" map ,net yA:!netscape -remote "openurl <C-R>""
" ===================================================================
" Mapping of special keys - arrow keys and function keys.
" ===================================================================
" Buffer commands (split,move,delete) -
" this makes a little more easy to deal with buffers.
" (works for Linux PCs in room 030)
map <F4> :split<C-M>
map <F5> :bp<C-M>
map <F6> :bn<C-M>
map <F12> :bd<C-M>
" Buffer commands (split,move,delete) -
" for Mac keyboard (Performa 5200, US keyboard)
map <ESC>[19~ :split<C-M>
map <ESC>[20~ :bp<C-M>
map <ESC>[23~ :bn<C-M>
map <ESC>[31~ :bd<C-M>
" Obvious mappings
" map <PageUp> <C-B>
" map <PageDown> <C-F>
" Emacs style editing in insert mode
" This is something I tried for a minute
" and forgot about the minute after. ;-)
" imap <C-A> <ESC>0i
" imap <C-B> <ESC>hi
" imap <C-D> <ESC>xi
" imap <C-E> <ESC>A
" imap <C-F> <ESC>lli
" imap <C-N> <ESC>jli
" imap <C-P> <ESC>kli
" imap <ESC>b <ESC>bi
" imap <ESC>f <ESC>lWi
" Normal mode - tcsh style movements [960425]
" nmap <C-A> 0
" nmap <C-B> h
" nmap <C-D> x
" nmap <C-E> $
" nmap <C-F> l
" nmap <ESC>b b
" nmap <ESC>f w
" DOS keyboard mapping for cursor keys
" map <ESC>[A <Up>
" map <ESC>[B <Down>
" map <ESC>[C <Right>
" map <ESC>[D <Left>
" imap <ESC>[A <Up>
" imap <ESC>[B <Down>
" imap <ESC>[C <Right>
" imap <ESC>[D <Left>
" DOS keyboard
" "insert"
" map <ESC>[1~ i
" map <ESC>[1~ <insert>
" "home"
" map <ESC>[2~ ^
" map <ESC>[2~ 0
" map <ESC>[2~ <Home>
" "pgup"
" map <ESC>[3~ <C-B>
" map <ESC>[3~ <PageUp>
" "delete"
" map <ESC>[4~ x
" map <ESC>[4~ <Del>
" "end"
" map <ESC>[5~ $
" map <ESC>[5~ <END>
" "pgdn"
" map <ESC>[6~ <C-F>
" map <ESC>[6~ <PageDown>
" Keyboard mapping for cursor keys
" [works for SUNs in Solarium (room 030) - 970815]
map <ESC>OA <Up>
map <ESC>OB <Down>
map <ESC>OC <Right>
map <ESC>OD <Left>
imap <ESC>OA <Up>
imap <ESC>OB <Down>
imap <ESC>OC <Right>
imap <ESC>OD <Left>
" Keyboard mapping for cursor keys
" [works for XTerminals - 970818]
map <ESC>[A <Up>
map <ESC>[B <Down>
map <ESC>[C <Right>
map <ESC>[D <Left>
imap <ESC>[A <Up>
imap <ESC>[B <Down>
imap <ESC>[C <Right>
imap <ESC>[D <Left>
" ===================================================================
" AutoCommands
" ===================================================================
" Autocommands are the key to "syntax coloring".
" There's one command in your vimrc that should
" load/source the file $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/syntax.vim
" which contains the definition for colors and
" the autocommands that load other syntax files
" when necessary, ie when the filename matches
" a given pattern, eg "*.c" or *".html".
" just load the main syntax file when Vim was compiled with "+syntax"
if has("syntax")
" define my own syntax file (to be sourced t the end of syntax.vim):
" let mysyntaxfile="~guckes/.P/vim/syntax/syntax.vim"
" URL:
" The main/standard syntax file:
so $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/syntax.vim
" Use my own syntax file on "mail/news messages":
let aucommand = "au BufRead ".MAILNEWSFILES
" exe aucommand." source ~guckes/.P/vim/syntax/sven.vim"
hi! Comment term=bold ctermfg=cyan guifg=Blue
" EXAMPLE: Restricting mappings to some files only:
" An autocommand does the macthign on the filenames -
" but abbreviations are not expanded within autocommands.
" Workaround: Use "exe" for expansion:
" let aucommand = "au BufRead ".MAILNEWSFILES
" exe aucommand." :map ,hi 1G}oHi!<CR><ESC>"
" exe aucommand." :map ,ha 1G}oHello, again!<CR><ESC>"
" exe aucommand." :map ,H G/Quoting /e+1<CR>ye1G}oHallo, !<ESC>Po<ESC>"
" exe aucommand." :map ,re 1G}oRe!<CR><ESC>"
" Automatically place the cursor onto the first line of the mail body:
" autocmd BufRead MAILNEWSFILES :normal 1G}j
" Toggle syntax coloring on/off with "__":
" nn __ mg:if has("syntax_items")<Bar>syn clear<CR>else<Bar>syn on<CR>en<CR>`g
" Note: It works - but the screen flashes are quite annoying. :-/
" ===================================================================
" ===================================================================
" Visualizing trailing whitespace:
" :set hls
" /\s\+$
" Toggling a numerical variable between two values.
" Example: Switch the textwidth (tw) between values "70" and "80":
" map \1 :let &tw = 150 - &tw<CR>
" Capitalizing the previously typed word,
" returning to the previous position:
" imap CAP <ESC>mzB~`za
" Uppercasing the previously typed word,
" returning to the previous position:
" imap CAP <ESC>mzvBU`za
" imap CAP <ESC>mzBvaWU`za
" ===================================================================
" ===================================================================
" View a html document (or part of it) with lynx. You need
" a system that supports the /def/fd/* file descriptors :-(
"nmap ,ly :w !lynx -force_html /dev/fd/0<CR>
"vmap ,ly :w !lynx -force_html /dev/fd/0<CR>
" Fri Jun 19 19:19:19 CEST 1998
" Hi, Vikas!
" The <Left> key produces the code "<Esc>OD" and Vikas wants to make
" Vim jump back one word in normal mode, ie using the command 'b':
" nmap <Esc>OD b
" Works for me! :-)
" Some simple example of the "expand modifiers":
" insert the current filename *with* path:
iab YPATHFILE <C-R>=expand("%:p")<cr>
" insert the current filename *without* path:
iab YFILE <C-R>=expand("%:t:r")<cr>
" insert the path of current file:
iab YPATH <C-R>=expand("%:h")<cr>
" #b = "browse" - send selected URL to Netscape
vmap #b y:!netscape -remote "openurl <C-R>""
" Toggle highlight search and report the current value:
" map #1 :set hls!<cr>
" map #2 :echo "HLSearch: " . strpart("OffOn",3*&hlsearch,3)<cr>
" map ## #1#2
" Sorting current line containing a list of numbers
" map ## :s/ /<C-M>/g<CR>vip!sort -n
" Replying to the mutt mailing list:
" Remove header lines Cc: and Bcc: and insert [mutt] at the beginning
" map ,MM 1G/^Cc:<CR>2dd}o[mutt]<CR>
" map ,U %s#<URL:\(.*\)>#<a href="\1"></a>#gc
" map ,F {jma}kmb:'a,'b!sed -e "s/^>//"<C-V><C-V>|\
" sed -f ~/.P/elm/scripts/weedout.sed
" map ,mb ebi<CR><b><ESC>Ea</b><CR><ESC>dw
" stripping netscape bookmarks and making them list items
" vmap ,ns :.,$s/^ *<DT><\(A.*"\) ADD.*">\(.*\)$/<li> <\1><C-M><C-I>\2/
" Jump to the last space before the 80th column.
" map ,\| 80\|F
" extracting variable names from mutt's init.c
" :%s/^.*"\([a-z0-9_]*\)".*$/\1/
" \<> = change to <> notation by substituting ^M and ^[
" cab \<> s/<C-V><ESC>/<ESC>/gc<C-M>:s/<C-V><C-M>/<C-M>/gc<C-M>
" Changing the From_ line in pseudo mail folders to an appropriate
" value - so you can read them with a mailer.
" %s/^From /From guckes Thu Apr 6 12:07:00 1967/
" ===================================================================
" ASCII tables - you may need them some day. Save them to a file!
" ===================================================================
" ASCII Table - | octal value - name/char |
" |000 nul|001 soh|002 stx|003 etx|004 eot|005 enq|006 ack|007 bel|
" |010 bs |011 ht |012 nl |013 vt |014 np |015 cr |016 so |017 si |
" |020 dle|021 dc1|022 dc2|023 dc3|024 dc4|025 nak|026 syn|027 etb|
" |030 can|031 em |032 sub|033 esc|034 fs |035 gs |036 rs |037 us |
" |040 sp |041 ! |042 " |043 # |044 $ |045 % |046 & |047 ' |
" |050 ( |051 ) |052 * |053 + |054 , |055 - |056 . |057 / |
" |060 0 |061 1 |062 2 |063 3 |064 4 |065 5 |066 6 |067 7 |
" |070 8 |071 9 |072 : |073 ; |074 < |075 = |076 > |077 ? |
" |100 @ |101 A |102 B |103 C |104 D |105 E |106 F |107 G |
" |110 H |111 I |112 J |113 K |114 L |115 M |116 N |117 O |
" |120 P |121 Q |122 R |123 S |124 T |125 U |126 V |127 W |
" |130 X |131 Y |132 Z |133 [ |134 \ |135 ] |136 ^ |137 _ |
" |140 ` |141 a |142 b |143 c |144 d |145 e |146 f |147 g |
" |150 h |151 i |152 j |153 k |154 l |155 m |156 n |157 o |
" |160 p |161 q |162 r |163 s |164 t |165 u |166 v |167 w |
" |170 x |171 y |172 z |173 { |174 | |175 } |176 ~ |177 del|
" ===================================================================
" ASCII Table - | decimal value - name/char |
" |000 nul|001 soh|002 stx|003 etx|004 eot|005 enq|006 ack|007 bel|
" |008 bs |009 ht |010 nl |011 vt |012 np |013 cr |014 so |015 si |
" |016 dle|017 dc1|018 dc2|019 dc3|020 dc4|021 nak|022 syn|023 etb|
" |024 can|025 em |026 sub|027 esc|028 fs |029 gs |030 rs |031 us |
" |032 sp |033 ! |034 " |035 # |036 $ |037 % |038 & |039 ' |
" |040 ( |041 ) |042 * |043 + |044 , |045 - |046 . |047 / |
" |048 0 |049 1 |050 2 |051 3 |052 4 |053 5 |054 6 |055 7 |
" |056 8 |057 9 |058 : |059 ; |060 < |061 = |062 > |063 ? |
" |064 @ |065 A |066 B |067 C |068 D |069 E |070 F |071 G |
" |072 H |073 I |074 J |075 K |076 L |077 M |078 N |079 O |
" |080 P |081 Q |082 R |083 S |084 T |085 U |086 V |087 W |
" |088 X |089 Y |090 Z |091 [ |092 \ |093 ] |094 ^ |095 _ |
" |096 ` |097 a |098 b |099 c |100 d |101 e |102 f |103 g |
" |104 h |105 i |106 j |107 k |108 l |109 m |110 n |111 o |
" |112 p |113 q |114 r |115 s |116 t |117 u |118 v |119 w |
" |120 x |121 y |122 z |123 { |124 | |125 } |126 ~ |127 del|
" ===================================================================
" ASCII Table - | hex value - name/char |
" | 00 nul| 01 soh| 02 stx| 03 etx| 04 eot| 05 enq| 06 ack| 07 bel|
" | 08 bs | 09 ht | 0a nl | 0b vt | 0c np | 0d cr | 0e so | 0f si |
" | 10 dle| 11 dc1| 12 dc2| 13 dc3| 14 dc4| 15 nak| 16 syn| 17 etb|
" | 18 can| 19 em | 1a sub| 1b esc| 1c fs | 1d gs | 1e rs | 1f us |
" | 20 sp | 21 ! | 22 " | 23 # | 24 $ | 25 % | 26 & | 27 ' |
" | 28 ( | 29 ) | 2a * | 2b + | 2c , | 2d - | 2e . | 2f / |
" | 30 0 | 31 1 | 32 2 | 33 3 | 34 4 | 35 5 | 36 6 | 37 7 |
" | 38 8 | 39 9 | 3a : | 3b ; | 3c < | 3d = | 3e > | 3f ? |
" | 40 @ | 41 A | 42 B | 43 C | 44 D | 45 E | 46 F | 47 G |
" | 48 H | 49 I | 4a J | 4b K | 4c L | 4d M | 4e N | 4f O |
" | 50 P | 51 Q | 52 R | 53 S | 54 T | 55 U | 56 V | 57 W |
" | 58 X | 59 Y | 5a Z | 5b [ | 5c \ | 5d ] | 5e ^ | 5f _ |
" | 60 ` | 61 a | 62 b | 63 c | 64 d | 65 e | 66 f | 67 g |
" | 68 h | 69 i | 6a j | 6b k | 6c l | 6d m | 6e n | 6f o |
" | 70 p | 71 q | 72 r | 73 s | 74 t | 75 u | 76 v | 77 w |
" | 78 x | 79 y | 7a z | 7b { | 7c | | 7d } | 7e ~ | 7f del|
" ===================================================================
" ===================================================================
" If your read this...
" ===================================================================
" ... then please send me an email! Thanks! --Sven
" I have received some emails so far - thanks, folks!
" Enjoy Vim! :-)
" ===================================================================
" Yet another example for an autocommand: [980616]
au VimLeave * echo "Thanks for using Vim"version". --Sven!"
" ===================================================================
" Last but not least...
" =====================================================
" The last line is allowed to be a "modeline" with my setup.
" It gives vim commands for setting variable values that are
" specific for editing this file. Used mostly for setting
" the textwidth (tw) and the "shiftwidth" (sw).
" Note that the colon within the value of "comments" needs to
" be escaped with a backslash! (Thanks, Thomas!)
" vim:tw=70 et sw=4 comments=\:\"