- refresh vim-7.3-mktemp_tutor.patch * 9.1.0908: not possible to configure :messages * 9.1.0907: printoptions:portrait does not change postscript Orientation * runtime(doc): Add vietnamese.txt to helps main TOC * 9.1.0906: filetype: Nvidia PTX files are not recognized * runtime(doc): updated version9.txt with changes from v9.1.0905 * 9.1.0905: Missing information in CompleteDone event * 9.1.0904: Vim9: copy-paste error in class_defining_member() * 9.1.0903: potential overflow in spell_soundfold_wsal() * runtime(netrw): do not detach when launching external programs in gvim * runtime(doc): make tag alignment more consistent in filetype.txt * runtime(doc): fix wrong syntax and style of vietnamese.txt * translation(it): update Italian manpage for vimtutor * runtime(lua): add optional lua function folding * Filelist: include translations for Chapter 2 tutor * translation(vi): Update Vietnamese translation * runtime(doc): include vietnamese.txt * runtime(tutor): fix another typo in tutor2 * runtime(doc): fix typo in vimtutor manpage * translation(it): update Italian manpage for vimtutor * translation(it): include Italian version of tutor chapter 2 * runtime(tutor): regenerated some translated tutor1 files * runtime(tutor): fix typo in Chapter 2 * 9.1.0902: filetype: Conda configuration files are not recognized * runtime(doc): Tweak documentation style a bit * runtime(tutor): update the tutor files and re-number the chapters * runtime(tutor): Update the makefiles for tutor1 and tutor2 files * 9.1.0901: MS-Windows: vimtutor batch script can be improved * runtime(doc): remove buffer-local completeopt todo item OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=869
1531 lines
55 KiB
1531 lines
55 KiB
version 5.2
" ==================================================================
" File: $HOME/.vimrc
" Availability: This file is available as
" <URL:http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/setup/vimrc>
" <URL:http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/setup/vimrc.gz>
" <URL:http://www.vim.org/rc> (mirror)
" Purpose: Setup file for the editor Vim (Vi IMproved)
" Author: Sven Guckes guckes@vim.org (guckes@math.fu-berlin.de)
" <URL:http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/sven/>
" Size: This file is about 56K in size and has 1,500+ lines.
" Related files:
" http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/vim/src/latex.vim
" http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/vim/src/html.vim
" http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/vim/syntax/
" Note: Please send comments to me - email preferred! :-)
" Last update: Fri Aug 28 18:30:00 CEST 1998
" ===================================================================
" Latest versions of Vim according to my Vim signature:
" --
" Sven Guckes guckes@vim.org | Vim = Vi IMproved | versions
" FAQ http://www.vim.org/faq/ | for users: VIM-5.2 [980824]
" Users http://www.vim.org/user.html | developers: developing...
" Wishes http://www.vim.org/wish.html | Additions&Corrections welcome!
" ===================================================================
" Note to Windows users: Get these files from any Vim mirror:
" vim52rt.zip (840K)
" gvimw32.zip (440K)
" These should fit onto one floppy. Just a recommendation.
" ===================================================================
" Installation of this setup file:
" To use this setup file, copy it to
" this filename on these systems:
" ~/.vimrc Unix and OS/2
" s:.vimrc Amiga
" $VIM\_vimrc MS-DOS and Win32
" NOTE: This setup file uses a lot of features of Vim-5.
" If you are still using Vim-4 (or an even older version)
" then you should upgrade - it is really worth the effort!
" To find out why get Vim-5 and read ":help version5".
" The first line of this setup file contains the information
" "version xxx" which allows VIM to check whether the setup file
" fits the syntax that it understands.
" Versions of VIM other than of version 5 then will give a warning
" as they do not understand this setup file command - a feature:
" Give a warning so the user knows that there is something odd
" about the setup file.
" ===================================================================
" Whitespace meta sequence:
" vim-5.0s introduced the meta sequence "\s" which stands for "whitespace"
" ie either a space or a tab. This makes mappings a lot easier.
" I have therefore updated my mappings to use this sequence.
" But this is incompatible with previous versions and, of course, Vi.
" ===================================================================
" Info on the latest versions is on the Vim HomePage:
" http://www.vim.org/ - which is a daily mirror of the pages at
" http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/vim/
" and in Sven's signature file:
" http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/sig/SIGS
" ===================================================================
" ===================================================================
" Structure of this file:
" Lines starting with an inverted comma (") are comments.
" Some mappings are commented out. Remove the comment to enable them.
" There are three kinds of things which are defined in this file:
" Mapping ("map"), settings ("set"), and abbreviations ("ab").
" Settings affect the behaviour of commands.
" Mappings maps a key sequence to a command.
" Abbreviations define words which are replaced
" right *after* they are typed in.
" ===================================================================
" Note on mappings - "angle notation" (see ":help <>"):
" VIM allows you to define mappings with special characters
" with a notation that uses non-special characters:
" The notation encloses decriptive words in angle brackets (<>).
" The characters you will most often are:
" <C-M> for control-m
" <C-V> for control-v which quotes the following character
" <ESC> for the escape character.
" All control characters have been replaced to use the angle notation
" so you should be able to read this file without problems.
" (Well, sometimes I leave some tabs [control-i] in the file. ;-)
" ===================================================================
" External programs:
" Some mappings make use of external programs.
" The following you should find on every UNIX system:
" awk, egrep, grep, ispell, perl, sed.
" If you are using DOS then you should get these for you system!!
" Programs that are supplied with the mailer ELM: elmalias, readmsg.
" To get these look at page
" http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/elm/dist.html
" One major advantage of vim-5 (actually, 5.0g) is that there is now
" the internal function "strftime". This allows to insert the current
" date and time in various format. Example: mapping ",L" (see below)
" ===================================================================
" SETtings
" ===================================================================
" autoindent: "off" as I usually do not write code.
set noautoindent
" autowrite: "on" saves a lot of trouble
set autowrite
" backup: backups are for wimps ;-)
set nobackup
" backspace: '2' is much smarter.
set backspace=2
" background: Are we using a "light" or "dark" background?
" set background=dark
" compatible ....
set nocompatible
" comments default: sr:/*,mb:*,el:*/,://,b:#,:%,:XCOMM,n:>,fb:-
set comments=b:#,:%,fb:-,n:>,n:)
" cpoptions you should get to know - source of many FAQs! ;-)
" cpoptions: "compatible options" to match Vi behaviour
" set cpoptions="aABceFs" "default!
" FAQ: Do NOT include the flag '<' if you WANT angle notation!
" dictionary: english words first
set dictionary=/usr/dict/words,/local/lib/german.words
" digraph: required for those umlauts
set digraph
" errorbells: damn this beep! ;-)
set noerrorbells
" esckeys: allow usage of cursor keys within insert mode
set esckeys
" formatoptions: Options for the "text format" command ("gq")
" I need all those options (but 'o')!
set formatoptions=cqrt
" helpheight: zero disables this.
set helpheight=0
" helpfile: filename of the helpfile
" set helpfile=c:\\vim-4.6\\docs\\help.txt
" this is where I usually put it on DOS; sometimes is required
" to set as the default installation does not find it :-(
" hidden:
set hidden
" highlight=8b,db,es,hs,mb,Mn,nu,rs,sr,tb,vr,ws
set highlight=8r,db,es,hs,mb,Mr,nu,rs,sr,tb,vr,ws
" hlsearch : highlight search - show the current search pattern
" This is a nice feature sometimes - but it sure can get in the
" way sometimes when you edit.
set nohlsearch
" icon: ...
set noicon
" set iconstring file of icon (Sven doesn't use an icon)
" set iconstring
" ignorecase: ignore the case in search patterns? NO!
set noignorecase
" insertmode: start in insert mode? Naah.
set noinsertmode
" iskeyword: Add the dash ('-'), the dot ('.'), and the '@'
" as "letters" to "words".
" iskeyword=@,48-57,_,192-255 (default)
set iskeyword=@,48-57,_,192-255,-,.,@-@
" joinspaces: insert two spaces after a period with every
" joining of lines. This is very nice!
set joinspaces
" keywordprg: Program to use for the "K" command.
" set keywordprg=man\ -s
" laststatus: show status line? Yes, always!
" laststatus: Even for only one buffer.
set laststatus=2
" [VIM5]lazyredraw: do not update screen while executing macros
set lazyredraw
" magic: use some magic in search patterns? Certainly!
set magic
" modeline: ...
" Allow the last line to be a modeline - useful when
" the last line in sig gives the preferred textwidth for replies.
set modeline
set modelines=1
" number: ...
set nonumber
" path: The list of directories to search when you specify
" a file with an edit command.
" Note: "~/.P" is a symlink to my dir with www pages
" "$VIMRUNTIME/syntax" is where the syntax files are.
set path=.,,~/.P/vim,~/.P/vim/syntax,~/.P/vim/source,$VIMRUNTIME/syntax/
" set path=.,,~/.P/vim,~/.P/mutt/,~/.P/elm,~/.P/slrn/,~/.P/nn
" report: show a report when N lines were changed.
" report=0 thus means "show all changes"!
set report=0
" ruler: show cursor position? Yep!
set ruler
" Setting the "shell" is always tricky - especially when you are
" trying to use the same vimrc on different operatin systems.
" shell for DOS
" set shell=command.com
" shell for UNIX - math.fu-berlin.de BSD
" set shell=zsh
" shell for UNIX - inf.fu-berlin.de BSD&Solaris
" set shell=zsh
" shell for UNIX - zedat.fu-berlin.de BSD&Solaris
" set shell=/bin/tcsh
" zsh now available at zedat! :-)
" set shell=zsh
" Now that vim-5 has ":if" I am trying to automate the setting:
if has("dos16") || has("dos32")
let shell='command.com'
if has("unix")
let shell='zsh'
" shiftwidth: Number of spaces to use for each
" insertion of (auto)indent.
set shiftwidth=8
" shortmess: Kind of messages to show. Abbreviate them all!
" New since vim-5.0v: flag 'I' to suppress "intro message".
set shortmess=at
" showcmd: Show current uncompleted command? Absolutely!
set showcmd
" showmatch: Show the matching bracket for the last ')'?
set showmatch
" showmode: Show the current mode? YEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!
set showmode
" suffixes: Ignore filename with any of these suffixes
" when using the ":edit" command.
" Most of these are files created by LaTeX.
set suffixes=.aux,.bak,.dvi,.gz,.idx,.log,.ps,.swp,.tar
" startofline: no: do not jump to first character with page
" commands, ie keep the cursor in the current column.
set nostartofline
" tabstop
set tabstop=8
" Set the colors for vim on "xterm"
if &term=="xterm"
set t_Co=8 " "terminal has eight colors"
set t_Sb=[4%dm " escape sequence for background
set t_Sf=[3%dm " escape sequence for foreground
" source ~/.P/vim/syntax/colors.vim
" http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/vim/syntax/colors.vim
" [todo] Add this to the Vim FAQ
" textmode: no - I am using Vim on UNIX!
set notextmode
" textwidth
set textwidth=79
" title:
set notitle
" ttyfast: are we using a fast terminal?
" seting depends on where I use Vim...
set nottyfast
" ttybuiltin:
set nottybuiltin
" ttyscroll: turn off scrolling -> faster!
set ttyscroll=0
" ttytype:
" set ttytype=rxvt
" viminfo: What info to store from an editing session
" in the viminfo file; can be used at next session.
set viminfo=%,'50,\"100,:100,n~/.viminfo
" visualbell:
set visualbell
" t_vb: terminal's visual bell - turned off to make Vim quiet!
" Please use this as to not annoy cow-orkers in the same room.
" Thankyou! :-)
set t_vb=
" whichwrap:
set whichwrap=<,>
" wildchar the char used for "expansion" on the command line
" default value is "<C-E>" but I prefer the tab key:
set wildchar=<TAB>
" wrapmargin:
set wrapmargin=1
" writebackup:
set nowritebackup
" ===================================================================
" ABbreviations
" ===================================================================
" 980701: Moved the abbreviations *before* the mappings as
" some of the abbreviations get used with some mappings.
" Abbreviations for some important numbers:
iab Npi 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841972
iab Ne 2.7182818284590452353602874713526624977573
" Abbreviations for some classic long words:
" Donau... is the German word for the (read in reverse)
" "additional paragraph of the law regulating the pension of
" widows to captains of the ship company on (the river) Danube"
" (I am not making this up! ;-)
iab YDD Donaudampfschiffahrtgesellschaftskapitaenwitwenrentengesetzzusatzparagraph
" YLL : The name of a town in Wales. I am not making this up!
iab YLL LLanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch
" http://www.llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch.co.uk
" - I am not making this up! :-)
" YTauma: The name of a hill in New Zealand.
iab YTauma Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwenuakitanatahu
" Yalpha : The lower letter alphabet.
iab Yalpha abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
" YALPHA : The upper letter alphabet.
" Ydigit : The ten digits.
iab Ydigit 1234567890
" Yruler : A ruler.
iab Yruler 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
" Yupsidedown : This describes people from "down under"
" (Hi, Dean!).
iab Yupsidedown umop-ap!sdn
" Ysuper: A nice long word from the musical "Mary Poppins".
iab Ysuper supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
" Yanti: The longest proper word in the English language?!
iab Yanti antidisestablishmentarianism
" Ypass : Standard answer to Usenet posts
" with the "Subject: HELP" (hehe)
iab Ypass "You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike."
" Ysesqui : "Sesquipedalophobia" means "fear of big words." ;-)
iab Ysesqui sesquipedalophobia
" classic pangrams (which include every letter of the alphabet):
" German:
" sylvia wagt quick den jux bei pforzheim
" bayerische jagdwitze von maxl querkopf
" zwei boxkaempfer jagen eva quer durch sylt
" kaufen sie jede woche vier gute bequeme pelze
" falsches <20>ben von xylophonmusik qu<71>lt jeden gr<67><72>eren zwerg.
" Bei jedem klugen Wort von Sokrates rief Xanthippe zynisch: Quatsch!
" English:
" the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
" French:
" voyez le brick geant que j'examine pres du wharf.
" And a sentence to break some quoing levels:
" "This man's house (which 's yellow) burned down."
" And now for something completely different:
" I couldn't bear to bear bears over the border.
" Inserting an ellipsis to indicate deleted text
iab Yell [...]
vmap ,ell c[...]<ESC>
" Correcting those typos. [I almost never get these right. :-(]
" See also: http://www.igd.fhg.de/~zach/programs/acl/
iab alos also
iab aslo also
iab charcter character
iab charcters characters
iab exmaple example
iab shoudl should
iab seperate separate
iab teh the
" Some frequent typos in German:
iab nciht nicht
iab doer oder
iab Dreckfuhler Druckfehler
" Sorry, Laurent!
iab Laurant Laurent
" See http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/sig/:
iab YDDS dash-dash-space
" For reports and texts on my studies:
iab YKT Komplexitaetstheorie
iab YRA Rechnerarchitektur
iab YPM Pattern Matching
" see http://elib.zib.de/ICM98 :
iab YICM International Congress of Mathematicians
" Some sentences that I really use often in emails about Vim:
iab YAW You are welcome! :-)
iab YEV Enjoy Vim!
" Often used filenames - only needed these on the command line:
" see also: http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/setup/
cab ELMALIAS ~/.elm/aliases.text
cab Erc ~/.elm/elmrc
cab Mrc ~/.muttrc
cab Src ~/.slrnrc
cab Zrc ~/.zsh/.zshrc
cab SIGs ~/.P/sig/SIGS
" A list of filenames that are needed to shorten some autocommands:
" cab MAILNEWSFILES .article,.followup,.letter,mutt*[0-9],/postpone/*
" cab MAILNEWSFILES *.article,*.followup,*.letter,*mutt*
let MAILNEWSFILES = "*.article,*.followup,*.letter,mutt*"
" see also: http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/sig/SIGS
" Email Adresses:
" I usually use these when adding addresses to the header
" of emails (mutt) and posts (slrn).
" Author of the Good NetKeeping Seal of Approval:
ab Agnksa js@xs4all.nl (Jeroen Scheerder)
" Author of Mutt:
ab Amutt me@cs.hmc.edu (Michael Elkins)
" Author of Slrn:
ab Aslrn davis@space.mit.edu (John E. Davis)
" Author of Vim:
" ab Avim mool@oce.nl (Bram Moolenaar)
ab Avim bram@vim.org (Bram Moolenaar)
" Former Maintainer of the Vim FAQ:
ab Avimfaq laurent@Grafnetix.COM (Laurent Duperval)
" Mailing Lists (MLs)
" The Vim mailing lists: See http://www.vim.org/mail.html for more info!
ab MLvim vim@vim.org (VIM Help List)
ab MLvimdev vim-dev@vim.org (VIM Development List)
ab MLvimmac guckes-vimmac@math.fu-berlin.de (VIM on MacOS Development List)
" More mailing lists:
ab MLgnksa gnksa-workers@babayaga.math.fu-berlin.de (GNKSA Workers List)
ab MLmuttdev mutt-dev@mutt.org (Mutt Developer List)
ab MLmuttuser mutt-users@mutt.org (Mutt USers List)
ab MLzsh zsh-users@math.gatech.edu (ZShell Users List)
" News: newsgroup names
" Newsgroup about "warloding" of signatures - see
" also http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/afw/
iab Nafw alt.fan.warlord
iab Nahbou alt.humor.best-of-usenet
iab Nzedat bln.announce.fub.zedat.d
iab Ncsd bln.announce.fub.cs.d
iab Nce comp.editors
" Newsgroup about "lynx":
iab Nhtml comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html
" Newsgroup about "elm": Elm is dead - long live Mutt!
iab Nelm comp.mail.elm
" Newsgroup about "pine": When will they release pine-4?
" iab Ncmp comp.mail.pine
iab Npine comp.mail.pine
" iab Ncsmd comp.sys.mac.digest
" Newsgroup about "mobil phone systems":
iab Ndcm de.comm.mobil
iab Nmobil de.comm.mobil
" Newsgroup about "web browsers":
iab Nlynx comp.infosystems.www.browsers.misc
iab Nnetscape comp.infosystems.www.browsers.misc
" Newsgroup about "mutt" [since 980401]: The coolest mail user agent
iab Nmutt comp.mail.mutt
" Newsgroup about "nn": Once was the best newsreader. Still good.
iab Nnn news.software.nn
" Newsgroup for "newbies".
" All you ever wanted to know - but were afraid to ask. ;-)
iab Newbie news.newusers.questions
" Newsgroup about "newsreader *agents*" (netscape and slrn):
iab Nnsr news.software.readers
" Usenet header lines (used when composing a post):
iab UFT Followup-To:
iab UMCT Mail-Copies-To: MYADDR
iab UNG Newsgroups:
iab URT Reply-To: MYADDR
iab UFUB Organization: Freie Universitaet Berlin
" Current version numbers of my favourite programs:
" http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/sig/SIGS
" And some abbreviations to type them in mail&news:
iab Velm ELM2.4PL25 [951204]
iab VElm ELM2.5b2 [980213]
iab Vlynx lynx-2.8.0 [980310
iab Vmutt mutt-0.92.8 [980514]
iab Vslrn slrn- [980503]
iab Vvim vim-5.1 [980407]
iab Vvimdev vim-5.2c [980518]
" For current version numbers take a look at my signature file:
" http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/sig/SIGS
" My snail mail address, phone numbers, and email->pager gateway:
" Postcards and FAXes are welcome (especially with cartoons :-).
" If you want, you can send a message to my pager by email, too.
iab Ypager To: ums@teco.edu<C-M>Subject: PAGE:01777777796
iab Yphone TEL/FAX (+49 30) 8838884<C-M>Cellphone (+49 177) 7777796
iab Ysnail Sven Guckes<C-M>Pariser Str. 52<C-M>D-10719 Berlin
" My addresses (Email and WWW)
ab Amaili guckes@inf.fu-berlin.de
ab Amailm guckes@math.fu-berlin.de
ab Amailv guckes@vim.org
ab Amailz guckes@zedat.fu-berlin.de
ab MYADDR guckes@math.fu-berlin.de
" Setting the reply address when replying as the guy from SKB:
ab ASKB Sprachboerse <sprachboerse@tu-berlin.de>
" See also: http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/skb/
" My Home Pages at the departments at the FUB
ab WWWm http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/
ab WWWi http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/
ab WWWz http://userpage.zedat.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/
" WWW Pages base URLs
ab HPA http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/afw/
ab HPa http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/ascii/
ab HPc http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/calvin/
ab HPD http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/dos/
ab HPe http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/eplus/ab.faq.html
ab HPE http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/elm/
ab HPI http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/irc/
ab HPi http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/ispell/
ab HPL http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/lynx/
ab HPl http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/less/
ab HPm http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/mail/
ab HPM http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/mutt/
ab HPN http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/nn/
ab HPP http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/pine/
ab HPp http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/procmail/
ab HPr http://babayaga.math.fu-berlin.de/~rxvt/
ab HPR http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/rfc/
ab HPs http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/screen/
ab HPS http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/slrn/
ab HPv http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/vi/
" HPoV - "original" URL of the Vim Home Page
ab HPoV http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/vim/
ab HPV http://www.vim.org/
ab HPX http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/xmas/
ab HPZ http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/zsh/
" Other important WWW addresses
ab URLutefuchs http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~utefuchs/
ab URLaltavista http://altavista.digital.com/
ab URLftpsearch http://ftpsearch.ntnu.no/ftpsearch/
ab URLvimfaq http://www.grafnetix.com/~laurent/vim/faq.html
ab URLbambi http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~leitner/CnH/bambi.html
ab URLsecret http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~leitner/CnH/secret.html
ab URLwhome http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~leitner/CnH/who.me.html
ab URLstopspam http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/pics/stop.this.spam.jpg
ab FTPFUB ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/
ab FTPVIM ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/pub/misc/editors/vim/
" ===================================================================
" Abbreviations - Header Lines for Email and News
" ===================================================================
" Define regexpr for headers to use with mappings
" as it makes reading the mappings much easier:
" cab HADDR From\\|Cc\\|To
cab HEMAIL ^\(From\\|Cc\\|To\\|Date\\|Subject\\|Message-ID\\|Message-Id\\|X-\)
cab HNEWS ^\(From\\|Cc\\|To\\|Date\\|Subject\\|Message-ID\\|X-\\|Newsgroups\)
" ===================================================================
" Abbreviations - General Editing - Inserting Dates and Times
" ===================================================================
" First, some command to add date stamps (with and without time).
" I use these manually after a substantial change to a webpage.
" [These abbreviations are used with the mapping for ",L".]
iab Ydate <C-R>=strftime("%y%m%d")<CR>
" Example: 971027
iab Ytime <C-R>=strftime("%H:%M")<CR>
" Example: 14:28
iab YDT <C-R>=strftime("%y%m%d %T")<CR>
" Example: 971027 12:00:00
iab YDATE <C-R>=strftime("%a %b %d %T %Z %Y")<CR>
" Example: Tue Dec 16 12:07:00 CET 1997
" On Windows the functions "strftime" seems to have a different
" format. Therefore the following may be necessary: [980730]
" if !has("unix")
" iab YDATE <C-R>=strftime("%c %a")<CR>
" else
" iab YDATE <C-R>=strftime("%D %T %a")<CR>
" endif
" ===================================================================
" MAPpings
" ===================================================================
" Caveat: Mapping must be "prefix free", ie no mapping must be the
" prefix of any other mapping. Example: "map ,abc foo" and
" "map ,abcd bar" will give you the error message "Ambigous mapping".
" The backslash ('\') is the only(?) unmapped key, so this is the best
" key to start mappings with as this does not take away a command key.
" However, the backslash is never in the same position with keyboards.
" Eg on German keyboards it is AltGr-sz - don't ask.
" Anyway, I have decided to start mappings with the comma as this
" character is always on the same position on almost all keyboards
" and I hardly have a need for that command.
" The following maps get rid of some basic problems:
" With Vim-4 the format command was just 'Q' and
" I am too used to it. So I need this back!
nnoremap Q gq
vnoremap Q gq
" 980527 I often reformat a paragraph to fit some textwidth -
" and I use the following mapping to adjust it to the
" current position of the cursor:
map #tw :set textwidth=<C-R>=col(".")<C-M>
" "tal" is the "trailer alignment" filter program
" Hopefully it will ship with Vim one day.
" vmap #t !tal<CR>
" vmap #t !tal -p 0<CR>
" Disable the command 'K' (keyword lookup) by mapping it
" to an "empty command". (thanks, Lawrence! :-):
" map K :<CR>
map K :<BS>
" Disable the suspend for ^Z.
" I use Vim under "screen" where a suspend would lose the
" connection to the " terminal - which is what I want to avoid.
map <C-Z> :shell
" Make CTRL-^ rebound to the *column* in the previous file
noremap <C-^> <C-^>`"
" Make "gf" rebound to last cursor position (line *and* column)
noremap gf gf`"
" When I let Vim write the current buffer I frequently mistype the
" command ":w" as ":W" - so I have to remap it to correct this typo:
nmap :W :w
" Are you used to the Unix commands "alias" and "which"?
" I sometimes use these to look up my abbreviations and mappings.
" So I need them available on the command line:
map :alias map
map :which map
" The command {number}CTRL-G show the current nuffer number, too.
" This is yet another feature that vi does not have.
" As I always want to see the buffer number I map it to CTRL-G.
" Pleae note that here we need to prevent a loop in the mapping by
" using the comamnd "noremap"!
noremap <C-G> 2<C-G>
" 980311 Sourcing syntax files
" My personal syntax files are in ~/.P/vim/syntax/
" and I need a quick way to edit and source them.
map ,SO :so ~/.P/vim/syntax/
" 980706 Sourcing syntax files from the distribution
" A nice and fast way to both source syntax files
" and to take a look at "what's there":
map ,V :so $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/
" ===================================================================
" Customizing the command line
" ===================================================================
" Valid names for keys are: <Up> <Down> <Left> <Right> <Home> <End>
" <S-Left> <S-Right> <S-Up> <PageUp> <S-Down> <PageDown> <LeftMouse>
" Many shells allow editing in "Emacs Style".
" Although I love Vi, I am quite used to this kind of editing now.
" So here it is - command line editing commands in emacs style:
cnoremap <C-A> <Home>
cnoremap <C-F> <Right>
cnoremap <C-B> <Left>
cnoremap <ESC>b <S-Left>
cnoremap <ESC>f <S-Right>
cnoremap <ESC><C-H> <C-W>
" Additional codes for that "English" keyboard at the Xterminal
cnoremap <ESC>[D <S-Left>
cnoremap <ESC>[C <S-Right>
" Some editing is helpful in insert mode, too:
inoremap <C-F> <Right>
inoremap <C-B> <Left>
" Make the up and down movements move by "display/screen lines":
" map j gj
" map <Down> gj
" map k gk
" map <Up> gk
" ===================================================================
" VIM - Editing and updating the vimrc:
" As I often make changes to this file I use these commands
" to start editing it and also update it:
if has("unix")
let vimrc='~/.vimrc'
" ie: if has("dos16") || has("dos32") || has("win32")
let vimrc='$VIM\_vimrc'
nn ,u :source <C-R>=vimrc<CR><CR>
nn ,v :edit <C-R>=vimrc<CR><CR>
" ,v = vimrc editing (edit this file)
" map ,v :e ~/.vimrc<CR>
" ,u = "update" by reading this file
" map ,u :source ~/.vimrc<CR>
" ===================================================================
" General Editing
" Define "del" char to be the same backspace (saves a LOT of trouble!)
" As the angle notation cannot be use with the LeftHandSide
" with mappings you must type this in *literally*!
" map <C-V>127 <C-H>
"cmap <C-V>127 <C-H>
" ;rcm = remove "control-m"s - for those mails sent from DOS:
cmap ;rcm %s/<C-M>//g
" Make whitespace visible:
" Sws = show whitespace
nmap ,Sws :%s/ /_/g<C-M>
vmap ,Sws :%s/ /_/g<C-M>
" Sometimes you just want to *see* that trailing whitespace:
" Stws = show trailing whitespace
nmap ,Stws :%s/ *$/_/g<C-M>
vmap ,Stws :%s/ *$/_/g<C-M>
" General Editing - Turning umlauts into ascii (for German keyboards)
" imap <20> ae
" imap <20> oe
" imap <20> ue
" imap <20> ss
" Ä -> <20> :%s/\Ä/<2F>/gc -> D
" Ö -> <20> :%s/\Ö/<2F>/gc -> V
" Ü -> <20> :%s/\Ü/<2F>/gc -> \
" ä -> <20> :%s/\ä/<2F>/gc -> d
" ö -> <20> :%s/\ö/<2F>/gc -> v
" ü -> <20> :%s/\ü/<2F>/gc -> |
" ===================================================================
" Inserting Dates and Times / Updating Date+Time Stamps
" ===================================================================
" ,L = "Last updated" - replace old time stamp with a new one
" preserving whitespace and using internal "strftime" command:
" requires the abbreviation "YDATE"
map ,L 1G/Last update:\s*/e+1<CR>CYDATE<ESC>
map ,,L 1G/Last change:\s*/e+1<CR>CYDATE<ESC>
" Example:
" before: "Last update: Thu Apr 6 12:07:00 CET 1967"
" after: "Last update: Tue Dec 16 12:07:00 CET 1997"
" ,L = "Last updated" - replace old time stamp with a new one
" using external "date" command (not good for all systems):
" map ,L 1G/Last update: */e+1<CR>D:r!date<CR>kJ
" ===================================================================
" General Editing - link to program "screen"
" ===================================================================
" ,Et = edit temporary file of "screen" program
map ,Et :e /tmp/screen-exchange
" as a user of Unix systems you *must* have this program!
" see also: http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/screen/
" Email/News - Editing replies/followups
" Part 1 - prepare for editing
" Part 2 - getting rid of empty (quoted) lines and space runs.
" ,cel = "clear empty lines"
" - delete contents of all lines which contain only whitespace.
" map ,cel :g/^[<C-I> ]*$/d
map ,cel :%s/^\s\+$//
" ,del = "delete 'empty' lines"
" - delete all lines which contain only whitespace
" note: this does *not* delete empty lines!
map ,del :g/^\s\+$/d
" ,cqel = "clear quoted empty lines"
" Clears (makes empty) all lines which start with '>'
" and any amount of following spaces.
" nmap ,cqel :%s/^[> ]*$//
" vmap ,cqel :s/^[> ]*$//
nmap ,cqel :%s/^[><C-I> ]\+$//
vmap ,cqel :s/^[><C-I> ]\+$//
" The following do not work as "\s" is not a character
" and thus cannot be part of a "character set".
" nmap ,cqel :%s/^[>\s]\+$//
" vmap ,cqel :s/^[>\s]\+$//
" Some people have strange habits within their writing.
" But if you cannot educate them - rewrite their text! ;-)
" Jason "triple-dots" King elephant@onaustralia.com.au
" does uses ".." or "..." rather than the usual punctuation
" (comma, semicolon, colon, full stop). So...
" Turning dot runs with following spaces into an end-of-sentence,
" ie dot-space-space:
vmap ,dot :s/\.\+ \+/. /g
" Gary Kline (kline@tera.tera.com) indents his
" own text in replies with TAB or spaces.
" Here's how to get rid of these indentation:
vmap ,gary :s/^>[ <C-I>]\+\([^>]\)/> \1/
" ,ksr = "kill space runs"
" substitutes runs of two or more space to a single space:
" nmap ,ksr :%s/ */ /g
" vmap ,ksr :s/ */ /g
nmap ,ksr :%s/ \+/ /g
vmap ,ksr :s/ \+/ /g
" Why can't the removal of space runs be
" an option of "text formatting"? *hrmpf*
" ,Sl = "squeeze lines"
" Turn all blocks of empty lines (within current visual)
" into *one* empty line:
map ,Sl :g/^$/,/./-j
" ===================================================================
" Editing of email replies and Usenet followups - using autocommands
" ===================================================================
" Remove ALL auto-commands. This avoids having the
" autocommands twice when the vimrc file is sourced again.
" set the textwidth to 70 characters for replies (email&usenet)
au BufRead .letter,mutt*,nn.*,snd.* set tw=78
" Try to use the mapping ",D" when doing a followup.
" autocmd BufNewFile ~/.followup ,D|
" Part 3 - Change Quoting Level
" ,dp = de-quote current inner paragraph
" map ,dp {jma}kmb:'a,'bs/^> //<CR>
map ,dp vip:s/^> //<CR>
vmap ,dp :s/^> //<CR>
" ,qp = quote current paragraph
" jump to first inner line, mark with 'a';
" jump to last inner line, mark with 'b';
" then do the quoting as a substitution
" on the line range "'a,'b":
" map ,qp {jma}kmb:'a,'bs/^/> /<CR>
" vim-5 now has selection of "inner" and "all"
" of current text object - mapping commented!
" ,qp = quote current paragraph (old version)
" jump to first inner line, Visual,
" jump to last inner line,
" then do the quoting as a substitution:
" map ,qp {jV}k:s/^/> /<CR>
" ,qp = quote current inner paragraph (works since vim-5.0q)
" select inner paragraph
" then do the quoting as a substitution:
map ,qp vip:s/^/> /<CR>
" ,qp = quote current paragraph
" just do the quoting as a substitution:
vmap ,qp :s/^/> /<CR>
" Changing quote style to *the* true quote prefix string "> ":
" Fix Supercite aka PowerQuote (Hi, Andi! :-):
" before ,kpq: > Sven> text
" after ,kpq: > > text
" ,kpq kill power quote
vmap ,kpq :s/^> *[a-zA-Z]*>/> >/<C-M>
" Fix various other quote characters:
" ,fq "fix quoting"
vmap ,fq :s/^> \([-":}\|][ <C-I>]\)/> > /
" Part 4 - Weed Headers of quoted mail/post
" These mappings make use of the abbreviation that define a list of
" Email headers (HEMAIL) and News headers (HNEWS):
nmap ,we vip:v/HEMAIL/d
vmap ,we :v/HEMAIL/d
nmap ,wp vip:v/HNEWS/d
vmap ,wp :v/HNEWS/d
" Old versions for vim-4.6:
" ,we = "weed email header"
" nmap ,we !ipegrep "^(Date:\|From \|From:\|Subject:\|To:\|$)"
" vmap ,we !egrep "^(Date:\|From \|From:\|Subject:\|To:\|$)"
" ,wp = "weed post header"
" nmap ,wp !ipegrep "^(Date:\|From:\|Subject:\|Newsgroups:\|Followup-To:\|Keywords:\|References:\|Message-ID\|$)"
" vmap ,wp !egrep "^(Date:\|From:\|Subject:\|Newsgroups:\|Followup-To:\|Keywords:\|References:\|Message-ID\|$)"
" ,ri = "Read in" basic lines from the email header
" Useful when replying to an email:
" nmap ,ri :r!readmsg\|egrep "^From:\|^Subject:\|^Date:\|^To: \|^Cc:"
" NOTE: "readmsg" ships with the mailer ELM.
" Part 5 - Reformatting Text
" NOTE: The following mapping require formatoptions to include 'r'
" and "comments" to include "n:>" (ie "nested" comments with '>').
" ,b = break line in commented text (to be used on a space)
" nmap ,b dwi<CR>> <ESC>
nmap ,b r<CR>
" ,j = join line in commented text
" (can be used anywhere on the line)
" nmap ,j Jxx
nmap ,j Vjgq
" ,B = break line at current position *and* join the next line
" nmap ,B i<CR>><ESC>Jxx
nmap ,B r<CR>Vjgq
" ,,, break current line at current column,
" inserting ellipsis and "filling space":
nmap ,,, ,,1,,2
nmap ,,1 a...X...<ESC>FXr<CR>lmaky$o<CC-R>"<ESC>
nmap ,,2 :s/./ /g<C-M>3X0"yy$dd`a"yP
" ===================================================================
" Edit your reply! (Or else!)
" ===================================================================
" Part 6 - Inserting Special or Standard Text
" Part 6a - The header
" Add adresses for To: and Cc: lines
" ,ca = check alias (reads in expansion of alias name)
" map ,ca :r!elmalias -f "\%v (\%n)"
" ,Ca = check alias (reads in expansion of alias name)
" map ,Ca :r!elmalias -f "\%n <\%v>"
" ,cc = "copy notice"
" Insert a Cc line so that person will receive a "courtesy copy";
" this tells the addressee that text is a copy of a public article.
" This assumes that there is exactly one empty line after the first
" paragraph and the first line of the second paragraph contains the
" return address with a trailing colon (which is later removed).
map ,cc 1G}jyykPICc: <ESC>$x
" map ,cc ma1G}jy/ writes<CR>'aoCc: <ESC>$p
" ,mlu = make letter urgent (by giving the "Priority: urgent")
map ,mlu 1G}OPriority: urgent<ESC>
" Fixing the From: line
" ,cS = change Sven's address.
map ,cS 1G/^From: Sven Guckes/e+2<CR>C<Amailv><ESC>
" Used when replying as the "guy from vim".
" Fixing the Subject line
" Pet peeve: Unmeaningful Subject lines. Change them!
" ,cs = change Subject: line
map ,cs 1G/^Subject: <CR>yypIX-Old-<ESC>-W
" This command keeps the old Subject line in "X-Old-Subject:" -
" so the recipient can still search for it and
" you keep a copy for editing.
" ,re : Condense multiple "Re:_" to just one "Re:":
map ,re 1G/^Sub<CR>:s/\(Re: \)\+/Re: /<CR>
" ,Re : Change "Re: Re[n]" to "Re[n+1]" in Subject lines:
map ,Re 1G/^Subject: <C-M>:s/Re: Re\[\([0-9]\+\)\]/Re[\1]/<C-M><C-A>
" Put parentheses around "visual text"
" Used when commenting out an old subject.
" Example:
" Subject: help
" Subject: vim - using autoindent (Re: help)
" ,) and ,( :
vmap ,( v`<i(<ESC>`>a)<ESC>
vmap ,) v`<i(<ESC>`>a)<ESC>
" Part 6 - Inserting Special or Standard Text
" Part 6a - Start of text - saying "hello".
" ,hi = "Hi!" (indicates first reply)
map ,hi 1G}oHi!<CR><ESC>
" ,ha = "helloagain" (indicates reply to reply)
map ,ha 1G}oHello, again!<CR><ESC>
" ,H = "Hallo, Du!" (German equivalent of "hi!" for replies)
map ,H G/Quoting /e+1<CR>ye1G}oHallo, !<ESC>Po<ESC>
" Part 6 - Inserting Special or Standard Text
" Part 6b - End of text - dealing with "signatures".
" remove signatures
" ,kqs = kill quoted sig (to remove those damn sigs for replies)
" goto end-of-buffer, search-backwards for a quoted sigdashes
" line, ie "^> -- $", and delete unto end-of-paragraph:
map ,kqs G?^> -- $<CR>d}
" map ,kqs G?^> *-- $<CR>dG
" ,kqs = kill quoted sig unto start of own signature:
" map ,kqs G?^> *-- $<CR>d/^-- $/<C-M>
" ,aq = "add quote"
" Reads in a quote from my favourite quotations:
nmap ,aq :r!agrep -d "^-- $" ~/.P/txt/quotes.favourite<ESC>b
" see http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/txt/quotes.favourite
" ,s = "sign" -
" Read in signature file (requires manual completion):
nmap ,s :r!agrep -d "^-- $" ~/.P/sig/SIGS<S-Left>
" available as http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/sig/SIGS
" ,S = signature addition of frequently used signatures
nmap ,SE :r!agrep -d "^-- $" comp.mail.elm ~/.P/sig/SIGS<S-Left>
nmap ,SM :r!agrep -d "^-- $" WOOF ~/.P/sig/SIGS<S-Left>
nmap ,SV :r!agrep -d "^-- $" IMproved ~/.P/sig/SIGS<S-Left>
" ,at = "add text" -
" read in text file (requires manual completion):
nmap ,at :r ~/.P/txt/
" MUTT: Auto-kill signatures for replies
" map ,kqs G?^> *-- $<C-M>dG
" autocmd BufRead .followup,.letter,mutt*,nn.*,snd.* :normal ,kqs
" At the end of editing your reply you should check your spelling
" with the spelling checker "ispell".
" These mappings are from Lawrence Clapp lclapp@iname.com:
" spellcheck the document -- skip quoted text
" nmap <F5> :w ! grep -v '^>' \| spell<CR>
" vmap <F5> :w ! grep -v '^>' \| spell<CR>
" At home under Linux it looks something more like this:
" nmap <F5> :w ! grep -v '^>' \| ispell -???<CR>
" Tell the recipient that I was replying to an old email of his:
ab SvenR Sven [finally takeing the time to reply to old emails]
" Toggles: [todo]
" toggle autoindent
" toggle hlsearch
" cycle textwidth between values 60, 70, 75, 80
" ===================================================================
" ===================================================================
" This has become quite big - so I moved it out to another file:
" http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/vim/source/html.vim [980227]
source ~guckes/.P/vim/source/html.vim
" ===================================================================
" LaTeX - LaTeX - LaTeX - LaTeX - LaTeX - LaTeX - LaTeX
" ===================================================================
" This has become quite big - so I moved it out to another file:
" http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/vim/source/latex.vim
" source ~guckes/.P/vim/source/latex.vim
" ===================================================================
" PGP - encryption and decryption
" ===================================================================
" encrypt
map ;e :%!/bin/sh -c 'pgp -feast 2>/dev/tty'
" decrypt
map ;d :/^-----BEG/,/^-----END/!/bin/sh -c 'pgp -f 2>/dev/tty'
" sign
map ;s :,$! /bin/sh -c 'pgp -fast +clear 2>/dev/tty'
map ;v :,/^-----END/w !pgp -m
" PGP - original mappings
" encrypt and sign (useful for mailing to someone else)
"csh: map #1 :,$! /bin/sh -c 'pgp -feast 2>/dev/tty^V|^V|sleep 4'
" sh: map #1 :,$! pgp -feast 2>/dev/tty^V|^V|sleep 4
" sign (useful for mailing to someone else)
"csh: map #2 :,$! /bin/sh -c 'pgp -fast +clear 2>/dev/tty'
" sh: map #2 :,$! pgp -fast +clear 2>/dev/tty
" decrypt
"csh: map #3 :/^-----BEG/,/^-----END/!\
" /bin/sh -c 'pgp -f 2>/dev/tty^V|^V|sleep 4'
" sh: map #3 :/^-----BEG/,/^-----END/!\
" pgp -f 2>/dev/tty^V|^V|sleep 4
" view (pages output, like more)
"csh: map #4 :,/^-----END/w !pgp -m
" sh: map #4 :,/^-----END/w !pgp -m
" encrypt alone (useful for encrypting for oneself)
"csh: map #5 :,$! /bin/sh -c 'pgp -feat 2>/dev/tty^V|^V|sleep 4'
" sh: map #5 :,$! pgp -feat 2>/dev/tty^V|^V|sleep 4
" Elijah http://www.mathlab.sunysb.edu/~elijah/pgppub.html says :
" The significant feature is that stderr is redirected independently
" of stdout, and it is redirected to /dev/tty which is a synonym for
" the current terminal on Unix. I don't know why the ||sleep 4
" stuff is there, but it is harmless so I left it. Since csh is such
" junk, special rules are used if you are using it (tcsh, too).
" ksh and bash should use the sh form. zsh, et al: consult your
" manual. The #<num> format is used to map function keys. If your
" terminal does not support the requested function key, use a
" literal #<num>. Not all of the clones correctly support this.
" ===================================================================
" Useful stuff. At least these are nice examples. :-)
" ===================================================================
" ,t = transpose two characters: from aXb -> bXa
" map ,t XplxhhPl
" This macros shortened by one character by
" Preben Guldberg c928400@student.dtu.dk
" map ,t XpxphXp
" map ,t xphXpxp
" make space move the cursor to the right - much better than a *beep*
" nmap \ l
" ,E = execute line
" map ,E 0/\$<CR>w"yy$:<C-R>y<C-A>r!<C-E>
" This command excutes a shell command from the current line and
" reads in its output into the buffer. It assumes that the command
" starts with the fist word after the first '$' (the shell prompt
" of /bin/sh). Try ",E" on that line, ie place the cursor on it
" and then press ",E":
" $ ls -la
" Note: The command line commands have been remapped to tcsh style!!
" ,dr = decode/encode rot13 text
vmap ,dr :!tr A-Za-z N-ZA-Mn-za-m
" Use this with an external "rot13" script:
" " ,13 - rot13 the visual text
" vmap ,13 :!rot13<CR>
" Give the URL under the cursor to Netscape
" map ,net yA:!netscape -remote "openurl <C-R>""
" ===================================================================
" Mapping of special keys - arrow keys and function keys.
" ===================================================================
" Buffer commands (split,move,delete) -
" this makes a little more easy to deal with buffers.
" (works for Linux PCs in room 030)
map <F4> :split<C-M>
map <F5> :bp<C-M>
map <F6> :bn<C-M>
map <F12> :bd<C-M>
" Buffer commands (split,move,delete) -
" for Mac keyboard (Performa 5200, US keyboard)
map <ESC>[19~ :split<C-M>
map <ESC>[20~ :bp<C-M>
map <ESC>[23~ :bn<C-M>
map <ESC>[31~ :bd<C-M>
" Obvious mappings
" map <PageUp> <C-B>
" map <PageDown> <C-F>
" Emacs style editing in insert mode
" This is something I tried for a minute
" and forgot about the minute after. ;-)
" imap <C-A> <ESC>0i
" imap <C-B> <ESC>hi
" imap <C-D> <ESC>xi
" imap <C-E> <ESC>A
" imap <C-F> <ESC>lli
" imap <C-N> <ESC>jli
" imap <C-P> <ESC>kli
" imap <ESC>b <ESC>bi
" imap <ESC>f <ESC>lWi
" Normal mode - tcsh style movements [960425]
" nmap <C-A> 0
" nmap <C-B> h
" nmap <C-D> x
" nmap <C-E> $
" nmap <C-F> l
" nmap <ESC>b b
" nmap <ESC>f w
" DOS keyboard mapping for cursor keys
" map <ESC>[A <Up>
" map <ESC>[B <Down>
" map <ESC>[C <Right>
" map <ESC>[D <Left>
" imap <ESC>[A <Up>
" imap <ESC>[B <Down>
" imap <ESC>[C <Right>
" imap <ESC>[D <Left>
" DOS keyboard
" "insert"
" map <ESC>[1~ i
" map <ESC>[1~ <insert>
" "home"
" map <ESC>[2~ ^
" map <ESC>[2~ 0
" map <ESC>[2~ <Home>
" "pgup"
" map <ESC>[3~ <C-B>
" map <ESC>[3~ <PageUp>
" "delete"
" map <ESC>[4~ x
" map <ESC>[4~ <Del>
" "end"
" map <ESC>[5~ $
" map <ESC>[5~ <END>
" "pgdn"
" map <ESC>[6~ <C-F>
" map <ESC>[6~ <PageDown>
" Keyboard mapping for cursor keys
" [works for SUNs in Solarium (room 030) - 970815]
map <ESC>OA <Up>
map <ESC>OB <Down>
map <ESC>OC <Right>
map <ESC>OD <Left>
imap <ESC>OA <Up>
imap <ESC>OB <Down>
imap <ESC>OC <Right>
imap <ESC>OD <Left>
" Keyboard mapping for cursor keys
" [works for XTerminals - 970818]
map <ESC>[A <Up>
map <ESC>[B <Down>
map <ESC>[C <Right>
map <ESC>[D <Left>
imap <ESC>[A <Up>
imap <ESC>[B <Down>
imap <ESC>[C <Right>
imap <ESC>[D <Left>
" ===================================================================
" AutoCommands
" ===================================================================
" Autocommands are the key to "syntax coloring".
" There's one command in your vimrc that should
" load/source the file $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/syntax.vim
" which contains the definition for colors and
" the autocommands that load other syntax files
" when necessary, ie when the filename matches
" a given pattern, eg "*.c" or *".html".
" just load the main syntax file when Vim was compiled with "+syntax"
if has("syntax")
" define my own syntax file (to be sourced t the end of syntax.vim):
" let mysyntaxfile="~guckes/.P/vim/syntax/syntax.vim"
" URL: http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/vim/syntax/syntax.vim
" The main/standard syntax file:
so $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/syntax.vim
" Use my own syntax file on "mail/news messages":
let aucommand = "au BufRead ".MAILNEWSFILES
" exe aucommand." source ~guckes/.P/vim/syntax/sven.vim"
hi! Comment term=bold ctermfg=cyan guifg=Blue
" EXAMPLE: Restricting mappings to some files only:
" An autocommand does the macthign on the filenames -
" but abbreviations are not expanded within autocommands.
" Workaround: Use "exe" for expansion:
" let aucommand = "au BufRead ".MAILNEWSFILES
" exe aucommand." :map ,hi 1G}oHi!<CR><ESC>"
" exe aucommand." :map ,ha 1G}oHello, again!<CR><ESC>"
" exe aucommand." :map ,H G/Quoting /e+1<CR>ye1G}oHallo, !<ESC>Po<ESC>"
" exe aucommand." :map ,re 1G}oRe!<CR><ESC>"
" Automatically place the cursor onto the first line of the mail body:
" autocmd BufRead MAILNEWSFILES :normal 1G}j
" Toggle syntax coloring on/off with "__":
" nn __ mg:if has("syntax_items")<Bar>syn clear<CR>else<Bar>syn on<CR>en<CR>`g
" Note: It works - but the screen flashes are quite annoying. :-/
" ===================================================================
" ===================================================================
" Visualizing trailing whitespace:
" :set hls
" /\s\+$
" Toggling a numerical variable between two values.
" Example: Switch the textwidth (tw) between values "70" and "80":
" map \1 :let &tw = 150 - &tw<CR>
" Capitalizing the previously typed word,
" returning to the previous position:
" imap CAP <ESC>mzB~`za
" Uppercasing the previously typed word,
" returning to the previous position:
" imap CAP <ESC>mzvBU`za
" imap CAP <ESC>mzBvaWU`za
" ===================================================================
" ===================================================================
" View a html document (or part of it) with lynx. You need
" a system that supports the /def/fd/* file descriptors :-(
"nmap ,ly :w !lynx -force_html /dev/fd/0<CR>
"vmap ,ly :w !lynx -force_html /dev/fd/0<CR>
" Fri Jun 19 19:19:19 CEST 1998
" Hi, Vikas! vikasa@att.com
" The <Left> key produces the code "<Esc>OD" and Vikas wants to make
" Vim jump back one word in normal mode, ie using the command 'b':
" nmap <Esc>OD b
" Works for me! :-)
" Some simple example of the "expand modifiers":
" insert the current filename *with* path:
iab YPATHFILE <C-R>=expand("%:p")<cr>
" insert the current filename *without* path:
iab YFILE <C-R>=expand("%:t:r")<cr>
" insert the path of current file:
iab YPATH <C-R>=expand("%:h")<cr>
" #b = "browse" - send selected URL to Netscape
vmap #b y:!netscape -remote "openurl <C-R>""
" Toggle highlight search and report the current value:
" map #1 :set hls!<cr>
" map #2 :echo "HLSearch: " . strpart("OffOn",3*&hlsearch,3)<cr>
" map ## #1#2
" Sorting current line containing a list of numbers
" map ## :s/ /<C-M>/g<CR>vip!sort -n
" Replying to the mutt mailing list:
" Remove header lines Cc: and Bcc: and insert [mutt] at the beginning
" map ,MM 1G/^Cc:<CR>2dd}o[mutt]<CR>
" map ,U %s#<URL:\(.*\)>#<a href="\1"></a>#gc
" map ,F {jma}kmb:'a,'b!sed -e "s/^>//"<C-V><C-V>|\
" sed -f ~/.P/elm/scripts/weedout.sed
" map ,mb ebi<CR><b><ESC>Ea</b><CR><ESC>dw
" stripping netscape bookmarks and making them list items
" vmap ,ns :.,$s/^ *<DT><\(A.*"\) ADD.*">\(.*\)$/<li> <\1><C-M><C-I>\2/
" Jump to the last space before the 80th column.
" map ,\| 80\|F
" extracting variable names from mutt's init.c
" :%s/^.*"\([a-z0-9_]*\)".*$/\1/
" \<> = change to <> notation by substituting ^M and ^[
" cab \<> s/<C-V><ESC>/<ESC>/gc<C-M>:s/<C-V><C-M>/<C-M>/gc<C-M>
" Changing the From_ line in pseudo mail folders to an appropriate
" value - so you can read them with a mailer.
" %s/^From /From guckes Thu Apr 6 12:07:00 1967/
" ===================================================================
" ASCII tables - you may need them some day. Save them to a file!
" ===================================================================
" ASCII Table - | octal value - name/char |
" |000 nul|001 soh|002 stx|003 etx|004 eot|005 enq|006 ack|007 bel|
" |010 bs |011 ht |012 nl |013 vt |014 np |015 cr |016 so |017 si |
" |020 dle|021 dc1|022 dc2|023 dc3|024 dc4|025 nak|026 syn|027 etb|
" |030 can|031 em |032 sub|033 esc|034 fs |035 gs |036 rs |037 us |
" |040 sp |041 ! |042 " |043 # |044 $ |045 % |046 & |047 ' |
" |050 ( |051 ) |052 * |053 + |054 , |055 - |056 . |057 / |
" |060 0 |061 1 |062 2 |063 3 |064 4 |065 5 |066 6 |067 7 |
" |070 8 |071 9 |072 : |073 ; |074 < |075 = |076 > |077 ? |
" |100 @ |101 A |102 B |103 C |104 D |105 E |106 F |107 G |
" |110 H |111 I |112 J |113 K |114 L |115 M |116 N |117 O |
" |120 P |121 Q |122 R |123 S |124 T |125 U |126 V |127 W |
" |130 X |131 Y |132 Z |133 [ |134 \ |135 ] |136 ^ |137 _ |
" |140 ` |141 a |142 b |143 c |144 d |145 e |146 f |147 g |
" |150 h |151 i |152 j |153 k |154 l |155 m |156 n |157 o |
" |160 p |161 q |162 r |163 s |164 t |165 u |166 v |167 w |
" |170 x |171 y |172 z |173 { |174 | |175 } |176 ~ |177 del|
" ===================================================================
" ASCII Table - | decimal value - name/char |
" |000 nul|001 soh|002 stx|003 etx|004 eot|005 enq|006 ack|007 bel|
" |008 bs |009 ht |010 nl |011 vt |012 np |013 cr |014 so |015 si |
" |016 dle|017 dc1|018 dc2|019 dc3|020 dc4|021 nak|022 syn|023 etb|
" |024 can|025 em |026 sub|027 esc|028 fs |029 gs |030 rs |031 us |
" |032 sp |033 ! |034 " |035 # |036 $ |037 % |038 & |039 ' |
" |040 ( |041 ) |042 * |043 + |044 , |045 - |046 . |047 / |
" |048 0 |049 1 |050 2 |051 3 |052 4 |053 5 |054 6 |055 7 |
" |056 8 |057 9 |058 : |059 ; |060 < |061 = |062 > |063 ? |
" |064 @ |065 A |066 B |067 C |068 D |069 E |070 F |071 G |
" |072 H |073 I |074 J |075 K |076 L |077 M |078 N |079 O |
" |080 P |081 Q |082 R |083 S |084 T |085 U |086 V |087 W |
" |088 X |089 Y |090 Z |091 [ |092 \ |093 ] |094 ^ |095 _ |
" |096 ` |097 a |098 b |099 c |100 d |101 e |102 f |103 g |
" |104 h |105 i |106 j |107 k |108 l |109 m |110 n |111 o |
" |112 p |113 q |114 r |115 s |116 t |117 u |118 v |119 w |
" |120 x |121 y |122 z |123 { |124 | |125 } |126 ~ |127 del|
" ===================================================================
" ASCII Table - | hex value - name/char |
" | 00 nul| 01 soh| 02 stx| 03 etx| 04 eot| 05 enq| 06 ack| 07 bel|
" | 08 bs | 09 ht | 0a nl | 0b vt | 0c np | 0d cr | 0e so | 0f si |
" | 10 dle| 11 dc1| 12 dc2| 13 dc3| 14 dc4| 15 nak| 16 syn| 17 etb|
" | 18 can| 19 em | 1a sub| 1b esc| 1c fs | 1d gs | 1e rs | 1f us |
" | 20 sp | 21 ! | 22 " | 23 # | 24 $ | 25 % | 26 & | 27 ' |
" | 28 ( | 29 ) | 2a * | 2b + | 2c , | 2d - | 2e . | 2f / |
" | 30 0 | 31 1 | 32 2 | 33 3 | 34 4 | 35 5 | 36 6 | 37 7 |
" | 38 8 | 39 9 | 3a : | 3b ; | 3c < | 3d = | 3e > | 3f ? |
" | 40 @ | 41 A | 42 B | 43 C | 44 D | 45 E | 46 F | 47 G |
" | 48 H | 49 I | 4a J | 4b K | 4c L | 4d M | 4e N | 4f O |
" | 50 P | 51 Q | 52 R | 53 S | 54 T | 55 U | 56 V | 57 W |
" | 58 X | 59 Y | 5a Z | 5b [ | 5c \ | 5d ] | 5e ^ | 5f _ |
" | 60 ` | 61 a | 62 b | 63 c | 64 d | 65 e | 66 f | 67 g |
" | 68 h | 69 i | 6a j | 6b k | 6c l | 6d m | 6e n | 6f o |
" | 70 p | 71 q | 72 r | 73 s | 74 t | 75 u | 76 v | 77 w |
" | 78 x | 79 y | 7a z | 7b { | 7c | | 7d } | 7e ~ | 7f del|
" ===================================================================
" ===================================================================
" If your read this...
" ===================================================================
" ... then please send me an email! Thanks! --Sven guckes@vim.org
" I have received some emails so far - thanks, folks!
" Enjoy Vim! :-)
" ===================================================================
" Yet another example for an autocommand: [980616]
au VimLeave * echo "Thanks for using Vim"version". --Sven Guckes@vim.org!"
" ===================================================================
" Last but not least...
" =====================================================
" The last line is allowed to be a "modeline" with my setup.
" It gives vim commands for setting variable values that are
" specific for editing this file. Used mostly for setting
" the textwidth (tw) and the "shiftwidth" (sw).
" Note that the colon within the value of "comments" needs to
" be escaped with a backslash! (Thanks, Thomas!)
" vim:tw=70 et sw=4 comments=\:\"